Chapter 8.5: The Carnegie Case

No matter how busy one is, any person living within human means is certain to have at least some free time.いかに多忙と言え、人間として暮らしている以上、ある程度の余分は生まれてくる。
Before or after eating, for example.たとえば食事の前後。
It's difficult to eliminate the time required to prepare a meal and the time after one finishes eating.調理の手間と食後の一服ひとときは無くす方が難しい。
This is particularly the case for those who do a lot of thinking.頭脳労働者の場合、特に顕著である。
Since the body needs to use energy to digest after eating, there's less available for the brain to use...食後、体は消化にエネルギーを使うため、肝心の頭にまで血が回らない。なので、

"That brand was named after the Greek goddess Nike, right?「ナイキはあれでしょ、ニケーのもじりでしょ?
I guess it represents winning in sports, since she was the goddess of victory."アテナの持ってる、盾じゃなくて小さな勝利の女神の方。陸上競技に勝つってイメージじゃない?」
"You've got a lot fillin' your head about these brands, Miss Aoko. Don't know where ya put it all!"『さすがブランド品とか大好きな青子さん、どうでもいい知識だけはそれなりッスね!』
The studious resident of the mansion was now taking refuge on the sofa, looking exhausted.洋館における頭脳労働者は、だらけきった姿勢でソファーに体をあずけているのだった。

Aoko was talking to the robin perched on the table.青子の話し相手はテーブルの上にいる駒鳥だ。
The blue bird flapped its wings, doing its best to join in on the after dinner conversation.青い鳥はパタパタと羽を鳴らしながら、食後の団らんの真似事なぞいそしんでいる。

Alice was reading in the sunroom.有珠はサンルームで読書中。
Discussion of how to deal with the encroaching enemy mage wouldn't start for at least another thirty minutes.外部からやってきた敵魔術師への対策は、あと三十分ほど休んでからの話となる。

"So you fink『んじゃアディダスは?
that other one is sum play on adios?"もしかしてアディオスのもじりっスか?』
"It's just a name, isn't it?「あれは普通に名前じゃなかったっけ?
It's like the Grimm Fairy Tales where they just used the name of the brothers who came up with it for the brand name."ほら、グリム童話みたいに、作った兄弟の名前がそのままブランド名になっちゃったのよ」

"The brothers Grimm didn't make up those fairy tales.「ブラザーグリムは童話を作った訳じゃないわ。
They're a collection of folk tales passed down by oral tradition. The brothers rewrote and carefully compiled them into proper stories. They're more like scholars than craftsmen in that sense.埋もれていた口伝を蒐集しゅうしゅうして、物語に仕立て直して、丁寧に編纂へんさんした人たちよ。職人というより学者のたぐいね。
...And in some sense, kind of like con men."……まあ、多少は詐欺師めいたところもあるけれど」

"Huh. Well what about Andersen? The Little Mermaid and Thumbelina are super famous. Oh, and The Ugly Duckling!"「へー。じゃあアンデルセンは? 人魚姫とか親指姫とか超メジャーだけど。ああ、あとみにくいアヒルの子」
"I personally like The Emperor's New Clothes. Me 'n 'im got a lot in common."『ジブン、裸の王様とかたまんないッス。シンパシー感じるッスよ、あの透けてるクリスタルキングに』

"Andersen was more of a writer than a scholar.「アンデルセンは学者というより作家でしょうね。
His creativity is said to have been inspired by everything from the elite and wealthy, to the common people and what makes them happy, to a resentment of the female image. He didn't write from intellectual curiosity, but rather from his own emotions."彼の創作意欲は裕福層や大衆、平凡な幸福を得ている人々、はては女性像へのいきどおりから生まれたものだと言われているし。知的好奇心から筆をとったのではなく、感情を訴えるために筆をとった人」

"I hate to explain it this way, but...「……あまり、こういう説明はしたくないのだけれど。
If Mother Goose is a song, the brothers Grimm tell a story. Andersen is more like a fable or an allegory."それぞれ分けて説明するなら、マザーグースは歌、ブラザーグリムは物語。アンデルセンは寓話ね」
"Some of their stories are now cartoons!『みつばちマッチはアニメっすね。
Anyway, Aoko, you know the dicky bird behind that Japanese sportswear name?"ところで青子さん、アシックスの由来はなんスか』

"Hmm, I heard this once from a friend of mine in elementary school, so I don't know if it's true or not.「え? うーん、これは私も小学校の頃、友達に聞いたものなんで真偽は分からないんだけど。
They were formed from a merger of three separate companies. So the name comes from the Japanese word for foot, ashi, and the number six, since the three CEOs would have six feet when together. It's probably just a myth."アシックスって、もともと三つの会社が合併して出来た会社なのよ。で、三社の社長があつまると足が六本になるじゃない? だからアシ、シックス あくまで俗説だけどね」

Alice had dropped her book on the floor of the sunroom and was biting her lip.サンルームでは本を床に落とし、きゅっと唇を噛んでいる有珠の姿。
She was clearly trying to feign calm and to breathe as if nothing had happened.彼女は努めて冷静に、何事もなかったように呼吸を整えている。
She thought she was doing a convincing job of it.少なくとも、本人はそう演じきれていると信じている。

"...I really don't understand her sense of humor or why she thinks that was so funny."「……あの子の笑いのツボも分かんないわね……」

"Hmm, maybe it wasn't funny at all, and she's all marbles and conkers 'bout how unfunny it was?『それはどうっスかね。あんまりにもつまんなかったから怒ってるのかもしれないっス。

I mean, Alice usually smiles even when she's angry. I've seen it. Whenever I half inch her diary to have a look at it, that's always the look she's givin'.だってアリスさん、怒り心頭しても笑顔になるんスよ。ジブンたまに見るッス。アリスさんの日記を盗み見てると、後ろでそういう顔してるッス。

She's like, 'Look at that again, and I'll kill you!' But I can't help it! I wanna read it! If you take my curiosity away from me, I've got nofink left!"それ以上見ると死ぬわよって。でもカンベンしてほしいッス、見ちゃうものは見ちゃうっスよー! ジブンから素行調査をとったら、もう帰巣本能しか残らない気もするッス』

The robin felt compelled to give a counter-argument for some reason.ぱたぱたと異論をはさむ駒鳥。
Aoko let out a sigh. Even Alice sympathized with her over the difficult familiar.青子はため息をつきながら、有珠も厄介な使い魔を押しつけられたもんね、と同情した。

"I'm home! Oh, you're both here today."「ただいま。お、今日はふたりともいるんだな」
It was at this time that Soujyuro returned.そんな中、草十郎が顔を見せた。
He must have just gotten home from his part-time job.アルバイトから帰ってきたところらしい。

"Welcome back!"「おかえりー。お疲れさまー」
Aoko's warm welcome was quite the opposite from the faint response from the sunroom.駒鳥の話し相手でゆるみきった青子の出迎えと、サンルームからのかすかな反応。

"I already ate dinner, so I don't need anything to eat tonight.「夕食は済ませてきたから要らないよ。
I'm gonna go take a nap before my night job."じゃ、夜のバイトにそなえてちょっと寝てくる」
Soujyuro still gave Alice a wave as he left.草十郎はサンルームの有珠にも手を振って立ち去った。
The dull thud of something dropping was heard as he entered the hallway.廊下に消える直前、不審な物音を立てながら。

"Hey! You dropped something!"「おーい、なんか落ちたわよー」
Aoko peeked out from the sofa to yell for Soujyuro.青子はソファーから顔だけ出して草十郎を呼び止めた。

"Ah, it's been in my pocket this whole time."「ああ、ポケットに入れっぱなしだった」
Soujyuro calmly and naturally walked back to pick up what looked to be some kind of envelope.草十郎は慌てた風もなく、ごく自然に戻ってきて、床に落ちた何か―――封筒のようなもの―――に手を伸ばす。
Perhaps it was instinct, but...人間のさがだろう。
The human eye was drawn to motion, even if it was something one had no personal interest in.興味はなくとも動くものは野次馬やじうま根性で追ってしまう。
Aoko keenly followed Soujyuro's hand with her eyes...青子はどれどれ、と草十郎の手を目で追って―――

(A wad of cash!)“札束、だっ!”
She had to restrain herself from shouting her thoughts out loud as she leaped up from the sofa.などと、はしたない心の叫びを抑えつつ、青子はソファーから跳ね上がった。

"Huh? What's wrong, Aozaki?"「? どうした蒼崎?」
"Eh, umm, that's err..."「え、どうしたって、その……」
Aoko found it difficult to come up with a proper response to the pure, innocent eyes staring back at her.けがれのない純朴な目で見つめられては、さすがの青子も言い返せない。
She was ashamed at how she had jumped up at the enticing sight of so much money.相乗効果的に、お金を見て飛び上がった自分のがめつさに頭を抱えたくなるほどだ。

"I-It's nothing!「な、なんでもないっ!
I just forgot that today was pay day... You're earning a lot more than I thought."そうよね、フツーにアルバイトの給料日よね。……にしても、けっこうもらってんのね、アンタ」
There was an awkward pause before Soujyuro smiled and returned back to his room.納得する青子に妙な間で笑顔を返して、草十郎は自室へ戻っていった。

Aoko sat back down on the sofa, still feeling a bit awkward.微妙に引っかかるものを感じながら、青子もソファーに腰を下ろす。
...This was what set it all off.―――以上が事の発端。
It began a series of events that the robin would later name "The Dosh Affair."のちにカーモネーギー事件と駒鳥が名付けた、ありふれた騒動いちにちの始まりだった。

It was the next day, and around the same time as the previous day's incident.翌日、昨日の一件とほぼ同じ時間。
Aoko was coming to pour some tea and relax when she heard Soujyuro and the robin engaged in some kind of debate in the drawing room.青子が息抜きをかねて紅茶を淹れに来ると、居間では草十郎と駒鳥が何やら議論を交わしていた。

"What they mean is that you should try to be kind in some way every time you meet someone. Then, when that day ends, you need to take time to reflect on what that kindness has brought you.「その人が言うには、人と会うたびに小さな親切を尽くしてあげるべきだ、と。そうして一日が終わったら、その親切が何をもたらしたか、よくかみしめなさいって。
Even if it's just a kind word, it might mean a lot to someone and could bring great and unexpected happiness your way."たった一回の言葉だけの親切でも、相手にとっては大きな意味があるんだそうだ。それが思いも寄らない幸福を運んでくる」

"Ah, so that's why you gave me some beef jerky?『うはっ、だからジブンにビーフジャーキーくれたっスか!
Are you sure that wasn't just a bribe? I can see right through you, lad!"でもそれ、親切じゃなくてソデノシタって言う伝統芸能じゃないっスかね? アンダーハート見え見えッス』

Soujyuro's serious demeanor was more like a consultation or a proposal than it was idle chatter.草十郎の真剣さは、雑談というより相談・勧誘のたぐいに見える。
"Well, I guess he's just being a weirdo like normal..."「……まあ、アイツが妙なのはいつものコトか……」
Aoko decided to ignore what was going on in the drawing room and head straight for the sunroom.青子は居間の様子をスルーしてサンルームに入る。
There, she saw Soujyuro's coat on the chair.……と、椅子には草十郎のコートがかけられていた。

"Soujyuro, you've just left your coat here!「ちょっと草十郎、コート置きっぱなしじゃない。
Take this to the coat rack in the drawing room or back to your..."居間のコート掛けか、自分の部屋に持っていって―――」
She stopped herself mid-sentence.いいかけて、言葉を飲む。

She could see the same kind of envelope that Soujyuro had dropped on the ground yesterday inside his coat pocket.草十郎のコートのポケットから、昨日と同じような封筒が顔を覗かせていた。
And it was even thicker than the one she saw the day before.それも昨日よりいくぶん厚く、あまりにも無造作に。

She wouldn't allow herself to make a spectacle about it like she did yesterday.昨日のような、大金に目を輝かす愚は犯せない。
She reminded herself that she was a model student and student council president.青子とて学園の模範生たる生徒会長の自覚はあるのだ。

"A-Anyway, it's time for some tea."「さ、さーて、紅茶紅茶っと」
Feigning disinterest, she listened in on the conversation going on in the drawing room.無関心を装いつつ、居間の会話に聞き耳を立てる。
Soujyuro was still in deep conversation with the robin. Perhaps he hadn't heard her calls.青子の呼びかけが聞こえなかったのか、草十郎は駒鳥との雑談に夢中だった。

"Everyone feels lonely in a city.「都会の孤独は万人に平等だ。
Acts of kindness, even if they look like they are done for selfish reasons at first, can do real good in the long run."一見して身勝手な、暴力じみたお仕着せの善意も、長い目で見ればその人のためになる」
"I see... And it don't cost a thing to be kind to people! I'm tryin' to help people as much as I can now!"『なるほどー。親切の押しつけには一銭いっせんもかからないッスからね! ジャンジャン人助けするッスよ』

"True, though they say nothing in life is truly free."「うん。タダより高いものはないって言うけどね」
"Hahaha! So which is it then, o wise one?"『ハハハどっちっスかこのシャバ僧!』

Aoko was so intent on eavesdropping, she'd completely forgotten that she'd come to pour a cup of tea.自分の用事……紅茶を淹れに来た……も忘れて、青子は居間からの声に耳をすませる。
There was no way she could ignore such a suspicious conversation.これはもう、無視できるあやしさではない。

"Well, let me put it this way. If you want to be happy, you must first be hated.「こうも言うんだ。幸福になりたければ、はじめは恨まれてもいいと。
People shouldn't care if they're called a scam artist, for example. They just need to realize that what they're doing is for the good of others.やれ金を返せだの詐欺師だのと言われても、いずれその人のためになると分かっていれば心を鬼にできる。
The joy you give to others will cancel out the sense of guilt you might feel."人に尽くしている喜びが、後ろめたさとか帳消しにするらしい」
"I've heard somefink like that, but what you're saying's different."『それ知ってるッス。でも、微妙に違うような』

Aoko agreed with the robin in this case.不本意ではあるが、青子は駒鳥に同意する。
Soujyuro was referring to the words of a famous entrepreneur,今のは有名な事業家の言葉で、正しくは
"If we want to find happiness, let's stop thinking about gratitude or ingratitude and give for the inner joy of giving."“幸せになりたければ、誰が恩を返した、誰が恩を返さないなどと考えるのはやめて、人に貢献できる喜びを大切にしよう”
That was the actual quote.だったはずだ。

"In other words...「あるいはこうとも。
People should not save up their wealth. Instead, they are bound to administer it to help their company prosper."貯金のある人は、その富を温存するよりも、会社がより豊かになるために使うべきだと」
"I know that one, too. But you've got it all dodgy this time."『それも知ってるッス。でも、もう完全に違うような』

Aoko was becoming upset with how much she was agreeing with the robin at this point.はなはだ不本意ではあるが、またも青子は同意する。
This was a quote from an even more famous entrepreneur,今のはより有名な実業家の言葉で、正しくは
"Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community."“富める者は、その富を社会の改善のために使うべきである”
This was how that one was supposed to go.だったはず。

"The only thing you can trust in life is money.「信じられるのはお金だけなのかもしれない。
Even if you're married with children, it's not like they're always going to be by your side. They could die in an unfortunate accident and leave you behind.だって奥さんも子供も、ずっと一緒にいてくれるわけじゃない。不幸な事故で先立たれるコトだってある。
Money is different. You can't buy happiness, but happiness can bring you wealth. They said that as long as you have the kindness of others and a warm bed to sleep in, you don't need anything else."でもお金は別だった。お金で幸福は買えないけど、幸福はお金になる。いまは人の親切と、温かい布団があればそれでいいと、その人は言った」

"Whatever he's talking about is not like him at all..."「なんか……無性にらしくないコト言ってるわね、アイツ」
Though his words were a bit strange and worrisome, Aoko couldn't spend much time worrying about it.一抹いちまつの不安を覚えるものの、草十郎の発言を気にしていては日が暮れる。
She didn't have the capacity to worry about anyone else right now.第一、今の青子には他人ひとに神経をさく余裕はない。
Her battle with the enemy mage was always lurking just beneath the surface.敵魔術師との戦いは目下、水面下で進行中なのだ。

"This isn't any of my business anyway."「どっちにしろ私には関係ないか」
Aoko shrugged it off and turned her attention away from the drawing room.やれやれと肩をすくめて、青子は居間から意識を逸らした。
She told herself that she would forget about all this commotion by tomorrow anyway.こんな騒ぎも明日になれば忘れるだろう、と楽観して。

"I'm home!"「ただいまー」
Soujyuro was back from his job with a smile on his face again today.今日も今日とて笑顔で帰ってくる勤労少年。
Work truly was its own reward.何であれ労働は美しい。
His mood was infectious, and Aoko smiled back while relaxing on the sofa.なので、ソファーでくつろぐ青子の返答も自然、微笑ましいものになる。

"Hey, welcome home.「はい、おつかれさま。
Take a load off. You've been working since noon today, haven't you?休んでていいわよ。今日は昼からずっとバイトだったんでしょ。

I'll go start making something for di―夕飯ならこれから作ってあ―――

|Her smile suddenly turned frigid.|が。その笑顔も、唐突に凍りついた。|

"Hm? What's wrong, Aozaki? You look like you just heard one of Kinomi's jokes."「ん? どうした蒼崎、木乃美の冗談を聞いた時みたいな顔して」
"Don't play dumb with me! I can't keep quiet about this any longer!「どうしたじゃない、いいかげん黙っていられなくなった!
Empty your pockets. Right now!"いいから、そのポケットのもんだしなさい!」

Soujyuro reached in and pulled out the contents of his pockets without knowing why he was being scolded.なぜしかられるのか納得いかないまま、草十郎はポケットの中の物を取り出した。

He placed the now all too familiar brown envelope on the table.テーブルに置かれる、お馴染みの茶封筒。
It was far too thick to be any normal envelope.しかし、それは普通の封筒と言うにはぶ厚すぎた。
It was bright, enticing, almost magical.まぶしく、荘厳そうごんで、人を惑わす魔力がありすぎた。
There was nothing else it could be than a stack of cash.なんていうか、それはまさしく札束だった。

"Well. What do we have here?"「―――まあ。これはどうしたの、静希君」
Alice innocently asked Soujyuro.あどけない有珠の声。
She was a bit dazzled at the sight, but there was no mistaking it for an illusion.心なしか目が輝いているように見えるが、間違いなく錯覚ではない。

"It's my pay from my part-time job."「バイト代だよ」
"Well isn't that nice? Looks like dinner is on you tomorrow, then."「そう。それはいいコトだわ。明日はご馳走ね」
The two remained calm, despite the abnormally large wad of cash before them.札束を前にしても淡々としたふたりである。
That being said, the one with the most common sense in the house finally had to speak up.一方、このいえ唯一の常識人はと言うと、

"I know you're lying! Soujyuro, you kneel right here and explain to me what is going on!"「んなワケないでしょう!? ちょっと草十郎、そこに正座! どういうコトか説明なさい!」
She knew more than anyone how serious this was.この通り、コトの重大さを当事者より理解していた。

"Huh? Explain what?"「? 説明って、なにをだ?」
"Explain where you got this money!「決まってるでしょ、この札束の正体よ!
What the hell are you doing to earn this kind of cash? There's no way it's anything legal!"アンタいま何やってんの!? どう考えてもまっとうな職種とは思えないんですけど!?」

"It really is fine!「まっとうだぞ。
This new job I got is at least not illegal. And if I do it properly, it's not dangerous at all.この新しいバイトは、少なくとも法には触れていないと聞いた。ちゃんとやれば危ない目にも遭わない。
It pays better than the convenience store, and it's easy enough that even I can handle it without a problem."コンビニエンスストアより割がいいし、俺でも簡単にできると言う」

Aoko was just about dizzy with rage by this point.青子は失意を通り越した苛立ちのあまり、目眩を起こしかけた。
(At least not illegal.)“少なくとも法には触れていない”
That's like when an obviously drunk person tries to contend that they are indeed quite the contrary.泥酔した酔っぱらいが“酔っていない”と言い張るのと何が違おう。

"Use your brain! What kind of part-time job pays out more and more money exponentially every day?「正気に戻れ! 日ごとお金が倍々に増えていくバイトなんてあるワケないでしょう?
Tell us exactly what you're doing! You are being scammed! You have to be!"いいから仕事の内容を言いなさい、内容を! アンタ、どう考えても騙されてるから!」
Soujyuro kept his mouth shut.む、と草十郎は口を閉ざす。
He didn't seem to be too threatened by Aoko's reprimands.青子の剣幕を前にして一歩も引かない構えだ。

"Sorry, I can't. Not even to you. It's not really something I'm supposed to talk about.「だめだ。いくら蒼崎でも教えられない。あんまり他人ひとに話すことでもない。
But please, don't worry. It's honestly something that helps people. I've only met the person who recommended me for the job once, and I'm always paid in cash."でも安心してくれ。分類的には、ちょっとした人助けと言えるだろう。あと紹介してくれた人とは一度しか会ってないし、支払いは常に現金だ」
"You bumpkin! All of that sounds suspicious as hell!"「この田舎バカ、その文脈からして怪しすぎるんだっていうのーーー!」

Aoko stamped her foot in frustration.ああもう、と地団駄を踏む青子。
But who could blame her after hearing the standard lines for a scam: "it's a new job," "the pay is good and anyone can do it," and "I'm not supposed to talk about it."『新しいバイト』『割がいい、誰でもできる』『だが内容公開は断る』なんて禁句を連発されて、冷静でいられるはずがない。

Despite all that...が、
Soujyuro was still refusing to spill the beans.草十郎はかたくなに口を閉ざしている。
They hadn't known each other for that long, but Aoko was well aware of Soujyuro's personality.付き合いは短いが、青子はこの少年の性格をそれなりに思い知っている。
Steadfast explained him well. Once he made a decision, nothing could make him change his mind about it.義理堅いというか、自分の中でこれと決めた事はちょっとやそっとではくつがえらないのだ。
At times like this, it was near impossible to get him to talk.こういう時の草十郎はとんでもなく口が堅い。

"Argh... You really are making this difficult..."「……くぅ、厄介な……」
Aoko backed off, realizing it would be a challenge to get him to say anything at this point.無理やりしゃべらせるのは困難か、と青子は引き下がる。

Soujyuro couldn't figure out what was upsetting her.そんな彼女の内心をまったく分かっていないらしく、草十郎は不思議そうに、
"Why are you so mad?"「なんで蒼崎は怒ってるんだ?」
Aoko decided to give up on getting anything useful out of him.うん、こいつは役に立たない、と諦める青子。

"There's just no job in the world like that. It's too good to be true. You agree, right, Alice?"「そんなうまい話はないからよ。有珠もそう思うでしょう?」
"Hmm, I suppose. I'm not sure what Aoko is trying to say, but I think you can do more, Sizuki."「そうね。青子の言いたいコトは分からないけど、静希君はもっとやるべきだと思う」
And so, Alice contributed absolutely nothing useful.そして有珠は、はじめから役に立たない。

Aoko collapsed onto the sofa.青子はソファーに腰を落とす。

"It's fine. I know you don't want to talk about it.「いいわよ、もう。よく分かんない理由で話す気ないんでしょ、草十郎は。
And when it comes down to it, you're just a roommate. There's no point in me trying to tell you what to do with your life."考えてみればアンタなんてただの同居人なワケだし、私があれこれ文句いう筋合いはなかったわ」

Aoko shooed Soujyuro away with her hand.しっしっ、と手を振って草十郎を追っ払う。
Unfortunately, she wasn't going to be able to sit there and stew like she wanted to.それっきり不機嫌に押し黙る青子だが、もちろん、このまま済ませる気はない。
She couldn't just ignore this problem like Alice.有珠の見解はともかく、草十郎を放っておく事はできないからだ。

"He's clearly being scammed. In the end, it's going to affect me too if I don't do something about it..."「……アイツはどう見ても騙されてるし……最終的にとばっちりくらうのは私だし……」
She needed to be bold and make him quit this new job of his immediately.ここは心を鬼にして、今すぐにでも新しいバイトとやらを辞めさせるべきである。
It was what a true friend would do,それが友人としての思いやりであり、
and it was also her duty as the student council president.生徒会長としての義務だろう。

Aoko started to think otherwise.しかしだ、と青子は自分に言い聞かせる。
Morals and a clear conscience were important, sure, but for a student living solely off of their parents' generosity, that kind of money was hard to pass up!道徳も良心も大切だが、正直なところ、仕送りだけで生きている学生として、あのお金は捨てがたい……!

"...Right. So, even if I do get him to quit the job, it would be a total waste for him to just give all that money up...「……そうね。最終的に辞めさせるのは絶対にしても、これまで稼いだお金を捨てるのは勿体ないし……
Guess I'll have to approach this from a different angle..."仕方ない、ここはからめ手でいくか」
The wicked, scheming student council president sank deeper into the sofa.などと画策しながら、ソファーにずぶずぶと沈む悪の生徒会長。
Her ability to play things by ear and her miserly nature were both her strongest and weakest points.いちいち覚悟を決めずともデフォルトで心が守銭奴お になのが彼女の長所であり、短所である。

The next day, noon.翌日、正午。
Aoko waited until her roommates were gone, then picked up the phone in the foyer.青子は同居人たちが出かけたのを見計みはからって、ロビーの電話を手に取った。
"Hey, Tobimaru? Soujyuro's gotten himself into something recently. Does anything ring a bell?"「もしもし、鳶丸? 草十郎がこんなコトになってるんだけど、アンタ、心当たりない?」

The sound of the first train leaving the station could be heard far off in the distance.始発電車の音が遠い。
This was that time of morning when the town was deciding if it felt like waking up or not.町が目を覚ますか覚まさないか、どちらつかずの時間帯。
Tobimaru Tsukiji was having a walk down the city streets at sunrise, enjoying the fresh, crisp morning air.槻司つきじ鳶丸とびまるは日がのぼったばかりの繁華街をそぞろ歩きながら、早朝の雑多にして清浄な空気に感心していた。

"This town really is beautiful when it isn't swarming with people."「本当、町ってのは人間がいないだけでキレイなもんだ」
The crowds had become a common complaint of Tobimaru's.鳶丸にとっては通例化しているぼやきである。

To him, the tacky, over-decorated street corners were the embodiments of human desire.派手派手しくかざられた町角まちかどは、人間の欲望の具現だ。
At this time of day, the streets were nothing like the circus tent of activity they usually were.見せ物小屋と何ら変わりのない連なりだが、この時間帯だけはまったく違うものになる。
The main street was completely empty.人のいない大通り。
It was like a lonely, tranquil morning after a festival.静まりかえった朝の町は、祭りの後のような寂しさに染まっている。

Weary men in black were busy cleaning up and restoring order in the bars after the previous night's revelry.ふと目に入った酒場バーの入り口には、けだるそうに昨夜の後始末をする黒服。
Around the back entrance of the local restaurants, the kitchen crew were busy bringing in their daily ingredients while stifling back tired yawns.あるいは、飲食店の裏口ではあくびをかみ殺しながら今日の仕込みをはじめる料理人コックコート
Birds carelessly wandered the streets.鳥は無防備に道を歩き、
There wasn't even the sound of a single car engine to be heard.自動車のエンジン音も途絶えている。

This was a uniquely refreshing sensation that could only be felt from a city morning.この独特の清涼感は都市の朝にしかないものだ。
It existed somewhere between daily life and exciting entertainment.生活と娯楽の狭間。
This was the only time of day when the bustling modern world stepped aside for a slower, more nostalgic pace.忙しい人間社会ダイヤルの中で、この時間だけは昔ながらのスピードで回っている。

"...Tch. 'Kay."「―――チッ。そうか」
Tobimaru searched through his coat pockets, but only found some old receipts.口元にさみしさを感じてコートのポケットをあさったが、中にあるのはレシートばかりだ。
He rearranged the scarf around his neck to keep the cold wind at bay.鳶丸はマフラーを巻き直して、冷えきった風をやり過ごした。

Meandering through the city streets, he'd ended up at Central Park just as the morning magic began to fade.鳶丸は繁華街を適当にぶらついて、朝の魔力がきれる頃に中央公園に流れていく。
His stroll had no particular purpose.散策に目的はない。
It wasn't for his health or anything like that.健康のための散歩でもジョギングでもない。
He was merely making his way home after a night out on the town.これは単に、夜通し遊んだ後の自堕落じだらくな朝帰りだ。

"What the hell am I even doing?"「馬鹿らしい。なにやってんだか」
Tobimaru had a moment of unabashed self-reflection as he drank a can of vending machine coffee.自動販売機で買った缶コーヒーを飲みながら、臆面もなく自虐する。
He didn't particularly hate partying all night long, but it was pretty boring since he still wasn't old enough to drink alcohol.夜通し遊ぶのは嫌いではないが、まだ酒も飲めないのでは退屈極まりない。
He'd been at it for a few days now, thinking it was at least better than being at home, but he was quickly growing bored of it.それでも家に居るよりはマシだろう、とここ数日は朝帰りだが、いい加減、それも飽きてきたところだった。

"I suppose it's only natural for relatives to get together at New Year's, though."「……ま、年末に親戚筋が集まるのは仕方がねえし」
He grinned wryly at his own lame excuse.言い訳がましい呟きに、いっそう苦笑いを強めてしまう。
It was true that he was out wasting time like this because he didn't really have a place to go home to at the moment.彼がこうして時間を潰しているのは、ある意味、帰る場所がないからだ。

The Tsukiji family always had a congregation of relatives over on New Year's Day, as per his grandfather's orders.槻司家では祖父の方針で、毎年元旦に親戚会議が行われる。
This was why his siblings and other relatives had been staying over at the Tsukiji home for a few days now.必然、数日前からちりぢりになっていた兄姉きょうだい、親族筋が槻司の家に宿泊する事になる。

If Tobimaru was there, he'd just provide fuel for the fire.そんな場で鳶丸じぶんがいては火種になる。
He'd decided to avoid the family drama and not go home while everyone was there.降りかかる火の粉を払うのはやぶさかではないが、争いごとは極力避けるため、鳶丸は家に帰らない選択をした。

They'd just greet him with insults, anyway.家にいては何であろうと攻撃される。
And if someone tried to start a fight, he knew he wouldn't be able to resist the bait.ケンカを売られては買ってしまうのが彼の性分だ。
It would only cause even more resentment and trouble for his father.その都度に相手を打ち負かしていては憎しみはつのるばかりだし、父にも面倒が及ぶ。
So, for Tobimaru, there was nothing more pointless or less enticing than getting involved in his siblings' squabbles over the inheritance.そしてなにより、兄姉たちのように血眼になって相続争いをするのは、この上なく面倒で、どうでもいい話だった。

Tobimaru Tsukiji was the fifthborn son to the Tsukiji family, which owned multiple plots of land in Misaki City.槻司鳶丸は三咲市でも有数の地主、槻司家の五男として生まれた。
However, most of that land had been acquired after the war. Before that, they had been a minor noble family on the brink of ruin.今では大地主として君臨する槻司家だが、その大部分は戦後に財を成したもので、それ以前は小さな、没落を前にした華族にすぎなかった。
The man who built the Tsukiji family into its current glory was Kimikuni Tsukiji, Tobimaru's grandfather and the current patriarch.その槻司家を立て直したのが婿養子として迎えられた槻司喜実國きみくに―――現槻司家の家長にして、鳶丸の祖父にあたる人物だ。

Kimikuni married into the struggling Tsukiji family and saved them after they lost all their power during the war.戦時中に力を失い、やせ細った槻司家を救ったのは、この男、喜実國の豪腕によるものである。
The Tsukiji clan were local Shinto clergy and relied upon Kimikuni's financial assets.檀家だんけ総代そうだい、神職として地域を取り仕切っていた槻司家は喜実國の資産を、
Kimikuni, on the other hand, had leveraged clan connections to establish himself in Misaki City.喜実國は三咲市に根を下ろすために槻司家の人脈を必要とした。

While both parties came together for mutual gain, the Tsukiji family failed to recognize just how ambitious Kimikuni was when they accepted him into their family.利益目的で結びついた両者だが、槻司家の誤算は、一時だけと甘んじて迎え入れた喜実國の経営手腕が並々ならぬものだった事だろう。
He wasn't the obedient son-in-law they had imagined. He had grand plans of his own, growing and developing industries within Misaki City and many other areas as well.婿養子として下に置くはずだった喜実國は三咲の産業を発展させ、それを基盤として町の外に多くの会社を興していった。

Kimikuni controlled all of these areas not as a member of the Tsukiji family, but under his own name.彼は三咲市の内を支配しながら、その周りを槻司の親族たちとは関わりのない、自分だけの勢力で制圧した。
A castle's greatest defense was its moat, not the walls. And Kimikuni bridged the moat.内側より先に外堀を。
It was the economic equivalent of starving out the enemy.言ってしまえば経済的な兵糧攻めである。
Kimikuni's financial might subdued the noble Tsukiji family completely.喜実國は経済の力で槻司家の“由緒正しい血筋”を押さえつけたのだ。

In less than ten years, there was no one in the family who could stand up against him.十年を待たずして、槻司家では喜実國に対抗できる者は一人としていなくなった。
This businessman, accepted into the family as a mere son-in-law, had seized the Tsukiji name and the entirety of the family fortune.婿養子として招かれた商人は、名実ともに槻司家の家督かとくを手にしたのである。

However, Kimikuni had fathered many children.一方、喜実國は多くの子供を儲けていた。
He would not allow the Tsukiji bloodline to die out. That was also the only way to maintain the family fortune.槻司の血を絶やさないこと。それが家督を継ぐ条件でもあったからだ。
His three sons and one daughter all married relatives of the Tsukiji family, thus strengthening the familial bonds that Kimikuni had weakened.彼の三人の息子とひとり娘は槻司家縁の親戚と結婚し、喜実國によって弱体化した槻司家のきずなをなんとか持ち直そうとした。
Tobimaru was the fifth son of Hitoyoshi Tsukiji, Kimikuni's eldest son.その長男にあたる槻司一義ひとよしの、五人目の子供が鳶丸である。

However, his mother was not a member of the family.……だが、彼の母親は槻司家には存在しない。
Tobimaru was the result of a fling with a mistress.父、一義がたわむれに関係し生まれためかけの子。
That ignoble birth defined his place in the family.それが槻司鳶丸の、槻司家における身分だった。

He was his father's love child.鳶丸は父と愛人との間に生まれた子供である。
Although the family's dignity was somehow maintained since he was the son of Hitoyoshi, it wasn't difficult to imagine the level of mistreatment Tobimaru faced from his siblings and other relatives.長男である一義の子という事で最低限の威厳は守られたが、立場の弱い鳶丸が親戚、兄姉たちにどんな迫害を受けたかは想像に難くない。

Being raised in such a hostile environment made Tobimaru grow up far faster than he should have.そんな幼年期の環境が、鳶丸の人となりをいち早く成長させた。
His ability to think quickly and objectively was honed naturally within this challenging environment.独特の理解の早さ、自分の役回りを演じる客観性は、槻司家で生きる上で自然にみがかれたものだろう。

However, those exact traits also brought Tobimaru a great deal of trouble.しかし、その如才じょさいのなさが鳶丸により大きな問題を運んでしまった。
Kimikuni Tsukiji.槻司喜実國。
Unfortunately, against all odds, this great leader of the Tsukiji family favored Tobimaru over everyone else, including his own eldest son.困った事にこの大人物は今もって現役であり、多くの息子たちより―――鳶丸の父親である一義より、どこの女の子供とも知れないを気に入ってしまったのだ。

Since Kimikuni had been a commoner himself, he did not believe in blood inheritance alone.もともと庶民の出であった喜実國は、血縁による相続を良しとしない節がある。
To make matters worse, not a single coin from his great fortune had been given to any of his sons yet.加えて、この人物はいまだ息子たちに、自身の財産をこれっぽっちも譲り渡していなかった。

"The most loathsome thing in this world is the blood of the Tsukiji family.“この世でもっとも忌まわしいのは槻司の血だ。
I never would have had any of you if I could have helped it."儂は貴様らなぞ作りたくもなかったわ”
Those words were spoken at every family gathering, and they were the absolute truth.親族一同が集まるたびに出るその言葉は、嘘偽りのない本音だった。
He'd taken a liking to Tobimaru after speaking with him at these annual family gatherings and enjoyed playing chess with him in his spare time ever since.恒例の親戚会議のおり、喜実國はたまたま話し相手になった鳶丸を気に入り、以後、仕事の合間に帰ってきては孫と囲碁などに興じる間柄になっていた。

Everyone in the family was worried Kimikuni would name Tobimaru his successor.その喜実國がいつ鳶丸を後継者にと言いだすか、親戚一同は気が気でない。
In this way, Tobimaru had gone from being worthless to a threat in the eyes of Kimikuni's sons.喜実國の息子たちにとって鳶丸は『居る価値のない』ものから、『居てもらっては困るもの』に格上げされたワケである。

The son who felt the most fear and hatred was Tobimaru's own father, Hitoyoshi, who would have been the unquestionable heir as the eldest son.その危機感がもはや恐怖、嫌悪の域にまで達しているのは他でもない、本来なら無条件で喜実國の跡を継ぐはずだった長男であり、鳶丸の父親である、槻司一義その人だった。

And this was how Tobimaru became estranged from his father.こうして、鳶丸は実の父親にまで疎まれる立場になった。
They no longer even lived in the same house.現在、鳶丸は父である一義と同じ家には住んでいない。
Hitoyoshi always acted like they had a great father-son relationship in front of Kimikuni, but that would only last until his father was no longer around or until Tobimaru was officially named the heir.一義は喜実國の手前、鳶丸むすことは良好な親子関係だとアピールしているが、それも喜実國が床に臥せるか、喜実國が本格的に鳶丸を跡継ぎにすると言いだすまでだ。
When that happened, it would be all-out war.その後は戦争である。
In any case, it would not be a pleasant story.どちらにせよろくな話にはならないだろう。

"Grandpa really has a hard time reading between the lines sometimes..."「……さんも空気読めねぇからなあ、ホント」
Tobimaru scratched his head in frustration.呆れながらバリバリと頭を掻く。
He really wasn't all that worried, though.といっても、鳶丸はさして苦には思っていなかった。

In public, it looked like they had a good father-son relationship.表向きは仲の良い親子関係。
In private, they were in the midst of a bitter inheritance dispute.裏では怨念うずまく相続争い。
Things had always been that way, even before he met Kimikuni.そんなもの、別に喜実國と出会う前と変わらない。

The only difference was that his sole protector, his father, was now his mortal enemy.今まで唯一の擁護者ようごしゃだった父親が最大の敵にまわっただけだ。
Tobimaru had always been at odds with his family. His father was just one more enemy to add to that pile.家族と良質な関係を結ばなかった鳶丸にとって、いまさら敵がひとり増えたところで何をかいわんや、という境地である。

Staying out all night like this was Tobimaru's way of avoiding his family.鳶丸がこうして朝帰りを繰り返すのは、親戚一同との顔合わせを避けるためだ。
If he was home, he knew they would try to gauge his feelings.今ではあちらが鳶丸の顔色をうかがっている。

However, they wouldn't openly attack him now.見下していた親戚たちも、
Even the relatives who looked down on him and his siblings who had bullied him as a child.たわむれに暴力をふるってきた兄姉たちも、今では表だっての攻撃はしてこない。
The worst they would do was make snide remarks.せいぜい嫌味を言う程度だ。

Tobimaru was, at his core, a peaceful person,鳶丸は基本、平和主義者である。
who preferred to avoid trouble whenever possible.面倒ごとは避けて通るのが信条だ。
Petty revenge or even stepping up to Kimikuni's expectations weren't on his to-do list.なので、今までの意趣返しをする気も、喜実國の期待に応えるつもりもない。
His father's worries were unfounded, his relatives were getting riled up for no reason, and Tobimaru had no intention of stepping out of his role as the prodigal son.一義ちちの不安は杞憂であり、親戚たちは勝手に踊っているだけであり、鳶丸は放蕩息子の域から出るつもりは毛頭無い。

However, his siblings who were around the same age as him held a different kind of resentment.しかし。その一方で、歳の近い兄弟たちは、父親たちとは違う憎しみを帯びていた。
Perhaps they felt guilty for tormenting him all those years. Perhaps it was the result of their roles being reversed.今まで迫害してきた負い目、あるいは立場の逆転からくる反動だろう。
"He's going to get back at us one day."『きっと、いつかやり返される』
They lived in such fear of this that they didn't dare ignore Tobimaru.そう怯える彼らには、もう、鳶丸を無視する事はできないらしい。

"I'm not good at dealing with all that talking behind my back.「……そのクセ根回しはうまくねえときた。
If they'd just confront me like Aozaki, it might at least be interesting."蒼崎ぐらいの大胆さでつっこんでくるんなら、まだスリルがあるってもんだがな」

His family problems were simply a chore. They never really worried him much.鳶丸にとって、家庭の問題はただ面倒なだけで、あれこれ悩むものではない。
He was used to human malice,もう人間の悪意には慣れている。
although he'd nearly died from the physical abuse of his siblings.いきすぎた兄姉きょうだいの暴力で死にかけた事も、
Even though someone had once tried to kill him with true murderous intent.明確な意志のもと、殺されかけた事もある。
Even though he had been exposed to how the elite, untouchable class of society treated others by his eldest brother.特権階級、選民思想にこりかたまった長兄の顕示欲から、他人の命を扱う現場を見せつけられた事もある。

It was all such a pain in the ass.……まったく面倒くさい。
These were all events that would change a person's outlook on life, but he always remained coolheaded.どれも人生観を変える衝撃だったが、心の底はいつも冷めていた。
That was just how things were for Tobimaru.そんなものか、と。
He had grown bored of his relatives getting worked up over everything.そんなことのためにこの連中は躍起になっているのかと、鳶丸は白けてしまったのだ。

"...Eh, I guess everyone is different.「……ま、そのあたりは人それぞれか。
I do sympathize with my dad. You'd have to be tough to be the son of that old man."親父殿には同情するけどな。あのさんの息子なんて並の根性じゃつとまらねえ」

Tobimaru honestly could not care less about who would be the next heir.後継者問題なぞ鳶丸にはどうでもいい。
He had no clear plans for the future yet.彼にはまだ、明確な将来への展望はない。
His only real goal was to wash his hands of his family and start fresh when he became an adult.あるとしたら、二十歳になった時に彼らが信じる価値観をキレイサッパリ捨てて、あっさり自由になる事ぐらいだ。

Until then, everything that happened was a life experience.それまでは何事も人生経験。
He continued his morning walk, thinking it was better to enjoy the nightlife now while he was still young.くだらない夜遊びも今のうちにちゃっかり楽しんでおこう、と自虐気味に朝の遊歩道をそぞろ歩くのだった。

Someone was already sitting on the bench when Tobimaru entered the plaza.遊歩道から広場に出ると、ベンチには先客の姿があった。
The crows gathered there flew off at his approach.広場にたむろしていた、からすに似た黒鳥が舞い散っていく。
On the bench sat a girl dressed in black.ベンチに座っているのは黒い服の少女と、
A well-dressed old man with a cane sat with her.杖を手にうなだれている、身なりのいい老人だ。

These were familiar faces, so he approached the bench to say hello.知らぬ顔でもなし、出くわしたからには挨拶をしなくてはなるまい、と鳶丸はベンチへと足を向けた。

The old man and girl looked as if they were grandfather and granddaughter.少女と老人は、傍から見れば祖父と孫のようだった。
He seemed like a kind old man spending time with his grandchild.パッと見は孫の相手をしている心優しい老人。
However, the truth was...しかし、その実態は、

"Alice, I still don't understand what went wrong.「アリス、ボクは今でも思うんだ。いったい何がいけなかったのかって。
We provided every service we could think of. We always thanked our employees and greeted visitors with a smile.考えられるサービスはすべて実現させた。従業員への感謝も、来園者への笑顔も忘れたコトはない。
But the times haven't favored me. What's worse, my art was outright rejected!"なのに時代はボクを選ばなかった。それどころか、ボクの内なる芸術性を否定した」

"I'll never forgive them! Those media vultures can die, for all I care!「無念だ、死ぬがいい腐った魚のようなマスコミどもめ!
How dare they call them nightmarish creatures! Why, they only wish they could dream up such mascots!何が悪夢のクリーチャーか、あんな、夢にまで見そうなマスコットが他にあるだろうか? いやあるまい。
But give them a mouse that walks on two legs, and they fawn over it!なのに連中ときたら、ネズミを二足歩行させれば満足ときた!
If you really think about it, a rodent that owns a dog as a pet? That's a nightmare! How can an animal keep another animal as a pet? If anything, an animal should keep a human as a pet! Don't you think?!"そもそも犬をペットにする齧歯げっし類とか、冷静に考えたら怖いぞ。動物が動物をペットにするなんて、モラルが低いにも程がある。あそこはやはり、人間をペットにするべきじゃないんだろうか?」

This poor young woman was getting an earful from this old man.かくも厄介な老人にからまれている、悲劇の少女の図なのだった。
After his outburst, he paused for a moment.老人は激した後、
"I'm sorry. I forgot myself."「いや、これは失礼。由里彦ゆりひこよ、紳士たれ」
He scolded himself and hung his head.と自らに言い聞かせて、力なくうなだれる。

"Just answer me this, Alice. What was so wrong with my Kitsy?"「答えてくれアリス。いったい、ボクのキッツィーちゃんは何がいけなかったんだ?」
"Horns. You should have given it horns."「角よ。角をつけるべきだったのよ」
The girl in black returned the old man's solemn bow with a grim answer of her own.うなだれる老人の顔を覗きこみながら、黒衣の少女は真剣に返答する。

"No, no, no! Horns won't do! A kid could get injured by something like that. I don't want to harm them physically, just mentally!"「いや、角はいけない。子供たちが怪我をしてしまうからね。ボクは、傷をつけるなら体ではなく心にしたい」
The girl nodded deeply, thinking over the implications of what this old man had just said.含蓄がんちくのある言葉ね、と更に真剣に頷く少女。

Tobimaru didn't really want to get involved, but he was already too close.あの組み合わせには関わりたくない鳶丸だが、もう完全に射程圏内だ。
If he passed by without saying anything, the old man would certainly make a fuss.このまま無視して通り過ぎれば、少女はともかく老人の方がうるさく文句を言ってくるだろう。

"Good morning. Isn't it a bit early for so much regret, Mr. Tokitsu? Seems it's about time you passed on to a better place and stopped worrying your kids."「こんちは。こんな朝っぱらからジクジク後悔中かい、土桔ときつの爺さん。いつまでも引きずってると死に損なうぜ。さっさと往生おうじょうして、息子たちを安心させてやんな」
"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Tsukiji's bratty black sheep.「おや、どこの悪ガキかと思えば夜鷹よたかの子供か。
Morning, Toby. You're up early, as usual."おはようトビー。君も、あいかわらず早起きだね」

"I'm just heading home after being out all night. I don't live a healthy lifestyle like you two.「俺は朝帰りですよ。お二人みたいに健康的じゃあない。
And good morning to you too, Miss Kuonji."そら、久遠寺のお嬢さんもおはようさん」
The girl looked up calmly at Tobimaru's greeting.鳶丸の挨拶を聞いて、少女は静かに顔を上げる。
It was none other than the witch on the hill, Alice Kuonji.ベンチに座っていたのは丘の上の魔女、久遠寺有珠その人だ。

"Hm. How long has it been since we really talked? Maybe it was at that party two years ago? Well, it's rare to see you out like this."「ん? こうしてまともに挨拶するのは二年前のパーティー以来か? なんにせよ珍しいな。アンタがお付きなしで町に下りて来てるなんてよ」
"That's not true. I walk through the park at this time of morning quite often, actually."「……そうでもないわ。この時間の公園は鳥を入れ替えるのにちょうどいいから。ひとりで、散歩によく使うの」

"Huh, that's kind of surprising. I always thought of you as kind of a shut-in."「ほう、そりゃ驚いた。箱入り娘じゃなかったのか、アンタ」
"As proof, I can say I've seen you walking around here looking like a mess on many an occasion.「ええ。その証拠に、貴方がひどい顔で歩いているのを何度か見かけたわ。
Whatever you do is your business, just try not to cause any trouble for Aoko."……遊び歩くのは結構だけど、青子に迷惑かけないよう気をつけなさい」
"Thank you for the words of caution. I will do my best."「ご忠告どうも。肝にめいじておくよ」

Despite their casual greeting, Tobimaru and Alice rarely interacted, though their fathers were acquainted.気軽に挨拶を交わしたものの、鳶丸は久遠寺有珠とそこまでの面識はない。父親たちに交友があるだけだ。
Even so...と言っても、
The histories and spheres of influence of the two families were very different.あくまで三咲市限定の有力者である槻司と、
Though the Tsukijis held sway in Misaki City, the Kuonjis influenced the whole of Japan.日本全国に広がる久遠寺では規模も歴史も違う。

Normally, someone like Tobimaru would not be in the same social circles as Alice.本来なら久遠寺有珠は槻司鳶丸をしても身分違いの相手である。
The only reason they could interact like this at all was because they were both friends with Aoko Aozaki.その有珠とこうして話せるのも、蒼崎青子という共通の友人がいるおかげだろう。

"Huh, I didn't realize you and Alice were friends, Toby.「バカな。トビー、君はアリスと友人関係だったのか。
W-Wait a second. You're not dating, are you?!は!? も、ももも、ももももしかして、二人はステディな関係だとか言うまいな?
Don't tell me. If that's true, I'll die of a heart attack right here and now. You'd be the murderer, and Alice would be your weapon.やめたまえ。言ったら大事になるぞトビー。ボクは心臓麻痺で急死しかねない。犯人は君であり、凶器はアリスだ。
Be sure to write that down as my cause of death.無論、死因はこう書いてくれ。
O, say it isn't so! This heartless love shall be the cause of my demise...!"そう、聞くも無情な、恋の、やまいと―――」

"So tell me again why a girl like you hangs around with this pathetic old man?「久遠寺のお嬢さんはどうしてこんなダメ老人と?
Is it the same reason I do? Because of your father?"俺と同じ、親父関係の付き合いか?」
"He's my pen pal.「この人とはペンフレンド。
He has more antiques than he can handle, so Aoko and I are taking some off his hands."分不相応にいいアンティークを持っているから、青子と二人で少しずつとりあげているの」
Despite this being one of the only times they'd really talked, Tobimaru and Alice both manage to completely ignore the old man.ほぼ初対面でありながら、鳶丸と有珠は抜群のコンビネーションで老人をスルーする。

"Hahaha! Oh, Alice, even the way you hide your embarrassment is charming.「はは、まいったな、アリスは照れ隠しもチャーミングだ。
By the way, you can call me Julich."ところで、ボクのことはユーリッヒと呼んでくれていいんだよ」
Mr. Tokitsu gently took Alice's hand.そっと有珠の手を握る土桔老人。

Alice face remained neutral, like a doll's.有珠は人形のような仕草で、
"Tokie, I'm looking for a nice painted teacup. Something from the 1900s, maybe from Dresden?"「トッキィー。わたし、いい絵付けのティーカップを探しているの。1900年代の、ラム工房のものとか、どうかしら」
"I have just the thing! I'll be sure to bring it out for you next time you come by with that terrifying friend of yours."「あるとも。もちろんあるとも。今度、あのおっかないお友達と遊びにくる時までに用意しておこう」
He responded to her request like an obedient marionette.このように、老人の下心を華麗に誘導するのだった。

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't ruined yourself looking for love in all the wrong places, old man."「老いらくの恋って柄かよ。よくもまあ身代しんだい潰さなかったもんだ、トッパンは」
It could only be.そう。
This old man was none other than Yurihiko Tokitsu. He was famous in Yashirogi as the former head of the Tokitsu Baking Company with factories all across Japan. He still served as an adviser.この老人こそ社木やしろぎの名士であり、全国に多くの工場をかまえる土桔製パン株式会社のもと総帥にして、げん相談役の土桔ときつ里彦りひこ翁その人なのである。

"Who are you calling old? An artist is only old when he's lost his sensibility. My fire hasn't burned out yet.「老人とはなんだ。芸術家にとっての老いとは感性の凍結であり、しかるに我が心の火は絶えていない。
I'm so young, it's almost stifling! I still look forward to passionate chats with a young woman.ボクはまだ暑苦しいくらいに若いんだ。つぼみのような少女と恋を語らう楽しみは残っているさ。
Hahaha! Once you get my age, you stop giving a damn about keeping up appearances. Talking to girls is what gives meaning to life."ははは、この歳になるともう世間体とかどうでもよくてね。女の子と話すことだけが人生の意味になるんだぞう」
"So wait, are you young or old?"「若いのか爺さんなのか、どっちなんだよ」

"Oh, a slip of the tongue. Forget that last bit.「おっと失言失言、最後の方のは聞き流してくれ。
What I'm trying to say here is that there's nothing quite like having a nice time with a young woman.ボクが言いたいのは、女の子と穏やかな時間を過ごすのは最高ってコトさ。
I'm sure we can at least agree on that, can't we, Toby?"トビー。そういうの、君も好きだろ?」

"Don't lump me in with you. I like older women.「一緒にしないでください、あいにく俺は年上好みですよ。
I definitely don't have a thing for girls who are less than half my age, I can tell you that much."おまけに言うなら、二回り以上も年下の女に欲情する趣味もねえワケで」
"I should hope not. That'd be quite the crime.「うん、それはそうだろう。君がやったら犯罪だ。
You're only seventeen. I don't even want to think about what age you'd be talking about."トビーは十七歳。その二回り下が何歳になるとか、口にだしたらいけないよ」

Mr. Tokitsu nodded his head in self-affirmation.うむ、と頷く土桔老人。
He chose to ignore Tobimaru's off-color remarks.鳶丸の無礼な発言もまったく気にしていない。
Tobimaru was reluctantly impressed with the man's magnanimity, in the end.これはこれで大人物なんだよなあ、とつい感心してしまう鳶丸だった。

"At any rate, I just wanted to say good morning. I'll get out of your hair now. Sorry to interrupt your fun."「ともかく挨拶はしましたから。邪魔者はこれで消えますよ。あとは仲良し同士、気兼ねなくどうぞ」
"Oh, don't be like that, Toby. Fate has led you here. Relax and spend some time with us.「なんだトビー。これも縁だ、ゆっくりしていけばいい。
Why don't you come and stay at my villa for a bit? We could take a helicopter. It'd be fun."なんなら、今からボクの別荘に来るかね? ヘリコ呼ぶよ?楽しいぞ?」

"Ah, I'll pass, but thanks for the invitation. If anyone I know sees me, they'll think I'm even more of a spoiled rich kid. I feel like avoiding that right now."「いや、お気持ちは嬉しいんですけどね。知る人が見ればとんでもなくブルジョワな面子でしょ、コレ。今は避けたい気分なんですよ、そういうの」

Tobimaru's choice of words made his present situation clear to Mr. Tokitsu, and he reluctantly backed off.鳶丸の言い回しで事情を察したのか、それは残念だ、と土桔老人は引き下がった。
Such intuitive understanding made it obvious how this man had expanded the Tokitsu Baking Company nationwide.引退したとはいえ、こんなんでもトッパンを全国規模にまで発展させた偉人である。
He had divined Tobimaru's complicated family situation in an instant.鳶丸の複雑な家庭環境を瞬時に察したのだろう。

"Tell Mick I said hello, and that he should retire and make up with his kids soon, will ya?"「ミックによろしく。そろそろ引退して子供たちと仲直りするよう、ボクが言っていたと伝えてくれ」
"I'm sure it'll fall on deaf ears, but okay.「はいはい、ぬかに釘だろうけど伝えておきますよ。
See you around, Miss Kuonji. I'll be sure to say hello next time I see you around in the morning."じゃあな久遠寺さん。また朝に出会うことがあったら、その時は改めて挨拶させてくれ」

Alice's silence neither encouraged nor discouraged this.同意とも拒絶ともつかない無言の返答。
Tobimaru shrugged and left the plaza.それにやれやれと肩をすくめて、鳶丸は広場を後にした。

He walked leisurely away from the park and came to an area of the city that was under redevelopment.公園を出て気ままに歩いていると、いつのまにか再開発地区にやってきていた。
There was a radio tower under construction there that the Tsukiji family had a hand in, but most of the capital for that project was funded by foreign firms.これは建設途中の電波塔で、この開発には槻司家も噛んでいるが、大部分の資金は外資企業からのものだった。

"We're looking ten years into the future with this radio tower.“この電波塔は十年先を見越しての物です。
Many advancements will be made in the field of mobile communications.いずれ携帯通信は目まぐるしい進歩をとげるでしょう。
We want to bring our technology into Misaki City ahead of the rest."まずはそのモデルケースとして、私どもの技術をミサキ市に普及させたいのです―――”

The man from the foreign firm shook on the deal with Tobimaru's father, Hitoyoshi.外資企業から派遣された男は、そんなうたい文句で父、一義と握手を交わしていた。

"Eventually I want my daughter to live here in Misaki City.“いずれは娘もミサキ市に住まわせようと思っています。
I hope that she and your son can get to know each other better when that day comes."その時は貴方の息子さんとも、ぜひ交友を深めて―――”

He was a handsome man who had the calm command of a leader.白人特有の、穏やかな威圧感を持つ優男だった。
The fact that he had offered up his daughter to Tobimaru showed that he had researched the Tsukiji family's inheritance issues well.自分の娘を鳶丸にあてがおうとするあたり、槻司家の相続問題も調査済みなのだろう。

"When are you gonna realize you're getting played, Dad? It's so obvious.「親父も舐められてるって気付けよな。親父より先に俺に色目使いやがってクソヤンキーが。
And I'm not interested in blondes, anyway. She can take her skanky, money-grubbing hands elsewhere. I'll pass."そもそも金髪女の相手なんざ願い下げだぜ。向こうで海兵相手にケツ振ってろってんだ」

Tobimaru stopped in his tracks after these muttered complaints.そう愚痴をこぼすと鳶丸は足を止めた。
He decided to stop himself before he said anything worse.本気の悪態が口から出るようではおしまいである。
He'd walked far enough already anyway. The sun was completely up now.じゅうぶんに歩いたし、日も完全に昇ってしまった。
There was nothing more to gain from wandering mindlessly.これ以上の放浪は何ら得るものがない。

"...Guess I should head back."「―――戻るか」
He turned his back to the radio tower and began heading home.建設途中の電波塔に背を向けて、鳶丸は家路につく。

One hour later...一時間後。
"Young master, you have a phone call."「坊ちゃん、お電話です」
Tobimaru had returned to the Tsukiji residence. He took the phone from the housemaid.槻司の本邸に帰った鳶丸は、家政婦から受話器を受け取った。

"Hey, Tobimaru? Soujyuro's gotten himself into something recently. Does anything ring a bell?"『もしもし、鳶丸? 草十郎がこんなコトになってるんだけど、アンタ、心当たりない?』
Aoko Aozaki was on the line. That was never a good sign.風雲急を告げる、蒼崎青子からの電話である。

"So yeah, that's as much as I know about it."「とまあ、こういう事情ワケなのよ」
"Geez. Everything about that is as suspicious as it gets."「すげえな。安心できる要素がひとつもねえ」

"Soujyuro seems caught up in a strange part-time job.“草十郎がおかしな仕事バイトはまっている模様。
I'll wait for you in Central Park to talk about it."急遽相談に乗られたし。中央公園で待つ”

Ten minutes had passed since he had received this call from Aoko and returned to the park.そんな電話を受け、公園にとんぼ返りしてからはや十分。
Tobimaru felt a light migraine coming on after hearing about the situation.ある意味、いつかは起こるだろう、と危惧していた状況を聞かされ、槻司鳶丸は軽い偏頭痛へんずつうに襲われた。
The young girl and the old man from before were nowhere to be seen.ちなみに、ベンチに少女と老人の姿はない。

"Well, you don't have to tell me that.「そんなコト言われるまでもなく分かってるわよ。
I'm not trying to be judgmental about what someone does for work, but this just doesn't seem right.私だって人のアルバイトにケチつけたくないけど、どう考えても普通じゃないでしょ?
He hasn't told you anything about this?"アンタ、アイツから何か聞いてない?」
"Sorry, but I haven't heard anything. He's super secretive about his job. He said he can't talk to anyone about it, or something."「悪いな、期待には応えられん。草十郎はバイトに関しちゃ秘密主義だ。任されているからには他言はできない、とかなんとかな」

"Yeah, he's always so tight-lipped about anything that involves other people. He's not going to talk easily."「……そうなのよね。アイツ、他人の事情に関しちゃ缶詰みたいに義理堅いから。ガキガキにされないかぎり口割らないのよ」
"Hm, I guess he must be pretty loyal if even you think that about him."「ほう、それはそれは。蒼崎にそこまで言わせるとはね。草十郎も信頼されたもんだ」

"And what is that supposed to mean?"「どういう意味よそれ」
"I'm not implying anything. I'm just saying.「他意はねえ、言葉通りに受け取ってくれ。
You get mad about pretty much everything. If you're watching his back outside of school, you must really like him."おまえ、基本的に何にだって怒るだろ。そんな女が学校外で世話をやくなんて、よっぽど気に入ったのかと思ってな」

"Not really. It's just that if he causes any problems, we're going to take the heat for it in the student council.「違うわよ。アイツが問題を起こしたら生徒会わたしたちにまで飛び火するじゃない。
This is just risk aversion, plain and simple."こんなの、誰がどう見ても、ただのリスク回避でしょう」
"Ah okay, so you're just doing your duty."「なるほど、公務として見過ごせないってワケか」

"That's right. Any problem with that?"「そうよ。悪い?」
"No, none. I respect it, actually.「いやぁ、悪かねえさ。むしろ尊敬するよ。
You're the perfect student council president. I mean, it's not even a school day, and you're out here just to make sure our school's reputation is upheld."ほんと、鉄の生徒会長だぜ。休日だっていうのに学校の評判を守るために働けるとは」

"You really don't have to say it like that.「だけ、ってところを妙に強調するじゃない。
...Though, I suppose you're right."……まあ、事実その通りだけど」
Aoko's glare seemed to suggest she wasn't interested in hearing any objections.青子は何か文句でも? と睨みを利かせた。
This little bluff was rather charming to Tobimaru, who was well aware of Soujyuro and Aoko's current living situation.すでに草十郎と青子の雑居を知っている鳶丸からすると、その虚勢はたいへん微笑ましい。

"At any rate, I guess it's my duty as vice-president to tag along with this investigation then.「べっつにぃー。しかしま、そういうコトなら副会長として付き合わなくっちゃな。
You continue investigating Soujyuro. For the reputation of our school, of course.会長は学校のために草十郎を調査する。
I'll provide support however I can, and will watch out for Soujyuro as his friend."俺はそのサポートをしつつ、友人として草十郎を気に掛けるってコトで」
Tobimaru said he would do as Aoko asked, but for some reason she did not seem satisfied.鳶丸の発言は注文オーダー通りなのだが、なんとなく納得のいかない青子だった。

"Now that it's all settled, let's get started.「んじゃ、そうと決まればさっそく始めますか。
You should at least know where he's working, right? What's the address?"蒼崎のコトだから草十郎のつとめ先ぐらい突き止めてんだろ?住所どこだよ」

"I tried to tail him and find that out, actually... but I got nowhere.「それが……尾行したんだけど、うまくまかれちゃって。
All I know is that he turned and walked towards 2nd Street from the train station."駅前から二丁目方面に曲がっていったのまでは確実なんだけど」
The vice-president was used to this.さすが副会長、慣れたものである。
He didn't bother saying anything about her going so far as to tail Soujyuro.『尾行したのかよ』なんて批難ツッコミは当然スルー。

"2nd Street, huh... There's just a bunch of pachinko parlors and arcades around there. I can't think of anywhere that'd be paying him tens of thousands of yen a day."「二丁目か……あのあたりだとパチンコとゲームセンターぐらいしか思い当たらねえな。一日に何万も稼げる店なんざねえぞ?」
"I know, right? I mean, if I knew a place like that, I'd be inclined to work there myself.「そうなのよ。というか、知ってたら私が試したい気分だわ。
I just want to make sure, but the only place you can gamble in Misaki is the pachinko parlor, right?"鳶丸。念のために訊くけど、三咲町にある“お金の稼げる遊び場”ってパチンコだけよね?」

"According to my dad, there are no gambling spots that violate the Entertainment Business Act in town.「ああ。親父の話じゃ風営法にひっかかるはねえとさ。
He said the owner of the pachinko parlor is an agreeable sort who seems happy sticking to his current business."三咲町の顔役は話の分かるおっさんで、クリーンな極道ごくどうを目指してるらしい。パチンコ経営だけで満足してるって話だ」
"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure."「うん、それは知ってる。一応確認しただけ」

"That just makes this whole thing even more mysterious.「でも、そうなるとますます謎ね。
I can't think of any way other than gambling that you can make money that quickly."ギャンブル以外でお金を倍々にしていく仕事なんて、ちょっと思い当たらないんだけど」
"Yeah, nothing except maybe selling his body. Maybe people are paying him for a night."「ああ、体でも売ってるとしか思えない羽振りの良さだ。一晩いくら、みたいな」

There was a slight delay in Aoko's reaction.間の抜けた声がもれる。
It took her a few seconds to register what he was saying, but then her jaw dropped.理解するのに数瞬を必要としたのか、青子はぽかんと口を開けた。

"W-Wait, s-selling his body?! Are you serious?!"「ちょっ、か、体って、あ、アンタ!」
"Oh, chill out! I meant as a model or something. I heard they make pretty good money."「ほら、絵画のモデルとか。バイト代は高いときくぜ」

"Ahh... Yeah, I've heard that too. And art school kids are usually pretty rich. Maybe that's all it is. That's not so bad."「あ―――うん、割はいいって言うわね。美大生ってお金持ちだし。そうよね、それぐらいなら別に」
"I mean, he would be nude, of course."「まあ、ヌードなのは当然だが」
"So he is getting naked for money!"「結局はだかじゃない!」

Without any real information to go on, the conversation was quickly diverging further from the topic at hand.決定的な情報を欠くため、話せば話すほど核心から遠ざかっていくようだ。
Without knowing the location or type of work...アルバイトの種類も、
There really wasn't much to talk about.アルバイトの現場も分からないのでは話にならない。

"Let's try to tail him again tomorrow. It'll be harder to lose him if there's two of us."「明日、もう一度草十郎を尾行するしかないわね。二人がかりなら見失うコトもないだろうし」
"Yeah, you're right. We don't have any other clues at the moment, so let's just pick this up tomorrow.「そうだな。他に手がかりもねえし、明日にするか。

All we know is he's making lots of money, and that's not really...“草十郎の羽振りがいい”だけじゃどうしようも―――

|Hmm..."|あん? 羽振りがいい?」|

Tobimaru furrowed his brow. It seemed he had thought of something.む、と眉を寄せて思案する鳶丸。
His expression turned more dire by the second.考えれば考えるほどイヤな予感が満ちていくのか、そのは苦虫をかみ潰したように険しくなっていく。

"What's wrong, Tobimaru? Did you remember something?"「どうしたの鳶丸。何か思い出した?」
"Hmm, kind of. I just remembered one other idiot who's been making a lot of cash recently.「……あー、ちょっとな。そういえば、最近妙に羽振りのいいバカがひとりいたなって。
Since about three days ago, he's been flaunting a lot of money and going to all these expensive mixer parties. And he's in the same class as Soujyuro."そいつ、三日ぐらい前から金にあかして合コンし放題って話なんだが……頭の痛いコトに、草十郎と同じクラスのバカなんだよ、これが」

There were a few seconds of silence.数秒、沈黙。
Aoko nodded. She had put two and two together.青子はなるほど、と心底合点がてんがいったように頷いて、
"...I know who you're talking about."「―――アイツね」
The two immediately left the park to go and find the suspect.さっそく捕まえに行きましょう、と公園を後にした。

"What's happenin'?"「ちゃりーす!
You know I can't turn down an invite even if I'm in the middle of studying. I'm here to party, guys!"およびとあらば補習だろうと即サボり、遊びのお誘いだけは断らないクンでーす!」

Suspect A was apprehended with ease.容疑者Aはたやすく捕獲できた。
Aoko and Tobimaru were both on the student council, so they knew their target would be at school for remedial lessons.ターゲットが赤点の補習で学校にいる事は、生徒会であるふたりには既知の事実だったからだ。
Tobimaru got a girl in Kinomi's class to tell him he had some good news to share outside.鳶丸が女生徒に「ちょっといい話があるから出てきてくれ」と伝言を伝えてから約十分。
Kinomi took the bait and came running out the school's front gate as fast as he could.木乃美芳助ほうすけは神速の早足で正門前にやってきた。

"Hey, sorry to call you out when you're trying to study."「おう。補習中呼び出して悪かったな」
"No worries! I was actually just using school as an excuse to skip my job, but then that was boring too, so I was just having a nap in the nurse's office."「別に悪くないぜー? 補習を口実にバイトをさぼってみたものの、やっぱり補習もかったるかったんで、出席だけとって保健室で寝てただけだし」

"Then that's when I got the call from you!「んで、ちょうど暇してたところに殿下からコールだろ。
So I'm all ready to party. What's going on?"豪遊できると飛んできたワケさ!」
Kinomi gave a double thumbs up to show he was really ready to have some fun.バチィ!とサムズアップでやる気をアピール。

"I thought you'd be out and about, so I'm glad I caught you. I heard you've been holed up in the arcade for the past few days."「そうか。てっきり外で遊び歩いてるかと思ったが、助かったぜ。おまえ、連日ゲームセンターに入り浸りだって聞いてたからよ」

"Ah, yeah. I was there giving out free games and stuff, which is fun, but not so much once you run out of cash.「あー、あれね。ちょうど昨日ですっからかんよ。ゲーセンでおごりまくるのは気持ちいいけど、後に残るのは空しさばかりだよなあ。
Plus, I'm not really interested in becoming friends with punks from other schools, and it's all guys in there. Why don't girls like hanging out in arcades?"他校のヤンキーどもと仲良くなっても嬉しくねえっつうか、女っ気カイムというか。なんで女の子はゲーセンいやがるかねぇ」

"Anyway, that's all in the past. No point in talking about dough that's already spent. Easy come, easy go.「ま、それも過去の話だけどな。しょせんポッと湧いたあぶく銭、使っちまった金の話をしてもしょうがねえ。
Let's focus on the now! You're rich, right? You feel like taking a broke guy like me out on the town today, or what?"オレたちは明るく今の話をしよう。そうだろう、リッチな鳶丸クン。そのありあまる財力で、今日はボクを何処に連れて行ってくれるんだい?」
"Sure, but first this bigwig here has a few questions for you."「ああ。その前に、こちらの御仁ごじんがおまえに話があるってよ」

"Hello there, Kinomi.「こんにちは木乃美君。
Do you mind telling me a little about all this money you came into recently?"その、あぶく銭の話を聞かせてもらえるかしら」
Kinomi's expression went blank.木乃美の表情が停止する。
If anyone could sniff out danger, it was him. And it stank like his impending doom.危険に敏感な彼は、この時点で自らの終わりを察したらしい。

"Umm, well, you see, I... I really need to get back to studying, so... Is it okay if I head back?"「アノー。ボク、勉強シタインデ、戻ッテイイデショウカ?」
"Of course. Once you answer all of my questions. We don't have much time either, so I hope you'll confess quickly."「もちろん。洗いざらい質問に答え終わったら戻っていいわよ。こっちも時間が惜しいから、スムーズな自白を期待するわ」

"So again, tell me about this money you recently came into.「それで、あぶく銭って何の話?
I know you make around 20,000 yen a month from your part-time job. I don't think that's quite enough to live like a king for three days."貴方の月々のバイト料は二万円前後よね。その金額で三日近くも王様の真似事は難しいと思うのだけど」
It seemed the next logical question would be to ask if he had begun a life of crime.犯罪にでも手を染めた? と続きそうな質問こえである。

"W-Why is this even any of your business?!「な、なんだよ、会長には関係ないだろー!
You're treating me like a criminal! I don't have anything to confess! This isn't fair! What's going on?"そもそも自白って何デスカ。いきなり犯人扱いとか、いくらなんでも横暴じゃねえの? つーか何の事件、これ?」

"Nothing, yet. We just heard about some students who recently came into a significant amount of money, and we're looking into it.「まだ事件かどうかは何とも。最近お金の回りがいい生徒がいると聞いて、調べはじめたばかりだから。
A job that pays tens of thousands of yen a day is very tempting to a broke student, but we haven't heard of any such jobs reported to the school.毎日何万円ももらえる仕事なんて学生には目の毒だし、そういったアルバイトは学校側に報告されてないしね。
It's our job as the student council to be on the look out for any dangers to our students. That's all."生徒会として、危ない仕事だったら注意してあげないと」

Aoko was still smiling as she inched closer to Kinomi.青子は微笑みをキープしたまま、じりじりと木乃美に近づいていく。
She had never spoken to him this nicely after what he had done at the entrance ceremony. That alone was enough to make him think he was in big trouble.木乃美にしてみれば、入学からこっち、青子にこれほど愛想良く話しかけられた事はなく、なんというか、もうそれだけで自らの死期を悟らざるを得ない状況だった。

"R-Really? I haven't heard about anything like that...「へ、へえ、それは初耳だなあ。最近金回りがいい生徒ねえ。
Ah, umm, my case is different. I was just using money I'd saved up. It's just before Christmas, so I thought I'd go a bit wild with my spending. Sort of a cleansing of the spirit, you know?"あ、オレのは違うよ。今まで貯めた貯金をなんとなく使っただけ。クリスマス前だから、こう派手に浄財じょうざいしとこうかなって。やく落とし的に?」
"Isn't this time of year usually when people are trying to save money?"「普通、クリスマス前は貯金するもんだけどな」

"Now, now, Tsukiji. Let's be more sensitive.「ダメよ槻司君、デリカシーが足りないわ。
That being said, I hate to point this out, but it's obvious that Kinomi here has no date for Christmas Eve. It would be a shame if word of that got around school."残酷な事実は口にしたくはないけど、木乃美君にはイヴを過ごす相手がいないって事でしょう。学友として、そこを追及したら可哀想よ」

"I-I totally have a date! Seriously! Also, you're the one being insensitive here!"「い、いるわい本命ぐらい! 真剣に同情する方がデリカシーに欠けると思うよオレは!」
"Oh, really? Then I guess you have some money saved up for your big Christmas Eve date then?"「あら。じゃあ、イヴ用の資金はとってあるの?」

"Of course I do! Extra income and savings are two separate things.「あったりめえさ。臨時収入と貯金は別。
Look, my dad is super strict about watching my bank statements. He'd yell at me the moment he saw anything odd, thinking I was doing something bad. And my sister searches my room, so I can't hide anything there. They even found the porn mags I hid up in the ceiling. If they found an envelope full of cash, they'd take me down to the police station! So I used the money right away..."オレ、通帳オヤジに握られてるからさー、予定外の入金とかすぐバレて怒られるんだよ。どこで悪さしてきやがったって。部屋も妹がチェックするしさー、隠し場所とかないんだよー。天井裏に隠したエロ本すら見付けられるんだぜ、万札入った封筒とか見つかった日にゃ警察につれていかれる。だからソッコー使うしかなくってさー」

Kinomi laughed awkwardly, as if he was ashamed.何が恥ずかしいのか、ははは、と照れ隠しに笑う木乃美。
He wasn't even aware of just how much he had let slip.基本おしゃべりで感情だだもれな性格を、本人だけは気付いていない悲劇だった。

"Oh, extra income? That's not what you said earlier."「へえ、臨時収入? さっきと話、違うみたい」
"...Ah, no, I mean... It was a bonus from my part-time job. They just gave me an extra 5,000 yen! Just a little! It's nothing crazy!"「―――あ。いや、それはほら、バイト先のボーナスみたいな。五千円ぐらい上乗せしてもらったの! ほんのちょっと、ちょっとだけだって! 事件性とかないって!」

"So why were you talking about an envelope full of cash?"「万札入った封筒について詳しく」
"Urgh, I'm talking myself into a hole here! Are you trying to entrap me or something?「うおお、話せば話すほど食い違っていくぜ! なんだこれ孔明のワナか?
Y-You're getting a little close... You're kinda scaring me! Also, are you wearing boots?! You know, this feels oddly familiar!"ちょっ、会長近い、オーラすごい、なんか寒い! しかもローファーじゃなくてブーツですか!? この間合い、封じられたオレの記憶が蘇りそうなんですけどー!」

Kinomi backed away slowly.じりじりと後退する木乃美と、
"Kinomi? Do I have to remind you that we're running short on time here?"「木乃美君? 時間がないって言ったの、もう一度アピールするべきかしら?」
"I don't want to have to get physical with you."“直接、体に。”
The threat of a kick to the face from Aoko was enough to show him that she was serious.そう、ぼそっと付け足すハイキックの鬼。

"Okay, okay. I'll talk! I'll talk!「わかった、話す! 話すってばもー!
Yes, I am making extra income from a new part-time job. I got a bonus for introducing Sizuki to them, that's all!"臨時収入ってのはホントだよ! 新しいバイトがあってさ、そこに静希を紹介したら先輩にボーナスもらったんだよ!」
"...What did you just say?"「―――なんですって?」

If Kinomi really was working at the same part-time job as Soujyuro, she wanted to get as much information from him as she could.仮に、木乃美が草十郎と同じバイトをしているのなら情報を引きずりだそう。
This was the exact response she had wanted from Kinomi, if not better.そう考えていた青子にとって、木乃美の返答は期待通りであり、ちょっとばかり想像を超えていた。

But she felt dizzy from the implications.悪い予感に目眩を覚える。
"So you get a bonus for getting other people to join? That sounds like..."「紹介したらボーナスをもらえるって、それ―――」
It was the oldest trick in the book for pyramid schemes and other unscrupulous business practices.悪徳商法と名高い、ネズミ講のうたい文句そのものだ。

"It's not what you think.「いや、それがさー。
Sizuki said he was looking to make some extra money, so I told him about this kinda shady job."静希が稼ぎを増やしたいっていうんで、ちょい怪しいバイトを紹介したんだよね」

This went back all the way to before final exams.事は期末試験前にさかのぼる。
Kinomi told Soujyuro about a job he'd heard of from an older student.とある理由から先立つものがない、と相談してきたクラスメイトに、木乃美は先輩経由で回ってきたアルバイトを紹介した。
Since the job required a "kind, honest young man," Kinomi reluctantly gave up on it for himself and instead passed it on to a friend he thought fit that description.先方が求めた人材が「心優しい、素直な青年」だったため、木乃美は泣く泣く出馬をあきらめ、代わりに条件の合う友人を送り出した―――という訳である。

"I can't believe you did that to someone you consider a friend. You yourself knew it sounded shady.「信じられない。そんな怪しい話にクラスメイトを放り出しておいて、まだ友人顔するとか。
What were you thinking?"木乃美君、普段なに考えて生きてるの?」
"Huh? Why wouldn't I pass something like this on to a friend?「えー。トモダチでも紹介するでしょ、こういうの。
Dude needed help, so I tried to help him out. Plus, we both profited."むしろ本当の友情ってこういうものよ? 静希も助かってオレもうるおうんだからさー。無償の友情とかもうはやんないですよ?」

"Well yeah, but then you also have to do your due diligence first before you tell them about something like that."「そりゃそうだけど、そういうのはちゃんと責任ケツ持つ覚悟がある時だけ口にするものじゃないの?」
"That's way too much effort for a guy like me. I don't think you understand how friendship between guys works. You realize we're all dumb, right?"「なにそれメンドくさーい。会長、男同士の友情に幻想持ちすぎだってば。基本、オレたちみんなバカよ?」
"I do start to believe that the more I look at you, honestly.「貴方を見てると本気でそう思えてくるから不思議ね。
How do you hang out with him, Tobimaru?"鳶丸。アンタ、よくこんなのとつるんでるわね」

"Okay, that's enough. You can lecture him later.「はいはいそこまで。説教するならまた後でな蒼崎。
It'll take at least a full day to reform someone as dense as him."そいつ素で最低バカだから、本気で更生させたかったら一日使うぞ」
"Hey, come on. Give me a little credit at least. I can reform in a day!「いや、足りますよ。ちゃんと一日で更生できますボク。
I'll probably forget everything once I sleep on it, though."ただ、寝ると忘れちゃうだけで」

"Hey, at least you're self-aware. It's easier than talking to someone who doesn't realize they're an idiot.「ほらな。まあ、手前テメエがバカだって自覚している分、気付いてない奴よりは付き合いやすい。
There's not many people who realize that compassion is not for other people's benefit at such a young age."この若さで情けは人のためならず、を実践じっせんしてる野郎はそうはいねえし」
"That makes sense. I guess I can see how you two would get along then."「……納得。たしかに、アンタと気が合いそうな性格ね」

"Wait, huh?「え? いやまいったなぁ!
Are you both trying to pick on me? I thought you were praising me just now!"なんだよ二人とも、いくらオレでも照れるじゃんか。いま、オレのこと褒めてなかった?」
"We're not praising you."「褒めてねえ」
"Definitely not."「褒めてないわよ」
"Hmph, thought so."「うん、ですよね」

With Kinomi leading the way, Aoko and Tobimaru arrived at the part-time job in question.木乃美を先頭に、青子たちは問題のアルバイト先へと到着した。
They moved past the new entertainment district in front of the station and into the seedy part of 2nd Street.駅前の新繁華街から奥に移動し、気持ち、いかがわしい空気ただよう二丁目。
Aoko pointed to where she had lost Soujyuro when she was following him.青子が草十郎を見失った場所とぴったり符合する。

"It was right around here. So Kinomi, where is this place?"「このあたりね。木乃美君、そのバイト先ってどこ?」
"Umm, just over there."「えーと、あのへん」
Kinomi pointed at a four-story office building.木乃美が指さしたのは四階建てのオフィスビルだ。
The entrance was on one side of the first floor. At first glance, it looked no different from an apartment complex.入り口は一階の端にあり、パッと見はマンションに見える。

The hallway on the first floor continued around to the back of the building.一階の通路はビルの裏側まで続いている。
The stairs were located at the beginning of that hallway and were the first thing you saw after entering.階段はその通路のはじめ、入り口から入ってすぐ正面に造られていた。

"Let's go into that back alley."「ちょっと、そこの路地裏に入りましょう」
Aoko hurried off into the back alley where they were not likely to be seen.ササッと人目につかない路地裏に移動する青子。
Three students stuck out like a sore thumb in an entertainment district like this.風俗店の多い界隈で学生三人は目立つからだ。

"So what goes on in here?「で、中はどうなってんの?
You said it was an office, but what's the work like?"事務所って言ってたけど、どんな仕事?」
"Huh? You're asking me? That's literally all I know. I just heard about the job from that student. I don't know the details. I brought Soujyuro here, they gave me the money, and that was it."「? オレに訊いてんの? やだなあ、オレが知ってるのはここまでだぜ? オレだって先輩に言われただけで、中のコトなんて知らないし。草十郎をここまで連れてきたら、先輩が紹介料くれただけだし」

Their top suspect just admitted he knew no further details.最有力容疑者はここにきて無知をさらけ出した。
Housuke Kinomi, co-defendant, or perhaps who they thought may have been the main culprit, was really no more than an annoying witness.共犯者、もしくは主犯と思われた木乃美芳助は、その実、はた迷惑なだけの通行人Aにすぎなかったのである。

"...Well, this is no good. I still can't believe you're this irresponsible, Kinomi.「……まいった。ここまで無責任だといっそ清々すがすがしい。
Have you ever seen any westerns?ところで木乃美君、西部劇とか見たコトある?
Do you know what they do with informants who are no longer useful?"役にたたない情報提供者の末路とか、ご存じかしら?」
"I-I don't really watch many movies, honestly.「い、いやあ、オレ映画って苦手なんだよ。
I have seen "Sailor Suit and Machine Gun" though. Mostly because I think the lead actress is hot."でも『セーラー服と機関銃』なら見た。主演目当てで」

"Ah, that's too bad. You should at least watch For a Few Dollars More sometime. The informant in that film meets an untimely demise, by the way."「そ、残念ね。『夕陽のガンマン』ぐらいは見とけば良かったのに。ま、どうあれ情報提供者は悲惨な死をとげるんだけど」
"A-Are you serious? Your Highness! You need to put a collar on this girl! She's like a wild dog over here!"「ちょっ、やる気満々だぜこの女! 殿下、こんな凶獣きょうじゅうほったらかしにしちゃまずいって、首輪とかつけないとさあ!」

"...Tsukiji? Why are you making that face?「……って槻司? なんだよしけた顔しちゃって。
Do you know something about that building?"あのビルがなにか知ってんの?」
"...This is bad.「……まずいな。
I know all about it. They're a fraudulent sales company that just came into town. They're a complete racket."知ってるも何も、ありゃあ最近やってきた詐欺まがいのセールス屋だ。英会話セットの販売と何ら変わらねえ」

Aoko was sad to hear that the truth was as bad as she thought.やはりそうか、と憂鬱になる青子と、
Kinomi seemed confused as usual.英会話セット? と首をかしげる木乃美。

"Are you sure about that?"「それ、確かなの鳶丸?」
"Definitely. My dad heard it from his secretary, and she wouldn't lie.「ああ。親父の秘書さんから聞いた話だ、間違いない。
They front as a kind of new religion, but they're actually selling down quilts. They target the elderly and sell them these super low quality quilts at extremely marked up prices."表向きは新興宗教なんだが、やってるコトは羽毛布団うもうぶとんの販売だとさ。じいさまばあさま相手に質の低い羽毛布団を高額で売りつけているらしい」

"That's a leased office, so after they make their money here for a month or so, they're probably planning on skipping town.「あの事務所も貸事務所だ。一ヶ月もこの街で稼いだらあっさりドロンするつもりだろう。
Soujyuro is most certainly being scammed. He's the perfect target for a group like that."……間違いなく草十郎は騙されてるな。最高のカモだろ、詐欺師にとっちゃ」
Tobimaru slumped his shoulders in defeat.ガックリと肩を落とす鳶丸。
Aoko, however, was already in full on battle mode.一方、青子はもう完全に戦闘状態に移行していた。

"I'll put a stop to this. And then I'm going to string you up on the school's flagpole, Kinomi!"「よし潰す。そのあと木乃美は学校の旗のところにつるす」
"What?! You mean you're going to hang me?! That's murder, you know!"「え、じか? 今の台詞だとなわじゃなくて首? 脊髄せきずいにぐっさり? 殺人?」
"Wait a second, Aozaki. Something's not right here.「あ、いや待て蒼崎。それだと辻褄が合わん。
Soujyuro had wads of cash, right? Then how is he being scammed?"草十郎は大金を持ってたんだよな? それじゃカモとは呼べねえぞ」

"Hmm... You're right. I got so caught up with Kinomi that I forgot about all the money.「……そう言えばそうだった。木乃美君の発言に気を取られすぎて、あの大金のコトを忘れてた。
So does that mean...?"あれ、ってコトは、まさか―――」
"Right. If he was being scammed, he'd be the one losing money.「ああ。騙されている側だったら金は減っていく。
But he's making money. I hope it isn't true, but maybe Soujyuro's the one doing the scamming."……だが増えてるなら話は別だ。考えたくねえが、草十郎のヤツはセールス側に回ってるんじゃないか?」

"...I can't believe it. Do you really think he'd join a group of scammers?"「……信じられない。草十郎が、詐欺グループの一員になっている、ですって―――?」
"Pfft, are you kidding me? Who in their right mind would be duped by Sizuki? He couldn't lie his way outta a paper bag! There's no way he's out here scheming."「はあ? まっさかあ。静希に騙されるようなヤツはいねーよぉ。だいたい嘘つけないじゃんアイツ。羽毛布団を売りさばくとか、ぜったい無理だって」

"Yeah, but maybe he doesn't realize what he's doing is scamming people. He probably really believes he's selling a good product."「だから、草十郎自身それが悪質なサギだと気づいてないんじゃないか? アイツはアイツで、心からいいものだと思って売ってるんだよ。真心の固まりで」

"That makes sense! His pure innocence is probably just the thing old folks like to see in a salesman! Maybe he'll give me a cut of his profits next time I see him―「おお! なるほど、そりゃ納得だ! あの純真さがお年寄りに大人気ってワケだな! やるじゃん静希、今度あったらオレもおすそ分けしてもら、


"Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson later after all.「……木乃美君の更生は今後の課題として。
So what do we do, Tobimaru? Do we wait it out and gather more information? If he's really involved, he could be arrested for fraud. Though he is still a minor at least."どうしよう鳶丸? もう少し様子を見た方がいいと思う?仮に静希君が関わってたら、彼にも詐欺罪が適用される? まだ未成年だけど」
"If he's just an employee, he probably won't get any kind of real sentence. I guess it all depends on what his contract said when they hired him."「あくまで従業員だから実刑はかからねえとは思うが、敵さんはアレで食ってる連中だからな。草十郎が雇われた時の、契約書の内容次第だ」

"Yeah that's true. He might already be a member of their group by now."「そう。そうよね。下手したら草十郎自身、もう入会してるかもしれない」
Aoko looked a lot more cool-headed now.気が付けば、青子の顔つきは冷徹なものに変わっていた。
Tobimaru had been serving with her on the student council for over a year.生徒会役員として一年以上付き合ってきた鳶丸だ。
He knew exactly what she was thinking at a time like this.こういう時の彼女が何を考えているか、言われずとも分かっている。

"If he's signed a contract, it's going to be hard to get him out of it. Even if he wants to leave, it's legally binding.「入会していたら脱会は難しいな。アイツ本人にその気がなくとも、判子はんこの力は絶大だ。
...How far do you wanna go with this?"……それで蒼崎、どこまでやる気だ?」
"We have to at least stop their business. If they want to say they're free to practice their beliefs, they'll have to go worship elsewhere."「営業停止は最低ライン。信仰は自由だっていうなら、よその土地でやってもらうまでよ」

"I could tell by the look on your face you weren't messing around.「だろうなあ、そんな顔してるぜおまえさん。
What do we do about Soujyuro, then? Get him to quit first?"で、草十郎はどうする? とりあえず辞めさせるか?」
"Of course. This isn't only his problem anymore. The fact that they're trying to recruit our students makes it our problem too.「当然。けど、もう彼だけの問題じゃないわ。そもそもうちの生徒を雇おうとした時点で私たちの問題よ。
We have to take them down, regardless of Sizuki's involvement."静希君とは関係なしで、あの事務所つぶすから」

"Fine, but you know they won't go down without a fight. They're technically a legal business, just like predatory loan services.「……いいけどな。厄介だぞあの手の連中は。サラ金と同じで法律上は何の問題もねえ。
The police can only give them a warning, and if we disrupt their business, they'll try and sue us for damages. We shouldn't rush into this."警察じゃせいぜい厳重注意レベル、下手に商売の邪魔をすれば損害そんがい賠償ばいしょうと言いだしかねん。急いては事をなんとやらだ」

"I know. First we need to find out more about the company, who their president is, and how many employees they have. We also need to look for possible victims,「分かってる。まずは会社の概要と社長の素性、構成員の数を調べながら被害者の洗い出し、

|then we can..."|を―――」|

Aoko suddenly stopped talking in the middle of her detailed plans.静かに、しかし大胆に密談していた青子の口が止まる。

"What's wrong?「どうした蒼崎―――って、

|Tobimaru noticed right away what Aoko had spotted.|物陰からオフィスビルを覗いていた鳶丸もその変化に気付いたようだ。|

Aoko was looking at the crowd on the street.青子の視線は通りの雑踏に向けられている。
A familiar young man wearing a coat was walking through the lively 2nd Street.見慣れたコート姿の少年がいかがわしい二丁目を歩いている。

He walked confidently up to the office building and disappeared inside.少年はわずかな迷いもなくオフィスビルまでやってくると、トコトコと足音をたてて入り口に消えていった。
He hadn't seemed to notice the worried trio watching from the shadows.物陰に隠れている青子たちの気苦労もどこ吹く風。
The young man, clearly Soujyuro Sizuki, had just started his shift, still oblivious to the severity of the situation he was in.少年……静希草十郎は軽い足取りで、自分が騙されている事にも気付かず、今日も一日、まじめに働きに来たらしい。

"That... that... little..."「あ、あ、あの―――」
Aoko was shaking with rage.青子は肩を震わせながら、懸命けんめいに怒りをこらえている。

"Calm down.「待て、落ち着け蒼崎。
I know how you feel, but he doesn't realize what he's doing."気持ちは分かるが、あいつに悪気はだな」
"Ahhhhh! I just can't stand this!"「ああもう、なんか無性にあったまきたー!」

Aoko raised her head up in a fury and clenched her fists.がばり、と俯いていた顔をあげ、拳を握る。
She was no longer her usual calm and collected self.そこにあるのはいつもの冷淡な彼女ではなく、
This was the student council president who ruled with an iron fist, fueled by her own righteous indignation.正義と義憤ぎふんと個人的な感情で燃え上がる、鉄の生徒会長の姿だった。

"Tobimaru, call up Mino and tell him we need twenty of the most intimidating guys from his team here immediately!「鳶丸、応援団の美濃みの先輩に連絡とって、いますぐ強面の団員二十人ほど集めてきて!
Tell them to gear up because we might have a fight on our hands!"ケンカになるかもしれないから、それなりの装備こみでって!」
Aoko darted out into the main street as she barked her orders.言いつつ、青子は表通りに飛びだした。
She looked like an esteemed general charging into battle against an enemy squadron.その姿は敵陣突入カチコミにいく番長そのものである。

"Mino? You mean the captain of the cheer squad?!「美濃って応援団の団長のか!?
Also, twenty guys?! What the hell are you planning on doing?!"しかも二十人って、おまえいったい何する気だ!?」

"What do you think?! We're gonna crack some skulls!「決まってるでしょ、殴り込みよ!
We won't get anywhere trying to make this into a legal battle!まずは法律面での制裁から、なんて考えが甘かった!

Any organization that's grooming students into committing crimes on their behalf will only answer to physical force!学生だまして私腹を肥やすような悪党には物理的な制裁で十分よ! そもそもスケールが小さいっての!

|I mean, what is this 'Light of Truth' garbage on their sign?! They can't just come into our town and sell their dingy down quilts to our unsuspecting citizens!"|なによ『ほんものの光』って、こんなしけた町で羽毛布団とか売ってんなー!」|

"Okay, just calm down! What happened to our peaceful plan just a minute ago? Only the police are allowed to use violence against criminals! Come back here!"「待て落ち着け、さっきまでの平和的な対処法プランはどこにいった!? 悪党を暴力で押さえつけていいのは警察だけだ! いいから戻りやがれ!」

"What was that for?! We're doing this precisely because you said the police can't do much! If you have a problem with it, then come up with a better plan!"「なによ! その警察が使えないから私たちが出張るんじゃない! 文句あるなら代案だせ!」
"I don't necessarily have a problem with it, I'm just telling you to calm down for a minute!「文句はねえ、まず落ち着けって話だ!
I haven't had time to think of an alternative plan, even if I wanted to. What were you thinking of earlier? You said something about going through the legal system."そもそも代案なんざ立てるまでもねえ。おまえさん、さっきはどんな手を考えてたか口にしてみろ。まずは法律面での制裁を、とか言ってただろう」

"You know what I was getting at.「そんなのアンタだって分かってるでしょ。
While we investigate the company, we should also help victims of the scam come together.あの会社の調査と並行して、詐欺の被害にあった人たちを探して、私たちが間に入って連盟を作る。
The reason why this company is targeting the elderly is likely because they're out of touch with the times.ご老人ばかりを標的にしてるのは、お爺さんたちは世間の事情にうといとみくびってるからだろうし。
If we can help them understand this issue, they'll be able to work together."なんで、お爺さんたちだけじゃ分からない問題を私たちでフォローしてあげれば、被害者の会ぐらいは作れるわ」

"That sounds great.「よし、その調子だ。
The victims will be able to do more if they work together as a group, rather than as individuals.たしかにひとりひとりでかけ合っても連中にとっちゃ痛くもかゆくもねえ。横の繋がりを作るのは大事だからな。
Then what? If we assume there was no kind of contract involved, we just try and get their money back?"それで? 契約をなかった事にして、とられた金を取り戻すか?」

"...Yeah, but that's probably going to be impossible.「……それは無理でしょうね。
They almost definitely will have a contract. It's annoying, but if they signed something, we can't overturn that. All we can do now is try and stop the damages from getting worse. Cancel loans, cancel memberships, and..."契約書は絶対よ。あったまくるけど、書かれた事はくつがえらない。今から出来るのはこれ以上の被害を抑えるコトだけ。ローンの解約、入会の破棄、それと―――」

"Get as much money back as we can.「可能なかぎり、金銭を回収する。
There should be a cooling-off period for the down quilts, so some might be able to get a refund."羽毛布団ならクーリングオフが適用されるはず。全ての返品は無理でも、やるにこしたことはないわ」

"That sounds like a plan. Let's go with that.「上出来だ。それで行こうぜ蒼崎。
There's no need for you to become the bad guy here. Let's try to solve this peacefully and within the law."何もおまえさんが悪役になる必要はねえ。せっかくの法治国家だ、平和的に解決しよう」
"That's true, but it's easy for you to say that since you weren't one of the victims. For those that were scammed, that money is lost forever."「それはそうだけど……こんなの部外者だから言えることよ。詐欺にあった人たちからすれば、られたものは奪られたままなんだし……」

"Yeah, but it's not your job to worry about that.「それを気に病むのは、それこそおまえの仕事じゃねえ。
We should get in touch with Kumari. She was raised in the shopping district and should know the best way to go about things."まずはに連絡しよう。あいつ、商店街の娘だからな。被害者の調査に向いているだろ」

...I hate to get her involved in this, but we don't have much of a choice.……あんまり荒事あらごとに巻きこみたくないけど、仕方ないか。
Okay, I'll get in touch with her. I still need you to call up Mino."OK、私の方から連絡する。鳶丸は先輩への電話、お願い」
"Huh? Why do we still need the cheer squad with this plan?"「あ? こっちの話なら応援団、必要ねえだろ?」

"They're good for more than just intimidation. They can help support the victims when we find them.「必要だってば。脅し要員だけじゃなく、お爺さんかんの連携に走ってもらわなくっちゃ。
I know Mino's team looks scary, but they're all good at heart, right? Once we've made sure there's a cooling-off period for those contracts, they can take care of the paperwork for them."先輩たち、いかつい顔して優しいでしょ? クーリングオフは書面に起こす事が大前提。書類に弱いお爺さんたちの代わりに、先輩たちに代筆してもらうのよ」

"That's not a bad idea! I bet those idiots won't know what to do when twenty big strong guys come in demanding refunds!"「なるほど、そりゃあいい! 数の暴力だな、連中も二十人からの返品は夢にも思ってねえだろうさ!」
Aoko and Tobimaru both nodded in agreement.うんうんと頷きあう青子と鳶丸。
Kinomi had been completely left to the wayside in this whole discussion.端で見ている木乃美は完全に置いてけぼりだ。

"Hey, so... What's a cooling-off period?「なー。クーリングオフってなんだよー?
I've never heard of it."オレ、聞いたことねぇんだけど」
"It's a clause that allows you to return an item you purchased and get a refund for the full amount paid at the time of purchase. It was officially put into practice in Japan about ten years ago. You really haven't heard of it?"「買った商品を返品して、購入時の金額を返して貰うコトよ。日本じゃ十年ぐらい前から正式に採用されてるけど、木乃美君、聞いたことない?」

"No, never. How is that any different from a normal return?"「いやまったく。ただの返品と違うの?」
"Well, it's the same, but it's just legally protected. If the Light of Truth wants to use the law to their advantage, then we can do the same.「同じだけど、こっちは国が後ろ盾になってくれるわ。ほんものの光が法を盾にするなら、こっちも法で突き破るだけよ。
The elderly victims probably won't know a thing about it either, so that's why we're going to fight for them."お爺さんたちには馴染みのない話だろうから、そこは私たちが代わりにやるってワケ」

In reality, only a very narrow range of products were applicable for the satisfaction period law, and it was currently unclear if those handled by the Light of Truth fell under that umbrella.実際のところ、クーリングオフの選定商品には細かい指定があり、ほんものの光が扱っている商品がその規定内かは現状さだかではない。
If it was not applicable under this law, Aoko would have to think of another plan.もし規定外であるならクーリングオフ制度による金銭回収はできず、青子は別の手段を講じる必要がある。

...It all made sense.……もっとも。
Not thirty minutes later, that worry would vanish when they got the chance to examine an actual quilt sold by the Light of Truth.三十分後、実際に売られた羽毛布団を調べた時点で、その不安材料は霧散することになるのだが。

Once Aoko has an established plan, she will not waver from it.方針さえ決めてしまえば青子に迷いはない。
They had made a cafe with a view of the office building their command center.オフィスビルを見渡せる喫茶店を司令室に、
And, after they got together others from the student council for backup...生徒会の人材を手足にし、
Their one-day blitz tactic plan began.一日かぎりの電撃作戦がはじまった。

"I want this over with quickly.「そうと決まれば迅速にね。
You two, take care of all the communications. Let's get this done today."二人とも連絡係よろしく。サクッと、今日中に決着をつけましょ」

Tobimaru sighed at the thought of trying to complete everything in a day's time.一日で終わらせる気かよ、と呆れる副会長と、
Kinomi, on the other hand, wondered why he had been dragged in to help.なんでオレまで数に入ってんの? と嫌がる事件の発端を使いに出して、青子はクーリングオフ以外の手はないかと資料を読みふけっている。
Although Tobimaru had gotten Aoko to abandon the idea of a physical fight, Aoko knew that the contact plan would be difficult to pull off and continued to research other options.鳶丸にはタンカを切ったものの、青子自身、クーリングオフ作戦は難しいと理解していたからだ。

There were many conditions that needed to be met for this plan to actually work.クーリングオフを成立させるには様々な条件がある。
The major issue was the amount of time elapsed from the time of purchase.その中で最大のネックになるのが購買してからの経過時間だ。
For consumable goods, the time limit for a legal return was eight days.消耗品なら八日以内の返却でなければならない。
If there were thirty or so victims, this would probably only be applicable to one or two of them.被害者が三十人いるとしても、該当するのは一人か二人だろう。
If that was the case, they needed to look for some other consumer protection besides the satisfaction clause.となると、クーリングオフ以外での、消費者の保護を扱った抜け道を探すしかない。

"Wait, really...? If items of low value are sold at an unfair price, the contract may be invalidated as profiteering. However, this must be founded in public order and morality... Doesn't this generally always favor the seller?「……なになに……安価なものを不当な金額で売りつけた場合、暴利行為として公序良俗違反で契約が無効となる場合がある……ただし公序良俗を根拠とする……って、なによこれ、ほとんど売る側の勝ちじゃない。
The courts can't punish solely on the basis of suspicion. We'd be at the disadvantage if it came to an extended argument."疑わしきは罰せずが法廷の基本だし。水掛け論じゃこっちが不利だ」

It was a difficult situation.だが状況はきびしい。
They wouldn't be able to stand up to an experienced group of scam artists with their limited knowledge of the law.相手が百戦錬磨ひゃくせんれんまの詐欺集団なら、素人の知識では太刀打ちできまい。
They'd need to fight fire with fire. Or in this case, a scam with a scam.最終的には同じ土俵での戦い―――詐欺には詐欺でまるめこむ事になる。

"...So basically we scam them out of the same amount of money they scammed out of the victims."「……だまし取られた金額分だけ、美味しい話でだましとるって寸法はなしか……」
To do that, they'd need more intel.その場合であっても情報は必要だ。
Aoko was studying the materials they'd collected for something they could use.青子は期末の一夜漬けもかくやという集中力で、かき集めた資料を頭に叩きこんでいく。

"Thanks for waiting, everyone. I've got the addresses of ten additional candidates and one of the actual quilts sold."「お待たせ。とりあえず追加候補十人分の住所と、布団の現物、持ってきたわよ」
"Thank you. You really get things done fast when you put your mind to it!"「サンキュー。さっすが久万梨、本気だせば仕事の速いこと速いこと」

Aoko took the list of victims from the student council secretary, Kojika Kumari, and immediately contacted Tobimaru on his pager.生徒会書記・久万梨金鹿から被害者のリストを受け取って、すぐさま鳶丸の小型無線機に連絡をいれる。
Although pagers could only receive short messages like 'Call me,' they were a powerful means of communication in an age where people relied on public telephones.型無線ポケベル機は“連絡求む”程度の短いメッセージしか送信できないが、連絡手段を公衆電話に頼っている昨今では強力な通信装置だ。
Tobimaru called the cafe to give Aoko an update and hear about the list of newly discovered victims.青子は折り返しで喫茶店に連絡を入れてきた鳶丸に新しい被害者たちを伝え、鳶丸たちの現状も報告してもらう。

"You've got all the victims together? Let Aoyama handle the proceedings. If you could get some business cards made up to throw them off, that'd be helpful too.「被害者の会はできたのね? 仕切りは青山クンにやらせて。一応、相手への牽制として名刺も作ってくれると助かる。
Remember that fake organization we made up for the school festival? Use that and put that phone number on the cards. We can have Mr. Yamasiro field the calls."事務局はほら、文化祭の時に作ったニセ団体あるじゃない。あそこの電話番号にしておいて。電話番は山城センセに頼みこむわ」

The victims' advocacy group was currently at just over ten members.被害者友の会は現状で十人強。
The group's aim was to help the victims of the scam get their money back and remove themselves from the Light of Truth.返品、脱会を望む人々の力になるのが会の趣旨である。
Some of the victims had not even realized they'd been scammed. So with some explanation, about ten more members were added.そもそも騙されていた事すら分かっていなかった人もおり、きちんと説明すれば二十人はたやすく超えるとの事だった。
It helped that it was polite, young, well-dressed students who were giving them this information.礼儀正しい学生服の好漢が説得にあたっているのも大きい。
The elderly generally seemed more accepting of anyone who was around the age of their grandchildren.おじいさんおばあさんは基本、孫に対して寛大かんだいなものである。

"We've done a good job getting this far. We got our goal of twenty people in no time."「にしてもよくここまで調べたもんだわ。規定の二十人なんてあっという間だったわね」

"You laid out all the conditions clearly, which made it easy for us.「アンタの言う条件が分かりやすかったから。
We looked for anyone over the age of sixty who lived alone and was not a member of their local neighborhood association. We just did exactly what the salespeople from the Light of Truth did.六十歳過ぎのご老人で、ひとり暮らしで、町内会に入っていない人を探せば良かったんだし。やってる事はほんものの光の販売員と一緒。
Our work is just getting started though.でも、こんなんでなんとかなる話じゃないと思うけど。

It's still going to be all we can do to make a complaint against their...結局のところ、抗議するのが関の山じゃ―――

|What's with the weird smile all of a sudden?"|ちょっと、なに薄気味悪い顔で笑ってるのよ」|

Aoko looked up after being called out by her friend.友人に指摘され、青子は俯いていた顔をあげる。
"Oh, I just found something very interesting is all.「いやあ、面白いもん見付けちゃって。
We may be fighting an uphill battle, but this might change the tides in our favor. Look here at this tag."成果の乏しい戦いになると思ってたけど、風向きが変わったわ。ほら、見てクマ。この羽毛布団のマーク」

Aoko showed her the product label sewn into the down quilt.青子は羽毛布団に縫いつけられた商品タグを久万梨に見せつけた。
There on the tag was what looked like the Japanese Industrial Standards logo.タグにはお馴染みのJISのマーク。
The Japanese Industrial Standards helped maintain the quality of industrial products in Japan. Products with this mark were required to be produced in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law.工業製品の品質を表すもので、JISのマークがある商品は国が定めた工業標準化法に基づいている、のだが……

"Huh? Jay... El... Ess?"「あれ? じぇい……える……えす?」
"Yep. This actually makes the contracts work in our favor. I thought we were dealing with professionals, but it turns out they're actually a group of amateurs.「そ。こうなると契約書が逆に武器になる。百戦錬磨かと思ったけど、実際は兎しか相手にしない素人ってコト。
If we do this right, we could get all the money back to the victims. It's going to feel so good to put these scammers in their place!"……ええ、うまく話をもっていけば全額返済も夢じゃないわ。勝利の勝ちどきは、さぞ気持ちのいいものになるでしょうねぇ」

Aoko took a seat, still grinning from ear to ear.にやりと笑って青子は席を立った。
She didn't ring Tobimaru's pager. Instead, she dialed a different number on the red phone while humming to herself.鳶丸へのポケベルは鳴らさず、赤電話を鼻歌まじりにダイヤルする。
Aoko heard the familiar ringing tone through the receiver.受話器からはお馴染みのコールの音がリピート中。

"Aozaki? I thought you were calling Tsukiji? You need to tell him about our change of plans."「蒼崎? 槻司に連絡入れるんじゃないの? 作戦が変わったって」
"I will after this. Right now I have to figure out who to put in charge of the negotiations. I don't think Tobimaru or myself could do such an important role justice.「それは後。いま大事なのは交渉役を誰にするかよ。私や鳶丸じゃさすがに貫禄不足だしね。
Even if we have the advantage for now, we're still in an evenly matched battle.こっちが有利になったとしても、まだ状況は五分だし。
They could completely turn the tables on us in the discussions, so we need someone ruthless to represent us."会話次第じゃひっくり返されるだろうから、被害者の会の代表は、それはもう、性根のひん曲がった悪魔でないと」

"I thought that was going to be you."「それアンタの事だと思うんだけど。違うの?」
"No, no, no. For this we need an adult with some kind of social standing.「いえいえ、こういうのは社会的立場のある大人じゃないと務まりません。
Don't worry. I actually know the perfect person for the job."安心して久万梨、ぴったりのヤツを知ってるから」

"Let's just say you need a scammer to fight a scammer.「ま、詐欺師には詐欺師ってね。
I know someone whose sole job is to win arguments against people in town. I doubt she has anything going on today, so I thought we might put her to work.この町には人を言い負かすのだけが仕事のヤツっていちゃったりするのよ。今日もやることなくて暇してるだろうし、たまには働いてもらわないと。
Anyone who goes up against her is guaranteed to have a mental breakdown in an hour, no matter what kind of scam they're running."彼女にかかっちゃサラ金だろうが教祖だろうが一時間で精神崩壊、裸足はだしで山に逃げこむわ」

Aoko kept the phone receiver at her ear as she delivered these cutting remarks.これ以上ない嫌味を言いながら、青子は受話器に耳を当てる。
The ringing tone had long since gone silent.ちなみに、受話器から漏れていたコール音はとっくに消えていた。

"...Hello? I don't want to assume anything, but were you talking about me this whole time Aoko?"『―――もしもし。まさかとは思いますが、今の話は私の事でしょうか、青子さん?』
An eloquent woman's voice could be heard from the phone's earpiece.受話器から流暢りゅうちょうな女性の声が響く。
Aoko innocently said her greetings and smiled like a hunter who had just gotten their prey to take the bait.青子は白々しく挨拶しながら、獲物が挑発にのってくれたとほくそ笑んだ。

"You know, I've always thought this about you...「つねづね思っていましたが。
But you really don't have enough respect for your elders, Aoko."貴女には年長者への敬意が足りていないようですね、青子さん」

Tobimaru and Kinomi had returned from their tasks and stood there wide-eyed.役割を終えて集結していた鳶丸たちが目を見張る。
The person Aoko had invited to the cafe looked so out of place that it was a shock to everyone.青子の呼び出しでやってきた人物は、この場にはあまりにも不釣り合いで、予想外だったからだ。

"Thank you so much for coming, Yuika.「はあい、唯架ゆいかさん。わざわざ来てもらって助かるわ。
I pretty much told you all the details over the phone, but is there anything else you want me to go over?"事情は電話で説明したけど、もう少し詳しく説明する?」
"That's okay. I received a full report about the Light of Truth from Ritsuka. I do not require any lectures from you on that matter."「結構です。ほんものの光の事は、先ほど律架りつかから報告を受けましたから。貴女に教授していただく事柄は一つもありません」

"Well aren't we in a mood? That's perfect, though. Take that attitude to them. When you're in the zone, your glare alone is enough to make someone faint!"「ありゃまご機嫌ななめ。良かった、そのテンションのままカチコミお願いね。一般人のひとりやふたり、唯架さんが本性をだせば睨むだけで卒倒そっとうさせられるでしょ?」
"Whoa, seriously?! Isn't this lady a nun at Aida Church? I actually really look up to her!「うえ、そうなの!? このお姉さん、合田教会のシスターさんだよね!? オレ、ひそかにあこがれてたんですけど!
Oh, crap, now is not the time. Umm, hi, my name's Housuke Kinomi! Aozaki and I aren't really friends!"あ、いや、そんな場合じゃねえ、どうも木乃美芳助ッス! 蒼崎サンとはあんまり仲良くありません!」

Kinomi was clearly trying to earn points by showing that he also was not that friendly with Aoko.咄嗟に青子とシスターの仲が悪いと察し、さりげなくポイントアップを図る木乃美。
Sister Yuika gave him an angelic smile back.そんなやんちゃな青少年に、シスターは天使のような微笑みを投げるのだった。

"Well, hello there. I am indeed a sister at Aida Church. My name is Yuika Suse. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Housuke."「これはご丁寧に。合田教会で僧職を勤める、唯架ゆいかです。はじめまして、芳助さん」
"Ahhhhh! This is crazy! She's really a nun!「ひゃー! すげえ、ホントにシスターだよシスター!
I can't believe you had something this amazing up your sleeve the whole time, Aoko!会長とんでもない隠し球つれてきたな!
...Wait, but what are you going to have her do? I mean, I'm fine with just having her around in general."……あれ? でも、唯架さんに何してもらうの? いや、オレはいてくれるだけで嬉しいけど」

"I think we can all imagine...「……まあ、だいたい想像できるが。
It's a pleasure to meet you, Sister Yuika. My name is Tobimaru Tsukiji, student council vice-president."はじめまして、シスター唯架。三咲高校生徒会副会長、槻司鳶丸です」

Tobimaru didn't look so well. Perhaps he had figured out where this course of events was headed.一方、事の成り行きが読めたのか、鳶丸は元気がない。
The JLS label was indeed illegal.JLSマークが違法であること。
This discovery made Aoko realize how they could get the victims' money back and run the Light of Truth out of town completely.羽毛布団が偽物バッタものである事が判った時点で、青子は被害者たちの支払金の全額回収と、ほんものの光を町から追い出す算段を立てた。
Sister Yuika was her solution.その結論が、目の前のシスターだと察したからだ。

"...I thought the plan was to let the evidence do the talking, and if they don't want to be sued, get them to settle out of court. They'd pay back the money and get out of town.「……てっきり証拠にものをいわせて、訴えられたくなければ示談ですませろ、全額返して出て行けー、って話かと思ったが。
But this is something else. She doesn't want to just kick them out of town. She wants to fleece them for all they've got!"……恐ろしい女だぜ。追い出すだけじゃなく、素寒貧すかんぴんにして放りだそうってハラか」
"Huh? How can she even do that? I mean, I know she's beautiful, but does a nun really have that kind of power?"「は? なんでそうなるの? なに、美人なだけじゃなく、シスターさんってそんな権利持ってるの?」

"It's not because she's a nun. That's just the kind of pull Yuika has around here. Anyway, here's the signatures of everyone in the advocacy group. The cheer team is also helping. Do you want to take some of them?"「シスターさんが、じゃなくて唯架さんの人間力と言うべきね。はい、これ被害者の会からの連名書。一応、うちの応援団の先輩たちも待機してるけど、何人か連れていく?」

"...Hmm. If things get too heated, it's going to be a pain to resolve later. Let's just bring five to keep the peace.「……そうですね。逆上ぎゃくじょうして手を上げられては後片づけが面倒ですので、抑止力として五人ほど。
You are also welcome to accompany me if you'd like, Aoko."あとは青子さんが同行してくれるのでしたら、私としては不満はありません」

"Huh? Wait, is Yuika going to go talk to them? I thought you were going to do that, prez."「え? どゆこと? もしかしてシスターさんが話つけにいくの? 会長のがよくね?」
"No, no, it's fine. She may not look it, but she's actually a specialist in these kinds of situations. Isn't that right, Yuika?"「いいのいいの。唯架さんはこう見えて荒事の専門家なんだから。ねー、唯架さん?」

"Not as much as you, but yes, you could say that.「貴女ほどではありませんが。
Since that office is indeed operating an illegal business, I'm willing to help. We both will benefit, after all.……いいでしょう、今回は利益が一致します。あの事務所の方々が違法を働いているのは事実ですから。
Sins must not go unpunished. They must feel the pain that they inflicted upon the good people of this town."罪には罰を。善良な人々を、とくに私たちの同胞を苦しめた手合いには、相応の痛みが必要です」

"You certainly live up to your reputation, Sister.「さっすが泣く子も黙る鬼のシスター。
I'm sure you'll win. You've been crushing the competition for a long time, now."期待してるわ。昔っから、商売がたきを潰すのは得意だものね、貴女たち」
"Yes, well.「言われるまでもありません。
There's simply no need for two schools of thought in a single place."一つの土地に、二つの教えがあっては迷惑です」

Though the two continued to antagonize each other, they entered the office building fighting for the same team.ふたりは反目の火花を散らしながらも、肩を並べてオフィスビルへと入っていった。
The five burly members of the cheer team filed in behind them.五人のむくつけき応援団員ものっしのっしと後に続く。
They had left behind a glum Tobimaru and a completely clueless Kinomi.残されたのは肩をすくめる鳶丸と、事情をいっさい把握できない木乃美だけ。

"...I really don't know what's going on.「……わっかんねー。
What is Aozaki trying to get that poor woman to do for her?"蒼崎、あの美人さんに何やらせる気なんだよ?」

"Oh, you do not even want to know what kind of cruelty Aozaki is capable of inflicting upon her enemies.「そりゃおまえ、口にはできない残虐行為だろ。相手の弱みをにぎったらとことん叩きのめすのが蒼崎だからな。
Once they get the company to terminate everyone's contracts based on the illegal sales, the two will take legal action against them. That's where Sister Yuika comes in.違法販売をネタにして、契約解除をさせた後に告訴するって流れ。訴えるのはシスターの役目だな。
She's far more qualified than Aozaki, who's just a student.立場上、学生である蒼崎よりシスターのほうがお題目が立つ。
I've heard some less than savory rumors about that church, too. This company will be lucky if losing all their funds is the worst that happens."……なによりあの教会、たまにイヤな噂を聞くしなあ。連中、貯めた財産根こそぎ奪られるだけで済めばいいが」

After taking a few deep breaths, Tobimaru also headed towards the office building.さて、と一息ついてから、鳶丸もオフィスビルへと足を向けた。
"You're going in there too? Isn't it a little scary?"「え、殿下も事務所に行くの? 怖くない?」
"I'm not going. Are you crazy? I just have some business to attend to.「いかねえよ、おっかねえ。俺のはちょっとした野暮用だ。
You need to get back to school. I'll compensate you for all this later, don't worry."テメエも補習に戻れよ。今日の礼は、また改めてくれてやるから」

"Man, you know school's done by now, right? It's almost night. Hey, it was fun though!"「ばっか、補習なんてもう終わってるじゃんか。気が付けばもうすぐ夕方だぜ、夕方。楽しかったからいいけどな!」
"Wow, you're right. Half the day's gone."「違いない。あっというまの半日だった」
Tobimaru waved goodbye and disappeared into the office building.それじゃあ、と手を振って、鳶丸はオフィスビルの入り口に消えていった。

Kinomi thought it was strange since Tobimaru had just said he wasn't going in there.それを疑問に思いながらも、
However, he left as well after hearing a noise that sounded like glass breaking on the third floor of the office building.オフィスビルの三階から響いた、どうみても窓ガラスの割れる音を聴いて、木乃美も現場を後にした。
A wise man never courts danger, as they say.君子危うきに近寄らず、である。

The discussion ended without any major issues.何事もなく話し合いは終了した。
The inside of the office was mostly untouched. Only the center line of desks had been pulverized by Sister Yuika. Things had been resolved peacefully without any bloodshed.事務所の内部はモーゼの十戒よろしく、シスターの一蹴りによって真ん中の机の列がきれいさっぱり吹っ飛んでいるだけで、ひとりの流血もない、実に平和的な解決だった。
The office had been conquered in about an hour, and Aoko was now surveying it.そんなわけで、およそ半刻ほどで事務所の制圧を終えた蒼崎青子は、きょろきょろとあたりを見渡している。

A large desk had gone right through the window, flung through the air with a single swing of Sister Yuika's hand.シスターの、鶴を思わせる手の一振りで宙に舞ったまま窓ガラスにつきささった大型デスク。
The sales staff were shaking in the corner like they'd just seen the devil incarnate.悪魔でも見たかのように部屋の隅でガクガクと震える販売員たち。
Sister Yuika brought in the five members of the cheer team to seize the office's permits and other important documents.五人の応援団員をひきつれ、事務所の利権証明書等を押さえていくシスター。

Unfortunately, the one thing Aoko was looking for was nowhere to be found.しかし、青子の探しものは影も形も見あたらない。
She went to ask the sales staff still quivering in the corner of the room.首をかしげながら、部屋の隅の販売員に声をかける。

"About three hours ago, did you see a harmless looking teenage boy come in here? I know he hasn't left the building, so he must still be in here somewhere."「ちょっと。三時間ぐらい前、ここに人畜無害そうなのこなかった? ビルから出てきてないから、まだ中にいると思うんだけど」
Everyone shook their heads no.販売員たちはブンブンと首をふる。
Nobody had seen a student who fit that description in the office.事務所には純朴そうな学生の姿など何処にもない。

Aoko was looking even more confused at this point.どういう事? とさらに首をかしげるも、
"Ah, well..."「でもまあ」
She was still happy that she'd done a good deed here today.イイコトしたからいっか、と満足する生徒会長なのだった。

Tobimaru entered the office building and headed straight down the hallway.鳶丸はオフィスビルに足を踏み入れると、そのまま通路を直進した。
He glanced at the stairs in front of him as he walked by, passing several tenants and heading towards the emergency exit at the back of the building.入って正面にある上層への階段には視線を投げただけで、いくつかの貸部屋テナントを通り過ぎ、ビルの裏手に出る非常口まで歩いていく。

Tobimaru knew the geography of 2nd Street well.鳶丸はここ二丁目の地理に明るい。
If his memory served correctly, there were some old one-story houses behind this building that had been around forever.彼の記憶によると、このビルの裏手には開発の手がかかっていない、昔ながらの平屋が並んでいる。
They were old tin-roofed rental houses that stood against the tides of time.時代の波に取り残されたトタンの貸し屋。
Though overshadowed by the recent trend of two-story apartments, they were still there, alive and kicking.近代的な二階建てアパートの影に飲まれてはいるが、まだ十分にきている一角だ。

At the back of the office building there was a river for processing waste water.裏口から出ると、正面には下水を処理するための川があった。
Beyond the river and a fence, there were many one-story houses.川とフェンスの向こうには平屋住宅が並んでいる。
Next to the building there was a bridge that crossed over to the other side.ビルのすぐ横には向こう岸に渡る橋がある。
It was a shortcut only neighborhood locals would know about.この界隈の人間しか知り得ない、ちょっとした近道のようだ。

"...This is a pretty intense shortcut. Maps can't help you here, that's for sure."「……なるほど、大したショートカットだ。地図なんてアテになんねえな」
As Tobimaru walked towards the bridge, he saw a familiar face exit one of the old tin-roof houses.鳶丸が橋に向かって足を進めると、平屋から見慣れた少年が出てくるところだった。
The young man was wearing a coat and was without a doubt Soujyuro Sizuki.コートに着られている姿は、間違いなく静希草十郎である。

"See you tomorrow!"「明日もまた来ておくれね」
Soujyuro crossed the bridge while the old woman who resided there saw him off.平屋の主人であろう、年老いた老婆に見送られて、草十郎は橋を渡る。

"Huh? Is that you, Tobimaru?"「あれ、副会長?」
"Yo! Fancy meeting you here, slick."「よ。奇遇だな色男」

The two exchanged glances as they crossed paths on the bridge.必然、二人は橋の上で顔を合わせた。
Soujyuro looked fairly spent.草十郎の顔は心なしか元気がない。
That was all Tobimaru needed to see.その様子を見て鳶丸は納得した。
Soujyuro's new job was a lot harder than working for any scam artists.この男の新しいバイトとやらは、詐欺の片棒を担ぐより、何倍も気難しい話だったのだと。

They both stopped to talk on the footbridge.なんとなしにふたりは帰り道を同じにし、歩道橋の上で立ち止まった。
"You have relatives around there or something?"「あのあたりに親戚でもいんのか?」
"Ah, no. I was just keeping the old woman who lives there company. Someone told me about it, and it sounded like something I could do."「いや、いない。人づてに紹介されて、おばあさんの話し相手をしていただけだ」
For some reason, Soujyuro readily revealed what he had refused to tell Aoko.青子に問いつめられても話さなかった事を、草十郎はあっさり口にした。

"Is it okay to be talking about it? Sounds like something they might want to be kept secret."「そんなに気軽に話していいのか? 守秘義務とかありそうだが」
"Oh, no it's fine. It's not really anything I need to keep quiet about.「いや、秘密にしなくちゃいけない話でもないんだ。
I just thought maybe I shouldn't before.ただ話しちゃいけない気がしただけで。
You saw me coming out of there, and I actually have been wanting to tell someone about it. I didn't want to complain, but since you asked..."鳶丸には出てくるところを見られたし、正直、誰かに言いたい気持ちはあった。弱音みたいなものだから、副会長が聞いてくれるならちょうどいい」

Leaning on the rail of the footbridge, Tobimaru urged him to go on.歩道橋の欄干らんかんに寄りかかりながら、鳶丸は先をうながした。
It turned out that Soujyuro's story was nothing out of the ordinary.草十郎の話は、フタを開けてみれば平凡なものだった。
His new part-time job was to be a home helper in that old one-story house.彼の新しいアルバイトは、あの平屋住宅の、とある家のホームヘルパーだった。
This resident was a widow who had been left alone after her son moved off to the city.ただ少し風向きが違うのは、その家の老婆は夫に先立たれ、息子も都会に出たまま便りをよこさなくなった事だ。

"At first, I was just helping around the house."「はじめは、ただのお手伝いだったんだけどね」
He spoke with a troubled, slightly regretful smile.困ったような、悔いるような笑顔で彼は言った。
Maybe he was ashamed of something he'd done?あるいは、不当な行為への嫌悪か。
There was a tinge of darkness behind the wry, tormented smile on his face.自虐的にすら見える苦笑いは、暗いかげりを帯びている。

Tobimaru found himself surprised at his own thoughts and slapped himself lightly on the cheek.鳶丸はかすかに驚いて、すぐに自分の頬を叩いた。
This was his way of punishing himself. He wasn't sure why his imagination was running so wild now.この少年が、その手の感情を見せるとは夢にも思っていなかった―――そんな身勝手な思いこみを恥じ入って、自分自身を罰したのだ。

"You seem oddly glum, though. Oh, I get it. You have a problem with the son who left his mom like that, even though she clearly needs help around the house, huh?"「珍しくうかない顔だが。あれか、出ていった息子さんとやらに文句があるのか? 介護かいごが必要なおふくろさんを放って、好きかってに暮らしていることに?」
"...I wonder. It is an odd story, I think.「……どうだろう。確かにおかしな話だとは思う。
But I don't really mean to blame him. I mean, that's..."けど、俺はその息子さんを責める気にはなれない。だって、それは」

Soujyuro stopped himself mid-sentence.言いかけて口をつぐむ。
He didn't think the son hated his mother so much as he did the town;おそらく、その息子は母を嫌ったのではなく、この町を嫌ったのだ。
he had probably just found somewhere better to live, and moved away.単に、ここより好きな場所があったら、この町から出ていっただけの話。
Soujyuro swallowed those bitter words.草十郎はそれを苦々にがにがしげに、声にせず飲みこんだ。

"At first, I took the full amount as payment.「お手伝いの料金は初めに全部もらってたんだ。
But I thought 100,000 yen was way too much for a job that'll only last the month."今月だけという話なのに、十万円は高すぎると思う」
He trailed off, muttering that he really didn't need that much money.本気で、こんなにお金はいらないのに、と呟く。
The old woman had thanked him for his honesty.そんな少年に老婆は感謝をした。
That was part of Soujyuro's appeal, most likely.草十郎の頼りないところも微笑ましかったのだろう。
In a matter of days, the old woman put all her trust into Soujyuro and treated him like her own grandson.老婆はすぐに心を許し、数日を待たずして草十郎を孫と同一視するようになったらしい。

"I was honestly happy about that. The problem is..."「……ああ。それは素直に嬉しいんだけど、問題は」
She always saw him off with a smile, and asked him to return tomorrow.問題は、明日も来ておくれ、と。
Every time he left, she gave him a stack of cash in the hope that he wouldn't forget her.わたしを忘れないでおくれと、別れ際に草十郎に大金を手渡した事だ。

"Whoa, really? That's what you're getting all that money for?"「ああ? それだけで大金もらってたのか?」
"Yeah. She says she wants me to be her grandson.「うん。お孫さんの代わりをしてほしい、と言われた。
She says she can trust me, so she wants me to act like I'm her grandson."貴方は信じられるから、これで孫のようにふるまってくれって」

"Wow, that's crazy! It's hard to believe, but I guess a grandson-for-hire isn't much different from a house helper..."「……なんだそりゃ。少しも信じてねえよそれ。金で動く孫がいるか。そりゃあヘルパーと変わらねえ」
"No, it's different. She said she doesn't pay helpers because she can't trust them. She says she can only trust money."「いや。おばあさんはヘルパーさんにはお金は払わないと言った。信頼できないから。あのおばあさんが信じられるのはお金だけなんだ」

She seemed to have some quirks about her, probably because she'd been living alone for so long.長くひとりきりで暮らしてきたからか、それとも生来の偏屈さからひとりになったのか。
By this point she'd lost all faith in the goodwill of humankind.老婆は「人間の善意」をまるっきり信じられないようになっていた。
To her, the bonds of a family were nothing but fantasy.彼女にとって、家族の絆は絵空事にすぎない。
After being cast aside by her own family for so many years, the only thing that remained faithful to her was the money she'd saved.長年そういったものに見捨てられてきた彼女にとって、確かなものは手元に残った貯金だけ。

Over time, this led to her developing a strange complex.……だから、逆に。
For her, the money she'd scrimped and saved, the last thing she could rely on, was the only way she could conceive of keeping someone in her life.偏屈に、無駄遣むだづかいせず、最後の心の拠り所として貯めに貯めたソレだけが、彼女にとって、人をつなぎ止める絆になっていたのだろう。

"That's crazy.「……バカらしい。
She's just hiring help. It's not like she can just buy a grandson."それって結局、金で雇った他人じゃねえか。孫の代わりとは言えねえな」

"I think she knows that more than anyone.「それはおばあさんが誰よりも分かってるよ。
Even if she knows it isn't real, that's just how hard it is for her to trust anyone.でも、偽者だと分かっていても、それぐらいしか信じられるモノはなかったんだ。
What she wants most in this world is for her grandchildren to visit her, but since that's not happening, she turned to the one thing she could trust to make that a reality."おばあさんにとって、家によりつかなくなったお孫さんはいま一番欲しいものだから、その代償として、彼女が一番信用できるものを真心として渡してくれたんだ」

She wasn't buying him, though.買収ではない。
She just trusted Soujyuro from the bottom of her heart and was thanking him the only way she knew how.老婆は心の底から草十郎を信頼したから、一番確かなもので感謝の気持ちを表した。
She didn't realize how that looked from other people's perspectives.……それが、傍目はためにはみにくい行為だと気づく事もできずに。

"...Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into a real sticky situation again.「……また厄介な事情に首つっこんだもんだ。
But hey, try not to worry about it too much.まあ、あんまり深く思い詰めるな。
I mean, it's a nice story. She's found something in her life that's even more important than money. It's something to be proud of."いい話じゃねえか。命より金が大事だった婆さんが、今になって思い出の方に転んだワケだ。まっとうな話だよ」
"Really? I hope so."「そうかな。そうだといいけど」
It was obvious from Soujyuro's expression that all this still weighed heavily on him.うなずく草十郎の顔には、まだ重苦しい翳りが残っている。

"Come on, cheer up. Knowing you, I bet you haven't spent any of the money she's given you.「なんだよ煮えきらねえな。どうせおまえさんの事だ、もらった金は一銭も使ってねえんだろ?
Are you saving it all up to give back to her when she inevitably runs out? Is that why you didn't tell Aozaki?"んな事してりゃいずれ年金も底をつく。そうなった時にまるまる返すつもりだから蒼崎にも黙ってたんじゃないのか?」
"Huh? How did you know?"「? なんで鳶丸がそんなコト知ってるんだ?」
"It was just a guess. But I know how you are."「あー、いや、なんとなく。そんな気がした」

Tobimaru decided it was best not to tell Soujyuro about all the trouble they went through for him today.今日一日、草十郎の為に奔走ほんそうした事は黙っておくが吉だ。
He knew Aoko would only make him regret it later if he did.後々、なんで喋ったのか、と鉄の生徒会長にたたられるのが目に見えている。

"So, let me tell you the worst thing about all this.「そっか。でもこの話の一番難しいところはね、鳶丸。
The truth is, this old lady doesn't have any grandchildren."その人には、お孫さんはいなかったんだ」
After a few moments of surprise, Tobimaru let out a sigh.ぼんやりと口をあけて、ああ、と鳶丸は息を吐いた。
He understood.そういう事か、と。

Being widowed with a son who's moved into the city and grandchildren who never visit...夫に先立たれ、息子は町を出て、孫は寄りつきもしない。
That was a normal, full and rich life.なんて恵まれた、スタンダードな一生だろう。
Sometimes, however, a person's dreams were all that kept them going.世の中には、そんな“もしも”を信じる事でしか、立ちゆかない人生もある。
The bottom is limitless. For every tragic life there is another even more tragic than that.底はない。悲惨な人生の下には、より悲惨な底が待っているだけの話。

"You know, sometimes this town catches me off guard.「時々、油断すると思うんだ。この町について。
Everyone looks so happy and blessed, but if you look hard enough you start to see that's not always the case. It's like the entire town is fooling me."みんな幸福そうに見えるのに、裏を覗くとそうでもないのはなんでだろうって。なんか、町全体に騙されてるみたいだ」
Tobimaru leaned over the railing and looked down at the bustling town below.鳶丸は欄干らんかんによりかかって、賑わう町並みを見下ろしている。

In the end, Soujyuro's worries stemmed from his feeling lost in this environment.草十郎の悩みは、つまるところ環境への戸惑いだ。
The woman who walked through life alone into old age...年老いるまで独りだった老婆の人生も、
Tobimaru's struggle with being antagonized by his entire family...親戚一同に敵視されている鳶丸の生い立ちも、
Those were both personal matters.所詮は個人の事情でしかない。
Soujyuro's problems stemmed from the nebulous entity of the town itself.少年の相手は、この得体の知れない町そのものらしい。

For every bit of progress made through modernization, there were also people left in growing misfortune.近代化して豊かになった分、豊かになれなかった人間の悲惨さは増している。
It didn't matter whether they were unequal in wealth or compassion. It was all the same.それは富の差であれ、心の差であれ同じ事だ。
The larger a town grows, the harder it becomes for the weak to thrive.大きくなった町は弱者にきびしい。
For a young man who spent his life in the countryside where everyone helped each other, this was hard to understand.すべてが相互扶助でなりたっていた田舎育ちの少年にとっては、その在り方は耐え難い“なぜ”なのだろう。

"Soujyuro... Do you really like it in this town?"「草十郎。おまえ、この町は好きか?」
"I honestly don't know yet. What about you?"「……まだ分からない。そういう鳶丸は?」

"Eh, similar. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like it doesn't matter either way.「ま、似たようなもんだ。好き嫌いも半々で、たまに何もかもどうでもよくなる時はある。
Then again, I'm kind of the total opposite of you.だがまあ、おまえさんとは真逆だな。
In town, I can ignore my problems if I want. It's better than a place like this, anyway. There's something to this bustle and chaos that you can't discount. Even if it does feel hollow at times."俺はこの町のおかげで手前テメエの悩みなんざ無視できる。ここに比べりゃマシだってな。空虚であろうと、この忙しさ、節操のなさは捨てたもんじゃねえってな」

"It's better than here?"「ここに比べたらマシ?」
"Ah, not exactly. I just mean that I'd have more options.「……あー、違うな。マシというよりはアリって感じか。
I'm sure you've thought this at your part-time jobs, but a town like this never leaves any gaps. Wherever there's an opening, that opening is going to be filled."バイトしてればたまに思うだろ? 町ってのは隙間を作らないように回ってるんだ。欠席にしろ空席にしろ、空きが出来たらすぐに埋められるように出来ている」

"A city is a really well-constructed community when you think about it.「当たり前のようで、コイツはよく出来た共同体なんだよ。
Someone you never knew the day before, might be a neighbor you need to call on the very next day.昨日までは誰でもなかった他人が、明日には必要な隣人になってるかもしれない。
A street corner that had nothing on it yesterday, might have a new building on it today."昨日まではなかった町角に、新しい建物ができている事もある」

"Every single day in the city is like living through a major surgery in progress. It's seriously impressive that it works as well as it does.「まるで毎日が切ったったの大手術だ。それでもうまく回ってる事に、真剣に感心する。
Something always makes me think that.本当に、何かのはずみで思うんだよ。
I'm not just living on my own. I'm able to survive thanks to the accomplishments of people I'll never know about.俺はテメエだけで生きてるんじゃなくて、どうでもいい誰かのどうでもいい頑張りのおかげで、こうしてクダまけてるんだってな。
It's all a bunch of give-and-take. The fact that it works at all is a feat in and of itself."持ちつ持たれつだ。そういう巡り合わせを成立させているだけでも、どんなバランスなんだって呆れるわけだ」

Just as the mountains are alive, so is the city.山が生き物であるように、町もまた生き物だ。
Tobimaru didn't seem to like the way that living creature had manifested itself.鳶丸はその生き物のカタチをいまいち気に入っていないらしい。
But even still...ただそれでも、

"I see. You really respect it, huh?"「そうか。敬意を払ってるんだな、鳶丸は」
"I mean, it's a little embarrassing, but yeah."「……まあ。照れくさいが、そういうこった」
As someone who was born and raised in the city, Tobimaru was thankful that complete strangers were able to help each other out.町に生まれた人間として、顔も知らない人間が、顔も知らないクセに助け合っている事実に、感謝している。

"Honestly, you're just asking for too much!「つーか、おまえさんは贅沢すぎる!
Nobody likes where they live in the beginning. You can't choose where you were born, after all. You have to learn to like wherever it is you've decided to live, not the other way around!"はじめから好きなところに住めるヤツなんていねえだろ。生まれる場所は選べねえしな。単純な話、自分が住むって決めたところを好きになるしかねえってことだ!」

Tobimaru gave Soujyuro's back a hard slap.鳶丸の手が草十郎の背中を叩く。
It made Soujyuro straighten up his posture and snap him out of his slump a bit.丸まりかけた背を叩かれて、草十郎は目を点にして跳ね起きた。

"Okay, but what if you decide to live somewhere and you just can't like it no matter how hard you try?"「……でも鳶丸。そこに住むって決めても、好きになれなかったらどうするんだ?」
"If you really don't like it, you can just move somewhere else. Don't be scared to run away from a bad place. You're meant to wander a bit in life."「どうしても好きになれないヤツは違う土地に行けばいい。イヤなら逃げてもいいんだよ。放浪するのも人生だぜ」

Soujyuro was so impressed with Tobimaru's words he couldn't speak. They gave him a new perspective.鳶丸の発言は目から鱗だったのか、草十郎は感心して息を呑んでいる。
It wasn't just the words, "don't be scared to run away from a bad place."イヤなら逃げていい、という言葉にではなく、
What had really left a strong impression was Tobimaru's confidence.そう言い切れる槻司鳶丸に、強い感銘かんめいを受けたのだ。
Although he had been born in this town, he spoke freely of abandoning it.この町に生まれながら、この町をあっさり捨てられると言った彼の自由さに。

"I never thought I'd hear you talk about running away."「鳶丸から、逃げるなんて言葉がでるとは思わなかった」

"There's nothing wrong with running away if you have somewhere to run to.「逃げる先があるなら逃げてもいいだろって話。
That's not to say you shouldn't hold on to words like victory and success, or fortune and fame.……そりゃ勝ちとか成功とか、そういう言葉に固執するのも悪くはねえさ。富と名声はいいもんだしな。
I just think it's easy to feel stifled if you're always trying to win. I don't have the willpower of someone like Aozaki who can just power through things. I like to keep life... light."だが、俺にはどうも、勝ち続けるっていうのは固まるってコトに見える。息苦しくてしょうがない。蒼崎みたいにがんじがらめになっても突き進むパワーもねえしな。身上は軽い方がいいだろうよ」

"You think life is better when it's light?"「? 人生は軽い方がいいのか?」
"I don't really mean lightweight or secure, or anything like that. I just want more adventure or, you know..."「いや、軽いとか手堅いとか、そういうんじゃなくて、オレはもっと、こう、浪漫ろまんあふれるっつーか……」

Tobimaru furrowed his brow at his inability to find the proper words.言いかけて、それも違うな、と鳶丸は眉をひそめる。
What he wanted was simple.欲しいものは単純なものだ。
"Look, I just want to live a life that I can laugh about."「そうだな。俺はきっと、笑える人生が送りたいんだ」
That was how he saw life.こういうものだろ、と。
Tobimaru tried his best to put into words his thoughts, hoping his friend would find them useful.鳶丸は自分が良しとするものが、いま目の前で悩む友人の指針になればいいと願って口にした。

"...Like... a comedian?"「………………漫才師か?」
Tobimaru's shoulders slumped in disappointment.ガックリと肩を落とす。
But even so...落としたものの、
"Actually, yeah. Sure."「いや、そんなもんか、実際」
The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Soujyuro wasn't really wrong.よくよく考えると的はずれでもない、と納得する鳶丸だった。

There was no end to human desire.人間、望めば望むほど果てがない。
The perfect life was an unattainable dream.最高の人生なんてものは誰であろうと迎えられない。
The only way to really win was to be able to say with your dying breath that you had truly enjoyed living.なら、いまわの際で「俺の人生は愉快だった」とニヤつけるなら、最後の最後で勝ち組だろうと。

"...Man, I wonder if this is Aozaki's influence. She's the type to take a gamble on anything. I bet she loves Bonnie and Clyde."「……ったく、蒼崎の影響かねえ。考えなしの博徒ばくとかっていうの。あいつ、ボニー&クライドとか大好きなんだろうなあ」
Tobimaru tiredly scratched his head.やれやれと鳶丸は頭を掻いた。
He never would have said something like this last year, considering how pessimistic he had been then.一年前までは厭世的だった自分が、よくもまあここまで偉そうに語れるものだと。

"Anyway, there's no end to it if you worry about everyone else's business.「ともかくだ。他人の事情にいちいち落ちこんでるようじゃ日が暮れるぜ。
Look, the sun's already going down. We've been out here forever."いや、実際もう暮れかけてるけどな。とんだ道草だ」
"Sorry to keep you. Do you have something else you need to be doing?"「そうか。引き留めてすまなかった。鳶丸は他に用事が?」

"...Nah, maybe I'll just be good and head home.「……俺も大人しく家に帰るとするか。
You should get home before it gets totally dark, too. If they ask you what you were doing, just be honest. It's not as bad as you think it sounds."そっちも日が落ちる前に帰れよ。何をしていたか聞かれたら、隠さず事情は説明しとけ。その話、おまえが思ってるほどひでえ話じゃねえから」

Soujyuro frowned and fell silent.鳶丸の言葉に、眉を八の字にして黙りこむ草十郎。
He still hadn't come to terms with his arrangement with that old woman yet.彼の中では、あの老婆にしてしまった行為の折り合いが付いていない。

If he hadn't gone there in the first place, she might not have felt like anything was missing from her life.そもそも草十郎があの家を訪れなければ、彼女が自分の人生に絶望する事はなかったはずだ。
That feeling of regret was exactly why he wanted to talk to someone.そう悔いているからこそ、草十郎は誰かに話したかったのだ。

"I bet you think you've done something cruel to her, don't you?「おまえ、残酷なことをしたと思ってんだろ。
Like you showed her something that she can never have. Am I right?"婆さんの人生に、今からじゃ取り戻せないモノを見せつけた、とかな」
Soujyuro was stunned into silence.核心をつかれて黙りこむ。
Tobimaru knew exactly what Soujyuro regretted.その後悔を、鳶丸ははっきりと切り捨てた。
"You shouldn't think that you have that much power over someone, Soujyuro."「そりゃ違う。思い上がりだぜ草十郎」

"Listen. If she thinks she messed up her life, then you should do whatever you can to help her.「いいか。その婆さんも、自分は人生に失敗した、なんて思ってんなら、今の自分に出来ることをさせればいい。
She's stinking rich, right?幸い、金は腐るほどあるんだろ?
Then get her to help people with it. There are so many problems in this world she can fix with her money.なら、思いっきり人助けをさせてみろ。金で救える不幸なんざ山ほどあるだろ。
If you can get her to be proud of herself, then you'll have done a good job. It would make me happy at least."んで、婆さんがどんなもんだと胸を張れたんなら、そりゃ間違いなくいい仕事だ。少なくとも俺は気持ちがいい」

"Hm... But that still doesn't get rid of her suffering."「……む。それは、おばあさんの苦しみを解決していない」
"Don't worry about problems you can't solve.「解決できねえ問題は放っておけ。
Focus on the problems you can help with.その婆さんには今、他に解決できる問題があるんだからそれでいいじゃねえか。んで、
If you can convince her to let you give that money back so she can use it to help others and herself, then she's won.『悪いけどお金はこれから世のため人のため自分のために使うから返しておくれ』となったらば婆さんの勝ち。
That will give more meaning to her life than a fake grandson ever could."偽者の孫なんざより、よっぽどいい生き甲斐に目覚めたわけだな」

If she says she's done enough, and she wants you to have the rest of her money...『これで満足したから残りはやっぱり貰っておくれ』
That means you've won.と言えばおまえさんの勝ち。
She'd prefer to think of you as her grandson. If that's the case, then there's no shame in taking that money from her."婆さんにとってはやっぱり孫の方がいいって事で、そん時は大手を振って大金もって帰りやがれ」

"...I see now."「―――なるほど」
Soujyuro clapped his hands together. He was finally able to accept these conditions as fair.鮮やかな大岡裁きに、ポン、と手を打つ草十郎。
"Hey, thanks for the talk, Tobimaru."「すまない。ありがとう鳶丸」
His smile was no longer bitter.苦笑いは既にない。
He would do whatever he could to help that old woman choose to assist others in need.今の一言で、彼は老婆の選択が前者になるよう、努力しようと決めたのだ。

Tobimaru thought that such unwavering confidence was the sign of true freedom.鳶丸に言わせれば、その迷いのなさこそ、よっぽど自由に眩しく見える。
"Don't worry about it. I needed it just as much as you.「気にするな、礼を言うならお互いさまだ。
See you after the break."じゃあな草十郎。休み明けに、また学校で」

His goodbye wasn't the friendliest, but Soujyuro didn't mind. He ran home with a big smile on his face.愛想のない捨て台詞だったが、そんな鳶丸の態度も気にせず、草十郎は満面の笑みで手を挙げて走っていった。
Tobimaru's smile was a bit less carefree as he left the footbridge.それに心底から困った笑みを浮かべて、鳶丸も歩道橋を後にする。
The time was four-thirty in the evening.時刻は午後四時半。
Night would soon fall over the midwinter landscape.真冬の町並みはほどなくして、夜のとばりを降ろしていった。

"I'm home! Looks like it's going to be a cold one tonight again."「ただいま。今夜はまた、一段と冷えるね」
Aoko and Alice were both in the drawing room when he returned.草十郎が戻ると、居間には青子と有珠の姿があった。
Neither of them had eaten dinner yet.ふたりともまだ夕食前らしい。
Aoko looked displeased.青子はむすっとした顔で、
Alice sat uncomfortably on the sofa.有珠はどことなく落ち着かない様子でソファーに座っている。

"Huh, were you two waiting for me to get home?"「あれ。もしかして、こっちの帰りを待っていたのか?」
Alice quietly affirmed his assumption.かすかに肯定する有珠と、
Aoko vehemently denied it.あからさまに否定する青子。

"Aozaki, I might just be imagining things, but you seem even more worked up than you were last night."「蒼崎。俺の気のせいならいいんだけど、なんだか昨夜以上にどうかしてないか?」
Soujyuro had gotten slightly better at reading the room, but he still had difficulty choosing the right words.多少は空気が読めるようになった草十郎だが、言葉遣いはまだまだお粗末である。

(I'll show you worked up!)どうかしてるかっ!
...Was what she wanted to say, but she stopped herself.……と切り返したい青子ではあるが、ぐっと堪える。
She wasn't actually all that angry with Soujyuro.彼女は別に、草十郎が気にしているほど怒ってはいないからだ。
Aoko Aozaki.が。

"Wait, what are you worked up about Aoko?"「どうかしてるの、青子?」
"I'm not worked up about anything! If anybody's worked up about something, it's Soujyuro!"「してないわよ! してるのは草十郎の方だっていうの!」
Alice's additional remark seemed to have been the tipping point.有珠からの波状攻撃によって、むなしくも決壊してしまった。

Soujyuro thought this showed she was indeed worked up about something.ほら、どうかしてるじゃないか、と草十郎は無言で指摘する。
"You think so? I thought he seemed more normal than usual tonight."「静希君がどうかしたの? 彼、今夜は比較的まともだけど」
Soujyuro felt like that was pretty offensive too, but let it slide.その言葉もどうかと思う草十郎だった。

"Fine, if that's how you want to play it. I was going to wait for you to say something, but I'll just go ahead and ask.「ああもう、分かったわよ。そっちから切りだすまで黙っていようと思ったけど、私の方から訊いてあげる。
Soujyuro, have you ever heard of an organization called the Light of Truth?"草十郎。アンタ、ほんものの光って名前に聞き覚えはない?」
"No, not before now."「いやまったく。はじめて聞いた」

"I didn't think so. Your name wasn't in their records anywhere. How could we have messed that up so badly...「でしょうね。名簿にアンタの名前はなかったもの。なんだってあんな勘違いしちゃったんだろ。
It wasn't all for naught, but now I've set more bad rumors afloat."骨折り損……とまではいかないけど、また良くない評判たてちゃった」

Aoko let out an exaggerated sigh and flopped down onto the sofa.青子は大げさにため息をついて、ソファーにぐったりとよりかかる。
Seeing Aoko in this weakened state as an opportunity...そんな青子の弱体化を好機と見たのか。
...the blue robin flew jauntily down from the sunroom.サンルームから颯爽さっそうとテーブルに飛来する青い星が一つ。

"Hahaha! I saw it with me own mince pies! The whole neighborhood is like, 'Oh that Aozaki girl has gone and done it again! She took down a whole business with the snap of her fingers!' You're an urban legend at this point! Hahahaha!"『ハハハ、見てたっス、ジブン見てたっス! ご近所じゃもう尾ひれつきまくりッス! 蒼崎さんトコの娘さんがまた指一本で店潰したとかマジパネェ、指先一つでダウンとかどこまで都市伝説作る気っスかwwwwww』

The robin continued to chatter praise for Aoko's deeds of valor.チチチ、と青子の健闘をたたえる駒鳥。
Aoko knocked it away with a flick of her finger, and picked herself up off the sofa.それを指先一つで弾き飛ばして、青子はのっそりと体を起こした。

"...I see you don't have an envelope of money today. Is your part-time job finished?"「……今日はお金、持ってないわね。例のアルバイトはもう終わったの?」
"No, it's still going. I'm actually just holding that money. I made a separate bank account for it and deposited it this morning."「いや、まだ続いているよ。あのお金は預かりものだから、朝のうちに口座を作って預けておいた」
"You're holding it?"「預かりもの?」
"Yep. I'll be giving it all back eventually."「そう、預かりもの。きっと全額かえすことになる」

Soujyuro took off his coat and began talking about his job as a home helper.そうして、草十郎はコートを脱ぎながらホームヘルパーのアルバイトを説明した。
He kept it simple, explaining how things began and the conclusion he'd come to with Tobimaru earlier.あくまで簡素に。事の発端と、さきほど友人と一緒にだした結論だけを口にする。

Aoko seemed stunned by the outlandish circumstances, but in the end...はじめは突拍子のない内容に面食らった青子だったが、終わる頃には、
"Okay, okay, I should've known. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed. You really are incapable of doing any wrong, aren't you?"「はいはい、やっぱりね。安心したっていうか、ガッカリしたっていうか。そうよね、どう頑張っても悪事を働ける人間じゃないわよね、貴方」
She was back to her usual offensive self.などと、いつもの憎まれ口に戻っていた。

There was another girl in the room who had at this point gone pale.ホッと一息ついた青子の対面で、ひっそり青ざめる少女がひとり。

"Wait. So you're saying that wasn't your money?"「待って。という事は、それは静希君のお金ではないの?」
"That's right. I'm just holding it for someone else."「ああ。他人様ひとさまのお金だよ」

The expression on your face right now is something else. Are you okay?"なんかとんでもない顔してるけど、どうかした?」
"...No, I'm fine. I just ordered takeout."「……それが。どうかはしてないけど、出前はしたわ」
Alice handed out menus for the local soba noodle shop and a cafe.そっと、壊れ物を扱うように蕎麦屋と喫茶店のメニューを差しだす有珠。

The blood drained from Aoko's face as she took everything in.それだけで事態を飲みこんでしまったのか、ざあ、と青子から血の気が引いていく。
Alice quietly passed her a small note.さらにそそっと、有珠から一枚のメモが差し出される。
On it was a hastily written order that was more than enough food for the three of them.走り書きとおぼしきメモには、三人分にしては余りある量の注文が―――

"Wha- W-W-Wait, you already ordered?!"「な―――ままま、まさかもう注文を!?」
"Well, yeah. I thought it was about time someone treated us..."「……だって。そろそろ、ご馳走のタイミングかと思って」
Alice's accusing gaze fell on Soujyuro.うなだれる有珠の視線は、どことなく草十郎を非難していた。

"Huh? Me? Why?"「え? 俺? なんで?」
"Because you got everyone's hopes up! Alice was looking forward to you treating us to dinner, you know!"「そりゃ、アンタがいらない期待を持たせたからでしょ。有珠、あんなに喜んでたじゃない。明日はご馳走ねって」
Soujyuro clapped his hands together for the second time today.ポン、と本日二度目の手打ち音が響く。
He remembered that Alice had said that yesterday.そう言えば昨日の夜、有珠はそんな事を言っていた。

"Yes, and you agreed!"「ええ。あの夜、静希君は同意してくれたわ」
Alice was eager to emphasize that this was not her fault.なので自分は悪くない、と有珠は主張する。
"Yeah, but..."「いや、それは」

"Alice may have messed up, but it's your fault! This is why you shouldn't walk around with so much money.「そうね。有珠のミスなのは確かだけど、悪いのはアンタもよ。大金を持ち歩くってのはそれだけで危険なんだから。
I hope you've learned your lesson. You two are just going to have to split the bill."いい教訓になったんじゃない? 観念して、二人で勘定を折半しなさいよ」

"No way, I can't! That money is in the bank, and I only have five hundred yen on me."「いや、それはできない。あのお金は預けてきたし、そもそも五百円しか持ち合わせがない」
"...He's right. Even if we pool our money together, we won't have enough. Can we cancel the order...?"「……そう。合わせても足りないわね。……試した事はないけど、出前にキャンセルはきくのかしら……」

An air of despair fell upon the Kuonji Estate.絶望に包まれる久遠寺邸。
Aoko sighed as if none of this involved her.それを他人事のように眺めつつ、やれやれと青子はため息をついた。
She hated to coddle them, but perhaps this was her fate.……甘やかすのはよくないが、これも星の巡り合わせなのだろう、と。

"I should've known this would happen.「―――ま、そうなるか。
It's fine. I'll pay for it. I got some unexpected income today, so I might as well use it."いいわよ、私が出してあげる。今日は臨時収入があったから、パァーッと派手に使いましょう」
Aoko's sudden proposal made both Soujyuro and Alice perk up.思いがけぬ青子の提案に、ふたりは何事かと顔を上げる。

"Wait, you're going to treat us, Aozaki?"「つまり、蒼崎のおごり?」
"I can't believe my ears. Are you sure, Aoko?"「そんな……信じられない。いいの青子……?」

"Well, you've already called in the order. We can't cancel now.「呼んじゃったものは今さら止められないでしょ。
If you called them earlier, they're probably already on their way up the hill.さっき電話したんなら、今ごろはもう坂を登ってきてるだろうし。
We got this money because of Soujyuro, anyway. It's a thank you present from the victim's advocacy group."……まあ、そもそも。このお金も草十郎が発端だしね。人助けをしたら、被害者の会からお礼をもらっちゃったのよ」

"It felt weird taking it from them, and this way it goes back into the shopping district anyway. So don't worry about it. I do think it's a bit of a waste, though, if I'm being honest."「だから気にしないで。なんか居心地悪かったし、浄財と思って商店街に還元する。……本音いうと、ちょっともったいないけどね」
Her roommates began celebrating.おお、と喝采かっさいをあげる同居人たち。
Aoko sank back onto the sofa upon seeing the happiness her gesture brought.その喜びようを見ながら、青子はぼすん、とソファーに沈みこんだ。

"Oh well... Easy come, easy go. All that extra money, gone just like that."「……あーあ。悪銭身に付かずって言うけど、ホントその通り。臨時収入は泡と消えた、か」
And thus...……かくして。
The curtain closed on a little incident involving a lot of cash.降って湧いた大金にまつわる、ちょっとした事件はこうして幕を下ろしたのである。

The blue robin flew down to the table again.テーブルには再度飛来する青い星。
"...Whew! That one'd knock you right out of yer Goldilocks, eh?"『……ああ。まったく、イヤなだったぜ……』
The robin chirped and mimicked puffing on a cigarette.駒鳥はチチチと鳴き声をあげながら、煙草を吹かすジェスチャーなどに興じている。

"Anyway, all 'er that aside...『まあ、それはそれとして。
Let's always remember this as 'The Dosh Affair' so that we never forget the gravel and grit Miss Aoko dragged herself through!"青子さんの空回りっぷりを忘れないよう、これをカーモネーギー事件として記録しとくッスね!』
The blue robin continued to laugh at that day's hero.つぶらな瞳で、今日最大の功労者に笑いかける青い鳥。
Aoko flicked the bird away just as someone knocked at the door.それを指先一つでバウンドさせた頃、玄関からのノックがあった。

Alice had ordered her favorite omelet dish and a set of cakes from the cafe.有珠が頼んだメニューはお気に入りの洋食店のオムライスと、喫茶店からのケーキセット。
"Might as well enjoy..."「まあ、それなら―――」
Aoko was quietly satisfied with the spoils of an honest day's work.労働の報酬にしては悪くない、と現代の魔女はこっそり気を取り直すのだった。