Bad Ends


Bad End 1

Lose vs Arcueid(tatari)

I am blown away.

My body slides on the ground for over a thousand meters.

Arcueid(tatari): "Huhu, Ahahahahaha! How interesting! You two friends can just die together......!"

...... Rolling on the ground.

Normally, I would run into something, but I keep going.

How many hundreds of meters have I rolled so far?

My arms and legs are gone, and my body clings to the road like a slug.

Soon, only my head remains.

The instant my eyes are sheared off by the ground, I am no longer able to────



Bad End 2

Lose vs Nrvnqsr(tatari)

Shiki: "Gahh────aghh, Sio, n────"

...... The sound of ripping flesh.

The overpowering smell of blood.

Nrvnqsr(tatari): "Farewell. This time victory is mine, Mystic Eyes."


Most likely the sound of a crushed skull.



...... I no longer have any way to tell.


Bad End 3

Lose vs Vampire Sion

Shiki: "Tch────!"

My knife falls.

My collapsed body can no longer even move a single finger.

Vampire Sion: "Agh────ahh────That's why, I told, you to─"

...... I hear footsteps getting closer.

...... Is it the Etherlite that's commanding my limbs?

My five senses are fading, and I don't even know if I'm alive.

...... A sharp pain in my neck.

The pain cuts through even my dulled senses, and it seems like the bones in my neck have snapped.

...... Sorry, Sion.

In the very end,

I wasn't able to save you────


Hologram Summer

Bad End 4

Lose vs Nrvnqsr(tatari)

Nrvnqsr(tatari): "────Feed. And leave not a single bone behind."

...... The black swarm approaches.

Countless, opening jaws.

At some point, they bring everything to a close.


Bad End 4

Lose vs Vampire Sion

Shiki: "Tch────!"

My knife falls.

My collapsed body can no longer even move a single finger.

Vampire Sion: "────Farewell Shiki. With this, I will..."

...... I hear footsteps getting closer.

...... Is it the Etherlite that's commanding my limbs?

My five senses are fading, and I don't even know if I'm alive.

...... A slight pain runs through my neck.

I feel hot breathing.

And at the very end, in a whisper full of regret,

I feel like I hear the words "I'm sorry"────


Freaks Channel

Bad End 5

Lose vs Nanaya Shiki(tatri)

Nanaya Shiki(tatri): "Now then. Before you go, let me clearly hear your agony."

Shiki: "Gg, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh────!!!!!!"

His flashing blade.

It slices through my head like scissors through paper.

...... At least there was one good thing.

Before my body died, my mind was already dead from the sheer pain────


Bad End 6

Lose vs Nrvnqsr(tatari)

Shiki: "Gah......!?"

My guts spill open.

That black arm mows down the lower half of my body.

Nrvnqsr(tatari): "────Feed"

The black swarm of beasts charges.

Unable to escape, my body is torn apart by countless teeth and guzzled down────


Other Tale

Bad End 7

Lose vs Nanaya Shiki(tatri)

Nanaya Shiki(tatri): "Now then. Before you go, let me clearly hear your agony."

Shiki: "Gg, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh────!!!!!!"

His flashing blade.

It slices through my head like scissors through paper.

...... At least there was one good thing.

Before my body died, my mind was already dead from the sheer pain────


Bad End 8

Lose vs Vermillion Akiha

Vermillion Akiha: "Oh, is it over already? Have you become weak since you have not been fighting to the death, Nii−san?"

Shiki: "Ghh────If you're going to say that......!"

I gather up the strength in my legs and stand up.

...... But,

I soon lose that strength.

Sion: "────We cannot beat that Akiha here...... Fighting it here means we will lose, Shiki."

Shiki: "Exactly. Well then, time to make you do that. I intended to save you until the end, but I have quite a lot to take care of."

...... With that, my whole world is painted crimson.

There is no time for agony, no time for screams.

In that instant, the two of us are immolated from the ground up────



Bad End 9

Lose vs Hisui and Kohaku

Shiki: "Gwaa...."

I go flying.

Sion is close behind.

Kohaku−san and Hisui... their combined skills completely destroyed us.

Kohaku: "Ah, victory〜♪ And so, bye−bye, strange person."

Sion: "!? Wha, what is this, 'Dogmark Express Home Delivery'!? Hey, let me go, where do you think you're taking me!?"

Kohaku: "Well, that just leaves Shiki−san...... I know! He can put on a show with Akiha−sama!"

Hisui: "Nee−san. Shiki−sama, well, I was going to..."

Kohaku: "Ah, that's right! Shiki−san, tonight there'll be a complete full course Chinese meal courtesy of Hisui−chan. Look forward to it!"

Shiki: "Uwaa... Please, ask me first...!"


Bad End 10

Lose vs Ciel

Ciel: "Stop your futile resistance. Stop your futile resistance. Stop your futile resistance. Do not use a bat while cleaning, Nee−san. Stop your futile resistance."

Sion: "────As expected, a diamond in a dunghill is still a diamond. The brainwashing seems to have refined her endurance────"

Akiha: "Hmph...... It isn't anything like that. ...... Normally, she is overweight, but to be this flabby────"

Ciel: "Stop your futile resistance. Stop your futile resistance. Stop your futile resistance. Akiha−san is unparalleled in scrawniness. Stop your futile resistance."

Akiha: "! Y−you really aren't brainwashed, are you, Senpai!?"

Ciel: "Heh...... There are times when I am given a break from my official duties as a reward, Akiha−san."

Akiha: "I knew it...... Ah, run away, Nii−san (dies)."

Sion: "...... Hm. In any case, this is as far as it will go. It seems Tatari will not do anything major this time. Well, Shiki may experience quite the calamity though."

Sion: "I suppose this is one midsummer night's dream."


Bad End 11

Lose vs Kohaku

Shiki: "Uwaaa, crap......! Ko, Kohaku−san, please tell me this isn't muscle relaxant!"

Kohaku: "Huhuhu, this should be enough to calm you down. Now then, please go to sleep."

Kohaku: "C'mon ****HISUI−chan. Please carry Shiki−san to a safe place."

"Private conversation during transportation will be punished by death."

...... And then, mysterious steel wings appear from the darkness.

Shiki: "Wha────eh, ehhh, eehーーーーー!?"

"Private conversation. Executing."

A flash of light.

Then everything goes dark,

I see a vision of Misaki Town being subjugated by a mysterious magical girl.

...... Please, let that not become real.


Bad End 12

Lose vs Mech Hisui

Shiki: "Gah......!"

Sion: "Ah......!"

Akiha: "This can't......!"

Kohaku: "Lo, lovelyーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!!!!"

Kohaku: "I can do it! I can see it now! Increasing the mass production line could result in cornering the world black market!"

Shiki: "Da───What is this? At this rate───"

The world would be controlled by Maid−san's......!!!

Shiki: "...... Ah. Well, that's that."

It's not really a big deal, and I can't really move right now.

I'll let the rest take care of itself, and maybe being just a spectator isn't that bad────


Bad End 13

Lose vs G Akiha

Shiki: "I knew it was useless! It's invincible!"

I fly through the air.

G−Akiha shakes the earth.

G Akiha: "That is as far as you go, Nii−san. ────Hu. Huhu. Huhuhuhu! I finally defeated Nii−san! Yes, time for you to go to sleep!"

Kohaku: "Congratulations, Akiha−sama, you now have Shiki−san in the palm of your hand! It may be a different method, but one befitting of the head of the Tohno family!"

G Akiha: "Of course. As the head, I cannot be choosy about which method to win. As long as the results are acceptable, even this joke is allowable. And, it does feel a little good, so I will overlook your disruption."

Kohaku: "Yay, you are in high spirits, Akiha−sama! I like you this way the best!"

Kohaku−san continues to cheer on G−Akiha.

...... Get a hold of yourself, little sister.

You're being completely fooled by Kohaku−san......

Shiki: "Ah, she's here."

A rather energetic G−Akiha is coming.

...... I close my eyes with a feeling of resignation.


In the end, I was returned to this underground kingdom.

I have no way of stopping those two on their rampage.

I offer a silent prayer for Misaki Town going up in flames.

...... I'm sorry, everyone.

I tried hard. I really did.


Night On the Blood Liar

Bad End 14

...... My senses disconnect.

Sion, having become a vampire, deals me a blow I can't handle.

Tatari: "Well done, Sion. As your prize, you can slake your three−year−long thirst!"

...... Wild breathing draws closer to me.

The sound of pierced flesh.

Her fangs sink into my neck and easily rip it to────


Bad End 15

Lose vs Zepia

Zepia: "───The Night of Wallachia is indestructible. It is time for you to leave the stage."

My breathing stops.

Not knowing the fate of the others, my mind sinks into darkness────


Oh My Sister!

Bad End 13

Lose vs Miyako

Miyako: "If I hit you, you might die!"

Shiki: "Gahh!"

I fly through the air.

I slam into the wall and accompany Kohaku−san as a wall decoration.

...... But, Miyako−chan......

You shouldn't ever have to warn your brother that he might die if you hit him.

Miyako: "I did it! So, let's go back, Onii−chan. Since I won, you have to spend all summer break with me!"

I'm forcefully dragged off.

...... But, sorry Miyako−chan.

With these wounds, I think all I can do is spend my summer break peacefully in bed......