Extra: The Honey Adventure

It had been one year since he'd moved into the city from his remote village.人里はなれた辺境から都会に来てはや一年。
One thing he realized during that time is that likes and dislikes were the main difference between human and beast.ヒトとケモノとで一番の大きな違いは、『好き嫌い』という嗜好性なんじゃないだろうか、とカレは思った。

"So this is the new hideout, huh?「ふーん、ここが新しいアジトかー。
Not bad, I guess. It's a bit shabby, but I like how there are no people around."うん、いいんじゃない? ちょっとみすぼらしいけど、まわりに人間がいないのはキレイでいいよね」

The figure dressed in a white coat danced to and fro down the hallway.白いコートの人影が、くるくると廊下でおどる。
He was like a young woman in an old film, enjoying herself window shopping.その様はウインドウショッピングを楽しむ少女のようだ。
He was actually enjoying the atrocious sight of the school building in ruins.事実、ソレは興味津々とばかりに朽ち果てた校舎の無惨をたのしんでいる。

"Settle down. This place is falling apart. It was built over sixty years ago, you know.「そこ、あんまりはしゃがないの。なにしろちく六十年からの廃屋なんだから。
The floor could fall out from underneath you at any moment..."調子に乗ってると、バキッと床をみ抜いて―――」
His mouth shut before he could even say to let him have his fun.楽しいわよ、と言いかけた口が閉じる。

Only one set of footsteps echoed through the hallway.響いている足音は一人分だけ。
Not a single feather's worth of his seventy-pound body was exerting any force on the floor beneath him.老朽化した廊下をねぎらってか、それとも身も心も浮かれているのか。
It wasn't clear whether he was paying reverence to the hallway or simply excited by it.コート姿のソレは先ほどから微塵も、自身の三十キロ程度の重さすら、廊下に加えてはいなかった。

It's said that even walking through a grassy field, a beast is careful not to harm a single blade of grass.曰く、仁獣じんじゅうは野原を歩いても草花を傷つけないと云う。
Apparently this creature wrapped in a coat was no different.あのコート姿の人影もそのたぐいの生き物らしい。
He was more a part of the environment itself than a settler of it.カレは環境側の生き物だ。
He held no regard beasts for greater or lesser than him, but when it came to his comrades he at least displayed human-like-or rather, wolf-like clemency.高等、下等、どちらであろうと肉持つ獣には何の温情も持たないが、同胞には人並み……いや、狼並みの温情を持つらしい。

"Well, I'm glad you at least like the place.「ま、相性は良い、とプラスに考えましょう。
I'm going into town. Do you need anything? Comics? Books?"町に出かけてくるけど、何かほしいものはある? マンガとか、小説とか」

"Hmm, nothing especially.「んー、特にいりません。

|Oh! If you could pick me up a hamburger on your way back, that'd be great! The one with the fluffy bun and thick patty!"|あ、帰りにハンバーガー買ってきてくれたら嬉しいな! あの、パン生地がどっしりしてて、ハンバーグがぎゅっとしたヤツがいい!」|

"Still thinking with your stomach, huh? We'll need to figure out a reliable source of food if we want to survive here.「まだオモチャより食い気ときた。食事の調達方法も確保しないとダメみたいね。
...I wonder if this was a mistake? A hotel with room service might actually leave less evidence behind."……失敗したかな? ルームサービスのあるホテルの方が、後々あとあと証拠は残らなさそう」

Touko let out a defeated sigh.やれやれとため息をつくのは、言うまでもなく蒼崎橙子である。
With her glasses on, she was restricted to her original way of speaking and gesturing.眼鏡をかけているので、口調も仕草も彼女本来のものに固定されている。

It was the beginning of December.十二月初頭。
Exactly one month had passed since they came to Misaki City.彼女とカレが三咲市にやってきてから、まる一ヶ月が経過しようとしていた。
Until now, Touko had been attacking Misaki from a nearby neighborhood. Deciding it was time to get serious, she had moved her base of operations to this old school building.今までは隣町から三咲町を攻略していた橙子だが、そろそろ本番という事で、本営ほんえいをここ旧校舎に移転させたのである。

"Hm? You think a hotel would've been better?"「? なに、ホテルの方が良かったの?」
"That would be easier, for sure. Hotels are nice to live in, especially if they're decent quality."「そりゃあ楽だもの。グレードが良ければホテル暮らしは快適です」
"But I know you, Touko. You're really into these kinds of ruins, aren't you?"「ふーん。でもトーコさん、こういう廃墟好きだよね」
"Eh? Really?"「え、そうかな?」
"Yeah! Especially ones like this.「そうだよ。今回みたいなのは特にそう。
Whenever you get interested in something, you don't want anyone to be around you or like the same things you're into. Even though you have so many interests!"趣味に走る時、まわりにヒトがいるのイヤがるじゃない。いろんな物に興味を持つクセに、興味を持たれるのはメンドウってゆーか」

Touko couldn't deny that observation.指摘されて、そっか、と納得する橙子だった。
She had been under contract with him for two years, but it had only been about a year since he became her full-time bodyguard.カレと契約したのは二年前だが、本格的に護衛として同伴させてからじき一年。
He seemed to be able to see right through to the root of all the problems that plagued Touko.蒼崎橙子という人間の根っこにある問題を、カレはきちんと把握しているらしい。

"I don't particularly hate crowds, though. An abandoned building or factory, or even that old amusement park would've been okay too.「人混みは嫌いじゃないんだけどねー。廃ビルでも廃工場でも、いっそあの遊園地でも良かったのよ?
It's just that, here in the countryside, simply having you around is enough to get the rumor mill churning. My only option was to set up operations out here in the mountains."でも、こんな田舎町じゃ君を連れているだけで噂になるでしょ。結果的に、山奥ここに工房を構えるしかなかったの」

"Aww, but I'm in human form!「えー。ちゃんとヒト形になってるじゃん、ボク。
I don't think I stick out that much."別に目立たないと思うけどなー」
"It's a matter of fitting in. Even if you can't look Asian, we could probably get by if your hair was at least black."「色合いの問題です。アジア系は無理にしても、せめて黒髪ブルネットに化けてくれれば、いくらでも誤魔化せるんだけど」

Unfortunately, that wouldn't be happening.しかし、その要望は叶わない。
Simply being in human form at all was stressful for him.ヒト形になる事自体、カレにとってはストレスなのだ。
When he had to be human, his only condition was that he could look however he wanted.カレからしてみれば、せめて好みのカタチになる事がギリギリの妥協点なのである。
He was currently only in this form because they had to move from the town to the old school building. Once he found a classroom to sleep in, he'd be back to a wolf.今は町から旧校舎に移動する為、やむなくヒト形に変身しているが、寝床になる教室が決まればすぐに狼のカタチに戻ってしまう。

"Why do you hate being in human form so much anyway? It's not particularly difficult to stay like that, is it? Aren't you originally an astral body?"「なんだってヒト形でいるのを嫌がるのかしらね。別に難しいワケじゃないんでしょう、ソレ? もともとアストラル体みたいなものなんだから、貴方」
Being an extremely versatile lifeform which required no body to stabilize himカレの体は状況に応じて変態する。
in the physical world, his body could change according to the situation.物質界で安定する為の触媒にくたいを必要としない、万能の生命だ。
Magecraft would have defined him as a higher-dimensional lifeform with a materialized soul.魔術的に言えば、魂が物質化した高次生命である。

"It's not hard or dangerous. Just annoying.「そりゃあ何の力もリスクもないけど、メンドウなものはメンドウだよ。
Humans don't like doing things they don't have to, right?人間だって無駄なコトはしたくないでしょ?
Well, it's the same for me. There's no practical reason for me to ever be in human form."ボク、ヒト形になるコトに有利性をまったく感じないしー」

Apparently, he saw no value at all in his human form.カレにとって「人間の姿」とは何の価値も見いだせないものらしい。
That was exactly why Touko insisted he make his appearance blend in more. But the boy argued that if he had to be in an unnatural state, he'd at least make himself comfortable.なら外見を地味にしても良かろう、と橙子は指摘したものだが、意味がない変態だからこそ、せめて“気持ちの良い”状態を優先するのだ、とカレは言った。

To him, this was the only fun way to be a human, and he wasn't going to accept it any other way.カレにとってあのカタチはヒト形において唯一『楽しい』イメージらしく、そこから外れる事をがんとして受け入れない。
And so, this was why he had taken on the appearance of a foreign aristocrat in a provincial Japanese city.結果、地方都市には場違いな、外国の貴人そのもののルックスになる。
Even his posh coat had been hand-picked by Touko to satisfy one of his many demands.着ているコートも、注文の多いカレを納得させる為、橙子が手ずから選んだ逸品だった。

"Keep an eye on the place while I'm out, Beo.「じゃ、お留守番お願いねベオ君。
I don't think anyone will stumble upon us, but if they do, be sure to hold them until I get back.来ないとは思うけど、もし人が来たら捕まえておいて。
You can rough them up a bit if you need to, but no more than one leg."その際、あしの一本ぐらいなら傷つけてもOKだから」
And with that statement, Touko headed off into the city.物騒な言いつけを残して、橙子は町へと出かけていく。

"Okay, you got it!「はーい、まかされましたー!
Don't worry, I don't like how humans taste anyway!だいじょうぶ、人間とかそもそも口に合わないし!
I'll be fine here, just don't forget to bring me back something yummy!"こっちのコトは気にせず、あのピリピリするお土産よろしくねー!」

Beo plopped down onto a desk after he saw his employer off.雇い主を見送って、ベオはトスン、と机に着地した。
He morphed back into his wolf form.その姿はヒトから狼の姿に変化している。

"Sooo bored. How did I end up out here in this country town after traveling around the world?"「“あーあ、タイクツー。世界中をまわって、こんな田舎町が終着とかヒョウシ抜けもいいところー”」
It had been two years since Beo met Touko Aozaki.ベオが蒼崎橙子と出会ったのは二年前。
After some deliberation with the werewolves, the mage was left in charge of Beo's education.人狼の里に現れた魔術師は、里の者たちと交渉の末、ベオの教育係を請け負った。

Of course, his village had no real control over him. He didn't have to go with her. He decided to go simply because she seemed interesting.無論、里はベオに対して何の拘束力も持ち合わせていない。最終的にベオをその気にさせたのは、里への義理ではなく、橙子への興味だった。
Touko stood before him in the cave where he slept and asked,橙子は洞窟で眠るソレの前に立ち、

"Wait, you want to know the meaning of life?「え、生きている意味が知りたい?
Is that really why you agreed to this?"なんだ。そんな事で取引が成立するとはね」
She smiled and cut off her long locks of hair to seal their pact.涼しげに笑った後、その長い髪を切って拘束の契約くさりにした。

"To know freedom, you must also know restraint.「自由を知るには窮屈さを知っておかないとね。
Similarly, if you want to know the meaning of life, then you must have a reason not to die.同じように、生きている意味を知りたければ、まずは死ねない執着こだわりを見付けないと。
...For example, if you harbor a hatred so strong that you yourself can't fathom dying before you kill that person."―――そうだな、例えばの話。そいつを殺すまでは、とてもじゃないが死ねないほどの憎しみとか」

That hair was twenty years' worth of Touko's life.蒼崎橙子の二十年分の蓄積。
In a way, her hair was a part of herself, but she parted with it easily.分身とも言える髪を、彼女はあっさりと手放した。
She was sure that Beo was worth the twenty years it had taken her to grow that hair.それだけの価値が、今まで貯めてきたものをノータイムで切り捨てられるだけの価値が、ベオにあると確信して。

Beo, too, sensed that Touko was a creature of rare value.またベオも同じように、この人間が稀少な価値を持つ生き物だと嗅ぎ取っていた。
He was happy to have been selected by someone of her unusual talents and, though she preached learning restraint, he observed that she was a truly free woman.そんな異才に認められるのはベオとて悪い気はしなかったし、何より、窮屈さを知れと言いながらも、極めて自由な女性の振るまいに関心を覚えてしまったのだ。

And then...そうして、
Beo accepted the terms of her contract, and left his village.ベオは契約の縛りを甘んじて受け入れ、里の外―――
He took his first steps into the outside world.外の世界に足を向けた。

The first year was spent at Touko's workshop in England, learning basic knowledge.まずは一年、イギリスの工房で基本的な知識を学んだ。
Namely, it was at college of the Mage's Association, called the Clock Tower.『時計塔』と呼ばれる魔術協会の学舎での話である。
At the time, Touko had her own dedicated familiar.その頃、蒼崎橙子には専用の使い魔がいた。
Formally speaking, this familiar was Beo's senior,立場的にはベオの先輩というヤツである。
but in that year's time, Beo proved himself superior and earned the right to travel the world with Touko.ベオは一年で先輩より優れている事を証明し、橙子と共に世界を巡る旅に出かけた。

They rode on a train that collected Mystic Eyes, known as the Rail Zeppelin.北欧の森を走るという魔眼収集列車レール・ツェッペリン
They saw the Murkrake, an ancient, giant octopus living in the North Sea.北海にいまなお生き続ける巨大古代種ムールクラーケ
They explored the Bermuda Triangle, a place of no return, connected to other realms.三角形に開いた、異界に通じる帰らずバミューダの海。
They met the remains of a mage of the Elder Title, a league of ancients, deep in western Europe.西欧諸国に潜む、神代連盟エルダータイトルを名乗る魔術師のなれの果て。

All of their exploits were odd and exciting enough to hold his interest,いずれも楽しむには十分な“異常”であり、
and throughout them all, Beo felt that he'd been right to join Touko.カレは蒼崎橙子に付いてきた判断を正しく思った。
This was certainly less boring than sleeping in his cave.だって、里で眠っていた時に比べれば、少しだけ退屈しない。

But sweet honey makes one crave even sweeter poison;甘い蜜には、より甘い毒を。
having developed a taste for adventure, he now demanded even greater thrills.薬に慣れたのなら、更なる劇薬を。
It was only natural that such an innocent creature would start to look forward to its next prey.この無邪気な生き物が次の獲物を楽しみにするようになったのは、当然の流れと言える。
The pinnacle of that desire rested on Touko's final goal:その娯楽、その期待の最高峰が、蒼崎橙子の最終目的。
For all her liberty and aplomb, there was one prey she would not stop chasing until she caught it once and for all.自由自在な彼女をして、在るだけで許せないモノ、と言わしめた獲物である。

With every new adventure, Beo would ask,新しい脅威に向かう度、ベオは橙子に問いただしたものだ。
"So, is this the person you want to kill, Touko?"「“ねえ、これがトーコさんの殺したい相手?”」
However, the mage would always smile wryly and shake her head in response.しかし、魔術師は口元を皮肉げにゆがめて首を横に振るばかり。
Even this puppet master of extraordinary talent claimed that it was no easy task.こんなやさしいものじゃあない、と希代の人形師は語る。

Her target was in a realm far beyond anyone they'd dealt with so far-それまで橙子とベオが倒してきた相手、
beyond human knowledge. Perhaps, beyond even Beo.交渉してきた相手は、カレに及ばないまでも、いずれ人智じんち及ばぬ魔境たちだった。
But who could this mysterious person be? And how could they be so powerful?では、それらを向こうに回す敵とは如何ほどのモノか?
Beo couldn't help but be curious.そこまで言われては気になって仕方がない。
Discovering that he was hired for "Magical" reasons,やがて自分が雇われた目的が“魔法”と知り、
he mustered a rare bit of fighting spirit, thinking he'd found a worthy foe. But...それなら相手にとって不足はない、と珍しく闘志を燃やしたのだが―――

"You know, I think it's kind of childish for the real thing to take on an impostor.「“レーセイになって考えてみると、本物が偽物を相手にするとかオトナげないかも。
At the end of the day, this so-called 'Magic' is just another thing that humans made."魔法なんていっても、結局は人間の手によるものなんだし”」

Clearly, it was still only interested in itself.ソレの関心は、やはり自分に対してのみ。
It knew nothing of life or freedom. Its only pleasure was found in food.命を知らず、自由を知らず、楽しみといったら食事だけ。
Beo didn't necessarily feel dissatisfied, but it was becoming harder to stave off his boredom.そんな自分に不満はないが、退屈である事だけはいかんともしがたい。
Also, since accompanying Touko on her adventures, his feelings toward her had become a bit confused.それと。蒼崎橙子に同行するようになってからは、彼女に対してもよく分からない感情を持ち始めていた。

"Touko, I just think you're obsessed.「“トーコさん、あれでほんと一途だから。
You can literally do anything you want, just like me, and yet that's what you focus your energy on?"何でもできるのはボクと同じなのに、何にでも一生懸命になれるのって、ちょっとヘンだよね”」
He slumped his shoulders exaggeratedly and closed his eyes.やれやれ、と大げさに肩をすくめてまぶたを閉じる。
The golden wolf slipped off to sleep, not realizing that his feelings were in fact those of jealousy.それがねたみという感情である事を知らないまま、金色の狼は意識を落とした。

"This place sure has changed in the last four years.「四年ぶりに帰ってきてみれば、住み慣れた町の面影は何処へやら、かあ。
Did they really need to tear down and rebuild the entire front of the station? And... ah, yep. That smoke shop on the corner is gone.駅前なんてもう別物だし、大手術にも程が……ああ、やっぱりかどの煙草屋さん、なくなってる。
Oh, well. Guess I'll have to get used to the idea of buying cigarettes from a vending machine."あーあ。自動販売機で煙草を買うのにも、そろそろ慣れなくちゃいけないのかも」

Touko walked through her hometown for the first time in four years, grumbling to herself.なんてグチをこぼしながら、蒼崎橙子は四年ぶりの故郷を歩く。
She was on an aimless and careless stroll.その姿はゆるみに緩みきっていた。
No familiar escorted her,使い魔も連れておらず、
and she'd even left her self-defense 'bag' back at the hideout.護身用の「鞄」もアジトに置きっぱなし。
Today, she was in full tourist mode, not nervous about a thing.気持ちは完全に観光気分で、緊張のキの字もない。

"This place was no bigger than a footpath before, and now it's an actual street.「ここなんてあぜ道同然だったのに、今じゃ立派なストリートときた。
It's odd. I know I'm home, but it feels like going back to that town overseas."因果なものね。帰ってきたっていうのに、あっちに戻った時と同じ気持ちになってきた」

This was Touko's second time going back home.橙子にとって、帰郷はこれで二度目になる。
After leaving the Aozaki home four years ago, she'd secretly returned to Misaki.四年前に蒼崎家から出奔し、こうして秘密裏に戻って来たのが二度目こんかい
The first time was longer ago.一度目の帰郷はもっと前。
When Touko was fourteen years old, she studied abroad at an academy in England.十四歳の時、彼女は英国のとある学院に留学していた経歴を持つ。

She'd spent two years there before returning to Japan.橙子は二年間あちらで学生として過ごし、日本に帰国。
Then, she'd enrolled in a local high school named Reien Girls' Academy, and headed back to England three years later after graduating.高校は地元の学校を選び、礼園女学院で三年間過ごした後、再び英国に出奔した。
That was four years ago.それが四年前の出来事だ。
Now she felt the same as she did then, when she returned to that English country town where she'd lived for two years.その時、英国の田舎町に戻った時と同じ感想を、いま橙子は抱いている。

"Lonely? Hmm, not really. Disappointed? Not exactly. Scared doesn't sound quite right, but maybe?"「寂しい? んー、ちょっと違う。呆れてる……とも違うし、怖がっている、も近くて遠いような……」
She rounded her shoulders and fell deep into thought.肩を丸めて考えこむ。
Touko felt a tingle run up her spine in a way that couldn't really be described in words.背中にむずむずと湧きたつ、いまいち言語化できないざわめき。

Times were changing faster than ever. Everything was relatively inexpensive and could be replaced on a whim.急激な変化を迎えた時代。あらゆるものが安価で、かつ安易に造り替えられていく風潮。
After thinking to herself for a bit, she cracked her knuckles and set forth.橙子はしばし考えこんでから、そっか、と指を鳴らして足を踏み出した。

There was no use overthinking any of this.難しく考える必要はない。
This was just how things were now. That's all there was to it.これはただ、今がそういう時代であるだけの話。
It was only natural for the old to make way for the new.単に、古いものを新しいものに取り替える時期が、当然のようにやってきたのだ。
"This is it! My time is now!"「うん。つまり、私の時代ってコトだ!」

(You can do this, Touko!)“橙子さん、やっちゃってください”
This sudden spark of self-enlightenment gave Touko the encouragement she needed, and she set off with high spirits toward the train station.そんなノリノリの啓発けいはつに背中を押されて、蒼崎橙子は意気揚々と駅に向かって歩きだした。

Striding down the boulevard, she exuded the confidence of a supermodel or dictator.大通りをずんずんと驀進ばくしんする様は、トップモデルか独裁者かという迫力である。
Although she was not about to exclaim,しかし、
"My conquest begins with Main Street! Time to tear it up!"『手始めに、この大通りをメチャクチャにしてやるぜー!』
Her enthusiasm was, of course, still there.と意気込んでのコトでは、無論、ない。

Touko, however, had something she had to accomplish first...橙子とて、これからはじまる大掃除、大工事の前にセンスのない町並み……
Before she could give thought to putting an end to the town's thoughtless何の工夫も見られない、十年後には時代遅れになっているであろう大通り……
attempts at modernization that would become outdated in just a few years.更地さらちにしたいところではあるが、今の彼女にはその前にやらねばならぬ事があるのである。

"This machine's a winner for sure.「甘い設定だ。
Did they really think they could fool anyone with the pegs set like this?"こんな釘のしぼりで、客をけむにまけると思ったか」

Touko's first destination was not one Misaki's protective sigils, but rather her old favorite pachinko parlor.橙子がまず向かった先は結界の支点ではなく、繁華街のパチンコ店だった。
Though the area around the train station had undergone a dramatic makeover, the back streets were mostly unchanged.駅前は様変わりしたといっても、下町はそう変わっていない。
Touko had exchanged 5,000 yen for some little silver pachinko balls before going upstairs and sitting at the machine she determined was paying out the most that day.橙子は昔馴染みのパチンコ店に突入するや、五千円を銀玉に両替。そのまま二階フロアにあがり、今日一番の出玉設定をしている台を見抜き、ハンドルに手を掛けた。

"Hmm, maybe now's a good time to stop. Let's see... I've got twelve boxes so far. Not too shabby after not playing for four years."「そろそろ打ち止めかな。ひーふーみー……千両箱が十二箱か。まあ、四年ぶりにしちゃあ上等だろう」
She sounded slightly disappointed, but her lips and posture betrayed her good humor.台詞は冷めたものだが、口元ではちょろい、と上機嫌のていである。

Pachinko parlors were a staple form of entertainment in Japan, but they were largely absent in other countries.パチンコホールは定番とも言える娯楽提供場だが、さかんなのは日本だけで、外国ではあまり見られない。
High-stakes gamers criticized it as inefficient, time-consuming, too luck-dependent, unrewarding, and so forth... basically, a child's game.効率が悪い、時間がかかる、騙しあいの面白味がない、リスクとリターンがあっていない……等々の理由で、のプレイヤーたちからは子供の遊びと敬遠されている。

When Touko was studying abroad, she didn't see anything that even resembled a pachinko parlor.橙子の留学先でもそれは同じで、パチンコ店なぞ影も形も見あたらなかった。
However, she wasn't here playing pachinko because she was feeling nostalgic for it after five years.帰国した彼女が真っ先にパチンコ店に突貫したのは、五年ぶりの懐かしさから―――
She simply needed a war chest.ではなく、単に、軍資金が底をつきかけた為である。

"I didn't think the helicopter alone would set me over budget. Japan's so absurdly peaceful that all the black market dealers are too damned expensive.「しっかし、ヘリのチャーター代だけで足が出るとは。日本は平和すぎて裏稼業の相場が高すぎるんだ、クソッ。
Now I'm totally broke. I have to at least make a little coin to keep Beo fed."おかげで無一文だ。とりあえず、ベオのだけでもかせがにゃならん」

Touko had chartered a helicopter to airlift three shipping containers full of materials to remodel the old school building into a workshop.旧校舎を工房に改造する為、コンテナ三台分の資材をヘリコプターで隣町にまで輸送させた。
There weren't any roads a truck could take to get to the old school out deep in the mountains, so she had been forced to burn through the last of her savings.山奥である旧校舎にはトラックを走らせるだけの道がなく、結果、橙子の貯金はすっからかんになってしまったのだ。

"Oh, three sevens! This game's just about done for.「お、スリーセブン。コイツは本格的におしまいかな。
Really, only these boring games are worth playing for profit these days."まったく。こういう、どうでもいいゲームだけは星の巡りがいいときている」
Her smile remained in spite of her complaints.文句をいいつつ、口元はやはり上機嫌だ。
There was nothing more Touko-esque than her sitting cross-legged in this pachinko parlor, one hand on the machine with the other holding a cheap cigarette.片手はハンドル、片手は安い煙草、気ままに足を組んでパチンコ店を荒らすのも、まんざらでもない橙子だった。

Touko noticed something out of the corner of her eye and put on her glasses to see better.視界のすみで何かが固まっている気配を察して、メガネをかける。
She glanced over toward the odd sounds she heard and saw a pale-faced parlor employee.妙な物音に橙子が視線を向けると、そこには顔面蒼白の店員の姿があった。
He had a baby face and looked like he was still in high school.まだ高校生にしか見えない、童顔の店員である。

Upon seeing Touko, he froze for a moment, then ran off.何があったのか、店員は橙子を見るなり硬直し、その後、あたふたと走り去った。
Or rather, he fled in a panic.というか、逃げだしていった。

"Oof... Am I that scary?"「……む。私、そんなに引く感じ?」
Mage though she was, Touko was still in the prime of her youth.橙子とて年頃の女性である。
Though she didn't like it when guys ogled her or tried to strike up a conversation, she thought a boy running full tilt away from her was a bit much.見つめられたり声をかけられたりするのは正直面倒だが、それにしても、一目散に逃げられる、というのはあんまりではなかろうか、と唇をとがらせる。
Touko made a mental note to scare the crap out of that kid the next time she saw him, and returned to her game.あの高校生……今度見かけたら脅かしてやろう、と心のチェックリストに書き込みつつ、橙子はゲームを再開した。

With her winning tickets in hand, Touko left the pachinko parlor.大量の景品を抱えてパチンコ店を後にする。
She had won quite a bit, but it was hard for her to feel good about it after what had happened at the end of her session.せっかくの大勝ちなのだが、最後の出来事のおかげで素直に喜べない。

Wondering what that had been about, she looped around the back of the parlor to redeem her winnings for cash.橙子はなんだかなー、と頭を掻きつつ、店の裏手にある換金所に足を向け、
"Oh, well if it isn't Touko!"「おや、橙子さんじゃないですか」
She stopped in her tracks, frozen by a familiar voice she hadn't heard in four years.四年ぶりに聞く、思い出深い声に呼び止められた。

Beo's ears perked up as he woke from his slumber.ピン、と眠っていたベオの耳が立つ。
It was just before sunset.時刻は日没前。
He opened his eyes with a big yawn, sniffing at a familiar scent in the air getting closer.嗅ぎ慣れた匂いが近づいてくるのを察して、カレは大きな欠伸あくびと共に目を覚ました。

Beo jumped down to the floor and transformed back into his human form.ベオは机から床に飛び降り、ヒト形に変化する。
Though he and Touko didn't have a strict master-servant relationship, he felt he should at least go and greet her since he was supposed to be watching over the place in her absence.仮初かりそめの主従関係ではあるが、留守番役として、出迎えぐらいはきっちりとこなす気らしい。

Beo's face scrunched into a perplexed frown as they met in the hallway.廊下で顔を会わすなり、ベオは違和感に顔をしかめた。
He sensed something more to the smell he'd been so used to.嗅ぎ慣れたはずの匂いに、なにか、余分な厚みが混じっている気がしたからだ。

"Hey Beo, I'm back.「ただいまベオくん。
Here's your reward for watching the place while I was out."はい、真面目にお留守番していたお土産」
Touko handed the paper bag she was holding to Beo.橙子は手にした紙袋をベオに手渡す。
Beo was happy to get his hands on the bag stuffed full of hamburgers, but he tilted his head at the lingering odd scent.ハンバーガーのたっぷり詰まった紙袋を受け取って、カレは喜びながら、やっぱりおかしい、と首を傾げた。

"Why the long face? Did something happen while I was gone?"「どうしたの、浮かない顔して。留守中、何かあった?」
"No. I slept, it was so boring, actually. Did something happen with you, though?「いや、思わず寝ちゃうぐらい何もなかったけど……トーコさんの方こそ何かあった?
You seem a little down, weirdly tired, and stranger than anything is the fact that you bought me my favorite hamburgers."なんか元気ないし。妙に疲れてるし。なにより、ちゃんとボクの好きなお店のハンバーガー、買ってきてるし」

"Oh, really? Nothing happened, though."「え、そう? 別に、何もなかったけど?」

This was all extremely suspicious.怪しい。怪しいコトこの上ない。
One of the major red flags for Beo was Touko's usual complete lack of interest in food.ベオの不満点の一つとして、橙子の食事へのこだわりの無さがあげられる。
Touko thought that a hamburger was the same no matter where you ate one, so she had often just stopped at wherever was closest.ハンバーガーなんてどこでも一緒だろう、とのたまう橙子は、どうでもいい店で買い物を済ませてしまうのだ。
Thus, Touko would only stop at a certain Asian burger chain, still rare in Japan, maybe one percent of the time. Not to mention...そんな橙子が、日本ではまだ店舗の少ないロッテリャーでハンバーガーを買ってきてくれるなぞ百回に一回あるかないか。加えて、

"W-What's the big deal?「い、いいじゃない、
So I bought you hamburgers from your favorite place, who cares?"ちゃんと好きなお店のバーガーを買ってきたんだからっ」

"I was just trying to say thank you for everything.「これは私なりの、ベオくんへの感謝の気持ち。
I've dragged you around all over the place, and I just hope you'll stick with me."今まで色々連れ回したけど、これからもよろしくね」
She had a sickly-sweet smile on her face.この愛想笑いである。
If any of the puppets she had let loose in Misaki heard what she was saying right now, they'd probably fall into a logic error loop and self-destruct. Touko was not one to ever consider the rights of her familiars.使い魔の人権なんて考えたコトもない蒼崎橙子がこんなコトを言いだしたら、三咲町に放たれた数十体の人形たちはロジックエラーの末、自爆して果てるだろう。

"This all smells fake, false, and full of lies to me!胡散うさんくさい、芝居しばいくさい、抹香まっこうくさい!
You're not supposed to be nice! You're never nice!優しいトーコさんなんてトーコさんじゃない!
You hate everyone and everything around you, complain constantly, and want to ruin anyone else who's ever having a good time. You only restrain yourself because you don't have a good reason to act... What happened to the Touko that had nothing but a shred of intellect standing between herself and complete moral bankruptcy?"いっつも周りを恨んでいて、文句ばっかり言って、幸せそうなヒトたちをメチャクチャにしたいんだけど大義名分がないから我慢してる……そんな、理性のおかげでかろうじて性格破綻者をまぬがれてるトーコさんはどこいったのさ?」

"Well, that's awfully rude. I can be nice sometimes, you know.「失礼しちゃうなあ。私だって、たまには優しくなる時ぐらいあるんだから。
It's been four years since I've been back here. Wouldn't you feel a little relaxed if you went back to your village?ほら、四年ぶりに故郷に帰ってきたのよ? ベオくんだって里に帰ったら、ちょっとぐらいホッとするでしょ?
That's how it is for me. I'm still young, cute, and innocent enough to feel a little homesick from time to time."それと同じ。私だって、ホームシックになる程度の可愛らしさはあるんです」

"Wow, what a load of crap. It must be a cold day in Hell!"「すっごい嘘。月が涙を流すぐらい嘘!」
"I'm serious!「ホントですぅ~!
That's it, you've ruined the moment. Give me back those hamburgers. You don't get to eat tonight!"もぅ、ベオくんそれ返して! 罰として夕食抜き!」

Touko made a grab for the paper bag, but Beo dodged and jumped out the window.紙袋を取り返そうとする橙子をかわして、ベオは窓の外に飛び出した。
He dexterously kicked off against the wall and scampered up onto the roof of the old school building.そのまま器用に壁を蹴って、旧校舎の屋根まで退避する。

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!「なんだい。ほーんと、つまんない!
I never want to see you making excuses like that, Miss Touko!"言い訳するトーコさんとか、ボク、見たくない!」
He pulled out a hamburger from the paper bag and took a big bite out of it.紙袋からハンバーガーを取り出し、ぱくりとかぶりつく。

That said...……しかし。
Though her attitude had seemed like an act to Beo, it was true that Touko was in an unusually good mood.芝居くさい、とは言ったが、橙子が普段より穏やかだったのは事実だった。
It was unclear why that was the case, but Touko seemed to be feeling something special, or at least something she hadn't ever shown Beo before.なぜそうなのかは分からないが、先ほどの橙子には特別な……というか、今までベオには見せなかった……感情があったようだ。

"...What could that smell be?「……なんだろ、あの匂い。
It was so light, but also annoying..."妙にふわふわしてて、うっとうしくて―――」
Beo couldn't understand what exactly that feeling was.あれがどんな感情なのか、ベオには分からない。
He only knew basic feelings such as like and dislike, delicious or disgusting. He wasn't able to articulate much further than that yet.好きと嫌い、美味しいと不味いしか知らないカレには、まだそういうが分からない。

"Eh, whatever. It has nothing to do with me anyway. She'll be the same old Touko tomorrow, I'm sure."「ま、いいけど。ボクには関係ないし。トーコさんも、明日になればいつものトーコさんだろうし」
Beo continued to eat through his hamburgers, still not completely satisfied with the day's course of events.不満げにぼやきながら、パクパクとハンバーガーを消費していく。
The truth was...……正直なところ。
Even if Beo didn't care enough to understand it, he was still a little upset that there was something he didn't know.分かりたいとは思わないが、未知があるコトに、ちょっとだけ不満なベオだった。

A few days passed.それから何日か経過した。
Unbeknownst to the people of Misaki, progress was being made on the remodeling of the old school building.旧校舎の改造は人知れず進んでいく。
Meanwhile, Beo was bored out of his mind knowing he had to be stuck here for at least another month.あと一ヶ月近くここで待機、と言いつけられたベオは退屈で仕方がない。
He could feel both his body and his mind dulling as he spent his days simply lounging around eating meat.日々とじこもって肉を食べているだけでは、心も体もにぶるというもの。
On the other hand...一方、

"I'm going shopping. Take care of the place while I'm gone!"「買い出しに出てくるから、後はよろしくねー」
"Have fun while I was out? Here, I brought you home some roast beef!"「元気してた? はい、お土産のローストビーフ!」
"I'm going out for a bit! Tidy up those materials on the roof while I'm out, okay?"「いってきまーす。屋上の機材、片づけておいてね~」
"Off I go, my trusty vassal!"「よし、行ってくるでござる」
"'Eyyy, good work! Huh? I shmell like booze? Oh silly, I'm not drunk at all! Not one... not one bit... I can keep goin'!"「おつかれー! え、お酒くさい? ばっか、酔ってなんかないですぅー。もーぜんぜん酔ってなんかないもーん」

This is what Touko had become.このように。
The mage was constantly out and always in a good mood, in stark contrast to Beo, who spent his days doing nothing.自宅警備中のカレとは対照的に、魔術師は実に行動的、かつ上機嫌だった。
Evidently she was happy with how her workshop was becoming more and more fortified by the day.着々と要塞化していく臨時工房アジトの出来に、よほど満足しているらしい。

"No. That's DEFINITELY not it.「ちがう。もー、ぜぇっっっったいちがう。
That isn't enough to put Miss Touko in such a good mood.そんなんでトーコさんの機嫌はよくなんないし。
She's constantly complaining about the state of this place.旧校舎こ こに関しちゃグチグチ不満ばっかりこぼしてるし。
Plus, the silly samurai way she's been talking is so not like her."何より、ござるとかバカっぽいコト言わないし」

"Hm? What's wrong, Beo? You look unhappy. I bet you're ready to get out of here and go wild, huh?"「うん? どうしたのベオくん。すっごく不細工な顔してるけど。そろそろ暴れたくて仕方がない?」

"That's not the problem here.「そういうモンダイじゃありませーん。
...I do want to hurry up and get this fight on, but I know it's not going to be for a while yet. I'm just waiting and doing as you ask.……まあそりゃ、早く本命とやらと戦ってみたいけど、もうちょっと先なんでしょ。ならガマンする。トーコさんの言葉は今のところハズレないから、おとなしく従います。

"Something's... weird. I know there's always nothing to do when we're preparing, but this time it doesn't feel tense the way it should.「なんかヘン。いつも下準備の時はこれぐらいヒマだけど、緊張感がない。
I'm just eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping, every day. It's going to make me fat. I don't want to be fat!"毎日食べて寝て食べて寝てじゃふとるー。ぶくぶくにふとるよー。そんなのカッコヨクないよー」

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't be worrying about that. You don't even need to use the bathroom, so don't act like you're any kind of normal creature."「なに言ってるんだか。ベオくんにそんな心配は無用でしょう。排泄はいせつもしないクセに、まともな生き物ぶってるんじゃありません」
"Fair point. But you will! You're going to get as fat as a pig!"「うん。だから、おもにトーコさんが。ブクブクに」

"Are you serious?!「ベオくん、それホント!?
I've been weighing myself and the number hasn't changed at all. Am I astrally getting fatter?! Can you tell?!"数値は変わってない筈だけど、なんかこう、アストラル的に増えちゃったりしてる!?」

This is what Beo was talking about.これである。
Touko knew the accuracy of Beo's eye, and trusted his discerning vision over even the numbers on her scale.ベオの目の確かさを知っている魔術師は、体重計よりカレの鑑識眼を信じたらしい。
Normally Touko would just remove her glasses and say something like,いつもの橙子ならメガネを外し、

"I know this is out of the blue, but I want to test the utility of this suicide attack weapon.「唐突だが、特攻兵器の有用性を確認したくなった。
No, no, I don't want to hear your opinion about it, Beo. Just put this collar on. It'll launch you high into the sky!"ああいや、意見は聞いていない。さあベオ、この首輪をつけてみろ。思いっきりハイに飛べるぞ」
But she hadn't done anything of the sort, and it was beyond weird for her.ぐらいは本気で実行してくるだろうに、にぶっているにも程がある。

"...No, you haven't gained any weight.「……別にえてないよ。
There's a slight variation from yesterday, but that's normal for a human. It would be really silly for you to worry about that seriously, so please don't."昨日とちょっとの上下差はあるけど、そんなの人間なら当たり前だし。いちいち本気にするとか、見苦しいからやめてほしい」

You don't think it's just gonna show up later or anything?"こう、後でボテっとくるような気配とか、ない?」
"No, the nutrients you consumed yesterday have distributed nicely throughout your body. You're the same Touko as always."「ないってば。昨日摂った栄養分はきれいに分配されてるし。いつも通りのトーコさんだよ」

That last part was a lie.それは嘘だ。
She was not the same Touko that Beo had always known.厳密に言えば、橙子はベオの知る“いつも通り”ではない。
Even though she was physically the same, there was something still odd about her since a few days ago.肉体面では寸分変わらぬ彼女でも、数日前から妙な違和感が付きまとっている。

That strange, floaty, lingering scent was still there.あの、妙にわした匂い。
It was a change that only a wild beast like Beo could discern, but it was getting stronger with each passing day.野生の獣にしか嗅ぎ取れない変化だが、それは日に日に増していっている。
Beo was annoyed because he just could not figure out what that scent was.カレが不機嫌なのは、あの匂いが“どんな味”なのか、まったく見当がつかないからだった。

"What a relief!「それなら安心安心、と。
I'm headed out. Take care of the place while I'm out!"私は出かけてくるから、お留守番よろしくね~!」
Touko failed to notice Beo's poor mood and left the old school building in her usual carefree mood.ベオの不機嫌さに気付かず、橙子は緩みきった足取りで旧校舎を後にした。
This was how it'd been for days now.ここ数日、ずっとこれの繰り返しである。

Beo stared at his own reflection in the window and contemplated for a while.窓硝子に映った自分の姿を見て、ベオはしばし思案した。
Unfortunately, this wouldn't solve anything.これでは何の解決にもならない。
It wouldn't change the fact that his employer was still acting strangely,雇い主の様子がおかしいのはタダさねばならないし、
and it wouldn't get rid of the uncertainty he was constantly feeling in his chest.胸に湧いたこのモヤモヤも晴らさないと楽しくない。

He knew he didn't have much other choice.金色の生き物は仕方あるまい、と鹿爪らしく頷いて、
"I guess I'll just tail her."「よし。トーコさんを尾行しよう」
He decided to let go of his principles for just this one day.今日一日だけ、自分の信条をすみに追いやるコトにした。

"They say winter's going to be colder than usual this year."“今年の冬の寒さは、例年より厳しくなるらしい。”
"Make sure you've got sufficient food, clothing, and shelter."“衣食住の備えは万全に。”
"We should be fine on clothing, but make sure to shore up the other two."“僕らに衣は関係ないけど、残り二つは大切だよ。”
He listened to the talk around town as he passed through Misaki.そんな世間話を聞きながら、カレは三咲町を横断する。

It was just past one in the afternoon on a weekday.平日の午後一時過ぎ。
Workers had returned to the office after their lunch breaks, and the kids were all still in school.会社員は昼休みを終えてオフィスビルへ、学生たちはまだ学校で授業中だ。
The main street was fairly calm and relaxed with mostly housewives out and about.人混みは主婦が中心で、大通りはどことなくまったりとした雰囲気だった。

Yet one person stood out in this calm and gentle sea of people.そんな穏やかな世界に、不穏な異分子がひとり。
Touko endured the stares of the housewives out shopping, salespeople in their shops, and salarymen out on business as she walked through the main street.買い物中の奥さま方、売店の店員、外回りのサラリーマン等から様々な視線を浴びながら、蒼崎橙子はどこ吹く風で大通りを闊歩する。
It wasn't just her sense of style that stood out, but also her generally powerful presence that attracted eyes.目立つ服装はもとより、彼女本人の“姿勢の強さ”が人目を惹くのだろう。
To put it simply, she walked with the confidence of a model on the runway.俗に言う、モデル歩きというヤツである。

(She's always telling me to try not to stand out, but look at her! It won't be only my fault if we're discovered...)「“……人には目立つなって言うクセに、本人はアレだもんなあ。潜伏期間中、相手に見つかるのはボクだけのせいじゃないと思う……”」
Beo kept about ten yards behind Touko, careful not to actually mutter the words he was thinking in his head.なんて、言いたいコトをぐっと堪えながらカレは雇い主の後方、十メートルの位置をキープする。

In Touko's defense, she was fully aware of how much she stood out in a crowd.橙子本人の名誉の為に注釈しておくと、彼女とて自分がどれほど目立つか理解している。
If she was out at a busier time of day, she always wore an accessory inscribed with a rune that diverted people's attention away from her and made her stand out approximately forty percent less.今は人通りの少ない時間帯なのですっぴんだが、学生や社会人が多くなる時間帯では視線よけのルーンを刻んだ装飾アクセできらびやかさを四割ほど落としているのだ。

Touko finished up her shopping and headed toward the residential part of town.蒼崎橙子は商店街でいくつか買い物を済ませた後、住宅地に向かった。
She walked up to a house that looked completely normal,彼女は何の変哲もない一般家屋を訪問した。
rang the doorbell and, after stating her name, the door opened quietly.ベルを押し、「蒼崎橙子です」と告げると、門は静かに開かれた。
It looked as though the things she had bought were for the resident of this house.どうも、商店街の買い物はこの家への土産であるらしい。

The nameplate outside read "Asagi."表札には浅葱あさぎとある。
Misaki was in the mountains. But, for just a moment, Beo got a whiff of sea brine.ふと、しおの匂いがする、とカレは感じ取ったが、三咲町は山間の街だ。
Assuming he must have just mistaken it for some other smell, he put it out of his mind.こんなところに潮の匂いが在るのはおかしい、何か別の匂いだろう、とカレは忘れるコトにした。

Touko came out of the house after about thirty minutes.橙子は三十分ほどで出てきた。
She stretched her arms above her head and took a deep breath. Whatever had gone on inside seemed to have been rather serious.彼女の中ではわりと重い案件だったのか、家から出るなり両腕を空に伸ばして深呼吸をする。
It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.肩の荷を下ろすような、そんな伸びだった。

"That takes care of those negotiations at least.「これで根回しは終了、っと。
Now all that's left is a final reminder..."後は―――最後の念押しね。ああ、面倒くさい」
Touko murmured, exasperated.やれやれと呟く橙子。
But lurking behind her words, Beo could still detect that lofty scent emanating from her mouth.が。口調とは裏腹に、口元からはやっぱり例の、浮わ浮わした匂いがするのであった。

Her next stop was another plain-looking apartment.橙子が次に向かったのは、何の変哲もないアパートだった。
It looked as though she had just happened to walk by, but Beo's nose was not so easily deceived.傍目には偶然通りかかったように見えるが、カレの鼻は誤魔化せない。
Touko made it look like she was just aimlessly killing time, but she had in fact arranged to arrive at the apartment at exactly 2:30 PM.橙子は散歩するような素振りで時間を調整し、午後二時三十分、きっちりとこの時間に合わせてアパートにやってきたのだ。

In the parking lot of the apartment...そうして、アパートの駐車場には、
Ritsuka Suse stepped out of a room on the first floor.たったいま一階の部屋から出てきた、周瀬すせ律架りつかの姿があった。

"Hey, long time no see!「はあい、お久しぶり。
Fancy seeing you here, Ritsuka!"こんなところでバッタリ出会うなんて奇遇ね、律架」
"No way! Is that you, Toko?! You're back in town?"「うそ、トコちゃん!? 貴女、帰ってきてたの!?」

"Yeah, since a little bit ago. I've been hiding out and laying low.「ええ。ちょっと前にね、こっそり、人目を忍ぶように、窓から侵入するサンタクロースさながらに。
It goes without saying that I'm here to crush this town, of course.あ、言うまでもなく目的はこの町をぶっ潰すコト。
I've come totally prepared to wipe the slate clean of my past this time.私の過去共々キレイさっぱり清算するため、この度、準備万端でやってまいりました。
That's why I'm going to get this done before anyone from the Association or Church can stand in my way!"なのでぇー。邪魔になる協会の人間とか教会の人間とか、気付かれる前にやっちゃうぞ☆」

"Well, how kind of you... Wait.「あらあら、それはご丁寧にどうも……って、
Are you talking about ME?トコちゃん、それわたしのことー!
I'm the only one in the Association now, you know!"協会の人間って、いまわたししかいないんですけどー!」
"Oh, how strange! Or maybe that's lucky for me?「あら不思議。むしろラッキー?
To think I'd run into one of my targets while out here on a walk like this. I guess that saves me some trouble, huh?"懐かしくて散歩していたら、まさか標的の一人に出遭うなんて。ひとつ手間が省けた感じ?」

"I've got nothing to do with the Association, I swear!「関係ないのー! わたし、協会と関係ないからー!
I haven't done any serious work in a year or more!だってここ一年、真面目に仕事してないし!
Please don't tell me you're here to kill me! We were like brothers-in-training, right? Please don't!"というか、仮にも兄弟子をつかまえて本気で殺すとか言わないでほしいですー!」

The woman was tearfully flailing her arms at this point.アパートから現れた女性は、わたわたと涙目で手を振り回す。
She had nothing to worry about, though.が、それは無用の心配だ。
Beo could see even from where he was peering through the fence that Touko had no real intent to kill anyone.向かいの家の塀の穴から覗いているカレからしてみれば、橙子の殺気は偽物である。
She had a terrible habit of messing with people for her own entertainment; this time was no different.蒼崎橙子は、常からして他人をからかって愉しむ癖のある、たいへん困った女性だ。
Unfortunately, the pleasure she took in it only made the target of her jokes feel doubly worse.その困ったところが、あの相手に対しては二倍増しで表れているだけらしい。

"...Hah. At least say we're like sisters."「……はあ。それを言うなら姉弟子でしょ」
"Whaaat? But Toko, you don't feel like a little sister at all! I'd never dare call myself your big sister!"「えー。だってトコちゃん、妹って感じしないんだもん。間違っても姉弟子、なんて胸を張って言えませんっ」
"True enough. You don't have the skills to claim to be my senior, to begin with. If I had to describe what you're good at, it's even worse than those dumb late-night infomercial products these days. Have you thought about a career change? I can refer you to a good place. There's this old and nearly bankrupt circus in Italy that's hiring."「そうよね。技量的にも、とても先輩なんて言えるものじゃなかったし。律架の特技なんて、今じゃ深夜販売の商品以下だし。そろそろ職替え考えたら? いいとこ紹介するよ。イタリアで見付けた、もう廃業寸前のサーカス一座とかどう?」

"I've had enough of per diem work, thank you very much!「そんな日給バイトはこりごりです!
Find me something with at least a weekly salary!"せめて週給のところを紹介して!」
"...Wow, you aren't even denying that you're worse than a mail-order doodad."「……うわあ。通販以下ってところは否定しないんだ」
"Why would I? You're totally right.「なぜ? トコちゃんの指摘は正しいわ。
I'm completely useless!だってわたし、何もできない役立たずですから。
That's me, the Mage's Association's most worthless piece of baggage!"魔術協会いちのお荷物、ここに参上~♪」

Maybe she was taken aback by Ritsuka's guileless smile, but Touko couldn't help but grin back at her.ぽやぽやした笑顔に毒気を抜かれたのか、橙子もつられて微笑む。
If one didn't know better, they would seem like good friends.傍目には藹々あいあいとした関係だ。

"I guess that clears up any suspicions you might have had about me.「あ、わたしへの疑いは解けたとみたわ。
And if that's the case, do you want to come in for a bit? I have some things I need to get done, but I can do them later. It's been such a long time, and I'd like to catch up."それなら寄ってく? これから用事があったんだけど、別に後回しでいいし。久しぶりだもの、お互いつもる話とか楽しそうじゃない?」

"You're as easygoing as ever.「ほんと、相変わらずゆるゆるね律架は。
You're right. You've convinced me. You clearly don't have anything going on with the Association, and you're upholding your own principles.たしかに気が変わったわ。その様子じゃ協会との関係なんて無いようなものだし、貴女は貴女の信条を守っているようだし。
...So you're really on Aoko's side, huh?"―――そう、本気で青子の味方なんだ」

"Of course! She's still learning the ropes.「もっちろん! アコちゃんはまだ半人前ですもの。
I just watch over her from a distance. Nothing more, nothing less."付かず離れず、あくまで他人行儀に、アコちゃんが死ぬような目にあっても遠くから見守るわ」
"That's fine then. She's lucky to have someone like you that understands her."「それは結構。青子もホント、いい性格をした理解者に恵まれたもんだ」

Touko took a step back, away from Ritsuka.橙子は一歩、周瀬律架から身を引いた。
She looked a bit regretful as she signaled that the conversation was over.やや名残惜しげな顔が、話はここで終わりである事を示している。

"Oh, you're not coming inside?「あれ、寄っていかないの?
I pour a pretty good cup of coffee nowadays."わたし、コーヒー淹れるの上手くなったよ?」
"Thanks, but I'll have to pass. I'm still laying low, and I have a lot to do before I take over this town.「ありがとう。けど遠慮しとく。こっちはまだ潜伏中だし、街攻略の準備もあるしね。
I shouldn't relax too much just yet."ここで緊張感をなくすのはくないでしょ」

"Well, aren't we the hard worker?「あらまあ、真面目さん。
But you've always been like that. You always were one to focus on the process more than the goal.でもそうよね、トコちゃんはそういう人でした。根を詰めすぎて、目的より手段そのものに熱中しちゃうタイプ。
I've no idea what kind of preparations you're up to, but I feel sorry for whoever it is you're going after."ほーんと、どんな準備かは分からないけど、トコちゃんに狙われる人たちはたいへんだ」

"Eh, it's just the usual. We'll have a magecraft battle, the victor will take the other's Crest, and that'll be it.「ん? 別に普通でしょ? 基本、魔術戦やって、こっちが勝ったら刻印を貰うだけ。
I'm not an old-fashioned witch. I'm not going to put a curse on whoever I defeat in battle, you know?"時代遅れの魔女じゃあるまいし、倒した相手に呪いとかかけないわよ、私?」

"That's exactly what I'm talking about, though.「だからそこです。
You're more interested in collecting their Crest than their life.相手の命より収集を優先してるじゃない。
I'd just feel sorry for them if that became their sole purpose in life.その人たち、目玉だけになっても生きている、なんてコトにならなければいいけど。
You might think you're going easy on them, but that's like living under constant torture."貴女は気をつかっているつもりだろうけど、相手にとっては拷問だからね、それ」

Touko nodded to show her agreement.なるほど、と橙子は頷いた。
Her collection of Crests would appear that way on the outside.自分の収集癖は、傍目にはそう映るのかと。

Touko sought profit in combat.蒼崎橙子は戦闘に利益を求める。
If a mage she defeated could provide her with profitable materials, she would not take their life.敵対した魔術師を倒した後、彼らが有益な素材を提供してくれるのなら命までは奪わない。
She would even save their life if she knew it would be to her advantage to do so.むしろ、ギブアンドテイクとばかりに無理やり命を助けさえする。
As a result, her workshop in London had a facility specifically built for the "comfort" of her magical suppliers.結果、ロンドンの彼女の工房には『術式提供者用・慰安施設』なるものが出来てしまった。
It housed mages who had either lost to her in battle or who had willingly agreed to contribute to her cause.彼女に敗れた、あるいは自分から協力者になった魔術師たちの棲む魔窟である。

Touko held many magecraft patents which earned her up to 10,000 pounds a month in royalties. However, the majority of this money went to the upkeep of that facility.現在、多くの魔術特許を持ち、月の収入が1万ポンドを超える橙子だが、大半はその施設の維持に充てられている。
The demands from the residents of the place for additional facilities and special privileges increased with every passing day. It was reaching a point where Touko needed to decide whether to incorporate or just let everyone go and be done with it.棲みついた魔術師たちの要望―――追加施設、特別待遇を望む声は日に日に増しており、いいかげん会社をおこすか、あるいは全員にするかと、悩み多い橙子だった。

"I promise, it's nothing nefarious or evil like a dungeon.「でも、誓って拷問室そういうものじゃないわよ?
Torture is too much work anyway. It actually costs less to just entertain them.拷問なんて手間暇かかりすぎるし。娯楽を与える方が管理コストは低いんだってば。
There are so many good stories out there these days. I can just steal the plot of something and recreate it to make everyone happy.現代いまはいい脚本そろってるしね。適当な映画のプロットを拝借して、それを再現するだけで喜んでもらえるし。
Real or fake, everyone wants to be the hero of their own story."仮想であれ現実であれ、自分が主役になれる物語なんて最高じゃない」

"Hmm, just out of curiosity, what's the ratio of the genres you use?「ふーん。つかぬ事をお伺いいたしますけど、上演ジャンルはどのようなバランスで?
30% romance, 30% action, 30% suspense, 10% cartoons?"恋愛3、活劇3、サスペンス3、アニメ1?」
"Huh? Basically only horror, actually. Horror films have every element you could ever want!"「は? そりゃ、基本ホラーでしょ。エンタメのすべてが詰まってるんだし」
"...You know, that was always the part of you that scared me the most.「……。わたし、トコちゃんのそういうところ、素で怖いわ。
You're a girl. You should be more into romance instead of that kinda stuff!"というか、女の子なんだからもっとロマンを求めてほしいの」

"Hmph. I guess it's something I should consider if one of my potential targets says as much.「む。今回つかまえる候補にあがっている人間に言われると、さすがに考慮せざるをえない。
Let's see, how does 80% horror sound for the balance of the virtual worlds I throw my prisoners into?"んー、囚人を放り込むの、バランスに気を遣ってみればいいの? ホラー8ぐらい?」
"90% romance! Come on, please! If not romance, do 90% mystery!"「恋愛9! 恋愛9でお願いします! それがダメなら推理9で是非!」
This was clearly a response from someone who knew she'd lose if she had to go up against Touko.橙子に狙われた場合、絶対に負けると信じきった上での即答だった。

"Very well. If that situation should ever arise, I'll try to accommodate you."「了解、そういう事態になったら善処する」
"Yes! Wait, what situation?"「はーい。そういう事態って、どんな事態?」
"It's fine if you're friends with you-know-who, but I'm talking about if you ever become my enemy. Also, if you tell anyone about our conversation today, I'll snap you up from below before you can even blink."「誰かの味方をするのはいいけど、私の敵に回った時、かな。あと今日の事を口外した瞬間、足下からパクッといくから気をつけて」

"Huh? From below? Like, out of my shadow?「へ? 足下って、影のこと?
But more important than that, Touko...あ―――あれ。そもそもなんていうか、トコちゃん。
I can't move an inch!"わたし、一歩も動けないんだけどー!」

"Hehehe. Sorry Ritsuka, but I actually spent a week setting a trap in your place.「ふふふ、ごめんなさい律架。実は一週間かけて、貴女の部屋に罠をしかけてたの。

"You mean I've been in a pickle all along?!「わたし、すでにたいへんだったのかー!
Toko, you devil! You brute! You devil-brute! You need to learn some common sense! I knew I heard something the other night! I just thought it was a thief trying to pick my lock!"悪魔! 人でなし! 天才悪魔! トコちゃんはもう少し一般常識を学ぶべきです! もう、どうりで夜な夜な泥棒さんがピッキングしてると思った!」

Ritsuka hadn't noticed the shadow familiar, but she had sensed Touko as she was setting her trap late at night.影の使い魔には気付かなかったものの、深夜、細工をしている橙子の気配には気付いていたらしい。
Touko didn't think Ritsuka could speak about common sense, since she had ignored an apparent burglar trying to break into her home for a week.ただの泥棒と思ってスルーし続けるあたり、律架に一般常識を問われたくない橙子だった。

"Don't worry. The familiar will disintegrate at the beginning of the new year.「その使い魔、年明けには溶けるから安心なさい。
See you around, Ritsuka. Hopefully we'll meet again. I'll take you up on that coffee of yours then, for sure.じゃあね律架。縁があったらまた会いましょう。その時は自慢のコーヒーをご馳走してね。
Also, I didn't mean to insult you by comparing you to an infomercial product. You live a simple life. I like that."ああ、あと深夜販売の商品だってバカにできたもんじゃないわ。あのシンプルさ、けっこう好きよ、私」

Touko winked at her old friend and left the apartment behind her.旧知の友人にウインクをして、橙子はアパートを後にする。
"Hopefully we'll meet again."“また会いましょう”
Touko realized those were empty words.その言葉に、橙子自身、空しいものを感じながら。

Her plan would not spare her mortal body. Be it a success, or be it a failure, Touko Aozaki would be erased from this world.今回の計画は、どうあっても彼女の肉体を無事には済まさない。成功するにしろ失敗するにしろ、蒼崎橙子はこの世から消失する。
Still, that was no reason not at least say something about meeting again.それでも再会の空言からごとを残す程度には―――
Perhaps Touko had more affection for Ritsuka than she realized.蒼崎橙子は、周瀬律架に思い入れがあったのだろう。

Even so, she left that friend behind in a state of paralysis.そんな友人を、律架は金縛り状態で見送った。
Touko had indeed returned home.蒼崎橙子が帰ってきた。
That fact alone revealed much to Ritsuka.律架にとって、それは今回の事件の真相を知るに等しい。
Two years older than Touko, Ritsuka had been contracted ten years prior to monitor Touko's grandfather, the mage who discovered the Fifth Magic.橙子より二歳ほど年上の周瀬律架は、十年前から橙子の祖^父―――五番目の魔法の路を発掘した魔術師―――の監視^役として派遣された魔術師だ。
That made her both Touko and Aoko's senior,彼女は蒼崎橙子の先輩であり、また、蒼崎青子の先輩でもある。
and she knew the sisters rather well.故に、姉妹の事情をそれなりに把握していた。

"Hmm, she's gotta keep a few of us from talking, then.「うーん。そりゃあ、口止めの一つもしないとね。
The first people to be on alert upon seeing Toko would be myself and..."トコちゃんを見てまっさきに警戒するのはわたしと―――」
One other person.あと一人。
Another with more seniority than the Aozaki sisters in the truest sense.真の意味で蒼崎姉妹の兄弟子と言える人物。
There was one other beautiful person, one who had taught Touko.蒼崎橙子の教育係を務めた、ある麗人が残っている。

"I'm sure she's probably got that handled, though.「ま、そっちはそっちで根回ししてるかな。
She's not one to overlook something like that."トコちゃんならそのあたり完璧だろうけど―――」

"Toko really should learn to be more cold toward her enemies, though. She's too soft on them-thinks too much of their human rights.「もうちょっとこう、敵には非情になった方がいいわよね。 トコちゃんは相手の人権を尊重しすぎっていうか、根本が甘いっていうか。
I don't know how I feel about her showing her face to a person she's decided to kill."殺すと決めた相手に顔を見せるとか、どうかと思うの、わたし」

Touko was a researcher more than she was a mage. Generally, she wasn't a fighter.蒼崎橙子は魔術師というより研究者で、基本、戦いに向いた人間ではない。
She was cruel, but not cold.残酷なクセに冷酷ではない。
Despite her capability for vicious, ruthless treatment of people, she also displayed a measure of compassion for others.合理的な、むごたらしい仕打ちができるクセに、他人への思いやりなどを持ってしまっている。
Ritsuka sighed as if the problem were her own, and hoped that inconsistency wouldn't end up hurting Touko.そのあたりの整合性のなさが彼女自身を苦しめなければいいけど、と、律架はひとり、我が事のように嘆息した。

Touko left the neighborhood and began heading toward the largest park in the town.蒼崎橙子は住宅地を後にすると、街で一番大きな公園に足を向けた。
It was three in the afternoon on this early winter day on the boulevard.冬の初めの、午後三時過ぎの並木道。
If it were autumn, the street would be lined with people out for a walk to look at the colorful trees, but now Touko was alone.秋であれば散歩をする人々でいろどられる道だが、今は橙子の姿しかない。

...Though to be accurate, she wasn't quite alone.……いや、正確にはもう一人分。
Beo was walking along the grass more than ten yards behind his employer when he noticed a change in her scent.十メートル以上の距離をとって芝生を歩くベオは、ここにきて雇い主の変化を嗅ぎ取った。
(Are you really not wearing your glasses out here, Touko?)「“トーコさん、こんな町中でメガネ、外してる?”」

Touko's personality changed significantly depending on whether or not she was wearing her glasses.蒼崎橙子はメガネの有り無しで人格をスイッチする。
Beo wasn't sure which side was her true self, but he did know that she was much more serious and cruel without her glasses.どちらが素なのかはベオには不明だが、メガネを外した彼女は遊びのない、男性的な思考に変化する。
It wasn't quite to the level of a split personality... more like a reordering of priorities. She mainly took off her glasses when she was about to fight someone.俗に言う二重人格……ではなく、物事の優先度を組み替えただけのもので、おもに相手を叩きのめす時、彼女はメガネを外す。
Doing so made her less human. It pushed all sense of compromise, concern, and sympathy out of her brain.妥協、憂慮、同情。そういったものを脳の外に追いやった、非人間に変身するのである。

(That must mean the scent getting closer is of her enemy... I think..."「“ってコトは、さっきから近づいてくる匂いはトーコさんの敵……なんだ、けど……”」
Beo furrowed his brow as he hid behind a tree.木のかげひそみながら、ベオはむう、と眉を寄せた。
He could certainly smell hostility and anticipation emanating from Touko.橙子からは確かに敵意とか緊張とか、その手の匂いがこぼれている。
But at the same time, he couldn't help but scrunch his nose up at the strange scent that kept getting stronger.けれど同時に、あの妙な匂いが強くなっている事に、ベオは不満げに鼻をひくつかせるのだった。

"Hello. I just happened to be out for a walk. What a coincidence meeting you out here, Touko."「こんにちは。なんとなしに散歩していただけなのですが、また出逢えるとは奇遇ですね、橙子さん」
"Ah, yes, what a coincidence indeed. We're not the sort to stop and chat, so let's just keep this to formalities, shall we?"「ああ。たまたま続いた偶然だ。世間話をする仲でもなし、挨拶を交わす程度に済ませよう」

Beo had no idea who was talking to Touko.橙子に声をかけたのは、ベオにとって未知の人間だった。
His name was Eiri Fumidsuka.男の名は文柄ふみづか詠梨えいり
He was a priest of Aida Church and an enemy to Beo and Touko.合田教会の司祭代理であり、ベオや橙子からすれば敵よりの人物である。

However, it was impossible for Beo to sense this.が、事前情報を知らないカレにそれを察しろというのは酷な話だろう。
He had no personal hostility toward the clergy anyway.なにしろ、司祭には敵意が一切ない。
As far as Beo could tell, he was just a regular person. There was no chance that Touko could be at a disadvantage here.ベオから見て、彼はどこからどう見ても一般人であり、蒼崎橙子が遅れを取る可能性など皆無だからだ。
...He would later learn a harsh lesson from someone who seemed similarly harmless, but that was a tale for another time.―――後に、カレはその手の“毒を毒と思わせない”タイプの人間から手ひどい教訓を学ぶ事になるが、それはまた別の話である。

"So how are things going with you? God's house must be full of hard workers. Any greedy trolls show up hungry for concessions?"「そちらの状況はどうなんだ。神の家は働き者ぞろいだからな。利権をあさりに来る欲深よくぶかは現れそうか?」
"I can agree on the hard workers part, but greed is not a problem in our organization.「いやあ。働き者、というのは全力で肯定しますけど、欲が深いとか、そんな人は少ないですよ、こちらは。
Any who come to us usually do so on the basis of doctrine, nothing more.彼らがやってくる時はたいていは教義の為ですから。
Don't people driven by duty rather than greed frighten you more?"欲望より責務せきむで動く人たちって怖くないですか?」

"I thought I said we weren't going to waste time on small talk.「無駄話はしないと言っただろう。
Just cut to the chase. Is your follower going to sound the bell or not?"結論を言え。おまえの腰巾着は鐘を鳴らしそうか?」

"My, my, my. You're one to talk.「やれやれ。人のことは言えませんよ。
You're very nearly a workaholic yourself, Touko.橙子さんだってワーカホリック寸前じゃないですか。
You mean to tell me you don't even have time for a little conversation? After all, this might be the last time we ever see each other again."もっとこう、余裕のあるコミュニケーションをとりませんか? 立場上、いつ最後の逢瀬おうせになるか分からないワケですし」
"Please. This is the last time and you know it."「ふざけろ。いつも何も、これが最後だよ詠梨」

Touko curtly rejected the smiling priest's request for a chat.微笑む司祭の提案を、橙子は一言で斬って捨てた。
She was being as blunt as she could.まさにけんもほろろ状態である。

"If we were ever to meet again, I'm certain it would only be in a fight to the death.「だいたい次があるとしたら、その時は殺し合いだろ。
We both know each other's intentions. One of us would be dead the moment we laid eyes on the other. There's no time for idle chitchat."お互い手の内は知っているしな。顔を会わせた瞬間、どちらかが死んでいる。会話なんぞしている暇があるか」
"That's just what you happen to think, Touko.「それは橙子さんだけの思いこみですけどねぇ。
Why is it that you people can only think of eradicating whoever stands in your way?"どうしてこう、邪魔者は始末する、という方向でしか物事を考えられないんでしょうか、貴女たちは」

Eiri shrugged his shoulders in frustration.やれやれと肩をすくめる司祭と、
Touko kept her gaze fixed intently on his overcoat.その外套マントの下を注意深く見据える橙子。
No matter how many times he said he wanted to resolve this peacefully, she would bet her pride that he didn't mean it.司祭が何度「穏便に済ませたい」と口にしても、プライドにかけて信じる気はないようだ。

"See, this is what happens when one goes out, experiences the world, and returns to their home. I would have liked it if you had worked on your personal charm, instead.「まったく。そういうところも成長して帰ってくるんですから。育つのは女性としての魅力だけに留めておいてほしいものです。
Oh come on, don't glare at me like that. I'm getting to the point."ああ、そう睨まない。本題に入りますから」

"I am entrusted with all reports to the Church. My report is now, 'The Second Owner is currently in battle with a heretic. I am monitoring them under my authority as priest, in accordance with the neutrality agreement. The affiliation of the heretic is unknown, and I am investigating their history.'"「目下、教会への報告は私が一任されています。司祭への報告は『現在、管理者は異端者と交戦中。中立の条約に基づき、司祭代理権限で監督中。なお、異端者の所属は不明、現在、履歴を調査中』といったところです」

"So you're telling me that the Church is still unaware of the affiliation of the mage who's appeared in town?"「この町に現れた魔術師は所属不明……という事になっているんだな?」
"Right. Sister Yuika reports to a different jurisdiction from my own, but she has not even seen the heretic, let alone uncovered their workshop.「ええ。シスター唯架ゆいかは私とは別所轄しょかつの方ですが、彼女は異端者の工房はおろか、その姿さえ掴めていません。
There will most likely be no interference from the Church until she is able to reveal who our enemy is.彼女が単独で敵の正体を暴くまで、教会から横槍が入る事はないんじゃないですかねぇ。
Perhaps they are thinking it's a small turf war between mages who've just come into town?"今まで通り、土地を狙いにきた魔術師同士の小競り合いだと思っているんじゃないですか?」

"I see. So we do have a deal.「そうか。では取引成立だな。
As long as you're the only one who knows that I'm back in town, I'll lay low. I also won't get in contact with any of my blood relatives."おまえが私の帰国の件を握り潰している間は、私も多少、回り道をする。蒼崎の親戚筋にも手は出さない」

"Very well. I know you're not the type to sabotage things indiscriminately, and that you prefer to do things as efficiently as possible.「良かった。橙子さんは無差別な破壊工作はしませんが、とにかく最適な道筋みちすじを好みますから。
You might get carried away and try to make your secret hideout in some factory or office building somewhere, right?勢い、どこぞの工場とかオフィスビルとか秘密基地にしそうでしょう?
I won't allow bloodshed to continue on my watch of this jurisdiction, or anything else that might hurt my reputation."私がこちらに赴任している間、流血事件が続くと困るというか。私の評価が落ちるような事は、なんとも」

Touko had to resist the urge to object and ask just what kind of person he thought she was.人の事をなんだと思っているんだ、と抗議したくなる気持ちを抑えこむ。
She did hate wastefulness, but she wasn't about to entirely abandon society and its norms just for the sake of doing things optimally.橙子とて無駄は嫌いだが、だからといって最適化の為に社会性をにするつもりはない。
Besides, criminal activities were always a pain to clean up later and thus far more inefficient.そもそも、犯罪行為は後処理が面倒になる。そちらの方が遥かに無駄というものだ。

"...I guess that's fine. We're both coming out ahead here.「……まあいいさ。お互いの利益が一致したんだからな。
Just keep watch until things are settled."では、後は事が済むまで静観せいかんを決めこんでおけ」
"Oh, you're leaving? So soon.「もうお帰りですか。名残惜しいですねぇ。
I haven't had the chance to fully appreciate what you look like now."結局一度も、今の貴女の素顔を見られなかった」
"I feel the opposite. I hope this is the last time I ever have to lay eyes on you again."「私は逆だ。そのカマキリづらもこれで見納みおさめかと思うとせいせいする」
"Ah, wait. Before you go, let me ask you one thing."「ああ、待ってください。お別れの前に、一つ質問を」

Eiri spoke just as Touko was about to take a step back.司祭に顔を向けたまま立ち去ろうとする橙子を、司祭はごく自然に制止させた。
He had effortlessly stopped her from leaving.橙子が足を半歩後ろにズラそうと考えた瞬間に、である。

"This is the last thing I'll say.「所感なのですが。
You look quite uneasy, Touko. Are you feeling stifled here?"橙子さん、今、たいへん息苦しくはありませんか?」
"That couldn't be further from the truth. I'm feeling more fulfilled than ever.「まさか。私はかつてないほど充実しているよ。
Why do you ask, Eiri?"なぜそんな事を訊く、詠梨」
"You look like you're having fun, but also like you're not truly happy. I was just worried because it seems you don't even realize it yourself."「いえ。だって楽しそうではありますが、幸せそうではありませんので。貴女自身気付いてはいないようでしたから、として心配になったのです」

"I remember you used to say that everyone finds happiness in different things.「……幸せの定義か。思い出したよ。おまえの口癖だったな、それは。幸せのカタチは人それぞれだと。
But you don't know me. So don't pretend to know what makes me happy."まったくその通りだ。私の善しとする幸福が、他人であるおまえに分かるものか。つまらん心配はするな」

"Well, of course I don't know down to the fine details. Women in particular have a notoriously bizarre concept of happiness.「いや、そりゃあ細かいところまでは分かりませんけどねぇ。とくに女の人の幸福観なんて、それこそ奇々怪々ききかいかいですから。
But happiness can easily be categorized into two major types.ですがほら、幸福のカタチは二つに大別できます。
It seems you haven't even figured that out yet, and it's hard to watch."橙子さんの場合、それすら気付いていないようですから。たいへん見苦しいな、と思いまして」

"...Oh? I'm greatly obliged for the concern. Still insist on playing senior apprentice, eh?「……ほう、ご忠告痛み入る。腐っても兄弟子という訳か。
Fine, I'll listen. Let's see what you have to say."いいぞ、聞いてやるから言ってみろ」
If it happened to be something worthless, she would kill him.それが下らないものなら、ここで殺す。
If it erased all the progress she had made on her plans over the past month, or even the two last years, she would kill him.この一ヶ月―――いや、この二年間積み重ねてきた計画を白紙に戻す事になっても殺す、と。
Touko's hostility had clearly turned to murderous rage.橙子の敵意は、ここにきて殺意に変貌した。

"It's quite obvious, really.「当たり前のコトですよ。
The two types of happiness are relative and absolute. It depends on whether you compare yourself to others or not.相対的なものと絶対的なもの。比べる相手が居るか居ないかが幸福の違いです。
You're either happy because you yourself are at peace, or...自分が穏やかであれば幸福なのか、それとも―――
You're the type of person who can't stand it if you have less than someone else, even if you're otherwise fulfilled."どんなに満ち足りていても、他人ひとより劣っていては我慢できない人間なのか」

"The definition of happiness basically comes down to that.「幸福の定義なんて、詰まるところはその二つですよ。
I know it goes without me saying, but...私が言うまでもありませんが―――
Most people want to be happier than those around them."多くの人間は、ただ、他人ひとより少しだけ幸せでありたいのです」

The holy man smiled calmly, wrapped in his shadowy black clothing.涼やかに微笑わらう黒衣の聖者。
Touko remembered clearly now.ああ、と橙子は思いだした。
This was a man who actually didn't believe in the true concept of happiness.この男は根本からして、幸福そういうものを信じていない悪魔だったと。

"Come now, calm yourself. If you try anything, Sister Yuika will be here in a flash.「ほら、そんな殺気は収めて。シスター唯架が飛んできます。
I know that your idea of happiness is not relative. You were always the type to be satisfied as long as you stayed true to yourself.橙子さんの幸福観は絶対的なもの。貴女は自分が確かであれば満ち足りるタイプの人だったんですけどね。
The only Aozaki I know who has a relative definition of happiness is..."他人が気になるなんて、そんな相対的な幸福観を持っているのは、」

He stopped himself before he could say Aoko.青子の方、と言いかけて、司祭は自分から身を引いた。
The priest seemed to have spoken out of genuine concern for Touko, but his words had the opposite effect on her.心底から橙子を心配しての忠告だったが、逆の結果に終わったようだ。
Although he was reluctant to part on such ill terms, Eiri knew it was best not to anger Touko any further.司祭としては本当に名残惜しいが、これ以上怒らせて嫌われるのはよろしくない。

"I've said too much. Please forgive me, puppet master.「言葉がすぎました。お許しを人形師ハイマスター
I will take my leave now. I pray that you will see a good outcome in your endeavors."それでは私はこれで。貴女たちにとっていい結果になる事を祈っています」
"Good. Get lost. Your gloomy and dismal act isn't helping my mood.「ふん、さっさと消えろごく潰し。最後まで陰気くさい真似をしやがって。
...What's up with your outfit anyway? Don't people avoid you wearing a cloak like that around town?"……だいたいその服装、どうなんだ。町中でマントなんてって、敬遠されないのか?」

"Everyone is very much used to it by now.「皆さん、もう慣れてくださいましたから。
Besides, how else can I carry a weapon without people noticing?それに、ほら。この格好だと得物エモノを差していてもバレないでしょう?
I'm sure it was glaringly obvious to you, but I have about three on me right now."ま、橙子さんには見抜かれてしまいましたが。相手が貴女ですからね。恥ずかしながら、長物を三本ほど、こっそり」

Eiri turned and walked back in the direction he came from with a smile still on his face.最後まで笑顔を絶やさず、司祭はもと来た道へ退散していった。
"...What a joke. I only saw one, and it was just a small dagger.「……ふざけやがって。こっちは一本、それも短刀ぐらいにしか見抜けなかった。
How would he hide three anyway? He's not even a mage! Is he some kind of street magician now or something?"そもそも三本ってなんだ? 魔術師でもないクセに、どうやったら隠せるんだ? あのバカ、手品師に鞍替くらがえしたワケじゃあるまいな?」

Touko muttered to herself as she thought back over the man who had stood before her just moments ago.橙子はぼやきつつ、先ほどまで目の前にいた男の姿を思い返した。
She truly hated the fact that he had the upper hand on her, but she also felt a bit relieved.一枚上をいかれたのは心底にくらしいが、同時にホッとしているのも事実である。

If she had actually noticed how heavily armed he was during that brief conversation, it would have been enough to instantly set off a fight.あの短い会話の中、橙子がもし司祭の武装を正確に見抜いてしまっていたら、その瞬間こそ、あの司祭はゼロコンマで戦いの火ぶたを切っただろう。
Touko wasn't sure which one of them would have come out the victor if that had happened.その時―――どちらが生き残るかは、今の蒼崎橙子ですら予測できない。

Eiri Fumidsuka had been that kind of man for as long as she had known him.文柄詠梨という男は、昔からそういう人間だった。
He didn't need a reason, or even an opponent to fight.戦う理由も、戦う相手も要らない。
Nor did he need any kind of connection or hatred.因縁も憎悪も要らない。
He was just a machine that simply needed an ignition.ただ、「口火を切る」瞬間だけを待つ自動機械オートメーション
He was murder incarnate, with no qualms about cutting someone down.人を斬る事について考察さえしない、鍛え上げられた“殺人検証”の化身である。

Touko had only seen that side of him once.彼女がそれを間近で見たのは一度きり。
It was back when she was still a relatively happy disciple of magecraft.……まだ蒼崎橙子が魔法使いの“幸福な”弟子だった頃。
Touko had been standing quietly before her grandfather, crying. The instant her first tears fell, without warning, without hesitation, Eiri cut down their master in an instant.あの男は、橙子が祖父の前で静かに涙した瞬間、何の前触れもなく、何の躊躇いもなく、自らの師を一刀のもと処断したのだ。

"What have you done?! Why did you just kill him like that?!"「なんで!? どうして、貴方が祖父あのひとを斬りつけたの!?」
"Because I thought I could."「いえ。今なら斬れる、と思いましたので」

Eiri could not fathom how much this curt response would affect such a young Touko.あっさりとした返答に、幼い橙子がどれほど感じ入ったのか、当の本人は知るまい。
He had not meant to say,“相手が隙を見せたから、勝てると確信したから斬った”
"My opponent showed a moment of weakness, and I knew I could win, so I took the opportunity."ではない。
All he meant was...“今の自分の気持ちなら斬れると思ったから、斬った”。

"I felt capable of killing him, so I did."ただそれだけ。
This man had become her grandfather's disciple, forged an unrivaled friendship with him, and yet had still mercilessly cut him down when the desire arose.祖父に弟子入りし、交遊を深め、唯一無二の友人関係を得た男は、胸に飛来した感情に寄って祖父を切断した。
He possessed some sort of superhuman ability that had allowed him to destroy the mortal vessel of a mage who had been infinitely close to being a Magician.魔法使いに限りなく近かった魔術師の肉体を破壊したのは、誰あろう、あの司祭の神技である。

"Argh, this is all so fishy! And a pain!「あーあ、ほんと胡散くさい、面倒くさい!
I'll have to kill him since he annoys me, but that's just one more thing to do after stealing the Magic. Damn it, Eiri!"でも目障めざわりだからぜったい殺すし。魔法をうばってからの仕事がまた一つ増えちゃったじゃない、バカ詠梨」

Touko put her glasses back on and turned on her heel.眼鏡をかけ直して、橙子はきびすを返した。
She had completed all her major tasks for the day.今日の目的はすべてクリアした。
All that was left was to make some money to buy food for her familiar and head back to the hideout.あとは使い魔の食料を調達する為、食費を稼いでアジトに帰るだけである。

(Wait, what was with that sudden romantic mood?!)「“ちょっ、なにあの乙女時空ーーーーーー!?”」
Setting aside Beo's mental shout of dismay for a moment...と、ベオが叫んだかはさておいて。
The scent that had been bothering him for the past few days had suddenly disappeared.例の浮わ浮わした匂いはどこへやら。
His employer was back to being the old Touko Aozaki he knew, and she was headed into the entertainment district.雇い主は完全にもとの蒼崎橙子に戻って、繁華街の方角に消えていった。

Beo sniffed at the air.クンクンと鼻を鳴らす。
The scent had vanished, and he no longer had a reason to continue tailing Touko.あの匂いが気になってやってきたベオとしては、もはや橙子は尾行する対象になりえない。

But where had it gone?なぜ匂いは消えたのか。
And where had it come from in the first place?そもそも原因は何だったのか。
Beo thought about it for a few moments.カレはカレなりに考えこんだ末、
(It must be that shady guy just earlier!)「“うん、さっきの男が怪しいよね!”」
Beo regained his composure and decided to follow the trail of the man's scent.気を取り直して、先ほどの男の匂いを辿る事にした。

He had no idea that where he was going was his employer's worst nightmare.行き着く先が雇い主にとって鬼門である事なぞ、無論、ベオには与り知らぬコトである。

Aida Church was set up to accept visitors any time of day, any day of the year.唐突だが、合田あいだ教会は年中無休、かつ、来る者拒まずの姿勢を貫いている。
The church was the savior of the lost and the poor, and recently had even ventured into the wedding industry for some extra income.迷うもの、ひんするものの味方であり、最近は小金稼ぎに婚式ライダル業にまで手を出した。
It was closely involved with the public welfare of Misaki City and was doing fairly well for itself in that regard.三咲市の福祉事業とも密接な関係にあり、運営はそれなりに順調だ。
However, there was one problem.唯一の問題は、この通り、

"...Father Eiri is still not in?「……詠梨神父はまた外出ですか。
Ritsuka is boycotting the Church, and we are losing volunteers with each passing day. I'm the only one working here at this point."律架もサボタージュ、奉仕の生徒さんたちも日に日に減っていく一方……結局、労働力は私ひとりだけなのですね」
Even if their financial situation was stable, they seemed to be chronically understaffed.台所事情は安泰でも、慢性的な人手不足だけは解消できないのだった。

"The people of this city lack faith.「だいたい、この街の人々は信心が足りなさすぎます。
What sort of life is spent demanding money in exchange for labor? Days spent chasing after material desires can only lead to a life of hollow wealth and mental poverty."給金がなければ働けないなど、人生をなんだと思っているのでしょう。物欲だけで構成された一日を過ごしていては、ふところは豊かになっても心が貧しくなるだけでしょうに」

The nun muttered to herself quietly as she picked up the stepladder with one hand.ひとり小言を口にしながら、シスターはひょい、と片手で脚立きゃたつを持ち上げた。
Although it was a proper stepladder they used for cleaning the church windows and weighed too much to be carried by even two strong adults, the mass didn't seem to faze her.教会の窓掃除に使う本格的な脚立で、大の大人がふたりがかりでも手に余る重量なのだが、このシスターにはそのあたり気にならないようだ。

"The desolation of the hearts and minds of our flock is a concern, but we also mustn't forget the increasing costs of living. There are whispers of an impending sales tax, and Father Eiri must be convinced of the great results we can achieve in a single day if we hold more wedding ceremonies.「人々の心の荒廃こうはいも気になりますが、物価の上昇も捨て置けません。消費税なるものの導入もささやかれますし、詠梨神父にはもっと、一日で驚異的な成果をあげる結婚式の素晴らしさを知っていただかないと。
He'll go out of his way to help anyone and everyone but won't think about the work that comes after that. What is he going to do about all those stray cats in the back garden? Ah, right, that and any other physical labor always falls to me, doesn't it?"あの人は誰彼だれかれ何彼気分で世話をして、後の事とか考えませんから。裏庭に集まった野良猫たちはどうするんですか。ああ、私ですね、それも私が受け持つのですね。もうなんでもかんでも肉体労働は私なのですね」

This nun mumbling to herself at a near constant pace was Sister Yuika Suse.もはや完全な小言マシーンと化したシスターの名は、周瀬すせ唯架ゆいか
There was a reason for her unusual behavior.普段の彼女からは考えられない光景だが、これにはちょっとした理由がある。

Yuika was completely blind and had honed her other senses to keenly perceive her surroundings.彼女は盲目であるが故に、周囲の気配を察する感覚センスが研ぎ澄まされている。
She was extremely sensitive to the presence of living creatures, particularly humans, and could detect when someone was within a radius of thirty feet.生き物―――特に人間の気配には敏感で、驚くべき事に半径十メートル単位で人の在る無しを判断できる。
The reason why she was talking to herself so openly now was because she did not sense anyone was near.いま、彼女が素の自分をさらけだしているのは、周囲に人がいないと感じ取っているからだ。

"Let's see... What leftover food do we have? Ah, there's that set of assorted jams we received as a gift.「ええっと、今日の余り物はっと……ああ、もらい物でジャムの詰め合わせがありましたね。
What shall we do, my Lord? Can a cat eat two-day-old bread that's rock hard? Ritsuka was clear about not giving them onions, if I remember correctly..."……どうなのでしょう、主よ。猫って二日経った岩のように堅いパンでもペーストすればいけるクチなんでしょうか。玉葱だけは出すな、と律架が言っていた気がしますが」

Sister Yuika was busy putting away the cleaning tools while simultaneously trying to prepare dinner for the hungry animals mewing in the back garden.シスターは掃除器具の後片づけをしつつ、先ほどから裏庭でミャーミャーうるさい小動物たちの夕餉ゆうげの支度をする。
When suddenly...と。
"Oh? Do we have a new lost child among us?"「おや? 新しい迷子ですか?」
Sister Yuika suddenly sensed the presence of a small dog in the church.盲目のシスターは、ひょこっと教会に現れた、小型犬の気配を感じ取った。

"I'm sorry, little one, but today is for cats only. If I throw you in with that bunch, they'll be too surprised to eat.「ごめんなさい、今日は猫限定の日なの。キミがまざってしまったら猫どもが驚くわ。
I'll give you some food, but you'll have to wait until next time to come inside. We can't be taking in any more animals tonight."餌ならここで恵んであげますから、中に入るのはまた今度にしてくださいね。それ以上入ったら向かいの家の屋根あたりまでご退場願いますよ」

She put her foot in front of the small brown dog to stop him from coming any further inside the church's gate.教会の門をくぐろうとする茶色の小型犬を、シスターは足で押しとどめる。
Yuika was somewhat rougher in her treatment of non-human creatures.人間でないものには扱いが少々乱暴な唯架だった。

(What is this irritating creature?)「“なにこの辛気しんきくさい生き物?”」
Beo, who'd convinced himself to transform into a small dog instead of a wolf like he really wanted, only saw Sister Yuika as an obstacle in his way.一方、小型犬―――狼の信念はとりあえず隅に追いやった―――に変身したベオは、シスターを障害物としか見ていなかった。

He could smell the scent of the man in black ahead, further inside.黒い男の匂いはこの先に続いている。
Beo thought little of humans, and in this moment Sister Yuika was simply an obstacle.人間なぞどうでもいいカレにとって、立ちふさがるシスターは電柱以下の造形物にすぎない。
So naturally, he ignored her warnings and attempted to push through the gate.なので当然、シスターの言葉なぞ無視して門をすり抜けようとする。

"...Hm? W-What is this color?「……え。な、なんでしょう、この色。
This dog is a most unusual color... Perhaps it's a rare exotic breed, in which case..."この子、すごい色していますけど……もしかして高級な品種なのでしょうか……だとしたら……」
He might be some wealthy person's pet.どこぞのお金持ちのペットかもしれない。
Since the dog came to the church, its rich owner might also attend church services...教会に来るという事は、礼拝に来る裕福層の飼い犬である可能性もある。
Yuika stopped trying to push the dog away from the gate.これは無下にはできない、と蹴りだそうとした足を止める唯架だった。

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you're here to see Father Eiri, but he's still out at the moment. I'll give you the best food we have today if you just run on along home, okay?"「ごめんなさいね。詠梨神父が目当てなんでしょうけど、また出かけてしまったの。今日いちばんの餌をあげますから、大人しく帰ってくださいません?」
(Ugh, what an annoying, irritating woman!「“ああもう、邪魔、この辛気くさい人!
Perfect, nobody's around. I'll just go for her throa-)よし、まわりに誰もいないし、首を噛み折ろ―――”」

Beo's front legs stopped suddenly before he could launch himself at Sister Yuika.飛びかかろうとしたベオの前脚が、急停止する。
Sister Yuika opened the lid of the bottle she held and poured out a glimmering liquid into a small dish.シスターは手にした瓶の蓋をあけて、キラキラ光る液体状のものを小皿にそそいで、
She set it down in front of the dog.小型犬の前に差しだした。

"Here you go. Eat up!"「ほら、お食べ」

The mysterious, unknown liquid sat in front of Beo.差し出された正体不明の液体。
It smelled like nothing he'd ever smelled before.それはまたしても、カレにとってはじめて嗅ぐ匂いだった。
Beo was known to let curiosity get the best of him.好奇心にはひたすらに弱いベオである。
Even if it was poisoned, no poison of the natural world could harm him.たとえ毒が入っていようと、自然界の毒ならカレには通じない。
He lapped up a mouthful.ぺろりと一口舐める。

He lapped up a little more.すこし舐める。
(...is this...)「“――――――この”」
He lapped up even more.さらに舐める。
He lapped up more and more.もっと舐める。

"My, my! You're lapping that up like it was milk!「おや。牛乳を飲むような舐めっぷり。
I think I might actually like you, even though you are a dog."犬ながら惚れ惚れします」
(I want more!)「“これ、もっとほしい!”」
The church became filled with the echoes of Beo's boisterous barking.夕暮れの教会に、ワン、と元気な吠え声が響きわたる。
At this point he'd completely forgotten about the man's scent.この時点で、ベオにとって男の匂いなぞどうでもいい物になっていた。

"Hehe, it's sweet and delicious, isn't it? I'm impressed.「ふふ、甘いですか? 私も感動しました。
I didn't know dogs could have such a sweet tooth."犬どもにも甘味をたしなむ心があるのですね」
(Sweet? Is this what sweet takes like?)「“甘い? これが甘いってコト?”」
Beo looked up at Sister Yuika as she whispered to him.シスターの呟きに、ベオはハッと顔をあげた。
He had the feeling that sweet was an important word he should remember.今の単語はなんだか大切な気がする。
This food sent a sensation through him that was like a flash of lightning.そもそもこの食べ物が閃光のような衝撃だった。

Until this point, eating food had been nothing more than a process of refueling.ベオにとって、食事は燃料補給のパターンの一つにすぎない。
He liked hamburgers, but that never amounted to more than a preference for a particular mouthfeel. He only ate because he needed the nutrition.ハンバーガーのえり好みはあるが、あれはあくまで“噛みごこち”の良し悪しだった。どうせ栄養摂取をしなくちゃいけないのだから、仕方なく食べているにすぎない。
But this was different. This food was not necessary to his survival.が、これは違う。肉食動物の“命”を燃料にするカレにとって、この食べ物はまったく意味がない。

And yet he knew he wanted more.けれど、もっと食べたい。
He didn't really need it, but it made him feel good.必要はないけど、これはなんていうか、すごく気持ちのいいものだ。
It was like food for his soul rather than his body.体ではなく、心の栄養になるような。

(Wait, isn't this smell...)「“―――あれ、そもそもこの匂いって―――”」
He stopped wagging his tail.むむ、と振りまくっていた尻尾が止まる。
The golden wolf in the form of a small dog sat with the food that was the very origin of his name in front of him. Beowulf was faced with a difficult problem he was unable to solve.小型犬にふんした黄金の狼は、自分の名前の由来である食べ物を前にして、解けない難問につきあたるのだった。

"I'm home!"「ただいまー」
"Welcome back, Beo.「はい、お帰りなさいベオくん。
I was worried about you. It's late! As your trainer and master, I have to punish you for staying out so late without checking in with me. Kneel right there."遅いお帰りにお姉さん心配しちゃった。こんな時間まで無断外出とか心配したゾ。教育係けん飼い主として、バッボーイしなくちゃいけないからそこに正座」

Beo had transformed back into human form and returned to the workshop. Touko was waiting there for him with a big, strained smile on her face.ベオがヒト形に変身して工房に戻ると、笑顔でこめかみをひくつかせた蒼崎橙子が待っていた。
"Ah, right."「あ、そうか」
Beo knew he had messed up.失敗しちゃった、とベオは素直に反省する。
He had failed to get back home before Touko because of Sister Yuika.シスターとの一件で、先回りして帰る事を失念していた。

"Aw, do I really have to kneel in the corner?「えー、正座はいやですー。
I was out late, but nobody saw me! I wasn't doing anything bad!"そりゃあ無断で外に出てたけど、誰にも見つかってないし。別にボク、悪いことしてないし」
"Are you sure nobody saw you?「誰にも見つかっていない?
Were you out playing in the mountains?"ってコトはベオくん、裏山で遊んでたの?」
"No, I was in town. But nobody noticed me, I'm sure of it. I was actually following you!"「ううん、裏山じゃなくて町。気付かなかったでしょ、実はトーコさんを尾行していただけなのです!」

Touko froze at Beo's completely unexpected response.予想外の返答に固まる橙子。
But, she was used to him by now. She just sighed and rubbed her head, now throbbing from a terrible headache.が、さすがにカレの扱いには慣れたものなのか、そう、とため息で頭痛を押さえこんだ。

"...Fine. I suppose I was the one who taught you that nothing's bad, as long as you don't get caught. I also never explicitly told you that you couldn't follow me, so I'll let this one slide.「……いいでしょう。見つからなければ悪戯いたずらじゃない、と教えたのは私だしね。主人の尾行禁止、とは命令していなかったし。今回の尾行については不問に付します。
But how did you avoid being noticed? I'm pretty sure you would've drawn attention to yourself in that form."でも、どうやって人目を避けたの? その格好だったらさすがに気付くと思うんだけど、私」

"That's my trade secret. If I told you, then I won't be able to see you like I did today. You looked like you were really having fun with that person."「そこはキギョウヒミツです。教えたら今日みたいなトーコさん、もう見れなくなっちゃうし。楽しそうだったよね、あのヒトと」
Touko's response was both honest and out of character.らしくなく、素直に反応する橙子。
Even Beo was surprised at how taken aback she was by his statement.そんな雇い主の動揺に、ベオも意表をつかれてしまった。

"That wasn't fun. I don't know what kind of weird idea you got from that, but it was a negotiation. I was simply holding the entire town hostage to keep him from interfering as a priest of the Church, and..."「それは違う。どんな勘違いをしたのか知らないけど、アレはただの交渉よ。教会の神父相手に、町を人質に見立てて不干渉を念押ししただけで、」
"Well, I was actually talking about the girl.「いや、楽しそうに見えたのは女のヒトの方だけど。
The one that you left unable to move."あの、全身ぐるぐる巻きに自分を縛ってた方」

Woman and wolf stared at each other for a silent moment.しばし無言で見つめ合う一人と一匹。
Beo looked satisfied with himself and his secret information.野生のカレは、ふーん、と訳知り顔で納得して、
But I guess that means that guy's your mate, right?"つまり、アレってトーコさんのつがい?」
Touko nearly choked at the utterly fearless question.蒼崎橙子をして吹き出させる、神をも恐れぬ疑問を投げかけた。

The puppet master wordlessly removed her glasses and tamped down her emotions.人形師は無言で眼鏡を外して、まなじりを強く押さえた。
"Tell me, Beo, why do you even know that word?「なんでそんな言葉だけ知ってるんだオマエは。
There's no reason for you to know about such things."耳年増みみどしまにも程があるぞ」

"Why wouldn't I? It's a word all creatures are familiar with.「こんなの、生き物としてフツーの言葉じゃない。
...Granted, I never thought of you as a normal creature, so I'm a little surprised myself.……まあ、トーコさんがフツーの生き物だとは思っていなかったから、ボクとしても意外だけど。
Anyway, who is that plain, potato-head looking guy anyway?"それで、どうなの? あのパッとしないポテトみたいなおす、なに?」

Beo was suddenly irritated.何が気に食わないのか、ベオは唐突に不機嫌になった。
He was irritated, but he couldn't figure out why.ベオ自身、自分がいらついている事は理解できたが、なぜ苛ついているのかまでは理解できていない。

"He's literally nothing. To me, anyway. Your assessment is correct. He isn't worth thinking about, and he's not even good enough for you to eat."「何もなにも、オマエの言う通りしなびたフライドポテトだよ。少なくとも私にとってはね。気にする価値もないし、食べたくなるような魅力もない」
"Really? He's just an enemy? And I'm the only special person in your life?"「ホント? ただの敵? トーコさんにとって特別なのは、ボクだけ?」

"For the time being, yes.「ああ、今のところはね。
...I thought it might rekindle something, but there was absolutely nothing there. I don't think I'll ever think about him like that again."……やけぼっくいに火がつくかとも思ったが、完全に湿気しけっていた。アレを前にしてどうこう思うのは、もう二度とないだろうさ」
"All right, then! If that's the case then I'll forget about it! Say, what do you mean by 'rekindle' anyway?"「そっか! なんでもないならもう忘れるコトにしまーす! でも、ヤケボックイってなに?」

"It's just when you think you can make a relationship like it was in the past.「思い出を蒸し返して、前後不覚におちいるコト。
I mean, I guess there was a slight chance of that happening. He was my first love, after all."ま、その可能性だって少しはあったと思うよ。あんなんでも、私の初恋の相手のようだし」
Beo had no firsthand experience with love, but he at least understood the concept of a first love.恋は未経験なれど、初恋の意味ぐらいは知っているベオだった。

"YOU had a first love?!"「ハツコイって、トーコさんに!?」
"...I'm not sure why you think a mate is more believable than a first love.「……つがいはアリで初恋はナシとか、どれだけ私を動物的に観ているんだ、オマエは。
It was a long time ago. I was still a teenager, and he had just started studying under my grandfather. He wasn't studying magecraft. He was just training under him to hone his mind."昔の話だよ。私が十代になったばかりで、詠梨アレが祖父の弟子だった頃の話だ。ヤツは魔術ではなく、精神修行の一環として祖父と付き合っていたが」

Touko spoke indifferently, and it was clear from the look on her face that there was no longer any attachment there.淡々と語る橙子の横顔から、未練らしきものは見られない。
Yet there was still a tenderness in her words that caused Beo to furrow his brow.なのにこう、普段より言霊ことだまに温かみがある、とベオは眉を曇らせた。

"Miss Touko... do you still like him?"「トーコさん、まだスキなわけ?」
"No. I was surprised at how little I felt for him.「いや。自分でも呆れるぐらい何もなかった。
There's just this remnant of my adolescence there. Just talking to people I know from that time takes me back, you know?ただ青春の幻影というのかな。そういう頃の象徴のような知人とは、話すだけで懐かしいものなんだよ。
I'm not attracted to him at all anymore as a person. But when I talk to him, I can remember that past version of myself so clearly it makes me want to smile."人間的にはまったく魅力を感じなくなったが、ヤツと話しているだけで、こう、昔の自分を思い返して笑いたくなる」

Beo grew only more confused as Touko spoke with such passion.感慨かんがい深く語る橙子に、ベオはますます首をかしげる。
He couldn't wrap his head around the concept that she hated him yet somehow also still liked him.すごく嫌いなのにわりと好き、というのは理屈に合わない気がするからだ。

"I don't get it."「そういうの、ボク分かんないなー」
"That's because you don't have likes or dislikes. Sometimes you can't use logic to understand human relationships."「オマエには好き嫌いがないからな。理屈ロジックだけじゃヒトの関係は解けないよ」
"I do too have likes and dislikes!「そんなのありますー!
There are certain foods that I like more than others, you know!"食べ物だってえり好みするじゃんか、ボク!」

"You only work on the standard of whether something is useful or not.「オマエの基準は有益か無益かだけだろ。
Wild animals only uses taste as a sensor to measure how nutritious something is.野生動物にとって味覚は、十分な栄養値があるかないかを測るセンサーでしかない。
Only humans eat for reasons other than pure nutritional value.栄養値を度外視して食事をとるのは人間だけだ。
Some of the food we like doesn't help sustain us. We eat what we eat because we enjoy it. That's also why things we like look sweet."……自分の体に合っているからその食材を好む、ではないんだよ。ヒトは "楽しい" か "楽しくない" かで食事をとる。好きなものが甘く見えるのはその為だ」

"Things you like look sweet?"「甘いもの―――好きなものって、甘く見えるの?」
"I mean, that was just an example. But we don't look at something we like and think it's bitter. Well, maybe some people do, I don't know.「物の喩えだが、苦くは見えないだろ。……まあ、ヒトによってはそれもありだが。
It all depends on what you're into, I guess.そのあたりはアレだな、性癖の問題だ。
It's like 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?' Is something sweet because we like it, or do we like it because it's sweet?"たまごが先か、にわとりが先かの話さ。好きだから甘いのか、甘いから好きなのか、とね」

"Yeah, but, I don't think you look sweet."「でもボク、トーコさんは甘く見えないけど」
"Of course not! You're not actually 'alive!'「そりゃそうだろ。そもそもオマエはまだ“生きて”いないからな。
You exist, but you're not really alive. There's a difference.在るだけのモノと、生きているコトはまた別の話だ。
It's kind of ironic, actually. If you were to ever figure that difference out, you wouldn't be invincible anymore."皮肉な話だがね。その違いを知った時、オマエは無敵ではなくなるよ、ベオ」

"Anyway, it's time for dinner. I won a lot today, so I bought some nice marbled beef for you."「さ、夕食だ。今日も大勝したからな、霜降しもふりのいいところを買ってきたぞ」
Touko walked into the classroom, back in her usual mood.雇い主はいつもの調子で教室に入っていった。
Beo lingered in the hallway looking dejected.ベオは浮かない顔で廊下に佇む。
"You're not actually alive!"“オマエはまだ生きていない”
Those words pierced right through Beo's heart, but he didn't quite know why yet.その台詞はベオの心をざわめかせたが、なぜそう思うのか、今のカレには分からない。

Three weeks would pass before he got a hint of why that was the case.その答えの手がかりを得るのは、これから約三週間後。
Lugh Beowulf was perfect...完全であるルゥ・ベオウルフが、
...and yet he would lose,まったく完全でない生き物に、
at the hands of a particularly imperfect creature.あっさり黒星をつけられた後のコトになる。

The sound of a phone ringing echoed through the empty hallways of the school.無人の校舎に場違いな呼び鈴コールが響き渡る。
It was January, and both the mage who had remodeled the building,建物を改築した主も、
and the Magician who had expelled her from it, were long gone.その主を撃退した魔法使いも退場してひさしい、一月某日。
The telephone that Touko had installed on a whim rang and rang without letting up, as if it knew for sure that someone was there to answer it.蒼崎橙子が気まぐれで取り付けていった電話機は、そこに誰かがいる事を確信しているように、飽きることなく鳴り続けていた。

"Argh, shut up!"「ああもう、うるさいなあ」
Something rustled inside.そんな中、ごそり、と動く気配があった。
There were definitely no people inside the school building, but there was one non-human creature sleeping there.校舎は無人には違いないが、人間ではないモノが一つ、いまだ寝床ねどこにしていたらしい。

"Hi, you've reached the Misaki branch of the Hollow Shrine.「はい、こちらガランノドウ第二出張店ー。
The owner has run away with her tail between her legs and is currently unavailable, so please leave a message after the... ah, Miss Touko?店主はシッポまいて逃げだしたアトですので、ご用のある方は発信音のアトにメッセージを――あ、トーコさん?
Ah, yes, yes. That's fine. Have a good trip. Don't worry about me."うん、はいはい。どーぞ行ってらっしゃい、ボクのコトはお構いなく」

The classroom was occupied by a young boy with blond hair.教室に居たのは金髪の少年だ。
Even before the phone rang, he was in human form.ソレは呼び鈴が鳴る前からヒトの姿をしていた。
It used to be that when he was alone, he would always doze off in his wolf form. But not anymore.かつて、ひとりきりでいる時は狼の姿で微睡みに落ちていたが、今は違う。
There was no real need for him to stay in his human form, but he did anyway.ソレはそうである必要もないのに、ヒトのカタチを維持している。
It was now his normal state of being when he was not in combat.どのような心境の変化か、戦闘時以外はこちらの姿を“平常”に切り替えていた。

"Just call me if you need anything. I know my contract is up, but I'm still your familiar.「じゃ、必要になったら呼んでよね。契約は切れたけど、ボクはまだトーコさんの使い魔だし。
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm proud to be your familiar. Until I find a better employer, I'm leaving my collar with you."うん、そう、嫌味なんかじゃないって。狼はね、誇り高いんだよ。トーコさん以上の雇い主が見つかるまで、首輪はそっちに預けておきます」

Beo couldn't help but wonder where Touko was traveling.ふと、ソレは受話器の向こうの相手が、どこを旅しているのか気になった。
She had accepted her loss and ended her contract with her familiar.彼女は敗北を認め、使い魔との契約をった。
She said it was because she hadn't fulfilled her promise to let him fight Magic.魔法の相手をさせてやる、という約束を違えたからだという。
However, that was actually the fault of her familiar, and not her responsibility at all. Beo had not fulfilled his duty as her bodyguard yet.けれどそれは使い魔の落ち度であって彼女の責任ではない。護衛役としては、ソレはまだ仕事を果たしていないのだ。

"So, where are you now?"「で、トーコさんはいまどこ?」
It was the name of a country he wasn't familiar with.受話器からは聞き慣れない国の名前。
After the battle, she had promptly left Japan to develop a way to break the curse.彼女は呪いの解呪手段を開発する為、早々に日本を発ったのだ。

"What do you mean, accept your loss?「なにが敗北を認めた、だよ。
Does that mean you haven't given up yet?"それって、まだ諦めてないってコトじゃん」
Touko laughed on the other end of the line.まったくだ、と笑い声が返ってくる。
Somehow, Beo sensed a tropical scent coming through the phone.受話器の向こうからは、なんとなく、熱帯の香りがした。
Whether that was a Mystical effect of Touko's handcrafted phone,それが蒼崎橙子お手製の電話機による神秘か、
or the werewolf's super senses, was unclear.ソレ自身の超感覚によるものかは分からない。

"Well, come home soon, okay? I'll be here waiting. Bring me back something delicious, will you?"「じゃ、さっさと帰ってきてね。ボクはこっちに残ってるから、美味しいお土産、よろしく」
Touko asked him why.なぜ? と受話器から声がする。
If he had really decided to stay on as her familiar, there was no reason for him to stay there.彼女の使い魔を続けると決めたのなら、この土地に残る道理はないのだから。

"Hmm... I don't really know myself, actually."「んー……実はボクも、よく分かんない、だけど」
As he stumbled over his words, Beo patted his chest a few times and remembered the pain he had felt.ソレは言葉を詰まらせながら、胸に手をペタペタと当てて、以前味わった痛みを反芻はんすうして、

"Ehehe. How do I put this...?「えへへ。まあ、なんといいましょうか。
It's like... when I'm here, I think I can understand what sweet really means."ここにいれば甘いってどんなものか、分かるような気がするのです」
The wolf who had learned to accept being wasteful expressed his future goal in a happy voice.無駄を知った狼は、どことなく楽しそうな声で、今後の目的を口にした。
Thus concluded an exceptionally rare case of first love, sweet as honey.これもまた初恋はちみつに関する、極めて稀少な事件ケースである。