Chapter 1.5

Seven Days of Spinning Vol.1

Morning in the city moved incredibly fast.都会の朝は遅いようで早い。
It made one wonder if it was even a morning at all, with people so bright eyed and bushy tailed.もしかしたら朝なんて無いんじゃないかと思うぐらい、どこもかしこも目が覚めている。

The unfamiliar roar that awoke him reminded him of a rockslide.まだ聞き慣れない、岩をころがすような悲鳴ひめいで目を覚ました。
The identity of the monstrous sound was the engine of a motorcycle. Mr. Yoshida, his neighbor, was leaving for work.怪音の正体は自動二輪車のエンジン音で、どうやらおとなりの吉田よしださんが出勤したらしい。
It was hard to determine when night ended and morning began here.朝が曖昧あいまいなこの街は、夜だって曖昧だ。
The town's urbanization was synonymous with insomnia.機械仕掛けというのは眠らない事と同義なのだろう。

"Already? It's barely sun-up yet... Where could Mr. Yoshida be going so early?"「信じられない……まだ陽も昇ってないのに……吉田さんはどこに行くのか……」
He sluggishly lifted himself off the floor.のっそり床から身を起こす。
He caught himself starting to survey his surroundings out of habit before deciding better of it, and made his way to the washroom.これまでの習慣であたりを徘徊しそうになって、その必要はないと気が付き、流し場に向かう。

There, he poured himself a cup of water and slowly gulped it down.コップに二口ふたくち分の水をんで、ゆっくりと喉に通した。
Having been relegated to well water until recently, he found the convenience pleasing.ちょっと前までは井戸水を汲んでいた草十郎にとって、この便利さは喜ばしい。
'Pleased' was definitely the word that best described how he felt.喜ばしい、と思うことが正しい。

Civilization is about erasing inconveniences through optimization.文明とは複雑化と最適化を突き詰めるもので、
The reduction of labor in our daily lives.生活に必要なものは手間を減らし、
Mr. Koga had taught him that while the essentials were easier than ever to get our hands on, life itself was growing more and more complex.人生に必要なものはより複雑さを増していく、と教えてくれたのは恒河こうがさんだったか。
So too was it his duty to adjust to his new reality.手前テメエはともかく前者の方から慣れるべきだ、とも彼は言った。

As a distant relative of Soujyuro's father, Mr. Koga had taken Soujyuro in, even though the boy had been little more than a stranger in his life till that point.草十郎の父の遠縁である恒河氏は、わりと、ほとんど他人に近い草十郎をここまで世話してくれた恩人である。
Mr. Koga had helped him get registered at school and find an apartment to lease.アパートの契約や学校の手続きが問題なく済んだのは恒河氏の尽力じんりょくあってのものだ。
Though he had insisted that Soujyuro handle his residence card and register his change of address by himself.一方、住民票のうつしやら移転届けやらは自分の手でやりやがれと叱られた。

This series of procedures proved exceedingly difficult for Soujyuro, but knowing that this was a part of his new city life, he did his best to complete them diligently.草十郎にとって手続き関連は困難なことこの上なかったが、これから都会で暮らしていくんだから、と前向きにこなしてみれば、こちらも呆気なく片が付いた。
(While they may have a reputation for being a stickler for the rules, city offices aren't all that bad.)『お役所仕事は厳しそうに見えてわりといい加減』
It was the first thing Soujyuro learned after beginning his life in the city.草十郎が街での生活を始めてから、最初に覚えた教訓である。

Two weeks had elapsed since he left the countryside.草十郎が田舎からやってきて二週間。
As uneasy as living alone made him feel, he felt he could make it work.不安だらけだったひとり暮らしも、やってみればなんとかなるものだ。
It was not as if the people here spoke another language, and Mr. Koga was absolutely right about how practical the rules of the city were.言葉が通じるんだから当たり前と言えば当たり前だし、なにより恒河氏の言うとおり、生活面だけなら都会のあり方ルールはがっしりと筋が通っている。

Soujyuro continued down the hard, but surprisingly walkable path.硬い、驚くほど歩きやすい道を歩く。
Before work, he jogged in the park to pass the time.アルバイトの時間まで、時間つぶしに公園をジョギングする。
Even exercise like this offered lessons for Soujyuro to learn.草十郎にしてみれば、こんな運動すら大事な教訓になる。

Each passing person was a new face to look at.通り過ぎる人々はひとりひとりが新鮮で、
The old man who greeted him,挨拶をしてくれるおじいさんも、
the young worker with his eyes to the ground,うつむいて歩く二十歳ぐらいのお兄さんも、
and the girl on the bench, surrounded by birds...ベンチに座って鳥に囲まれている女の子も、
They were all unfamiliar sights to Soujyuro.草十郎にとっては得難えがたい風景だ。
Unaccustomed to the city, he labored to understand its rules.まだ街に慣れていない彼は、とにかくルールの把握に努めなくてはいけなかった。

Whether they were complex or simple,複雑だったり単純だったり、
or completely meaningless.意味があったりなかったり。
Compared to mountain life, which only dealt with nature, city life left one with way too many options.自然とだけ向き合っていればよかった山の暮らしと比べて、街の暮らしは選択肢が多すぎる。
You could argue that such an environment was toxic for Soujyuro.正直、今の草十郎には毒々しいとさえ言えた。

His life was a string of unsettling moments.いまのところは不安になるような出来事ばかり。
But amongst it all, there were rules that he sincerely admired.ただ、その中にも心の底から感心できるルールだってある。
For one, that the city revolved around various forms of profit and loss.色々と合点のいかない損得勘定ルールで回る都会だが。
The fact that one only needed money to get bare essentials to survive the city was a comforting thought to Soujyuro.とりあえず、お金さえあれば必要な物はあらかた貰えるのは、なるほど、都会の暮らしも悪くないと思う草十郎なのだった。

"Hey, not everything's that simple.「いや、そうシンプルな話じゃねぇよ。
Money is just a symbol. It's the other stuff that truly matters.金なんてものはあくまで記号で、本当に大事なのは別にあんだからさあ。
Money ain't that different from those free shoulder massage coupons people hand out, and it's not like the food you buy with a ten-thousand yen bill won't turn out bogus. Look, money can't buy you happiness, like, you know?"しょせんは流動する肩たたき券と変わんねーっつーか、別に一万円札食ってもうまくねぇっつーか……あー、ともかく金で真心は買えねえじゃん?」

"'Maybe'?! Are you for real? Man, I can't believe you right now.「えーじゃねえよ! ザケンなよー、オレは悲しいよー。
One day you're happy to break your back working a full day for a measly four-thousand yen, the next you're elbow-deep in dirty dishes saying, 'It's all about the money.' What's your major malfunction?"ついこの間まで四千円っぽっちの日当に鹿みたいに首かしげていた正直者が、くっだらねえ皿洗いをしながら“ま、世の中金だよね”なんて、ぼそっと言わないでくれっつの」

"No, I think that the current system is kind of amazing. To be honest, I never realized how limited bartering can be.「いや、貨幣制度は素晴らしいと思う。正直、物々交換の限界を感じた。
Anyway, Kinomi-you're gonna drop that if you aren't careful."それより木乃美きのみ、ふざけてるとそれ、落とすぞ」

"Huh? Crap! Ooh, damn! That was close! If I break any more, it'll be my head next!「え? って、うおぉぉおヤベえヤベえ、つぎ割ったら今度こそオレの頭が割られちまうからな!
Thanks for the save. So...what did you want to talk to me about? It's money, isn't it?"忠告サンキュー。それで、相談ごと? なに、もしかして金?」
"Exactly. I learned my lesson the hard way, but now I know that it's better to have more money than less. That's why I'd like to work even more than I am now."「そうなんだ。とりあえずお金は大事で、たくさんあるに越したことはないって痛感した。なんで、出来ればもうちょっと働きたい」

"Are you for real? You already wash dishes like a machine.「うぇ、マジぃ? マシーンみたいに皿洗いをこなしながら夢のないコト言わないでほしいなあ。
Didn't I just how money can't buy happiness? Love can, but... Back right up. Why's the water so cold? Say, we should probably get paid more for washing dishes in the winter, huh?"世の中金じゃねえって言ったばかりじゃんか。やっぱラブじゃんか。ところで水冷たくないですかね? 冬場の皿洗いって割合わねえコトこの上ねえよな?」

"It's cold all right, but nothing I can't handle.「そりゃ冷たいけど、これぐらいは我慢しないと。
Mountain water is so cold it hurts."山の水は冷たいっていうより痛かったし」

"Yo, I didn't mean it was ice water, you doofus. That hard head of yours can be real annoying, you know that?「氷水とおんなじにすんな野生児め。……しっかしアレだね、あきれた順応力、いや忍耐力? つーの?
For someone who couldn't even work a cash register four days ago, you sure got comfortable workin' for The Man. I guess money really is everything. The power of capitalism ain't nothing to mess with!"レジ打ちすらできなかった新人がよぅ、たった四日でしみったれたメシ屋の社畜しゃちくになっちまうなんて……やっぱ世の中金ってコトかねー。資本主義ってすげー」
"Shut yer pie holes, part-timers! The door's right there if you wanna quit!「うるっせえぞバカバイト、文句あんなら辞めちまえ!
I don't have the cash to waste on deadbeats!"うちにゃあ穀潰ごくつぶしにくれてやる小遣いはねえ!」

The complaints and chopsticks flew at them like a storm.間髪いれず、すっかーん、と飛ばされる罵声と菜箸さいばし
This mess of a Chinese restaurant manager was a stubborn man who was willing to let minors work for him and didn't shy from violence, even if it was directed at the son of a lifelong friend.未成年でも働かせてくれるアバウトな中華飯店の店長は、たとえ赤ん坊の頃から顔見知り……お隣さんの息子さん……であろうと鉄拳を振るう、たくましい人物だった。
Soujyuro felt that this is what Sparta must have been like.こういうのをスパルタと言うんだな、と草十郎は感心する。

"Look, he's angry. We need to work harder."「ほら怒られた。任された事はきちんとやらないと」
"Wow, your nose get any browner yet? Me, I'm tryin' to make the most of my teens.「けっ、優等生め。こっちは何かと反抗したい年頃だっつの。
Whatever. Right, been meaning to ask...まあいいや。話は変わるんだけどよ。
Are you the type that likes to go out on late-night strolls or more of a bicycle kind of guy? Not that it really matters, but..."静希、夜に出歩くタイプ? それかチャリンコで出ばる趣味? いやまぁ、どっちかでいいんだけど」

"Hm? It's always late when I go home after the restaurant, but that's not what you're asking, is it? I'm not really into walking when it's late out. Why do you ask?"「……? バイトの帰りはほとんど夜になるけど、そういう話じゃないんだよな。夜の散歩も遠出も趣味じゃないけど、それが?」

"No reason. Like, you just moved here. Kinda weird question, but don't you think the town is dangerous? Not like people are bad or nothing.「いや、なにさ。静希、引っ越してきたばかりだっていうからよ。オレらが言うのもなんだけど、三咲町うち、ちょい治安が悪いっての? ガラが悪いワケじゃねえんだけどな。
But I mean, you know that we get ten attacks like outta a slasher flick every year, right? And since they started there's-"年間十人ぐらい通り魔事件っての? そういうの、起きてっから」
"What's a slasher?"「……とおりまって、なんだ?」

"You don't know!?「そっからかよ!
It's like... when a thief snatches someone's purse... No, bad example.……なんだ、ほら! カバン強盗……でもないか。
It's more like someone's killing to see if they can get away with it. Buncha dead people in the woods near the suburbs. Real gnarly.辻斬つじぎりってのが近いのか。住宅街とか、まだ森が残ってる方によく出やがるんだよ、そういうおかしいのが。
That's why you shouldn't go out too late. The park in Misaki Hills is a hot spot for the weird stuff.なんで、あんまり夜遅くは出歩くなよな。三咲丘の公園とか、有名な怪奇スポットだから。
Haven't you heard about how they think the freak doing it is some chick with a sliced mouth?"通り魔の犯人は口裂け女だったって話、知らねえか?」

"Nope. This is the first I've heard of a sliced-mouth woman."「ごめん、まずその口裂け女ってのが分からない」
"Like I said, slasher film shit. They say her mouth extends all the way to her ears.「怪談だよ。口が耳まで裂けてるってヤツ。
It's a pretty old-school kinda urban legend, these days."今じゃさすがに時代遅れだけどよ」

"How did it go again? There's a woman in a coat who asks 'Am I beautiful?' in the dead of night.「えーとなんだっけ、深夜の道にな、コート姿の女が待ち伏せていて『わたしきれい?』とか聞いてくるんだよ。
Even if you say she is, she'll follow you home and kill you.で、キレイって言ってもイマイチって言っても家まで追っかけられて殺されるの。
Intense chicks like that are a no-no. It's like, something you'd see in an American comic book."女の情念はおっかねえっつうか、アメコミの怪人っぽいっつうか」

"...That sounds really scary.「……いや、それ本気で怖くないか?
Does she actually follow you home?"家まであがってくるのか、その女の人?」

"They say she crawls in through a window.「窓から入ってくるらしいぜ。

Squeezes her way in like a cockroa-ガサガサと、こう、ゴキブリみた―――

"I told you not to utter that word in this kitchen! I'm gonna kill you, you little turd!"「っのクソガキが、厨房でその四文字は禁止だってんだろ、殺すぞ!」

The back of Kinomi's head exploded in pain with the impact of his boss's frying pan.そうして木乃美の後頭部に炸裂する、店長のフライパン/縦攻撃。
Soujyuro was reminded of just how dangerous this town could be.なるほど、町は危険であふれている、と草十郎は再び感心した。

"'I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you!' Yeah right! I'd like to see him try!「殺す殺すってバカじゃねえの!?
And what kind of boss says that anyway?! This is a restaurant, ain't it!? Well, maybe calling it that is too much!"フツーそっちの方が禁止用語じゃねえの!? ここレストランなんだしさ! いや、あんまうまくねーけど!」
"Is your head okay, Kinomi?"「木乃美、頭、大丈夫か?」

"Huh? Ah, it's nothing. People tell me I'm real tough. Especially my head.「え? あ、ん、心配無用。オレ、なんでか頑丈さには定評があるから。特に頭部について。
Anyway, avoid the dark, okay? You look like a sitting duck."ともかく、そういうワケなんで夜の暗がりは気をつけるぞなもし。静希、見るからにカモそうな顔してるし」
By the way, is ten victims per year a lot?"ところで、年間十人というのは多い方なのか?」

"Don't know. It probably isn't a lot, but it totally ain't a few either.「知んねぇよ。少なくはないだろうけど、多い方でもないんじゃねえか?
The real scary shit is that they're still out there, somewhere, since they haven't been caught!ま、の通り魔事件が他に比べて厄介なのは、まだ犯人が見つかってないってコトだからネ!」

He laughed cheerfully.はははは、と陽気に笑う。
Kinomi was probably trying to take the edge off of his story, but the noble intention of his laugh was completely lost on Soujyuro.そうやって不吉な話を笑い話に切り替える木乃美の高度な意図は、もちろん草十郎には伝わっていない。
His friendly warning was equally futile.親切な忠告もぬかくぎ
Soujyuro was simply impressed that Kinomi was able to laugh it off.そっか、ここは笑うところなのか、とまたも真剣に感心する草十郎なのだった。

On the way home...その帰り道。
Nobody ahead or behind. Soujyuro proceeded through the dimly lit street when suddenly...前にも後ろにも人のいない、電灯だけが照らす暗い住宅地で、草十郎は唐突に、
He turned to face an... improbable sound.何か、ありえない物音に振り返った。

Something stabbed him in the head, and fell to the floor.脳天に刺さる衝撃と、ぽとん、と足下に落ちる音。
He frowned.ついてない、とまゆくもらせる。
A small bird had apparently flown into the telephone pole before landing on his head.電柱にぶつかって墜ちてきた小鳥に、歩いていた自分がぶつかってしまったらしい。

The starling cleaned itself off and flew away.ムクドリは路面で毛繕けづくろいをした後、あわただしく飛んでいった。
The falling of the bird鳥が墜ちてくるコトも、
and its desperate escape thereafterその後、慌てるように飛び去っていくコトも、
was unlike anything he had experienced in his life up to now.彼の今までの生活、今までの常識にはなかった事だ。

Most of the townsfolk would have seen the incident as unlucky, ominous, or even sinister, but Soujyuro just nodded and went about his business.町の人間なら『墜ちてきた鳥に当たる』なんて不運、奇遇に、不吉なものを感じるのだろうが、草十郎はなるほど、とうなずいて帰路についた。
You understand...―――なに。
What might have been a first for him was surely an everyday occurrence for these city folk.自分にとっては初めての経験だったが、都会ではよくある事に違いない。

Seven Days of Spinning Vol.2

"I'm home! Alice, you here yet?「たっだいまー! ねぇ、有珠帰ってるー?
I got some stuff from the arcade while on the way home from church!教会から帰る時、商店街でお土産もらっちゃったー!
They're Iseya rice crackers, you wanna share some?"煎餅せんべい、一緒に食べないー!?」

Her voice reverberated through the foyer dyed in the colors of the setting sun.夕日色に染まったロビーにはずんだ声が響く。
It was after five in the afternoon when Aoko, still in her school uniform, cheerfully returned home.制服姿の青子が元気よく帰ってきたのは午後五時過ぎ。
She had finished her student council duties and attended her monthly meeting with the church.生徒会の雑務と、月に一度の教会との折衝せっしょうを終えてからの帰宅だった。

"...Welcome back.「……おかえりなさい。
I see that the meeting went as planned."その様子なら何事もなく終わったみたいね、青子」
The voice was coming from the second floor.出迎えの声は二階から。
In contrast with Aoko and her boundless energy, a considerably calmer girl descended from above.活力に満ちた青子とは対照的な、静けさの化身じみた少女が下りてくる。

"There were some complaints but all in all it went well.「難癖はつけられたけど、とどこおりなく。
Our problems are ours alone, so I decided not to get them involved. You okay with that, Alice?"うちの問題はうちの問題だから、今回も手はださないって方向でまとまったわ。……それでいいのよね、有珠?」
"...Yes. I'd ask for their help in a pinch, but they can't be trusted. We'll call on them to clean up the mess, as usual."「……ええ。ネコの手なら借りたいけど、あの人たちの手は信用ならないし。いつも通り、後処理だけお願いしましょう」

"Agreed. No one likes to have to keep looking over their shoulder. We can't fully commit to this if we're worried about what's going on elsewhere."「賛成。後ろからバッサリやられかねないしね。だいたい、私もアンタも背中を気にして没頭できる柄じゃないし」
"...Well, I can, but...「……わたしはできるけど。
You don't have time for that, do you, Aoko?"青子は単に、まだそれほどの余裕がないだけでしょう」

Tap, tap.かつん、かつん。
With the graceful sounds of her steps, Alice entered the foyer.階段を下りる足音もしとやかに、久遠寺有珠はロビーに到達する。
...As she did, Aoko's eyes were directed toward the skylight above.……その途中、天井の窓ガラスに目をやった事を青子は見逃さない。

"The glass is kind of dirty."「ガラス、くもってるわね」
"I wanted to discuss that. After today's business is concluded, that is.「その事で話があるわ。今日の課題が終わったら、だけど。
...Are you feeling okay, Aoko? You can rest if you're not."……青子、体の調子は? 疲れているなら休みを入れてもいいけど」
"Huh? Oh, don't be such a nag. I'm not stressed or anything. Today was pretty normal. Do I look that tired?"「え? なによ、気味悪いなあ。気遣いされるコトなんてないってば。いつも通りの一日だったし、そんな疲れた顔してる、私?」

As school activities went, today's were a breeze.そう。あえて言うなら、本日の学園生活、順風にして波高し。
At a glance, her school life might have seemed almost idyllic.ざっと俯瞰ふかんすればいつも通りの平和なスクールライフで、
Though the more she thought about it, some headache-inducing incidents may have stood out here and there.よくよく思い返すと微妙に頭の痛い出来事があったりして、
And with some sincere introspection, Aoko might have recognized the signs of her own mental fatigue, but doing so would have further added to her stress.つきつめると精神的にちょい疲れているけど、それを意識するとよけい疲れるので避けたい青子なのだった。

"Okay, enough about that. I didn't come home just to stress out over school.「……ストップ。なんで帰って来てまで、あんなののコトで疲れなくちゃいけないんだ、私。
What were we learning about today...? Mesmerize basics, right? 'Wish'?えっと、今日の課題って初歩の暗示ウィッシュでしょ?
Then let's get started. I feel like I could master anything today."問題ないわ、すぐ始めましょ。今日はなんか、勢いでうまくいきそうな気もするし」
Aoko focused on shedding her anger and stress,おもに怒りとか、ストレス発散の方向で。

and headed upstairs with gusto.青子はよし、と気合いをいれて二階に向かう。
"Aren't you coming? I thought we were going to do it in your room, Alice?"「どうしたのよ。有珠の部屋でやるんじゃないの?」
The formally dressed Alice nodded in slight dissatisfaction.礼服の少女はそうだけど、とやや不満そうにうなずいて、
"Are we going to eat those Iseya rice crackers today, or...?"「それで、伊勢屋の煎餅って、今日の?」
She looked at the freshly baked treats Aoko was holding.青子の手にある、今日できあがったばかりの和菓子を見つめるのだった。

In the end, their lesson took place after Alice had her cup of tea.結局、日課である有珠の授業は、軽くお茶をした後に行われた。
For an apprentice like Aoko, Alice Kuonji was the kind of roommate and teacher that was hard to come by.まだまだ見習いである青子にとって、久遠寺有珠は同居人であると同時に得難い教師である。
If she insisted that Aoko rest to preserve her health, Aoko had no choice but to comply.彼女が青子の健康をいたわって休みを入れると判断したのなら、大人しく従うしかない。

The lesson was over after two hours, so the two finished the dinner they had prepared and decided on a change of venue for where they would spend the last hours of the day.授業は二時間で終了し、ふたりはそれぞれ用意しておいた夕食を済ませ、一日の締めである夕食後のひとときを過ごそう、と河岸かしを変えた。

The sunroom was next to the drawing room in the east wing of the residence and offered a view of the beautiful grounds.サンルームは居間のとなり、美しい庭園が見渡せる屋敷の東側にあった。
The proud Kuonji estate's luxurious sunroom featured furnishings on par with those in the splendid drawing room. Meanwhile...豪華な居間に負けず劣らず、細かな気遣いと格調高い調度品で飾られた久遠寺邸自慢のサンルームは、しかし。

"It's going to be a jungle come next year's summer."「来年の夏はジャングルね、この分だと」
The grounds outside had fallen into disrepair, neglected by the owner.庭掃除という意識コマンドが欠如した住人のせいで、色々と台無しだった。

"Don't you have any landscaping Ploys lying around, Alice?"「ねえ有珠、庭掃除専用のプロイとかいないの?」
Aoko took a step into the sunroom and poured some tea.一足先にサンルームに入り、ティーポットから紅茶を淹れる青子。

"I'm sure I could find one, but it would take some effort."「探せばいるかもしれないけど、少し手間ね」
Playing along with her roommate's joke, Alice made to sit in her chair,同居人のれ言を流しながら、有珠も自分用の椅子に座ろうとし、
just as she caught sight of the box of chocolates on the table. Her lovely eyes narrowed in a frown.テーブルの上に置かれたチョコレイトの箱を見て、可憐かれんな眉を曇らせた。

"D-Don't be like that. Today's screw-up was half your fault, you know?「な、なによ。言っとくけど、今日の失敗は半分有珠のせいよ?
Maybe the rice crackers threw us off our game, or maybe it was me being too aggressive that turned that Wish into a Gandr, but still..."お煎餅で気がゆるんだのが敗因っていうか、そりゃ、ウィッシュのつもりがガンドになっちゃったのは、我ながら攻撃的すぎると思うけど……」
"We're down six pieces."「六個、減ってるわ」
"We are? Wait, that's what you're upset about?"「え? なんだ、そっちのコトか」

Aoko's eyes stared intently at the box of chocolates.青子はどれどれ、とチョコレイトの箱をのぞき見る。
You could search the world and never find a finer selection of chocolates.世界中さがしても、この街の、この洋館にしかない高級洋菓子。
The brand was Sixpence Songs, apparently.銘柄はシックスペンスの唄、と言うらしい。

"So, what was it about the mirror you wanted to talk about?「で、鏡の話をするんだっけ?
It's still in Misaki-mode, right? Not Mansion-mode?"アレ、いま洋館モードから三咲モードになってるんでしょ?」
"Yes. The mansion can take care of itself for the time being, so I changed its target to Misaki City. ...Things have been cloudy there since yesterday.「ええ。ここの管理はおざなりになるけど、三咲市だけに切り替えたわ。……それが昨日から曇りだしている。
Now I know for certain that with each passing day, the forces arrayed against us grow.少しずつだけど、確実に包囲されてるわね」

"You mean there's more of those things?"「包囲って、数が増えたってコト?」
"There's the one who was captured, and I've witnessed two other suspicious types. One in the city and one in the woods outside of town."「捕捉していた一名はもちろん、他にもう二名ほど不審者を目撃済み。都市部に一、郊外の森に二ね」

"Ugh. Is it too much to ask that you could be wrong, just this once?「はあ。アンタの目撃談はアテになるからなあ。
Which one is causing the biggest ruckus?"で、うるさいのはどっち?」
"...The one in the woods. I'm getting close to capturing it, but it knows it's being watched. It's not taking the bait."「……森の方。捕捉中だけど、こっちの目に気づいているみたい。なかなか誘いに乗ってこないわ」
"I see...「そっか。
You wanna go after it tonight?"じゃあ今夜、仕掛ける?」

To go after it tonight...“今夜、仕掛ける”
One simple suggestion that would change the course of her life forever.それは彼女の人生を大きく、それこそまったく別のものに変化させる一大行事だ。
It was no overstatement to say that this was a roll of the dice that would decide whether she had the moxie to survive the experience of jumping out of a plane with a torn parachute.大げさではなく、穴のあいたパラシュートで自由落下するぐらいの覚悟と冒険、適応資格アリナシを決めるダイス勝負。

Aoko swallowed her hesitation and fear with a little tea.その恐れと迷いを、青子は紅茶と共にあっさり飲み下した。
On the school's anniversary night, she declared that she had made up her mind, and from that time on, she would not waver.高校の創立記念日の夜、「もう決めた」と宣言して以来、彼女は心身共にキレイさっぱり切り替わっている。
Alice welcomed her roommate's strength with the barest hint of regret.そんな同居人の強さを、有珠は伏し目がちに受け入れた。

As someone who shared the same motivations as her, Alice was ultimately reassured by Aoko's resolve.同居人の心のあり方は、同じ目的を持つ者として心強い。
Well, perhaps more pleased than reassured.いや、心強い、というより喜ばしい。
All in all it had taken the better part of a year, but finally Aoko had stepped out of Alice's shadow.なにしろ一年かけて、ようやく彼女が自分と同じステージに立ったのだから。

The two partners now shared the same fate.奇しくも同じ結末うんめいを持った隣人。
Aoko was not the partner Alice had asked for, but a partner nonetheless.けれど相容れない相手。
Strangers, worlds apart.所詮分かり合えない他人。
And even if eventually they would battle each other to the death using all they had inherited, it was only right they did it on equal terms.いずれ、互いが受け継いだ全ての遺産をもって殺し合う関係だとしても、まず対等にならなければ意味がない。
It was, at least for now, a cause for celebration over how far Aoko had come.だから今は、彼女の成長を喜ぶのが正しいのだ。

"...Generous, but I'll be fine on my own tonight.「……折角だけど、今夜はわたしひとりで十分よ。
The time would be better spent practicing Mesmerize a little more. The park is under your jurisdiction, so I'll put you to work when the time comes."そんな余裕があるのなら、貴女はもう少し暗示の練習をするべきね。公園は貴女の担当だから、その時は働いてもらうけど」

Alice did not so much as look at Aoko as she explained her reasons.有珠は青子を見ずに淡々と説明する。
The scale of the enemy she would face that night...今夜の敵の規模。
Her plans for Aoko...今後の予定。
For in only two days from now Aoko Aozaki would be reborn.おそらく二日後あたりになるであろう、蒼崎青子の誕生日について。

"Fine. Whatever you say."「はいはい、わかりました」
Aoko finished her tea and stood up from her seat.紅茶を飲み干し、席を立つ青子。

"I guess I'm practicing, then.「お言葉通り、暗示の練習でもやってるわ。
Uhm, how did the first part go again? 'Be light and frail, nimble and fast. Tick-tock, tick-tock, there's no time to waste.' That right?"えーと、一節目はたしか、“軽く、弱く。巧く、速く。チクタクチクタク 急げや急げ”よね?」
"Ugh, no. You're missing the quiet part. Remember, 'the weight of the air, the tremble of one's breast. Light lags behind while shadows pull ahead.'「……はあ。そこは“空気のおもかるく よわくり、胸のふるえうまく はやく。ひかりはいそげやいそげれる、かげは先立チクタクチクタクつ”よ。
Be careful. Or you may find yourself in a state of unease."気をつけなさい。それだと逆に落ち着かなくなるわ」

"Yeah, yeah, I remember now. Now, if you'll excuse me..."「そうだったそうだった。んじゃ、ひとつ失礼」
Aoko grabbed a piece of chocolate and popped it into her mouth.チョコをひとつんで、ぽいっと口にほうる。

She waved before leaving Alice alone in silence.手を振ってサンルームを去る青子を、有珠は無言で見送る。
Alice stiffened a moment before slamming the box of chocolates shut as if it could serve to scold Aoko for snacking.少女はしばし固まったあと、同居人のつまみ食いをとがめるように、カチリと乱暴にチョコレイトの箱を閉じた。

Seven Days of Spinning Vol.3

GOOD MORNING.―――オハヨウ ゴザイマス。
TIME CHECK: 00:00午前零時ヲ 確認 シマシタ。

24 HOURS SINCE LAST UPDATE.前回更新ヨリ 二十四時間 経過。
COMMENCING LOCAL SCAN...周囲ノ地形ヲ 再確認スキャン シマス。




ARGON: NOMINAL.アルゴン、異常ナシ。



SHIFTING VIEW MODE...視覚カメラヲ 赤外線計測 カラ

INITIATING COMBAT LOG...コレヨリ 戦闘行為ノ 記述ヲ 開始シマス。
PRESERVE ME FROM HARM.ドウカ我ガ身ヲ 護リタマエ。

Misaki City was a thickly wooded area.三咲市には森が多い。
Urban development continued unabated, but Mother Nature still drew breath in its outskirts.都市開発は進んでいるが、郊外にはいまだ深い自然が息づいている。

Wise old trees had been turned to lumber.物知ものしりな樹木が伐採され、
The leaves had begun to turn to mulch.温かな腐葉土がひらかれ、
Even though the birds who curiously tilted their heads had moved on, the verdure lived on, a testament to its enduring strength.不思議そうに首をかしげる小鳥たちが消え去っても、真に力のあるみどりは生き続ける。
Until the time came that the devouring light of civilization became powerful enough to encroach upon nature's mysterious domain.文明の光が、彼らのつちかってきた年月をおかすほどの強さになるその時まで、神秘の領域として有り続ける。

These woods were no exception.……この森もその一つ。
The outlying border between Misaki City and Misaki Hills had been left untouched.手つかずのまま郊外に放置された三咲町と三咲丘の境界ボーダー
Though driven from their nests and dens here, wildlife continued to subsist even today. No longer able to return to the days before man, this was just like any other forest situated next to a town.今では住みかを追われた獣たちが細々と暮らす、地方都市ならどこにでもある、いたって平均ノーマルな、帰らずの森である。


Hey diddle diddle,Hey diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle...The cat and the fiddle,

Winter had arrived in the woods.森には、既に冬が到来していた。
The chill cut like a razor,薄刃カミソリのように肌をぐ冷気。
the icy air so thick it could reached one's bones.膝元までにじりよる氷の気配。
Exposed cheeks stiffened, and wisps of breath formed swirls in the air before disappearing.露出したほほはこわばり、吐息は白い雲になって消えていく。
It was one degree above freezing.気温にして摂氏一度。
The cold snap penetrated every nook and cranny of the woods, from the ground, to the trees, to the wildlife.寒波は森全体に、大地や木々、獣たちに染み渡る。


The cow jump'd over the moon,The cow jump'd over the moon,

The little dog laugh'd...The little dog laugh'd

The forest allowed nobody entry during the day.昼の森は人々を立ち入らせず、
During the winter, it willed the animals to slumber.冬の森は獣たちすら眠らせる。
The still evening air felt like the stagnant breath of the lingering dead.漂う夜気やきは亡霊の息そのものだ。
The forest consumed the moonlight, obscuring the sight of even the closest of precipices, and hastening the untimely doom of any soul unfortunate enough to become lost within.つきかりをみ、一寸先いっすんさきがけを隠し、迷いこんだ哀れな生贄を破滅させる。

The only noises to be heard were the whisperings of the wind and the murmurings of the stream.聞こえるのはかすかな風の音と、川のせせらぎ。
The immortal darkness stifled any sense of life.ここは生命いのちを感じさせない無窮むきゅうの闇。
Not the breath of an animal, much less that of a person, was drawn in this place.獣はおろか、人の息など有るはずがない。

A figure in black, not of this place, skulked within.その中を行く、不釣り合いな黒衣があった。
It cast the tiniest, frailest of silhouettes, like a small boat lost in a sea of fog.霧の海に迷いこんだ小舟のような、あまりにも小さく弱々しいシルエット。
Its trepidatious footsteps echoed through the woods.たよりなげな足音が響く。
There, exiting the veil of trees, was the unmistakable likeness of a young girl.木々のヴェールを抜けるのは、紛れもなく、年若い人間の少女である。


To see such craft,To see such craft,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.And the dish ran away with the spoon.

"Someone's here, someone's here!"『来たぞ来たぞ』

"There they are, there they are!"『居るぞ居るぞ!』

"Who can they be, who can they be?"『誰が誰が?』

|"Someone and someone!"|『誰と誰が!』|

"Are you hungry?"『お腹は減ったの?』

"I'm starving!"『お腹は鳴ったさ!』

"Which one should we eat?"『どっちが食べる?』

"Let's eat them both!"『どっちも食べる!』

"You take the left!"『キミは左手、』

|"You take the right!"|『オマエは右手!』|

"We must welcome them!"『歓迎しないと、』

"We must entertain them!"『感激しないと!』

""After all, we don't often have guests!""『『なにしろようやく楽しいお客!』』

"While we're at it, the stomach and the tibia."『ついでにおなか頸骨けいこつも、』

"It's not often we get to chew the fat!"『せっかくだからよく噛まないと!』

The shadows in the trees laughed ominously.木々の影が不気味に笑う。
A hallucination? An illusion? Or perhaps... Something real?幻聴か。錯覚か。あるいはか。
The shadows frolicked in time to the girl's pace.少女の歩みに合わせて、寄り添う影がパタパタはしゃぐ。

"Come, come!"『さあさあ、さあさあ』

"Deeper and deeper!"『もっと奥へ、もっと奥へ!』
"Did you remember to rig the dice?"『ところでダイスは細工済み?』
"Loaded innards, they have."『おなかの重いローデッド』
"Nibbled around the edges, they be!"『はじっこかじったエッジワーク!』
"Just remember, don't roll that vital six!"『どうでもいいけど、肝心かんじんかなめの六の目だけはださないように!』

The girl knitted her eyebrows.少女の眉が、かすかに歪む。
She heard voices and felt the presence of things that should not be.聞こえる筈のない声、
Scary enough to frighten this particular girl?いる筈のない獣の気配に怯えるように?
As if.まさか。
Her tightly pursed lips betrayed not a hint of fear.きつく結ばれた唇には、微塵の恐れもありはしない。

The girl walked of her own volition.少女の歩みは自らの意志によるもの。
If she had truly felt fear, her legs would be frozen.恐怖があるのなら、そもそも足は進ませない。
Deep within the trees...木々の奥。
She was perfectly aware of the two humanoid figures stalking her through the still, night air.夜気に隠れながら見つめてくる二体の人影に、少女はきちんと気づいている。

"I saw them, I saw them!"『見たぞ見たぞ』
"They're coming, they're coming!"『来るぞ来るぞ!』
"Give up!"『もう諦めろ』
"There's no going back!"『もう帰れない!』

"We warned you!"『あんなに教えてあげたのに』

"It's your fault for staying!"に消えないオマエが悪い!』

The girl halted her steps.少女の歩みが止まる。
Racket from the accompanying voices died in turn.うごめいていた二人分の声も止まる。
The babbling brook suddenly sounded like a crackling fire.小川のせせらぎが、たき火のぜ音のように聞こえる。
And with the tightening of the collar...そうして。
Across the shallow stream, something appeared that should not exist in the city, much less these woods.くるぶしほどの小さな川の向こうに、街はおろか、この森にすらってはならないモノが現れた。

"Good evening. I don't suppose I could speak to your master?"「今晩は。話の分かる主人ひとはいる?」
The girl addressed them calmly.少女は平然と語りかける。
These men with their Glasgow grins creeped toward her like two slugs.二人の口裂け男は蝸牛かぎゅうのように、じりじりとにじり寄る。

"...I see. Simple graveyard wards, sent to be lookouts.「……そう。ただの墓守はかもり、監視だけが仕事なのね。
My mistake. I should have entrusted this to Aoko.失敗したわ。これなら青子に任せれば良かった。
The one grinning man stood still.一方の口裂け男は立ったまま。
The other, shaking violently as if unable to contain himself any longer, turned toward the girl.もう一方の口裂け男は、我慢できないとばかりに、ぐらりと体をかたむかせる。

"Aoko still has a lot on her plate.「青子にはまだ荷が重いわね。
Although you far from look the part, you seem to be on the level of a fully-fledged mage."そんな姿だけど、貴方たちは一人前の魔術師のようだし」
Her black outfit stirred.黒衣が動く。
In her right hand she held a vitreous cat, darker than the deepest night.少女の右手には、夜なお深い硝子ガラスの猫。

The two Glasgow men let out a yelp of caution and incoherent fear.こぼれたものは、小さな警戒と、脈絡のないおそれだった。
It was at this moment that they finally bared their intent and emotion.二体の口裂け男はこの時、ようやく自らの感情いしを表し、

"Farewell, my guests.「さようなら、お客様。
Since this will take but a moment, I offer only a good-bye."きっと一瞬だろうから、おわかれだけ言っておくわ」

The two shuddered at her words.その言葉に、彼等は明確に戦慄した。

They had no mouths, nor ears or brains to begin with. For creatures like these, words were redundant.そもそも彼らには耳と口と脳がない。だから言葉なんて必要ない。
All that existed was the present.彼らにとって有るものは“この瞬間”だけ。
For these soulless creatures, fears and hopes were nothing more than an unimaginable future.恐怖も、期待も、心のない彼等にとって起こりえない“ぼう”でしかない。

Then what could be this feeling of foreboding they felt?なのに、彼らは予感したのだ。
...The spine-chilling miracle that would rip them to pieces not moments from now.たった今、そしてこれから、身の毛のよだつ奇跡が、自分たちをメチャクチャにする―――

"Come then, puppets, let us play make-believe."「さあ―――ごっこ遊びをしましょう、お人形さん」
Her song sounded like a bell, echoing through the white woods.白い森に、鐘のようなうたが響く。
The girl's voice vanquished the frost that had gripped the trees.森を凍らせていた寒波が、少女の声に吹き消されていく。
And then there was...そして、

"Come on, don't keep us waiting!"『いやいやずいぶん待たされた!』
"Come on, it's time for Little Red Riding Hood!"『さあ―――赤ずきんの登場だ!』

The curtains opened on Diddle Diddle, the Banquet of the Night.夜の饗宴ディドルディドルの幕がく。
In confusion, one slit-mouthed man swooped toward the girl.一方の口裂け男は混乱して少女へと襲いかかる。
In fear, the other fled into the woods behind him.一方の口裂け男は恐怖からうしろへと走り出す。

The deformed humanoid darted forth, kicking up water as it rushed the girl.水しぶきをあげ、少女に躍りかかる奇形きけいの人影。
She already knew what this fiend was.少女は知っている。
The grinning figure had scissors for hands and a demon's heart.この口裂け男の両手はハサミで、心は子鬼。
It was a wretch who kidnapped children, mercilessly rendering them into pieces.捕まえた子供を容赦なく、胴体からまっぷたつに切る悪魔だと。


"Leave it to us!"『お任せお任せ!』

|"It's finally our turn!"|『ようやく出番だ、あらよっと!』|

The piglets bounded and rebounded, like paddle balls.飛びだした子豚は手鞠てまりのように。
The stuffed animals, over three feet in length, jumped and weaved their way between the trees.一メートルほどのぬいぐるみは、木々の合間を躍りながらすり抜けていく。

Even with these strange creatures before him, the grinning man did not so much as blink.そんな怪異を前にしても、口裂け男に迷いはない。
He raised his arms, but what emerged from his coat sleeves were not the human appendages you would expect.男の両腕が上がる。長いコートの袖から現れたものは、人間の腕ではない。
In their place, fiendish cleavers, more than a foot and a half in length.刃渡り五十センチを超える、凶悪な包丁ソード
These appendages, which had torn so much of their prey to pieces, sliced cleanly through the flying pigs' skulls.今まで多くのエモノを切り裂いてきた両腕が、跳びう子豚たちを正面から両断する。

His limbs froze in place.口裂け男の手足が凍る。
The pigs' bodies were sliced perfectly in half.切られた子豚の体が割れる。
And then...がちん、と。
Bisected from head to tail, the pigs' innards became as alligator jaws and clamped down upon the grinning man's arms.頭から尾っぽまで断たれた子豚は、そのまま巨大なワニの口になって、口裂け男の腕に噛みついた。

From fingertips to shoulders, they were swallowed whole.文字通り、肩口まで丸飲みである。
It was all it took to rob the man of control over his entire body.それだけで男から全身の自由が消失した。
"-, -!"“―――、―――!”
Another shiver of fear.走る怖気おぞけ
These were no mere pig familiars.コレは子豚の使い魔ではない。
Immediately he realized that these were stapler monsters disguised as mere pigs.子豚のカタチをした、文房具ホッチキスの化け物である事を、口裂け男は瞬時に理解した。

"I got him!"『捕まえたのはダムでした!』
"No, I got him!"『捕まえたのはディーだってば!』
"Oh, but too bad Master has no words, no emotion, no interest!"『ああでも残念、ご主人様は無口で無情で無関心!』
"In the end, it doesn't really matter who did it!"『けっきょく、どっちの手柄も同じこと!』


London Bridge is broken down,London Bridge is broken down,

Broken down, broken down...Broken down,broken down.

"-, Ghh!"“―――、ギ”
"Impossible!" its presence murmured three times.ありえない、と再三、口裂け男の気配が呟く。
Not possible.これはなんだ。
Not possible.これはなんだ。
Not... possible?これはなんだ?

Talking pigs were one thing.喋る子豚。それはいい。
Even having one's arms chomped off was in the realm of occupational hazard.肩口まで食いつかれた腕。それもいい。
In an instant, the wood was enveloped in a dense wave of magical energy.一瞬で森をおおった、あまりにも濃密な魔力の波。
Though vexing, it was still impressive.忌々いまいましいが、素晴らしい。

None of these facts were particularly extraordinary.しかし、それらは別段、驚くに値しない。
These rare familiars, their bizarre attack, the sheer innate magical energy to overwhelm others...稀少な使い魔、猟奇的な攻撃、他を圧する天賦の魔力。
He had experience with all these things.そういったモノは彼らにも覚えがあるのだ。
His employer was skilled enough to achieve all of this as well.何しろ彼らの雇い主が、そのたぐいの異人である。

"What now? What now? How long should we hold him like this?"『どうするどうする、いつまで放置?』
"Even a blink of an eye is too long! Let's take an arm. "『手足一本、まばたきだって贅沢だ!』
"I'll give you a good price if you'll pay me in pounds!"『お支払いは面倒でも、できればポンドでお願いします!』

What... were they?コレは、なんだ。
Not vessels.器物でもない。
Not living creatures.生物でもない。
Not beings powered by Magic Circuits.魔術回路によって動くクリーチャーですらない。
Even though only his arms had been bitten, none of his body would move.噛まれた箇所は両腕だけだというのに、全身が動かない。
It was nothing like being bound or weakened.金縛りや衰弱とはまるで違う。
This felt more like he had become words written in a book, fated to keep to their page.まるで自分がになってしまったような、もうどこにも行けない感覚。

As the grinning figure's deformities indicated, he had overcome numerous curiosities and monstrosities.この口裂け男とて、その奇形きけいしめす通り、幾たびの怪異を越えてきた。
Illusions, enthrallment, compulsions...幻惑げんわく魅了みりょう強制きょうせい
Freezings, putrefactions, and even petrifications-a power granted to only the pinnacle of Mystic Eyes...氷結ひょうけつ屍蝋しろう、はては魔眼まがんの最奥である石化まで。
From poisons to magecraft, he had weathered a great deal.薬物から魔術、多くのいましめを経験した彼は叫ぶ。
But this was something different altogether.これは違う。違うものだ、と。

The penalty that bound him nowいま彼を縛る戒めは、
was based on different principles from blood, flesh, oxygen, or heat.血液、筋肉、酸素、熱量とは別の法則。
It was an unknown restraint that followed no rules he knew.どのルールにも当てはまらない未知の束縛。
Indeed, though it was terrifying to admit...……ああ、口にするのもおぞましいが。
It was as if he'd encountered something alien to everything in this world.まるで、この世のすべてと乖離かいりしている。


London Bridge is broken down,London Bridge is broken down,

Broken down, broken down.Broken down,broken down.

London Bridge is broken down,London Bridge is broken down,

My fair lady.My fair lady.

Fangs sank into his left and right shoulders.左右の肩口に食いこむ牙。
For the first time in this form, he felt rage seethe up inside him.彼はこのカタチとして生まれてから、はじめて怒りの感情いしを覚えた。

...The basis of all things had to be absolute.……基準は絶対でなければならない。
All Mystics, all things bizarre obeyed some set of laws.いかな神秘、いかな怪奇にも法則はある。
But these pigs ignored this, along with his dignity.コレらはそんな、彼らの矜持きょうじを無視するものだ。

"After three days you weaken!"『さあ、三日で衰弱!』
"After six, you drown!"『六日で溺死!』
"After half a year, you'll be a wretched skeleton!"『半年たてばみじめな骸骨がいこつ!』
""Sorry to be rude, but we'll just kill you now!""『『でもでもご無礼、面倒だからいま殺そうか!』』

A howl.吠えた。
Though he had no voice, he let out an exasperated scream.口のないものが、憤怒ふんぬの叫びを響かせる。

"What a convenient function, to be able to detach your arms!"『なんて便利、自分の腕をはずせる機構きこう!』
"What an unparalleled warrior!"『おお、オマエこそ三国一のモノノフよー!』

The talkative pigs fell into the stream.お喋りな子豚たちは小川に落ちた。
That exasperated scream was the sound of the figure tearing his arms from their sockets.憤怒のおとは、自ら両肩を破壊した炸裂音だ。
Armless, he rushed the girl.両腕を失ってなお、口裂け男は少女へと走る。
"...Useless swine. I'll see you be punished later."「……役立たず。後でおしおきが必要ね」

He may have lost his mangled arms, but not the object of his malice.もはや切りきざむ腕はないが、彼には最大の悪意が残っている。
A Mystic Eye to pierce the heart of its victim.にらんだ者の心臓をめる魔眼。
A Magic Circuit designed to stop a beating heart.心筋を梗塞こうそくさせる事のみに特化した魔術回路。
It was beautiful in its simplicity. At point blank-range, it was the equivalent of an unavoidable shotgun blast.単純シンプルではあるが、だからこそ、この至近距離で放てば回避は不可能な死の散弾ショットガン

Tragically, that eye was all he had.不幸な事に、彼には目しかなく。


Build it up with wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and clay, Wood and clay,Wood and clay,Wood and clay,

Build it up with wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,

My fair lady.My fair lady.

He failed to realize that her song had changed.少女の唄が違うものになっていた事に、最後まで気づかなかった。

For the giant, the earth-shattering strike was akin to the act of shooing away an insect.ソレにとって大地を震わす一撃は、虫を払った程度のものでしかない。

Its green, verdant veins pulsed.隆々とわきたつ緑の血管。
Oaken bark covered its body, hardened sufficiently over centuries to repel even a chainsaw.かわき、何百年という時をみ、電動の回転刃チェインソーすらはじかしの皮。
On its forehead, inscribed in all manner of colors, was the word "emeth," though judging from its misspelling the inscription was purely decorative.額には色とりどりの絵の具で落書きされた「emeth」の文字。……ところどころ間違った、お約束にすぎない綴りではあるが。

The Thames Troll.その姿こそテムズトロル。
It also went by the moniker Falling Down.あるいはフォーリンダウン。
Or alternatively the Great Bridge.またの名をグレートブリッジ。
Admired in different forms, it was the first of four miracles.数多あまた異形いぎょうに賞賛される、四つの奇蹟の最初のいっぽ。

"Thames, please take care of the other one."「テムズ、もう一体をお願い」
The giant responded to the girl's words.少女の言葉に巨人が応える。
With roots rent deep into the earth, it raised its left arm to the heavens without moving a step.地に根を張った緑の巨人は一歩も動かず、その左腕を天にかかげ―――

The grinning figure who had chosen to flee the battle was running through the night forest at full speed.交戦と同時に逃げ出した口裂け男は、夜の森をひた走っていた。
Record and provide a detailed description of the enemy.相手を記録し、記述する事。
Those were the orders assigned to him.それが、彼が己に課した使命オーダーである。

He poured all of his energy into escaping this forest with which he had become so familiar.住み慣れた森を全力で逃げていく。
In case of emergency, the plan was for one to challenge the enemy while the other made a tactical retreat in order to report to their master.有事の際は一体が敵に挑み、もう一体は撤退し、雇い主に報告するのが彼らの戦術だった。
He dashed through the forest.森を駆ける事。
Though gripped by fear, he was confident in his ability to perform the mission he was designed for.逃げる事だけに機能を特化させた口裂け男は、恐怖に縛られながらも、自身の勝ちを確信した。

Nothing could catch him in these woods.森で彼に追いつけるモノはいない。
Even the wolves could not track him.野生の狼ですら、離されないよう追尾するのがやっとだろう。
His bird-like legs thumped as they kicked the ground.カッカッ、と地面を蹴る鳥形の脚。
Perhaps it was his creator's eccentric tastes that dictated their form when optimizing them for running.制作者のかたよった趣味なのか、走行のみに特化した場合、彼の脚はこのように変形する。

The grinning man could reach a maximum speed of 45 miles per hour,最高時速70キロ。
well past the limit of any bipedal creature.二足歩行生物の限界を超えながら森を行く口裂け男。
After securing a distance of several miles, he turned around to confirm his safety.彼は数キロもの距離をとり、背後の安全を確認した。
...There was no sign of pursuit.……追ってくるモノはいない。
His crescent-shaped mouth-nay, eye-slackened in relief.三日月型の口―――いや、目がほう、と安堵にゆるむ。

And with the tightening of the collar...そうして。
After facing forward once more, he looked up to lock eyes with his doom.前方に体を向き直した時、彼は自らの死を見上げた。


London Bridge is broken down,London Bridge is broken down,

Broken down,broken down...Broken down,broken down―――

In the distance he could hear the dark rhymes of Mother Goose.彼方から聞こえる暗黒童話マザーグース
Countless vines extended from the ground.地面から伸びた無数のつる
They formed into a monstrosity that conjured up images of an arched bridge, something resembling a giant arm.アーチを思わせる怪異は、さながら、巨大な腕に似て―――


London Bridge is broken down,London Bridge is broken down,

My fair lady.My fair lady.

ENDING SESSION...状況ヲ 終了シマス。
AAAH. OH, MASTER. PRESERVE ME FROM-Aaaaa。主ヨ。ドウカ、コノ身ヲ、護リ―――

"...I think we're about done here. Well done, Thames. You can return now.「……済んだようね。お疲れさま、戻ってテムズ。
Hopefully our next encounter will be more worth our time."次はもっと、高価な場所ならいいのだけど」

The girl turned on her heel.少女は踵を返す。
The invaders who had set up shop in the woods were eliminated.この森に工房を構えた外敵は消し去った。
She had no interest in whether they had been good or evil, nor how many victims they had claimed.彼らが善悪どちらのもので、どれだけの被害者を築き上げてきたか、少女には関心のない事だ。
The shackles of civic society held no sway over her.人間社会のしがらみに関心は持たない。
This was the way of a pure-blooded witch, the way of a Meinster.それが純血の魔女、マインスターのあり方だ。

"Hey, what about us?! What about us?!"『ちょ、ボクたちは!? ねえボクたちは!?』
"Help me get this arm outta my teeth!"『腕、この腕ぬけないんだけど!』
"We really shouldn't move while we're eating."『噛んだままだとボクらも動けないっていうかさあ』
"Don't tell us you don't need pigs that can't fly!"『ひどい、飛べないブタに用はないと!?』
"W-We'll do a better job next time, though we're nothing but screw-ups!"『次、次はお役に立ちますきっと! 生まれてこの方、失敗続きのボクらだけど!』
"Yeah, you owe us at least one compliment before the end!"『うん、壊れるまでに一度ぐらいは褒められたいね!』

The girl let out a sigh and stepped into the stream. She removed her gloves and dipped her slender fingers into the ice water.少女はため息をついて小川に足を運ぶと、黒い手袋をとって、細い指を氷水に浸した。

"I told you not to roll sixes.「六の目はだすなって言うけど。
But I suppose it is the only number you can roll."六の目しかでないようになってるわよね、貴方たち」
There was no response to her melancholy tone.憂鬱な呟きに、こたえの声はない。
In place of the once-boisterous pigs were two black dice, now sitting in the palm of her hand.あれほど騒がしかった子豚は影も形もなく、少女の手のひらには黒い賽子ダイスが二つだけ。
As the girl was about to say something to the scattered remains around her, she realized something that made her put a hand to her mouth.少女は散らばった残骸に声をかけようとして、あ、と口元に手を当てた。

"...The farewell is over.「……お別れは済ませていたわね。
Should I have asked them if they had any last words?"めいぐらいは、聞いておくべきだったかしら」
Her slender, pale fingers traced her lips, as if reluctant to part from them.白魚のような指が、名残惜しそうに唇をなぞる。
Sighing again, she calmly left the dark woods the same way she had entered.少女は二度目のため息をついた後、訪れた時と同じように、ゆっくりと暗い森を後にした。

Seven Days of Spinning Vol.4

Let us rewind to a moment in the recent past.カメラは少しだけさかのぼる。
The scene took place on a Saturday morning in early December.日付にすると12月初めの、ちょっとした閑話休題。

With third period over just before lunch, the only activity that remained before the scholastic day ended was homeroom.三時限目の授業が終わり、帰りのHRホームルームを残すだけの土曜の昼前。
Two of Class C's students, Soujyuro Sizuki and Housuke Kinomi, were standing outside on the balcony overlooking the schoolyard. They were stuck waiting for their homeroom teacher, Mr. Kazuki Yamasiro, and could not leave until he arrived.2-C組の生徒である静希しずき草十郎そうじゅうろう芳助ほうすけは、担任の山城和樹がいっこうに現れない為、帰りたいのに帰れない、という宙づり状態でベランダから校庭など眺めていた。

The rest of their classmates were chatting idly in the classroom.他のクラスメイトたちは教室内で雑談中。
Class A's Tobimaru Tsukiji was killing time alongside them.ふたりの隣には、暇つぶしで付き合っているのクラスの槻司つきじ鳶丸とびまるの姿があった。
The listless trio discussed their weekend plans as they leaned on the veranda's railing.三人はやる気なさげにベランダの欄干らんかんによりかかり、週末の予定などを話しあっている。

"You working at the Bear this weekend, Kinomi?"「木乃美はベアでアルバイトか?」
"Like hell I am. Who the hell works 'til Sunday?「バッカ、誰が日曜まで働くかってーの。
I'm going out tomorrow with some chicks from Class B... 'least that was the plan. They said they're grounded or something..."明日はほら、B組の子たちと遊びに行く……予定だったんだけどなー。なんかうちから出られねぇー」

"So, in other words, you failed again."「む。それはつまり、またふられたのか」
"Jeez, kick a man when he's down much, Sizuki?!"「ごはっ、直撃!? 言いづらいコトをまっすぐ言うよね静希クンってば!」
"Please, even the most airheaded chicks know better than to accept an invite from your dumb ass. Crash and burn all you like, but don't drag Sono-G into the fallout, will you?"「そりゃ毎日テメエのバカ面みてれば、ヒヨコだってふられるって言葉を覚えるだろうよ。自滅するのは勝手だけどな、くれぐれも草の字にヘンな遊び教えんなよ」

"Well excuse me, Your Majesty. You're one to talk!「あん、そりゃ殿下でんかの方じゃねえの?
Word to the wise, Sizuki. Tsukiji's heart is as black as they come.気ぃつけろよ静希、槻司つきじはマジで腹黒いからよ。
In his mind he's like... you know those labels you use to separate the trash? This dude uses them to label people-you're either useful to him or you ain't."コイツの頭ん中は、ほら、アレ。ゴミ捨て場の貼り紙? あんな感じだから。くっきり使えるモンと使えないモン分けてんだよ」

"Yeah, I figured that out.「ああ、それは知ってる。
...Speaking of which, I know this is a bit out of the blue, but what do you think about Kinomi, Tobimaru?"―――ところで唐突に思ったんだが、鳶丸の中じゃ木乃美はどういう扱いなんだ?」
"Hmm... Well you know how the country's going to stop collecting oversized scrap for free soon, since it costs too much to dispose of? That's because of people like him."「そうだなあ。粗大ゴミ回収は、金でも貰わねえとワリ合わなくなるんじゃねえか? 国が無料で回収するのはそろそろおしまいってトコ」

"What kinda nonsense is that? Who throws out big stuff like cabinets when you can make good money off of them?!「はあ? なに言ってんのオマエ? 使い古しの箪笥とか高く売れるじゃん!
The future is grab-and-go, you know. Just look how rad those disposable cameras you can buy at convenience stores are. What they call it, something about growing consumption culture and all that, I'm just-"オレみたいな開封・即使用、みたいな男がこれからのトレンドなワケでしょ? ほら、コンビニで売ってる使い捨てカメラとか大人気だし? ようやく流行がオレの消費文明に追いついたと、」

"So, Kinomi's working this weekend.「じゃあ木乃美はバイト、と。

What about you, Tobimaru?"鳶丸は?」
"My time is coming, just watch!"「来るからネ、ちゃんとオレの時代!」
"There's some business to attend to on my end. I'll be entertaining a guest of my father's. Giving a tour of the city, stuff like that."「俺はちょい私用だ。親父の客が来てるんで接待しなきゃならん。街の案内をしてくれとさ」

"Friggin' rude! Don't interrupt a guy when he's talking.「きけよー。人の話きけよー。
I was gonna say, I'm gonna be watching my kid sister. I ain't helping out at that crappy Chinese restaurant."あのよぅ、オレは妹の相手してやるだけなんだよぅ。隣のクソ中華飯店の手伝いなんかしねーよー」
"What about you, Sono-G? You working tomorrow?"「草の字は? 明日もバイトか?」
"No, no plans. But I am going to work at the amusement park after school today."「いや、それが一日空いてる。今日はこれから遊園地でアルバイトだけど」

"What, Magic Kitsy Land? Seriously?「うげぇ、それって魔のキッツィーランド?
You're tougher than you look, Sizuki. I heard even the judo guys who worked there bailed."タフだねぇ静希。あそこのバイトは柔道部の連中でも音を上げるって話じゃんか」
"It couldn't possibly be worse than carrying boxes for ExFed, right?"「……なんと。まさか、ネコクロの荷物運びより辛い?」

"Well... okay, not that bad.「んー。いや、そこまではよく。
Damn, that a-hole Yamasiro is taking his sweet time. Look, Class B is already leaving!"しっかし山城のヤロウ遅ぇなあ。見ろ、となりのB組すらお帰りになられてるぞ」
"Looks like it. You know, I didn't wanna pull this card, but we'll just have to call him. We can't let Sono-G be late for work."「だな。仕方ねえ、面倒だが呼んでくるか。草の字を遅刻させるワケにゃいかねえし」

And as if by design, the moment Tobimaru Tsukiji stood up wearily from the balcony railing...大儀そうにベランダの手すりから体を起こす槻司鳶丸と、
...the school's PA system chime rang.狙いすましたように、ピンポンパン、と鳴り響く校内放送。

"Soujyuro Sizuki, Class 2-C, please report immediately to Mr. Yamasiro in the faculty room. I repeat, Soujyuro Sizuki, Class 2-C..."『2年C組の静希草十郎くん。山城先生がお呼びです。至急、職員室まで来てください。繰り返します、2年C組の~』
An awkward silence fell upon the three.三人の間に気まずい沈黙。
After a long five seconds, Soujyuro said goodbye and headed back inside.五秒ほどぼんやりしてから、草十郎はそれじゃあ、とふたりを残してベランダを後にした。

"Ugh, nothing interesting ever happens here. Can't someone make a crop circle in the schoolyard or something?"「面白いコトねぇなあ。誰か、校庭にミステリーサークルとか作ってくんねぇかなあ」
Kinomi grumbled, slouching his shoulders and succumbing to his lethargy.肩の力を抜きまくり、完全脱力人間になりながらぼやく木乃美。

"Stop expecting others to make life interesting. If you're bored, then make something happen yourself. Challenge Aozaki to an inter-class debate or something."「他人の妄想力に期待すんなよ。刺激が欲しいならテメエでイベント起こせ。ほら、クラス分け発表の時よろしく、蒼崎につっかかればすぐだぜ」

"Suffering ain't interesting! Scrapping with the prez is asking for it. I said 'interesting' not 'terrifying.'「ひいい、蘇るトラウマ! やだよー、会長の大立おおたちまわりは面白おもしろいのを通りこしておそろしいよー。

As a decent, upstanding, red-blooded male, I'd happily settle for a hot transfer student showing up.善良な一男子生徒としちゃあ、美少女が転校してくるだけでいいんだよー。
As long as she isn't boring, anyway. Maybe if she were a Hollywood producer, or some famous English singer, or-"んー、まあ、フツーの子じゃつまんないから、ハリウッドのプロデューサーとか、イギリスの歌姫とかー」
"Laaame. If you're going that far, at least make her a babe from Mars."「どんなくくりだそりゃ。そこは火星のお姫さまあたりにしとけよ」

"Attention, Class 2-C. This is an announcement from Mr. Yamasiro:『それと、2年C組の皆さんへ、山城先生から伝言です。
Mr. Yamasiro is currently occupied, and is unable to attend homeroom. Please make your way home.“山城先生は訳あってHRを欠席しますので、各自、勝手に下校しちゃってくださいね。それではでは”
This concludes all announcements for the day."以上、放送室からお知らせしました』

"...The hell? Ever since Yamasiro bought that new car, he's been a real punk! Oughtta find out what this dime sounds like when scraping up a new Serbia."「……どうよコレ。山城、新車買ってからフリーダムすぎねえ? このままではあの真新しいセルビアに、オレのギザじゅうがうなりかねん」
"Hold it, hotshot. Just put gum in the keyhole. Teachers get paid peanuts, man."「鍵穴にガム程度にしとけ。教師の薄給はマジ同情に値するからな」

The two frenemies returned to the classroom, complaining all the while,ぼやきながらも教室に戻る悪友ふたり。
their concern for their mutual friend summoned to the faculty office completely out of mind.職員室に呼び出された友人の心配は、これっぽっちもしていなかった。

"I don't agree. The school allows for students to hold part-time jobs.「納得いきません。生徒のアルバイトは認められています。
According to school regulations, a job at a workplace authorized by the school is recommended as a social experience."学校公認の職場であるなら、社会経験の一環として推奨する、と校則にもありますが」
"That's true, but in his case it's a matter of going too far.「そうなんだけどねえ。彼の場合、やりすぎなのが問題なワケで。
What if, let's suppose, he were working somewhere without permission, somewhere that might be violating the Labor Standards Law. That would spell trouble for both the school and for him."仮に、もし認可していない、労働基準法に反してそうな所で働いてたら困るでしょ、学校うちも彼も」

The volatile tension between the ruthless student council president and the easygoing modern language teacher permeated the room.土曜日ハンドンの昼食を前に浮き足立つ職員室で、鬼の生徒会長となあなあ現国教師が危険な匂いをまき散らす。
Praying to be spared from the impending confrontation, the other teachers hurriedly relocated to the meeting room.他の教師陣はくわばらくわばら、と会議室にそそくさ移動。
By the time Mr. Yamasiro noticed this, the only other person in the room was the student council president, Aoko Aozaki.山城教諭がおや?と気づいた時、職員室にいるのは彼と、生徒会長・蒼崎青子その人だけだった。

"...They all ran, huh. Why does everyone always push the scary jobs on me? They're so mean."「……逃げたか。ひどいなあみんな、怖いのは僕に押しつけてばっかりだもんなあ」
"Don't change the subject, sir.「話の続きです、先生。
If we do suppose that he is working at an unauthorized workplace, doesn't that mean that the school isn't accommodating his needs?"仮に彼が指定以外のアルバイトをしているとしたら、それは彼の要求に学校側が応えていないからではありませんか?」

"I'm not saying that the school needs to cover his room and board, but as long as he's not working too much, his request deserves due consideration.「下宿先の家賃を奨学金でまかなえとは言いませんが、時間の許すかぎり働きたい、という要望は考慮すべきです。
And if you are still concerned about unauthorized workplaces, please first revise the rule that limits each student to only one."指定外のアルバイトを疑うのなら、まず“働き先は一生徒につき一件だけ”という規則を改めてください」

After hearing her out and realizing there was no way she would back down, Mr. Yamasiro hung his head.生徒会長の静かな語り口調に、これはどうあっても引いてくれないなあ、と山城教諭はうなだれる。

This was supposed to be easy.事はもっと単純に済む筈だった。
The plan was to call in the student rumored to be working multiple jobs, confirm whether the rumor was true, and if so, give him a warning and some guidance, then head to lunch with the knowledge that all was right with the world.『複数のアルバイトをしている』と噂をたてられた生徒を呼び出して事情をたずね、これが真実なら注意・指導し、世は全て事も無し、と昼食に向かう予定だったのだ。
The student council president, who was coincidentally in the faculty room at the time, had heard the entire issue and decided to call out this injustice.その話をたまたま職員室に来ていた生徒会長が聞きつけ、それはおかしい、と食いついてしまった。

As far as Mr. Yamasiro was concerned, she was in the right, and he was well aware of the aforementioned student's situation.山城自身、生徒会長の意見はもっともだし、くだんの生徒の事情も理解している。
Personally, he would have liked to help, but among the faculty he was just the new kid on the block.個人的には応援してやりたいのだが、彼も悲しい新米教師。
He wanted to stay on the vice principal's good side, and at the very least not lose his job, as badly paid as it was.副教頭のご機嫌もうかがいたいし、薄給とはいえ職を失うのもよろしくない。

"...Look. This was a warning straight from the vice principal. I can't do anything more to help."「……こればかりはね。副教頭先生直々の注意なんで、僕も助けてあげられないんだよ」
"What if we compromised?"「それでしたら、落としどころがあればいいんですね?」

The student council president removed a document from her bag.生徒会長は鞄から一枚の書類を取り出した。
It was a document that had been brought up in the morning's faculty meeting, bringing a host of headaches with it.今朝の職員会議でも取り上げられた、全教員の頭痛の種の一つである。

"Ms. Aozaki, that's not the..."「蒼崎くん、それは」
"Yes. This is the Aida Church's volunteer registration form.「はい。合田あいだ教会のボランティア参加の申告書です。
There were zero applicants again this month, a fact that would certainly bother a devout Christian like the vice principal.今月も希望者ゼロですね。敬虔なクリスチャンである副教頭先生は、さぞお気を悪くしているかと。
Even this morning he was lamenting our students' lack of faith."我が校の生徒には信心が足りん、と、今朝もなげかれていたとか?」

"...I can't deny that, but what I'd really like to know is how you became so well-informed of the content of this morning's faculty meeting."「……そうだけど。どうして君が今朝の職員会議の内容を知っているか聞きたいよ、ホント」
Mr. Yamasiro scratched his head, but his eyes were smiling gleefully.頭を掻く山城教諭だが、その目は楽しげに笑っている。
He had figured out the student council president's objective.生徒会長の狙いに合点がいったからだ。

"So, I'll scratch your back, and you'll scratch mine. Is that it?魚心うおごころあれば水心みずごころあり、ですか。
Work conducted on the church's behalf is done on a voluntary basis, but still compensated in some form. And it's officially recognized by the school as a form of social study."教会への奉仕活動はボランティアだけど、きちんと謝礼がでる。あれもカタチの上では学校側が推奨する社会見学だからね。
The vice principal will be overjoyed to have a participant, and-"副教頭先生は参加者がでた事に喜び、加えて、」

"And in the event that said volunteer is already employed somewhere else, the school's permission will be extended to both.「その参加希望者が既に他のアルバイトに就いていた場合、学校側の認可が二つになっちゃいますね。
Considering the precedent, I find this to be a good compromise."前例にしては、いい落としどころだと思いますが」

Mr. Yamasiro raised his hands in surrender.まいった、と手をあげる山城教諭。
There were few students able to both raise a complaint and propose a proper solution.問題を告発しながらも、きちんと解決策を提案してくる生徒はそういない。
Perhaps it was her big-sisterly disposition that made this girl so simultaneously feared yet trusted.この女生徒が恐れられながらも頼られているのは、この姉御肌なところによるものだろう。

"All right, let's try it your way. Just... say a prayer for me, okay?"「よし、その方向で攻めてみよう。上手くいくよう祈ってくれよ」
"I don't like it when people are overly reliant on others. If you're going to participate in this scheme, please take your part seriously, Mr. Yamasiro."「他力本願は嫌いです。悪巧わるだくみに乗ってくれるのなら、きちんと活躍してください、山城先生」
With a bow, the student council president turned to leave the faculty room.それでは失礼します、と礼をして職員室を去る生徒会長。

"Ah, wait a second. You're not going anywhere.「あ、待った待った、君も残るんだ。
I'm going to go ahead and call in Sizuki now, so I'll need you to stay and look after him properly."今から静希くんを呼ぶから、ちゃんと面倒見てもらわないと」

The girl's cool eyes narrowed.少女のクールな瞳が、きゅっと細くなる。
Unable to process what she just heard, her expression turned to a scowl.いま、心底理解できない台詞を聞いたんだけど、と山城教諭を睨みつける。

"If we're looking for volunteers, two is better than one, right?「いや、参加希望者は一人より二人の方がいいだろ。
Plus, knowing that you are following up on this would give me great peace of mind."蒼崎くんがフォローしてくれるなら僕も安心だしね」
"But, sir, I don't-"「あの、ちょっと、先生」

"Hello, broadcasting room? Please put out an announcement asking for Class 2-C student Soujyuro Sizuki to report to Mr. Yamasiro in the staff room immediately."「あ、放送室? 2年C組の静希草十郎くん、至急職員室に来てください、で放送、お願いします」
"No sir, like I was about to say-"「その、だから、先生」

"Oh, this is perfect! And to think that the source of my headache would go away, too. Today's my lucky day!「いやあ、これで万全だ! まさか頭痛のタネが同時に消え去るなんて、今日はついてる!
Ms. Aozaki, what would I do without your kindness? Wait a second... He's not your type, is he? ...Oh, broadcasting room? Please add the following: 'The student council president is eagerly awaiting-'"ああ、けど蒼崎くん、ずいぶん親身になってくれるんだね。なに、もしかしてああいうのがタイプ? あ、放送室さん、ついでに生徒会長が心からお待ちしていますと付け足して―――」
"Mr. Yamasirooo!"「って、山城ォ―――!」

The next day, a pleasant Sunday.翌日、気持ちのいい日曜日。
Soujyuro was awake two hours before the time he was supposed to meet her.草十郎は待ち合わせの時間より二時間早く目を覚ました。

After getting up, he decided to go for a leisurely jog to clear his mind, but, lost among his own thoughts, his thirty-minute jog turned into almost an hour. Upon realizing, he rushed home.その後、気を落ち着けるためにジョギングがてらの散歩にでかけ、三十分で戻るつもりがあれこれ考えているうちに一時間近く経っている事に気づき、あわてて帰宅。
After thoroughly racking his brain over what to wear for the occasion, he decided upon wearing his school uniform.何を着ていくものか考え抜いたあげく、結局、学校の制服で臨むことにした。

"Ten o'clock, Misaki Central Park, east entrance. I'll meet you there."“午前十時、三咲中央公園の東入り口で待ち合わせ”
Yesterday in the faculty room...昨日の職員室。
When Aoko Aozaki had shared the time and place with him that day, she said it with such pain on her face. Maybe she was fighting a headache at the time.風邪気味だったのか、蒼崎青子は頭痛を押し殺すような顔でそう言った。

"I wonder if Aozaki is feeling better."「しかし、蒼崎の風邪は治っているのだろうか」
Soujyuro muttered, his words of concern misguided as they were.草十郎はあさっての方向を見ながら、あさってを向いた心配ごとを呟く。
In any case, he waited for about five minutes.ともあれ、そうして待つこと約五分。
At precisely ten o'clock, the student council president appeared.十時きっかりに生徒会長は登場した。

"Good morning.「おはよ。
Punctual as usual, I see."いつもの事だけど、時間だけはピッタリよね、貴方」
"What's wrong with your face? Are you sick?"「ひどい顔ね。もしかして気分悪いの?」

"No, I think I feel fine."「いや、体調はいいと思う」
He waved off her concern.しんぱいごむよう、と軽く弁明する草十郎。
"You're wearing your school uniform."「だがしかし、蒼崎は制服だった」
"Of course I'm wearing my uniform. This is a school activity, isn't it?"「ええ。学校の行事だもの、当然でしょう?」

A heavy weight of despondency fell upon Soujyuro's shoulders.がっくりと肩に重みを感じる草十郎。
The angsting over his outfit for the previous two hours had been rendered meaningless just like that.朝から益体やくたいもなく浮き足立っていた二時間は、こうして容赦なく台無しにされた。

The duo, clad in their school uniforms on a day off, walked by the train station.休日の駅前を、制服姿の男女が歩く。
In the beginning, Aoko had made efforts to give Soujyuro a thorough lay of the land, but today she only shared the bare minimum of explanations.はじめは丁寧に街の案内をしていた青子だが、今は必要最低限の説明だけにとどめている。

This was partly because, surprisingly, Soujyuro had become well-accustomed to the town.草十郎が思いのほか町に詳しくなっていた事もあるが、
Which restaurants were good... Which shortcuts to use in a rush...やれここのゴハンがおいしいだの、
And why the nearby bicycle shop was better than the department store by the station if you wanted to buy a bicycle... things a local would know.急いでる時はこっちが近道だの、自転車を買うなら駅前デパートよりあっちの専門店のがいいだの、
But the other reason was because, it had dawned on Aoko how the two of them conversing might look to passersby.そんな会話をしている時、ハタと冷静に、今の状況が第三者的にどう見えるかに気付いたからだ。

"On a different topic, do you mind telling me what kind of work we'll be doing today?"「話は変わるけど。具体的にどんな労働内容なのか、そろそろ聞いていいかな」

From here on, volunteering at the church meant that the school would tolerate his multiple jobs.教会の奉仕作業に参加すれば、今後、アルバイトのちを大目にみてあげられる―――
Soujyuro had quickly agreed to the tempting offer, nodding like a bobblehead. But, as was typical for him, he had failed to consider the content of the proposal.そんな甘い誘いにコクコクと頷いた草十郎だが、例によって例の如く、どんな作業なのか考えてもいないようだ。

"...Somehow I just knew you had no idea what we're going to be doing today.「……まあ、そんなコトだろうと覚悟はしてたけど。
Is this your first time going to Aida Church?"貴方、合田あいだ教会は初めて?」
"This is my second time. The last time was because I was outside admiring the strange architecture, and then a person inside gave me some free candy."「教会なら二回目だ。珍しい建物なんで近寄ったら、中の人がタダでお菓子をくれたんだけど……」

He pondered with all sincerity how exactly a church worked.どういう仕組みなんだろう、と草十郎は真剣に考えこんでいる。
His contemplative posture made him appear the part of the philosopher, but after all his thinking, he concluded,うつむく仕草は哲学者のソレだが、しょせん、
"I guess they start taking your money on your second visit?"“やっぱり二回目からはお金をとられるのだろうか?”
...Such was the extent of Soujyuro's concerns.程度の悩みである。

"...Normally the church only gives candy out to children, you know."「……普通、そういうコトは子供にしかしないんだけどね、あの教会は」
Aoko sighed at the lost little lamb.よっぽど迷える子羊に見えたんだろう、とため息をつく青子。

"So who did you end up meeting? The priest? One of the sisters?"「で、どんな人にあったの? 神父、それともシスター?」
"A very beautiful woman, as it happens."「それはそれは、綺麗な女の人だった」
"Oh, Sister Yuika, then. If we see her today, you'll need to thank her... or, then again, no need. You're doing just fine in that department anyway."「じゃあ唯架ゆいかさんの方ね。今日会ったらお礼を……って、必要ないか。アンタの事だから、そのあたりはキチッとしてるだろうし」

"As far as work goes, it's not much different from what you've been doing at school, so it should be straightforward.「仕事の話なら簡単よ。学校でやってる事と変わらないから。
And considering the church's size, there's actually not a lot of people."あの教会、規模のわりに人数が少ないのよ」
Aoko picked up her pace as they headed for the church.早足で教会に向かう青子。
Somehow, she seemed like a general invading enemy territory. It made Soujyuro furrow his brows in discomfort.なんだか敵地に向かう鬼将軍のようだ、と草十郎は不安げに眉を曇らせた。

Aida Church had a long history.合田教会は古い歴史を持つ教会だ。
Far from the station, it was a white-painted sanctuary nestled between the business and residential districts.駅から離れた、オフィス街と住宅地の狭間はざまに建てられた白い聖域。
As far as Aoko could remember, the church as she knew it now was the result of remodeling done eight years prior. It was practically a cathedral for a town of this size.青子の知るかぎり、たしか八年ほど前に今のカタチに改装された、こんな田舎町には十分すぎるほどの大教会である。

Incidentally, located next to it was the Misaki City General Hospital.ちなみに横にあるのは三咲市一の総合病院。
From Aoko's perspective, it seemed awfully suspicious for the church to take up residence next to the location in the city where the most lives were lost, though the only two who were aware of this opinion were her roommate, Alice Kuonji, and the priest.青子からすれば、町で一番多くの命が失われる場所の隣にちゃっかり居を構える時点で信用ならない―――のだが、その所感を知るのは同居人である久遠寺有珠と、教会の神父だけに留まっている。

"Are you a regular at this place?"「蒼崎はこの教会にえんがあるのか?」
"Me? Not in the slightest. My father and grandfather had a long history with it, but if I could, I'd go back in time and cut all of our ties to this place."「私? 私はこれっぽっちも、もう過去に戻って改竄かいざんしたいぐらい微塵もないけど、うちの父と祖父は長い付き合い。
I had to come here every day in elementary school to help out and, boy, did that ever rub me the wrong way."ここの手伝いなんて、忌々しいコトに小学生の頃は毎日してたもんだけど―――」

The more Aoko spoke, the more twisted her expression became.話せば話すほど、青子の表情は凶悪になっていく。
Recalling this made her want to grab it by the proverbial collar, give it the proverbial one-arm judo back throw, smash its proverbial head into the proverbial ground, and kick the proverbial living daylights out of its defenseless proverbial torso.忘れがたいトラウマと向き合い、胸ぐらを掴み、豪快に一本背負いをかまして脳天を地面にたたきつけたあと、無防備な胴体にローキックを食らわせる―――
Such was her so-called trauma that if it were anthropomorphized, it would take more than a five-round beating to satisfy her thirst for vengeance.トラウマとやらが擬人化していれば、その程度の報復行為を軽く五セットはこなしそうな、それはそれは凄まじい気炎をあげるのだった。

It was in this moment, as he became aware of Aoko's mood, that Soujyuro began to fear for his safety.そんな青子の不機嫌っぷりに、草十郎が我が身の危険を感じだした頃。
Perhaps attracted by the noisy murder of crows outside the church,教会の上空にバサバサ集まりだしたカラスに惹かれたのか、
a woman in a nun's habit emerged from the front entrance.正面玄関から修道女シスター服の女性が姿を見せた。

"Excuse me, do you have business with the church today?「失礼ですが、どちらのお客様でしょう。
I'm afraid this church does not associate with criminals, so if you would be so kind as to consider coming another day, or perhaps returning once you have repented of your sinful ways and paid for your crimes to society, you can―"当教会は暴力団関係の方はご遠慮いただいておりますので、日をあらためる、あるいは生き方をい改めた後、社会的な罪をつぐなってから門をくぐって頂きたいのですが―――」
"It's Aoko Aozaki, Sister Yuika."「蒼崎青子です、シスター唯架」

"Well, if it isn't Aoko.「まあ―――青子さんでしたか。
What a lovely surprise. It's been such a long time since you've visited."驚きました。昼間のうちに貴女が来るのは久しぶりです」
"I suppose it has. I'm only ever called at night to speak with the father.「そうですね。いつもは夜に呼ばれて、神父さまとだけお話をしていますから。唯架さんとは……
I suppose it's been, what, close to a year since we had a face-to-face conversation.まあ。意外ですね、一年近くにお話をしていません。
And who knows how long it'll be until the next time."ま、この先だって一度もないでしょうけど」

"Yes. I'm almost sad to see you grow up so fast. Your presence has become so menacing, you hardly resemble the virtuous girl I remember so well."「ええ。貴女もずいぶんと立派になられたようで、ガッカリです。なにより、今の気配は清らかな少女とは思えないほど悪辣あくらつでした」
On the surface, the two exchanged congenial greetings.表向き、和気あいあいと挨拶を交わすふたり。
Unable to read between the lines, all Soujyuro could see was two good friends.そのピリピリした空気をまったく読めず、仲がいいなあ、と見守る草十郎。

"He and I are this month's volunteers."「今月のボランティアは私とそこの彼です。
For the beloved Aida Church, it would be our pleasure to be working from exactly ten to three, and not a minute more."親愛なる合田教会のためですから。十時から三時まで、一分の狂いもなく、きっかり働かせていただきますわ」
"Well, as you know we are reaching the end times, but your spirit of service is welcome.「まあ。世も末ですが歓迎しますね。
The house of the Lord is open to all who might enter, even those with wickedness in their hearts."神の家は万人に等しく開くもの。この際、貴女の内面は見なかった事にしておきましょう」

The nun flashed a smile that was equal parts elegant and cruel.上品に、しかし酷薄に微笑むシスター。
Keeping up appearances aside, she seemed overjoyed to have able hands to put to work.表向きはどうあれ、労働力が手に入ったのは喜ばしい事らしい。

The sister introduced herself as Yuika Suse and thanked Soujyuro, who had volunteered of his own volition.シスターは唯架ゆいかと名乗り、自ら奉仕活動を希望した草十郎に礼を述べた。
Soujyuro noticed that her eyes were always shut, but not wanting to be rude, especially in front of Aoko, he decided not to pry.彼女の閉じた目に気づいていた草十郎だったが、青子の手前もあるし、なにより失礼な事かもしれない、と質問は遠慮した。

"So you're Mr. Sizuki.「静希さんと仰るのですね。
Your name is as calm as your countenance."声のイメージ通り、落ち着いたお名前です」
"It is? Well, thanks."「はあ。それはどうも」
The sister let slip a frown at Soujyuro's ambivalent response to her compliment.名前を誉められてもいまいち実感の湧かない草十郎に、シスターはわずかに顔を曇らせる。

"I apologize. I did not mean to cause discomfort by using your surname.「失礼、名字で呼ばれるのはお嫌いのようですね。
May I call you Soujyuro instead?"草十郎さん、でよろしいですか?」
"Oh, um, whichever. Either one is fine."「え、いや、どっちでも、いいですけど」

"Well then, as you wish. ...I had not appreciated how difficult a subject it would be."「ではそのように。……本当、難儀なことですね」
Though the sister's tone was gentle, her words seemed somewhat indifferent.口調こそ穏やかだが、シスターの言葉はどこか冷淡だ。
She lacked sight, but she guided the two with certainty in her step.視界を閉ざしている彼女だが、確かな足取りで青子たちを先導する。

"Well then, as for what you will be doing..."「それで、奉仕の内容ですが」
"I already know. Christmas is coming up, so you want to get all of the tedious cleaning out of the way, right?「分かってます。クリスマス前だし、面倒な掃除を済ませておきたいんでしょう?
That won't be a problem. Cleaning is our strong suit."問題ありません、そういうの得意ですから」
It wasn't "their" strong suit, as much as it was Soujyuro's.青子ではなく、おもに連れの草十郎がであるが。

"...Then Aoko, you will be at the stove preparing the communion wafers.「……。では青子さんはかまどの方で、聖餅せいへいの作り置きを。

Mr. Sizuki, you will be outside.静希さんは外に。

|I will need your help cleaning the areas I can't reach."|私どもでは手の届かない箇所の清掃をお願いします」|
|"One question. Ritsuka isn't in the kitchen, is she? You can't make me go in there if she is."|「ちょっと待って。台所に律架りつかのヤツ、いないでしょうね? こんな所であんなのに会うなんてゴメンだから」|
|"Don't worry, Ritsuka is not here right now. There's no need to hold back on her account."|「律架は留守です。ですので、どうぞ気兼ねなく」|

With a dismissive wave, Aoko headed toward the door in the back of the worship hall.はいはい、と手を振って、青子は礼拝堂奥のドアに向かっていった。
As she had indicated, she was quite accustomed to this church.公言通り、この教会には慣れきっているようだ。

"This way please, Mr. Sizuki.「静希さんはこちらに。
We will start with the storeroom. I'd like to ask you to carry the cleaning supplies.まずは物置から、清掃道具を運んでいただきます」

The work entrusted to Soujyuro did not require any particular skill. It was window cleaning at its most standard.草十郎に託された仕事は、これといって特殊な技術を必要としない、いたって普通の窓拭きだった。

"Should I clean all of the windows?"「窓を全部拭けばいいんですね?」
"Yes. Start with a wet rag, then wipe with a dry rag, then use the cleaning spray. Is the ladder tall enough?"「水拭きとから拭き、その後にコートスプレーもお願いします。ハシゴの高さは足りますか?」
"Oh. It looks like it might be a little short."「あれ。ちょっと足りないっぽいですね」
"Then just clean what you can reach. Thank you very much."「では届く範囲で結構ですので、よろしくお願いします」

After the brief exchange, the sister returned to the church.そんな簡潔なやりとりをして、シスターは教会に戻ってしまった。
Soujyuro began to wonder if it was out of distrust in him that she was being so curt.よほど草十郎を信頼しているのか、もともとドライな性格なのか。
He understood that it was too soon to glean an answer from their first meeting, but then again such answers always eluded Soujyuro.初対面で判断がつく筈もなし、そもそも草十郎にそんな詮索ができる筈もなし。
Left alone but no less encouraged, Soujyuro began cleaning the windows.ぽつんと独り放置されても腐ることなく、草十郎は窓拭きを開始した。

The day's weather was a disappointment once again.今日も天候は思わしくない。
It had not gone so far as to rain, but was too overcast to enjoy the sun.雨が降る程ではないが太陽も見えないハンパな天気だ。
He leaned against the tall ladder and, beginning with a window about five yards from the ground, quietly cleaned.高いハシゴに腰をかけて、高さにして五メートル近い窓をのどかに掃除する。
Soujyuro was the never the kind of person to mind physical labor. In fact, if there had been a blue sky, this might have been a perfect day off to him.草十郎は肉体労働が苦にならない人柄なので、これで空が真っ青であったら、それだけで素晴らしい休日になったかもしれない。

By the time he finished his third or fourth window, he felt very relaxed and began to whistle.三枚目、四枚目、と仕上げていくうちに気がゆるみ、口笛など吹きつつ窓を拭く。
Though 15 feet was an intimidating height, it provided for a wonderful view at the same time.五メートル近い高さは怖くはあるが、同時に絶景でもあった。
Turning toward the town gave Soujyuro a clear view of the tree-topped hill that had previously caught his eye.ふと町の方に目を向ければ、引っ越してきてからずっと気になっていた、緑の丘が見てとれる。

"So there really is a house in the woods."「やっぱり、林の中に家があるような……」
The hill and the woods just outside of town.三咲町のはずれにある丘と森。
From here, the forest overlooking the sleepless city looked like a foreign castle.眠らない町を見下ろす森は、ここから見ると異国の城塞のようだ。

"Well, well. Do we have a burglar?"「あれ? なになに、ドロボウさんー?」

And so...―――と。
Lost in his thoughts while wiping windows, Soujyuro was pulled out of his trance by someone pacing below him.物思いにふけりながらもセッセと腕を動かしていた草十郎の眼下で、トコトコと人の気配。
He looked down and saw a girl, her unkempt clothes otherwise contrasting with her kind visage.視線を下げると、そこには一見して人の良さそうな、それでいてだらしなさそうな、女性の姿があった。

"Hmm. But you look a little too loosey-goosey to be a thief. Wait, I know. Maybe you're the type that jumps out of people's fireplaces and gives them toys they don't need, like that one saint.「ん、でもちょっと怪盗には似合わないのんびり屋さん風味。どっちかって言うと、あれかしら。暖炉から現れては微妙に要らないオモチャを押しつける聖者セイント、みたいな。
Oh, but I just can't stand his beard. You know all that guy is doing is breaking and entering, right?"うわあ……わたし、あのヒゲ苦手なのよねぇ……だってどう見ても不法侵入者じゃない、あの人?」

She looked to be in her late twenties.年齢は二十代後半、だろうか。
Despite the cold, she was not wearing a coat. She had no purse either, which was rather strange as a woman and her purse were never far apart. Not that Soujyuro knew this truth quite yet.この寒さで上着を羽織っておらず、バッグらしきものも持っていない。草十郎はまだ知りえないコトだが、大人の女性とバッグはワンセットの存在である。
Based on the fact that none of this seemed to apply to her, one could have easily surmised that she was herself a little "loosey-goosey."そのあたりを無視しているあたり、この女性の自由奔放さがうかがえる。
A few cards short of a full deck, one might also say.抜けている、とも言う。

"Oh, I got it!「あ。わたし、ピーンと来たわ。
Are you that part-timer from Misaki High? Wow, high schoolers these days really are something. You put the pros to shame!"キミ、ミサ高のバイトの子? 偉いわ、今時の高校生は業者さん顔負けなのね!」
The girl looked up in admiration to Soujyuro, as he stood atop his ladder.ハシゴの頂点に座った草十郎を見上げて、女性は感動しきっている。

"Cool, let me help!「よーし、わたしも手伝っちゃおうかな!
Is there another ladder? And rags? Ah, since we're doing this anyway, why don't we just use the hose? You know, spray water all over the place, yelling and having a good time. We might get in trouble, but a little fun never hurt anybody, right?"ハシゴはまだある? 他の雑巾ぞうきんは? あ、どうせだからホースで水をかけるのはどうかしら! こうバアーっと、けるひゃー!とか叫びながら! バチあたりだけど、それなら少しぐらいは楽しくなりそうじゃない?」

The girl let out a hearty laugh.心底から楽しそうに女性は笑った。
Her smile glowed like a cactus that had sprouted legs and begun to run about.光がこぼれそうな、自立して走りまわるサボテンみたいな笑顔だった。
...Inasmuch as a running cactus could only cause trouble.はた迷惑という意味だった。
As Soujyuro anticipated, the girl began to clean without waiting for his approval.そんな草十郎の連想通り、女性は草十郎の返事を待たず、まあまあ、と窓拭きに参加した。

"So I was walking by the church, and I saw a figure stuck to the window. 'A daylight burglary seems pretty bold,' I thought, but my curiosity got the best of me.「いえ、教会の前を通ったら、人影っぽいのが窓にへばりついてるのが見えちゃったの。昼間っから泥棒とか豪快だなあって、ちょっと興味ひかれちゃって。
Imagine my surprise when I saw such a cute boy working as diligently as a window wiping expert. You can't blame a girl for wanting to help out after seeing that, can you?"そしたら可愛い子が真面目に労働してたワケ。窓拭きの達人みたいに、ビっと格好よく。そんなの見せられたら手伝いたくなるのが人情じゃない?」

Wiping the window next to Soujyuro, the girl continued to cheerfully chatter.草十郎のひとつ隣の窓を拭きながら、女性は陽気に話しかけてくる。
Although this was all kinds of suspicious, Soujyuro politely followed her lead, nodding and agreeing as she spoke.そんな、考えようによっては怪しいコトこの上ない女性にうんうんと真面目に同意する草十郎。
Perhaps it was an instinctive camaraderie.なんというか、彼の本能が理解したのだ。
He sensed this girl was just like him, always getting the short end of the stick when it came to menial work.この女性は自分と同じように、いつもこういう地味な作業を押しつけられる同士なのだと―――!

"So are you from the church?"「貴方は教会の人なんですか?」
"Me? No, I was just passing by.「わたし? いえ、ただの通りすがりよ。
More importantly, why are you acting like we've never met before? Don't you remember all those times we met in the shopping mall?"それより貴方ってのは他人行儀ねぇ。キミとは商店街で何度も会ってるのに」
"No... When did that happen?"「いや、会ってませんよ?」

"All the time, silly! You work at that restaurant, Uotatsu, right? I was there several times just this week!「会ってますー。キミ、魚達うおたつさんでバイトしてる子でしょう? 今週だけでも何度か行ってるもん、わたし。

I'm... um... Oh, right.わたしは―――ええっと、そうね、

|I'm Hanazawa. What's your name?"|花澤はなざわって言うんだけど、キミの名前は?」|

Hanazawa took a quick glance at the flower bed below in the middle of her introduction then gave him a friendly laugh.台詞の途中、ちらりと眼下の花壇を見ながら、きさくに笑いかける花澤さん。
Soujyuro's self-introduction, however, was his usual brand of awkward.草十郎はいつも通り、自信なげに自己紹介を済ませた。

"Soujyuro, huh? ...Your name's cute, in an old-fashioned kind of way.「草十郎さん……うん、いい名前ね、古風な感じで。
The 'jyu' in your name means 'ten,' right? Names with numbers in them are so Japanese, don't you think? ...Do you know the priest and sisters here? Eiri and Yuika... Their names sound so foreign."名前に数字が入ってると、なんか日本人って感じがしない? ここの神父さんとかシスターの名前、知ってる? エイリとかユイカとか、なんか外国風なんだけど」
"I don't know Eiri, but Yuika was the woman with the pretty dark hair, right?"「エイリさんはともかく、唯架さんは綺麗な黒髪の女の人でしたよ?」

"Oh, so you haven't met the priest yet.「あら、神父さんにはまだ会っていないのね。
Aida Church is famous for its handsome priest and beautiful sisters, you know. ...Oh, that's right! You just moved here! You're living on your own, right?"合田教会の美形神父と美人姉妹って言ったら有名なんだけど……あ、そうか! さてはキミ、最近引っ越してきたんでしょう! しかもひとり暮らしと見たわ!」


|You're really sharp, Ms. Hanazawa. You seem to be pretty good at guessing things about me."|花澤さん、すごいですね? さっきからあまりにも的確なあてずっぽうです」|

"It's called deductive reasoning, silly.「いえいえ、推理と言ってくれたまえ。
This town doesn't have much to do for fun, certainly not enough that a kid like you would need to work this much. Normally, you'd just need one job to cover spending money. You don't seem like the materialistic type, eitherキミぐらいの子がアルバイトに精を出すほど、この町の娯楽は魅力的じゃないもの。遊ぶお金ならバイト一件でまかなえちゃうわ。キミは物欲のあるタイプじゃなさそうだし。
Which leaves living expenses as the only wholesome reason for working this hard, right?となると、これはもう生活費のためと考えるのが健全でしょう?
Hmm. Then again, it isn't very 'wholesome' for a student to be paying for his own room, board, and tuition."……んー、まあ、学生さんが生活費も学費も自分だけで賄う、なんてのは健全じゃないんだけど」

"Not necessarily.「いや、そうでもないですよ?
Don't they say he who does not work, doesn't eat?"働かざるもの食うべからずです」
"Wow, Soujyuro. You're pretty mature for your age.「そっかぁ。草十郎さんは若いのに立派ねー。
When I was a student I was completely absorbed in work, too, so I understand how difficult things must be for you."わたしも学生の頃はバイト三昧だったから、少しはキミのたいへんさも分かるわよー」
"Oh. You lived by yourself as well, Ms. Hanazawa?"「なんと。花澤さんもひとり暮らしだったんですか?」

"Yeah. I studied abroad over my parents' objections. I went to the same school as a friend and we roomed together to save money, but food wasn't free, as you know.「ええ。親の反対をおしきって、よその国に留学しちゃったの。留学先あっちにはトモダチもいたから下宿先には困らなかったけど、さすがに食費ぐらいは稼がないとねー。
That said, I'm the kind of person who doesn't mind a bit of elbow grease. Looking back on it now, my time at school and work was a great memory."けどまあ、こう見えて肉体労働は苦にならないタイプだし。学院もバイトも楽しい思い出になってるわ」

Soujyuro nodded agreeably.おお、とまたもコクコク頷く草十郎。
Dignified or not, he could barely hold back the sense of solidarity that was welling up within him.節操せっそうなく湧きたつ親近感をおさえられない。

"Hehehe. Well, since this might be fate, and I'll probably be seeing more of you at Uotatsu from here on out, come see me if you need someone to talk to. I can't promise that I'll be much help, but I'll do my best impression of a sounding board."「ふふふ。これも何かの縁だし、魚達さんではこれからお世話になりそうだし。頼りないだろうけど、相談事があったらぜひ言ってね。精神面で力になるわ」

"Thank you, I appreciate it.「ありがとうございます。

Maybe you can help me out right now.じゃあ早速ですけど、

|What do they actually do here?|ここは何をするところなんでしょう?|
|As Soujyuro said "here," he pointed at the church.|ここ、と教会を指さす草十郎。|

"Uhh...what do you mean?"「え、えっと?」
Even Hanazawa was taken aback by his question.さすがの花澤さんも面食らっている。
Unaware of Soujyuro's provincial background―combined with her quick-witted nature―Hanazawa seemingly mistook his question for some kind of sophisticated wit.草十郎がビンテージものの田舎者である事なんぞ知らない花澤さんであるが、持ち前の機転の良さで、これは高度な皮肉なのだと勘違いしてしまったようだ。

"Hmm. Good question.「うーん、そうねー。
I guess people treat it as a spiritual sanctuary... Is that the right word for it? No, maybe not sanctuary, more like a shield, or... a place that plugs leaks in your mind? It's basically a way for people to avoid getting better.心の安全を扱っている、というのはどうかしら。いえ、安全というよりは鎧? ツギハギのバリケード? とにかく本人はちっとも鍛えられないってコトは同じよね。
Oh, and they give out free bread and wine."ああ、あとはパンとワインも分けてくれるわね」
"For free?"「無料でですか?」

"Sure! I mean, I've heard rich people just donate a bunch of money anyway.「もちろん。富める者は勝手に置いていくって話。
Oh yeah, one more thing, and this is the most important wrinkle-their income isn't taxed. Saving souls is tough work, but it's no-risk high-reward if you've got a solid business plan."あとは―――そっか。これが一番大きいんだけど、収入に税金がかからない。心の安全は扱いが難しいけど、きちんと売り物にできればノーリスクハイリターンよ」

"Is that so... I don't really follow, but are you saying that that it's a good place to come when you're in trouble?"「……はあ。よく分からないですけど、ピンチの時はここに転がりこめばいいんですね?」
"Umm... I wouldn't recommend that.「んー、それはおすすめしないなあ。
I think it would be better to visit once a month or so, just for a little peace of mind."ご利用は月に一回、気休め程度にした方がいいと思う」

The rags squeaked as the two carefree souls continued to wipe down the windows.きゅっきゅっ、と窓をく音が響く。
Whistling as they went, they shined up one window. Then another. Then another.趣味を同じくするふたりは暢気のんきに口笛を吹きながら一枚、また一枚、と教会の窓を磨き上げていく。

"Oh yeah, one more question.「そうだ、もうひとつあります。
What are those woods way over there?"ここから見えるあの森、なんですか?」
"Woods, what woods? You mean the woods on the mountain?"「森? あの山の上にある森のコト?」
"Well, yeah, but that's really more of a hill than a mountain."「ですけど、アレは山じゃなくて丘と言うべきです」
As someone raised in the countryside, Soujyuro's pride would not allow for a mound of dirt to be called a mountain.田舎育ちの人間として、あの程度の高台を山というのはプライドが許さないらしい。

"You think so? Any incline that takes energy to climb is a mountain in my book. But if you say so..."「そう? あれはあれで、けっこう登るのに体力使うんだけど……まあ、そっちの方がよりわねぇ」
It was as if a shadow fell over her till-now sunny disposition.女性の気さくな笑顔に自虐的な影がさす。
She was undoubtedly a beautiful woman with very lovely features.もともと端整な顔つきをした美人だ。
But as Soujyuro looked at her in that moment, her smile melted away, and he saw how disturbed she was at his comment.笑顔を崩すと一転して酷薄な、見るものを威圧する表情になる事に、今さらながら草十郎は気が付いた。
And when it comes down to it...もちろん、

"It's definitely a hill. Oh, and what about that thing that looks like a chimney?"「あれは丘です。それとほら、ここから煙突えんとつみたいなの見えますけど、アレはなんですか?」
Soujyuro was not one to closely watch people's reactions and fuss over his speech.そんな事で草十郎があれこれ遠慮したり、怪しんだりする事はないのだった。

"It looks like a chimney because it is a chimney.「あれは本物の煙突よ。
That forest is all private property, and a huge mansion sits right in the middle of it. None of the locals really know anything about it because they're not allowed in there.あの森は全部私有地なんだけど、その中にでっかい洋館が建っているの。でも私有地だから地元の人間も入ったコトはないんじゃないかしら。
People call it the Kuonji Haunted Mansion. The locals are all spooked by it, so it's probably best that you keep your distance. For a tiny wooded area, there have been all kinds of freaky stories about the place―weird accidents, wild dog sightings, you name it."通称、久遠寺くおんじのお化け屋敷ってね。近所の皆さんは気味悪がってるし、あんまり近寄らない方がいいんじゃない? あんな小さな森なのに遭難したとか、野犬が出るとか、物騒な話には事欠かないから」

"Wild dogs? You get wild dogs here in the city, too?"「野犬って、都会にも野犬?」
"Lots of them! There are even some in the empty lot behind the church. The priest here is a bit eccentric, and one time he gave them some bread, and the pups made the area part of their patrol route."「たくさんいるわよー。この教会の裏手の空き地にだっているし。ここの神父さんは物好きだからパンとかあげちゃって、それでワンちゃんの巡回ルートになっちゃってるんでしょうけど」

"Anyway, don't go up there. You know what they say about idiots and high places. It's something of an unspoken rule around here to stay out.「とにかく、君子危うきに近寄らず、よ。あの森には入らないのが街のルールなの。
For one thing, it's private property! If you trespass, someone's going to call the cops, and then you're going to spend the rest of the day getting grilled at the station. That doesn't sound like much fun, does it?"そもそも私有地だし、入ったらお巡りさんを呼ばれちゃって、そのまま交番でお説教ターイム! なんて、あんまり楽しくないでしょう?」

Soujyuro nodded along to her story as he stared at the far-off chimney from his vantage point on the ladder.なるほど、とハシゴの上から遥か彼方の煙突を眺める。
A teeny tiny part of him was curious about that hill, because it reminded him of the woods where he grew up, but after reminding himself that it was none of his business, he returned to window washing.少しだけ、ほんの少しだけ故郷の森を連想させる丘なので気になっていたが、どうやら自分には何の関係もないようだと納得し、草十郎は窓拭きを再開した。

Thanks to Hanazawa lending a hand, they were able to finish the job without a hitch.花澤さんの協力のおかげで、窓拭きは滞りなく終了した。
Between the two of them, they had accomplished a simple but very time-consuming task.ふたりがかりで、地味だが手間のかかる仕事をやり遂げたのだ。

"Nice work.「はい、ごくろうさまでした。
I hardly recognize these windows, considering how filthy they were before!うん、あれだけ砂まみれだった窓が見違えたわね!

Why don't we head to a café somewhere and get something to drink? I'll treat you as a reward for all yourどう、これから適当な茶店さてんでお茶にしない? 草十郎さんの仕事っぷりに敬意を表して、わたしがおご


"Ms. Hanazawa? You were in the middle of saying so―"「はい? 何か言いました、花澤さ―――」
"Oh, sorry, I just remembered some urgent business I need to attend to.「いえ、ごめんなさい、急用を思い出しちゃった。
Catch you later! Ciao!"花澤さんはここで失礼するのでした。チャオ~」
By the time Soujyuro, who had started putting away the ladder, turned around, he was only able to catch a glimpse of the girl's figure dashing toward the street at lightning speed.ハシゴを片づけていた草十郎が振り向くと、女性は脱兎だっとの如く表通りに走り去っていた。

It was just before three o'clock.時刻はそろそろ三時。
More than three hours had passed since Hanazawa offered to help.花澤さんが手伝いを申し出てから三時間以上経過している。

Soujyuro watched the girl with many strange faces disappear.彼女の急変をしたり顔で見送る草十郎。
For someone who seemed to have been on an aimless walk, Hanazawa had spent a good deal of time with him.行くあてなく散歩をしていたように見えた花澤さんだが、これだけ時間を潰したのだ。
Maybe helping Soujyuro out reminded her of something she needed to do.手伝ってくれた時と同じように、適当な用事を思いだしてしまったのだろう。

"Sizuki, are you out there?"「静希君、そっちにいるの?」
The student council president popped her head out from the corner of the church.と。教会の角からひょっこり顔を出す生徒会長。

"Ah, don't mind me. You do your thing..."「あ、声かけてゴメン。いいから作業に専念―――」
The sight of Soujyuro putting away a ladder taller than himself seemed to have provoked an emotional response in Aoko.自分の背丈より長いハシゴを片づけている草十郎を見て、青子は面食らったようだ。
Then, in an instant, she rolled up her sleeves and began to approach him.それも一瞬の事で、彼女は腕まくりをして草十郎に歩み寄った。

This surprised him more than Aoko's sudden appearance.とつぜん現れた青子より、草十郎にはそっちの方が驚きだったらしい。
Ignoring Soujyuro's bewilderment, Aoko promptly began issuing orders.当惑する草十郎をよそに、青子はてきぱきと指示をだす。

"Put the ladder on its side.「ハシゴ、横に倒していいわよ。
I'll hold the bottom, so you take the top."下の方は私が持つから、貴方は上の方お願い」
She did all of this so matter-of-factly, that Soujyuro began lowering the ladder before he even had a chance to insist that he could do it by himself.それがあまりに自然な行為だったので、ひとりで十分だと強がる前に、草十郎はハシゴを横に倒していた。

With work finished and the sister's thank you gifts in hand, the two put the church behind them.アルバイトが終わり、シスターから気持ち程度の謝礼を受け取って、ふたりは教会を後にした。
Since Aoko apparently had something to do around the station, they decided they would walk together until they got there.青子は駅前に用事があるとの事で、とりあえずそこまでは同じ道行きだ。

"You're a really hard worker."「でも、ほんとにアルバイト慣れしてるのね」
Beneath the orange-tinged sky.じき夕暮れになる空の下。
Aoko spoke more as though she was expressing her thoughts out loud than striking up a conversation.話しかけるというよりは感想をもらすように、青子はそんな台詞を口にした。

"Really? Coming from you, Aozaki, that's really nice to hear."「そうか。蒼崎から見てそうなら、少しは嬉しいな」
Soujyuro gave her an earnest smile.素直に微笑む草十郎。
But then again, he had been beaming ever since he received his pay, so the source of his joy was not so clear.もっとも、給金をもらってから彼はずっとホクホク顔だったので、何に喜んでいるかは不明だった。

"Not so fast. You've still got a ways to go, buster, so don't get too carried away. You're only just breaking even, if that."「あ、あのね。貴方は普段が問題ばっかりなんだから、あんまり調子に乗らないように。差し引きゼロっていうか、まだまだマイナスなんだから」
"You're not going to get on my back about school, are you? That'll really spoil my mood."「む。学校の事は、言われると悲しくなる」

Soujyuro hung his head dejectedly.草十郎はがっくりとうなだれた。
Even if his job had been going well, school was still a bust. Exams were one thing, but even classwork was something he had found himself falling behind in.アルバイトはこなせても、学校の授業ばかりはどうにもならない。試験はともかく、日々の授業は一朝一夕でついて行けるものではないからだ。

"Why do you hate people with bad grades, Aozaki?"「蒼崎は成績悪いヤツは嫌いか?」
"Well, dealing with lame-brains is certainly tiring, but that's beside the point in your case. And don't let this get to your head. We're not friends, okay?「……。まあ、頭というか巡りの悪い人との話は、疲れるでしょうね。でも貴方はそれ以前だし、そもそも私にはこれっぽっちも関係ないし。
It's the teachers' job to figure out how to help students overcome handicaps, and it's your job to follow through on that help. Having a job is fine with me, but make sure you study properly when you get home."でっかいハンデをなんとかするのは先生たちの仕事で、それに応えるのは貴方の役目。アルバイトもいいけど、帰ったらきちんと予習、やっときなさいよ」

"You can count on me. Everyone at the school is good people."「それはもちろん。学校の人たちはみんないい人だ」
"Fine, if you say so-wait. Did you just say 'everyone is good people'?"「そ。ならいいけど―――みんないい人?」
Aoko cocked her head to one side, unsure how this exchange had resulted in that response.今のやりとりで、なんでそんな台詞が返ってくるのか、と首をかしげる青子だった。
She decided to interpret it as Soujyuro simply expressing his gratitude in his own peculiar way.おそらく、草十郎なりの感謝の表れなんだろう、と納得する。

"...Oh, one more thing.「―――ところで。
I need to know what other kinds of jobs you're working, you know, in case it comes up."参考までに訊くんだけど、貴方、他にどんなバイトしてるの?」
"If you're asking where, I work at a lot of places in the shopping district. The fish shop, the flower shop, and so on. Oh, but yesterday I went over to the next town. I worked a shift at the amusement park."「どこって、商店街が多い。魚のお店とか、花の店とか。ああ、でも昨日は隣町まで遠出したな。遊園地のアルバイト」

Since the only school-authorized locations were in the Misaki shopping district, his response was much as she expected.学校側が認可しているのは三咲町の商店街だけなので、予想通りの回答だった。
That is, except for the decidedly unexpected last part.最後に出た、およそ静希草十郎とは無関係の単語以外は。

"When you say amusement park... you don't mean the one in Yashirogi, do you?!"「遊園地って、社木やしろぎの!?」
"That's the one. I disassembled and moved unused signs and curios and stuff. It was exhausting."「そう。使わなくなった看板とかオブジェとか、解体して運び出したんだ。さすがに疲れたな、あれは」
"That so... Yeah, I can imagine it took a lot out of you."「へえー……うん、それは体力勝負でしょうね」

This left Aoko rather impressed.今度こそ本気で感心する青子。
Transporting unused amusement park machinery was not a job that students did willingly in their free time.遊園地で使われる機械の運搬は、ちょっと、学生が片手間でやる仕事ではないからだ。

"I'm a bit jealous. I've never even been to Kitsy Land, even though it's so close to here."「でもいいなあ。私、キッツィーランドって一度も行った事ないの。三咲町に住んでるのに」
Aoko looked up in the direction of the neighboring town.青子は隣町の方角を仰ぎ見る。
From here you could just barely make out the Ferris wheel.ここから見えるのは、かろうじて観覧車だけ。
The round, steel frame of the wheel, illuminated by the sunset as it was, was reminiscent of an old gravestone.夕日に照らされた円形の鉄骨仕掛けは、さびれた墓標ぼひょうを思わせる。

"...That's a shame. Is it because you're short on cash?"「……そうか。それは、金銭的な理由で?」
Aoko had to stifle her laughter.途端、青子はおかしそうに口をおさえた。
She knew it would be rude to Soujyuro to burst out laughing, but the remark tickled her funny bone.草十郎に失礼だと思ったものの、笑いのツボに入ってしまったらしい。

"No, it's not like that.「ううん、そういうんじゃなくて。
It's simple, really. Even back when it first opened, it was always packed with people, and I just never had the time to go. If it were a problem that could be solved with money, I would go right now.単純に、あれが開園してから立てこんでて、遊びにいく暇がなかっただけよ。お金で解決する問題だったら、それこそ今すぐに行ってるわ」

Aoko showed Soujyuro the envelope that contained the pay from the church.ほら、と青子は教会のアルバイト代の入った封筒を見せた。
There was nothing sinister about her remark and gesture, but the fact that she did not jump at the chance to go made Soujyuro sad.その仕草は明るいものだったが、それでも“行く”と口にしない青子に、草十郎はむっと顔を曇らせる。

"Then why don't we go sometime?"「それなら、今度行けばいいじゃないか」
"Thanks, but no can do.「ありがと。けどそれは無理な話。
You probably didn't catch on because you are who you are, but the place went out of business.アンタの事だから気づいていないと思うけど、アレ、つぶれてるのよ。
I think it's been about two years since the park closed down."廃園になってからもう二年以上は経つんじゃない?」

It was no wonder there were no customers all the time he was there.どうりで客がいなかった、と草十郎は納得する。
Exasperated as she was at Soujyuro, the student council president seemed to be enjoying herself.生徒会長は呆れながらも少しだけ楽しそうだ。
At this point, she would be yelling things at Soujyuro like, "I can't believe you didn't know that!" But this evening―this one and only evening―she found it charming.いつもなら“そんな事まで教えないと分からないとは!”と呆れていた彼女だが、この夕暮れにかぎっては、なんだか微笑ましく見えたらしい。

They parted ways, and Soujyuro returned home to his apartment, immersed himself in his studies, and before he knew it was time to go to work.蒼崎青子と別れ、アパートに帰って学校の予習に埋没していると、あっという間にアルバイトの時間になった。
The major cultural difference―though certainly not the only point of difference―between city and country was the use of time.山と都会の違いはそれこそ数えきれないが、もっとも大きな点は時間の用途だ。
It did not matter what part of the city he was in, time flowed far too quickly here.此処ではともかく、時の流れが早すぎる。
Failing to squeeze even a drop of knowledge from his textbooks, he put them away for the day before heading into town.ちっとも頭に入らなかった参考書を片づけて、草十郎は一日の締めとばかりに夜の町に出かけていった。

The night grew deeper as today turned into tomorrow.日付変更線を越えて、夜はますます深く眠りについていく。
Soujyuro reversed his collar to protect his neck from the bitter cold and began to make his way back home.えりをたてて、冷えこんだ冬の空気から首筋を守りながら、草十郎は帰路につく。
Not a soul to be seen. No dogs scrounging for food, no late-night shoppers.周囲には食べ物ひろいもの目当ての犬もいないし、ちょっとした買い物で出歩いている人もいない。
Why would there be; the solitary convenience store in the area closed at eleven o'clock.この近くに一店だけのコンビニエンスストアも夜の十一時に閉まってしまう以上、買い物目的で外出する住民はいないのだろう。

He mustered what little energy he had to take in an especially deep breath.脱力して、ひときわ深く呼吸をする。
Man-made landmarks lined the deserted street.人気のない、人工物によって築かれた町並み。
Garish blue fluorescent light, brighter than the stars above, illuminated the darkness.星明かりより眩しい、青い蛍光灯に照らされた暗がり。
An unconscious sense of anxiety stirred within him.そういったものが、意識せずとも草十郎の不安をあおり立てる。

"...Get yourself together. It's normal for the night to be scary."「……情けない。夜が怖いのは当たり前じゃないか」
A chill crept up his spine as he attempted to mask his weakness with words.ぶるっとくる寒気に背を丸めながら、強がりを口にする。
"Stay out of the dark."“暗がりに近づくな”
"Stay away from deserted places."“人気のないところには立ち入るな”
Whether it was for some deeper reason, or perhaps the fact that he looked so helpless...何の因果か、それとも、それだけ情けない顔をしていたのか。
Everybody he had met in his life seemed to warn him with those words.草十郎がこれまで知り合ってきた人たちは、決まってそんな忠告をした。

"Did knowing that ever help anyone?"「そうは言ってもしょうがないし、だいたい」
What did that even mean, "Stay out of the dark"?暗がりに近づくな、なんて言われても実感が湧かない。
Nowhere in the city was without light.には明かりのない場所はない。
Everywhere, from the bustling train station to the remote residential areas, was illuminated by artificial light, not least the main roads.大通りは言うに及ばず、駅前の喧噪から離れた住宅地にだって電灯の明かりがある。

Scary was scary, but this kind of fear was of a different sort than what he'd felt in the mountains.怖いのは怖いが、怖さの質が山とは違う。
The most likely source of his fear was the fact that this place was governed by starkly different rules.おそらくは根本になるルールが違うのだ。
The way in which the city meted out justice was terribly imbalanced.因果応報の仕組みが一方にのみ優しく作られている。
And to the provincial Soujyuro, his lack of familiarity with the laws of the land terrified him far more than the dark.怖いと言えば、そのルールがまだよく分からない事の方が、田舎育ちの彼には怖い。

In the mountains, retribution came swiftly to those who broke the rules.山では、ルールを破った者はで報いを受ける。
Take a game trail, for example.例えば獣道けものみち
Those who unwittingly trespassed on the animal kingdom's domain would, as a matter of course, be savaged by the native wildlife.彼らの縄張りと気付かずに入ってしまえば、当然、住人である動物に襲われて怪我を負う。
Accordingly, in Soujyuro's mind, an offender paid the price for one's mistakes immediately.このように、草十郎にとって過ちとはすぐさま返ってくるものだった。
It was not a matter of who punished whom; it was simply that the one who broke the rules would meet instant, tangible retribution.誰が誰を罰するというのではなく、ルールを破れば即、その間違いがカタチになって降りかかると。

He felt that, in this regard, the laws of the city were far too ambiguous.都会はそのあたりが少しだけ曖昧だと思う。
One could meet their demise without ever knowing whether one was in the right or wrong.だから、一体なにが正しかったのか、なにが間違っていたのか、致命的な結末おわりになるまで分からない。

"Though, I guess it's probably not that different when it comes down to it."「……けど、基本的には変わらないんだよな、たぶん」
To put it simply, retribution was delayed.単純に因果応報の効果が遅いだけ。
To take the analogy a step further, back home in his village, no one individual had been given the responsibility of maintaining order.さらに喩えるなら、彼の田舎には村の治安維持を任された人間はいなかった。

In the city, however, someone was put in charge of punishing law-breakers on behalf of the kindhearted citizens who lived there.都会は人間に優しいかわりに、ルールを破った人間を罰する何者かがえられている。
While crime and punishment in the mountains were synonymous, in the city the two were separated, and an unrelated person brought judgment after the crime had been committed.山では罪と罰は同義だったが、街ではその二つは切り離され、罪をおかした後に、罰を持ってくる他人がいるらしい。

Entering places that must not be entered...入ってはいけない場所。
Seeing things that must not be seen...見てはいけない出来事。
Breaking a law had consequences; someone would come to exact justice for the law that was broken.そういったルールを破った時、何者かが罰しに来るのが社会のルールなのだ。

The result of all this, was that the safest way to survive the city was not to stick your nose in the affairs of others.なので―――町で安全に暮らす方法というのは、余人の事情に立ち入らないこと。
When the people who cared about Soujyuro told him to "stay away," they probably meant, "if you don't, nobody will be able to help you."草十郎を気遣ってくれた人たちが口を揃えて“近づくな”と言っていたのは、“そうなったら誰も助けてあげられない”からなのだろう。

"Oh crap, I almost took another shortcut."「……っと。いけない、また近道しそうになった」
No matter how much of a nuisance these obstacles were, one could not just climb over a neighbor's fence, even when one's apartment was just the other side.なので、いくら邪魔だからといって人の家の塀をよじのぼって、すぐ向こうのアパートを目指してはいけないのである。
If the people inside happened to be awake and call the police, nobody would lift a hand to help him.たまたま家の人が起きていたら警察に通報されて、誰にも助けてもらえなくなってしまう。

With his misguided view of the city, Soujyuro once again ended his day in peace.そんな見当違いの都市観を持ったまま、今日も静希草十郎の一日は平穏に終わっていく。

Unable to fall asleep right away, he gazed out his window upon the night sky from the floor of his apartment.すぐには寝つけず、床についたまま窓越しの空を眺める。
The cityscape had caused him to tremble in fear when he first moved here.都会にきた彼が最初に戦慄した風景もの
The convenience of solving almost any problem with the flip of a switch...スイッチひとつでたいていの事は解決される便利さも、
The novelty of living a wall away from a complete stranger...壁一枚隣りに顔しか知らない他人が住んでいる新鮮さも、
It all disappeared into the night sky when he looked up.この夜空を見上げた時に吹き飛んだ。

"...Is this really the same sky?"“……こんな空も、あるのか”
Unconsciously, he recalled his own words.意識せず、漠然とこぼれた言葉を覚えている。

"What dim stars."なんて暗い星。
"What a cramped sky."なんて狭い空。
Here there were no starry nights.ここでは星の見える夜はない。
Could he even survive here?自分はここで暮らしていけるのかどうか―――
The same misgivings since his first night continued to haunt him.あの夜に抱いた不安は今も変わっていない。

His eyelids fell shut.まぶたを閉じる。
Although he was fraught with worry, Soujyuro's body felt the fatigue from his work and studies, and thus, he fell fast sleep.そんな女々しい悩みとは裏腹に、アルバイトと勉強で疲れた体はあっさり、ぐっすり安眠していった。