Merry Christmas in the Snowy Fields 2023 - 7 Days / 8 Years Snow Carol

0. Transporter Santa Claus

The Servants will be visiting their homes?
On the bleached Earth?

Da Vinci:
Right. Servants are still children of humanity
(*save for a few exceptions).

Da Vinci:
It's only natural that they'd miss their places of birth,
not to mention that returning to their lands has the
benefit of restoring their damaged Saint Graphs.

Da Vinci:
Therefore, all Servants who apply for it are given
leave to return home for seven days every year.

Da Vinci:
You can't have summer vacation but no winter
vacation, can you?

Da Vinci:
Well, Chaldea's magical energy supply is minimized,
so it's not actually as comfortable as it could've been.

Da Vinci:
Any problems, Captain?

...No, I have no objections as long as they keep in
touch. I can agree that restoring their Saint Graphs
would be an improvement to our forces.

It's effective to review and reinput the elements of the
source character that one loses or forgets.

On the off chance the Border gets attacked,
we'll have to forcibly summon all of them back,
causing overload for the Triton Engines...

but not all Servants will apply for visits. I'm sure the
applicants will be a minority.

At Chaldea's current state, a 10-20% loss of
personnel is something we can compensate for with
knowledge and experience.

Da Vinci:

Da Vinci?

Da Vinci:
Sure, you got the 10-20% number right. You just
assigned it to the wrong box.

Da Vinci:
80% of our Servants are currently visiting their homes.
The 20% are the ones remaining on the Storm Border.

Da Vinci:
Don't worry. SHEBA's future observation guarantees
that we're safe for at least another seven days.

Da Vinci:
You can be sure that the Storm Border won't be
attacked. Professor said the same thing.

Professor... This is the sort of thing you have to report
to your captain. That's unacceptably negligent...
Lazy, even.

...I'll deal with my own problems later...

What matters now is the other Servants. We have too
many Servants absent. That's unreasonable.

Did Chaldea work them so hard that everyone got

Fou. Fou.
(Special translation: They kinda did.)

Da Vinci:
There's one more reason. I know this may sound too
Chaldea-esque for your standards, but–

Da Vinci:
we have a regular tradition of a Santa delivering
presents to everyone on Christmas.

Da Vinci:
Many might be waiting at home in hopes of getting
what they wished for.

These people are crazy. Eels who've tied themselves
in knots.

Christmas? Santa Claus? While the Earth is bleached?

It's deplorable to see Leonardo da Vinci making such
an elementary mistake.

“Waiting at home” is not even the point!

“Needing to be good the whole year” is! Not making it
about that removes most of the joy of the season!

Yes! That's exactly it! Christmas is proof that you did
good this year!

I can see why the kids want to be like you,
adventurous captain Nemo! You know what really
matters about Christmas!

Santa Martha:
I've been thinking that it's about time I chose someone
for this year's Santa role. But there were too many
candidates on the list~!

Santa Martha:
Preferably, I'd want a sturdy and hardworking Rider
Class Servant!

Santa Martha:
And now fortune smiled my way right when I needed

Santa Martha:
Rider Class? Check!
Hardworking? 100%! Sturdy? Tarasque level!

Santa Martha:
Perfect. The Lord's guidance has brought us together.

Santa Martha:
Greetings and good day, Heroic Spirit Nemo.

Santa Martha:
May I ask you to be this year's Santa?

Me, the Santa? Wait, does that just pass down from
one to the other so casually?

Santa Martha:
Yes, the Santa Claus is chosen by the previous one
every year!

Santa Martha:
I was an exception, but I hear this pattern was true for
mostly all other Santas!

I-If you say so.

But I am a conqueror of the seas, not someone known
for giving children things they want.

Not to mention I have my tasks as captain.

Santa Martha:
Oh, I see. Hmm, then I suppose I'll have to ask
someone else.

Santa Martha:
Sorry for the sudden and unreasonable request.
I'll go look for another Santa candidate to–

E:Nemo Baker=spot:
HOLD IT! It's Santa we're talking about! Delivering

E:Nemo Baker=spot:
We have do it! Let us do it, Captain!
It's guaranteed to be fuuuuun!

Nemo Marine=spot:
Agreed! We wanna be Santaaaaaa!

Nemo Engineer=spot:
H-hmpf. Christmas, eh? Might be a good idea to leave
the Storm Border coolin' off.

Nemo Professor=spot:
This is my moment. In preparation for this occasion,
I converted the Nautilus' landing vessel into a

I:Nemo Nurse=spot:
I have no reason to object. Since there will be no
combat, I'll have no work to do at the infirmary.

I:Nemo Nurse=spot:
Besides, I'm sure our wise Captain already thought of
what he wanted to do as soon as the word “Santa”
entered the conversation.

Santa Martha:
Sorry for the sudden and unreasonable request.
I'll go look for another Santa candidate to–

I accept, of course. Fortunately, Da Vinci told me
everything about it.

C:Fou (Narration):
“Nemo's train of thought there lasted 0.5 seconds.
This level is comparable to the average Atlas
alchemist's Thought Acceleration.”

Santa Martha:
Great. Then I'll pass the Santa Saint Graph to you.

Santa Martha:
Close your eyes and focus on your personal idea of
Santa Claus.

Santa Martha:
It's a very difficult and time-consuming process,
but I'm sure the great Captain Nemo can–HUH?!

Nemo Santa:
This is a good enough look for a Santa Claus.

Nemo Santa:
Thank you for choosing me, Saint Martha. I will not

Nemo Santa:
I am now Captain, yet not Captain.
The leader of Team Nautilus, Nemo Porter!

Nemo Santa:
Discipline to the naughty children.
Presents to the nice children.

Nemo Santa:
Leave it to me. I never fail an assignment. I swear on
the name of the Heroic Spirit Nemo that Santa will not
allow failure!

Santa Martha:
(Whaaat? Did I choose the wrong person?)


Fujimaru 1:
A Santa Claus Mystic Code!

Yes, this is Da Vinci's end-of-year special allowance
for you!

A warm suit for a Christmas veteran like you to hit the
town with...

This Christmas is a success already. It would be no
exaggeration to say you're the best Santa of the

Fujimaru 1:
Am I? (Trying not to look too happy)

Fujimaru 2:
I sure am. (Shit-eating grin)

Sorry to spoil your Santa Mystic Code fun, but you
won't need to head out, Master.

Save the costume for the Christmas party. Or for next
year's gift delivery.

Oh! I know that voice—

Nemo Santa:
Merry Christmas, Mash and Fujimaru.
As you can see, I'm this year's Santa.

Nemo Santa:
I don't have any witty name for this form, so let's
stick with the plain and simple Nemo Santa.

Nemo Santa:
Alternatively, Nemo Porter, since my standard
function is delivering requested packages.


Fujimaru 1:

Nemo Santa:
So I'm Nemo Santa. Any problems?

N-no, the red cap looks great on you. And your
moustache is...yes.

It's a dignified mustachio, an honor to Captain Nemo's
legacy... Is it a disguise piece?

Fujimaru 1:
(Nodding a "Yeah, yeah")

Nemo Santa:
Less of a disguise piece and more an expression of
how I feel. I thought my body and spirit needed some
facial hair while I'm in Santa mode.

Nemo Santa:
No, forget what you just heard. Some things are best
left unsaid. I only passed by to say goodbye before

Nemo Santa:
It turns out Santa Claus has a Skill that picks up on
people's wishes for his arrival.

Nemo Santa:
So I opened a support ticket for each request and now
the task list has over 300 tickets.

Nemo Santa:
And the Servants are currently spread all around the

Nemo Santa:
That's more hard work than you two can handle.

Nemo Santa:
As your captain, no, as your Santa, I can't exploit your
labor after you've been nice kids the whole year.

Nemo Santa:
I can handle this year's Christmas alone—
or rather, with the crew.

Nemo Santa:
Unlike other Santas, I have a 4x4, a computer that can
tell me the most efficient present delivery route,

Nemo Santa:
and an anchor hook that can get me into anywhere.
Trust me, the delivery process will be over in a cinch
with my cutting-edge equipment.

Nemo Santa:
Do not follow me out there. Are we clear on that?

Nemo Santa:
Alright... I can wrap this up in seven days. I'll be
reporting to you at the end of each day.

Nemo Santa:
So you just relax and enjoy your winter vacation with
Mash. Resting is an essential part of a Master's duty.

Nemo Santa:
Copy that? You two have a cake ready in Chaldea for
when I'm back.

Nemo Santa:
The shop and item exchange will be operational,
of course. I understand the exchanging shop is the
star atop your Christmas tree.

Nemo Santa:
Nemo Porter is the perfect Santa. Absolutely flawless,
you could say.

Nemo Santa:
Bye then. Merry Christmas.

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
Sorry, the moustache's impact got to me and I didn't hear a word...

Indeed... I also don't know how to comment on his

Now that I've had time to collect myself and feel more
assured... I'm grateful that Captain Nemo became
Santa, but I feel like things could've been different...

I know, right? I was totally ROBBED!

I wasn't counting on Nemo to take the Santa Saint
Graph first...

(Sniff) What am I supposed to say to the Senpais all
over the world who patiently waited with faith that this
year would be the year of BB Santa...?

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
No faith here whatsoever!

BB!? When did you get here?

Also, my apprehensions weren't about who gets to
have the Santa Saint Graph...

Yes, I know. It was just a little quip of BB humor.

Your problem is with Nemo Porter's work policies.

The “I don't need anyone else to deliver the Christmas
presents” part, right, Mash?

Yes. I believe that's too much even for Nemo,
considering that all the Servants are in their lands of
choice for Christmas...

Fujimaru 1:
They all just do whatever they want...

Fujimaru 2:
I think Nemo can handle it, but...

Fujimaru 1:
I wanna help. And not because of the Santa Mystic Code.


I agree. I'd love to go after him and offer our help right

But Nemo has other plans, so I don't believe he'd be
happy about it...

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
Captain Nemo is a guy who values discipline over kindness...

Then approach it from a different angle.

Nemo Porter only told you not to follow him.

He never said you can't do any Santa work. Soooo...

If you really want to take any part in this operation,
I have a few ideas.

Fujimaru 1:
Like what?

How about making his route safer?

Nemo Santa said his delivery schedule will last seven
days, meaning his route is split into seven areas.

There will be obstacles and enemies along the way,
and taking each of them down will be exhausting even
for Santa Claus.

That's where you come in—

We'll traverse the routes before he does and remove
the obstacles!

I agree that this would qualify as both a separate
activity and be helpful to Nemo!

Fujimaru 1:
Well said, Mash! Christmas is sure to have traffic jams.

Fujimaru 2:
Infrastructure improvements are always nice!

Are we settled? Then I'm going to get informed on
the area division.

Knowing Nemo Santa's personality, the routes will be
the ones most efficient and to-the-point.

I'll calculate it in a snap and get there ahead of
everyone to set missions for you to clean up♡

Oh right, the Earth is bleached so the snow-piled
roads are actually sand! You can't ask for a winter
more Chaldean than that!

BB does LOVE seeing a Senpai working [♂ himself /♀️ herself] to the
bone on the holiday season!

Thank you for the advice and mission drafting, BB!

Let's go, Master! We'll be the light on Nemo Santa's

Fujimaru 1:
OK! It's Christmassing time!

Fujimaru 2:
Leave it to me! Nemo Santa's road will be free and clear!

Fujimaru 1:
—By the way,

Fujimaru 2:
why are you doing this, BB?

Hmm. Good question...

Partly frustration that I failed to claim the Santa Saint
Graph, but mainly that it sucks that I haven't been
getting any significant screen time lately...

Well, also a special sympathy toward the Heroic Spirit
Nemo! We share the Imaginary Numbers element!

I'll help getting you to the designated areas.
My Zero Shift isn't the most refined, but I find it's
better than going on foot.

Well then, let's begin Operation: Holiday Season
Route Maintenance.

These seven long days will pass in a flash.
Do your best every day, Senpai♡

Day 1


  • 6:00 PM -
  • End of business hours -

Thanks to BB's Zero Shift, we managed to get back
with time to spare.

Today's business should come to an end right this

Nemo Marine:
Yoo-hoo, coming iiiin! Team Nautilus completed
today's deliveries!

Nemo Marine:
Look, Master! Don't I look awesome in my Santa suit?

Nemo Santa:
Behave, Marine.

Nemo Santa:
I only brought you along to stop your pestering.
If you're going to make a ruckus, you're not joining
next time.

Nemo Marine:
Aye-aye, sir! Shutting up now!

Nemo Marine:
I just wanted to show off the new outfit we Marines
are wearing. The rest's up to you, Captain—

Nemo Marine:
—sorry! “Leader”.

Nemo Santa:
Geez... I'm going to need to bring Baker and the rest
along to keep a leash on things.

Nemo Santa:
Whatever, I'll just watch how things unfold.
I'm back, Fujimaru and Mash.

Nemo Santa:
As promised, I'm dropping by to report after
concluding today's delivery.

Fujimaru 1:
Welcome home, Nemo Santa.

Fujimaru 2:
Excellent job today.

Nemo Santa:
The first day was an warm-up, with a present count
on the lower end. It was an easy delivery.

Nemo Santa:
It's tomorrow that I'll first buckle down for this Santa
business. Oh, but...

Nemo Santa:
Today's last delivery was memorable.
Also, there's a present addressed to you.

Nemo Santa:
Do you want to know who it's from?

Fujimaru 1:
Of course.

Fujimaru 2:
Who could it be...?

Nemo Santa:
Alright. Long story short, the last location I visited
today was—


Hoh? Look who it is. Nemo! What brings you here?
Felt like visiting my place?

Be my guest. I'ma go brew you some coffee!

Ya know, I've always felt this special affinity for you,
Nemo. I mean, a nautilus is almost a belemnite,
am I right?

Surely you've battled a living prehistoric monster
under the deep seas.

Might've even seen a pterosaur in the flesh.
Come sip some tea with me as we watch the Lyme
Regis coastline.

Although that place is an empty land covered in snow
now, so we won't be able to see the ocean or the shore!

Nemo Santa:
I'm sorry about that. It might be me that's the cause
of the snow.

Nemo Santa:
Merry Christmas, Mary Anning. I know it's early,
but I'm here to deliver your present.

Huh? Christmas? You're working as Santa, mister?

Hell, you didn't ride here on the Nautilus? Then I want
nothing from you. Bugger off.

'Sides, I don't trust “Santa”, “Christmas”, or any other
of these transparent acts of goodwill.

Society's about give and take. Trading. I'll have ya
know I'm a capable merchant.

I may love me some cash, but I'm not brave enough to
accept a gift given for no reason.

Nemo Santa:
There is a reason. Santa makes his presents in
response to calls for them. You wanted me here.

Nemo Santa:
Your name is clearly listed in the list of the wishful.

Nemo Santa:
I'm here for your delivery. As Santa Claus.

Hoho. You're saying this box has what I want?

Say what it is. If it really is what I want, I'll take it.

Well, I already gave you the answer out loud!
I know what you're thinking, you can't hide it.

“Mary Anning is a barbaric fossil digger and a
merchant who only cares 'bout money”!

Nemo Santa:
I can't disagree. You're very levelheaded about your
finances, but I didn't bring you cash.

Ah! Doggy clothes, the #1 ego boost item for smug
pet owners...!

Nemo Santa:
That's what the list said. But I don't think this is about
the owner's unflinching ego.

Nemo Santa:
Nothing pleases a loyal dog more than seeing the joy
on their owner's face.

Nemo Santa:
If you believe your dog looks precious in these clothes,
your happiness will make your dog happy, don't you

Nemo Santa:
Besides, these clothes are very resilient. They
shouldn't tear in case of a landslide.

Nemo Santa:
This is what you wished for. If you don't want it,
I'll take it back.

Cripes, I want it! Nemo, are you an angel!?

But ain't this Santa business bloody awful!?
You walk through all that snow to deliver gifts and not
get paid for it?

Nemo Santa:
That's how Santa Claus is. But your case is an

Nemo Santa:
Mary Anning, there is a reason why I chose you to be
the last visit of the day.

Nemo Santa:
Would you tell me your stories as a digger who never
failed to excavate precious fossils?

Blimey, you couldn't ask for a better sweetener!
How could I say no to someone asking me to regale
the saga of my glory?

Do you wanna hear about my debut excavation,
the ichthyosaurus? Or do you prefer my most major
work, the plesiosaurus?

Ask for any story you like! I could even teach you how
to excavate fossils!

Nemo Santa:
And that's what happened. Anning is a much more
eloquent talker than she initially seems.

Nemo Santa:
It sounded like she could go on for hours still,
but she knew exactly when to wrap things up.

Nemo Santa:
And then she gave me a present.

So, uh...can you take this?

Now that I'm home, I got to relax and polish fossils...
I can hope one'll work as a good luck charm.

It feels bad not to give anything in return. Merchant's

There's one for you and one for Master. To tell you
the truth, one of them was actually for me!

Nemo Santa:
I see. You returned home in order to give this to

Nemo Santa:
Thank you, Anning. I'll gladly accept it.

Nemo Santa:
This belemnite fossil does indeed resemble a nautilus.

Fujimaru 1:
A good luck charm from Anning...

Fujimaru 2:
(Thank you, Anning.)

Nemo Santa:
That's all from me. I'd better rest. My day starts early

Nemo Santa:
Master, today proved that I can handle the present
delivery on my own.

Nemo Santa:
It bears repeating: do not follow Santa. Are we clear?

Day 2


  • 6:00 PM -
  • End of business hours -

Once again, we made the route as safe as possible.
We've been quite efficient, wouldn't you agree?

By the way, Senpai, have you already been to the
event currency shop?

It's a very lively place, since it's operated by the
Marines that stayed behind in the Border's moorage.

Nemo Nurse:
I'm glad to hear positive reviews of the event shop.

Nemo Nurse:
There were concerns the Marines would be getting
into trouble.

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
The Santa hat looks great on you!

Nemo Nurse:
Doesn't it? I really like how it's the same model as
Miss Nightingale.

Nemo Nurse:
Thank Saint Martha for choosing us for the Santa
position... Oh, I forgot the important part.

Nemo Nurse:
Good day, Fujimaru and Mash.

Nemo Nurse:
I'm visiting because I still hadn't given you my formal

Nemo Nurse:
And naturally, I'm accompanying our Leader.

Nemo Santa:
Sorry for the unannounced visit. I trust that you
wouldn't do anything unnecessary, but I'll ask anyways.
Did you have a quiet, enjoyable day?

Fujimaru 1:
Y-yeah, I've been relaxing in my bedroom.

Fujimaru 2:
N-nothing unusual happened.

Nemo Santa:
I'd hope so.

Nemo Nurse:
Leader, I don't agree with demanding them to spend
all of Christmas in their rooms.

Nemo Nurse:
Why not let them have a safe, injury-free adventure in
the simulator?

Nemo Nurse:
Oh, we finished delivering to the England-France
region after getting a start on that yesterday.
Here's the ticket list.

Nemo Nurse:
Also, here's a present from Habetrot to the both of

Nemo Nurse:
I believe it's a set of warmers to match with your
Santa outfit.

Thank you. So today you visited Habetrot?

Nemo Santa:
Yes. She requested me to say hi to you. And she was
with unexpected company–


My apologies! I didn't realize you were Santa Claus!

When I saw everything suddenly get covered in snow,
I assumed it was the work of a wicked magician and
engaged in full-force combat!

I should have associated the snow with Christmas and
the red cap and sled combo with Santa...

Blame it all on Britomart, you didn't deserve any

Err, I know this is rich coming from me, but are you

Nemo Santa:
No problem.
As you can see, I'm a professional Santa.

Nemo Santa:
Our schedule accounts for the possibility of some
skirmishes. One in every three visits has us mistaken for
an invader.

Nemo Santa:
But it was a surprise to see you here. Is this address
your homeland, Habetrot?

Yeah, you came to the right place! Britain is our

Britomart and Oberon are from the same place as me,
so I invited the two over for a little tea party.

We're chatting about Morgan! Britomart is always
wanting to know more about her, see?

So she came to hear from Morgan's tea buddy
Habetrot and the self-proclaimed Morgan expert

That's right. I heard she'd have some nice snacks to
eat, so I took this fine opportunity to visit.

As for the Morgan talk, I'm sticking only to the
harmless, safe-to-speak parts. Don't want to shatter
her dreams, eh?

Besides, I may know a lot about Fairy Britain,
but I never got a chance to see the real Britain before.

I'm arguably a Pan-Human fairy. No harm in taking a
look with my own eyes.

That said, there's nothing to see here, no thanks to
the bleaching! Hahaha!

It's mortifying, really... If I was at least as developed
as my mother, I could deploy a temporary fairyland,

allowing King Oberon to see the beauty of the original

Don't bother yourself for my sake, Britomart.
Raise your chin. Dejection doesn't suit a fairy's face.

I can intuit how beautiful the land was just by looking
at you.

There's no need to see the real thing,

which means I can simply wait for a better
opportunity in the future, no?


G:Nemo Santa:
(The moment she fell to her knees, he took
Britomart's hand so naturally!)

(Uh-huh. Taking her hand is an understatement.
He smoothly rose her back to her feet when his
“better opportunity” came.)

So? Is Santa Claus here to give Habetrot something?

B:Nemo Santa:
Yes. My business is with Habetrot. All of you being
here too was unexpected.

B:Nemo Santa:
What she wants is marked as personal.
May I ask you to relocate?

Hm? What, am I the only one getting a present?
What about Oberon and Britomart?

B:Nemo Santa:
The two of them are not on the checklist. It must
mean they don't have anything they want at the

Correct! I'm still in training! I'm saving the wishing for
when I'm fully qualified!

It's the other way around here. I have too many things
I want.

I suppose I'm off the list because there's no one
present option I could settle on.

I see... Then if we have countless Christmases,
you'll eventually get your wish granted, King Oberon!


True. With countless wants, one at least has a good
chance of coming true.

I:Nemo Santa:
The bystanders are away now.
Then this is for you, Habetrot. Merry Christmas.

Thank you, Santa Claus. Can I open it right away?

I:Nemo Santa:
Be my guest. Verify if it really is what you want.
Hearing you got the wrong thing would harm my
Santa credentials.

Then don't mind if I do...


I:Nemo Santa:
Was that the right thing?

Yup! This is what I wanted! You know how I'm the
yarn-spinning fairy of the spinning wheel?

My lips often get inflamed thanks to all that
thread-licking. That's what this balm is for. It'll prove a
helpful work tool.

Habetrot:'s also make-up, kinda. Though I'm still far off
from becoming a bride.

I:Nemo Santa:
You're not that far. You'd be wasting the make-up
part if you use it in your alone time instead of flaunting

R-really? Won't people laugh at me?

I:Nemo Santa:
Absolutely not. You'll look great. You have Santa's
seal of approval.

Nemo Nurse:
I can't go into further detail on what her present was,
but that's the general gist of the situation.

So Habetrot went off to her homeland.

Oberon and Britomart are also English heroes,
so I trust that they could have a stimulating chat.

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
Did anything happen after?

Nemo Santa:
No, nothing. We made small talk with Habetrot and
returned to Chaldea.

Nemo Santa:
Nurse, we must take our leave.
Tomorrow's schedule will be pretty tight.

Nemo Santa:
Our mission has just begun. Stay alert.

Nemo Nurse:
Yes, of course, Captain. The voyage will be long.

Nemo Nurse:
If you'll excuse us, Fujimaru and Mash.

Nemo Nurse:
Don't stay up too late and refrain from midnight
snacks. Remember to sleep early and wake up early.

Day 3

Nemo Santa:
All hands, revise the delivery list. Are all packages
verified and is the preparation checklist fully ticked?

Nemo Santa:
After we test the vessel's Zero Sail for the last day,
we'll surface in normal space as scheduled.

Nemo Santa:
Our target today is the American continent.
Upon arrival, we'll carry out the mission on land with
the armored vehicle.

Nemo Marine:
Yikes! This schedule wants to clean up North America
in one daaay!

Nemo Marine:
Alternating between Zero Sail and land operation this
many times in one day will break the Nautiluuus!

Nemo Marine:
Can we get a veto from the creeew!? Today's mission
quota is completely unreasonablllle!

Nemo Engineer:
Quit your yappin', Marine!
Everyone knows we're pushin' it!

Nemo Engineer:
Remember we're doin' it because everyone wanted to!
Too late to call it quits, boys!

Nemo Engineer:
'Sides, Professor's estimations predict minimal
danger on the roads. The land parts will be a breeze.

Nemo Engineer:
No enemy signals found on our routes. The snow'll
never let up, though.

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Engineer:
Hm? What's goin' on, Leader? Anythin' on your mind?

Nemo Santa:
Not really. I thought we had a lucky first day,
but now the lack of enemies on our trajectories is
starting to look unnatural.

Nemo Santa:
I suppose I'll have to question BB later.

Nemo Santa:
Marines, we won't be cutting short the number of
Zero Sails. Part of the point is running an endurance

Nemo Santa:
Keep your eyes peeled for any irregularities in the
sailing Nautilus. That's your task.

Nemo Marine:
Yessir... But don't push yourself too hard, okay,

Nemo Marine:
If anything happens to the Nautilus, you're the one
taking the damage, not us.

Nemo Santa:
I know. Now let's begin today's deliveries.

Nemo Santa:
Santa Claus can't fall behind schedule. We will meet
the appointed times, without fail.


J:Nemo Engineer:
Stop, STOP!
That's enough, ol' Nikola!

J:Nemo Engineer:
Don't you recognize me?
Nemo Engineer! Your birdwatchin' buddy!

Nikola Tesla:
Oh dear. I didn't notice you, Madam Engineer!

Nikola Tesla:
I beg your pardon. How could a genius of my caliber
fail to tell a friend apart from a wraith?

Nikola Tesla:
Letting nostalgia get the better of me was a mistake.
Doubly so when my trip down memory lane was over
a past regret.

Nikola Tesla:
My belated greetings, Nemo Engineer and...

Nemo Santa:
Nemo Santa. I'm currently away from my captain post.

Nikola Tesla:
I see. Good day, Nemo Santa.
I'm a genius. The name is Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla:
A pioneer inventor beyond compare in human history.

Nikola Tesla:
The true king of electricity, the one who brought light
to the daily lives of the common man,

Nikola Tesla:
and the eccentric, unlucky pigeon-loving gentleman
who ended one step short of illuminating the world.

Nikola Tesla:
Also a friend of your other persona, Nemo Engineer.
You may address me like a good friend.

Nikola Tesla:
Or if you prefer, like teacher and student. Perhaps
father and son. Alternatively, father and daughter.

Nemo Santa:
O-okay. I appreciate the sentiment, but no thanks.

Nemo Santa:
(Sigh)... I didn't know you were friends with Engineer.

Nikola Tesla:
Oh. So your information sharing is not

Nikola Tesla:
Well, everyone has a secret they want to keep to
themselves. Madam Engineer is still a young maiden at

Nikola Tesla:
Being on affable terms with a perfect gentleman such
as myself is certainly something she wouldn't be able
to share with her siblings.

Nemo Engineer:
Hell no! I simply don't report irrelevant information!

Nemo Engineer:
Actually, what are you even doin' here? We're in
North America. Isn't your hometown in Croatia?

Nikola Tesla:
You're correct, but the United States is the country
where I made the most important memories of my life.

Nikola Tesla:
Chiefly so in this land. I wanted to pass by one last
time before the final battle to recover mankind's future.

Nemo Santa:
I see... I also found that unusual. We're in Long Island,
New York.

Nemo Santa:
It's the site of the Wardenclyffe Tower, a super-long-
range radio tower and transmitter meant to ultimately
supply energy to the entire planet.

Nemo Santa:
That was the peak and final destination of Nikola
Tesla's dream.

Nikola Tesla:
I wouldn't call it a final destination.
That was merely one of my many ideas.

Nikola Tesla:
But I'll have to admit it was the most valued period of
my life. I still envision it when I have a motivation spike,
oh yes.

Nemo Engineer:
Oh, that thing that shows up when you do your Noble
Phastasm! The huge generator skyscraper, really
snazzy stuff!

Nemo Santa:
It's not a skyscraper, Engineer, it's a tower.
And it's not a generator either.

Nemo Santa:
It's a device that sends far as the public
eye is concerned. In reality, it's Nikola Tesla's
ultra-scientific teleporter.

Nemo Engineer & Nikola Tesla:
It's what?

Nemo Santa:
A teleporter.

Nemo Santa:
A device that instantly sends away not only data and
energy, but physical matter from point A to point B.
Is that not what it is?

Nikola Tesla:
Wait, hold on one minute. I don't recall making any
matter replicator or teleporter.

Nikola Tesla:
Your drivel makes me nauseous, Nemo Santa.
Where did you learn such pseudo-science?

Nemo Santa:
Huh? It's, you know, the thing that got used in the
Philadelphia Experiment...

Nikola Tesla:
I'd never collaborate in military experimentation!
The tower is a voltage generator!

Nemo Santa:
No way... You mean Nikola Tesla, I mean, the Tesla
Coil can't teleport physical matter...?

Nemo Engineer:
Darn, I've never seen him this dejected before.
Hey, ol' Nikola, it is really impossible for you?

Nikola Tesla:
(My impulses tell me to call the idea proposterous...
But I'm not sure about taking away a boy's sincere

Nikola Tesla:
Nay. Not to toot my own horn, but the Tesla Coil has
several possible applications.

Nikola Tesla:
So I cannot affirm it is absolutely impossible.
There may be a genius capable of utilizing it in ways
that defy even my imagination.

Nemo Santa:
I see. Like what, for example?

Nikola Tesla:
Well, music for instance? Just keep in mind that the
Tesla Coil can do anything.


  • 6:00 PM -
  • End of business hours -

Nemo Engineer:
Hey there, comin' in! Are you two restin' well?

Fujimaru 1:
Oh, just Engineer here today?

Fujimaru 2:
You've got the reindeer cap from the shop!

Nemo Engineer:
Y-yeah. It's almost time to open the shop. I wish I was
workin' in the event store instead of delivery.

Thank you for your work, Engineer. No one else is
joining for today's report?

Nemo Engineer:
Nope! Funny stuff happened on today's delivery!
Our jerkwad Leader had a traumatic experience and
went to bed early!

Nemo Engineer:
Guy locked himself in the captain's cabin saying,
“I'll be away for a while. We meet in one hour.”

Oh no... Have the consecutive days of work damaged
his health?

Nemo Engineer:
Naw, not that. It's the usual routine of eatin' from a
hidden pudding stash to lift his spirits!

Nemo Engineer:
Despite his attitude, he's got his dreams about
ultra-technology, so seeing reality spoils his mood.
It's nothin' serious.

Nemo Engineer:
I'll drop the list here and leave.
Come visit the shop sometime!

Fujimaru 1:
...What happened to Santa...?

Fujimaru 2:
...Hidden pudding stash, huh...?

Day 4


  • 6:00 PM -
  • End of business hours -

Phew. We're done, Master! Once again, the
infrastructure maintenance was handled to 100%

Fujimaru 1:
(Huff, huff...) Today was tough.

Fujimaru 2:
We managed to get here ahead of Santa...

Master? Mash?
Are you in there? May I come in?

Y-yes! Welcome!

Nemo Baker:
Ehehe. If you say so. Hyah!
Good day to you two. How are you doing?

Nemo Baker:
It's not dinner hours yet, but Nemo Baker's here with
the turkey☆


Fujimaru 1:
It's a browned turkey...!

Fujimaru 2:
You'll get me drooling.

Nemo Baker:
Uh-huh. I can bake lots more than just bread!

Nemo Baker:
It's Christmas and I get to wear a Santa outfit.
I can't miss a chance to make a lot of delicious food!

Nemo Santa:
That's said, they shouldn't overeat. Feed them in
moderation, Baker.

Nemo Santa:
Here's today's written report. Once you're done
reading, join me in the dining hall to–

Nemo Santa:
–You look tired. Were you battling in the simulator

D-do we? It was a leisurely day by the kotatsu for us.

Nemo Santa:
I see. So you must have overeaten. When you eat too
much and don't exercise, your stomach's exhaustion
shows on your face.

Nemo Santa:
Save the dinner for another day, Baker. Call Nurse to
give them some digestive medicine.

Nemo Baker:
Aye, sir. Sorry, but he's right about your faces looking

Nemo Baker:
Be patient, you two. You can have some porridge
today, and the turkey will be for tomorrow.

(No, my turkey...)
S-sure, thank you.

Nemo Baker:
Hehe. With that settled, here, for you.
It's no substitute for turkey, I know.

What is it?

Nemo Baker:
A present from a very heated Servant to his Master,
so the cold doesn't get the better of you.

Nemo Santa:
Yes. As it has already become a routine, we were
asked to give this to you.

Nemo Santa:
Good grief. Before meeting him, I already knew this is
how things would turn out, but wow, winter did nothing
to get that Servant less heated.


Well, it if isn't NEMO!!! Hey, what's going on?

My bad for that. But you gotta understand that the
sudden snow is a shocker. Don't blame me!

Nemo Santa:
Apologies for that. It's my fault. I should consider
myself lucky that my suit didn't burn.

Oh, right, that's not your usual get-up.
Nice and red! I like that color.

Nemo Santa:
I don't think it's that big of a deal...

But what do you want with me? I'm here waitin' for
that Santa fella with my present–


Nemo Santa:

Well, it if isn't SANTA!!! I almost missed you with your
lack of gravitas!

Nemo Santa:
...Excuse me, what?

A-ah. You're (almost) Santa-ish enough. No
questioning that.

Nemo Professor:
Showing my face in the interest of curiosity~
What's the take on me~?

Oh, hi, reindeer.

Nemo Professor:
Well, that was disappointi~ng.
Much quieter than I expected.

Anyway, you got the present here, right? Is that what
the deal is?

O:Nemo Santa:
Of course. Santa Claus exists to give nice children
what they want.

O:Nemo Santa:
If you receive the wrong item, you can get it
reimbursed. A professional Santa accepts refunds.

Thank ya kindly! Then I'm gonna check what's in the

Oil...? Is it for cooking? Am I supposed to, like...
fry some potatoes with it?

O:Nemo Santa:
No, no.

O:Nemo Santa:
It's for coating your weapon...the Chakram.
Aren't you always rolling it on the ground?

Yup. When it's Noble Phantasm time, I give it the boot.

O:Nemo Santa:
I know. Professional football players do the same.
Aren't you bothered by the dirt stains from using it all
the time?

Sure, I am! But I just whack it enough to brush off the

Nemo Engineer:
Not all of it!

Nemo Engineer:
Dirt and rust that won't come off are the nemesis of
all engines! That's what this stuff is for!

Gotcha! Wash it with this oil and it'll be all fixed up!

Nemo Engineer:
Yup! You got one great gear there, so take care of it

You're pretty passionate about that...!

Nemo Professor:
It's a super oil, so it'll also dirtproof it. The filth will
bounce right off at tremendous speeds.

So it solves both stain and friction issues? Hell yeah!
You some kinda god of oil?

Nemo Professor:
It's industrial grade.

Never heard of any god by the name of

Well, I'll gladly take it. Thank ya!

O:Nemo Santa:
You're welcome. By the way, don't consider this a
payment request for the present.


O:Nemo Santa:
—Asvatthaman. I have one question for you.

Nemo Santa:
That's all. No issues. Mission complete.
This box is from Asvatthaman to you.

Fujimaru 1:
All right, let's open it.

I see... It appears to be a piece of jewelry. Is it a

Yeah, and take this one with you while you're at it.
A gift for Master.

I had already resigned myself to the idea that I'd only
be able to give my gift after Christmas'd passed.

But if you're willing to deliver it, I'd appreciate it.

Nemo Santa:
Fine... One more present to Master. I suppose
everyone had the same idea.

Nemo Santa:
May I ask what is inside? Knowing you, there's a
chance it might be an explosive, even if that's not the
intended use.

Don't worry. It's just a rock I had no use for.

Nemo Santa:
This is...a ruby?


After this one war, I was cursed to wander for 3,000

I don't even remember where I went and how.
Just that it was a real painful walk.

After all, I didn't have any destination.
I just kept walking for the sake of it.

For trivial reasons, I remembered that I was atoning
for a sin.

I still don't remember if I was forgiven...
But regardless, I had the will to atone.

So here's my advice from experience:

Never forget what got you takin' that first step.
Remember it every time you see the shine of this

Pretty meaningful promise, ain't it? It's got that “may
your journey be blessed and fortunate” meaning to it.

Nemo Santa:
This bracelet is not just lucky. It's also charged with a
little bit of magical energy.

Fujimaru 1:
Yeah, it's warming.

Nemo Santa:
I see. He didn't want to you to be defeated by the
cold and loneliness of winter.

Master will need that this winter. Thank you very

Nemo Santa:
Thank Asvatthaman instead.

Nemo Santa:
That's all from me. Goodbye. Only three days left of
your winter break. Don't do anything rash.

Day 5

Nemo Marine:
Beep-beep, docking with Nautilus is compleeete!
Commencing Imaginary Number Submersion!

Nemo Professor:
Thanks, you're model sailo~rs. Once again,
we're on schedu~le.

Nemo Professor:
1500 hours, Chaldea time. I believe that's enough to
come back not long past the regular ho~ur.

Nemo Santa:
Agreed. Today's load is fifteen packages. It can be
fulfilled in three hours.

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Professor:
Hello? Captain Santa? Anything profoundly worrying

Nemo Santa:
No. It's not really a worry, but I'll call it a day after

Nemo Santa:
The way our tracks are laid out is curious, to say the
least. We should check up on Master and Mash.

Nemo Marine:
Woohoo, awesome! You mean today's afternoon
assignment is a party in Master's room?

Nemo Santa:
Yes. If [♂ he /♀️ she] is in [♂ his /♀️ her] room, that is.

Nemo Professor:
Ooh, so that's what's nagging at you. Always the
same Captain being hard on indiscipline.

Nemo Professor:
I personaly think we should humor their generosity~

Nemo Santa:
Call me Leader during delivery hours. Well, actually,
I suppose Captain is fine since we're in the Nautilus...

Nemo Santa:
Anyway, we don't have a moment to waste.

Nemo Santa:
The vessel will return to Chaldea immediately after
the next matter at hand...delivering Scáthach-Skadi's

Nemo Santa:
Estimated arrival at the Border: 1600 hours.
All hands, strive to keep time.

Nemo Marine:
Aye-aye, sir! Messaging Baker to bake a cake...
Huh, wait a sec.

Nemo Marine:
Signal from the sonar! Unknown heat source detected!
Yikes, it's huge! And it wasn't even there a second ago!

Nemo Marine:
Soooorry, crew. Unavoidable contact in t-minus,
20 secooonds!


  • 5:00 PM -
  • One hour before end of business hours -

Today we're back with time to spare, Senpai.

I'm glad we wrapped things up without overwork,
but was there any particular reason for it?

Fujimaru 1:
Sharp as always, Mash.

Fujimaru 2:
I just felt it's about time we questioned them.

Questioning...if Nemo's crew have any objectives
beyond delivering presents?

Fujimaru 1:
It's not like I suspect them, but...

Fujimaru 2:
Do you know anything, BB?

Huh? You're asking me?

I'm Zero Shifting you to the delivery areas all over the
world free of charge,

and you want me to also spoil the case's secrets?
Don't you think you're asking for too much?

We're immensely grateful for your generosity.

But if anything happens to Nemo, it will be our fault
for not being there.

If there's anything you know about Nemo's objective,
BB, you don't have to reveal it all. I'd love to know any
parts it would hurt for us not to be privy to.

Fujimaru 1:
Likewise. We can't afford any danger.

Fujimaru 2:
I certainly hope I'm overthinking things.

Danger, huh?

I swear that Nemo has no ulterior motives.

He became Santa simply because he felt like he had

His mission list does contain one particularly
challenging quest. A delivery one might consider

Nemo's crew has been engaging many Servants in
conversation to gather reference material for this
delivery quest.

You two feel like Nemo Santa is hiding something
because he's keeping the contents of these
conversations under wraps.

That's all there is to it.

Here's my honest advice:
Don't confront him about it.

If the two of you press Nemo Santa on this matter,
he'll abort the quest.

The special delivery can only succeed if it's done
without anyone being aware of or affected by it.

A delivery no one can be aware of...

Fujimaru 1:
...or be affected by?

Correct! A special operation that won't change the
world to any extent. Essentially, the delivery of an
empty box!

Now, you might be asking yourself, “What's the point
of such a delivery?”. And I feel you on that! You have
BB's complete agreement!

But the Phantom Spirit Nemo is staking his soul on
this absurd and baffling mission.

He accepted the title of Santa Claus to complete this

Out of respect for his decision, I plead the fifth.

His acts may be pointless, but I'd never mock him for
this pointlessness.

That's all from me! Keep up the good pace in your
resource collection, you two!

I mean it, seriously, I'm deep in the red. My Grail Front
was a complete bust... ServaFes got hijacked...

Your favorite Superior AI BB will never forget this
sequence of humiliations.

I'm currently recharging on the most critically-
acclaimed resources for my second chance!

Senpai, if you have any spare change from your
Christmas shopping, consider donating to the BB

Fujimaru 1:
Sorry, I've been going cashless lately, so no change.

Fujimaru 2:
So that's why she hasn't been hosting the BB Channel...

What did you think about the conversation, Senpai?

BB's conclusion is that we're better off not knowing...

Fujimaru 1:
I'm fine with that.

Fujimaru 2:
I think there's some point to keeping it secret.

Yes, I agree.

I know Nemo's crew has a greater objective,
but we'll not pry into it.

And on top of that, intrusive as it may be, we will help
the crew's itinerary from behind the scenes.

We'll do what we can!
Now let's wait for the crew's return!


  • 6:30 PM -
  • 30 minutes after the end of business hours -


Fujimaru 1:
They're still not back...

Fujimaru 2:
(Did something happen...?)

Nemo Professor:
Alright, we're home, safe and so~und.
Wow, today was the pi~ts.

Nemo Professor:
That disaster was completely unpredicted,
but I believe our experience fighting within Imaginary
Space paid off.

Nemo Santa:
You don't have to tell me. I felt like a whale chased by
a shark.

Nemo Santa:
We won the battle, but it's already this late thanks to

Nemo Santa:
Sorry for the wait. Team Nautilus has just arrived.

Nemo Santa:
Professor, you do the report. I still need a little more
time to catch my breath.

Nemo looks exhausted... Did anything happen?

Nemo Professor:
Sure di~d. We were attacked by odd enemies while en
route. Here's what happened–


Fujimaru 1:
It was just BB interfering!

Fujimaru 2:
So much for "I plead the fifth"...

Nemo Professor:
Yeah~. She appeared out of nowhere, got beat like
always, and took o~ff.

Nemo Santa:
I do believe she had a reason to obstruct–I mean,
warn us.

Nemo Santa:
Pretty much any time BB acts like she's on a crime
spree, it's in defense of a third party's good intentions.

Nemo Professor:
Makes sense. We managed to read Depth 5 on the
Zero Sail, so to go any deeper, we have to get past the

Nemo Professor:
By the way, here's today's delivery li~st. Another safe
and clean undersea voyage for Team Nautilu~s.

Nemo Professor:
The plan was to be back by 1600 hours, but we were
late thanks to BB's unexplained interventio~n.

Nemo Santa:
Alright. That's it for the report. Excuse us for now.

Nemo Professor:
Right, we gotta discuss today's mistakes. I'm not
great at conversation, so I said more than I should.

Nemo Professor:
Oh, it's important to bring up that I'll appear in the
shop. I hope you visit if you have time.

Day 6

Nemo Santa:
Oh? What luck, running into you in the cafeteria.

Nemo Santa:
Good morning, Fujimaru. Do you have any
plans for today?

Fujimaru 1:
N-nothing in particular, I guess.

Nemo Santa:
I see. Take your time and decide over breakfast.
You still have plenty of winter break left to enjoy.

Nemo Santa:
We're about to start our Santa work.
I'm hoping to set a new record today.

Fujimaru 1:
Wait a sec.

Nemo Santa:
Hm? Yes?

Fujimaru 1:
Can I ask why it is you're Santa this year?

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Santa:
That's right. I was originally only nominated by Saint
Martha, but I took on the role because I had something I
wanted to deliver.

Nemo Santa:
Santa Claus is a dream that sends good fortune to
anyone and everyone, isn't he?

Nemo Santa:
I decided based on that miracle.

Nemo Santa:
I became Santa not just for those waiting for presents,
but also for someone I want to hand a gift.

Nemo Santa:
Compared to the other Santa Servants, I suppose it's
rather self-serving. But there should be nothing wrong
with just one of them being that way.

Fujimaru 1:
It's not selfish at all, though.

Fujimaru 2:
Good luck out there, Santa Nemo!

Nemo Santa:
Then, until tonight.

Nemo Santa:
Today's destination is a particularly unusual one.
Look forward to the tale.


Nemo Santa:
(Phew) Somehow, I still have my head on my
shoulders. (Lucky I was packing Guts for this.)

First Hassan:
It would not fall. For I have measured the glint of my
blade according to the strength of thy will. Give thanks
for the protections of salvation, for they will lead thee
to thy destination.

Nemo Santa:
...? Seriously?
Did Santa Claus always have those attributes?

First Hassan:
...It matters not.

First Hassan:
What be thy business, Phantom Spirit Nemo?
Didst thou visit me to offer thy pure head before thou
commitest any barbarity?

Nemo Santa:
Of course not. There's only one reason for Santa to
show up somewhere.

Nemo Santa:
I have a gift for you, Old Man of the Mountain.
Though I don't know if it will be to your tastes.

First Hassan:
Inconceivable. My sword is only meant to announce
the hour of death. There is no longer anything I might
seek from the world of the living.

First Hassan:
Santa Claus is supposedly one who responds to the
call of desire in the heart. Mine soul sounds with no
such echo.

Nemo Santa:
I thought that might be the case. Still, someone gave
you a present. It was handmade to be delivered just for

First Hassan:

I have heard that although there are many Hassans,
the venerable old one is always by his lonesome.

So I made something he can enjoy on his own.
I'm s-s-sure...he'll like it!

...I hope he does.

Nemo Santa:
It's a traditional Japanese New Year's meal.
Well timed, considering the occasion is just around the

Nemo Santa:
I hear it's made solely of items that take long to spoil,
with the intent of making one not need to go to the
kitchen for the first three days of the year.

First Hassan:
Mine faith does not celebrate the new year in January.

First Hassan:
I dare not refuse such a kindness from the Mother of

First Hassan:
—The box shall be returned by mine own hand.
Such a task is too heavy for the green arms of my

Nemo Santa:
A-alright. That's great for me as well.

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Santa:
Um... One other thing, King Hassan...

First Hassan:
Very well. Present thy head.

Nemo Santa:
I haven't even said anything yet!

First Hassan:
Thy intent was betrayed by thine itinerary.

First Hassan:
Thou hath no reason to beg for forgiveness.
Shouldst thou fail, thou shalt vanish. That be thy

First Hassan:
I no longer bear the title of Grand, thus it doth not
concern me. Nor shall the others take notice,
save perhaps one.

Nemo Santa:
Do you think...I can do it?

First Hassan:
A meaningless question. Success or failure,
the result matters not to the world.

First Hassan:
Should thy might be insufficient, thou shall have no
skeleton to leave behind. Even thy name will be gone
without trace. Albeit, thou wert always named “No One”.

First Hassan:
No settlement will make itself necessary.
–Thus, what reason remains to dwell on thy deed?

Nemo Santa:
I see. Thanks, Old Man. I feel like that's finally taken a
weight off my shoulders.

First Hassan:
Though take heed.

First Hassan:
For spending an eternity at the border of life and
death, I hath become the border itself.

First Hassan:
For being so immersed in Death, I hath become Death

First Hassan:
Embrace that which should not be, and thou too shalt
become something that ought not to be–

First Hassan:
That which brings about the invisible becomes

First Hassan:
In the world metaphysical, only faith doth save one
from losing their meaning.

First Hassan:
—Remember this, Captain. So we may meet
again, at a distant intersection of causality.

Nemo Nurse:
Welcome back, Leader. Did you get your chance to
pay respects to the Old Man of the Mountain?

Nemo Santa:
Yeah, I did. And he was more frightening than I could
have ever imagined.

Nemo Santa:
It seemed like he didn't view our plans as any
different from his morning prayers.

Nemo Santa:
I asked if what we were doing was acceptable,
but he basically waved off my indecision.

Nemo Santa:
To sum it up, he told me,
“Do what you want, I don't care”.

Nemo Nurse:
My, how harsh. Then shall we proceed as planned?

Nemo Santa:
Yes. Marine, relay to Master that we won't be coming
back today.

Nemo Santa:
All hands to general quarters! Prepare for Imaginary
Numbers dive, Depth 7! Our target is the year 2015 AD!

Nemo Santa:
The ship will now travel back to the appointed date!

Day 7

Nemo Santa:
Is everyone here? It's about time we go deliver the
presents, but first...

Nemo Santa:
There's something I must tell you. My true reason in
accepting the Santa Claus role.

Nemo Santa:
Santa Claus is a figure that delivers miracles to many
by the mere merit of being Santa Claus.

Nemo Santa:
He delivers presents to all who wish for it, wrapping
up the year with a nice bow.

Nemo Santa:
That is Santa Claus' fundamental task and reason for
being. It's the wish of those gathered in the Holy Night.

Nemo Santa:
But that's the wish of all people. Not Santa Claus'

Nemo Santa:
I see no problem with Santa Claus' duties and
personal wishes existing separately.

Nemo Santa:
Which gets us to my point—

Nemo Engineer:
The introduction is takin' forever, Captain Jerkass!
We all already know what this is about.

Nemo Engineer:
There's one [♂ dude /♀️ gal] we wanna gift of our own accord!

Nemo Marine:
That being Master, of course!

Nemo Marine:
And not the Master from current Chaldea. But Master
long before [♂ he /♀️ she] met us!

Nemo Nurse:
Yes. Because Triton is the child of the sea who
guarantees a safe voyage.

Nemo Nurse:
We shouldn't give a good luck charm when the
journey's end is in sight. It's best to give it at the
journey's start.

Nemo Nurse:
To put a tiny miracle under a sleeping [♂ boy /♀️ girl]'s pillow.
That's a job for a Santa Claus.

Nemo Baker:
Yeah, you don't need to explain! We know how you
feel, Captain!

Nemo Baker:
The best present to the person we want to gift the
most... Right?

Nemo Professor:
Yu~p. That's a wonderful idea that will only work if
Santa Claus is no o~ne.

Nemo Professor:
Although it will be a challenge to accomplish it.

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Santa:
Yes, you're right. It's more of a desire than a motive.

Nemo Santa:
The person I want to gift isn't in the present.
No, to be more accurate, there would be no point in
giving them the gift now.

Nemo Santa:
Present-day Chaldea has enough capable fighters on
board. When they need help, they will have someone to
give it.

Nemo Santa:
But that's not true for the past's Chaldea.

Nemo Santa:
At the earliest days of correcting Singularities,
Chaldea couldn't even spare the time for a coffee
break. Thus—

Nemo Santa:
To the Antarctic Chaldea base, 2015.

Nemo Santa:
I want to, as subtly as possible, deliver my utmost
respect to them before [♂ his /♀️ her] long journey comes to a

Nemo Santa:
That's something only the Phantom Spirit Nemo
capable of Zero Sailing can attempt.

Nemo Santa:
One mistake while interfering with the past will end us.
If we change past events, no matter how insignificant,

Nemo Santa:
the force of historical correction will have no mercy in
making it so we never existed.

Nemo Santa:
If we even get there, anyway. Sailing to past
coordinates is no easy task.

Nemo Santa:
Each year we swim upstream carries a greater risk of
the Nautilus being crushed by the pressure.

Nemo Santa:
Each annual layer will put new obstacles in our path.

Nemo Santa:
Knowing that, will you humor my whim?

Aye-aye, Captain!

Nemo Santa:
–Thank you. Then let's review the operation.

Nemo Santa:
Even jumping through Imaginary Space, traveling to
the past is extremely difficult.

Nemo Santa:
We travel back one year per day, and upon reaching
each goal, we mark it with a PAPERMOON pin and
make it our next starting point.

Nemo Santa:
As soon as the pin is set, we resurface the Nautilus to
regular time and leave the vessel recovering while we
deliver presents.

Nemo Santa:
And after seven days, the vessel will travel back
to 2015, and then the contact with the most intense
Saint Graph among us will resume the mission on land.

Nemo Santa:
Any questions so far?

Nemo Marine:
Oh, I have one!

Nemo Marine:
Since we're warping to 2015, can we stop the

F:Nemo Professor:
That's the worst alteration you could ma~ke.

F:Nemo Professor:
If you prevented the explosion, that would erase the
present Chaldea~

F:Nemo Professor:
When you jump to the past, you generally can't
change anything that already happened.

F:Nemo Professor:
Or more accurately, WE can't change anything that
already happened because we don't have any parallel
world mobility.

F:Nemo Professor:
If you managed to infiltrate the 2015 Chaldea base
and did something that didn't happen in the past,

F:Nemo Professor:
It's you who would be erased. Instantly.

F:Nemo Professor:
No altering, not appending. That's the rules for this

C:Nemo Marine:
...I got it. Can we at least talk to someone?

C:Nemo Marine:
Even if I can't change their fate, at least saying thank
you should be...

F:Nemo Professor:
...Not necessarily safe.

F:Nemo Professor:
Because an expression of gratitude would be an
attitude that the subject can't understand the reason
for, bearing a risk of changing their future actions.

F:Nemo Professor:
If you have to talk with someone, the conversation
must be something that makes sense and won't stand
out to the people at the Chaldea base of that time.

Nemo Santa:
You heard Professor. The infiltration will require
utmost attention.

Nemo Santa:
The contact will swim solo through the sea of
Imaginary Numbers, Zero Sail to Antarctica,
and infiltrate the base.

Nemo Santa:
Achieve the objective without being spotted by a soul.

Nemo Santa:
I've obtain the Chaldea shift sheet for the day in
question. We also have the route to the objective
already mapped out.

Nemo Santa:
There's still a minor risk of coming across a staff
member, but the route was chosen based on which of
them would reasonably be where.

Nemo Santa:
The next step in the roadmap is creating the disguise
apparatus to falsify the contact's appearance.
There's still one last challenge:

Nemo Santa:
Convincingly playing the role of the individual the
contact will be disguised as. But fortunately,
this is a solved problem. Don't worry about it.

Nemo Santa:
That's the outline of the operation.
Any questions?

O:Nemo Santa:
The vessel will now commence the special mission.

O:Nemo Santa:
Operation: 8 Years Snow Carol.

O:Nemo Santa:
I'm counting on every one of you. I swear on Santa
Claus' name that we will deliver this package!


Aw, I only came here to give you some advice and you
treat me like a nuisance. Am I really so annoying?

Be that as it may, I can't look past such a reckless
waste of human resources. Chaldea's going to need you
in the future.

Why not call it quits here, Nemo? Santa Claus is a
one-day miracle. It'd be ridiculous to stake your life
over it.

There's nothing to gain if you succeed, and no one to
be disappointed if you don't.

Time travelling to the past is cheating, you know.
This is especially unlike you.

Nemo Santa:
Your insincere advice is well-recieved, Magus Merlin.

Nemo Santa:
I'm honored that you would go out of your way to visit
us during an Imaginary Numbers dive.

Nemo Santa:
–But what do you mean by that? I heard your
words clearly, but I'd like to check just in case.

The part about “nothing to gain”, I take it?
Yes, it's sad but true.

What it is you've all been struggling to send [♂ him /♀️ her]

is a smidgen of good luck at so small a trace that it
will fail to tamper with the past.

A dreamcatcher, a talisman that repels bad luck so as
not to meet with sorrow in battles to come.

The plan is to leave behind a Chaldea uniform with
one woven in that nobody will notice.

Your references for approaching the past came from
conversations with the fossil-digging lady and the man
with Shiva's authority.

The seamstress fairy was commissioned to take on
the part of perfectly reproducing the uniform.

The one you sought to teach teleportation theory
unfortunately had nothing, but the Old Man of the
Mountain, ever the softie, chose to turn you a blind eye.

However, your efforts will have no meaning even if you
go the distance.

“Travel into the past and swap out the uniform with no
one the wiser.”

“If Master wears it never knowing about the imparted
gift, no conflicts in reality will occur.”

Sure. Doing it that way won't cause a time paradox.
But it will also have practically no effect.

A charm can only be as effective as its owner believes
it can be.

A talisman you don't even know you bear is hardly
more than a little peace of mind.

The amount of luck you're adding is, let me see,
enough to make a person who has regular nightmares
wake up one second sooner.

Put simply, it does nothing. You understand?

Nemo Santa:
I've known all this from the very start. Verifying it was
the first thing I did.

Nemo Santa:
“Santa Claus is a one-day miracle. It'd be ridiculous to
stake your life over it.”

Nemo Santa:
If you truly mean that, we can go right back to fighting.
I'll prove to you that it's no fool's errand.


To go and risk tampering with the past, with a good
chance of your erasure, all for the sake of some luck
that may not even register as a margin of error?

With the risk of it never taking effect, never changing
anything, even if you manage? It's not worth it at all.

Nemo Santa:
Sure. Chaldea will get from there to here even if I
don't do this. My actions will contribute nothing to their

Nemo Santa:
But that isn't the point.

Nemo Santa:
It's not a question of someone late in arriving
rewarding someone who's there already.

Nemo Santa:
The chance to gain any rewards or joy has passed us
by. We never were able to make room for them as

Nemo Santa:
Even then, she wanted to lend them aid. Calling the
act itself its own reward with a smile.

Nemo Santa:
...That's right. Even if the difference is so insignificant
that SHEBA can't observe it,

Nemo Santa:
I don't consider the extra bit meaningless. I admire
the courage of people who leap into the storm for
something unnecessary.

Nemo Santa: this one summoner has in [♂ his /♀️ her] lifetime.

Nemo Santa:
So don't call the act of paying whatever I can to give
them a measure of peace a fool's errand.

...Now I get it. My Clairvoyance only views the present.

I'd always assume the reason why you looked blurry
in my eyes was because of the vampire, but it turns out
it was something else.

Allow me to rephrase, with apologies.
“Ridiculously marvelous.”

Huh. The real fool looks to be wearing my shoes.
I should've known better than to think the Old Man

Excuse me for trying to complicate a smooth journey,
Heroic Spirit Nemo. I'll keep your wish well in mind.

Nemo Santa:
Well, thanks. For my part, I'm grateful you came to
offer advice.

Oh, right. Pass on my regards to the man if you find
him there.

Call him an idiot for me. The two of you will probably
hit it off well.

8 Years Snow Carol

Narration: When we are eight minutes from the destination,
I leave the Nautilus through the hatch and go solo into
the sea of Imaginary Numbers.

Narration: We can't approach further with the Nautilus.
SHEBA would notice a submarine surfacing in the the

Narration: I'll be the only one going to the Chaldea base,
and I'll have to do it with minimal equipment.

Narration: Because we're going backwards in time, a violent
spatial current will try to push my body away the
further I go.

Narration: I'll swap in my merman legs and swim this blender of
a spatial torrent.

Nemo Santa:

Narration: I'm confronted by sub-zero temperatures and the
pressure of one wrong step erasing me.

Narration: I'm used to swimming in Imaginary Space, but things
are different when you add movement through time.

Narration: The average Servant's Saint Graph can't endure it.
It's exhausting just to stay still within the flow,
let alone swim against it.

Narration: I can only survive for sixty seconds. I never felt one
second feel so long under the water.

Nemo Santa:

Narration: The vertigo blocks my sight.
The fear blanks my mind.

Narration: My teeth clench intensely, forcibly dragging my
shattered senses back to normality.

Narration: The distance until the target destination is seven hours.
Will I really make it that far?

Narration: Before that, will my Saint Graph even survive the
remaining real time? This operation has no room for

Narration: My Saint Graph will only last sixty seconds,
which by chance is also the fastest estimated time to
reach the destination.

Narration: No mistakes allowed.
No loss of speed allowed.

Narration: If just my pinky slips out of the flow toward 2015,
the mission fails and my body is dust.

Narration: I'd be literally swimming toward my death.
No man, sane or otherwise, would carry out this

Narration: The return you get out of it is not remotely
comparable to the difficulty of the voyage.

Narration: Then, what do we gain out of this operation?

“Sure. Doing it that way won't cause a time paradox.
But it will also have practically no effect.”

Nemo Santa:

Narration: The spatial current gets more violent.
A white wall blocks my path.

Narration: There, I catch glimpses of someone's memory.

Da Vinci:
But Master candidate isn't exactly the right word.
Since originally, you were meant to be a plain

Da Vinci:
Hm? There's a comm.

Da Vinci:
Kadoc woke up? He's in good health? That's great!
Contact the control room as soon as possible.

Da Vinci:
Good news, Fujimaru! Kadoc has

Da Vinci:
Now you can go back to being a spare! Navigation's
gonna be so much easier for us too!

Huh? There's no need for that at all! Both your
training and your mission are a thing of the past.

You're just a civilian with no accomplishments.
You don't need to force yourself to work hard

Leave that stuff to us and go relax in your room.

Don't go around listening to what the inhabitants of
the Lostbelts have to say. In terms of heartbreak,
we are far worse off than they are.

We are the winners from Pan-Human History,
the proper route. We cannot afford to fail... We cannot...

But what can twelve people even do...? Restoration
and prosperity have long since gone out the window!

You know how doomed we are! Do they understand
this loneliness, this pressure!?

They are the ones who should concede!
They are the ones who will disappear!

Their suffering pales in comparison to ours!

Yeah. You are a peculiar one.

You've had many brushes with death, and fortune
saved you each time.

You've abandoned the world many times, and each
time saved in turn by misfortune.

You have forsaken many lives.
You have killed many worlds.

To think you're still doing fine, even after all that?

Nemo Santa:

The amount of luck you're adding is, let me see,
enough to make a person who has regular nightmares
wake up one second sooner.

Nemo Santa:
That's enough of a recompense.

—Base sequence: human genome confirmed
—Alignment: Good-Neutral

Welcome to the data center for the future of
This is the Security Organization for the Preservation
of Humanity, Chaldea.

Fingerprint, voiceprint, and DNA authentication
Magical Circuit assessment complete.

Username matched.
You are recognized as a member of the primates.

Nice to meet you.
You're our final visitor today.

We hope you enjoy your time here.

Narration: That day, the 48th Master candidate entered Chaldea.
[♂ He /♀️ She] was a common [♂ boy /♀️ girl] with no knowledge of

Narration: but was scouted in a haste because [♂ his /♀️ her] extremely high
Rayshift aptitude was discovered.

Narration: As a matter of fact, four teams were assembled for
the first Singularity exploration via Rayshift,
labelled from A through D.

Narration: However, no one would have bothered to take notice
of the newly-arrived Master candidate,

Narration: who was scouted to fill the 48th Coffin.

Narration: Therefore, the manouevering went smoothly.

Narration: So, replace the Master uniform that'll be delivered
upon the entrance inspection for the one I brought with

Narration: Chaldea's activity log reported a shortage of supplies
later, meaning [♂ he /♀️ she] won't be provided a new uniform
until January 2017 at the soonest.

Narration: After Chaldea returns to normal space, [♂ his /♀️ her] used
clothes will be disposed of, but [♂ he /♀️ she] will use them in the

Huh? What are you doing out in this section?

Just on my way back after a nice cup of coffee in the
break room. What got you to leave your post?

You're sure you want to leave the entrance gate

Any little thing that'll get me out of that chair.
I figure a few minutes won't hurt, since there's no
more visits slated today.

I guess not. Most of the staff's assembled in the
Command Room, so there's nothing to supervise.

You're not joining them?

Nah, I'm full-time in the warehouse. The Rayshift
experiments are the last thing on my mind.

I got fed up with magi screwing each other over.
That's why I took this job at so remote a research

The squabbling over credit is sure to start the moment
the Rayshift succeeds, no matter how the Masters fare.

All that amounts to is a hassle. I want no part in the
Clock Tower's faction nonsense.

I suppose. The proprietary technology is mostly
Animusphere's, but a little bit from every Department's
gone into the minutiae.

The other Lords must have spies dispatched here.
I'd say that's not your element.

No, ma'am. And it's why I'm going straight back to
the warehouse. See you, Elron.

...You probably shouldn't leave your post at the gate
just because there's nothing to do. If the Director finds
out, she'll raise hell again.

Sure, sure. Thanks for the advice.

Narration: Our conversation ended naturally. Meeting her here
was within the considered possibilities.

Narration: Perfectly as planned. Now to go somewhere no one
will see me dive into Imaginary Space—

Cheery Voice:
Oh, hello. On your way back from the break room too?


Narration: A small chill runs down my spine. This was an
unforeseen encounter with an unexpected individual.

Man in Lab Coat:
It does lay on a burden, huh? Everyone in Chaldea's
on pins and needles, feeling like the slightest mistake
would be fatal.

Man in Lab Coat:
But there's really no helping that part. This is the day
we all came here for.

Man in Lab Coat:
The Director's speech will start any time now,
with all the Masters and staff gathered round.

Man in Lab Coat:
You people probably don't care much about this in the
Neutral Faction, but you should put in an appearance.
It'll make an impression with the Director.

No, I'm going straight back to the Moonlight
Room–slip of the tongue, to the warehouse.

I don't like seeing the Director put in that spot.
It's not how she normally acts in general.

Man in Lab Coat:
I couldn't agree more! You always do know how to put
things frankly!

Man in Lab Coat:
She never listens when I say anything. You should put
it in writing for the suggestion box.

Is it okay even to say that I don't like her?

Man in Lab Coat:
I mean say she's not normally like that.

Man in Lab Coat:
Director Olga Marie herself hates the “mid-speech
Director” more than anyone.

Man in Lab Coat:
If she heard it from a staff member of your status,
she might just warm to that side of her.

Man in Lab Coat:
...By the way, there's something I couldn't help but
notice. Aren't you—

A-am I what?

Man in Lab Coat:
Aren't you considerably fatigued? I don't know,
you look as though you've circled the world on foot.

I wouldn't go that far for a cup of coffee. Go on,
check whether I'm showing the miles on my face.

Man in Lab Coat:
If you say so. Must've been my imagination...
You had that look about you from behind.

Man in Lab Coat:
Sorry. Diagnosing someone on impression alone is no
way for a physician to behave...

...That's nothing to feel bad about. You're not wrong.
I am pretty tired.

I'm just out on a real important task. Intense work
isn't easy on anyone.

Man in Lab Coat:
Okay. Thanks for putting in all you have.

Man in Lab Coat:
Try not to overdo it again. Now that this is over,
take on a lighter task next.

Man in Lab Coat:
Work will always be painful and tiresome, but when
it's unenjoyable, there's nothing else going for it.

Man in Lab Coat:
After a big task for everyone's good, I recommend a
fun task for your own.

Man in Lab Coat:
If it can be done with close friends, all the better.
For you and them alike.

—Since when friends enter the conversation?

Man in Lab Coat:
Oh... Sorry, just a bad guess on my part. I might have
misjudged you as someone who enjoyed being alone.

Man in Lab Coat:
But I can tell from our short chat that you're a rather
responsible individual.

Man in Lab Coat:
I'm sure the people around you think highly of you.
They'll give you a hand when you need it.

Man in Lab Coat:
Cherish the opportunities to share favors and laughs
as much as you can.

Man in Lab Coat:
Come by the medical office if you have the time.
It's fine to be in good health, but better safe than

Narration: I watched the man wave goodbye and walk away.
Against my better judgement, I called to him.

Excuse me. Can I ask you a quick question?

Narration: The man lazily turned turned around, waiting for the

There's this friend of mine, not me, that I heard this
thing from...


Just a hypothetical.


What if two worlds, equal yet different, were
competing for survival?


The question wasn't about the worlds themselves,


but about an outsider that witnessed the competition
and could decide which world got to live.


Would the outsider be good or evil? I needed to know
his opinion.

Man in Lab Coat:
Hmm... Are you talking about some movie? Sorry,
it's too complex for me to have an immediate opinion...

Man in Lab Coat:
Going by the set rules of the battle being inevitable
and allowing only one survivor,

Man in Lab Coat:
the question of whether the outsider is good or evil
isn't relevant. Your question needs to be asked in
different terms.

Man in Lab Coat:
Every conflict between humans is a clash of values.
You should be asking, “Was the outsider right or wrong?

Man in Lab Coat:
Pretty much everyone thinks they're right. You could
even say people can only do what they believe to be

Man in Lab Coat:
Therefore, no matter how just the opposition's cause
may be, if they're choosing to be antagonistic,
they are fundamentally wrong.

...Everyone is invariably wrong.

That goes both for them, your enemy; and for you,
their enemy.

In a battle for survival, the most good-natured person
in the world still wouldn't be objectively right...

Is that what you mean?

Man in Lab Coat:
Yeah. And you just gotta accept that.

Man in Lab Coat:
The worst thing you can do is believe your side has
the one correct answer.

Man in Lab Coat:
The winner is not the one who is right. They're simply
the ones who earn the right to see what comes next.

So you think everyone is wrong when multiple peoples
fight for survival. Then who is right? Are you saying
being right is realistically impossible?

Man in Lab Coat:
Your heart is right, in this moment where you're
asking these questions.

Narration: The man in a lab coat said that to be right is to
meditate on the fact that you survived.

Narration: Looking at it from another angle, he wished for us to
be like that.

Narration: It was a conventional answer. A conventional form of
care. But his words were filled with the utmost

Narration: As if he was a sage living in the summit of a mountain.
The one who watched many wars and conflicts.

—It wasn't about me, okay? I was asking for a

Man in Lab Coat:
Oops, I forgot that part! Never mind me!


Why is he acting like he goofed up? He totally believes
the question was about me.


...I can see how carrying out an year-long operation
with this guy would give you an imperturbable peace of

Man in Lab Coat:
Well, gotta go now. I'm the one in charge of the
medical sector, somehow.

Man in Lab Coat:
The Director will probably me kick me out
immediately, but I'm going to say hi at the Control

—Wait, please. I've got a, uh, weird request.

Do you have a spare of something you're always
carrying around? A pen, or something easily
replaceable like that?

Man in Lab Coat:
Yeah, I walk with a few on hand. I never know when
I'll be called to the field. Are these what you want?

One more pair, if it's not too much. I could use some
too in my warehouse work.

Man in Lab Coat:
Of course, ask whenever you like! It's always great to
see my professionalism appreciated!

That was not about my opinion on your professionalis-
m at all... With all due respect, you're an idiot.

But I'll try to adopt your stupid way to see everything
in a positive light.

Man in Lab Coat:
Will you? Thanks. I was trying to cheer you up,
and yet I'm the one hit with the best words of

Man in Lab Coat:
Goodbye for real now.
Have a nice day, Meunière.

Narration: —The lab coat fades into the distance.

Narration: My salute to this man I never truly met, will never meet,
and don't even know the name of.

Narration: Nothing afterward changed.

Narration: He headed towards his own “moment of truth”,
much like I did to reach here.


  • 4:00 PM -
  • Fujimaru's Room, Day 7 -

After what happened the other day, today we came
back an hour earlier than usual.

This way, we have plenty of time left to wait for the
Nemos to return...

Nemo Santa:
Oh, you're early today. I didn't think you'd be back

Fujimaru 1:
Uhh, back yet from what?

Nemo Santa:
Nothing else needs to be said, is there? Pardon me
for inquiring.

Fujimaru 2:
Good work out there, Nemo Santa.

Nemo Santa:
...Good to be back. Though my work isn't over quite

G-good work out there, Nemo Santa. You returned
two hours ahead of your usual time.

Did something unusual happen?

Nemo Santa:
I suppose so. I can't elaborate, for various reasons.

Nemo Santa:

Nemo Santa:

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:

Nemo Santa:
No, this is no time to act embarrassed. I'm going to
say it out loud, like a leader ought to!

Nemo Santa:
The truth is, I couldn't deliver a single gift all day
today. Something I consider a very un-Santa gaffe.

Nemo Santa:
...Though that's a small issue altogether. I know this
subject is coming up a bit too late, but...

Nemo Santa:
I'd been dismissing you two when you were Santa
Clauses of a different kind, Fujimaru, Mash.

Nemo Santa:
I'd like to right that, if there is still time to
do so.

Nemo Santa:
There are still presents left over, you see. Would you
like to come along for the deliveries?

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
We've had more than enough downtime!

Nemo Santa:
Glad to hear it, you two. There isn't much time,
so let's get right back to delivering.

Nemo Santa:
It's going to occupy us past midnight. Be sure to dress
for the cold and pack a late-night snack.

Nemo Santa:
I'm prepared, naturally. I'm in need of some enjoyable
work, you see?

Nemo Santa:
As soon as the last gift is away, I've got a small
present to give to both of you.

A present for us? That should be fun. What sort of gift
will it be?

Nemo Santa:
The fun is in the waiting. The memories of a one-time
holy night like this can be a gift in themselves.

Nemo Santa:
Just a little something I found while playing
warehouseman, and that both of you should be able to
appreciate more now.