Chapter 2: Little Happening of Last Night
Lunchtime Together
EN | JP |
"The city is really strange, | “都会は魔界だ。 |
but a pretty easy place to live, once you get the hang of it." | けど、慣れればわりと住みやすいとは思う” |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro sighed listlessly. | はあ、と力のないため息がこぼれる。 |
He looked down at the winter schoolyard below, lost in thought. | 静希草十郎は冬の校庭を見下ろしながら、柄にもなく物思いに耽っていた。 |
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"December" was written on the corner of the chalkboard. | 黒板の隅には12月の日付。 |
He could not believe ten days had already passed since he transferred to the school. | 早いもので、草十郎が転入してからすでに十日。 |
The last vestiges of autumn had faded with the change of the month. | 暦が12月に移り、辛うじて残っていた秋の面影は見る影もない。 |
The trees were all but barren, and the ground below them a mat of fallen leaves. | 校庭の木々はそのほとんどが裸になり、舞い散った落ち葉が地面を覆い隠している。 |
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Fourth period was classics. | 古典の時間。 |
An elderly teacher stood at the lectern and rambled on. | 教壇からは老教師による見解が淡々と流れてくる。 |
While he had finally gotten used to the classroom, he still had a long way to go to get up to speed in his classes. | ようやく馴れてきた教室と、まだまだ追いつけない授業の四時限目。 |
Lacking even the basic understanding most students learn in their early scholastic life, it was a battle for Soujyuro to keep up. | 基礎が出来てない草十郎にとって、日々の授業は真剣勝負だ。 |
Even if he was unable to grasp all of the content right away, he at least tried to memorize everything in the hope that he could make use of it down the road. | 今は内容を正しく飲みこめなくともきっかり暗記し、後々に生かせるよう心がけている。 |
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Which is why losing himself in his thoughts was about the last thing he should have been doing. | なので雑念などもってのほか。 |
He would normally chastise himself for daydreaming, but... | よそ見をしている暇はない、と厳しく自分に言いつけているのだが、 |
"...Hah." | 「………………はあ」 |
Troublingly, he was unable to concentrate in class today. | 困ったコトに、今日はどうしても授業に集中できなかった。 |
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Soujyuro could not place the source of his lack of concentration. | 集中力の不足はどこからきたものか。 |
It could not have been the winter in the city; it was much milder than in the mountains. Neither was his part-time job particularly tiring. | 都市の冬は山に比べれば格段に住みやすいし、毎日のアルバイトだってそう過酷ではない。 |
He was not any more physically fatigued than the average student, so that could not be it either. | 肉体的な疲れは、まあ、人並みだろうから理由にはあげられない。 |
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Others might conclude that it was because the courses were boring, but that seemed off the mark, too. | では授業そのものが退屈だから、と言われるとそれも違う。 |
Soujyuro did not share his classmates' opinions about their classes. | 草十郎はクラスメイトたちが言うほど授業をつまらないものだと感じていない。 |
On the contrary, he rather enjoyed his class time. | 良いか悪いかで言えば、間違いなく良い部類に入る時間だ。 |
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No, his frame of mind was not to blame either. | なので精神的な面でも理由は見あたらない。 |
Trying to figure out what was wrong only made him more depressed. | ここまで集中力が散漫になるのはどうかと思う、と草十郎は我が身の情けなさに落ちこんでいる。 |
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(What's wrong with me? It's not like me to be so distracted.) | 『……いけない。こんなんじゃ気が散る一方だ』 |
He scolded himself and turned his attention to the chalkboard. | 自分を叱って黒板に目を向ける。 |
The rhythmic ticks of the chalk were sending him into a slumber, but he somehow managed to resist their lullaby. | カツカツと規則正しく、なのになぜか眠気を誘う白墨の滑る音も、この純朴な転入生を堕落させるには至らない。 |
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And yet, he was still unable to focus on the class. | けれどやっぱり、彼は授業に集中できなかった。 |
(...Ugh.) | 『…………むう』 |
Soujyuro reflected silently as was his custom, and sighed inwardly. | 重いため息をついて草十郎なりに考える。 |
Deep down he knew the real source of his agitation. | あまり考えたくはないが、原因は、まあ。 |
The events of the previous night were the only thing it could be. | 思い返すたびにどうかと思う、昨夜の出来事以外ありえなかった。 |
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With the chime to signal the end of class, the teacher bowed and exited into the hallway. | 授業の終わりを告げるチャイムと、礼をして廊下に向かう老教師。 |
To see him off, the thirty or so students all stood up from their desks. | 彼の退室を見届けて、三十人もの生徒は一斉に席を立った。 |
The clock, which had seemed to slow dramatically around half-past eleven, now struck noon. | 11時半ごろから緩慢に進んでいた時計の針は、いまやピッタリと頂点を指し示している。 |
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The tension seemed to fade from the room all at once. | ざあ、と伝播していく憩いの空気。 |
The release from a difficult lesson | 堅苦しい授業からのひとときの解放、 |
was the start of lunchtime-the highlight of school life. | 学園生活の華ともいえる昼食の始まりだ。 |
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Misaki High's cafeteria was not particularly known for its quality of food. | 三咲高校の学食の味つけはよろしくない。 |
Complaints that the quality was below that of a private school went unheeded, | 私立校にあるまじき怠慢、という抗議もどこ吹く風で、 |
and the same "unique" flavors appeared on the menu each and every day. | 今日も今日とて独特の味を提供している。 |
Private school prices coupled with subpar quality led the majority of students to opt for boxed lunches instead. | 値段もそれなり、味もいまいち、となれば、必然、学校ではお弁当派が大勢力となる。 |
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Soujyuro's Class 2-C was no exception. | 草十郎が転入した二年C組も例外ではない。 |
The boys muscled as many as ten desks into what resembled a long dining table. | 男子は腕力にまかせて十個ほどの机をあわせ、長テーブルのような食卓を築く。 |
Conversely, the girls divided themselves into smaller tables of two or three desks with practiced ease, and started chatting within their cliques. | 一方、女子は洗練された手順で二、三個の机をこぢんまりとしたテーブルにかえ、いくつかのグループにわかれて談笑を始めていた。 |
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Not a single student wasted even a second of their precious lunchtime. | 貴重な昼休みを一分一秒も無駄にしない。 |
Where both sides differed in method, they shared a common goal. | かたちは違えど、両陣営の信念は同じだった。 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
Soujyuro was struck dumb by the efficiency of the transformation. | その手際の良さに草十郎は呆気に取られている。 |
Even after ten days, he was unable to keep pace with the rest of the class and remained seated where he had sat during the previous period. | 転入してから十日経った今でもこのスピーディーさについていけず、いまだ自分の席に居座っていた。 |
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"Hey, Sizuki! Over here!" | 「おーい、こっちこいよ静希!」 |
The voice came from the large makeshift dining table near the window. | 呼びかけてくる声は、教室の窓側を占拠した一大食卓からだった。 |
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Housuke Kinomi was beckoning him over while leaning back in his chair in a way that looked like he could fall backward at any second. | だらしなく椅子をななめに立て、いつスッ転んでもおかしくない状態で手招きしているのは木乃美芳助。 |
He was regularly shot down by others in the class for being lazy and crass, but his earnest nature kept him from getting on anyone's bad side. | 口が悪くて根性も無い、とクラス中から酷評される人物だが、さっぱりした性格のおかげか敵は少ない。 |
Though something could be said for not being so forthcoming all the time, too. | たまに、さっぱりしすぎるのもどうか、とみなの頭を悩ませてもいる。 |
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"Times-a-wastin'! Let's eat! | 「メシにしようぜメシぃ。 |
I've got a bunch of leftover spring rolls from yesterday, but when my dad saw 'em, he told me I shouldn't waste 'em, so that's the only thing I've got." | オレさあ、昨日店の残り物もらいすぎたんだよ。春巻だよ春巻。それを見た親父がさあ、貰ったモンは残すなってうるさくてさあ。食いもん、春巻きしかねーんだわ」 |
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It seemed his end game was to find someone who might take pity on him and trade him for something better. | なので救いの手を差し向けてくれ、とまっとうな弁当を呼びこもうと企む木乃美だった。 |
The two of them worked at the same restaurant, so he was one of the few people Soujyuro knew before starting school. | 木乃美と草十郎は同じ店で働いており、転入前から顔見知りだった数少ないアルバイト仲間だ。 |
He was also the reason Soujyuro was able to learn the true meaning of the phrase "can't live with them, can't live without them." | また、草十郎に『腐れ縁』という言葉をはじめて実感させた男でもある。 |
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"Yeah, Sizuki! Get your butt over here! It's the long-awaited Canned Food Festival today!" | 「お、いいな、静希も来いよー! 今日は待ちに待った缶詰祭りをすっからさー!」 |
"So we're really going through with this? We're absolutely sure we wanna do this?" | 「……ついに決行するのかよ……誰か冷静になった方がいいんじゃないのか、実際……」 |
"You bet your ass we are! Sure, the stuff is processed to hell, but all the canned crab you can eat?! This ain't no sardines in a can, dude!" | 「バカ、すげえ楽しいってきっと! そりゃパチもんくさいけどカニ缶とか食い放題なんだぜ!? サバ缶じゃなくて!」 |
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"You for real?! Then hell yeah! Count me in! | 「まじ!? やったー、オレも参加するー! |
Is there enough corned beef for everyone? Or is it first come, first served?" | コンビーフはひとり一個? それとも早い者勝ち?」 |
"That's not somethin' you can eat a ton of, ya know. Only the first can tastes any good." | 「おまえな、ひとりで何個も食えるもんじゃねえぞアレ。うまいのは最初の一個だけだって」 |
"With Sizuki on board, we'd be at an even seven cans a piece. What a lifesaver..." | 「静希たちがくるならノルマはひとり七個に下がるのか……助かるなあ……」 |
"So what's up with your lunch, Kinomi? It looks harder than the cans." | 「ところで木乃美の弁当の中身、なんか缶詰より硬そうじゃね?」 |
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The boys usually passed the time by making fun of each other's lunches, but today they were united against a common foe. | いつもは互いの弁当の不出来さをネタにして騒ぐ彼らは、今日に限って団結していた。 |
A pyramid of countless cans stood in the middle of the table. | テーブルにはピラミッド型につまれた無数の缶詰。 |
They had all been taken from the pantry of a certain student's house, and the expiration dates on them had all been scribbled out with a marker. | 賞味期限を油性のサインペンで塗りつぶされたソレは、ある男子生徒の家の倉庫から発掘されたものらしい。 |
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"All right, lads. Everyone got your can openers? | 「よし野郎ども、各自マイ缶切りの用意はいいな? |
Eating them sucks! No one likes leftovers! But these metal demons must be slain at all costs, even if it means missing fifth period! | 食べるも地獄、残すも地獄。我ら五時限目の授業はないものと恐れぬ修羅となり、鉄の悪魔どもを平らげん――― |
Oh, and a special thanks to our sponsors, Downtown McCoy and Nakayama Market!" | えー、食材は下町のなんでも商会、マーケット中山からの提供です!」 |
"Yeah, baby! Let's eat!" | 「ヒュー! バカも休み休みyeah!」 |
The boys united as one and hoisted their can openers into the air. | 一団となって、缶切りを持った手を天高く掲げる男子生徒の群れ。 |
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"Eat up, Sizuki! There's enough can openers to go around!" | 「ほら、静希も食べようぜー。缶切りならまだあるからさー」 |
"I thought I told you yesterday that I'm not interested in being your taste tester. | 「いや、君らの弁当の毒見はゴメンだって昨日言ったはずだ。 |
And besides, at least half of those cans are past their expiration date." | それに、その缶詰半分以上、賞味期限切れてるだろう」 |
"Oh, c'mon! Live a little!" | 「なんだよー、つれねえなあー!」 |
Quite an inexplicably excited group of guys. | どっと沸くならず者たち。 |
Their real motivation seemed to be to spread the pain. | 犠牲者を一人でも増やそうと思っているに違いない。 |
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But moved by their energy and conceding defeat, Soujyuro got up from his seat and joined them. | 彼らの賑やかさにほだされ、仕方ない、と席を立つ草十郎。 |
However... | それを、 |
"Hey! Give it a rest, why don't you? | 「じゃ、わたしたちが釣り上げよっかなー! |
Forget them, Sizuki! Come eat with us!" | 静希くん、あんなの放っておいて一緒にどう?」 |
Another interested party joined the fray. | もう一方の勢力がつかまえた。 |
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A girl with short but stylish hair had called out to him. | 呼び掛けたのはショートの髪がよく似合う女生徒だった。 |
She had also tried to get Soujyuro to join the track and field club several days earlier. | 数日前、草十郎を陸上部に勧誘してくれた事もある。 |
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"...Um, thanks for the offer, but I'd rather not." | 「……いや。そっちも遠慮したいな、できれば」 |
He answered with a troubled look on his face. | 困り顔で返答する。 |
On their table was nothing but a pile of fruit Soujyuro had never seen before. | 彼女達のテーブルには草十郎があまり知らない果実だけが山のようにつまれていた。 |
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"What? Whyyy? You don't like papayas? | 「えー、なんでー? パパイヤとか嫌い? |
We've got mango and coconut if you want something else! And don't tell anyone, but we've even got a Yubari melon!" | マンゴーもあるし、ヤシの実だってあるし、内緒だけど夕張メロンもあるんだから!」 |
The members of the fruit group pumped their fists in unison at that last delicacy. | 拳を立てて力説する果実グループ。 |
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"Wait, coconuts? Can you even eat those?" | 「待て、なんだヤシの実って? アレ食えるもんなの?」 |
"Umm, I'd like a mango if you have any extra." | 「あ、マンゴー余ったら回してほしいなー」 |
"Idiots! Meat! MEEEAT! Eatin' anything else is just gonna make ya weak!" | 「ばか、肉食え肉。そんなんだから貧弱な体してんだぞ、おまえら!」 |
Soujyuro couldn't keep track of all of the voices flying across the room. | 飛びかう声に、やっぱり草十郎はついていけない。 |
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"All I know is that nothing good will come out of either of these choices." | 「……分かるのは、どっちも破滅的だってコトだけだ」 |
That being said, he found it difficult to refuse them outright. | 言いつつ、草十郎はどちらも断りきれない。 |
His tendency to accept others' goodwill at face value occasionally left him frozen with indecision. | 他人の好意を素直に受け取りすぎる彼は、時に優柔不断になる。 |
Not accustomed to regular human interaction, he was unable to judge when it was or was not appropriate to turn someone down. | 人間、好意になれていないと、何を捨てるべきか咄嗟に判断できないのである。 |
Someone tapped the lost, little lamb on the shoulder. | そんな迷える子羊の肩を叩く影がひとつ。 |
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"Don't mind them. If you get involved with every idiot who invites you to do something, you'll mess up your whole life. It's okay to turn them down, you know. | 「ほっとけほっとけ。いちいちここのバカどもに付き合ってちゃ人生台無しだ。適当に流しとけばいいんだよ。 |
And you guys... Stop trying to lead this good soul over to the dark side!" | オラ、おまえらもな、善良な羊を悪の園に引きずりこんでんじゃねえよ」 |
An inappropriately loud voice echoed throughout the classroom from behind him. | 場違いにドスのきいた声が、草十郎の背後から教室に響きわたる。 |
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"Vice-president." | 「副会長」 |
Soujyuro turned around to see a boy about a head taller than him. | 草十郎が振り向くと、そこには彼より頭ひとつぶん背の高い男子生徒が立っていた。 |
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His long hair, while unkempt, had been brushed back, giving it an appealingly windswept look. | 乱雑に、けれど見栄えよく撫で上げられた長髪。 |
His attractive features belied the contempt for the classroom his eyes carried. | 整った美形でありながら刺々しい目つきでクラスを睥睨する暴力性。 |
Unlike the perpetually dopey-looking Soujyuro, he was an extremely attractive boy, capable of captivating anyone who so much as glanced at him. | いつも眠そうな草十郎とは対照的な、一目で人を魅了する非の打ちどころのない美男子。 |
In most cases, such a boy's presence would be met with awe and respect. However... | 誰もが畏れ、敬うであろう彼への反応は、しかし。 |
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"Oh look! Our mighty vice-president has graciously decided to pay us a visit!" | 「なんだよ、副会長さまのお出ましかよー!」 |
"I thought you were going to take up residence in the cafeteria so you wouldn't have to see our stupid faces anymore!" | 「テメエらのバカ顔にはこりごりだって、学食に陣取ってたんじゃなかったのかよー!」 |
"Hehehe, have you lost your way, Your Highness? You're slumming where the commoners eat gruel from their troughs. Shouldn't you be sipping tea with the babes from Class A?" | 「へへへ、ここは見てのとおりボンクラどもが集う貧民街でございますよ、王子はほら、A組のきれいどころとカフェでお茶でもしてればいいじゃない!」 |
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"Why don't you leave Sizuki alone, huh? First Lady Aoko has it in for him, now His Highness too! What could he have done to have earned the attention of such royalty?" | 「また静希呼びに来たのかよ。青子女史といい鳶丸殿下といい、静希、なんかヤバいコトしちゃったのか……?」 |
"Really?! But Sizuki's such a goody-two-shoes! He's never broken any rules! | 「えー。静希くんは校則違反しないじゃん。 |
Well, the rules of the school at least!" | ちょっと、それ以外のルール破るだけで!」 |
"Wait, could it be that...Tsukiji really switched teams after Aozaki rejected him!?" | 「ってコトはやっぱり―――槻司くん、蒼崎に振られてからそっちに走ったって本当だったのね!?」 |
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"..." | 「………………」 |
They continued to give him a hard time. | この通り、親愛と友情に満ちた暴言だった。 |
Soujyuro could not help but feel sorry for him. | 言われたい放題の男子に、草十郎はつい同情してしまう。 |
The class vice-president, on the other hand, showed absolutely no reaction whatsoever. | もっとも、肝心の男子はまったくのノーリアクション。 |
He glared at them with a bored look and simply raised his voice. | 騒ぎ立てる彼らをつまらなげに一瞥すると、吐き捨てるように声をあげる。 |
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"You freaks should get some new material. | 「相変わらず無駄に元気があって結構じゃねえかテメエら。 |
Why don't you spend your time more productively for once? Like helping with the Special Winter Cleaning Team. | そんなに活力たぎってんなら冬期特別清掃班にだって参加出来るよなあ、 |
Yeah, you heard me. | オイ? |
Only one student in the entire school has signed up so far! Having all of Class C with us would be a huge help, but I guess you want me and Aozaki to do all the work!" | いまんところ自主的に申し出てるのは全校で一人しかいねえんだ。2-C全員が参加すりゃあ、俺も蒼崎も肩の荷がおりるってもんなんだがよ……!」 |
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The menacing growl in his voice contrasted greatly with the boy's well-constructed looks. | その端整な顔立ちとはかけ離れた、ドスのきいた胴間声が教室に響く。 |
Both Team Canned and Team Fruit's words were doused like a fire being smothered. | 彼の一喝で水を打ったように黙りこむ、ならず者部隊&スイーツ愛好者たち。 |
This was partly due to their fear of the boy, but mostly due to their fear of the Special Winter Cleaning Team. | この男子生徒を畏怖しての事もあるが、何より『冬期特別清掃班』が恐ろしいからである。 |
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The Special Winter Cleaning Team. | 冬期特別清掃班。 |
Joining meant spending part of your winter break cleaning up the old school building and mountainous rear courtyard that had been neglected by the previous two student councils. | それは先々代の生徒会からお手上げ状態で放置していた旧校舎、および山みたいな裏庭の森を冬休みを挙げて清掃しよう、という趣旨の、学園行事の名を借りた拷問だ。 |
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It was a form of legalized torture that could potentially ruin three whole days of your winter break. | おそらく、冬休みのうち三日は完全に潰される。 |
And forget about any compensation in the form of extra credits. | もちろん成績に残るような見返りはない。 |
No, it was pointless volunteer work for a student council project. It was practically a miracle that they had found even a single volunteer. | ことはあくまで生徒会が立案しただけのボランティア。参加希望者が一人でもいたコトは奇跡に近い。 |
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"Umm... sorry, but we're clearly... not fit enough... yeah, that's it. That stuff takes conditioning. We'll just eat our canned food in the corner now, okay?" | 「あー……いや、僕ら、ちょっと体弱いんで……すみっちょで缶詰食べてますね?」 |
"Yeah, us, too. We're uh... anemic, you see... and if we don't eat this fruit, we'll, uh, die. That, and we already have plans, or something." | 「わたしたちも貧血気味で……こうやって果物たべてないと死んじゃうっていうか……冬休みはもう予定いっぱいっていうか……」 |
All of the students but one scuffled away. | 一名を除いて、そそくさと隅に移動する2年C組の皆さん。 |
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"That's much better. Lunchtime is best in silence. | 「よし、昼食はやっぱり静かにやらねえとな。 |
I'm tired of people complaining that you guys make even more noise than the freshmen. Get it together, you losers." | 一年坊主の教室より二年の教室の方がやかましいなんて苦情、いいかげんにしやがれよアホウども?」 |
EN | JP |
The mob meekly scurried away. | うへーい、と弱々しく退散する有象無象たち。 |
Soujyuro turned to join them, but as he did... | その中に溶け込むように流れていく草十郎だったが、 |
"Hold on, Soujyuro. You're with me." | 「おう、おまえはこっちだ草十郎。ちょい顔貸せ」 |
The hand on his shoulder held him in place. | 強引に肩を引かれ、仲間入りを阻まれた。 |
EN | JP |
"Jeez, who does the student council think they are, anyway? Barging into our classroom to lecture us on table manners!" | 「……っだよ、生徒会横暴ー。人んちのテーブルマナーまで指図してほしくねーよなー!」 |
Kinomi cursed him under his breath to his friends the second the vice-president turned to go. | 立ち去る背中を好機と見たのか、仲間うちでのみ聞こえるよう悪態をつく木乃美。 |
EN | JP |
"What was that, Kinomi? Oh! You wanna become our second volunteer? Perfect! I'll make it the best winter vacation you've ever had!" | 「ああ? 上等じゃねえか木乃美、いいぜ、おまえが記念すべき二人目だ。冬休み、首を洗って待ってやがれ」 |
The vice-president must have heard everything Kinomi said, because he gave a thumbs up before figuratively jabbing it in his eye. | きっかり聞こえていたのか、副会長は親指をたてて、ぐるん、と一回転の意を示す。 |
EN | JP |
"Yo, is this guy for real? | 「はあ、なに言ってんですかアイツ? |
This is voluntary, isn't it? It ain't voluntary if you gotta force people to do it! Am I right?!" | アレ自主的なイベントじゃん、いくら副会長ったって強制はできないですよねぇ!?」 |
The problem child of Class C laughed merrily. | ひひひ、と笑う2年C組の誇る問題児。 |
EN | JP |
"That was yesterday. | 「そりゃ昨日までの話だ。 |
The school has since accepted the president's proposal that council members be able to forcibly enlist students for participation. | 会長の提案が学校側に受理されてな、本日付けで生徒会役員は強制力のある推薦権をもらえたんだよ。 |
And recommendations by the president and vice-president are ironclad. Refusing them means breaking school rules in addition to facing Aozaki's wrath, which, let me tell you now, I won't be able to stop." | とくに会長と副会長の推薦は絶対だ。拒否した場合、学校側はともかく、蒼崎がなにするか俺には止められねえからそのつもりでな?」 |
EN | JP |
"Whaaat!? You're hanging me by my balls here! This is extortion, or blackmail, or something!" | @o「げぇぇぇ!!!? ちょ、それ事実上の死刑宣告じゃん!? 生徒^会まじ横暴ー!!!!」 |
Kinomi's terrified shrieking continued behind them as the vice-president and Soujyuro left the classroom. | 悪態から悲鳴に変わる木乃美の断末魔を後に、副会長と草十郎は2年C組を後にした。 |
Scene 2
EN | JP |
"What am I going to do with you, Soujyuro?" | 「おまえも大変だな、草十郎」 |
"With me? Aren't you busy with other things, vice-president?" | 「あんたもわりと暇なんだな、副会長」 |
EN | JP |
The two entered the empty student council room. | 無人の生徒会室に入るなり所感を口にするふたり。 |
Misaki High's student council had the use of two rooms. | 三咲高校の生徒会室は二つあり、 |
One was a large office specifically made for the student council. | 一つは生徒会用に作られた大部屋、 |
The second was an archive room, once used as a preparatory office for math courses. | もう一つは数学の準備室だった資料室とに分かれている。 |
EN | JP |
As the latter of the two, the walls were lined with densely packed shelves, making an already cramped room seem even more confined. | こちらは資料室の方で、壁にはファイルのつまった資料棚がびっしりと並び、ただでさえ狭苦しい部屋を余計に窮屈に見せていた。 |
For this reason, it served more as a private refuge to the student council. | 生徒会室というより、個人の隠れ家といった方が正しいだろう。 |
The two students sat across from one another. | 草十郎が椅子に座ると、向かい合うように男子生徒も腰を下ろした。 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru Tsukiji. | 槻司鳶丸。 |
He was the son of the chairman of Misaki High School and the vice-president of its school council. | 私立三咲高校の理事長の息子であり、生徒会副会長。 |
Like Soujyuro, he was in his second year, and first met the transfer student a week earlier when the task of looking after him was dumped onto the student council. | 学年は草十郎と同じく二年生で、約一週間前、転入生の世話を生徒会長に押しつけられてからの付き合いである。 |
EN | JP |
"I told you to stop calling me that. People may as well call me the president's dog, the shit I have to take from her." | 「副会長はやめろって。クソッタレな話だが、俺はしょせん会長の犬だからな」 |
As self-deprecating as his words were, he hardly seemed dissatisfied with the arrangement. | やれやれと自嘲するも、不満があるワケでもなさそうだ。 |
He took a snack from his pocket and grimaced at it before taking a bite. | 鳶丸はポケットからスナック菓子を取りだし、実にまずそうに口に入れた。 |
The hundred-calorie energy bar sacrificed flavor for efficacy, but somehow not enough to prevent him gnawing on it like a piece of jerky. | 一本100キロカロリーほどのブロック形式の簡易食を、それこそ干し肉を引きちぎるように片づけていく。 |
EN | JP |
"I see what you're saying, Tobimaru, but being a dog isn't exactly a good thing." | 「そうか。でも犬はよくないな、鳶丸」 |
Soujyuro sat in the chair with a concerned look on his face. | 難しい顔つきで草十郎は椅子に座る。 |
"Huh? I didn't catch that. Something about dogs?" | 「あん? 犬がどうしたって?」 |
"Dogs aren't good. I mean, it's a bad comparison in the first place, but dogs are way scarier." | 「犬はよくないって言った。喩えが違う気がするし、なにより怖いぞ、アレ」 |
"Huh? You grew up in the mountains, and you're still afraid of dogs?" | 「? なんだよ、山奥育ちのくせに犬が怖いのか?」 |
EN | JP |
"I'm afraid of most animals, but dogs are in a class of their own. | 「そりゃたいていの生き物は怖いけど、犬は別格だ。 |
A pack of wild dogs is particularly terrifying. | 徒党を組んだ野犬ほど始末に負えないものはない。 |
They're as tenacious as they are fast. | 脚の速さも脅威だけど、なにより執念深すぎる。 |
No matter where you run, they'll chase you as long as there's still life left in them." | 坂だろうと追いかけてくるし、最後の一匹になるまで引かないんだぞ」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro opened his lunch as he spoke. | などと言いつつ、弁当の包みを開ける草十郎。 |
Inside the bright green cloth: three beautifully made triangular rice balls. | 若草色をした布には、綺麗な三角形をしたおにぎりが三つ包まれていた。 |
EN | JP |
"...Would you look at that." | 「……ショックだ」 |
"Look at what? What do you mean?" | 「? ショックってなにが?」 |
"Oh, nothing. It's just that those are some special-looking rice balls you've got there." | 「いや、そんな、この世のものとは思えない握り飯を見たのは初めてだ。思わず絶句しちまった」 |
"...Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" | 「……。それ、どっちなんだ?」 |
"I'm trying to compliment you, you idiot." | 「誉めてるんだよ、馬鹿」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro was always confounded by phrasing that could be interpreted in multiple ways; euphemisms and subtle sarcasm were often lost on him. | 草十郎を相手に侮辱とも称賛とも取れる言い回しはこういう結果を招く。婉曲な表現、遠回しな嫌味をかみ砕ける機微がないためだ。 |
It was only on rare occasions, like this one, that he chose to confirm what was being said. | ただ、今のように言葉の良し悪しをいちいち訊ねるのは希だった。 |
Tobimaru had come to suspect that Soujyuro had a very black-and-white way of seeing things. | 鳶丸の推測だが、この少年は個人的に譲れない事のみ白黒をハッキリさせる気質らしい。 |
EN | JP |
"Say, does that hard chunk of flour-looking thing taste any good?" | 「ところで。その固まった小麦粉みたいなの、美味しいのか?」 |
Soujyuro stared at the energy bar with a curious look on his face. | 興味津々とばかりに鳶丸の簡易食を見つめる草十郎。 |
EN | JP |
"It's not meant to taste good. You can try it if you want. | 「まずくはねえが美味くもねえよ。ま、試してみる分には止めねえが。 |
People shouldn't hold back when it comes to the three base desires." | 人間、何事も手間暇惜しむようになっちゃおしまいだぜ。事が三大欲求ならなおさらだ」 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru quickly finished off his bar, put another one on the table, and grabbed one of Soujyuro's rice ball. | 鳶丸はガリガリとブロック菓子を平らげ、残った一本を机に置き、当然という手つきでおにぎりを一つ手に取った。 |
Soujyuro failed to notice the rudeness of the forced exchange, and gave the proffered energy bar a try. | 草十郎も当然とばかりに鳶丸の暴挙を見逃し、差し出されたブロック菓子を食べてみる。 |
EN | JP |
"...It kind of tastes like dirt." | 「……なんだか、土を食べてるみたいだ」 |
"Now you get it. It's what a joyless existence tastes like." | 「違いない。遊びを無くせば人生こんなもんだって見本だな」 |
Out of principle, Soujyuro labored over his energy bar, cringing all the while. | 草十郎は苦い顔のまま、律儀に簡易食をかじっていく。 |
He was both curious of the unknown and loathe to leave something unfinished. | 未知への関心と、はじめた事はきっちり終わらせようとする律儀さである。 |
EN | JP |
"Don't force yourself to finish it right now. The whole point of it is that you can eat it on the run. And while the flavor isn't that great, at least it's consistent. | 「いま無理に平らげる必要はねえぞ。そいつの利点は携帯食ってところだからな。素で味けないが、食えるうちは味が落ちないのがいいところだ。 |
Anyway, never mind that. Are you getting used to how things work around here?" | ま、そっちはともかく。どうだ、少しは慣れたか?」 |
EN | JP |
"Yes. You and Aozaki have been a huge help." | 「ああ。鳶丸や蒼崎が気を遣ってくれているからね」 |
Tobimaru turned his eyes up to the ceiling, unable to handle Soujyuro's carefree smile. | 屈託のない笑顔に、鳶丸はつい顔をそらしてしまった。 |
As absentminded as Soujyuro might have been, his expressions were nonetheless incredibly earnest. | 草十郎はたしかに普段からぼんやりしているが、反面、こうして見せる感情表現はまっすぐで嘘がない。 |
It was like poison to someone as self-absorbed as Tobimaru. | 鳶丸のように若く利己的な人間にとっては、ささやかな毒にもなる。 |
EN | JP |
(Now I know why Aozaki goes so out of her way to avoid him.) | 『……だから蒼崎はこねえんだよなあ……』 |
He took a bite from the rice ball to steer himself away from such thoughts. | 内心呟いて、手にした握り飯を一口かじる鳶丸。 |
Though now cold, the rice had managed to maintain its freshness, startling Tobimaru. | 冷めた白米でありながら、しっかり柔らかな食感である事に二度驚く鳶丸だった。 |
EN | JP |
"...Huh. | 「……ん? |
Wait a sec, I'm the one that has your back, you know that right? Aozaki told me you were too annoying to deal with! | いや待て、気を遣ってんのは俺だけじゃねえか。蒼崎なんておまえが転入した日に“彼、迷惑だから見張ってて”の一言だけだぞ!?」 |
"Did I say something to upset you?" | 「……なんでそこで君が怒るんだ?」 |
EN | JP |
"Don't you get it? I'm the only one helping you keep your head above water, while Aozaki sits in the student council room digging up dirt on other students! | 「いや、だからだな。おまえが学校に慣れるよう陰ながら見守ってんのは俺で、蒼崎は生徒会室で全校生徒の弱みを集めてるだけって話だ! |
I'm the one who gets lumbered with the crap jobs, while she gets to-" | 面倒な苦労してんのは俺だけじゃねえかって―――」 |
Tobimaru stopped himself, realizing how ridiculous he sounded. Soujyuro, rightly so, knew it was nothing to get this upset over. | そこまで口にして、鳶丸は自分の言い分が馬鹿らしくなった。草十郎の言う通り、鳶丸が怒る筋合いでもない。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, whatever. I'm only here 'cause she told me to be. | 「……ま、いいさ。蒼崎に言いつけられなきゃこうなる事もなかったしな。 |
Do you know? | 知ってるか? |
Do you know why she lumbered me with you?" | あいつ、どうして俺にこんな役させたと思う?」 |
"Because you're the vice-president?" | 「副会長だからだろ」 |
Tobimaru's handsome face went dark. | 言われて、鳶丸はその綺麗な顔を曇らせる。 |
EN | JP |
"Do you really think it's normal for a student council vice-president to waste all of his time on a single transfer student? | 「あのなあ。どうして副会長が転入生ひとりにかかりっきりにならなくちゃいけねえんだよ。 |
Ugh, whatever, man. Try asking her directly if you get the chance. You'll learn who she really is." | チッ、いいぜ、機会があったら蒼崎本人に聞いてみな。あいつの本性が分かるからよ」 |
EN | JP |
He snatched another bite of the rice ball while grumbling under his breath. | 鳶丸は悪態をつきながらさらに握り飯をかじる。 |
There it was again. Rice grains that were just dry enough to be fresh and tender in the mouth-a morsel that betrayed its humble description, which must have been delicately molded by a master chef rather than haphazardly clumped into a ball... | 乾燥した米粒でありながら、なんという瑞々しさ……言うなれば握り飯ではなく包み飯。力任せに米を固めたのではなく、職人の業で優しく『おにぎり』というカタチに集結させたとしか思えない…… |
EN | JP |
"Just the right amount of salt, and the subtlest of soy sauce notes coming from the center, it... | 「そしてなによりこの塩加減、中の具からしみだした玄妙な醤油加減はどうだ――― |
It doesn't just whet your appetite, it stimulates the desire centers of your brain and- | 食欲をそそるどころか、脳を食欲だけにするような――― |
...Oh wow." | おお―――」 |
"Tobimaru, you appear to be thinking out loud." | 「鳶丸、思ってる事が口に出てるみたいだけど」 |
EN | JP |
"It's nothing, just color me surprised. | 「いや、それほどのショックだったってワケだ。 |
Hey, Sono-G, what's this filling, anyway?" | なあ草の字。これ、具はなんだ?」 |
It was only natural to inquire about the unexpectedly delicious bite. | 予想外の味に思わず訊ねる。 |
He had been nibbling around the edges and had not yet reached its center. | ちなみに、鳶丸はまだ外周だけで中心たる具に辿り着いていない。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh, right. That would be grasshopper." | 「ああ、それはイナゴ」 |
"No way!" | 「ありえねえ!」 |
The vice-president choked on his cough. | がは、と咳きこむ副会長。 |
He had assumed that Soujyuro would prefer earthy ingredients instead of seafood on account of his mountain life, but he never expected he would use grasshoppers. | たしかに、山奥育ちの草十郎には海の幸より山の幸のイメージがあるような、でもイナゴはないような。 |
EN | JP |
"Damn it! You should have warned me first, Soujyuro! ...But man, was that delicious!" | 「クソ、食う前に言えよな! 信じられねえぐらい美味いと思っちまったじゃねえか!」 |
"Oh. I was just joking." | 「ああ、今のは嘘だよ」 |
They locked eyes for a moment. | 瞬間、見つめ合うふたり。 |
EN | JP |
"It's salmon. I would never eat grasshopper." | 「ほんとは鮭。いくらなんでも、イナゴはね」 |
"O-Oh, right. Yeah. I knew that. | 「―――お、おう。そうだよな、いや、安心した。 |
Of course it wouldn't be grasshopper." | いくらなんでもイナゴはねえよな」 |
"Yeah. I mean, you can't find fresh grasshoppers in this city to begin with." | 「ああ、こんな都会で身のしまったイナゴが手に入るもんか」 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
As curious as those words were, Tobimaru decided to let them go. | 気になる台詞だったが、あえて鳶丸はスルーする。 |
EN | JP |
"Jeez, Soujyuro. That's not something to joke about. You want me to hurl or something?" | 「……ったく。どっちにしても冗談きついぜ。あやうくはき出すところだったじゃねえか。らしくねえぞ、草十郎」 |
"Don't say bad things about Aozaki then." | 「君が蒼崎の悪口を言うからだ」 |
Soujyuro closed his eyes as he continued to chew on his rice ball. | 瞼を閉じ、不機嫌そうに握り飯を食べながら草十郎はそう言った。たしかに言った。 |
Tobimaru watched incredulously as Soujyuro made no attempt to hide his disapproval. | 不満そうにもぐもぐ口を動かす草十郎を、鳶丸は唖然と見つめる。 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, that I can't let go. You're really saying you were taking revenge for Aozaki?" | 「―――おい。今のはさすがに聞き捨てならねえぞ。俺が蒼崎の悪口を言ったから意趣返しをしたと、そういうコトか?」 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Soujyuro continued chewing. | もぐもぐもぐ。 |
The country boy's silent protest said all that needed to be said. | 純朴な田舎少年の無言の抗議は、ますます真実味を増していく。 |
The vice-president suddenly looked like he had been struck by lightning. | 間違いない、なんという悲劇、と副会長は落雷を受けたかのような頭痛にもだえた。 |
EN | JP |
"What the... Don't tell me you've fallen for Aozaki! | 「なんてこった。おまえ、まさか蒼崎に惚れてんのか? |
You have, haven't you? ...Hey! I asked you a question, dammit!" | そうなのか? そうなんだな!? おい、眠ってねえで起きろ!」 |
Tobimaru flew out of his chair and violently shook Soujyuro by the shoulders. | 椅子から立ち上がり、草十郎の両肩を激しくシェイクする鳶丸。 |
Soujyuro opened his eyes. | 仕方なく、むっとした顔で草十郎は目を開けた。 |
EN | JP |
"I forgot. You don't know about what happened a year ago... | 「そうか……おまえは一年前の惨劇を知らないんだな。 |
'Cause if you did, you wouldn't be treading down this path of destruction, my friend." | 知ってりゃ、そんなストレートな破滅願望を持つ事もなかったろうに」 |
"You've got it all wrong, but that's okay. Tell me what happened a year ago first." | 「……君の言葉には誤解が含まれてるけど、それは後にする。それより、一年前の惨劇って?」 |
"...Fine." | 「―――む」 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru regained his composure and sat down after a moment's thought. | 鳶丸はハッと我に返り、どうしたものかと考えたあげく、どすんと椅子に座る。 |
"Okay. I'm not one to gossip, but for you I'm making an exception." | 「仕方ねえ。この手の噂をするのは好きじゃねえんだけどな」 |
Tobimaru reassured himself that it was in Soujyuro's best interests as a young man to know. | しかしそれも青少年の輝かしい未来のためだ、と鳶丸は自己肯定した。 |
EN | JP |
"It went down when Aozaki was a freshman. | 「あれは蒼崎がまだ一年の頃の話だ。 |
Everybody was new to high school, so nobody knew what anyone was like yet, her included. | あの頃はみんな入学したばっかりで、蒼崎がどんな性格か誰も知らなかった。 |
She was a total babe. I mean just look at her! | あいつ、外見は文句なしに美人だからな。 |
All the guys were crazy for her." | そりゃあ男どもは狂喜乱舞したもんさ」 |
Little did they know that soon after they would go crazy for an entirely different reason. | そして、後に違った意味で狂喜乱舞する事になるとは、誰ひとり夢にも思わなかったのである。 |
EN | JP |
"The first couple of months, the school descended into chaos. | 「四月、五月はもう上を下への大騒ぎでよ。 |
You gotta remember, that early on in the year, no one cared about class hierarchy. | あの時ばかりは上級生も下級生もなかったな。 |
So tons of guys were fighting themselves over her, it was insane. Just getting anywhere near Aozaki was next to impossible." | 野郎同士の牽制、共闘、はては決闘まで、まあよくも騒いだもんさ。蒼崎に近寄るだけでも大変だったんだぜ?」 |
"I don't understand. Why would that happen?" | 「? なんでそんなよく分からない事態になるんだ?」 |
EN | JP |
"'Cause that's what happens when a hundred guys like the same girl, duh. | 「そりゃ蒼崎はひとりきり、命知らずな野郎はのべ百人ほどいたからだよ。 |
It would have taken Aozaki three months just to have lunch with them all individually. | ひとりひとり蒼崎とランチしても三ヶ月かかるだろ? |
So people decided to fight over who got to ask her out." | だから、まずは男同士でつまんねえ暗闘があったのさ」 |
"..." | 「…………」 |
"They were all a bunch of losers if you ask me. But what happened next is the juicy part." | 「ま、いい。分からねえんならそこは飛ばそう。所詮負け犬どもの話だしな、本筋にはなりえねえ」 |
EN | JP |
"Those who emerged from the conflict unscathed made their move... | 「でな。そんなどうでもいい戦いを勝ち残ったヤツらは列なして一年の女に言い寄ったワケだ。 |
And though she might not seem like it, she's the type who likes to put a guy down lightly, you know, because of their sincerity or courage or whatever. | 蒼崎はアレでなんていうか、相手のなけなしの誠意? じゃなくてアレか、勇気? そういうの、無視できずに認めちまうヤツだからな。 |
At any rate, she rejected all comers as politely as she could." | 言い寄ってくる相手を可能なかぎり丁寧に断ってた」 |
EN | JP |
"But there was one guy who couldn't take a hint. | 「が、中にはそれで勘違いしちまう奴もいてよ。 |
He was a third-year who just refused to give up. | 三年のある野郎がこれは脈アリと見て蒼崎に何度も言い寄ったんだよ。 |
...Maybe he was a little bit nuts. It's hard to see it any other way at this point." | ……たぶん、そいつ頭がおかしかったんだ。今にして思うと、そうとしか思えん」 |
Incidentally, Tobimaru decided to gloss over the fact that this student was also the former student council president. | ちなみに、その三年生とやらが前期の生徒会長である事を、鳶丸は秘する事にした。 |
EN | JP |
"But he didn't keep it up only at school. Later he started following her home. | 「学園ばかりか蒼崎の家まで押しかけたそうでな。 |
That must have been the last straw, because Aozaki wigged out. She sent him packing in ways I'm not comfortable repeating out loud." | あまりにしつこいんで蒼崎も堪忍袋の緒が切れたんだろう。ちょっと、口にするのは憚られる方法でふったんだよ」 |
EN | JP |
"The conclusion? The student didn't just request a transfer, he tucked tail and left Misaki completely. Aozaki was sentenced to a month of house arrest. | 「結果、そいつは自分から他校に転入希望したばかりか三咲町からも逃げ出しちまって、蒼崎も一ヶ月ばかり自宅謹慎を食らった。 |
It came to be known as the Bloody Town Hall Incident. | 世に言う血の公会堂事件だ。 |
She could tell you more about it than I can... but I wouldn't recommend asking her. Ask the school newspaper editor instead. She loves a bit of gossip." | 詳しく知りたけりゃ本人………はまずいな、新聞部にでもいけ。あそこの部長は命知らずだから、訊けば面白がって教えてくれる」 |
EN | JP |
"Tobimaru. I get the feeling you're not telling me everything." | 「……鳶丸。その、具体的な表現を故意に避けてないか?」 |
"Hey, you'd do the same if you were me. I may be the board chairman's son and all, but some things scare even me, and I wanna graduate in one piece. | 「仕方ねえだろ。理事長の息子だろうが何だろうが怖いものは怖ぇし、高校ぐらいは無事卒業しとかねえとな。 |
You want me to freak out every time I see a girl in a school uniform?" | うちの女子の制服みるたびに奇声をあげるトラウマなんて持ちたくねえよ」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Soujyuro tilted his head to the side in confusion. | むう、と納得いかなげに首をかしげる草十郎。 |
Tobimaru had lost him with that comment. | 鳶丸の言わんとするところが、彼にはさっぱり分からない。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, whatever. | 「まあいい。 |
What is it about Aozaki that you like anyway?" | それより、なんで蒼崎なんかがいいんだよ、草十郎」 |
He tilted his head again, this time to the other side. | 言われて、今度は逆の方向に、はて、と草十郎は首をかしげた。 |
EN | JP |
"Whoa. Are you really that hot for her? | 「おい。おまえ、本当に蒼崎が好きなのか? |
'Cause if your heart pounds in her presence, that could be caused by fear, you know. Tell me you aren't stupid enough to like her for no good reason." | たんに胸がドキドキいってるだけなら、それは恋じゃなくて恐怖だってオチもあるぜ。いくら草の字がぼんやりでも理由ってもんがあるだろ?」 |
He tilted his head even further. | 草十郎はさらに首をかしげる。 |
EN | JP |
What Tobimaru was saying sounded off, but Soujyuro decided not to press the matter. | 鳶丸の言い分には語弊があるが、とりあえず今はそれを抜きにするとして。 |
All the more because he found many of his own emotions towards Aoko Aozaki to be incomprehensible. | 草十郎自身、蒼崎青子に抱く感情には理解できないものが多すぎた。 |
EN | JP |
"It is kind of strange, to be honest. I don't even know her that well." | 「そうだな、おかしい。俺は、あまり彼女を知らないのにね」 |
That was because they had not truly spoken to each other since the day she showed him around. | それもその筈、創立記念日の案内以来、学園内において草十郎と青子は一度も話していないのだ。 |
Every time Soujyuro tried to talk to her, she immediately got up and left. | 草十郎が話し掛けようとすると青子は素早く立ち去ってしまう。 |
As fate would have it, they ended up working together that recent Sunday, but made only idle chatter on the way and back. | この間の日曜日には縁あって労働を共にしたが、あれだって往復時間に軽く話した程度である。 |
EN | JP |
"There's something you don't know, either, Tobimaru. | 「けど鳶丸、君は知らないだけなんだ。 |
Sometimes I feel someone's gaze on me, and when I turn around to see who it is, she's there, looking like she's worried about me, that I'll mess up. | 時々なんだが、誰かの視線を感じて振り返ってみると、いつ失敗するかを心配して見ている人がいる。 |
I know what you'll say-she just happened to see me in the hallway and was keeping an eye on me. Maybe she secretly wishes she could ignore me when we pass each other. | 鳶丸の言うとおり、ただ廊下で俺を見かけて、たんに監視していただけなのかも知れない。本当は俺の事なんて気にせず素通りしたいのかも知れない。 |
But whatever the reason, I believe her concern is genuine." | けど、どんな種類であれ彼女の心配は本物だ」 |
EN | JP |
"And that's the most important thing about all this. | 「それに、ここが一番大事だと思うんだけど。 |
I believe that nature of hers has helped me out repeatedly." | 実際の話、蒼崎のそういうところのおかげで、俺は助かっていたりするんだ」 |
EN | JP |
His tone was measured and sincere. | 何の気負いもなく、真剣に彼は言った。 |
Tobimaru sighed with a tinge of regret. | それを聞いた鳶丸は軽い後悔と共に、ため息などをこぼしてしまう。 |
EN | JP |
If not for those words, he could have introduced Soujyuro to a more suitable girl with whom he could have lived out the rest of his school days in peace. | 今の台詞さえ聞かなければ適当な女生徒を紹介して、草十郎が平穏な高校生活を送れるよう段取っただろうに。 |
He never went to such lengths for his other friends. | 本来、彼がそこまで男友達のために骨折るコトはない。 |
Generally speaking, if it was of some benefit to him, he was unafraid of exploiting another. | 利用できる相手なら損得のために騙しあい、助け合う。 |
If they were of no use, he didn't bother getting involved with them. That was how Tobimaru Tsukiji operated. | 利用できない人間は、そも利用するべきではないと判断して距離を置くのが槻司鳶丸の信念だ。 |
Soujyuro happened to be the type of person who provided no benefit to Tobimaru, yet somehow sparked in him a desire to help. | そんな彼をして、静希草十郎は益を得る相手ではないクセに、手を貸したくなる人種だった。 |
EN | JP |
It was not that friendship was completely alien to him. | 彼は友情には疎くなかったが、 |
He just did not have many people he felt that close to. | 友人と呼べる人物にはそう恵まれていなかった。 |
So if Soujyuro had really fallen for Aoko, it was not his place, as a friend, to try to change his mind. | ……なので、草十郎が本気で青子に惚れているのなら、友人として、それを改めさせる野暮はできなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"Ugh, well, I guess it's true that love knows no reason." | 「……やれやれ。結局、惚れてる奴にゃあ理由なんていらねえんだな」 |
"I wouldn't say there's no reason for it. I can think of one at least. | 「そんな事はない。理由ならひとつある。 |
I thought she was beautiful the moment I first laid eyes on her." | 彼女を一目みた時に、綺麗だなって思ったぞ」 |
"Ah?" | 「あ?」 |
Tobimaru's shoulders slumped. | がくん、と肩を落とす鳶丸。 |
EN | JP |
"After all that, you just like her for her looks? Listen to yourself, Soujyuro!" | 「なんだぁ!? あんだけ恥ずかしい台詞いっといて、要は外見に惚れてますだあ? 結局見てくれかよ草十郎!」 |
"What's wrong with appreciating beauty? | 「綺麗なものに見惚れるのは、いいことじゃないのか? |
I don't think there is anything wrong with judging someone by the physical appearance they worked hard to create." | 自分を綺麗に見せる努力をしているんだから、外見から内面を判断するのは、そんなおかしな話じゃないと思う」 |
"Hm..." | 「む」 |
That sounded like a sophism to Tobimaru, but he had no counterpoint to offer. | 詭弁のようではあるが、なんとなく正論のような気もする。 |
EN | JP |
"All right. I get it. I'll let it go. It's none of my business who you go after anyway." | 「……しょうがねえ、分かったよ。この話はもう止めよう。草の字が誰を自分の女にするか、俺の知った事じゃねえし」 |
EN | JP |
Now... | さて。 |
About the one major thing that Tobimaru had been mistaken about this whole conversation. | ここで、鳶丸はひとつ、大きな勘違いをしていた。 |
Namely, that Soujyuro was not head-over-heels in love with Aoko and hoped to go steady with her. He merely liked her as a person. | 静希草十郎は蒼崎青子に好意を持っているだけであって、別に、心の底から好きだとか、恋人として付き合いたいなんて願望は、むしろ一片も無かった、という点である。 |
Nobody could have foreseen the massive calamity that would be caused by this simple misunderstanding. | この勘違いが後に大きな禍根となるコトを、神ならざる彼らが気付くよしもない。 |
EN | JP |
"I've just got one piece of advice for you, Soujyuro. | 「だがよ、ひとつだけ忠告しておくぜ草十郎。 |
EN | JP |
Just because Aozaki fights with someone doesn't mean she hates them, and just because she's nice to someone doesn't mean she likes them. | 蒼崎はケンカをした相手だろうと別に嫌うワケじゃない。逆に言えば、親切にしたって別に好かれるワケでもない。 |
|I'm a prime example of that."|いい例が俺だ」|
|He spoke with a pained sigh as if opening old wounds from the past.|過去の傷心を思いだしたのか、鳶丸は重いため息とともに語る。|
EN | JP |
"I see. | 「そうか、 |
What happened?" | 詳しく」 |
"Long story short, she used to be really full of herself, and I once tried to hit her. | 「おう。昔な、あいつがあんまりに独善的だったんでつい手をあげかけちまった事がある。 |
It happened last summer. I'd already been working with her in the student council for a year at that point and saw her more like a fellow soldier in the trenches than as a girl. | 半年前の夏だ。一年もあいつと生徒会やってたもんだから、俺も女っつーより戦友って気になっててな。 |
One day, I lost my temper and I took a swing at her. I like to think I've got a mean right hook, and I slugged her pretty good, so I thought I won that round. | つい勢いで平手打ちをしようと右手をあげた。―――我ながら四番打者もかくやという腰のひねり。たしかな実感とともに、俺は勝利を確信したもんさ」 |
EN | JP |
He had a distant look in his eyes as his words trailed off. | ふっ、と遠い目をする彼は、その後の顛末を話そうとはしなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"The next day, when I came to the student council room, I thought she'd be spoiling for a fight, but she was the same as always. | 「翌日になって、こりゃあ完全に敵扱いされたな、と覚悟して生徒会室にいってみりゃあ、蒼崎はいつも通りだった。 |
And since then, we've simply continued working together as president and vice-president." | で、以来あいつと俺は会長と副会長で納まってる」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro sighed at his story. | 話を聞き終わり、ふーん、と感想を漏らす草十郎。 |
He then said, with absolute confidence, | そうして自信を持って、 |
"So, you just wanted to brag about how close you two are?" | 「いまの話を総合すると、君はたんに惚気たいのか?」 |
Clearly, he had missed the point entirely. | 真顔で、まったく分かってない感想を口にするのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"Are you kidding me!? | 「んなワケあるかぁ!!!! |
How in the hell do you come to that conclusion after hearing a story like that!? | いまの話のどこに甘ずっぱい要素があんだよ!? |
|I'm telling you that from that day forward I could never see her again as a woman!"|俺としちゃあ、あいつを女として見なくなった決定的な事件だったんだがねぇ!?」|
|"Oh, I was mistaken?"|「なんだ、違うのか」|
|A look of disappointment flittered across Soujyuro's face.|もったいない、と不満そうに漏らす草十郎。|
|Tobimaru revised his opinion of him. Soujyuro was something of a simpleton, but there was something more about him that Tobimaru could not quite place.|……この男、単純のようで底が知れぬのかも、と鳶丸は考えを改めた。|
EN | JP |
"Just take it from me-her standards are anything but normal. | 「とにかくだ。俺が言いたいのは、蒼崎青子の“好き嫌いの基準”ってのは普通じゃないって事だ。 |
She won't like you for being nice to her, and she won't hate you for being mean to her. That's the kind of princess she is." | いいコトをすれば好かれる、気に入らないコトをすれば嫌われる、ってワケじゃねえんだよ、あのお姫さまは」 |
Soujyuro answered that he would keep it in mind, as he looked to the clock. | 参考にするよ、と答えて草十郎は時計を見る。 |
They had been talking for a while, and lunch was almost over. | 長話がすぎたらしい。昼休みは残り少なくなっていた。 |
EN | JP |
"Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?" | 「もう君からの話はないか?」 |
"Huh? I didn't have anything to discuss in the first place." | 「あ? はじめからねえよ、そんなの」 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Why had Tobimaru even brought him here in the first place? Soujyuro tilted his head in wonder but shook it off to deal with the more pressing matters at hand. | なら何故この男は自分をここに連れこんだのだろう? と首をかしげる草十郎だったが、今は他に本題がある。 |
EN | JP |
"Could you stay a little longer? | 「よし。じゃあもう少し付きあってくれ。 |
There's something I wanted to ask you." | 鳶丸に訊きたいことがあったんだ」 |
"?" | 「?」 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru sat up straight, having never seen Soujyuro's face look so serious before. | 今までにない真剣な表情の草十郎に、思わず姿勢を正す鳶丸。 |
Soujyuro set aside his rice ball and cleared his throat. | 食べかけのおにぎりもそのままに、ゴホン、と草十郎は咳払いをする。 |
EN | JP |
"It's about something that happened yesterday." | 「―――実は昨日、こんなコトがあって……」 |
He spoke solemnly. | 語りだしは厳かに。 |
And as carefully as possible, he recounted what had occurred the night before... | 草十郎はできるだけ正確に、昨夜出会ったある出来事について話し始めた。 |
Scene 3
EN | JP |
"Sizuki, you in here?" | 「静希君、いる?」 |
It was ten to twelve and lunchtime was quickly coming to an end. | 昼休みも終わろうとしている十二時五十分。 |
Her face popped into Class C. As lively as ever, | 一向に活気の衰えない二年C組の教室に顔を出し、 |
as if it were an everyday occurrence... | ……彼女にとってはごく普通の仕草で…… |
...Aoko Aozaki announced her presence. | 蒼崎青子はそう告げた。 |
EN | JP |
While Aoko wasn't part of Class C, she didn't let it bother her as she casually entered the classroom. | 青子にとってC組は余所のクラスだが、そんな事はおかまいなしで気軽に教室へと入っていく。 |
In contrast, the baby birds who had been so noisily chirping while eating lunch quickly quieted and began to rearrange their seats. | 一方。リラックスした彼女とは対照的に、今まで餌を前にした雛鳥の如く騒がしかった生徒達は白々しいほど静かに、行儀よく席につきはじめた。 |
EN | JP |
(Hmph. Are they trying to tell me something?) | 『……どういう意味よ、それ……』 |
She bristled internally before looking around the room. | 内心で舌打ちしつつ、青子は教室を見回した。 |
She could not see the male student she had come here to find. | 目当ての男子生徒の姿はない。 |
He hardly stood out, so she thought he might be hidden in a corner somewhere, but that appeared to not be the case. | 目立たない奴だから、はじっこに隠れているかと思えばそうでもなさそうだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Arisato, do you have any idea where Sizuki from seat 12 is?" | 「有里君。出席番号12番の静希君は?」 |
Aoko kept her tone professional. | 青子はあくまで事務的に問う。 |
"Wait, me? Umm, Sizuki left with His Highness Tobimaru a while ago." | 「え、俺……? えーと、静希ならさっき鳶丸殿下が連れていったよ」 |
The boy was shocked that she actually knew his name. | 名前を呼ばれた男子生徒は、青子が自分の名前を知っている事に驚きつつ返答した。 |
EN | JP |
One might think that the reason students referred to Tobimaru Tsukiji by a royal title was because he was the chairman's son, but it was because he actually acted like royalty. | 余談ではあるが、槻司鳶丸が殿下と呼ばれるのは彼が理事長の息子だから……という訳でもなく、純粋に彼の振るまいが王子のようだからである。 |
In fact, the vice-president was said to have taken a liking to the title. | 本人もそのアダ名は気に入っているらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"He's with Tobimaru? Are those two friends or something?" | 「鳶丸が……? あいつ、静希君と仲いいの?」 |
She seemed surprised. | 意外そうに訊く青子と、 |
The class seemed surprised at her surprise. | その台詞を意外そうに聞くクラス一同。 |
EN | JP |
"No idea, but we've never seen Tsukiji be that friendly with another boy before. | 「良いも悪いも、槻司くんが男子と仲良く話してるのって今まで見たことなかったよ、あたし達。 |
Well, maybe Kinomi, but he's an idiot, so that hardly counts." | あ、木乃美くんはバカだから別だけど」 |
"Yeah. His Highness was slow to warm to him, but since the third day, it's been nothing but friendly arguments." | 「そうだよなあ。はじめは殿下もあんまり話してなかったけど、三日もしたら楽しそうに口喧嘩してたもんなぁ」 |
"Well, you can't really help but like Sizuki. He may be a little odd, but he's good people." | 「ま、静希相手につっぱっても仕方ないじゃん? あいつ変だけどいい奴だし」 |
"Totally! Soujyuro is really nice!" | 「そーよねー。いい人だもんねー草十郎くん!」 |
EN | JP |
Having recomposed themselves, Class C started chatting again. | 調子を取り戻しつつあるのか、二年C組の面々はざわざわと会話をリレーしはじめる。 |
Aoko listened for a bit before turning around | それをしばらく聞いていた青子だったが、唐突にくるりと背を向け、 |
and leaving the class with a, "later." | 「それじゃ」と二年C組を後にした。 |
EN | JP |
All the Soujyuro talk finished as quickly as it had started. | とりあえず手短に、草十郎の話は済んだ。 |
Lunchtime was coming to a close in the student council room. | 昼休みも残り数分と迫った生徒会室。 |
Soujyuro, having told his story, was smiling in satisfaction. | 話し終えて満足顔の草十郎と、 |
Tobimaru, still sitting across from him, was frowning. | 聞き終わって難色顔の鳶丸が、机をはさんで向かいあっている。 |
EN | JP |
"So, what do you think?" | 「さ、感想を聞かせてくれ」 |
Soujyuro told his yarn as best he could. | 話す事はすべて話した、と草十郎。 |
Tobimaru fingered his brow as if he was angry or concerned. | 鳶丸はというと、怒っているような、悩んでいるような、曖昧な表情で額に指を当てていた。 |
EN | JP |
"Sono-G. Are you trying to make fun of me? A word of advice, leave that to us smart people, hmm?" | 「……なあ、草の字。おまえ、人を馬鹿にできるほど器用な奴じゃねえよな」 |
"Take that back. I'm more clever than you think." | 「失礼な。器用な方だぞ、俺は」 |
His response only confirmed Tobimaru's suspicions. | その返答に、つくづく不器用な性格だと確信する。 |
It had to be one of two possible conclusions. | となると結論は二つに一つだ。 |
EN | JP |
That what Soujyuro had just told him was true... | 一つは、いま聞いた話は真実だという事。 |
...or that Soujyuro was so tired that he must have been hallucinating at the time. | あるいは、彼が幻覚を見るほど疲れきっているという事。 |
Tobimaru sincerely hoped it was the latter. | 鳶丸としては後者であってほしいものだが……。 |
EN | JP |
"To be honest, Soujyuro. You're growing on me. | 「……草十郎。率直に言って、俺はおまえが気に入っている。 |
Anybody that never lies can't really be considered human. | 嘘のない人間なんてのは人間じゃねえ。 |
EN | JP |
So for a misanthrope like me, I suppose you could say its easy to like you. | 俺は人間嫌いだから、そんなおまえさんが気に入ってたりするんだが…… |
|But if you're gonna stick to your dumb story, I'm not sure what I'm going to do for lunch starting tomorrow."|そんなヤツまでバカげたコトを言い出したら、俺は明日から何を頼りに昼メシを食えばいいんだ?」|
|"Why not just eat in the cafeteria?"|「学食で食べればいいんじゃないか?」|
|Hearing his suggestion, Tobimaru's face darkened.|あっさりとした一言に、鳶丸はいっそう表情を暗くする。|
EN | JP |
"Okay. I'll spell it out for you. You were hallucinating. | 「分かった、はっきり言おう。それは幻覚だ。 |
If you still insist you saw a ghost, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to a good psychiatrist." | 幽霊の正体見たり枯れ尾花ってヤツだろうさ。それでも納得いかないってんなら、いい精神科を紹介してやる」 |
"So that's your take on it. Good to know." | 「それが君の感想か。よし、ならいいんだ」 |
As bitter as Tobimaru's words might have sounded to most, Soujyuro swallowed them whole. | 聞きようによっては侮辱としか取れない鳶丸の言葉を、草十郎は泰然と受けとめた。 |
EN | JP |
"I already figured as much. It sounds like a tall tale to me, too. | 「そりゃあ俺だって神隠しの類だと思ったよ。 |
I was starting to wonder if it was normal for that kind of thing to go on in a city, so I wanted to hear your opinion." | けど、都会じゃもしかしてそれも有りなのかもしれないだろ。確かめたかったのはそこなんだ」 |
Satisfied, Soujyuro finished off his last rice ball and neatly folded the cloth. | 良かった、とばかりに草十郎は残った最後の握り飯をぺろっと平らげ、包み布をたたむ。 |
EN | JP |
"Hey, hold on a second. | 「……おい。すると何か? |
You didn't actually think it was normal for people in the city to breathe fire or extend their arms like they're made of rubber, did you?" | おまえは都会の人間は口から火を吹いたり、腕が伸びたりするのが普通だと思ったのか?」 |
"Well, not normal, as much as within the realm of possibility. | 「……まあ、普通じゃないけど、特別でもないんじゃないかと思ったんだ。 |
This city is full of extraordinary things we don't have up in the mountains. I thought it might have some extraordinary people as well." | ここは山に無い物があふれている、何でもありの場所だ。だから、それぐらいやってのける人だって、もしかしているのかなと」 |
EN | JP |
That his face was as serious as it was made Tobimaru realize just how big a culture shock Soujyuro must've been experiencing. | 真顔で返す草十郎を見て、鳶丸は自分と彼を隔てている文化レベルの違いを痛感した。 |
Living up in the mountains, with no electricity. | 電気も通わない山奥。 |
In a place where the night sky was as it always had been, where humans were just one more organism in nature's garden. It makes sense that those conditions would create a boy like him. | 夜は太古のままの夜で、人間は主役ではなくどうでもいい端役、自然を構築する一パーツに留まっているのなら、たしかに、この少年のような人間が出来るのだろう。 |
EN | JP |
The idea of children growing up so pure was an appealing one, but maybe it was natural to forgo civilization when your population was so small. | 赤子が無垢なまま成長したと言えば聞こえはいいが、要は人が少なすぎて文明が発達するまでもなかった、 |
Or perhaps it was so simple a world that excessive knowledge was deemed irrelevant. | あるいは、余分な知識体系を必要としなかった素朴な世界だったのだ。 |
It was precisely because city life offered him so much that was impossible up till now that he had come to the conclusion that anything was possible here. | 都会の生活を“今までの生活では全てありえなかった事”と感じる彼だからこそ、逆説的に、“起こりえる事は全てありえる事”に取ってしまう。 |
EN | JP |
"Relax. The city might have its share of shady guys, but none of them are magicians in disguise." | 「安心しろ。たしかにこっちには性質の悪いヤツらばっかりだけどな、そんな魔法使いみたいなヤツはいねえよ」 |
"I hope you're right." | 「そうだと良いんだけど」 |
But Soujyuro seemed unsure. | どこか納得のいかない様子の草十郎。 |
And on Tobimaru's part, there were things to Soujyuro's story that he found hard to swallow. | ……確かに、今の話の中で納得のいかない点は鳶丸にもあった。 |
Whether true or not, the incident Soujyuro had described was disturbing. | アリかナシかはともかくとして、いま聞かされた出来事は人道的によろしくない。 |
EN | JP |
"For the time being, let's assume what you say actually happened. | 「まあ、事の真偽というか、どんな間違いでそう見えたかは置いておいてだ。 |
That would ultimately mean that one of our school's students killed someone in the park last night and that neither of the parties involved were... normal." | 結果だけ見ればうちの生徒が夜の公園で人を殺したって事になる。しかも双方控えめに表現しても普通じゃねえ」 |
As a newcomer to town, Soujyuro assumed that everyone his age was a student at this school. For better or worse, he was right. | 町にやってきて日の浅い草十郎は、同い年の少年少女は『みなこの学校の生徒である』と誤認していたのだが、幸か不幸か結論として間違いではなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"One of them was equipped with a flamethrower, while the other... | 「一人は火炎放射器を持って、もう一人は…… |
...had a naginata... or at least a bladed weapon resembling one that was a good few feet in length." | まあ、なんだ。長刀でも持ち出したのか、刃物らしきものが何メートルも伸びたときた」 |
Soujyuro bobbed his head up and down as he listened to the disbelief in Tobimaru's voice. Hearing it repeated by someone else, he could see how someone might think he was taking them for a ride. | 鳶丸の呆れ声を聞きながら、なるほど、と小さく頷く草十郎。こうして他人の口から聞くと、相手を馬鹿にしてるとしか思えない内容だ。 |
EN | JP |
"Look, I'm not crazy, it really did happen like I said." | 「正気を疑うな。尋常じゃないぞ、その話」 |
"Give it to me straight, Soujyuro. You're pulling my leg, aren't you?" | 「草十郎。おまえ、実は俺をからかってんだろう?」 |
EN | JP |
"No, I'm not. | 「いや、まったく。 |
But I get it. There's no one in the city who can do that...right? | けどまあ、都会にはそんな人間はいないんだろう? |
If not, I was probably just hallucinating like you said. Working part-time while studying for exams has been pretty trying." | なら鳶丸の言う通り、夢でも見てたんだ。ここのところアルバイトと試験が重なって辛くて」 |
Winter break was just around the corner and the end of term exams were but a week away. Both were proving formidable opponents for Soujyuro. | 今は冬休み直前。期末試験は一週間後に迫っている。草十郎にとっては何よりも手強い難敵だ。 |
EN | JP |
"I don't even know the basics, so I need to study twice as hard as everyone else. I mean, anyone would start to lose it if they did nothing but study, right?" | 「俺は基本ができてないから、人の倍程度の勉強じゃ追いつけない。ほら、勉強ばかりしているとノイローゼをするんだろう?」 |
"I wouldn't say you're losing it, but you're definitely pushing yourself too hard. Maybe cut back on work a bit until the exams are over?" | 「そりゃするんじゃなくてなるものだが、ま、なんにせよやり過ぎ飲み過ぎはよくねえわな。試験前ぐらいはバイト減らしたらどうだ?」 |
EN | JP |
"I've tried to cut back, but a lot of people take off at the end of the year, so they often ask me to fill in for their shifts." | 「減らしてはいるんだけどね。年末ってアルバイトを休む人も多くて、その代行も頼まれがちだし」 |
He shrugged helplessly. | 草十郎はやれやれと肩をすくめる。 |
It was obvious from his words that he had been busy. | その口ぶりから彼の忙しさは読み取れる。 |
Even if he was not going crazy, lack of sleep could have caused him to daydream, even if this all did go down in the middle of the night. | ノイローゼはともかく、睡眠不足で白昼夢を見るぐらいあるかもしれない。……実際、その場面にでくわしたのは深夜とのコトではあるが。 |
EN | JP |
"Sounds tough, Soujyuro." | 「なんだか大変そうだな、草十郎」 |
"Yeah, city life has been exhausting." | 「ああ、実はかなりまいってる。都会の暮らしは深刻だ」 |
Soujyuro nodded with a pained look on his face. | 困ったもんだと真顔で頷く草十郎。 |
What was strange, however, was that he did not look the least bit tired. | 毛ほども疲れていないように見えるのが困りものだった。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm impressed you never complain about it. | 「泣き言いわねえのは感心するけどな。 |
You always look like nothing bothers you at all." | おまえ、心労は顔に出ない性質か?」 |
"Hm? That's just because it isn't bad enough to bother me." | 「? そりゃ、心労はどこも痛まないからね」 |
As he answered, Soujyuro looked up at the clock on the wall. | 答えて、草十郎はちらりと壁の時計を見る。 |
Lunchtime was almost over. | そろそろ昼休みも終わろうとしていた。 |
EN | JP |
"Tobimaru, the time." | 「鳶丸、時間だ」 |
"Really? It's that late already? You can go on ahead. I still have things to do." | 「お? ああ、もうそんなに経ったか。気にせず先に行ってていいぜ。俺はまだ用があるからよ」 |
Soujyuro watched as Tobimaru made a gesture that seemed to lament the life of a student council member. | 生徒会役員は大変なんだとジェスチャーする鳶丸を、草十郎はマジマジと見つめる。 |
His eyes looked as if they were looking at a piece of art and not understanding its value. | 価値の分からない美術品を見るような目で。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm jealous that you can just skip class whenever you want. | 「授業をさぼれる身分っていうのは羨ましいな。 |
I would have thought you were a stickler for the rules." | そういうの、鳶丸が嫌いな手抜きじゃないのか?」 |
"How many times do I have to tell you?! It's not skipping when I've got special permission!" | 「そりゃ誤解も甚だしい! 俺の欠席は手抜きじゃねえ、特権ってヤツだと言ったろう!?」 |
The vice-president angrily defended himself as he stood up. | 心外だ、とばかりに席を立って力説する副会長。 |
The transfer student merely gazed at him, unfazed. | それをふーん、と無感動に眺める転入生。 |
EN | JP |
"Hey! You're not honestly implying you still don't understand after all that, are you?! | 「おいおい、アレだけ説明したのにぜんっぜん分かってなかったのか!? |
Oh well. Just sit down and listen, Sono-G. | しょうがねえ、まず座れ。いいか草の字。 |
I was granted talent and luck beyond that of most people, but I always put the work in. But once I leave here I'm on my own, now do you get it?" | 常人をうわまわる英気と幸運を兼ね備えながら、座する事なく精進してきた俺でも、ここを卒業しちまえば裸一貫になっちまうんだぞ?」 |
EN | JP |
"I'm sick of explaining this to people. | 「ひでえ話だ。 |
My family's status will only keep me afloat for one more year. What about that could you possibly envy? | 自分の家柄を活用できんのはあと一年ちょいだけなんだぜ? これの一体どこが羨ましいってんだ? |
Most people can live off privilege for their entire lives, but the best I get is three measly years!" | ふつう一生続くはずの親の七光って権利が、俺の場合はたった三年間しかねえんだからな!」 |
EN | JP |
"So I have to take advantage of what I have while I have it. | 「となりゃあ、有効なうちに使っておかなきゃもったいなくてオチオチ眠ってもいられねえ。 |
Just the thought of having to count beans like the rest of the idiots out there gets me livid. The adult world is going to kill me. The envy alone will be enough to destroy my fragile heart!" | ああイヤだイヤだ、何がイヤかってバカどもと雁首ならべて金勘定するのがイヤだ! ったく、嫉妬渦巻く大人の世界じゃ俺のオブラートみたいな心なんてぱっくり呑まれて溶けちまうコト請け合いだろうさ!」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
While he must have been joking, Soujyuro took his tone to be completely sincere. | 冗談にしか取れない熱弁は、草十郎の聞くかぎりどうも本気のようだった。 |
He listened as he envied Tobimaru's ability to be so open about his feelings. | そういう事を本気で言える人間性が羨ましい、などと思いつつ、草十郎はなるほど、と納得する。 |
From his frame of reference, there was nothing he could do but take Tobimaru for his word. | 本人が言うのだから彼の主観的には正しいのだろうと。 |
However... | だが、 |
EN | JP |
"If you're looking to extend your privileges, why not stay in school? I'd be more than happy to arrange that for you." | 「あら、そんな権利なんて留年すればいくらでも引き延ばせるのに。なんなら協力してあげましょうか、この私でよろしければ」 |
The door to the student council room flew open, washing away Soujyuro's half-hearted responses to his friend. | 草十郎の骨のない相づちを蹴散らすように、生徒会室の扉が勢いよく開かれた。 |
EN | JP |
This frosty statement destroyed the warm atmosphere of the room. | ほんわかした空気を一撃で打ち砕く冷静な一言。 |
And it also marked the abrupt end to Tobimaru Tsukiji's reign there. | 槻司鳶丸にあったこの場の支配権は、蝙蝠より潔く彼女の手に飛び立ったのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"...No, I just meant that our dreams are something we take hold of ourselves." | 「……いや、いい。自分の夢は、自分の力だけで叶えようとつねづね思ってるんだ」 |
"Really. Then why not spend more time on that than this pathetic display. | 「そ。なら今みたいな恥ずかしいこと力説しないでね。 |
I could hear you all the way from the hallway, Mr. Vice-President." | 廊下にまで聞こえてたわよ、副会長さん」 |
EN | JP |
Not missing a beat, Aoko Aozaki stepped inside the room. | さらりと言って、彼女……蒼崎青子が生徒会室に入ってくる。 |
Her dark hair was slightly disheveled as if she had been running. | 長い黒髪がわずかに乱れているのは、ここまで走ってきたせいか。 |
Her gaze missed the sitting Soujyuro entirely and was focused completely on the ranting vice-president. | 青子の視線は座ったままの草十郎にではなく、熱弁していた副会長に向けられている。 |
EN | JP |
"Good luck, Tobimaru." | 「頑張れ、鳶丸」 |
Soujyuro quietly got up to head back to his classroom. | そろそろ教室に戻らないといけない、と草十郎は静かに立ち上がる。 |
"...That's cold, man." | 「……わりと薄情なんだな、おまえって」 |
Tobimaru grumbled in front of Aoko. | 青子を前にして呟く鳶丸。 |
EN | JP |
"But it's almost time for class." | 「だって時間がない」 |
"You're just proving my point, you're-" | 「だから、そういうのが薄情とだな……」 |
He cut himself off. | 言いかけて言葉を呑む鳶丸。 |
Aoko briefly shifted her gaze to Soujyuro. | 今まで自分しか見ていなかった青子の視線が、草十郎をちらりと見たからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"It's not like I have time for this, either, you know. It feels like I'm always having to clean up after you." | 「時間がないのは私も同じよ。貴方にはいつも振り回される」 |
Not a complaint. It was her honest opinion. | これは文句ではなく、素直な意見らしい。 |
"Wait, you're here for Soujyuro?" | 「なんだ、用件は草十郎かよ」 |
"Don't worry. I'll deal with you next." | 「安心なさい、貴方にもあるから」 |
EN | JP |
"...?" | 「……?」 |
Her eyes shimmered with a murderous glee. | 心なしか、青子の目に殺伐とした翳りがある。 |
It was slightly different from the more sullen gaze to which Tobimaru had grown accustomed. | いつも不機嫌そうな青子の視線に見慣れている鳶丸だからこそ気づける、微妙な差異だ。 |
For whatever reason, Aoko's mood seemed worse than usual. | ……理由は不明だが、蒼崎青子はいつになくご機嫌ななめという事らしい。 |
EN | JP |
"Sizuki. Which do you prefer, running or swimming?" | 「静希君。貴方、走るのと泳ぐの、どっちが好き?」 |
Aoko asked abruptly. | 唐突に青子が訊ねる。 |
Soujyuro frowned a little before saying he was fine with either one. | 草十郎は少し顔を曇らせてから、どっちも、と答えた。 |
"That won't do. Pick one." | 「だめよ、ひとつにして」 |
"...Swimming, I guess. Why do you ask?" | 「……泳ぐほう、かな。けど、どうして?」 |
"Because you still haven't joined a club." | 「貴方がまだどこの部にも所属してないから」 |
A succinct reply. | 実に無駄のない答えだった。 |
One that left no room for Soujyuro to object. | 無駄がなさすぎて、草十郎の意見をはさむ隙間もない。 |
EN | JP |
"You've read the school regulations. All students must participate in club activities. | 「うちの校則、読んだわよね。生徒はただ一人の例外もなく部活動に参加しなくてはならない。 |
I'm not the biggest fan of it myself, to be honest, but a rule is a rule." | 正直どうかと思う校則だけど、決まりは決まりだから」 |
"That's crazy. How could I possibly find the time for that?" | 「そんな無茶な。悪いけど、そこまでの暇はないんだ」 |
"How indeed?" | 「でしょうね」 |
An equally terse response. | 短い返答。 |
She was typically to the point, but Tobimaru got the impression that she was expressly trying to keep her interaction with Soujyuro short. | 青子に容赦がないのはいつもの事だが、鳶丸には、彼女が草十郎との会話を避けているようにも見える。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
They stared at each other in silence. | 無言で見つめあうふたり。 |
Tobimaru stood breathlessly silent on the sidelines until Soujyuro broke the impasse. | 第三者の鳶丸すら息がつまりそうな沈黙は、そうか、という草十郎の一言で破られた。 |
EN | JP |
"I thought you of all people would understand, Aozaki. | 「蒼崎は分かってると思ってた。 |
I mean, of course you do. | ああ、いや違う、きっと分かっているんだな。 |
That's what makes you strong." | うん。だから、そこが強いんだろうね」 |
Soujyuro stood up from his seat. | 席を離れる草十郎。 |
He walked past Aoko and into the hallway. | 青子の横を通り過ぎ、あっさりと廊下に出る。 |
EN | JP |
"Do you mind if I start tomorrow?" | 「それ、明日からでいいんだろ?」 |
"Whatever works for you, Sizuki." | 「静希君がいいならね」 |
He did his best to force a smile before leaving the student council room. | できるだけ頑張るよ、と苦笑して、草十郎は生徒会室を後にした。 |
Scene 4
EN | JP |
While watching the events play out, Tobimaru found himself deeply impressed with Soujyuro. | そんな一連の出来事を観察しながら、鳶丸はつくづく草十郎に感心していた。 |
EN | JP |
He could tell from Aoko's behavior that she was trying to get a rise out of Soujyuro. Soujyuro, on the other hand, was none the wiser to what Aoko was doing so he simply went about his way. | 今の青子の態度は、相手を怒らせる事を前提としたものだ。しかし草十郎は怒りだす様子もなく、掴みどころのない……言ってるコトは本当に掴みようがなかったが……返答をして去っていった。 |
To Tobimaru, it was hard to believe that Soujyuro had not taken offense. | 草十郎とて少なからず不満に思っただろう。 |
All he observed was the performance of a lifetime in Soujyuro as he maintained a poker face. | それを表情にも仕草にも出さなかった事に、鳶丸は一流の芸を見た気がしたのである。 |
EN | JP |
"The kid has some balls, huh, president?" | 「いや、でも何が強いんだろうな会長?」 |
He looked at Aoko curiously. | 鳶丸は首をかしげて青子を見る。 |
Aoko stood completely still, staring at the wall. | 青子は立ち尽くしたまま、じっと壁を睨んでいた。 |
"...Aozaki?" | 「……蒼崎?」 |
Aoko showed no response. | 鳶丸の呼び掛けに、青子は応えない。 |
"Yo. President. Earth to Aozaki, come in, come in. ...Lady Aoko? | 「おーい、かいちょー。蒼崎ぃー。……青子女史? |
... | …… |
Ahem. I'M TALKING TO YOU, AOKO AOZAKI!" | おい、聞いてんのかよ蒼崎青子!」 |
EN | JP |
"Enough with the 'AO, AO, AO,' already! God!" | 「っさいわね! あおあお呼ぶなっ!」 |
Her fury echoed across the student council room. | 怒鳴り声が生徒会室に響く。 |
It was a beautiful sound that could be heard into the hallway and made Tobimaru's rant from earlier pale in comparison. | さきほどの鳶丸の熱弁以上に、廊下にまで通る美声だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Look who's talking, miss megaphone!" | 「やかましい、うるせえのはテメエも同じだ!」 |
Perhaps her shouting was still ringing in his ears, or he was just the type to answer a shout with a shout, but he shot back reflexively. | よほど耳に響いたのか、それとも怒鳴られたら怒鳴り返す性分なのか、鳶丸も反射的に言い返す。 |
"No wonder you can't get a boyfriend. | 「そんなんだから男の一人もできねえんだよ、おまえは。 |
Do I have your attention now?" | ほら、目ぇ覚めたか?」 |
EN | JP |
"I could hear you before. I was just ignoring you because you were annoying me, and I thought it'd be easier than getting you to shut up." | 「別に、貴方の声は聞こえてた。わずらわしかったから無視してただけよ。黙らせるの面倒だし」 |
"You've got some nerve. Am I a mosquito to you?" | 「テメエな。俺は蚊かなんかか、おい」 |
"A mosquito would offer better company, so no." | 「コミュニケーションが成立しない点で言えば、あっちのがまだ上品よね」 |
EN | JP |
"...And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" | 「……ほう、その心は?」 |
"We never see eye to eye. Talking to you is like going on a date, both pointless activities." | 「お互い、何を言ってるか分からない。意味のない会話なら、逢瀬みたいなものでしょう?」 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Based on that statement, Aoko must have been under the assumption that dating is the act of two lovers whispering nonsense to each other. | その論からいくと、彼女にとって恋人同士とは意味のない会話をするものらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"...The real question is what the hell qualifies as company to you, but whatever. | 「……問題は、おまえにとって意味のある会話ってのがどの程度の価値かってコトだが……まあいいか。 |
You could, you know, ease off a little from time to time." | いつになくきついじゃねえか、蒼崎」 |
"Always trying to smooth things over with that silver tongue of yours." | 「ちょっとね。いま愛嬌ふりまける状況じゃないのよ」 |
"At least I'm trying. It's like you stopped bothering to be civil two years ago." | 「不思議だ。この二年間で蒼崎の愛嬌なんてものは見たことがないんだが」 |
EN | JP |
"I'm always civil-just not when you're in the same room." | 「鳶丸のいない時にふりまいてたの」 |
"So that's how it is. You're still upset with me for what happened, aren't you?" | 「そうかよ。やっぱりあの時のこと恨んでるんだろ、生徒会長さんはよ」 |
There was only one thing that Tobimaru could be talking about. | 鳶丸の言うあの時というのは一つしかない。 |
The incident that occurred in the student council room this past summer. | 今年の夏に起きた、生徒会室イン武道館事件の事である。 |
EN | JP |
"Huh? Isn't that ancient history at this point? | 「え、随分と昔の話じゃないそれ? |
Don't you think you should stop wasting brainpower on this? I mean, you've got so few brain cells to work with as it is." | そんなどうでもいい事に容量を使っちゃもったいないわよ? ただでさえ脳の覚醒部分が少ないのに」 |
As the conversation wore on, Aoko's murderous aura began to fade, and her sharp gaze gave way to a calmer demeanor rarely seen from her. | 会話が走ってきたおかげか、青子から先ほどまでの殺伐さが薄れつつあった。鋭い視線も、時たまにしか見せない涼しげなものになる。 |
It was quite possible that nobody besides Tobimaru had ever seen this side of her at school before. | 学校内で彼女のこういった顔を見られるのは、今のところ槻司鳶丸だけだろう。 |
EN | JP |
"Thanks for the concern, psych. And for the record, it's not like I want to relive it either. | 「ご忠告どうも。俺だってあんな事は忘れてえよ。 |
...It's just, when Sono-G was being an idiot earlier, it kinda reminded me of how it went down. Come to think of it, this is the room it happened in!" | ……ただ、さっき草の字が馬鹿な事いいやがるからつい思い出しちまったんだよ。くそ、考えてみりゃあ場所まで一緒じゃねえか!」 |
Despite his ranting, his face betrayed a touch of nostalgia. | などと悪態をつきながらも、まんざらでもなさげに過去を懐かしむ鳶丸。 |
EN | JP |
Aoko, on the other hand, was scowling. | 一方、青子は顔をしかめる。 |
"Hold on. | 「ちょっと待って。 |
You didn't tell him about what happened, did you?" | あの話、彼にしたの……?」 |
"Sure did. At least, | 「おう、俺がテメエに |
how you mocked my candidacy for president and told me my face had sidekick written all over it. | “なんで会長になんか立候補したのよ。アンタは副会長って顔でしょ、どう見ても” |
And the part where I took the bait and tried my damnedest to punch you for it." | なんて挑発されて、生涯最高の突きをしたところまでな」 |
Aoko let out a sigh... as if relieved that Tobimaru had not told Soujyuro the rest of the story. | 何故か、ほう、と青子は息をついた。その先を知られなくて良かった、という風に。 |
Even she wasn't sure why. | 何故だかは鳶丸にも青子自身にも分からない。 |
EN | JP |
"I'll admit that was quite a punch though. | 「アレはたしかに、びっくりするぐらいいい突きだった。 |
It was enough to make me react on reflex. | 思わず体が反応しちゃったものね。 |
Did I really say that, by the way?" | ところで、私そんなコト言ったっけ?」 |
"You sure did. And not only that-after I was taken to the infirmary, you had the balls to tell me you did me a favor by forcing me to be your number two." | 「言った。しかも俺が保健室に運ばれたのをこれ幸いと、強引に副会長にしやがった」 |
Since that day, Tobimaru had served as the vice-president to the person who'd usurped the role from him. | 以来、鳶丸は選挙戦で負けた相手に副会長として使われているのであった。 |
EN | JP |
"It's fine, though. The president's chair doesn't suit me anyway. I feel much more at home as the vice-president. Your job would have probably turned me into my dad." | 「いいけどな。俺に会長職は合わねえって分かったし。副会長の方が性に合ってやがる。会長なんてやってたら、あやうく親父みたいな野郎になってただろうしよ」 |
EN | JP |
"Your pride's never allowed you to give anything less than your best. | 「プライド高い分、できるコトは全部やるからね鳶丸は。 |
You might be a little too comfortable on the student council, though. Makes me wonder how you would've looked as an honor student." | ま、会長職に専心するあまり、気が付いたら優等生になってたアンタも見たかったけど?」 |
EN | JP |
"Don't even go there. Even thinking about it gives me the creeps. | 「やめてくれ、ゾッとしねえ。 |
Having one wolf in sheep's clothing around here is bad enough." | ネコかぶるのはおまえだけで十分だ」 |
Tobimaru shooed Aoko away like an annoying pest. | しっしっ、と青子に手を振る鳶丸。 |
It was a typical example of the crude verbal abuse they exchanged on a daily basis, with a wittiness that only two longtime foes could manage. | 男女にあるまじき戦いを繰り広げた者特有の、実にさっぱりした罵り合いだった。 |
EN | JP |
"...So? | 「―――で。 |
Why did you tell him?" | なんでそんな話したのよ」 |
"Huh?" | 「は?」 |
"Why did you tell him what happened between you and me?" | 「半年前の、ここの事件を、なんで彼に話したのよ」 |
"Oh, that. | 「あ、そっちか。 |
I was just trying to put a stop to the nonsense he was spewing and―" | いや、あいつが馬鹿なこと口走ったからなんだが―――」 |
He stopped himself before he said any more. | その先は言えない。 |
He knew better than to let slip the fact that Soujyuro had a thing for Aoko. Everyone knew guys didn't sell each other out like that. | 静希草十郎が蒼崎青子に惚れている、という事実は口に出来ない事だ。漢としての暗黙の了解である。 |
|Even if it was all, in truth, a misunderstanding.|たとえ、それが彼の勘違いでもだ。|
EN | JP |
"Anyway, what the hell was that before, Aozaki? | 「それより、さっきのはないんじゃねえのか蒼崎。 |
That's some grudge you've got against Soujyuro." | おまえ、草十郎に恨みでもあんの?」 |
"I'm not some princess who goes around holding grudges for something that happened over a week ago, you know." | 「七日以上前の恨みを引きずるほど、私はお姫さまじゃないつもりだけど」 |
He wanted to retort that she was more like a queen than a princess. | ああ、おまえはお姫さまっていうより女王さまだな、と言いかけて止める鳶丸。 |
But he'd come to know her too well over the past two years to dig himself into a hole like that. | 彼もこの二年で、十分に蒼崎青子を学習しているのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, so why'd you a pick a fight with him? | 「恨みはないねえ。それにしちゃあ故意にケンカ売ってただろ。なんでだ? |
I mean, he does throw you off when you talk to him, but there's not an evil bone in his body." | たしかに調子の狂うヤツだが、あいつほどいいヤツはいねえだろうに」 |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
"Wow. Why are you looking at me like you just stepped in a turd?" | 「おい待て。なんだその、足下の白アリを見るかのような態度は」 |
"Oh, no big reason. Hearing you say that, I was just thinking that I've never met such a despicable person in my life." | 「別に。アンタまでその台詞を言うのかって、心底から見下げ果てただけよ」 |
EN | JP |
"...Well, whatever. So he's a good guy? That makes him the perfect person to pick a fight with. If nobody else'll do it, the job falls to me, right?" | 「……まあいいか。いいヤツ、いいひと、結構じゃない? ケンカを売る相手としちゃあ上等だわ。誰も憎んであげないなら、私ぐらいそうしないとね」 |
She said casually, having regained her composure. | うん、と気を取り直して気軽に言う青子。 |
"You just can't help yourself, huh." | 「しないとねって、おまえ」 |
Tobimaru could not follow her reasoning at all. | 鳶丸にはその結論がさっぱりである。 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru was used to Aoko's erratic trains of thought, but hating Soujyuro for no reason seemed needlessly cruel. His friend's naive and innocent face came to mind, and then he blurted, | 蒼崎青子のこういう思考の飛び方に慣れてはいる鳶丸だが、理由もなく嫌われる草十郎があんまりと言えばあんまりで、脳裏にはあの人畜無害な顔が浮かんでしまい、つい、 |
"But Soujyuro's taken a shine to you, Aozaki. How can you hate him, knowing that?" | 「けど草十郎は蒼崎が好きなんだぜ。それでも嫌いなのか?」 |
His vow of silence had lasted not even two minutes. | 二分足らずで、言うべきではないという誓いを破っていた。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh. Um... What I meant was..." | 「あ―――いや、今のはな、蒼崎」 |
He tried to take it back, but it was too late. | しまった、と口を閉ざすがもう遅い。 |
She had heard his words loud and clear. | そして閉まったものは仕方がない。 |
All he could hope for now was that she would take it well. | こうなると青子の反応に一縷の望みをかける鳶丸だが――― |
EN | JP |
"Because I like what I like and dislike what I don't like. | 「そりゃそうでしょ、好き嫌いは誰にもあるし。 |
Just because he wants to be friends doesn't mean I have to suddenly like him." | けどこればかりはね。彼が私と仲良くしたいって言っても、私は嫌いなんだから仕方ない」 |
Stone. Cold. Aoko. | ドライと言えばドライ。 |
Tobimaru found himself filled with indignation at how detached Aoko was being. | スマートと言えばスマートな青子の感想に、柄にもなく憤慨してしまうのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"Don't you get it? This isn't just about friendship! | 「いや、そんなお友達感覚の話じゃなくてだな! |
And I didn't mean he only 'likes' you, either! Believe me when I say that Sono-G really has a thing for you!" | そういう好き嫌いじゃなくて、草の字は本気でおまえに惚れてるって言ったんだよ!」 |
He shouted, his face the embodiment of sincerity. | 真顔で怒鳴る鳶丸。 |
Aoko gave him a blank stare. | それに、青子はぽかんとした顔を向けていた。 |
It was the face of someone who had lost their wallet hours earlier and was only just realizing it now. | まっさらなその顔は、何時間か前に財布を落とした、と気付いた放心に似ている。 |
The first instant of doubt that ushers in the reality of the situation. | なんでこんな現実になってるのか、と我を疑う一瞬の間。 |
But, an instant is all it was. | それは本当に一瞬で、 |
EN | JP |
"So what?" | 「で?」 |
She answered coolly, | 何でもないコトのように、平然と青子は聞き返した。 |
as if she had no idea why it should matter to her at all. | それが、一体、私にどんな意味があるのかと。 |
EN | JP |
"'So what'?! Were you born in hell?! I'll assume you didn't hear me and I'll say it again. Soujyuro-" | 「で? ときたか。鬼でもなけりゃ悪魔だな、おまえって女は。よかろう、聞こえなかったのならもう一度言ってやる」 |
Tobimaru gave up any pretense of masculine solidarity and fired back hard. | こうなったら漢の約束もあったもんじゃない、と開き直る鳶丸。 |
"Don't bother. I couldn't care less." | 「いいわよそんなの。つまらないもの」 |
She ruthlessly cut him off. | それをあっさりと、心底からの感想で彼女は切り捨てた。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Thinking of the boys who still harbored unrequited love for Aoko, Tobimaru tried hard to come up with a name befitting the demoness in front of him. | とりあえず、学校中のいまだ健気に片思いをしている男子生徒のため、この悪鬼に相応しい呼称はないかと模索する鳶丸だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Now I see. So that's why you told him about our little incident. | 「なるほどね、それでさっきの話に結びつくワケだ。 |
Who could have thought His Highness could be so considerate to his friends? | へぇー、柄にもなく友達思いじゃない殿下? |
I bet you also told him all the nasty rumors floating about me, too, huh." | ってコトは聞くも無惨、語るも無情っていう私の噂話、教えてあげたんでしょう?」 |
She laughed as a fiendish smile adorned her face. | ふふ、と妖しい笑みを浮かべる青子。 |
Tobimaru repented to God, whoever and wherever he or she might be, for ever bringing up Aoko's love life. | 鳶丸はこの相手に色恋ざたの話をした事を、どっかにいる神さまに懺悔した。 |
EN | JP |
"You did the right thing, Tobimaru. Now be a good little vice-president and tell me every single thing you told him." | 「鳶丸にしちゃあ正しい判断ね。誉めてあげるから、どんな話をしたのか聞きたいなー、私」 |
She was smiling, but Tobimaru wished she'd at least try to hide the bloodlust. | 笑顔のくせに殺気を放つのは止めてほしい。 |
"Just two things, really... The story you're most infamous for, and what happened in this room." | 「……代表作と、ここでの事件を二つばかり」 |
Aoko nodded with satisfaction as she listened to Tobimaru's hesitant answer. | 遠慮がちな鳶丸の返答を聞いて、満足げに頷く青子。 |
EN | JP |
"Rumors like those can come in handy sometimes. You can use them chase off annoying people. Just be careful about who you tell, okay?" | 「こういう時、噂話って便利よね。うるさいのを追っ払ってくれるから。でも、そんな話を考えなしで広めたら大変だから、これからは気をつけてね」 |
Had this been in writing, the chillingly sweet tone of her words could've been signed with a heart. | それは、語尾にハートマークでもつきそうな、ゾッとするほど甘い笑顔だった。 |
EN | JP |
Whether angry or happy, Aozaki spoke in a disturbingly cute manner when she was in a heightened emotional state. | 怒りにしろ喜びにしろ、感情がハイになると蒼崎は可愛らしい口調になる…… |
Tobimaru took note of this new discovery, aware that it did nothing to get him out of this situation. | そんな新事実を発見した鳶丸だが、だからといってこの場がどうにかなる訳でもない。 |
EN | JP |
"Don't worry. I value my life, so I'll shut my mouth. | 「ああ、俺も命は惜しいからな、口はもう滑らねえよ。 |
...But Aozaki... Do you really hate Soujyuro that much?" | ……けどよ蒼崎。本気で草十郎が嫌いなのか?」 |
He knew that it was a topic he would be better off avoiding, but he tried asking anyway. | もうこの話題は避けるべきだと分かっていても果敢に挑む鳶丸。 |
The bonds between men, at times, shine more beautifully than a pearl. | 男の友情というものは、時に真珠より美しい。 |
EN | JP |
"Well... I might not like him... but that doesn't mean I hate him. I'm not even sure why I feel the way I do. | 「まあ……好きじゃないから嫌い、っていうワケじゃないけど。私が彼の事を嫌う理由は自分でも分からない。 |
Which is probably the problem." | だからダメなのね、きっと」 |
Perhaps to placate Tobimaru, Aoko paused in contemplation before she answered. | 鳶丸の顔を立てていくらか思考実験したのか、青子はしばし悩んでからそんな返答をする。 |
Giving it a moment without immediately blurting out a response meant that not even he could complain. | 即答ではなく熟考しての答えなら、鳶丸も文句を言う筋合いはない。 |
EN | JP |
"Huh. I guess that makes sense. | 「そうか。ま、そういうコトならしょうがねえか。 |
As much as emotional arguments can make sense. There's nothing I can do if neither of you understand why you feel the way you do." | なにしろきれいさっぱり感情論だ。お互い理由もなく好きと嫌いじゃ手を貸す隙間もねえワケだし」 |
Thinking that would be the end of it, Tobimaru looked up toward the ceiling and silently apologized to Soujyuro. | これでこの話は終わりか、と草十郎に謝りながら天をあおぐ鳶丸。 |
However... | しかし。 |
His final sentence appeared to have piqued Aoko's interest. | その降参を告げる一言が、蒼崎青子の興味を引いたらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"...Wait. What do you mean by that?" | 「……待って。今の、どういう意味?」 |
Her faux cheer had vanished. | 上機嫌ぽかった口調が変わる。 |
Failing to pick up on this, Tobimaru answered nonchalantly. | それに気付かず、軽い気持ちで鳶丸は答えた。 |
"Oh, nothing. It's just that Soujyuro also said he wasn't exactly sure why he liked you... or more like, there was no particular reason for how he felt, I think." | 「いやアイツもさ、蒼崎に惚れた理由が分からない、なんて言いやがってよ。……ああ、違ったか、理由なんてない、なんて意味だったかな」 |
Tobimaru was still in disbelief that Soujyuro had been charmed by Aoko's appearance, so he purposely left that part out. | 鳶丸は“青子の外見に惹かれた”なんて草十郎の言葉を信じていないので、そこはあっさりと切り離す。 |
EN | JP |
"He said he likes me... for no reason?" | 「理由はない、ですって……?」 |
"Yeah. I mean, I even told him about all the rumors around you, and it had no effect on him whatsoever. What did he say again...? Oh, right. He was going on about how genuine your concern for him was, and how it really helped him. It's almost too mushy for me to repeat out loud. | 「ああ。なんで、俺がいくらおまえの噂話をしても無駄だった。あまつさえなんて言ってたかな……そうそう、理由はどうあれ、蒼崎の心配は本物なんだ、とか、自分はそれで助かってるとか。俺なんかにゃ言えない台詞だったのは確かだね、どーにも。 |
All I can say is that, unlike the other boys, the rumors didn't faze him in the least." | はっきりしてんのは他の野郎どもと違って、噂を聞いても手を引く素振りなんざ微塵もなかったって事だけ―――」 |
EN | JP |
Tobimaru finally noticed the shift in Aoko's demeanor. | そこまで調子よく語って、鳶丸は青子の変化に気が付いた。 |
She was scowling at the wall. | 彼女は壁を睨んでいる。 |
She glared at it in silence like it was her worst enemy, and this continued for several minutes. | その、仇を見るような視線は無言のまま何分か続けられた。 |
EN | JP |
"...What the hell is that? Why can't I shake the feeling that I've heard all this before somewhere." | 「……なにそれ。さっきといいそれといい、どこかで聞いたような事ばっかり―――」 |
EN | JP |
So great was her ire that the gnashing of her teeth was audible. | ぎり、と歯を噛む音がする。 |
The irritation seethed until it reached the point that Aoko forgot Tobimaru was even in the room. | 反感ここに極まり、あまりの不機嫌さに目の前にいる鳶丸が視界に入っていないようだ。 |
Tobimaru looked heavenward for forgiveness, sensing that he'd brought further calamity down upon Soujyuro's head. | なんか、また絶望的に草十郎に迷惑かける事を言っちまったな、と鳶丸は天をあおいだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...I kind of get it now. I think I know why I don't like him." | 「……少し分かったわ。なんでアイツが気に喰わないのか」 |
Tobimaru looked away as if to indicate that he'd rather not know, but Aoko ignored him and began to grumble venomously. | 聞きたくない、どっかよそで喋ってくれないもんかなー、などと目を逸らす鳶丸を無視して、青子は呪詛のように言葉を紡ぐ。 |
EN | JP |
"The way he acts and talks reminds me of someone I despise. | 「あいつ、私が嫌いな奴と言動が似てるのよ。 |
Like how everyone thinks he's an angel, and how nothing seems to bother him. Maybe it's how good he is at getting on my nerves." | 誰彼かまわずいい人扱いされるところとか。妙にふわふわしてるところとか。いちいち私の癇に障るところとか」 |
Glancing idly up at the clock, Tobimaru thought that last part just sounded like misplaced anger. | 最後のはただの八つ当たりだよな、と所在なげに時計とか見てみる副会長。 |
And so... | ―――と。 |
One o'clock had come and gone. | 時計は、当然のように午後一時を回っていた。 |
EN | JP |
"...Fine. I get it. Sorry I said anything. | 「……分かった、もういい。この話をした俺が悪かった。 |
So did you need me for anything? Class has already started, you know." | で、俺に用ってのはなんだよ。言っとくけど、もう授業始まってるぜ?」 |
EN | JP |
"Huh? What do you mean by class? | 「へ? 授業って、なんで? |
|When did it..."|いつ?」|
|"The bell rang right after Sono-G left, around the time you were busy being pissed off at the wall. Tell me, Ms. President. Are you allowed to miss fifth period?"|「いや、さっき草の字が出てってから、蒼崎がぎらーんって壁睨んでた時にチャイムが鳴ったんだよ。いいのか生徒会長。五時限目ばっくれて」|
EN | JP |
"Of course I'm not! | 「っ、いいわけないでしょ! |
Why didn't you say something?!" | なんで黙ってんのよアンタはーっ!」 |
She looked like she was on the verge of tears as she shouted and pulled at his necktie. | 鳶丸のネクタイをひっぱりながら、半泣き状態で青子は怒鳴る。 |
Tobimaru raised his hands in mock surrender-a gesture reserved only for the true victor. | 対して、鳶丸は両手をギブアップの形で上げていた。勝者の余裕である。 |
EN | JP |
"Consider this revenge for saying I was worse than a mosquito. | 「蚊のほうがエレガントなんて言いやがった仕返しだ。 |
Hopefully you've learned your lesson, oh hellish demon who feasts upon the hearts of men." | 思い知るがいい、男の純情を踏みにじったり焼き殺したりするエリート悪魔め」 |
"You're so petty, you know that?! | 「あいかわらず細かく根に持つ男! |
You're supposed to repay insults with insults, you coward!" | 言動には言動で返しなさいよね、卑怯者!」 |
She tightened his necktie around his neck with a yank. | 鳶丸の首にぐいぐいとネクタイが締まっていく。 |
The vice-president smiled a thuggish grin, as if her reaction made his victory that much sweeter. | それすら勝者の愉悦、とチンピラ顔で笑う副会長。 |
EN | JP |
"Heh. It's no secret you're heading to remedial classics. And I don't have to tell you who teaches Class A during fifth period. Old bat Fujishiro is going to have your head!" | 「ふふふ、おまえの古典が補習に向かっているのは周知の事実。そしてA組の五時限目は言うまでもない。藤代のばあさん、蒼崎のこと嫌ってるしな」 |
Fujishiro had one of the longest tenures at the school, so it was only natural she would be in charge of teaching the classics. | 藤代というのは古参教師のひとりで、言うまでもなく、担当は古典である。 |
EN | JP |
"This is where you stop yanking on my tie and haul ass to your classroom. | 「さあ、こんな所で俺のネクタイを引っぱる余裕があるのなら、急いで自分の教室に立ち返るがいい。 |
I won't even try to stop you. Am I not merciful?" | 情けだ、別に止めはしねえよ」 |
EN | JP |
"Damn! It! All! I can't believe you of all people pulled one over on me!" | 「っっっクソ、あんたなんかに嵌められるなんて! |
Just die already!" | えぇい、このまま死んでしまえ!」 |
She choked him even harder with his necktie. | さらに締まるネクタイ。 |
As Aoko put words into action and mercilessly strangled Tobimaru, he saw his life flash before his eyes. | 有言実行、容赦のない青子の窒息攻撃にひととき、神を見る鳶丸だった。 |
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"Ggahhhh! Wait! Stop! I'm gonna die! It isn't too late! Do you want them to mark you absent?!" | 「―――ハ!? いや、待て待て、ホントに死んじまうだろうがっ! 今ならまだ間に合う、十分過ぎたら遅刻から欠席扱いだぞ!?」 |
Aoko glanced up at the clock. | とっさに時計を見る青子。 |
It was still only seven past one. Her route was from the student council room on the second floor to the Class A classroom on the third floor. If she ran she could make it. | 時刻は午後一時七分。二階である第二生徒会室から、三階端のA組の教室まで走ればギリギリ間に合う距離だった。 |
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"I'll let you live, Tobimaru. This time." | 「命拾ったわね、鳶丸」 |
Aoko clicked her tongue disappointedly. | ち、と言い捨てる青子。 |
What disturbed Tobimaru was that it didn't sound like an empty threat. | あながち嘘でもないのが鳶丸的に頭がいたい。 |
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"Be here after school. | 「あと放課後、ここにいて。 |
I actually do have something I need you to do." | 頼みたい事があるのはホントなんだから」 |
She was halfway out of the room before she even finished her sentence. | 言うが早いか、青子は隼のように生徒会室から飛び出していった。 |
EN | JP |
Finally all alone, | ようやくひとりになって、 |
Tobimaru closed the open door, locked it, | 鳶丸は開けっぱなしの扉を閉め、鍵をかけて |
and slumped into a chair. | 椅子に座る。 |
"...Never a dull moment with Aozaki around, that's for sure." | 「……ったく。ああしてる分には楽しいヤツなんだけどよ、蒼崎は」 |
He leaned back in the creaky folding chair and let out a sigh. | ギシリ、とパイプ椅子の背もたれを軋ませてため息をつく。 |
EN | JP |
The weather outside was beautiful. | 窓の外は気持ちのいい晴れ模様。 |
But the sunlight waned early in the winter. | が、冬の日射しはすぐに弱くなっていく。 |
Before long, daylight would fade, and the unheated student council room would grow colder and colder. | じき日の勢いも翳って、暖房の入っていない生徒会室は段々と冷えていくだろう。 |
All of the good equipment, like the heater, had ended up in the main office, so he had no choice but to settle in for a chilly afternoon. | ストーブなんて気の利いた物は第一生徒会室に流れているので、この寒さには慣れろという他ないのだが。 |
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"If only this weather would last... | 「こんな天気が続けばいいんだがねぇ。 |
Shame the forecast predicted more clouds." | 天気予報じゃ、また雲行き怪しいって話だが」 |
After his somewhat suggestive monologue, Tobimaru's mind drifted. | なんとなく暗示的な独白の後、鳶丸は草十郎の姿を思い浮べた。 |
He idly wondered to himself whether Soujyuro was an overcast day or a clear day sort of guy, but no answers came. | 曇りと晴れ。そのどちらが彼らしいか考えてみたが、ついに答えは出なかった。 |
Scene 5
EN | JP |
The school day over, Soujyuro headed straight to his job. | その日の学校が終わると、草十郎は寄り道一つせずアルバイト先に直行した。 |
While the school had approved his jobs at the Chinese restaurant and fish market in Misaki's shopping district, there was other work he hadn't mentioned to them. | 学校側に申告してあるのは三咲町商店街にある中華飯店と鮮魚店だけで、他のアルバイトは秘密にしている。 |
And it was not because he knew that they would complain at him working too many, but rather because of the illicit nature of one job in particular. | それも単に数が多いからではなく、それ以前に法律に違反していそうな働き先だったからだ。 |
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Today, his workplace was a pachinko parlor in front of Yashirogi Station. | 今日のアルバイト先はその最たるもので、社木駅前にあるパチンコ店だ。 |
Soujyuro changed out of his school uniform and into a black faux tuxedo uniform, then began cleaning the storefront. | 学校の制服から店の黒いタキシードじみた制服に着替え、仕事はじめに店周りの掃除をする。 |
EN | JP |
Yashirogi was the jewel of Misaki City, a busy place with a vast assortment of commercial centers and shopping arcades. | 三咲市の顔である社木の駅前は幾多のショッピングビルが競い合うように乱立し、アーケード街もそれらに倣うように騒がしい。 |
Where there were people en masse, there were products made en masse. | 人が多くなれば生み出される物も多くなる。 |
A romantic might describe it as a place of joy, | 浪漫として言えば笑顔であり、 |
a realist would note the free enterprise, | 現実的に言えば流通であり、 |
and a cynic would point at all the garbage. | より現実的に言えばゴミである。 |
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Local authorities had attempted to beautify Yashirogi, but there was one basic tenet of society they could not overcome. | クリーンな町作りを目指している社木だが、そのルールには逆らえない。 |
This establishment was the embodiment of that rule. | それがこういった店なら尚更だ。 |
Businesses such as this attracted the dregs of society, and as such, the front of the parlor had to be cleaned several times a day. | 商売柄質の悪い人種を呼びこみやすいホールの前は、日に何度も清掃を心がけるべきである。 |
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Soujyuro stood outside in the winter cold sweeping used-up cigarette butts, picking up discarded fliers, and tossing empty cans into the trash. | 冬の寒空の下、草十郎は煙草の吸い殻を集め、チラシを拾い、空き缶をゴミ箱へ。 |
Something about it must have reminded him of mountain life, because he cheerfully finished the job with ease. | 山での生活を彷彿とさせるものがあるらしく、草十郎は気軽に、淡々と掃除をこなした。 |
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After making sure the storefront was acceptably clean, he returned to the inside of the parlor where it was nice and warm. | ひととおり店周りを綺麗にし、晴れて暖房の効いた店内に戻る。 |
Blinding lights, deafening sounds, | まぶしく目に痛い騒音、 |
and the oppressive odor of tobacco assaulted him as he passed through the parlor on his way to the office. | 充満するタバコの臭いに圧倒されながら店内を横断して事務所へ向かう。 |
EN | JP |
"Boss, I've finished cleaning outside." | 「店長。外まわりの掃除、終わりました」 |
"Good job. I've got something else for you. Could you go check on the customer on machine forty on the second floor for me? | 「はい、ごくろうさま。それで、いいかな。二階の四十番台のお客さんの様子、見てきてくれない? |
I have a hunch she might be cheating." | どうも懐にのんでそうなんだよね、あのお姉さん」 |
EN | JP |
His boss was a good-natured man who used to work a desk job. | 元会社員の、人の良さそうな店長さんである。 |
The reason he employed someone like Soujyuro, even though he was clearly a student, was not because he admired him for working his way through school. | あきらかに学生である草十郎を採用したのはその苦学生ぶりに感動したから―――ではなく、 |
It was because all of the other employees were scary and intimidating, and he wanted at least one employee who was not. | 店員がみんな怖い顔をしているので一人でも心安らげる店員がほしい、という理由らしい。 |
EN | JP |
"Are you sure? I still haven't cleaned the toilets." | 「いいんですか? トイレの掃除、まだですけど」 |
"It's fine, it's fine. She's in the security camera's blind spot, so we have no way of confirming whether she's up to no good. | 「いいのいいの。なんかねぇ、カメラの死角にいるんでイマイチ確証とれないの。 |
I want you to go because you've got a sixth sense about these things. Go check on her, will you?" | 草ちゃん、いまのところ的中率百パーセントでしょ。様子見てきてくれないかなぁ」 |
Hearing that, Soujyuro put away his cleaning equipment and headed upstairs. | そういう事でしたら、と掃除用具を片付けて草十郎は二階フロアに向かった。 |
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It was a typically large-scale pachinko parlor with two floors. | 店は典型的な二階建ての、大きい部類に入るパチンコ店である。 |
It prided itself on being a local establishment that was satisfied with taking the locals' money little-by-little without resorting to more exploitative means. | 基本的には地域密着型で、あまりあこぎな調整もせず、少しずつ町の皆さんから収入を得ることを良しとしている。 |
But regardless of the parlor's intentions, its customers were not so scrupulous. | が、店側はそのつもりでも、お客様は千差万別。 |
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Among them were casual players, professional gamblers, and cheaters looking to profit by exploiting whatever loopholes they could find. | 気軽に遊びに来る者もいれば、これで食べている職業博徒、はては不正を働いて儲けようという輩もやってくる。 |
Of particular prevalence was a device developed in the mid-eighties that could disrupt a machine's circuitry from the outside and make it much easier to get what was called a triple seven jackpot. | 中でも八十年代中期から流行しだしたある機械は、ゲーム台の電気系統に外部からアクセスしてプログラムを狂わせ、俗に言うスリーセブン等の大当たりをたやすく実現してしまう。 |
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As much as the parlor wanted to deny these cheaters entry, it needed to present hard evidence of cheating, or risk losing customers. | 当然店側としてもそういった人種の入場はお断りしたいのだが、確たる証拠もなしにお帰り願う訳にもいかない。 |
Particularly in the service industry, "innocent until proven guilty" was not a rule taken lightly. | 客商売である以上、疑わしきは罰せず、がルールである。 |
As a result, they could only punish the customers they caught in the act. | 結果、現行犯としてとっ捕まえるのが店側の正義となる。 |
Such cheaters were known as gotoshi, a slice of society which Soujyuro knew nothing about. | そういった不心得者をゴト師と言うらしいが、草十郎にはそのへんの事情は一切分かっていない。 |
What he did know was that they were inconveniencing his employer and violating their rules. | 彼が承知しているのは、彼らが店側にとって厄介な相手であり、かつ、不正を働いているルール違反者である、という事だけだ。 |
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He went upstairs. | 二階に上がる。 |
The radio and game machine sounds on the second floor were quieter than the cacophony downstairs. | 有線のラジオもゲーム台の音も、一階よりは控えめに流れている。 |
There were a hundred game machines on the ground floor and over eighty on the second. While there were some empty seats here and there, it was a solid evening turnout. | 一階の百台に対して二階のゲーム台の数は八十あまり。空席はちらほらとあるものの、夕方にしては客入りは良好だろう。 |
The machine mentioned by his boss was in the center aisle. | 店長の言う四十番台は店の中ごろの列だ。 |
Soujyuro nonchalantly leaned back against the wall and watched the customer hit the jackpot over and over again. | さりげなく列の入り口あたりの壁に寄りかかってみると、たしかに派手に大当たりしているお客さんがいた。 |
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"..." | 「………………」 |
The second he saw her, his gut told him that she was not cheating. | 一目見た瞬間に違うな、と草十郎は直感した。 |
He still was not sure what made someone a master swindler, but if it meant they were special, this woman certainly fit that description. | 何を以てプロと言うかは疑問だが、特別という意味なら彼女は本物だ。 |
It was almost as if he could feel the luck emanating from her. | なんとなく、その幸運の強さが感じ取れる。 |
As the customers looked on, she silently turned the handle again and again. | 周りの客達の関心を一身に浴びながら、彼女は黙々とハンドルを回している。 |
EN | JP |
She appeared older than Soujyuro. | 歳は草十郎より何歳か上。 |
She wore a green, form-fitting, one-piece dress. | 緑色の、体の線がはっきりと判る洋服を着ている。上着とスカートが一体になったような服だ。 |
A pair of stockings covered her legs. | 足は素肌ではなくストッキングをはいている。 |
Her slender legs were gracefully crossed, and her elegance suited a painting better than a casino. | 細い両足は艶やかに組まれ、パチンコをしているというよりは絵画のモデルのような優雅さだった。 |
Her dark, reddish hair was cut short in a bob, perfectly framing her stylish spectacles and crimson lips. | 赤みのかかった黒髪は短く、涼しげにかけたメガネと赤い唇がやけに決まっていた。 |
EN | JP |
Truth be told, something was off about this picturesque beauty ringing the jackpot over and over again. | 正直に言って、こんな場所でフィーバーを出していい美人ではない。 |
Four boxes' worth of pachinko balls sat at her feet, and her winning streak showed no sign of abating. | 彼女の足元には四つの大箱が重ねられていて、その勢いは留まるところを知らない。 |
She looked bored as her slender, porcelain fingers lifted a long cigarette to her lips. | 退屈そうに、細い陶器のような指が長い煙草を唇に運ぶ。 |
EN | JP |
(Feels like... I've seen her somewhere...) | 『……なんか……どっかで……』 |
Just as that thought crossed his mind, her gaze turned toward the wall, and Soujyuro. | そう思った瞬間、メガネごしに視線が壁側―――草十郎を見た。 |
"...!" | 「………!」 |
Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine. | とたん、背中に走る悪寒。 |
He reflexively covered his mouth to keep from shrieking. | 反射的にこぼれる悲鳴を必死に手で押さえつける。 |
EN | JP |
(It's her! The woman from yesterday!) | 『あの女、昨日の……!』 |
Acting on pure instinct, Soujyuro took off running. | 確証のない直感に弾かれて、草十郎は脱兎の如く走り出した。 |
He headed straight downstairs, desperate to not be on the same floor as her. | この場から一刻も早く逃れようと、まず一階へ。 |
He would have run straight out the door, but for his obligations to his job. | そのまま外に駆け出そうとしたが、最低限の責任として店長に声をかける。 |
EN | JP |
"Boss, I'm leaving early. And the person upstairs is fine." | 「店長、早退します。それと、二階の人は問題ないです」 |
He tried to keep his composure as he spoke, jamming his school uniform into a paper bag as he ran out of the parlor. | 心の動揺をなんとか抑えこみながら告げ、学校の制服を紙袋につめて店を飛びだした。 |
EN | JP |
Cloudy weather brought the shadow of night over Yashirogi as he ran through the shopping arcade toward the station. | 曇った天候のせいか、すでに夜の影が濃い社木の商店街を走り抜けて駅に向かう。 |
He shot up the long staircase like an arrow, quickly pulled his train pass from his wallet, and passed through the ticket gate. | 長い階段を矢のように駆け上がり、定期を財布から素早く取り出して改札を通り過ぎる。 |
EN | JP |
The ticket gate was crowded with people standing around, walking, and talking. | 改札には大勢の人々がそれぞれの事情で立ち止まったり、歩いたり、話し合ったりしていた。 |
The station attendant by the automatic ticket machine had an unpleasant look on his face. There was now a familiar, comforting hustle and bustle around him. | その中で無愛想な顔をしているのは自動改札の横にある駅員室の駅員ぐらいで、ここにはちょっとだけ騒がしい安心があふれていた。 |
Just another day in the city. | 都市の日常、と言い換えてもいい。 |
Nothing like what he witnessed the night before. | 間違っても、昨夜の草十郎が見てしまった風景はどこにも見当たらない。 |
EN | JP |
"...Hah." | 「――――――はあ」 |
He could finally breathe again. | ようやく肺に空気を送る。 |
The momentary rush of relief brought him to an abrupt stop. | つかの間の安心から、草十郎はぴたりと立ち止まった。 |
He nervously turned around. | おそるおそる背後を振り返る。 |
There was no way that dangerous individual could be behind him. | 当然のように、追いかけてくる危険人物など居るはずもない。 |
EN | JP |
(Wait, why would I even...?) | 『……って、考えてみると……』 |
He couldn't think of a good reason for why he'd fled so desperately. | なぜ唐突に走りだしたのか、その理由が脆弱すぎた。 |
As far as he could remember, he hadn't even seen the threat's face long enough to form an opinion about her. | そもそも自分は、人相が分かるほど“危険の顔”を見ていなかったではないか、と呆れかえる。 |
Soujyuro gave himself a good slap on the cheek to pull himself together and quickly made his way down to the platform. | 頬を叩いて気合いを入れ直し、草十郎は早足でプラットホームに下りていく。 |
Unfortunately, the next train was ten minutes away, and panicking would do him no favors, so he quietly found an empty seat and sat down. | あいにく電車は十分待ちだったが、ここで取り乱しても仕方がないので大人しく椅子に座った。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
He took another deep breath. | もういちど深呼吸。 |
He was surrounded by people waiting for the train just like he was. | 周りには自分と同じく、電車待ちの人々の姿がある。 |
...And no sign of anyone pursuing him. | ……追いかけてくる“誰か”なんて影も形もない。 |
His head finally cleared up, and he assured himself that he was overthinking things. | 考えすぎだった、と、ようやく頭がクリアになる。 |
Though, he was surprised at how heavy his shoulders felt. | ただ、がっくりと落ちた両肩が重いのが意外だった。 |
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(I'm just tired, I'm sure of it. I know my own body best, after all.) | 『……疲れてるのは分かってる。自分の体のコトだし』 |
Soujyuro sighed at his greater-than-expected fatigue. | 予想以上の強い疲労に、草十郎は嘆息した。 |
He had certainly struggled since coming down from the mountains, but in retrospect, it could have been worse. | 山を下りてきてからの生活はたしかに過酷だったが、こうして座って振り返ってみると我慢できないほどではなかった。 |
Physically, he was probably holding up fine. | 肉体的にはたぶんまだまだ大丈夫。 |
He was much less confident in his mental state. | 音をあげているのは心の問題だ。 |
EN | JP |
The city and the mountains could not have been more different. | ここと山とでは何もかもが違う。 |
He had been slow to recognize the differences and adapt. | それを認めて適応する事はひどく難しかった。 |
Acclimation was simple enough. Humans were nothing if not adaptable. Even without any effort, one would learn to adjust over time. | 馴染むのは簡単だ。人間はなんにだって慣れる生き物なので、放っておいても順応していく。 |
Recognizing the challenges had been the hard part. | なので。難しかったのは、たぶん認める方だろう。 |
EN | JP |
"...Actually, it's all been difficult." | 「……そりゃあ。とにかく、難しいコトだらけだし」 |
Soujyuro grumbled a complaint he'd never uttered before. | 今まで口にしたことのない弱音を漏らす。 |
To be honest, he was still afraid to wander around town. | 正直、草十郎は町を出歩く事すらいまだに怖い。 |
There were so many things city people took for granted that Soujyuro had yet to grasp. It was little wonder that this neverending chain of surprises would wear on him. | 都会の人々には当たり前の事でも、彼にとっては未知の事ばかりなのだ。そんな事が連続するたびに驚いているのだから、まいらない筈がない。 |
EN | JP |
(Oh... It isn't my body that's tired.) | 『……そっか……疲れてるのは体じゃないのか……』 |
"That would explain the hallucination." | 「だから、あんな幻を見る」 |
He muttered to himself, then shook his head. | 呟いてみて、草十郎は小さく首を横に振った。 |
That which exists, exists. Such was the way of all things. | 有る物は有るのが、世の習わしだ。 |
Tobimaru had called it a hallucination, but Soujyuro knew what he saw was real. | 鳶丸にはああは言ったが、草十郎はあの出来事が現実だと解っていた。 |
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The city was a magical kingdom compared to the mountains. | ここは山に比べれば魔法の国だ。 |
If there were real magicians secretly living here, that should have been no surprise at all. | それなら、本物の魔法使いがこっそり暮らしててもおかしくはない。 |
The thought alone made his legs tremble. It took him a moment longer to realize that they were quivering out of fear. | 一度でもそう思ってしまったら、椅子に座った両足が小刻みに震えていた。どうも怖いらしい、と気付いたのはしばらくしてからだ。 |
He had feared the unnatural ever since he encountered a wild bear on a mountain path as a child. | 自然以外を怖いと思うのは、子供のころ山道でばったり野生の熊に出会った時以来である。 |
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"But this is nothing like that. | 「いや、あれはこんなもんじゃなかったっけ。 |
I cried and screamed my head off back then." | なりふりかまわず泣き叫んだもんな、あの時は」 |
Soujyuro smiled a little as he recalled his traumatic childhood memory. | 幼少期のトンデモなトラウマを思い出し、草十郎はつい微笑ってしまった。 |
EN | JP |
Anyone would have fainted at the sudden appearance of a growling beast that towered over 6 feet tall. | たしかに二メートル以上の獣がのっそり現れ、ぐるるる、なんて唸った日には誰だって卒倒するだろう。 |
The monster in the movie that Soujyuro saw not two days ago was the equivalent of a cuddly stuffed animal when compared to the wild mountain creatures. | 山で生活していた草十郎からしてどのくらい迫力があったかと言うと、ほんの二日前に映画で見た大怪獣をぬいぐるみでは、と錯覚するぐらい野生の獣は怖かった。 |
He was reminded that he'd faced far worse before, and his ordeal now was something he could endure. | それを思い出せば、たしかに、これぐらいはなんとか我慢できる話かもしれない。 |
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"That's right. The problem now, is... what I heard someone say at the end. What's 'catch and eliminate' supposed to mean?" | 「……そうだよな。今の問題は、えーと……チラっと聞こえた最後の台詞か。『捕まえて始末する』っていうのは、どうなんだ?」 |
At face value, the meaning was obvious. | 額面通りにとるのなら、それこそ文字通りの意味、というヤツだ。 |
But the implications were simply too frightening to contemplate seriously. Perhaps he had misheard the words, or perhaps the speaker had misspoke. | あまりにも物騒な意味合いすぎて、真剣に考察することが難しい。何かの聞き間違い、あるいは言い間違いだったのだろう、と放り投げてしまいたくなる。 |
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"The law of the city... means someone will deal out punishment eventually..." | 「都会のルール……誰かが、きっと罰しに来る、か……」 |
Even as he said it, the idea didn't feel quite real. It was hard to imagine that it applied to him. | 自分で言っておきながら、やっぱり他人ごとのようで、夢だったと割り切りたい気分だ。 |
Soujyuro breathed in and closed his eyes. | 草十郎は息をついて瞼を閉じる。 |
His vision dimmed, putting the illuminated cityscape out of sight, and out of mind. | 視界の暗転と共に先ほどの光景をすべて棚上げ。 |
For now, he resolved to put last night's events behind him. | とりあえず、今はきれいさっぱり昨夜の出来事を忘れる事にした。 |
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When he opened his eyes, his breathing had calmed. | 瞼を開けると、呼吸はすっかり落ち着いていた。 |
"I wonder... | 「それでさ。 |
What happened to Tobimaru when he tried to hit Aozaki?" | 蒼崎を殴りつけようとして、結局どうなったんだ鳶丸?」 |
The question suddenly popped into Soujyuro's head. | なんとなく唐突に、そんな疑問が湧いたりする。 |
He decided he would ask next time, and stood up from his chair. A long streak of light blazed by, announcing the arrival of the next train. | 今度聞いてみよう、と草十郎が椅子から立ち上がった時、長い光を引いて電車がやってきた。 |