Chapter 13: A Tale of the Star

The Road Home

Six days passed; the weather in that time sunny and clear.それから六日が経って、天気は晴れて。

It first came to Soujyuro's attention when he was resting with Alice after spending all day cleaning.彼がその話を聞いたのは、一日かけての大掃除が終わって、有珠と一服している時。
"You're off work today, right, Soujyuro?"「草十郎、今日ぐらいはバイト休みでしょ?」
Aoko asked him in her usual manner immediately upon entering the drawing room.居間に入ってくるなり、青子はいつもの調子でそう言った。

It was already nighttime, approaching nine o'clock.夜もふけて、時刻は九時になろうとしている。
The afternoon's sunny weather had changed abruptly, and thick clouds were visible out the window.昼間の晴天から一変して、窓の外は厚い雲。
Awoken from his nonchalant daydreaming, Soujyuro tilted his head to the side and replied calmly.それをのんびり眺めていた草十郎は、うん?と平和そうに首をかしげた。

"I'm off today, but why do you ask?"「休みだけど、どうして?」
"I'm making a trip home in a bit, so get your things ready."「これから実家に戻るから、用意しておいて」
Soujyuro's peaceful expression had grown tense the moment she appeared.緩みきった草十郎の表情は、青子の登場でとたんに曇ってしまう。
Unsure of what any of this had to do with him, he stole a glance at Alice, who was seated across from him.今の台詞が自分にどう関係するのか掴めず、草十郎は正面に座っている有珠をちらりと盗み見た。

However, she looked surprised as well, her eyes widening ever so slightly as she studied the other two.有珠にとっても今の台詞は意外だったらしく、わずかに目を開かせて、青子と草十郎を見比みくらべている。

"Huh? What things?"「用意って、何の?」
He replied timidly, struggling to hide his bitterness at Aoko for waiting until the cleaning was finished before deciding to show up.大掃除が終わるまで行方をくらましていた青子への批難をぐっとこらえて、草十郎は恐る恐る聞き返す。
"Your things. Get them ready. It takes an hour to walk up the mountain so make sure you dress accordingly."「用意は用意よ。一時間ぐらい歩く山の上だから、寒くない格好しろって言ってるの」

Soujyuro's expression only grew darker.草十郎はますます顔を曇らせる。
The way she spoke made it sound like...今の言い回しだと、まるで―――
"You're taking Sizuki with you?"「……静希君を連れていくの?」
Alice spoke up before Soujyuro himself could manage to say anything.草十郎が口にするより早く、有珠が青子に問いかけた。
Aoko brusquely asked if there was a problem.それにいけない? と青子は言い返す。

"I don't even want to go.「私だってあんなとこに行きたくないわよ。
But they keep asking me to stop by, so I'm gonna make a brief visit.けど今日ぐらいは顔を出せってうるさいから、ホントに顔だけ見せにいくの。
I just thought I'd bring Soujyuro along since he's free. That's all."草十郎を連れていくのは、たんに暇だからだけど」

She stood tall as if challenging her roommate to oppose her decision.文句ないでしょ? と胸を張って主張する。
Alice's face was dour as she gazed back.有珠はどこかうかない顔をして青子を見る。
Soujyuro's irritation was obvious as well as he glared at Aoko.草十郎も露骨にイヤそうな顔をして青子を見る。
Of course, their unspoken objection had no effect on Aoko in the slightest.そんなふたりの無言の抗議は、もちろん、青子にはまったく通じなかった。

"We're leaving at nine-thirty."「それじゃ、はんになったら出かけるからね」
Having said all she wanted, Aoko disappeared from the room once again.言いたい事だけ言って、青子は居間から姿を消した。
Alice and Soujyuro could only sit in dumbfounded silence.残ったふたりは呆然とするばかりだ。

"Uh, Alice? Is Aozaki's house very far from here?"「有珠。蒼崎の家って、遠いのか?」
He stared at the clock as he spoke. There were only ten minutes to go until half past the hour.九時半まであと十分ほどの時計を見つめながら、草十郎は問いかけた。

"It's at the edges of Misaki City. Four stops away by train, up on a small mountain.「場所的には三咲市の端よ。ここから電車で四駅分くだった、小さな山の中にあるわ。
Though it's more like a hill by your standards, I'd imagine."……貴方の住んでいたところに比べれば丘でしょうけど」
Her expression had not changed, but her voice made it obvious she was in a poor mood. His complete obliviousness to this fact only showed how clueless he truly was.表情こそ変わらないものの、有珠の声は思いっきり不機嫌そうだった。……本人がそうと気付いていないところが、いっそうのご機嫌斜めぶりをしめしている。

"Gotcha. So if we leave now, we won't be able to make it back till tomorrow."「そっか。今から行ったら、帰ってくるのは明日になるね」
"Yes... If you even make it back."「……帰ってこられたらの話だけど」
Each spoke to themselves as if there were no one else in the room.草十郎の独り言に、有珠も独り言で反応した。
Those about to embark on a journey always feel a sense of dread, and he was no exception.これから旅立つ人間に、思いっきり不吉な予言をするように。

"Is Aozaki's place, like, haunted? With ghosts?"「……蒼崎の家ってお化けでも出るのか?」
Alice did not say anything in response.草十郎の問いに有珠は答えない。
All she did was raise her eyes from her teacup to stare wordlessly at him.ティーカップから視線を上げ、無言で草十郎を眺めるだけだった。

"What is it, Alice?"「……有珠?」
His question caused her to suddenly avert her eyes. Something seemed off about her today.どこか様子のおかしい彼女に呼びかけると、有珠はふい、と顔を背けてしまった。
The minute hand on the clock was about to reach thirty.……時計は、もうじき半になろうとしている。
Bothered as he was by Alice's odd behavior, Soujyuro had no choice but to stand up from the sofa and take his leave.有珠の様子は気がかりだが、草十郎は仕方なくソファーから立ち上がった。

"Well, see you later."「それじゃ、行ってくるよ」
Soujyuro hurried through the drawing room.トコトコと居間を横切る草十郎。
Alice kept staring at his back until he was gone.その背中を、有珠はいつまでも見つめ続けた。

By the time he had changed in his room and returned to the foyer, Aoko was already waiting and ready to go.草十郎が部屋に戻って外行きに着替え、ロビーまで下りた時、青子はとっくに準備を済ませて待っていた。
Furthermore, Alice was at her side and they were deep in conversation.青子の横には有珠がいて、何やら話しこんでいる。
She abruptly ended their chat as soon as he descended the stairs.草十郎が階段を下りきると、青子はよし、と調子をとるように会話を切った。

"All right, let's head out. Keep an eye on things while we're gone, okay, Alice?"「それじゃ行きましょうか。有珠、留守番よろしくね」
She responded with a simple nod.有珠は頷きだけで応えた。
There was determination in Aoko's step as she strode to the door.青子はつかつかと玄関へ歩いていく。
Soujyuro made to follow her as he donned his coat in the foyer.草十郎はロビーでコートを羽織りつつ、青子の後を追うように歩きだした。

"Hurry it up!"「ほら、ぐずぐずしないっ!」
Her words made him pick up his pace, but he stopped suddenly, as if he had remembered something.青子の呼びかけに足を速める草十郎だったが、何を思ったか唐突に立ち止まった。
He looked back at Alice as if to say that he had left the heater on in his room, or some other important matter.そういえば部屋のストーブがつけっぱなしだったな、なんて素振りで、ひとりたたずむ有珠へと振り返る。

"Bye. I'll be back as soon as I can, but try to stay awake this time while waiting for me, okay?"「それじゃ行ってくる。できるだけ早めに帰ってくるから、寝ないで待ってるんだぞ有珠」

Alice blinked in shock at his unexpected request.突然の言いつけに、有珠は不意をつかれたようにまたたきをした。
Aoko looked on with arms folded as草十郎は返事を待っていて、
Soujyuro stood waiting for a response.青子は腕を組んでふたりのやりとりを眺めている。

Bewildered, Alice finally returned to the drawing room without uttering a single word.……それに少し戸惑ってから、有珠は無言で居間へと行ってしまった。
Her only response had been the very smallest of nods.どうでもいい草十郎の言葉に、こくんとひかえ目にうなずいてから。

Scene 2

They were headed for Akikoshiro train station.秋古城あきこしろというのが、その駅の名前だった。
The night had grown late-it was nearly eleven o'clock.夜はふけて十一時より少し前。
A train full of tourists went by in the opposite direction before the two finally arrived at the tiny station.参拝客の一団を乗せたのぼりの列車とは逆行して、ふたりはその小さな駅に着いた。

The surrounding area was incredibly dark and quiet.周囲はあまりにも暗く、静かだ。
In fact, it felt less like a station and more like a small boat dock.駅というより深夜の波止場を思わせる。

Soujyuro had a hard time imagining that many people came here even during the day.平時でさえ、この駅で降りる人は少ないのだろう。
It had only the absolute bare minimum necessary to greet the odd visitor.時折やってくる列車を見送るだけの停留所。
There were no convenience stores in sight, only fields and the streetlights that dotted the road.駅のまわりにはコンビニエンスストアの一軒もなく、あるのは一面の畑と、道に立てられた街灯だけ。

Aoko placed her ticket in front of the attendant who sat sleeping in his chair, and skimmed the train schedule.駅員室で座ったまま眠る駅員の前にキップを置いて、青子は時刻表を確認する。
The last and only train back departed just after half-past midnight.零時半過ぎに、もう一本だけ帰りの電車がある。
Having confirmed her options, she headed hastily out of the station.最終電車を確認して、青子は急ぎ足で駅を後にした。

The elderly station attendant was all alone...……年老いた駅員はひとりきりだった。
He had dozed off with both the heater and television still turned on.彼はストーブとテレビをつけたまま、こくこくと船をいでいる。

As he slept, his face looked completely content.その寝顔は満ち足りている。
The night felt vast in its darkness.あまりにも広大な夜の闇。
The small train station had been rendered obsolete now that cars were commonplace.自動車の供給と共にすたれてしまった小さな駅。
It was like a lone star shining in the night sky.暗い宇宙の中でただひとつ光を放つ、孤独な星のようだ。
Soujyuro thanked the attendant for his service before stepping out into the darkness. The man must have looked after the station for decades at this point, and would likely continue until the day he died.それを何十年と守り、これからも人生の終わりまで付きそう事を良しとした老人に一礼して、草十郎も暗い夜に足を向けた。

Outside the station there was little in the way of human development. It could scarcely be called a village.駅から出ると、そこは村というよりは里だった。
There was not even an area out front for cars and buses to drop people off.駅前には広場ロータリーすらない。
Their eyes were met only with a panorama of flat fields interlaced with a lattice of footpaths.パノラマに広がる平地は一面の畑で、網の目のように畦道あぜみちがある。
Though surely a sea of beautiful green in summertime, in winter it was more like a wasteland.夏であれば風紋を走らせる小麦畑も、冬の夜では荒地にしか見えない。
However, electric lights that felt strangely out of place illuminated one side of the dark vista.ただ一面の闇の中、電灯だけが場違いにともっている。

The cold only grew harsher as the night wore on.寒さは夜になってより厳しさを増していた。
It relentlessly snatched all sensation from the fingertips.冷気は容赦なく、指先から感覚ねつを奪っていく。

Aoko thus kept her hands in her pockets as she strode through the paths among the fields.両手をポケットにいれて、青子は畦道を歩きだした。
She could feel the ground below through her shoes.ブーツには土の感触。
Its softness was unlike that of the city, and for her it brought back countless memories.町とは違う柔らかさに、青子は懐かしさを感じている。
She had walked this path every day in middle school, after all.彼女にとっては、中学生時代まで毎日のように通った道だ。

"See the lights of that house in the middle of that mountain?「あの山の真ん中あたり、家の明かりが見えるでしょ?
That's my place."アレがうち」
She pointed out a mountain that rose up before them with her finger.もりあがったやみを指さす青子。
The journey looked like it would take about forty minutes on foot.ここからだと四十分も歩けば辿り着けるだろう。

For now they remained among the rice fields, though their journey would continue beyond them.道は長く、しばらくは畦道が続いている。
Aoko followed the path bathed in light without looking back.青子は振り返らず、明かりに照らされた道を歩いていく。
The path seemed to hang before them like a pier leading out into the darkness of the ocean.浮かび上がった道は、暗い海にかけられた桟橋さんばしのように見えた。

The closer they got to the mountain, the darker it became.山に近づくにつれ、暗闇は深くなる。
All signs of the hustle and bustle of human life were absent.ここでは人のは忘れ去られている。
The dark stillness made the moon overhead seem dazzling.頭上の月の光は眩しいほど。
Its light transformed the mountain path from blackness into mere shadow.真っ黒い山道は、その光に照らされて闇色やみいろから影色かげいろになっている。
Though dark, their surroundings were not totally indiscernible.周りは暗いけれど、世界はたしかに見渡せた。

The seemingly unending path stretched on and on.ゴールの見えない道は延々えんえんと続いている。
Soujyuro, doing his best to match Aoko's pace, stole a momentary glance at the profile of her face.青子のペースに合わせて歩きながら、ふと草十郎は彼女の横顔を盗み見た。

Did she not feel frightened in this quiet darkness, even with the moon to light the way?月明かりが鮮やかとは言え、ここまで静かな夜道に青子は不安を感じないのだろうか。
Her expression showed no outward signs of discomfort as she strode on in silence.青子は無言のまま、いたって普通の顔つきで歩いている。

In fact, this was how she always looked when she was trying to act tough.こんな顔の時は、決まって強がっている時だ。
He had only had a month's experience with her, but that much he knew.一ヶ月程度の未熟な経験からではあるが、草十郎は確かにそう感じ取った。
There was obviously something on her mind she couldn't ignore, no matter how small it might be.何か、些細だけれど無視できない問題を、彼女は飲みこもうとしているらしい。

"Are you scared to be out here in the dark?"「蒼崎でもこういうところは恐いのかい?」
She responded to his tentative question with a surprising nod.試しに訊いてみると、青子は意外にも頷いた。

"Who wouldn't be scared walking on these paths at night?「こんな夜道を恐がらない人なんて、普通いないでしょう。
All you can do is endure and ignore it. If you can't do either, then you really shouldn't be strolling around in the middle of the night."我慢できるか無視できるかの二つだけよ。そのどちらも出来ない人は、夜に出歩かないわ」
"I see. So why'd you bring me?"「なるほど。それじゃ、どうして自分を連れてきたんだ」

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier? All this walking in the middle of nowhere is a waste of time. I wanted someone to talk to so it'd go by faster."「言わなかった? こんな何もない道をひとりで歩くのは時間の無駄でしょ。退屈しのぎに話し相手がほしかったの」
"Yeah, I guess you did say something like that."「……そういえば、そんな事を言ってたな」

Soujyuro fell into silence.それきり草十郎は黙りこむ。
He was not bothered by what she said; rather, he was desperately searching for something to say in response.別に青子の言葉に落ちこんだ訳でもなく、必死に何かを探しているような素振りだ。
Their path through the night continued onward.夜の道は続いていく。
Only the sound of their footsteps could be heard. Eventually, Aoko was unable to endure the silence any longer despite her best efforts.ふたりの足音だけが響く中、青子は彼女なりに耐えてみたけれど、それも限界とばかりに口を開けた。

"Talk about something, Soujyuro."「草十郎、退屈しのぎに何か話してよ」
"But I don't have anything to talk about."「……まいったな。話すような事はないんだけど」
He felt clueless and ashamed.面目ない、と頭を抱える。
He had been searching unsuccessfully for a topic throughout their awkward silence.どうも、さっき黙りこんだのはを探しての事らしい。
Shocked though she was, Aoko let out a gentle sigh.青子は呆れながらも温かなため息をひとつ。
At least for a moment, his simple earnestness was enough to make her forget all about her troubles.とことん律儀な草十郎の人柄が、彼女を悩ませていたモノを少しだけがしていった。

"Don't be stupid. Make something up if you have to. It doesn't even have to be interesting. Anything will do."「莫迦ね、嘘でもなんでもいいから、とにかく話をすればいいの。別に面白い話なんて期待してないから」
Her blunt retort was not entirely honest.青子は素っ気ない態度で、あんまりな事を言う。
She would surely scold him if he dared lie to her.そもそも嘘なんて言ったら、それこそお仕置きタイムだ。
Soujyuro said as much, reminding her of how she had claimed to hate lies.前に嘘は嫌い、といったのは蒼崎本人じゃないか、と草十郎は内心でごちてみた。
Naturally she did not bother to respond to him.当然、青子からの返事はない。

"Damned either way, I guess. I don't have anything else to talk about, but there is something I wanted to ask.「……仕方ない。話はないけど、聞きたい事ならあった。
You said anything goes, right?"何でもいいならそれもいいだろう?」
A slight scowl crossed her face at his suggestion.草十郎の提案に、青子はかすかに眉を寄せた。
But it lasted only a moment before she returned to her previous calm state.けれどそれも一瞬で、彼女はすぐに元の、落ち着いた表情かおに戻る。

"All right, go ahead. I'll probably forget as soon as we're done, anyway."「……ま、それもいいか。どうせ、もうすぐ忘れるんだから」
She muttered her reply without making eye contact.草十郎から目を逸らして、呟くように青子は答えた。
Their destination in the mountains remained hidden from them, revealing not even a hint of its form.山中の目的地は、まだ影も形も見えてこない。

Scene 3

It had bothered him ever since that night.あれからずっとかかえていた疑問。
What was the truth behind it all, and how would the two sisters' drama unfold?今回の事件の顛末てんまつと、姉妹間の決着。
Soujyuro ventured to press Aoko for details.そういった余分な話を、草十郎は口にする。

"So what was it that Miss Touko wanted to accomplish?"「それで、橙子さんは何がしたかったんだ?」
"I thought I told you. She wanted to get revenge against me, and then there's the whole coming in contact with the Root thing.「あれ、言わなかった? 蒼崎わたしへの復讐と、根源に接触する事だって。
We already talked about the Swirl of the Root, remember?"根源の渦については前に少しだけ話したでしょ」
"It's like... the source of magecraft, right?"「……たしか、魔術の源だっけ」

"Right. And also its end goal.「そう。そして最終目的でもあるわ。
The place where all knowledge is recorded, where all matters are settled.根源の渦っていうのは、全ての叡知えいちが記録された位置、全ての事柄が決定された場所。
To see, touch, and understand it makes even the impossible possible. It has gone by many names over the years, but you could say it's where God lives."そこを見て、触れて、理解できれば不可能なんて言葉すら作り替えられる。伝承によって呼び名は様々だけど、ようするに神さまのいる位置なんでしょうね」

"God? So there's just one then? Not a bunch, like in Shinto?"「神さまっていうのは、八百万やおよろず的なものじゃなく?」
"There you go again with your annoying questions.「……たまにそういうコト言いだすから厄介よねアンタは。
There are gods in everything around us, but there's also one big underlying force that existed way before all that."そりゃ万象に宿る神さまもいるでしょうけど、これはその前、そういうのを決めた大前提みたいなものよ」

"Who knows why an entrance to the Root is located in Misaki, but my grandfather discovered it and was able to create a new kind of Magic.「そんなものの入り口がどうして三咲にあったのかは知らないけど、祖父はそれを発見して、新しい魔法を作り出した。
But then he closed the way to the Root.でも、その後に根源へのみちを閉ざしちゃったのよ。
He said that if this path to God enabled us to create Magic, then no one should be allowed to go there."魔法さえ成立したのなら、神さまへのみちは消えるべきだって」

"He has no intention of opening it again as long as we're alive, which made Touko crazy mad.「……たぶん、私たちが生きているかぎり開放する気はなくて、橙子はそれが腹立たしかったんだと思う。
She said that the path is meant to be explored, even if we aren't strong enough to handle what we find. And that you shouldn't be studying magecraft in the first place if you're afraid of getting killed."たとえ力不足で取り込まれても、道があるのなら試すべきだ。自己の消滅を恐れるぐらいなら、そもそも魔術なんて学ばなかった―――ってね」

"But my grandfather didn't appreciate her ambition.「でも祖父はいしずえになろうとする意志さえ認めなかった。
He refused to allow anyone to investigate the Root until a stronger heir was born. He's willing to pass on True Magic, just not the way to reach the Root.もっと強力な後継ぎが生まれるまで、根源の解析は許可しない。後継ぎに魔法はゆずるけれど、根源への路だけは閉ざしていたのよ。
I understand where Touko's coming from, but I agree with my grandfather.……橙子の気持ちも分かるけど、私は祖父に賛成だわ。
I don't care about the Root, and anyway, to this day there haven't been any survivors. There's not even proof that it's really the seat of the gods."根源なんてものに興味はないし、第一、今まで一人も生還者がいないんだもの。それが本当に神々の座なのか保証もないし」

Her mood had gradually soured as she spoke and towards the end it sounded more like a list of complaints.話しているうちに機嫌を損ねたのか、後半はなかば文句になっていた。
Despite her words, however, part of Aoko was unable to agree completely with her grandfather's decision.なんだかんだ言って、青子本人も祖父には賛同しきれない部分があるらしい。
Soujyuro took note and followed up with a question about something he found strange.それを気にしながら、草十郎は今の話のおかしな部分について訊き返す。

"What did you mean about how there haven't been any survivors?"「蒼崎。一人も生還者がいないって、どういう事だ?」
"I meant that no one's ever come in contact with the Root and made it back to talk about it. Not a single person in the entire world.「根源に触れて、帰ってきた者は一人もいないの。世界規模でね。
Coming in contact with it means instant death. The soul of a mere human simply 'returns to the source,' so to speak. In other words, it gets sucked into the Root."触れれば即消滅。人間程度の魂だと触れた瞬間にとか、根源に取りこまれるとか」

"That's why not even the greatest mages in history dared to touch it. Just coming close is enough to send them frantically trying to stabilize their magecraft."「なんで、どんなに歴史に名を残した魔術師でも、あれにだけは触れていないわ。せいぜい間近にして、大急ぎで自分の魔術を安定させた程度だもの」
Soujyuro furrowed his brow at the oddness of it all.そこがおかしい、と草十郎は眉をひそめる。

"Then how does anyone know so much about this place?"「それじゃあ、どうしてそこがそういう場所だって分かるんだ」
"Because there is one person who went and made it back."「そりゃあ、中に入って伝えた人がいたからでしょう」
"But you said there were no survivors..."「でも生還者はいないって」
"Yeah, because everyone who's gone in turns into God, too."「だから。そういう人たちは、中で神さまにでもなっちゃったんじゃない?」
She spoke very matter-of-factly.実にきっぱりと彼女は言った。
As if it was only a minor detail about something that had happened the other day.何でもない話のように、昨日の話をするように。

"So why would they even bother coming back to our world? Or maybe they can't, who knows.「そうなればこっちに帰ってくる必要はないでしょうし、もしかすると、単に帰って来られないだけかもね。
Being God is probably totally different than what we imagine. I doubt it's very fun."……ま、神さまって位置づけが私たちが思っているようなものとは思えないから、あまり幸福そうには思えないけど」

Whether they succeed or fail in their endeavor, those who reach the Root become unable to return to the normal world.成功者も失敗者も、それに触れては、こちらの世界に帰っては来られない。
Maybe the first person to become God felt lonely根源の渦とやらを人々に伝えたのは、
and spread the word about the Swirl of the Root in order to have others join them there.一番初めに神さまになった誰かが、淋しさから仲間を欲しがった結果なのかもしれない。
Or maybe they had so much work to do as God they just needed some help.……あるいは、あちらの仕事はあまりにも膨大で、他にも仲間を欲しがったのか。
None of it made any sense no matter how long Soujyuro thought about it.草十郎には、いくら考えても掴めない事ではあるが。

"You think Miss Touko wanted to become a god?"「……橙子さんは、そうなりたかったのかな」
"Oh, please. She just wanted to know the truth.「まさか。あの人は単に知りたかっただけよ。
She doesn't care what happens to the next person. That's how she's always been. She just focuses completely on her goal and doesn't worry about what comes next."その後に残された人たちの事なんて興味はないの。昔から、目標に没頭しても成果を愛する人じゃなかったから」

"She's a bit on the extreme side, to be honest.「正直なところ、そのあたり姉貴は突き抜けてるわ。
But geniuses always have an inhumane side to them like that. They work and work on their masterpiece without so much as considering what will happen once it's complete."ホントの天才ってのはああいう非人間のコト言うのよ。苦労して作り上げたモノの、その後をまったく考えないんだから」
Soujyuro wasn't sure whether she spoke out of disgust or respect.呆れているようにも認めているようにも取れる口ぶり。

"But she's still pretty considerate to others in the moment.「でも、そのくせ面倒見はいいって言うか。
Since she doesn't worry about the future, she focuses all her energy on the here and now."未来の事は考えないのに、今あるものには何にでも興味を持つんだから」
Aoko praised her sister's genius even while cursing her every being.これだから天才肌の女は、と悪態をつく青子。
Though her tone of voice was perfectly pleasant and lacked any audible animosity.敵意てきい欠片かけらもない声は、聞くものとしては微笑ましい。

"Right. Miss Touko seemed to really like me a lot."「そうだね。それに、橙子さんはこっちの方が好きみたいだったから」
As soon as he spoke, he was struck by the meaning of Aoko's earlier words.そんな事を口にしたら、草十郎は先ほどの言葉の意味も分かってしまった。
"I don't care about the Root."“根源になんて興味はない”
He realized that she must feel the same way as Touko.つまり青子も、橙子と同じ気持ちなのだろう、と。

Scene 4

And so...―――と。
There was one thing that had been bothering Soujyuro regarding Touko.橙子と言えば、草十郎にはちょっとした疑問があった。

"What did you mean about turning her into a frog?"「そういえば。カエルにするって、いったい……」
He ventured to bring up the topic no one had been talking about since it occurred.あれ以来まったく口にしなかった話題を、草十郎は口にしてみた。
It had always seemed taboo to bring up, so the sense of transgression made him hesitate as he finally sought the truth.それを訊くのは禁忌タブーのように思えていたし、なにより、その突飛とっぴさ故、真実を聞くのが躊躇ためらわれたというか。

"Exactly what it sounds like.「いったいも何も、言葉通りの意味だけど。
Rune mages can shapeshift, so apparently that made her especially susceptible to the curse."もともとルーン使いには変身術があるぶん、橙子にはかかりやすかったみたいよ?」
"Sounds like a bigger deal than you're making it out to be."「いや、そんな当然のように言われても……」
His stomach hurt from the stress of not knowing how to respond to her cavalier attitude.本気でどう切り返していいか、ちくりと胃が痛む草十郎だった。

"I mean... how is it even possible to turn someone into a frog?"「…………まあ。それで、どうやって?」
He did not particularly want to ask, but it was the natural extension of his current line of inquiry.聞きたくはないけれど、話の流れから問いたださずにはいられない。
Aoko stared straight ahead as she lectured him, completely ignoring the pained expression on his face.草十郎の嫌そうな顔には気が付かず、青子は前を見たまま、教師よろしく説明をする。

"So there are two ways to go about it: a mind swap, or a reconfiguration of the person's physical form.「二種類あって、精神を入れ替えるのか、肉体を再編成するかね。
Swapping minds is easy, but the effects do not last very long.精神だけを入れ替えるのは簡単な分、すぐ元に戻れるわ。
It will feel like you are dreaming, and then there will be a little jolt when you return to your body."夢を見ているようなものだし、ちょっとしたショックで元の体に意識が戻ってくれるから」

"Changing someone's physical form is more tricky, and it's hard to revert back before the spell ends.「厄介なのは肉体そのものを変えてしまう方で、この場合、術が切れるまで元に戻るのは難しいでしょうね。
I used the physical reconfiguration approach, I guess.私がやったのは、その再編成の方みたい。
Something about reconstructing the base DNA sequence... I don't know, it's all gibberish to me! You can't explain magecraft with scientific jargon, anyway, right?"たぶん塩基配列を組み換えるんだろうけど、もうちんぷんかんぷん。ま、魔術が科学的な説明するのもナンセンスだし?」

Aoko spoke as if it were not her own actions she were discussing.しれっと、まさに他人事のように青子は言った。
Apparently she had only been borrowing magecraft from her future self and could not use any of it in the present.あの時の青子が扱った魔術は前借りしたようなもので、今の青子にはまったく使えないものらしい。
Her actions had also created a looming threat that would come back to haunt them in ten years time.不幸中の幸いではあるが、同時に、十年後にくる逃れられない脅威でもある。
Trying to comprehend even a fraction of all the intricacies involved made Soujyuro's head hurt.とばっちりを受ける候補その一としては、たいへん頭の痛い問題だった。

"But several years from now, you'll know how to do stuff like that?「あと数年後には蒼崎はそんな事もできるのか。
Pretty scary if you ask me."…………すえ恐ろしいな」
Soujyuro was being completely honest with her.心底からの気持ちを呟く草十郎。
In response, Aoko only stared ahead blankly, eyes open wide.それに青子はきょとんと目を見開く。
She looked like she wanted to scold him.何をいまさら、と言いたげな顔だった。

"Physical reconfiguration would be no problem for Alice even now, you know."「えっとね。有珠ならそれぐらい、今でもできるわよ」
"Wait, what?"「――――――なん、だと?」

"I said you should take her more seriously, remember?「……やっぱりね、そんな事だと思ってたわ。
You really never listen.前にも言ったでしょ、アンタはあの娘を甘く見てるって。
Know those dolls in her room? They're all that's left of people who opposed her."有珠の部屋のもろもろの人形は、あの娘に逆らった執事たちのなれの果てなんだから」

"Hah. Alice would never do something like that."「……まさか。有珠はそんなコトしないぞ」
"That's exactly what I thought for the first six months or so."「いやいや、これがこれが。私もねー、付き合い初めて半年はそう思ってたんだけどねー」
The light, cheerful laughter that followed only made her statement all the more chilling.軽快に笑いとばす青子だが、その陽気さが逆に怖い。

"It's not funny to joke like that, Aozaki."「……蒼崎。その冗談、笑えないぞ」
"Do I look like I'm trying to make you laugh?"「あら、私は笑わせる気なんて、これっぽっちもないんだけど?」

She was clearly making fun of him at this point.青子は明らかに草十郎をからかっている。
Unable to determine how serious to take what she had said, Soujyuro's mood and expression only grew darker.どこまで信じていいのか判別がつかず、ますます顔をしかめる草十郎。
His obvious dejection made Aoko smile with satisfaction.そんな消沈ぶりが楽しくて、青子はにまにまと微笑んでいる。

"She shouldn't be able to be a witch in the first place if she agrees with what you say..."“……ま、あそこでアンタの言葉にうなずいちゃうあの娘が、そこまで魔女になれる筈もないんだけど―――”
She gazed at him as they walked, her chest warm with emotion.温かな感想を胸に留めた少女は、彼の横顔を見ながら歩いていく。

Scene 5

The path they strode had shifted from footpaths through rice fields to a road climbing the mountain.道はいつしか、畦道あぜみちから山道になっていた。
It was surprisingly wide given the mountain's small size, though with no shortage of trees on either side.小振りな山は思いのほかひらけていて、木々はあるものの、山道は横に広い。
The forest road led them up to the top of the mountain.自然の並木道は延々えんえんと山頂に向かっている。

Wheel marks were etched into the dirt underfoot.土の道にはわだちがある。
No doubt Aozaki's family came through here by car.おそらく蒼崎の家から車が通っているのだろう。
The only light at the summit was that of the moon and stars overhead; the bald mountaintop lacked streetlights and houses as well as vegetation.はげ山には街灯も民家もなく、明かりは星と月の光だけだった。

Near the top, the incline of their path began to even out.山道の傾斜は、段々と平坦になっていく。
The road ended abruptly at a house, still a good way away before them.道はずっと先にある民家の前で途切れようとしていた。
It was too far to make out the shape of the building, but Soujyuro assumed it was Aozaki's house based on the warm light coming from the windows.まだ遠くで建物の輪郭りんかくも掴めないけれど、暖かそうな窓明かりから、あれが蒼崎の家だろうと草十郎は読み取った。

"So, what should I do while you're busy with your family bonding time?"「ところで、君が家で団らんしている間、自分は何をしていればいいんだろう」
He had a hard time imagining her engaging in any sort of "family bonding time," but with effort he could imagine that it must be a joyful time for her.一家団欒だんらんする青子の姿は想像しにくかったが、無理やりしてみると、それはそれでたいへん幸福そうな場面が想像できた。
He did not want to ruin that by intruding, which is why he brought up the subject now.自分が入る事でそれを壊すのはしのびなく、草十郎は青子にそう訊ねたのだ。

If he had to, he would not have minded spending the night camping outside.草十郎としては今から帰っても、ここで一晩野営やえいしても文句はない。
Her reply was not what he had expected.けれど、青子の返答は予想外のものだった。

"You're going to go meet my grandfather.「君は、うちの離れにいって祖父に会うの。
He might be able to erase your memories of everything that's happened."たぶん、そこで今日までの記憶を消されるわ」
She stopped dead in her tracks as she spoke.ぴたりと足を止めて青子はそう言った。
The frank and open attitude she had shown all night was now gone.今までの打ち解けた雰囲気もなく、他人と話すように。

Soujyuro was too shocked to take another step forward.驚いて、草十郎も足を止める。
He turned back to look at her, having been walking a little ways ahead, and realized she was not joking.追い抜いてしまった青子を振り返ると、それが真実である事がはっきりと分かった。

He stood still, taking in the glaring silence.睨むような沈黙と、それを自然に受けとめる草十郎。
Naturally, Aoko was the first to resume speaking.先に口を開けたのは、やっぱり青子だった。

"Nothing surprises you, does it?"「驚かないのね、貴方」
"No, I'm surprised. Of course I am. And now I understand why you wanted to bring me along."「……いや、驚いたけど。でも、それは初めから決まっていた事だ。そうか、それで蒼崎は俺を連れて来たのか」
"I wasn't lying about wanting someone to talk to, though. It just so happens that my grandfather also told me to bring you to see him."「退屈しのぎは本当よ。それとは別に、祖父が貴方を連れて来いって言ったの」

Soujyuro nodded in acceptance.なるほど、と少年はうなずく。
He was as quiet and unchanging as the night around him.夜はひそやかに変わりなく、少年も、なにひとつ変わりはなかった。
Something which Aoko found thoroughly irritating.……目前の少女が、その在り方を憎らしいと思うほどに。

"Well, we should get going then. It gets cold when you stop moving."「それじゃ行こうか。立っていると寒い」
Aoko's voice stopped him in his tracks just as he was about to resume walking toward her house.歩きだそうとする草十郎を、青子は声で引き止める。
"Are you sure you're okay with this?「貴方はそれでいいの?
If he erases your memory, it'll be like this whole month never happened."記憶を消されるって事は、今までの一ヶ月がなくなるのと同じなのよ」

Soujyuro murmured in understanding.青子の問いに、草十郎はそうか、と呟いた。
The thought of returning to his old self and forgetting about Aoko, Alice, and the mansion altogether felt like giving up a treasure that he had discovered.青子の事はもちろん、有珠の事や、あの洋館での暮らしを忘れて一ヶ月前の自分に戻るのは、手に入れかけた宝物を無くしてしまうような気がする。
But he didn't feel that he was unable to let them go, either.けれど、それを惜しいと、彼は思わなかった。

"It would definitely be bad. It's been a fun month since I met you, and I just made that promise to Alice, too.「たしかにそれは嫌だな。蒼崎と知り合ってからの一ヶ月は楽しかったし、有珠とも約束したばっかりだし。
But it's not like you'll disappear. We'll still see each other at school once winter break's over, right?"でも蒼崎が消えるわけじゃないんだろう? 冬休みが終われば、また学校で会えるじゃないか」

There was no answer from Aoko.それに青子は返答しなかった。
She did not tell him that he was not the only one who would be losing their memory.青子はあえて口にはしなかったが、記憶を消されるのは草十郎だけではない。
Intervention by her grandfather would erase her own memories of Soujyuro, too.彼女の祖父が介入する以上、青子も草十郎に関する記憶を消されるのだ。

Once it was done, they would most likely never even speak with one another again.その後には、お互いの接点はないように思われた。
Each would become just another random student at school.こんな関係になる事もなく、ただ気に食わない生徒にしか見えない。
Even if they did happen to meet by some lucky circumstance, things would not be the same as they were now.どんなに優れた偶然が働いても、もう、今の状況には戻れない。
She could not deny that a small part of her was going to miss him.……それを少し残念だと思うのは、たしかに、未練だと認めるしかない。

"Right. Let's get going."「そう。なら行きましょ」
She rationalized her feelings away instead of processing them and set off once more toward the house.整理のつかないまま、理屈だけで感情を切り捨てて、青子は歩きだした。
Soujyuro followed along at her side.そのとなりに草十郎は付き添っていく。

It was a matter of several minutes before they reached their destination.目的地まであと数分。
She was irritated to see that the expression on his face looked exactly the same as it always did.草十郎はいつも通りの顔で歩いていて、青子にはそれが腹立たしい。
Forgetting their time together was sad for her, if only slightly so, but it did not seem to bother him in the least.こっちはホンの少しだけど未練と思っているのに、この男は微塵みじんもそう思っていないのだ。

"Guess you can't expect much sensitivity from someone who has no problem putting themselves in harm's way by breaking both his..."「……そりゃあね、平気で自分の腕を叩き折れるヤツに、そんな繊細せんさいなコト期待していないけ、ど……」
Halfway through muttering her complaint, Aoko suddenly remembered.つい憎まれ口を叩いて、青子は唐突に思い出した。
Or rather, she realized something.いや、思い至ってしまった。

Something about the one-time werewolf killer before her.一度きりの狼退治。
And the mystery of who Soujyuro Sizuki really was.静希草十郎とは何者なのか、という不明点を。
The older version of herself that night had had memories and knowledge of Soujyuro beyond what she knew now.あの夜の青子は草十郎の時間きおくを知ってはいたが、今の青子は知るよしもない。
Something about this seemingly average boy's mistakes.この凡庸な少年の間違い。
Why he was able to do what he did, and why he was raised in the mountains in the first place.なぜあんな事が出来たのか、そもそも、彼は山でどんな生活をしていたのか。

She had always wondered but never had a chance to ask him about it... until now.今まで気になってはいたものの、ついに聞き出す機会には恵まれなかった。
Once her grandfather was through with them, all those questions she had about Soujyuro would be gone, too.その疑問も、祖父に会えば疑問と思う事さえなくなってしまうだろう。

There was no point in asking right before they had their memories erased. But then again, she might as well if she was going to forget everything anyway.たとえすぐに忘れてしまうにしても―――いや、数分後には何もかも無かった事になるのなら。
This was her only chance to demand an explanation for his contradictory behavior.彼に、その矛盾を吐き出させる機会は今しかない。

"Wait. There's one thing I wanted to ask you before this is all over.「待って。私も最後にひとつ、訊きたい事がある。
What was your life like when you lived in the mountains? What were you doing there?"―――アンタ、山でどんな生活を送ってたの?」
Her questions stopped him on the spot.青子の問いに、草十郎はぴたりと足を止めた。
She had never seen him make such a pained expression.その顔は今までのどんなものよりつらそうに見える。

"Why do you want to talk about something so boring?"「つまらないよ、そんな話は」
"I already told you I don't expect you to say anything interesting.「面白い話は期待してないって言ったでしょ。
I'm about to forget everything you say, so just humor me on this one, okay?"どうせ私も草十郎の事は忘れるんだから、それぐらい話してくれてもいいんじゃない?」
Her words and demanding gaze caused him to lift his head in surprise.けち、とばかりに見据える青子の発言に、草十郎は驚いて顔をあげた。

"You mean you'll forget, too?"「……忘れるって、蒼崎が?」
"Of course. It would be pointless if I remember everything. We won't be able to make a clear break unless we both forget.「当然よ。アンタが忘れても、私が覚えているんじゃ意味がないでしょう。お互いが忘れなくちゃ人と人の関係は断てないわ。
It makes sense when you think about it.……行って来いで公平じゃない。
So quit looking at me like that."なんで、そんな顔するの」

Soujyuro's hand shot up to cover his mouth in response.言われて、草十郎は口元を手で隠した。
He had no idea what kind of look he had been giving her, but he had a feeling it had been pretty pathetic.自分がどんな顔をしていたか判らないが、情けない顔をしている気がして。

"So we'll both forget...「そうか、蒼崎も忘れるのか。


|I wasn't expecting that."|そこまでは、考えていなかった」|
|"Yeah, so we won't see each other anymore. You never know, but most likely not."|「ええ。そして、私は貴方とは会わなくなる。断定はできないけど、まず間違いなくね」|

Thus, this would be their last conversation.だから、これは最後の会話。
The way she spoke made it obvious even if he had not been aware of what awaited him inside.青子の台詞からも、お互いが忘れるという事からも、それは感じ取れた。

Soujyuro might see her walk by at school and feel a desire to talk.蒼崎青子は変わらず学校にいて、その後ろ姿に草十郎はあこがれる。
But they would have no reason to interact.けれど、その先に接点はない。
Even if he tried to strike up a conversation, he knew she was not the type to bother much with other people.どんなに草十郎が話しかけても、青子は他人を必要としていないのだから。
More importantly, he was not the type to strike up conversations in the first place. Not the way he had been a month ago, at least.……いや、そもそも自分から話しかける事が彼にはできない。少なくとも、一ヶ月前の草十郎には。

That was when he finally realized how cruel it can be to forget something.そこでようやく、彼は忘却のさを知った。
Not only would he forget what they had done together, he would not so much as know her name or even be aware that she existed.青子の事を忘れる、とは彼女との出来事を忘れるのではなく、蒼崎青子という名前、存在からして忘れる、という事だ。
Even if he felt strangely drawn to her, he would never understand why.彼女に憧れる自分はいても、その正体を掴む事はない。
And despite the fact that if some lucky twist of fate brought them together, things would never be the same.どんなに優れた偶然が働いても、今の状況には戻れない。

Their walk that night was no less than a funeral for the both of them.この夜の歩みは、互いの死を見取る葬式そうしきと変わらない。
He would essentially kill the person he knew as Aoko Aozaki,草十郎は蒼崎青子という人物を殺して、
and she would kill the person she knew as Soujyuro Sizuki.青子は静希草十郎という人物を殺す。
Afterward, nothing would remain.その後に残るものは、何もない。

"That's why I wanted to ask. But if you don't want to talk about it, we can just go straight inside instead."「だから、その前に聞いておきたいの。嫌だっていうなら、あとはこのまま家まで直行するだけだけど」
"That would be sad.「それはさみしいな。
Okay, I guess it's better than not talking at all. But don't blame me if it's boring."……うん、くだらない話だけど、会話がないよりはましだろう」

Muttering under his breath, Soujyuro set off towards the house once again.呟いて、草十郎は歩きだした。
This time it was Aoko who matched his pace.今度は青子が付き添うよう、となりに並ぶ。
There were only minutes left before their path came to its end.道はあと数分足らずで終わろうとしている。
The cold air turned their breath into white puffs that hung frozen in the dark night.寒さのせいでふたりの吐息は白く、暗い夜道によく残った。

Scene 6

Looking back on their conversation later,後になって青子は振り返る。
Aoko would think it seemed more of a confession than anything else.あれは会話ではなく告解に近いもので―――
For Soujyuro, however, it was like one long, poorly told fairy tale.彼にしては長く続けられた、不出来な昔話のようだったと。

"Life in the mountains was nothing special.「山での暮らしは、別に、どうという事はない。
We were taught and did the exact same things every day.毎日同じ事を繰り返して、毎日同じ事を教えられた。
There never was such a thing as tomorrow.そこでは明日はないんだ。

Things started in the morning and ended when night came; the days weren't linked in any way.始まりが朝で、夜になれば終わる。一日は次の日には繋がらない。

|So I never had any hopes or dreams about the future."|だから、明日を夢見る事もない」|

"Looking forward to the next day was a totally foreign concept until I moved here.「次の日を楽しみにする、なんて言葉は、こっちに来てから知った感覚だったな。
It was hard to get used to at first, and I didn't particularly even want to.初めは馴染めなかったし、馴染む気もなかった。
But everybody kept saying 'See you tomorrow!' with such confidence. Before I knew it, I started dreaming about tomorrow, too."けど、みんながまた明日、と満足そうに口にする。いつのまにか、そういうものを夢見るようになっている自分がいた」

Soujyuro kept walking as he spoke.歩きながら草十郎は語っていく。
He stared straight ahead as if telling his story to the night itself, not once turning to face Aoko.青子には視線を向けず、前を見つめながら、夜に語りかけるように。
For her part, Aoko was utterly silent.青子は沈黙に徹している。
She knew it was pointless to so much as nod or ask a question.うなずきも問いかけも、今は無意味な行いだ。

"One day I woke up and got started like any other day, but then I realized someone who I'd seen every day was suddenly gone.「目が覚めていつもの一日に戻って、ふと気が付くと昨日までいた誰かがいない。
I asked around and apparently they'd started feeling bad during the night. Sometimes people who can't sleep go out on a walk by themselves, you know?訊ねてみると、夜に体調を崩したらしい。たまにね、眠れなくなって家から出ていって、それっきりな人もいたんだ。
A while later, people discovered a familiar-looking corpse at the bottom of the cliff."見なくなってしばらくした後、崖の下で見覚えのある遺体を見付けた事もあった」

"Now that I think about it, that was pretty strange...「……今にして思うと、それは異常な事だ。
It never would've happened if we'd all been living together, but no one was bothered by it. Maybe people didn't value each other since everyone lived on a day-to-day basis."集まって暮らしていればそんな事にはならなかったのに、自分たちは関わらなかった。一日で完結する世界だったから、他人は必要じゃなかったのかも知れない」

"There wasn't much to eat in the mountains. To avoid starvation we often went to places most people wouldn't go. Lots of people died on the way, too."「山では食べる物も少なかった。飢えないためには、他の人がよりつけない場所に行くことが多くなる。その途中の道で、いなくなってしまう人も多かった」

"No one would even dream of stealing from others in the mountains.「山では、誰も他人から奪うことを考えなかった。
When you're out searching for food, the only thing you need to watch out for are dogs and bears, not other people.口にできるものを探す時、気をくばる相手は犬だの熊だのだけで、人を気にする事はなかったんだよ。
Here things are the other way around, though.今は、その逆になりつつあるけど。
Anyway, half our time was taken up just with that."ともかく、生活の半分はそれだけで済んでいた」

Soujyuro continued to stare straight ahead.草十郎は変わらず前を見つめている。
He did not seem troubled by his memories.思い出に苦しんでいる様子はない。
To Aoko's ears, it sounded like he was describing a place no one in their right mind would want to live as if it were perfectly normal-almost as if he missed it.青子から見ればとても人の住む環境ではないソレを、彼は当然と思っている。むしろ懐かしがってさえいるようだ。
But from that point onward, he slowly began to show more signs of distress as he spoke.けれど、そこからの告白は、ゆっくりと苦悩を刻んでいった。

"The other half of our time was spent learning how to defend ourselves.「もう半分は、まあ、身を守る手段を教わっていた。
It wasn't much compared to classes at school now. They just told us to notice how our bodies move and how other animals' bodies move, and had us think about it.学校の授業に比べたら些細な事だ。単に、自分の体はどう動くものなのか、生き物はどう動くものなのかを、よく見て、よく考えろと言われた。
We repeated some simple drills. Kicking stones, surviving in the forest, stuff like that."単純な反復運動だ。小石を蹴ったり森の中にこもったり、まあ、そんな意味合いのコトをやっていたんだ」

"Once we got into one of those sessions, night and day no longer mattered.「あの決まり事がはじまると朝も夜もなかった。
We didn't have the energy to notice the time of day. Sometimes you'd go a long time and realize you hadn't eaten anything for ages.外の変化に気持ちを向ける余裕はなくて、ふと気が付くとずいぶん長く食事をしていない、なんてのもざらだった。
I mean, we did get food eventually, so don't feel bad for us or anything."あ、ちゃんとごはんはもらえたよ、そういうのの後は」

"I still have no idea why we did that stuff, though.「あれが何のためだったのかは、今でも分からない。
But it definitely made living in the mountains easier, so I just accepted it as what we had to do.ただ山で暮らしていくには役に立ったし、そもそもあれだって生活の一部だった。
I thought that was how life was for everyone. It felt natural and even necessary to do all that training."生きるって事はそうする事だって思ってた。こうやって息をして歩くためには、あの繰り返しは当然のものだったんだ」
"Uh, Soujyuro?"「草十郎、それは」

His tone was totally indifferent, but the strangeness of it all forced Aoko to interject.草十郎は淡々と語るけれど、その異常さに青子は口を挟んでしまった。
He glanced at Aoko and nodded as if to show he knew what she was thinking.彼は歩きながら、うん、とうなずいて青子にちらりと視線を移す。

"I know it sounds strange. The training definitely seemed like it was for something more than just self-defense.「何かがおかしかったんだろう。あれは身を守る知恵じゃなくて、もっと違う用途のものだった。
I have a feeling the people who sometimes disappeared actually left the mountain for some other reason."たまにいなくなる知り合いは、山の土になったんじゃなくて、他の場所で、他の理由で消えた場合もあったんだろう」

"But I never thought about any of that then.「でも、考える事さえなかった。
I accepted it all without really knowing what was going on or having any qualms about it, without knowing whether people were even still alive.精神の隙間すきまを知れだの、命の勝ち負けを知れだの、意味をくみ取らないままみにして、当然のように繰り返した。
Maybe some people would judge me for what I did. I don't know.それがどう評価されるものなのか、俺には分からない。
But I do know one thing.ただ、知らなければ。
If I hadn't learned about the outside world, I probably would've stayed there without a care in the world forever."外の事なんて知らなければ、悩むことなく、自分はそこに居続けられたと思う」
"You would've kept living on the verge of death like that? Even though you didn't like it?"「……貴方の嫌いな、生き死にの真似を続けて?」

He did not respond to her question.その問いに、彼は答えなかった。
From then on, they continued walking in silence.無言のまま足は進む。
Aoko could not stop thinking about all the contradictions and absurdities in what he had said.……数々の矛盾、点在していた不合理を、今更ながら青子は噛みしめる。

The imbalance in his education, for one.たとえば、この少年の教養のバランスだ。
His knowledge of the basics of human life was thorough, yet he knew next to nothing about modern technology.文明の機器をまったく知らないくせに、基礎知識だけは持ち合わせていた。
He always said he was not good at socializing, but he seemed accustomed to talking and discussion.今の話では人付き合いは皆無だというのに、意思の疎通そつう、言葉による対話に慣れていた。
His upbringing could not have happened that way by chance; it was most certainly an environment purposefully constructed according to a play by some third party.それは偶発的には生まれるはずのない環境、第三者の意図によって作られた異常性おかしさだ。

Aoko had no idea what that plan could be, or who the third party was, though.……その、第三者の意図など青子には分からない。
Why would anyone want to create someone with a background like Soujyuro's?彼のような人間を育てる事に何の意味があったのか。
Was it all part of a grander plan? Or, was there really a place deep in the mountains where it was normal to live like that?利害目的か、それとも、その山奥ではいまだに当然の生活ありかただったのか。

He had asked about this once in his home in the mountains, apparently.彼は一度だけ、どうして、と訊ねたコトがあるらしい。
When he expressed his confusion an elder had taken him aside, saying,疑問を覚えた彼に、彼を引き取った老人は、
"This is just how things have always been around here, boy.“んなもんオメエ、昔から続いているだけだろうよ。
There's no reason to keep doing it, but there's also no reason to stop."続ける理由もなかったが、止める理由もなかったのさ”
With a laugh, the elder chose a new identity and life outside the mountains for young Soujyuro and sent him off to live on his own.そう笑って、彼に戸籍こせきと新生活を見繕みつくろって、山以外でれ死ねと見送った。

Aoko's home loomed at the end of their path.道の終わりには、彼女の帰る場所があった。
It was a generic home without any real distinguishing features.これといって特色のない一般家屋。
It seemed as if a house from town had been picked up and dropped here. One could imagine the residents were peaceful people who engaged in farming and raising animals in their spare time.街にある一戸建てをそのまま持ってきて、日々の趣味として畑や家畜を育てている、あまりにも平和な家。
Gazing at what lay before him, Soujyuro finally opened his mouth to answer Aoko's earlier question.それを視界に収めて、先ほどの少女の問いに答えようと、彼は口を開けた。

"I would've. If I'd never learned about the outside world, I would've stayed there forever. But now I know, and I could never go back.「自分には、できなかった。知らなければ良かったのに、知ってしまったから。
Coming here made everything simple.その後は簡単だ。
Someone once told me that no one wants a bird that can't sing.鳴けない鳥はいらないと言われた。
It's the same when you learn the truth about something you'd never questioned before. Once you know the truth you just don't want it in your life anymore."今まで疑いもなく出来た事を、意味を知っただけで出来なくなったものはいらないと」

"No matter how badly I want to be back in the mountains, I can't live like that anymore. There's no point even trying.「どんなに山にいたくても、できないのなら意味がない。
Once I learned that things meant something, I couldn't just blindly believe things anymore. That's why I left the mountains.俺は意味を知った瞬間に、意味を信じるコトができなくなった。だから山を下りたんだ。
But who knows...……けれど、どうなんだろう。
That was all I'd ever known.そこでは、そうする事だけが全てだった。
It was all I'd ever been taught to do.そうする事だけしか教えられなかった。
That's why..."だから―――」

There had been only one problem with his life in the mountains-him, for having questioned it.間違えていたのは。
It was all his mistake.おかしかったのは、疑いを持ってしまった自分だったのか、と。
He muttered as much to himself, his voice dripping with criticism.自戒のように、彼の呟きは途切れていった。

In Aoko's opinion,……青子は思う。
the world he described was, in a sense, perfect.彼のんでいた世界は、ある意味で完成していた。

The best situation to achieve a goal is one in which all elements extraneous to that goal have been removed.一つの事柄を成立させたければ、それ以外は何もない世界を作ればいい。
As long as the people involved have no concept of morality, they will consider the immoral to be completely correct.それがどんな不道徳な事でも、不道徳という概念を知らなければ、それは正義だ。
No, even such correctness would be foreign in concept.いや、そもそも正しさの観念すらない。
Only one thing was for sure.あるのはただ一つ。
The world he had come from was frozen in time.その世界が、あまりにも行き止まっている、という事だけ。

That was what made Soujyuro's tragedy possible.……悲劇は、そこで満ち足りてしまった事だ。
A world of wrongdoing and mistakesその間違いだらけの世界で、
had created a human riddled with間違いだらけの人間として、
mistakes as well.こうやって残ってしまった。

Soujyuro understood that it was wrong, and yet he still thought it beautiful even now.彼はそれを悪と知りながら、今でも美しいと感じている。
Regardless of what the truth behind it might have been, he considered that world perfect.真相はどうあれ、彼にとって、その世界は完成していた。
He only blamed himself for having learned what existed outside that world.悪いのは外の世界を知ってしまった自分。
He himself had said he could still be living there happily.だって、それを知らなければ、彼は今でも幸福だったのだから。

"If I'd never learned about the outside world, I would've stayed there forever."“知らなければ、良かったのに。”
He surely felt the weight of the sinful words he spoke more deeply than anyone else.その言葉の罪深さは、呟く本人が誰よりも。

That's why he still wondered:だから彼は問うたのだ。
What had gone awry?おかしいのは一体なんなのか。
Whose fault was it, really?間違っていたのは誰なのかを。
He did not want to answer these questions alone. He wanted her to state it clearly for him.自分の言葉ではなく、少女の言葉で、明確に告発してほしかった。
There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity before she spoke.一瞬の、けれど永劫えいごうのような思考の末、

"I can't answer those questions for you."「―――私には、答えられないわ」
Her reply came quietly.少女は静かに、そう返答した。
It was not that she did not have an answer; it was that she could not tell him.分からない、ではなく、答えられない。
It was a struggle for her to tell such a bold-faced lie.それは嘘を言わない彼女にとって、精一杯の回答だった。
He reflected deeply on what she said.少年は深くかみしめる。
He knew right away that her words were coming from a place of kindness.今のがどれほど優しい言葉なのか、考えるまでもないのだから。

"Yeah, I understand.「うん、そうだな。

Now I can appreciate your kindness during those early days."君の最初の優しさが、今でよかった」
A pleasant look floated across his face, at which Aoko could only scowl.などと、しあわせそうに言う草十郎を、青子はじとりと睨みつけた。

"What do you mean?「なによそれ。
I haven't been any nicer to you than I normally am."まるで、普段から優しくないみたいじゃない」
"Well, you're not very nice normally, are you?"「蒼崎は優しくないじゃないか」
She found herself unable to offer any protest against such a blunt statement.きっぱりと言われて、青子は反論できなかった。
It was because she knew he was correct.……それは、たしかに彼の言う通りで。

"I... guess you're right. I'm not very nice."「……そうね。優しくなんかないわね、私」
Soujyuro smiled in response to her vaguely sad consent as if to say, "Told you so."どこかさみしげな青子の同意に、ほら、と草十郎は笑った。
His indulgent smirk arose from his sense of personal pride in the situation.見守るような微笑みは、彼が誰よりも、それを誇りに思っているからだろう。

It was both warm-hearted and uncomfortable, causing Aoko to instantly regret her question.それが気まずくて温かくて、青子はあんな質問をした事を後悔した。
If only she had asked about something else, something random that did not matter, then she never would have ended up in a mood like this.もっと違う、なんでもない話をすれば、こんな陰欝いんうつとした気分にはならなかったのにと。

Only a few minutes remained until their path came to an end.道は、あと数歩分もない。
Surrounded by a wooden fence, the house resembled an inn for passing travelers in winter.木の柵に囲まれた建物は、冬の中にあるいこいの宿に見えた。
The light spilling out from the window brought to mind images of a lively dinner table, quite the opposite of the current mood between the two.窓からこぼれる明かりが、今の気分に逆らって食卓のにぎわいを想像させる。

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked such prying questions."「ごめん。悪いこと聞いちゃって」
Aoko stopped at the entrance to the yard.青子は庭の入り口で立ち止まる。
She had felt compelled to apologize even though it was the last time they would speak. Or perhaps because it was the last time.最後なのに、それとも最後だから、一度くらいは謝っておこうと思ったのか。
Soujyuro's only response was to shrug it off as if it were no problem.それに草十郎はいや、と答えるだけだった。

"There's still a lot to talk about."「話、途中なのにね」
He looked up at the house they had hiked so far to reach, his breath hanging white in the air.辿り着いてしまった家を見上げて、白い息をこぼす。
All signs of gloom were gone from Soujyuro's face as he nodded.うなずく草十郎の顔に、もうくらかげりは微塵もない。

"I think talking about it helped me reflect on the past. So I appreciate it.「自分も、話してみてようやく振り向けたと思う。だから蒼崎には感謝してるよ。
Besides, it's all in the past now.―――それに、これはもう終わった事だ。
Maybe I can continue the story the next time we have a chance to talk."続きを話すのは、また機会があった時にしよう」

He turned his head to face Aoko with an ephemeral smile.消え入るような笑顔で、草十郎は青子と顔を向き合わせる。
He was his usual, nonchalant self, the same as every other day.今まで通りの、何でもない静希草十郎として。
Aoko prayed that day would never come.それが痛ましくて、そんな日がこない事を青子は祈った。
For her own peace of mind, but also for the wellbeing of this very unique boy.自分のためと、この特異な少年のために。

"I suppose there probably won't be a next time."“……もっとも、そんな機会はもうこないか”
Then she pointed in the direction of a cave hidden by a small forest on the other side of the house.そして、彼女は一軒家の更に向こう、小さな森に隠れたどうけつを指さした。

"My grandfather's in the cave over there, so you should go see him.「あそこ、ちょっとした洞穴があるの。そこに祖父がいるから、行って。
I actually wanted to ask about something else, but whatever. The spell will wear off at midnight anyway, right?"……ほんとはもっと違った話が聞きたかったけど。仕方ないか、魔法は十二時になるときれちゃうものだしね」

A sarcastic grin spread across her face as she spoke.皮肉げな微笑みを浮かべて、青子はそう言った。
And so Soujyuro walked off, totally clueless as to what fairy tale she was referencing.それがどんな童話の引用かも知らず、草十郎は歩きだす。
The forest felt so far from the house to Aoko that it was like a different place on earth altogether.家から離れた森は遠すぎて、青子には地上こことは別の場所のように思えた。
In reality it wasn't far at all, only five minutes away.実際は五分もかからない、短く、手の届く距離なのに。

"Farewell, Sizuki."「さよなら、静希くん」
She said it to herself as she watched him simply walk away without turning back.振り向かずに歩いていく背中に、青子は呟きかける。
Though he wasn't meant to hear her words of parting, they apparently reached his ears anyway.聞こえる筈のないそれを、やっぱり草十郎は聞き届けたようだ。
"Right. See you around town tomorrow."「ああ。じゃあまた明日、町の何処かで」
He raised his hand in farewell and then disappeared into the forest.少年は片手を上げて答えると、彼方の森へと消えていった。

As soon as she was sure he was gone, she turned her gaze to the sky.それを見届けて、青子はひとりそらあおぐ。
That night the stars were even more beautiful than the moon.今夜は月よりも星が綺麗だ。
He had been looking at her fondly only moments before, and now he was gone into the forest with only a brief word of parting. It did not feel real.それをさっきまで懐かしそうに眺めていた人物は、嘘みたいにあっさり、別れの言葉を告げて消えていった。
And with that she finally understood, if a little too late to matter.まったく、と青子は今更ながら納得する。
She understood who had truly been the strange and unusual one.結局、いちばん普通じゃなかったのは誰だったのか。

Anyone could have ended up behaving like Soujyuro.草十郎の行いは、言ってしまえば誰にだってできる事だ。
But not many could keep talking on and on the way he did.けれど、彼の言う繰り返しを続けられる人間はそうはいない。
Everything he had done was now perfectly sensible in light of his former life in the mountains.あんな山での生活をしていれば、たしかに、今までの出来事なんてどうという事もなかったのだろう。
As a Magician she was supposed to make miracles happen,自分は魔法使いだから奇跡を起こすけれど、
but he had arrived at a miracle of his own through the trials and tribulations of following what he considered to be common sense.彼は常識を繰り返したすえにひとつの奇跡に辿り着いて、最後に、あんな魔法を見せたのだ。

"I could never take down a bear with my own hands, after all."「素手で熊を倒すなんて、私にはどう転んでもできないし」
It was pretty impressive.だから、それはすごいコトだ。
Soujyuro's own magic was so mundane to him that it made him depressed to talk about it, but even so...……その魔法は、彼にとって哀しいぐらい、無意味な物だったとしても。
It was the kind of brilliance only possessed by humans.あれは確かに、人間だけが持つ輝きだった。

She pulled her eyes back down from the starry sky and began to walk.彼女は星空から目を離して歩きだした。
The lights were on inside the entrance and the door was unlocked.玄関の明かりはついていて、鍵はかかっていない。
Aoko rolled up her sleeves and checked the time-one hour left till midnight.くっと服の袖をあげて時計を見ると、時刻はあと半刻で零時になろうとしていた。
She had just barely managed to satisfy her parents' request to visit before the end of the year.……どうやら、年内に来いという両親の言いつけは守れたようだ。

Placing her hand on the door, she took a deep breath.扉に手を掛けて、深呼吸を一度する。
She promptly stifled the faint affection and sadness she had been feeling.それで、さっきまでの淡い未練を、彼女は綺麗に断ち切った。

It was her first time back in two years.実家に帰ってくるのは二年ぶりだ。
Upon entering high school, she had begun living on her own, hence the past two years away from home.高校に入学してから下宿を始めて、今日までの二年間。
And how they flew by. For some reason, the memories began to race through her mind.早かったといえば早くすぎたその月日は、なぜか今になって思い出のように、自分の中を走り抜けていった。
There she stood, one hand on the door, reflecting on the past.扉に手をかけて、今までの事を思い出すのなら。
Once the door was open she would be staring at her future instead.扉を開ければ、これからの事を見つめる事になるのだろう。

Her hand holding the doorknob began to move.ノブを持つ手に力をいれる。
She was met with the warm scene she expected, though strangely different than that of her memories.……中の風景はどこか微妙に違うけれど、記憶の中で見なれた温かい風景だった。

It was comforting to encounter something familiar after being away for so long.自分が去って、月日が経っても変わらず出迎えてくれるものがある事は、なんて幸福なんだろう。
And so it was with small, unspoken gratitude that Aoko returned to her home.それにほんの些細な、言葉にしない小さな感謝をして、彼女は自分の家に帰ってきた。
Without stopping to ring the doorbell, she called out with a smile, "I'm home!"呼び鈴も押さずに、ただいまと微笑んで。

Scene 7

The moment Soujyuro stepped inside, he was struck with a strange feeling of familiarity.その洞穴に入った瞬間、奇妙な懐かしさに襲われた。
It was not mere nostalgia either. No, it reached further back into the past.郷愁きょうしゅうではなく、もっと前期いぜんの。
It was a feeling from far beyond what he could even imagine.今の自分すら遠く想うほどの、彼方かなたに至る懐かしさだ。

He was reminded of someone, but he could not remember whom.その人物が何者であったかは、よく覚えていない。
Perhaps he was only reminded of himself, or perhaps of the old man before him now in the cavern.自分と同じだったかも知れないし、老人だった気もする。
It appeared to be an old man, anyway. Soujyuro could not make out any details beyond a vague outline.人らしき輪郭りんかくだけがあり、その中身を判別する事はできなかった。
As far as he could tell, the figure did not seem to have anything in the way of a face capable of making expressions.叶ったとしても、表現するための適切なパーツが思いつかない。
All he knew was that the smoke-like figure before him was the one Aoko called "Grandfather."はっきりしていたのは、その煙のような人物が、青子の言う『祖父』という事だけだった。

"I want to thank you for everything you did for my girls."「娘たちが世話になった」
Though hoarse, the old man's voice was powerful and it rung throughout the cavern.老人の声はしわがれていたが、張りがあり、洞穴によく響いた。

"It was fate that we would meet. Tell me, what is it you wish for?"「これも縁だ。望みがあるのなら聞こう」
"I don't wish for anything. But there is something I'd like to ask you.「望みはないです。でも、訊きたい事は一つあります。
Why are you making those two fight each other?"……どうして、二人を争わせたんですか?」
"I cannot provide an answer to that. Theirs is a story outside my control."「それは私の外で起きた物語だ。答える事はできない」
"I heard you were the one responsible for it."「そうしむけたのは貴方だと聞きました」

"The stars are to blame; the two were given incompatible talents. This is simply how they respond to one another. Whenever they're together, they find a way to fight, not through any design of mine.「星のめぐりだ。あれらは相容れない才能を与えられ、あのような形でしかみ合えない人間だ。私の意図に関係なく、共に居ればどちらかがきしみをあげた。
They used to keep enough distance to avoid conflict, though. Perhaps the things they fought over were more innocuous. Or perhaps they were very serious, in which case they must have suffered immensely.だが、確かに衝突を避ける余地はあった。あれらの意志が凡庸であったか、あるいは破格のものであったのなら、多くの不純ふじゅんに耐えただろう。
You value a spirit of coexistence even when you can see that it would harm you. But the girls chose not to follow that path."君のように、自己の崩壊が見えていても、共存を尊ぶように。しかし娘たちはそれを選ばなかった」

"So you're putting the blame on them. Even though the reasons for their fighting all lead back to you."「彼女たちが争うのは彼女たちのせいだって言うんですね。その原因は、貴方にあるのに」
"Indeed. The girls' fighting is a reflection of their lives. I take zero responsibility for the reasons for which they do it."「そうだ。あれらの争いは、あれらの生をあらわすもの。原因と言うのなら、私などゼロに等しい」
"As in there's zero physical proof of your involvement?"「ゼロ……? 形が無いという事ですか」

"No. The claim is simply meaningless.「形ではなく、意味が無い。
When the girls were born-the only real line of causality you can draw between us-I had already left the scene of this era. Everything occurring since was born from the girls themselves. I played no intervening role."私という起因から起こり、娘たちが一つの題目いのちを得た時点で、私は現代ぶたいから消え失せた。その後の因は、常に娘たちから生じたものだ。私の介入はない」

"If either of them reaches the end of their time in this realm, or even if they both do, it matters not to me.「今回、どちらが時間を終わらせても、あるいは両者が終わらせても、私には無価値だった。
In fact, I have never considered that to be of importance.いや、もとより無価値だ。
A life-a title deserving the value I can offer has not yet come to be.私に価値を与える題目いのちは、まだ生まれていない。
Whatever may happen between the two of them, it doesn't change what I have to do."あれらがどうなろうと、やるべき事は変わらない」

"You mean all you care about is getting your heir, no matter whether Aoko lives or dies?"「……青子が生きていても死んでいても、後継ぎを作るという事ですか」
"In a manner of speaking, yes. That's why my body has yet to disappear."「おそらく。この体が消えないのは、そういう事だ」

The steamy energy that filled the cavern made Soujyuro's head reel.洞穴に充満した、蒸気のような精気オドに目眩がした。
The moment Aoko and Touko were born, their grandfather seemed to have completely forgotten that they were his granddaughters.この老人は、青子と橙子が生まれた瞬間に、彼女たちが孫である事を忘れたのだ。
It was hard to imagine a satisfactory Aozaki heir ever being born.……正統な蒼崎の後継者は、たぶん、永遠に誕生しないだろう。
No amount of power would satisfy the old man.この老人がいるかぎり、際限さいげんなく新しい力は求められる。
He showed no signs of compromise or restraint.そこには妥協だきょう限界げんかいもない。

"I assume you know Aoko threw everything away for this."「青子は、そのために過去を捨てたのに?」
There was nothing but silence.沈黙があった。
However, this short moment of quiet would occur only once.ただ一度だけの、短い沈黙。
The unreadable outline of the old man grew blurrier still.不確かな人物像は、その輪郭さえぼやけていく。

Long, long ago...―――昔。
An unfortunate child once wandered into the cave.因の切れた幼子が、この洞穴に入ってきた事がある。
The old man automatically granted its request born from purity and ignorance.から生まれた願いを、老人は自動的に叶えてやった。
He was a Magician who had given up his ego in order to extend his own lifespan, and he did whatever he could to help the child.老人は長く残るために自我を失った魔法使いで、そのとき自分にできる事なら、なんでも叶えてしまうのだ。
It had been an incredible coincidence to happen that day.そしてあの日は、何もかもが符合しすぎていた。

The child glared at the old man with tear-filled eyes at the sight of all the horrible things that had been brought about.みずからがまねいた罪を見て、幼子おさなごは瞳にいっぱいの涙をためて、老人を睨みつけた。
Everything will be lost, completely and without any warning, all because of the failure of a nobody like you.全ては失われる。誰でもいい貴方の失敗一つで、前置きもなく、あっさりと。
The child threw a tantrum at how unfair it all was.幼子はその不条理に癇癪かんしゃくを起こした。
The Magician claimed that was merely the way of the world.世界なんてそんなもんじゃぞ、と嘆息する魔法使いに、
The child stood up to him. "Shut up, old man."“ジジイ、うるさい”と真っ向から立ち向かった。
And then...そして―――

Yes, just at that moment...―――そう、そして。
The child ran around in tears trying to make the old man pay for the cost of a life, the cost of all the lives.一つの命と全ての命を、同じものとしてつぐなってみせると、泣きながら走り出した。

"You're mistaken, boy."「それは間違いだ、少年」
Perhaps that's how it happened.……あの時、あるいは。
"She didn't throw anything away.「捨てたのではない。
She lives to make her past more beautiful."を美しくする為に、アレは生きているのだ」
That role had likely come to an end long ago, however.の役割は、とうに終わっていたのかも知れないが。

The old man's appearance seemed to change before Soujyuro's eyes.老人の姿は青年に変わって見えた。
For just a brief moment, he wavered in the air as if in a haze.ほんの一瞬だけの、陽炎のような揺らぎだった。

"Let me correct your error. The girls understand me very well. In fact, I think they understand me better than I do myself.「君の過ちを正そう。娘たちは、私という物をよく解っている。ともすれば、私本人より理解しているとも言える。
I am not concerned with who they are, and likewise they don't appreciate who or what I am.私が娘たちの人格を考慮せぬように、娘たちもまた、私という物の人格を認めていない。
I doubt thoughts of my absence have ever crossed their minds."祖父さえいなかったのなら、という考えさえないだろう」

"They've always been so proud in all their fighting, unwilling to debase themselves.「あれらはそもそも、争いあう自分たちを一度もはしない筈だ。
It's cruel to expect you to deal with all that, though.君に、その関係を解れというのは酷だろうが。
You seem to be through asking questions now.訊ね事は終わったようだ。
It's my turn.次は私の番だ。
What is your name?"君の名前を知りたい」

Soujyuro answered the old man's question.老人の問いに答える。
The smoky face seemed to frown, quivering ever so slightly.煙は顔をしかめるように、かすかに揺らいでいた。

"How unexpected. You say you're all alone, and yet the meaning of your name implies the existence of multiple, bearing the character for "ten."「……意外だ。君は孤立しているというのに、複数を示す名が付いているとは思わなかった。
It doesn't suit you. No, not at all.似合わん。まったく、似合わん。
But I think it is correct. When in a place of imbalance, one needs an imbalanced name to match.だが、そちらでは正しい事だ。不釣り合いな場所にいるのなら、不釣り合いな名が必要だろう。
Rare, yes, but also worthless.稀少ではあるが、やはり無価値だ。
Resigning oneself to affirmation stems from a will to die. A one-time talent in a single generation means nothing if there is no one to continue the family line."全てを肯定するあきらめは死に由来ゆらいするものだろう。続くものがない以上、一代かぎりの才能は無価値だ」

"I was interested in the way you were able to influence Aoko... but ultimately you did not meet expectations.「―――青子アレの行く末に影響を与えた君に興味を持ったが、失望した。
It seems the time was spent for nothing.無駄な時間を過ごしたようだ。
You are bound together for the time being, but it is inevitable that you will go your separate ways.今は結ばれているが、いずれ離れていくのは変えようのない結末だ。
Now begone.では立ち去りたまえ。
I have no use for the dead. We will not meet again."私は死者に用はない。二度と会う事はないだろう」

Everything grew blurry.風景が霞んでいく。
Soujyuro's memories began to fade.記憶が薄れていく。
It had been a conversation without any answers.答えのなかった会話。
An encounter without any significance, now vanished completely like a dream.意義のなかった時間のあと、全ては夢のように霧散した。

Scene 8

The air was cold, the sky beautiful.夜気は寒くて、空は綺麗だった。
The evening sky at the end of each day looked different from the last.一日の終わりにうつる光景は、けれど、一日だって同じ事はない。
Each sunset could be seen for one day, and one day only.今日の景色は今日だけの物だ。
Though the sky may not look dramatically different to the human eye from one day to the next,人の知覚では大差のない風景にしか映らなくても、
every day we wake up a new person and forget the beautiful sights, the moments of heartbreak, and all the other fleeting feelings that seemed so real the day before.その時の風景の美しさも、ありのままに感じる傷心も、すべてがはかなくて、明日は違った自分で目が覚める。

Simple statements such as these felt all the more profound in the still air of the mountains, more bone-piercing than the winter cold itself.山の閑散とした空気の中では、そんなあたり前の事が冬の寒さよりずっと、体に沁みこんでくるようだった。
Soujyuro stared up at the sky as if he'd forgotten when and where he was.彼は時を忘れたように空を見上げている。
Aoko's look of stunned surprise brought him back to the present.それを止めたのは、呆然と立ち尽くす青子の視線だった。

"Aozaki. That was fast."「なんだ。早かったな、蒼崎」
Soujyuro turned to face Aoko, who had only just stepped outside her family's yard.庭から出てきたばかりの青子に向けて、草十郎は話しかけた。

At first she had been too shocked to move or speak, but she quickly regained her composure and marched forward.青子は言葉もなく立ち尽くしていたけれど、すぐに気を取り直してつかつかと歩きだした。
She continued until she was standing right before him, with an intense scowl on her face.そのまま草十郎の前まで行くと、じろりとした目で睨む。
Soujyuro slouched instinctively, bracing for impact.こんなヤツ認めない、と言わんばかりの視線の激しさに、草十郎は肩をすくめた。
He had not the slightest idea what could have made her so angry.青子がどうしてこんなに怒っているか、草十郎にはまったく見当がつかない。

"What are you still doing here?"「……なんで、まだここにいるのよ」
(After I finally managed to convince myself that things were over.)“……自分は、なんとか割り切ったのに”
She was obviously irritated with him, in any case. The anger would have to subside before she could decide whether she was happy or sad to see him.それなのに、この男が目の前にいるコトが青子には憎らしかったらしい。喜ぶべき事なのか悲しむべき事なのかを考えるのは、たぶん、その怒りが治まってからだろう。
Humans get angry when things do not go the way they had hoped.人間、思い通りにいかないと無性に腹が立つものなのだ。

"It's hardly been more than ten minutes.「さっきから十分と二十秒も経ってない。
How can you be standing here?"なんでこんなところで突っ立ってるのよ、アンタ」
It was supposed to have taken an entire day for her grandfather to erase his memories from the past month.いかに祖父といえど、記憶を消去して空白の一ヶ月をつなげるのには一日を要する筈だ。
She had been planning to let her grandfather handle all the details, and yet here Soujyuro was, staring dumbly at the sky.だからあとの処置はぜんぶ祖父に任せようと思ったのに、草十郎はここでぼんやりと空を見上げていた。

(He's no astrologer. He just likes looking at the night sky.)“……祈祷師きとうしじゃあるまいし、ほんと、夜空を見上げるのが好きな奴”
Bombarded with Aoko's unspoken emotion, he proceeded to explain himself.そんな青子の、口にはしない一方的な感情をぶつけられながら、草十郎は事情を説明する。

"He gave me a message for you.「……あの老人からの伝言だけど。
He said you shouldn't go around asking other people to erase my memories. You should do it yourself. Apparently he wanted me to come just to have someone to complain to."記憶の消去は君の役目で、人に頼るな、だそうだ。今日呼ばれたのは、たんに悪口を聞かせたかっただけらしいよ」
Hearing this, Aoko finally began to feel like herself again.その言葉で青子の憑き物は落ちた。
Despite having been ready to dish out the punishment only a few moments earlier, she now felt quite calm.今にも平手打ちが飛んできそうな態度が、すう、と落ち着いたものになる。

Well, he's right that it's not like me to expect someone else to clean up my messes."人に任せるなんて、たしかに私らしくなかった」
The intense look in her eyes slowly faded to her usual mildly irritated expression.きびしかった瞳が、段々といつもの、不機嫌そうな顔になっていく。
It relieved Soujyuro to see her like this.ホッと安堵する草十郎。
She was finally back to her normal self.ご機嫌は、なんとか戻ってくれたようだ。

"If that's enough for you, then let's get going.「納得いったなら、行こう。
We'll miss the last train if we don't hurry."急がないと最終電車に間に合わない」
With that he walked off without waiting for an answer.返事を待たず草十郎は歩きだした。
Aoko stared at his retreating figure for a brief moment before quietly cursing him under her breath and following after him.青子はその背中を少しの間だけ見つめてから、小言を言いつつ付いていく。

Their descent back to the station was much easier than the way there.帰り道は、来る時より楽だった。
A sheet of darkness spread out below them.眼下の景色は一面の闇。
There in the middle of that ocean of black was a single light: the tiny, glowing station.その黒い海の中、灯台のように、小さな駅が輝いている。

They walked for some time in silence.ふたりはしばらく、言葉もなく歩いていた。
Aoko recalled their earlier conversation and felt she had been too naive.青子は来る時の会話を思い出して、若かったなぁ、と反省中。
She should have avoided all the serious stuff if this was how things were going to end up.こんな事なら、あんなしんみりとした話をするんじゃなかった、と照れている。

Soujyuro, meanwhile, was thinking of nothing at all, just like usual.一方の草十郎は、いつも通り、何も考えてはいなかった。
For him the silence felt quite natural, while for her it was awkwardly uncomfortable.草十郎にとっては普通の、青子にとっては気まずい沈黙。
Suddenly Soujyuro blurted out the strangest thing without thinking.そんな中、不意に草十郎はおかしな事を言いだした。

"We should pick up some mochi for Alice on the way back."「有珠には、おもちを買っていってあげよう」
Aoko's eyes grew wide, her pupils reduced to mere points.目を点にする青子。
Aoko had so many questions going round in her head she wanted to rail at the paradox that was Soujyuro.この男はいったいなんなんだろう、という不満とか疑問がありありと浮かんでいる。

"Mochi? Why?"「お餅が、なに……?」
"As a gift. We left her all alone at the mansion, we should do something nice for her. It'll make her happy."「お土産。有珠、ひとりで待っているんだから、喜ぶと思う」
Aoko raised her hand to her head in concern.うーん、と青子は難しそうに口に手をあてた。
Unprotected by the warmth of a pair of gloves, her slender fingers were white from the cold.手袋をしていない細い指が、寒さで白く染まっている。

(I don't think she'll be happy, but maybe coming from Soujyuro it'll be okay...?)“……あの娘にはそういうの逆効果だけど、草十郎がやるぶんには大丈夫か……”
His seemingly selfless attitude came in handy sometimes.見るからに無欲という彼の雰囲気は、こういうとき便利だ。
Alice would most likely accept his gift without making a scene.有珠も素直に厚意を受け取る公算だいである。

"Gotcha. She's the type to resent something like that and hold a silent grudge over it, though.「そうね。たしかに有珠はこういうの根にもって、口に出さずに恨んでる性質たちだけど。
Why does the gift have to be mochi, anyway?"また、なんだってお土産がお餅なの?」
"Well, I get the feeling she's never eaten one before."「だって、食べた事なさそうだろ、彼女」

All Aoko could do in response to such a simpleminded observation was nod in agreement.あっさりと返答されて、青子はたしかに、と同意してしまった。
The image of Alice eating mochi popped into her head and suddenly the prospect of getting back to the mansion felt a little more exciting.有珠がお餅を食べている姿をつい想像し、とたんに帰るのが楽しみになってくる。

"You really are a regular space cadet, you know that?「アンタって本当に無心よね。
Speaking of which, since when have you and Alice been on such good terms? Did something happen?"……そういえば前から不思議に思ってたんだけど、いつから有珠と仲良くなったの? そのきっかけが、私には分からないんだけど」

Aoko peered at him the way she would at a strange specimen as he took a deep breath and launched into an earnest explanation.隣りから覗きこむように見つめられて、草十郎はさて、と考えを巡らせた。

"I don't think there's any particular time I can point to when it happened.「大きなきっかけとか、そういうのはないと思うけど。
But if I had to I'd say, it started the first time we spoke. And we got a lot closer after talking that time in the foyer, too."しいていうなら初めて話した時かな。もっと確かになったのはロビーで話した時だろうね」
"...That's it?"「たったそれだけ?」
"Yeah. Getting to know someone is all about little moments like that, wouldn't you agree?"「ああ。親しくなるっていうのは、そういう事だろ?」

Soujyuro seemed to find her question odd.変なこと訊くんだな、と草十郎は言葉をきった。
The way he and Alice communicated went beyond words.言葉ではなく感性で通じ合う。
Aoko could only assume that was how he did it.たしかに、この少年と有珠はそんな関係なのかも知れない。

"Come to think of it, you've always just called her 'Alice' and not by her surname."「……そういえば、初めから『有珠』って呼び捨てだったものね、アンタは」
"Have I? I don't even remember now. More importantly, though, why are you so mad?"「そうだっけ? よく覚えていないけど。……それより、なにを怒ってるんだ蒼崎?」
"I'm not mad."「別に怒ってないわよ、私」
Her response was slightly cold, but also somehow gentle.その返答は、やや冷たくて、どことなく愛らしかった。

They approached the halfway point of the mountain path.山道は半分にさしかかる。
The night sky appeared more distant as they neared the bottom, and Soujyuro continued to stare absentmindedly at the stars.平地に近づくにつれ星空は遠のいていくようで、草十郎はぼんやりと空を見上げ続ける。
Then it finally hit her why his behavior had been bothering her since their ascent.来る時からその素振りが気になっていた青子だが、ここにきてようやく、その理由に思い至った。
She realized he must be feeling nostalgia.ようするに、彼は懐かしがっているのだ。
He missed the way the stars looked from up in the mountains.山から見る星空というヤツを。


He spoke without looking down from the heavens.不意に、草十郎は見上げたまま問いかけてきた。
"I've been meaning to ask, do you have anything you regret?"「ひとつ聞きたいんだけど、君に後悔はあるのかな」
Hands jammed in his pockets, his breath was white in the night air.両手を上着のポケットにいれたまま、白い息をする草十郎。
Aoko had the vague feeling somewhere deep inside that he was only a figment of her imagination.青子にはその姿が、幻のように遠く感じられた。

"Where did that question come from?"「……どうしたの、突然そんなこと聞いて」
"Just answer it. I want to know.「いいから、答えて。聞きたいんだ。
Do you have any regrets or not?"君に、悔いはあるのかないのかを」
It was a sad thing to be asked.……それは、哀しい問いだった。
He would be hurt one way or another no matter how she answered.なんと答えても彼は多くの物を失うのだろう。
But he wanted an answer, and so she gave him one.それでも答えを求めている以上、青子はさっぱりと返答する。

"Regrets? Of course not. I make a point to live my life with no regrets.「ないわよ、そんなの。だってそれをしない為に、今を頑張ってるんだもの。
Regrets aren't something you have, Soujyuro. They're something you get rid of."後悔なんてのはね、草十郎。するものじゃなくて、無くしていく為にあるものなのよ」

Soujyuro did not express any form of disagreement.……ああ、と。
Instead he bit his lip and pushed down the flood of emotions that rose up inside him.噛みしめるように、彼は万感の想いをみおくった。
He waved those formless, odorless forms with a small gesture of his hand still at his side.もう形も匂いも薄れている全てに、手を伸ばさず、手を振った。

"So regrets are just something to get rid of, huh?"「―――そうか。後悔も、無くなるものなのか」
Pain was subtly visible on his face as he spoke.呟く顔にはかすかな痛み。
And yet it was so vivid.ただ、あざやかで。
As much as he wanted to he did not have the strength to say it aloud. He was not like her, able to speak her mind so readily.そう言い切れるほど自分は強くはないけれど、それに焦がれている。そう言い切れる彼女に、強く焦がれている。
Maybe someday...なら、いつか―――

The sky and the darkness were both far away now.いまは、空も闇も遠く。
Tonight's grand view, only to be seen this once. He hoped its beauty would remain in his mind forever.今日だけの景色が、いつまでも美しく思えるのなら。
But what then of the regrets he had come to hold inside, of the days he had spent that now shone like stars in the sky? Would they too be with him forever?残してきたいくつかの悔いが、星のように思える日が、いつかはあるのだろうか?

"Nice sky tonight. It's a much better view than the one from town."「いい空ね。町じゃ、ちょっと見れないな」
Aoko mimicked Soujyuro, looking up at the darkness overhead.見上げる草十郎にならって、青子は暗い空を眺めた。
The stars shone brighter here than in town.星は町でのそれより強く輝いている。
This clarity was thanks to the absence of any other lights amidst the darkness.澄んだ空気と、明かりのない闇のおかげだ。
Soujyuro stared at her with almost a sense of loathing.それを憎むような眼差しで草十郎は見つめていた。
As beautiful as the stars were, they were not the real thing, not here.……こんなにも綺麗な星なのに、それを偽物と決め付けるように。

"Yeah. But they're still too far to ever reach."「……そうだね。でも、ここでも手は届きそうにない」
Soujyuro's sudden negativity caused her to turn to him in shock.突然の否定に驚いて、青子は草十郎の顔を覗き見る。
The anger in his eyes had died down now.……憎むような瞳は、もうくすんだ色に戻っていた。
Taking a breath, he began to speak as if talking to himself.一呼吸して草十郎は呟く。
His gaze never left the stars.視線はいまだ星空に釘付けたまま。

"It's not like this in the mountains. There the stars feel so close. Even if they're technically too far away to touch, it really feels like you could just reach out and grab them.「山ではね、蒼崎。星は本当に手が届きそうなんだ。届かないのは分かっていても、望めば掴めそうなぐらい近いのに。
The stars in the city don't give you that feeling."都会の星は、そう思う事さえ許してくれない」

He was speaking of the sky in its purest state.それが本当のソラ。
The starry skies in the mountains far exceeded those of any urban planetarium.彼の語る山の星空は、天象儀プラネタリウムより素晴らしい物だった。
Their movement was like the pouring of rain.降り注ぐ雨のような、回る星々。
He spoke of the primal sky, unchanged from the past. The same sky humans had traced with their fingers since prehistoric times.指でなぞるだけで観測できる、原初のままの夜空。
For him it was a past to which he could never return, a place to which he did not even know the way back.……それは、彼にはもう戻る事のできない、帰り道すら知らない故郷。

"I used to compare everything here to the mountains. I really hated it then. And I'm still not used to it now.「……今まで、目に映るすべてを山と比べていた。こんな場所は、本当は嫌いだったんだ。今でも、正直なじめない。
At some point I'll start looking at the mountains from a city-dweller's perspective, I'm sure. The mountains are in my past now."でも、いつか比べるのは街になってしまうんだろう。自分は、こっちに下りてきてしまったんだから」

That was his one regret.それが今までの後悔。
He lowered his gaze from the stars and turned to Aoko.星空から視線を離して、草十郎は青子へと視線を向ける。
Her eyes were unusually hesitant, and looked slightly hurt.いつもとは違う、ためらいがちの彼女の瞳が、少し痛い。
Was it empathy they showed, or pity?それは自分への同情か、それともただの憐愍れんびんか。
Either way, he was the reason for the uncharacteristic look on her face now.……そのどちらにしたって、彼女らしくない瞳をさせているのは自分だ。
He shut his eyes and nodded in response to her unspoken question.青子の無言の問いかけに、草十郎は目を閉じてうなずいた。

"It's true. I can't help it.「……うん。それは仕方のない事だ。
But if this is the way it's going to be, I've got to make the most of it.ただ、そうなるのなら、そうなってしまう以上に、すばらしい物を手に入れないといけない。
So that someday I can stop seeing it as a regret."後悔を、いつか、後悔と思わないために」

There was gratitude in Soujyuro's voice as he confessed his feelings.彼は感謝するように、そう告白した。
Remnants from the past must one day be released.古いカラは捨てなければいけない。
Loss must be overcome.喪失は踏み越えなければならない。
He had lost it, his everything, the moment she had answered his query.それが、青子の答えで彼が失った、彼の全てだったモノ。

"Oh, cut it out. Don't act like I caused some kind of turning point in your life."「……やめてよね。私の一言でいちいち人生観じんせいかん変えられちゃ、荷が重いじゃない」
She smiled weakly and averted her eyes as she spoke these hurtful words.向けられた笑顔があんまりに柔らかくて、青子は顔を背けながら憎まれ口を言う。
Most likely she was being completely honest, and in that she was being true to herself.……本音である可能性も大きいが、それはそれで彼女らしい。

"So what did you and my grandfather talk about?「それで、祖父と何を話したの?
It's rare for him to care about anyone besides himself."あの人が他人に興味を持つなんて、すごい事よ」
The topic had finally been broached, and yet Soujyuro said nothing.せっかくの質問だったが、あの老人との会話について、草十郎は答えなかった。
An empty reply can be used to buy time.当たり障りのない返答をしてお茶をにごす。

They had nearly reached the flat road at the base of the mountain.道は、もうじき平坦な路面に戻ろうとしていた。
The soft earth here would soon give way to the tightly packed dirt of the paths running between the rice fields.柔らかな土の地面は、畦道あぜみちの固い土の道になるのだろう。
But before they got that far, Soujyuro came to an abrupt halt.その前に、ぴたりと草十郎は立ち止まった。
Closing his eyes he listened carefully.目を閉じて、耳を澄ます。
He then gave a firm nod and turned to face Aoko.その後にうん、とうなずいて青子に向き直った。

"Congratulations, Aozaki."「おめでとう、蒼崎」
She blinked, not knowing what to make of it.青子はわけも分からず目をまたたかせる。
"What's with you all of a sudden?"「なによ、突然」
It was a perfectly natural response.当然の反応。
The tension melted from his face as he said,それに、少年はほころぶように、
"Happy New Year."「新しい年だ」
He now wore a smile full of joy.喜びに満ちた笑顔で、そう返答した。

Dumbfounded, all Aoko could do was stare back at his calm visage.青子は呆然と、ただ彼の顔を見てしまう。
His surprise attack hit her so hard she thought she could hear the shrine bell in Yashirogi ringing in the new year.あまりの不意打ちで、遠く離れた社木やしろぎから除夜じょやの鐘が聞こえた気がするぐらいだ。
She had known it was the last day of the year but had not given it much thought beyond that.今日が今年ことし最後の日だと知っていたのに、彼女はそれをどうとも思っていなかった。

And so his succinct words gave her quite the shock.なのに、たった少しの言葉だけで。
As if the girl who believed in the power of the bell all those years ago had come back.遠い昔に置いたままの、鐘の音の奇跡を信じていた少女が振り向いた気がしたのだ。

"Oh, right... It's midnight now so the new year is here."「そっか……午前零時で、もう新しい年なんだ」
She spoke in a hushed tone as if this were shocking news.知らなかった事のように青子は呟く。
At the same time, a slight smile crept onto her face.その口元に、少しだけの微笑みを浮かべて。

A new year, indeed...……そう。
She recalled the first time she had worn a full-length kimono, how she had not been particularly uncomfortable or embarrassed, but not especially pretty, either.思い出の中で振り向く少女は、初めてのそでなのに緊張の素振りもなくて、あんまり可愛くはなかったけれど。
The only pretty thing about her had been the moment she smiled at herself in the mirror.それでも、鏡越しに微笑んでしまうだけの愛らしさはあったのだ。
Seeing the warmth in her eyes, Soujyuro closed his own in satisfaction. It made him happy to see her like that.温かそうな青子の顔を見て、草十郎は満足そうに目蓋を閉じた。それが何より嬉しい、と言うように。

"Well, a lot happened in the past year.「―――うん、色々あったけど。
But I'm glad to be able to start a new one with you."新しい年を、君とむかえられて良かった」
With that he went walking off once more.そう言って草十郎は歩きだした。
The thought of Alice waiting alone was probably what spurred him into action.たぶん、こんな夜なのにひとりで待っている有珠の為に。
Aoko recalled his words as she walked alongside him.その横を歩きながら、青子はさっきの言葉をもう一度だけ思いだす。

The moment he had declared the start of a new year...新年を告げる言葉。
The way he had spoken so naturally... It made her suddenly feel like they had known each other for years.本当に自然に告げられたあの一言のせいで、もう何年も前から知り合っている友人の気さえした。
She could not be blamed for being filled with happiness at the thought.それをとても幸福な事だと感じるのは、たぶん間違いじゃないはずだ。

And yet a day would surely come when they would have to say their goodbyes.いずれ、この少年ともあっさりと別れる日が来るのだろうけど。
Until then, however, it would not do any harm to behave as if they were old friends.その時まで、こんな風に自然に、古い友人のように付き合えるのなら、それは悪いことじゃない。

He was a naïve yet incredibly unique young man.一見素朴そぼくな、けれど特異な少年。
As they walked, she wondered how long this fleeting feeling of friendship would last.彼との束の間の友情がいったいまで続くか考えながら、青子は足を進ませる。
She looked up wistfully at the sky, just the way Soujyuro had done earlier on their walk.途中で一度だけ、草十郎のように、名残惜しく夜空を見上げてから。

Every star was out, without a cloud in the sky.空には満天の星の夜。
The two strode down the mountain path, beneath stars that lay ever beyond their reach.ふたりは届かない星空のした、山道をりていく。

Scene 9

It was on a lazy Sunday morning私がその本を見つけたのは、
that I discovered the book.日曜のけだるい午前中の事だった。

Was I an intruder... No, no, adventurer. Either way, I'd made my way into the forbidden Kuonji Estate library.部外者……というか約一名の冒険野郎……立ち入り禁止の、久遠寺邸の図書室。
The book instantly drew my attention as it looked like it had been intentionally hidden there on the bookshelf.本棚の上に隠すように置かれたそれは、なんとなく秘密めいて私の興味をひいたのだ。

It was large enough to double as a shield and so took great effort for me to remove it from the shelf.盾にでもなりそうなほど大きな本を、苦労しながら本棚の上から引っ張り出す。
Flipping through I realized it was a grimoire of rune magecraft, and a first edition at that.パラパラとめくっていくうちに、これがルーン魔術の魔導グリモア、それも原書オリジナルに関するものである事に気が付いた。

Surprised as I was by my find, my search came to a halt on the page I'd been looking for.まさかね、と思っているうちに、ここのところ探すりさえめてしまった、目的の物が発見された。
It was the rune for memory erasure that the Nordic gods had once used on a valkyrie.北欧の大神が戦乙女に使ったとされる、存在だけは有名な忘却のルーン文字だ。

For minutes I simply stared at the page where the rune methodology was laid out.その使用法が如実に書かれたページとにらめっこすること数分。
And then, finally, I shut the book.……結局、私は本を閉じる事にした。
I returned it to the shelf in an even harder to detect location than where I'd originally found it. That's when it hit me.そうして元の位置より、もうちょっと見付けにくい場所に戻そうとした時、あれっと思い出す。
I'd seen this book before somewhere.……この本を、どこかで見た事があるのだ。

When and where exactly had I seen it, though?あれはいつだったろう。
Yeah... It was when he first invited me to spend time with him.たしか……そう、彼が初めて遊びに行こうと誘った時。
The girl sitting before me had it in hand at the time.自分の目前に座っていた少女が手にしていたのが、この本だったと思うけど……。

That must have been it.いや、きっとそうだ。
Unable to keep the smile off my face, I decided to put the book back exactly where I'd found it.小さな笑いをこらえきれず、私は本を寸分違わない元の場所に戻すことにした。
It would be most difficult to find when mixed in with the other books on the shelf; however, out of respect for her gracious efforts I decided to pretend I'd never seen it at all.ここの蔵書量なら本棚の中に混ぜたほうが見付ける可能性は低いのだけど、ここは彼女の微笑ましい努力をくんで見なかった事にしよう。
I shelved my discovery, so to speak.……文字通り、自分の事を棚に上げてる、とは思うけど。

That's when I heard the shouting of a familiar voice in the main building.その時、本館の方から聞きなれた叫び声が聞こえてきた。
Lately, he seemed to have found his calling as a housekeeper and had taken to cleaning every corner of the mansion.最近、彼は家政婦業に目覚めたのか、洋館のいたるところを掃除しようと頑張っている。

That was all well and good, but there were a few things that were off-limits, which neither Alice nor I dared touch.……それはいいんだけど、この洋館には私や有珠にだって手を出せない開かずの間が幾つもある。
He was the type to open things without asking, which put us all in hot water.それを構わず開けてしまうものだから、火の粉はこっちにまで飛んでくる。

There had been an uproar when he released the ghost ship that Alice's mother had kept around.この前は、有珠のお母さんが保存していた亡霊船を開放して大騒ぎになったんだっけ。
Catching that little speed demon known as the Cutty Sark had been quite the ordeal.カティサークとかいう飛ばし屋スピードスターを捕まえるのは、本当に苦労した。
I still felt bad for having to rely on that creepy golden wolf for help.あのいけすかない金狼の手を借りるのはもうゴメンである。

And before that, he'd lifted the seal on the troupe of spirits in the basement,その前は地下室の悪霊さんご一行の封印を解いて、
which had led to the even creepier people from the Church coming to the mansion for an entire week.さらにいけすかない教会ご一行が洋館に乗りこんでくるだけでなく、一週間も滞在しやがったし。
Going back even further, there was also the time he'd ventured unsolicited into Alice's room. In the ensuing chaos, I fell into the mirror, and we almost ended up in an all-out war with Alice.もう少しさかのぼれば、有珠の部屋に勝手に入って、そのとばっちりで私も鏡の国に落っこちて、あやうく有珠と全面戦争をする羽目になりかけた。

Come to think of it...……考えてみると。
He really and truly lacked any capacity for learning.あいつ、学習能力がないみたい。
"That idiot needs to get a handle on himself!"「もう、いい加減にしてよね、あのバカ……!」

The good mood I'd been in up until that moment was spoiled, and I went dashing out of the library.さっきまでの幸福な気分が台無しになって、私は図書室から飛び出した。
I imagined coming upon the architect of my troubles standing there in the hallway and giving him the swift dropkick to the face he deserved.たぶん、この後は廊下で立ち尽くしている元凶に飛び蹴りでも食らわせる、なんて未来視をうかべながら。

As far as I was concerned, that would be just another fun day in the mansion.でもまあ、それはそれで楽しい日常には変わりはない。
And so our little secret remained hidden on the bookshelf...棚の上に隠された私たちふたりの秘密。
...likely never to be opened again.あの本はたぶん、もう開かれる事はないだろう―――