Chapter 5.1: Night of the witches I

Scene 1

Soujyuro returned to his apartment on foot as per routine, under a blanket of clouds in the night sky.雲のかかった夜空の下、草十郎はあいかわらずの徒歩でアパートに帰ってきた。

The rusty stairs of his apartment building clanged with each step.カンカンカン、とびた金属音を踏みながら階段を上っていく。
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the bicycles parked by the apartment building's outer wall.アパートの塀に置かれた自転車をチラリと見て、
He debated the pros and cons of a bicycle―how much easier life would be versus the expense, the convenience versus the necessity―but in the end, decided one was not right for him just now.自分も自転車があれば楽なのだろうか、でも余分な出費だし、あれば便利だけど無くて死ぬようなものじゃなし、もう少し我慢しよう、などと真剣に悩んでみる。

Clutching the bag of apples under his arm, he took out the key to his residence.ドアに到着して、リンゴのつまった紙袋を抱えたまま鍵を取り出す。
"A bike sure would be convenient, but it's not like..."“あれば便利だけど無くて―――”
He tilted his head in confusion.ん?と首をかしげる。
More and more he found himself preoccupied with such random thoughts, when the real issue at hand was deciding what to do with the apples he had received.益体やくたいも無い自分の言葉にひっかかるものを感じた草十郎だったが、もらい物の果物リンゴをどうさばくかでいっぱいだったコトもあり、あっけなくスルーした。

He placed the paper bag by the sink and switched on the lights.紙袋を流し場に置いて、部屋の電気をつける。
It was just after ten in the evening.時刻は午後十時過ぎ。
With the end-of-term exams just around the corner, he had come home an hour earlier than usual.試験前なのでいつもより一時間早い帰宅。
As he made back for the kitchen to pick one of the apples to snack on, he found an envelope stuffed in his mail slot.とりあえずリンゴをひとつ食べてみるか、と台所を振り返ると、新聞受けに差しこまれた封筒に気が付いた。

The envelope had no name, return address, or stamp.差出人の明記はなく、切手すら貼っていない。
Inside was a single piece of paper that had only the sender's name and a short message.中には一枚の手紙が入っていて、用件と差出人の名前だけが書かれていた。

It read:内容はいたってシンプルで、
"There is something we need to talk about tonight.『話があるので今夜どこそこのここに来られたし、
It's important, so I'll be waiting.大事な用なので来るまでずっと待っている、
Needless to say, keep this a secret."言うまでもなく他言無用―――』
A concise set of orders, neatly written.というむねが、簡潔、かつ凛々しい文字でつづられていた。

It was signed Aoko Aozaki.差出人の名前は蒼崎青子とある。
She had been considerate enough to enclose a detailed map of the meeting place.丁寧な事に、待ちあわせ場所の詳細な地図まで同封されていた。
Puzzled, he cocked his head to the side then headed out the door.ふむ、と少しだけ首をかしげて、彼はアパートを後にした。

Upon the room's sole tenant leaving the premises, the envelope burst into flames and evaporated without a trace, as though it had never existed in the first place.主人のいなくなった部屋で残された封筒はひとりでに燃えだし、はじめから何も無かったかのように、跡形もなく消滅した。

By the late '80s, Japan's postwar economic boom had somewhat stabilized and the city experienced a period of steady growth.高度成長期もひとまずの落ち着きを見せ、安定期に入った80年代後半。
The city's modernization marched on, and the Japan Railways train station, a symbol of the new era, neared completion.街の近代化は着々と進み、新時代を代表するJRの駅が落成しようとしていた頃。
In Misaki's neighboring town of Yashirogi, a new symbol of its own was about to be born.三咲町の隣町である社木やしろぎに、またひとつ、町の新しいシンボルが生まれようとしていた。

Yashirogi Bread & Kitsy Land.その名はやしろぎブレッド&キッツィーランド。
It was Misaki's worst investment.三咲市最大の不良債権。
Years later it would be dubbed the fool's gold of the economic bubble, a relic of a bygone age.のちにバブルのあだ花と言われる、一つの時代の残骸である。

"This city lacks aspiration and sophistication."“この町にはゆめとか洒脱しゃだつさが足りない”
Ten years ago...今をさかのぼること十年前。
Yashirogi's renowned Tokitsu Baking Company ran factories all across the nation. Its proprietor was a middle-aged gentleman (then age fifty-six) by the name of Yurihiko Tokitsu, known affectionately by most as Toppan. He took it upon himself to begin development on an estate on the outskirts of Yashirogi and broke ground on a recreational wonderland that he hoped to be the pride of Misaki City.社木の名士であり、全国に多くの工場をかまえる土桔ときつ製パン株式会社―――通称トッパンの経営者・土桔トキツ由里彦ユリヒコ翁(当時五十六歳)はそんな使命感を合い言葉に、所有地であった社木郊外の土地を開放、三咲市を代表するレジャーランドの建築に着手した。

The long-awaited opening came in 1981.こうして運命の1981年。
After three years of investment, this local amusement park, full of all kinds of hopes and dreams, began its short-lived tenure.完成までに三年の月日を費やし、夢とユーモアあふれる地域密着型遊園地・やしろぎブレッド&キッツィーランドはその短い人生をスタートさせた。

It covered more than eighty-five square acres.敷地面積三十五万㎡。
Its magnificent merry-go-round dazzled all who passed through the park's gates.入り口ゲートをくぐった人々の目を奪う豪華絢爛なメリーゴーラウンド。
Its roller coaster twisted and turned about the edges of the park like a writhing Japanese dragon.のたうつ龍のように遊園地をぐるりと囲むコースター。
Its Ferris wheel, packed beyond necessity with gimmicks, was said to have tested the limits of modern engineering.当時の建築技術の限界に挑んだといわれる、無駄にギミック満載な観覧車。

"It's perfect, infused with everything an amusement park could ever need."“完璧だ。遊園地に必要なものはすべてつぎこんだ”
Old Yurihiko looked upon his creation and smiled.自らの仕事っぷりに目を細める由里彦翁。
Only boosting his confidence was the fact that its grand opening was staged during a period of prosperity, the springtime of the world.その自信を裏付けるように、開園当時の盛況はこの世の春だったという。

In spite of this.だがしかし。
They splendidly miscalculated the balance between aspirations and sophistication.夢と洒脱のバランスを、彼らは豪快に間違えていた。
Its mascot, Kitsy, was poorly designed and appeared like a cheap knockoff.あまりにも不細工、かつパチもん臭いオリジナルマスコット・キッツィーちゃん。
The park was stuffed to the brim with bread stands.必要以上に園内をにぎわす焼きたてブレッドの売店。
Even its impossible-to-navigate mirror maze seemed out of date from the start.80年初頭から流行しだした大迷路を極限まで難解にしたミラーメイズ。

"There are no dreams to be had at Kitsy Land.“キッツィーランドにドリームはない。
Only nightmarish satire."ただ悪夢のようなユーモアがあるだけだ”
Numerous trade magazines lambasted Kitsy Land's shortcomings, and customer attendance declined.各種専門誌はこぞってキッツィーランドの欠点をあげつらい、客足は減少。
There was even an incident where a six-year-old strayed from his mother, had an accident, and nearly died.また、不運な事に母親とはぐれた六歳児が園内の施設で遭難し、衰弱死寸前で救出される事件まで起きてしまった。

1986, five years after the park opened.開園から五年後の1986年。
The situation had grown from bad to worse, and the park was hemorrhaging money.悪化の一途をたどる経営不振、
On top of everything, Yurihiko, who had bet everything on the success of mascot Kitsy, retired, and Kitsy Land's operations were officially in trouble.キッツィーちゃんのブレイクに余生をかけていた由里彦翁の引退が重なり、キッツィーランドの運営は困難となった。
And thus, amidst the scorn of nearly all residents of the area, ended Misaki City's one and only amusement park.こうして、地域の人々に惜しまれながらも三咲市唯一の遊園地は、その短い一生を終えたのだった。

What's more...……また。
Perhaps best described as a footnote to this debacle, the (self-proclaimed) Parisian artist who designed the mascot, Toki Julich, was said to have snapped his brush in mourning over the closure of the park.余談ではあるが、キッツィーちゃんをデザインしたパリ在住(自称)のアーティスト、トッキー・ユーリッヒ氏も、閉園をいたむようにその筆を折ったという。

Returning to the present...そして現在。
It was midnight, and the Kitsy Land of today was a shadow of its former glory.深夜零時のキッツィーランドは、かつての栄華など微塵も見られない。
Like a doll abandoned in the corner of a toy box, the lonely park was illuminated only by the light of the town that continued to live around it.オモチャ箱の片隅においやられた人形のように、ひとり寂しく、今も生き続ける町からの明かりに照らされている。

"So that's what happened."「なるほど」
Soujyuro closed the Yashirogi guidebook that he had picked up on the way here.草十郎はぱたん、と来る途中で拾った『社木案内のしおり』を閉じた。
The story of its history was almost difficult to believe, but he supposed this was what people referred to as entropy.いまいち実感の湧かない歴史だが、これも必衰ひっすいというヤツだろう、と納得する。

The park's front gate was unlocked.遊園地の正門は施錠されていなかった。
When he worked here the previous time, the iron fence was locked shut with a rusty chain, but the chain was nowhere to be seen and the gate left ajar.以前アルバイトにきた時、鉄柵いりぐちは錆びた鎖によって施錠されていたが、今は外され、鉄柵も少しだけ開いている。

Following the map drawn in the letter, Soujyuro quickly made his way inside.草十郎は手紙に描かれた地図にしたがって、ひょこっと園内に侵入する。

"...It sounded urgent, but to meet this late at night? What in the world could she want?"「……急ぎの用なんだろうけど。こんな夜中に、なんなんだいったい」
Soujyuro complained, quite out of character for him.らしくなくを言う。

It was probably because, in spite of his naivety, even he knew that something was amiss.世間知らずな彼にでも、この行為がよくない事だと分かっているからだろう。
Though the park was abandoned, this was still trespassing.廃墟になったとはいえ、立ち入り禁止の遊園地に忍びこんでいる。
Unlawful entry, larceny, burglary...不法侵入、窃盗、泥棒。
These were certainly not things, or perhaps crimes, that Soujyuro was proud to do, but...決して胸を張れる事ではなく、犯罪と言えば犯罪なのだが―――

"...Sorry, I can't pay you any money.「……すまない、お金は払えないんだ。
I'm really sorry for coming in for free."タダで入って申しわけない」
Money―the real reason his conscience was gnawing at him.彼にとって後ろめたいのはその一点だけらしい。
He clapped his hands in apology toward the statue of Kitsy, on whose eyes the paint had begun to aptly dissolve.目のペンキがいい感じで融解とけだしているキッツィーちゃん像に、ぱんぱん、と手を合わせる。
Soujyuro passed the mascot bleeding red paint from its eye sockets and began to walk the night park.赤ペンキを眼窩がんかから流すマスコットを通過して、草十郎は夜の遊園地へと歩き出した。

The buildings' colors had faded.色落ちた建物。
The collection of machines was rusted.錆び付いた機械の群。
The man-made residents no longer felt the passage of time.もう時を刻むことのない、作り物の住人たち。
Even the ghosts themselves could not endure the disparity between this forsaken place and its previous grand stature.かつての栄華とのあまりの落差に、幽霊すらいたたまれず住み着かなくなったゴーストタウン。

It was like a fossilized dream.―――まるで童話ユメの化石だ。
These were the ruins of a paradise both created and abandoned by man and reality.ここは現実人の手によって造られながら、現実ひとびとに置き去りにされた楽園の跡。
The economy had stabilized,経済が安定し、
and the standard of living was on the rise. Nobody was overly concerned with the future. These were the remains of a wild and exciting era.人々の生活水準は右肩あがりで、誰もが未来に不安を抱かなかった、狂騒の時代の遺物である。

His breath turning to white wisps before him, Soujyuro continued through the abandoned amusement park.白い息を吐きながら、草十郎は廃遊園地を歩いていく。
Though void of human presence, this was not nearly as frightening as the darkness deep in the mountains.人気はないが、山中の闇に比べればそう怖くもない。

City suburbs can take many different forms, but Kitsy Land was unusual for an amusement park insomuch as it had been built adjacent to a residential district.郊外といっても様々で、キッツィーランドは遊園地にしては珍しく、住宅地のそばに造られている。
The park was surrounded by a forest, but even that, ultimately, was man-made. It was no different from the curtains on a classroom window.遊園地は林に囲まれているが、それも所詮は人工のもの。教室の窓を閉ざすカーテンとなんら変わりはない。

If he were to scale the iron fence encircling Kitsy Land and break through the twenty yards of afforested trees, he could make it back to the familiar townscape.キッツィーランドを囲む鉄柵を越え、二十メートルほど造林された木々を抜ければ、簡単に見慣れた町並みに帰ることができる。
Though the amusement park tended to arouse dread in the city folk, to Soujyuro it was little different from the commotion and terror of downtown.都会の人間にとって夜の遊園地は恐怖を喚起させるものだが、草十郎にとっては、この遊園地も駅前の喧噪も“怖さ”の深度は同じだった。

Scene 2

"I guess that's it."「あれか」
The central plaza was as silent as a grave. According to the map, the meeting spot was west of here.静まりかえった中央広場から、案内にしたがって西に。
Waiting for Soujyuro at his destination was a rugged, imposing, magnificent castle towering before the backdrop of the cloudy night sky.着いた先には曇天の夜を背景バックに、凹凸おうとつの多い、威容いよう異彩いさいな城がそびえていた。

Even for an abandoned park, it was a remarkable structure.廃遊園地の中でも一際ひときわ大きい建造物。
If the roller coasters and the Ferris wheel were loud, intense attractions, this was in comparison quiet and easygoing.コースターや観覧車が動のアトラクションなら、あれは静のアトラクション。
It was one of Kitsy Land's three iconic structures, and, in a way, the wicked fortress that guided this paradise down the path of closure.キッツィーランドの三大シンボルの一つであり、ある意味、この楽園を閉鎖に導いた魔の建物だ。

Generally speaking, amusement park mazes generally fell into one of two categories.一般的に、遊園地の迷路メイズは大きく二種類に分類される。
A labyrinth, which disorients its visitors with its sheer size.建物の広さで来訪者を迷わす大迷路ラビュリントスと、
And a house of mirrors, which disorients visitors with optical illusions.交錯する光で来訪者を迷わすミラーハウスだ。

Many of a labyrinth's guests enjoyed the brief sense of adventure that it afforded.大迷路はその広さ、つかの間の冒険性で、多くの来訪者たちを楽しませた。
Over the years, however, it would be usurped by the ever-increasing thrills of new attractions. Such is the way of all trends; the curse of fads.後年、刺激をより増していく他のアトラクションに押され衰退していく事になるが、それは一世を風靡ふうびしたものの宿命だろう。
The new must give way to the newer.新しいものは、次の新しいものに駆逐されなければならないのだから。

On the other hand, the house of mirrors was a time-honored, beloved staple.一方、ミラーハウスは古くから愛されてきた定番だ。
Even within the confines of a classroom's dimensions, well-placed mirrors and well-directed light could both perplex and delight its visitors.学校の教室ほどの広さでも鏡の設置と光の演出で来訪者を楽しませ、迷わせる。
And figuring in the cost of maintenance, a well-designed house of mirrors could far outlive its labyrinth brethren.コスト面に優れたミラーハウスは大迷路より遥かに長生きしたアトラクションだ。
Even if both types faded into obscurity, they would remain a staple of what constituted an amusement park.両者とも新世紀には姿を消す事になるとしても、遊園地を代表する遊び場であるのは間違いない。

That didn't mean that combining them would produce double the fun.だからといって、その二つを混ぜるのはよろしくない。
Together, they transformed from entertainment into an uncanny realm from which those who dared to step within could never leave.それでは訪れた者を楽しませる迷路というより、踏み入れた者を帰さない魔境になってしまう。
While the suns might not set,さもありなん。
Kitsy's Mystery Tour Castle was the park's very own otherworld.その魔境こそがここ、キッツィーミステリーツアー城なのであった。

Indeed, five percent of visitors ended up requesting staff assistance to get out.係員に助けを求めた入場者、実に5パーセント。
Modeled after European castles, it was greater than a football field in length, and the interior was further split into three floors.西洋の城を模した建物は奥行き百メートルほどもあり、内部はさらに三層に分かれている。

Two floors above ground and one below, lined with mirrors from top to bottom, equal parts complex and vast. The maze demanded at least thirty minutes even from veterans.地上二階、地下一階の迷路はすべて鏡張りで、熟練者でも脱出に三十分を要するほど複雑かつ広大。
One visit was all it took to be struck by catoptrophobia for hours. It was this labyrinth that now stood in Soujyuro's way.一度足を踏み入れたが最後、むこう半日は鏡面恐怖症におちいる大迷路のなれの果てが、こうして草十郎の目の前に立ちふさがっているのだが―――

"It looks like it's not entirely pitch black... I guess somebody turned the lights on."「真っ暗ってワケじゃないな……電気とか、ついてるんだろうか」
It seemed that Soujyuro, unaware of what a house of mirrors even was, concerned himself only with its lighting.そもそもミラーハウスを知らない草十郎の関心は、明かりの有無にのみ向けられている。

He checked the letter from Aoko once more.もう一度、蒼崎青子からの手紙を確認する。
The letter read, "I will be waiting in the first floor lobby of the house of mirrors."手紙には『ミラーハウス一階ロビーで待っています』とある。

That meeting place was definitely in here.待ち合わせ場所はたしかにこの中だ。
There was something to see by at least, as he could just make out light faintly through the open doors.電灯の有無はともかく、開けっ放しの入り口から見える内部はうっすらと明るい。
Putting aside his suspicions, he headed toward the entrance.なら間違いないだろう、と草十郎はミラーハウスの入り口に向かって歩きだした。

...The sound of his steps against the brick-laid path echoed faintly.……カツカツと煉瓦の道を踏みならす音。
He was far from the hustle and bustle of the city.街の喧噪は遠く、
The park's clocks no longer made tick nor tock,時計の秒針は数年前から動かず、
and the winter's bite no longer blew in the night.風の音すら無い冬の夜。

From within the silence, the stillness that would cause any onlooker to hold their breath...そんな、第三者がいれば固唾かたずを呑んで呼吸を止めそうな静寂のなか。
Soujyuro stopped abruptly at the entrance to the house of mirrors.草十郎はミラーハウスの入り口で、ぴたりと唐突に立ち止まると、

"By the way, why are you over there, Aozaki?"「ところで蒼崎。そんなところで何してるんだ?」
He called out, turning back toward the plaza.いま歩いてきた広場を振り返って、不思議そうに呼びかけるのだった。

A sound rang out, as if someone had dove behind a garbage can and it fell to the ground in their haste.勢い、身を隠していたゴミ箱ごとす音。

...A short silence ensued.……しばしの静寂。
For a moment, the abandoned park returned to its previous hush.一分ほどで廃遊園地はもとの静けさを取り戻した。
Resigned to her having been exposed, the girl appeared from her hiding place.ついでに、観念したように物陰から現れる少女がひとり。

His voice died in his throat as he took in the sight of the girl's familiar face in unfamiliar attire.見知った顔と、見慣れない私服姿に声が止まる。
This Aoko, with her long hair flowing in the breeze, was different from the Aoko that Soujyuro knew.はらりと長髪を流して現れた蒼崎青子は、草十郎の知っている彼女とは違っていたからだ。

The resolute stance and posture she took exuded the strength of her will.凛とした背筋と手足が、意志の強さをいっそう際立たせている。
She stared directly at him with a sharp-eyed, piercing gaze.まっすぐに相手をく瞳。
Her eyes were glowing with a dim phosphoric light, enough to give Soujyuro pause that he might be hallucinating.んだ瞳はではなく、錯覚でなければ、実際にうすい光を帯びている。

An icy coldness and a girl's strength.氷の無機質さと、少女としての力強さ。
Soujyuro lacked a sense of danger, but the sense of imbalance caused even him to feel the malice in the air.その不釣り合いな組み合わせが、危機感の欠如した草十郎をして、良からぬ空気を感じさせた。
It was as though the yuki-onna spirit of folklore had climbed out from a ghost story and appeared here in reality.たとえるなら、怪談でいう雪女が現実に現れたような。

Instinctively, Soujyuro took a step back.つい、と草十郎はあとずさる。
Surprised, he was starting to feel concerned.小さな驚きと違和感。
An unpleasant premonition rose to the surface, bringing with it a sense of anxiety. In spite of this, he felt obliged to honor urban etiquette by seeing if she was all right.そして、それらを上回る嫌な予感に混乱しつつあるが、とにかく都会の礼儀として声をかけたのだが……

"...Did something happen to you? From the looks of it, I, um..."「……その顔を見るに、何かあったのかといちおう聞いておくん、だけど―――」
Without acknowledging him, Aoko took a step forward.挨拶もなく、青子は一歩前に進んだ。
Her figure, this atmosphere... Soujyuro found himself recalling a recent memory.その姿、その雰囲気が草十郎の曖昧な記憶を揺さぶる。

His twisted and knotted apprehension melted away and was replaced with a growing realization.心中、交錯しまくっていた草十郎の不安は、そろそろ確信に変わりつつある。
The girl before him was very similar to someone he had seen before, that night in the park, though he had only seen her from behind.あの時は後ろ姿だけだったが、今にして思えば夜の公園で見た人影と目前の少女の姿はなんとなく……
With increasing certainty causing him to swallow nervously, he noted that they... might as well have been identical.どころか、うり二つではないだろうか? と固唾かたずなど呑む始末。

"You asked me what I was doing. Well, it's exactly what it looks like.「何をしていたかって話なら、見ての通りよ。
I was waiting for my prey to pass by. Once you went inside, I was going to follow and cut off your only route of escape."ここで獲物が通り過ぎるのを待ってたの。貴方が入ってから私も入って、逃げ道を無くすつもりだったから」
Aoko said, perturbed by the swift change in plans.なのにいきなりコレとはね、と腐りながら青子は言った。

(Phew, so I came to the right place.)“そうか。待ち合わせ場所はあってたんだな”
Soujyuro was mightily relieved he had not got the wrong place.良かった、と内心でホッとする草十郎。
It was unclear whether he felt confident about dealing with what was to come, or if he had simply failed to grasp the hopelessness of the situation.わりと余裕があるのか、それとも事ここに至ってやっぱり現状が把握できていないのか。
Aoko ignored his obtuse response and continued.そんな草十郎のにぶい反応をあえて無視して青子は続けた。

"You know, Sizuki.「―――私はね、静希君。
Just like anyone else, some people get on my nerves and some people I just really hate.嫌いな人とか、憎い人とかは人並みにいるんだ。
But the funny thing is, my enemies are never people on my shit list."ただ、ちょっとヘンなのが敵になる奴の条件でね」

Cold emotion burned in her eyes.凍った双眸そうぼうに火のような感情がともる。
Her feet had already moved one step closer to Soujyuro.彼女の足はさらに一歩前へ。
Soujyuro's sense of foreboding was growing stronger. Wondering if what he sensed was bloodlust, he retreated another step.草十郎はますます嫌な予感……殺気、というのだろうか?……を覚えてあとじさりする。
Continuing as so, they maintained a distance of just fifteen feet.ふたりの距離は、なんだかんだときっかり五メートルをキープしている。

"As far as I can recall, I've never thought of someone I didn't like as an enemy.「昔から、私は嫌いな相手でも敵と思った事はなかったの。
As it happens, I've even had enemies that I liked.でも逆に、好きな相手を敵だと思う事もあった。
And the reason is simple..."理由は単純―――」
She held her right arm out.そして、彼女は右腕を目前にかかげた。
The light about her was no illusion.洋服ごしに光って見えるのは目の錯覚ではなく―――

"It's simple, really.「―――当たり前のことだけど。
Anyone who throws me out of whack is my enemy."私は、私の感情を乱す奴が敵なのよ」
Her arm moved again.掲げられた右腕が振るわれる。
It was instantaneous.瞬間、
Something shot past Soujyuro in the blink of an eye, missing him by just a foot to his left.何か、視認しづらい物騒なモノが、草十郎から二十センチばかり左にズレて放たれた。

Before his eyes, a blue light, something akin to a fireball, had ignited from nothing. He finally understood what was happening.青い光とも、火の玉ともとれる発火現象を目の当たりにして、草十郎はようやく現状を把握した。

"Wait a second, I've seen one of those before!"「ちょっと待った、今のはたいへん見覚えがある!」
She ignored his dimwitted reaction.そんな間の抜けた感想は聞き流し、
"Damn it. I missed."「ち、外したか」
Aoko muttered to herself.なんてコトを、青子は呟いた。

The fist-sized hole the blue light had made in the house of mirrors crackled and smoldered.青い光はミラーハウスの壁にこぶし大の穴をあけたばかりか、未だにゴウゴウとくすぶっていた。
A shot like that could easily cave in a human skull in addition to burning it to a crisp.あれなら人間ひとりの頭蓋あたま陥没かんぼつさせる事も、まるっとくろげにする事も可能だろう。

"...Hah. I'd have to kill myself if Alice saw me miss at this range.「……はあ。こんな射程で外すなんて、有珠に見られたら自殺ものね。
But you get it now, right? This is it for you. There won't be a second chance."でもこれで分かったでしょ? 二度目だものね、貴方にとっては」

Soujyuro backed away swiftly.急速に腰が引ける草十郎。
Things were beyond incomprehensible. He was close to losing the ability to think at all.理解不能を通り越して思考停止まで一歩手前。
All he could make out was the figure of the dependable student council president―or at least what he had thought was the president―and the memories of the park that night two days ago.瞳にうつるのは頼れる生徒会長……だったもの……の姿と、二日前に目撃した夜の公園のフラッシュバックだけだ。

He had never experienced anything like this, though most people living in a civilized country would have never seen anything like it either.彼には経験がなく、また、法治国家に住むほとんどの人々には経験がない事だが。
A lethal weapon that could kill with nothing more than the pull of a finger had a way of suspending the ability of its target to determine between not just good and evil, but dreams and reality, past and future.指を引くだけで人間を殺せる凶器を向けられた時、知性は善悪はおろか夢と現実、過去と未来の判断を停止させる。
And the more peaceful someone's life had been, the stronger that suspension was likely to be.それまでの生活が平穏であった分だけ、その停止はより強いものになるだろう。

All that one could think about was the fact that they were alive at that very moment.思考にあるのは「生きている今の自分」の姿だけ。
It was as if he was an unwritten character on a blank piece of white paper.白紙の上にぽつんと置かれた黒い点と変わらない。
There was no before, there was no after, there was only what came next.後も先もない、ただそれだけの状態。
This was a very common thought process for anyone staring down the barrel of a gun.それが銃口を向けられた人間の、ごく平均的な思考である。

"Oh, don't bother begging. It's pointless.「あ、命乞いのちごいは止めてね。意味ないから。
But feel free to air your grievances. It's a killer's duty to listen to her victim's last words."でも恨み言ならご自由に。殺す側の義務として、一言一句聞いてあげる」
By saying it was pointless, she made it sound more like she would not listen to what he had to say.意味がない、とは、一切聞かない、というコトらしい。
However, Soujyuro was in such a state of shock that it did not even enter his mind to speak up.もっとも、草十郎はショック状態で声をあげる行為そのものが思いつかない。
All he knew, for reasons unknown, was that the girl in front of him wanted him dead.確かな事は―――そう、理由はともかく、目の前の少女が自分を殺したがっている現実だけ。

(Y-You could have told me, Tobimaru!『う、嘘つきにもほどがある……!
You said that no such thing exists!鳶丸のバカ、何が“そんな生き物はいない”だ!
Well how about now, idiot? There's a monster right in front of me!)実際いるじゃないか、こんなお化けみたいなのが……!』
Soujyuro felt that if he had said that aloud, the second blast would come even quicker than the last, so he kept it to himself.もし口に出していたら間髪入れず第二撃が飛んできたであろう感想を、草十郎はすんでのところで心にとどめた。
His mental expletives stirred his mind from paralysis to mere panic.友人への悪態で麻痺ショック状態から恐慌パニック状態に持ち直す。

This response came not from confidence, however.しかし、それは決して余裕からきたものではない。
"Someday, out of the blue, someone is going to kill me."“ある日突然、何者かに殺される”
While it may have seemed like a baseless belief to hold-その、あまりにも経緯りゆうのない非日常は、

(Oh, but now that I think about it, murders happen all the time in cities.『でも、そうだった……都会にはがある。
I should have remembered: you break the rules, you get killed! It's clear to me now!)ルールを破れば殺されるのは当たり前だって、ちゃんと教えてもらってた……!』
To Soujyuro, the situation seemed to perfectly align with his inexperienced understanding that the city was a coldly pragmatic place.都会に慣れていない草十郎にとって、極めて現実的なものだったからだ。

As far as he was concerned in this moment, being killed by a classmate was not something to be so surprised by.彼にとって同級生に殺される現実は、そう驚くべき事ではないらしい。
In a society where murder was possible, he was able to accept this sort of situation as natural. Of virtually no concern was the series of events that led to Aoko's aggression towards him,人が人を殺す事件ケースが起こりえる社会ならば、そういうコトもあるだろうと受け止められる。彼は青子の行為、凶行にいたる経緯に、なんら疑問を持っていない。
The only thing that truly confused him was Aoko's blue fireball.なので、いま彼を混乱させているものは、青子が起こしている発火現象だけなのだった。

Soujyuro swallowed with an audible gulp.草十郎の喉がごくりと唾を飲みこむ。
To anyone who may have been watching, it was the response of a victim paralyzed by fear.その反応は、誰の目にも恐怖でしびれている犠牲者に見える。

"That's right. So you do finally get it.「そういう事よ。ようやく理解してくれたわね。
I'm all out of words, so I think it's time you died.多くは語らないけど、貴方にはここで死んでもらう。
I could go on about how magecraft has to stay hidden, but that doesn't really have anything to do with you. All you need to know is that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And that it was me who killed you."魔術は隠匿いんとくするもの―――なんて言ってもそっちには関係のない事だし。単に運がなかったって思えばいいわ。大事なのは、私が、貴方を殺したってコトだけだから」

Done talking, Aoko once again lifted her right arm.さて、とばかりに青子は再度、右手をかかげた。
There was a hum like a machine.機械を思わせる駆動音。
Blue light began to revolve about her arm beneath her sleeve.ふくの下で青い光が回転している。
This was taking longer than last time, leading Soujyuro to believe that it was going to be much stronger than the attack that was still scorching the wall behind him. The realization caused his panic to heighten.それがさっきより長い―――つまり、きっと、いま背後の壁を燃やしているものよりずっと強い―――ことに気づいて、草十郎の混乱は加速していく。

(No, wait, it's not about me having to die, or the fact that the monster that night was actually Aozaki, or even whether she's a part of the church... It's not about any of that.)“いや、なんだ、つまり、始末するとかしないとか、あの夜のお化けは蒼崎だったとか、都会はホントに込み入ってるとか、そういうコトじゃなくて―――”

His thoughts became jumbled.混線する思考。
His heart pounded like a hammer.早鐘を打つ心臓。

...This was no time to be standing still.―――もう立ち尽くしている場合じゃない。

He was not sure if the girl in front of him was really human.目の前の少女が同じ人間であるかさえ怪しいが

|And more importantly, even if he could accept the events unfolding before him, when all was said and done...|それはともかく、やっぱり、たとえ納得がいくといってもきちんと考えてみたら、|
|"Wait! It's wrong to kill people!"|「まて、人殺しはいけないんだぞっ……!」|
|Even if it was a fact of life in the city, Soujyuro was not about to lie down and die!|この通り、いくら都会のルールだからって殺されるのはごめんこうむる……!|

"Don't you think I know that?!"「分かってるわよ、そんな事はっ!」
"Just... W-Waaait!"「ちょっ、待―――!」
Soujyuro's scream, still entirely oblivious, was just the thing to invoke Aoko's full wrath.あまりにも空気を読まない草十郎の意見は、的確に青子の逆鱗げきりんに触れまくった。

Aoko fired a barrage of blue magical bullets.連続でち出される青い魔弾まだんと、
In an instant, Soujyuro dashed into the shadows behind him, into the entrance to the house of mirrors.とっさに背後の闇―――ミラーハウスの入り口に駆けこむ草十郎。

"Wh-Wh-What the heck was that?!"「はっ―――なななんだ、今のなんだ―――!?」
He darted feverishly down the hall.無我夢中で長い通路を走る。
After a mere few feet, he was left completely out of breath. This was due to his shock at seeing yet another attack, fiercer than the first, that he'd never seen in his life, and because he couldn't shake the thought that if he had moved even a second later, he would be dead.たった二メートルの全力疾走で息が上がっているのは初撃を上回る“見たこともない出来事”への驚きと、本気で、あと一秒でも飛びのくのが遅かったら死んでいた、という実感のせいだ。

He could not afford to stop.足を止める余裕はない。
The sound of merciless footsteps closed in behind him.草十郎の後ろには容赦のない足音が迫っている。

"I've bought myself some time. Maybe here I'll be able to figure out something..."「……けど助かった。ここならなんとか―――」
He threw everything into his legs as he sprinted.なるかもしれない、と全力で走る。
A straight, narrow passage about sixty feet long connected the entrance to the main lobby.ミラーハウスは入り口からエントランスにあたるロビーまで、細長い通路が二十メートルほど続いている。
At this rate, if he could just make it to the lobby, he was sure he would be able to find as many hiding spots as he needed.このままロビーまで逃げこめば、あとはいくらでも隠れ場所はありそうだ。

(Thank god!)『助かった……!』
He arrived in a large, open space.大きな空間にたどり着く。
This was the first floor lobby. There were three passageways.ここが一階ロビー。通路は三つ。
One led to the basement floor.地下に下りる階段と、
One connected to the first floor maze.一階迷路への入り口通路と、
The other was a set of stairs leading to the second floor.二階に上る階段。

Soujyuro did not particularly care which one he chose, so, trusting his intuition, he made a run for the first floor maze, when...今はどれでもいい、と草十郎は直感的に一階の迷路へ逃げこもうと踏みこんで、
He smacked his head into a transparent wall.がいーん、と透明の壁に頭からぶつかった。

"That's right. It's annoying, but I guess this makes things fair.「ええ。面倒だけど、それならフェアでしょ?
The chaser and the chased are on equal ground."追いかける方にも逃げる方にも有利不利がある」

A somehow-cheerful voice echoed in his direction.どことなく楽しげな声が届く。
There was no need for Soujyuro to even turn around.いちいち振り向くまでもない。
In the very same mirror he had crashed into he could see Aoko Aozaki's figure slowly approaching.いま彼をはじいた鏡に、ゆっくりと歩いてくる蒼崎青子の姿が映っている。

"You should know, I sealed off the first floor exit deeper inside. Physically, not with a Bounded Field.「それと、一階の奥にある出口は封鎖しといたから。結界じゃなくて物理的に。
Is calling it a seal going too far? Maybe plugged or buried works. Either way, if you get too close, you'll be swallowed by a cave-in. I recommend keeping your distance if you don't want to be buried alive."やりすぎて封鎖っていうより瓦礫? 土砂崩れ? どっちでもいっか。とにかく下手に出口に近づくと崩落に巻き込まれるから。生き埋めがイヤなら近寄らないことね」

"-, -!"「―――、―――!」

Panicked by the impending footsteps, Soujyuro groped for the wall.近づいてくる足音に焦りながら、草十郎は手探りで壁に向かう。
He could see the stairs to the second floor.見えているのは二階への階段だ。
He did not understand what Aoko had meant earlier, but he at least knew that the first floor was not going to save him.青子の言っているはさっぱりだが、一階はまずい、という事だけは確かだった。

"It would save me a lot of trouble if you just died that way, though.「ま、私としてはそっちのが助かるけど。
The cleanup is much easier for accidental deaths."形式上、事故死の方が後始末とか楽だから」
Behind him was a creature beyond words.背後には正体不明の生物。
As she continued her idle taunting, she lifted her right arm ostentatiously.彼女は軽口と共に、これみよがしに右腕を持ち上げる。

Even from above her clothes one could see some kind of strange, incongruous pattern upon her body.……それは服の上からでも分かる、少女の体には不釣り合いな、一種奇怪な紋様もんようだった。
The veins beneath her skin...皮膚の下の血管。
They made it seem as though something inhuman was circulating her body.身体を巡る機能の一つが、人間以外のモノで回っているような。

Whether out of pity or repulsion,それを傷ましいとも、おぞましいとも感じたのか。
Soujyuro stopped for just a moment.一瞬だけ足を止める草十郎と、
His pursuer evaded his gaze.その視線を受け流す追跡者。

"You've noticed, then. I normally hide it with ointment, but today is special.「ああ、これ? 普段は塗り薬で隠しているんだけど、今日は特別。
It's called a Magical Crest. It's proof that I'm a mage.魔術刻印って言ってね、魔術師の証みたいな物よ。
You see this light revolving around me, right? It's the beginning of what formed that Snap―those bullets.ほら、光が回ってるでしょ? これがさっきのスナップ……分かりやすくいうと弾丸のもと。
I'm feeling pretty good today, and I've never felt more confident in how to use my magical energy efficiently. I think I'm good for another thirty bullets or so."今日は調子いいし、私、魔力を効率よく使うのだけは自信あるし―――うん、あと三十回ぐらいかな? さっきみたいな掃射ができるのは」

Perhaps she was on an emotional high, for her voice had become frightfully friendly.感情がハイになっているのか、彼女はやけにフレンドリーな口調だった。
The substance of the conversation could not have been any more unsettling, however.もっとも、会話の内容は物騒なコトこの上ないのだが。

"...I don't understand a thing you're saying, Aozaki."「……そもそも、何を言っているかよく分からないんだけど、蒼崎」
"You don't? I'm telling you that I have thirty more shots in the tank.「分からない? 弾数はあと三十発って事。
If you can escape before I use them up, it's your win. For today, that is."そこまで逃げ切ればあなたの勝ちよ。とりあえず、今日のところはね」

(...For today? You mean I have to do this tomorrow, too?)『……今日はって、明日もあるのかな……』
Soujyuro knit his brows.眉をひそめて悩む草十郎。
Aoko's expression creased into a scowl at his behavior. Although he was panicking, it seemed that deep down he still did not feel the full weight of the crisis.恐慌しながらも、やはり根っこのところで危機感のない態度に、青子もかすかに眉を寄せる。
She knew he still didn't get it.やっぱりこいつは理解できない、と。

"I said my piece. Free time is over.「宣言はしたわ。自由時間はこれでおしまい。
I may still have some trash talk left in me, but, well, there's never enough time to get it all off my chest, anyway. Just give up already."まだののしり足りないだろうけど、ま、その手の時間はキリがないしね。このあたりであきらめて」

It appeared Aoko had prepared this theatrical dialogue ahead of time.どうも、この弛緩しかんした会話劇は的に用意されたものらしい。
Not to allow her opponent time for futile pleading, but to give him the time to curse her, his killer.届かない命乞いではなく、殺人者を呪う時間けんり
Such forthrightness was her modus operandi. With this victim, however, it was not going as she had hoped.……青子流の公正さなのだが、締まらないコトに、今回はうまく機能しなかったようだ。

"Anyway, that's all I have to say.「とにかくそういう事だから。
Shall we begin the hunt?"―――じゃ、狩りの時間といきましょうか」
Her voice was void of emotion, and her eyes ruthless as they bored into her prey.感情をはいした声と、冷酷に獲物を見据える瞳。
This time, Soujyuro finally accepted that he was going to die.それで今度こそ本当に、自分が殺されるという現実を、草十郎は実感した。

Scene 3

...Silent as the dead, it stepped into the remnants of a dream that had long since seen no visitors.……長らく入園者のいない夢の廃墟あとに、は力なく、亡霊のような静けさで足を踏み入れた。
There was no wind this night, nor a soul to be seen.今夜は無風で、周囲は無人。
Still, it heard the echoes from within, clasped its hands together, and grinned.それなのに響いてくる雑音に、はにんまりと、手を合わせて微笑んだ。

Its form, with hands clasped, resembled that of a budding tulip.可愛らしく合わされたカタチは、チューリップの蕾のようだ。
The bearing of this artificial flower reflected in the cloudy mirror of the ticket attendant's office next to the gate.横の係員室のくもった鏡に、造花の仕草が映し出される。
Next to it stood a display board, corroded by years upon years of rust.その横には、錆びに錆びた掲示板。

No. of Visitors Today: 2『今日の入園者数:  2人
No. of ---- Today: __今日の××××:   件』
No. of ---- Today: __今日の××××:   件』

The board had graffiti crudely scrawled atop one of the words.風蝕にさらされた掲示板には心ない落書きが一つ。
It was replaced with "Deaths."今日の××××数は、死亡事故、という単語に書き換えられていた。
The records board had long ago fallen to disrepair.もう使われるコトのない記録表。
After taking a full ten seconds to digest what it was looking at, it made its own revision.それが何であるかたっぷり十秒ほど考えて、は新たな数字を付け足した。

No. of Visitors Today: 3『今日の入園者数:  3人
No. of Deaths Today: 1今日の死亡事故:  1件』

After appending this number with an index finger, she smiled like a flower.人差し指で数字を付け足して、彼女は花のように微笑む。
Then she began to walk toward the source of the sound.……は、音に向かって歩きだす。
It had been ten minutes since this rhapsody had begun to echo from the house of mirrors.ミラーハウスから狂詩曲じみた雑音がひびきだしてから、はや十分。
The amusement park's entrance returned to as it was before: soulless.遊園地の入り口は、ずっと無人のままだった。

Scene 4

In the end...結論から言えば。
Even if Soujyuro had been the luckiest man alive, there was no way he should have been able to escape.仮に、草十郎カレが世界で一番強運な男だとしても、逃げきれる筈はなかったのである。

The question, however, was how much of this was by design,ただ、どこまでが計算通りで、
and how much was sheer coincidence.どこまでが偶然だったのか。
Even Aoko, who had made all the arrangements, had no answer.それは結末を用意していた青子にも分からない。

Indeed, there were only three things she could say:彼女に言えるのは三つだけ。
It was taking longer than expected,思っていたより時間がかかって、
he was putting up more of a resistance than she had anticipated,予想していたより手応てごたえがあって、
and that choosing the house of mirrors was a mistake.それと、ミラーハウスを選んだのは失敗だった、というコトぐらい。

She had really screwed the pooch on this one.……そう、何が失敗かと言うと。
The location itself was an excellent choice, as the house of mirrors was perfect as a hunting ground. But seeing her own incompetence reflected in the mirrors was beginning to grate on her.ミラーハウスは狩り場として文句なしの地形だったけれど、鏡に映る自分と向き合うのは半人前の彼女にとって、少しだけ苛立たしいコトだった。

The moment Aoko's right arm began to glow, Soujyuro made a beeline for the staircase in front of him.青子の右腕が光った瞬間、草十郎は目の前の階段に逃げこんだ。
A strobing series of blue flashes lit the room behind him.背後には連続する青い閃光ストロボ
The hunter calmly followed her prey, and the prey desperately ran for his life up the stairs.無我夢中で階段を駆け上がる獲物を、狩人はあわてずに追っていく。

"...Just what the doctor ordered.「―――注文通り。
We can't very well let the best laid plans go to waste now, can we?"そうでなくっちゃ、お膳立ぜんだてした甲斐がない」
In stark contrast to Soujyuro's frenzied escape, Aoko walked briskly up the stairs.走る草十郎とは対照的に、青子はやや早歩きで階段を上っていく。

She elected not to run after her prey in order to maintain a set distance.青子が走って追わないのは、獲物と一定の距離を保つためだ。
As she lacked confidence in her accuracy, the hardest thing for her to deal with would be if he charged right at her and went down fighting.命中率に自信のない彼女にとって、もっとも対処に困るのが玉砕覚悟の突進である。

But at a distance of thirty or so feet, he posed no threat.十メートル程度の距離があるのなら問題はない。
By the time her prey drew near, she could fire ten shots and hit with at least four of them.獲物が接近するまで十発中四発は当てられる。
Their positioning just a moment ago hadn't been ideal.しかし先ほどの位置関係は少々まずかった。
At that distance, in a space that open, if he flanked and rushed her, there was a chance, however small, that it could turn into a fist fight.あの距離、あの広さの空間で迂回されながら突進されたら、わずかではあるが、そのまま接近されて素手での争いになる可能性がある。

Currently, Aoko's best weapon was the bullets from her right arm.現在、青子の最大の武器は右腕の魔弾だ。
If she was going to capitalize on that advantage, it was in her best interest not to close the gap between them.この利点を生かすのなら距離を詰めすぎてはいけない。
If there was a good time to approach, it was only after her prey had become exhausted and had lost the will to continue.近づく時があるとしたら、それは獲物の体力がなくなり、あきらめたあと。

Would she pierce his leg? Shoot him in the back?足を射貫くか、背中を撃つか。
Or, perhaps, would he just give up after losing himself in the labyrinth?あるいは、この迷路で心が折れるか。
The hunt would end when her target sustained some sort of injury and became unable to run.なんらかの傷を負って標的が走れなくなった時が、この狩りの幕引きとなる。

On Soujyuro's end, he could barely bite back on screaming as he bolted through the maze.一方、草十郎は悲鳴をこらえながら迷路を走っていた。
Even running in a straight line had become difficult, much less searching for an exit.出口など目指しようもなく、まっすぐ走る事すら難しい。

The corridor stretched out far before him...or so the mirrors blocking the path had made it seem.長く伸びている通路は、そう見えるだけで鏡の壁でふさがれている。
Panicked, he made a turn to the right.あわてて右に曲がろうとして、

Clutching his head in his right arm, Soujyuro led with his left, groping through the air to see whether a wall was there or not.草十郎は額をおさえながら残った左に腕を伸ばし、壁がない事を確認し、
He dove down the hall to the left, narrowly dodging the bullets targeting his life.とっさに左の通路に飛びこんで、コンマの差で凶弾から身をかわす。

"Haa... haa..."「はっ―――、は―――!」
Urged on by the sound of approaching footsteps, he ran without thinking.近づいてくる足音にせき立てられて、考える前にとにかく走る。

That last one was close. A hair closer would have meant his life.今のは本当に紙一重だった。
He caught the odor of burnt hair from the back of his neck.後ろ髪の焦げた臭いがする。
He was very lucky.きっと強運。
Or perhaps very unlucky.あるいは悪運だ。
If he were actually lucky, he would not be in this situation in the first place.幸運の類があるなら、そもそもこんな事態になってはいない。

The second floor of the house of mirrors was structured like a giant spiral.ミラーハウスの二階は巨大な渦巻き状になっているらしい。
It wound left, starting from the outside wall.外周からはじまって、とにかく左に左にと曲がっていく。
Eventually it would lead to a dead end. The more he tried to escape, the more cornered he would become, as though he were trapped in a twisted guillotine.いきつく先はどんづまり。逃げれば逃げるほど追いつめられる、蝸牛かたつむりのカラに似た断頭台だ。

His stifled screams threatened to leak out as complaints.おさえつけた悲鳴が、文句になって出てきそうだ。
No matter what he did, he was going to be killed. All of his struggling merely served to prolong the inevitable.どのみち殺されるのに、こんなワケの分からない状況がまだ数秒すうびょう数分すうふん、自分の頑張り次第で続くなんて―――!

Yet he ran.けれど走る。
No matter how many mirrored walls he rammed himself into, he ran.何度も鏡の壁にぶつかりながら走る。
Even after crashing so hard that his forehead bled and he saw stars, he ran.衝突のたび目に星が舞って、額から出血しても走る。

Pain shot through him at every turn.激痛は数秒ごとに。
The more frantically he ran, the more intensely he smashed into the invisible walls.がむしゃらに走れば走るほど手ひどく透明の壁にぶつかってしまう。
His body began to understand this rule and begged him not to run anymore.体はもうその法則を覚え始めていて、これ以上は走りたくないとうったえる。

"Hah... Hah..."「はっ、は―――!」
His breath was already ragged after sprinting a couple hundred feet.結果、たった六十メートル程度の全力疾走で息が上がっていた。

No matter how he thought about it, this was not normal. This was way too crazy.そもそもしかるに、どう考えてもマトモじゃない。いくらなんでも突拍子がなさすぎる。

This was all just a bad joke. If he turned around now, she would apologize to him for taking it too far.こんなのは性質たちの悪い冗談で、振り返ればやりすぎてゴメンと謝る彼女がいるに決まっている。

His mind had gone blank. As his body continued to slam into the mirrors again and again, his feet slowed as they began to believe that perhaps it really was all a joke. But then...頭は真っ白で、体は度重なる衝突で音を上げて、そうに違いないと足を止めそうになったところに、

He felt a chill.ぞくりと。
A touch of death upon his neck.首もとにかぶさるような、死の手触りを感じ取った。

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Soujyuro knew this kind of terrible chill far too well.大げさな話ではなく、草十郎はこの類の悪寒をイヤというほど知っていた。
Ever since he had arrived in the city, he had come face-to-face with more than one or two near-death experiences.なにしろ町にやってきてからこっち、死にかけた事は一度や二度ではなかったのだ。
For someone who did not understand city life, his present predicament was not unlike when he experienced the traffic on the streets or the commuter rush on the station platform.道を行く自動車や通勤ラッシュで混雑する駅のホームは、ルールを知らない彼からすれば、いまの状況とそう大差のないものなのだから。

He was far from an innocent babe unable to comprehend life or fear.彼はまだ命も恐怖も知らない、無邪気な幼子ではない。
Rather, everything he had ever known became irrelevant when he was flung into a completely different cultural sphere.一つの人格としてかたちどられた知性が、ある日突然、まったく違う文化圏に放りこまれただけ。
Even society's promises of safety―something urbanites took for granted―were threats unknown.この町にとって当然のもの―――安全が約束されている公共の機構ですら、彼にとっては“未知”の脅威だった。

...So he was used to this already.……だから、既に慣れてはいたし。
Though if he were to be honest, he was dissatisfied with some things.正直に告白すれば、不満に思う事だってあったのだ。

Things superfluous to necessity.まったく不要なもの。
This world was overflowing with valueless things, and they were all dangerous in some way.まったく価値を見いだせないものにあふれ、それらがすべて危険な役割を持った世界。
Even the everyday necessities sold at the convenience store were, as far as he was concerned, amazing tools.コンビニエンスストアにある多くの日用雑貨すら、彼にとってはたいへん優れた“道具”である。

Civilization had raised the standard of living so high that it had numbed humanity's sense of danger.文明はその水準を上げるほど、人間の持つ危機感を麻痺させる。
The city's constant pursuit of wealth and convenience was a poison to a country boy like Soujyuro.裕福さ、便利さを進めていく街のあり方は、田舎で育った草十郎にとっては毒そのものだ。

And he did not have the capacity to accept these conveniences.そして不幸な事に、彼には便利さを甘受するだけの余裕がなく。
That it was possible for such conveniences to easily and suddenly be misused and cause unintended accidents had always made him anxious.扱い方を間違えるだけで容易よういに、唐突に、誰もが意図しなかった事故が起きる都会の便利さに、ずっと、違和感を抱いていた。
He had to wonder why he was even here.なんで自分は、こんなところにいるのだろう、と。

How ironic.皮肉にすぎる。
It took the real threat of death to finally make him realize,そんな、今まで気付かなかった本心に、
like a divine revelation, what he'd failed to understand until now:命を狙われている状況で、天啓てんけいのように思い知るなんて。

He'd always had to expect the unexpected.……そう。唐突なのは今に始まった事ではない。
Near-death experiences were more common than one might think.死にそうな目に遭うのはそこまで特別な事ではない。
To begin with, safety was something that came at a price.本来安全あんぜんというのは対価を支払って得るものなのだし。
Being alive meant that the opposite was always lurking around the corner.生きているのなら常に逆の目が待っている。
It was just like a street light at night.例えば、夜の街灯のように。
When the sun rose, its illumination would naturally disappear.朝になれば当然、その明かりは消えるのだ。

Another barrage of strange projectiles whizzed mercilessly by him.容赦なく撃ちだされる正体不明の凶器。
He recalled in the back of his mind the charred remains of someone at the hands of that blue flame two nights prior.二日前の夜、青い炎に包まれて消しずみになった人影が脳裏に蘇る。
Somehow this situation reminded him of a horse being led by a dangling carrot.釣られた人参にんじん欲しさに走る馬みたいだ、と彼は思った。
For now he lifted his head and continued to run through the labyrinth.とにかくアゴをあげて迷路を走る。
But for what purpose?でも、いったい何のために?

"Hah... hah..."「はっ―――、はっ―――」
Though he knew the pain in his chest was very real, he felt disconnected from it.心臓の苦しさは本物なのに、まるで現実感がない。
The night sky visible through the skylight was a muddy ultramarine, no longer resembling the one he knew.天窓から見える夜空は泥を流したような群青ぐんじょうで、草十郎カレの知っている夜空には似ても似つかない。

And managed to calm himself.唐突に気がゆるむ。
Soujyuro began to laugh in despair, as though something rather precious had been broken.ばち気味に草十郎は笑って、わりと大切なものが折れた気がした。
Everything had become meaningless anyway.だって、そもそも全てがどうでもいい。
Even so, his legs somehow made their way forward at the sight of her reflection in the mirror.それでもなんとか足が進んだのは、合わせ鏡に彼女の姿が映るからだ。

Like a game of cat and mouse, Soujyuro fled through the labyrinth of mirrors.追いかけっこをするネコとネズミのように、草十郎は鏡の迷路を遁走とんそうする。
Then, after four minutes, that strangely unreal tension ended.その、妙に現実感のない緊迫は、実質四分ほどで終了した。

The ninth shot of blue light hit inches away from him.九回目の青い光が、草十郎の真横で発火する。
It exploded the moment it made impact, launching Soujyuro into the opposite wall.光は壁に被弾するなり爆発して、その衝撃で草十郎を反対側の壁に叩きつける。
Of all the fire he had taken thus far, this shot indisputably brought him the closest to death.文句なく、今までで一番「死」に近い一撃だった。

Groaning, he collapsed to the floor.呻いて、床に倒れこむ。
His back was on fire with pain.背中はひりひりと痛んでいる。
He was not bleeding, and was lucky he could still even scream.出血はない。『痛い』程度で済んだのは幸運だろう。

Yet, his body refused to move.けれど、体はがんとして動かなかった。
Physically and mentally he still had something to spare.肉体的にも精神的にもまだ余裕はある。
The pain was not so bad that it was preventing him to stand up.起き上がれない程の痛みでもない。

It was just that there was a skylight above him, and he could glimpse the dark of the night sky beyond.ただ、倒れてふと見上げた天井には窓があって、暗い夜空が見えてしまった。
The feeling that overcame him was a raw, selfish bout of grief.胸に去来したは未熟な、身勝手な嘆きだった。
It was just so cruel.……ああ、なんて醜い。
To have to stare at that for the remainder of whatever short life he had left.こんなものを、これから一生、見続けていく。

Soujyuro's ragged breath slowed.乱れていた呼吸が、熱を失ったように治まった。
For all intents and purposes, he had given up.簡単に言うなら、彼はそれで諦めてしまったのだ。
He had given up running away from the sound of pursuing footsteps and perhaps even the problem at the root of everything.追いかけてくる足音から逃げるという行為と、たぶん、もっと大きな、根本にある問題から。

(Well, at least it was Aozaki who got to kill me.)“まあ……蒼崎に殺されるなら、いいかな”
Soujyuro Sizuki felt things that in any other circumstance he would never feel.静希草十郎という人間にとって、決してあってはならない感想が漏れる。
Without exaggeration or embellishment, this was the only mistake he had ever made in his entire life.大げさな話ではなく、それは彼にとって、生涯ただ一度の過ちだった。

Staring vacantly into the night sky above, Soujyuro listened as the footsteps drew nearer.ぼんやりと夜空を見上げながら、草十郎は近づいてくる足音を聞く。
"You give up?"「ギブアップ?」
It was the closest her voice had ever been to him.今までで一番近い声。
Perhaps feeling that he really had given up, she approached his collapsed form.これで幕引きと踏んだのか、彼女は倒れこんだ草十郎の目前まで歩み寄った。

In the dark, mirror-lined corridor he could not make out her expression.暗い鏡張りの通路では、その表情はうかがい知れない。
Without a word, Soujyuro raised his eyes to meet his murderer.草十郎は何を言うのでもなく、目前の殺人者を見上げている。

"...I suppose if you don't care, you don't have to ask.「……返事がないならそれでいいけど。
You really do throw me off. Most people would ask me why I'm going to kill them right about now."調子狂うわ。普通、どうして殺そうとするのかぐらい、訊くものじゃない?」
Aoko spoke from within the shadows.顔を陰に隠したまま青子は言う。

His eyes widened in bewilderment.きょとんと目を大きくする草十郎。
Now that she had mentioned it, he realized that would have been the obvious question to ask.言われて、それが自然な疑問なのだと気が付いた。
He had more or less picked up on the fact that he was being killed for learning some secret, but it was human nature to want to know more.なんとなく雰囲気で“秘密を知ったから殺す”と読み取れたが、どうして自分がこんな目にあうのか、理由を聞きたくなるのが人情である。

"...That makes sense, now that you mention it."「……そっか。それは、そうなるな」
A simple affirmation.ああ、という肯定。
His face was a mixture of resignation and a forlorn longing.どこか寂しい願いと、諦めのまざった顔。
He thought for a moment, before...彼はしばし考えたあと、
"But you don't have to say anything.「でも言う必要はない。
I don't want to hear it."聞きたくないんだ、そういうのは」
He responded in a mature, subdued voice.大人びた、静かな声でそう答えた。

His response was clear-rather, gallantly so.鮮やかといえば、鮮やかすぎたその回答。

"...I see.「―――そ。
I'm still going to kill you. Aren't you scared of dying?"じゃ、殺すけど。死ぬの、恐くないの?」
"Of course I'm scared. It'll probably hurt."「恐いに決まってる。なにより痛そうだ」
His face turned wry as he objected, to which Aoko frowned.口をとがらせて抗議する草十郎に、青子はむっ、と顔をくもらせる。
As nonchalant as he could be, he was honest about his feelings.投げやりになっていても、自分の気持ちに素直な少年だった。

"Of course that would be scary. I'd be scared, too, you know.「そりゃ恐いでしょう。私だって恐いと思うし。
Sorry, though. You'll just need to deal with it.でも悪いわね、我慢して。
It's okay if you call me a monster. That's exactly what I am right now.人でなしとののしってくれて結構よ。今の私は本当にその通りだから。


|I guess in that way I'm just like you. I don't have what you would call normal morals. Helps when I need to murder someone."|そういった意味じゃアンタと同じ。普通の道徳がないのよ。だから、必要なら人も殺せる」|
|Soujyuro's finger twitched in response to her indifferent tone.|淡々とした声に、ぴくりと草十郎の指が反応した。|
|As if to say that, despite having given up on just about everything, his body could not let those words slide.|何もかも諦めていた彼の体が、今の言葉は聞き流せないと言うように。|

"Murder is wrong, you know."「人殺しなんて、よくないぞ」
"We went through this. I know that already."「分かってるって言ってるでしょ」
Aoko raised her right hand.青子の右腕が掲げられる。
The light from the crest illuminated her face.刻印の光が顔を照らす。

It goes without saying that her expression was unchanged.言うまでもなく、彼女の顔はいつも通りだ。
She was not crying, nor was she smiling.泣き顔でもなく笑顔でもない。
She was a young woman who had excised her feelings.感情をはいした、どこにでもいる一人の少女。
..."Deal with it" was another thing Soujyuro could not let slide.……我慢して、なんてとんでもない。
Soujyuro could read on Aoko's face that she was not herself. She was in pain, and to a degree he had never seen in her.普段の青子を知る草十郎にとって、それは、どんなよりつらく映った。

"...Sorry, but I guess I do have something to say."「……すまない。ちょっと、いいかな」
"What is it? But don't think you can trick me into letting you go by making me feel bad."「なに? ここまで悲愴感ひそうかんを盛り上げておいて、やっぱり逃げるなんてのは却下よ」

He unconsciously smiled at Aoko's ruthless counter and breathed a sigh of relief.容赦のない青子の切り返しに、彼はつい頬をゆるませた。
He had misread the pain he saw in her face. This was the same Aoko.ほっと息をつくように。さきほど見えた辛さは勘違いで、青子はやっぱり青子だった。
Soujyuro laughed out loud in genuine joy, a laugh that most other people would have taken as an insult.それが嬉しくて草十郎は笑ったのだが、言うまでもなく、彼以外には真逆に見える笑いだった。

"I'm starting to regret letting you say your piece.「……遺言ゆいごんでも聞いてあげようと思った私が甘かった。
Or should I take that attempt to make fun of me as just that?"っていうか、今の小馬鹿にした笑いがアンタの遺言ってコトでオッケー?」
"No, I'm not laughing at you. I was just wondering if that person over there was a friend of yours, Aozaki."「いや、そうじゃなくて。あそこにいる人は、蒼崎の友人なのか?」
Out of nowhere, Soujyuro pointed behind Aoko.つい、と指で青子の背後を指す草十郎。

Aoko thought that it must have been that old, overused distraction technique.使い古された手だと青子は思った。
If this had been a Japanese comedy act, this would be the part where she gave him a whack with a paper fan.ここがステージならハリセンでダメ出しも辞さないところだ。
But after giving it a second thought, she realized Soujyuro didn't have the capacity for understanding old, or even new, tricks.……しかし草十郎にそんな雰囲気はないし、そもそもこの男には流行はやりも古いもなかった、と思い直す。

"What are you..."「アンタ、なに言って―――」
Perhaps his honest disposition had been to his benefit.なんだかんだと律儀な性格が幸いしたのか。
Without thinking, Aoko gave in to her curiosity and turned her gaze toward the direction in which his finger was pointed.つい気になって、指差された背後に目を向ける青子。
And there...―――そこには、

Something that should not have been there in the maze. Something with a creaking, wooden smile...ぎい、と。
It was the ominous, creepy, uncanny figure of a girl.この迷路には無い木製の笑顔きしみをあげる、不吉で不気味な“彼女”の姿が―――

Scene 5

"A... puppet?"「―――人、形……?」
An unusual figure with two arms and two legs stood silently in the darkness.暗がりにほの浮かぶの異形。
If only for a moment, its beauty―which was even apparent from afar―dulled the insanity of the current situation.その、物言わぬたたずまいと、遠目からでも分かる造りの美しさが、事の異常性を一瞬だけ漂白し―――

Extend. Extend. Extend.伸びる。伸びる。伸びる。
The utterly unknown threat made Aoko freeze on the spot.その、あまりの“未知”に青子の思考は停止した。
Avoiding it didn't even occur to her. Humans possess intelligence and knowledge, but when confronted with the unknown, they fail to process what to do, and―避ける、という選択が浮かばない。人間は知性、知識がある故に、“初めて見る”ものに鈍感どんかんで―――

A shriek escaped Aoko's mouth.青子の口から悲鳴がこぼれる。
The magical attack crossed the thirty-foot gap in an instant.十メートル以上の距離を無視した魔の一撃。
The arm of the "girl" who had appeared at the rear of the corridor was slender and quick. It extended to a near-impossible length, striking Aoko from behind.奥の通路に現れた“彼女”の腕は細く速く、どこまでも長く伸び、青子の背中をとらえた。

Aoko crashed into the wall as she fought back an anguished whimper.青子は壁に激突しつつも、苦悶の声を飲みくだす。
The attacker retracted her arm.一方、伸びきった腕は速やかに“彼女”へと戻っていく。

Soujyuro sprang to his feet.草十郎はすぐさま立ち上がっていた。
He darted to her side and used all the strength he could muster to get her to her feet.手足をついて咳きこむ青子に駆け寄ると、力任せに立ち上がらせ―――

He could not believe how light she was.その軽さに、少し戸惑う。
In Soujyuro's mind, Aoko was an extraordinary individual.草十郎にとって、蒼崎青子は普段から凛としていて、中身がぎゅっと詰まっているイメージだった。
He'd expected that if he were to ever touch her, it would be apparent she was far stronger than he.だからきっと、れた時は自分なんかより確かな力強さがあると思ったのだ。
But in reality, she felt about as heavy as you would expect a hundred-pound girl to feel.けれど実際は四十五キロ程度の、少女として当たり前の重さだった。

that thing continued to reel in its arm, as if it were some sort of mechanism.どのような機巧カラクリか、“彼女”は伸びきった腕を収納していく。
Having extended more than thirty feet from the elbow joint, it clanked as it returned to its previous shape and size.十メートル以上伸びた腕、何倍にも増設されたひじ関節が、カシャンカシャンと元の形状おおきさに戻っていく。

"Are you okay?"「大丈夫か?」
"...Are you for real? How can you even look at me like that right now?"「……やめてよ。分からないわ、なんでそんな顔できるの」
Aoko tore her hand away from Soujyuro's.呟きながら草十郎の手から離れる青子。
Suddenly, she felt her knees buckle from under her, but Soujyuro caught her before she could hit the ground and helped her to her feet.途端、がくんと膝から倒れこんだが、彼女が膝をつくより早く、草十郎は肩を貸して立ちあがらせていた。

"Don't push yourself too hard. ...So, do you know this thing?"「無理するな。……で、あいつは知り合いか?」
He looked back at the eerie shadow thirty feet away as it finished retracting its arm.草十郎は十メートル向こう、不気味にたたずむ人影を見据えている。伸びきった腕は、あと少しで完全に収納されようとしていた。
"...Yeah. I fought one of its friends a while back."「……そうね。似たような奴とは命をせめぎ合った仲よ」

Aoko grabbed her lower back as she answered.青子は答えながら、自身の背中に指をはわせた。
A searing pain shot through her.途端、火であぶられるような痛みが走る。

"It's just a bruise. How can it hurt THIS much?“っ……でも、痛いっちゃあ痛いけど、打撲だけ……?
It could have killed me, catching me off guard like that. Or maybe it can't kill from that distance...?あれだけ絶好の奇襲をしておいて? それとも、この距離じゃ当たっても致命傷にならない?
No, that can't be it. I must be missing something..."……なんて、あるワケないか。なにか別の意味があると見るべきね―――”

Aoko tried to steady her breathing as she assessed the damage done to her back.背中の損傷ダメージを量りながら、乱れた呼吸を整える青子。
The pain was quick to fade and her breathing returned to normal.痛みも呼吸もすぐに治まった。
For the time being, her motor functions were no longer hindered.あくまで今のところではあるが、運動機能に支障はない。
Which meant the real damage was elsewhere...となると、深刻なダメージと言えるのは―――

"Ah, Aozaki! You're―"「あ、蒼崎、アレ!」
"Ugh, I know. Just shut up already."「分かってるわ、黙ってて」
Blue light glowed across the gloom.薄闇うすやみに青い光がともる。
The magical energy generated by her breathing was accumulating in her right arm.青子の呼吸に連動して生成された魔力が、その右腕に集められる。

If magical energy was the fuel, the formula was the igniter.魔力が燃料なら、術式は点火装置だ。
For Aoko, this was little more than a reenactment of two evenings ago.青子にとって、これは二日前の夜の再現にすぎない。
Next time the puppet extended its arm, Aoko would fire a magic bullet as fast as she could.あの人形が腕を伸ばしてきた時、最速で術式を走らせ、生成したを弾く。
A battle at approximately thirty feet.およそ十メートルの格闘戦。
As long as Aoko could secure a two-second window, she could create a counterattack to end their duel.生死を分かつクロスカウンターだが、二秒の隙間があるのなら青子でも合わせられる。

It made its move.“彼女”が動く。
With its head tilted down, there was no expression to be seen. And in the darkness, its apparent age was impossible to make out.うつむいているのでは見えず、この距離、この暗さでは肉体年齢も判別できない。
To the two humans, the puppet was not dissimilar to a faceless ghost.青子たちにとって、人形はいまだ正体のない亡霊と変わらない。

Its left arm slowly came up with a grinding sound.キリキリと音をたてて左腕が持ち上がる。
Its movements were dull, as if the joints were rusty.緩慢かんまんな、関節がびきったような動作。
The right arm, which had been extended earlier, hung at its side.先ほど伸びた右腕は下げられている。
Though the puppet's mouth was hidden by its long locks, the sense was that it was smiling.くすりと、長い髪に隠れた口元が笑った気がした。
"It's changing it up. It's attacking from the left!"“―――右手さっきと用途が違う、アレが本命―――!”
"Move it, Sizuki!"「静希君、どいて……!!」

She threw herself into Soujyuro and extended her hand.青子が草十郎を突きとばしつつ右手をなぎ払うのと、
Its arm extended at that very moment.“彼女”の左腕が伸びるのは同時だった。

The timing was impeccable.タイミングは完璧。
In a single second, Aoko's magic bullet scored a direct hit on the puppet's arm, reversing its trajectory and sending it crashing into the puppet's body with a violent explosion.一秒の差で青子の魔弾スナップは人形のに直撃し、その軌道をズラしながら敵本体に炸裂する。
...Or at least, that is what would have happened had the magic formula been invoked.―――肝心の、魔術式が駆動すればの話だが。

She barely avoided being struck once again.撃ち出された腕を紙一重でかわす青子。
When her magecraft failed her, intuition took over, and she just managed to get away.魔術は発動しなかったが、相手の攻撃をかわせたのはここ一番のかんの良さか。

"She got me! She knew what I was going to do!"“やられた、最初のはそういうコトか……!”
She clenched her teeth in frustration, her thoughts racing a mile a minute.こんちくしょう、と歯がみしつつ青子は思考を巡らせた。
Fight or flight?るべきか、退くべきか。
It only had one arm left, which would take time to retract.残る腕は一本。人形の腕は巻き戻しに時間がかかる。
This was the best shot Aoko had at defeating it.言うまでもなく好機。やるのなら今だ。
If she could evade the right arm just a fraction, she could get close enough to...右腕だけならもう一度ギリギリでかわして、とにかく近づいてしまえば―――

"Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferisIn slumber, I live. In dirt, I rot, alone.Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferis私は眠りの中で生きている。ひとりきりで土の中で腐っていく。.

Hic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.Today is the day I died and was born. I come to you."@oHic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.今日は私の命日であり、誕生日だ。さあ、貴方に会いに行こう。

A crackle echoed through the corridor.がさついた音が木霊こだまする。
The poetic murmurs contained enough magical energy for a mage to perceive.詩文しぶんめいたささやきは、魔術師なら視覚できるほどの魔力のだった。
The verse itself was Latin, but it contained hints of the language of curses―Gandr.唄い文句こそラテン語だが、ところどころに呪詛ガンドの韻が含まれている。
Originally, they were words meant to curse a hated adversary.本来なら憎い相手をのろう言葉。

"Mea anima immortalis. Autem mea futura necata suntMy life is immortal, though my future was destroyed..Mea anima immortalis. Autem mea futura necata sunt私の命は不滅ですが、私の未来は殺されました。.

Manes sum. Animam definire ambiguum estI am a ghost. The definition of life is ethereal..Manes sum. Animam definire ambiguum est私は亡霊です。生命の定義はあやふやです。.

Te odi, et te amo. Conveniamus in somnio ipso.I hate you. I love you. Let us meet in a dream."Te odi, et te amo. Conveniamus in somnio ipso.憎らしい、愛おしい貴方。どうか、夢で会いましょう。

...The puppet was directing the words at itself.……それを、あの人形は自分自身に向けていた。
Curses beget curses. The victim calls down a curse on the assailant, creating a vicious cycle of negativity.呪いは呪いを生む。被害者は加害者を呪い返す事で、負の連鎖を回していく。

The incantation was meant to do just that.……あの詠唱はそのサイクルを利用したものだ。
However, this was ultimately a one-puppet show.ただしあくまで一人芝居。
An unprecedented source of power akin to autointoxication.自家中毒にも似た異例の動力源。
As unbelievable as it seemed, the cycle of curses had been turned into a perpetual motion device.信じがたい事だが―――アレは呪い呪われる事で、一定の動力まりょくを維持し続ける永久機関……!

"You've got to be kidding me. Isn't this overkill?!"「なにそれ、レベル高すぎじゃない……!?」
Aoko abandoned the idea of digging her heels in.青子は徹底抗戦の選択肢を切り捨てた。
It was time to flee with all due haste.反撃はせず、最速で身をひるがえす。

"What do you think you're doing?! Come on!"「なにしてんの、アンタも来る!」
She grabbed Soujyuro's hand and ran as fast as she could, deeper into the realm of mirrors.急展開に置いてけぼりだった草十郎の手をとって、青子は全力で鏡の国の奥地へと走り出す。
The crackling voice continued its murmuring behind them.ふたりの背後には、なお続くひび割れた声。

"Proximi mihi neglegentes fuerunt. Omnes nos peccantes fuimusMy neighbors neglected me.,Proximi mihi neglegentes fuerunt. Omnes nos peccante隣人は私に無関心でした。私たちは誰もが罪深く、s

et omnes nos eidem fuimus, omnes nos peccatores sumusNot an innocent among us, we are all sinners..fuimus, et omnes nos eidem fuimus, omnes nos peccatore同類でした。私たちは罪人です。s

Venite domum meam. Luto simile somniumWe are all sinners. Welcome to my house.,sumus. Venite domum meam. Luto simile somnium私の家にいらっしゃい。泥のような死を。,

et pulveri simile cotidianum. Cor privo.May we die a muddy death. From dust to dust. Gouge out my heart."et pulveri simile cotidianum. Cor privo.塵となって囁く。この胸を去った心臓を抉り出して、

"Death be upon you.Te iudico."“「オマエニ、死ヲTe iudico.」”

Scene 6

Aoko fought against the pain in her back as she ran through the mirrored corridor.青子は背中の痛みに耐えながら、鏡張りの通路を走る。
She dragged Soujyuro by the hand.その手に引かれておまけ状態の草十郎も走る。

"Aozaki, are you okay?"「蒼崎、傷は?」
"...My spine is numb, but it could be worse. My internal organs seem fine, and I don't think I'm bleeding internally."「……べつに、背骨がしびれてる程度よ。内臓は平気だし、出血もないみたい」
She cursed inwardly at how much of a mess she felt, though.ま、肝心の神経かいろはズタズタだけど、と内心呟く青子。
Unlike Soujyuro, Aoko did not run into any transparent walls,草十郎と違い、青子は透明の壁にぶつからない。
thanks not to superior sight, but rather preparation-she'd hammered the layout of the building into her memory.目がいいのではなく、ミラーハウスの構造を頭にたたきこんでいるからだ。

"...You're really okay? How can you tell?"「……平気って、分かるのか?」
"Because it's my body. One of the first things a mage learns is how to keep track of your body."「そりゃ自分の体だもの。身体管理は基礎中の基礎よ」
Aoko's matter-of-fact answer contrasted with Soujyuro's nervous questioning.恐る恐る訊ねる草十郎と、つまらなそうに答える青子。
The corridor grew shorter with each and every left turn.左曲がりの回廊は段々と、その直線距離を短くしていた。
At first, they were able to advance in a straight line for about a hundred feet at a time.先ほどまではまっすぐに三十メートル。
But by now, they were forced to turn a corner every fifty feet or so.今では十五メートルほどで曲がり角に突き当たる。

"Is that the one from... the other night?"「あいつは、あの夜の……?」
"Probably the same pattern, at least. Whoever's behind it must be pretty wealthy to be throwing a valuable automata around like it's a toy."「たぶんね。同じタイプだと思う。貴重な自動人形オートマタを惜し気もなく使い捨てるなんて、よっぽどお金持ちなんだろうけど」
Soujyuro furrowed his brows.む、と眉間にしわの草十郎。
He was grateful that she was answering his questions, but baffled by the strange words she was using.質問にきちんと答えてくれるのはありがたいが、聞けば聞くほど聴き慣れない単語が出てくるのは困りものだ。

"Hold up, Aozaki. We've been running for a long time.「蒼崎、ストップ。もうずいぶん走ったぞ。
We're a good corner ahead of it, we can afford to rest a moment."あいつは曲がりかど一つぶん向こうだ。少し休もう」
His words suggested that he was still concerned about her injuries.青子の傷を気遣って声をかける。
Aoko shook her heard in irritation.しかし、彼女は不機嫌そうに首を振った。

"Not enough against something with that kind of range. We need to keep running until we're two or three turns clear at least."「あの距離を狙ってくる相手に通路一つ分のリードは無意味よ。せめて二つ分に行くまで走るの」
This made a lot of sense to Soujyuro.なるほど、と頷く草十郎。
With that matter settled, he asked,と、それはともかくとして、

"Why didn't you leave me behind?"「なんで俺を連れていってるんだ?」
"Why do you think? So you couldn't get away, idiot."「逃げられたくないからじゃない、馬鹿」
Answering curtly, Aoko glared at her naïve prey.実に簡潔な返答をしつつ、平和ぼけした獲物をむっと睨む青子だった。

The two of them headed for the next corner.ふたりはさらに先の曲がり角へ。
Their legs began to slow as they rounded one more.通路二つ分のリードをとって、ようやく足が止められる。

Aoko rubbed her back as she tried to catch her breath.青子は息を整えながら背中に手を当てた。
Though Aoko had insisted that she was fine, it appeared to have been bravado.先ほどは“ぜんぜん平気”と断言した青子だが、どうも強がりだったらしい。
Even the usually clueless Soujyuro felt the desperation they were in.なぜなら、空気の読めない草十郎にも分かるぐらい空気が重い。

He stood behind Aoko with his arms folded.そんな青子の後ろで、さて、と腕を組む草十郎。
While they had a moment, he tried to make sense of everything.鬼の居ぬ間になんとやらで、この隙に、彼は彼なりに現状把握などにトライしてみた。

First, Aoko had nearly killed him.まず、自分は蒼崎青子に殺されかけた。
Though he was saved at the last possible second, it was by the strange, stretchy woman Aoko had burned to ashes two nights prior.あわやというところで助けが入ったが、割って入った人物は二日前の夜、青子によって燃やされた『怪奇腕が伸びる人間』だった。
He could barely make it out that night, but he considered it a "her" because it looked female.よく見えなかったが、とりあえず女性っぽかったので彼女と呼称する。

The woman's attack wounded Aoko's back and forced her to flee.その彼女の攻撃で青子は背中を負傷し、一旦逃走。
Aoko had taken Soujyuro with her, claiming that the reason she did so was to prevent her prey from escaping.その際、なぜか草十郎の手を取ったが、それはどさくさに紛れて草十郎エモノが逃げ出すのを阻止するため、とのコトだった。
In other words...つまり―――

"You haven't given up, have you, Aozaki?"「蒼崎は、まだあきらめてないんだな?」
"Of course not! Even if I had to face two of those things, I'd still have plenty left to take care of the likes of you."「あったりまえよ。あんなヤツ、仮に二体と半分始末してもアンタ用の余力は残せるわ」
Her tone was sharp, but even Soujyuro could see that she was struggling to stay confident.などとタンカをきる青子の表情は、草十郎しろうと目にも厳しい。
The damage to her body was too much to afford her any optimism.彼女の体のダメージは無視できるものではなく、状況は楽観できるものではない。
Still, the fury in her eyes refused to accept her circumstances.だが、彼女の目に秘められた激情が、その一切を否定する。

"My Magic Circuits are shorting out like crazy...魔術回路なかがところどころショートしてる……
Which means that right arm of hers must be jamming my spells."あの右腕は回路を混線させる術式妨害ジャミングってワケね―――”
Though the proper response would have been for her to tremble in fear, she did nothing but shake her fists in anger.本来ならピンチに震え上がるところだが、青子の拳を震わせたのは怒りだけだ。

The disruption of formulae was only supposed to work on absolute beginners.術式妨害なんて初歩の初歩、かけだしの半人前にしか通じない。
If it had been her roommate, the arm would have been repelled the instant it hit her and the attacker's circuits burned out, rather than her own.彼女の同居人レベルなら、あんなジャミングはそれこそ腕が触れた時点で弾き、接触しようとした相手の回路を逆に焼き切ってしまうだろう。
Attempting to establish a link to the Magic Circuits of another mage was like presenting your heart on a silver platter. It would be of no use in a battle against a superior mage.このように、他の魔術師と回路を繋げよう、なんて行為は自分の心臓を差し出すに等しい。卓越した魔術師同士の術理戦において、何の役にもたたない駄機能だきのうだ。

And yet, her adversary had been designed to do just that.なのに、あの敵にはそんな“余分な”機能が備えられていた。
Coupled with the attacks on areas of Misaki under Aoko's jurisdiction these last few weeks, it was a clear statement from the enemy, who as of two days ago had revealed itself as a fellow mage.ここ数週間の、三咲の管理地を巡る戦いっぷりから出た、敵の結論。二日前、正式に魔術師として踏みだした彼女に対する評価がそれ。
In other words,要するに―――
the puppet saw Aoko as no threat at all.あの人形てきは、蒼崎青子を完っ全に舐めている。

"...Hmph. Played right into their hands, huh."「……ふん。敵ながら精確な判断だこと」
While she was still angry, the whirlwind of emotions within her started to fade.怒りはそのままに、浮き足立つ激情を冷却する。
Her face was that of a hunter far beyond her years.十七歳の少女には似つかわしくない、達観した狩人の顔。

"You seem to be more concerned about this thing than you were about hunting me."「なんか、俺の時より真剣だな」
"Well, naturally. I was only playing with you."「まあね。アンタの時は遊びが入ってたし」
Soujyuro was not sure whether to be happy or sad at that.喜んでいいのか悲しんでいいのか、草十郎には難しい返答だった。

"This is all so confusing that I don't even know where to start, but can I ask just one question?"「分からない事だらけで何を聞いていいか分からないんだけど、ひとつだけいいか?」

Aoko didn't respond. Her eyes were focused on the darkness before them.青子はこたえず、目前の闇を見詰めている。
The silence was heavy and the darkness was like a noose closing in on them.沈黙は重く、まとわりつく闇は締めつける真綿まわたのようだ。
But Soujyuro continued in spite of her indifference.それでも、完全に自分を無いものと扱う青子に臆さず、草十郎は続けた。
"Are you going to kill her, too, Aozaki?"「蒼崎は、あいつも殺すのか」
A silence fell over them.粛々しゅくしゅくと。
It was as if the gloom was pulling them in.その行為を、暗闇から引きずりだすように。

The room was silent.返事はない。
Their breathing was the only sound echoing in the dim corridor.薄影の廊下に、ふたりの息遣いだけが響く。

There stood Soujyuro, forcing her to confront her sins, and the magician girl who continued to ignore him.罪を問いかける草十郎と、それを無視し続ける魔法使いの少女。
They spent a few seconds, seemingly frozen in time.……凍りつくような数秒ののち
"...I see.「―――そう。
That's a sticking point for you, isn't it?"それが貴方のキーワードみたいね」
Aoko whispered in a lifeless tone.抑揚のない声で、青子は呟いた。
Her sigh was tinged with both resignation and contempt.観念したようにも、軽蔑したようにも取れる、ため息をこぼしながら。

"A sticky... what?「キー……なに?」
"Nothing. Forget it.「独り言よ。忘れて。
But just so you know, that thing that's following us isn't human.それと。言っとくけど、あいつは人間じゃないわ。
You might not believe this, but it's a puppet that can move of its own will. Just like the one from the other night."信じられないだろうけど自分の意志で動く人形なの。この前のも、今のヤツもね」
Soujyuro nodded as he processed the information.ふーん、と素直に頷く草十郎。
Not only did he not doubt her story, but he seemed to have accepted it at face value.青子の話を信じないどころか、納得さえしている風だ。

"...You're awfully calm."「……なんか落ち着いてるわね、貴方」
"No way. I have no idea what's going on, so I'm just trying not to think too hard about it.「まさか。もう何がなんだか分からないから、あまり考えない事にしてるだけだ。
The part about it being a puppet isn't too surprising to me, though."ただ、人形に関しては別に、どうという事はない」
"What? Are you saying you've seen one before?!"「え? もしかして、他でも自動人形を見た事あるとか!?」
"What do you mean? Aren't all puppets in the city like that?"「? 都会の人形ってああいうものじゃないのか?」

She barely stopped herself from falling to her knees.ばたり、と倒れこみたい衝動をギリギリでこらえる青子。
Of course. How could she have forgotten?そうなのだった。
She was dealing with a bona fide, natural-born moron.この、神がかったほうけ者はそういう男なのだった。
As a student who transferred from the isolation of the mountains like an endangered species, his utter lack of common sense rendered anything miraculous as mundane.天然保護動物なみに隔離された山奥からの転入生で、常識はずれの常識の無さで、見るものすべてが奇想天外という異邦人。

If automobiles were moving hunks of metal, then moving puppets were nothing to write home about.自動車という鉄の塊が動くなら、人形だって動くと思っても不思議はない。
Wait. That meant...……なので、もしかしたら。
To him, the incident from the other night hadn't been extraordinary at all.彼にとってあの夜の出来事は“特別”なことではなく。
He might have even assumed it was an everyday occurrence in the city.都会ではよくある風景として、誰に言いふらすような事ではなかったのかもしれない。

"...I give up. You know, I'd really like to get a look inside your head someday. I honestly have no idea how you've made it this far in life.「……まいった。いっぺん頭のなか覗いてみたいっていうか、ほんと、ここまでくると感心するわ。
No wonder you're such a weirdo. Normally, people wouldn't react the way you did when I attacked you.……調子が狂うのも当然だった。普通は私に襲われた時点でもっと違う反応をするはずなのに。
I could have been a monster or a ghost, but for you, it was just another new fact of life.化け物とか、お化けとかさ。でも貴方にとっては『そういう事もある』で済まされてたワケなんだ。
...I'm starting to feel like the real moron here."……なんかみたいね、私」

Her strained face returned to normal for a moment.張りつめた彼女の顔が、一瞬だけ元に戻る。
It hit her; there had been another way to handle this without anyone getting hurt.そう。それならもっと違った方法で、誰も傷つかずに済む選択があったかも知れない。
But the damage had already been done.けれどもう遅い。
There were no do-overs in life, nor should there be.基本、人生にやり直しはない。あってはならない。

Her own mistaken assumptions had sent that situation spiraling out of control.些細な勘違い、勝手な思いこみで状況は悪化しすぎた。
But now that Soujyuro was involved, she had to make sure that her secret was safe with him.ここまで関わった以上、彼女は草十郎を手にかけて秘密を守らなければならない。
Even if there had been another, better option, that ship had sailed.……本当はもうひとつぐらい、最善の選択肢があっただろうけど後の祭り。
Human relationships were ultimately driven by mutual misunderstandings.所詮、人間の関わり合いなんて相互誤解で回るもの。
Like tapestries, woven from mismatched intentions.の編み違いで転がっていく織物おりものだ。

Scene 7

Breaktime was over.―――休憩はここまで。
There stood Aoko Aozaki and Soujyuro Sizuki.蒼崎青子と静希草十郎。
The first idle conversation they had since first meeting had come to an end,ふたりが自己紹介を交わした日以来の、なんでもない会話はここで終わり。
not that they had a choice in the matter. It was the jarring murmuring from around the corner that cut it short.彼らの心情とは関係なく、曲がり角の向こうから耳障りな囁きが流れてくる。

"Nemo meum funus meminit, qui doluit exstinctus estNobody remembers my funeral. My mourners have long since perished..@o“Nemo meum funus meminit, qui doluit exstinctus est私のお葬式はもう誰も覚えていません。悲しむ人も消え去りました。.

Initio erraveramus. Dum vivimus dolores suntWe were born wrong. Life is suffering..Initio erraveramus. Dum vivimus dolores suntはじまりから私たちは間違えていました。生きているのは苦しいです。.

Nemo adiuvatSomebody save me.."Nemo adiuvat.誰か、私を救ってください。

The enemy was just around the corner, visible in the mirrors parallel to it.合わせ鏡に、曲がりかど向こうの敵がうつる。

"...We don't have time for this. We need to keep our dist―「……悠長に話してる場合じゃないわね。とにかく今は距離を―――


In contrast to Aoko's elegant blues, its lights were a malicious red.青子の鮮麗な青色とは違う、怨恨を思わせる赤い光。
"Gandr Shots!"“ガンド撃ち……!”
There was a momentary flash of light, before she even extended her arm.伸びる腕より速い、一瞬の閃光。
But the instant she saw the enemy, her dormant feelings erupted once more.が、はっきりと敵の姿を視認した時点で、沈みかけていた青子の感情も一瞬で再熱していた。

"You're a real pain in the ass!"「っ、さっきから邪魔なのよ……っ!」
She channeled all of her pent-up anger and shunted it into her right arm.行き場のない、ありったけの怒りをぶつけて彼女の右腕が突き出される。

The fog that filled the corridor was no magical weaving, but rather a barrier of raw energy.展開された霧は魔術によるものではなく、魔力をぶちまけただけの障壁だ。
It was equivalent to setting blaze to three buckets of gasoline to create a wall of fire, in the hope it would stop an arrow in flight.飛来する一本の矢の威力をそぐために、バケツ三杯分のガソリンを燃やして壁を作るようなものである。

If the puppet had attacked with its arm, it could have pierced such a wall easily. But, because it had loosed curses with no definite form, the wall of energy repelled the attack.これが人形の腕であったのなら魔力の壁はたやすく突破されただろうが、実像のない“呪い”だからこそ、魔力の壁に弾かれる。
While it was a huge waste of magical energy, it was the only means Aoko had to protect herself in that very moment.膨大な魔力の無駄遣いだが、今の青子にはそれしかふせぐ手段がない。

Unfortunately, its protection was reserved to Aoko alone.が、それで守りきれるのは青子だけだった。

Soujyuro held his hand to his mouth.口を押さえる草十郎。
While the curse had been weakened to the point where Aoko could no longer feel it, it had plenty of effect on Soujyuro, who was not a mage.青子には影響を及ぼさないほど小さくなった呪いでも、魔術師ではない草十郎には十分な効果がある。
As if it understood this fact, the puppet turned its gaze from Aoko to the unanticipated human behind her.それが理解できるのか、人形は青子ではなく、その背後にいる予定外の人間に視線を向けた。

"Th-This has nothing to do with him!"「この、こいつは関係ないでしょう……!」
Enraged, she swung her arm forward once again.カッとなってもう一度腕を振るう。
The blue light formed a wall to block the Gandr for a scant few seconds.わずか数秒、青い燐光は呪いガンドを防ぐ障壁となる。

It was enough of an opening to exploit.その隙。
Just as Aoko was forming the wall, the puppet pointed its right arm at her face, and...壁を張ったばかりの青子の顔を指さすように、人形の右腕が突き出され―――
"This apparently does have something to do with me. Time to run."「関係あるみたいだから、逃げるぞ」
Before the rocket of death could be fired, Soujyuro scooped her up into his arms.死のロケット弾が放たれる前に、草十郎はひょいっと青子を抱き抱えた。

How he mustered the strength to do so was a mystery, but he turned his back on the puppet and took off running.どこにそんな力が残っていたのか、草十郎は人形に背を向けて走り出した。

He was a nimble sprinter, resembling a deer leaping across obstacles.軽快なスプリンターか、岩肌を跳ぶ鹿のようだ。
Soujyuro rounded two more corners,草十郎は曲がり角を二つ越え、
ignored whatever complaints Aoko was making,なにか文句を言いたそうな青子を無視して、
and eventually stopped in the middle of the second floor. He set her down.もうじき二階の中心、というところで足を止めて、青子から手を離した。

"...All right. I bought us enough time to rest a bit."「……よし。ここまでくれば少しは休めるな」
Soujyuro's shoulders heaved as he caught his breath.ふう、と肩で息をする草十郎。
As light as she was, running while carrying someone else would make anyone winded.いくら軽いとは言え、人間ひとり抱えて走ったので息があがっている。
She looked up at him in incomprehension.その顔を、青子は理解不能とばかりに見あげている。

"You had that much stamina all along? Then why...?"「……こんな体力あったのに、なんで……?」
It made no sense to her.道理に合わない。
If he had the stamina to pick her up and run, surely he could have stood up and escaped when he had been downed earlier.自分を抱えて走れるだけの体力があったのなら、床に倒れたあの時、まだ立ち上がって逃げられたはずなのにと。

"Oh, that time I had given up."「ああ、あの時は諦めてたから」
His words were unfiltered as ever.取りつくろいのない、さっぱりとした言葉。
Though in this moment, fighting for their lives, he lacked some of his usual absentmindedness.一刻、一命を争う状況だ。普段のぼんやりした雰囲気は、さすがに薄くなっている。

"...But why?"「……諦めてたって、どうして?」
"Who knows? I've forgotten already."「さあ。忘れた、そんな事は」
Though he may have turned away because he regretted saying it aloud, his words spoke volumes.言いたくない、と顔を背けるものの、律儀に草十郎は答える。
For some reason, it pained Aoko to see him like that.その横顔は、青子にはなんだか痛かった。

"Also, Aozaki? I'm suddenly feeling really ill.「それより蒼崎、とうとつに気分が悪いんだが……。
Was it that red light?"あの赤い光も、その……?」
"...Yes. A form of magecraft. They're called Gandr Shots. A curse that originated in Scandinavia. It has no effect on someone with Magic Circuits like myself, but you're defenseless against it."「……ええ、魔術の類よ。ガンド撃ちって言ってね。北欧の呪詛の一つ。魔術回路のある私には効かないけど、抵抗のない貴方には効果てきめんみたいね」

"...I see. It doesn't work on you.「―――なんだ。蒼崎には効かないのか。
Then that arm is the only thing that poses a threat."じゃあ、危ないのはあの腕だけだな」

Aoko had no idea why he was relieved, but she gritted her teeth and fought down the urge to snap at him.なぜかホッとする草十郎に、青子は奥歯を噛んで、突発的なを抑えこんだ。
There was no use in yelling at a time like this.……こんなところで怒鳴っても仕方がないし。
Above all, she felt that it would have been petty in the extreme to voice her annoyance right now.なにより、どうしていま自分が最高にイラっときたかなんて、言語化したらそれこそ何もかもどうでもよくなってしまいそうだ。

"...You're right. The extending arm is the only thing I have to worry about. So it's not that tough after all."「―――そうね。注意するのは伸ばしてくる腕だけ。大した相手じゃないわ、やっぱり」
This time it was not false bravado.嘘偽りのない感想だった。
Such an enemy would normally be a breeze for Aoko Aozaki.普段の蒼崎青子なら問題のない相手。
But her shameful negligence had led to the disruption of her Magic Circuits, making her even less formidable than her enemy.ただ、目も当てられない油断から魔術回路に介入されて、自分がさらに大した相手じゃなくなっただけの話。

At this point, Aoko had no way of attacking.今の青子には攻撃手段がない。
The only option left to her was to wait for it to expend all of its magical energy, but its perpetual curse mechanism made that a nonstarter.こうなると相手の魔力切れを待つしかないのだが、相手は呪いの永久機関。
This game of tag would not end until one of them was dead.この追いかけっこは、どちらかが息絶えるまで終わらない。
She realized that she was in the same position she had cornered Soujyuro in earlier.……まるでさっきの自分たちのようだと青子は自嘲する。

She glanced at her right arm.右腕をちらりと見る。
She could not imagine how she had gotten into such a mess with her magical energy at more than half of its capacity.魔力残量はまだ半分以上もあるのに、このていたらくとは。
This had to be karma for having enjoyed toying with Soujyuro earlier.面白がって草十郎を追いかけ回したツケが、こんな形で回ってきた。

"...Hah. Maybe there is a god after all."“……呆れた。居るところには居るものね、神さまって”
She grumbled under her breath as she shifted her focus.ひとりって、青子は意識を切り替える。
She had the fuel for the fire but not the igniter.弾こそ撃てないがまだ燃料のある自分。
And that killing machine would chase her until the end of time if need be.尽きない動力で永久に追いかけてくる殺人機巧。
What she should do next was blindingly clear.なら、取るべき未来は明白すぎる。
She had to get back to normal.あとはいつもの自分に戻るだけだ。

"Sorry, I was thinking.「ごめん、考え事してた。
Hmm, maybe that could... Okay, Sizuki, I've got it. You see that side passage over there?"えっと、たしか……よし、あってる。静希君、そこに横道あるの、分かる?」

Aoko pointed, but he could see nothing but the walls of the corridor.青子が指さした先はどう見ても通路の壁で、横道なんて見あたらない。
For one thing, the floor had nothing but left turns, and Aoko was pointing to the right.そもそもこのフロアは左に曲がるだけの造りで、青子が示しているのは右側に抜ける道だ。

"At the center of the second floor is a stairway down to the first floor, which I destroyed earlier so you couldn't use it.「二階は中心までいくと一階に下りる階段があるんだけど、それは私が壊したから使えないの。
But there's another path that leads to the right, like this place is taunting you by design. It's a secret shortcut that only the hardcore fans know about.けどここの造りも意地が悪くてね。よく見れば右に曲がる通路もあるのよ。上級者だけに分かる抜け道ってヤツ。
If you search carefully, you can find a way to the stairs down to the first floor. Now do as I say and go on without me."あとは注意して探せば、一階の階段までショートカットできる。悪いけどひとりで行って」

Aoko turned her back to Soujyuro and started walking.青子は草十郎に背を向けて歩きだした。
Walking in the opposite direction of the escape route and down the long corridor toward the puppet in pursuit.逃げ道である右に抜ける通路とは逆の、人形が追いかけてくる長い通路へと。

"That thing'll kill anything it sees, so I have to destroy it here and now. It's okay for two mages to fight each other, but dragging normal people into the conflict is strictly forbidden.「あいつは無差別だから、ここで壊さないといけない。魔術師は魔術師同士で争うのはいいんだけど、みだりに一般人に手をだしちゃいけないって決まりがあるの。
I'm the target, so this the best outcome for everyone, don't you think?"あいつの目的は私のワケだし、結果がどうあれスッキリするでしょ?」

If Aoko won, the puppet would be destroyed.青子が勝てば人形は壊れる。
If Aoko lost, its objective would be complete and it would shut down.青子が負けても目的完了という事で人形は停止する。
Either way, them going their separate ways would mean Soujyuro survived.どうあれ、ここで別れれば草十郎は無関係のまま生還できる。
This is what Aoko meant.そういう事を青子は言っていた。
Though she explained it as if the events were happening to two totally different people.事務的に、あくまで他人事のように。

"If you're lucky enough, you'll make it back to the gate in one piece.「運が良ければ入り口までたどり着けるわ。
So, see you tomorrow then."それじゃ、また明日ね」
Even Soujyuro could tell she was just trying to act tough.強がりであるのは草十郎ですら感じ取れた。
But she had already disappeared around the corner by the time he thought to stop her.けれど止める間も、その必要もなく、彼女は曲がり角に消えていった。

Scene 8

"...Well then."「―――さて」
Mentally, Aoko bemoaned the disaster she was in.本格的にまずい事になったな、と青子は心中で呟いた。
The quality of this puppet was on a completely different level compared to the one from the park two days ago.今回のは二日前の公園で倒したものとはが違う。
An auto-incanting perpetual motion machine was a rarity in and of itself, but this puppet was also equipped for battle with its extending arms and Gandr-projecting crystalline eyes.自動詠唱による永久機関だけでも稀少品なのに、腕を伸ばすという荒事にも耐え、両目は呪詛ガンドを投影する水晶製ときた。
It was a first-class product that, if put on the market, would sell for hundreds of millions of yen.日本円に換算すれば九桁に届きかねない超一級品である。

Although, that was only when factoring in its value as an antique.ただし。それはあくまでアンティークとしての話。
For the purposes of combat, it would have made more sense to mobilize a significantly less expensive familiar.戦闘にもちいるのなら、もっと安価で、かつ戦いに適した使い魔を動員すべきだろうに。
To use such a precious commodity as a tool for murder marked this puppet's master as a completely different breed of crazy from the enemies she had faced up until now.あれだけの高級品を殺人に用いるあたり、あの人形の持ち主は今までの“敵”とは一線を画した変態に違いない。

"Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferis.Vivoウィウォ inイン somnoスォムノ. Solitarieスォリタリエ putrescoプトゥレスコ inイン inferisインフェリス.

Hic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam."@oHicヒク diesディエス meusメウス obitusオビトゥス diesディエス, etエトゥ meusメウス nativusナティウゥス diesディエス. Te obeamオベアム.”

"...Here it comes."「―――来たわね」
A sound of a crackling music box filled the air.がさついたオルゴール。
The automata, animated by its own curses, approached.自らを呪う事で動力を得る自動人形オートマタが近づいてくる。
The corridor measured approximately thirty feet in length. Aoko lay in wait around a corner further down the hall, anticipating the puppet's appearance.通路の長さは約十メートル。青子は一つ奥の曲がり角で、人形が現れるのを待ちかまえる。

This was not to buy Soujyuro time to escape. Far from it.……ここで決着をつけるのは静希草十郎を逃がす為ではない。断じてない。
Aoko had concluded that she couldn't make a break for it under the current circumstances.青子は的確に、今の自分ではあの人形からは逃げきれないと判断しただけだ。

Even if she did try to escape, and, by some miracle made it out of the house of mirrors, that was as far as she would go.仮に逃走を選んだ場合、幾つかの幸運が働いてミラーハウスから出られたとしてもそこまで。
Outside, with no cover, Aoko would quickly be overtaken and skewered from behind.障害物のない外に出ればあっさりと追いつかれ、背中から串刺しにされる。

As long as her magecraft was disabled, escape was impossible.魔術が封じられている以上、追っ手から逃げきるのは不可能だ。
Instead, she chose to force the enemy back.なので、ここで撃退する選択をとる。
Her situation was not the most favorable, but neither was the puppet's.状況は不利だが、それはあちらも同じこと。

Though this narrow hall gave Aoko no place to run, it in turn prevented the puppet from reaching full speed.この細い通路では青子に逃げ場はないが、反面、あの人形も全速を出せずにいる。
That was the weak point of this machine.機械仕掛けの欠点だ。
Automata of its era had a tendency to struggle with minute changes in speed.小刻こきざみな加速と減速は、あの時代のオートマタにとっても苦手とする機能だろう。

She flowed energy into her shorted circuits.断線だらけの魔術回路に魔力を流す。
Her blood flow and magical energy supply were unstable.……血液の流れ、魔力の供給がまったく安定しない。
It would be difficult to construct a formula in this state.これでは魔術式を組むのは難しい。
All she could do was harden her right arm by imbuing it with as much energy as she could.魔力で右手を加工し、大雑把に硬度を上げる事しかできない。
Doing so turned her arm into an improvised weapon like a hammer or bat. Assuming she could manage to get into close-combat range, this was the best she could do.青子の武器はトンカチ以上、バット未満の細腕ほそうで鈍器どんきだ。近づく事が前提の時点で、この上なく頼りない。

All she needed now was a plan of attack.となると、あとは戦法だ。
The question wasn't what weapon to use, but how to use the weapon she had.今はどんな武器を用意するかではなく、この武器でどう戦うかを選ばなくては。
The simplest way would be to use the mirrors' reflections to hide and then rush the puppet from its blind spot... except for one major problem.簡単に考えつくのは鏡の反射を利用して姿を隠し、死角から襲いかかる―――しかし、それは通じまい。

It did not have a sense of sight in the first place.なぜなら、あの人形にはもともと視覚がない。
The puppet's view of the world around it did not stem from visual feedback, but from mapping the topography of its surroundings.人形は視覚情報からではなく、周囲の地形状況から世界を視ている。
In theory, it was the same as a bat's echolocation. The environment could be measured based on the emission and return of high-frequency sound waves.暗闇に棲息するコウモリと同じ理屈だ。高音の波を発し、その反響によって周囲の地形をはかる反響定位法。
Those chants served as sensor pulses. As far as the puppet was concerned, the mirrors were no better than transparent panes, making even the thought of an ambush laughable.あの詠唱は音波センサーの役割も果たしている。人形にとって壁は透明の板にすぎず、物陰からの奇襲なぞお笑い草だろう。

"...The closer it gets, the more it's able to sense me. I'd really rather fight it at a distance, but... if it's shooting Gandr, it's probably got at least a Finn Shot up its sleeve, too."“……近づけば近づくほど、より明確リアルに察知される……ホントは遠距離からの狙撃が最適なんだけど……ガンドを撃ってくるなら、フィンの一撃ぐらい隠してるわよね……”

Gandr was Scandinavian in origin and, considering its simplicity, highly versatile. It was most effective at impairing a target's health by pointing a finger.ガンド撃ちは北欧に伝わる、単純にして汎用性の高い呪詛だ。最適化されたものは“指をさす”だけで相手の体調を悪化させる。
As a single-action magecraft it was limited to only causing illness, but there was a secret technique said to be the greatest mastery of the Gandr Shot...一工程シングルアクションの魔術なので効果はあくまで“やまい”に限定されるが、ガンド撃ちには最奥と言われる秘術がある。
The Finn Shot.いわく“フィンの一撃”。
It could do more than cause simple illness. It was a deadly curse that could stop the heart.病ではなく、受けた相手の心臓を停止させる死の呪い。

The wound on her back set her nerves on fire.背中に受けた傷が神経をたかぶらせる。
An unarmed girl and a deadly automaton.武器を失った小娘と、即死の奥の手を持つ自動人形。
It was clear that she was the one destined for death.誰がどう見ても殺されるのは自分の方。
She considered her slim chances of survival.彼女は、現状の蒼崎青じぶん子に生き延びる手段はとぼしいと考え、
And then...そして―――

A vision sent chills down her spine.その幻視に、ぞくりとした。

Quietly, using everything she could to clamp down on the feeling, Aoko faced her all-too-familiar illusion.青子は静かに、つとめて全霊で、いつもの錯覚を堪え忍ぶ。
She clenched her teeth to keep them from making a deafening clatter.カチカチと鳴りそうな奥歯をきっと噛みしめる。
But there, the sensation of fingers crawling up her neck. Behind her the specter stared and laughed.ああ、でも、首筋にナニモノかの指がっていく感触がある。背後にいる幽霊さっかくが彼女を見て笑っている。
This alone made Aoko want to bolt. On top of it all, when Aoko tried to mentally simulate the coming fight,, she estimated a two in ten chance of dying in the first five seconds.それだけで逃げだす一歩手前なのに、五秒後の脳内予測シミュレートでは、十戦して二回も倒れる自分の姿。

...Twenty percent. At times, her predictions were harsher than reality.……二回。彼女の予測は時に現実よりも現実的だ。
If Aoko fought the puppet ten times, she would die twice. She could not stop herself from visualizing her own corpse.……十回やって、二回。イメージに留まらない、あまりに真実リアルな自分の亡骸たちを幻視する。

She imagined herself collapsing, crumpling under the puppet's curse.人形の呪いを受けて倒れている自分。
Her eyeballs swollen like a blowfish, blood and other fluids oozing from every bodily orifice.眼球はのようにこぼれかけ、耳鼻口みみはなくちからだらしなく垂れる血小便。
One in five, one in five, one in five...二回、二回、二回。
A one in ten chance of death was bad enough, but one in five!? It drove her crazy.一回だけでも耐えられないのに、二回も死ぬなんて、とても正気じゃいられない……!

Aoko forced down her heart as it tried to escape from her mouth.ねじ曲がろうとする心をおさえる。
Taking in a deep breath, she peered at her own reflection.青子は深呼吸をして、それがどうした、と鏡に映る自分を見つめ返した。

She thought back to that white night, half a year ago.―――半年前の、あの白い夜を思い出せ。
This, she decided, was nothing compared to that.この程度、ピンチでもなんでもない。
Six months ago, at the Kuonji Estate...半年前の久遠寺の洋館。
The hound of white roses, the Wandersnatch, that appeared from within the thick fog, had killed Aoko a hundred times out of ten.深い霧に現れた白薔薇しろばら猟犬ワンダースナッチに、自分は十回中は殺されたのではなかったか。

"Mea anima immortalis. Autem mea futura necata sunt.Meメアa aniアニマma immortaイムモルタリスlis. Auteアウテムm meメアa futuフトゥラra necネカタata suntスントゥ.

Manes sum. Animam definire ambiguum est."Manマネスes suスムm. Animアニマムam definデフィニレire ambiguアンビグウムum est.エストゥ

A dark curse shattered Aoko's daydream.青子の錯覚は、そのくらい呪詛によってかき消えた。
It was only thirty feet away.距離にして約十メートル。
The puppet rounded the corner.対面の曲がり角に少女の人形が現れる。
Either side stood in the shadows, their forms indistinct.お互い、輪郭りんかくもはっきりしない影の間合い。

The puppet gave no warning.人形には前口上も初動もない。
Without preamble, it swiftly fired a Gandr barrage.気配の起こりもなく撃ち出される呪詛ガンドを、
Just as Aoko planned, the curses fizzled out as they hit her mist-like barrier of magical energy.青子は予測通り、魔力の霧でけずふせぐ。

The protection would only last a few seconds.わずか数秒の濃霧。
Giving her just enough time to...その隙をついて、
"...Come on!"“―――来い!”
Its stretchable spear sprang toward Aoko's face!伸縮する槍が、青子の顔へ撃ちだされる!

The lethal weapon grazed her cheek.横顔をかすめる凶器。
All her experience analyzing puppet attack patterns gave her the wherewithal to evade the attack by a hair's breadth.死角からの攻撃を紙一重でかわせたのは、人形の攻撃パターンを既に経験していたからだ。

It was one thing if a puppeteer were pulling the strings, but autonomous dolls had their limitations.術者が操っているのならともかく、自律している自動人形の機能は限られている。
Aoko had bet everything on this killing machine following a predefined template. The puppet would use a given attack for a given range, and she could adjust her tactics to that.この距離ならこの攻撃、といったテンプレートを行うだけの殺戮機巧なら対応できると、青子は己の運に賭けたのだ。

"Now's my chance!"“いける、このまま―――!”
Before its arm had a chance to fully retract, she charged the puppet.伸びきった腕が巻き戻る前に、人形へ突撃する。
It was a risky gamble, but her overall chances were slim to begin with.勝算の薄い賭けではあったが、ともかく勝機しょうきはもぎ取った。
The scales tipped in her favor.勝利の天秤は青子にかたむいた。
If her predictions were correct, there were two ways she would die. One was from a Finn Shot fired at that range.予測による十回中二回の死は、あの間合いでフィンの一撃を使われた場合と。

This is what Touko had become.このように。
The other was if the puppet's attack pattern was beyond her ability to foresee.人形の攻撃パターンが、彼女の予想を大きく上まわった場合である。

Instantaneous mass transfer.一瞬の質量移動。
Otherwise known as mass displacement.あるいは積載せきさい
Immediately after Aoko dodged the puppet's arm,青子が人形の腕という槍をかわした直後、
something smashed into her abdomen.正体不明の重量が、彼女の腹部に激突していた。

The head-on collision from its shoulder felt like a rocket.ロケットで撃ち出されたとしか思えない、肩口からの正面衝突。
But where had the ability to propel itself come from?しかし、その推進力は何処から出たものなのか。
Puppets like this were not built to have the ability to jet around like that.自らを飛ばす機能なぞ、あの人形は持ち合わせていないというのに……!

"Hah... hah..."“は―――、は―――!”
Doing everything in her power to stay conscious in spite of the pain, Aoko could just make out what had happened.激痛でうすれかける意識をとどめながら、青子は即座に攻撃の正体を看破した。
(It wasn't propelled, it was pulled!)“今の、推進力すいしんりょくじゃなくて、牽引力けんいんりょく……!”
Yes. The puppet's arm had not returned to its body. It was lodged in the wall and reeled itself in from the other direction.そう。人形の腕は本体に戻るのではなく、壁に突き刺さったまま、本体をのだ……!

(It... it can do that?!)“そ、そんなのアリか―――!?”
Swallowing her surprise, she hastily pulled herself back up.青子は驚きを飲み下しながら、必死に体勢を立て直す。

Her abdomen, specifically her diaphragm, had been dealt a significant blow.腹部、横隔膜おうかくまくを強打された。

The attack left her disoriented.衝撃で目もくらんでいる。

Thankfully, the puppet was surprisingly lightweight.だが人形は驚くほど軽い。

Her bones and organs were intact and she had sustained no life-threatening damage. She was having a hard time breathing, however.おかげで骨にも内臓にも深刻なダメージはないが、とにかく呼吸ができない。

She was shaken, though she managed to keep her calm. In another two seconds, she'd be back on her feet-no, that was two seconds too long!気は動転しているけど根っこの部分ではまだ冷静だ、あと二秒もあれば持ち直す。いや違う、マトモになるまであと二秒もかかってしまう!

She told herself to calm down, that she was already calm. She'd only briefly lost her bearings, she was fine, she could recover her breath and her vision later if only her body would MOVE-いやいや落ち着け、もう落ち着いている、クラクラして位置関係が把握できないだけ、いい、今は呼吸も視力も後回しで、とにかく体を―――

"Intellectus non necessarius est. Pius quiescat.^ O nostra essentia ablata fuit,^ratio fixa tantum est.^ Doloris initium cerebrum fuit."知性は不必要でしたインテルレクトゥス・ノン・ネケススァリウス・エストゥ敬虔さは重荷でしたピウス・クウィエスカトゥああ、私たちオ・ノストゥラの本質は奪い合いでエススェンティア・アブラタ・フイトゥ理性は全て後付けでしたラティオ・フィクサァ・タントゥム・エストゥ苦しみのもドロリス・イニティウムとは、脳髄でしたケレブルム・フイトゥ

Above her Aoko could hear the warped noise of a powerful force.頭上にはゆがみをあげる駆動音。
"Come on legs, move! We've got to get to... to... Where!?"“足、動け……! でもどっち、どっちにいけば―――”

She could once more feel the touch of death.死の手触りがする。

"Grant us salvation.Iis salvatio. Grant us salvation.Iis salvatio. Grant us salvation.Iis salvatio."我々に救罪をイィス・サルヴェティオ我々に救罪をイィス・サルヴェティオ我々に救罪をイィス・サルヴェティオ。”

|The puppet was so close that Aoko could reach out and touch it.|手を伸ばせば届く距離、|
|That also meant that it could reach out and kill Aoko.|手を下ろされば殺される距離にお互いがいて、|
|(I need to get my right arm into its blind spot!)|“―――コイツの、右腕の死角に入れる……!”|

By intuition alone Aoko rolled over to the puppet's right flank.青子はカンだけで人形の右側に転がりでた。
Its arm was still embedded within the wall.人形の右腕は壁に刺さったままだ。
From here it could not attack. She had made the right decision, and her dizziness faded.必然、そちらからの攻撃はない。判断は正しく、一時的な目眩めまいも消えた。

"Intellectus non necessarius est. Pius quiescatCast off righteousness. Lay piety to rest..Intellectus non necessarius est. Pius quiescat正しさは脱ぎ捨てなさい。敬虔はお休みなさい。.

O nostra essentia ablata fuitWe beasts are meant to consume each other. Life is but a decoration.,O nostra essentia ablata fuit私たちは食み合う獣、その生はすべて装飾。,

ratio fixa tantum est. Doloris initium cerebrum fuit.Throw away your intellect. Pain powers the mind." ratio fixa tantum est. Doloris initium cerebrum fuitであれ知性のすべてをブチまけて―――

Aoko pulled herself back up. It was her turn.転がる体を立て直し、今度はこちらの番と顔を上げる青子。
The very next moment...瞬間。
Within this labyrinth of mirrors she saw an image of herself.鏡の迷路の中で、彼女は、自分と同じすがたを見た。


"We die.Iis salvatio..."“「ワレラ、死セリIis salvatio―――」”

A blinding, brilliant light flashed.ひときわ鮮烈な光。
Lacerations appeared across the walls.壁に刻まれていく爪痕じみた裂傷。
At the last moment, Aoko managed to thicken the magical energy running through her veins into a primitive form of magecraft resistance. It just barely saved her life from what must have been the puppet's ace in the hole.人形の切札だろう一撃を、青子は体内を走る血液まりょくの濃度をあげる原始的な対魔術で、かろうじて致死手前で踏みとどまった。

"Why you...!"「っ、こ、の…………!」
The puppet bore a striking resemblance to Aoko.自分そっくりの人形。
This powerful curse was not satisfied with stopping Aoko's heart, but destroying her entire being.心臓を止めるだけではあきたらず、物質さえ損傷しめつさせる強力な呪詛。
Aoko did not even have the time to be shocked.どちらも目を見張る異常さだが、ほうけている暇はない。

This was her chance for a counter-attack.今度こそ反撃のチャンス。
The puppet's balance was unsteady, its right arm still embedded in the wall.右腕を壁に突き刺したままの人形はバランスが悪い。
Aoko prepared to give its defenseless body a strong kick, but her knees buckled and she collapsed into a heap on the floor.その無防備な体を蹴り上げようとして、しかし、青子は膝から床に倒れこんだ。

"Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferisIn slumber, I live. In dirt, I rot, alone.Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferis私は眠りの中で生きている。ひとりきりで土の中で腐っていく。.

Hic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.Today is the day I died and was born. I come to you."@oHic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.今日は私の命日であり、誕生日だ。さあ、貴方に会いに行こう。

A sudden nausea and light-headedness overcame Aoko.急激な吐き気と貧血。
Her body temperature began to rapidly lower.嘘のように低下していく体温。
(This... whole... time... It was spreading its curses the whole time!)“しまっ……こいつ、呪いをばらまいてるんだった……!”
She noticed too late.気付いた時には遅かった。
The puppet's curses circled the hall.人形の周囲には呪詛が渦巻いている。
The cursed chant that the puppet used as a source of power doubled as a defense mechanism, crippling those who drew near with illness.人形の動力源である呪いの詩は、近寄る者に病をもたらす防衛機巧にもなっている。

She bore the full brunt the entire time she was in close proximity to it.それをこんな間近で受け続けた。
Although Aoko had Magic Circuits, she was succumbing just as Soujyuro had.魔術回路を持つ青子といえど、草十郎のように体調を崩してしまう。
Languidly, she forced her deteriorating body to jump back.気怠けだるく、倒れこみそうな体に鞭を打って、青子は人形から跳び退いた。

"I'm not done yet!"「っ、負けるかぁ……!」
With all the energy she could muster, she forced her way past the exhaustion caused by the curse.気合いで呪詛の気怠さから逃れる。

However, Aoko's blood pressure took a steep nose dive, not from the curse-induced anemia, but from what appeared in front of her.だが。呪いによる貧血ではなく、自らの窮地にざあ、と青子の血圧が低下する。
They stood in perfect harmony.絶好の位置関係。
In front of Aoko was the automata that shared her face, its left arm held out like an arrow.跳び退いた青子の前には、左腕を矢のように差し出す、自分と同じ顔をした自動人形。

The deadly weapon shot forward and honed in on her heart.……凶器は寸分違わず、青子の心臓へと撃ちだされた。

Then, a moment before it made contact...ただ、そのちょっと前。
"Watch out!"「危ない」
The moment she heard that fearless voice, completely out of place in this storm of violence, Aoko's body was pulled forcefully to one side.なんて、まったく危機感のない声がしたかと思うと、青子の体はぐいっと横に引っ張られていた。

Once again, the extending arm cut through empty air.伸びる腕はまたも虚空こくうかすめていく。
While puppet quickly retracted its left arm, Soujyuro took the brief opportunity to take Aoko by the hand and flee at full speed.人形は急いで腕を巻き戻すが、彼はその隙にと青子の手を取って、一目散に走りだしていた。

Scene 9

Soujyuro ran through the corridor as fast as he could, only stopping when he had put enough distance between them and the puppet.デタラメに通路を走り、人形から十分離れたところで、草十郎は足を止めてきりだした。

"I was thinking and..."「その、考えてみると」
Though he had saved her, she looked angry rather than grateful.助けたはずの相手はこの通り、目に見えてご立腹だ。
This did not keep Soujyuro from saying his piece.それでも彼は彼なりに考え抜いた、気の利いた台詞いいわけを口にする。
"Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day for me, so..."「明日は、どうも忙しいみたいなんだ」
In other words, let's finish this today.“だから、用件は今日中に済ませてしまわないか?”
A rather awkward proposal.なんて続きそうな、場違いな提案を。

Aoko remained silent.青子は黙っている。
She was also rather angry,ついでにかなり怒ってもいた。
not that she could not figure out what made him tick,この男の精神構造が理解できないから、ではない。
nor because he'd returned after escaping.せっかく逃がしてやったのに戻ってきた事でもない。
Not even because he was spouting his typically airheaded lines.相変わらずのけな台詞に苛ついたからでもない。
...It was, she supposed, that instant.……なんというか、あの一瞬。
The fact that when he grabbed her hand, her mind had gone completely blank-Aoko found it unforgivable.手を引かれた時、何も考えられなくなってすがままになった事が、青子的に許せないらしい。

That was key.なので、
"Are you insane?"「貴方、正気?」
In the heat of the moment, she blurted it before she could stop herself.勢いで、つい、そんな言葉を口にしていた。

"Or maybe you've got a death wish? Don't you realize that either of us could kill you with a snap of a finger?「それとも自殺願望でもあったワケ? 私も人形アイツも、アンタなんか殺す対象にすぎないのよ。
At the very least, I don't owe you a damn thing.少なくとも恩を売る相手じゃない。
Saving my life doesn't a change a thing between us."言っとくけど、私、助けられたぐらいで曲がる信念は持ち合わせていないから」
Soujyuro nodded, clearly unperturbed.だろうね、と頷く草十郎。

"Don't worry, Aozaki. If tonight taught me anything, it's that you're more ruthless than that."「蒼崎がそんな可愛らしいもんじゃないのは、この夜だけで骨身にしみてるよ」
She found herself slightly offended.それはそれでちょっと不満な青子だった。

"But I think you need to get one thing straight.「けど君は勘違いをしてるから、少し正そう。
That thing isn't just trying to kill you. I think it's trying to kill me as well."あいつの狙いは蒼崎だけじゃない。君だけじゃなく、俺も殺す気だと思う」
She was having none of it.それは嘘だ、と。
Her eyes shot daggers his way.視線をいっそう鋭くして、青子は草十郎を睨んだ。

"And before you chew me out, you need to know something. Do you remember the first-floor entrance at the end of that long corridor?「話は最後まで聞く。……どうしてかって言うと、一階の入り口あるだろ? あの細長い通路。
Well it's blocked. I tried my best to find a way out, but no luck. There was no choice but to turn right back."なんでかあそこから先に進めないんだ。逃げたくても逃げだせなくて、仕方なく戻ってきた」
Aoko's eyes widened ever-so slightly in amazement.青子はわずかに目を見張った。
Not out of shock, but rather admiration that her enemy would go to such lengths.あり得ない、と驚いたのではなく、そこまでしていたか、という敵への称賛だ。

"And besides, it was hostile to me too earlier. I could tell by how it was glaring at me.「それに、さっきので完全に敵扱いされた。あの人形、こっちをじろっとにらんできたし。
...Well, happened so fast that I didn't really get a good look at it, but it was really unsettling. You should be careful. That thing... she sure has a terrifying face."……いや、一瞬でよく見えなかったけど、生きた心地しなかったな。蒼崎も気をつけた方がいい。たぶん、よっぽど怖い顔をしているに違いないぞ、
"...Gee, thanks."「―――それはご親切に、どうも」

"You bet. I mean, I can't pretend like this isn't happening to me.「うん。なんで、これはもう他人事じゃないんだ。
Whichever of you wins, I'm a dead man either way, right?"蒼崎と人形。結論として、どっちが勝っても俺は殺されてしまうんじゃないか?」
"...I can't argue with that. If it's willing to go as far as to seal off the entrance, then it'd probably kill any witnesses as well. At least, that's what I'd do."「……そうね。そこまでやってるなら、目撃者は消すでしょうね。私みたいに」

"Right? And I don't want her to be the one who kills me."「だろう。でも、俺はあいつには殺されたくない」
His words were decisive.きっぱりと彼は断言した。
As Aoko looked up at him, she could swear he was trying to encourage her.まるで励ますような草十郎の言葉に、顔を上げる青子。
It was then that she realized.……そうして、ようやく気づいた。
Soujyuro was looking even worse than before.草十郎の顔色の悪さが、さっきより濃くなっている事に。

"Hey. Are you okay?"「ちょっと待って。大丈夫なの、貴方?」
"Well, I'm better than if I'd drunk an entire bottle of soy sauce."「……まあ、醤油を一升瓶いっしょうびん飲むよりは、ましではないかと」
He tried to make light of the situation, but his forehead was clearly drenched in sweat.彼なりに場をなごませようとした軽口だが、額に脂汗を浮かべられては余計に重い。

(Right. It's because he was close to the puppet just now.)“……そうか、さっき人形に近付いたから……”
How could he possibly be able to withstand a curse that made even Aoko nauseous?青子ですら吐き気に襲われる呪いの圏内に入って、草十郎が平気である筈がない。
She bit her lip, annoyed at herself for not noticing this earlier.……自分の洞察力の低さに唇を噛む。
Soujyuro was such an airhead that she hadn't even paused to consider his plight.あんまりに彼がぼんやりしているから、そこに考えがいたらなかった。

"...Why didn't you consider trying to hide down in the basement?「……下で隠れていようとか思わなかったの?
That would have been the safest bet, wouldn't it?"その方がどう考えても安全でしょ?」
She really could not understand him at all.ほんとうに分からない、と青子。
"You should really take your own advice sometimes, Aozaki.「それは蒼崎が言う台詞じゃないな。
...But hey, this is no time to be chatting. She could catch up at any moment."―――でもまあ、長話をしている時間もない。そろそろ追いついて来る頃だ」

He turned to look down the corridor.通路に視線を向ける草十郎。
The crackling sounds of a music box could be heard creeping forth from the darkness.……鏡張りの闇からは、ざらついたオルゴールが聞こえだしていた。

"I was thinking about this while I was on the first floor earlier. If it kills you, I'm next. That's why we should deal with it first."「さっき一階にいて考えたんだ。君がやられても俺は殺される。なら、まずヤツをどうにかするべきだ」
What are you getting at?"貴方、なにが言いたいの?」

She asked a question to which she already knew the answer.分かりきった事を、青子はあえて問いただした。
She did it to put him to the test.草十郎の決意の程を試すように。
If he wavered even a little, she would have killed him where he stood.その先を半端な気持ちで口にするのなら、やっぱり今ここで始末する、と見据えながら。

"My proposal is if I agree to help you kill that thing, will you let me go?"「提案。アイツをやっつけるのに協力したら、俺の事は見逃してくれる?」
"...I thought I'd made it clear that helping me wasn't going to change my mind.「……助けられたぐらいじゃ信念は曲げないって言ったでしょう。
And besides, what do you think you're going to do to it, anyway?"それに、貴方に何が出来るって言うの?」
"Oh, that's your end of the bargain, Aozaki. This is your area of expertise, right?"「それは蒼崎が考えてくれ。得意だろ、そういうの」

The commander who had the overall picture was responsible for delegating roles to their teammates.協力者を適材適所にふりわけるのは指揮者の役割だ。
It was futile to depend on someone who was unable to grasp the situation or evaluate the enemy's strength. Soujyuro was proud to share that he knew this.そもそもこの状況をまったく把握できず、また、自身と敵の差を理解できない人間に“何が出来るか”なんてコトを考えさせるのは間違っている、と草十郎は胸を張った。

He spoke the truth. Aoko was the only one who knew both Soujyuro and the automata.彼の言う通り、草十郎を知り、自動人形を知っているのは蒼崎青子だけ。
That was why he pointed out that following her orders to the best of his ability was the only thing he could do.なので、青子の指示を全力でこなす事が“いまの自分に出来る事”だと彼は言った。
It may have seemed as though Soujyuro had surrendered his capacity for self-thought, but in fact, in accepting that he was helpless he was in fact giving Aoko his complete trust.思考放棄に近いが、それでも、草十郎の提案は自分が無力である事を受け入れた末の、最大限の信頼に他ならない。

"Fine, then. So you'll do exactly what I tell you to do?"「……。じゃあ、私の指示に百パーセント従うってこと?」
"I will. And just so you know, I'm not doing this out of a sense of obligation or anything.「ああ。それに、これは恩とか義理の話じゃない。
It's just obvious that neither of us had a chance on our own. This isn't goodwill or kindness. It's a... transaction."ひとりだと分が悪いからふたりでかかるだけだ。善意でも厚意でもない。取引って言わないか、こういうの?」
His eyes sparkled, as if this was bartering in its truest form.信条的な物々交換だ、純朴なが語っている。

"...Oh my god."「――――――まったく」
This child must have learned that from Tobimaru, Aoko thought.……この少年にそんな知恵をつけたのは鳶丸の阿呆に違いない。
Though she refused to let him see it, underneath she cracked a smile.決して口にはこぼさないが、青子は少しだけ笑いたくなった。
Sure, he had gotten the best of her just now, but there were times when defeat was not the worse outcome in the world.完全に一本とられたけど、なんというか、悔しくない敗北なんてものが、世の中にはあるらしい。

"Honest pay for honest work. Makes sense.「労働と報酬ってワケね。それなら理にかなってる。
And... I hate to admit it, but..."うん、言いたくないけど―――」
She relaxed her shoulders and sighed.少し間をおいて、やれやれ、と肩で息をする。
Her face cracked into a wicked smile, as if her fears had suddenly washed away.青子はふっきれたような、見ようによっては邪悪な笑みをうかべて、
"Your plan is just my style."「―――それ、けっこう私の好みよ」
Aoko repaid Soujyuro's trust in equal measure.彼が向けたのと同程度の信頼を、まっすぐに投げ返した。

Scene 10

"Just so you know, this is going to be pretty tough for you."“結構きついかもね、あなたの役目”
Aoko warned Soujyuro, moving as fast as she could without her footfalls causing a din of noise.草十郎にそう告げて、青子は静かに、可能なかぎり音を殺して走り出した。
Soujyuro remained near the center of the spiral maze on the second floor.二階のほぼ中心、渦の終点には草十郎だけが残っている。

"I'll let you in on a secret: I have another trap up my sleeve.“実を言うと、もう一つ用意しておいた仕掛けがあるの。
I think I might have gone overboard with this one, but when you didn't show up on time, I just couldn't help myself."自分でもやりすぎだって呆れたもんだけど、貴方が遊園地ここに来るのが遅かったから。ちょっと興に乗っちゃって”
"A trap? For me?"“……? 仕掛けって、俺用の?”

Soujyuro tilted his head like a squirrel as Aoko freely discussed the final ace up her sleeve.リスのように首をかしげる草十郎に、青子はそ、と気軽に答えて、伏せておいた最後の切り札を提示した。

"I engraved an ignition formula into the support pillars in the basement. If I ignite the central pillar, it will start a chain reaction that will ignite the rest.“地下の支柱はしらに着火型の、ちょっとした魔術式を刻んでおいたの。中心の柱に点火することで、連鎖的に他の柱に仕掛けた魔術も起動する。
I made it before that thing started jamming me, so if I infuse it with a bit of magical energy, it'll go boom."ジャミングを食らう前に作ったものだから、直接魔力をたたき込めば一気に、こう、いくわ”
Soujyuro was a little unsettled by how unclear that last bit was.具体的な表現を避ける青子に、一抹の不安を隠せない草十郎なのだった。

"...Aozaki, could you, um, clarify? I want to know how much you were going to blow me up. Please be honest.“……蒼崎。こう、じゃ分からない。できるだけ明確に、どこまで爆破する気だったのか白状してくれ。
Also, did I make a mistake agreeing to team up with you?"あと、もしかして俺、早まったか?”
"Don't be silly. It was just an... insurance policy. Yeah.“いや、その……単なる保険って言うか。
I just thought that if I lost sight of you at any point, I could blow the whole building and you with it."追いかけっこの途中でアンタを見失ったら、いっそ建物ごと爆破しちゃおうかなー、って”

It was her policy to be thorough to the end, after all. She laughed in embarrassment saying it out loud, though.なにごとも徹底しておくものねー、と照れ笑いをしながら頭をく青子。
"Don't you think that's overkill!?"“いくらなんでも徹底しすぎてる!”
Faced with Aoko's cruelty, Soujyuro forgot about the situation at hand and protested from the bottom of his heart.そんな青子の暴虐ぶりに、草十郎は状況を忘れて、心底からの感想で抗議した。

"...Stop complaining. At least now we have a way to fight back."「……なによ。いいじゃない、そのおかげでなんとかなりそうなんだから」
She shot back.……などと。
Aoko dashed down the corridor mumbling things that probably would have sent Soujyuro packing if he heard them.草十郎が聞いたら協力けいかくを白紙に戻しかねないをこぼしつつ、青子は通路をひた走る。

The strategy was simple.作戦はシンプルだ。
Aoko would use the escape route to the right and avoid the puppet while making her way down to the basement.青子は右に曲がる抜け道を利用し、人形を避けて地下一階まで移動。
Upon reaching the central pillar, she would infuse the formula she had prepared with magical energy and escape.地下中央の柱まで辿り着き、仕掛けておいた魔術式に直接魔力を注入し、脱出する。
Once ignited, it would take about a minute for the chain reaction to spread throughout the whole house of mirrors, and another minute for the building to collapse.魔術式が起動し、崩壊がミラーハウス全体に広がるまで早くて一分、その後の倒壊まであと一分。
...She would be cutting it a little close, but because she had committed the maze to memory, she was sure she could make it out in time.……厳しいが、迷路を暗記している青子ならギリギリで脱出できるスケジュールだ。

Aoko assumed that the chain reaction caused by the pillar would clear the barrier that the puppet had placed at the entrance.人形による入り口の結界かべは、柱の連鎖爆破で吹き飛ぶ程度だろうと青子は予想している。
And even if it was strong enough to withstand the blast, it would not be able to stay standing once the foundations buckled. Soujyuro's escape was assured as long as the formula in the basement was activated.仮にもっと上等な結界だとしても、建物全体が歪んでしまえば消えざるを得ない。地下の魔術式さえ起動させれば草十郎の脱出路は確保できる。

Next came the most important part.最後に、肝心の標的について。
The automaton was at a disadvantage in the obstacle-laden house of mirrors and was unable to move at full speed.あのオートマタは遮蔽物だらけのこの場所ミラーハウスを苦手としている。アレは構造上、この地形での全速移動はできない。
If it was near the center of the second floor when the building collapsed, it would be caught up and crushed by it.建物が崩壊しだした時に二階の中心付近にいれば、倒壊に巻きこまれてあえなくスクラップだ。
So the problem was keeping the puppet on the second floor until Aoko could make it down to the basement.なので問題は、青子が地下に行くまで、いかにして人形を二階に押しとどめておくか、という事だった。

"...I'm counting on you, Sizuki.“……アテにしたからね、静希君。
I just need you to keep it occupied for three minutes."せめて三分ぐらいは引き付けて―――”
Ideally, he would be able to keep it busy until she could activate the formula.青子が地下に到達し、魔術式を起動させるまで人形を引き付けてくれるなら文句なし。
If that failed to work, him luring it down to the first floor would be the next best thing.もしくは、せめて一階の大広間に下りるまで囮になってくれれば、この作戦は上手くいく。

She understood perfectly well the danger she was putting Soujyuro in, but his lucky streak and running speed were nothing to scoff at.草十郎が危険なのは百も承知だが、青子じぶんからあれだけ逃げ回った草十郎の運と脚力は馬鹿にできない。
"As long as all he has to do is run, then maybe...just maybe...“……うん、ただ逃げるだけなら、もしかして―――
Just maybe... he can actually pull this off."トンデモない事をしてくれるかも、アイツ”
Aoko made her way through the hidden passage of the maze, her hopes pinned on Soujyuro.などと。迷路の横道を走りながら、青子はつい、ここには居ない草十郎に期待をよせたのだった。

Well out of earshot, Soujyuro was readying himself for another desperate chase.そんな青子の声が聞こえるはずもなく、草十郎は必死の追いかけっこに挑もうとしていた。
He calmed his beating heart using a method of his own making.彼は自分なりの方法での動悸を押さえつける。
What mattered most was that he remained calm. The plan was simple enough,大事なのは落ち着く事だ。作戦自体はシンプルで、そう難しいものじゃない。
and Aoko's orders were succinct and easy to understand.青子の指示は短く、実に分かりやすかった。

"Keep a distance of around thirty feet and weave through the corridors as slowly as you can three or four times.“十メートルぐらいの距離を保って、できるだけゆっくり通路を三、四周する事。
Count the mirrors as you move to locate the hidden passages. From here, they are on the sixth, third, seventh, and second mirrors counterclockwise. Use those, and you should be relatively safe."横道は鏡のつなぎ目で覚えて。ここなら左回りで六、三、七、二枚目にあるから、そこをぐるぐる回ってれば比較的安全よ”

It was essentially a looping marathon.……要は円を描くマラソンである。
As long as Soujyuro maintained a distance of the puppet's extended arm and just enough that she could continue to track him, she should continue chasing him indefinitely.人形からは伸びる腕だけが届いて、ぎりぎり追跡できるじれったい距離をキープしていれば、相手はしつこく追いかけてくる筈だ。
Simple though the task was, Soujyuro was putting his life on the line as bait.単純作業だが、草十郎にとっては命懸けの囮役である。
And then there was the final order to run as fast as he could to the exit when the building began to sway.加えて、建物が揺れだしたら全力で出口まで走れ、という無茶な注文付き。

"This is more than just a little tough..."「……けっこうじゃなくて、かなりきついんじゃないかな、コレは」
He nervously stuck his head out from around the corner.おびえおびえのぎこちない動作で、草十郎は曲がり角から顔を出す。
He could hear the sound of the music box from the other side of the corridor.……突き当たりの曲がり角からは例のオルゴールの音。
First he had to make eye contact with it, then head through the shortcut on the right, and begin their game of tag.まずはここで顔を合わせて、右側のショートカットを抜けて、ループ状の鬼ごっこを開始しなくてはいけない。

He spotted it and braced himself.来た、と身構える。
Closer... Closer...引きつけて、引きつけて。
Fearing that her arm could fly at him at any moment, he went over Aoko's instructions in his head.いつ伸びてくるか分からない腕におびえながら、草十郎は青子の説明を思いかえ―――

"...Wait a minute..."「…………あれ?」
He could not quite remember which pane led to the first hidden passage.一番はじめの横道は、何枚目だったっけ?
The third? The sixth? The ninth...?三枚目か、六枚目か、九枚目か―――

He was sure that was mistaken...なんか、全部違う気がする。
He was confident he had it memorized moments ago, but his nerves had gotten the best of him, and his head was now spinning.さっきまでは完璧に思い返せたのに、緊張からか、草十郎の頭はぐるんぐるんに回りはじめ―――

And then...……と。
Soujyuro realized that the sound of his pursuer was beginning to growing distant.草十郎は前方にあった追跡者の物音プレッシャーが、唐突に離れていく事に気が付いた。
And at an incredible speed.それも予想外のスピードで、ガシャガシャと音をたてながら。

"...What's it doing now?"「……なに?」
The unusual silhouette of the puppet astonished him.異様な人形のシルエットに、唖然あぜんとする草十郎。
Before it had taken the form of a beautiful girl,あろうことか、美しい少女のカタチをした人形は唐突に、
but now it made a bizarre transformation,構造的にあり得ない変形をして、
and returned to the first floor to pursue her primary target.一階に下りていった“本命”へと踵を返した。

"Oh... This isn't the plan."「あ―――いや、それは」
Soujyuro was no longer sure what to do.まずいな、と呟いて、途方にくれる草十郎。
With not even the time to mourn his failure the puppet had vanished out of sight.失敗を悔やむ時間すらない。人形はもう影もカタチもなく、草十郎の前から走り去ってしまったのだ。
"I'll be of help. Just let me go..."“役に立つから見逃してくれ”
Or so he had said, but now he could not follow through.……などと言っておいて、コレでは立場も何もない。

"...So. What am I supposed to do now?"「…………さて、自分はこれからどうしよう」
Alone, he tilted his head in frustration.ひとり、困ったように首をかしげる。
He spoke into the darkness as if Aoko would be there to answer him.草十郎はかたわらに青子がいるかのように、暗い通路に語りかけた。

That very moment.同時刻。
Having arrived on the first floor, Aoko quickly understood what had transpired above her.青子は一階の広間に辿り着いた時、正しく状況を受け入れた。

She did not even have to strain her ears to hear the puppet.耳を澄ませるまでもない。
Even during its heyday, this attraction had never made sounds like the one she heard coming toward her now.このアトラクションが栄華えいがを誇っていた頃ですら、なかったであろう騒音にぎわい
It was the sound of despair, as if a horde of monstrous hedgehogs were scraping their way past the mirrors in her direction.ハリネズミのお化けが鏡をけずりながら大挙して迫ってくるような、そんな、絶望に似たノイズが聞こえてくる。

"...That ditz. Three minutes? He couldn't even last ten seconds."「…………あのドジ。三分どころか十秒たないって、どういうコトよ」
Rather than buying her time, Soujyuro had in fact stolen hers.時間を稼ぐ、どころの話じゃない。
She dreamed of cursing him for failing to fulfill his one job.本当、ただ逃げるだけなのにトンデモない事をしてくれやがった、と悪態のひとつもつきたくなる。

"...Multiple simultaneous footsteps... So it switched from bipedal to its multi-leg form?"「―――複数の足音―――ってコトは、二足から多脚に切り替えたのね」
The echoes made it sound like the footsteps of dozens of feet.反響する何人もの足音。
To Aoko, it sounded like a giant, six-legged spider, tearing its way down the corridor.それだけで青子は、通路を走る、六足歩行の巨大な蜘蛛を予想した。

It was little wonder that it was so much faster than before.敵の移動速度が今までとは比較にならないのは当然だ。
Its perception of its surroundings through echolocation was of particular use in the dark.反響定位による環境把握は暗闇でこそ生きる。
Compared to sight-dependent humans, this automaton was far better equipped to navigate its way through the labyrinth of mirrors.鏡の迷路において、視力に頼る人間より、自動人形は何倍も精確に周囲を把握している。
If it could not keep pace earlier it was because its bipedal mode of movement was not up to the task.それでも青子に追いつけなかったのは、たんに二本足では小刻みな方向転換に耐えられなかったからだ。
But the stability provided by multiple legs gave it speed that far exceeded that of any human.多脚という安定性を持てば、そのスピードは人間を遥かに凌駕する。

(What now? What now!?)“どうする、どうする、どうする―――!”
Her thoughts spun out as she tried to come up with a plan B.混乱する思考のまま、迅速に打開策を模索する。
All she knew for sure was that this was a pivotal moment.はっきりしているのは、ここが勝敗の分かれ目というコトだけ。

If she continued standing still, she had seconds left at most.このまま足を止めていれば十秒ほどで追いつかれる。
Even in her current state, she knew she could easily neutralize the Bounded Field blocking the entrance without casting a spell. All she had to do was pour a little of her own energy into it.入り口の結界かべは今の青子でも小指一本で解除できる稚拙さレベルだ。魔術と言わず、魔力を流すだけで中和できる。
Aoko could sprint with all her might for a little more than three minutes.青子が全力で走り続けられるのは三分強。
The puppet had far more stamina than she did.我慢スタミナ比べはどう見ても人形に分がある。

She could only come up with three options.考えられる選択肢は三つ。
The first was to escape through the exit in front of her.一つ、出口は目の前、外に逃げる。
The second was to hide herself somewhere within the far-more complicated first floor.二つ、二階より複雑な一階の迷路に身を隠す。
And the third was to run into the basement and be stuck like a rat in a trap.三つ、地下に走って、袋のネズミとばかりに、あの人形に追いつめられる―――

"Well, that's obvious enough."「―――なんだ、考えるまでもない」
She made her decision with zero hesitation,決断はまたたきの内に。
moving her stiff legs again with determined strength.立ちつくしていた両足には確かな力。
The oncoming storm was almost upon her.嵐はもう頭上に迫っている。
Her resolve firm, she turned and ran, descending into the darkness.意を決して、少女は眼下の暗闇に向かって走りだした。

Scene 11

No matter what, a finale should be glorious.何であれ、終局フィナーレは華やかに。
This would be the mirror castle's final scene.鏡の城に最後の見せ場が訪れる。

Two humans and a puppet.入場者は二人プラス一体。
A young sorceress ran toward the subterranean heart of the castle,魔法使いの少女は城の心臓部である地下に走り、
while an autonomous antique chased its prey into the depths of a demonic dungeon.自律するアンティークは少女を追いかけて魔のダンジョンへ。

A minute later, a faint, blue charge would ripple through the castle.一分ののち、城には微弱な青い電荷が走り抜けた。
This was the main pillar in the deepest depths of the basement.地下一階、最深最奥のメインピラー。
The pillar itself was not there to support the castle's structure, but it would serve nicely as the symbol into which the girl thrust her fist with all of her magical energy.城を支えているワケではないけれど、象徴であった柱を、少女は渾身の魔力をこめた拳で打ち叩いた。

This was the blow that would bring down the castle.この一撃で鏡の城は崩れ去る。
She imagined the scene as she threw the punch, a scene that would soon become reality.そんなイメージの元に放った正拳ストレートは、数秒の後、イメージを真実に変換する。
It was simple ignition magecraft, meant to release the condensed magical energy engraved into the four pillars that formed the foundation of the structure.城の四方の柱、地盤に刻まれた魔力を圧縮、解放させるだけの単純な発火魔術。
Using electricity as a switch meant virtually instantaneous activation.仕掛けは電荷をスイッチにして、ほぼ同時に発動し―――

Swift and elegant.ゆるやかに、すみやかに。
A hammer of destruction descended upon the castle of dreams that had stubbornly resisted its fate for two years.二年もの歳月、かたくなに滅びをこばんだ夢の城に、臨終のつちが下ろされる。

It was almost a joyous sound.―――それは、喜びに似た音だった。
And so, the lifeless and abandoned castle of mirrors set the stage for its final and most spectacular performance.とうに命を失い、訪れる者のいなくなった鏡の城が迎えた、最後にして最大のショウタイム。
Aoko's magical energy became an electrical charge that activated the magecraft formula engraved into the pillar. The chain reaction would lead to the castle's destruction.青子の魔力は電荷となって支柱に刻まれた魔術式を起動させ、連鎖的に、建物の息の根を止めていく。

"...You served your purpose.「……ごくろうさま。
But it must've been rough. Looks like you're gonna collapse anytime now."でも、思ってたよりくたびれてたのね。これじゃ一分つかどうか」
The plaza in the center of the basement.地下一階の中央広場。
Aoko tried to steady her breathing while rotating her Magic Crest at full speed.呼吸を整えながら、青子は魔術刻印をフル回転させる。
She wreathed her arms in blue light, fully aware that she could no longer activate another formula.魔術式を組めないのを承知の上で、その両手に青い光をまとわせる。

Her labored breathing refused to settle.……乱れた呼吸は簡単には治まらない。
She stood at the center of the basement.地下一階の中心。
Without being spotted even once, she had managed to make it all the way to the central pillar. It was a hundred meter dash in thirteen seconds flat. Undoubtedly a new personal best.中心の柱にたどり着くまで、彼女は追跡者に背中を見せることなく走りきったのだ。百メートル走十三秒の俊足は間違いなく自己記録を更新した。
She spurred on her weakened heart, knowing full well the fate that awaited her.その先に待っているのがだと承知した上で、あえぐ心臓に鞭を打った。

"It can't help but follow me. And once down here, there'll be no escape.「……入れば追ってくる。地下に行けば逃げられない。
I should've expected that. It was too much to expect that I could keep up the chase forever."当然よね。最後まで逃げ回ろうなんて、虫のいい話だった」
Hindsight was 20/20.反省するわ、と青子は物言わぬ人形じぶんに語りかける。

The castle was only a minute away from collapsing completely.城が完全に崩れるまで残り一分。
If they stayed here, they would both be crushed by the rubble.ここに留まるかぎり、どちらも瓦礫の下敷きだ。
The puppet certainly did not care.あの人形にとってはそれでオッケー。
With no life of its own, its sole concern was the elimination of its target, Aoko Aozaki.もとより命のないモノ、標的である蒼崎青子を殺す事だけが彼女の目的ねがいなのだから。

A new year, indeed...……そう。
The enemy had been willing to die from the start.要するに、敵だけが初めから必死だった。
She resented her own lack of resolve.決意の甘さに憤慨ふんがいする。
It wasn't like her to tuck tail and run from an opponent that didn't fear death.もろとも死ぬ事さえいとわない相手に尻尾を巻くなんて、あまりに自分らしくなかったな、と。

"Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferisIn slumber, I live. In dirt, I rot, alone.Vivo in somno. Solitarie putresco in inferis私は眠りの中で生きている。ひとりきりで土の中で腐っていく。.

Hic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.Today is the day I died and was born. I come to you."@oHic dies meus obitus dies, et meus nativus dies. Te obeam.今日は私の命日であり、誕生日だ。さあ、貴方に会いに行こう。

(Hmph. It's always been on a suicide mission, huh.“……ふん。そもそも自爆覚悟じゃない、アレ。
It doesn't have enough juice to power the six-legged form and the Finn Shots. The curses aren't recharging it fast enough.")六足歩行とフィンの一撃は使よ。もう呪詛による魔力補給じゃ間に合わない”

Such a perpetual motion device was only as good as its ability to regulate its energy consumption.……そう。永久機関と言っても、それは魔力の消費量を抑えてこその永久機関だ。
Using so many functions at once meant it was burning through fuel quickly and losing the ability to process the curses that powered it.あれだけの機巧を使えば燃料はすぐにカラになり、電力である呪詛を回す事もできなくなる。
It was using up all of the functions it had been given to achieve its aim.人形かのじょは与えられた機能を、目的の為に燃やし尽くす。
This was the pride of a tool, if such things could have ego. Those endowed with sentience could never hope to understand.それは知恵あるものでは届かない器物の誇り。
A beast born to do nothing but run would burn any human who faced its resolve.走る為だけに生まれた獣の覚悟に、人が触れれば火傷する。

"...It's a waste when you think about it.“……ホント、勿体ない。
I thought my sister was the only one capable of something this reckless, but I guess I was wrong."こういう無茶をするのは姉貴だけかと思ってたけど、いるところにはいるもんね”

But Aoko did not intend a sacrifice play here.だが、共倒れになる気は毛頭無い。
She respected her adversary now, and she was done regretting her choices.反省は済ませたし、敬意も払ったし。
There was no time to waste.時間もないしいい加減、
"This is it. This ends now."「行くわよ。ここで、きっかり―――」
Aoko had every intention of paying it back double for what it had done to her.たまったツケを、倍にして返してやる―――!

The energy Aoko had accumulated exploded out of her right leg.溜めに溜めた力を、右脚みぎあしに爆発させる。
She aimed for a single thing: A head-on attack!狙いは一点、正面からの直接打撃―――!

The enemy's response was a curse to crush her heart.迎え撃つは心臓を鷲掴わしづかむ呪いの一撃。
A curse that would rend Aoko's heart, and destroy itself in the process.燃え尽きる事を恐れない、最大出力の心臓破り。
As soon as she saw it, Aoko kicked the floor as hard as she could.それを視認したのと同時に、青子は全力で床を蹴った。
Her long hair swirled through the air as she flipped aside.長い髪を尾のようになびかせて、少女の体は真横におどる。

This lateral move almost sent her tumbling to the ground, but a quick swing of her arm allowed her to regain her balance.無理やりな横移動で崩れる体勢からだを、腕の振りで転ばずに持ち直す。

A shot grazed her arm,散弾が肩をかすめる。
with the curse scorching her left shoulder.呪詛をうけた左肩が白熱する。
She did not flinch. Aoko knew she could hold on as long as she continued to avoid a direct Finn Shot.構わない。どんな不利な体勢になろうと、“フィンの一撃”の直撃だけは回避する―――!

Off balance and in pain, it took her half a second to recover.痛みとバランスの乱れから、立ち直るのに0.5秒。
The moment she raised her head, she deflected the attack with a fist full of magical energy.顔を上げた瞬間、目前に迫る凶器を、魔力を帯びた拳で殴りはじく。

"Here goes...!"「せー、のぉ……!」
If the puppet had a will of its own, its eyes would have popped right out of its sockets.人形に意志があったのなら、間違いなく目を見張っただろう。
It would have been floored.驚嘆すべきは。
Shocked at the strong will that allowed this girl to perform a series of moves like this.その一連の動作をしながらも、足を止めない彼女の意志の強さだった。

Aoko's response was instantaneous.コンマの世界で弾かれる凶器。
While her power was not sufficient to completely redirect the arm's trajectory, it was just enough to deflect it harmlessly past her hair.少女の力では完全に弾ききれず、凶器はわずかに軌道を逸らし、長い髪をさらっていく。

"...Initio erraveramus. Dum vivimus dolores suntIt was all a mistake. I should have never been born..@o“―――Initio erraveramus. Dum vivimus dolores suntすべてが間違いだったのです。生まれなければ良かったのです。.

Nemo adiuvat. Nemo adiuvat. Nemo adiuvat.Atone for me! Atone for me! Atone for me!"Nemo adiuvat. Nemo adiuvat. Nemo adiuvat.誰か私を償って。償って。償って。償って。償って。償って。償って。償って。償って―――!

The chant became a curse that robbed Aoko of her vitality.詠唱は呪いとなって青子から気力を奪う。

Did it still have something left in the tank, or was it actually indignant?こぼれたのは余裕か怒りか。
Whatever the reason, Aoko was easily able to resist its weakened defensive maneuver...あまりにも脆弱な防衛機能を気迫で嚥下レジストし、
...And her right leg, pulsing with magical energy, shot up into the puppet's chest from below.魔力を帯びた渾身の右脚が、人形のを打ち上げる!

It was much lighter than Aoko anticipated.人形の軽さは青子の予想以上だった。
Or rather, she felt little resistance.いや、重さではなく力が無かった、と言うべきか。
An automaton's weight was determined by its internals―the size of its power source.自動人形の重量はその内部構造―――動力源の大小によって決定される。
Ironically, it was the superiority of its music box engine that would prove to be its downfall.自動詠唱永久オルゴールエンジン機関を持つこのオートマタは、皮肉な事に、その優秀さがアダになったのだ。

"...Venite, Venite, Venite, meum sepulchrum veniteeeeeeeeWelcome! Welcome! Welcome my graaaaaave..."“……Venite, Venite, Venite, meum sepulchrumいらっしゃい、いらっしゃい、私の墓穴に、 ^veniteeeeeeee……いらっしゃいいいいいい……

A stuttering curse.途切れ途切れの呪詛。
Having taken the full brunt of Aoko's kick, the puppet bounced from ceiling to floor, collapsing in a heap.青子の蹴りと天井への衝突、とどめに落下の衝撃で、人形はほぼ停止していた。
Its internal construction had been warped by the impact, leaving the drum of the music box that powered the puppet warped as well.内部構造に歪みが生じ、動力源である自動詠唱オルゴールのドラムが歪んでしまったのだ。

"Take your design flaws up with your maker.「恨むなら設計者を恨みなさい。

A single dynamo would have been all you needed to―ダイナモの一つでも積んでいれば、もうちょっとは重たくなったでしょうに……

Wait, what the...?!"って、うわ!?」

Part of the ceiling came crashing down in front of Aoko, snapping her back to her senses.目の前に落ちてきた天井の衝撃で、青子は正しい意識を取り戻した。
(...Did I really just take her out?)“……ところでいま、どうやってぶっ倒したんだろう?”
She was so stunned by her own victory that she forgot the house of mirrors had already begun to collapse.と首をかしげるほど無我夢中だったので失念していたが、ミラーハウスの倒壊はもう始まっている。

"I've gotta get out of here!"「って、こっちのがやばかった……!」
There was no time to relish in her victory or pity her opponent.勝利の余韻にひたっている場合でも、同情している余裕もない。
Not unless she wanted to meet the same fate.このままだと数秒後には同じ運命。
As the situation stood, she found it hard to imagine getting out alive.青子自身、生還できる未来をイメージできないほど、状況は壊滅的だ。

"Get a move on, Aoko!"「急げ、ダッシュだ私……!」
She slapped herself on the cheek and took off.それでも最善を尽くそうと頬を叩く。
This was her bounty for finishing their battle in a matter of seconds.わずか数秒間の交戦の報酬。
With her breathing labored by all the excitement, she ran for the exit.興奮と緊張で乱れた呼吸もそのままに、青子は出口に向かって走りだした。

Scene 12

The collapse was intensifying by the second.秒単位で倒壊は激化していく。
Having lost its support pillars, the castle was buckling under its own weight.支柱を失った城は中心に折りたたまれるよう、自重によって潰れていく。

"Out of my way!"「この、邪魔……!」
Escaping from the basement was proving to be no easy task.なので、地下からの脱出は困難を極めた。
While she was taking the shortest route possible through the maze, she was nearly crushed by a falling piece of the ceiling along the way.迷路を最短距離で突っ切った青子だが、途中、崩落した天井に潰されかけたのが一度。
This was the second time―no, third―she had to deal with fallen rubble along the way.立ちふさがる瓦礫で一秒だけ足を止めたのが二度、いやこれで三度目。

She destroyed the debris on the stairs with magic bullets as she ran.階段に降り積もった瓦礫を、走りながらの魔弾によって粉砕する。
The automaton's jamming had long since worn off.既に、自動人形による妨害電波ジャミングは途絶えている。
The earlier attack had damaged the vast majority of its functions.先ほどの攻防で人形はその大部分の機能を破損したからだ。

"-, -!"「―――、っ―――!」
Her breathing was heavy as she ran.息を飲むように走る。
The intensity surrounding her sparked her brain into overdrive.窮地における緊張から、脳は倍速で稼働する。
The ceiling seemed to be collapsing in slow motion.崩れていく天井が緩やかに流れていく。
For her, a second felt like five.まるで死の間際まぎわの走馬灯。
Her frayed nerves made it hard to read time correctly.今の彼女には一秒が五秒に相当する。
As her life seemed to flash before her very eyes, a light at the end of the tunnel...研ぎ澄まされた神経が、体感時間を延長する。

There was debris riddled throughout the stairway, forcing her to crawl up it.倒壊する地下から、崩落する一階へ。
She emerged from the destroyed basement into the collapsing first floor.青子は瓦礫で埋もれかけた階段を這って上りきった。
That the plaza was still traversable at all was a miracle in itself,広間はまだ開けているコト自体が奇跡で、
and fortunately for her, the crucial path to the exit was still intact.肝心の出口への通路は―――幸運な事に、まだ崩落していない……!

"I made it!"“よし、ついてる……!”
The corridor to the entrance was still intact.入り口通路は地下に沈まない。
The basement maze only extended as far as the plaza, so the entrance corridor wouldn't collapse. Only the ceiling would cave in, leaving the scaffolding surround intact.地下迷路があるのは広間までで、入り口通路は下に崩れようがないからだ。崩れるのは天井だけで、足場は最後まで残るはず。

She got herself this far by telling herself repeatedly that fate would decide whether or not she reached the plaza.なので、この運任せの脱出は広場まで辿り着けるかの勝負だ、と青子は自分に言い聞かせて突き進んできた。
Her gamble paid off. It was her lucky day.賭けは彼女の勝ちだ。幸運は青子に味方した。
All she had to do was muster the last of her strength and keep moving forward, until―ここからは残りの体力を総動員して、脇目もふらず外を目指せば―――

She hesitated for a fraction of a second.時間にして0.2秒だけ、青子は足を止めかける。
Was it naivety? A sense of responsibility?心の甘さか、責任か。
She pushed aside the image that popped into her head and continued running down the corridor.脳裏によぎったイメージを振り払って、彼女は通路に向かって走りだした。

"...We don't have the luxury of coordinating the timing with each other to pull this off.“……言っとくけど時間合わせの余裕はないわよ。
It's not the greatest plan in the world, but we both need to do our parts and get to the exit as quickly as possible."そんな上等な作戦じゃないし。お互い、できるコトをやったら最速で出口に向かいましょう”
That was five minutes ago.たった五分前の話だ。
At the time, Soujyuro had nodded with trepidation.それに、彼は少しだけ不安そうに頷いた。
And Aoko had not bothered to ask herself why.あの顔は―――何に対してのものだったのか。

"What are you thinking, Aoko?! Just focus on running!"“っ、なに様だっての私、今は走ることだけ考えろ……!”
This corridor was giving out too.この通路も、もうたない。
If she were to look back, she was sure she would see the building collapsing in on her.振り向けば迷路側から崩れている事だろう。
She was also sure she had no time to waste doing so.そして、今は振り向く時間すら惜しい。

Her luck was fading as fast as the building's structural integrity.建物の強度的にはきっとギリギリで、自分の運も絶対ギリギリ。
It was a small miracle that she had escaped serious injury up to this point, and she could not afford even the slightest slip-up.ここまで無傷だった事がそもそも破格のヒロイン補正で、これ以上はどんなトラブルも背負えない。
An ankle sprain, loss of balance, even a sneeze would be fatal. A simple pat on the back was enough to end it.足首の捻挫ねんざ目眩めまい、くしゃみ、その程度ですら死に繋がる。後ろから肩を叩かれるだけでゲームオーバーだ。
So, naturally...―――なので。

"... But Ao..."「―――、あ」
There it was, clear as day.……彼女の瞳には、はっきりと。
From the detritus of the stairway, death had arisen to take her down with it.地下へ落ちる階段の瓦礫から、蒼崎青じぶん子を道連れにしようとする“死”が見えた。

A corpse that had crawled its way up from the depths of hell itself.彼女したい奈落ならくから這い出てくる。
It was still operational.まだ稼働いきている。
And it was still armed with curses.まだ呪詛いしがある。
It had crawled after her, watching as Aoko desperately tried to save herself.青子じぶんと同じように階段を這ってきて、青子じぶんと同じ目で、一人だけ助かろうとする少女あおこを見つめている。

The puppet's arm shot forward.人形の腕が突き出される。
While Aoko did not turn to meet it, she could see its reflection in the mirrors.青子が振り向かなくとも、鏡にその姿が映っている。

"Iis salvatio Iis salvatio Iis salvatio Iis salvatio."“Iis salvatio Iis salvatio Iis salvatio Iis salvatio”

|Extend. Extend. Extend.|伸びる。伸びる。伸びる。|
|This time, she could not dodge it. There was absolutely nothing she could do.|今度こそかわせない。躱しようがない。|

The puppet with her face sang.同じ顔をした人形がうたっている。
I invite you@_Venite domum meam..招き入れる@_Venite domum meam.
to die a muddy death@_Luto simile somnium.泥のような死を@_Luto simile somnium
Become as whispering dust@_et pulveri simile cotidianum..塵となって囁く@_et pulveri simile cotidianum
Gouge out your heart@_Cor privo..心臓を抉り@_Cor privo出して、

"Death be upon you!Te iudico."“「オマエニ、Te iudico死ヲ」”

For a moment, she could not believe her eyes.瞬間、青子は我が目を疑った。
This was the last thing she expected to see.最後にとんでもない光景を見せられた。

"Don't know when to give up, do you?"「しつこいぞ、おまえ」
A fierce expression adorned the face of the boy who had been waiting in the plaza, as he smashed the puppet's outstretched arm.彼はむっとした顔で、広場にとどまって、伸びきった人形の腕を壊していた。

Anger really did not suit him at all.怒っている顔が本当に似合わない。
His weapon of choice was a fire extinguisher.手にしている武器は消火器だった。
He must have searched the maze for something to use as a weapon.きっと武器になるものを探して、いつまでも迷路の中に。
No, never mind that!……いや、それよりも。
It was too crazy to contemplate... but had he stayed behind... for her?彼がまだ広間にいたのは、考えたくもないけど、まさかそういう理由なんだろうか?

Aoko stopped the feet she had sworn to herself she would never stop moving and extended a hand out to him.青子は決して止めまいと誓った足を止めて、無我夢中で手を伸ばす。
"That's enough! Leave it! We have to go!"「そんなのほっといていいから、早く!」

Soujyuro tossed the fire extinguisher aside and took off running.草十郎は消火器を捨てて走りだした。

Pieces of ceiling continued to collapse like dominos.ドミノ倒しに倒壊していく通路の天井。
They kept moving with dust and dirt following in their wake.土砂に阻まれながらも先行する背。
Their shadows raced through the collapsing corridor with all their strength.崩れ落ちる通路を、全力で走るふたりの影。

...The castle was in the throes of death.……断末魔があがる。
With a massive crash and a cloud of dust, the final chapter of the fairy tale that had been Kitsy Land came to an abrupt end.轟音と粉塵をまきあげ、キッツィーランドのシンボルであった御伽の城は、こうして、最後の見せ場ショウを終えたのだった。

This duel to the death was over.生死を賭けたマラソンは終わった。
For a moment, amidst their swirling emotions, all past enmity was left behind and the two collapsed on the lawn and basked in a strange solidarity.苦楽とか命運とかを一瞬だけ共にしたふたりは、疲れきった体を芝生にあずけて、妙な連帯感に包まれていた。

The ringing in their ears subsided before long.……耳鳴りはもう治まっている。
A tremor of such magnitude seemed impossible in an amusement park like this.あれだけ大きかった地響きも、このさびれた遊園地ではいろを失う。

As the sounds of destruction echoed across the park, Aoko addressed the individual at her side.崩落の残響が廃墟にみこんでいくのを聞き届けながら、青子はとなりの人影に語りかけた。
"Hey... You alive?"「………………ねえ、生きてる?」
While the click of her tongue was adorable, the meaning behind it was anything but.可愛らしい舌打ちだったが、その真意は物騒なコトこの上ない。

"...Aozaki? What happened to that thing?"「……蒼崎。あいつ、どうなった?」
"What do you think? It was crushed to bits."「見ての通りよ。今ごろバラバラ死体になってるんじゃない?」

Soujyuro sighed, not wholly relieved by her frank response. His reason...身もふたもない青子の返答に、それならいいけど、とため息をつく草十郎。なぜなら、
"Never mind that thing. You should be worrying about yourself."「でも、そんな心配より自分の心配をした方がいいと思うわよ、静希くん?」
He wasn't out of the woods yet, after all.彼の災難は、目下継続中だったからだ。

"...Aozaki, I'm guessing you were a bit of a bully as a kid."「……蒼崎、子供の頃はいじめっ子だっただろ」
"Maybe, but I don't get a kick out of seeing people suffer.加虐かぎゃく趣味はないって自負してるけど。
Never mind that. Do you know the situation you're in right now?"それで、今の自分の立場、分かってる?」
She sat up and smiled.体を起こしてニコリと微笑む青子。
Soujyuro hung his head in shame, wondering why her kind tone and expression were so chilling.口調も表情も優しいのに、なんでぞわっと寒気がするんだろうな、と草十郎はうなだれてみた。

"Please accept my sincerest apologies."「……面目めんぼく次第もございません」
"Oh no, don't you even start. You know what our agreement was, and a deal is a deal. If you held up your end of the bargain, I'd let you go."「かしこまってもダメよ。あの提案には大前提があったわよね。これは取引だって。貴方が役に立つのなら見逃してあげるっていう」
"Exactly. And that's why I'm apologizing."「分かってる。だから面目ないって言ってるだろ」
Soujyuro made a show of avoiding her eyes,草十郎はこれみよがしに顔を背けた。
like a pouting child.ふん、と子供のようにふて腐れる。

Aoko was taken aback by this sulky display.その拗ねっぷりに面食らう青子。
He was angry at himself rather than her.草十郎は青子にではなく、自分に対して怒っているのだ。
He was not mad because she would not let him go. He was mad that he had not done his part.青子に見逃してもらえない事より、役に立てなかった事が悔しかった、と。

Aoko sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day.つい、本日ほんじつ何度目かのため息を青子はもらした。
She could not figure out what surprised her more: his unconditional kindness, or her naïve approval of it.……目前の少年のお人好し加減と、その長所を認めてしまった自分の甘さに呆れてしまう。

"So, are you ready?"「じゃあ覚悟は出来てるの?」
"Of course not, but a promise is a promise. In the end, I failed to do my part."「……そんなのは出来ないけど、約束だからな。結局は、何もしていないし」
It was certainly the case that he failed to do any of the things she had expected of him.確かに、青子が期待した事は、なにひとつ。
But just then, she glanced back at the collapsed house of mirrors.けど、と青子は崩れ去ったミラーハウスを一瞥した。
What had he done after failing so spectacularly?囮役を見事に失敗し、途方にくれた彼は何を選択したのか。

He had searched for the extinguisher so he could use it as a weapon,……わざわざ武器になるような消火器を探して、
and waited patiently in the plaza as the maze collapsed all around him, because he thought it was wrong of him to leave alone.崩れだした迷路の中で、ひとりで出るわけにはいかないと、あの広間で足を止めていた。
It was a foolish choice, and the exact opposite of her choice to run towards the exit without hesitation.それは躊躇ためらうことなく出口を目指した彼女とは真逆の、あまりにも愚かな選択だ。

"I suppose I'll take it."“……ま、それでよしとするか”
She was satisfied, even as she was shocked at how naive she was being.甘いなあ、と呆れながらも満足する。
It was true that he had saved her.だって救われたのは事実だし。
She smiled inwardly, admiring―if only for a moment―the bravery he continued to show in the face of such extreme circumstances.あの状況で待ち続ける勇気は、たとえ一秒だけだとしても賞賛に値すると、彼女は内心微笑んだ。

"You may have blown your chance, but you did make up for it after the fact. I'll keep my promise."“……役割は果たさなかったけど、アフターケアは合格だし。約束は、守らなくちゃね”
With a nod, she pulled herself to her feet.ひとり頷いて、青子はすくっと立ち上がる。

"But you'll pay back this favor, someday."「約束は、ま、いつか守ってもらうとして」

The girl tried to keep a straight face as she offered a hand to the boy still lying on the ground.少女は出来るだけ無感情を装って、まだ倒れこんでいる少年に手を差し伸べる。

"You managed to help me in the end.「結果はどうあれ手助けしてもらったし。
So, because of that, I'll let you off the hook. For tonight."特別サービスってコトで、今夜はもう手を出さないであげる」

She bashfully averted her gaze.照れくさそうに顔を逸らす少女。
Though her profile appeared different than it had in the past, it was clearly still the face of the vibrant girl he met the day he first arrived in town.その横顔はあの日のものとは違っていたけれど、紛れもなく、少年がこの町に来てはじめて見入った、鮮やかな少女の顔だった。

"What are you staring at!?"「――――――なによ」
As if she had felt his eyes on her, she shot him a frowning glare.視線を感じたのか、口をとがらせてじろりと睨む青子。
"Oh, sorry. It's just, as crazy as it is to say it aloud, you really are a fair person, Aozaki."「いや。突拍子もないけど、蒼崎は律儀だなって」
He took her outstretched hand.差し出された手を握る。
Feeling his weight as she pulled him up, she could not help but think that he was about the last person she wanted to hear that from.青子は草十郎の体重を感じながら、貴方にだけは言われたくはないわ、と手を引いた。

"By the way, you said you'd let me off the hook for tonight. What about tomorrow?"「ところで。今夜はって言うけど、明日からは?」
"Well, we'll just have to see."「さあ。ま、その時になったら考えるわ」
She shrugged her shoulders as if she was not sure herself.自分でもなんだかなあ、と肩をすくめる青子。
The response was so unlike her that it made Soujyuro smile.その仕草がおかしく、草十郎も笑ってしまう。

Was it the solidarity of having escaped death together, or their fleeting camaraderie that made him do so?共に死線をくぐり抜けた連帯感とか、つかの間きずかれた友情とか。
It might have been for this night only, but the air between them was kind and gentle.それが今夜かぎりのものでも、ふたりを包む空気はなごやかで、優しいものだった。
A lot had transpired, but the midwinter nightmare had come to an end.色々あったけれど、真冬の夜の悪夢はこれでおしまい。
The pair had overcome many trials and tribulations and could now leave the mirror realm in their wake.ふたりはそれぞれの窮地を乗り越え、鏡の国を後にする。
But before that...……けれど、その前に。

"...How selfish of you.「―――随分と身勝手ね。
Is that something you can really decide on your own, Aoko?"それは貴女ひとりで決めていい事だったかしら、青子?」

It was the voice of a beautiful singing birdそれは美しい鳥のさえずりにも、
and a merciless machine, all rolled into one.無慈悲な機械の声にも似て。

Her voice quivered as she spoke the name.……震える声で、青子は少女の名を口にした。

The lady in black made her presence known.降り立つ黒衣。
The night was not yet over.……夜はまだ終わらない。
Her name was Alice Kuonji.少女の名は久遠寺有珠。
She was a witch whose name struck fear into the heart of Aoko,青子をして魔女と恐れさせる、
an avatar of the night who would allow no witnesses.目撃者は例外なく逃がさない、夜の化身がやってきた。