Chapter 4: Blue's in her Name

Girls of the Night

There really isn't any other way of saying this. I am a magician.唐突に言うと、私は魔法使いである。
Kind of like those witches in fairy tales who live alone in the woods and perform miracles with the wave of a finger.なんていうか、指先ひとつで奇跡を起こして、辺鄙へんぴな森に隠れ住んでいる童話のあれだ。
While the popular depiction of it differs from reality, it's closer to the truth than you know.イメージはちょっと違うけど、わりと的を射ているので採用したいと思う。

Though just so we're clear, no, I don't fly through the sky on a broom.ただ断っておくと、ホウキに乗って空は飛ばない。
I cannot transform into animals or speak with small birds.動物に変身したり小鳥と話したりもできない。
Modern mages are nothing so fanciful.夢があるようでないのが今風の魔術師なのである。

Our existence sounds unbelievable, but we're quite grounded.非常識だけど現実的。
Though it may seem like we can do anything, we're actually majorly constrained.万能なようでわりと窮屈きゅうくつ
And while I still have a lot to learn about it, this is my real job. Sounds a lot more romantic than being a high school student, right?胸を張るには色々半端なものだけど、私の本当の職業は学生じゃなくて、そんな浪漫ロマンあふれるものだった。

Naturally, this is a secret I don't just share with anyone.けど、その事はもちろん秘密。
"A mage must do everything in their power to conceal their work."“魔術師はこれ、その御業みわざをすべて隠匿いんとくすべし”
That is the first and most important of the Association's ten laws, not that I'm tempted to let the cat out the bag in the least.協会の十箇条のトップに出ている事だし、私だってこんなワケわかんないことを口外する気はさらさらない。

My secret identity as an honor student is intact, and absolutely no good would come of me revealing my true nature.これでも外じゃ優等生で通っているし、だいたい、知らしめたところで私が嬉しい事なんてまったくない。
If anything, it'd only lead to more headaches.どっちかというと頭の痛いことばかりだ。
That's why I do everything in my power to keep it a secret.なので、そんなつまんない事は極力、自重するにかぎる。

Of course, if I'd accomplished anything as a magician by now, then maybe I'd see it differently.もっとも、それはまだ私が立派な魔法使いになれていないからだ。
I've fantasized about revealing my secret life's work to a single, special person, when I finally make something of myself.生涯の秘密というのは、私自身が立派になって一人前になった時、たったひとりにだけ打ち明けられれば、それで幸せだと思う。

Yeah... it'd be pretty stellar to just confess one day, "By the way, I'm a magician."うん。いちばん大きな秘密の告白が『実は魔法使いでした』なんていうのは、たいへん洒落ている。
That idea alone is enough to keep me from spoiling the big reveal, regardless of the Association's rules.そのシーンを想像すると妙におかしくて、協会の規則なんかより晩年のために秘密を守りたくなるぐらい。

My grandfather patted me on the head when I shared these thoughts with him.以上の事を祖父に話すと、彼は私の頭を撫でてくれた。
I don't know if that was praise or what, but I remember that his touch was gentle.誉めてくれたのかたしなめていたのかは分からないけど、あの人にしては優しい感触だったと思う。

I first learned that I would be succeeding my grandfather on the day I graduated middle school.私が魔術―――祖父の後を継ぐ事になったのは、中学を卒業したその日だった。
When I returned home, there he was.家に帰るなり祖父は
"Your elder sister left on a journey. From this day forth, you are the heir to the Aozaki."『姉は旅に出た。今日からおまえが蒼崎の後継ぎだ』
He said it in such a matter-of-fact way.なんて事を淡々と語ったのだ。

I knew that the Aozaki family passed down this old tradition of magecraft, but to be honest, I never imagined I would be the one to wield it.蒼崎の家が魔術なんて古くさいものを伝えていた事は知っていたけど、正直、自分にそのおはちが回ってくるとは思ってもいなかった。

Magecraft is supposed to be passed down to a single child.魔術の継承は一子相伝いっしそうでんとかなんとか。
It was my sister's role to take the mantle, and I had no interest in dedicating myself to so many rules and routines. I planned to live a normal life; I had hopes and dreams for the future.色々と決まり事の多そうな魔法使いの座とやらは姉貴の役割で、私はそういうトンデモとは無関係。いたってノーマルな生活設計、将来希望だったのだ。

I felt bad for my sister, but I was determined to live my life my way.なので、姉貴には悪いけど自由気ままに人生を送らせてもらいましょう―――
And while I managed to do just that for a time, I was blindsided by a vicious counterpunch.なんて気楽にやってきたところで、とんでもないカウンターが待っていたワケである。

Since then, I've been thrust headlong into a world I had only observed from afar.以来、私は今まで横目で見ていただけの世界に身を置くことになった。
It was a hell of a way to start high school.まさかまさかの高校デビュー。
But I suppose it wasn't all that bad, all things considered.まあ、新生活のスタートとしては悪くない。

...A lot has happened since then.……それから色々あって現在。
I was so dazed by this newfound life that a year of school motored right by. I was a second-year before I knew it.この役柄には戸惑ったけど、それも気が付けばもう二年目に届こうとしている。

Thankfully, nothing drastic has happened... the six months my roommate and I totally tried to kill each other nonwithstanding.その間にトラブルらしき物は一切なかったし……私たちの名誉のため、半年にわたる同居人との殺し合いはカウントしない……
As it happens, I've got a natural talent at this magic stuff, so I've yet to have any hang-ups there, either.魔法使いとしての才能もそれなりに優れているみたいで、まだ壁にはぶつかってはいない。

I'm only human, so I've had my fair share of headaches for sure, but never once did I worry about my future.人間なんだから頭の痛い悩みは二つや三つあるけれど、今のところ将来に不安を感じる事はまったくなかった。
I thought my life would be smooth sailing all the way.私の生活は、このまま順風満帆じゅんぷうまんぱんに行くと思っていたのだ。
If only everything had gone to plan last night.昨夜の、例の一件さえ起こらなければ。

Alice Kuonji asked Aoko Aozaki the second she entered the house.久遠寺邸に帰宅するなり、蒼崎青子は久遠寺有珠にそうたずねられた。
Her dark eyes succeeded where her voice failed to communicate the gravity of the situation.切迫感も危機感もない声だが、のような黒瞳こくどうが事の重要性を告げている。

Aoko took off her unflattering coat, hung it on the hanger, and sat down on the sofa.色気のないコートを脱いでハンガーにかけ、青子はソファーに腰を下ろした。
Alice sat across from her, with a table separating them.正面にはテーブルを挟んで有珠が座っている。

"Any progress with those things?"「そっちは?」
"Not at all. I've only got seven left that are any good for reconnaissance. I've been using them up fast and haven't had time to make more."「良くないわね。偵察ていさつに行けるのは七個ぐらい。ここのところ使ってばかりで、作り置きをする余裕もなかったし」
Alice's gaze drifted from Aoko to the box on the table.青子から視線を逸らすと、有珠はテーブルの上に置かれた箱に視線を戻す。

"Were none of them keeping watch that night?「あの夜、街を監視していたヤツはいないの?
They've never let you down when it comes to this sort of thing, have they?"街の偵察は完璧なんでしょ、そいつら」
"During the day, no. But there is quite the risk when flying them at night."「それは昼間の話よ。夜間飛行は危険が多いわ」
Meaning they were of the least use when needed the most. Aoko sighed.肝心なところで役に立たないのね、とため息をつく青子。

"...Well, how are you faring? You seemed pretty confident this morning."「……そういう貴女は? 朝はずいぶんと強気だったけど?」
Yeah, I guess everything's good on my end.あ、こっちは予定通りよ。
I'm pretty sure I'll know by tomorrow. I told Tobimaru to look into all of the students' addresses and schedules.明日までにはしぼりこめると思う。今朝、鳶丸にうちの生徒の自宅と行動時間を調べさせたから。
Not many people wander the park that time of night, so it should be easy enough to figure out who it was."あの時間に公園をうろつく奴は滅多にいないし、簡単に割り出せる」

"How can you be so sure?"「そう簡単にいくの?」
"Because. I didn't just join the student council to keep up appearances. I've been using my position to keep tabs on everyone.「いくわよ。に生徒会に勤めてないわ。その程度のデータは揃えてある。
I have info on everything from part-time jobs, to friends' addresses, to what they're up to in their spare time.月一のバイト先はおろか親しい友人宅との移動時間、その優先順位まで調べ上げてるんだから。
It's a list I was hoping to keep secret, but we can't afford to do that now, can we? That's why I keep the vice-president around. It's the kind of thing he does best."には見せたくなかったリストだけど、そんな余裕ないでしょ? だから、そういうのが向いてる副会長にやらせたの」

Incidentally, the creation of this secret file started the moment Aoko became student council president.余談ではあるが、その機密ファイルが作成されたのは青子が生徒会長になってからである。
The mere rumor of its existence was enough to strike fear into the entire student body.その存在だけが噂され、彼女が全校生徒に恐れられる一因になっている、いわく付きの一品だ。

"...As thorough as always, I see."「……そう。徹底しているわね、あい変わらず」
Alice was only mildly surprised.やや呆れ気味に漏らす有珠。
It had been almost two years since they first started living together.同居をはじめて二年近く。
She knew as well as anyone that when Aoko put her mind to something she saw it through to the end.一度やると決めればとことんまで突っ走るのが蒼崎青子だと、有珠も十分身にしみている。

"Well, I never imagined I'd have to use it like this. But it's better to be safe than sorry."「ま、私もアレがこんな風に役立つとは思ってもみなかったけど。ほんと、備えあれば憂いなしとはこの事ね」
But what happened last night was far beyond a mere exception to the rule.とはいえ昨夜の出来事は異例中の異例だ。
This predicament should not have even been possible.この状況は、本来起こりえるものではない。

"More importantly, have you figured out what went wrong? And don't tell me it had anything to do with your link to the Bounded Field."「それより原因は分かったの? 結界のむすびに不手際があったなんてのは聞かないわよ」
Aoko glared at her.凛とした視線を一際強くする青子。
The ward was Alice's responsibility.結界の仕上げは有珠の役割だ。
If it was to blame for last night's trouble, Alice had to own up to her fair share.昨夜のトラブルの原因が結界にあるのなら、責任の所在は明らかにしなくてはならない。

Alice and Aoko may have been roommates and partners, but it was a relationship of convenience.同居人であり相棒である青子と有珠だが、それはあくまで利害が一致しているからである。
While lineage had brought them together, they were more like enemies than allies.ふたりの関係は、それが家柄によるものだとしても、味方というより敵に近い。
Ultimately, they were just not a match.最終的な話、蒼崎青子と久遠寺有珠は相容あいいれない。

Where there was a blunder, it was punished.失点があれば叩く。
Where there was an opening, it would be attacked.隙があれば攻撃する。
If there was even an opportunity...―――機会さえ。
The two of them would kill each other in the event of such a moment.互いが信条的に納得のいく機会が訪れるのなら、当然のように殺し合う関係だ。

Alice locked eyes with Aoko.そんな青子の視線を、有珠は正面から受けとめる。
Aoko's fierce gaze could make a grown man cower in fear, but Alice did not bat an eyelash.大の男でもたじろぐ視線を前にして、有珠の表情かおは微塵も変わらない。

"...Assuming the Bounded Field was the problem, wouldn't this have happened countless times before?"「……仮の話だけど。あの結界に落ち度があったのなら、今まで何度もこういう状況になっていたでしょうね」
"I suppose you're right," Aoko agreed, as the question reaffirmed her trust in Alice.でしょうね、と青子は頷いた。立場上問いつめただけで、青子は有珠を信頼している。

"So you're saying there was nothing wrong with it?"「結界の在り方は完璧だったのね?」
"I honestly can't say for sure."「絶対とまでは、断言はできないけど」
Alice answered as flatly as ever.やはり抑揚のない声で答える有珠。

A Bounded Field is like a sanctuary sealed away from the real world.結界とは、一つの閉じられた世界を意味する。
Steps are taken whereby a certain area is cut off from the outside world.閉じたい場所を、どのような手段であれ外界から遮断しゃだんした状況を結界と呼ぶ。
There are various kinds of Bounded Fields.結界には様々な種類があり、
There are physical ones that close off an area behind a wall,実際にその区間を壁で隔離する物理的なものもあれば、
and less tangible ones that use mirrors, mist, or trees to conceal that which occurs within.区間内の様子を鏡や霧、森の囲み等で隠してしまう視覚的なものもある。

However, when closing off an area to the outside world, you cannot avoid communicating the abnormality's existence.ただし、それらの結界は『内部』を閉じるために『外部』に異常性を報せてしまっている。
In other words, the area may be closed off to the outside world, but it is impossible to hide the fact that it is closed off.立ち入り禁止にはできても、その区間が立ち入り禁止となっている事実を隠蔽できない。
In time, someone will take interest in a sealed-off area even if they cannot see what is going on inside.いずれ、中の様子が見えずとも“立ち入り禁止”区域そのものに興味を持つ者がでてくるだろう。

Some might say this is putting the cart before the horse.それでは本末転倒だ。
The ideal field would be one that was both undetectable and impervious to interference from the outside.真に優れた結界とは、外界に何ら異変を感じさせず、同時に、外から干渉されないへだたりでなくてはならない。
That was exactly the kind Alice had generated in the park the night before.昨夜、久遠寺有珠が公園に敷いた結界はそのたぐいの、“理想的な”結界だった。

"...Even if someone has a reason to be in a place, they shouldn't enter if you've made them forget their reason for being there.「……その場所に用があっても、今は無いように思わせれば誰もそこには立ち入らない。
It takes an immense amount of time and energy to create a field that produces a temporary illusion around a location you wish to conceal, but they prove extremely effective for at least an hour or so, right?隠したい場所の周りに、一時的な意識の改竄かいざんうながす結界を張る……手間はかかるんだけど、一時間程度の人避ひとよけには信頼性は高い結界よね。
And, to top it all, it was top-class, made from your mirrors, and it's not like they shattered while we were using it. The only other presence I felt inside was that of that puppet.有珠の鏡を使った一級品だし、途中で破れる事もない。事実、入ってきたのはあの人形だけだとはっきり感じられた。
If that isn't a perfectly constructed Bounded Field, then what is?"これで完璧じゃなかったら何が完璧なのよ?」

"...I have no idea. The trees were prepared perfectly.「……わたしも分からない。森作りに落ち度はなかったわ。
I cultivated the trees and plants over several days, and it's always proved to be a reliable field. But maybe, just maybe, there was something I didn't account for."森は数日かけて栽培したものだし、今まで通り信頼できる結界よ。けど例外があったのなら、どこかで見落としがあったのね」
Though Alice's words conceded the possibility, her eyes expressed her confidence that she had overlooked nothing.そう言う有珠の瞳は、その見落とし自体なかった事を示している。

"...Well, crap. In that case, we'd better hope that the witness was the puppeteer, which would make sense. A mage would probably be able to penetrate it.「……まいった。こうなると、一番いいのは目撃者あいつが人形使いだってパターンね。それならかろうじて納得できる。相手が魔術師なら、結界の侵入ぐらいできるでしょうし。
Something else bothers me, though. How did he avoid detection?"問題は……侵入した時の違和感を、どうやって消したかって事だけど」

The thought of being targeted by this individual was pretty terrifying.そんな使い手が自分たちを狙っている、というのもぞっとしない話だ。
If they were able to penetrate Alice's field, it could only mean that their skill in magecraft was superior to Alice's.有珠の結界を魔術で騙し通せるという事は、相手は久遠寺有珠を上回る魔術の腕を持つという事。
...Alice, in her current state, would be completely helpless against such a foe.―――とてもではないが、今の蒼崎青子にどうにかできる相手ではない。

"...I've already determined that it was not a mage.「……その線はないわ。
This was most certainly an outsider. The starlings are one thing, but not even Robin was able to follow him. There were no traces of magical energy, so that rules out a magical pawn."彼は部外者よ。椋鳥むくどりはともかく、ロビンが後を辿たどれなかったもの。魔力の気配はまったくなし。誰かの魔術で操られている犠牲者、というのもないわね」

Aoko was quickly running out of straws to grasp at.はかない希望は打ち砕かれた。
And that meant she was out of questions to ask.なら、これで青子の質問は終わりだ。
All she could do was call it bad luck and leave it at that.ここはもう、たんに運が無かったと諦めて昨夜の事を認めるしかない。

(First you get found out that you're a mage, then you let the witness get away. Why couldn't I just have normal high schooler problems...)『……魔術師の秘密を見られて、おまけに目撃者を逃がした、か……。普通の高校生の悩みじゃないなぁ……』
The sofa groaned as she leaned back.ばふ、とソファーに大きく背中を預ける。
Her gaze went up to the brown ceiling with a sigh.悲しいかな、見上げた空はブラウンの天井だ。
It wasn't much of a view. She was becoming increasingly depressed.風情も何もあったものじゃない、とますます青子はブルーになる。

"Aoko. Make up your mind."「青子。覚悟を決めておいて」
Her roommate's voice seemed indifferent.超然とした同居人の声。
But Aoko just kept staring up at the wooden ceiling.天井を見上げる青子の瞳に変化はない。ただ、ぼんやりと木造の景色を眺めている。

"...If you're not up to the task, I can take care of it myself."「……それとも。貴女にできないのなら、わたしが行ってあげてもいいけど」
The cool-mannered girl's statement carried an equally icy implication.冷酷な彼女の言葉は、真実、冷酷な意味を持っていた。
Aoko took the words in slowly with as much sincerity as she could muster.それをゆっくり、自分に許される精一杯の誠実さで青子は飲みこんだ。
It was like trying to swallow molten lead.決して消化できない、熱したなまりを口にするように。

(She's right. And I've already made up my mind.)『……そうだ。覚悟なんて、もう決めたでしょう』
The thought sounded hollow even as it popped into her head.自分に言い聞かせるが、それも誤魔化しだ。
This was clearly different from last time.明らかに前回と今回は違う。
While the aim was indeed the same, the circumstances surrounding her target were clearly different.やる事は同じだとしても、その対象の立場が違う。

She may have been determined before, but that was as a mage.前回の覚悟は、いわば魔術師としての覚悟だった。
If enemies emerged, she would kill them.敵が来るから倒す。
If she was challenged, she would step up to the fight.戦いを挑まれたのならこれに応える。
It was a fight between two mages, and her opponent was in the wrong. Even if this could only end in death for one of them, it was an outcome both parties could accept.こちらもむこうも同じ魔術師で、形式上はあちら側にある。たとえその決着が殺人以外の何物でもないとしても、お互い合意の行動だ。
Kill or be killed.殺し、殺される天秤てんびんの上での行為。
Morality had no weight on this scale.彼らも彼女も、善悪のはかりをそもそも用意していない。

But this time was different.けれど今回は違う。
Her opponent was neither enemy nor mage. Even if she was prepared to kill them, this person was likely not ready to die.相手は敵でもないし、魔術師でもない。こっちはそのつもりでも、相手にその気はないだろう。
...That's why morality did factor into it, now.……だから、これはきっと善悪の話になる。
Was she truly up to the task of murdering an innocent person?無関係な殺戮を、果たして自分は負えるのか。
Could she swallow the fact that this was a common occurrence for a mage?魔術師なら当然の、よくあるだと飲みこむのか。

She snorted sardonically.まさか、と鼻で笑う。
Being a mage did not mean that Aoko was some kind of monk who could cut ties with the real world on a whim.『魔術師だから』なんて理由で現実社会との折り合いを無くす超越性なぞ、はなから青子は持っていない。
If there was one thing Aoko hated...心に確信のないまま、
It was doing things without conviction or an understanding of exactly why she was doing them.分からないまま行動する事を、青子は嫌っている。
When she acted, she preferred to act decisively.彼女が走る時は、いつも自分に決断を下した後だ。

"I guess I don't have any other choice."「うん。ま、やるしかないだろうね」
As she said it, she got up from the sofa, having had her fill of the ceiling for one day.さばさばした一言とともに、青子はソファーから背を離した。いいかげん天井は見飽きたらしい。
Aoko had returned to the Aoko of always, and Alice was done probing her.青子はいつも通りの青子で、有珠もあえて言及はしない。

"Take this."「じゃあ、これ」
As if to reward her, Alice produced a small bottle.ご褒美、とばかりに有珠は小瓶こびんを取り出した。

It fit neatly in the palm of her hand.手のひらに収まるほどの大きさ。
The bottle looked completely out of place in her slender fingers.少女の細い指先とは不釣り合いな、寸胴の、見栄えしない瓶である。
The glass was cloudy and it appeared empty.瓶は曇っていて、中身はカラ。
Some shreds of paper remained on the front where there was once a label.表面にはラベルのシールを強引に剥がした跡が見られた。

"What's that?"「なによ、それ」
Aoko stared at the bottle suspiciously.不吉なものを感じて、胡散うさん臭そうに小瓶を睨む。

"It's a storage bottle. I had one to spare, so I'm giving it to you."「収納の小瓶。ちょうどひとつ余ってたから、あげるわ」
"I forgot what it's called, it's a thing out of a Chinese novel."「名前は忘れたけど、中国の小説に出てきたのと同じよ」
Aoko was miraculously able to parse what Alice meant.素っ気ない言葉に、青子は驚異の理解力を示した。

"Are you saying that this is the red drinking gourd from the story about the two brothers who guarded the Lotus Cave?「それって蓮華洞れんげどう番人きょうだいの話? じゃ、あの赤い瓢箪ひょうたんと同じなわけ?

Don't take this the wrong way, but it looks like your everyday medicine bottle with the label ripped off."言いたくないけど、そこらへんの風邪薬のラベルを無理やり剥がして、小瓶に見せかけてるそれが?」
Alice looked at the bottle and acknowledged how ordinary it looked.言われて、たしかにセンスも何もない、と小瓶をまじまじと見る有珠。
She also understood that she would not be the one using it as she set it on the table.が、別に自分が使うわけでもないと悟ったのか、あっさりと小瓶をテーブルに置いた。

"Except this is a jade flask, not a red drinking gourd."「赤い瓢箪じゃなくて、羊脂玉ようしぎょく浄瓶じょうびんの方」
"That's not the problem. The problem is maintaining my dignity as a mage."「そういう問題じゃない。私は魔術師としての雰囲気を論じてるんだっ」
"Don't get stuck on the details. Just be happy it's not a bottle of laxatives."「些細な事を気にするのね。正露丸せいろがんの瓶じゃないだけいいと思うけど」
She made a good point.あまりにも説得力のある返答だった。

"Just open the lid and ask for the person's name.「ふたを開けて、相手の名前をたずねればいいから。
But be careful, because if the target is resistant, the bottle will shatter."ただし相手に抵抗する意志が残っている場合、小瓶は割れるから気をつけて」
Aoko raised her eyebrows.淡々と語る有珠と、眉をひそめる青子。
"Hang on. If he's resistant, I can only use it when he's asleep, right?"「ちょっと待った。抵抗する意志があるとダメって、眠っている時にやれってコト?」

"...I've never tried it, to be honest.「……それは試したコトがなかったわ。
But is there anyone who responds to things in their sleep?"眠っているのに返事をする人っているの?」
"...You'd be surprised.「……たまにいるけど。
But, true. People like that are rare."まあ、確かに珍しいわね、そういう人」
In that case, one would have to weaken them until they were about to pass out.となると、あとは相手が思いっきり衰弱していて、前後不覚になっている、といった状況ぐらいか。

"Oh, I almost forgot. Drugs or magecraft will also cause the bottle to break."「あ、そうそう。薬や魔術がかかっていると、その余分おもさでも割れるから気をつけて」
"Then what good is it?!「つっかえない!
What won't break the damn thing?"それってほとんど役たたずって事じゃない!」
"A tool is only as good as the person using it."「それは青子しだいね」
Alice turned away as she replied.言って、有珠は視線を外す。
As if the topic no longer mattered to her.もうこの話題はどうでもいい、と言うように。

"...Ugh. I know you're fond of using dainty tools like this. Is it a hobby of yours or something?"「……はあ。有珠がこういう小道具好きなのは知ってたけどね……これも趣味なワケ?」
Aoko asked, hoping Alice would deny it.あんまりこういう趣味は持ってほしくないな、と思いつつ青子は問う。
So? Are you going to take it or leave it?"それで、どうするの? 持っていくのか、いかないのか」

Without answering, Aoko dithered a bit before taking the bottle and putting it in her pocket.その質問には答えず、しばし迷ってから青子は小瓶を手に取ると、ポケットにしまいこんだ。
She figured she might be able to find some use for it.まあ、何かの役には立つかもしれない。

So What If It's Uncharacteristic?

Two hours had passed and the clock struck nine.それから二時間ほど経った午後九時。
Their conversation had moved from the drawing room to the sunroom, and had manifested into the kind of scene one would not expect in such a mansion.ふたりは話し合いの場を居間からサンルームに移し、この洋館に不釣り合いな光景をくり広げていた。

"To be honest, I didn't really want to leave it to Tobimaru like this."「まあホントはね、鳶丸に任せる気はなかったんだけど」
A hot earthenware pot sat on the table.テーブルの上にでん、と土鍋が置かれている。
Aoko spat out complaints to no one in particular as she plucked food from it with her chopsticks.くつくつと温かな湯気をたてる土鍋をはしでつつきながら、青子は誰に語るでもなくぼやいている。

Tonight they were eating a traditional Japanese meal that looked out of place in this mansion.今晩の夕食は、洋館にあるまじき和食だった。
When it came to the kind of Japanese hotpot where all one had to do was buy and boil ingredients, it was usually Aoko's responsibility.こういう日本的、かつ材料を買ってくるだけで済む鍋物はおもに青子の担当である。
Alice sat across from Aoko as she silently poked at the pot with a fork.有珠は青子の対面で、やはり無言で鍋にフォークを入れていた。

"Yamasiro made it a point to say that Sizuki hadn't joined a club. It's not like I have the time or energy to keep track of every single student."山城ヤマシロの奴が来るなり『静希くんはまだ部活に入っていないから、面倒みてあげてくれないかな』なんて言ってくるもんだからさ。全校生徒の行動範囲なんて見直す気力無くなっちゃったのよ」
The egg she had plucked was still as silky as a baby's bottom, so she returned it to the pot.取った玉子はまだ乙女のように純白だったので鍋に返す。
She settled for the shirataki noodles instead.仕方なく火の通りの早いしらたきに手を出した。

"I already know that the idiot is constantly busy with his jobs.「そりゃあ、あのバカがバイトで忙しいのは知ってるわよ。
That's why I tried my best to set him up with a club activity captain that'd be accommodating.だから出来るだけ春先までのんびりしてて、あんなのでも親身になってくれそうな部の部長にあたってみたのに。

But the nerve of the guy, not even a thanks.ありがとうのひとつも無いってのは、ちょっと癪にさわるわよね。

|Are you even listening, Alice?"|ね、聞いてる有珠?」|

As if her mouth was full, she simply nodded in response.具を口に含んでいたのか、声を上げずに有珠は首を縦に振った。
Her expression stated that she had no interest nor opinion on the matter, but she at least appeared to be listening.興味も意見もまったくないという表情かおだが、話だけは聞いているようだ。
Satisfied, Aoko nibbled on some hanpen fish cake.それに満足して青子ははんぺんをかじった。

"I just can't trust anyone who says he's a great guy. Surprise, even Tobimaru was gushing about him.「それに私、いい人ー、なんて言われるヤツは信用できないのよ。あろう事か鳶丸までそんなこと口走る始末だし。
The only thing he's great at is being an airhead.あれはいい人なんじゃなくて、ただぼんやりしてるだけなんだっての。
...I mean, there's really something wrong with his brain if he didn't get angry after what I said."……大体、あそこまで言われて怒りもしないなんてどうかしてるわ」

Her thoughts went to what had happened in the student council room earlier that day.今日の生徒会室での一件を思い出す。
She remembered how non-responsive Soujyuro had been to her words.草十郎は青子の一方的な言葉に、さして反論もせずそのまま去っていった。
His unconcerned face alone was enough for her to swallow the rest of her hanpen without chewing it.あの取り澄ました顔を思い出すだけで残ったはんぺんを噛まずに飲みこんでしまう青子なのだった。

"I thought you would understand," he says. Hah!『……ふん。なにが分かってるんだな、よ』
His words were a lot like those that ended her childhood.草十郎の一言と、幼年期の終わりに贈られた言葉が重なる。

"You know it, don't you, Aoko?“―――青子ちゃんは分かっているんだね。
Through it all, you never lose sight of who you are. You're so strong..."それでも自分であり続けられるという事は、とても強い事なんだよ―――”
Perhaps it was meant as a compliment.たぶん、あの言葉は誉めてくれていたのだ。
But she took it as a patronizing way to pity her.でも自分にとって残酷な評価だった。
Because the person who said it had acted like she was looking at a wounded animal.だって、それを告げるあの人の顔は、痛ましいものを見るような顔をしていたのだ。

(Whatever. Who cares what that weirdo thinks or says?)『―――ま。あんな変態の言ってたコトなんて、いまさらどうでもいいけどさ』
That episode might have made her the most confused she had ever been in her life. Yet, what shocked young Aoko the most was to look of pity on the face of the person she admired the most.それでも、生涯最大の気の迷いであったワケだけど、憧れていた人物にあんな顔をされたのは幼心にショックだった。

"...You fought."「……ケンカ」
The abrupt comment stopped her in her tracks.箸を浮かせたまま物思いにふけっていた青子に、有珠は唐突にそう言い放った。
"Sorry, what'd you say? Something about a fight?"「ごめん、聞いてなかった。ケンカって、あの喧嘩?」
Alice nodded.こくり、と可憐な首が頷く。

"I can't say I completely understand from what you've said.「貴女の感想だけじゃ状況はよく掴めないけど。
But it does come across as if you were trying to pick a fight with him."つまり、青子はその人に喧嘩を売りたかったのね」
Alice bit into the very last hanpen.はむ、と最後のはんぺんに口をつける有珠。
Her remark was unexpected but completely on point.それはあんまりに予想外で、いやに的を射た意見のような。

"...Wh-Why did you go there?!「な……なんでそうなるのよ!?

I'd rather die than spend another second with him!私はあんなのと一秒だって関わりたくないだけだってば!

I mean, seriously! Gross! I have no interest in him whatsoever!だいたいそれどころじゃないし! 興味とかまったくないし!

I'd love it if I never had to say anything about him ever again!"会話もこれ以上ないってぐらい簡潔に切り上げたし!」
"So why all the talk about him?"「なら、どうして今そんな話をするの?」
"Wh-What...I, err...「え……それは……その、
I was just reporting on today's investigation. Something wrong with that?"アンタに今日の調査過程を報せてあげたのよ。それ以外何があるって言うの?」

What other reason could Alice be suggesting Aoko had for bringing it up?本当に、それ以外に何があるって言うんだろう?
It would be several hours later, in bed, that Aoko realized that she had dug her own grave.自ら墓穴を掘って中に入り、追い打ちとばかりに土を被っている事に青子が気付くのは数時間後、おやすみなさいとベッドに入ってからである。

"No, not really.「いいけど、わたしは別に。
But... does he really bother you that much?"ただ……青子は、本当にその人が嫌いなの?」
Alice ate her hotpot in silence as if she was honoring some sort of sacred ritual.何か神聖な作業をするように、黙々とおでんを食べながら有珠は質問する。

Her face was as indifferent as always, but she was secretly enjoying how flustered Aoko was.表情こそいつも通り無関心だが、内面では青子の態度を面白がっている節がある。
Aoko was none the wiser to this.そんな有珠の思惑にも青子は気付けなかった。
Normally, she would have noticed immediately, but she was not quite herself at this moment.いつもなら簡単に気が付くのだが、ちょっとした心の混乱がその余裕を奪っている。

"Does he really- Well, of course he does. I think I've said that often enough."「本当にって……そりゃそうよ。気にくわないって何度も言ってるじゃない」
"Okay. What specifically about him do you dislike?"「そ。具体的には?」
"Huh? I don't need a specific reason to..."「はあ? 具体的にはって、そんなのに理由なんて……」
She trailed off as she finally realized how disagreeable she was being.そこまで口にして、ようやく青子はその矛盾に気が付いた。

(...Hrm. ...Mm?)『……む……ぬ?』
She could come up with no reason why.そう、理由なんてこれっぽっちもない。
Her instincts had told her that she was incompatible with that hick.一目見た時からあの田舎者とは相容れないな、と本能が告げただけだ。
But why such a strong reaction?でも、それは一体どうしてだろう?
More than anything in the world, Aoko hated emotions without reason and decisions made with no rationale.そもそも理由のない感情、根拠のない決めつけなんてものは、彼女が一番嫌うところだ。

"Ugh... I just don't like him. I'm... sure there's a good reason for it. I think."「う……き、嫌いな物は嫌いなんだから……ちゃんと、どっかに理由があるんだ、と思うけど……」
She became more flustered the more she talked.口にすればするほど歯切れが悪くなる。
Unfortunately for her, she could not come up with a coherent reason to hate Soujyuro Sizuki.……困ったことに、青子には静希草十郎を嫌がる理由が見当たらなかった。

It was not his fault that he had zero common sense. It was the fault of the environment he grew up in.常識がないのは彼の今までの環境が悪いのであって、草十郎自身に非はない。
In fact, it was admirable that he was trying so hard to adapt to civilized society.いや、逆になんとか文明社会に順応しようとする姿勢には好感が持てる筈だ。

As clueless as he might seem, he was not a complete waste of space.ぼんやりした所も、行動が緩慢かんまんという訳ではない。
If he seemed a bit slow, it was only because his gentle nature compelled him to think before acting.彼の仕草や言動がワンテンポ遅く見えるのは、彼が自分の言動に注意を払っているからであり、結果、緩やかに見えるだけなのだ。
When one looked at everything objectively, the conclusion was obvious.そうやって静希草十郎という人物をあくまで公平に環境と人格に分けて評価すれば、結果は分かりきっている。
As much as she was loathe to admit it, he really was the good guy everyone had him pegged as.認めたくないが、みんなの言う通り、嫌味のない『いい人』像がそこにある。

(I can't believe what I'm thinking. Is there really nothing wrong with him?)『ちょっと本気かっての……人間的に悪いところ、ホントに微塵もないのかアレ………?』
There was plenty, so she left it at that for now.ダメな部分は山ほどあるのでとりあえずそこは保留。
The chopsticks she had been using came to a stop.今まで忙しなく動いていたおでんをつつく箸は、ここで完全に停止した。
She was getting very annoyed.なんか、ますますムカつく。

An irrational hatred burned through her head.理由のない反感に青子はぐるぐる頭を回す。
Unable to come to terms with her feelings, she desperately tried to analyze Soujyuro, but her mind only went in more circles.それはまずい、自分的にそんなのは許容できない、と必死に静希草十郎を分析するのだが、ますます自分を追いつめるだけだった。

Alice fixed Aoko with a deadpan stare.そんな袋小路におちいった青子を、有珠はまじまじと眺める。
"...I'm shocked."「……あきれた」
A small sigh.小さな嘆息。
"This isn't like you."「らしくないわね、青子」
Those words were the final blow.その一言は、青子にとってまさにとどめだった。
Aoko felt the floor fall out from under her.自分の理解不能ぶりに目眩がする。
She was unable to leave her chair until long after Alice had finished eating and left.ご馳走さまと有珠が居間に立ち去った後、しばらく椅子から立てなかった程に。

Secret Resolve

Even after getting knocked down, Aoko Aozaki was not one to be kept that way.とどめを刺されたからといって、いつまでも伏せっている蒼崎青子ではなかった。
She made short work of clearing up after dinner and, after conceding the first bath of the night to Alice, left the drawing room.早々に夕食の片付けを済ませ、はじめのお風呂を有珠に譲って居間を後にする。
Since it was customary in these sorts of mansions to turn the lights off when leaving an empty room, the only lit areas of the house were the drawing room and the two girls' bedrooms.洋館では人のいない場所に電灯はつけない決まりなので、明かりがついているのは居間と彼女たちの部屋ぐらいだ。

The upstairs was enveloped in darkness.二階は暗闇に包まれている。
Aoko briskly made her way to the deepest part of the east wing along the long corridor, illuminated only by the light of the moon, and arrived at her room.長い、月明かりだけが頼りの廊下をスタスタと移動して、青子は二階東側の最奥にある自室に辿り着いた。

"...All being said...「―――結論として。
Sneak attacks make me sick to my stomach."やっぱり、だまちは気にくわない」
She had been considering this on the way down the corridor, or perhaps ever since she left the drawing room.廊下を歩きながら、いや、居間からずっと考えていたのか。
The moment she entered her room, she drew her proverbial line in the sand.部屋に入るなり、青子はきっぱりと断言した。

"If I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it face to face. I'll give it to him straight."「やるにしても隠れるのはなし。正面から堂々と、向かいあって理由を言う」
This was not a concession driven by feelings of sympathy or compassion.情けにかられての精一杯の譲歩、ではない。
For her, this was simply the way things ought to be.単に、彼女にとってそういうあり方が当然スタンダードというだけだ。

"Okay, with that out of the way..."「よし、そうと決まれば―――」
After settling her resolve, she headed to the study next door.自分の意志を確認して、隣室の書斎に向かう。

"Let's see, Thursday shelf, winter solstice, green spine..."「えーと、木曜棚の冬至覧、緑の背表紙、と……」
Without hesitating she removed one book from the countless volumes on the shelf.無数の本の中から迷わず一冊を抜き取る。
The introductory textbooks transported here from the Aozaki residence were separated into six shelves, labeled Monday to Saturday.蒼崎の家から運びこんだ入門書は、月曜から土曜と六つのカテゴリに振り分けられていた。

Aoko had organized the books by topic, genre, and purpose, and had more or less memorized exactly what was in her personal library.青子は蔵書を項目、分類、用途に分けておおまかに記憶している。
Referencing any of this material took her no time at all.必要な知識、資料の検索には時間はとらない。
As was befitting the role of the keeper of this study.書斎の主として最低限の務めである。

...Though, this keeper's fiefdom was nothing more than a small room.……などと偉ぶっても、所詮はちっぽけな書斎の管理のみ。
Both Aoko and Alice had given up all hope on the cluttered mess of a library in the annex.別館にある図書室は青子も有珠もお手上げの魔窟だ。
Nevertheless, on occasion, Aoko would have no option other than to give Alice a heads-up and visit it when this study did not meet her needs.もしこの書斎だけで用が足りないのなら、有珠に声をかけて別館におもむくしかない。

"...I really hope I don't have to go over there now."「……できればそれは避けたいところだけど、っと」
Aoko placed the thick, green book down and took a seat.緑色の、分厚い装丁の本を机に置いて、椅子に座る。
The desk she sat at was sturdy but uninviting.頑丈で硬質で温かみのない机。
It wasn't the sort of furniture girls her age grew attached to, but she liked its minimalist elegance nonetheless.まだ年若い少女が愛用する物ではないが、青子はこの洗練されすぎて骨しかないような豪華さが好きだった。
She flipped lightly through the book's old, worn pages.古びた本のページが、その机の上ではらりとめくられる。

(I still can't manage anything like Alice's Bounded Field.『……有珠みたいな結界は私にはまだ無理だ。
I guess I'll just have to find a place off the beaten track.)人払いはその場所自体に頼らないといけないか……』
The mountains?たとえば山奥。
The woods?たとえば林中。
The school building, empty at night?たとえば、生徒のいない深夜の校舎。
She was looking for a place that would be, except for the worst of luck, void of people, allowing her to forgo the use of magecraft.場所自体に魔術をかけなくても、よっぽど運が悪くないかぎり誰もやってこない場所が望ましい。

(Walls of thorns and magical mists are so indirect. If I want to cut off any route of escape, I need someplace... flashy and obvious, both in purpose and in looks.)『茨の壁だの魔力の霧だの、そういう回りくどいのもナンだしなあ……退路を断つ、っていうなら、もっとこう、見た目にも状況的にも派手な方が効果的だし』
Muttering about how there had to be some basic spell that fit her needs, she continued to flip through the pages.ぶつぶつと自分好みの、初歩的な術式はないものかとページをめくる青子。
It goes without saying that she was looking for a way to deal with the witness from the previous night.言うまでもなく、彼女が探しているのは昨夜の目撃者を始末する方法だ。

Magecraft's uses were many, but not all-encompassing.魔術は万能ではあるが有限である。
Fundamentally, magecraft was good for making things or phenomena that existed already, while more or less bypassing the time and resources conventional means would require.基本的に、地上ここにある物、現実ここで起きる事を、実現時間や必要経費を多少無視して発現させるだけのものだ。
It was, however, unable to manifest phenomena that were impossible in this world.この宇宙せかいで起きえない現象は、魔術では発現できない。
It was essentially an equivalent exchange that used a variety of shortcuts.要はショートカットを使いまくった等価交換だ。

A phenomenon made possible by human hands, actualized by an individual's power-人の手で可能となる現象を、個人の力で実行する―――
That was generally what magecraft was.それが一般的な魔術のあり方である。
To give a simple example, if Aoko were so inclined, she could make an entire lake appear at the mansion.単純な話、その気になれば巨大な湖をこの洋館に持ってくる事もできる。
However, it had to be something that existed within this world. Nothing, not even the smallest matter, could escape this unbreakable law.けれど、を持ってくるコトは、たとえ小指の先ほどであろうと許されない。

Even if Aoko were to release a level of heat on par with an F-15 fighter jet's afterburner, that event would only be possible if the circuit named Aoko Aozaki acted as a temporary input variable in a magical formula.例えば、青子単体で戦闘機F-15のアフターバーナー並みの熱量を放出できたとしても、それは魔術式によって蒼崎青子という回路が一時的に入力の変数になっただけだ。
The derived equivalence was simply a value that already occurred in reality.導き出されるイコールそのものは、現実に起こりえる数値となる。
If the variable in the equation did not exist elsewhere in reality, the spell would not be valid.だが、そのイコールそのものが現実にないモノである場合、術式は成り立たない。

The imaginary element known as magical energy was like a lie that could only slip its fantasy through the network of order at the moment of ignition.魔力という架空要素は、発火の瞬間だけ秩序の網をくぐり抜ける嘘のようなもの。
Giving form to the nonexistent-illusions invading reality-was something the universe did not allow.この世にないものをカタチにする事―――幻想が現実を侵す事を、この宇宙は容認しない。

(Still, what was it? You can combine the imaginary elements-Ether-with pretty much anything else since it's not real itself...?『……とは言ってもは基本なんにでも付属きるんで、大本おおもとがウソ、なんだっけ。
Anything composed entirely of magical energy is little more than an illusion and will quickly dissipate. Even a typical field, like a wall of thorns, generally starts with the user planting the thorns first before using magical energy to grow and strengthen them in an instant.魔力だけで構成されたものは幻想扱いされて急速に消えていくとか……典型的な結界、茨の壁とかはもともと茨を生やしておいて、魔力で一気に成長・強化してるものだし。
In the end, magical energy is just an easy-to-use fuel source, while acting as a firework that ignites a phenomenon.)魔力っていうのは結局、使い勝手のいいガソリン、兼、事象に火をつける火花ってワケで―――』

"...Or so they say.「―――なんて言いつつ。
Imaginary elements are all well and good, but all I can do is connect a basic circuit, and process magical energy into a projectile."架空要素云々うんぬんより、基本的な回路の接続と、魔力を加工して弾く事ぐらいしかできないのよね、私」

Laughing to herself, she looked for a Bounded Field or something similar more suited to her current ability.あはは、と笑っての自分に作れる結界は何か、と検索する。
The identity of the witness was still unknown, but if they were a classmate of Aoko's, she had any number of pretexts by which to lure them out.目撃者の素性は不明だが、相手が同じ高校の生徒なら呼び出す口実はいくらでもある。
The problem was after that.問題は呼び出した後だろう。

(Then it becomes a question of precision. If I don't take care of him in one blow, he might slip away.)『そうなると、問題は命中率よね……。一撃で決めないと逃げられちゃうだろうし』
To be honest, she wasn't confident she could handle this smoothly without Alice's support.正直、有珠のサポートなしで上手くやれる自信はない。
But Aoko saw no reason to ask for help given that the target in question was a regular bystander.けれど相手が一般人なら自分だけで十分、と青子は助力を一切拒否したのだ。
Fledgling as she was, she still had her pride as a mage.半人前ではあるが、青子にも魔術師としてのプライドがある。

She continued to turn through the pages rhythmically.ページはリズムよくめくられていく。
In the midst of the fluttering sound of thumbing through the volume, Aoko suddenly stopped her finger at a certain page.パラパラと小さな音をたてる中、青子の指がぴたりとあるページで止まった。

"Found it."「見付けた」
She smiled to herself.小さな微笑。
It was a simple formula that she had tucked away somewhere in the recesses of her memory. A spell of simple destruction.それは記憶の片隅にあった、ただ壊すだけの単純な魔術式。

(...A cage. I need to make a cage.『……檻をね、作ればいいのよ。
It's the oldest trick in the book, any hunter worth their salt would use.)狩りをする時の常套手段じゃない。獲物を逃げられないようにするのは』
She placed a bookmark in the book, closed it, and got up to return to her room.ページに栞を挟んで、部屋に持ち帰ろうと立ち上がる。

Suddenly she felt someone watching her.ふいに視線を感じた。
Through the window, she saw her in the night―a girl, staring back with a coldhearted expression.夜をとおす窓に、冷めきった目の少女が映っている。
The girl's face was hers, the expression undoubtedly her own.それが今の自分の表情かおである事を、青子は冷静に受けとめる。

...She began planning how to erase the witness.―――目撃者を消す計画を立て始めた。
Though to say it was something as elaborate as a plan was overkill.いや、計画なんて複雑なものではない。
This was just a job.これはただの作業。
She was going to make a cage and then lure her prey into it.事前に檻を作っておき、そこに獲物を誘うだけの話。
There was no getting around it-premeditated violence.まったくもって、何の言い逃れもできない暴力だ。

"I wonder if Alice is done with her bath."「さ、そろそろ有珠は上がったかな」
Spoken in the hope a bath would return some warmth to her chilled heart.青子は冷めた心に熱を戻すように、どうでもいい独り言を口にした。

About twenty minutes had passed since she gave Alice the privilege of the first of the hot water.有珠にはじめの入浴を譲ってから二十分近く経つ。
Alice tended to bathe quickly, finishing well under ten minutes.彼女のお風呂はカラスの行水よろしく、十分もあれば終わっている。
Her roommate was the type that could not understand the spirit of the bath, treating it as nothing more than a necessity for looking after one's body.有珠はお風呂の情緒を理解できないタイプで、風呂はあくまで体のメンテナンスをするものと捉えている。
For Alice, the concept of staying at a hot spring inn sounded more like a chore than anything, though in this regard Aoko had to agree.温泉宿のすばらしさも有珠にとっては“なんか面倒なところ”にすぎず、そのあたりには本気で同情する青子だった。

"I guess it's my time to... Huh? Is that the drawing room light on?"「よし、浴場はカラ、と……あれ? 居間に電気ついてる?」
It was unusual for Alice to sit in the drawing room after her bath.入浴を済ませた後、有珠が居間にいるのは珍しい。
On nights when she had nothing to discuss, it was her style to return directly to her bedroom.話し合いのない夜は、さっさと自室に戻るのが彼女のスタイルなのだが。

"Alice, are you in here?"「有珠、いるの?」
Alice nodded.こくり、と頷く有珠。
With no book in hand, it appeared that Alice had been waiting for Aoko.読書中でもなく、彼女は青子を待っていたようだ。

(So that's how it is. She really has no faith in me, does she?)『……そういうコト。私も信用ないな、ほんと』
Aoko scratched her head in exasperation.はあ、と頭を掻く青子。
Was it that Alice was worried about her, or had no faith in her?信用されていないのか、心配されているのか。
Her expression was so calm Aoko could hardly figure what she was thinking.久遠寺有珠の表情は静かすぎて、いまいち真意が読み取れない。

"I have a plan. Wanna hear it?"「方針なら決まったけど。聞く?」
"...I can tell what it is by the look on your face.「……その顔を見れば聞かなくても分かるわ。
It's good that you're no longer wavering, must do something about that tell of yours, Aoko."迷いがなくなったのはいい事だけど。……悪い癖ね、青子」
Alice let out a small sigh.小さなため息。
It was unusual for Alice to make such a display of her disappointment.この黒衣の少女がこれみよがしに落胆らくたんを表すのは珍しい。

"I don't like sneaky attacks, so I'm going to do it fairly, and only after I've told him why straight to his face.「ええ。騙し討ちは趣味じゃないから。殺すにしても正々堂々、正面から理由を言った後にする。
That way there will be absolutely no trouble later. Any complaints?"それならすっぱり後腐れもないし。文句ある?」
"Why would I have any? This is really only a matter of personal preference, after all.「文句はないわ。そういうの、好きか嫌いかはこのさい関係ないでしょうし。

"You're worried that I'll mess up, right? My accuracy hasn't exactly been stellar lately, so I was thinking about how to cover my bases with the location.「確実性はどうかってコトでしょ。私、いまいち命中率悪いし。そのへんの問題は場所選びでフォローしようかなと。
I can't throw up a field like you, so I was thinking of doing it somewhere where he physically can't escape. Any ideas?"私は有珠のようにはいかないから、物理的に逃げられない場所にしようと思うんだけど……なにかアイデアない?」

Alice nodded in thought.青子からの相談に、そうね、と一考する有珠。
The finger that gently rested on her lips indicated that the question was to her liking.そっと唇にあてた指が、彼女好みの質問だったコトを示している。

"What about mirrors? You could easily seal him in the house of mirrors for all eternity."「鏡はどう? 鏡の国なら永遠に閉じこめていられるけど」
"...Seriously? That's your idea?"「……アンタ、そういうところ常識ないわよね」
She frowned at Alice's bad taste.というか悪趣味、と青子は顔をしかめる。

It was the kind of idea her roommate found to be inspired, but Aoko knew was out of the question.同居人なりのクリティカルなアイデアだったのだろうが、とても参考にならない。

Aoko was looking for a natural Bounded Field she could prepare, not a realm bordering on True Magic that she couldn't create to begin with.青子は自分に用意できる結界を知りたいのであって、魔法スレスレの大結界など望んでいないし、用意もできないのだ。

"Then you'll choose otherwise, I suppose. But please, whatever you do, do not bring him here."「なら他をあたるのね。……でも、ここを使うのだけはやめてちょうだい」
"You don't need to tell me that.「言われなくても分かってるって。
But, actually... Yeah.あ―――けど、そうね。
A house of mirrors might actually work."ミラーハウスはいいアイデアかも」
Aoko smirked and shifted her balance away from the wall she was resting on.ニヤリと微笑って、青子は壁に寄りかかっていた体を起こした。

"Thanks, Alice. I just figured out the whole plan.「サンキュ、有珠。全体の流れはできあがったわ。
I guess it's always best to talk to someone when you're in a bind."ほんと、こういうのってダメもとでも相談してみるものよね」

Now in a good mood, Aoko retreated from the drawing room.ご機嫌な様子で立ち去る青子。
Alice tried and failed to visualize what kind of blueprint Aoko had drawn up in her mind, but whatever it was, it appeared to be the thorough kind Aoko was good at.どんな青写真ができたのか有珠には見当もつかないが、彼女なりに万全の策ができたらしい。

Aoko headed for the bathroom, humming to herself as she went.鼻歌まじりに浴場に向かう同居人。
A year and a half of sharing a living space had taught Alice something:ここ一年半の経験か。
When Aoko Aozaki was in this good of a mood, only deep trouble could follow.黒衣の少女は、蒼崎青子は有頂天になった時こそ信じられないトラブルに見舞われる事を知っていた。

"Hm? You want to know if I'm okay with letting Aoko handle this on her own?"「え? ……青子ひとりにまかせていいのか、ですって?」
It was unclear how long the bird had been in the drawing room.いつから居間にいたのか。
Chirping at Alice, the... robin-like bird pranced across the furniture as if it were its property.コマドリ……のような鳥が、チチチ、と鳴き声をあげながら調度品の上を闊歩かっぽする。

"...Yes, I suppose. She said that she wanted to do it alone, and I do want her to know she has my every faith. Still..."「……そうね。彼女がひとりでやると言ったのだから、任せるのが正しい信頼関係なんでしょうけど―――」
The girl in black raised her arm.黒衣の少女の腕があがる。

The bird, chirping once again, alighted on her outstretched, affectionate finger.口づけを許すように差し出された指先に、チチチ、と鳴き声が舞い降りる。
"Suffice to say...「……嫌な話だけど。
Trust and faith are two very different things."信頼と信用は、また違う話よね」
The bird puffed out its stout chest in agreement.こえなき鳥が、そのでっぷりとした胸を張って同意する。
And Aoko was none the wiser to her roommate's rather unsettling comments.わりかし物騒な同居人のささやきを、もちろん、青子は知るよしもないのだった。

Night Calls

The following day was a typically overcast one.翌日。空は相変わらずの曇り模様。

The day's classes ended as they had started: uneventfully.一日の授業は何事もなく終わった。
Winter break was just around the corner, and with it final exams.冬休み前の期末試験まであとわずか。
Although Misaki High prided itself on discipline, it was still a private school, and as such promoted a culture of independence among its students.今では厳しい規律に支配された三咲高ミサコーであるが、もともとは生徒の自主性を第一とするおおらかな私立高校である。

Industrious students had a place to explore that side of themselves under the guardianship of the student council president.真面目な生徒は生徒会長のの下とことん真面目に。
More easygoing students could spend their time after school as they wished, as long as they were mindful of personal responsibility.気楽な生徒は、まあ個人の責任のかぎり、とことん自由に放課後を過ごしているのだった。

The fact that the poster boy of independence was the student council vice-president indicated just how vast the spectrum was.そして、その自由な生徒の代表みたいな男が生徒会の副会長にいるあたり、この学校の懐の深さはちょっとおかしい。

"Yoohoo, Aozakiii!"「蒼崎、いるかー!」
Tobimaru Tsukiji threw open the door to the satellite student council room, the rumored location for their secret meetings.おもに密会用と噂される第二生徒会室の扉を、槻司つきじ鳶丸とびまるは陽気にブチ開けた。
Despite all appearances, he was the student council vice-president, who also happened to be the poor soul responsible for executing the student council's dirty work.これでも副会長さまであり、生徒会のかげの雑務係と哀れまれる人物である。

One person was waiting for him in the cramped room.狭苦しい室内には待ち人がひとり。
The student council president, Aoko Aozaki, sat imperiously in a folding chair, glaring at Tobimaru and his boisterous entrance.生徒会長・蒼崎青子は姿勢良くパイプ椅子に座って、大声を上げた鳶丸をじろりと睨んでいる。

"This room is freezing, as usual.「あいかわらず寒いなこの部屋。
We really need to buy a heater."なあ、今度ストーブ購入しようぜ」
So as not to succumb to Aoko's oppressive silence, Tobimaru opened with some casual small talk.青子の無言の圧迫に負けないように、鳶丸は何気なく会話を切り出した。

"Thank you for coming. Let's get down to business. Do you know why I've asked you here?"「お疲れさま。ところでアンタ、何しに来たのか分かってる?」
"I have an idea. What's up with the formality, Aozaki?「まあな。ただ、事務的に話すのって寒いじゃねえか。
Pretty harsh to talk shop right away all the time, you know?"少しぐらい世間話でもしねえとつまらねえだろ?」

Tobimaru closed the door and sat down across from Aoko.鳶丸は扉を閉めて、青子の前の椅子に座った。
He was holding a blue envelope.その手には青い封筒を抱えている。

"Yeah, and loose lips sink ships.「こういう時は無駄口はたたかない方がいいわよ。
Might remember that once you get out into the real world."なんとなくプロっぽいでしょ」
"All right, I'll remem―Wait a sec. Nice try."「なる―――いや、いやいやいや」
Tobimaru was halfway to agreeing with Aoko before he caught himself and began to shake his head.青子の刺々しい返答にそうかも、と同意しかけて、鳶丸はイヤイヤと首を振った。
As much as Tobimaru enjoyed the lack of red tape in his new line of work, he was not ready to turn full spy on his first day on the job.いくらフリーダムな鳶丸でも、そんな諜報員めいた日常は御免ごめんこうむる。

"So then. Are you done with your investigation?"「それで、調べ終わったの?」
"Yeah. I finished the last interview just now.「ああ。ついさっき最後の聴取を済ませてきた。
The details are in the envelope along with the file you gave me."詳しい事はその封筒に入ってる。おまえから渡された例のファイルも、そん中」
He tossed the envelope onto the table.ぱさり、と机に置かれる青封筒。

Aoko picked it up and began to scan through the documents that were inside.青子は封筒を手にし、中の書類に目を通す。
She entered her own little world, not sparing the slightest bit of attention for Tobimaru.そこからは完全に彼女ひとりの世界で、鳶丸に対して気を配ってさえいない。
If ignoring other people were a skill, she would be a master at it.歯にきぬ着せずに言えば、パーフェクトなまでの無視っぷりである。

"I just wanted to ask one thing."「ひとつ、聞きたいんだけどよ」
"Yeah, and?"「だから、なに?」

The room was filled with a chilling silence.冷えきった沈黙。
Aoko continued reading without an ounce of emotion upon her face.無感情に書類をチェックする青子と、
Though Tobimaru kept up an air of indifference, his stare remained fixed intently on her.そんな青子をどうでもよさげに、しかし正面から見据える鳶丸。

"Do you get a kick out of doing this kind of thing, Aozaki?"「蒼崎、そういうの作って楽しい?」
"Of course not. What's so fun about gathering intel I hardly even get to use?"「楽しいワケないでしょ。こんなの、作ったところであんまり使う機会なんてないんだから」
"Riiight. Just wanted to check."「そうか。ならいい」
Whether or not he was convinced, Tobimaru stood up from his chair with a disappointed expression.納得いったのか、憮然ぶぜん顔のまま鳶丸は席を立った。

"You'll figure this out just by reading it all, but I wasn't able to dig up anything conclusive.「最後まで読めば分かるだろうが、あんまり確証は取れなかったぜ。
By all indications, that there weren't any students in the area the day before yesterday. It's not like I can say that for sure, though."というより、一昨日あの辺りにいた生徒はいないって話になりそうだ。ま、断定はできないけどな」
No longer concerned over his task, Tobimaru headed toward the door,鳶丸はつれない態度でドアに向かう。
as if to say it was out of his hands.俺はこの件には無関係です、と言わんばかりだ。

"...Oh, and one more thing.「―――っと、そうだ。
There was one student that wasn't included in your dragnet. You forgot to include any out-of-term transfers."そういえば一人だけ該当しなかった奴がいる。季節外れの転入生までは、蒼崎も調べきれなかったみてえじゃねぇか」
Aoko raised her head ever so slightly.わずかに顔をあげる青子。
He was right. The recent transfer student was not included within the scope of her investigation.たしかに転入したばかりの生徒は彼女の調査範囲に含まれてはいない。

"So I haven't looked at Sono-G.「そんなわけで草の字に関しては調べてないぜ。
Though, considering it's him, it's safe to assume that he was working late. Or, wait, it would be if he hadn't have mentioned something about... seeing a murder or whatever. I told him that it was probably just a bad dream."ま、アイツならいつだろうと遅くまでバイトだろうが……いや、人殺しを見た、なんてコト口走ってるようじゃ、家で悪い夢でも見てたのかもしれねえか」
Tobimaru cheerfully left the student council room.鳶丸は陽気にこぼして去っていった。

Simultaneously, Aoko felt her fingers go numb,同時に、青子は持っていた書類を机に落とした。
and the documents she was holding spilled all over the table.別にそんなつもりはなかったのに、なぜか、指先から力が失われてしまったらしい。

"It can't be. That's not possible..."「……そんな、まさかね」
She broke out into a cold sweat and tried to tell herself that there must be some kind of mistake.考えすぎだ、と自分に対して軽口を言ってみる。
However, the uncomfortable feeling in her gut would simply not go away. Perhaps because her intuition was almost always right at times like these.けれど突然生まれた不安は消えず、こういう時の自分の直感がたいてい合っている事を、蒼崎青子は知っていた。

"...You gotta be kidding me."「―――馬鹿らしい」
And yet, she knew what she had to do.だとしてもやる事は同じだ。
She would not have hesitated to kill Tobimaru if he had been the witness.仮に目撃者が鳶丸だった場合、青子は躊躇ためらわず殺せるだろう。
But if it was him?けれど、それが彼だったら?
Just considering the possibility caused her blood to run cold.そんな『もしも』を連想した途端、どんな仮定より冷めきっていく自分を感じた。

Aoko put her forehead in her hands and began to brood.青子は額に手を当てて考えこむ。
And then, suddenly―そうして唐突に、

"Let us talk choice. You will always be faced with choices.「選択の話をしよう。おまえは常に二者択一を迫られる。
A virtuous fool and a wicked sage. You cannot save both. You must pick one. That is the freedom granted to you."善良な愚者と醜悪な賢者。すべてを救う手段はない。どちらかを選ぶこと。それだけが、おまえに許された自由となる」

Two years earlier.二年前。
Aoko muttered the words offered by her grandfather the day she replaced her elder sister as his successor, and let out a sigh of lament.姉に代わって後継ぎになった日に祖父から贈られた言葉を呟いて、青子は小さく嘆息した。
"...This has to be a joke."「―――すごく、バカみたい」
She laughed at her own intuition.自分の勘の良さにわらってしまう。
But it was no joke.本当。
If only those words had never been said.そんな台詞、口にしなければよかったのにと。

Aoko locked up the student council room and left for the day.青子は戸締まりを済ませ、生徒会室を後にした。
Calmly, as though nothing untoward had happened, she greeted the students as they passed her in the halls. She was almost shocked by how natural she seemed.平然と、それこそ何もなかったようにすれ違う生徒たちと挨拶を交わせるあたり、自分らしいと呆れながら。

There were still plenty of students at the school.学校にはまだ活気がある。
The grounds were noisy with the chattering of students who had finished the day but had yet to head home. Others still had club activities.部活動の生徒は言うに及ばず、用を済ませて下校していく生徒たちの話し声で校庭は騒がしい。
The gray sky looked ready to pour, but nobody seemed to pay it any mind.今にも泣きだしそうな灰色の空だが、彼らにはさして気になる問題ではないようだ。

Amidst the clamor, Aoko hastened to the school gate.そんな喧噪にまじって、青子は早足で校門に向かう。
She passed by some students in animated conversation.しゃべりに花を咲かす生徒たちを通りすぎる。
They seemed to be talking about their after-school plans.会話の内容は放課後の予定について。
Apparently, they were adamant about maximizing their free time.いかに無駄なく充実した放課後を過ごすかを真剣に論じている。

She could not figure how they could possibly be so irresponsibly focused on fun, but at the same time was in no mood to make fun of or feel envious of them.彼らが持つ、遮二無二しゃにむにに遊ぼうという気は知れないけど、馬鹿にする気も、羨ましがる気持ちも青子にはない。
Two short years prior, she had been just like them.ほんの二年前まで、そういった自由を心から愛していた自分がいたとしてもだ。

(I wonder if I'm becoming desensitized to it all.)『……根は冷めてるのかな、私って』
She re-tied her scarf, this time more tightly, to give off an air of solitude, but she was fooling no one.マフラーをきつめに締めてみたが、それで孤独を漂わせるにはまだ経験が少なかった。
After all, what people who feign solitude are really masking is rejection.そもそも淋しいと思わない人間が孤独を装っても、それは孤独ではなく拒絶と言うのだ。

(Solitude, rejection... They're two sides of the same coin.)『……そうよね。孤独っていうのはああいうのを言うもんでしょうし』
The area by the school gate was busier than usual.校門はいつもより騒がしい。
A group of boys appeared to be huddled behind it.原因は校門の陰で立往生をしている男子生徒たちだ。
Their transparent attempt to be discreet in terms of both location and loudness of voices did nothing to hide the fact that they were noisily arguing about a girl standing alone on the other side of the street.寄り添って密談をしている彼らは、校門の陰に隠れて、表通りに立っている一人の少女について、ざわざわと論じあっていた。

The girl was cloaked in a black cape.少女は黒いケープに身を包んでいた。
At first glance it could have been mistaken for normal attire, but those from Misaki could tell that she wore the uniform of a prestigious girls' school.一見すると普段着だが、三咲町の人間なら、ケープ下の服がとある名門女子校の制服である事を知っている。
Said school had no connection to Misaki High in any way, shape, or form. The two schools were miles apart both physically and spiritually.もっとも、その女学院は三咲高校とは縁もゆかりもない、距離的にも精神的にも遠く離れた存在である。

A member of that school's student body was a rare sighting, as the majority were forced to live in the school dorm.彼女達の大半は寮生活を強いられており、町中で見かける事は滅多にない。
Reien Girls Academy had a reputation as a school for princesses, and it was rare indeed for one to be slumming with the common folk.お嬢様学園と名こそ響いているが、実際にはそうお目にかかれない礼園女学院の制服だ。

That alone would have been enough to cause the ruckus among the boys, but this girl looked the epitome of class.それだけで男どもが騒ぎ立てるには十分だが、くわえて、その少女は上等すぎた。

One could not help but describe the standing figure as charming.可憐としか言いようのない立ち姿。
The way she silently, motionlessly waited was reminiscent of a meticulously composed portrait.身じろぎひとつせず待ち続ける様は、丁寧に描かれた絵画を思わせる。
Aoko took one look at her before instantly recalling that one word: solitude.その姿を見て、一言で青子が『孤独』と断言したように。

(Okay you lamebrains, don't you have anywhere better to be?)『……まったく、うちの男子どもは。家に帰りもせず、陰でこそこそやってるのはそういうコト』
Disgusted, Aoko barged through the gate.呆れながら、青子はずかずかと校門を通過した。
At this point she would normally head home, but today, she crossed the street toward the waiting girl.いつもなら坂道を下りていくところを、まっすぐアスファルトを横断し、道端に立ち続ける少女へと向かう。

"Oh crap! Is that the student council president?!"「げぇー!? あれなるは生徒会長さまー!?」
"Damn it, she's trying to chase her away! ...Let the girl be! She has a right to stand there if she wants to!"「くそ、追っ払う気なのかよぅ。居たいんならいつまでだって居させてあげればいいじゃんかー!」
"She's gonna go nuclear! The president versus the angel!"「ってか怒られる? 怒られるのあの天使?」
"What gives, man? Who cares if she's from another school! She's not even on school property...right? Right guys?"他校よその生徒でも、校門前にいるぐらいなら……別に問題はないと思う……けど……」
"Don't mess with Madam Aoko. You're just asking to be smacked."「青子女史は容赦ねえからな。下手すると平手だぜ、平手」

The boys ran their mouths behind her back.背中では言いたい放題だ。
Not in the mood to shut them up, Aoko walked right up to the girl and offered an informal wave.振り返って黙らせる気分でもなく、青子は少女の目前まで歩いて、やあ、とばかりに片手を上げた。

"Something the matter, Alice? I told you before, there's nothing of interest for you here."「どうしたの有珠? こんなところに来たって、何も面白いコトはないって言ったのに」
"For real!?"「ちょ、ありえねーーーーーーー!!!!?」
Aoko heard the boys by the gate lose their collective minds, and did her best to ignore them.校門の陰から悲鳴らしきものがハモって聞こえたが、もちろん無視する青子だった。

"I wanted to be sure, but―「あの事を確かめに。―――

Those people are a nuisance."あの人たち、邪魔なんだけど」
"You think? I'll chase them off."「分かってる、いま追っ払うから」
In contrast to Alice's small voice, Aoko spoke loud and clear.細い有珠の声に対して、青子ははっきりと、これみよがしに声を大きくしている。
Naturally, this was on purpose, so as to deal with the riffraff by the gate all at once.無論、校門の陰に群がる十把一絡じっぱひとからげに聞こえるように。

"Crap, she's coming this way!"「げ、会長こっち来んぞ!?」
"Hey, stop pushing me! Move it! I'm out!"「おい、押すなよ、うしろのヤツどけって! オレ校舎に逃げるから!」
"But... doesn't it look like they're tight? Maybe we could get the prez to introduce us."「いや、でも……あの、会長と知り合いなんでしょ? うまく会長に紹介してもらう、とか……」
"Hahaha. Rookie mistake. You still haven't experienced the realities of the battlefield. On second thought, don't let dreams be dreams. It's your funeral."「あはは、さすが一年坊主。まだ戦場の現実ってもんを理解していねぇ。―――よし、死の間際まぎわまでいい夢見ろよ」

Perhaps because too many of them had gathered in one place, the mob entered a frenzied panic as they tried to escape.一ヶ所に集まりすぎたのか、混乱きわまって校門の陰でつまる男子生徒たち。
Aoko addressed them all.そんな彼らを、
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? If it isn't the Go Home Early Club? Would you mind telling me what you're all doing gathered in a place like this with no club activities to attend?"「さーて。部活動があるワケでもなし、ただ家に帰るだけの帰宅部の皆さん? こんなところで何を集まってるのか、教えてくれる?」
The student council president stared daggers at the boys.どーん、と擬音を背負って睥睨へいげいする生徒会長。

"In any case, exams are coming up.「なにしろ試験前だもの。
It sure would be horrible if, instead of going home to study, you were loitering around just to ogle another school's student, now wouldn't it?になる事なら私も教えてほしいけど、まさか雁首がんくび並べて女学院のお嬢様をながめてただけ、なんて事はないわよね?
It's not like a single one of you had the guts to even go up to her and say something."声をかける勇気もなくて、眺めてただけ、なんて事は」
Not one of them was brave enough to admit that this hit the nail on the head. If any of them had such courage, they would have already been chatting the young lady up.はい、実はそうなんです、などと返答できる剛の者はいなかった。それだけの勇気があるならとっくに声をかけている。

"Uh... I think I forgot something in the classroom."「……いや、ボク教室にちょっと忘れ物が……」
"If I had known it was going to end like this, I would have at least gone down trying."「こんなオチならダメもとで玉砕しとくんだった……」
"What if we go borrow binoculars from the Astronomy Club? I'm sure we could get a good view from the roof."「天文部にいって双眼鏡借りるのどうだ? 屋上からお顔をたまわるとか」
"The Astronomy Club doesn't have binoculars, dummy! If anyone does, it would be the Wild Bird Society."「天文部にそんなのねえよ! あるとしたら野鳥同好会じゃね?」

"Haha! The prez destroyed those last month! If you have enough time for bird-watching, you have enough time to find a girlfriend, chicken."「あはははは。それ、先月会長が潰したじゃん。とりでてる暇があるなら彼女作れって」
"Hahaha. Find a girlfriend? ...S-Sorry, 'Zaki, I'm gonna cut out through the back exit."「あはは、は……彼女、作れです、か……すみませんっす、今日は裏口から帰るっす、ザキさん……」
"I gotta jet, too! Later, prez! See ya tomorrow!"「クソ、じゃあなー会長ー! また明日ー!」

And with those oh-so-charming remarks, the boys scattered with their tails between their legs.愛らしい捨て台詞を残し、負け犬のようにハラハラと散っていく男子生徒たち。
"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Aoko."「楽しそうね、青子」
"How could you tell?"「あ、わかる?」
Aoko's response slipped out all too easily.有珠の一言に、つい即答する青子。
In truth, there were not that many bad apples at Misaki High, and dealing with them wasn't really that bad.事実、三咲高校の生徒たちは嫌味のない人間ばかりで、彼らとのやりとりは愉快ではあるのだ。

What brings you down here? Did you find something out?"ここまで出向くって事は、何か分かったの?」
"I identified traces of the witness from within the field. All we need to do now is put a name to them."「結界に残っていた気配の識別は。あとはここで確かめればいいだけよ」
"I see. ...Alice, how long have you been waiting here?"「そう。ん……? 有珠、いつからここに?」
"Since school was dismissed."「下校時刻から」
So she had been here for roughly an hour.……という事はかれこれ一時間は経つ。
Standing in the same place for an hour would be taxing for someone as sensitive to the cold as Alice.寒がりな彼女にとって、同じ場所に一時間も立つのは辛かっただろう。

"I'm sorry. If you would have told me..."「悪いわね、無理させて」
"...Don't be. I'm just doing it because I wanted to."「……別に。好きでやってる事だから」
As she spoke, her black eyes were fixed upon the gate and the students passing through it.言いながらも、彼女の黒い瞳は校門を通る生徒たちを見つめている。
She had likely been observing the gate in this manner for the past hour.こうやって一時間ものあいだ、有珠は校門を監視していたのだろう。

"You're weren't waiting for me, were you? ...Well I'm here now anyway so we can go."「私を待ってたワケじゃないんでしょ? 今からでも付き合うわ」
Alice nodded in assent.こくん、と頷く有珠。
If Alice was still here, it meant she had not found the witness yet.有珠が残っているのは、いまだ目撃者を発見できていないからだ。
If she had found this student, Alice would have already gone home ahead of Aoko and begun to research the student's background.結界に残った気配に一致する生徒がいたのなら、有珠は青子を待たずに帰宅し、その生徒の素性を調べていただろう。

"Nothing came up on my end."「私の方はダメだった」
She reported the results of Tobimaru's investigation. Alice remained silent.鳶丸に調べさせた結果について、青子は結果だけを告げた。有珠に言葉はない。
With that the conversation ended, leaving the two to silently endure the freezing wind.会話はそれで打ち止めになり、あとは冷たい風に耐えるだけである。

...The silent stakeout dragged on endlessly.……無言の監視はあてもなく続く。
Students continued to pass the gate, each shocked at the sight of the unusual combo, and head home.校門に来た生徒たちは、生徒会長と礼園女学院の生徒という組み合わせに驚きつつ下校していく。
After twenty minutes Aoko let a sigh escape her mouth, perhaps from boredom, perhaps from the cold, or perhaps from both.退屈さと冬の寒さも手伝ってか、二十分もすぎると青子はため息をついていた。

"Hey, on our way home, do you want to drop by Dawn?"「ね、有珠。帰り、黎明レイメイに寄ってかない?」
Aoko quickly turned to Alice to catch her reaction.ちらり、と有珠の顔を覗きこむ青子。
Dawn was the name of one of Aoko's favorite coffee shops.黎明は青子お気に入りの喫茶店の名前である。

Offering no clear indication as to whether she was critical of Aoko's blasé attitude or agreeing to her whims, Alice's gaze shifted ever so slightly.状況を理解していない青子への非難か、それともわりと同意なのか、有珠は微かに視線を動かした。
Aoko followed her stare...その視線の先には―――

"Hey, Aozaki. Are you meeting someone here, too?"「あれ、蒼崎も待ち合わせか?」
The sudden voice took her off guard.意識の隙をくような、突然の声。
There was only one person who spoke with this gentle, good-natured tone.自然な、刺のない口調が誰であるかは言うまでもない。

"...Of course it'd be him."「―――そ。やっぱ、そうなるワケか」
Turning her back to Alice, Aoko moved her focus to the newly appeared student.有珠に背中を向けて、青子はキッと、やってきた生徒を見据える。

"Can I help you with something?"「それで、今日は何の用?」
All politeness flew out the window.こんにちはも何もない。
Already in a bad mood, Aoko's mood plummeted the longer she looked at Soujyuro.不機嫌な青子の視線は、その険悪さをより増して草十郎に向けられる。
The subtlety of her expression, however, was lost on him.が、そんな青子の眼力も草十郎には通じなかったようだ。

"No thanks, I was just on my way to the station to meet the swimming club captain, and I wanted to say thanks."「いや、これから駅前で水泳部の部長と待ち合わせなんだけど、その事でお礼を言っておきたくて」
Well, that was completely unexpected.それは、意外と言えば意外な一言だった筈だ。
Thanks... Joining a club...部活とお礼。
Aoko had a hunch that he was about to say something brainless.……ただ、その組み合わせなら、この人物は間の抜けた事を言ってくるだろうと、青子は思ってもいた。なんの根拠もなかったけれど。

"...And by 'thanks' you mean 'payback,' right?"「……ふうん。お礼って、お礼参りってこと?」
Fortunately, Soujyuro was completely unaware of the more sinister implications to the word "payback."これまた幸運な事に、学生におけるお礼参りの意味も、草十郎はまだ知らずにいたらしい。

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, but it's no big deal.「よく分からないけど、そんな大した事じゃないよ。
It's just that the swimming club captain said that the club doesn't get that busy until summer."ただ、水泳部は夏までそう忙しくないって話だったから」
Soujyuro was just about to thank her for recommending a club that would not take up much of his time, when Aoko cut him off with an expression of disinterest.そういう部活をすすめてくれたんだな、と草十郎は続けようとしたが、青子はつまらなそうな顔で遮った。

"Well of course. I couldn't very well introduce you to a club that I knew you would never turn up to. All I did was mention some that even someone as busy as you could join."「当然でしょう。幽霊部員になりそうな生徒なんて、紹介できないから。忙しい貴方でもつとまりそうな場所があったから、口に出しただけよ」
"I see. Very efficient."「なるほど、無駄がないね」

His open admiration for her sapped Aoko's will to fight.感心する草十郎に、青子は文句を言う気も無くしてしまった。
Finding a suitable club and negotiating with its captain hadn't been an efficient use of her time at all.彼女にとって、彼に似合った部活を探して部長に話をつけること自体が無駄な事だったのだが。

"Anyway, you really helped me out.「とにかく、お世話になったから。
I just wanted to say thanks."それで礼を言っときたくて」
Soujyuro gratefully dipped his head, but not before the flustered Aoko stopped him.ありがとう、と今にも頭を下げそうな草十郎を、あわてて青子は止める。

"Gimme a break. You're just going to give me a headache if you do that."「よしてよ。いま貴方にそんな事されても迷惑だから。


|So. How's the swimming club? Does it seem like a good fit?"|それで、水泳部はどう? やっていけそう?」|

An awkwardness infiltrated her previously sharp gaze.鋭かった視線が、どこか気まずいものに変わる。
Soujyuro was able to pick up on the odd change in her behavior, but could not divine its reason.青子の態度に違和感を覚える草十郎だったが、その理由までは分からない。
So he simply started with what he knew so far and reported the most recent information he had.なので、とりあえず分かるところから、と最新のニュースを青子に告げた。

"Oh, I got kicked out of the club already."「ああ、水泳部はクビになった」
WHAT?! Why?!"なんでよーーー!?」
Aoko instinctively shouted at the unexpected response.予想外の返答に、思わず怒鳴る青子。
Like a human jack-in-the-box.……びっくり箱の化身にも程がある。
This unexpected development threw her mind in a tizzy and she momentarily forgot the complicated feelings she had been wrestling with.あまりの展開に、青子の複雑にねじれていた心持ちが一瞬で真っ白になるぐらい。

"B-B-But you just said that you were on your way to meet the captain!"「だだ、だって、今から待ち合わせだって……!」
"Yeah, the captain's taking me to a heated pool in Yashirogi."「それは、これから社木やしろぎの温水プールに連れていってくれるからだよ」
Soujyuro stated this very matter-of-factly to the still-reeling Aoko.驚く青子に、うん、と告げる草十郎。

"...I'm not following. Things seem to be going fine. Why would they kick you out?!"「……話が繋がらない。そこまで上手くいってるのに、どうして入部を拒否されるのよ、アンタは!」
"Oh, that's easy. Because I can't swim."「そりゃあ、俺が泳げないからだろ」
Aoko reached up with her fingers and pinched the bridge of her nose as she processed his answer.なるほど、そうきたか、と眉間を指で押さえる青子。

"Sizuki, do you remember my question from yesterday? The one where I asked whether you preferred running or swimming?「……静希君。昨日の私の質問は覚えてる? 走るのか泳ぐのか、どっちがいいかってヤツ。
I'm confident that I remember your answer, but please repeat it to me.私の記憶は正しいけど、いちおう確認しておくわね。
You said you preferred 'swimming.' Right?"貴方、たしかに泳ぐ方だって言ったけど……?」

"Yeah. Since I was little, I've always wanted to learn, and I'm already really good at running, so..."「ああ。昔から、泳げないのはなんとか克服したかったんだ。反対に、走る方は得意だけど」
Her energy spent, Aoko finally understood.あっそ、と答えて青子は力尽きた。

"Apparently, they would have taken me in and trained me from square one if I were in my first year.「俺が一年なら一から鍛えてくれたらしいんだけど。
Sadly, it sounds like they can't recruit a second-year like me who sinks like a rock, especially with only three months left in the school year.あと三ヶ月で三年になる身分なのに、カナヅチの部員は雇えないそうだ。
But the captain was really nice about it and even offered to teach me how to swim."けど部長が親身になってくれて、これから泳ぎを教えてくれる事になったんだよ」
Soujyuro's words were spoken from a place of joy, a fact that failed to reach Aoko.どこか嬉しそうに言う草十郎の言葉は、青子にはあまり届いていない。

(Hah... So in other words, I tried to palm off defective goods. I'll never be able to show my face to the swimming club captain again.『はあ……つまり、欠陥品を売り付けたってワケか……こりゃ水泳部の部長に合わす顔がない……っと、

Wait, but isn't the captain a...)ちょっと待った』
"Sizuki, the swimming club captain is..."「静希君。水泳部の部長って……」
She stopped herself short of, "a girl."女子、と言いかけて止めた。
She was afraid of how that might look, that she might not be able to rein herself in if she started.口にした途端、自分が変なことを口走りそうで怖くなったからだ。

"...You know what? It doesn't matter. I understand now, so you can just go. Far, far from here, 'kay? I just can't deal with you right now."「……もういいわ。気持ちは分かったから、どこか遠くにいてくれない? 少し疲れてて、とてもじゃないけど貴方の相手はしていられないの」
"Tobimaru said the same thing, come to think of it. He said that you were unusually tired yesterday and today. Did something happen?"「鳶丸もそんな事を言ってたな。蒼崎は昨日と今日、めずらしく疲れてるって。何かあったのか?」
"Kind of. But it's fine. It seems to have resolved itself.「ちょっとね。でもいいの。解決したみたいだから。
Anyway... How do I look to you, Sizuki? Do I really look that exhausted?"それより……静希君はどう見える? 私、そんなに疲れて見えるのかな」

Why had she asked him this?何故そんな事を訊ねたのか。
Blurting out things for no reason and on impulse...青子にしては珍しい、
This was not usual for Aoko.理由のない、惰性だせいで口から出た言葉だ。
Perhaps it was because she realized that this would be their last chance to have a normal conversation.……あえて言うなら、これが最後だろうから、何かしらか普通の会話をしておこうと思ったのかもしれない。

After a few moments of contemplation, Soujyuro conjured up a grin that cut straight through the tension.草十郎はしばし考えこんでから、そのぼんやりした雰囲気からかけ離れた笑顔を浮かべた。

"Well, I would say you look more lively than you do tired. Like a wolf that's been forced to plow fields for a long time, but is excited to finally go on a hunt again."「そうだな、疲れているというより生き生きしているように見える。仕方なく畑をたがやしていた狼が、久しぶりに狩りにでる事になって気炎きえんをあげている感じだ」
He seemed so cheerful.めでたいな、と。
Like he was so happy for her.まるで我が事のように、彼は微笑んだ。

Without thinking, Aoko's hands went to her cheeks.知れず、青子は頬に手を当てた。
If what he said were true, then she was grinning from ear to ear.彼の言う事が本当なら、今の自分はこの上なく味のあるニヤけ顔をしている事になる。
There was just no way she would have made such a mistake.当然、そんなヘマは犯していなかったが。

"Anyway, thanks again! See you tomorrow."「とにかくありがとう。じゃあ、また明日」
Perhaps still not comfortable enough to wave to her, he said his goodbye with sincerity in his voice and smile, and took his leave.まだ手を上げるほどの気楽さはないのか、草十郎は真摯な声と表情かおだけで挨拶をして去ろうとする。

"Wait. I have a question for you. Then you can go."「待って。こんな話があるの。聞いてから行って」
Aoko called out after him.そんな草十郎を青子は呼び止めた。
Her voice was cold as she admonished herself for having been somewhat affable earlier.温和になりかけていた自分をいましめる、冷たい声で。

"This is just a hypothetical question.「意味のないたとえ話よ。
Let's say you're on the brink of starvation and right in front of you are two animals, also starving.……そうね。貴方が空腹で死にそうな時、目の前に、同じように空腹で死にそうな二匹の動物がいるとするわ。
Someone gives you a gun and tells you to shoot one of them.静希君に銃をあげる。それでどちらかの動物を撃って。
The one on the right is a lion. The one on the left is a kitten. What do you do?"右はライオンで左は子猫。選ぶのは貴方の自由だから」

It was a fable-like moral dilemma,どことなく童話めいた質問。
especially the way in which it was cruel and rather preachy.残酷さと教訓と、押しつけがましいところがとくに。
The kind that if you thought too hard about, you would never find an answer.この手の話は考えこむときりがない。
Soujyuro answered quickly and calmly.が、彼はあっさりと返答した。

"I don't think I'd shoot at all. You asked me what I'd do, right? And, come on, all three of us are starving."「いや、撃たないと思うよ。だって、自分の好きにしていいんだろう? それにほら、空腹ならお互い様だ」
He was not in the least fazed by the dilemma.おそらくは悩む間もなかっただろう。
He gave the most innocent response. So innocent, in fact, that it would give anyone pause.それは本当にどうかと思うぐらい、真っ白な解答だった。

"...You're going to live a long life, Sizuki."「……長生きするわ、貴方」
"Whoa, you think so? I think that's the first time anyone has ever said that to me."「すごい台詞だな。そんなコトを言われたのは、たぶん君が初めてだ」
Adorning his face was a smile wholly out of sync with his comment.笑顔には似つかわしくない台詞。
"...What the heck is that supposed to mean?"「――――――なによ、それ」
She regretted stopping him.……呼び止めるべきではなかったと後悔する。
If only she had just watched him go, this conversation would have never happened.あのまま見送っていれば、こんな答えを聞くこともなかったのに、と。

Soujyuro Sizuki made his way down the sloped street.そして、静希草十郎はてくてくと坂道を下っていった。
Today, just like every day, he probably had to work late again.今日も今日とて、夜遅くまでアルバイトでもあるのだろう。
Only Aoko and Alice remained, with Alice doing what she could to simply blend in.残されたのは青子と、今まで背景と化していた有珠だけである。

"That harmless hick really throws me for a loop."「つくづく……こっちのペースを乱してくれるわね、あの人畜無害な田舎者は」
Aoko clenched her right fist tightly as she cursed out loud.ぐっと右手を強く握り締めて、青子は独白する。
Anything to prevent herself from screaming at the top of her lungs.どこでもいいから体に力を入れておかないと、ここで意味不明の大声を上げかねなかった。
...Whether that scream would be directed toward Soujyuro or toward herself was another matter entirely.……それが相手への罵倒なのか、自分への罵倒なのかは、口にしないと分からない。

Aoko heard Alice's soft voice behind her. Aoko knew what she was going to say, as she had known for the entire time.後ろから有珠の細い声が聞こえる。彼女が何を言おうとしているかは、ちょっと前から分かっている。
Ever since Alice, having shown no reaction to any of the other students, changed her expression upon seeing Soujyuro.……今までどんな生徒にも無反応だった彼女が、草十郎の出現で表情を変えた時から。

"You don't need to say it. It's him, right? The witness."「言わなくてもいい。あいつでしょ、目撃者は」
Her voice was cold as ice.それは冷めきった、
It was the voice of someone talking about a complete stranger.知らない人間の事を口にする声だった。

...The lion and the kitten.―――ライオンと猫。
There were pros and cons to choosing either of these animals, the point being that she had asked him to choose one of them.それぞれ長所短所のある、結局のところ、自分とは違う生き物を選べと彼女は言った。

In terms of risk, the lion was the more dangerous choice. The instant the gun was pointed at it there was the chance it would fight back.リスクでいうのならライオンの方が大きい。銃口を向けた瞬間、最後の反撃をする可能性もある。
Those who chose the lion required more courage, but any sense of guilt that came with holding a gun would be forgotten.だから、ライオンを狙う方が勇気はいるけれど、同時に銃を持つという後ろめたさはなくなっている。
Lions are fierce creatures-a poor excuse to shoot an animal, perhaps, but one that certainly helped alleviate the guilt.なにしろ相手は強い生き物だ。人間側の勝手な言い訳であれ、銃を使うことへの罪悪感は薄れてくれる。

But what about the kitten―the weaker creature?では、猫はどうだろう。弱い生き物。
It goes without saying that the kitten would be the easier target of the two, but choosing it would be a disquieting decision for anyone.言うまでもなくライオンを狙うより簡単だ。けれど、誰だって不快な気持ちになる。
Even if the kitten had no chance to survive, it was still too senseless to carry out.初めから対等でないとしても、その理不尽さはあまりにも度が過ぎている。
And to Aoko, Soujyuro was that choice.青子にとって、草十郎はその“理不尽さ”に該当するものだった。

(...I knew it was him, too.)『……てっきり、私もそうだと思ってた……』
When she had felt that sinking feeling in the student council room, she ignored it; there was no getting around what must be done, she told herself.生徒会室でもしもと危惧した時は、そうであっても仕方がない、と思いきった。
Until, that is, Soujyuro went and said what he did, causing her resolve to waver.けれど去りぎわの草十郎の言葉で、その決心が揺らいでいる。

But the discomfort in her chest did not stem from any guilt she may have felt.この胸の不快さは、後ろめたさだけの躊躇とまどいではない。
She could care less for Soujyuro; he was weak, and would be incredibly easy to deal with.静希草十郎は気に入らない人間であり、弱い相手であり、誰よりも御しやすい相手だ。
Yet, for some reason she could not dispel her reservations.なのになぜ、自分は躊躇いを覚えるのか。

A transfer student who moved to the city from the middle of nowhere, with no family to speak of...田舎から上京してきて身寄りもない転入生。
Few would notice if he were to suddenly disappear compared to a person of some renown.他のまっとうな人間と違って、ここで消えたところで騒ぎだす人間も少ない。
If she were to kill him, it would be as simple as wringing a cat's neck.殺すなら、それこそ猫の首をひねるように仕留められる。
And it all served to just piss her off.……ほんと、いい事ずくめで頭にくる。
It was too lucky. Like everything was neatly handed to her. She wanted to just dropkick it right into orbit.なんて幸運ラッキー。その尻をつま先で蹴り飛ばしてムチャクチャにしたいぐらい、正直、余計なお世話と苛々する―――

"I can't believe it. I hate it. This isn't how it's supposed to be.「……信じられない。私、嫌がってる。これは違う。
...Why am I like this?"―――こんなの、私じゃない」
Standing behind her, Alice heard all of the muttering.呟きは背後の有珠にも聞こえていたかも知れない。
Nevertheless, she seemed ignore it and said,しかし、有珠は相棒の癇癪かんしゃくなど気にもせず、

"He had something wrapped around his neck."「彼、首に布を巻いていたわね」
A wholly unrelated topic.などと、まったく関係のない感想を口にした。

Aoko returned to her senses.有珠の言葉に青子はハッと我に返る。
"...His neck?"「くび……?」
"...Yes. I wonder if it had something to do with being rejected by the swimming club."「……ええ。水泳部のクビとかけていたのかしら」
Alice had put much thought into this, as if it had a deeper meaning to her somehow.ほとんど独り言の、心底から考えている有珠だった。

"Now that you mention it... I saw him wearing the same thing the first time we met. I must have missed it because he always has his collar done up."「そういえば……あいつ、初めて会った時も首に布巻いてたっけ。えりを行儀よく締めてるから目立たないけど」
The conversation turned to idle nonsense.重要性のない、意味のない会話。
And though it solved none of her current problems, it did help calm Aoko's frazzled nerves.何ら解決を生むものではなかったけれど、ぐらぐらと揺れていた青子の思考は、それできっかり落ち着いてくれた。

"...Thanks, Alice. I'm good.「……サンキュ、落ち着いたわ有珠。
I'm ready to go.それと気合いも入った。
Let's strike while the iron's hot and end this before he spreads any rumors."善は急げ、あいつが言い触らす前に決着をつけよう」
Pumped once more, Aoko turned her back to the school gate.よし、とばかりに青子は校門に背を向ける。
For now, they would retire to the mansion and prepare for battle.とりあえず、洋館に戻って戦闘準備をしなくてはならない。

"...Sure, but when and where do you plan to kill him?"「……いいけど、いつ、どこで彼を殺すの?」
She said quietly so as not to be overheard by anyone else.……小さい声だが公衆の面前で口にする言葉ではない。
Normally, Aoko had to rein in that side of Alice, out in the open as they were. But this was far from a normal situation.有珠のこういった物騒さをたしなめるのは青子の役割だが、物騒さで言えば今の彼女も大差はないらしい。

"Tonight. As for the place... We shall meet him in the land of dreams."「今日の夜。場所はとっておきの夢の国よ」
She gave a fearless laugh.有珠をとがめもせず、クスリと不敵な笑みを浮かべる青子。
A strangely pleasant sound, like the kind one would make when meeting their lover.それは恋人と待ち合わせる時のような、不思議とさわやかな響きだった。