Chapter 1: Strange One
Cats and Mistakes. Star and Death.
EN | JP |
It was a winter's day eight years prior when it happened. | その子の影になったのは8年前の冬のこと。 |
That solemn morning when she understood the value of life for the very first time. | 彼女がはじめて命に触れた、厳かな朝の出来事だ。 |
EN | JP |
Her home was nestled on the side of a mountain. | 彼女の家は山の中腹にあった。 |
Around it was nothing but inhospitable wilderness. | まわりは何もない荒れ地。 |
She had no neighbors or childhood friends to speak of. Things like traveling to school or playing outside were more trouble than they ought to be. | おとなりに住む幼馴染みなんて望むべくもなく、学校に通うのも、遊びに出かけるのも不便なコトこの上ない。 |
Indeed, with its pure water and bright stars, it was a place rich with memories both frustrating and halcyon. | けれど水も星も綺麗な、ちょっとの不満と大きな安らぎのある、思い出の家だった。 |
EN | JP |
That was only during summer, though. | もっとも、それは夏だけの話。 |
Winters in those mountains were extremely frigid, each morning more severe than the last. | 山中の冬は寒すぎて、朝はいつも辛かった。 |
Her father would drive her to the train station... | お父さんは自動車で駅まで送ってくれるけれど、 |
...after waiting ten minutes for the engine to warm up and the iced-over windows to clear. | 車の窓はびっしり霜だらけで、出かける何十分か前にエンジンをかけないと走りだせない。 |
EN | JP |
"Mind starting up the car for me?" | 「 、キーを回してきてくれるかい?」 |
Her father would savor his morning coffee, leaving her to venture outside and rev the engine. | お父さんが食後のコーヒーを楽しんでいる時、外に出て車のエンジンをかけるのが彼女の日課だった。 |
EN | JP |
Out the front door she would go, traversing the garden with icy breath, until she reached that old sedan. | 玄関を出て、白い息をはきながら庭を横ぎって、年代物のセダンのドアを開ける。 |
As always, she inserted the key, then started the ignition. | いつも通りにキーを差し込んでぐるりと回して、 |
The engine rumbled to life. | ぶるるるる、とエンジンを振動させる。 |
Just as she proudly finished that humble task she'd done so many times before... | そんな、今まで何十回とくり返してきた、小さな彼女の誇らしげな仕事が終わったとき。 |
EN | JP |
"■■■■■―" | 『■■■■■―――』 |
A shrill scream pierced the air. | 甲高い悲鳴が響く。 |
She knew, even though it wasn't human, that the feeble sound was a cry of agony. | 彼女は人間の言葉でもないのに、痛いと泣き叫ぶような、小さな小さな音を聞いた。 |
EN | JP |
A few minutes later... | 数分後。 |
Her father came out and opened the hood of the car. | お父さんが車のボンネットを開けると、そこにはひとつの命があった。 |
Creaking fan belts... | ギチギチしたベルトとか、 |
A monstrous-looking engine... | 怪物みたいなエンジンが、 |
And something that didn't belong. | びっちりと押しこまれたハコの中。 |
There was a cat―a mother by the looks of it―and her two kittens. | 母親であろう猫と、二匹の子猫の姿は、あまりにも場違いだった。 |
EN | JP |
The three cats had been huddling for warmth in the engine's compartment. | 三匹の猫はエンジンルームの中で、寄りそうように丸まっていた。 |
The mother cat was missing its head. | 母親の猫は首から上がない。 |
One of the kittens had been mangled beyond recognition by the engine belts, and surely died instantly. | 子猫のうち一匹は、機械に巻きこまれた部分が多すぎて動きがない。きっと即死だったろう。 |
EN | JP |
The other kitten, its face half-covered in blood, panted faintly. | 残った子猫は顔の半分を真っ赤にして、雨に濡れたやせ犬みたいに、ヒューヒューと息をしていた。 |
It desperately clung to its mother-or rather, the chunk of meat that was its mother-with the last bit of life it could muster. | 子猫はその亡骸―――いや、半ば肉片となった親猫に寄りそいながら、おそらくはあと数分たらずの命で、懸命に懸命に、母親の胸にすがっていた。 |
EN | JP |
"Poor things." | 「かわいそうに―――」 |
Her father lamented their plight. | 悼むようなお父さんの声。 |
EN | JP |
The previous night had been especially cold. | 昨夜の冷えこみは一段と厳しかった。 |
After he had returned home yesterday, the cats must have snuck under the hood, drawn by the warmth of the engine. | お父さんが車で帰ってきた後、エンジンの暖気に誘われて猫たちはボンネットに忍びこんだのだ。 |
They had slept next to the engine... | 彼らはエンジンルームで夜を明かし、 |
...and awoken to a storm of spinning belts. | 翌朝、ベルトの回転に巻きこまれて目を覚ました。 |
Cars in the eighties were not sealed particularly well, so this was not unheard of. | 気密性の乏しい80年代の車には、それなりにあった話らしい。 |
EN | JP |
"...It's okay, ____. It wasn't your fault." | 「―――いいんだ。 が悪いんじゃないんだよ」 |
Her father's voice seemed distant. | お父さんの声が遠い。 |
EN | JP |
She could only make out a small tuft of the kitten's gray fur. | 灰色にささくれだった子猫の毛並み。 |
The rest of it was caked in the blood of its mother and brother. | 母親と兄弟の血と、半身をけずられた自らの血で、 |
...I can see its skull... | ―――ああ、丸い頭蓋骨が見えている――― |
The fragile life of a speckled kitten... | まだらに染まった小さな命。 |
Trembling and possibly blind, it continued to nuzzle against its dead mother's chest. | 子猫はもう目も見えないのか、震えながら、一心に死んだ母親の胸にくるまっている。 |
EN | JP |
"Hmm? ____, wait!" | 「 ……? 待ちなさい、 ―――!」 |
She took the kitten into her arms | 彼女は子猫を抱き上げ、 |
and ran deep into the mountains, to her grandfather's house. | 山奥に別居している祖父の元へ走った。 |
Was it because she was overcome with regret? | 後悔で動揺していたのか、 |
Or was it the shock of grief? Years later, she still wasn't sure. | 悲しくて混乱していたのか、正直、今でも分からない。 |
EN | JP |
Fighting back the welling tears, she burst into her grandfather's workshop. | 彼女はこみあげる涙をせいいっぱい我慢しながら、祖父の工房に飛びこんだ。 |
EN | JP |
Her grandfather was a magician who could do anything. | 祖父は何でもできる魔法使いだった。 |
She had never seen magic. She knew that magic was a fantasy straight out of fairy tales... but so was her grandfather. | 彼女自身「魔法」なんて見たコトもないし、おとぎ話の空想だと分かっていたけれど、そんな常識とは違う基準で、祖父はそういう生き物なんだと知っていた。 |
She had to find him. | だから。 |
He was the only one who could help. | 祖父ならきっと、助けてくれると思ったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"I suppose you want me to alter this kitten's fate," | 『その子猫の運命を変えろと言う』 |
the cave-dwelling magician said indifferently. | 洞窟に棲む魔法使いは、関心のない声で言った。 |
EN | JP |
"This kitten needs our help," she pleaded. | 助けたい、と彼女は懇願する。 |
Whether it was a simple task, | 魔法使いはおやすいご用だとも、 |
or a herculean labor, her grandfather would not say. | それは世界を換える大事だとも言わず、 |
He simply granted the girl's childish wish, like a machine. | まるで機械みたいにあっさりと、彼女の身勝手な願いを叶えてやった。 |
EN | JP |
"...Oh no," the girl said. | 『…………あ』 |
Before she knew it, however, she was holding a tiny corpse in her hands. | 気が付くと彼女の手には小さな亡骸。 |
Its fur was cold. | 冷えきった毛なみ。 |
The warmth of life had left its body. | とうに命の温度は消えていた。 |
And the tears she had fought so hard to hold back poured from her eyes. | 流すまいと律していた涙が、瞳からこぼれている。 |
Regret spread through her chest like an endless gray sky. | 胸には灰色の空みたいに果てのない、大きすぎる後悔の念。 |
EN | JP |
"We were too late. Some things cannot be undone." | 『徒労だったな。結局、元に戻すとは』 |
EN | JP |
Her mind struggled to come to grips what had just occurred. | 何が起こったのか、彼女には把握できない。 |
EN | JP |
The last ten minutes were a total blank. | この十分間の空白に何を経験して、 |
Who she met... | 誰と出会い、 |
What she had known... It was all as if it never happened. | 何を知ったのかも、無責任にも元通り。 |
The only thing she was sure of was that life, once extinguished, can never return. | 確かなコトは、死に行く命は戻らないという事と、 |
"Umm... Is somebody there?" | 「あの―――そこにだれか、いるの?」 |
That day... | その日。 |
It was her mistake that gave birth to me. | 私という、彼女が生まれた過ちだけ。 |
EN | JP |
...Indeed. | ………ああ。 |
Whatever occurred that day, | 何にせよ、 |
it was a day of nostalgia and longing. | 全てが懐かしく、待ち遠しい。 |
EN | JP |
This is the fairy tale of eight years ago. | それは現実から8年前のおとぎ話。 |
The day they first met, that no magic can ever bring back. | どんな魔法を使っても取り戻せない、いちばん初めに、彼女たちの出会った日。 |
Winter Morning
EN | JP |
Arrogant, greedy, and able only to destroy... | 傲慢で貪欲で、壊すことしか能のない、 |
I must be a wolf. | 私はきっと狼だ。 |
I don't have regrets. There's no looking back. | かえりみなくてふり向かなくて、 |
If my pride has left you behind, my sincere condolences. | 気づかないままむねをはり、独りになるならご愁傷さま。 |
But at any rate, | いずれあっさり、 |
I suppose it's my fate to die at the hands of Little Red Riding Hood. | 赤ずきんに退治されるのが定めでしょう――― |
EN | JP |
It was a quiet morning. | それは、静かな朝だった。 |
EN | JP |
From her bed, she could see the sky was an ashen, watercolor gray. | ベッドから覗く空模様が絵の具を塗りたくったような灰色でも、 |
The thermometer displayed 43 degrees Fahrenheit, a rather unforgiving temperature for November. | 温度計は六度前後と十一月にしては容赦のない数値をたたきだしていても、 |
Her stomach woke her up with a growl, pathetically reminding her that she had completely missed breakfast. | 朝食時はとっくに過ぎていて、情けないコトに空腹なんかで目を覚ましたとしても。 |
But lazy mornings like today's were, for her, a blessing. | こうして緩慢に眠っていられるだけで、彼女にとって、今日の朝は幸福なものだった。 |
EN | JP |
It was already well past eight in the morning. | 時計はとうに朝の八時を回っている。 |
On any ordinary weekday tardiness would be unavoidable, but today, classes were cancelled in commemoration of the school's anniversary. | 平日なら絶望的な時間、どうあがいても遅刻確定な状態だが、今日は創立記念日につき休校だ。 |
Gratefully, she had every intention of taking it easy for the first time in ages. | おかげで久しぶりに、のんびりと朝を過ごす事ができる。 |
EN | JP |
Outside the window was a gloomy gray, and it reminded her more of evening than morning. | くり返すが、窓の外は陰鬱とした鋼色で、朝というより夕方を思わせる。 |
It wasn't a pleasant morning by any stretch of the imagination. | お世辞にも気持ちいい朝とは言えない。 |
But having been up all night until just three hours ago, she couldn't care less about the weather outside. | が、つい三時間前まで夜通し起きていた彼女にとって、外の天気なんてどうでもいい事だった。 |
EN | JP |
All she cared about was more sleep. | いまは何より眠気がすべて。 |
As long as she could spend her morning in bed, what was happening outside was of no concern to her. | ベッドで微睡めるなら気持ちのいい朝なわけで、外の事情なんて当局は一切関知いたしません―――と、窓の向こうをシャットアウト。 |
EN | JP |
She shut the curtains. | カーテンを閉める。 |
Then closed her eyes and tried to let sleep reclaim her. | 再び瞼を閉じて、すみやかに眠りに戻ろうと努力する。 |
"I'd like a nice uneventful dream for two hours, thank you." | “……せめてあと二時間ぐらいは凡庸な夢を見ていられますように。” |
Blissful slumber found her soon enough. | 眠気はじゅうぶん残っていて、すぐに幸せはやってきた。 |
Her consciousness faded. | 意識は沈むように落ちていく。 |
EN | JP |
However... | しかし。 |
...her simple request would be mercilessly refused. | 彼女のささやかな願いは、容赦なく却下された。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
A faint but shrill sound lingered in her ears. | 小さいクセにカン高く耳に残る。 |
It was the unmistakable ring of a telephone. | 間違いなく電話の音だ。 |
Much to her chagrin, out of habit her eyes popped open. | 習慣のなせる業だろう。閉じたばかりの瞼は、彼女の意思とは正反対にぱちりと開く。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh, c'mon. Why today of all days?" | “こんな日にかぎって……” |
The telephone was situated in the foyer on the first floor. | 受話器は一階のロビーに設置されている。 |
Answering it meant walking down a thirty-foot corridor and going down a flight of stairs. | この部屋からでは廊下十メートル分と、階段一つ分離れた先だ。 |
In her sleep-deprived state, that distance seemed somewhere between incredibly far and astronomically far. | 寝不足の彼女にとって、その距離は遥かと彼方の中間ぐらい遠かった。 |
EN | JP |
The phone's incessant ringing continued. | ……電話の音は辛抱強く鳴り響いている。 |
She knew the caller would eventually give up if she ignored it, but she chose to fight the urge. | 無視してしまえばいずれ止むにしても、それができるほど、彼女は自分に優しくはなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"Why doesn't Alice answer it?" | 「……有珠、でないの?」 |
She thought her housemate would get it, but she soon had to abandon all hope. | 未練がましく同居人の活躍に期待してみたものの、すぐに諦めた。 |
The realization struck that her housemate did not have the day off from school and was likely in class at her prestigious little hilltop academy. | 考えてみれば休日なのは自分の学校だけで、同居人は丘の上の学院のお嬢様だ。とっくに学校に行っている。 |
EN | JP |
The caller proved incredibly persistent. | 電話の根気強さは並ではない。 |
That persistence made the volume of the ringing seem even louder. | そのあまりのしつこさに、気持ち、ボリュームがランクアップして聞こえる。 |
EN | JP |
"Ugh. I'm trying to sleep here!" | 「ああもう、せっかくの安眠を……!」 |
She was left with no choice but to get up, throw a top on, and leave the room. | 仕方なくベッドから出て、軽く上着を羽織って、彼女は部屋を後にする。 |
EN | JP |
"God, it's cold..." | 「うわ、さむ―――」 |
She rubbed her hands together to warm her numb fingers. | 手を合わせて、かじかむ指を温める。 |
The mansion's heating system was inadequate, to say the least. | この屋敷は暖房設備が乏しい。 |
Which meant that Winter was the very worst of uninvited guests. | なので、冬の気温は恐るべき難敵だ。 |
Never more so than on a dreary morning as this, when one didn't need to use a thermometer to know how cold it was. | 曇りに曇った朝なら尚更で、温度計を見なくても真冬なみの寒さと分かる。 |
The mansion sat in the mountains and was surrounded by dense forest. Winter always arrived here first, before moving on to nearby towns. | この屋敷はちょっとした山中にあり、周りはそれなりに深い森なので、街より冬の到来が早いのだ。 |
EN | JP |
The robotic ring of the telephone reverberated throughout the long hallway. | 長い廊下に、無機質なコール音が反響していく。 |
The mansion's furnishings had been so perfectly maintained that it made the place feel unlived. | 館内の調度品はそれなりに手入れされているものの、生活臭は感じられない。 |
It seemed lonelier than it did splendid. | 豪華さより淋しさが強く出ている。 |
Coupled with the dreary morning, it could have passed for a haunted house. | 薄暗い朝の様子もあいまって幽霊屋敷に見えなくもない。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, it is a haunted house, I suppose. | 「……ま、幽霊屋敷そのものだけど。 |
It's too large for just the two of us." | だいたいふたりで住むには広すぎるのよ、この家は」 |
She counted more than thirty rings since it first began. | コール数はもう三十を超えていた。 |
The caller either had a lot of free time on their hands or had a good understanding of the house's circumstances. | 相手はよっぽど暇なのか、それとも、この家の事情が分かっているのか。 |
She had a strong hunch that it was the latter. | 彼女は後者だと直感した。 |
EN | JP |
The window above looked out onto a gloomy sky. | 見上げた窓は憂鬱な色。 |
She hastened to catch the unrelenting ring in the act as soon as possible. | 自重しない電話の音を捕まえるように歩を速める。 |
Though she had a feeling that her happy morning might come to a close the moment she caught it. | たぶん、捕まえた瞬間に、幸せな朝は泡と消えると予感しながら。 |
EN | JP |
It was here that a series of incidents began. | ともあれ、これが一連の事件の最初の話。 |
Apologies for the lack of romance to this tale. | 浪漫が足りないのは、どうか大目に見てほしい。 |
For whether it be objectively true or merely supposition... | 統計というか、通説というか。 | is always from gloomy and unassuming beginnings that extraordinary events are set into motion. | 物事のはじまりは、大抵こんな風に平凡で、穏やかに回りだすものなのだから――― |
Scene 2
EN | JP |
The rain had subsided somewhat by the time she reached the school gate. | 彼女が正門についた頃、雨脚は弱くなっていた。 |
Sunlight seemed to be playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds in the distance. | 遠くの空には日射しが見え隠れしている。 |
It looked like it might be cleared up by early afternoon. | この分なら、雨は昼過ぎにあがっているかもしれない。 |
EN | JP |
"...Not that it has anything to do with me, though." | 「……といっても、私には関係のない話だけど」 |
The weather reflected her luck. | 空模様とは裏腹に、彼女の運勢はボロボロだ。 |
On top of being forced out of the house at such an early hour, she had to suffer through a winter rain. | 徹夜明けの朝に起こされたうえ、冬の雨に見舞われた。 |
EN | JP |
I'm getting a bad feeling about this... | この分では、用件とやらもロクな事じゃない――― |
The sinking feeling she had only grew as she passed through the entrance and headed inside. | そんな予感に頭痛を覚えながら、彼女は正門を抜けて校舎に向かう。 |
EN | JP |
She didn't encounter any other students along the way. | 途中、すれ違った生徒はひとりもいない。 |
Nor did she see anyone taking part in club activities, either. | 部活中の生徒も見あたらない。 |
The reception desk to the faculty room simply read "Faculty Closed." | 職員用の玄関の受付には“休憩中”の立て看板。 |
The school had given all of its students the day off. | 学校は生徒に平等な休日を与えていた。 |
Except those explicitly summoned, like her. | もちろん、こんな時間に呼び出された彼女を除いて。 |
A fact that irked her more and more as the minutes passed. | そんな事実がますます感情を逆撫でする。 |
EN | JP |
She opened the door to the faculty room and headed toward the desk she had visited a number of times before. | 彼女が職員室の扉を開けると、見慣れた教師が机に向かっていた。 |
The man at the desk wore a plain shirt and suit that were nonetheless neatly pressed. | 地味だがパリッとしたシャツと背広、 |
Slim-framed glasses adorned his face, giving off an amicable yet cunning air. | 穏やかではあるが油断ならない細眼鏡。 |
The mild-mannered image this mid-twenties man presented clashed with the cigarette he smoked. | 似合わない煙草をふかしている、二十代中盤の優男。 |
He didn't appear to have noticed her yet. | どうにも、まだ彼女に気付いていない様子だ。 |
EN | JP |
"Mr. Yamasiro?" | 「山城先生」 |
She closed the door with a bang. | 勢いよく扉を閉める。 |
Showing no response to the sudden sound, Mr. Yamasiro lifted his head. | その音にさして驚いた様子もなく、山城と呼ばれた教師は顔を上げた。 |
EN | JP |
"Hey there. Good morning, Ms. Aozaki. I guess this means you got the call." | 「やあ、おはよう蒼崎くん。用件は聞いているかな?」 |
"Yes. They called me at home about an hour ago, out of the blue..." | 「はい。一時間前に自宅で。事前に何の相談もなく」 |
Having graduated from this high school himself, Mr. Yamasiro was not much older than the rest of the students. | この高校の卒業生である山城は、生徒たちとそう歳が離れていない。 |
For that reason, the students preferred him over the other teachers. | そのせいか他の教師より生徒に慕われている。 |
EN | JP |
He always had something interesting to talk about, and kept conversations casual. | 話題も豊富で口調も穏和。 |
In fact, he seemed more like an older student than a teacher, but she unfortunately didn't share her fellow students' fondness for him. | 教師というより頼れる先輩といった人物だが、あいにく、彼女はそう慕ってもいなかった。 |
EN | JP |
She was of the opinion that teachers should come across as more austere. | 教師は冷徹であるべきである。 |
Like an iron fist that could inspire both love and hate in equal measure... Not a buddy to joke and pal around with. | 生徒にとっては愛憎いり交じった険しい壁であり、間違っても憩いの場でニコニコ笑っているお兄さん……であってはならない、というのが彼女の持論だ。 |
EN | JP |
He was the exact opposite of how she felt a teacher should be. It was only natural that her manner towards him would be forced and unfriendly. | 山城教諭は彼女が良しとする教師像とは正反対の人物で、自然、彼への口調は堅く、愛想のないものになる。 |
Not that she'd ever been wired to make friendly small talk. | ……もっとも。愛想なんて微笑ましいもの、彼女には初めから装備されてはいないのだが。 |
EN | JP |
"You're in a foul mood today." | 「はあ。今日もご機嫌ななめみたいだね、君は」 |
"Today? | 「それは先生の気のせいです。 |
I'm like this every day." | 今日だけ特別、という話ではありませんから」 |
EN | JP |
The matter-of-fact answer perfectly matched the displeasure displayed on her face. | きっぱりと返答しつつも、彼女自身、自分がひどい顔をしているのは承知していた。 |
Her bad mood from having to get up early and the tiredness from staying up late must have collectively made her look positively adversarial. | 寝起きの機嫌の悪さと寝不足の疲れがあいまって、仇を見るような目つきになっているだろう。 |
EN | JP |
"If you say so. Just go easy on our guest, okay? To be honest, we're not completely sure how to deal with him yet." | 「そう。ならいいんだけどね、彼にはそう辛く当たらないでくれよ。僕らじゃ正直、どう扱っていいか分からないところもあるし」 |
"About that. Do you wanna tell me what the hell is going on? Because I have no clue." | 「先生。その件ですけど、私、まだ詳しい話を聞かされていないのですが」 |
As Mr. Yamasiro met her piercing eyes, he finally understood the reason behind her tone, and slowly put out his cigarette. | 刺すような彼女の視線と声に、山城教諭はああ、と応えて煙草の火をもみ消した。 |
EN | JP |
"Let's start at the beginning. What did they tell you over the phone?" | 「んー、電話じゃなんて聞いたの?」 |
"Just that I'd be introduced to a transfer student. | 「転入生の紹介をする、とだけです。 |
They were a little hazy on the rest, though." | 理由も脈絡も無い説明でした」 |
EN | JP |
One of Mr. Yamasiro's eyebrows stood up, impressed with the brevity of her answer. | 簡潔な答えに、山城は感心して眉を上げた。 |
He could see that she was angry, not because she had been called to school on her day off, but because she hadn't been told why she was here. | 彼女が怒っているのは見てとれたが、その理由が休日に呼び出された件ではなく、電話の内容が要領を得なかったからだとは。 |
Mr. Yamasiro chuckled sympathetically. | いやはや実に厳格だ、と山城教諭は苦笑した。 |
EN | JP |
"If this was all a joke to you, perhaps I should just go home." | 「先生。これが笑い話なら、そろそろ帰っていいでしょうか?」 |
"Wait, wait. I didn't mean to laugh. This is not a practical joke. We could really use your help." | 「いや、ごめんごめん、謝るよ。冗談じゃなくて真面目な話なんだ。ちょっと、君の手を借りたくてね」 |
"So there really is a transfer student?" | 「本当に、転入生の問題で?」 |
EN | JP |
"Yes, but he has... how should I put it? Difficult circumstances." | 「うん、訳ありというか、難しいというか。 |
His Soujyuro. And he's a bit...well, peculiar. So we thought someone around the same age would be best suited to show him the ropes." | 彼……草十郎くんというんだけど、ちょっと、色々とズレていてね。僕らが案内してあげるより、同世代の君の方が適任だと思ったんだ」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「…………」 |
She threw him an unamused look. | 彼女は不審げに表情を曇らせた。 |
It was negligent of them to be pushing teaching duties on her, but she did wonder how exactly this transfer student was peculiar. | 教師の業務を生徒に押しつけるのも怠慢だが、それ以上にその転入生が『ズレている』とはどういう事だろう? |
Maybe he meant the student had behavioral problems or was difficult somehow. | 素行に問題がある、扱いが難しい、というのなら想像しやすい。 |
But 'peculiar?' She didn't have the slightest idea what that meant. | しかし、ズレている、というのは何なのか。 |
EN | JP |
(You don't hear a teacher call someone that everyday.) | 『ズレてるなんて、そう使わない表現だけど……』 |
She had her doubts but swept them aside for now. | 彼女は不審げに思案するも、すぐに頭を切りかえた。 |
This wasn't the time to get distracted by more concerns. | あれこれ悩んでも仕方がない。 |
The fact remained that this conversation was all the "peculiar" she could handle, and she needed more information. She was already beginning to fantasize about saying no and curling up in her warm bed at home. | なんだかこの会話自体がズレているようで居心地が悪いし、情報が少なすぎるし、そもそも、断るつもりなら今頃ベッドの上でうろんな貝の気分になっている。 |
EN | JP |
"I have a question." | 「ひとつ、質問があります」 |
"Yes? Ah, he's a second year student like you. He's well-behaved and a good listener. He's not the most energetic individual, but that just means he'll be easier to get along with, right? | 「なに? あ、学年は君と同じ二年生だよ。性格は落ち着きがあって、人の話をよく聞くタイプ。裏を返せば覇気がないともとれるけど、それならそれで付き合いやすいだろ? |
He's not in the same homeroom class as you, but I'm sure you'll get along just-" | 蒼崎くんとはクラスは違うけど、きっと仲良くな―――」 |
EN | JP |
"I'll be the judge of that when I actually meet him. | 「そういった事は本人から直接訊きますし、量ります。 |
And none of that answered my question: why me?" | そうではなく、なぜ私なんでしょうか」 |
Though her tone was still stern, it was clear that she was willing to cooperate. | 刺々しい質問は、同時に転入生の案内を承諾していた。 |
EN | JP |
She had decided to put her feelings of dissatisfaction aside and focus on the task at hand. | 不満ではあるが、とりあえず自分の感情は置いて、与えられた役目に取り組んでみる。 |
Forcing herself to act empathetic in spite of her self-absorbed nature was something she was used to. | 極めて自己中心的な気質でありながら、努めて公正でいようとするのが彼女の特長だ。 |
Paradoxically, this force of will was also the reason teachers put so much faith in her. | やや倒錯しているが、その芯の強さを山城などは頼もしく思ってしまう。 |
EN | JP |
...Well. | ……まあ。 |
At times, that strength shattered expectation, and on those occasions they were left with no choice but to treat it like a natural disaster and weather it until it passed. That was how Mr. Yamasiro had come to deal with her as over the past year. | 時折、その強さが予想の範疇を超える事もあるが、それはそれ、天災と思って諦めるのが、ここ一年で山城教諭が学んだ彼女への対応策である。 |
EN | JP |
"I'll ask you one more time, Mr. Yamasiro. | 「もう一度だけ訊きます、山城先生。 |
Why does it have to be me?" | それで、なぜ私なんでしょうか?」 |
Pressured by a question without a clear yes or no answer, he answered. | 有無を言わせぬ詰問に、山城教諭はやや押されながらも返答する。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, about that... | 「うん、それはね。 |
You're probably thinking it's because you're the iron-fisted ruler of the student council and are willing to strike down both teacher and student for the good of the school, but you'd be wrong." | 別に、蒼崎くんが先生方に敬遠されているのと同じぐらい信頼されていて、学校のためなら教師も生徒も一緒くたに斬って捨てる鉄の生徒会長、だからじゃないよ」 |
"I can't imagine any other reason you'd call me." | 「……それ以外に、こんな呼びつけを受ける理由はないと思いますけど」 |
EN | JP |
Her eyes did nothing to hide her disbelief as she glared at him. | 信用ならない、と彼女は半眼で生徒会顧問を見据えた。 |
Strength far beyond that of an ordinary seventeen-year-old girl... | 十七才の少女にあるまじき迫力と、 |
...coupled with the youthful beauty of one. | 十七才の少女らしい愛らしさ。 |
Mr. Yamasiro let slip a genuine smile, admiring the miraculous balance of qualities. | 奇跡的なバランスで両立する眼差しを、山城教諭は見惚れるように、穏やかな笑顔で受けとめる。 |
EN | JP |
"I mean, I'd handle this myself if it was just about pure obligation. But who gets this job has nothing to do with whether they're a teacher or on the student council. | 「いや、責務だけでいいなら僕がやってるさ。この人選に関しちゃ教師や生徒会長といった役職も関係ないよ。 |
I just felt that you were the only one who would entertain this kind of a request without needing to weigh all sides. That's why I insisted it be you." | なんていうか、こんな頼みを損得抜きで聞いてくれるのは君だけだと思ってね。適任ですから、と強く推薦したわけ」 |
In other words, he knew she wouldn't say no. | 要は、“なんだかんだ言って底抜けに人がいいでしょ君”と言われているようなものだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...Mr. Yamasiro." | 「―――山城先生」 |
"Oh, dear. Would you stop glaring at me like that already? At least put on a smile for your new schoolmate. | 「うわ怖っ。もう、睨まない睨まない。言ったろ、僕にはともかく彼には笑顔でって。 |
Look, if you're agreeing to help, we should go see him. We've already kept him waiting long enough as it is. | とまあ、納得してくれたなら、すぐに移動しよう。もうずいぶん待たせてしまっているからね。 |
And because you braved the rain to get here, I'd be happy to give you a ride home." | それと、雨の中ご苦労さま。帰りはもちろん車で送るよ」 |
EN | JP |
Mr. Yamasiro stood up gracefully. | スマートに立ち上がる山城教諭。 |
"I'm good, thanks," she replied, before turning and walking out of the faculty room. | それにけっこうです、とだけ返して、彼女は職員室を後にした。 |
EN | JP |
He had been waiting for about an hour. | 待ち続けること一時間。 |
While he did, the rain shower lightened into a drizzle. | いつのまにか、空模様は小雨になっていた。 |
His mind wandered as he listened to the sound of the raindrops. | 彼はぼんやりと、雨だれの音を聴いている。 |
EN | JP |
The room was filled with neatly arranged rectangular tables. | 長方形の机が事務的に置かれただけの部屋。 |
He was the only one there. | 人影は一つ。彼の他には誰もいない。 |
Quite some time had passed since he had been brought to this room and asked to wait. | この部屋に通され、座って待っているように言われてから、もうずいぶんと時間が経っている。 |
Even the best behaved student might have grown dissatisfied or anxious with the situation by now, but the boy stuck to his spot like a scarecrow. | まっとうな学生なら不満や不安をクチにしてもいい頃だろうに、少年はそれこそ畑のカカシのように、じっと言いつけを守っていた。 |
EN | JP |
He was chilled to the bone. | 体の芯にまで届く寒さ。 |
It was the end of November, and the low temperature in the morning had marked the start of winter. | 十一月の終わり、冬を迎え始めた午前の気温である。 |
The room was not much warmer. | 室温は外より幾らかましな程度。 |
The heater hadn't been turned on. Either he'd missed the teacher telling him to turn it on, or he'd never seen one in his life. | ストーブをつけていいから、という教師の声を聞き逃したのか、このタイプのストーブはまだ見た事がなかったのか、暖房は入っていない。 |
EN | JP |
He breathed lightly on his freezing fingers as he aimlessly surveyed his surroundings. | 彼は冷たくなってきた指先に軽く息をあてながら、ぼんやりと周囲を観察する。 |
This dreary place was apparently a meeting room. | この殺風景な部屋は会議室と言うらしい。 |
The other students might have considered it a wonderful place to meet, but to him it was drab and overly spacious. | 在校生から見れば仰々しい会議室だが、彼から見れば飾り気のない、広いだけの部屋だった。 |
EN | JP |
It was a lifeless place that reminded him of an arid cave. | 生活の匂いがしないため、つい、乾ききった岩屋などを連想してしまう。 |
Stuck in this cold room with absolutely nothing to do, his mind turned to what they wanted to discuss. | 彼はやる事もないので、こんな冷たい場所でどんな話し合いをするのだろう、と真剣に検討してみた。 |
EN | JP |
"... | 「………………………… |
...Hrm." | 、むう」 |
Unable to come up with a solid answer, he returned his attention to the sound of the rain. | どう考えても答えはでそうにないので、雨音に意識を戻す。 |
The rain hardly resembled the rain in the mountains. | 雨の空は、山のものと少しだけ似ている。 |
Though, he could still recognize it, barely. | いや、かろうじて原形を留めている。 |
Its smell and sound were harsher. But at the end of the day, rain was still rain. | 匂いも音も硬くなっているが、根底は同じモノだ。 |
So even this world, alien as it was, could have something in common with the mountains... | こんな異界にあっても山と共通する物がある――― |
That trivial detail perked him up a little. | そんな些細な事がしんみりと嬉しい。 |
EN | JP |
He liked how the town looked soaked in rain. | 雨に濡れた町は好きだ。 |
Naturally, he preferred sunny weather, but he liked rain in its own way. | よく晴れた晴天の方が心地よいのは当然だが、そういう気持ち良さとは別の視点で、彼は雨空を好いている。 |
The fog from the rain had soaked up the scent of the soil, and it reminded him of home. | 雨に煙った町並みは少しだけ土の匂いが増して、未練がましくも故郷を想ってしまう。 |
It was at times like these that he was able to numb the anxiety the city gave him. | そんな時だけ、都会にやってきた不安も少しは薄れていく気がするからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
...But then he let out a discouraged sigh. | ……と、すぐに落胆の息がこぼれた。 |
How pathetic. | まったく情けない。 |
He'd already been here two weeks and thoughts of his hometown still made him sad. | 引っ越して二週間も経つのに、気を抜くと故郷を偲ぶ未練がましさに肩を落とす。 |
Perhaps feeling that he was being unfair to his new life, he composed himself and continued to wait patiently. | これではせっかくの新生活に申し訳がないではないか、と彼はひとり気合いを入れ直して、行儀良く待ち続けることにした。 |
EN | JP |
As if having a passion for distractions, his attention returned to the sound of the rain once more. | ぼんやりと熱心に、雨の音に意識を向ける。 |
Waiting like this didn't seem to be particularly hard for him. | 彼にとって、この程度の待ちぼうけは苦でもないらしい。 |
EN | JP |
He quietly endured the numbing cold and the hour alone with calm, deep breaths. | 痺れるような寒さも、一時間の放置も、深呼吸と一緒にあっさり飲み下す平常心。 |
As the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait." | 岩の上にも三年とか、耐え続けた赤穂浪士とか。 |
A strong point of his or not, he was astonishingly patient. | 長所かどうかはさておいて、呆れるほどの辛抱強さ。 |
It was certainly helping him out in this moment. | それが現時点における、この少年の特長だった。 |
EN | JP |
She, on the other hand, was livid. | 一方、彼女はいたくご立腹だった。 |
The profile of the transfer student had been explained to her on her way to the meeting room. | 職員室から会議室に向かうまでの間、これから会う人物のプロフィールを聞いたからだ。 |
She was told he had lived his whole life up in the mountains without any electricity. | なんでも、その人物は生まれてから今の今まで、電気も通っていない山奥で暮らしていたらしい。 |
EN | JP |
That meant more than half of civilized society would have been an utter mystery to him. | 電気がないという事は、現在の文明社会の半分以上を知らない事になる。 |
(What a miserable level of isolation. How is this even possible in post-war Japan? | 『なんて絶望的な断絶、戦後どころか戦前の話じゃない。 |
He's like Robinson Crusoe!) | ロビンソンにも程がある……!』 |
She had every right to be angry. | 彼女のそんな憤りもやむをえまい。 |
EN | JP |
His village had apparently remained isolated in the mountains for many years. | なんでも、その山奥の村は長いこと集落として孤立していたらしい。 |
Contact with villages in the foothills of the mountains only occurred once a month or so, which was unfathomable in modern Japan. | 麓の村とですら月に一度の郵便で連絡をとるだけなんて、現代日本とは思えない。 |
Although expressways and Japan Rail-the old National Railways-now spanned the country like arteries, it wasn't entirely impossible for mountain villages like his to exist. | が、しかし。今や高速道路やJR……旧国鉄……といった動脈静脈が張り巡らされた我が国ではあるが、そういった山村は無いと言い切れないのも事実である。 |
But she couldn't imagine how someone born to such circumstances would think or live. | いま確かなコトは、そんな状況で暮らしてきた人間が何を考えて生きているか想像できない、というコトだけだ。 |
EN | JP |
"When you say no electricity... you mean in general, right? Like, he must have had access to a public phone." | 「電気がないって……村に行き渡っていないだけで、公衆電話ぐらいはあったんですよね?」 |
"Apparently not. He mentioned how shocked he was by the phones when he started living here. | 「なかったそうだよ。こっちに暮らすようになって、まず驚いたのが電話だそうだし。 |
I kid you not, he said, 'Wow, telephones are so useful.' Couldn't really deny that, could I?" | 電話って便利ですね、なんて真顔で言われてねぇ。そういえばそうだなあ、と再確認させられたぐらいだよ」 |
EN | JP |
She shot a sidelong glare his way as he laughed. | あはは、と笑う教師を彼女は横目で睨む。 |
It seemed that the naivete of the country boy had cheered up Mr. Yamasiro a bit. | 何が嬉しいのか、山城教諭は田舎の純朴な少年にあてられて和んでいるらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"They probably didn't have police officers, either. My family home is up in the mountains, so it's not inconceivable they wouldn't have electricity. | 「……駐在もいないって事か……うちも実家は山奥ですから、電気が通っていないのはあり得ないとは言いませんけど。 |
But... he doesn't even know what school is?" | ―――そいつ、学校も知らないんですか?」 |
EN | JP |
"Nope. He'd heard of them, but this is apparently his first time visiting one. Maybe that's why he's nervous. He wasn't very talkative. | 「うん。どんなものかは知っていたそうだけど、実際来るのは今日が初めてらしい。それで緊張していたのかな、あまり会話も弾まなかった。 |
He's almost-what would you call it-feral? Like a boy raised by wolves. I suppose that makes us Lewis and Clark?" | うーん、ああいうのも野生児っていうのかな? 狼に育てられた狼少年、みたいな? いや、探検隊の話だねぇ!」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「…………………」 |
"Hey, you're scaring me, Aozaki. I was joking. Go easy, okay? | 「ちょっ、怖いなあ蒼崎くん。冗談、冗談だって。そう睨まないでくれ。 |
And don't worry. I got the feeling from talking to him that he's a nice kid! | 大丈夫、話してみた感じ、おとなしい子だったから! |
He was almost like, I don't know, a cute little animal that doesn't speak human!" | なんていうか、言葉の通じない小動物みたいな感じ」 |
"Your jokes and metaphors aren't helping." | 「山城先生。その喩え、気休めになってませんから」 |
EN | JP |
As she gave her blunt reply, she tried to simulate in her mind what life without electricity would be like, but the thought of it took her sour mood from bad to worse. | つっけんどんに返しつつ、彼女は電気のない生活とやらをシミュレートしようとし、ただでさえ不機嫌な顔をいっそう刺々しく曇らせた。 |
EN | JP |
After all, it was a world she had never known. | だって、それは彼女の知らない世界だ。 |
She could understand why the teachers had given up. | 教師陣が両手を上げて降参したのも頷ける。 |
She, too, wanted to give up and return to her warm bed, but her good-for-nothing pride was holding her hostage. | 本当は彼女も降参して暖かなベッドに戻りたかったが、一文にもならない自尊心が押しとどめていた。 |
Not only did the teachers believe she was up to the task, but she also believed she could do it. It wasn't that easy to go back on her word-no matter how bad things looked after the fact. | 出来ると見込まれ、自分も出来ると判断して引き受けた以上、経緯や内容はどうあれ、そう簡単に放り出すワケにはいかないのだ。 |
EN | JP |
She walked along the hallway, the rain pattering in the background. | 雨音を背に、冷めきった廊下を歩いていく。 |
The meeting room was already in sight. | 会議室はもう目前。 |
With a furrowed brow, she fixed her long hair in anticipation of meeting the unknown stranger within. | 眉間に皺をよせたまま、長い髪を揺らして、彼女はまだ見ぬ異邦人へと向かっていく。 |
Her elegant strides were like those of a confident general going into battle. | 優雅な足取りのまま、戦場に突撃するかの如く。 |
EN | JP |
"...Umm, Aozaki? | 「……いや、蒼崎くん? |
I believe in you and all, but I'll say it again. Be nice, okay? Can you at least try to smile?" | 君を信頼してる僕だけど、念のため確認しておくよ。なんていうか、優しくね。できれば笑顔とか作れないかな?」 |
"I'm bad at faking smiles. But I'll do my best." | 「作り笑いは苦手です。一応、努力しているつもりですが」 |
"Really? That's a relief... | 「あ。そうなんだ、それは良かった。 |
I really mean it. It's good to know you're not good at everything." | ……いやあ、ほんと良かった。蒼崎くんにも苦手なものってあったんだねぇ……」 |
EN | JP |
Mr. Yamasiro's shoulders slumped the second they reached the meeting room. | 山城教諭が肩を落とすのと、件の会議室に到着したのは同時だった。 |
As he put his hand to the door, his eyes seemed to say to her, "Be nice, please." | 山城教諭は“優しく、優しくね”と目配せし、会議室の扉に手をかける。 |
This only made her more irritated. | そんな扱いに、彼女のイライラは増すばかりだ。 |
EN | JP |
(I already know I'm not the friendliest-looking person in the world, but I can't just make myself smile at the drop of a hat. | 『……分かってるわよ、愛想が悪いってのは。でも笑顔なんて意識して作るものじゃないんだし…… |
You should have asked Tobimaru if that's what you were after.) | だいたい、そういうインスタントな人付き合いなら鳶丸の方が向いてるっての』 |
EN | JP |
She sighed about her social shortcomings, but then it occurred to her that being called into school on a day off while sleep-deprived wasn't anything to smile about anyway. | 彼女は自分の愛想の無さにため息をつくが、考えてみると、寝不足のまま休日の学校に呼び出されては笑顔も何もあったものではない。 |
She also thought the person responsible for this mess would be better off attending elementary school. | くわえて、その元凶は高校生より小学生から始めた方がよさそうな人物なのだ。 |
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It might not be his fault, but neither was it her duty or obligation to do the teachers' work for them. | ……その人物に責任はないにせよ、彼女にだって、学校側の仕事を押しつけられる責任も義理もないのである。 |
At the very least... | せめて、なんというか。 |
They could have used their brains and organized all this on a normal school day-another complaint she wanted to voice later. | もうちょっと空気を読んで平日にやってきてくれたのなら、と愚痴の一つも言いたくなる。 |
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(I hate him already. He's my sworn enemy and I haven't even met him. | 『……いや。というか敵。何であろうと敵。 |
Sorry, but I couldn't care less about his extenuating circumstances! | 悪いけど情状酌量以前に敵……! |
You think this isn't awkward for me, too? Honestly, why did this have to happen when I'm so busy!?) | 間が悪いのはお互い様っていうか、ほんと、なんでよりにもよってこんな忙しい時に―――』 |
EN | JP |
Her pounding headache from a lack of sleep had boosted her aggression by ten percent. | 寝不足でキリキリ痛む頭が、彼女の攻撃性を一割増しにする。 |
No matter how harmless the guy on the other side of the door may be, anyone who disturbed her sleep was the enemy. | この扉の向こうにいる人物がどれだけ無害であれ、我が眠りを妨げたモノはみんな敵。 |
And just as she was reaching peak annoyance, Mr. Yamasiro opened the door to the meeting room. | そんな彼女のイライラが頂点に達しかけたタイミングで、山城教諭は会議室の扉を開けた。 |
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The room slowly slid into view. | ……ゆっくりと横に開いていく風景。 |
She didn't care for formalities, | 情緒なんてお構いなし。 |
just looked straight ahead and stormed into the room. | まっすぐな視線のまま、彼女は会議室に突撃し――― |
And found herself face to face with a most unusual opponent. | その、一風変わった敵と対面した。 |
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Before we go on, let's see from another perspective. | カメラは再び一方に。 |
Turning back the clock just a little... | 時間は、少しだけ巻き戻る。 |
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"You don't have to do anything." | 『何をしなくともいい』という指令は、 |
For some, these words are a priceless luxury. | ある種の人間にとってはかけがえのない贅沢であり、 |
For others, they are unbearable torture. | ある種の人間にとっては耐えがたい責め苦である。 |
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For the proactive girl, it was definitely the former, though she'd be too suspicious of the motives of anyone giving her such a gift to accept it. | 能動的な彼女にすれば羨ましい反面、怪しすぎて受け取れない高級品。 |
For the passive boy, it was definitely the latter. A bitter thorn that made him homesick, though at this very moment his mind was still distracted with the wait for his face to reveal any discontent. | 受動的な彼にすれば親しめる反面、郷愁を起こす苦い棘……の筈なのだが、目下、絶賛待たされっぱなしの顔にこれといった不満は見られない。 |
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He maintained perfect posture as he stared at the gray sky. | 彼は自然に、姿勢を正したまま灰色の空模様を眺めている。 |
He had already waited a whole hour, but figured they must have had their reasons for making him wait. | さらに待ち続けてはや一時間だが、まあ、先方さんにも都合があるのだろうし、何もお金を取られるワケでもなし。 |
And as long as he had the sound of the rain to soothe him, he could keep on waiting. | 雨音さえあればいつまでも待ち続けられる、といった風。 |
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(It must be nine o' clock already. | 『でも、そろそろ九時を過ぎるのか…… |
Yeah, that seems about right.) | うん、どうなんだろう』 |
He had been vaguely keeping track of the time as he listened to the rain. | それでも漠然と、いちおう時計を気にしながら、ぼんやりと雨音を聴く。 |
EN | JP |
Due to the holiday, the school building was completely silent, | 休日の校舎に雑音はない。 |
except for the patter of the rain on the window. | ポツポツと窓を叩く雨。 |
The mood felt as damp as the air. | しん……と沈みこむ空気の軋み。 |
And... | それと、 |
...he heard the heavy clatter of footsteps approaching. | カツカツとまっすぐに、力強く響いてくる靴の音。 |
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(Finally. I thought they'd forgotten about me.) | 『……良かった、忘れられているかと思った』 |
He could hear two sets of footsteps, one heavier set belonging to an adult. | 軽い足音と、それより重い大人の足音が聞こえる。 |
He breathed a sigh of relief as the door slid open. | 彼がほっと安堵の息をもらした時、会議室の扉がスライドした。 |
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"So sorry to keep you waiting." | 「すまないね、ずいぶんとお待たせしちゃって」 |
The first person he saw was a man wearing glasses and an awkward smile. | まず目に入ったのが、バツの悪そうな笑顔をした、眼鏡をかけた男性。 |
That's Mr. Yamasiro, the one who brought me here. | たしか山城和樹という先生で、ここに案内してくれたのも彼だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Hey, where's Mr. Satonaka? | 「って、あれ? 里中先生いないんですか? |
I told him to keep you company. He shouldn't have left you here." | ……酷いなあ、話し相手になってあげてと言ったのに」 |
Mr. Yamasiro scratched his head, looking increasingly apologetic. | 山城氏はますます申し訳なさそうに頭をかく。 |
And then, from behind him... | その後ろから、 |
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With a tight-lipped expression that made it clear she didn't want to be there, | 不機嫌そうに口を閉ざしたまま。 |
a dark-haired girl with a determined look in her eyes appeared. | 迷いのない眼差しで、長い黒髪の少女が現れた。 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
Soujyuro gulped. | 呆然と息を呑む。 |
The sound of the rain on the window faded into nothingness. | 窓を打つ雨音が聴覚から消失する。 |
That's when he knew... | ……この時。 |
This was how it felt when time stood still. | 錯覚ではあれ、時間の経過を感じなくなる事は本当にあるのだと、彼ははじめて思い知った。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
She blinked quickly a few times as if taken aback. | 彼女はほんの少し、驚くように瞬いた。 |
Why was anyone's guess. | 理由は不明。 |
The boy was everything she expected a naive country boy to look like. However, she felt something she couldn't understand. | 先だって聞いていた通り、少年は純朴な田舎のイメージそのものだったのに、直感的に“納得いかない”と反発して。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
His eyes widened slightly as if taken aback. | 彼はほんの少し、驚くように目を開いた。 |
The reason was obvious. | 理由は明白。 |
Putting his feeling into words was a different matter altogether. So we will never know exactly what he experienced in that moment. | ……ただ、それを正しくカタチにできる言葉を知らなかったので、結局こちらも解答欄は空白のまま。 |
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And in that instant... | この瞬間。 |
He sensed he'd been touched by the hands of destiny. | 少年はたしかに、何か運命じみたものに触れた気がした。 |
EN | JP |
"Allow me to introduce the two of you. This is the transfer student I mentioned, Soujyuro Sizuki. | 「紹介するよ。彼が転入生の静希草十郎くん。 |
And this is the girl that will be showing you around. | で、こっちの彼女が静希くんの案内役。 |
She's our student council president and came in on her day off just to welcome you. Her name is Aoko Aozaki." | うちの生徒会長で、休日を押して新しい仲間の案内役を買って出てくれた、蒼崎青子くんだ」 |
EN | JP |
His voice and the sound of the rain seemed distant. | ―――声も雨音も仄かに遠く。 |
This is how they first met. | 二人の出会いはこんな感じ。 |
Such was their start, for better or worse. Like the ephemeral beauty of fireworks. | 良きにしろ悪きにしろ、バチッと火花が散るような、そんな、どうでもいい始まりだった。 |
EN | JP |
It was commonly believed among the students... | 生徒たちの通説によると。 |
...that Aoko was always in a foul mood. | 蒼崎青子は、いつもご機嫌ななめである。 |
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But this gossip was ninety percent prejudice, as Aoko simply didn't have time to be irritated twenty-four seven. | これは九割がた偏見で、青子だって、そんな四六時中イライラできるほど暇ではない。 |
The reality was she simply didn't want to explain herself all the time | 彼女は単に言い訳をしたがらない性格なだけで、 |
and therefore seemed angry about something, obvious or not. | たえず微妙に、ときに露骨に、見えない何かに対して怒っているように見えるだけなのだ。 |
This idle gossip did, however, lead to her earning the title of one the school's Seven Deadly Threats. | なので九割がたは偏見の、噂に尾ひれのついた学園七脅威の一つにすぎない。 |
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The remaining ten percent of the gossip was right on the mark. | ただし、残りの一割は真実だ。 |
Aoko herself often had the feeling that her tendency to feel animosity toward harmless things was akin to what a chronic headache sufferer might experience. | 青子自身、自分が慢性的な頭痛持ちなんじゃないかと疑うほど、無害なものに反感を覚える事があったりする。 |
Today fell under that ten percent. | 今日はその一割の話。 |
For today her anger was pure, | そういう時にかぎって彼女の怒りは純真な、 |
and her childish and selfish display was befitting of her actual age. | 年相応に子供らしいわがままだったりするのだが。 |
EN | JP |
The meeting room was dimly lit, awash in the colors of the rain. | 会議室は薄暗い、雨の色に染まっていた。 |
To reduce electricity costs, school regulations forbid the use of lights during the day. | 電気代節約のため、昼間は電灯をつけないのが学校のルールだ。 |
This was the setting the three of them found themselves in. | そんな中に、件の人物は立っていた。 |
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Her first impression was that his calm demeanor reminded her of a field of wildflowers. | 第一印象は、野花を連想させる落ち着き様。 |
In spite of his perfect posture, he seemed subdued and frail. | すっと伸びた背筋のクセに、全体的に力が抜けていて、とにかくおとなしい。 |
And though describing him as meek would be going too far, at the very least he was passive. | ひょろり、とはいかないまでも、ひっそり、ぐらいの頼りなさ。 |
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Even through his uniform, she could see that he was thinner than average. | 制服の上からでも分かる、標準よりやや細い体つき。 |
His dark hair was unkempt, and he came across as a wholly forgettable boy. | あまり手入れをされていない黒髪と、とくに目を引く部分のない少年像が、そこにはあった。 |
If she had to look at him in a more positive light, she would describe him more a young man than a boy. | いや。その凡庸さを好意的に解釈するなら、少年ではなく青年っぽいというべきだろう。 |
It was his calm demeanor that made him seem more mature. | 落ち着いた雰囲気がどことなく大人びている。 |
EN | JP |
Was that the cause of Aoko's reasonless reaction? | ……そのあたりが青子の“理由なき反感”に繋がったのか。 |
He seemed almost too at home in the meeting room, and she was left with the impression that it was her and the teacher, not this outsider, who were the guests here. | 少年はあまりに自然で、違和感なく会議室の風景に溶けこんでいた。学校では彼の方が異分子なのに、自分たちの方が客人になったような錯覚。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
She felt an unidentifiable aggravation building within her, almost as if her right to be here was in question. | まるで、自分たちが持って生まれた正当性を糾されたような、正体不明の苛立ち。 |
Aoko felt herself raising her natural defenses. | カチン、と警戒心にスイッチが入るのを青子は感じた。 |
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(...What's with me? | 『―――信じられない。 |
Am I really this angry for no reason?) | 私、いま意味もなく怒ってない……?』 |
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She hated not understanding things, her own emotions, in particular. | 分からない事は苛立たしい。自分の感情なら尚更だ。 |
It pained her less than you would imagine for a perfectionist like her, but it still nagged her like a thorn in her side. | 完璧主義者である彼女にとって、それは痛くはないけど気がかりなトゲのようなもので、 |
"Uh, hahaha. Aozaki, why don't you introduce yourself?" | 「いやぁ、ははは。ほら蒼崎くん、挨拶してあげなくちゃ」 |
Mr. Yamasiro's attempt to relieve the tension was equally irritating. | 山城の場を取り繕う声にも、わりと本気でイラっとした。 |
EN | JP |
"...Introduce myself, huh." | 「―――挨拶?」 |
After casting a nasty glance in the teacher's direction, Aoko turned to face the boy. | じろりと山城を横目で睨んでから、青子はまっすぐに少年を見据えた。 |
From an outsider's perspective, it might have looked like a staredown. | いや、第三者的に見れば、正面から睨みつけた。 |
And in that instant... | この瞬間。 |
The culmination of her emotional state hurtled toward the innocent boy, and skewered him. | 災難なことに、彼女の感情の矛先はぴったりと、なんの罪もない初対面の少年に向けられたのである。 |
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"Again, sorry for the wait, Sizuki." | 「いや、待たせたね静希くん」 |
Hearing his name, Soujyuro came to his senses. | 名前を呼ばれて少年……草十郎は我に返った。 |
His stunned gaze shook loose. | 見惚れていた目をゆるめて、 |
He took a deep breath to clear his head. | 目眩を飲みこむように息を吸う。 |
Chalking it up to nerves, Mr. Yamasiro broke out a smile and turned to the girl standing beside him. | その仕草から緊張していると見たのか、山城教諭は穏やかに笑って、かたわらの少女に語りかけた。 |
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"I'll do the introductions then. This is the transfer student, Soujyuro Sizuki. | 「紹介するよ。彼が転入生の静希草十郎くん。 |
And this is our student council president who came in on her day off just to show you around. Her name is Aoko Aozaki." | で、こっちの彼女が静希くんの案内役。うちの生徒会長で、休日を押して新しい仲間の案内役を買って出てくれた、蒼崎青子くんだ」 |
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Having been introduced by Mr. Yamasiro, the girl took a step forward. | 山城教諭に紹介され、少女は一歩前に出る。 |
Her eyes were merciless. | 視線に容赦はない。 |
Her stare, an unspoken threat to violently trample her opponent. | ほとんど暴力に近い、値踏みするような凝視。 |
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Soujyuro, on the other hand, managed to keep his own composure despite the shock at how confrontational she appeared. | 一方草十郎は、正面から堂々と見つめられる事に驚きつつ、なんとか平静を保っていた。 |
He had never been greeted quite like this before, but supposed, mistakenly, that this was how people treated each other in the city. | これまでこういう挨拶には出会わなかったけれど、都会では珍しいものではないのだろう、と勘違いしての事である。 |
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The exchange must have looked quite dramatic to an onlooker. | そんなふたりのやり取りは、第三者視点からすると壮絶なものがあった。 |
A girl ready to brawl... | とにかく因縁をつけたがっている乱暴者と、 |
An earnest country boy desperate to understand... | それを何事だろう、と真剣に眺めている田舎者。 |
It was a murderous limbo, especially for anyone in the room with them. | 当事者たちはともかく、周りにいる人間にとっては蛇の生殺しに近い。 |
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Like Mr. Yamasiro, for example. | たとえば、青子の後ろにいる山城教諭とか。 |
While he had thought he had made the right decision in choosing an honor student to help him out, she was in an inexplicably bad mood, and the tension in the air was undeniable. | 良かれと思って案内役に優等生を選んでみたものの、なぜかその優等生はご機嫌ななめ。今もピリピリと空気を震わせている。 |
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It was this moment that he realized his failure. | ここに至って、山城は自らの失敗を受け入れた。 |
His realization had come far too late. | 今さらの話ではあるが、 |
One false move, and this girl, for whom no problem was too large, would becoming a storm that would rock the very foundations of the school. | この、万事をそつなく解決する女子生徒は、扱いどころを間違えると一転して学校を震わす嵐になる。 |
Just as the almighty joker card could bring either fortune or disaster, the sole teacher who had been present at the time would come to bear the blame for the scandal that ensued. | オールマイティの絵柄が悪魔みたいなもので、そんな時、現場に居合わせた教師はたいてい、不祥事の責任を取らされるのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Wow, you two really seem to have hit it off! | 「あー、うん。いけてる、二人とも気は合うようだね! |
...I suppose I can leave you two to it, then?" | ……それじゃ、僕はこのヘンでいいかな?」 |
Mr. Yamasiro laughed nervously as he crept toward the door. | あはは、と白けた笑い声をあげながら、山城教諭はそろりそろりと扉に後じさった。 |
EN | JP |
"I'll be in the faculty room. Stop by when you're finished. | 「僕は職員室にいるから、終わったら来るように。 |
You'll be alright, won't you, Aozaki? | いいかい蒼崎くん、くれぐれも、くれぐれもだぜ? |
You're the student council president! Don't let me down!" | なんていうか、生徒会長としての度量の広さを、このさい僕に信じさせてほしいかな!」 |
EN | JP |
Mr. Yamasiro left, leaving the two in a locked-eyed state, one in which one set of eyes was doing all the glaring. | 見つめあう……正確に言うと、一方は睨まれている…ふたりをそれきりにして、山城教諭は去っていった。 |
All that remained in the room was a naive boy | 残されたのは木訥さの化身みたいな少年と、 |
and a cross-armed guarded girl. | ずーんと腕組みをしている少女だけ。 |
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The two lingered in silence. | しばしの沈黙。 |
They resembled shogi players agonizing over their first moves, though ultimately, it was only Aoko that had considered the scene that carefully. | お互い初手に悩んでいる将棋指しのようだが、その実、思案しているのは自分だけである事に青子は気付いた。 |
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She decided to put her irritation aside for the time being. | とりあえず、苛々するのは置いておいて。 |
With no reason to feel revulsion for him in the first place, she sighed deeply and faced Soujyuro. | そもそも彼に反感を覚える理由はないんだから、と大きくため息をついて、青子は草十郎に向き直った。 |
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"Whatever. It's not like this is the first time that Mr. Yamasiro landed me in it. | 「まあいいわ。山城先生が昼行灯なのは今に始まった事じゃないし。 |
So... what's your name again?" | ―――それで。あなた、名前は?」 |
Her tone was nothing if not reproachful, though he had done nothing to offend her. | きつい口調は、自分から話しかけてこない少年を非難してのものだ。 |
But the boy failed to pick up on it. | が、少年は声に含まれた嫌味に気が付かなかった。 |
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Incapable of such venom himself, | そういう毒っ気とは一生縁のない顔で、 |
"I'm Soujyuro Sizuki," he replied. "And you're... Miss Aozaki, right?" | 「ああ、静希草十郎かな。君は蒼崎さんだったね」 |
For whatever reason, he came across as happy in his response. | なぜか嬉しげに、噛みしめるように応答した。 |
EN | JP |
"Drop the 'Miss.' That's not my style. | 「さんはいいわ、柄じゃないから。 |
Is Sizuki fine?" | こっちは静希君でいい?」 |
"What do you mean?" | 「いいって、なにが?」 |
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" | 「だから呼び方。君付けでいいかって訊いてるの」 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
"Hello? Did I say something weird?" | 「……なによ。おかしなコト言った、私?」 |
"Yeah, very-" | 「いや、すごく」 |
The boy replied immediately as if it was a natural response, but quickly second guessed himself. | 少年は当たり前のように即答しながら、あれ、そうでもないのか、などとひとりこぼす。 |
EN | JP |
"Uh, never mind. That must be normal here. | 「いや、いいんだ、ごく一般的なんだろう。 |
You can call me Sizuki. You mind if I call you Aozaki?" | 静希君で頼む。君は蒼崎でいいんだよな?」 |
"Suit yourself." | 「ええ、よろしく」 |
She followed her blunt reply with a swift turn away from him. | 素っ気なく応えて踵を返す青子。 |
While she was hardly thrilled at the prospect of the task at hand, it had been entrusted to her, and it was her personal policy to see it through to the end. | 気は乗らないが、任されたからにはきちんと仕事をこなすのが彼女のポリシーである。 |
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"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood for pleasantries. | 「悪いけど、優しくしてあげる気はないから。 |
Time is short, so let's get this over with." | 時間も惜しいし、手早くいくわよ」 |
"Sure. I know your time is valuable." | 「それは助かる。やっぱり時間は大切だ」 |
Aoko's blunt rancor was lost on him once again. | 青子の直球は、またも効果なくスルーされた。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Humans tend to be overly conscious about being ignored, whatever form that takes. | どんな行為にしろ、無視をされると余計意識してしまうのが人間である。 |
But despite being peeved at landing none of her attacks, Aoko did her best to act professional and directed her guest into the hallway. | さっきからことごとく攻撃が空ぶっている事にムッとしながらも、青子は努めて事務的に廊下に出るよう促した。 |
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There was no sunlight in the hallway, nor any sign of life. | 窓のない通路には外からの日差しも、人の気配もない。 |
This was more like a prison than the cave that was the meeting room. | 会議室が天然の岩屋なら、こちらは人工の監獄を思わせる。 |
As it dawned on Aoko that the hallway matched her mood, she sighed once again. | 実に今の気分にあった廊下だわ、と青子はまたもため息ひとつ。 |
EN | JP |
"First things first. Did you understand everything Mr. Yamasiro explained to you?" | 「まず訊いておくけど、山城先生から聞いた事は理解してる?」 |
"Yes, I get how the school works. | 「ああ、学校の仕組みについては分かった。 |
But it's still a bit hard to imagine that everyone here is around the same age." | この建物ぜんぶに同い年の人間がいるなんて、ちょっと想像できないけど」 |
EN | JP |
"...I see. Great." | 「……そ、良かったわね」 |
Aoko rubbed her forehead. | 額を指で押さえる青子。 |
This Soujyuro kid had no idea what he was in for. | この草十郎という少年は学校のなんたるかも知らなかった。 |
Apparently, all he'd heard about school was that it was a place where a lot of people met to study. | ただ漠然と、大勢の人々で学習する場所、としか聞いていなかったらしい。 |
EN | JP |
High school teachers imparted to students their knowledge in various fields of study, while fostering discipline and creativity. | 高校教師は様々な分野の知識や見識、機構と創造性を生徒に教授する。 |
But never did Aoko imagine that she would have to explain the concept of school itself to someone. | が、そもそも学校とは何か、と根本の理念を語る日がこようとは、夢にも思わなかっただろう。 |
Yes, fundamentals were important. But this was absurd. | 基本は大事というが、それにしても基本すぎる。 |
She had serious doubts whether he could even handle classes, but Mr. Yamasiro insisted that things would work out somehow. | ……そんなんで高等学校の授業についてこられるのかと青子は疑問を抱いたが、山城教諭曰く、そこは何とかなっていたとのこと。 |
Soujyuro had managed to pass the transfer exam, after all. Barely. | 一応、転入試験はギリギリでパスしたらしい。 |
EN | JP |
(Not my problem.) | 『……ま、私には関係ないけど』 |
Aoko grumbled mentally as she walked down the hallway. | 内心で呟きながら廊下を歩く青子。 |
She consoled herself with the fact that today would be the only day she'd spend with this boy out of time... or at least, she'd try to keep it that way. | なんであれ、この時代錯誤な男子と付き合うのは今日だけなのだ、いや、今日だけにしたい、と自分に言い聞かせながら。 |
EN | JP |
"Aozaki..." | 「蒼崎」 |
He asked, calmly trying to get her attention. | そんな青子に、少年は平然と話しかけた。 |
EN | JP |
"What?" | 「なに?」 |
"Can I ask you something?" | 「こっちもひとつ訊いていいかな」 |
"Yeah, and?" | 「だから、なに?」 |
EN | JP |
"I could be wrong about this, but you seem upset about something. | 「俺の気のせいだと思うんだが、君はまるで、何かを睨んでいるように見える。 |
You're not a morning person, are you?" | やはり、今朝は悪いものでも?」 |
His gaze revealed earnest concern, as if asking her if she'd remembered to eat breakfast. | 食べたのかい? と本気で心配する眼差し。 |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
EN | JP |
It was like another hammer to her head. | ガン、と二度目のハンマーが青子の頭を叩いた。 |
It was true that Aoko had been glaring at Soujyuro the entire time. | たしかに青子はさっきから草十郎を睨んでいる。 |
Glaring red-hot daggers, in fact. | というかもう本気で睨んでいる。 |
Not just at him, but the universe. | むしろあらゆるものを睨んでいる。 |
EN | JP |
Even on her best days, her roommate used to remark, | 平時でさえ同居人から、 |
"Most people can't handle your scowl, Aoko. | 『青子の視線は普通の人には厳しいわ。 |
It wouldn't hurt you to be a little more tolerant." | もう少し、多くのことに寛大になるべきね』 |
She'd been warned that her emotions were so naked on her face that people treated her like a powder keg. How naive could the boy be that he could not pick up on this? | と諭されるぐらいの視線が、明確に“これ以上負荷がかかったらキレる”と意思表示しまくっているのだ。それを気のせいと感じられるほど、この少年は鈍感なのだろうか? |
EN | JP |
(He's not making fun of me, is he? No... he couldn't be.) | 『……私を馬鹿にしてる……って訳じゃなさそうよね、この場合』 |
"?" | 「?」 |
Even she found her own attempt to reassure herself unconvincing. | 自分にそう言い聞かせてみたが、あまり確証は取れそうになかった。 |
EN | JP |
It began to dawn on Aoko, far too late... | 青子は今さらながら直感する。 |
...that compared to her, this laid-back transfer student might as well have been from another planet. | この間の抜けた転入生は、自分にとって未知の生き物と同義なのではないだろうか、と。 |
EN | JP |
"Look. Let me spell it out for you, because you're just not getting it. | 「……いいわ。言葉にしないと分からないようだから言うけど、まるで、じゃなくて、ずばりそうなの。 |
It's not your imagination. I am angry and anyone could see that in my eyes. It's easier than trying to make conversation." | 貴方の気のせいじゃなくて、私は視線で遠回しに感情を表現してたの。いちいち声にだすのも、会話にするのも面倒だから」 |
In response to her words, the Martian clapped his hands together. | 青子の言葉に、ポン、と両手を叩くインベーダー。 |
EN | JP |
"That makes sense. I don't know why you'd want to do it that way, but I get that it's a faster way to express yourself." | 「なるほど。どうしてそうしたいのかは分からないが、たしかに、そっちの方がてっとり早い意思表現だ」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro accepted her reasoning without argument. | 素直に納得する草十郎。 |
Though he still had no idea what kinds of emotions she was trying to express. | けれど、彼は青子がどんな感情を表現しているのかが分かっていない。 |
It was as if he could hear the words but didn't grasp the meaning. | 文字は読めるけれど、その意味までは掴めていない。 |
Ideas that should have connected were instead separated into blocks. | 本来直結して考えるべき事が、ブロック単位で離れている感じ。 |
EN | JP |
(So it's true. He really is peculiar.) | 『……たしかにズレてるわ、こいつ……』 |
Mr. Yamasiro's words made sense to her now. | 青子は山城教諭の言葉を今更ながらに納得した。 |
What was odd about this boy went way beyond naivety. | この少年のおかしさは、鈍感だとかそういった基準の話ではないらしい。 |
A stranger in a strange land he may be, but it was only civilized to forgive him some jet lag-induced confusion. | ……それでも。彼にとってここは異国の地のようなもの、多少の時差ボケは許容するのが文明人というものだろう。 |
EN | JP |
"Let's visit your classroom." | 「じゃ、とりあえず貴方の教室に行くから」 |
She had regained her composure. | 気を取り直して青子は言う。 |
Soujyuro raised his hand and stopped in his tracks. | それを草十郎は片手を上げて止めた。 |
EN | JP |
"Just one more thing." | 「ああ、あとひとつ」 |
Aoko waited for Soujyuro to continue. The boy was patient to a fault. | あくまで泰然と言う草十郎に、青子は黙って先を促した。 |
She rubbed her forehead with her hand again, nursing a vague feeling of uneasiness. | 額を指で押さえたまま、漠然とした不安を感じたまま。 |
EN | JP |
"I wanted to ask-why are you so angry? | 「これもちょっとした疑問なんだが、なんで君は怒ってるんだ? |
Is it your line of business? Or does it run in your family?" | 怒るのが商売とか、そういう家柄の人なのか?」 |
"..." | 「―――――――――」 |
EN | JP |
A long silence. | 長い沈黙。 |
Though she knew it wouldn't change the situation, she remembered her regret at answering the phone that morning. | 今となっては後の祭りだが、青子はしばし、今朝の電話を取った事を痛烈に後悔した。 |
He meant no harm. | 相手に悪気はない。 |
She repeated this thought like a mantra in an attempt to keep her impulses in check. | これは天然、ただの天然、と心の中で繰り返し、青子は直情を抑えこんだ。 |
EN | JP |
"It's not you, if that's what you're worried about. | 「別にあなたのせいじゃないから、気にする必要はないわ。 |
I'd just... rather be somewhere else right now." | ただ、この一瞬とお昼まで眠っていた場合を秤にかけたらあまりに利益の違いがあって、頭を抱えただけよ」 |
With that vague answer, she started to walk again. | 回りくどい返事をして、今度こそ青子は歩きだした。 |
And turned her gaze away from this rude stranger named Soujyuro Sizuki. | 静希草十郎という失礼なストレンジャーを、完全に視界から切り離して。 |
Scene 3
EN | JP |
While what constitutes 'normal' is certainly up for debate, most would undoubtedly refer to him as so. He was a simple and nice boy with nondescript features. If he were an ice cream flavor, he would be vanilla. | 何を基準にして普通というのか疑問だけれど、性格はいたって普通。素朴でいい人。イメージカラーはあえて白。性別は男子。容姿はぼんやりしている。 |
EN | JP |
And Soujyuro found Aoko to be very businesslike and full of life. | そんな草十郎から見ると、蒼崎青子という人物はシャキシャキとよく動いて元気が良かった。 |
There was a certain purpose to her movements, as they began and ended in an orderly fashion. | 何げない動作にも無駄がなく、ピッと動いて、ピタリときれいに止まる。 |
EN | JP |
The way her finger raised when she pointed at things... | 物を指す時に上げる指とか、 |
The way she made her way across the hallways and classrooms... | 廊下や教室を横断する時の動作とか、 |
The way she would occasionally glance back at him to make sure he was keeping pace... | 時折、先行しすぎないように後ろを振り向いて同行人を確認するところとか、 |
Each and every movement was so impressive that he couldn't take his eyes off her. | その一挙一動が実に印象的で、目を引かずにはいられない。 |
EN | JP |
Aoko showed him to his homeroom-Class C of the 11th grade. | 青子はまず二年C組の教室を案内した。 |
The room certainly displayed more of a human touch than the previous meeting room, but Soujyuro was none the wiser as to its function. | 先ほどの会議室よりは人の匂いは感じられたが、やはり草十郎には何をする場所なのか見当がつかなかった。 |
Aoko gave a brief explanation before they visited individual subject classrooms, as well as the gym, cafeteria, locker room, and school infirmary. | 青子から短い説明を受けた後、何種類かある特別教室、体育館、食堂、更衣室、保健室と回っていく。 |
Soujyuro asked so many questions that much time passed before they reached the AV room on the second floor. | 草十郎が行く先々で説明を求めたせいか、二階の視聴覚室を出た頃にはずいぶんと時間が経っていた。 |
EN | JP |
"...Oh dear." | 「……まずいな」 |
Soujyuro stopped, looking genuinely concerned. | 深刻な顔で、草十郎は足を止めた。 |
"It's twenty to one already." | 「あと二十分経つと一時だ」 |
EN | JP |
"Huh? You're kidding, right? This school isn't that big. We'll be done soon." | 「へ? 嘘でしょ、うちの校舎そんな広くないわよ?」 |
The tour had begun around ten, which meant that three hours had passed. | たしか案内を始めたのが午前十時前だから、一時という事はかれこれ三時間は経つ事になる。 |
A tour of a school shouldn't take anywhere near this long. | たかだか校内案内でそんな筈はないのだが…… |
EN | JP |
"Maybe if you didn't ask so many questions, we'd be done by now. It's a miracle it's still light out." | 「……そうだったわね。行く先々で根ほり葉ほり訊かれちゃ、そりゃあ何時間でも経つわ。日が暮れていないのが不思議なくらいね」 |
Aoko glared at Soujyuro. | 青子はじろりと草十郎を見すえる。 |
She was being sarcastic, of course, knowing full well he would never pick up on it. | こんな嫌味が通じる相手じゃない、と分かった上での小言である。 |
EN | JP |
(...Is he...?) | 『………え?』 |
Aoko Aozaki. | が。 |
He looked down apologetically, unable to hide his dejection. | どんな心境の変化か、草十郎は申し訳なさそうに目を伏せていた。 |
EN | JP |
(Oops. I think I broke him.) | 『なんだ、コイツ―――ちゃんとしてる、じゃん』 |
The guy before her now was nothing like earlier. | 困っている草十郎は別人のようだ。 |
In contrast to seeing his once-impenetrable veneer when they first met, she found herself feeling sympathetic. | これまでの、青子が何を言っても反応せずの無表情と違って、言い難い親近感が湧く。 |
Momentarily, at least, until her irritation returned in full force. | そして、なぜだかやっぱり、青子は理由もなくイライラしてしまうのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"What's the hurry? | 「で、なにがまずいの? |
Don't tell me your brain's not big enough to remember all this stuff." | 覚える事が多すぎてパンクした、なんて言わないでね」 |
"Well, there's that, but it's more about it almost being one o'clock." | 「いや、それもあるけど。学校の事は別にして、一時になるとまずいんだ」 |
Soujyuro's gaze wandered as if worried about something. | つい、と心配そうに視線を逸らす草十郎。 |
If he was worried about the weather, he would have a hard time seeing it as there were no windows in this hallway. | 外の様子が気になるのだろうが、あいにく、この廊下に窓はない。 |
EN | JP |
"Don't tell me-you've got somewhere better to be." | 「……へえ。時間を気にするってコトは、用事があるのね。 |
Thaaat's perfect. I take time out of my day for you, and you don't have the decency to even hang around. | ふーん、そう。人の予定を引っ掻き回しておいて、自分だけ好きなようにやろうっていうんだ。 |
You're a real piece of work, you know that?" | なんだ。顔に似合わずいい人ね、君」 |
EN | JP |
"Umm, thanks, I guess? That's nice of you to say." | 「? いや、誉めても何もでないぞ」 |
"Not a compliment!" | 「誰も誉めちゃいないわよ!」 |
She yelled at him, unable to hold back her fury. | つい怒鳴ってしまった青子だった。 |
EN | JP |
"So what?" | 「で?」 |
"So what?" | 「で?」 |
"What's happening in twenty minutes?" | 「それで。いったい、何の用なの」 |
Soujyuro's face lit up, as he finally understood what she was asking him. | 青子の言わんとする事が分かって、草十郎はああ、と落ち着いた顔で頷き、 |
"It's a secret." | 「そこは秘密にしておきたい」 |
He said with a perfectly straight face. | 深刻に、ふざけた返答を口にした。 |
EN | JP |
(Ugh. Every time I think I've got this guy figured out, he finds a way to trip me up.) | 『……馴れ始めたつもりだったけど、コイツのこういったテンポには失神しそうになるわ……』 |
Her frustration was natural. | もちろん怒りで。 |
Still, she did everything she could to stifle her feelings and fake a smile. | そんな気持ちをぐっと飲みこんで、青子は極上の笑顔を作る。 |
EN | JP |
"You want to repeat that, Sizuki?" | 「静希くん?」 |
She took a step forward. | ずいっと一歩前に出る青子。 |
"Like I said, it's a secret." | 「秘密だってば」 |
Feeling the mood change drastically, Soujyuro took a step back. | なんだか殺気めいたものを感じて、ずいっと一歩後ずさる草十郎。 |
And another... And another... | ずいっ、ずいっ。 |
No matter how many steps he took back, she kept edging toward him. | 磁石のように、どんなにさがっても青子は近寄ってくる。 |
She was smiling, but he thought he could see the blood boiling beneath her skin. | 笑顔のまま、こめかみをちょっと震わせて。 |
EN | JP |
"Last question: | 「これ、最後の質問にしとくわね。 |
Do you enjoy mocking me?" | ―――貴方、私をからかって楽しい?」 |
He had no intention of mocking her, though at this point he doubted presenting any evidence to prove this would do much to erase that forced smile on her face. | 神に誓ってそんな気はないのだが、身の潔白を証明したところで青子の無理やりな笑顔は消えないだろう。 |
"...Let me explain." | 「……分かった、説明する」 |
His arms raised in surrender. | 降参して手を上げる。 |
She halted her advance and freed her face from that unseemly smile. | 青子も前進を止め、不似合いな笑みを消した。 |
EN | JP |
"The truth is that my part-time job shift starts at one. | 「実は一時からアルバイトがあるんだ。 |
But, students aren't allowed to have jobs, right?" | でも、ここはそういうの禁止なんだろ?」 |
"Yeah... Wait, were you being tight-lipped because you thought you'd get in trouble? All you have to do is get permission, dweeb!" | 「そうだけど……あ、禁止されてるから秘密にしようと思ったの? バカね、それなら許可さえ下りていれば問題ないわよ?」 |
EN | JP |
"I know, and I did. I got permission when they accepted me to the school." | 「知ってる。試験の時に許可はもらってる」 |
"Really." | 「へえ」 |
Aoko's face lit up as she realized he might not be the piece of work she thought him to be. | 顔に似合わず手回しいいじゃない、と青子は顔を輝かせた。 |
Aoko Aozaki. | が。 |
EN | JP |
"But I only got permission for one of my jobs." | 「しかし、許可はひとつしかもらえなかった」 |
"Wait, you have more than one job?" | 「? ひとつって、貴方、掛け持ちでバイトしてるの?」 |
"Well, I quit two of them... | 「……これでも二件減らしたんだ。 |
Living expenses are bad enough, but now I have to earn money for school as well. Don't you think it's unreasonable of them to only let me work one job?" | 生活費だけで大変なのに、学費まで稼がなくちゃいけない。なのに、働き先はひとつだけと言うのはあんまりだと思わないか?」 |
"...No, I think you're the one who's being unreasonable." | 「……いや。あんまりなのは貴方の方だと思うけど」 |
EN | JP |
Though still irritated, her opinion of him changed a little. | 青子は呆れながらも、草十郎を少しだけ見直した。 |
She was impressed that he was able to take care of his tuition and living expenses all on his own. | 学費はおろか生活費まで自分でどうにかしているのは立派だと思う。 |
She could also empathize with having no time to oneself. Her anger began to subside. | そういう遊びのない事情に、蒼崎青子はわりと弱かった。さっきまでの怒りも薄れてしまう程度には。 |
The words 'part-time job' were about the last things she ever expected to hear out of this country boy's mouth. | ……調子を崩したのは、この世間知らずの少年から『アルバイト』なんて単語が出るとは思いもしなかっただけだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. | 「……そういうことなら仕方ないわね。 |
It's fine. You can go. I get it." | いいわ、行きなさいよ。事情は分かったから」 |
"Will you be okay?" | 「蒼崎はいいのか?」 |
She had no idea what his question meant, but she at least understood he was trying to be considerate. | 何がいいのだか青子にはさっぱりだが、草十郎が気を遣っている事だけは分かる。 |
Which also took her by surprise. | ……それも、青子にはなんとなく意外だった。 |
She figured he'd be just as dense about people's feelings as he was about everything else. | もう少しこう、人の心にも鈍感な少年だと思ったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"I'll be fine. I'll just head home." | 「別に。私もこのまま帰るから」 |
First, though, she thought it best that they both stop by the faculty room. | ちなみに、職員室に寄っていく選択は潔いぐらい無い。 |
Mr. Yamasiro had mentioned that the transfer procedures had already been completed, so all that remained was for him to sign off on her duties. | 山城曰く、転入手続きやらは終わっているというし、後は社交辞令の挨拶だけだろう。 |
EN | JP |
"I've finished showing him around." | “先生、案内終わりました” |
"Great job. That goes for you, too, Sizuki. What did you think of our school?" | “それはお疲れさま。静希くんもお疲れさま。それで、校舎をまわった感想はどうかな?” |
"Thank you for the tour. It's like a real school!" | “ありがとうございます。なんというか、とても学校ですね!” |
"Hahaha. That's great to hear. Okay, then. Best of luck starting tomorrow!" | “ははは、そうかそうか。うん、明日から頑張りなさい!” |
She had no interest whatsoever in this pointless wrap-up meeting. | そんなどうでもいい締めのイベントなぞ、彼女には何ら関係のない話である。 |
EN | JP |
"You'll have to forgive Mr. Yamasiro. | 「山城先生の事は気にしないでいいわ。 |
He likes the faculty room so much he chooses to kick back there while getting his students to do his dirty work for him. I bet he spends hours in there. | 教え子に厄介な事を押しつけてふんぞり返っているぐらい職員室が好きなんだから、何時間でも待ってるでしょ。 |
Actually, that's pretty smart of him." | いえ、待ってるべきじゃない?」 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, Aozaki. If you're fine with it, then so am I." | 「そうか。蒼崎がいいんなら、いいんだな」 |
"?" | 「?」 |
There it was again. | だから、何がいいんだろうか? |
Whatever Soujyuro was getting at, Aoko had no idea. | 草十郎の言わんとするところが、青子にはやっぱりさっぱり。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm going to get going. Thanks again for today." | 「それじゃ行くよ。今日はありがとう」 |
"Yes, today. Today only." | 「今日だけよ、今日だけ」 |
She shooed him away with her hand. | ほら、さっさと行った、とばかりに青子は片手をひらひらと払う。 |
His face bent into a broad smile, as if he found the gesture endearing. | その仕草が気に入ったのか、草十郎は嬉しげに笑った。 |
EN | JP |
It was a softer expression than she had grown accustomed to seeing out of him. | 常時ぼんやりしているせいか、彼のそういった顔はきわだって柔らかく見える。 |
It was the kind of smile that would make anyone smile back. | つい笑みを返してしまうぐらいの和み度だ。 |
Well, most people at least... | けれどやっぱり、 |
Aoko Aozaki didn't betray the slightest hint of a smile. | そういったものに反応しないのが蒼崎青子だった。 |
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"See you later." | 「それじゃ、また」 |
"Huh?" | 「は?」 |
And with that friendly farewell, Soujyuro walked toward the end of the hallway. | 旧知の友人みたいな言葉を残して、草十郎は廊下の先…… |
Or so she thought before he turned into the next class over. | ではなく、隣の教室に入っていった。 |
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"Did he just...?" | 「ちょ―――」 |
Soujyuro headed straight for one of the classroom's window. | その背中が、まっすぐに窓に向かっていく。 |
Whereupon he opened it with ease. | 彼はおもむろに教室の窓を開けた。 |
The chilly November air filled the room as the soft sounds of the rain doubled in volume. | 十一月の肌寒い風と、おぼろだった雨の音が鮮明になる。 |
In that instant, she realized his intention with opening the window-she really wished she hadn't. | それが何を意味するのかを、蒼崎青子は瞬時に悟った。悟れてしまった。 |
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"Nooo! Stop stop stop STOP!" | 「いや、待て待て待てーーーーっっっ!」 |
He already had one leg out the window when she dashed to stop him. | 今まさに、窓枠に片足を乗っける草十郎を、青子は必死の形相で止めた。 |
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"What do you think you're doing!?" | 「なにするつもりよ、あんたはっ!」 |
"What am I doing? I'm leaving for my job, that's what." | 「なにって、アルバイトに行くんだけど」 |
"You do know that this window isn't an exit, don't you!? | 「その窓は人が出入りするところじゃないの! |
I mean, do you even know what floor you're on!?" | だいたい、ここ何階だと思ってるの!?」 |
She saw the light of understanding dawn in his eyes. | 言われて、あ、と声をあげる草十郎。 |
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"...Oh my god, I almost died. Who would put an exit here!? This is dangerous." | 「……死ぬところだった。二階から下りたら危なすぎる」 |
"It's the lack of something between your ears that's dangerous." | 「危ないのはあんたの頭……」 |
Her insult went right over his head. | 脱力しつつも暴言をこぼすが、幸い、草十郎には聞こえていなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"People here don't normally enter and exit through windows, okay? | 「あのね、こっちじゃ窓から人は出入りしないの。 |
You should probably remember this information for future reference." | さっき言っとくべきだったわ」 |
"Oh, I know. I just wanted to save some time. | 「知ってるよ、時間がないんであわててたんだ。 |
But thanks. I'll be more careful from now on." | ありがとう、これからは気をつける」 |
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He pulled his leg back inside and closed the window. | よいしょ、と窓枠から片足を下ろして窓を閉める草十郎。 |
His school uniform was soaking wet from the rain. | 見るからに下ろしたての制服は、今ので雨に濡れてしまっていた。 |
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"Hey, be my guest. | 「……いいけど、私は別に。 |
Go outside any way you like, just don't do it in front of me from now on. | あなたが何処から外に出ようが関係ないもの。ただ、できれば私の前ではやらないでほしいだけよ。 |
Anyway... You start school tomorrow, right?" | それより……貴方、本当に明日から学校に来るの?」 |
"Yeah. I'm a little nervous, though, which is why I came in early for the tour." | 「来るよ。不安だけど、案内してもらったし」 |
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He bid her farewell before running away down the hallway. | それじゃあ、と返して、少年は廊下を走っていった。 |
She hoped he would walk down the stairs and leave through the school entrance, like a normal person. | 今度こそ普通に、階段を下りて昇降口から出ていくのだろう。 |
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"Ugh... I wonder if he's really going to be okay here." | 「……はあ。大丈夫なのか、あんなんで」 |
The image of him disappearing into the distance popped into her head, in spite of her ire. | 呆れながらも、走り去った彼の背中を回想する。 |
She had no intention of spending any more time with him, and yet, she felt strangely anxious. | もうあんな田舎者とは関わりたくないのに、妙なところで気に掛かる。 |
She couldn't tell if the feeling was fueled by concern or irritation. | 心配からか、それとも癪に障るからなのか、いまいち納得のいく答えは出ない。 |
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Why had she even gotten angry with this insignificant transfer student in the first place? | そもそもどうして自分はさしたる理由もなく、あのどうでもいい転入生に怒りを覚えたのか。 |
A strange day with a strange transfer student resulting in strange emotions. | 妙な一日、妙な転入生、妙な感情。 |
Her head tilted as she reflected on what should have been a more enjoyable day than the irritating experience she just had. | こうして振り返ってみると、実は怒るべきじゃなく楽しむべきコトだったんじゃないか、と首をかしげる自分もいる。 |
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"Whatever. | 「―――ま、いっか。 |
It's not as if I'll see him again." | どうせこれっきりなんだし」 |
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The sound of the rain echoed quietly all around her. | 静かに響く雨の音。 |
The gray sky seemed frozen in time. | 灰色の空は時間の有様を麻痺させる。 |
It was impossible to discern whether it was morning or evening. | 今はまだ午前中なのか、夕方なのかも判らない。 |
Mr. Yamasiro and Aoko were likely the only ones left at school. | 校舎にはたぶん自分と、山城ぐらいしかいないだろう。 |
The unlit classroom looked overly gloomy and ominous as Aoko stood in it alone. | 電灯の消えた教室は薄暗く、ひとりになるとやけに不気味だった。 |
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She pulled up her left sleeve. | つと―――青子は左手の袖を上げた。 |
Her dainty, unremarkable watch showed that it was almost one o'clock. | 飾り気のない小さな腕時計は、たしかに午後一時になろうとしている。 |
"He was right about the time." | 「……時間、あってる」 |
She looked out the window at the grounds below. | 言って、青子は窓ごしに地上を見下ろした。 |
She saw a boy in uniform running through the rain without an umbrella. A sight she must have seen before, but for whatever reason, affected her far more than she wished. | 小雨の中、制服姿の男子が傘もささずに走っていく。見慣れている筈の光景が、彼女にはひどく印象深かった。 |
Scene 4
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Aoko did not stop by the faculty room before heading home. | 青子は先の公言通り、職員室に寄らず帰路についた。 |
While Mr. Yamasiro's offer to drive her home was tempting, she decided it would ultimately be far more satisfying to ruin his day just as he had hers. | 山城の「帰りは車で送るよ」という提案には心揺さぶられるものがあったが、せめてもの報復として彼の休日にも共倒れしてもらうのはどうか、という案の方が何倍も魅力的だったからだ。 |
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She walked as quietly as she could toward the entrance and opened her bright red umbrella. | 足音を立てず昇降口に行き、まっ赤な傘を開く。 |
As she had predicted that morning, the rain was waning in the afternoon. | 朝の予報通り、正午を過ぎて雨は小降りになっていた。 |
At this rate, it would probably cease completely in an hour or so. | この分なら、あと一時間ほどで止むだろう。 |
The distant sunshine would likely have reached her by the time she arrived home. | 青子が帰宅するのと入れ替わりで、遠くの空に見えた日射しがやってくる事になる。 |
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"Well, I suppose it could be worse." | 「――――ま、それも悪くないか」 |
She shrugged her shoulders in resignation. | 肩をすくめて観念する。 |
She neither liked nor disliked rain, but she found herself enjoying her walk home with her red umbrella in hand. | 雨は好きでも嫌いでもない青子だが、赤い傘を開いて歩く事には、ちょっとした愉しみがあるからだ。 |
EN | JP |
The teachers at Misaki High School weren't fond of bright colors, so Aoko's red umbrella was an unusual sight. | 教師たちがそろって派手目を嫌う三咲高において、青子の赤い傘は珍しい色と言える。 |
A ghost story about how the umbrella was once pure white had been making the rounds, but it featured Aoko instead of a ghost. | 一時期、“蒼崎の傘は昔は白かった”なんて語りだしの怪談が流行ったが、その話ではお化けのかわりに青子が活躍しているらしい。 |
It was with that umbrella that she made her way toward Misaki Station. | そんな曰くつきの傘を開いて、青子は三咲町の駅に向かう。 |
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The private Misaki High School got its name from the town of the same name. | 彼女の通う私立三咲高等学校は、その名の通り三咲町にある。 |
The area was once a sprawl of farmland and woodland, but rapid growth over the last ten years had led to unprecedented modernization. | 昔から大部分が畑と森だった三咲町だが、ここ十年、高度成長期の勢いで急激に近代化が進んでいた。 |
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There were some who fought to preserve Misaki's natural treasures. | 自然に満ちた三咲町を残すべきではないか、という声もあったが、 |
"I agree in principle to preserving the land, but not at the expense of our prosperity." | 『残す事には賛成ですが、それでは遺すだけになってしまうでしょう』 |
With those words, the mayor snuffed out the voices of the minority and ushered in a long-term plan for new urban development. | なんて市長の一声で少数派は鎮圧。長期計画で新しい街作りがはじまった。 |
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More than enough funds for the urban development were collected, | 都市開発には十分すぎる金額が集められ、 |
and the unassuming town of Misaki became the largest municipality of Misaki City in merely ten years. | わりかし普通の町だった三咲町はわずか十年で三咲市を代表する町になったのである。 |
Even though it lacked the modernity of neighboring Yashirogi | ……もっとも、近代的な面では隣町である社木に一歩譲り、 |
or the elegance of Misaki Hills... | 上品さでもこれまた隣町の三咲丘に一歩譲る立ち位置だ。 |
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"What did people expect? To keep the town hidden atop the mountain forever? It's not like they were gonna flatten the mountain or something." | 「……それも当然よね。どういじくっても元々が山中の宿場町だし。山ごと切り崩すっていうんなら別だけど」 |
Urbanization had been contained to the lowlands around the station, with most of the hills and mountains still standing as they did ten years prior. | 都市化が進んでいるのは平坦な駅周辺だけで、丘や山は十年前のままだ。 |
The exhaustion of funds succeeded in protecting the old Misaki where the citizens could not. | 昔ながらの三咲町なんてものは、住民が守らなくても資金の枯渇が守ってくれたらしい。 |
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It became a truly odd suburban town, welcoming an increasingly urban population with its vestiges of old country charm. | かくして、三咲町は都心の人間がやってきても、まあ、あまりの田舎っぷりに呆れられるコトだけはないという、実に半端な地方都市になりつつある。 |
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Misaki High School was a private school established long before the town's current state. | そんな三咲町の中にあって、三咲高は開発以前からあった私立高校である。 |
The original campus, built fifty years ago, was located high up in the mountains, making its current location its second incarnation. | 今あるのは第二校舎で、五十年前に建てられた初代校舎はさらに上った山の中。 |
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The path to the old grounds was remote, steep, | 遠い、坂道がきつい、 |
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and also well-trodden by animals. | それ以前に通学路が獣道と化している、 |
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For these reasons, among others, Misaki High School had been shuttered until almost 20 years ago, when it received a donation from a department store chain that allowed for the construction of a new campus in the city. | 等々の理由で二十年前まで閉校していた三咲高校だったが、三咲市に本拠地を持つ某デパートグループからの寄付金をもとに新校舎を設立。 |
And thus, Misaki High School reopened its doors, the old woodland campus forgotten. | かくて、森の校舎は旧校舎として忘れ去られる事になり、三咲高校は再び学舎として開かれた。 |
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In fact, most of the students attending Misaki High School were not from Misaki at all. | しかし、実のところを言えば、三咲高校の生徒の多くは三咲町の住人ではない。 |
The hearty rustic people of this country town preferred prefectural schools to private ones. | この田舎町に住んでいた善良で素朴な人々は、私立高校より県立高校を望んでいたからである。 |
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Truth be told, Aoko herself was one of them. | 何を隠そう、青子もそういった人種の一人だった。 |
All she had wanted after junior high was to move to Tokyo, where she hoped to spend her days enjoying live music on her way to entering a public university. | 彼女には中学卒業とともに上京して、国立大学をめざしながらライブハウスを毎日はしごして回るという慎ましやかな野望があったのだ。 |
But her hopes were dashed with her sister's departure, so here she was, walking alone in town with only a red umbrella to keep her company on what should have been a day off. | そんな彼女の夢も姉の抜け駆けで台無しにされてしまい、何の因果かせっかくの創立記念日に真っ赤な傘をさして歩いている。 |
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"...Looking back on it now... | 「……思い返して見ると。 |
It's like my whole life has been one disaster after another." | 私の人生って、なんか災難続きっぽい……」 |
Her frustration evaporated into the cold December air. | 十二月を前にした寒さの中、ひとりきりでそう呟く。 |
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"Oh well. At least it's not boring." | 「でもま、いっか。退屈だけはしないワケだし」 |
With those words, her mood brightened a bit as she left the school in her wake. | 語尾をかすかに弾ませて学校を後にする。 |
The busier part of town met her at the bottom of the gently sloping road. | ゆるやかな坂道を下ってしまえば、そこは賑わいに満ちた人々の住まう街だ。 |
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Misaki's train station was brand new. | 三咲町の駅は真新しい。 |
Once looking no prettier than an abandoned factory, it had been renovated into a multi-purpose structure with huge department stores on its east and west sides. | かつては廃工場にしか見えなかった建物は、今では東と西に巨大デパートを持つ複合建築に造り替えられていた。 |
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When the department stores first opened, Aoko and her friends had been impressed with their modern feel, but in time, the stores, too, became dated. | このデパートが出来た時、青子も近代化万歳! と友人たちとはしゃいだものだが、この建物もあと何年かすれば時代遅れになるのだろう。 |
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She had no shopping to do today, so she passed them by. | これといった買い物はないのでデパートを通り過ぎる。 |
What she really wanted to do was rest at a café, but she fought the urge, knowing her roommate would never let her hear the end of it if she frittered away her money― | 本当は喫茶店にでもよって体を休めたいところだが、ひとりだけで無駄遣いをするとまた同居人がヘソを曲げかねないので我慢して――― |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
She looked back and blinked. | 振り返って、目をしばたたく。 |
For just a moment, she could have sworn she had seen someone suspicious in a red dress out of the corner of her eye. | 一瞬。視界の隅に、赤い服の不審人物を見た気がした。 |
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"... | 「―――――― |
Heh." | 、ふぅ」 |
It must have been her imagination. | どうやらいつもの勘違い。 |
The sixth-sense chill she was experiencing down her spine was a familiar one at this point. | 背筋には第六感じみた悪寒があるけど、それも慣れたものだと受け流す。 |
She continued her walk home, brushing off the event as if it had never happened. | まったくもって何事もなかったように振る舞って、青子はいつも通りの帰路につく。 |
In time, the chill faded and all that was left was the sounds of the town. | ほどなくして背中の悪寒は消え、街の喧噪だけが耳に残った。 |
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"...Ugh." | 「…………はあ」 |
She sighed heavily. | 大きくため息をひとつ。 |
Had she imagined it? | まったく。 |
Even if it had all been in her head, she was far from comfortable with the feeling that still lingered. | 気のせいにしても、気持ちのいいものじゃない。 |
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"...Even mosquitoes have the grace to buzz off eventually." | 「……夏場の蚊だって、もう少し、こう」 |
She grumbled under her breath. | 節度を弁えている……こともないか、と愚痴をこぼす。 |
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"...Whether good or bad, this too shall pass, so the saying goes. | 「……波瀾万丈、商売繁盛、諸行無常、と。 |
Yeah. I've got enough on my plate as it is." | そうそう、忙しさにグチを言っても始まらないわ」 |
Unfortunately, summer and bugs go hand-in-hand. | うっとうしいけど夏場に蚊はいて当然だし。 |
She could see how bugs could be drawn to all the sweet fruit. | 甘い果実に虫が寄ってくるのは、まあ、正しい価値観だろう、と納得する青子だった。 |
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Rank with grease and heat, the kitchen was closed for the time being. | 油と熱のこもった厨房は、一時の休眠に入っている。 |
The lunch rush had come and gone. | 本日も無事、昼の修羅場を乗り切った。 |
But one last battle remained: dinner time. Only after the evening chaos could the kitchen crew remove their white armor and call it a day. | あとは夕食の混雑さえ乗り越えれば誰もがコックコートを脱いでしまえる。 |
In the midst of the warzone was a lone newcomer. | そんな、激戦を終えたばかりの厨房で、ぽつんと立ちつくす新参者がひとり。 |
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"Umm, do I have to wear this?" | 「ええっと、これ着るんですか?」 |
His voice was uneasy, betraying how new he was. | 新人らしく、不安そうな声で訊ねる。 |
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"I know how you feel, man. I feel the same. Unfortunately, it's the boss's orders, so you'll have to suck it up, okay? 'The future of this shopping arcade is at stake'... apparently. I really hate to ask, but the rain has stopped, so would you mind going out for me? Get back in one piece, and I'll buy you dinner." | 「気持ちは分かる。俺もどうかと思うけど、店長の言うことだからもう笑顔で乗り越えてくれ。これも商店街の明日のため、なんだとよ。本気で申し訳ないんだが、雨も止んだし、なんとか行って来てくれないか? 無事帰ってきたら晩メシおごってやっから」 |
His bright orange co-worker clasped his hands together as if to beg for forgiveness as he saddled him with this unreasonable task. | まぶしいオレンジ色の制服を着こんだ先輩は、本気ですまないと手を合わせて、無理難題を押しつけた。 |
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Ten years ago, Misaki City was a town of farm and woodland. | 十年前、三咲市は畑と森の町だった。 |
But everything had changed. The front of the station was now lined with tall multi-story buildings, and the residential areas were similarly full of apartment complexes. The once rustic scenery around the station had long become a thing of the past. | 現在は開発が進み、駅前にはビルディングが立ち並び、住宅地にも二階建て以上の建築が増え、かつての田園風景は駅から離れないと見られない。 |
Shiroinuzuka was the only place in the city that still contained vestiges of the old town. A pocket of the past inside an urban jungle. | そんな中、都市部においても昔ながらの面影を残しているのがここ、三咲市のエアポケットと言われる白犬塚である。 |
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The road extended up a conspicuously high hill, | ひときわ高い丘に敷かれた長い坂道。 |
to an old residential district far from the hustle and bustle of the train station. | 人々の生活の中心である駅から離れた、昔ながらの住宅地。 |
Long ago, it had been considered unwise to build on high ground, so nobody lived above a certain elevation. | その昔、三咲では高い土地に住居を構えるのはよくない事とされ、一定以上の高みに住む人間はいなかった。 |
Shiroinuzuka, sitting as it did atop a hill in the middle of town, was no exception to that convention and had no residences to speak of. | 町の中心にそびえる丘、この白犬塚もその例にならい、ここから先に民家は見られない。 |
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The asphalt continued for some time, eventually giving way to a mountain road that was swallowed into the cover of trees. | アスファルトの坂道は延々と続くものの、やがて森に閉ざされ、あとは山道のごとき道が続くだけ。 |
A lone vending machine stood to mark the boundary between town and beyond. | 坂道の途中にぽつんと置かれた自動販売機は、さながら町と丘の境界線のようだ。 |
Even the children knew that there was nothing beyond the new playground in development that so enthralled them. | 新しい遊び場の開発に余念がない子供たちでも、この先には何もないと知っている。 |
Well, that was not entirely true. | いや、正しくは。 |
There was nothing... besides the haunted house. | この先には、あのお化け屋敷しかないと知っている。 |
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Aoko Aozaki traversed the long slope. | 長い坂を、蒼崎青子は上っていく。 |
Below her, she could see the whole of Misaki. | 眼下には三咲町の景観が広がっている。 |
The symmetrical town looked like a miniature set from this height. | おもちゃの風景のように均整の取れた町並み。 |
It would look like a painting if there had been a sea next to it, but unfortunately, Misaki City was very much landlocked. | これで近くに海でもあれば絵になるが、残念ながら三咲市は山中の町である。 |
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While it was overcast at the moment, the scene was quite breathtaking on clear evenings. | 空はいまだ曇天だが、晴れた夕暮れ時、ここの風景は素晴らしいものになる。 |
The view was the one thing that made the arduous climb worthwhile, and today, she had been denied even that. | それだけで坂道を上る苦労も報われるのだが、今日はその報酬の影すらなかった。 |
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"...Ugh. I'd cycle home if it wasn't for this rain. Even a bus route would be a fine thing." | 「……はあ。雨の日は自転車も使えないし。一日に二回ぐらいバスでも通ってくれないもんかな、ホント」 |
Aoko had been using this road to get to school for almost two years now, but the journey had never gotten easier. | この坂道を通学路にしてじき二年になる青子だが、辛いものは辛いらしい。 |
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"Oh, it's locked? | 「あれ、鍵閉まったまま? |
I guess Alice isn't back yet." | ……有珠、まだ帰ってきてないんだ」 |
With a weary shrug, she put her hand on the rusty iron fence. | 青子はやれやれと肩をすくめて、古びた鉄柵に手をかける。 |
Quietly, the heavy gate swung open as if to welcome her home. | 重苦しい鉄の門は静かに、この年若い少女を歓迎するように開いていった。 |
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"...There sits atop that hill a haunted house." | ―――丘の上にはお化け屋敷が建っている。 |
That is how the story much shared around town used to begin. | それは三咲町に古くから伝わるむかし話。 |
But fresh rumors about the house had sprung to life almost as fast as the town's modernization: | そして町の近代化に合わせるよう、ひっそりと蘇った最新のうわさ話。 |
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Despite being dilapidated and abandoned for many years, lights can be seen inside the house at night... | たとえば、もう何年も前に朽ち果てた廃屋なのに、夜になると明かりが灯ったりする。 |
An angry murder of crows often gathers atop the hill before mysteriously vanishing... | たとえば、丘の上に無数のカラスが集まっては消えていく。 |
Children get lost in the fog, never to be seen again... | たとえば、霧が深い日は子供が迷いこんで神隠しにあう。 |
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Late at night, a shrieking sound can be heard all the way to town-this particular piece of slander was the one Aoko wished to discredit the most. | たとえば、深夜、叫び声にしか聞こえない怪音が住宅地にまで響いてくる。……これは青子的に不名誉な噂なので改めたい。 |
The final rumor was of an eye-catching luxury car that sometimes made its way up and down the hill. | あと、たまに目を疑うような高級車が坂道を登っていく。 |
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The rumors spread and grew by the day. | 噂話は日に日に種類を増していた。 |
And while they grew, the house that everyone thought had rotted away was restored over the recent years. | そんな感じで、朽ちたはずの丘の上の洋館は、数年前から息を吹き返していた。 |
Deep in a wood on top of a hill no one dared to approach, | 人々の寄りつかない丘のただ中。 |
like a ruin, shrouded from view even on the brightest of days, | 昼なお暗い森に隠された廃墟。 |
stood a relic out of time, a building from a fairy tale. | おとぎ話に出てきそうな、時代に取り残された魔法の残滓。 |
The house... | それが、 |
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...was the Kuonji Mansion. | この久遠寺邸。 |
Everyone in town knew about the witch's house on the hill. | 三咲町の誰もが知っている、丘の上の魔女の家。 |
The unabashedly haunted house where Aoko Aozaki resided for reasons unknown. | ワケあって蒼崎青子が下宿している、正真正銘の幽霊屋敷なのだった。 |
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Needless to say, it was not really haunted. | 言うまでもなく、幽霊屋敷というのは俗称である。 |
The Kuonji family home was a grand Western-style mansion with a long and storied history, stretching all the way back to England. | 久遠寺邸はとある経緯でイギリスから運ばれてきた、由緒正しい洋館だ。 |
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It was too small to be a dormitory, yet too big to be called a house. | 寮にするほど広くはないけれど、家にするには広すぎる。 |
The main building contained as many as three normal houses' worth of rooms and was surrounded by a large all-encompassing courtyard. | 普通の住宅が三つほど入りそうな本館と、ぐるりと囲む庭。 |
The perimeter of the grounds was surrounded by a high, iron fence covered in thorny vines. | 庭の四方には鉄柵が高くそびえ、ご丁寧に茨めいた植物の蔓まで絡み付いている。 |
There was also an annex to the main building. | おまけに本館から離れた高台には別館まで完備している念の入れよう。 |
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Given such extravagance, it was no wonder that it inspired rumors. | これだけ徹底していれば尾ひれがつくのは致し方ない。 |
To the town residents, the mere existence of such a lavish and out-of-place mansion on top of the hill was a cause for suspicion. | 町の住人からすれば、不自然に豪勢な館が丘の上に建っているだけで不気味だろうし。 |
Rumors, lies, and slander were the prices to be paid for fame. | 誹謗中傷、誤解軋轢は有名税みたいなものだ。 |
With only two lodgers, it was hard to disagree with the perception that vampires must be living here. | しかも住んでいるのは二人だけなのだから、その住人は吸血鬼扱いされても文句は言えまい。 |
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"...Well, I know I'm not one, but Alice..." | 「……まあ、私はともかく、有珠はそういうの、やりかねないし」 |
She put her hand on the front door. | 玄関に手をかける。 |
It was a grand double door that would have paired well with a brass lock, and yet, it was secured with little more than a simple keyhole. | 真鍮の鍵が似合いそうな両開きの扉には、しかし、鍵穴などという不粋な物はない。 |
Pushing it open with one hand, she entered the supposedly haunted house. | 青子は片手で扉を押し開き、幽霊屋敷と称される館の中へと入っていった。 |
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...And by the way... | ……ところで。 |
If vampires were not enough to scare you, ghosts were known to appear on certain nights. | 吸血鬼云々はともかく、幽霊に関しては、状況次第で出ないコトもないという。 |
Scene 5
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Much like the weather outside, the foyer was overcast with shades of gray. | 外の天気同様、ロビーも灰色に曇っていた。 |
Perhaps by deliberate design, the architect had chosen not to include any lights in the entrance area. | 設計者の趣向によるものか、このエントランスは電灯を可能なかぎり排除していた。 |
The ceiling was two floors high. | 天井は二階まで吹き抜け。 |
The only light in the room came from the skylight. | 明かりになるのは、その高い天井にある窓から差しこむ日光と月光だけだ。 |
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It was particularly gloomy on rainy days. | 雨の日は夜明け前のように仄暗く、 |
On moonless nights, it was like the world itself ceased to be. | 月のない夜は冷たい暗黒星のように、あらゆるものが途絶えている。 |
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Aoko decided the drawing room to the east would be a good place to rest, but knowing that she would not be able to relax until she changed clothes, she started up the stairs. | 憩いの場となる居間はこのロビーのすぐ真東だが、その前に自分の部屋で着替えなくては落ち着かない、と青子は階段に足をかけた。 |
The stairs curled up the wall to the second floor hall. | 壁に沿った階段はいったん二階のホールで終わっている。 |
There was a third floor attic as well, accessible from the far end of the hall. | 三階の屋根裏部屋まではホールの裏側にまわらなければならない。 |
She had never set foot in there in the two years she had lived here, though. | といっても、青子はこの二年間、屋根裏部屋を利用した事はないが。 |
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The Kuonji mansion was more or less divided into two wings-east and west. | 久遠寺邸は大まかに、東館と西館とに分かれている。 |
Aoko had been given the entire east wing, but two rooms were more than enough as far as she was concerned. | 青子に間借りが許されているのは館の東部分だけだが、それも二部屋で事足りる。 |
She had no desire to open a door that would trap you in a storybook world or lead to an attic that had only been used for storage these last five years. | 開けたとたん絵本の世界に閉じこめられるドアやら、過去五年間物置になっている屋根裏部屋など使うまでもない。 |
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Aoko's room was at the end of the east wing's long corridor. | 東館の長廊下の奥が青子の部屋だ。 |
She had elected for a smaller room for no other reason other than that she thought it would be easier to clean. | 青子は下宿の際、そう広くない部屋を選んだ。遠慮しての事ではなく、単に掃除の手間を省いただけである。 |
It was furnished with a large bed, her beloved mahogany desk, a wardrobe and chest for her clothes, and two nine-shelf bookcases. | 部屋には大きめのベッドと愛用のマホガニー製の机、洋服ダンスと上着が整列する収納ダンス、それに九段の本棚を二つほど。 |
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That is all she brought with her from home. | 実家から運びこんだ荷物はそれだけ。 |
Her entire life of sixteen years reduced to this. | 蒼崎青子が十六年培ってきた彼女の証明は、いざとなればその程度に短縮できてしまったらしい。 |
She borrowed the next room down for her own purposes. | あとは隣の部屋に、これからの自分用の部屋を借りておしまい。 |
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"Oh yeah. I should check on the watchtower I got from Alice." | 「―――そうだ。有珠にもらった見張り塔、壊れてないかチェックしないと」 |
She needed to see if the project she had been working on all night had born fruit. | 今朝方までの徹夜の成果を確かめる。 |
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The study next door served as proof of the life she had been living for the last year and how different that life was from the one she had lived before. | 壁一枚を隔てた書斎は、先ほどの蒼崎青子の生活とはまったく別の、まだ一年足らずの彼女の人生を示すものだ。 |
It was not a room for the person she had been. | それまでの彼女の為でなく、 |
It was a room for the person she would eventually become. A place of solitude that only she could enter. Or so she thought... | これからの彼女の証明になる、余人には立ち入れない独りの世界、の筈なのだが――― |
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"Wow. Not only did it break, it vanished without a trace... Looks like I've still got a long way to go... Go ahead, laugh it up, Robin." | 「うわ……壊れてるどころか、跡形もなく消え去ってる……やっぱ自己流アレンジはまだ早かったか……いいわよ。笑いなさいよ、コマドリ」 |
The nosy neighbor that had intruded upon her sanctuary flew away. | 平気の平左でくつろいでいた余人が飛び去っていく。 |
While not exceptionally talented, Aoko did not lack for effort and was not afraid to fail. | 才能は人並み、努力は惜しまず、失敗は恐れずに。 |
One could have almost mistaken her approach for optimism. | それは時に楽天的にさえ見える、青子の自由奔放さだった。 |
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She changed out of her uniform and returned to the first floor. | 制服から普段着に着替えて一階に戻る。 |
Down the stairs, she opened the door to the east wing into the corridor as dark as a cellar. | 階段をおりて東側の扉を開けると、地下室のように暗い廊下が続いていた。 |
The absence of windows meant it was pitch black without the lights on, so she flicked the switch and entered the nearby doorway. | この廊下は外に面した窓がないだけに、電灯がなければ真っ暗だ。スイッチをいれて明かりをつけ、青子はすぐ近くの扉を開けた。 |
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"Life without electricity... I don't even want to imagine it." | 「電気のない生活か……想像したくないな」 |
It had been her idea to update the drawing room. | 居間は彼女の趣向で現代ライクな造りに変更されている。 |
The walls were decorated with extravagant patterns, | 豪奢な紋様の入った壁、 |
and around the room were large, majestic sofas, | 威厳に満ちた大きなソファー、 |
and a luxurious Persian rug. | ペルシャ製の高級絨毯。 |
Amidst it all was a thirty-inch television that seemed completely out of place. | 城の一室めいた空間に、空気を読まず不釣り合いな30インチのテレビジョンが鎮座している。 |
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It stood looking over the other furniture like the emperor with no clothes. | テレビはハダカの王様のように、精一杯の虚勢を張ってソファーたちを従えていた。 |
The mansion's owner would have rather done without it, but to a commoner like Aoko it was an essential commodity. | 洋館の持ち主は嫌がったが、このとってつけた感こそ庶民である青子には必要不可欠な憩いである。 |
They had fought over its presence at first, but eventually came to an agreement and now mutually enjoyed this modern comfort. | 下宿を始めてすぐの頃、これで同居人と一戦争あったが、今ではお互い納得の文明機器になっている。 |
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"Guess I'm one to talk. | 「……なんだ、人のことは言えないか。 |
I came from a pretty traditional household myself." | うちもあんがい、時代錯誤な家だった」 |
Now in a somewhat pleasant mood, she decided to brew some tea. | なんとなく愉快な気持ちになって、青子はお茶にする事にした。 |
She boiled some water in the kitchen, prepared a teapot, and made herself some black tea. | 居間と壁一つでつながっている台所でお湯を沸かし、ティーポットと鍋を用意して、万全の準備で紅茶を淹れる。 |
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"Mmm." | 「はーあ、っと」 |
With a flop, she sank into the sofa. | ぼすん、とソファーに深々と沈みこむ。 |
She took a sip of her tea, then another. | 紅茶を一口、それから二口。 |
Lulled by the ticking of the clock, she took a third sip as she pondered how to spend her afternoon. | 時計の針に耳を傾けながら、ああ、今日は午後からどうしよう、とぼんやり思って三口目。 |
The sofa almost seemed to be inviting her, and she sunk even further into its comforting embrace. | 柔らかなソファーの感触に、どこまでも沈みこんでいきたい衝動にかられた頃。 |
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"..." | 『――――――』 |
Aoko blearily opened her eyes as she lifted her body up from the cushions. | 青子は目をパチパチとまたたいて、クッションから体を起こした。 |
This was no dream or delusion. | 夢でも妄想でもない。 |
At some point, a girl had sat down across from her. | いつのまにか、目の前にひとりの少女が座っている。 |
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Not the least bit surprised, she reached for her teacup. | さして驚かず、青子はティーカップに指をあてた。 |
But the tea within had gone completely cold. | 淹れたばかりの紅茶は完全に冷めきっている。 |
"Did I doze off?" | 「寝てた?」 |
She asked the question to the girl on the other side of the table. | テーブル向こうの少女に問いかける、青子の声。 |
"Yes." | 「ええ」 |
The girl answered without lifting her gaze. | 少女は視線をあげず、関心なさげに答えた。 |
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When silent, she could have been mistaken for a beautiful doll. | ―――声をあげなければ、あるいは、美しい人形と見間違えるだろう。 |
The girl sitting on the opposite sofa was reading an old book. | その少女はソファーに座り、古い本を読んでいる。 |
She had delicate limbs and pale white skin. | 細い手足と陽の光を知らぬ白い肌。 |
Not a hint of humanity emanated from her melancholic aura. | 愁いがちな趣きは、人間らしい意思を感じさせない。 |
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She had darker hair than Aoko, | 青子より濃い、混じりけのない黒髪。 |
and her icy eyes were focused on the pages in front of her. | 冷たい色をした瞳は、しずしずとページへ視線を落としている。 |
Her clothes resembled that of a nun but were actually her school uniform. | 修道女を思わせる黒衣は彼女の通う女学院の制服だ。 |
In Aoko's humble opinion, the gloominess suited her. | その翳さは少女によく似合っていたが、青子に言わせれば似合いすぎて良くないらしい。 |
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She evoked something like out of a painting. | ……さながら一枚の風景画。 |
There was something unreal about her, as if she were frozen in time. | 初めからそういう形で生まれてきたとさえ思える現実感の無さ。 |
The white of her neck was so lovely that even Aoko found herself enchanted by it. | 俯く彼女の首の白さは、同性の青子でさえ見とれるほど美しい。 |
The girl was one of the haunted house's two residents. | この少女こそ、幽霊屋敷に住む二人のうちの一人。 |
Her name was Alice Kuonji, and she was the same age as Aoko. | 久遠寺有珠という名前の、青子と同い年の同居人。 |
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"How long was I asleep?" | 「私、どれくらい寝てた?」 |
"At least an hour. You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping here." | 「一時間と少し。……ここで眠ると風邪、ひくわよ」 |
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Alice answered indifferently. Not that it bothered Aoko, who was now used to it. | 有珠は関心なく答えるが、いつもの事なので青子は気にしない。 |
She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already seven. | 柱時計を見てみると、針は午後七時を回っていた。 |
She had been asleep for two hours. | 二時間ほど眠っていた事になる。 |
The day had been a rough one for her, and she had slept little the night before, so it was no surprise that she had dozed off for as long as she had. | 思い返せば散々な一日だった。徹夜明けで疲れた体が寝入ってしまったのも、無理のない話だろう。 |
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"You could have woken me up. | 「起こしてくれても良かったのに。 |
Now my tea is cold." | せっかくの紅茶が冷めちゃったじゃない」 |
"It was already cold by the time I got here." | 「わたしが来た時は、もう冷めてたわ」 |
"I'm sure it was. I'm just saying..." | 「でしょうね。言ってみただけよ」 |
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Aoko drank down the rest of the cold tea in one gulp. | 青子は冷めきった紅茶を一気に飲み下す。 |
In the poorly-heated Kuonji mansion, that was more than enough to clear her head and wake up. | 暖房の乏しい久遠寺邸では、その冷たさだけでも寝惚けた頭を目覚めさせるには十分だった。 |
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"Nothing quite beats this tea, not even the expensive kind from Britain. | 「こうなるとフォートナム&メイソンも何もないわね。 |
Anyway, welcome home, Alice. The universe seems determined to keep me from even the occasional luxury without you. | おかえり、有珠。たまの贅沢もアンタ抜きじゃ締まらないってコトかしら。 |
Ugh, what is it about today? Is it just my luck, or what? At this rate I'm due a temple visit, just to be safe." | 今日は厄日か天誅殺か―――ちょっと早いけどお参りってのも十分アリかもね」 |
Aoko shrugged her shoulders as if resigning herself to her fate. | 毒食わば皿まで的な玉砕精神で、と肩をすくめる青子。 |
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"Something happen?" | 「それで、何があったの?」 |
After two years together, they knew each other quite well. | 同居生活も二年近く続けば、お互いの様子に気が付くらしい。 |
Aoko had one way of asking questions, | 青子は青子なりの、 |
and Alice had another. | 有珠は有珠なりの問いかけをする。 |
Alice asked without raising her head, and Aoko gave her the details. | 顔もあげず問いかけてくる同居人に、青子はきっぱりと現状を報告した。 |
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"I should start by apologizing. | 「まず謝らなくちゃいけない。 |
The project I was working on all night was a total failure, and even though I only took my eyes off it for a second, it must have boiled over and been destroyed. | 昨日徹夜で完成させた例のアレ、意味がなくなっちゃったのよ。ちょっと目を離した隙に沸騰しすぎて壊れちゃったみたい。 |
Though I'll add that I shuffled the circulation codes as a precaution." | そうならないよう、循環のコードを二、三本外したり縫合したりしたんだけど」 |
Aoko tried to laugh it off as if it was someone else's problem. | いやー、まいったね、と他人ごとのように青子は言った。 |
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"...And?" | 「……どういう事?」 |
"Something came up this morning, and I was called into school. | 「今朝急用が入って、学校に呼び出しうけたの。 |
They made me show this transfer student around, and it took up my whole day. By the time I got back, it had vanished without a trace. | そこで転入生の世話を押しつけられて、一日が無残にも消費されちゃって、帰ってきたら跡形もなく消えてました。 |
You're not mad, are you?" | 怒る、有珠?」 |
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"...Hardly. If I got mad every time you broke something, there would be no end to the fighting. | 「……別に。青子の器物破損にいちいち怒っていたら、一生分の口論をする事になるでしょう? |
I have more materials, so you can just start over. | 代用品はあるから、また一から始めればいいわ。 |
However, aren't you really the one who's angry?" | それより―――怒ってるのは貴方の方じゃないの?」 |
EN | JP |
"...Hm." | 「……む」 |
Alice was very much on point today. | 今日はいつになく鋭い。 |
It was true that, despite outward appearances, Aoko was seething with frustration. | こういう時、涼しい顔をしてホントは怒っているのが青子なのだ。 |
That aside... | それはともかく。 |
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"True enough. The transfer student I mentioned earlier was a real piece of work. | 「ええ。この転入生っていうのがひどくズレててね。 |
He's been living deep in the mountains and has literally zero common sense. I know people say that the mountains are like an entirely different world, but I had no idea how true it was, Alice." | すごい山奥で暮らしてたらしくて、こっちの常識が通じないんだから。山門異界って言葉があるけど、あれってホントの事なのね、有珠」 |
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Alice raised her head in response to hearing her name, | 名前を呼ばれて有珠は顔を上げた。 |
but Aoko kept going on before she could get a word in edgewise. Aoko, after all, expected no sympathy in the first place. | もともと有珠からの同情なんて期待していない青子は、さらに口調を速めて愚痴をこぼす。 |
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"We didn't get along well from the start, but things really took a turn for the worse when I took him to a classroom. | 「初対面から癪に障るヤツだったけど、教室を案内した時なんか失神しそうになったわ。 |
He apparently thought it was a place where you'd get one-on-one tutoring. And that's not all... I mean, you're never gonna believe this..." | そいつ、教室で教師と一対一で授業を受けるもんだと思ってたらしいの。……ええ、それはそれでまだ流せる。許容範囲よ、あの程度の冗談は」 |
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"What do you think he asked when I politely explained what a classroom is to him? | 「で、私が簡潔かつ丁寧に教室のなんたるかを教えた後で、そいつなんて言ったと思う? |
But then what are the other classrooms for?' | 『それで蒼崎。他の教室は何に使うんだ?』 |
Unbelievable, right?! | ですって! |
I mean, a classroom is a classroom!" | 教室に他も何もないでしょう?」 |
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"And no matter how vague or unhelpful anything I said was, he just kept nodding. | 「なんていうか、そいつは少しでも説明を怠るとそのままで納得しちゃうのよ。 |
It's like he was just taking everything at face value. I don't know if he just lacks an imagination or never uses it. | 何も疑問に思わないというか、想像力が欠如してるっていうか、想像する事に慣れてないっていうか。 |
Anyway... he at least seemed to grasp most of what I told him the first time around, so I suppose he's not a complete idiot." | まあ……一度言った事はちゃんと分かってるっぽいから、馬鹿ってワケじゃないんだけど……」 |
EN | JP |
"It's rare to see you so judgmental. | 「貴方が人を批評するのは珍しいわね。 |
Is it really worth getting worked up over someone like that?" | ……そういうダメな人、気にする質だったの?」 |
"I couldn't care less about him. I'm just worried he'll screw up somehow." | 「微塵たりとも気にしないわよ。けど、明日からどんな間違いをしでかすのかちょっと心配なだけ」 |
EN | JP |
What she was really worried about was having to clean up that mess if and when it happened. | そう。心配なのは、その間違いの後始末が高い確率で自分に回ってくるからに違いない。 |
That had to be it. | たぶん、そうだと思う。 |
If not, it would mean she had no real idea why she could not get him out of his head. | そうでもなければ、今日一日を潰してくれた転入生を気に病む理由が見当たらない。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, he was a weirdo all right. You two would probably hit it off great." | 「とにかく変なヤツなの。案外有珠と気が合うかも」 |
"Another world in the mountains doesn't sound so bad." | 「……山門異界はいい言葉ね」 |
But from her eyes it was clear that the question of whether they would get along was irrelevant, given that they would never meet in the first place. | けれど、その人物とは気が合う前に会う事もないでしょう、と視線だけで少女は語る。 |
Aoko gave a noncommittal response. | それに青子はでしょうね、とだけ答えた。 |
EN | JP |
"Anyway, what have you been reading?" | 「ところで有珠、さっきからなに読んでるの?」 |
"A book about spiritual evolution based on The Spiritual Diary." | 「霊的進化論の二次創作。スピリチュアル・ダイアリのまがい物」 |
"Ah, Swedenborg, huh? Is that really worth reading again?" | 「ああ、スウェーデンボリ。そんなの、いまさら読んでも仕方ないんじゃない?」 |
EN | JP |
"I wouldn't bother if it were the original, but this is a knock-off. | 「真書なら退屈だけど、これは偽書だから。 |
It exaggerates the pros and cons of Swedenborg's style and reads like a well-written adventure. Having the secret organization Kant standing in his way was a nice addition. | 彼の欠点と長所を劇的に誉めあげている。よくできた冒険小説のようよ。立ちはだかる秘密組織の名前がカントとか、気が利いているわ。 |
...The handwriting of the notes in the margin belongs to your grandfather, by the way." | ……筆跡は、あなたのお祖父さんのものだけど」 |
EN | JP |
"Huh, I had no idea he was into that sort of thing. | 「……へえ、あの人そういう趣味まであったんだ。 |
He had a great sense of humor. I really miss him." | わりとユーモアがあったのね。惜しい人をなくしたわ」 |
Aoko seemed nostalgic over her now deceased grandfather. | もうこの世にいない祖父を懐かしむように青子。 |
EN | JP |
"He just contacted you this last summer, didn't he?" | 「あなたのお祖父さん、夏に便りをくれたけど」 |
"Do we really have to go there? Why can't dead stay dead?" | 「よしてよ、死んだものと考えたいのに」 |
EN | JP |
Aoko sighed and laid back on the sofa. | ふう、とため息をついて、青子はソファーに思いっきり寄り掛かった。 |
The soft cushions caved in under her weight. | クッションにガタがきているのか、背もたれと一緒に青子は床に寝そべる形になる。 |
EN | JP |
"As I was saying..." | 「……話は戻るけど」 |
Alice shot a glance at Aoko. | 寝そべっている青子に、有珠はちらりと視線を投げた。 |
Her body, buried in the sofa, remained as still as a corpse. | ソファーに埋もれた青子の体は、横臥したまま死体のように動かない。 |
EN | JP |
It was clear Aoko had tuned out of the conversation. | ソファーに寝そべった青子の心境は、少し乾いていた。 |
Alice silently chastised her with a look. | 有珠は無言で青子を責めている。 |
The more she thought about it, the less important the events of the day seemed to become. | それを思うと今日一日の新鮮な出来事も、次第に瑞々しさを失っていく。 |
EN | JP |
If she just ignored Alice, the conversation would end there. | ……有珠の無言の責めを無視すれば、話はここで終わってくれる。 |
They would eventually get up and leave today's mistake unresolved for another day. | ふたりはこのまま席を立ち、今日のミスをうやむやにしたまま明日を迎えられるだろう。 |
However... | しかし。 |
That's not the kind of person Aoko Aozaki was. | 蒼崎青子は、そういう真似ができない人間だ。 |
EN | JP |
"Yeah. What is it?" | 「いいわよ、なに?」 |
She asked still lying down. | 青子は倒れこんだまま有珠に問う。 |
"It's upsetting that you failed today." | 「今日できなかったのは、少し痛いわね」 |
"Like I said, I'm thinking about it. | 「だから反省してるって。 |
I need to focus on becoming a full-fledged mage before thinking about school, I know that." | 学校優先は一人前になってから、でしょ」 |
"I hope you do." | 「なら、いいけど」 |
The coldness in her voice made Aoko gnash her teeth. | 無機質な有珠の声に、青子はぎり、と歯を噛んだ。 |
EN | JP |
She knew what Alice wanted to say. | 彼女の言いたい事は分かっている。 |
She knew better than anyone. | なにより青子自身がよく分かっている。 |
The veneer she wore for school was different than the way she lived at home. | 学園生活の外面と、今の生き方との折り合い。 |
While it could be called hiding in plain sight, Alice thought it was silly. | 現代に隠れ住むというけれど、その隠れ方が半端だと有珠は言っている。 |
And what the silence told her was... | つまり、彼女の沈黙が語るところは――― |
EN | JP |
('Make up your mind already,' I know.) | 『……覚悟を決めろって言いたいのよね、あんたは』 |
Today's failure was not a colossal one. | 今日の失敗はそれほど大きいものじゃない。 |
She'd just happened to upset the delicate balance between her home and school lives, chasing one at the expense of the other. | この洋館と学園生活を秤にかけて、たまたま学園に重きをおいてミスをしただけの、小さな事件だ。 |
And yet, that careless mistake was a clear sign of Aoko's lack of commitment. | ただ、今の青子の半端さを象徴する、分かりやすい心の甘さであっただけ。 |
EN | JP |
(This doesn't concern Alice. | 『……有珠は関係ない。 |
It's my decision to make.) | これは、私が私で決めなくちゃいけない事……』 |
EN | JP |
She had only known for sure for the last year and a half. | 基礎はたった一年と半年。 |
But she'd had a hunch for as long as she could remember: | けれど予感は物心がついた時からあった。 |
"Make the choice, and the day will come." | “選んだのなら、いつか必ずその日は来る”、と。 |
It was little wonder that her morals and conscience had been stripped away. | なら自分の良心も道徳も、いいかげん根負けしている頃だ。 |
Aoko pushed herself back up. | よし、と青子は勢いよく体を起こす。 |
She was met by Alice's cold beauty and wordless gaze. | 起きた先には、無言で視線を向ける有珠のか細い美貌だけがあった。 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, Alice. We can do it next week. | 「オッケー、有珠。来週中に決着をつけよう。 |
That work for you?" | それでいいんでしょ?」 |
"As long as it works for you." | 「ええ。青子がいいなら」 |
Aoko could not help but shake her head, feeling like she was hearing something similar for the second time that day. | それと似たような言葉をつい数時間前に聞いた気がして、ブンブンと頭を振る。 |
Even in the comfort of her own, she couldn't banish thoughts of that country boy from her mind. | なんだって帰ってきてまで、あんな田舎者を思い出さなくちゃいけないのか。 |
EN | JP |
"I'll let you set it up, then. That's still beyond my abilities." | 「じゃあ下準備はよろしくね。私まだ出来ないし」 |
"Should we do it at that park?" | 「場所は例の公園でいい?」 |
EN | JP |
"Sure. The line there is suitable enough. But what about that other thing? | 「妥当な線ね。あ、でももう一件の方は? |
Isn't that a more urgent concern?" | そっちの方が急務じゃない?」 |
"It depends on the conditions. I'll let you know if there are any changes to the woods." | 「時と場合。森に変化があれば教えるわ」 |
EN | JP |
After that brief exchange, Alice returned her attention to the book on her lap. | そんな短いやりとりが終わると、有珠は膝に置いた本へと顔を落とした。 |
Shop talk was over. | 両者にとって最も重要な話は終わった。 |
Now, they could return to their normal relationship as roommates. | あとは普段通りの、それとなく気が合う同居人に戻るだけである。 |
EN | JP |
Aoko grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Since Alice was busy reading, Aoko decided to tune in to a variety show that had already started. | さて、とばかりに青子はテレビのリモコンを取って電源を入れた。有珠が読書しているので、自分はブラウン管に映る出来事に途中参加しようとし、 |
EN | JP |
"Ah." | 「あ」 |
Alice started to speak but suddenly cut herself off. | 突然、有珠がそんな声を上げて、消した。 |
One of her delicate hands raised to her mouth. | 見れば片手で口を押さえている。 |
She would always cut herself off the second she realized she was about to say something trivial. | 何かを話そうとして、それが意味の無い話だと気付くと彼女はすぐに口を閉ざしてしまう。 |
EN | JP |
Sometimes, her self-restraint would hit too late, and she would make a gesture like the one she was making now. | 時々その自制が間に合わなくて、今のような仕草をする事が希にある。 |
It occurred to Aoko that the "ah" sound her cute little roommate made just now was different than the "wha" she blurted in times past. | たしか、前は『な』だったな、と思い返しながら、青子は可憐な同居人に視線を向けた。 |
EN | JP |
"Hm? Yes?" | 「ん、なに?」 |
Aoko turned down the volume on the TV, her intense eyes lit up like those of a mischievous cat. | テレビの音量を下げる青子。意志の強い目が、猫のようにいたずらっぽい光を放っていた。 |
"It's nothing really, but..." | 「……どうという事はないんだけど」 |
"But what?" | 「ないんだけど?」 |
EN | JP |
Alice looked away bashfully, not knowing if she should bring it up or not. | 有珠は言おうか言うまいか迷っていて、恥ずかしそうにそっぽを向いている。 |
It was times like these that her expression carried a real warmth and surprising charm. | こういった時の彼女の表情は温かみがあって、なんだか歯痒いぐらい好感が持てた。 |
If he could see her in this moment, Alice's father would have to admit that her name suited her perfectly. | たぶん今の有珠を見れば彼女の父親も、その名前がぴったり似合っていたと思えるだろうに。 |
EN | JP |
" | 「…… |
EN | JP |
It's just that I saw something strange on my way home and wanted to tell someone about it." | 今日、帰ってくる時おかしな物を見て、誰かに話そうと思っていたんだけど……」 |
Aoko nodded, beckoning her to continue. | 青子はうん、と頷いて先を促す。 |
EN | JP |
"It's silly, really. | 「つまらない、本当に意味のないコトよ。 |
But I just can't make sense of it no matter how much I think about it. | けど、どう考えてもそんな事をする理由が分からない。 |
Aoko... Do you have any idea why a man-sized cat... would be riding around town... delivering meals to people?" | ……青子、人間ぐらいの大きな猫が、ひょこひょこ出前をする理由って、分かる?」 |
EN | JP |
For a second, Aoko thought Alice was trying and failing miserably to make a joke again. | 一瞬、青子はまた、有珠の冗談になっていない冗談のたぐいだと思った。 |
One would think that about anyone, really. | いや、普通は思う。 |
But she seemed completely serious. | けれど有珠は真剣に悩んでいる。 |
Even if Alice's sense of humor fell flat for Aoko, this story already sounded more fanciful than Alice's usual attempt at jokes. Aoko concluded that her roommate was talking about something she had actually seen. | 有珠のユーモアセンスに零点をつけたのは青子だが、これは零点にしてはわりとロマンがあるので、やっぱり有珠は見たままの事を話しているらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"Hmm. There are a few things off about that. Maybe we should break it down." | 「んー……その話にはふたつぐらい信じがたい部分があるけど、ひとつずつ論破していい……?」 |
"Let's not. Even I can think of a few mundane explanations. | 「いいの。わたしもカラクリぐらいは思いつくから。 |
I'm just asking because I can't figure out why somebody would do that. | ただ、理由が分からないから聞いてるの。 |
Maybe it's as simple as someone just dressing up in a finely-crafted cat suit to deliver food for a restaurant?" | わざわざ精巧な猫のぬいぐるみを着て、出前の店屋物を届けに行く事って、そんなに簡単かしらね」 |
EN | JP |
"I'm more worried about the person doing it than their reasons, personally." | 「難易度以前に、それをやる人間の常識性を疑うけどね、私は」 |
Alice nodded tentatively at her words. | 青子の言葉に、有珠も少し頷く。 |
EN | JP |
"But whatever does it for them, I guess. In a world with people like us and weirdos that live like mountain hermits, there's no telling what kinds of freaks are out there. | 「まあ、世の中色々あるから。私達みたいのもいれば、外界から遮断された山奥で暮らしていた奴まで十人十色よ。 |
I personally would have just gone up to them and asked them what they were doing." | 私だったら、見かけたら声かけて理由を訊ねただろうけど」 |
Alice's gaze drifted at that. | その言葉に、有珠は少しだけ顔を背けた。 |
EN | JP |
"Hmm... A delivery cat riding through neighborhoods in the evening. Sounds like something straight out of a fantasy story. | 「……ふーん……暮れゆく住宅街にさまよう出前猫かあ……背景が夕焼けだったらファンタジーだったでしょうに。 |
...Hey, what should we do for dinner tonight? | ……で、今日の夕飯どうする? |
Speaking of delivery... maybe we should order in." | せっかく話が出たし、私らも店屋物にしようか?」 |
EN | JP |
Aoko loved getting takeout, and her faced glowed as she spoke. | 出前好きな青子は嬉々として言う。 |
They had no hard rules for dinner, but if one of them was in the mood to cook, they made it a point to make enough for two. | この館において夕食は当番制でもなんでもなく、気が向いたほうが二人分用意する、という実にアバウトな方式が採用されていた。 |
At the very worst, this meant entire weeks without dinner, but the two of them agreed that this was the system that worked best for them. | 下手をすると一週間夕飯なしが続くという展開もあるが、ふたりにとってはこれが一番居心地が良いのだ。 |
EN | JP |
Whether they found cooking to be too much effort or simply liked ordering out... | 調理の手間を惜しんでか、それとも単純に出前が好きなのか。 |
Nights like this one were a common occurrence, much to the chagrin of the restaurants of Misaki Town. | 今夜のような展開は珍しくもなく、結果、三咲町の食事処からこの館は要注意扱いされていた。 |
Delivering to the mansion meant coming all the way up to the top of this hill, the source of their disgruntlement. | 決まって夜遅く……人気も絶えた夜八時過ぎ……に、こんな坂の上まで来いというのだから、彼らの憂鬱も当然である。 |
EN | JP |
"It's still before eight, so we're good. I'm really in the mood for Kongetsu tonight. I haven't had their tsukimi soba in ages." | 「時間は八時前、ぎりぎりセーフね。私昏月がいいな。あそこの月見そば、最近ご無沙汰だったし」 |
The hungry student council president took our their many menus and excitedly looked for anything that stood out. | ポーカーのカードのように並べられた店々のお品書きを取り出し、まだ見ぬ夕食にご満悦の生徒会長。 |
Alice casually responded without sparing so much as a glance. | そんな、幸せそうな青子を一目も見ずに、有珠はさらりと返答する。 |
"Sorry, but I've already had dinner." | 「悪いけど、わたし夕飯済んでるの」 |
EN | JP |
With those words, Aoko froze. | その言葉で青子の体は凍りついた。 |
All deliveries required a minimum of two items, so she was out of luck without an accomplice. | 出前物は最低二品、つまり共同者がいなければ運ばれないのだ。 |
Cruel society had decided it couldn't be bothered to deliver to a princess who only ordered a single serving of food. | たった一品の蕎麦で人を呼びつけるようなお姫さまに、世間は果てしなく冷たい。 |
EN | JP |
Incidentally, to counteract orders from the hilltop mansion, the restaurants had declared, | 余談だが、実は坂の上対策として |
"The minimum number of orders will be three, starting next year." | 『来年から三品以上の注文のみ出前アリとする』 |
Aoko and Alice were still in the dark to this fiendish change in direction. | なんて魔のルールが可決されつつある事を、青子たちはまだ知らない。 |
EN | JP |
"T-Traitor! | 「こ、この裏切り者…! |
Is that why you were late getting back?! | ふん、だから帰ってくるのが遅かったのね!? |
Between the bus ride and the walk, the trip home takes only twenty minutes! I should have known something was up when you didn't get home before five o'clock!" | 帰宅部、学校までバス・徒歩込みで片道二十分のあんたが、なんで五時以降に帰ってくんのか考えるべきだったわ!」 |
Unfortunately for Aoko, she had been too out of it to even remember that she was the one who'd fallen asleep. | しかし悲しいかな、その時の青子は自分が眠った事にも気付かないほど寝惚けていたのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"Talk about ice queen-I thought it was clear that if either of us got food, we would bring enough home for the other person! | 「あーあ、ひどい女。そういう時は残されたひとりのためにお土産買ってくるのが暗黙の了解だったのに。 |
Didn't I bring back something for you when I ate out last time?!" | 私だって、この前の外食の時は有珠の分も買ってきたじゃない」 |
EN | JP |
It was unknown how serious Aoko was being, but she was visibly angry. | どこまで本気なのか不明なのだけれど、青子はそれなりに怒っている。 |
She had already woken up hungry that morning, and from the time she was called into school until now, she had consumed nothing but tea. It was a small miracle that her stomach was not growling. | なにしろ朝は空腹で目が覚め、電話で呼び出されて以来、紅茶しか口にしていない。これでお腹が鳴らないのは奇跡に近かった。 |
She knew it was her own fault, but she persisted, wanting to get revenge on Alice for scolding her earlier. | まあ、それはそれで自分が悪いとして、ついでに別件として、さっきいじめられた反撃とばかりに青子は一気にまくし立てて、 |
EN | JP |
"By 'last time' you mean... | 「……この前ってアレの事? |
The time you went into the city and ate sushi but only came back with a plastic bag full of convenience store food? That time?" | あなたが都心に出向いた時、夕食にお寿司を食べてきたのに、お土産はなぜかコンビニエンスストアのビニール袋だったって話?」 |
Aoko had kicked a hornet's nest. | 薮蛇だった。 |
EN | JP |
"S-So what? It was better than nothing, wasn't it?" | 「な、なによ、買ってこないよりはマシでしょう」 |
"There are times when you'd be better off saying nothing at all." | 「真実は時に隠蔽すべきね」 |
EN | JP |
Alice's icy gaze pierced right through her. | 有珠の視線は冷たい。 |
Aoko had certainly crossed a line by going on and on about how the sushi circled around the restaurant while Alice ate her convenience store meal. | たしかに、あの時もくもくとコンビニ弁当を食べる有珠の横で回るお寿司の話をしたのは失敗だった。 |
But new things fascinated her, and she couldn't contain her curiosity towards the conveyer belt sushi shops that started popping up at the time. They were nothing short of miraculous. | だが新しい物好きの青子にとって、近頃オープンしだした『回転寿司屋』という驚異について考察する欲求は抑えられなかったのだ。 |
Even honesty can be a sin, given the right circumstances. | 正直なのも場合によっては罪になる。 |
EN | JP |
"Fine. Fine. I get it. Does this at least mean we're even now?" | 「……分かった。分かりました。じゃあ、今回のは前のと帳消しって事でいいわね?」 |
Alice went back to her book without so much as recognizing the question. | これといった否定の意を示さず、本に視線を戻す有珠。 |
The fact that she did not confirm it made Aoko anxious. | 肯定の意も示さなかったのが少し怖い。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, today has been a total disaster. | 「仕方ない、今日は厄日だし。 |
I guess I'll just whip up something in the kitchen." | 大人しく台所に立って料理の腕を磨くとしましょう」 |
She stood up, announcing her intent to no one in particular. | 誰に言うのでもなく立ち上がる青子。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh, I almost forgot to ask. Where did you end up eating, anyway?" | 「あ、聞き忘れてた。有珠、どこで夕食すませたの?」 |
Alice's hand froze on her current page. | ぴたり、と本の頁をめくる手がとまる。 |
EN | JP |
She suddenly shut the book she was reading and stood up, as if at wits' end. | ここまで青子の相手をしながら読書していたけど、それももう限界、と本は閉じられた。 |
She walked across the drawing room with her book in hand. | 有珠は本を片手に立ち上がると、スタスタと居間を横断。 |
When she reached the door, she stopped and turned toward Aoko. | 扉に着いたところで青子へと振り向いた。 |
EN | JP |
"You really want to know?" | 「聞きたい?」 |
"Um, sure." | 「まあ、なんとなく……」 |
Aoko nodded timidly, cowed by Alice's sudden vigor. | 迫力に押されて、遠慮がちに頷く青子。 |
Alice continued in her matter-of-fact way. | 有珠は何でもない事のように、 |
"The cat gave me one of his leftover deliveries." | 「その猫が、あまったメニューをくれたのよ」 |
And with that brief response, she left the room. | 簡潔に答えて、居間から立ち去っていった。 |