Loop 35

Day 2

Streets・Day 2 Mimic Rin Lvl 1

And so, the investigation met its end.

The convergence point of all events, the terminus of all possibilities.

The one and only key that can definitely bring an end to this case.


The conclusion I've come to after long thinking and speculation.

That's right.

It cannot be anywhere but inside this―――

“Let's talk about the cultural festival.”

The one who began talking was Mitsuzuri.

She had come to talk not as a member of the archery club, but as the representative for all the athletic clubs.

“Let's talk about the cultural festival.”

The one who began talking was Issei.

In order to make sure the cultural festival was successful, he had requested a seat in the talks with the athletic clubs, who had yet to come up with a unified plan.

“...I get it. In that case, how about at my place?”

The one sitting between them and shrugging her shoulders in bemusement was Tohsaka.

Tohsaka, who happened to be present by coincidence, volunteered to act as a mediator.

“Great, so let's go with that.”

“Sorry about this, Emiya, but...”

“Please set up for tea on Sunday, okay?”

Faced with the sight of the three of them in such perfect harmony, all I could do was nod.

And that's how I ended up in my current situation.

In preparation for Sunday in two days' time, I purchase four people's share of tea cakes and head toward the Tohsaka residence.

I'm very reluctant, but it's for my friends.

Against that fiendish duo, even Issei is at a disadvantage.

All I'm able to do is pretty much just be present and prepare the meeting place beforehand.

“Heeey, I'm here. Tohsaka?”


There's no answer, but I told her I was coming today.

I'm also carrying a lot. For the time being I'll go inside.

“......Huh? Are you here, Tohsaka?”

It doesn't look like she's in the garden either.

I carefully look around the first floor, the basement, and the storage room.

No sign of Tohsaka.

She also carelessly left the door and windows open.

“...Is she doing something in her room...?”

She's probably right in the middle of a magical experiment.

I go up the stairs and knock on the door to her room.

No response.

There's no sign that anyone is inside either.

The door's not even locked.

...Way too careless.

I slowly grasp the doorknob, and timidly pull.


Tohsaka... isn't here.

She's not sleeping or changing clothes.

Has she seriously left her house unattended?

She's not on the upper or lower floors.

The owner of the house is not in this room―――and the windows were left unlocked here too.


Even for Tohsaka, it's hard to imagine she would just rush out and leave the windows, doors, and boundary field open.

These bad habits of hers, the biggest (careless) mistake here is that there are way too many flaws in everything.

“...What happened...?”

The top of the desk is in complete disorder.

A familiar chest has been dragged out from the corner of the room.

There is a half empty teacup on the desk.


A suspicious item.

Everything around here is unnatural, but this unnaturalness is different from usual―――

Did I mishear?

Just faintly―――"hoo," a voice came from somewhere.

“...No, a sound from here is a little...”

How should I say... not likely.

However, I get the feeling she's in here... I mean, it's a stupid delusion.

As if Tohsaka could be inside this―――

...Maybe I should check to make sure?

I slowly raise the lid with my hands, and peek through the opening.



I close the lid.

I rub my eyes.

I take a deep breath, and try to face reality head on.

“――――――, alright.”

I pull myself together and once more, open the lid.


...We stare at each other for a few dozen seconds.

This illusion before me, looking embarrassed at being discovered...

“Tehehe, surprised?”

I gave her a forced smile with all my might.

There's no way.

There's no way such a ridiculous situation like Tohsaka being inside the chest could happen.

What the, now it's really shaking hard!


I don't want to admit it, but Tohsaka is really inside...!?

“...What? Why are you making a face like a depressed writer for a post-war pulp magazine?”

“Like who? ...wait, the hell is this!?!”

T-Tohsaka was really inside!?

As I stand there in shock, with a grunt of exertion―――Tohsaka climbs out of the box that was smaller than herself, as if any sense of distance and perspective had become all wacky.

“Whew, you came to my rescue.

I thought I was going to be stuck in there for days.”

I look back and forth between Tohsaka and the chest.

“......Aah, aah, ah?”

“Hmm... I thought I should clean things up a bit, so I was tidying up the chest.

I propped it open with a stick so the lid wouldn't close.”

“Propped with a stick... what's with that?”

“.........Anyway, after I crawled inside, one thing or another happened.”

Somehow, it goes without saying that the volume and appearance of that chest don't sync up.

And then―――

“So the prop stick fell while you were inside?”


It's a pretty daring stick to betray its owner's trust... I'll have to punish it later...”

She's muttering something I don't understand.

...So, she was stuck because it can't be opened from the inside?

“Well, that's how it is.

You really saved me there. I tried whatever I could to get out, but...”

This is the prop stick that betrayed Tohsaka―――It's surely a treasure itself, so wouldn't it take offense to being treated as a support prop?

I take it in hand. It's surprisingly heavy―――eh? This isn't plastic?

“Since it has a circular top, it's going to slide if you use it as a prop. Something else would be better―――”

“W-Wait! What are you doing, Shirou―――!?”

“Ah, sorry Tohsaka, this is your―――”

“Anyway, just let go of it!”

Tohsaka lunges at me, trying to snatch it away.

Even though I would have been fine with obediently handing it over, I faltered at her angry expression―――and stumbled.

“W-Wait Tohsaka, don't push like that!”

If she does that―――!



It'd be fine if only I fell over.

I pull my arm free of her and push her away with all my might―――


―――It backfired.

Tohsaka's head flies back, crashing into the lid above her, which then falls down.


Something collided with my lower back painfully.

In the darkness―――there's a soft, supple sensation as something rests on top of my body.

No mistake, it's Tohsaka.


I take a deep breath and quickly calm down.

The speed of this mental switchover is something that makes Emiya Shirou a reliable man in a crisis.

“Right, I'll explain, Tohsaka.

It's probably difficult to understand, but the two of us seem to be trapped.”


“How can you be so calm about this!?

And after shamelessly making someone hit the back of their head like that so hard―――!”

“Sorry, I was trying to at least get you outside.

It's the lid that's at fault, the lid!”

I try to persuade Tohsaka as she flies into a rampage on my chest.

It really hurts you know. She slams her fists into my stomach as if it were a punching bag―――I hope those sunkei karate punches of hers aren't going to leave a bruise.

“...Hey, Tohsaka. Are you satisfied?”

“Yeah, I've calmed down a little now. Give that back.”

I surrender the stick and it is snatched away.

Does Tohsaka really care so much about that item...? Is it a keepsake from her childhood or something?


I have trouble breathing when she whispers from so close.

“Just a sec, my arm... ouch...”

“Is it sprained?”

“No, my hand can't reach from this position... Take the case from my skirt pocket.”


I extend my hand―――Uwah, that's right, I might end up touching her in strange places this close up... no, calm down, calm down.

“...No touching anywhere strange, all right?”

“Where's the pocket... Ah, here?”

It was in a place where I could graze her bottom by mistake.

My fingers make contact with the case. I tug it out and pass it to Tohsaka.

“Now then...”

With a bit of squirming and twisting, we manage to separate our bodies.

We couldn't stay tangled together forever... wait, this chest has two people in it, and yet there's still space left over...?

“Tohsaka, what's up with this box?”

“It's what it looks like.

This is a warped space that can contain whatever is put in regardless of the size.

It's a small magic box that you can't simply escape from right after you've been put in.”

“"Right after you've been put in"... Is there really no way out?”

“If it's opened from the outside, then there's no problem. But opening it from the inside is difficult.

How do I put it? I suppose it's an issue of the rules.”

“Rules? By "rules," do you mean the chest's rules?”

“Obviously. It's a chest after all. If something in it could just arbitrarily leave, it'd be troubling, wouldn't it?

This is the great master Zelretch's favorite chest. It goes without saying that it stores and safeguards its contents perfectly.”

“Zelretch... Then, it's in the same class as your Jewel Sword?”

“Exactly. A magical box created with the Second Sorcery.

The box stores things not by increasing the size of its space, but by fluctuating the volume of the items put inside. As a nonsensical side-effect of this, time inside the box differs from that of the outside world.

An hour in the box corresponds to a day in the outside world. It might be a strange comparison, but it's similar to a cold sleep.”

“O-One hour is a day...!?

In that case, if―――”

If we spend 3 hours in here, Sunday will already be over, won't it?

“That's how it is. If we don't want to end up like Urashima Tarou, we've got no choice but to hurry up and get out.”

Tohsaka lets out a sigh.

She'd finally been able to get out, but due to my clumsiness she's right back where she started, so perhaps it's only natural.

“...I understand that it's difficult to escape.

However, there's no barrier to protect it from the inside, right? The box might break, but if you hit it with offensive magic, it just might―――”

“Um, Emiya-kun?

Lets say you were locked up in a vault. Would you think of escaping by setting off dynamite inside of it?”


Obviously before the box would break, we'd be victims of the blast.

“Firstly, with my magical power, blowing the lid off would be impossible.

If I had the great master's Jewel Sword, it would be a different story though.”

“...I see. Then, what about your glasses?”


“They're a magical item, right?”

“No, they're just for show.”

“Huh? Then why'd you put them on just now?”

“What do you mean? It's for when I'm in the mood to give explanations.”

“......So they're not some sort of key to escape?”

“Of course not. If there were such a thing I would have gotten out of here by myself.”

It seems like a hopeless state of affairs and yet, I'm surprisingly calm and composed.

“...So, what then?

We're really stuck in this?”


I don't want to say it, but we really are trapped in here.

It's not my fault, but I'm sorry for involving you in this, Emiya-kun.”

Her apologizing voice is a little frail.

"We really stepped in it this time," I groan.

Inside this small yet spacious chest.

"What will become of Tohsaka and me?" I held my forehead as I worried.

Streets・Day 2 Mimic Rin Lvl 2

A day had passed.

For us, it had only been about an hour, but to the rest of the world, the sun had come and gone.

“Hey, I'm getting a little tired.”

“...Yeah, same here.”

I speak without meeting her eyes.

I'm getting a bit claustrophobic trapped in this place, but I've been feeling awkward being stuck this close to Tohsaka for a while now.


Well, I wouldn't mind staying like this forever, but cramped spaces aren't too healthy for the mind and body.

I should start seriously thinking of a way out―――

“―――That's right. We can't stay like this forever.

We should do something instead of just waiting for help.”


She was even quicker to act than I was determined to.

I don't know why, but she's getting more fired up than I am.

“Okay? This is a box full of mysteries. The only thing that we can be sure of is that the lid is physically connected to the outside. This is simply an absolute law.

In that case―――”

“...Before thinking of anything complicated, we should try brute force?

That could work. The lid's right above us, so the two of us should be able to push it open.”

With that decided, we take immediate action.

As though feeling a cushion to check its firmness, we delicately place our hands against the inside of the lid.

“Threeー Twoー Oneー”


Grunting, I try to stand up―――straight―――

Damn, it won't budge...!

“...That's the great master's chest for you.”

“Stop admiring it, Tohsaka―――That's it!”

I pick up the stick from earlier.

If I can just wedge open a small gap under the lid, maybe I can pry it open―――

“...Forget about the stick, Shirou.”

“Ugh... then how about this!?”

I turn upside-down within the chest.

If my arms can't do it, I'll use my legs, which have three times their power, and my back, which is five times as strong!

And if that doesn't work, I'll just reinforce my legs and try again!

But, before that.

“W-Where are you touching, what're you, kya!”

I'm struck by an absurdly strong blow.

As I was moving, my arm hit Tohsaka's breast, and my head came into contact with her butt.

It may have looked like I was peeping at her from underneath, but still... ow!

“Tohsaka, could you raise your legs a―――”

“Like hell I will---!

You weirdo! Pervert! Oaf! Water fountain! Careless apron!”

That last bit was just gibberish.

Gah, the attacks are becoming more accurate, argh, she's aiming for a KO, guah, I taste blood...!

“I get it, I get it. So stop, will you stop already!?”

I return to my original posture.

If Tohsaka had kept hitting me like that, at least my soul would have escaped this box.

"Fuuu, Fuuu," Tohsaka pants like a scared cat.

...This is bad. This close up, I can feel the warmth of her breath on me.

“...I freaked out when you started touching me everywhere.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean it... Tohsaka, your glasses?”

She was flailing around, so of course they fell off.

As an apology, I move to pick up the fallen spectacles―――

“This... eh?”

I feel a smooth body of resin.

It flips open with my finger, the light from the LCD illuminates the chest―――

“Isn't this a phone?”


“It's yours, right?

What the, we should have just called for help earlier.”

“...I guess so.”

Taking the phone, Tohsaka fiddles with the cover for a bit―――

“You call, Emiya-kun.”

“Huh? Uh, are you sure that's okay?”

I don't know what girls put in their phones, and peeping at her contacts and stuff would be bad manners.

“Look, it's your fault we're stuck here, so you do it.”

“Okay, I'll do it.”

Worried it might be packed full of other guys' names, I open the address book.

However, there are no men, women, or associates of any kind in there.

Not even a single phone number had been recorded in this address book.


“Tohsaka, could it be that you... don't know how to use this?”


It seems I was right on the mark. I won't rub it in.

That's so like her... oh, the battery's lasted well.

“Hmm... 110 and 119 are probably no good.”

Letting the public authorities into a magus's workshop isn't a good idea.

In that case, I could call Mitsuzuri since she's heading this way... wait, I don't know her number.

Come on, remember phone numbers... my house, Fuji-Nee's Fujimura Group, and there's Homurabara, Ryuudo Temple, the Matou residence... no, Homurabara and Ryuudo Temple are out.

With the way things are, we can only request assistance from another magus.

“I wonder if we'll get any signal in here.

For now, I'll take a chance on calling home. That's definitely the best way.”

Saber, Rider, Sakura, anyone who might easily grasp the situation.

《Helloooo~, this is the Emiya household~》


But of course, the one that picked up the phone turned out to be the hardest one to explain things to.

《Oh? What's wrong, Shirou?》

“Is Saber or Sakura at home right now?”

《They're out right nowww~ Rider-san and Sakura-chan went out too.》

“Ack... is Illya not there either?”

《Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Illya-chan around~

So, what's up, Shirou?》


The phone's battery won't last forever.

Since I don't know when the call will drop, I've got no choice but to somehow get Fuji-Nee to help us.

“Um... okay, Fuji-Nee, I need you to calm down and listen to me.

《Hm? Is it about lunch?》

“Right now, we're in some trouble at Tohsaka's house, eh... Hellooo?”

Damn it, is the signal too weak? It cut out at an important part.

“HELLOOOO! Anyway, we're in some trouble. Could you come help... Fuji-Nee? Hello?”

《Eh, together with Tohsaka-san? Hey, hey, what is this now, Shirou!? Didn't you say you would go to Europe ALONE!?》


What did Fuji-Nee just say?

《Come on, your big sister is saying that kinda thing is no good, forbidden, absolutely NOT!

It is way too early for you to be traveling with her alone!

Even if a man and woman are cleanly and properly together, it's always, always, again and again, no good!》

“W-What the heck are you talking about!?

That's why I said to calm down... what the, Ahhh!”


I didn't even have a chance to ask for help... on top of that, something in there completely didn't add up.

“Calling my house was no good.

Fuji-Nee was being weird, but to have Saber and Sakura out too...”

“...Maybe... No, it's nothing.

Is there anywhere else we'd be likely to get in touch with them?”

“If Illya is out, she might be at the Fujimura Group. Old man Raiga likes to dote on her.”

“Hello? Is this the Fujimura Group?

This is Emiya. Thank you for always helping me out, but I―――”

《...More than one hour and twenty minutes later than scheduled.

Honestly, you sure took your time to contact me, didn't you, Shero?

Knowing you, I bet you have also picked up some new troubles?》


An unfamiliar-sounding voice comes from the speaker.

Needlessly formal and yet fluent Japanese that wouldn't irritate a listener.

...Somehow, it's a bit like Saber's voice, pure and clear.

“Ahh, no... this is Emiya, but am I speaking with the Fujimura Group?”

《...Mister Emiya.

I am not some immature girl who has yet to grow up.

Your total lack of tension sometimes makes me want to shoot out the windows. Do you think you're being charming now?》

“Eh―――no, that is, um, pardon me.”

For some reason I'm humbling myself.

The mysterious character on the other end of the phone takes an audibly deep breath for added effect.

“By the way, is this the Fujimura Group―――”

《Stop shouting on about that sort of thing. No, it most certainly is not.

That place is already enemy territory, as we can't be sure that other magi haven't already set their sights on it. Surely, even you understand that much, at least?》



Somehow, it feels like I'm stepping on a huge landmine.

《Well then, shall we try this again, Shero?

Just who exactly do you believe you are reporting to?》

Who she is? And so, the person I don't know asks me for their name.

“T-That's―――eh, eeeh, um...*”

《Correct, it's Edelfelt.

...Good grief, please get a hold of yourself.

You're participating as my representative in "Fem's Banquet." I'm not saying you should score a crushing victory, but at least come back with the same amount of money you started with.

―――Do you think I will permit even one euro of wasteful expenditures?》

...No, doesn't look like you would, but even if you say that...

“Switch places with me for a bit.

Hello? I can't believe it, but is that self-important voice Luvia?”

《Wha... such barbarous speech! Is this Miss Tohsaka!?

W-Why are you with Shero!?

Didn't you choose Las Vegas because you weren't interested in Monaco!?》

“......I have no idea what you're on about, but if I had to choose, then Vegas for sure.

You're talking about gambling, right? If you're trying to make money, rather than some upscale western European casino, the businesslike American ones seem better.”

《So, looks like you've revealed your true colors, Miss Tohsaka.

So much for your "grace." You're a savage after all, no matter how much you pretend otherwise. No matter of attire will hide your low birth.

Such a lady is unsuited to have servants and the like.

If you desire a familiar, let's see, I could give you a lizard from my garden, so promptly dismiss the servant you have now.》

“Now you've totally lost me, but... your Japanese is pretty good.

You have no more interest in Japanese culture than you would for bread scraps, and now this... what a curious turn of events.”

《A-A lady may take up whatever pursuits she fancies! There is no deeper meaning to speak of...!

...Honestly, even bringing up such a conversation from two years ago.

Well, I suppose if there's one thing to praise you for, it's the tenacity to maintain your spiteful nature over all this time.》

The two of them continue their prickly argument back and forth.

It's got nothing to do with me, but why do I have a bad feeling about all this?

《So. Why are you and Shero... no, Mister Emiya, with each other?

...I find this most displeasing.》

“That's my line, Luviagelita.

How do you know Emiya-kun? It wasn't me who introduced you, was it?

......Also, what kind of pet name is "Shero"?”

A moment of silence.

The unidentified speaker gasps as if she were having a heart attack, and...

《Y-Y-Y-You! You're still bringing that up!?

How cruel of you, Miss Tohsaka...! Even though we both agreed to forget that...!

Yes, I admit I bore you no ill will, but if I was ever in error, it was when we joined hands and jumped off the Tower of London. It was inevitable that I would end up with a nickname like "Mary of July"...!》

《Enough already, if I could turn back time, I would!

How could someone like you be entrusted with that beloved chronicle of do-or-die memories! I'm so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!》


Several loud bangs come from the other side of the phone.

They sound like gunshots, but I know they're Gandr.

No doubt about it. Whoever this is, she's clearly experienced.

《Very well, Miss Tohsaka. If this is your intention, I accept your challenge...!

I had intended to stand by until the casino owner appeared, but I'm heading over there now! Don't bother Mister Emiya by saying anything unreasonable!

Oh, and because you were called Poppins of July, our reputation at the university is even, right?》


Who was that just now?

Tohsaka seemed to know her, but I don't remember anyone like that.

And why was she at the Fujimura Group's place?

“......Hmm. Bit by bit, I'm starting to get it.”

“Tohsaka. It's great that you understand, but now there's only one person left that we can call for help.”

Next is Sakura's house. Even if Sakura's not in, Shinji might be. We might have a winner here.

“Hello? Is this the Matou residence?”

《Oh? Isn't this Shirou?》

......Eh? Eeeeh? Eeeehhh!?

This voice... there's no mistake, it's Tohsaka Rin herself.

But the person in question is right next to me, clinging to me awkwardly.

《What is it this time?

It's been a little while since we last met, are you calling because you miss me, I wonder?》

“Eh, ah, uh, that is, ah, what?”

This is way more of a mystery than the previous calls.

《Hehe―――Aww, you're so cute, Emiya-kun

To tell the truth, I was so worried about what you were doing, Emiya-kun, that I couldn't sleep~》

...It was definitely Tohsaka's voice coming over the telephone, but something about it was inconceivable.

As though it was... lovestruck.

It reminded me of lovers who shamelessly embrace each other in public.

“Um, hello...?

Sorry, it's a little crowded in various ways over here...”

《Hm, is it really that bad?

Aww, what would you ever do without me?

You end up calling me every time you're in a pinch~》

Her sugary-sweet voice makes me wonder if she's gone mad. Actually, maybe I'm the one going crazy here.

And, there's another crisisTohsaka next to me just waiting to happen.

“...Tohsaka, just what's going on?

Somehow, I get the feeling I'm calling a hopelessly different place...”

Covering the receiver, I ask the Tohsaka next to me.

“...Yeah. It's hard to believe, but if you make a call inside this box, it's like it connects to a different place.

It's because the chest was created using the parallel world-traveling Zelretch's Second Sorcery. It's not strange that something like this would happen.”

“Hahaa, I get it now―――Wait, this is pointless, isn't it?”

Even if we call a parallel dimension for assistance, with the exception of that sorcerer, Jewel Sage Zelretch, they won't be able to come over here.

Fuji-Nee, that girl from earlier, and this other Tohsaka are all of no use to us whatsoever.

It's useless, but the voice on the phone continues to talk without a care.

《Okay, I'll head over there right away.

Are you prepared?

;(効果 あったらキスの唇が触れる音)
 Since it's your request, I'll do anything you ask, my Emiya-kun 》


As sweet as honey.

Did she just... kiss the receiver?

“Ha, haha. Hahahaha.”

“...What are you laughing at? Give that here.”

“Um, I really think it'd be better to hang up.”

The two of you are existences which should never meet each other.

Just like a torch and gasoline.

“Just hand it over!

For some reason, I've been getting major goosebumps this whole time!

I don't know who it is, but that woman is really getting on my nerves!”

《W―――What, was that a woman's voice just now!?

Wait, Shirou, what are you doing!?》

―――I can feel a fight about to break out.

And it's Tohsaka vs. Alternate Universe Tohsaka. Oh dear god.

...Ahh, I just want to cover my ears and curl up into a ball...

“Good afternoon, hello? Could this be Sakura?”

That you could think that is a wee bit terrifying, Tohsaka-san.

Please hold back what you say a bit.


Don't be ridiculous. And likewise, who are you?》


《Ah, so that's it. I get it, is this the appearance of a thieving cat?

No wonder Emiya-kun was troubled. He was caught by some ill-natured woman and threatened into phoning me to sever our relationship. It's like that, right?》

“Wha―――You're one to talk! This whole time you've been going on like some nymphomaniac! It's embarrassing just listening to you!”

...Tohsaka is snarling at Tohsaka.

They both don't seem to realize they're talking to themselves. I'm not sure if that's a blessing or a disaster.

“I don't care who you are or where you are from, but sickly-sweet girls like you don't suit Emiya-kun!

What this idiot needs is someone who will stick with him through thick and thin, and guide him whenever he strays from the correct path... right, only something like a honor student that carries herself like a committee chairman!”

“Get it? A girl like you with pudding for brains can't measure up in the slightest.

If you understand, hang up and go repent at a convent for your life up to this point...!”


Didn't you turn off the filter way too soon?

Or rather, maybe her intuition already figured out that she's speaking to herself.

《...I'm shocked. Even if he made a mistake, I thought there would be some worthy points from a woman who caught Shirou by her wiles and yet, how disappointing.

"Committee chairman?" "Through thick and thin?"

The one who doesn't understand is you, Miss. You couldn't possibly take care of him with that little resolve...!》

《Listen, it even took me years to figure it out. I'm really stubborn, you know?

Have you ever forged a blade? Relentless hammering will only produce something hard, yet brittle. At times, you have to handle your work delicately or the product won't be flexible. It's the same thing here.

Understand? Your ideas are too slow. Incredibly slow. It's like I'm really talking to myself from three years ago. Don't be mad! Ohohohohoho!》


...God, what did I do to deserve this?


H-Hmph! Middle-aged women say the darndest things.

You must've used some dirty means to seduce him, right? Shirou's a real idiot if he's gonna get taken in by a floozy like you.

Yeah, I'll make sure to beat some sense into him after this...!”

《Hold it right there.

I don't care what you say about me, but saying that to Shirou is foul play.

After all, it sounds like he's over there with you. I won't forgive you if you break the prize after losing this argument.

...Got that? If you hurt my Emiya-kun, no matter where you hide, I will hunt you down and kill you.》


Too much love can hurt.

Seriously, Parallel World Me. What the hell happened?

In what way? By what means? How did you get Tohsaka Rin to fall that madly in love with you...!?

“Al-Alright, if you say something like that, I can see that you're really serious for now.

...So you love him, but how should I put it, what's so good about him? Do you just have bad taste?

Emiya Shirou's quiet, unsociable idealism just doesn't understand how a woman's heart works. He's not that great of a catch. Seriously, why are you so into him?”

I want to object, but I'll probably just end up getting kicked, so I'll keep quiet for now.



The other end fell silent.

Even though it was obvious the Tohsaka over here was pressing for a response.

“...Hey. Why are you so quiet? Give me some kind of rebuttal, you.”


No response.

The Tohsaka on the other end is faintly laughing happily.

“H-Hmph, so it's not that much after all.

With Shirou's main points, even you-”

《―――Yes, I love everything about him.》

They were only words, but they deeply rattled the Tohsaka over here.


《I told you, his oafishness, his thickheadeness, the way he blurts out whatever he thinks, his childish idealism, the way he ignores his wounds, all of it.

You should be more honest with yourself, too. Worded a different way, didn't you just admit that you love him in spite of all his faults?》


Stop messing around! I seriously can't stand those things-”

《Sure, sure, we'll go with that.

But you know, Miss, I don't "stick with him through thick and thin." I protect him when he struggles, lend him a hand when it really counts, and only see the best in him.

So I'll declare it now. Rather than becoming happy together, I will, with no questions asked, and more than anyone else, give him happiness.》

“Gah―――O-Of course, I already knew... n-no, I mean, why would I ever go through that much trouble for him!?

T-T-Too bad! I see your point, but I don't think Emiya-kun is someone who needs that much―――”

《Is that so? Then I'll do as I like.

You might think that, but to me he's the greatest partner I could ask for.

Say, isn't that right, Shirou? We'd never be ashamed of our mutual love.

So, for that reeeason, reward me with a biiig kiss~》

“Fine, then! Take as many of him as you like!

Mutual love!? Greatest man!?

With such a naive person, you'll have nothing but trouble!

Hmph! Heroes and princes on white horses are just dreams! Drown in your ideals and die...!!!”

...Now she's done it...

In her emotional turmoil, Tohsaka might have activated her magic crest, or maybe it was just brute strength.

At any rate, the cellphone is now a magnificent piece of junk.

“...Huh. Mobile phones sure are fragile.”

“That's... no, never mind.”

Our hopes of calling for rescue were now dashed, but that was still preferable to continuing that conversation until the battery ran out.

“Well, it doesn't matter too much because it had been useless, but... that woman just now sure was getting on my nerves.

Emiya-kun, was she an acquaintance of yours?”

“Don't know her. I've never even seen her face.”

Though I can easily imagine what it looks like.

“...That's okay then.

The one who was suckered in was that world's Emiya-kun, but be more careful after this.

That woman is a formidable opponent for you. No, your natural enemy.”

“...I see. Got it, I'll bear that in mind.”

I nod with many thoughts flowing through my mind.

“Very good. You're an honest one, Emiya-kun.”

I enthusiastically mean it as well.

After all, it was a warning from the person herself.

“However... now we're back to where we started.

It's impossible to use the cellphone to call for help...”

“I guess it's to be expected when relying on something useless.

There should still be another way. Let's use our brains.”

The tone she proposes that in sounds impatient for some reason.


"Still walled in on all sides," I grumble.

Inside this cramped yet boundless room,

"just what are we really going to do?" I worry while cradling my head in my palms.

Streets・Day 2 Mimic Rin Lvl 3

“...............I'm tired.”

“...............Aah, so exhausted.”

We sigh in unison.

...It's been two hours since we got in this box.

Any joy from being packed tightly together has been all but drowned out by the oppressive atmosphere of being sealed up.


...Or maybe this indescribably oppressive atmosphere has more to do with the way Tohsaka is on top of me.

She's been frequently avoiding eye contact for awhile now, all while nervously tapping her pinky on her arm.

“...Tohsaka. Should I, try moving a little more towards the corner?”

“Eh...? You don't really need to... wasn't this the best we could manage anyway?”

“That might be the case, but... didn't you say something like, these walls don't have a set boundary? Then, if we push our bodies apart as much as we can, we should be able to make more space...”

“Eh...? Ah, no, stop thrashing around!

For argument's sake, even if you're able to stretch out by doing that, won't the volume of the box stay the same? If you made some "room" for yourself, the balance of space in here would become absurd.”

“I see. But, are you okay with this, Tohsaka?

...It just, seems you've been agitated for a while now.”

“...Everything's fine. Apart from being cramped up here, there's no reason for me to be agitated.”


When it comes to that, I wonder if there could even be any other reason to be irritated?

...Another 30 minutes or so pass.

Tohsaka's appearance is becoming noticeably strange.

It seems the stress is piling up.

Even I'm starting desperately to want to stretch out and, although it's not that hot or humid yet, the rising temperature inside the box is only increasing our anxiety.

“So, it's about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, huh...? Are you alright, Tohsaka?”

“I-I'm alright...... not really.*

......You're pretty calm Emiya-kun.”

I have no energy to reply.

...This is bad. I was optimistic that Saber or Sakura would come after an hour, but it looks like that isn't the case.


Tohsaka. I want to try out something just one more time.”

“What... do you mean?”

“Look, when I came into this room, you were rocking the chest, right?

That is, I saw that it was moving from outside.”

“What I'm saying is, although the sound from inside the box was blocked off, it was moved and the sound of the box striking the floor could be heard.”

“―――Could you hurry up and tell me your conclusion?”

“It's the opposite of what's normally done.

In other words, not trying to open the lid from the inside.

If we roll this chest and the lid catches on something, wouldn't it open from the outside―――?”

"No good?" I take a glance at Tohsaka's expression.

I thought she'd be going on and on listing reasons to reject it, but...

“Yeah. Compared to relying on that, your way is...”

“Huh? There's another way?”

“It, It's nothing!

We'll go with that, it's decided!”

Tohsaka's attitude shifted rather quickly. Suspicious.

The sense of unease and tension are enough to make me tilt my head to the side in doubt.

“...Well, whatever.

Alright, we'll roll it that way from the right side.”


Supporting myself with the box, I thrust my body.

I shift my center of gravity to match the movement, and the world tilts.


The chest started to roll.

Alright, this is good―――eh?

“No waaay! Kyaa―――!”

Not good at all!

As we begin rolling the feeling of riding inside the confined box transforms into something unbearable...!

“You touched me! Just now, your hand!”

“I can't help it!”

“Yaaah! Where are you putting your heeead!?”

“I said I can't help iiit!”

“Gaaah! Stop hitting meee!”

“You've been having a nice experience so let me hit you once or twice!”

“Guwaah! That's already 3 hits, I'm being oppresseeed!”


“H-Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just cut the tip of my finger a little.”

―――I can feel broken pieces of glass with sharp edges.

“Hm... so they're broken?

I have to rebuild them again... Aaah, extra expenses...”

Tohsaka's glasses huh...? That's right, they'd fallen off earlier.

And, even with all of that movement...

―――the lid is still closed.

“No good... is it?”

“No way...

Ugh, uuugh......”

Tohsaka, perhaps from the shock of not being able to escape, lets out a groan.

With this, we've exhausted all our options.

“Well, then again... if a strange chest is lying around in the room, anyone who came over would probably notice it right away.

All we can do now is wait for someone to come―――”

“No, we don't have the time to be leaving this up to luck like that! We've got a 30 minute limit!”

Tohsaka glares at me with bloodshot eyes.

...Somehow, it's a very precise time limit.

In half an hour... Is it because the 11th of October will have ended...? No, that can't be it.


I start feeling around.

Because of its peculiar shape, I immediately know what it is.

That stick that grew wings.

Tohsaka was rather obsessed with it―――


Something's shining, but that's...

No mistaking it. It's the stick.

...If I think back on it, this stick is the reason we ended up like this in the first place.


...But, I wonder why it's glowing.

...Is it because we're inside of a dark box?

Such a red light without substance, this extremely ominous... er, rather, it seems trustworthy, yeah...

“! Stop, take your hand away from that, Shirou!”


With Tohsaka's scolding, my senses return.

When looking at it, I was just one step away from picking up that stick.

“...That was close... Sorry, but it's that alone I just won't allow. Don't add to the number of our problems even more.”

"Whew," Tohsaka relaxes her shoulders.

On the other hand, the mysterious stick's radiance weakens with a "tch."



I thought it was just a toy just a little while ago, but now it's just way too damn suspicious.

...It's like an amazing magical energy is emanating from it.

“...Tohsaka. What's with that stick?

Is it a cursed item or something?”

“...sigh That's right, if we've come this far, it could be bad to not tell you.

...Though I didn't want to say too much, this stick is called the Kaleidostick.

Just like this box, it's a Mystic Code created by Zelretch. It's something like a magic booster that supplies vast amounts of magical energy to the user that contracted with it.”

“Zelretch again...? Huh, about that, does that stick use the Second Sorcery as well?”

“........................Well, yeah, although it's kind of like that...”

She's not speaking clearly.

So even Tohsaka doesn't know about this Kaleidostick thing's true nature? But still...

“Then, how come you've been handling it like some sort of hazardous substance?

Ah, well, though it does have an amazing magical energy and I only get an unpleasant feeling from looking at it, so it's obviously a curse-type.”

“...This thing caused me some grief a while back.

Since then, I've been careful never to activate it, but... what a blunder. Because I shed some blood earlier, it seems like it's awoken.

Hey. How long are you going to pretend to be asleep, you defective spirit.”


Tohsaka glares at the stick giving off that dull red light.

The Kaleidostick flashes on and off as if giggling, and...

《Fu―――fufufu, that's impressive, Rin-san!

It's only been 6 years, and you've (annoyingly) grown up nicely! Ruby-chan is impressed!》


Somehow cheerful yet mischievous, adult yet girlish, the voice of a girl who'd look good in an apron resounded inside my head.

“...You haven't changed at all, have you? I'd have thought you'd have reflected on your behavior a little after six years coated in dust, and yet...”

《No no, worry not. I - have done plenty of reflecting.

From now on, I won't do anything outrageous to frighten my owner and make them run away. Yes, once the contract has been agreed to I'll follow you until (your) death!》

The rumbling Kaleidostick praises it's high spirits and reliability.

The words sound German, but the meaning came across as though clear Japanese. How strange.

“......Actually, all of this is strange.

Tohsaka, I feel like, this stick is talking to me.”

“It is talking. This talking stick is the real deal.”

《Oh my, how rude of me.

Nice to meet you Shirou-san. I am the artificial airhead spirit acting as the Kaleidostick's function, pointer, feelings, etc. My name is Magical Ruby.

If you would, please be more familiar and call me Ruby 》

“..................Sure. Thank you for your consideration.”

...Now then.

I'm often susceptible to the deception of a sweet voice, but this thing is dangerous. An unrivalled-type of character, artificial and yet airheaded, the magical energy it's emitting is like poisonous radiation.

In the first place, there's no honest person in this world with "Magical" in their name...!

“Familiar shmamiliar, I'm never going to use you. Give it up and hurry back to sleep already.

Spilling blood on you earlier was an accident.

Even if you were to stay locked up in this box for your entire life, it's because I have no intention of making a contract with you.”

《Right, then it's settled.

I understand Rin-san's order.》

The Kaleidostick shines as if smiling sweetly.

...What's this, does it actually understand?

《Then, with negotiations over, let jump right to the resolution!

Hurry hurry, make a contract with me please.

With the two of you in a pinch like this, there's no way I can just calmly go back to sleeeep!》

I take that back.

Not even in the slightest was such a conclusion reached in that conversation.

“I see your listening function is in the same state as always, you stupid stick... fine. I, will neeeever, ever make a contract with you again.”

"Hmph," Tohsaka turns her face away.

Ah, rejected.

“...Well, leaving that aside. Tohsaka, you said something about "again"?”

“Yeah. I made a contract with it once before.

An error of my youth. After my father died, I discovered it when I was putting his belongings in order. The instructions were there as well, and I wondered what would happen if I tried to make a contract...”

“...When you tried to make a contract, what happened?

Don't tell me your body was hijacked or something...”

“...Well, actually, I don't remember anything.”

“You don't remember?”

“Right. When I regained consciousness, I was collapsed in my room, the stick was put away in the box, and there was just a note in my own handwriting that said, "Never use that stupid stick again."”

“You don't remember anything from when you used the stick until you put it away...? So then, was there any real harm done?”

“...No clue about that. However, my casual friends decreased in number after that day.

...Well, since I was an honor student, people were always at a distance. But then they would run away with a look of terror, or rather, amazement in their eyes.”


What happened in those missing few hours?

The only ones who know the truth are Tohsaka's friends at the time, and this stick.

“...I see... Anyway, having nothing to do with it would have been better, right?”

Because that is, without a doubt, a cursed item.

《That's wrong, it's a misunderstanding, Shirou-san!

Rin losing friends was her own fault. I was in no way responsible!》

“It's more than just a misunderstanding.

If you're claiming innocence, then reveal what you did to me and what happened on that day.”

《"What" you ask? Didn't Rin-san merely go into town and appear onstage at the park where everyone had gathered?

Like an idol from the eighties. "Everyooone, thank you for coming to see me todaaay!" Kind of like that.

Everyone was totally weirded out, but Rin-san was happily smiling from beginning to end 》


What's that? Compared to what I was imagining, that's rather pitiful mental trauma.

“...Yes, I know that. I caught one of the kids that ran away. The question is why. Why did I do something like that?”

《Ah, I would think the reason for that is obvious.

Rin-san used me to transform into a "Rin who is good at singing."》


《Yes. The Rin-san of that day was adorable.

During the music, she hiccuped at the best moment, was laughed at, and felt sad.

"Because I must be the best at that song," she said. I was moved by the sight of her practicing while crying. I just had to toy with this amusing girl, er, I mean I felt like becoming her strength.》

“T-The details don't matter!

W-What's with that terrifying phrase you said? Transformed into a "me who is good at singing"!”

《Because, a transformation is a transformation.

I'm the Kaleidostick; the happy, one of a kind Mystic Code created by the parallel world traveling Zelretch!

Shall we call that ability Prism Trance?

Allowing Rin-san, the user, to change her skills to that of another Rin-san, I'm a lyrical item of nightmares!》


This Tohsaka, with the skills of another Tohsaka... wait, what?

“...No way. Then, when you said transformation you were serious!?”

《Fuufuufu. As expected of the head of the Tohsaka house, you understood my explanation well. Ruby-chan is surprised. Though the truth is I wanted to leave it a mystery. Tehe.》

The voice from the Kaleidostick, no, Magical Ruby... gave an image somewhat like... a defeated smile.

It keeps repeating itself, but its voice was just devastatingly cute.

“...No, don't be fooled.

Hey, Tohsaka. What did all that mean just now?”

“......Like it said, a transformation.

It's difficult to believe, but this stick... The Kaleidostick is an item that transforms its owner.”

“For example, say I am going to make some delicious black tea. However I can't make black tea very well.

At that time, all I have to do is wave that stick once and presto.

I become the "Tohsaka Rin who is an expert at making black tea" who exists in a parallel world, and become able to make delicious black tea.

Or rather, it's that the skills are only being temporarily borrowed.”

“I see... it just downloads the necessary abilities... right?”

“? Down load?”

《Yes. Setting aside the out-dated Rin-san, Shirou-san has it right.

This world's Rin-san is an anachronism, but a high-tech Rin-san might exist in a parallel world.

I fetch that high-tech Rin-san's exterior, and dress up the Rin-san over here with it.

The result: Rin-san becomes an electronics expert in less than one second, yes.》

“Wow, that's...”


That means, by calling out Tohsaka's various "what-ifs," she can become a specialist in anything!?

《―――However. Regarding this, there are several standard operating procedures.

An imitation must first begin with its form.

When she used Prism Trance, Rin-san's attire became that which is appropriate for her form.》

《And yet, for some reason everyone disliked it. Thanks to that, in the past, present and future, I will only have two masters.》

Magical Ruby sobs, hiding her tears with her kimono's sleeve.

Well not really, but the kimono is a persistent image.

“What? Just that by itself shouldn't be enough to even bother anyone.”


Y-You don't mean that you...!”

《Yes. Like I said, the appropriate costume.

If you wanted to make delicious tea, it would be a maid's outfit.

If you wanted to be an amphibious Tohsaka Rin, it would be a school swimsuit.

And so, when poor you wanted to be good at singing, I was pleased to provide an over the top Goth Loli outfit!》


I-In other words, that's unmistakeably a Magical Girl...!!

《Ah, by the way, the words she shouted to activate the transformation were the most embarrassing choice at the time

Oh dear me, at that point everyone in the park went ghastly pale.》

“Y-You stupid stick! That was what reset my entire network of friends----!”

...The terrible truth is now revealed.

An item that makes use of the Second Sorcery, the true identity of the magic stick that grants the wishes of young girls, it was truly a costume box for both the mind and body.

Yeah, never before has it been so easy to spot the appearance of dark magic.

―――Well, that's the reason no-one wants to make a contract.

“Anyway, let's think about other methods now.

Let's regroup, change our mindset, and completely ignore any noisy distraction.”

《Eeeh. How meeean. Make a contract with me, Rin-san. Since the blood-drawingRegistration is already done, all that's left is to say a single word of agreement―――》

“Good. Ignore it completely, Emiya-kun.

It might be a Mystic Code of the Second Sorcery, but something like having completed a temporary registration with my blood doesn't matter.

As long as I don't touch it, it will turn itself off given time, then it's good-bye. Such a dangerous item should be sealed at the bottom of this box for all eternity.”

《No waaay. Uuu, such cruel treatment... I just, even though I just want to fight for justice alongside Rin-san...》

The stick cries in anguish.

...As Tohsaka said, it seems that if we keep ignoring it, the stick will go back to how it originally was.

“...Even then, doesn't this seem just a bit pitiful?

Tohsaka, if it's just used to get us outside, shouldn't that much be fine?”

And also, I feel an affinity with the phrase, "fight for justice."


“You're too soft! If we let this stupid stick out, someone could make a contract with it!

Or what? Is a pervert calling herself a magical girl appearing in Fuyuki city one day okay with you?”

“.................., Um.”

That's a difficult question.

...Hey, I'm a guy. Honestly, between whether I want to see it or not want to see it...

―――And so...

“You're so persistent!

You're like a shady salesman!”

《No, no, I can't compete against your stubbornness.

Honestly, you're offered such great service and yet you still say no. Ruby-chan is very perplexed.》


Magical Ruby's voice echoes inside the locked room.

Thanks to their quarrel steadily reaching it's peak, the temperature in the chest was rising. Tohsaka's discomfort index, which ran high even during the best of times, had swelled like the size of the sun.

《Understood. If it's come to this, I'll put everything out there!

If you act now, you'll even receive an accompanying mascot character, the foremost proof of a first-rate magical girl, completely free of charge! Oh you, you're so good at haggling, Rin-san.》


You've been haggling from the start, and now you say thaaat!”

Tohsaka is screaming hysterically.

...Not good. I need to call for help as soon as possible.

It's not to get out of the box, but to get away from this stick.

《Ah, by the way Shirou-san, what's your preferred personality pattern?

A small animal overflowing with wild charm? A slightly precocious fairy?

An elegant spirit who guides young girls? A transforming, combining giant robot?

And so on and so forth. Shall I meet your various needs?》

“...It's fine as it is, really.”

Because it would be a pain.

Even without creating a strange character, you're already a mischievous enough mascot.

《Oh, my.》

Magical Ruby raises her voice happily... Did she think I was praising her?

If it wasn't obstinately repeating itself, I'd admit the voice itself was cute.

《See, see, Rin-san, Rin-san, Shirou-san agrees with me too!

Why don't you put it all behind you and make a contract with me?

If you did, breaking out of this box made by that old fart... ahem, er, by Zelretch, would be simple wouldn't it?》

“Ahaha. Even if I die, No.

If you want to make a contract that badly, how about with your precious Shirou-san who you seem to have been talking with so intimately for a while now?”

《As much as I'd greatly like to do that, I'm a Mystic Code restricted to women. You've already given your blood and completed the master registration, so come on, you can help me out.》

“Shut up. I'm the one in need of help here.

Even in normal circumstances, my patience would be pushed to its limit...!”

《Ah, is that so?

Couldn't you be more upfront about needing to pee?》

In an instant,

the temperature inside the box dropped into the negatives.


《Shall we call it a blunder?

It's natural for the human body, an unavoidable part of its structure. But still, it can't be helped, right? Counting from before Shirou-san turned up, you've already endured for 4 hours.》

Ah. Ah, ah, ah,”

Tohsaka is trembling all over.

And now for the violence. I'm only one second away from terrible violence.



Yes I am. Anyway, that's how it is. Sorry for drinking some tea before sorting my luggage. After all, I'm descended from the proper Tohsakas...!”

Or perhaps...

“But it won't be just one person who dies!

No, instead it's goodbye humanity! Because if it's like this, I'll destroy you along with the earth as weeell...!

Right, and for that reason, clench your teeth, Emiya-kun...!”

Something like that. It's easy to imagine.

Tohsaka is feeling ashamed in her awkwardness.

I'm the one who should be ashamed here. I understand those feelings so much that it hurts.

...At times like these, a more outgoing and cheerful kind of guy would be able to pass this off as nothing.

“...Sorry, Tohsaka. I wasn't being considerate.”


I made it as sincere as I could. If Tohsaka was embarrassed back there, I should be even more embarrassed.

“I had only been thinking about the time.

...No, let's end this topic here, we need to think about how to leave. Just watch. We'll get out of this box in no time.”

This was the best I could do to support her.

I might end up getting self-conscious, but it's several times better than awkwardly trying to gloss things over.

“Y-Yeah... that's, right.

I may have gotten a little too worked up.”

“Haha. Well, I am thickheaded after all. Around that much is just about right.”

“...It's really not. I have a little better opinion of you, if only just a little.”

“I see, that's good then.”

I finally relax.

Probably because the tension surrounding Tohsaka has calmed down.

But then, against my better judgment,

“But, you should have just said so if it was something like that.

I can project at least a bedpan or two, right?”

As usual, I've dug my own grave.

“You, that's much worse than just being thickheaded!”


Stars soar by.

It's not a metaphor.

I seriously saw stars just now...!

“T-Tohsaka, hand, hand...!

The stick, you're holding the stick!”

“D-Daaaaammit!? It was just the first thing close by―――!”

《Fufufu―――fufufufufu, all according to my calculations!

People can't help but instinctively retort with a blunt weapon, you've got a splendid predisposition for slapstick comedy, Shirou!

With this, you're perfectly suited to be Rin-san's partner!》

“Kuh...! You, think I'll, lose―――dammit, to a joke, like this...!?”

《It's useless, The necessary procedures for the contract are already all in order!

Confirmation of master via blood, a usage contract through touch, and―――the energy to make me activate. I've certainly received them all!

Ah, take your receipt please, master.》

The devil's stick is sparkling.

But... Energy? Tohsaka didn't give it anything, right...!?

“...Don't screw with, me... I, never, sent, any, magical energy―――”

《Fufufu, what's required to activate the Kaleidostick is nothing like magical energy.

What is required is love! Not only that, but love directed toward a man's insensitive heart. It's the super maiden power of not being able to be honest!》

“Haha... What the hell... enough already, I want to die...”

“Gah, don't lose, Tohsaka! Just leave it to me!”

In that case I'll do it with brute force. I'll take the stick from Tohsaka's hand!


《That won't work! Kaleido-Beeeaam!》



C-Can this thing just do whatever it wants------!?”

...The rough wind brushes my cheeks.

How much time passed after that?

Or rather, just how far have I traveled from my home town?

At the end of a gap of many months and years, I awake in an unknown world.

―――How lonely.

It's like I'm a lone machine that was sent off to the frontier, just a drone.


A wasteland as far as the eye can see.

It's clear that this isn't Earth, but some unknown star on which I'm standing alone.

...How should I put it?

In this ridiculous space, even my sense of reason is reaching its limit.

《Welcome to the magical star of dreams!

Fufufu, I'm here to welcome you, Shirou-san...!》

The mysterious object makes a racket.


Now that I'm here, I've finally come to understand Tohsaka's feelings.

And I better understand how to deal with that thing.

To explain the alien called Magical Ruby...

At the heart of it, it's never finished a conversation in its entire life.

“...I get it, you can do anything.

So, where am I?”

《Like I said, the magical star.

The highest peak for those who love justice... or what looks like it. It's the inside of the Kaleidostick.》

“Huh. So, in short, it's the scenery you imagined?”

《Yup♪ As expected of Shirou-san, you're quick to understand things related to bounded fields 》

This is terrible.

There must be a bargain sale on Reality Marbles.

“I may have no right to speak, but this is pretty tasteless.

You, don't have any friends, do you?”


Oooh, how cold... Even though I invited you here because you have things which resonate with me.》

“...Things that resonate with you?”

I tried to make the question sound as cold as I could.

《Oh come now Shirou-san, asking when you already know

Shirou-san is an ally of justice, I am a magical girl of justice.

See, we're both justice loving people.

Soooooo, work together with me and produce a magical girl of justice from the depraved monster that Tohsaka Rin-san currently is! I want to team up with you, but...》


There's... no exit anywhere?

However, this ridiculous world shouldn't last forever either. I think it's got perhaps a minute left.

《You there, please don't look around so restlessly!

It's fine, isn't it? I'm saying it's for the people in the world. It's not like I'm compelling Rin-san for my own amusement or anything.

I said it earlier as well, but the directive engraved into my core is, "Love and Justice"!》

"I am not suspicious!" The out of place artifact proudly puffs out it's chest.

“Hey, isn't that supposed to be, "Love and Peace"?”

《Yes, exactly! Of course, human! Because love will prevail!

Ah, Love and JusticePower... it has such a self-righteous ring to it.

If I do say so myself, I think it's a splendid reason to exist!》


...It's being serious.

Something should be done about this Sealing Designation class hazardous item.

《Anyway, that's how it is. For the peace of everyone, I would like Rin-san to become an evangelist of Love and Justice on my behalf.

After all, I'm a lonely magical item. No matter how much power I have, I can't do anything if a person doesn't come and use me.

Besides, Shirou-san, even you are troubled by Rin-san's usual behavior, right? Rin-san should use a bit more of her excessive (comedy) talent for the benefit of everyone!》

“...Although I want to sympathize with that opinion a bit...”

As I thought, I shouldn't trust it. I mean, it let its true intentions slip out!

I'm not sure whether Zelretch realized how bad this thing was and hastily added it as a feature, or whether it's because we're talking via telepathy, but Ruby can't conceal her motives. I can hear them perfectly through the brackets.

《Come now, there's no time to be indecisive! As a comrade who loves justice the same as I, please give me your answer!

Ruby-chan believes we can become friends, Shirou-san...!》

“...Got it, but for argument's sake, what is this "Love and Justice"? If that's even what you're really talking about.

So Ruby, what is "Justice" to you?”

《Yes? Hmm, let's seeー

Equality in the world, things that are interesting and funny (at least to me), right?》

“......Then, according to Ruby, what is "Evil"?”

《Ahaha, stop it, Shirou-san.

Isn't it obvious that the things that oppose me are "Evil"?》


T-This thing actually thinks it's okay to not keep that sort of statement to itself---!!?

“No, our conversation is over. You Demon!

Give back Tohsaka! Return me to my original world! I'm not going to stick with you while you're playing around!”

《...No way... I thought you were a fellow ally of justice. We could have been friends Shirou-san, and yet... it's already too late!

Right now, Rin-san is receiving (by force) an understanding of the wonderfulness of justice. The contract will be complete in mere seconds!

Ah, I've said it before, but the contract can't be canceled.

If my contract is almost curse-like, it's because it's in old Zelretch's handwriting 》


Bastard, if the circumstances become bad you'll just revoke it...!

But don't underestimate me, I haven't been getting caught up in strange situations like this just for show...!

“―――Here goes...”

I slam my hands onto the ground and look up toward the sky with all my might.

When you're in a nightmare, the quickest and easiest way to deal with it isn't to escape from the world, it's deciding to annihilate yourself!

“―――, Tohsaka!”

I'm pulled back from the nightmare.

Tohsaka was―――as expected, still enduring...!

“Tohsaka, hand me the stick...!”

I grab the stick from Tohsaka's hands... or not!?


The Kaleidostick flashes.

《Fufufu, the cursecontract is complete!》

“Damn, I didn't make it in time...!?”

“No, there's no problem, Emiya-kun.

Magical Ruby is the Spirit of Justice. There's not even a speck of error in her behavior.

I'm a magical girl of Justice. There's no solution to my behavior.

That's right. ―――For villains who oppose me, I won't even permit counter attacks.”

“Hiiiii*...! W-What do you mean curse? This is just brainwashing, you stupid spirit...!”

“Aah, let go already!

Just hurry up and pass me the stick, Tohsaka!”

So I can smash it into tiny pieces with my knees!

“―――Calm down, Emiya-kun.

There's absolutely no need to worry. We were the ones who were being silly.

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being a magical girl. I fight for love and justice, what is there to be ashamed of?”

“I'm asleep, this is a nightmare!

Even then, this is still really embarrassing!”

“Poor Emiya-kun.

You still don't understand how wonderful the Kaleidostick is... I mean, only believing in justice isn't enough.”

“But don't worry, I won't abandon you or anything. You're an important friend, Shirou

From now on, whether it's being rejected by a beloved Senpai, or a rich girl from the magical world transferring to our school, we'll overcome any hardship together!”

“A―――aahh, Aaaaaahhhh......”

It's no use.

I can't stop this catastrophe.

I want to escape as soon as possible.

Not from the box, but from Tohsaka.

“Right, here I go, Shero!

Compact Full Open! Mirror World Corridor, Maximum Expansion!

Der Spiegelform wird fertig zumThe Mirror form is readying for Transport!"

Ja, meine MeisterinYes my Master...!

Öffnung des KaleidoskopsgatterOpening the Kaleidoscope gates!》

“Thanks for waiting! Magical Girl Kaleido-Ruby is born!

―――How was it Shero? That was a good performance for my first transformation, right!?”

《...Hmmm. Rather than a good performance, it was more of a shock.

By the way, what's with that strange way of―――》

"calling me." I stopped mid-sentence.

I recalled the indescribable sensation of my own body being out of place.

Like the time Illya was playing a prank and my limbs became like a stuffed toy's...

“"What," you ask? You mean the name received when I transformed, right?

Isn't that just what goes along with being a magical girl? The heroine's partner.”

"See?" Kaleido-Ruby points a finger in my direction.


“W-W-W-What is the meaning of this!?”

《What are you talking about, didn't you confirm it properly? I asked you earlier about what type of mascot would be good.

Ah, incidentally, the name that you had before was already taken by another master. I apologize, but please understand my situation.》

“Uwhaa!? But weren't you the accompanying mascot!?”

《Eh? Ahaha, no Shirou-san.

Do you think I'd do something like take a position under someone else?》

It was truly a stunning self-analysis.

“Right, now that's settled, let's hurry up and break out of this box ☆ Because there are important things waiting for us out there! As fast as possible! With more power than the Sun! To the troubled children throughout the world, with strawberry bloodstained love!”

《That's correct, my Master!

Next week, the new TV program, Magical Girl Kaleido-Ruby, episode one:

"Incinerate burning drag! A struggle to the death. A golden crescent 3000 meters up in the sky!" The Scarlet Scud Launch!》

It was a title on the verge of brain death.

A maelstrom of magical energy converges.

Enough to fill this cramped yet limitless magic box, it condenses into the Kaleidostick in an instant.

“Open it, Schweinorg!

To the place I desire, the way I desire!

Here we go, Sesam, offne dich!”

《Kyaaa☆ Fantastic, my Master!

I did it! I managed to get a red one!》

―――The lid that should not be able to be opened by any means from the inside, opens.

The blinding light and the vast amount of magical energy from earlier have completely vanished.

That moment isn't something that can be perceived naturally.

The boundary between the inside and outside of the box, the single moment in when we return to normal time from that which was nonsensical.

《―――Thank you very much.

It looks like I've finally fulfilled the purpose I was made for, thanks to you, Emiya-san.》

And like that, I'm thanked.

“...You're welcome.

And? What will happen to Tohsaka?”

《There's no reason to worry.

As I've more than fulfilled the contract, I'll be taking my leave here.

From now, I won't appear like this again and the persuasionbrainwashing of the contract will be left behind when she leaves this place as though it never existed.》

“Eh? Then you're...”

《Yes, this is farewell. After this I'll only be a part of your lives as a simple Kaleidostick.

Take care of yourselves. Shirou-san, find happiness with Rin-san as well.》


Magical Ruby's presence is fading.

...Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

The artificial spirit that had put us through so much, is fading away unceremoniously.

“...By the way.

What about Tohsaka's memories of when she was Kaleido-Ruby?”

《Yup. I made sure to leave them behind properly this time 》

...Truly, it's like a demon to the end.

We tumble down onto the soft carpet.

The air is refreshingly pleasant.

Truly a lot has happened, but we've finally come back to the outside worl―――



We managed to come back, but Issei and Mitsuzuri are right in front of us.

“Y-Yo. That's right, the thing on Sunday.

Ah, I came over earlier.”


There's no reply. Rather, there's no reaction at all.

They just keep staring behind me.

“Sorry to keep you waiting everyone! Enforcer of love and justice, Kaleido-Ruby's Prism Make Up is start-ing...?”

...I see. So that's how it is.

Any explanation for that would be useless. If there were a hundred people here, one hundred people's eyes would be popping, that was unmistakably a Magical Girl...!

“Hu...h... ah...haha, ha...”

With the persuasionbrainwashing removed, Tohsaka had regained the ability to think properly, and was trembling.

Her behavior just now, mixed with her current appearance and the recollection of that unpleasant experience―――

“..................Fine, just laugh!”

“Pfft, kuhahahahaha!*

What's with that, Tohsaka, that's, ahahahahahaha!”

“...heh. As expected, Ayako, no mercy... fufu, ahaha......”


“What? You want to laugh as well?

Go ahead and laugh.”

“Is that a performance for the cultural festival?

However, the student council hasn't received an application for approval stating 3A will do a play...”

...Issei was calm as always.

Always nice to people, and today even nice to Tohsaka.

“Alright, that was cute Tohsaka, it's the best!

To prepare something like that for the cultural festival, you're really into this! Ahahahaha.”

Despite being a close friend, Mitsuzuri was laughing so hard she was having trouble breathing.

“Eh, cultural festival...?”

“I see, that's why we're here after all...”

A small mercy.

It seems we were able to narrowly avoid the "Tohsaka Rin is a magical girl" theory.

“You were having a fitting session together... I'm going to have to question you about that later, Emiya-kun.

Two people coming out of that tiny box is quite the magic trick, isn't it?”

"I'm amazed." Issei's eyes brighten up.

He may be on bad terms with Tohsaka, but Issei praises the feat for what it is.

“Well, aiming to get miss Homurabara for the third year running with this clever scheme was something even I hadn't predicted.

Aww you're so cute. Ahaha, totally adorable!”

“Err―――yeah... winning the same way... every year... won't be... interesting... right?”

“Indeed, up until now I have insinuated you were sly fox and feigning modesty among other things, I apologize.

To abandon your honor student image in order to liven up the cultural festival... Tohsaka, even though you're my adversary, I'll admit that's an approach not to be trifled with.”

“Yeah, looks like this year's going to be interesting.

And Matou's popularity has been rising in the past half year, might there even be a major upset?”

“Hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahahahahahahahahaha...”

“Hmm, is Sakura really that popular?”

“Oh? Now that's inexcusable. Whose side are you on Emiya, Sakura's or Tohsaka's?”


“Matou is an important junior to me, after all.

From a neutral standpoint, I can't let you favor just Tohsaka.

In the spirit of being fair, you have to tell Matou about your preferences. Well, I guess it'll be difficult no matter how hard she tries. I mean, it's a magical girl, a Magical Girl! That's great, I want to try being one too!”

The bad times for my heart continue.

Mitsuzuri laughs and Issei continues heaping on the praise.

In the end, unable to get changed until the two of them went home, Tohsaka had to deal with the arrangements for the cultural festival as Kaleido-Ruby.

...Naturally, in the flow of that discussion, she became obligated to participate in the Miss Homurabara contest looking like that.

“Seems the two of them finally went back.

Well then, I guess the trouble over that box is finally settled.”

I'm clearing off the table for Tohsaka, who hasn't moved for quite a while.

“? Heeey, Tohsakaaa.

Isn't it alright? Everything's been settled. More importantly, what happened in the box was―――”

“...I blame you. I blame you anyway. Because it's all your fault, Shirou.”


Nothing was settled at all.

Despite escaping the box and finally getting free of Issei and Mitsuzuri, Tohsaka is still trembling.


...I'm worried.

Was it really that hard for her after all?

“Mmm. But, it's not fair to say it was entirely my fault.

After all, I really put a lot into trying to rescue you from Magical Ruby, and yet...”

“F-Fine then, just let me at least say that much!

If you hadn't said stupid things or picked up that stupid stick in the first place...!

You stupid combo! Double Mascots! Aah geez, contracting with that screws up my life!”

...So that's how it was.

The greatest victim was surely Tohsaka.

I, who couldn't help her even though I was by her side, should at least let her use me as an outlet and properly listen to her complaints.

“―――Sorry, if I were a bit more reliable, something like that wouldn't have happened.

...Yeah. Let's look for a way to cancel the contract with the stick together.”

I clasp her hand.

“Leaving that aside, Toksaka, will you be okay without going to the bathroom?”

See, you look like you're in pain, and haven't you've been trembling for a while?


Why you... back in the box once more! Stupid Shirooooou!”


I take a magnificent fall.

Back inside the box again, I close my eyes as I hit the back of my head with a thud once more, and...


Somehow, I bumped into something soft.


Just now, that was undoubtedly a person's voice.

While thinking that nobody could be here anymore, the back of my mind tells me that the conceptsrules of time aren't known to this box. I just accept that.

Assaulted by a bad feeling, I timidly turned around.


“......Just who would you be?”

Right there, is the figure of an unknown lady dressed in blue, holding the Kaleidostick.

...The storm continues.

The trouble surrounding the box has not yet ended...