Chapter5-II: Night of the witches II

Scene 1

The melody stirred an emotion like nostalgia within them.それは、彼らにとって郷愁きょうしゅうに似た旋律だった。
Something once familiar but now lost to this world.かつてこの世界にありふれていたもの。
They believed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it would play for all eternity.物言わぬ彼らのすべてが、永遠に続くと信じて疑わなかったもの。
From opening stanza to final coda,始まりに一度、終わりに一度。
it was a mysterious siren's song, merry yet longing, that heralded a return from dreams to reality.夢の開園と、現実への帰還を告げる、陽気で、どこか寂しくなる不思議な音楽サイレン

The night shook.夜がひびく。
A song was spun.唄をつむぐ。
Now, their lost paradise was unearthed.今は失われた彼らの楽園を掘り返す。
Abandoned dreams...うち捨てられた多くの夢路ゆめじが、
Forsaken idols...見放されたかつての偶像が、
They all responded to the cry of the blue cat.青猫の鳴き声に呼応する。

...The name of that bell was Diddle Diddle, Banquet of the Night.―――その鐘の名は“夜の饗宴ディドルディドル
All fables made possible,あらゆる寓話、
all marvels made real,あらゆる不思議を許容する、
by the magecraft of Alice Kuonji, more magical than magic itself.魔法以上に魔法に近い、久遠寺有珠の魔術である。

"...How selfish of you.「……随分と身勝手ね。
Is that something you can really decide on your own, Aoko?"それは貴女ひとりで決めていい事だったかしら、青子?」
Alice sat perched atop the clock tower like a black bird of ill omen.少女は黒い凶鳥まがどりのように時計台の上に降り立った。
She smoothed the ruffles of her skirt as if she were preening.細い指は静かに、羽をつくろうように、衣服スカートの乱れを直す。

There was tension in Aoko's voice as she lifted her head.見上げる青子の声にはかすかな緊張。
The calm atmosphere from a moment prior had long since been shooed away by Alice's gaze.……先ほどまでの穏やかな空気は、有珠の視線だけで霧散していた。

"That girl... I've seen her somewhere before."“あの娘、たしか……”
Soujyuro searched his hazy memory.草十郎は曖昧な記憶を辿る。
He could not clearly make out her face at this distance, but he was sure he had seen her around town a number of times.遠くて顔ははっきりしないが、何度か町で見かけたかもしれない。
Where and when eluded him, however, as the tension in the air kept him from connecting all the dots.それが何処だったかを思い出そうとするのだが、妙な緊張感が邪魔をして、どうにもはっきりしなかった。

"...Well, isn't this a turn of events. I didn't know you cared so much, Alice.「―――驚いた。ずいぶんと仲間思いになったのね有珠。
I thought you were going to leave tonight to me."今夜は私に任せるんじゃなかったっけ?」
Aoko readied her guard and took half a step forward.青子はわずかに身構え、半歩だけ前に出た。
From an objective standpoint, it almost looked as though she were protecting the figure beside her.第三者的に見れば、かたわらの人影をかばうように。

Alice's silence grew ever heavier.有珠の沈黙はますます重くなっていく。
Her eyes, fixed on the ground below her, were devoid of emotion.地上を睥睨へいげいする瞳は感情にとぼしい。
An indescribable sense of dread and pressure laid claim over the plaza.でありながら、言いようのない不安と重圧でこの広場を支配しつつある。

"...A bell...?"“……鐘……?”
If he strained his ears, he could make out the faint ringing of a bell echoing in the distance.耳を澄ますと、どこからか鐘の音が響いていた。
The rippling soundwave seemed, unbelievably, to be emanating from under the ground.寄せ返すさざ波のようなおとは、信じがたい事に地面の下から聴こえてくる。

"Hey Aozaki, that girl... She's―"「なあ蒼崎、あの
Soujyuro stepped back, trying to stay out of the way.むう、と邪魔にならないよう引っこむ草十郎。
It was as though he had been told to go to hell知り合い? という質問に、
for the crime of asking if the girl was Aoko's friend.死にたい? と返された感じ。

"I wouldn't go as far as to say I cared. I simply had a feeling something might be wrong and came to check.「……そうね。仲間思い、に当てはまるかは微妙だけど、良くない予感がしたから様子を見に来ただけ。
It's not as though I had any doubts regarding your ability to handle the job."別に、貴女の仕事を疑ったワケじゃないわ。」

"Much appreciated. It would have been nice if you had thought to come check just a bit earlier, though.「それはどうも。どうせならもう少し早く、その良くない予感とやらに気づいてほしかったけど。
...As you can see, things seem to have worked themselves out.―――でもま、ごらんの通り自己解決したわ。
It's late, so don't let me keep you, Alice. Since you have no doubts about my ability, right?"夜も遅いし、さっさと帰っていいわよ有珠。私の仕事っぷりを疑うワケじゃないんでしょう?」

Their eyes locked on one another.両者の視線が交差する。
Alice's stare was uncomfortably cold.有珠はやや不快げに、冷たさをこめて。
Aoko's was bold, daring Alice to air her complaints.青子は堂々と、文句があるなら言いやがれと挑発するように。

"...I think I've changed my mind.「……いえ、気が変わったわ。
I'm here now, so why don't the two of us go home? That's more your style anyway, Aoko. You can tell me all about your adventures with the puppet on the way."せっかくだし。その方が貴女らしいわ。帰りしな、人形の話でも聞かせてちょうだい」
"Ha! What's that supposed to mean?「は。らしいってなによ、らしいって。
Go home, Alice. Shut yourself in your room and make some more of your worthless birds."いいから帰れ帰れ、ぐうたら有珠。部屋に閉じこもって役に立たない椋鳥むくどりでも作ってろっての」

A disappointed sigh escaped Alice's delicate lips.可憐な唇が落胆らくたんの息をこぼす。
It seemed that the black-clad girl was more astonished than angry.黒衣の少女は怒るというより呆れたように、
"...Aoko. I hate to say this, but... seriously?"「……青子。口にしたくないけど、本気?」
Alice questioned her roommate of nearly two years.二年近くともに暮らした同居人を問いただした。

"...You surprise me. Did you not say we would protect our secret together?「……呆れた。二人で秘密を守ると言ったのに?
Are you still having trouble letting go of the other side? Or has compassion taken a hold of you?"まだ半端にそっち側なの? それとも情でも移った?」

"Not at all. This isn't compassion-I just feel like doing it this way."「別に。情っていうより私の気分よ。
No plan survives contact with the enemy, you know that. The same goes for my mood.だいたい、方針なんてその場その場で変わるもんでしょ。気分なら尚更よ。
Besides, who goes out of her way to keep a promiseそっちこそ、一度した約束は絶対守
she made forever ago? A little old-fashioned, if you ask me."るぅー、なんて、時代遅れなんじゃない?」

The proverbial knives were out, now.睨みあうふたり。
No quarter was given, no quarter taken.歩み寄る気なんて微塵もなし。
Sadly, their partnership was one of convenience, and had not reached the level of mutual understanding.悲しい事だが、彼女たちの在り方はあくまで協力関係であって、相互理解の域には達していない。
Their version of friendship was both delicate and unique. When a conflict of opinion arose, each would refuse to budge until the other crumbled.なので、友情のカタチは微妙かつ特殊だった。互いの意見が衝突したら、どちらかが砕けるまで先には進まない。
Neither was concerned for the other's plight, and at least for now, that was how they liked it.青子それ青子それ有珠これ有珠これ、と綺麗さっぱり切り捨てられるのが、今のところ、彼女たちが良しとする友情である。

"...You know, I've come to accept stupid outbursts like that from you."「……そうね。今の暴言は貴女らしいとは思うけど」
Once again she let out a sigh, even larger than the one before.少女はもう一度、今度はさっきより大きなため息をついて、
"Why don't we save this argument for later?「言い争いは後にしましょう。
I can make him disappear on my own."そこの彼をにするのは、私だけで十分だし」
without warning...つい、と。
As if making to move a chess piece, Alice lifted her slender finger.チェスの駒をさすような仕草で、細い指を動かした。

Even this simple action seemed mysterious to Soujyuro, the same boy who had been hunted by his classmate Aoko Aozaki and borne witness to an automaton.それは、蒼崎青子に命を狙われ、まがりなりにも自動人形を目撃した草十郎をして、目を見張る“不思議”だった。
Aoko's violence and an animated doll-……青子の暴挙、動く人形。
Though perhaps far beyond the realm of logic, both these things were derived from reality. As surprised as he had been, there was no need to think of them as total mysteries.それらは常識外とは言え、にあるものから派生した出来事だ。彼にとっては驚きこそすれ、不思議に思う事はない。

When the thing appeared out of thin air from a seemingly unrelated gesture, he had no word for it besides "mysterious."何もない空間、何の関連もない動作から突如あらわれたソレは、彼にとっては不思議以外の何物でもなかった。
Soujyuro stood motionless, captivated by this stage performer's magic trick, as the girl's single-finger magecraft turned into an attack directed at him.草十郎は手品に見惚れるよう、指一本動かせず少女の魔術に襲われる。
A blue light flew from the side to repel it, annihilating it without a trace.それを横からはじこう……として、いきおい、跡形あとかたもなく粉砕する青い光。

"Oh crap."「あ、やば」
Aoko immediately regretted her reflexive shot.青子は脊髄反射で手をだしてしまい、しまった、と反省する。

"...What are you doing? You're not satisfied with breaking just our promise, so you must break the rules as well?"「…………どういう事? 言葉やくそくを曲げただけじゃなく、ルールまで破るつもり?」

The already-chilled midwinter air plunged below freezing.……ただでさえ冷えきっていた真冬の空気が、もう氷結レベルまで落ちこんでいく。
Alice looked calm and collected on the outside, but in reality she was sometimes even more hot-blooded than Aoko.有珠はクールそうに見えて、その実、青子以上に激情家なところがあった。

Especially when it concerned her familiars.その最たるものが、使い魔への扱いである。
Accidentally destroying one often would result in a week of silent treatment,悪意のないミスで壊してしまった場合は一週間程度の無言の抗議で済むが、
but maliciously destroying one... Alice would reserve the right to retaliate without fair warning.悪意をもって破壊したのなら、もうどんな言い訳があろうと報復するのが彼女の性格だった。

"Whoops. I figured I'd do that someday, but I couldn't have picked a worse time..."“あっちゃあ……いつかやるとは思ったけど、ついに逆鱗げきりんに触れちゃったか……”
Though Aoko was shocked at the depth of her own stupidity, she also was in fact a little bit relieved.あーあ、と。自分の馬鹿さ加減に呆れながらも、青子は清々すがすがしさを感じていた。
She did not intend to make any excuses, and she had no regrets.言い訳をする気はないし、後悔もしていない。
If she had broken the rules, then so had Alice.ルールを破ったというのなら、それは有珠も同じである。

"How do I put it..."「ま、なんていうか―――」
If anything, this took a load off her mind.逆にさっぱりしたぐらいだ。
After all, now there was no going back.だって、こうなった以上はもう色々仕方がない。
Aoko never intended to break her own rules.青子には自分のルールを破る気なんて毛頭なく、

If there was anything for Aoko to regret, it was putting too little power into her shot.反省する事があるといったら、それは力加減を間違えた事だけで、
"I have a problem with this guy dying tonight.わたし的に、今夜コイツに死なれるのは困るのよ。
So, can we reschedule the execution? What difference does a day make?"なんで、日を改めて殺しに来てくれない有珠? いいでしょ、たった一日ぐらい」
Taking on a pro bono case in the defense of Suspect S was the socially acceptable thing.とっさに容疑者Sをかばったのは、彼女にとって当然の正義だった。

"...Is this personal?"「それは私情?」
"So what if it is? You know that paying back my debts is pretty important to me."「悪い? 一宿一飯の恩義ってわりと大事にしてるの、私」
"More important than our agreement?"「わたしとの協定より?」
"Sure, depending on the time and place."「ええ。時と場合によっては」

Soujyuro's human rights had not yet entered the argument.この場にいる草十郎さんにんめの人権もなんのその。
The girls were busy pouring oil on each other's flames.少女たちは互いに油をかけあっていく。
The girl clad in black was the first to move, or rather, to erupt.感情の切り替え―――いや、感情に火をつけるのは、黒衣の少女の方が先だった。

"...I see. I understand how you feel, Aoko.「―――そう。よく分かったわ青子。
But I am going to have to kill him here.わたしは彼をここで殺す。
I believe that you would let him live.貴女は彼をここだけ生かす。
Shall I take that to mean you're ready to fight me for it?"……つまり。、という事でいい?」

(...Hmph. You know damn well I'd rather not.)“……ふん。そんなの、いいワケないじゃない”
Aoko bit back the retort.なんて弱音をぐっと堪える。
She was very familiar with Alice's magecraft,青子は有珠の魔術を知っている。
and knew painfully well how many Mystics were hidden in Alice's tiny body.あの小さな体にどれほどの神秘を秘めているか、痛いほど経験している。

The odds of victory were essentially nonexistent.勝ち目はほとんど、ぜったい皆無かいむ
And once the first shot had been fired, Alice Kuonji was without mercy.そして一度でも口火をきれば、久遠寺有珠は容赦なしだ。
Whether facing a roommate or a friend,同居人であろうと友人だろうと、
a most beloved family member or a stranger,彼女の最愛の肉親であろうと、
once Alice began to fight as a witch, she became a heartless, unflappable monster.魔女として戦う以上、あの少女は冷徹れいてつな怪物となる。

Aoko advanced another half step forward as if to encourage herself.青子はもう半歩、自らをするよう前進した。
It was too late to back down now. The situation was no longer a trivial quarrel over a witness.今さら後には退けない。はもう、どうでもいい目撃者だいさんしゃめぐっての言い争いではない。
The bedrock of their so-called friendship had nothing to do with their individual abilities, but everything to do with being equals in will.彼女たちの友情らしきものは、実力差はどうあれ、精神的に対等である事が成立の条件になっている。
That is why, in order to stay true to herself, Aoko had no room for compromise or deception.だからこそ―――『自分』を通すのであれば、妥協も誤魔化しも、する訳にはいかなかった。

"Of course. I'm going to make sure this idiot lives, even if it means killing you. And besides..."「もちろん。アンタを殺す事になっても、そこのバカは生かしきるわ。それに―――」

Her Magic Circuits howled as they kicked into gear.うなりをあげて式を走らせる魔術回路。
Her body, which had mostly been dormant during the battle with the puppet, ignited, preparing to demonstrate its true worth.先の人形戦では眠っていた身体が、その真価を発揮させろと燃え上がり―――
"We were going to end up killing each other in the end anyway!"「それに。どのみち最後には殺し合う仲でしょ、私たち……!」
Her courage overpowered any fear she had for her opponent.闘志をもって、強敵への恐怖を克服する―――!

Tuning her body―her Magic Circuits―to become like the barrel of a gun, Aoko fired a magic bullet. It was an exceedingly basic magecraft formula.青子の魔弾は自身の体……魔術回路を銃身にして魔力を放つ、ごく単純な魔術式だ。
There was no nature interference: no creating of wind, parting of water, or hastening of decay.風を起こす、水を分ける、劣化じかんをかける、といった自然干渉ではない。
It was simply the process of converting the imaginary action known as magical energy into something real before releasing it as heat.魔力という架空の運動を実在へと加工し、熱量として撃ちだしている。
Thus Aoko's destructive power was equal to her supply of magical energy.なので、その破壊力は青子が扱える魔力量がイコールとなる。

The magic bullets she had used against Soujyuro were among the most basic single-action magecraft that did not require an incantation.草十郎相手に使用した魔弾は一工程シングルアクション、詠唱を必要としない最低限の魔術だった。
At her present ability, Aoko's main mode of attack―her magic bullet―could be fired at three levels of power.現状、青子が主武器とする魔弾には三つの工程がある。
These were at the second level.これはその二つめ。
This required a double-action magecraft―a casting through activation of her crest combined with a simplified incantation.魔術刻印を起動リードさせ、簡略化詠唱を用いた二工程の魔弾である。

Without blinking, Alice dispersed the shot that Aoko had mustered all of her spirit to fire.それなりに気合いを込めた青子の魔弾を、少女はまたたき一つせず霧散させた。

Aoko tutted in frustration.ち、と舌打ちする青子。
A swift sneak attack, magecraft that used a simplified incantation, would not be enough to break Alice's guard.不意打ちの速攻―――詠唱を簡略した魔術行使では、久遠寺有珠の守りは破れない。

"As stiff as ever, I see. Don't you think that shell is making you complacent?"「相変わらずおかたいこと。そのカラ、一段と独りよがりになってるんじゃない?」
Aoko provoked Alice in order to disguise her own lack of composure.青子は内心の焦りをおくびにも出さず挑発する。
Somehow Alice seemed delighted by Aoko's bravado.そのやせ我慢が気に入ったのか。
"I suppose this is what they call 'fighting words.'"「売り言葉に買い言葉、というヤツね。
I've never fought to the death for such a trivial reason."こういう、勢いだけのきっかけは初めてだけど……」

"I'm really shocked. Humans are such conceited creatures."「驚いたわ。こんな下らない理由でも、その気になるものなのね、人間って」
She snickered.くすりと。
Smiling with heartfelt amazement, Alice gestured her left hand toward the earth.心の底から感心するように微笑んで、少女は左手の指を地上に向けた。

Zap. Zap. Zap. Zap.zapす。zapす。zapす。zapす。
Countless utensils shot out from underneath the cobblestones paving the plaza.広場の地面、レンガを破って突き出る無数の槍。
"Sizuki, get back!"「静希君、後ろに跳んで!」
She grabbed his hand as she shouted, jumping backward before he even had a chance to respond.青子は呼びかけながら、彼が反応するより早く手を取って後ろに跳んだ。

As if they had wills of their own, the utensils that had suddenly appeared from the ground gave chase.地面から湧き立つ器物は意志を持つように、跳び退く青子たちを追いかける。
As the barrier of spears grew around them, Aoko and Soujyuro put some distance between themselves and the clock tower.槍の守りは放射状に広がり、青子と草十郎を時計台から離していく。

"That all you've got?"「―――え、これで終わり?」
Just under thirty feet stood between them and Alice.後ろに下がること十メートル弱。
The lethal weapons that had crumbled the stone beneath them fell short of what Aoko had anticipated.地面を砕いて現れる凶器たちの成長は、青子の予想より小規模に留まった。
They now encircled the clock tower, making the scene look like the burning of a witch at the stake.少女の立つ時計台を守るソレは、はりつけにされた魔女を責めるたきぎのようで―――

(Isn't this backwards? You'd expect the spears to try and stop us from escaping...)“……普通、逆じゃない? ここは私たちを逃がさないよう、槍で周りを囲むものでしょう……?”
The path behind them was safe.青子と草十郎の後ろには安全な道がある。
If they wanted, they could try to make a break for the main gate and escape.その気になれば二人は遊園地の入り口まで走って、そのまま町へ逃げられる。

"Are you sure about this, Alice?「いいの有珠?
Sorry, but if you're going to let me escape, I'm not going to pass the chance up."悪いけど、逃げられるなら逃げるわよ、私」
If she could just make it back to town, it would be Aoko's win.町にまで出れば青子の勝ちだ。
All she wanted to do was let Soujyuro get away for the night, so if she could get him back to the city it would be, for the most part, mission accomplished.今夜だけ草十郎を見逃したい青子にとって、彼を街に逃がしてしまえば目的は大部分達成―――

...Or so she had thought.―――なのだが。
Without even offering a glance at her targets below, Alice carefully and lovingly pulled out a bottle from her pocket.有珠は眼下の標的に目もくれず、愛しい、大切なものを扱うように小瓶こびんを取り出した。

"A green... flask?「緑の……フラスコ?
Wait, that's... Damn it! Fire!"あれってたしか―――やばっ、とにかく撃てファイヤ―――!」

Her shot was deflected with ease.防がれる魔弾。
Gone was Aoko's earlier bravado.青子の顔には、もう一片の余裕もない。

A new year, indeed...……そう。
Aoko had indeed grown as a mage.増長していたと言えば、青子はたしかに増長していた。
Over the last two years of study, her studies had progressed well,この二年、学び続けた魔術に手応えもあった。
and she'd more or less gotten a grasp on her roommate's tendencies and abilities.同居人の性格、魔術もそれなりに把握していた。
This had made her conceited enough to believe that, under favorable circumstances, she'd be able to show Alice a thing or two in a fight.だから―――最善の立ち回りをすれば、久遠寺有珠に一杯くわせられると思い上がったのだ。

Alice uncorked the magical bottle.……魔法のびんふたが開く。
A gentle breeze caressed her cheek.頬を優しい風がでる。
Diddle Diddle fled as a new player stepped onto the stage.夜の饗宴が、新たな主役の登場に尻尾を巻いて逃げ出していく。
...But from where would it enter?―――どこからか。
The sound of footsteps, a nostalgic parade, approached.懐かしい、パレードの足音がやってくる。

"No... No way..."「う、そ―――」
Unfortunately it was true.それは。
This was a miracle that Aoko Aozaki, an apprentice mage, had never witnessed.魔術師見習いである蒼崎青子ですら、体験した事のない奇跡だった。

The dead came to life.死んでいたモノが蘇る。
The inanimate awakened.生きていないモノが目を覚ます。
The woods were enveloped by the mists.霧に包まれた深い森。
Fire-breathing lizards lurked in the swamps.沼地にひそむ火を噴くトカゲ。
Puppets made merry at midnight.午前零時をむかえてはしゃぎだすパペットたち。
Alice Kuonji's slender fingers had transfigured the entirety of the park, as if gently stroking the back of an elderly cat.久遠寺有珠の細い指は、年老いた猫の背中を撫でるように優しく、遊園地全体を変貌させ―――

"Very well...「いいわ―――

Let us play pretend, Aoko."ごっこ遊びをしましょう、青子」

For one night, the wasteland of dashed hopes and dreams was restored to its former glory.……ありし日の夢の廃棄場は、一夜かぎりの王国に生まれ変わる。
It was an immortal monster ready to devour reality-それは現実を侵食する不死身の魔物。
a dark fairy tale that, once unleashed, would never let its prey escape.一度ひとたび解き放たれれば、決して獲物を逃がさない暗黒童話。

"Run if you dare.「逃げられるものなら逃げてみせて。
I don't believe you'll get far, but if you can survive the night, I'll concede this round to you."どこまで行けるか分からないけど―――この夜を越える事ができたのなら、貴女の勝ちにしてあげる」
Her declaration marked the start of a desperate battle.……絶望的な戦いの開幕宣言。
The witch in black laughed at her friend,親愛と悲しみ、それと無邪気な愉悦をこめて、
her musical mirth filled with affection, sadness, and innocent delight.黒衣の魔女は友人へとわらいかけた。

Scene 2

Faded glory returned to Kitsy Land.かくして、遊園地は遠き日の輝きを取り戻した。
The neon glow of innumerable lights illuminated the night.夜を照らす無数の電飾。
Speakers filled the air with the sound of vinyl music.スピーカーから流れるレコードの音。
Merry-go-rounds, small and large, whirled round and round.くるくると回りだす大小のゴーラウンド。

All in all, it made for a mind-bending spectacle.……言うまでもなく、すべてあり得ない光景だ。
It was certainly possible to power the facilities by transmuting magical energy into electricity via alchemy.魔力を電流に変換して施設を動かす、というのも錬金術なら可能だろう。
That said...―――だが。
Simply supplying the park with electricity would not have brought back to life that which was broken.仮に電気が供給されたとしても、壊れたものは蘇らない。
The young woman did this not by mixing chemicals into a compound, but by melting down divine providence into a witch's brew.少女が調合しているものは化学式ではなく、摂理をかす魔女の鍋に他ならない。

(...This is bad. I've seen her Ploys, and this one is something completely new.)“……まずいわね。有珠のプロイは何個か見てきたけど、今回のはケタが違う―――”
Stifling her anxiety, Aoko fired up the crest on her right arm.不安を押し殺し、青子は右腕の刻印に火をいれる。

If Magic Circuits were a mage's engine,魔術回路が魔術師のなら、
then their crest was software that assisted their magecraft.刻印は魔術行使を補助する演算装置ソフトウェアだ。
For the fledgling mage Aoko, this was her trump card.魔術師として半人前の青子を助ける切り札。
All she had to do was supply magical energy to her crest-based formula. It may not have been the strongest magecraft, but it was hers; proof that she was the successor of the Aozaki lineage.刻印化された術式なら魔力を通すだけで……その効能は劣化するにしても……再現できる、蒼崎の後継者の証である。

"Execute double layer. Direct current to crest."「―――行使二層、直流数紋」
The pattern of her crest shifted to execute the formula, which then connected to her Magic Circuits.刻印の紋様を術式再現のカタチに切り替え、自身の魔力回路に繋ぐ。
The process resembled trains changing rails, a puzzle involving dozens of circuits.列車の路線変更レールチェンジじみた、何十という回路の形成パズル
She constructed it as swiftly as possible without sacrificing the quality of its construction.それをできるだけ迅速に、可能な限り丁寧に組みたてる。

Instant magecraft cast without an incantation would not be enough to reach Alice Kuonji.無詠唱そくせきの魔術では久遠寺有珠に届かない。
Aoko had gauged the strength of Alice's defense with her initial shots.先の魔弾で有珠を守る防壁の強度ははかった。
She would dial up the power five times the next time, driving twenty tons of force into her target.今度は先の五倍、二十トンの衝撃を叩きこむ。
Alice had the protection of the thick, hanging fog and the dense barrier around her.漂いだした濃霧の守りと、有珠が常にまとっている障壁。
However, this attack would be more than enough to pierce through both.両方合わせても十分に貫通する。

If Aoko struck home, at best it would cave in Alice's chest and end the fight.なので、当たりどころが悪ければ胸骨が心臓に刺さってノックアウト。
At worst, it would at least knock Alice down from her position atop the clock tower.最悪さいあくでも時計台からは撃ち落とせる、のだが―――
"Hey, I have a question."「あの、そろそろいいかな」
As always, there was one guy who spoiled the deadly tension, pulling Aoko out of killer mode.殺し合いモードに入った緊張感を台無しにする男がひとり。

Soujyuro had been looking back and forth between Aoko and Alice in confusion.さっきから難しい顔で青子と有珠を交互に観察していた草十郎は、
"What's going on now?"「それで、どういう話になったんだ?」
He said it like he might ask駅まではどう行くんですか?
for directions to the train station.みたいな質問を口にするのだった。

Normally she would have lashed out screaming in response, but his entirely-serious tone shocked her more than it angered her.怒鳴り返したいところだが、こう真剣に訊かれると怒るより呆れてしまう。
"...Unbelievable. Is this my life now?"“……信じられない。慣れてきた、私……”
Aoko swallowed back a sigh and returned her focus to activating her crest.青子はぐっとため息を飲みこんで、刻印の起動に意識を集中する。

"Negotiations have broken down. I pissed her off a bit too much.「交渉は決裂。ちょっと怒らせすぎた。
From her perspective, this is a good chance to kill me off. Along with the entire theme park, I guess."あの子から見れば、まあいい機会だし、遊園地ごと私を亡きものにしようってハラね」
Soujyuro tilted his head, as if begging for a simpler explanation.もっと簡単な言い回しプリーズ、と首をかしげる草十郎。

"She's really got it in for me. I can't even imagine what sort of death she has in store if she catches me.「私、わりとあの子に恨まれてるから。捕まったが最後、どんな風に殺されるか想像すらできないわ。
...What I'm saying is, neither you or me are getting out of this alive unless we do something about her."……要するに、アンタも私も、あの子をどうにかしないと生きて帰れないってコトよ」

"So you're saying I got dragged into your quarrel?!"「そんな、とばっちりだ!」
"Pretty much!"「まあ―――そういう事になるかもね!」

As Soujyuro protested in a tone wholly inappropriate to the situation, Aoko let another blast rip from her right arm.この期におよんで空気読めていない草十郎の叫びに、青子は渾身の右腕を放つ。
She was not aiming at Soujyuro, though.狙いは草十郎ではない。
A little earlier in the day and Aoko would have been happy to do exactly that, but now, her attention was focused on the girl in black atop the clock tower.ちょっと前までの青子なら草十郎へ掃射していた気配濃厚だが、今は時計台に立つ黒衣の少女が優先される―――!

She could hardly grasp the situation amidst her astonishment.あまりの驚きに状況把握が間に合わない。
She fired the strongest, fastest magic bullet she had the ability to conjure, and Alice blocked it.現状で考えられる最速/最高威力の魔弾を防がれた。
That was to be expected.それはいい。
When Alice set her mind to defending herself, such an attack was child's play.有珠が本気で防御に徹すればそれぐらいはするだろう。

But what just happened?だが今のは何事か。
Something she had never seen before had leapt to Alice's defense.何か得体の知れないものが飛んできて有珠を守った。
A team of horses? A plague of locusts? No. Those things existed in this world, unlike what Aoko had just witnessed.馬?バッタ?いや、そもそもあんな生き物はこの世には存在しない。
Normal creatures could not form like a spontaneous cloud of fog and then dissipate just as quickly into the night sky.あんな風に―――雲霞のように群をなして、夜空を埋め尽くしたりはしない。

Impossible things moved in impossible ways.あり得ないものが、あり得ないカタチで動き出す。
Alice was not even supplying them with any power source.少女は彼らに電源など与えていない。
Those things never needed power in the first place.そも必要としていない。
Those broken and discarded things did not follow the rules of mankind.壊れ、てられた彼らは、もう人間の法則ルールには従わない。

This was an invasion of fairy tales.それは、おとぎ話の侵略だった。
Compared to them, the automaton looked merciful.自動人形オートマタなぞ優しいものだ。
Autonomous puppets were products of magecraft, but even then they behaved as puppets should.自律する人形は魔術のわざによるものだが、それでも、人形としてのあり方を守っていた。
These newly-animated things, however, were nothing of that sort.だが―――動きだし、新たな命を得たは、もう人形ですらない。

Empty vessels became living creatures-器物が生物に、
dummies warped into malformed beings.模型が畸形に変貌する。
There was a fog so dense with magical energy it visibly spread to all corners of the park,広がりつつあるのは視覚化できるほど濃密な魔力の霧と、
bringing with it a monstrous welcoming party that easily numbered over a thousand.入園者を歓迎する、千を超える怪物クリーチャーたち……!

Spurred on by the shuddering sensation running down her spine, Aoko fired a barrage of single-action magic bullets.背中を走る戦慄につき動かされ、青子は一工程の魔弾を掃射する。

Her impulsive attack scattered futilely.無我夢中の攻撃は無様に散った。
The knights of the merry-go-round soared into the sky.メリーゴーラウンドの騎士は空を飛び、
Green, fire-breathing lizards flocked.みどりトカゲは火を吹きながら集まりだす。
The bakeries opened their doors once again, and human-sized loaves of fresh bread marched from their ovens as platoons of newly-baked soldiers.焼きたてべーカリーは経営を再開し、オーブンからは人間大の焼きたてパンが小隊を組んで進軍する。

"...Aozaki, behind you!"「―――蒼崎、後ろ!」
Aoko and Soujyuro were completely surrounded.青子と草十郎は包囲されつつあった。
The Ferris wheel creaked as it gently turned.軋みをあげてゆっくりとまわる観覧車。
A rickety train car raced about the roller coaster tracks with Kitsy, tears streaming down its face, aboard.涙に濡れたキッツィーを乗せて、ガラクタの車両がコースターを走っていく。

It was a grossly twisted fantasy.あまりにも歪んだ幻想。
The girl in black reigned over the insanity-fueled park.赤く回りだした遊園地を背に、黒衣の少女は君臨する。

Oh, now we're screwed.ああ、これはない。
Aoko was transfixed by the scene unfolding around her. Then, she realized what was happening.これはないわ、と忘我しながら、青子はこの現象が何であるかに当たりをつけた。

"...Oh, I know what this is."「―――そうだ、これは」
Alice had once told her of Meinster's familiars.有珠に聞いたマインスターの使い魔たち。
Among them were three of particular notoriety, one of which she recalled being capable of something similar to this.その中でも三本指に入る折り紙付きの使い魔が、これと似た出来事を起こすハズだ。
And it was called...名前は、たしか―――
"Ploy Kickshaw... Flat Snark!"童話の怪物プロイキッシャー、フラットスナーク……!」

"Seriously, Aozaki! Behind you!"「蒼崎、だから後ろ!」
Struck by Aoko's bullets, the creatures exploded into splinters.青い魔弾を受け、木っ端微塵に砕け散るクリーチャー。
It was clear Aoko's shots were becoming more powerful, but it was also the case that these beings were less robust than your average automata.青子の魔弾の威力があがっている、というのもあるが、一体一体は自動人形ほど頑丈ではないようだ。

"Sizuki, this way!"「静希君、こっち!」
Aoko turned away from the clock tower, grabbed his hand, and began to run.青子は時計台に背を向けて、草十郎の手をとって走りだす。

"Wait, Aozaki?!"「ちょっ、蒼崎!?」
"Sorry, no time!「ごめん、これ無理!
We're running!"逃げるわよ!」
"Running? To where?!"「逃げるってどこに!?」
"It doesn't matter! Anywhere!"「どこって、とにかく行けるところまで……!」

She shouted as though trying to persuade herself as she valiantly cleared a path.自分に言い聞かせるように叫んで、青子は気合いで道をひらく。
Aoko's magic bullets flew like a scream.放たれる魔弾は悲鳴そのものだ。
Blowing away the creatures that stood in their way-or rather, simply gathered around-she made a hole for them to escape through.立ちふさがる……というより、ただ集まっていただけのクリーチャーたちを吹き飛ばし、ふたりは包囲網を抜けだした。

Scene 3

Magic bullets exploded like blue fireworks.青い火花を散らす魔弾。
Aoko and Soujyuro ran down the bumpy brick road.波うつレンガの道を青子たちはひた走る。
Their bond, forged in the heat of battle, went far beyond mutual convenience.つり橋効果を遥かに超える戦場での信頼感。
They headed for the park's exit at full speed without exchanging a word or a look.ふたりは全速力で、さしたる会話もアイコンタクトもなく、遊園地の出口を目指す。
The weirdness only extended as far as the park border,この異常は遊園地の中だけのこと。
so they would be safe as long as they made it outside.なら、外に出てしまえば助かるだろうと。

Aoko Aozaki.が。
Speaking in pure numbers, the difference in strength was two versus an army.戦力差、数にして二人対数百人。
Or rather, one versus an army.もとい、一人対数百体。
Soujyuro was hardly useful in this situation,草十郎はほとんど使い物にならないし、
and "man"power wasn't really the issue here, since they were facing puppets.襲いかかってくるのは人というより人形パペットである。

"You okay?!「さっきの大丈夫!?
Those were some giant pincers back there!"上からこう、でっかいハサミが落ちてきたけど!」
Aoko shouted as she blasted away the monsters that stood in their path.立ちふさがる怪物を撃ち砕きながら青子が叫ぶ。
There was no time to stop for breath, or even to look back.振り向く余裕も、立ち止まっている暇もない。

"Yeah, just barely!"「なんとか、ギリギリ!」
As Soujyuro pursued, his voice, too, had naturally become shrill.青子を追う草十郎も、さすがに声がうわずっている。

...Five minutes earlier.―――さかのぼること五分前。
They had broken out of the siege at the plaza surprisingly fast.広場の包囲網からは呆気なく抜け出せた。
It seemed that the residents' awakening differed case-by-case, with larger creatures taking additional time.住人たちの“目覚め”には個体差があって、大きなものほど動きだすには時間が必要らしい。

"We're lucky they're not the morning type!"「ラッキー、朝に弱いタイプばっかとみた!」
Aoko joked as she mowed down the small fry that popped up.青子は軽口を言って、ひょっこり現れたザコをなぎ払う。
But then.そんな時。
Without warning, something outrageous extended its way down from above them.突如、ふたりの頭上にとんでもないモノが伸びてきた。

It was the claws of the sixty-foot lobster adorning the roof of a seafood restaurant.ロブスター専門店レストランの屋根に鎮座していた、全長18メートルのザリガニ、そのハサミである。

Its pincers were like a guillotine.ほとんどギロチンのようなハサミだった。
As Aoko and Soujyuro cut across the front of the restaurant, the red king pressed in at tremendous speed, keen on splitting them each in two.レストラン前を横切る青子たちを、凄まじいスピードでまっ二つにしようと迫る赤い甲殻類レッドキング

"Sizuki, hard about! This way's no good!"「静希君、ユーターン! こっちはダメ!」
The gate was just on the other side of the restaurant, but they had to take the long way around in order to lose the giant lobster snapping at their heels.ロブスター店を抜ければすぐに正門ゲートだったが、ふたりは巨大ザリガニから逃れるように遠回りをする。
Waiting along their detour had been a horde of monsters, too many to count.そうして迂回した先に待ち受けていたのは、おびただしいまでの怪物の群だった。

"Yeah, just barely!"「なんとか、ギリギリ!」
Soujyuro called out in response, recalling just how narrowly he had avoided his head being severed clean from his body.あやうく首からすっぱり切られそうだったピンチを思いだしながら、草十郎は青子に叫び返す。

"In front of us! What the heck are those? Are they freshly-baked!?"「って前! うわ、なんだあれ、焼きたてか!?」
"It looks like it! In other words, they're the cannon fodder!"「そうみたいね、要するに下級兵士よ!」
Aoko halted her sprint and set her crest into full operation.青子は駆け足を止めて魔術刻印をフル回転させる。
(Range: seven, six, five yards...!“距離七、六、五メートル……!
At this distance, Snap'll take them down!)あの程度ならスナップだけで事足りる……!”

Sliding along the brick path, she brandished her right arm.レンガの道を滑りながら右腕を一閃する。
She loosed a shower of magic bullets.放たれる魔弾の雨。
Snap was a single-action spell that favored rate of fire over power, and it mowed down the monsters with satisfying pops.威力より弾数を優先した一工程スナップは、立ちふさがる怪物たちを小気味良くまき散らかす。

"...Aozaki, more over there!"「―――蒼崎、そっちも!」
"Roger that!"「了解……!」

Blue explosions bloomed along the lamp-lit promenade.電飾のついた遊歩道に、青い火花が咲き乱れる。
Aoko's curtain of fire fanned out like a beautiful starmine fireworks show.扇状に弾幕をはる青子の姿は、空から俯瞰ふかんすれば美しいスターマインそのものだ。
The toy bread-men turned to charcoal.焼きたてパンの遊び道具レイカンファー、ブレッドマンではそれこそ消しずみにされるだけ。

(We can do this! They've got us overpowered in numbers, but at this rate we'll be able to get out of here!)“いける―――数でこそ押されてるけど、この状態が続くなら逃げきれる―――!”
"Sizuki, how's it look over there?!"「静希君、そっちは!?」
"Looks clear to me! We should be able to approach the exit from the east!"「いない、空いてる! ここからなら入り口の東側に出られるはずだ!」

With a magical barrage that would leave an average spellcaster blue in the face, the novice mage broke through the siege.並の魔術師なら息切れをする数の魔弾を放ちながら、新米魔術師は敵の囲みを突破する。
A single bird keenly watched everything unfold.そんな光景を、じっくりと観察する鳥が一羽。

Scene 4

Chirp, Cheep-Cheep-Cheep, Chirp!チ、チチチ、チ!
The moment the blue bird descended into its master's field of vision it made its high-pitched call.高度を落として主人の視界に入るなり、かん高く鳴く青い鳥。
The girl listened expressionlessly to the report.その報告を、少女は無表情で聞いている。

"...No matter. Everything is going as expected.「……かまわないわ、予想通りよ。
Even if she only knows how to shoot and destroy, the way Aoko uses magical energy is extraordinary. Hastily-formed familiars are no match for her."撃つ事、壊す事しか能がなくても、青子の魔力の使い方は並じゃないから。急造の使い魔じゃ、まだ相手にはならないでしょう」

The robin flapped its wings as it tweeted in response.チチチ、と羽をすくめる駒鳥。
Perhaps it was criticizing Alice for complimenting Aoko.青子をめる有珠を批難しているのか、
Or perhaps it was jealous of Aoko for being complimented by Alice.有珠に誉められる青子に嫉妬しているのか。
Alice could barely make sense of its chirping rant.主人である有珠にも、いまいち読み取れない鳴き声である。

Aoko Aozaki was a novice mage.蒼崎青子は半人前の魔術師だ。
Until just two years ago, she was someone who grew up with no background in magecraft. Compared to Alice, who was raised as a witch from birth, Aoko possessed far less talent and experience.二年前まで魔術とは無関係に育ってきた少女で、生まれた時から魔女として育った有珠とは素質も経験も違いすぎる。
Winning was an impossibility for Aoko.本来なら相手にすらしない次元。
In a contest of skills in magecraft, ten times out of ten, Alice would be declared the victor.魔術の腕を競うなら十回中十回、有珠に軍配があがるだろう。

However, a battle to the death was a different story.けれど、こと戦い、殺し合いなら話は別だ。
Alice Kuonji was not a mage suited for battle.久遠寺有珠は戦闘向きの魔術師ではなく、
Aoko Aozaki, on the other hand, was built for it.蒼崎青子は戦いに特化した壊し屋である。
In a contest that pitted magical energy against magical energy, even Alice would concede that Aoko had the upper hand.純粋な魔力勝負では青子の方が上だろう、と有珠は認めてさえいる。

Aoko's manipulation of magical energy was extraordinary.青子は魔力の使い方が抜群に上手い。
The scale of her Magic Circuits was smaller than that of Alice's, but their rotational speed, durability, and quality of magical energy produced, not to mention the efficiency, were otherworldly.魔術回路の規模は有珠より小さいが、回路の回転の速さ、その耐久構造、魔力の質、燃費の良さが並はずれている。
That was Aoko Aozaki's hallmark.それが蒼崎青子の特性だ。
Though she had many failings when handling sophisticated formulae,高度な魔術式は凡百に落ちるが、
in just two years of practice Aoko had surpassed Alice in simple formulae that merely required an energy input.魔力を流動させるだけの単純な魔術式なら、わずか二年の実践で有珠を上回っている。

She also had genius-level instincts and adaptability.……天才的なノリの良さと勘の良さ。
Though Aoko was not particularly proficient at executing magecraft, she was terrifyingly fast.彼女の魔術行使は強いのではなく、おそろしく“速い”のだ。
If she had been born outside the Aozaki clan, she would have doubtless risen to fame as a competitive sharpshooter.蒼崎の家になんて生まれなければ、天才的な射撃手として名をせたに違いない。

"What a pity."「でも、残念ね」
In a straight shootout, Alice did not stand a chance.正面から撃ちあえば有珠に勝ち目はない。
Alice Kuonji had never bothered to learn primitive magecraft like magic bullets in the first place.否、そもそも魔弾などという原始的な魔術を、久遠寺有珠は習得していない。
She was the classic puppeteer.彼女は典型的な人形師。
Her familiars would carry out all the particulars of battle as her arms and legs.戦闘はすべて、手足となる使い魔が行うことだ。

"Clock's ticking, Aoko.「……制限時間には気づいているわよね青子。
I'm happy to lend you all the magical energy you like, but after an hour, those bullets will be worthless."魔力はいくらでも貸してあげるけど―――貴女の魔弾は、あと半刻で値崩ねくずれするわ」

Chirping as if in agreement, the robin took flight.チチチ、とうなずくようにさえずって飛び立つ駒鳥。
It had been nearly ten minutes since Alice had made the amusement park into her dominion.遊園地が少女の支配下におちいってからじき十分。
To what would the green fog give birth next?みどり色の霧が何を生み出すものなのか。
Aoko and Soujyuro, still running about, would soon come to understand the gravity of their situation.地上を走る青子たちも、そろそろ事の深刻さに気が付く頃だった。

Scene 5

"Sizuki, is this the way out?!"「静希君、正門ってこっち!?」
"Yeah, the exit is just around that store!"「ああ、その店を曲がれば出口だ!」

Running nonstop at full speed had them at their limits.全力とは言わずとも、休まずに走り続けてはや十分。
Their breath ragged, the two flew around the corner.息を乱しながらふたりは曲がり角に飛びこんだ。
Amusement park though it was, this was still the infamous Kitsy Land.遊園地と言っても所詮はキッツィーランド。
It would have taken a high school student twenty minutes to sprint the entire circumference of the park.高校生が全力で走れば二十分ほどで一周できる。
And though they were now intimately familiar with the park's geography...そんな地域密着型のアミューズメントパークは、しかし。

...It was changing beyond recognition.……このように。
The transformation was not limited to the park's residents, either.住人ばかりか、遊園地そのものを変化させていた。

"I hate to ask, but... is it just me, or is the park getting bigger?"「……言いたくないんだけど。この遊園地、広くなってないか?」

It could only be.そう。
Their problem wasn't as mundane as mistaking the location of the exist, or getting lost in the terrain.出口を間違えたとか、地形が変わっているとか、そんな現実的な間違いではない。
No, the park was warping and twisting in upon itself.あらゆるものが、ねじ曲がっている。
Even now, its structure was expanding and growing, like that of a living creature.遊園地はそれ自体が生き物のように、いまもって、その規模を成長させていた。

Soon, the pair noticed that the mob encircling them had grown even stronger.気が付けば包囲網は一段と強固になっている。

Entrusting her back to Soujyuro, Aoko summoned all of her effort just to keep from whining.草十郎に背中をあずけながら、青子は懸命に泣き言を抑えこむ。
No one would have thought twice if it had been just Soujyuro cowering in shock and terror.草十郎は驚き、怖がるだけでいい。
But Aoko doing the same?けれど青子はそうはいかない。
She bore responsibility for causing and then dragging him into this mess.この状況を招き、彼の手を取った責任がある。
She could not afford to succumb to panic.おいそれとパニックにおちいるワケにはいかないのだ。

(...Pull yourself together, Aoko.“……大丈夫、落ち着け私……
The park has to end somewhere. It may be far, but the fence is right there.遊園地の果てはある。遠いけど、鉄柵はちゃんと見える。
Even Flat Snark has limits. Getting to the exit is the right choice, I think.フラットスナークだって制限無しってワケじゃない。外に逃げるって選択は正しいはず……。
But from here, it looks the better part of a mile away.)現状、外までは目算で一キロぐらいだけど―――”

Up until now they had been too concerned with simply running.ここまで夢中で走りすぎた。
Their breathing had become labored.青子も草十郎も息が上がっている。
If they had to run another mile without rest, they'd end up collapsing along the way.あと一キロ走るのなら、いったん休憩をいれないと途中で足が止まってしまう。

"...Aozaki? How are you holding up? Physically, I mean."「……蒼崎。体、大丈夫か?」
The whisper from her behind pulled Aoko back to reality.背中ごしにささやきかけられ、青子は現実に引き戻された。

"I'm fine... but... I need to catch my breath."「大丈夫だけど……ちょっと、一息いれたいわね」
"...Good idea. We'll never make it outside if we don't rest."「……賛成。ここから休みなしで外周まで走るのは、やめた方がいい」
"...You know, I never would have thought you'd be okay with making a run for it."「―――驚いた。静希君も外まで走ろう派とは」

After saying this she let slip a giggle.言って、くすりと笑ってしまった。
Far from debilitated by panic, her comrade in arms had been analyzing the situation and forming an escape plan.背中の戦友はパニック状態どころか、きちんと現状と、その打開策を考えていた。

"Why don't we hole up in one of those buildings for a while?"「ちょっとだけ建物に逃げこむのは?」
"...I don't like it, but it's our best option right now."「………気は進まないけど、それしかないわね」
The bread-men had them completely surrounded.焼きたてパンたちの包囲網。
Perhaps this might have been a problem for an average person, but for Aoko, breaking through their formation to get to the building would be a cinch.常人ならいざ知らず、青子ならこの囲みを破って建物に逃げこむのは容易よういだ。
The issue was...問題は―――

"...Which store to pick?"“……問題は、どんな店を選ぶかってコト―――”

She considered the characteristics of the transforming park.変貌する遊園地の特性を考慮する。
What would pose a danger, and what was safe?何が危険で、何が安全なのか。
The most important factor was not the strength or the complexity of the building...大事なのは建物の強度や複雑さではなく―――
(Keep it simple, stupid!)“そうだ、選ぶならで正しいはず……!”

"Sizuki, this way!"「静希君、あっち!」
After routing the monsters, Aoko hopped behind the counter, soon followed by Soujyuro.怪物たちを蹴散らしてカウンターに飛びこむ青子と、その後に続く草十郎。

"Get behind the counter!"「カウンターに隠れてて!」
Like she was in a Western shootout, Aoko squared off against the monsters, using the counter as cover.青子は西部劇の銃撃戦のように、カウンターを盾にして怪物たちと対峙する。

"Bingo! Nothing in here can get Snarkified!"「ビンゴ……! ここならスナーク化しないんだ!」
After assessing the current state of the enemy, Aoko sat herself under the counter.敵の様子を確認し、青子もカウンター内部に腰を下ろした。

"What are they doing?"「アイツらは……?」
"They're stamping their feet in frustration, because they're angry that they can't get in."「店の周りで地団駄じだんだ踏んでるわ。理由があってね、アイツらはここには入ってこられないのよ」
Aoko gave the perplexed Soujyuro a grin and took a deep breath.不思議がる草十郎にまあまあと笑いかけて、青子は大きく胸を上下させた。
She heaved a heavy sigh of relief, and fatigue.安堵と、おそらくは疲労からきた大きな息継ぎ。

"We'll take five here. This restaurant is the blandest place in the park, which makes it their Achilles' heel.「とりあえずコーヒーブレイクね。ここは遊園地の中でも遊びのない場所だから、アイツらにとっては鬼門なのよ。
The registers and utensils are all modern, and there are no mascot characters. It's just a bit too civilized for Snark to mess with."レジスターも調理道具も最近のものだし、擬人化されたマスコットもないし。スナーク化するには、ちょい文明圏すぎるってコト」

"That's their name, though Alice is the one who came up with it... I think. It doesn't really sound like her, but whatever. That's what they're called."「アイツらの名前よ。つけたのは私じゃなくて有珠……なのかしらね。あの子の性格的にちょっと想像できないけど、まあ、とにかくそういう名前」

Perhaps now at ease from knowing they were safe, Soujyuro seemed enthralled in her explanation.安全と分かって落ち着いたのか、草十郎は興味津々とばかりに耳を傾ける。
Aoko could not help but chuckle as Soujyuro nodded sagely. It was certain that he had no idea what she was talking about.なるほど、なんてしかつめらしく頷いているが、きっと分かってないだろうなー、と青子はつい笑ってしまった。
Normally this would have irritated her, but this time she was grateful for the warmth of his strange sobriety.普段ならイラっとくるところだが、今は彼の妙な真面目さがありがたく、あたたかい。

"It's good that you seem better, Aozaki."「それはともかく。調子良さそうだな、蒼崎」
Mistaking her smile for composure, Soujyuro broke into a smile himself.そんな青子の笑みを余裕と勘違いして、草十郎も顔をほころばす。
It was just another link in a chain of misunderstandings, but there was no need to redress it.誤解の連鎖だが、今はそれをただすこともない。

"Oh, you can tell?「あれ、貴方から見ても分かる?
Yeah, my magic bullets are getting more powerful."私の魔弾の威力が上がっているの」
"Well, you did chase me all around that house of mirrors while firing those things at me, so I guess I've become really familiar with them, for better or worse."「そりゃあ、ミラーハウスでさんざん追いかけ回されたからな。あの時と同じ動作なのに物騒さが増していれば、イヤでも分かる」

"Are you sure you're okay, though? I remember you mentioning that you had a limited number of shots, but you've fired at least twenty or thirty so far, right?"「でもいいのか? たしか、数にかぎりがあるとか言ってただろ。もうずいぶん撃っちまったけど。二十、三十じゃきかないぞ」
"You know, every now and then, you..."「―――アンタ、時々、アレよね」
Her opinion of him improved, just a little bit.不覚にも、ちょっと見直す青子だった。

"Never mind.「なんでもない。
My bullets' increase in power is a simple matter of the density of their magical energy. You've seen that fog around the park from a bit ago, right? It's all just magical energy. Think of it as fuel for my bullets."私の魔弾の威力が上がっているのは、単純に魔力の濃度の問題。さっきから霧がかかってるでしょ? あれ、全部魔力なのよ。を撃つための燃料と思って」

Magical energy was divided into two broad categories.魔力とは大きく二種類あり、
First was od, produced inside a mage's body.魔術師が肉体から生成する小源オドと、
Second was mana, which filled the atmosphere.大気に満ちている大源マナとがある。
At the moment, the amusement park had turned into a fairy-tale land, overflowing with mana.この遊園地はいま、マナに満ちあふれた御伽の国だ。
Although it meant nothing to the average person, to a mage it was a paradise where spells could be cast as much as one pleased.一般人にとっては何の効果もないが、魔術師にとっては術式を使いたい放題の楽園と化している。

"So that means you don't have to worry about how much magic-whatever you have left then.「じゃあ残り魔力とやらは気にしなくていいのか。
All we need to worry about are injuries and stamina?"注意すべきは怪我と体力だけ?」
"...Well, as far as our own lives are concerned, yeah."「……まあ、個人的な責任においてはそのかぎりね」

Soujyuro breathed a sigh of relief.良かった、と息をつく草十郎。
From Soujyuro's perspective, more so than the monsters she mowed down, Aoko was the biggest bully on the playground.草十郎から見れば、青子は怪物たちをなぎ払う遊園地最強の暴れん坊だ。
He had been concerned about what would happen should her magical energy be exhausted, but luckily for him she was far from surrendering her crown.不安なのは魔力が尽きる事だったが、それがないのであればまさに百人力である。

"It's nice that you trust me and all, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.「頼りにしてくれるのは嬉しいけど、ぬか喜びよ。
Those minions out there are just walking garbage.あんな雑魚たち、ただ動いているだけのガラクタなんだから。
If Alice summons any other fairy-tale monsters, let alone the actual Snark making an appearance, there's nothing I'll be able to do."スナーク本体は当然として、有珠がを出してきたら私じゃどうにもならない」
"Other fairy-tale monsters? You mean there are others apart from the thing that changed the park?"「他の童話の怪物? ……遊園地をこんなふうに変えたヤツ以外に、まだいるのか?」

"Yes. They're called Ploy Kickshaws, aberrations that even we mages can't stand to look at.「そ。プロイキッシャーって名付けられた、魔術師わたしたちでさえ目を背けたくなる反則。
They're nonsense lost to time, used to revive impossible fantasies.不可能な夢物語をも再現する、時代に取り残されたデタラメよ」
Soujyuro's expression seemed to be calling her out on the hypocrisy.自分の事は棚にあげて? と言いたげな顔である。

"Hey, most of us have modern standards, you know.「あのね、私たちはちゃんと現代によりそった魔術師よ。
Obviously there are things we can't do, and we're no match for modern weapons. The twentieth century-well, a bunch of wars helped weapons technology catch up to us."できない事もあるし、当たり前の事だけど、近代兵器には敵わない。二十世紀―――ま、色んな戦争の後押しで、兵器の進化は私たちを越えちゃったから」

"...But that girl is a different beast altogether. Mankind's evolution can't hold a flame to her power.「……けどあの子のは違う。どんなに人間の技術が進歩しようと関係ないって怪物なの。
Take those bread-men, for instance.たとえば、あのブレッドマンいるでしょ?
Something like a machine gun would have no effect on them, probably because guns make no sense to them."あいつには自動拳銃とかきかないわよ。たぶん、意味が分かっていないから」
Aoko casually gestured outside, past the counter.ひょい、とカウンターから外を指す青子。

"Alice's familiars are Mystics kneaded from fantasies.「有珠の使い魔は全てが空想によってこねられた神秘なの。
They're all impossible in the first place, so they don't play nice with the laws of physics. That shouldn't come as a surprise, since fantasy and reality can't exist together."前提からしてあり得ない事だから、通常の物理法則と折り合いが悪い。空想と現実は両立しないっていう、ごく当たり前の理由でね」
"...I see. So they're literally walking loaves of bread."「……なるほど。ブレッドマンってのは、あの動く焼きたてパンの事なんだな」
Soujyuro seemed to have ignored the majority of Aoko's explanation and only reacted to the part that caught his curiosity.青子の説明の大部分をスルーして、気になるコトだけ拾う草十郎だった。

"...To get back on topic,「…………話を戻すけど。
Modern arms don't stand a chance against those things. Even rockets would be useless. They aren't part of the same order or shared consciousness as us."あいつらと近代兵器の相性は最悪。ロケット弾でも効果はないわ。意思の疎通、秩序の共有ができてないから」

"To the Ploy Rickshaws-to the fairy tale monsters-anything that doesn't exist in their world, anything they don't understand, disintegrates before it can even touch them.童話の怪物プロイキッシャーにとって、彼らの世界には存在しないもの、意味が分からないモノは、触れるコトなく霧散する。
Only something equally nonsense can touch them, like magical energy infused with the same level of Mystics. They exist wholly in their own conceptual space or cosmos-"彼らにつうじるのは同じ神秘を帯びた“魔力”だけっていうデタラメぶりよ。もう完全に概念がいねん空間っていうか、概念宇宙っていうか―――」

In short, they exist according to a special law known as Folklore Defense, meaning that neither pure force nor strong magecraft have much effect. They can't be taken down without exploiting the weaknesses found in their original stories.要するに、アイツらは伝承防御っていう特別なルールを持っていて、単純に強い力、強い魔術じゃ効果は薄いの。元になった童話にちなんだ欠点をつかないと倒せない。
Are you familiar with the Greek myth of Achilles? It's a good, straightforward example."ギリシャ神話のアキレスあたり分かりやすい喩えなんだけど……知ってる?」
Soujyuro shook his head.草十郎はぶんぶんと首を振る。

"Of course you aren't. If we get out of this alive, have Tobimaru tell you about it.「そ。無事帰れたら、鳶丸あたりに教えてもらって。
It's a cliché, but it's a good story."定番だけどいい教訓はなしよ、アレ」
Soujyuro was feeling pretty lost, but he did his best to grasp the situation.……かなりおいてけぼり感ただよう草十郎だが、彼は彼なりに現状把握に努めてみた。

He thought that Ploy Kickshaws were scary enough to chase Aoko and that puppet from before out of the house barefoot.童話の怪物プロイキッシャー”とやらは、青子やミラーハウスの自動人形ですら裸足はだしで逃げだすモノだという。
Certainly, the scene before them was the stuff of nightmares.たしかに目の前の光景は誰かの悪夢の中に迷いこんだとしか思えない。
But Soujyuro had a different way of thinking.だがしかし、と草十郎は思うのだ。

"I think you're more scared than me, Aozaki."「やっぱり、蒼崎の方が怖くないか?」
"Do you want to die?!"「アンタ死ぬの?」
Soujyuro waved in protest, silently pointing out that she had made his case for him.ほら、と無言の抗議をする草十郎。

"Listen to me: the things surrounding us now are little more than fodder.「……あのね。いま私たちを取り囲んでるのはオマケにすぎないの。
As far as Alice is concerned, the bread-men, the lobster, the meat mincer at the sausage place-they're all worth even less than my magic bullets are to me.有珠にとって、あのブレッドマンもロブスターもソーセージ屋のミンチマシーンも、全部が全部、私が撃ってる魔弾より価値がない。
Got it? The moving mascots and all the rest are a sideshow. They're nothing more than the breath of the monster she unleashed."いい? あの動くマスコットたちはね、なの。有珠が解放した“童話の怪物”の、一呼吸みたいなものなのよ」

"These thongs... are just the breath?"「―――呼吸って、これが?」
"Yeah, crazy, I know.「……私だって考えたくないわよ。
But that's what we're dealing with right now. Just one of those fairy-tale monsters is enough to keep us busy.でもそれが現状。たった一体の“童話の怪物”だけで私たちは手一杯。
So if Alice decides to add another, we might as well give up."そういう訳だから、有珠があと一体でも追加したら諦めて」

"Add another? Isn't there some sort of limit?"「追加って……これに制限はないのか?」
"If she decides not to be stingy, she has a few more up her sleeve. Though... well, there are conditions to bringing them out.「あの子が出し惜しみしなければ、まだ何体かストックはあるでしょうけど……ま、成立する条件はあるわね。
Like one monster that won't wake up if there's no river nearby. The park has fountains, sure, but no river, right? Her familiars are bound by their underlying stories."たとえば川がないと目を覚まさない怪物もいる。この遊園地、噴水はあるけど川はないでしょ? 元になった童話しばりなの、あの子の使い魔は」

"By fairy tale, you mean like the one about a bowl of soba noodles?"「童話って、かけそばとか?」
"Let me tell you, it's a small mercy there's no river here. Otherwise, something way better at squishing us would have appeared by now."遊園地ここに川がないのは不幸中の幸いね。もしあったら、もっと直接制圧に向いた奴が出てきてた」
Aoko continued, completely ignoring Soujyuro.草十郎の合いの手をサラッと無視する青子だった。

"Anyway, as I was saying...「―――話の続きだけど。

The foundation of Alice's magecraft is Mother Goose.有珠の魔術の基本はマザーグース……

|Right, you wouldn't know that either. Mother Goose was an author of whimsical English nursery rhymes.|って知らないか。イギリスの唄で、遊び心にとんだ、メルヘンチックな内容よ。|
|To be honest, this type of Ploy Kickshaw isn't all that scary.|ただ、そっち系のプロイキッシャーは怖くないの。|
|Taking them down with some form of magecraft is totally possible.|みんなそれなりに、なんとか魔術にも落としこめる範囲だから」|
|"...I'm afraid to ask, but what about the scary kind, then?"|「……聞きたくないんだけど、そっち系じゃないのは?」|

"They follow a another fairy tale also inspired by Mother Goose.「マザーグースを下地にした、とある創作童話系。
Alice's mother was particularly fond of it, and every single one is bizarre. No mage wants to go up against one of those things."……有珠あの子のお母さんが好きでね、のはドイツもコイツも尋常じゃない。魔術師わたしたちから見ても勘弁してって言いたくなるわ」

"As it happens, that's exactly what brought the park back to life.「で、この遊園地を生き返らせたのはよ。
I'm pretty sure it's the one she calls Flat Snark, though I wasn't particularly paying attention, so I'm a little hazy on the details."たぶんフラットスナークってヤツだと思う。……私も聞き流していたから、詳しくは分からないけど」

Soujyuro swallowed the discomfort making its way up his throat.のど元まで出た不満を飲みこむ。
He really wanted her to explain things a little less vaguely, but something she had just said necessitated further investigation.こっち系とかそっち系とか曖昧な言い方はやめてほしい草十郎だったが、今の台詞には、他に追及すべき事があったからだ。

"Wait a second, Aozaki. You mean to tell me you weren't paying attention?"「待て蒼崎。あの子の話を聞き流したって、なんで」
"Well, you know, it was a while back that she explained it all to me, and I didn't really believe anything she had to say around then.「いやぁ、説明してもらったのは随分と前だし……あの頃は有珠の話、あんまり信じられなかったのよね。
I thought that maybe she was talking up her own magecraft to a newbie, or that she wasn't taking me seriously. Ahaha."私が素人だと思って大げさに自分の魔術を語ってくれてるなあ、舐められてるなあ、とか。あはは」

In truth, if anyone hadn't taken the lesson seriously, it was Aoko.無論、舐めていたのは青子の方だった。
She would learn that lesson firsthand soon enough, when she experienced just how real Alice's monsters were.有珠を守る怪物が「本物」だと青子が経験するのは、二人が出会ってからしばらくしての事だ。
She'd also discover how heretical the Meinster witches truly were, in the world of magecraft.マインスターの魔女が魔術世界においてどれほど異端なのか、青子は身をもって経験する事になる。

"...Can you remember anything else about them?"「……その聞き流した内容は?」
"From what I understand, it's a Ploy that puts up a powerful Bounded Field.「なんでも強力な結界を張るプロイだって。
Alice inherited a lot of Ploys, but this is one of her finest.有珠が受け継いだ玩具プロイは山ほどあるけど、その中でもりすぐりの一つよ。
It takes discarded and forgotten things and resurrects them like what happens in fairy tales. Supposedly, nobody's ever defeated it.てられたモノ、忘れられたモノを童話的に蘇らせるヤツで、今まで誰も破ったコトがないとか。
Oh, and its nickname is 'The Untouchable.'"それで、ついたあだ名が“れられぬもの”」

"So it's not Flat Snark, or whatever it was?"「? ふらっとすなーく、じゃないのか?」
"That's just a nickname, too. Since nobody knows what its real form is, it picked up a few names along the way.「それもあだ名。とにかく正体が分からないヤツばっかりなんで、一つの個体に複数の名前がつけられるの。
One of them is 'Flat Snark,' and it ranks high among her other nonsense in terms of how little is known about it.フラットスナークはその中でも、正体不明さはトップランクのデタラメぶりよ。
Have you heard of the book The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll?"―――貴方、ルイス・キャロルの『スナーク狩り』って本、知ってる?」

"No, and who is Loo-wis Car-rel?"「いや。そもそもルイスキャロルというのは?」
"Okay, then... let's start from the beginning. Professor Dodgson was, hmm. He was a delusional gentleman with a peculiar disposition. Not that it matters right now. It's a waste of time to explain to some people."「……そっからかあ……えーと、ドジスン教授は、そうね。特殊性癖を持った妄想紳士ってトコ? ま、こっちは別にどうでもいいか。人によっては時間の無駄だろうし」

"What's important is the work he left behind.「いま重要なのは、彼が残した著作の方。
The Hunting of the Snark is a book about a band of adventurers who try to capture an unidentified monster known as the Snark."『スナーク狩り』はね、スナークって呼ばれる正体不明の怪物を捕まえようと奔走する冒険家たちの話なの」

"It's very Carroll: satirical, nonsensical, and cryptic. It doesn't even really have an ending, either. Though the party does ultimately find the Snark on its island after much hardship, it ends with the protagonist who found it, the Baker, suddenly disappearing.「キャロルらしい、皮肉ばっちり、支離滅裂、意味不明、結末不在のホントに困った本で、一行は島で苦しみつつ、最終的にはスナークを見つけるものの、見つけた主人公ベイカーは唐突に姿を消して終わってしまう。
It's a satire about people who run about busily trying to find something they don't understand. But when it comes to the park here, it's pretty clear who the Baker is and who the Snark is, right?"“よく分からないもの”探しに奔走する人間の風刺なんだけど―――この遊園地において、誰が主人公ベイカーで、何が怪物スナークかは言うまでもないでしょ?」

Aoko elected not to share this, but Flat Snark had other popular names as well.青子は語らないが、フラットスナークには他にも俗称がある。
The Enigmatic Island. The Five-Dimensional Plane.不可解の島、五次元平面。
These names were not given to it by Alice, but rather muttered by mages whom the Meinsters defeated.こちらは有珠が口にしたものではなく、かつてマインスターに破れた魔術師たちのうわごとだ。

In mathematics, 'snark' is a term used in graph theory to refer to contradictory and impossible planar graphs.数学において、スナークとはグラフ理論で用いられる、矛盾した、決してあり得ないある平面グラフを指す。
A plane, proven to be unable to exist in this world, was given the name, apt for an ill-fated existence paradoxical in nature.この世に『無い』と立証されながらも名を与えられた平面。逆説のみで構成された不遇の存在。
The fairy-tale monster ascribed this name was said to hold no form discoverable by man.その名を冠した“童話の怪物”は、誰にも正体を明かす事がないという。

Aoko also declined to mention something else:……そして、青子は語らない。
Flat Snark was a fairy-tale monster that could grow.フラットスナークは成長する“童話の怪物”だ。
It would hide somewhere in the amusement park, continuously exhaling magical energy until the park completely transformed into a fantasy land.どこかに隠れている本体は、こうしている今も遊園地を完全な御伽の国に変えようと、を吐き続けている事を。

"...Well, it's not like there's any point in scaring him."「……ま、おどかしてもしょうがないし」
"Did you say something, Aozaki?"「なにか言ったか?」
"Nope. I was just thinking, Flat Snark's power is its ability to bring fairy-tale worlds to life...「別に。簡単に言って、『童話世界の再生』がフラットスナークの力なの。
When you think about it, the park makes for the perfect backdrop. I mean, it was originally a playground based on fairy tales, anyway."この遊園地との相性は抜群でしょうね。なにしろ、元々が童話を元にした遊び場だから」

If this had been a business district, for example, Flat Snark would have posed far less of a threat.……仮にオフィス街であったのなら、フラットスナークもここまでの脅威は持たなかっただろう。
At most, its power would be limited to projecting the shadow of a dinosaur onto a building's window panes.せいぜいビルの窓硝子に恐竜の影絵を映す程度の力だ。

"Ah, so that's why it's safe he―「あ。だからここは安全だって―――
Soujyuro realized that something was wrong when he noticed a glutinous liquid dripping onto his back.草十郎が“その異変”に気が付いたのは、背中にぴちょん、とねばつく液体が落ちたからだ。

"Oh, oh no..."「あ、あ―――」
He looked up to the ceiling.天井を見上げる。
Their eyes met.と目が合う。
Before he had a chance to think, Soujyuro hopped up from the floor.どうなっているのか考える前に、草十郎の腰は跳ね上がって―――
"Aozaki, get out, now!"「蒼崎、外だ!」
Taking the initiative, he jumped out from behind the counter.彼は率先そっせんしてカウンターから飛び出した。

"Are you mad? What do you think you're―"「バカ、何して―――」
Busy trying to stop him from committing an act of suicide, she also came to her feet.自殺行為に等しい愚行を止めようと、つられて青子は腰を浮かす。
Immediately she noticed something being brought to life overhead.瞬間、頭上に何が生まれているのかに気が付いた。
"What the―!? Oh crap!"「! って、ヤバ―――!?」

"Oh my god, that was close!"「あ、危なかったぁ……!」
The gargantuan mouth clamped shut.ばくん、と閉じられる巨大な口。
With no mascot to speak of, the burger joint itself began to transform into one giant monster.呼びこみマスコットのいないバーガーショップは、その店ごと怪物に変貌していた。

"Who the hell paints a giant clown on the ceiling!?「もうっ、なんで天井にピエロの絵なんて描いてんのよあの店!?
Shouldn't they have flexed their creative muscle somehow else?! If they liked clowns that much, why didn't they put it at the entrance?!"普通、もっと違うところに労力さかない!? そんなにピエロが好きなら入り口にでも飾っとけ!」
Aoko aired out her grievances as she ran.罵倒しながら走る青子。
...There was no safe haven left.……もう安全な場所はどこにもない。
Moment by moment, the last remnants of civilization were being eroded away by fairy tales.かろうじて残っていた文明圏すら、刻一刻と童話に侵食されていた。

Scene 6

The amusement park had reached the final stage of Snarkification.遊園地のスナーク化は最終段階を迎えていた。
It was not just the mascot characters that had been granted life;命を与えられたのはマスコットたちだけではない。
like the burger joint, even the buildings had begun to transform.バーガーショップのように、建物すら生き物に変貌しようとしている。
The roller coaster that made its way about the park writhed and twisted like a Chinese dragon.遊園地を巡るコースターは中華龍チャイニーズドラゴンよろしく、うねうねとのたうつ始末。

Aoko and Soujyuro stared, dumbfounded by the Ferris wheel, which had grown to over two-hundred and fifty feet in height.呆然と、全長八十メートル近くまで膨張した観覧車を見上げる青子と草十郎。
Hordes of bread-men closed in on them, as if to offer tickets.そんなふたりにチケットを配るように、大量のブレッドマンが襲いかかる。

"I'm telling you, the line is under control!"「このっ、列整理は間に合ってるっての!」
Mobs of trinkets―actual kickshaws―rampaged the park.わらわらと大挙するオブジェ。
Whenever a hole was punched in the envelopment, it was instantly filled.包囲網は破っても破っても形成される。
It was a battle of attrition with no end in sight.絶え間ない物量作戦。
But that was a matter of course, as there were few fairy tales about limited resources.さもありなん、資源の枯渇こかつで悩むおとぎばなし滅多めったにない……!

"This is hopeless!「っ、なんかどうしようもないぞ!
They just keep coming!"コイツら、増える一方だ!」
"Look for the Snark's real form!「スナーク本体を探して!
A fairy tale monster always has some vessel for its body! If we can just destroy that, we should be able to get out of here!"童話の怪物には本体にあたる器物があるの! それさえ壊せば遊園地から出られるはず!」
"A body? What kind of body?!"「本体ってどんな!?」

"I already told you, fairy tale monsters can't exist in reality! Anything weird or impossible you've never seen before―that's going to be it!"「さっき言ったでしょ、童話の怪物は現実に無いものだって! 今までいなかったおかしなヤツとか、現実じゃありえないモノ! それが本体!」
"Something weird or impossible? I need an example!"「おかしなヤツって、たとえば!?」

"Do I have to spell it out for you?!「だから!
Living puppets, flying go karts..."命のある人形とか、空飛ぶゴーカートとか―――」

Aoko paused her firing for a moment.魔弾を放つ青子の手が止まる。
After saying this out loud, she realized just how deep their grave was dug.口にして、自分たちがどれほどきわまっているかを思い知ったのだ。
The amusement park was a treasure trove of fairy tale-esque creatures on any given day.遊園地は“童話の怪物”と思われるモノであふれている。
Who could say what was impossible amidst the newly transfigured knickknacks running around?変形し、自ら動き出したオブジェたちはみな“現実にないモノ”なのだ。

"...Damn. Everything in here is a weird."「……そっか。おかしくないヤツなんて、一つもないんだ」
(So it's hiding in plain sight...)“この中に紛れこんでる……?”
Hoping that she was wrong, Aoko bit her bottom lip.青子は呟きながら、それはないな、と唇を噛んだ。

Flat Snark was the type of Ploy that deployed Bounded Fields.フラットスナークは結界を張るタイプの怪物プロイだ。
Seeing as it was commanding so many familiars, it would not be unusual for its main body to have little or even no defenses.これだけ大量の使い魔を統率している以上、本体の防御力は低いか、もしくは皆無かいむと見るべきだろう。
Furthermore, if it was modeled from a story about it being untouchable and unidentifiable, it would be logical to assume that it would collapse in on itself shortly after being discovered.……加えて、“触れられぬもの”“正体不明”という物語を原型としているのなら、見抜かれたが最後、呆気なく崩壊するのが筋というもの。

(Which means... We find it, we win.“……逆に言えば、見つければ私たちの勝ち。
Would something so fragile really hide among its minions? They do say that the best place to hide a leaf is in the woods...)そんなもろいヤツが雑魚に紛れこむ? 木の葉を隠すなら森の中って言うけど―――”

Like so.この通り。
As long as there was the slightest possibility of it being hit by one of Aoko's stray bullets, it would not dare appear in front of them.流れ弾であっさり吹き飛ぶ可能性がある以上、青子たちの前には現れない。
Its true form was orchestrating the park from somewhere safe.スナーク本体はもっと安全な場所で、この遊園地を育てている。

(I'm sure we've seen it already.“……でもどこかに見えているはず。
It's the subject of a book named after it. If it's not standing out on every page, it has no right to be the title character!)スナークは本の主題だもの。つね視界ページのどこかにいないと、主人公の資格がない―――!”
But where?それはどこか。
Thinking in the most basic terms, the Ferris wheel was very safe, as well as a symbol of the park itself. Perhaps...安易に考えるなら、あの観覧車がもっとも安全、かつ遊園地を象徴する“主題”だが―――

"What if we just try to catch that girl instead?!"「あの子を捕まえるのは!?」
Her eyes opened wide at the sudden suggestion.突然の提案に目を見張る。
While Aoko had been trying to come up with a plan to overcome this stalemate, it seemed Soujyuro had been racking his brain as well.青子が打開策を思案していたように、草十郎もまた、彼なりに頭を巡らせていたらしい。

His proposal was a simple one.草十郎の提案はシンプルだ。
If they could not find the Snark, they just needed to take out its master, Alice.スナークの本体が見つけられないのなら、その持ち主である有珠を倒せばいいのではないか。
Alice had not moved at all from the clock tower.有珠は時計台から動いていない。
Even from here, they could make out her figure, draped in moonlight.ここからでも、月光に照らされる姿は目に入る。

"That's the worst move we could make!「それは一番ダメ!
Even if we killed her, it wouldn't stop the Snark, and all of this absurdity would just boil over to outside the park!有珠を殺してもフラットスナークは止まらないし、このトンデモが外にあふれだす事になる!
Not to mention, I can't even kill her in the first place! At best, I could only get halfway there!"だいたい、私じゃあの子を殺せないから! よくて半殺しがいいところ!」

A bread-man, angered at the insults hurled toward its master, moved to attack and was mercilessly burned to a crisp.主人の悪口にいきりたったブレッドマンが、こんがり無惨に焼け焦げになる。
The two stood back-to-back, catching their breath.……じり、と背中をあわせて呼吸を整えるふたり。
With no plan to speak of and no route of escape, they had reached rock bottom.目の醒めるような打開策は出ず、いよいよもって八方ふさがりになった状況に消沈する。

Scene 7

Meanwhile, the oddities were forming a circle around their prey, as if they smelled blood in the water.一方。獲物えものの活きの良さが分かるのか、オブジェたちは輪になって青子たちを観察していた。
Were they to be dragged into a bakery for the oven?パン屋にひきずりこんで焼き殺すか、
Minced in the meat grinder at the butcher shop?精肉店の挽肉機ですり潰すか。
Skewered and paraded around atop the carousel?はたまた串刺しにしてゴーラウンドで引き回すか、
Walk the plank of the thorny pirate ship?トゲトゲだらけの海賊船ゆりかごに乗せて航海に乗りだすか。
After two years of slumber, they were eager to welcome their new guests.二年間眠っていた分、歓迎意欲は盛りだくさんだ。

"There's something I need to ask you, Aozaki."「……いちおう、聞いておきたいんだけど」
"What is it? Keep it snappy, I'm thinking here."「なに。手短にね、いま考え事してるから」
"Okay. It's painfully clear what these things want to do to us, but what about her? Does she enjoy this?"「ああ。……あの連中がなにをしたいか、イヤっていうほど伝わってくるんだけど。それって、あの子の趣味なのかな」

"I doubt it.「……その疑問はなかったわ。
These things' hatred of humans comes from a deep-seated grudge within the park itself, and maybe even Flat Snark's personality too. Alice's familiars are one big family of freaks.連中の人間嫌いは遊園地の怨念と、フラットスナークの性格じゃない? 基本的にマトモなヤツいないから、有珠の使い魔って。
Aoko was unable to deny that there were some similarities.なんというか、有珠の性格の怖さも否定できない青子だった。

"Good to know. ...So, did you come up with anything, Aozaki? How do we stop them?"「それは結構。……それで、蒼崎の考えごとって? 止める方法、考えついたのか?」
"Sorry to get your hopes up, but I'm all out of ideas. Oh, but I bet they'd stop if you dropped dead."「期待させて悪いけどお手上げ。ま、アンタが殺されれば止まるでしょうけど」
"No thank you! Let's just get out of here!"「それはイヤだ! とりあえず逃げよう!」
"Hey, wait! Sizuki?!"「え、ちょっ、静希君!?」

She blinked in surprise at the sudden turn of events.―――突然のに目を見張る。
Soujyuro, who had until now been meekly following her lead, had grabbed Aoko's hand and pulled her with him into a suicidal charge towards the swarm of bread, in an attempt to break out of the encirclement.今まで青子に付いてくるだけだった草十郎は強引に青子の手を取って、焼きたてパンの群に突進―――囲みをやぶろうと力任せに特攻する。

"Are you out of your mind?!「い、意味わかんなすぎ!
How on earth do you figure this is what we do next?!"なんで今の流れでそうなるのよアンタはーーーー!?」
Aoko nonetheless followed Soujyuro's uncharacteristically gung-ho lead, cursing him all the while.別人のようなアグレッシブさを発揮する草十郎をののしりながら、律儀にフォローする青子。

Soujyuro would not be able to break through the surrounding wall of enemies with brute force.草十郎の体当たりでは包囲網を突破できない。
Aoko regained her bearings and let fly a spray of magic bullets ahead of Soujyuro.青子はすぐさま体勢をたてなおし、草十郎の正面に魔弾を掃射する。

They broke through the net and ran as hard as they could.囲いを抜け、全力で走りだす。
At this point, all that was left to do was what they had planned from the outset: aim to get out of the park.こうなっては当初の予定通り、遊園地の外を目指すしかない。

But not before addressing what needed to be addressed.……まあ、それはともかくとして。
"Where the hell did that come from! Hadn't you already given up back at the house of mirrors?!"「なんでよ!? さっきはあんなに諦め良かったのに!」
Aoko could not begin to comprehend Soujyuro's reaction.青子には草十郎の反応が、とにかくホントに理解不能。

"That was then and this is now! Just run!"「ミラーハウスの時と今は違うだろ! いいから走れ!」
"What are you talking about?! Alice wants to kill you just like I did! Nothing's different, not the reason nor the outcome!"「違わないわよ! アンタを殺そうとした私も、アンタを殺したい有珠も! 理由も結果も同じよ、私たち!?」
Though she wondered what was getting her so worked up, Aoko did not stop.何でこんなコトで怒鳴っているんだろう、と思いながらも青子は止まらない。
She told herself that the degree of Soujyuro's stupidity, charging the bread-men so recklessly, had caused her to lose her cool.きっと、無謀にもブレッドマンに突進した草十郎の馬鹿さ加減が頭にきているんだ、と自分自身に言い聞かせる。

"Hey, don't get the wrong idea! I'm gonna try and kill you again tomorrow! I'll really do it! So if you don't want to die, you should be trying to escape me too, got it?!"「あのね、一緒に逃げてるぐらいで勘違いしないでくれる!? 言っとくけど私、明日になったらまたアンタを殺しに行くから! 死にたくないってんなら、ここで私からも逃げだしたら!?」

"Then let's talk about that tomorrow! Like I said, I don't really care if you kill me, I just don't want to be killed by that girl!"「それはまた今度の話だろ! だいたい、蒼崎に殺されるのならいいけど、あの子に殺されるのはイヤだ!」
"And like I said, WHY THE HELL NOT?!"「だからなんで!?」
"I don't even know what she looks like, nor have I even spoken with her!"「だって顔も知らない! 話したコトさえない相手だ!」

It was like someone had doused water over her blazing fury.沸き立っていた激情が、一瞬で鎮火する。
Aoko's anger was snuffed out by the absurd simplicity of his reasoning.あまりに簡潔かつどうでもいい理由に、青子の直情いかりはあっさりと消えてしまった。

"Because you don't even know what she looks like?"「顔も知らないって……」
Could it be that Soujyuro did not mind being killed by someone as long as he had met them?草十郎としては、よく知った相手なら殺されてもいいのだろうか?
Aoko chased behind him, grimacing at the ever-increasing incomprehensibility of it all.ますますもって理解できない、と顔をしかめながら、青子は草十郎の背中を追いかけるのだった。

Scene 8

From her spot atop the clock tower, the girl observed the growth of her familiar.時計台の上で、少女は使い魔の成長を監視している。
Flat Snark.フラットスナーク。
A savior of the discarded.廃棄されたモノたちの救世主。
It was a vile, vulgar fairy-tale monster, who provided those abandoned by fate with a glimmer of hope before snatching it away.朽ちゆく運命さだめのモノたちに一時の希望を与え、根こそぎ奪い去る、性悪しょうわる低俗ていぞくな“童話の怪物”。
Alice had it under her control, but she was still keen to keep the Snark from expressing its bad habits.自らの手駒ではあるが、スナークがその悪癖あくへきを発揮しないよう、少女は目を光らせていた。

After completing a lap around the park that had now reached the size of an entire town, the robin made its situation report.いまやひとつの街ほどまでに広がった遊園地を一周した駒鳥が、少女に現状を報告する。
"...So. They're trying to get out."「……そう。外を目指しているの」
It seemed Aoko was prioritizing the safety of the boy.青子は少年の安全を優先したのだろう。
Even if it resulted in wasting an entire day, choosing to not capitulate on a decision was very much like her.たとえ一日で無駄になる事でも、一度決めた事を曲げないのは実に彼女らしい。

"That's too bad. I was sure Aoko would attempt to burn down the clock tower and me with it."「青子の事だから、時計台ごと私を焼き払いにくるかと思ったけど」
The blue bird cheeped in response.チチチ、とくちばしを鳴らす青い鳥。
Was it denying its master's portrait of Aoko,主人の語る青子像を否定しているのか、
or agreeing that it was Aoko's style to do exactly that?青子ならやりかねないと同意しているのか。
An outsider might interpret its interjections either way.傍目にはどちらにも取れる合いの手である。

"Does this bore you?"「退屈?」
The robin jumped at being addressed so unexpectedly.突然話しかけられ、ビクッと震える駒鳥。
It chirped and flapped its wings like a flustered servant, frantic to say otherwise.チチチ、と必死に羽を振る仕草は、“そんなコトないっス!”とあわてる丁稚でっちのようだ。

"...It's rare for us to get along so well.「……珍しく気があったわね。
Okay then. If it's a game she wants, a game she'll get. Let's liven things up a bit, shall we?"いいわ。せっかくのゲームだし、もう少しだけ盛り上げましょう」
Calmly, she pulled out a small object from her pocket.無表情のまま少女は小さな器物を取り出した。
It was a dark-gray Easter egg, and emanating from inside it was the ticking of a clock.カチカチと内から秒針の音をこぼす、鈍色の装飾卵イースターエッグ
The robin knew it to be a Ploy Kickshaw with a bad attitude far exceeding Flat Snark's, known to be among the best in one-on-one situations.それがフラットスナークには及ばずとも、対個人戦においてトップランクに性質タチの悪い“童話の怪物プロイキッシャー”である事を、駒鳥は知っている。

"Go. I've set the extolling time for twenty minutes.「行ってらっしゃい。たたえる時間は二十分に設定したわ。
Break, in that subtle way of yours."……いつも通り、控え目に壊れてきて」
And together with the witch's breath, the egg filled with praise disappeared.魔女の一息と共に、いわいの言葉がつまった卵が消える。

Suddenly, a strong wind swept through the park.不意に、遊園地に強い風が吹いた。
The words "I could have killed them all by myself" floated through the air.『彼らを殺すのは、自分だけで十分なのに』と。
It was the disappointment of something enormous that was both visible yet overlooked.それは、目に映っていながら見過ごしてしまう、巨大な何かの嘆息のようだった。

Scene 9

Aoko and Soujyuro continued their dash toward the boundary separating the park from outside.遊園地と外を分ける境界線に向かって、青子たちは走り続ける。
The curio horde that stood in their way had reduced in number.行く手を阻むオブジェの数は減ってきていた。
The iron fence that separated the two from the outside world was just over three hundred yards away.に通じる東側の鉄柵まで、あと三百メートル弱。

Fortunately, there were no particularly large buildings barring their path.幸運な事に、鉄柵への道中にはこれといって巨大な建物はない。
If the Ferris wheel had stood in their way, that would have spelled the end, but thankfully, it had yet to reach its full strength.あの観覧車に立ちふさがられたらそれこそ終わりだが、観覧車が動き出すまであと幾ばくかの猶予ゆうよがあるようだ。
The only things that appeared before them were weak oddities that could easily be handled by Aoko's simple magecraft.現れるのは青子の簡易魔術で吹き飛ばせる程度のオブジェのみ。

"At this rate, we just might..."“これなら、なんとか―――”
She would have said "make it to the fence" if her lungs would only allow it.鉄柵まで辿り着ける、と青子は呼吸を整える。
Since Aoko was utilizing the ample mana filling the park, her tank of magical energy was nearly full.遊園地に満ちている魔力マナを使用しているので、青子本人の魔力はほぼ満タン。
Coupled with the fact that the condition of her body's circuits was steadily improving to the extent that she would be able to unleash at least one all-out onslaught.身体からだの魔術回路は調子をあげる一方だし、一度ぐらいは全開で魔術行使をしてもいいぐらいだ。

When suddenly...と。
Above her field of vision, something unusual was hovering.そんな青子の視界上空に、なにやら系統の違うモノが浮遊していた。
It was locked on Soujyuro, hovering ten feet above him over to one side.それは草十郎のななめ上空に張りつき、三メートルの高さを維持したまま移動している。

"Sizuki! Look!"「静希君、ちょっと」
"What? That thing? It's been on us for a while."「ああ。さっきから付いてきてる」
Soujyuro had seemingly noticed it before Aoko, hence his previous awkward glances toward the sky.青子より先に気づいていたのか、草十郎はイヤそうに上空を盗み見ていた。
In truth, it would have been stranger for him not to notice as the thing was practically glued to him.なにしろ自分にぴったりとくっついて来ているのだ。気にならない方がおかしい。

In terms of its size, the floating object measured about three feet in diameter.浮遊物は大きさにして直径一メートルほど。
Tiles covered its exterior, about which a multitude of spinning lights danced about.表面のタイルにはに廻る光の躍動。

"Is that an... egg?"「……卵、かな」
Soujyuro asked, not really sure what to call it.草十郎は自信なさげに呟いた。
"An egg? If it's an egg, then that means it'll crack!"「卵……? 卵って言ったら―――割れる卵!」

Her bullets bounced off like it was made of rubber.衛星たまごはゴムのように魔弾を弾く。
That trait―the ability to deflect all outside interference―confirmed to Aoko that this thing was undoubtedly a Ploy Kickshaw.その特性―――干渉を当然のように無効化するのは、間違いなく“童話の怪物プロイキッシャー”……!

"Knew it. I can't break its rules from the outside.「やっぱり外からのルールじゃ壊れないか……
Sizuki, don't take your eyes off it even for a second!静希君、アレから絶対に目をそらさないで!
No matter what happens, keep your eyes locked on it! Even if it's just in the corner of your vision!"いい、何があっても見続けること! 視界のすみに入れとくだけでいいから!」

Aoko picked up her pace as she barked orders.草十郎に指示をだしながら、青子は走る速度を速める。
The egg man who sat on a wall...……アレは文字通り、割れる卵だ。
He would crack, just as the tale spoke of.塀の上に乗った卵人間。
Nothing anyone could do or say would cause him to fall, but the moment they stopped looking, he would tumble down and break into pieces.何をしても、何を言っても決して落ちる事はないが、目を離した途端に落下して破片をまき散らす。

"'All the king's horses and all the king's men could put him back together again.' Or so it's said."「曰く、王様の軍隊でも元に戻せない数の破片―――」
It was the Mother Goose poem, Humpty Dumpty.それがマザーグースに唄われるハンプティ・ダンプティの一節だ。
If Soujyuro was its target, then the moment he averted his gaze, it would tumble and explode.あの卵の標的が草十郎なら、草十郎が卵から視線をきった瞬間、落下して爆発する……!

"Except for the exploding part. Who knows what'll happen when it falls."「……まあ、爆発するかどうかは知らないけど」
Either way, it was going to scatter something troublesome when it fell.どうあれ、厄介なモノをまき散らすに違いない。
Its oval shape, the keyhole adorning the front, and writing inscribed upon it... They all made her anxious.卵という形状、錠門の装飾、刻まれた詩文も気になる。
If it was an egg, that meant it was going to hatch at some point.アレが卵ならいつかはかえる。
Even if he continued his stare, once the time came for whatever was inside to come out, they would have even less ability to conserve their energy.ずっと見続けていても、時間がくれば“中身が出る”としたら、ますます余力を残している場合ではない。

"Aozaki, slow down, would you!「蒼崎、速すぎないか!?
If you use up all of your energy now, you'll―"あんまり全力で走ると―――」
"Forget about what comes next!「後の事は考えないで!
Just focus on watching that egg!"いいから静希君は卵だけに集中して―――」

At this critical juncture, bread-men stepped out to join the egg and block their path.卵の出現にあわせて、ここぞとばかりに立ちふさがるブレッドマン。
"Out of the way!"「邪魔―――!」
The bread-men were marching forth in a grand battalion.かつてない大軍で押し寄せる焼きたてパンを、
At her level of firepower, Aoko should have easily mowed them down. However...青子はこれまで以上の火力でなぎ払うのだが―――

"These have hard crusts? Take this!"「っ、かた焼きか、この―――!」
If Snap failed to do the job, that meant it was time for her to put her crest to use.弾くスナップが効かないというのなら、刻印を用いた魔弾を放つ。
Draw: a formula-triggered bullet encased in a full wind jacket.術式だんがんを用いた風圧甲弾ドロウ
If her previous shots were the equivalent of a machine gun volley, then this was her artillery shot.先ほどまでのが機関銃の掃射なら、これは大砲の一撃だ。
The hard-crust bread that had absorbed her Snap without a dent scattered into thousands of tiny pieces at her Draw's torrent.魔力スナップに耐えきった堅焼きパンたちは、魔術ドロウ奔流ほんりゅうを受けて焼き千切れていった。

Of course, the destruction did not end with just the bread men.もちろん、破壊はブレッドマンだけに留まらない。
Sending bricks flying, the previously paved road was now bare.レンガの道は舗装をふっ飛ばされ丸裸にされ、
The nearby stall had turned into a skeleton of steel beams.近くにあった売店は鉄骨だけを残した骸骨スケルトンと化していた。

It was a spectacle that made Soujyuro question which force, the wall of bread men or Aoko's ability to lay waste to things, would obstruct their path more.ブレッドマンの壁より青子の破壊活動の方がいずれ行く手を阻むのでは、と草十郎でなくとも不安に思う惨状である。

"Hey! Don't wander off! It's dangerous if you don't stick close to me!「ちょっと。なんで距離とるのよ、そこ。そばにいないと危ないじゃない。
Come on, get closer!ほら、もっとこっち!
We're out of strikes, you know? If they surround you, you're a goner! You should know, hostages don't mean squat to me, and it's not like I can pick out my targets precisely anyway!"言っとくけどアンタがアイツらに囲まれちゃったらアウトよ? 私、人質とか意味ないタイプだし。そもそも区別して撃つとか、そういうのできないし」

This made a lot of sense to Soujyuro.なるほど、と頷く草十郎。
He had not fully appreciated the part about hostages, but he got the gist of it.人質は意味をなさない、という言葉の意味は分からずとも、彼女の言わんとするところは分かる。

"So basically, I'm in danger no matter where I stand."「つまり、今はどこであろうと危険なのか」

Offended though she was by his typical naive response, she could not help but be impressed.草十郎の相変わらずの天然っぷりにカチンときながらも、青子は少しだけ感心した。
Soujyuro was a straight arrow through and through.草十郎はいたって真面目だ。
His eyes stayed firmly focused on the egg overhead, even amidst the chaos of the melee unfolding before him.彼の視線は、今の乱戦の中でもしっかり頭上の卵に向けられている。

"I don't know why I worried.「その分なら安心か。
You may not be the sharpest tool, but you sure are good at following orders."物分かりは悪いけど、一度言われた事はきっちり守るあたり、貴方のいいところよね」
"One thing, Aozaki. Was I imagining things, or did those bread men seem tougher than before?"「そんなことより蒼崎。俺の気のせいならいいんだけど、さっきのパン、堅くなかったか?」

"...No, you weren't imagining that. They're getting stronger.「……まあね。アイツら、少しずつ強くなってきてるわ。
They must have nailed down their mass-production process, so they've turned their attention to upping the quality."大量生産が軌道に乗ったんで、今度はクオリティアップをテーマにしたのかも」

"As you figured out already, they're just going to get tougher as we go. It seems like even those bread guys have started to develop individuality.「静希君でもお察しの通り、ここからは手強くなっていく一方よ。あのパンたちでさえ個体差がでてきたみたいだし。
I hate to think about it, but they might start spreading themselves with jelly, or wearing other fillings and merging with one another."考えたくないけど、そのうちジャム塗ったりレタス乗っけたり、はては合体したりして」

Though she was joking, her eyes were dead serious.冗談を言いながらも青子の目は真剣だ。
Soujyuro shuddered at the thought of the situation growing even more dire.容赦なく悪化していく状況に、草十郎は今更ながら戦慄を覚えてしまう。

"So you're saying that those guys are going to become as terrifying as the puppet from the house of mirrors soon?"「じゃあ、そのうちミラーハウスの人形ぐらいに恐くなるのか、あいつら?」
"Oh, you can count on it. And I'll have my hands full with bread that rare. Say, Sizuki. Think you can handle yourself against one of those?"「間違いなくね。そこまで高価レアなパンになったら私も自分だけで手一杯になる。ところで静希君、ああいうのとケンカできる?」
Soujyuro shook his head, a look of complete aversion upon his face.ぶんぶん、と草十郎は心底イヤそうな顔で首を振る。
"I didn't think so. So let's get moving, we can't afford to hang around here."「でしょ? なら急ぎましょ。色々余裕ないんだから」

Aoko took a quick, deep breath, then began to sprint once again.青子は短く深呼吸をして、駆け足を再開する。
Far in the distance, through the fog, the iron fence waited, three hundred paces away.視界はるか、霧の向こうの鉄柵まであと三百メートルほど。
As long as nothing happened, they would make it there in one piece.……このまま何事もなければ無事にたどり着けるかもしれない。
Soujyuro followed after Aoko, holding onto that all-too convenient hope.そんな都合のいい希望を抱きながら、草十郎は青子の後に続いていった。

Scene 10

But hope was something ever fleeting.けれど、希望はいつだって束の間のもの。
It lasted not even three hundred yards.彼らの希望は三百メートル分しか続かなかった。
The edge of the amusement park may well have been the edge of the world.遊園地の果ては、何の比喩もなく“世界の果て”そのものだったのだから。

Dozens of undulating horizons could be seen,波立つ、何十という地平線。
crowding the sky like a giant cloud, or a thick curtain,それは群雲むらくものような、緞帳どんちょうのような、
or perhaps, groaning lips.あるいは呻きをもらすひだのような、
It was the end of the road, the outer limit of an outrageous and fantastical realm.あまりにも奇怪で、あまりにも童話めいた、この世界の行き止まり。
And yet...―――さながら。
Aoko found it to be much like the last page of an enormous picture book.巨大な紙芝居の最後の一枚だと、彼女は思った。

The sight turned her mind blank.その光景を前にした時、青子は不覚にも、一切の思考を放棄した。
"Well, this is about as bad as it gets," she thought.……ああ、たいへんな事になったな、と。
The Snark―this island of despair―had at last brought Aoko to her knees as she stared at the swelling border.波立つ境界線を見て、ようやく、この絶望島スナークに膝を屈した。

The park indeed had an end.遊園地に終わりはあった。
Even now as Aoko and Soujyuro had expected it to be, a fence divided the amusement park from the residential area neighboring it.青子たちの知っている通り、遊園地と住宅街をへだてる鉄柵はこうして今も。

It had both doubled in height and been made sturdier, another hurdle she had foreseen before even laying eyes on it.鉄柵は二倍ぐらい高くなっていたり、なんだか装飾が頑丈になっていたりするけど、それも想定の範囲内。
Expecting it to have been Snarkified, Aoko had come prepared to demolish an obstacle or two.たとえ鉄柵がスナーク化していようと、壁の一枚や二枚なら撃ち抜く気概つもりで彼女はここまでやって来たのだから。
This construction before her went far beyond a mere wall.目前に広がるモノは、もはや境界ですらなかった。

It was an ocean that separated the underworld from the mortal one.この異界と外界を分かつ海。
The iron fence was like a restless, surging sea.鉄柵は寄せ返す波濤はとうの如く。
One or two walls could easily be toppled.一枚、二枚はたやすく破れる。
Even ten or twenty could be dealt with one way or another.十枚、二十枚までは何とか進める。
Between the power left in her body and that which filled the park, putting on a brave front was within her power. She could fully mobilize her circuits and her crest to the point of burnout in a last-ditch effort, like some reenactment of the parting of the Red Sea.残った自身の魔力と、遊園地に満ちた魔力と、魔術回路と刻印を焼き切れるまで総動員すれば、ただ一度きり、十戒じっかいの真似事ぐらいはやってみせると強がれる。

"But then that would be it."「―――でも、それで終わり」
Even if a path could be opened, she would not have the energy left to walk it.この海を割った後、青子には立ち上がる体力さえ残らない。
And it was obvious what would become of her afterward.……その後の運命は明白だ。
The residents would hardly forgive her for wreaking such havoc around their park. Like ants drawn to honey, they would swarm the helpless girl and tear her to pieces.さんざん遊園地を壊してまわった青子を、住人たちは決して許しはしないだろう。みつにたかるありの如く、動けなくなった少女を八つ裂きにする。

Despondent and exhausted, she felt the faint sting of remorse.落胆らくたんと疲れから、微かな後悔がこぼれる。
Escaping the park...遊園地から外に出る。
Looking back on how they had gotten here, Aoko recognized that her choices had been her undoing.その選択自体が間違いだったと認めて、青子は来た道を振り返った。

Under the golden full moon, beams of steel bent and merged like wire-frame sculptures.金色こんじきの満月の下、鉄骨はうねり、針金細工のように集まっている。
It was only a matter of time before the amusement park itself became one colossal monster.遊園地そのものが巨大な“怪物”になるのも時間の問題だ。
The horde of familiars, gathered in the plaza where Alice was, had formed an impenetrable blockade around her.有珠のいる広場には大量の使い魔が集っており近寄れもしない。
Just above the head of the boy beside her, the whispering egg―called Scratch Dumpty―continued to shuffle what appeared on its surface.傍らに立つ少年の頭上には、かわらず表面をシャッフルし続ける囁く卵スクラッチ・ダンプティ

The boy's voice snapped Aoko out of her trance.少年の声に、止まっていた思考が動き出す。
If only for a moment.……けれど、それも一瞬。
The stark reality of the situation quickly dawned on the novice mage―魔術師である青子は現状を把握してしまう。
the sheer hopelessness of it all, as it ripped out and snatched away any will she had to resist.その絶望が、彼女から抗う選択いしを根こそぎ奪っていた。

"Let's head for the gate. It's hopeless here, but we might have a chance at the entrance.正門ゲートに行こう。ここはどうしようもないけど、入り口ならもうちょっとマシだろう。
That Flat Snark thing. You said it has its own set of rules to follow, right?フラットスナークだっけ? コイツにもルールがあるって言ったじゃないか。
Then, we need to think about the basics. The fence would have been impassable from the start, but the gate might still work as an entrance and exit."なら、これは役割の問題だ。はじめから鉄柵は通れない壁だけど、正門なら出入り口として機能しているかも知れない」

Soujyuro had not given in to panic.草十郎はパニックにおちいっていない。
Aoko found herself honestly admiring Soujyuro's ability to analyze Snark's characteristics, given the circumstances.この状況でスナークの特性を読み取れるのは凄いな、と青子は素直に感心した。
Now calm, she steeled her resolve.冷めきった、覚悟を決めた心持ちで。

"You're right. The gate is a good option.「……そうね。たしかに門はあると思う。
But just getting there will be a challenge. Even the weakest enemies, those loaves, are becoming hard to deal with.けど、たどり着くのは難しいわ。一番弱かった焼きたてパンですら、今はもうアレだもの。
Plus, the best of her familiars are just going to keep gathering at the plaza and the entrance. I mean, the gate itself might be a monster even worse than the Ferris wheel. It's designed to look like a giant Kitsy."広場や入り口にはもっと上等なのがたむろしてるだろうし、門だって、あの観覧車以上の怪物かもしれない。たしか大きなキッツィーちゃんだったでしょ、正門って」

"So you're not going to the front gate?"「……蒼崎は正門には行かないのか?」
"Nah. We have a better chance over here."「まあね。それよりこっちの方が現実的だし」

Aoko took another glance at the undulating iron fences.青子は波立つ鉄柵を一瞥いちべつする。
It was too late to achieve their goal of making it out alive.既に『生きて脱出する』という目標は達成できない。
In that case, she decided to prioritize the other promise she had made.である以上、残ったもう一つの約束を優先しようと、彼女は心を切り替えていた。

"I'm gonna go ahead and break down the fences here. You have to escape once you see an opening.「今からこの鉄柵を壊すから、貴方はそこから外に出て。
Then my job will be done."それで、私の役割はおしまいよ」
Though her words were few, her tone told the whole story.言葉は少なかったが、淡々とした声がすべてを物語っている。
She was telling him to escape by himself.彼女は彼に、ひとりで逃げろと言ったのだ。

"It's not possible.「……信じられない。
You can't destroy them by yourself, Aozaki."こんなの、蒼崎だけじゃ壊せないだろう」
"If I were by myself, you'd be right. But right now the park is actually helping me. With this much fuel, all I need to do is aim and pull the trigger. All it needs is one good blast.「私だけならね。でも、今はこの遊園地が味方してる。燃料がこれだけあるんだから、私は銃身になるだけでいいんだし。一発でかいのお見舞いしてやるわ。
That said, I'll only be able to do it once, so as soon as I open a hole, I need you to run like your life depends on it."……ま、それでも一回が限度だから、穴をあけたら、アンタには全力で走り抜けてもらうしかないけど」

She would carve a path through this iron sea of fences,この鉄柵の海に道を作る。
gambling on one final effort―a great incantation to launch a massive projectile that pushed her limits to the extreme.それは彼女の持てる力を総動員しての、一度きりの大詠唱、大射程の極限魔弾。

As an outsider, Soujyuro could not even begin to imagine just how much of a burden this would be for her. All he could imagine was a hazy vision of Aoko being left behind in this park.門外漢である草十郎には、それがどれほどの負担をかけるものか想像もできない。ただ漠然と、遊園地に取り残される青子の姿が思い浮かぶ。

What would happen to her?……残された彼女はどうなるのか。
Would that girl in black come to save her?あの黒衣の少女は彼女を助けるのか。
Cruel as it was to imagine, he knew she would not.無慈悲な話だが、それはない。
After Aoko had exhausted her very best in order to save him, that girl would not stay her hand.青子が草十郎を助けるために最善を尽くした以上、あの少女も手をゆるめはしないだろう。

The only way Alice would let Aoko off the hook was if Aoko killed Soujyuro as payment.有珠が青子を見逃すとしたら、それは青子が自分のいのち惜しさに草十郎を殺した時だけだ。
And then there was...そして、
"Get back about fifty feet.「二十メートルぐらい離れてて。
It'll take time to cast, but I'll make sure to finish this before that egg gets hardboiled."詠唱じゅんびに手間どるけど、その卵の表面がゆで上がるまでには終わらせるから」
It went without saying that this was the only path.言うまでもなく、彼女はその道を選ばない。

"Wait. I want to know.「待ってくれ。
Is there even a point to letting me go?"俺を逃がすっていうけど、それに意味はあるのか、蒼崎」
"None. Even once you get out, there's no way you'll be able to escape Alice forever.「……ないけど。外に出られたところで有珠から逃げきれるとは思えないし。
But I'm stubborn to the very end. I said I'd protect you, so I'm damn well going to do my best to keep you alive."けど、これぐらいは最後の意地よ。守るって言ったんだから、できるところまでやらないと」

Surprised by her seemingly moral stance, Soujyuro saw Aoko in a new light.その芯の強さを、彼は驚きながら再認識した。
...Ah. But of course.……つまりはそういうこと。
Soujyuro realized that she was not fighting for his sake, but for the sake of her pride.彼女は草十郎のためではなく、自分の誇りのために戦っている。

"...Right. I guess you did say that.「……うん、そうだったな。
But it's not like you to let me go by myself."けど、それなら俺だけ逃がすのはらしくないぞ」
"Oh, give me a break! Just move already!"「な、なによ。いいから離れてて」
For some reason, Aoko took a step away from him.なんとなく、ちょっとだけ後退する青子。
She was recalling how, an hour ago, he had gotten the better of her.つい一時間ほど前、この顔に一本とられた事を思い出したのだ。

"Aozaki. If you're still willing to fight, then let's do it some other way.「蒼崎。まだ意地を張れるんなら、他の事をやろう。
If you can destroy that monster of a fence, then let's put your power to better use."このお化けみたいな鉄柵を壊せるなら、他に壊すべきものがあるはずだ」

"There isn't anything else I can do! Sorry, but all I can do is destroy what I can see. Dying for some forlorn hope isn't how I want to go out.「ないわよ。悪いけど、私は目に見えるものしか壊せないの。最後までカタチのない希望にすがるとか、考えるのも寒気がする。
Don't you get it? The fact is, blowing this thing up to let you slip out is all I can manage. I can't beat Flat Snark, or anything else. It's the least I can do after―"いい? 今はフラットスナークなんかより、この壁を壊してアンタを足抜あしぬけさせるのが私の現実。私に負える最大限の責任って―――」
"So you're going to run from this responsibility, too?"「逃げるのか」
Aoko was just about to turn her back on him when Soujyuro clutched her hand.背中を向けようとした青子の手が掴まれる。

His words caused something inside of her to boil with rage.その一言が少女の心を沸騰ふっとうさせた。
It was as though someone had set her heart on fire.本当に、心臓に火を放たれたようだ。
The surprise that pricked open her true feelings and the disappointment she felt toward herself thawed her frozen limbs.本心を突かれた驚きと、自分自身への不甲斐なさが、凍っていた手足を蘇らせる。

"Why you...! Don't get it backward! I'M the one letting YOU escape, not the other way around! I'll blow the whole damn park if I feel like it, just you watch!"「誰が―――! 逃げるのはそっちで、逃がしてあげるのはこっちだって言うのよ! 甘く見ないで、いざとなったら遊園地ごと爆破してみせるわ!」
"Okay. In that case, it'd be a waste to help me escape right now.「そうか。なら、ここで俺を逃がすのは無駄だな。
Save that move for when you really mean it. I'll give you a hand until then."その気迫は本命のためにとっておこう。それまでは俺も手伝うから」

"Huh?! YOU help ME?! Talk about a waste of time!「はあ!? 手伝う!? それこそ無駄な気遣いよ!
Now you're really pissing me off. Just get out of here, you dimwit! What use do I have for a dunce whose special power is running himself ragged?!"あったまきた、いいから逃げろバカ! だいたい、走りづめで息もたえだえなヤツなんか使えないわよ!」
"I may be pretty exhausted,「そりゃいいかげんヘトヘトだけど。
but you're in worse shape, Aozaki. Just look at yourself. You're tired and injured."そういう蒼崎なんか、疲れ以上に傷の方が痛んでるだろ」

Not to mention the injury to her back that Aoko had nearly forgotten about.青子本人ですら忘れかけていた背中の痛み。
Even now, she couldn't ignore the pain that automaton had inflicted on her spine.自動人形に強打された彼女の背中は、今では無視できないほどの痛みをうったえていた。
With iron will, she'd managed to push it out of her mind. Mostly.青子は単に、鉄の自制心で背中の傷を後回しにしていただけなのだ。

"Even without any of that magecraft stuff I'm still in better shape than you are. I could probably even carry you all the way to the entrance if I needed to."「ほら。魔術とか抜きにすれば、まだ俺の方がマシじゃないか。入り口までおぶっていくコトぐらいなら、なんとか」

"Don't make promises you can't keep.「できないコトは口にしないで。
Just... go. I'm used to this, and you're not. This is your first time facing this sort of thing, right?……もう、いいから行って。慣れているもの、私は。でも貴方は違う。こういうの初めてでしょ?
So, it's okay."だから、いいの」

The fact that they were a team...こうして協力されるのも、
The fact that she would still have to kill him after all of this...結局はそのあと少年を殺さなければいけない事も、
None of the irony was lost on her as she said these words.全部ひっくるめて彼女は言った。
Because none of it mattered anymore.もういいの、と。

Still, Soujyuro didn't let go of her hand.けれど、草十郎は手を離さなかった。
He gripped it even harder.掴んだ手の力は一段と増している。
His expression was the same as ever. Aoko frowned, trying to figure out if he was upset with her.表情かおはいつものままだけど、もしかして怒っているのかな、と青子は眉をくもらせた。

"You're right, this is my first time with this sort of thing.「たしかに、こういうのは初めてだ。
But I've experienced my own fair share of danger in the mountains. I've even been attacked by a deer, you know."けど、山じゃ危険な目ぐらいあってる。鹿シカに襲われた事だってあるんだぞ、俺は」

As a city girl, she had no idea what it meant to be attacked by a deer, but his determination was apparent enough.少女は都会の人間で、シカ、なんて単語を出されてもいまいち実感は湧かなかったけれど、少年には確かな覚悟があると感じ取れた。

Looking back on it now, he had maintained his composure through it all.振り返れば、彼は努めて冷静だった。
A normal person would barely be able to talk through such panic.普通ならパニック状態で会話する事さえ困難だろう。
Perhaps growing up deep in the mountains, far from civilization, had taught him how to stay calm in the face of so much.それをここまで、なんとか冷静でいようと努力できるのは、文明から離れた山奥で暮らしていたからなのか。

"So trust me. Just a little."「だから信じてくれ。少しでいいから」
He spoke his plain, unadulterated feelings,飾り気のない本心。
and released his hand.簡潔な気持ちを口にして、草十郎は手を離した。
There was no lie in him.……少年の言葉に嘘はない。
In fact, he was too honest; so much so that she found it hard to believe him.それが余計、少女には信じられなかった。

Soujyuro had no reason to go that far.だって、草十郎にはそこまでの事をする理由がない。
As it stood, Aoko had no future.今の青子にはあらゆる未来がない。
After confessing this and telling him to escape, why did this boy still offer to help a person like her?それを白状して逃げろと言っているのに、どうしてこの少年は、こんな自分に協力すると言うのだろう―――

"I don't understand. Why do all this?「分からない。どうしてそこまでするの。
You're going to die if you stay with me.私に付き合えば貴方は死ぬのよ。
This is it. This is your last chance. Think it through. You should be running."これが最後だから、ちゃんと考えてよね。……貴方はここで逃げるべきよ」

"I know, but I'm not going anywhere."「それは分かるよ。でも行かない」
Soujyuro answered immediately, realizing that Aoko was looking for his reason.即答しながら、青子はその理由をこそ求めている、と草十郎は気が付いた。
This level of insight in Soujyuro demanded a round of applause.普段の彼からすればまさに喝采かっさいものの察しの良さで、
"If I do, you'll die, Aozaki."「そうすると、蒼崎が死んでしまいそうだ」
His words were as irrational as always.でた言葉は、いつも通りの理由の無さ。

"But why?! Why do it? Why go so far for me?!"「だから、どうしてそこまでするのよアンタはっ!」
She was yelling out of frustration.苛立ちから怒鳴り付ける。
After thinking for a moment, Soujyuro replied.少年は少しだけ考えこんでから、
"I guess it's because... I like you."「―――そりゃあ、君が好きだからだろ」
he said unceremoniously.あっさりと。
His face seemed to ask why she would even question him so.なんでそんなこと訊くんだ? なんて顔で返答した。

There was a pause, no more than two seconds.……一秒か、たぶん二秒ほど。
His surprise attack had stopped Aoko in her tracks.あまりの不意打ちに、青子の時間は止まってしまった。
Alice was not the only one who had an ace up her sleeve.切り札を隠していたのは有珠だけではなかったようだ。
That line reached deeper even than Flat Snark could ever hope to.今の一言は、フラットスナークなんかより底が深い。

All Aoko could respond with was an expression of pure shock.青子にとってはただただ呆れるばかりの返答。
It was a simple, stubborn reason. The strongest kind on Earth.けれど単純で頑強な、地上でいちばん強い理由。

Soujyuro Sizuki was indeed incomprehensible, to be able to work unconditionally with someone who was trying to kill him.自分を殺そうとしている相手に無条件で協力出来るなんて、静希草十郎はやっぱり分からない。
But she felt as though she'd finally grasped a sliver of his true nature.ただ少しだけ、青子はこの少年の為人ひととなりが掴めた気がした。
Tobimaru and the others' assessment of him was correct...鳶丸たちの評価は、たぶん、間違ってはいないのだ。 vexing as it was to her to admit.口惜しいことに。

"Even though I can't stand you... You sure are a dip, you know."「莫迦ね。私は貴方のこと、嫌いなのに」
He laughed at her sour grumbling. At this point, he was used to her insults.なんだか負け惜しみのような呟きに、少年は知ってるよ、と苦笑した。

Their clash of wills ended here.意地の張り合いはここで終わり。
Aoko's blood ran hot from her blazing heart.火を放たれた心臓が、青子の体に熱い血液を走らせる。
If he was going to make a face like that, all she could do was try to think of a way to get them both home.だってあんな顔をされたら、ふたりそろって生還する方法しか考えられない。

"Running away isn't really my thing, anyway.「……ま、私だって逃げっぱなしは性に合わないし。
Fine. I'll stick it out to the end. And if you're going to stay with me, Sizuki, I'm sure we can find some way for you to help."いいわよ、最後まで粘ってみる。それに静希君が付き合ってくれるなら、何かの役には立つでしょう」

Though her tone had lightened, there was still hesitation in her eyes.軽口を叩きながらも、青子の眼にはまだ迷いがあった。
It was only natural. Aoko had not even a clue as to how to begin to fight the Snark.当然だ。戦うも何も、青子にはスナークの正体、その糸口すら掴めていない。
If only she had been just a bit more skilled, or had trained just a bit more, there might have been some way to look for it.自分がもう少し器用で、もう少しだけ修練を積んでいたのなら、あるいはスナークを探る手段もあっただろうに。

"I'm better than this. If only I had a way to peel back its true form."「……我ながら情けない。せめて、正体を暴く手がかりでもあればいいんだけど」
Without realizing, she let her apprehension show.知らず、不安をこぼす。
Whining was pointless.こんな弱音、口にしても仕方がない。
She would just have to figure it out by herself, but―その問題は自分が解決するしかない、と青子は自らをしようとして、

"Hmm? What, that's all we need to figure out?"「ん? なんだ、正体さえ分かればいいのか?」
Aoko gave him a look, as if to ask what that was supposed to mean.なにそれどういうイミ? なんて顔をする青子と、
"I mean, you asked me earlier to look for something weird, right?"「いや、だからおかしなモノはどれかってコトだろ?」
Soujyuro also made a face that suggested she should have brought it up sooner.言ってくれれば良かったのに、なんて顔をする草十郎。

"Wait, you know what it is?!"「ちょっ―――分かるの、アンタ!?」
"I think so. Well, I've been wondering about it for a while, actually."「たぶん。いや、けっこう前から気になっていたんだけど」
Soujyuro whispered in her ear quietly, so as not to be overheard.草十郎は誰かに聞かれないよう、こっそりと青子に耳打ちをする。

It was certainly unexpected,意外と言えば意外、
but then again, equally obvious. After he explained the mistake, she knew right away that he was correct.当然と言えば当然の“間違い”を教えられて、青子はその“答え”が正しい事を直感した。
At last, she had an inkling of Flat Snark's original form. Namely...敵の正体。フラットスナークの本体とは、つまり―――

Scene 11

They strategized for ten minutes.密談は十分で終わった。
After deliberation regarding the Snark's true form and figuring a plan of attack, the two exchanged nods in acceptance of their roles.スナーク本体の考察と、その撃破方法を導きだして、ふたりは互いの役割に頷きあう。

"We'll be splitting up now.「それじゃ、ここからは別行動ね。
Just don't make it a repeat of the blunder in the house of mirrors. You're the crux of this operation. If you bungle the start even a little, there's no coming back from this one."でもミラーハウスの時みたいなのは勘弁してよ。この作戦のきもは貴方なんだから。開始一分でドジったら、ホントに打つ手なしだからね」

Though she jabbed him for his previous failure as a decoy, her voice was bright.ミラーハウスでの囮役失敗の件をチクチクとつつく青子だが、その声は明るい。
Aoko's original vigor had returned to her at Soujyuro's discovery of the truth.草十郎の発見からこっち、彼女本来の力強さが戻っている。

Meanwhile, Soujyuro was also getting serious in his own way.一方、草十郎も彼なりに真剣だ。
He took Aoko's warning to heart.青子の注意を真面目に受けとめている。

"Good. But remember that our positions are reversed this time.「……ならいいけど。いい、さっきと立場は反対よ。
If we fail, I'm not the one who's going to die, it's you. I won't be there to clean up your mess, so watch your step."失敗したら死ぬのは私じゃなくてそっち。もうフォローに回れないから、できるだけ慎重にね」

"I know. After all this, I regret what not taking your advice earlier. I'll be careful."「分かってる。いまさらながら、やっぱりさっき逃がしてもらえば良かったと思うぐらい、慎重だ」
Soujyuro nodded, telling her to leave it to him. Though he made it sound like he was holding a grudge, it seemed to him to be the only way of showing her his resolve.任せてくれ、と頷く草十郎。恨み言のような台詞だが、彼なりに決意を表しているらしい。
Aoko let out a sigh of defeat. Once more, she couldn't figure him out.ちぐはぐで分かりづらい草十郎の仕草に、青子はまったく、と降参するようなため息ひとつ。

"Seriously, I can't tell if you're a big idiot or a big hero.「ほんと、大バカなんだか大物なんだか。
Whichever one it is, I'm counting on you. Don't let me down."―――でも任せた。期待してるわ、静希君」
She had wanted to say that she believed in him, but apparently that was too embarrassing for her.信じている、と返してやりたかったが、さすがにそれは気恥ずかしかったらしい。

Aoko turned away from Soujyuro and began to run.青子は草十郎に背を向けて走り出す。
She had begun to think that maybe this change of pace was not so bad after all.まあ、こういう風にペースを崩されるのも、たまにはいいかもしれない、なんて思いながら。

And so ended the intermission.―――休憩は終わりを告げた。
The young cast were handed their new lines.未熟な役者に新たな脚本が手渡される。
But what of the climax?さて、結果はどうあれ。
At long last, this night of witches had entered its climax.長かった魔法使いの夜は、最後の幕に入ったらしい。

Scene 12

"...They split up? You're sure?"「―――別行動? あの二人が?」
She was filled with foreboding at the robin's report.駒鳥からの報告に、少女は不吉な響きを感じとった。
Apparently, they had gone in opposite directions.彼らはそれぞれ反対方向に移動したらしい。
The park's residents had set off after the boy witness, and it would take them mere minutes to capture him, so the bird said.遊園地の住人たちは目撃者の少年を追いかけ、あと数分で捕まえ、処理するという。

"What do you mean? Is it actually him they're following? Not Aoko in disguise?"「……どういう事? 追いかけているのは本当に彼? 青子が変装しているのではなく?」
The robin flapped its wings, chirping away any doubt.駒鳥は羽をすくめて主人の疑いを鳴きとばす。
It had seen them with its own two eyes. Aoko was heading for the plaza and the cocky brat was making a run for the roller coaster.自分の目に間違いはない、広場方面に向かっているのは青子で、コースター方面に逃げているのはとっぽい小僧だと。

"Are you saying that Aoko abandoned him?「青子が彼を見捨てた、ですって?

...It sounds a little too good to be true.……そんな簡単な事ならいいけど。

|Is Dumpty still on his tail?"|ダンプティは彼に張り付いているの?」|
|The robin nodded enthusiastically.|駒鳥は自信満々に頷く。|
|It didn't know about the other birds, but with its superior night vision, it had seen "that sucker" clearly because he had moved to a high point.|他の鳥はともかく、夜目の利く自分ならここからでもあのカモネギっぽい坊主を見て取れる。なにしろ相手はし。|

"And Dumpty?「ダンプティはなんて?
He said to let him sing to the very end? That he may never get the chance again to do so for a fool this asinine?"……最後までうたわせろ、こんなめ殺したいけはまたとない、ですって?」

Scratch Dumpty was a ticking time bomb that would drop and detonate the moment its target averted its gaze.スクラッチダンプティは、捕捉した対象が目を離した途端に落下し、破裂する時限爆弾だ。
That is, as long as his target continued to observe him. In a way, he was a gentlemanly Ploy Kickshaw, though Alice wished he would forgo such niceties when in battle.対象がきちんと監視していれば落下しない、ある意味紳士的な“童話の怪物プロイキッシャー”。だが乱戦時においてこれほどの嫌がらせもないだろう。

"...Let him have his fun. Keeping an eye on Dumpty won't save the boy anyway. Once the poem on his surface is complete, the door will open.「……そうね。視線を切らないだけではダンプティからは逃げられない。表面の詩が完成すれば扉が開く。
No matter how far he runs, Dumpty will end him for us."彼がどこまで逃げようと、あと少しでダンプティが仕舞ってくれるわ」

Until the park, or rather the Snark, was destroyed, Soujyuro would not be able to escape.何処に行こうと、この遊園地―――いや、スナークが破壊されない以上、少年は逃げられない。
Which meant the larger concern was Aoko.なら気になるのは青子の方だ。
Aoko had promised to protect the boy, which begged the question: where was she running to?あの少年を守ると言い切った彼女は、いま何処に向かっているのか。

"As long as we stay here, we can't track Aoko."「……ここにいるかぎり、青子の動向は掴めない」
Alice looked out over the park, ignoring the robin's attempt to get her attention with its plumage.羽を広げて存在をアピールする駒鳥を無視して、少女は遊園地を見渡した。

Flat Snark had nearly reached its full size.フラットスナークはもうじき育ちきる。
It was a different breed of beast compared to the other cheap Ploys.他の安価なプロイとは根本からして違う怪物。
To her, it was one of her three most irreplaceable and precious familiars.少女にとって代えのきかない、貴重な三体の使い魔のうち一体。

"...Yes. She's all yours, Snark.「……そうね。任せたわスナーク。
Don't hold back until Aoko is brought to her knees."青子があきらめない以上、貴方も手は抜かないで」
Alice remained where she was.少女は動かない。
With the same historical merit as the troll under the bridge and the poison-clawed reptile, Flat Snark was one of Alice's ultimate Ploys.橋の巨人、毒爪トカゲと同じを持つ、至高しこうのプロイ、フラットスナーク。
She was placing her trust in its reputation and ability.その名と能力を、ここは信頼する事にした。

"But don't forget. This is a game.「でも忘れないで。これはゲームよ。
When the contest is over, return to me."勝敗がついたのなら、わたしのところに帰ってきて」

The drifting fog ignored its master's words.主の言葉を、ただよう霧は聞き流す。
It was the one thing that Alice had misread.……有珠もそこだけは読み違えていた。
Flat Snark was a king, even among the other Ploys, of terrible, vulgar antics.フラットスナークはプロイの中でも最悪さいあく低俗ていぞくな道化の王さま。
Death to the defeated. Gruesome tragedy to the vanquished.敗者には死を。惨たらしい悲劇を。
It found no pleasure unless it brought about total ruination of life and wealth.財布も命も取りこぼす、素晴らしい破産じゃないと愉しめない。

The fog billowed like wicked laughter.よこしまな笑みのように霧が煙る。
After all, only a king had the right to decide the fate of the vanquished, and the Snark's greed could not be contained.そう。負かした相手をどう扱うかなんて、それこそ王さまの特権で、スナークは自分の欲望を止められない。
And so...なので―――
It hadn't even the slightest intent to play fair, despite its master's orders.たとえ主人の言いつけであろうと、行儀の良いフェアプレーなんて、これっぽっちも、守る気はなかったのだ。

Scene 13

Over one hundred feet high.地上四十メートルの高み。
One careful step at a time, the figure made its way gingerly up the track stretching into the heart of the amusement park.遊園地の中心へ向かって延びる骨組みレールの上を、慎重に慎重に、足場を確認しながら登っていく人影が一つ。

He stayed his beating chest and the pounding of his breath.押さえつけているのは動悸と呼吸だ。
Even tiny movements were an obstacle to his progress.今はそんな、わずかな動作すら前進の邪魔になる。

Amazingly, the one making this pale-faced advance higher and higher was Soujyuro Sizuki.顔面蒼白でより高い位置を目指しているのは、あろう事か静希草十郎である。
Far below, he saw a horde of bread creatures had congregated by the roller coaster platform.遥か地上を見下ろせば、コースター乗り場には焼きたてパンたちの群れ。
As they bustled this way and that, their numbers continued to increase by the minute, seemingly cheering on Soujyuro with raised arms as he made his ascent.入り口で右往左往している彼らは刻一刻と数を増やしながら、レールを登っていく草十郎へ諸手もろてを挙げての応援中。
Or jeered him more like, beckoning him to come down.もとい、下りてこいとブーイングをあげている。

"...Well, at least they don't like heights."「……助かった。アレ、高いところは苦手なんだ」
Of course, Soujyuro neither did Soujyuro, but his current state was the lesser of two evils.もちろん草十郎も苦手だが、彼らに包囲されないのなら、これはこれで少しだけマシである。

The only thing that followed him now was the floating egg.追ってきているのは浮遊する卵だけ。
After heaving a huge sigh, Soujyuro bent forward a bit and climbed the track that reached to the heavens.草十郎は大きく息をついた後、やや前屈みになって、天に向かって延びるコースターを登っていく。
One hundred and fifty feet now.これで地上四十八メートル。
If this were a skyscraper, he would be on the sixteenth floor.ビルで言うなら十六階の高さに相当する。

A strong gust of wind whipped through his hair.強風が髪をさらう。
Humans had an instinctual fear of heights.人間は根本的に高所を恐れる生き物だ。
In particular, a place like this, which called forth visions of falling to one's death, would cause a person's knees to tremble against their will.ことに、このように落下のイメージを想起させる場所では、本人にその気がなくとも膝が震える。
It was an instinct that forewarned death, urging its master to return to the safety of the ground.死を警戒けいかいする本能が、安全な地上への回帰かいきうながしている。

It was a reasonable reaction.それも無理からぬ事。
Climbing the roller coaster tracks went beyond funny stories and into the realm of fantasy.ジェットコースターのレールを人力で登ろうなどと、笑い話を通り越してファンタジーの領域なのだから。
The strong winds and change in air pressure were a hindrance.気圧や強風による妨害。
His instincts screamed at him to stop, causing his limbs to go numb, his muscles to go limp, and his mind to race.本能からの中止勧告、痺れる手足、筋力の衰え、とりとめなく暴走する思考。
Even if he had been tied to a lifeline, a mere fifteen feet of climbing would still have caused his thoughts to freeze out of sheer terror.仮に命綱をしていようと、五メートルも登れば思考は恐怖で固まってしまう。

And it would only get worse from here, exponentially so.加えて、この苦しみは倍々ゲームだ。
Every foot forward increased the load on both his mind and his body by another degree.一メートル進めば、それだけ肉体と精神にかかる負担はいや増していく。

"...I can do this. Just a little bit more to the top..."「―――よし。頂上まであと少し―――」
The burden on his mind notwithstanding, he carefully measured the toll on his body with every step.そんな精神の負担はともかく、体の調子を注意深くはかりながら草十郎は前進する。
His legs, which had carried him running this far, threatened to buckle the moment he let down his guard.走りづめだった足は、気を抜いたとたん、膝から崩れかねない。
This fatigue was likely why Aoko had stressed that Soujyuro's role was more dangerous than hers.青子が“草十郎の方が危ない”と念を押したのも、疲労しきった体では危険すぎるからだろう。

"Wait. Would Aozaki have been so worried if I wasn't tired?"「……待てよ。逆を言うと、疲れてなければなんとかなると思ってたんだよな、蒼崎は」
Soujyuro laughed as he stared at the floating egg.ふわふわ浮遊する卵を眺めながら、草十郎は思い出し笑いをする。
He reflected on the course of events that had led to this absurd situation.こんな無茶をする事になった顛末てんまつ
Not even ten minutes ago they had been engaged in conversation.ほんの十分前、ふたりはこんな会話を交わしていた。

"Okay. Since we know what form it's taken, we need to talk about how we're going to destroy it."「じゃあ次ね。正体が分かった以上、あとはどう壊すかを話しあいましょう」
Soujyuro felt a shudder travel down his spine at Aoko's smug grin.にんまりと笑う青子に、ぞぞっと背筋が寒くなる草十郎。
In hindsight, Aoko had been more than happy at this point to make him do something absurd.……思えば、この時から青子は草十郎に無茶をさせる気満々だったのだ。

"So by 'destroy it,' you mean we're going to..."「どう壊すかって、それなら」
Soujyuro had spoken up figuring that what he was about to say was silly, especially considering Aoko had the magecraft to tear clean through the fence.この鉄柵を外まで壊せる魔術があるのなら考えるまでもないのでは、と手を挙げる草十郎。
Furthermore, up till now, he had not once offered his insight as to the true form of Flat Snark only due to his belief that there was nothing they could have done about it even if they were the wiser.彼がこれまでフラットスナークの本体について意見しなかったのは、ひとえに『分かっていてもどうしようもない』と思っていたからだ。

But that had changed.が、今は条件が違う。
For Aoko, the impossible was quite literally within her grasp.青子なら文字通り、不可能に手が届く。

"I know what you were going to say, and no. By my estimate, I wouldn't get within a hundred and fifty feet of the thing."「そうでもないわ。私の目算だと、あと五十メートル分、ギリギリで届かない」
Despair filled Soujyuro's eyes.だめじゃないか、と目でうったえる草十郎。
Aoko lifted a hand to her long hair and, with the magical energy in her fingertip, cut a clean tuft from her head.青子は自分の長髪に手をやると、魔力をこめた指で、一房ひとふさスパッと切った。

"Not if we make up the difference with some elbow grease.「足りない分は努力と根性ってね。
Get to the highest place you can. When the time is right, I'll give you a sign. Just toss this into the air. That's all you need to do."貴方はできるだけ高いところまで逃げて。頃合いを見て合図をだすから、そうしたらこれを空に放ってくれる? 静希君の役目はそれだけでいいから」

But based on where Aoko pointed her gaze, she did not really mean to leave it up to Soujyuro to pick the highest place he could find.そう言う青子の視線は、とても“できるだけ”なんて言ってはいなかった。
Aoko was staring conspicuously at one of the amusement park's two main attractions: the roller coaster.彼女はこれみよがしに、遊園地二大アトラクションの一つ、ジェットコースターを見つめている。

"...So, in other words, you're saying we split up, then you want me to run away from the monsters chasing me and escape to somewhere high, right?"「…………。つまり、蒼崎とは別行動をとって、あの怪物たちに追われながら、高いところに逃げこめと?」
"Exactly. And hey, wouldn't you know it, the tracks of that winding roller coaster are perfect!"「そういうコト。ほら、あのうねうね動き出してるコースターのレールとか、よくない?」

There were two demons in this park.遊園地に悪魔は二匹いる。
Her smile made even Soujyuro want to respond that it was far from perfect.草十郎ですら「よくない」と即答したくなる笑顔だった。

"Far be for me to question your motives here, but...「……疑いたくはないんだが。
You're not secretly working with that girl to kill me, are you?"ホントはあの子とグルで、俺を遠回しに殺そうとしてるんじゃないか?」
"Now now. Wasn't it you who said it was okay if I was the one who killed you?"「あら。私に殺されるのならいいんでしょう?」
"...It's not nice to twist other people's words."「……人の失言を悪用するのは、よくないと思う」

Soujyuro hung his head. This was not sane.とても正気じゃない、とうなだれる草十郎。
If he did as she said, he would die from exhaustion before Kitsy even had a chance to eat him.青子の言う通りにしていたらキッツィーちゃんに食べられる前に過労死しそうだ。

"I'm not a monster. Hey, Look at me.「私だって鬼じゃないわ。ほら、こっち向いて。
I'll cast a charm on you."おまじない、かけてあげる」

It was the lightest of touches.軽い接触。
Close enough for their breath and skin to come in contact.息と息、肌と肌が触れ合う距離。

"... But Ao..."「―――、あ」
"...-zaki," he finished with a hushed voice.おざき、と続く声が弱い。
For one of them, this was a rather mundane magecraft.それは、一方にとってはごく当たり前の魔術で、
For the other, it was a head-spinning sneak attack of intimacy.一方にとっては頭が真っ白になるほどの、柔らかな不意打ちだった。

"The weight of the air, the tremble of one's breastBe light and frail, nimble and fast..『―――空気のおもかるく、よわくり、胸のふるうまく、はやくえ。
Light lags behind while shadows pull ahead.Tick-tock, tick-tock, there's no time to waste."かりは先チクタクチクタク立つ、かげは遅いそげやいそげれる。』

Words that could not be produced by a normal larynx, carrying a peculiar weight to them, reverberated against his eardrums.通常の声帯では発音できない、何か特殊な重みをもった声が草十郎の鼓膜に響く。
If words were given colors, these would have been the color of her name: blue.……もし言葉に色が見えたのなら、きっと彼女の名前通りの色だっただろう。
Soujyuro's exhausted body and burning blood gently cooled.疲れきっていた体が、熱くなっていた血液が、緩やかに冷やされていく。

"A bird in the sky, a fish in the sea, you in the distanceFly, swim, run..鳥は空にと  ぶ魚は海にお よ ぐ貴方は彼方にか け ぬ け る
Stuff doubt and anxiety in a sack.Tick-tock, tick-tock. Begin the journey at dawnSound the alarm..問も不安も鞄チクタクチクタクの底に、旅路の一歩はきてきをならせ曙に。
A shining star falls,The star is always in the northern sky, into your matter where you go."く星はするりと降ほしはいつでもきたのそらちて、今は貴方の心の内どこまでも、いつまでもに。』

In reality it took but a few seconds.実際には五秒ほど。
But the sudden contact had felt a little longer, until it ended不意を突かれた彼にとってはもう少しだけ長く感じられた触れ合いは、こうして何の失敗もなく、名残なごり惜しくも完了した。

"Mesmerize successful! ...I think. This is the first time I've actually felt it take!「よし、暗示成功! 成功したはず! ここまで手応えがあったの初めてだし!
I guess all those lectures from Alice paid off!"有珠の小言もたまには役に立つじゃない!」
A very merry Aoko stood aside a very confused Soujyuro.はしゃぐ青子と、とにかく現状が掴めない草十郎。
After he asked what the heck had occurred, she responded.今のは一体なんだったのかと訊くと、

"It's an elementary suggestion. I temporarily erased your sense of fear, so you should be able to climb up there no problem.「簡単な暗示よ。一時的に恐怖心を消しておいたから、高いところに登っても平気なはず。
The biggest thing standing in your way is your nerves, right?あの手の作業でいちばん足を引っ張るのは動揺でしょ?
If you don't feel fear, then no matter how high you climb, it's no different from walking a balance beam!"恐怖も何も感じなければ、地上何メートルだろうと平均台とそう変わらないってワケ」

He seemed to get it...なるほど、と手を打つ純朴少年。
It actually all sounded like Greek to Soujyuro, but he accepted it as an explanation of her strange actions.青子の言っている事は眉唾まゆつばだが、さっきの謎の行為はそういう事か、と納得する草十郎だった。

"Hah... Finally, I made it."「……はあ。やっと、着いた」
He'd arrived at the summit of the track.山なりのレールの頂点。
At a height of nearly two hundred feet, Soujyuro had a bird's-eye view of the entire amusement park.草十郎は地上六十メートル近い高みに到着し、遊園地を俯瞰する。

He was able to spot Aoko's figure right away.青子の姿はすぐに発見できた。
In the plaza not so far from here, she seemed to be occupied with something conspicuous.この地点からそう離れていない広場で、なにやら怪しげな作業を行っている。
Her surroundings lay still.青子の周囲は静かなものだ。
The bread men were still busy trying to figure how to reach Soujyuro by trial and error from the roller coaster's entrance.ブレッドマンたちは草十郎を追いかけようとして、いまだコースター入り口で試行錯誤の真っ最中。
They had over three hundred feet of distance to cover.距離にして、もう百メートル以上も離れている。

"No wonder I'm drenched in sweat. Look how much ground I've covered."「……汗をかくはずだ。こんなに移動したのか」
The strong winter gales quickly dried the sweat on his brow, but he was drenched underneath his shirt.真冬の強風で額の汗はすぐに乾くが、シャツの下は汗で濡れている。
This much sweat was worth at least a half-mile run, not to mention all the scares he had experienced throughout the night.一キロマラソン以上の運動量プラス、冷や汗分も含まれているに違いない。

"Okay. Now all I have to do is wait for the signal."「でも良かった。あとは合図を待つだけだ」
He felt a wave of relief,心底から安心する。
but not at the thought of Aoko destroying the Snark and this nightmarish park.この方法で、青子が遊園地スナークを破壊できるから、ではない。
He was simply happy that he could repay a bit of his debt from the house of mirrors.彼はそんな事より、ミラーハウスでの借りを少しでも返せる気がして嬉しいのだ。

A blue bullet rose from the plaza where Aoko was located.青子のいた広場から青い魔弾が昇る。
"That's the signal!"「合図だ……!」
Soujyuro stood up atop the tracks, pulled out the pouch he had stowed in his pocket, and tossed it forward.草十郎はレールの上に立ち上がり、ポケットに仕舞った巾着袋を放り投げた。

Without any regard for his questionable footing, he gave it a mighty overarm pitch.ここが不安定な足場である事を考えない、豪快なオーバースロー。
The small pouch drew a parabolic curve in Aoko's direction, quickly becoming untied in mid-air.巾着は放物線を描きながら青子のいる方角に向かっていき、ほどなくして空にけた。

Inside the bag was the lock of her hair and a small stone weight.巾着には彼女の髪と、重しの小石が入っていた。
"Just throw it with the wind from somewhere high up, and I'll take it from there."“高いところから風に乗せてくれれば、後はなんとかするから”
Aoko had said, but it was Soujyuro's effort that had set the plan in motion.青子はそう言ったが、草十郎なりに工夫した結果である。
The tuft of hair remained airborne, drifting as if watching over its owner.一房ひとふさの髪は、持ち主である少女を見守るように滞空たいくうする。

Soujyuro's job was done.草十郎に託された仕事は終わった。
His remained concerned about the egg hovering over him, but there was nothing he could do about it.いまだ浮遊する卵は気になるが、これは彼にどうにかできる物ではない。
Soujyuro breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned forward to watch the rest of the plan unfold, but then...草十郎はホッと息をついて、事の成り行きを見届けようと身を乗り出し、

In the corner of his eye,視界のすみ
he thought he spotted something familiar approaching Aoko.青子のいる広場に近寄りつつある、なにか、見覚えのあるものを見かけた気がした。

Scene 14

"Connecting to Crest.Routing... Set."刻印ルート接続セット―――
Direct current: First layer, second layer... third layer in reserve.流数ディレクト紋、一層、二層―――予備に三層。
Magical energy supply fixed to greater source.魔力提供、大源に固定。
Flow, check. Angle, check. Formula stability, good enough."……循環じゅんかん良し、射角しゃかく良し、術式じゅつしき安定、おおまか良し」

A pattern began to carve itself into the brick street.レンガのうえ紋様もんようが刻まれていく。
The casting of an unprecedented incantation with unprecedented range.かつてない大詠唱による、かつてない大射程の魔術行使。
Keeping the rising tension contained within her chest, the fledgling mage snapped her fingers.ほのかな緊張と高揚を胸にとどめながら、新米魔術師は指を鳴らす。

"Done. Bullet configurationTour Plan:convergent launch!Starmine!"「―――決めた。魔弾ツアー形式プラン収束スター投射マイン
She kneeled at the center of the formula and raised her head to the night sky.術式の中心に膝をつき、夜空を見上げる青子。
Not even a glimpse of the transmogrified fantasy land around her entered her vision now.御伽の国と化した遊園地だったが、もう、その片鱗すら彼女の視界にはうつらない。
Only one thing, one untouchable thing, was reflected in her blue eyes.青い目に映るのは、たったひとつの触れられぬもの。

"So, this has been on my mind for a while now..."「実は、ずっと気になっていた事が」

This is how their conversation started a few minutes prior.つい数分ほど前の話。
Soujyuro began with a simple statement of fact.そう切りだして、草十郎はある事実を口にした。
In truth, it really was the simplest of discrepancies.本当に単純な食い違い。
Between the reality of an hour ago and the illusion of the present; a difference both infinitesimal and infinite at the same time.一時間前までの現実と、たった今の幻想と、その最小にして最大の間違い探しを。

"I thought maybe I didn't know what I was looking at because of the clouds..."「雲があったから、勘違いしたんだろうけど―――」
It was something hiding in plain sight.見えているのに見えないもの。
Something both seemingly impossible in reality and unusual given its location.現実では有りえなくて、ここに有るのもおかしいもの。
In this amusement park where every paradigm had shifted, something was brazenly flaunting its normalcy.あらゆる原型が変わっていく遊園地で、堂々と、正常なカタチを見せつけていた―――
"Tonight is supposed to be a new moon, Aozaki."「今夜は新月なんだ、蒼崎」

"Yeah... Come to think of it, that was its original form."「思えば、はじめっからそのカタチだったものね、アンタは」
The distance from the Earth to the moon was 238,900 miles.月までの距離は三十八万キロメートル。
If it truly was identical to the actual moon, then this monster indeed lived up to its eerie reputation.本当にであるなら、まさしく異名に恥じない怪物だ。

A distance that far would have meant that it had no need to hide its form. It could flaunt its true form in front of all.だが、そうであるのなら姿を隠す必要はない。堂々と正体を明かせばいい。
But due to the very fact that it was hiding its true form, it meant it must have been within reach.正体を隠すのは手の届く位置にいるからこそ。
That monster's camouflage implied that it sat within the reach of human hands.あの怪物の擬態は、同時に、人間の手でである事を示している……!

"At best, my max range is 650 yards or so..."「こっちの最大射程は、よくて六百ってところだけど……」
At this point, it was time to give it all she had.こうなったら力尽きるまで。
Drawing on the energy surging throughout the park, she extended her firing arm.この遊園地中の魔力を総動員して、魔弾の手を伸ばしてみせる。

A blue firework launched into the air.夜空に青い花火が上がる。
Looking up at her hair dancing in the wind above, Aoko reached out her right hand as if to catch the night sky.風に舞う自分の髪を見上げて、青子は虚空をつかむように右手を伸ばした。
A mage's own body made for the perfect catalyst.魔術師にとって自身の肉体は一線級の触媒だ。
And for a female mage, the hair she had grown out over many years made for a particularly valuable and powerful source of fuel.女性の魔術師であるなら、年月を積み重ねた髪は特に貴重かつ強力な燃料になる。

To use it, all she had to do was apply her will.扱いはそれこそ念じるだけでいい。
She locked the fingers on both her hands together and shouted,彼女は力強く、開いた指を握りこみ、
"Deploy third layer! All formulae, commence linked activation!"「三層展開! 全術式、連結起動―――!」
She hurled forth a clear challenge to bind the moon to herself.月と自らをつなげる、明確な挑戦状をたたきつけた。

The mist began to whirl about in a vortex.霧が渦巻く。
The monster high above bore its fangs at the sight of the blue spell that appeared in midair.中空に現れた青い魔術式を見て、高みの怪物がその牙をきだしにする。

"Did she figure it out...?"「見抜かれた、ですって……?」
By the time Alice had noticed the change, the hostility between Aoko and the Snark was palpable.有珠がその変化に気付いた時、青子、スナークの両者は、ともに明確な敵意を向けあっていた。

"...Very well. This round goes to Aoko. Return immediately.「……そう。なら青子の勝ちよ。すぐに戻りなさい。
Perhaps removing the rain clouds was too obvious a hint, but I suppose one can't win them―Flat Snark?"たしかに雨雲を消したのはヒントのあげすぎだけど、それぐらいは大目に見て―――スナーク?」
The fog continued to thicken with no sign of abating.霧の集結は止まらない。
The moon that floated in the night sky could not pardon such an insolent mage.夜空に浮かぶ月は、不遜ふそん極まる魔法使いを許しはしない。
As if the lord of the night would bow down to such impudence; there was no staying its wrath at a challenge so flagrant.夜の王たる自分をうやまわぬばかりか、あんな、あからさまに挑戦状をたたき付けられては、怒りのおさめようがない。

The robin swooped in to give its report, but Alice waved it away. Her gaze was fixed on the transforming golden moon.あわてて報告に来る駒鳥を手で払いながら、少女は変貌していく黄金の月を凝視する。
Her calls of restraint did not reach it.制止の声は届かない。
This fairy-tale monster was beholden to nobody, and it would have no qualms unleashing its vast might upon its puny prey.“童話の怪物”は誰はばかることなく、その強大な力を、ちっぽけな青子えものに振り下ろそうと―――

The core of her magic bullet howled.うなりをあげる魔弾の炉心。
The Magic Circuits within her body spun.回転する体内の魔術回路。
Aoko fed them magical energy, scorching her nerves with imaginary flame.架空の炎に神経を焼かれながら、青子は魔力を走らせる。

She was linked to the formula inscribed on the ground.地面に刻んだ術式は青子と連結リンクしている。
The spell was read and executed the same as it always was, but its output was beyond reckoning.術式を読みこみ実行するのは今まで通りだが、出力はその比ではない。
With this much firepower, even this mundane process would invite injury upon its caster.同じ工程でもこれほどの火力なら術者にも害が及ぶ。
It was enough to burn up the nerves that were acting as the barrel.あるいは、砲身しんけいが焼き崩れるほどの。

"Hnnngh... I can... do this!"「―――、でも、いける……!」
The imaginary heat had reached a terrifying temperature.怖いくらいに上昇する架空の熱量。
Aoko trembled at this endless feeling, but would have to grin and bear it lest their efforts come to naught.底なしの感覚に身震いする青子だが、そうでなくてはこの戦法を選んだ意味がない。

Aoko could no longer move.青子はもう移動できない。
When she had learned the Snark's true form from Soujyuro, she gave up on any superiority a moveable turret offered, instead opting to become a stationary cannon.草十郎からスナークの正体を聞いた時、彼女は“移動する砲台”の優位性を捨てて、設置砲台になる道を選んだ。
That was the only way she could reach it. It was impossible to hunt the Snark unless she anchored her crest at this location and angle.そうでなければ届かない。この位置、この角度で刻印を固定しなければ、スナーク狩りハントはできないのだ。

At the same time, this action revealed that she was out of options.同時に、それは“次の手段”がない事を示している。
Once the fuse was lit, she would have no choice but to fight to the bitter end.口火をきればこの場所で最後まで戦うしかない。
Aoko took a deep breath; this was the way she wanted it.それでいい、と青子は大きく息を吸い込んだ。
Her preparations were complete. She would be able deliver this maelstrom of magical energy directly to the moon, like a rocket payload!準備は万全。ロケットの噴射に等しい魔力の渦を、直接、あの月にまで届かせる―――!

The third layer floating in midair served as the cannon's muzzle and sight. It would fire the magical energy once it reached criticality, and it allowed Aoko to adjust the angle of fire.中空に浮かぶ第三層は臨界に達した魔力を撃ち出す銃口であり、射角を調整する照星しょうせいだ。
The moon became warped within her scope.その照準越しに月がゆがむ。
As Aoko charged her magical energy, the Ploy displayed its golden form, as if to mock her.魔力を充電する青子をあざ笑うように、黄金の月はその正体を現していく。

Come. Worship the heavens, powerless scion of an innocent bloodline.さあ―――てんを仰げ、異能なきの血統。
For there it was, a point among the otherworldly sky,あれこそは魔天の一角、
a Mystical visage obfuscated by jade mists and azure clouds.緑色の霧、紺碧こんぺきの雲にかすむ神秘のすがた
Called the greatest treasure known to the world of magecraft,魔術世界において至宝と称され、
a rarity more valuable than an entire kingdom: Crown Phantasm.一つの王国より稀少と値付けられた至高の幻想クラウン・ファンタズム
(That's it! That's Flat Snark!)“あれが―――フラットスナーク……!!!!”
Set apart from the very beginning, the world's greatest fabrication!第一はじまりよりわかたれた、この世でもっとも大きな虚構!

(N-Not yet! Just need a little more time...)“っ……まだ早い―――まだ早い、けど―――!”
Her instincts screamed at her to delay no further.これ以上のは許されない、と本能が叫んでいた。
This fairy-tale monster was the greatest of its kind, and its true form was about to be exposed.正体を暴かれようと敵は最高級の“童話の怪物”。
Its open hostility indicated that it was making preparations for a counterattack.この状況でも反撃の用意はある事を、剥き出しの敵意が示している……!

(I can't move! Not with an incantation this large! If it attacks before me, it's all over!)“こっちはもう動けない……逃げを捨てての大詠唱、先に撃たれたらそこで終わりだ……!”
She had to shoot it down first.故に、その前に撃ち落とす。
Magical energy was at eighty percent. The formula was operating normally. All that was left was to pull the trigger, but...魔力は八分、術式は正常稼働、あとはがねを引くだけだが―――

The calm voice inside her head asked if that was really okay.本当にそれでいいのか、と冷静な自分が告げる。
She had one shot at this, and there was no going back.始めてしまえば後戻りはできない。
It was a battle of precision with no room for miscalculations. Even a tenth of a second of hesitation would tip the scales.この先はコンマの戦いだ。判断ミスを悔いる瞬間さえない。0.1秒の迷いが天秤をかたむける。
Was she ready for the pain? Was she ready to deal with the fallout if she missed?痛みへの覚悟も、失着への開き直りはできているか?
Could she really even take down the moon with such a tiny bullet in the first place?そもそも本当におまえは、そのちっぽけな魔弾で、月を落とす事ができるのか―――?

(Enough! Shoot first, ask questions later!)“いい―――とりあえず、当たった後で考える!”
Her eyes, fixed upon the moon, were filled with determination月を見据える双眸そうぼうに決意をこめる。
and an awareness that the moment she fired, the intense recoil would overwhelm her entire body. She shouted,魔弾を放った瞬間、強大なフィードバックが全身を打ちのめす事を念頭にいれて、

"...Bring it on!「―――上等!
I'm gonna send this thing spinning with all I've got!"出し惜しみはなし、めいっぱいブン回すわ……!」
With every ounce of spirit she possessed, she fired her ultra-long-range projectile into the sky.そらを狙う狙撃手は気勢と共に、一撃必中、超長射程の魔弾を解き放つ……!

The third layer embraced the magic bullet fired from the surface of the Earth.地上からの魔弾を抱く第三層。
The crest, an extension of Aoko's self, unleashed light to pierce the moon.青子の分身とも言える刻印が、月を射抜けと光を放つ。
That said...―――だが。

An enormous, blue canopy pulverized the beam.光を砕く天蓋てんがい
It returned the Ether, that 3000-degree flame, to nothing as it came in contact with the bullet.瞬間火炎温度3000度に匹敵するが、真っ向から無に帰していく……!

"Argh! Rrrrgh!"「あ、づっ―――!!!!!」
The recoil of the grand magecraft literally boiled her blood. Her body couldn't handle it.身に余る大魔術の反動に、全身の血が沸騰する。
Her heart stopped.停止した心臓。
Her brain went numb from the pain and impact.激痛と衝撃で麻痺する脳髄のうずい
Her nerves putrefied from end to end.末端からしていく神経。
But her Magic Crest revived them all by force.それらすべてを、魔術刻印が強引に蘇生させる。

"Ah... Gah...!"「は、ぁつ、ぁ―――!」
(Ice? It was blocked by ice!)“氷―――! 氷でふせがれた!”
Even though her vision had gone white, she could still see it.真っ白に眩む視界のなか、青子はたしかに見た。
Swallowing the blood in her mouth, Aoko looked up with a scowl.口内こうないの血を飲みこんで頭上をにらむ。
There it was,そこには。
an enormous shield of ice and a sneering, deformed skull.巨大な氷塊を盾にしてあざ笑う、いびつで邪悪な髑髏どくろの顔が……!

(Did I fire too late? Did I fire too early?!“撃つのが遅すぎた、それとも早すぎた……!?
Should I have shot before it made that shield?盾を作られる前に撃てばよかった!?
Was it too reckless to shoot it head-on?!)それとも、正面からじゃ無謀すぎた……!?”
"Who cares?!「っ、どっちでもいい!
First layer, second layer, reactivate! Hurry!"一層、二層、再起動―――! 急いで!」

There was no time to think or hesitate.考える余分も、迷っている余裕もない。
The magical energy throughout the park began to gather.遊園地じゅうの魔力が集結する。
Aoko knelt,一方は青子に。
across from the tyrannical face of the moon.もう一方は君臨する月の顔に。
Aoko intuited that the ice had yet to fully form; Flat Snark still hadn't reached its full strength.今の氷は未完成だ、と青子は直感した。こちらがそうであったように、フラットスナークもまだ極限じょうげんに達していない。
Which was exactly why...そう、だからこそ―――

(Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!)“まずい―――まずい、まずい、まずい!”
By accelerating the spell, Aoko had damaged her own body.術式の加速は青子自身を傷つける。
Aoko sat up and braced herself for the pain caused by the load placed on the formula after linking with the Snark. All she could do was endure it.繋がっている以上、術式に負荷をかけるほどきしみは青子の体にのしかかる。それでも今は耐えるしかない。

(That ice is tougher than my best shot!)“―――あの氷、!”
Aoko had gotten a read on their relative strengths.今の一撃で互いの戦力が分かってしまった。
Even if its volume of magical energy was identical, Snark's form―its Mystic―was in a different league.魔力量こそ同じでも、神秘カタチを成す術式の強度が違う。
Even if Aoko charged her energy to her absolute limit, she would barely make a dent in the ice wall.青子が限界まで魔力を充電しても、ようやくを打ち抜ける程度なのだ。
Meaning, if the Snark gathered as much energy as it could, there was nothing she could do to prevent her annihilation.すなわち、スナークが限界まで魔力を集めた場合、何をやっても圧し負ける……!

"Then, before that happens...!"「なら、その前に―――!」
She loaded her next shot.次弾を装填する。
She issued orders to the floating third layer.空中の第三層に命令を届かせる。
Ignoring the toll on her body, she began to accelerate the first layer formula.体への負担を無視して一層の術式を加速させる。

The role of her right hand's single layer was to absorb and store surrounding magical energy.右手の一層は周囲の魔力を吸収、蓄電する役割だ。
The thick fog that drifted through the park was an ancient Ether spewed out by Flat Snark's own body, but Aoko could pour it into her formula.遊園地を覆う濃霧。フラットスナーク自身がはき出した太古の魔力エーテルが、術式に注ぎ込まれる。
Aoko's body, which had integrated with the formula, took on an amount of magical energy that far surpassed its maximum capacity. It seethed in agony.当然、術式と一体化している青子の身体は、許容量をはるかに超えた魔力に悲鳴をあげる。
Or rather, it trembled in delight.いや、歓喜にうちふるえる。

For a mage, magical energy was a propellant to reach the realm of Mystics.魔術師にとって、魔力とは神秘に至る為の推進剤。
The expansion of internal time...体内時間の膨張。
The liquefaction of the self...自我の融解。
The release from the physical...肉体からの解放。
What one might call a near-death experience...言ってしまえば臨死体験。
Aoko stood face-to-face with reality on the boundary between it and such concepts.そのギリギリの境界で、青子は現実を直視する。

And that reality was here to break her will.……その現実が、激痛に耐える意志を、折りにくる。
To any bystander, the gap between them would be plain to see.誰であろうと差は歴然。
The gun barrel named Aoko Aozaki...蒼崎青子という砲身では、
She had not a chance to chip away at that lump of ice.あの氷塊をけずる事さえできはしまい―――

(This pain...!)“っ、が―――”
She accelerated the spell further.術式をなお加速させる。
The skull grinned.髑髏が笑う。
That ice was no shield.氷塊は盾ではない。
It was something to be used to crush mages who did not know their place.アレは身をわきまえない魔術師を押しつぶすもの。
The moon laughed as it prepared to crush not just Aoko, but the boy atop the roller coaster, as well as the park in its entirety.遊園地全体を陥没かんぼつさせる氷塊いちげきで、青子だけでなく、コースターの上にいる彼さえも踏み砕こうと笑っている。
(Come on, give me more!!!)“どうした―――!!!!”

Her circuits were on the verge of going critical.臨界寸前の魔術回路。
Her body had been charged with a scorching power supply from her fingertips to her eyeballs.指先はおろか眼球まで焼く電荷。
She would see to it that the bullet fired.それでも魔弾の引き金をしぼる。
That the magecraft formula would be strengthened as quickly as her nerves' transmission speed would allow.神経の伝達速度で魔術式を強化アレンジする。
A single attack was not enough.一撃では越えられない。
There was no way to shoot it from its flank.側面から撃つ手段はない。
Which meant there was only one solution.なら、るべき手段こたえは明白すぎる―――!

"Reconnecting to alternating current!Alternate selector!"再接続セレクタ交流数紋オルタネイト……!”
The third layer began to transform.変革する第三層。
It switched from direct to alternating current. The spell's supposed strong point was its ability to adjust its trajectory mid-flight, but right now all she wanted was numbers.直流から交流へ。本来なら軌道の変化を得意とする術式だが、今は単純に数が欲しい……!
"Connecting.Set.... Octogram!接続セット八芒星オクタグラム―――!
All layers, max rotation!"全界層、ブン回せ―――!」

A blue sun shined down upon the amusement park.遊園地を照らす青い太陽。
Beams of light at maximum output streaked forth to pierce the golden moon.最大出力の光弾が、黄金の月を射止めに走る。

Holding down the trigger, she continued to fire, taking in energy ad infinitum.引き金はしぼったまま、際限なく取りこむ魔力を、休むことなく放ち続ける。

"Gah... Ahgh..."“っ―――、ぁ―――…………”
Blue flames shot forth at critical level.臨界域から噴き出される青い炎。
But the ice would neither melt nor mar.だが氷塊は融解さえしない。
No amount of sheer heat could make a dent in something formed from such a colossal amount of magical energy.温度以前に、カタチ取られた魔力量が違いすぎる。

The toll on her circuits sent them berserk, and blood began to run free.体内の魔術回路の負荷が、鮮血となって荒れ狂う。
(...Agh! The spin should have been more than enough...“っ……!! これだけ、回して、るのに―――
He's...just...too strong!)アイツの方が、ぜんぜん、上……!”
The battle had become a tussle over the magical energy that filled the park.この戦いは遊園地に満ちた魔力の奪い合いでもある。
From the very beginning, this had been the Snark's home turf.もとよりここはスナークの庭。
The Snark had control over at least eighty percent of the space, while Aoko had twenty at best.空間の支配率はスナークが八割、青子は二割にすぎない。

"N-No... I...can't...stop it!"「だ、め……止められ、ない……!」
The castle of ice descended as if to call the match.勝敗を告げるように、氷の城が落ちてくる。

All she could do was delay the inevitable.青子にできるのはその結末を遅らせる程度。
She knew that she had been backed into a wall, and right now, the only thing she could do was to keep firing.追いつめられるだけと分かっていながら、今は魔弾を撃ち続けるしかない。

Then again, perhaps not. There was another option.ああ、でも―――今ならまだ、他に手はある。
If she converted all of her magical energy into a defense, there was a tiny chance―no, not tiny. A great possibility, in fact, that she could save just her―この魔力をすべて防御に回せば、万が一―――いや、高い確率で、青子じぶんだけは助かるのでは、と―――

Shut up and do it already!“……っ、うるさい!
Not even that ice has a chance against all the magical energy here!ここの魔力を使い切れば、あの氷だって……!”
Clinging to that broken hope, Aoko continued to rotate her circuits.破綻した希望にすがって青子は回路を回し続ける。
Time seemed to stop at the magical energy overdose.魔力の過剰摂取オーバードウズで停止する時間。
A second of intense pain lasted an eternity.永遠に続く一秒の激痛。
Then, amidst everything...その中で、

Something approached one step at a time.何かが、ひたひたと、
Something from among the park's shadows.何かが、遊園地の物陰から、

She felt goosebumps from head to toe.全身が総毛立つ。
The issue was no longer the ice overhead.頭上の氷塊なんて問題じゃない。
In the midst of this stillness, the red death drew closer, step by ominous step.静止した時間の中で、ひたひたと、赤い死がやってくる。

(Why here, why now?)“なんで、こんな、ところで…………!”
Her circuits and her mind began to rupture out of terror.恐怖で回路せいしんが破裂しかける。
The composition of her formula and soul began to rip apart.術式こころの形成がほころびかける。
There it was, just behind her.ソレは彼女の背後にまでやってきて、
Its footsteps came to a halt.ひたり、と。
It reached around and cupped her face in its bloodstained hands.血まみれの手で、後ろから青子の両頬に手を当てて、


"Greetings."『こんにち は』

She wanted to scream out with all her might.あらゆる感情、あらゆる自我が絶叫したがる。
This is it. Nothing matters! I couldn't care less!もういい。どうでもいい、なんでもいい!
Run or don't run, it doesn't matter!逃げられるのなら逃げてしまえ!
Quit hiding and reveal yourself!隠しているのなら明かせばいい!
Use whatever you can, and show no mercy!使えるのなら、そんなもの、いっそ無慈悲に使えばいい!

She had one final card to play.彼女は起死回生の切り札を持っている。
A miracle that would treat that ice like nothing more than a toy, gifted to her as a mere amusement.あんな氷塊、あんな玩具なんて物ともしない奇蹟を、ある日、ポンと冗談みたいに手渡された。
That was what the red death had come to kill./それを、この赤い死が殺しに来る。

Using it would spell ruin.使えば破滅。
And not using it would mean death by ice.使わずとも氷に潰されて死滅。
But why would Aoko hesitate?なら、どうしてためらう必要がある?
There were no conditions limiting her.別に使用制限なんてものはない。
There would be no price to pay by employing it here.等価に何かが失われる事もない。
She simply would cease to be herself.ただ、彼女が彼女でなくなるだけ。

That was all.たったそれだけ。
Humans loved to exist in areas of gray.人間なんて曖昧なものだ。
Dozens of electrical impulses disconnect in the brain every minute; nothing lasts forever, not even one's self.脳の電流は一分ごとに何十回と断線して、何一つ、“いつまでも続いている”なんてない。

It was not anything particularly worthy of disdain.それは別段、軽蔑けいべつする事でもなく。
It was not even anything remarkably worthy of being called taboo.それは格段、禁忌きんきするものでもない。

(...Shut up.)“―――っ、さい”
What escaped her lips now was rage.なのに、口から漏れた声は怒りだった。
Bewilderment from the red silhouette.赤い影はかすかに首をかしげる。

The girl let out an inaudible scream.少女は声なき声で叫ぶ。
Could True Magic truly be her savior? What an opportunistic load of bull.魔法を使えば勝てる? 事情も知らないでよくも勝手な。
After all, to begin with...だいたい、そもそも―――
(I have no clue how to do that shit yet!)“あんなの、どうやって使えってぇのよ―――!”
Indeed, Aoko was still in the dark when it came to that Magic, whatever it was.彼女には、その魔法とやらの有効な利用法が、どうにも思い当たらない―――!

"...I'm such a moron!"「―――って、バカか私……!」
She woke from her momentary hallucination.一瞬の錯覚から目を覚ます。
The very illusion her breaking soul had shown her.折れようとしていた心が見せた幻。
Whining had had the opposite effect on her; her pride was now ablaze.最低ラインの弱音が、逆に少女のほこりに火をつけた。

"You can escape, too."『―――逃げるのか?』
Soujyuro was right. Her opponent had put her in check, but she had done the same to it. It was clear why she was losing, so now all she needed was a counter-plan, well within her abilities.そうだ。自分は王手をかけられているが、それは相手も同じこと。なぜ負けているかは明白で、あとは対策を立てるだけ。それは十分に実行可能だ。
No matter the odds, she was not one to give up without giving it one last shot.たしかに無茶な話だけど、試す前から諦めるのは許されない。

(That's right.“……そうだ。
Giving up only comes after you've tried absolutely everything!)放りだすのは、やれる事を全部やってから……!”
Her numbed fingers clenched into a tight fist.もう感覚さえ無い指を握りしめる。
She was betting against the house, an unreasonable gamble that should have made her question her sanity.思考に浮かんだ無理難題は、正気を疑う大博打だ。
If her first step was off by an inch, her body would be instantly vaporized.はじめの一歩をコンマでも間違えれば、その時点で青子の体は蒸発する。

She knew a boy who never fled.彼女は、逃げなかった少年を知っている。
She knew of a steadfast courage that could shine its light, no matter how small, through any desperate situation.絶体絶命の窮地なのにギリギリまで耐え続けた、ちっぽけでも輝ける、強い勇気を知っている。

Yes. There was more than just herself to be concerned about.そう。この敗北は自分だけの問題ではない。
If that ice fell, it would mean the destruction of the park in its entirety.あの氷が落ちれば遊園地そのものが倒壊する。
Everything he had achieved, everything he had risked and dared and happily put his life on the line for, would all be for naught.平気な顔で、命懸けの綱渡りをやり通した誰かさんの成果も無駄になる。
What possessed him to be so bullheaded?!)それじゃ、何のために意地を張ったか分からない……!”

Determination and confidence surged through her like electricity.決意と自信は、それこそはしる電荷のように。
She was in no mood to be crushed by a giant sheet of ice.このまま氷に押しつぶされるのなんて願い下げ。
If she was going to lose, she'd rather do so as the grandest firework possible.どうせ負けるのなら自滅がいい、と少女は笑った。
Aoko was a sore loser. At this point, she would rather burn herself to cinders than let it decide her end.負けず嫌いでご免あそばせ。こうなったらやられる前に、灰になるまで燃え尽きてやる―――!

"Disconnect! Expand area! Reconnect!Change, change, change!"―――再接続チェンジ―――!」
She grunted in pain.“ぐ、つぅ―――!”
Energy raged through her body.激流する体内魔力。
Her circuits were on the verge of disintegration.分解寸前の魔術回路。
Inscribed upon her body, her Magic Crest was magecraft given physical form. It did not, however, stop with simply skin and flesh. It burrowed to the very marrow of her bones.魔術をカタチにした刻印は皮膚や肉のみならず、骨のずい、骨のしんまでその文字を刻んでいく。

"Grrr.... GAHAH!"「は―――いっっ、つぅ…………!」
A playful smile graced her lips.口元に諧謔かいぎゃくの笑みが浮かぶ。
Her sense of reason had been turned upside-down by the pain.あまりの激痛に理性、基準が逆転した。
That was only natural.それも当然。
(Huh. I can do this!)“なんだ、やればできるじゃない私……!”
She had to praise her own body for holding out so long while pushed beyond its limits.極限をむかえてまだ耐えている自分の体を、誉めてやらないでどうするのか―――!

The skull face noticed the abnormality.髑髏の面が異常に気付く。
It finally recognized the challenge for dominance over this space.空間の支配率が拮抗している事を、彼はようやく観測した。
It laughed at the conceit it faced.だがその慢心を笑えようか。
Never did it expect a Magician to challenge the great Flat Snark, lord of vessels over a millennium, and in such an age of decline!千年を越える器物の王、フラットスナークに勝る“魔力使い”が、この末世の時代に現れるなど―――!

"Hrrrgh... UGH!"「ふ―――っ、うっ……!」
She tried to catch her breath.呼吸を整える。
She braced herself for the coming pain.この後に来るであろう激痛に身構える。
She was going to smash that ice to pieces.
Both had access to the same amount of magical energy.使用できる魔力量は同じ。
One of them was greatly outmatched, but...なのに力負けしているのは、つまり―――

(There was a difference in our output. If I'm losing because of the scale of energy absorption and the size of the barrel, then...“……出力装置に差があった。魔力の吸飲、砲身の規模で負けているのなら。
The solution is simple. All I need to do is make the formula bigger, and me with it!)単純な話、術式わたし増築でかくするだけでいい―――!”

"Reconnect bullet configuration!Change Tour Plan!"「―――再接続チェンジ魔弾ツアー形式プラン―――」
The feedback would go beyond anything she had experienced to date.フィードバックは今までの比ではないだろう。
Quite simply, her decision went beyond recklessness.彼女の選択は単純にして、蛮勇きわまりない。
She expanded both formulae to maximum size.最大展開する二つの術式。
The first layer would transform into a giant vortex, swallowing up the mist.一層は巨大な渦と化して霧という霧を飲みこみ、
The second layer would process it from one end and pump it into her, the barrel.二層はかたっぱしから魔力を加工して砲身あおこに注ぎ込む。

"...I was naïve,「―――私の想定が甘かった。
Thinking I could do something cute like shoot it down.撃ち落とす、なんてハンパもいいとこ。
I need to blast it to hell!"この場合、跡形もなく、だっ……!」

The primeval magical energy responded in concert with her conviction.術者の確信に、太古の魔力が呼応する。
It formed the pattern of a writhing serpent.のたうち回る大蛇オロチの紋様。
Voiceless magical power flying the banner of revolution.反旗をひるがす声なき魔力。

She beckoned the great power of old to feast its eyes upon the land.さあ―――いざ地をかえりみよたけき遺産。
For it was the first of the trailblazers.あれなるは開拓の最先端トップランナー
The representative of a mankind that knew no fear and would rend all manner of mythic and mystic to naught.これより数多の神秘、あらゆる伝統を台無しにする、恐れ知らずの人類代表。
"I'm done borrowing from you, you lying boojum.「貸し借りはここまでよ嘘つきブージャム。
If you really want it, I'm more than happy to give it all back!"お望み通り、ノシをつけて返してあげる……!」
For the newest Magician commanded the principles of consumption and extinction!消費/消滅の理をになう、最新の魔法使い―――!

An aberrant bullet of light melted through the castle of ice.常識外の光弾が氷の城を融解させる。
Her barrel was tempered.砲身は焼ききれない。
Her control of magical energy was divine.彼女の魔力の扱いは神懸かっている。
Her veins, totaling sixty-two thousand miles in length, or two and a half times the circumference of the equator, accepted the flow of magical energy with avarice. The subsequent magic bullet swiftly flew straight into the moon.最大十万キロ、赤道の二周半に相当する血管バイパスは貪欲に魔力を受け入れ、倍の速度で魔弾を月へとたたき込む―――!

NO NO NO NO!否 否 否 否!
Death rose to the surface of the moon.月面に死相が浮かぶ。
A cry of terror, of indignation, echoed through the abandoned park.廃遊園地に響く、恐怖あるいは憤怒ふんぬの叫び。
Reality was burned into the eyes of this creature of fantasy.幻想に生きるソレにとって、現実はかくもおぞましくまなこを焦がす。

As Aoko looked upon its vain attempt to struggle, she knew she had tasted victory.その悪あがきに、彼女は勝利を確信した。
Victory despite her absolute reckless use of magical energy.あまりにも無駄な魔力の使い方だ。
The energy scales had been tipped to their breaking point but nevertheless in her favor.かたむきだしていた魔力の天秤は、完全に彼女のもとへなだれこみ―――
"Bullet configuration...Tour Plan..."魔弾形 ツアープラン式―――」

"Total eclipse, converge!Blacklight, Starbow!"大月蝕ブラックライト収斂投 スターボウ射―――!
Tear it a new one!"一気に、ブチ抜けぇーーーーーえ!!!!!」

Shatter. Shatter. Shatter. Shatter.砕く。砕く。砕く。砕く。
The skyscraper scattered into atomized dust.微塵と散る摩天楼。
The island, its unattainability extolled, had swallowed whole the despair of its many challengers.決して届かぬと謳われ、多くの挑戦者を飲んだ絶望の島。
And that which remained of this once proud thing that boasted of its untouched knowledge?その、人智未踏みとうを誇った先にあるモノこそ―――

Azure mist bemoaned its demise.破滅を叫ぶ紺碧の霧。
The ice canopy in the sky crumbled.崩壊する絶氷の
The Snark-hunting bullet jumped over the moon.スナーク狩りハントの魔弾は月を越えて。
Its throes of death sounded like the roaring sea, reverberating across this fairy-tale land.断末魔は潮騒しおさいのように、御伽の国に響き渡り―――

The battle was over.―――勝敗は、ここに決した。
The thick fog dissipated, and the shattered ice melted away before it hit the ground.濃霧は途絶え、砕かれた氷は地上に降ることなく霧散していく。
A lethal bullet had topped the night king along with his throne, affording him no time to grieve his loss.魔弾は敗因を悔やませる間もなく、玉座ごと夜の王を撃ち砕いた。

The Oil of the Moon.月の油。
The Untouched―Flat Snark.触れられぬもの、フラットスナーク。
The dreamscape that had begun with its resurrection ended with its demise, drawing a close to this nightmare.廃棄されたモノを蘇らせる一夜の夢は、自らの死をもって、悪夢に幕を下ろしたのだ。

Scene 15

"...Oh man. I guess I kind of went overboard."「―――うわ。さすがに、無茶だわ」
Flat on her back, Aoko looked up at the night sky.青子は倒れたまま夜空を見上げている。
She lay there perfectly still, not able to move a single finger.体はもう指一本だって動かない。
When she tried, her whole body screamed out in agony.なんとか体を起こそうと力を入れてみたが、どこもかしこも悲鳴をあげている。

She was completely empty of magical energy, and her Magic Crest had come to a halt.魔力はすっからかんで、魔術刻印も停止していた。
She estimated that it would likely require a whole day to recover all her bodily functions.体力の回復……もとい、身体機能の完全回復には丸一日を要するだろう。
Sadly, all she could really do in that moment was take a breath.情けない話だが、今は呼吸だけで精一杯。
At least her chest was swelling with pride.反面、胸はかつてない達成感に満ちていた。

She had gone toe to toe with a fairy-tale monster and had emerged victorious.なにしろ、あの“童話の怪物”のうち一体を真っ向から撃ち壊したのだ。
The battlefield conditions had favored her, it was true, but there was no denying that Aoko had come a long way in the last six months.自分に有利な状況が続いただけ、とも言えるが、手も足もでなかった半年前に比べれば格段の進歩である。

(...Luck or not, I owe Alice an apology.“……それはそれとして、有珠にはあやまっとかないと。
Once a Ploy's been broken, it's gone forever.)プロイって、壊したらそれっきりだものね”
Flat Snark would never again return to this world.そう。フラットスナークはもう二度と現れない。
It was an insanely rare item, so invaluable that it would have been impossible to price it for auction at the Association in London.ロンドンの協会に売り出せば値の付かない超稀少品、
Aoko had sent Alice's priceless treasure of the magecraft world to oblivion.魔術世界の財産とまで言われる秘術を、青子は跡形もなくブッ壊してしまったのだ。
Needless to say, things had gotten more than a little out of hand.なんというか、その場のノリと勢いで。

They had both agreed to the fight, so Alice probably would not complain.お互い納得ずくの戦いだったから、有珠は文句ひとつ言わないだろう。
Even if she was furious, she would never be so undignified as to show it.内心では不満いっぱいと思われるが、あの少女はそういう、自らの品格を落とす真似はしないのだ。

The second Aoko relaxed, her fatigue finally caught up with her.安心から気が緩み、積み重なった疲労がなだれこむ。
She did everything in her power to fight off the overwhelming drowsiness.失神じみた眠気を青子は理性で押しとどめた。
Aside from a few minor internal injuries, her body was miraculously unscathed, so much so she felt that she could probably stand up and dust herself off after a bit of rest.体の中は細かい傷だらけだが、奇跡的に外傷はない。このまま十分じゅっぷんも休んでいれば立ち上がる事ぐらいはできそうだ。

The golden moon continued to burn in the night sky.夜空には、いまだ炎上する黄金の月。
(Well, you are oil, after all. You could probably burn for―)“正体は油だものね。そりゃあ、いつまでも燃え―――”
Aoko's bleary eyes went wide in astonishment.漠然ばくぜんと空を見ていた目が、愕然がくぜんとした空白に切り替わる。

She was still unable to lift a finger.彼女は指一本動かない状態で、
(Oh, right. The Baker who found the Snark disappeared along with it...)“……そっか。スナークを見つけたベイカーも、最後はいっしょに消えるんだっけ―――”
She sighed in resignation.あーあ、と。
Aoko accepted that her final stand left her with only ten seconds before she burned to ash, too.最後の反撃で燃え尽きる、十秒後の自分みらいを受け入れた。

Elsewhere, just a short moment prior...―――一方、そのちょっと前。
Buffeted by strong winds atop the roller coaster, Soujyuro gravely peered down at the ground.強風すさ鉄骨橋コースターの上で、難しい顔のまま、彼は地上に目をこらしていた。

All he could muster was a single murmur.こぼれた呟きはこの上なく頼りない。
He could see Aoko on top of some drawing on the ground, and...彼の視線の先。地上ではクリーチャーたちの目を盗んで地面に図形を刻んでいる青子の姿と―――

"...What in the world is that thing made of?"「……なんだアレ。いくらなんでも頑丈すぎないか?」
In the distance...そのずっと向こう。
There was something familiar in the direction of the ruined house of mirrors.倒壊したミラーハウスの方角に、何か、見覚えのあるモノを見た気がした。

Soujyuro's job―to throw Aoko's hair from a great height―was complete.草十郎の役割……地上六十メートルの高みから青子の髪を投げる、という仕事は終わっている。
While not the most impressive of tasks, it was absolutely a matter of life-or-death.派手さこそないが、掛け値無しで命がけの難行だった。
And to top it all off, just thinking about how he was going to get back down to the ground was making him dizzy.さらに付け加えるのなら、この後どうやって下りるのかを考えるだけで目眩がする。
He had experienced more than enough trouble for one day.これ以上の厄介事なんて、とてもじゃないが頷けない。

"Wait, but..."「―――いや、でも、アレ―――」
He was flustered as he stood atop the swaying bridge.ぐらぐら揺れる橋の上で、わたわたと取り乱す。
A skull suddenly appeared in the sky above.空には前触れなく現れた髑髏の面。
On the ground, he could see a circling blue light with Aoko Aozaki in the middle of it.地上にはぐるんぐるん回転している青い光と、その中心にいる蒼崎青子。

...And one more thing.……そしてもう一つ。
A shadow was approaching Aoko that only someone from his vantage point could see.この位置にいる草十郎にしか知り得ないヒト影が、月に挑む青子へと迫っていた。

A shadow missing the lower half of its body.その影には下半身がない。
The upper half of its body was slowly clawing its way to Aoko.上半身だけの体で、ずるずると青子に近づいている。
They were still over six hundred feet apart.距離的にはあと二百メートルほど。
Unfortunately for Aoko, she completely failed to notice it approaching from behind.不運な事に、青子の背後からいるため、彼女はその影に気付けない。

"It's too far away to make out, but...isn't that..."「―――遠くて見えないけど、アレは―――」
He was sure of what it was now.間違いない。
There was only one thing in the park that would chase Aoko and not him: the puppet.この遊園地において、草十郎ではなく青子を狙うのはだけなのだから。

"But... I mean, maybe it's...「いや、でも。ほら、あるいは、ひょっとして―――
...a coincidence, right?"ただの偶然、ではないだろうか」
His mind ran in circles.幾重にも交錯し、混乱する思考。
It was a perfectly reasonable reaction.それも無理からぬ事だろう。
Any grip on reality he might have had left was long lost when Aoko started firing beams of light at the monstrous moon.膨張した月と光弾ビームを撃ちまくってる少女、という状況だけで、草十郎的には目を疑う状況なのだ。

Aoko's merciless fire buffeted the roller coaster like a storm.青子の容赦のない超距離魔弾は、嵐のようにコースターを揺さぶっていく。
Just standing on it was almost enough for him to be thrown off and killed.立っているだけで振り落とされ、転落死しかねない。

At any rate, Soujyuro couldn't fathom the situation.とにかく、この状況は草十郎には難しすぎる。
Should he head back to the entrance of the roller coaster and warn Aoko about the incoming threat?ここからコースターの入り口まで戻って青子に注意をうながしに行くか?
No, there was no way he would make it in time, and to make matters worse, there was a horde of bread down there, waiting for him.いや、間に合うハズもなし、駆け下りたところで入り口には大量の焼きたてパンがいる。
And it may very well have been the case that Aoko was already aware of the puppet and would take it out as soon as it got closer. If she was, Soujyuro was sure he would only be in the way.そもそも青子は人形に気付いていて、近づいたとたん一撃で倒す可能性もある。その場合、自慢じゃないが足を引っ張る自信すらある草十郎だった。

It did not seem like there was anything he could do to help.何を選んでも役に立てそうにない状況。
And beyond that, Aoko was not the only one in danger. He was in quite the predicament himself.第一、危険なのは青子だけでなく、草十郎も窮地に立っている。

"You can't go home again."『行きは良い良い帰りは怖い』
The road home was never as safe as one thought. It was as true here as it had been in the mountains.帰り道に鬼が待っているのは都会であろうと山奥であろうと同じこと。
The path he was on was no exception. As risky as the ascent had been, it was even more dangerous to go back down.この道は特に顕著だ。行きはもちろん、帰り道も危険すぎる。
This was no time to be worrying about others.の事を心配する余裕はどこにもない。
His shaking legs reminded him that only two hundred feet separated him from death.地上六十メートルの死の淵にいる事を忘れるな、と草十郎は震える足に言い聞かせる。

(I'll be fine. I know that. Just...)“……大丈夫、それは分かっている。けど―――”
His head was pounding.キリキリと頭が痛む。
This was reckless and stupid.無謀である事も、馬鹿げた事なのも分かっている。
Having been raised in the mountains, he was more sensitive to danger than anyone raised in the city, and just thinking about what he was about to do made his throat seize up.山奥育ちの彼は、都会の誰よりも危険に関して敏感で、これからするコトを考えるだけで緊張で喉が嗄れきってしまう。
There was only one thing he could say for sure.が、そんな草十郎でもはっきりと言えることは、
"Aozaki has no idea that thing is coming for her!"「蒼崎のことだ、アレにぜったい気付いていない……!」

With a sobbing shout, Soujyuro started making his way down the two-hundred foot frame of the roller coaster.なかば泣くような声をあげて、草十郎は高さ六十メートルの鉄骨を駆け下りだした。

"Hah... hah... hah... haaa!"「はっ、はっ、はぁ、はっ―――!」
His race toward death accelerated.死の道行きを加速する。
He never meant to speed up, but the downward slope propelled him forward.加速するつもりはなくとも、下り坂である以上スピードは増していく。

"Here... I... go!"「っ、この、はっ、よっと―――!」
It was too late for regrets. Now that he was running, he had no choice but to go even faster.が、後悔はもう遅い。走りだしたのならもっと早く。
And time was not on his side. He never would have made it in time if he'd taken the long way down, never mind the bread-men crowding the exit of the roller coaster.なにしろホントに時間がない、今から全力で下りても間に合わない、ああでもそれより、コースターの出口にはブレッドマンたちで混雑中、
With the exits blocked, the outcome would be the same whether he went slowly or quickly. There was no reason to rush to his death as desperately as he did!となれば遅いも早いも結果は同じ、どのみち出口が塞がっている。急げ急げと必死になって、一歩ごとに落ちかける必要性とかまったくない……!

"So what?!"「っ、だから!?」
So what if it was futile?それがどうしたと。
Soujyuro cleared the doubts from his mind.ごちゃついた煩悶はんもんを、彼は一太刀で切り払った。
He turned his attention to what he could do: keep his footing and try to arrive at the bottom as quickly as he could.自分にできる事は足下に意識を集中して、一秒でも早く駆け下りるだけ。

(Focus! Forget whether you'll be there in time to save her! The most important thing is...)“間違えるな。いま大事なのは、間に合うとか助けられるとか、そういう結果の話じゃなくて―――”
He had no idea what impulses were driving his stiff limbs.ある衝動が、縮こまった手足を駆動させる。
He just focused on the moment, pushing past the fear and the cold logic.渇ききった喉を、冷め切った理屈こころを、草十郎は“思いつき”だけで心の端っこに蹴り飛ばす。
At his core, he was the kind of person to deal with problems head-on. There would be time to think about consequences later!根が単純な人間の面目躍如、とにかく難しいコトは終わってから考える―――!

But, hesitation was not his only obstacle.だが、障害は縮こまる自分だけではない。
"Not now!"「こんな時に―――!」
The worst possible hindrance appeared at a time when not focusing on the track would mean certain death.レールに集中していなければ落ちる状況で、最悪の邪魔者が出現する。
Soujyuro sensed something wrong with the egg he had been so studiously observing out of one eye.一見いままで通りの卵に違和感を覚える草十郎。
Something had changed.何が変わっているのか。
And at the very moment he realized it...その変化に気付いた瞬間、
"I can't be looking to the side right now!"「って、よそ見してる場合じゃない……!」

Soujyuro stumbled then instinctively caught himself.踏みはずしかけた足を本能で持ち直す。
It was a miracle he had not fallen.まだ落ちていない事が奇跡だった。
Descending a roller coaster on foot was an act of suicide.コースターを駆け下りるのは自殺行為そのものだった。
The egg stayed right by his side―so close it was likely it would collide with him.卵はぴったりと並走し、隙あらば体当たりでもしてきそうな剣呑けんのんさ。
Though he was trying as hard as he could not to look at it, he could not help but feel unease that the door-like decoration in its center was gradually opening.オマケにあまり直視したくないが、内部に作られた扉らしき飾りが、少しずつ開こうとしているのも気になりすぎる。

"Dammit! Why now?!"「ああもう、畜生! なんだって、こんな―――!」
He cursed his rotten situation.あまりにもどん詰まりな状況に悪態をつく。
And yet, he refused to slow down.それでも足は緩めない。
He ran even faster, glaring at the egg on his side.むしろ速度をより増して、彼は並走する卵を睨みつける。

"Hah... What the hell is going on.「ハ―――ほんと、おかしい。
Why? It has the worst timing!"こんな状況なのに、何で―――」
Soujyuro was baffled to find that he was smiling.自分は笑っているのだろう、と草十郎は不思議に思った。
Perhaps it had something to do with Aoko's charm. Soujyuro could not tell one way or the other.青子のおまじないとやらの効果……なのかどうか、草十郎には判別できない。

He could still feel Aoko's fingers on his skin.彼女の指の感触は、まだ肌に残っている。
The trust and expectation she had placed in him was etched into his heart.向けられた信頼も期待も、しっかりと胸におぼえている。
But what spurred him on was something entirely different.……けれど、この衝動はそれらとは違うものだ。
This all stemmed from a much deeper problem.この高揚は、もっと深層にある問題。
It was something inside him that he could not understand at the time, but would eventually come to terms with one day.今の彼には分からない、いずれ向き合う事になる、埋められるべきがらんどう。

"All right, less than five feet left!"「よし―――距離は、今なら二メートル、弱……!」
He carefully judged the distance as he ran down the track of death.死のレールを走りながら、草十郎は正確に距離をはかる。
But the distance between what?何との?
That went without saying. It was the distance between himself and the one thing that could save his life.言うまでもない。この状況でたったひとつ、死の結末を飛び越える大一番との。

"Hah... Hah! Haha! Hah...!"「はっ―――はっ、はっは、はっ!」
He told himself he was going to do it, over and over, like a mantra.乱れる呼吸に合わせて、“行くぞ、行くぞ”とハッパをかける。
Soujyuro could not believe himself.本当にありえない。
What he was about to do was incredibly stupid.自分は馬鹿げた事をしようとしている。
But what is stupid when smart is not an option?でも、と気付いたのだからしようがない!

"I'm really going to do this?! This is insane!"「ほんと―――なんで、そこまでやるんだ!?」
Amidst it all, he laughed at how pointless such self-reflection was now.今さらな自問自答を、彼は鼻で笑った。
Temporary confusion, a psychological thrill ride; both had laid his soul bare.一時的な混乱。極限状態における精神の高揚が、彼の心を裸にする。

What really mattered?大事なものは何なのか。
But a simple man gets by without deep thought.そんなもの、シンプルな彼には考えるまでもない。
Soujyuro's primitive mind did not crave success or reward.成功も報酬も、原始の心には美味しそうには映らない。
For him it was simple.彼は、ただ、

(This is it!)“よし―――”
He was doing it because he wanted to.これはただ、そうありたいと望んだだけの話。
Not because he felt obliged to those around him.周りから強制された義務ではなく。
His desire to live his way was his and his own.ただ純粋に、そういう風に生きたいと信じた、愚直な自己の欲望そのもので―――
(Here we go!)“行こう!”

If the egg had been equipped with a vocal function, it would have gasped in shock at what happened next.卵に発声機能があったのなら、そう驚いたに違いない。
The boy, who had only tried to escape up until this point, suddenly shifted his weight.逃げるだけだった少年は、自分から大きく足を踏み外したのだ。

He pointed his feet outward instead of inward.足は内ではなく、外に向かって。
On the edge of one rail, he crouched ever-so slightly to maintain momentum and gazed at the floating egg.レールの端で、勢いを殺さないようわずかに膝を曲げ、浮遊する卵を凝視し―――
Close enough! I can do this!“やれる―――距離的に問題はない!”

He soared through the night sky.夜を駆ける。
It was a flight that lasted a mere one and a half seconds.わずか1.5秒の夜間飛行。
A cordless bungee jump from one-hundred feet above ground.地上三十メートルの、ひもなしなわなしバンジージャンプ。
His destination:その落下先は―――
The only thing that would stop his fall―the giant flying egg.唯一の足場となる、空飛ぶ巨大な卵だった。

He shrieked, this time out of elation, as he desperately clung to the egg's surface.悲鳴のような、歓声のような声をあげながら、草十郎は必死に卵の表面にしがみつく。

Just earlier...……ほんの少し前。
The cold-blooded witch had told him that without fear, the top of a building would feel no different than a balance beam.恐怖心が無ければビルの上も平均台も変わらない、と血も涙もない魔女は言った。
This from the same witch that would have been left speechless had she witnessed this spectacle.その魔女とて、この光景を見たら言葉を失っただろう。
Fearlessness was one thing, recklessness was another.いくら恐怖心が無いと言っても、無茶と無謀は別の物だ。
He followed it up with an act that would irritate her for days to come.あまつさえ、の行為に至っては、後日本気で頭にきた程である。

"I'm relying on you, egg!"「頼むぞ、卵!」
Clinging to the egg, he shifted his gaze away from it.卵にしがみついたまま、
He felt the rapid descent.急速な落下感覚。
Soujyuro, focusing his half-shut eyes on the ground, leaped off the egg once they were a few feet from the ground, then turned back to it, careful to reestablish eye contact.草十郎は薄目で風景を確認しながら、残り一メートル付近で視線を戻し、卵を視界におさめながら飛びだした。

Something so unbelievable, though to Soujyuro...―――いや、まことに信じがたい話ではあるが。
The elevator at the department store彼にとってはデパートのエレベーターも、
and the mysterious floating egg were both just moving objects,不思議動力で浮遊する卵も、
virtually indistinguishable from one another.そう大差のない「移動道具」に見えたのである……!

"All right! It didn't break!「よし、割れてない!
It's always a shame when food goes to waste!"食べ物を粗末にするのはよくないと思う!」
He landed near the plaza.着地したのは小広場の近く。
The shortcut that almost cost him his life had paid off.命を投げたショートカットは、これ以上ないカタチで実を結んだ。
Soujyuro took off running the second his feet touched the ground.草十郎は着地しながら、止まる事なく走りだす。

The puppet after Aoko was the only thing on his mind.彼の脳裏にあるのは青子に迫る人形の姿だけ。
He paid no mind to the moonlight in the sky.なので、空から降ってくる月の光も、
Or the egg, furious about being used and seconds away from self-destructing and blasting fragments all over the place.利用された怒りに燃えて自ら破裂し、破片をまき散らさんとする卵も視界に映らない。

Aoko's dumbfounded expression spurred Soujyuro on.目を疑う青子の表情が、最後の一足に力を入れる。
The curse was complete.詩篇のろいが展開する。
The empty egg began to sing its warning to let them know there was no escape.もはや逃がさぬと中身のない卵はうたい―――

Shrapnel from the egg exploded through the air.カオスに散らかる卵の断片。
The "Ode to Queen Alice" that Alice had engraved into Dumpty quickly robbed him of his senses.ダンプティに刻まれた“女王アリスを讃える唄”は、急速に五感を奪っていく。

"Okay... Was that it?"「っ―――それは、それとして―――」
He snapped back to the task at hand and ran to Aoko, still lying on the ground.途切れていく感覚にかつを入れて、草十郎は横たわる青子に走り寄る。
His legs ran of their own accord.足は止まらない。
Though he could not have ever stopped them anyway since he could no longer feel them.そもそも感覚がないので自らの意志で止める事さえできず、
"Don't you puppets ever give up?!"人形おまえ、驚くほどしつこいぞ……!」

The Scrambled Murder Case.交差点スクランブル爆発マーダー事故ケース
Piles of rubble became flowers of light blooming from the earth.三者三様の残骸が、閃光弾となって地上に咲く。
The final curtain drew closed, and the defeated left the battleground.……敗者たちがこぞって潰しあった最終幕。
Had Alice Kuonji seen it up close, it would have left her beside herself. The two had escaped by hair's breadth.久遠寺有珠が見ていたら頭を抱えそうな結末から、ふたりは間一髪ではじき出された。

The only person in a position to witness that rare mutual destruction was the girl who had been saved from it.この、世にもまれなつぶし合いを冷静に把握できたのは、助けられた少女だけ。
The boy who had never stopped running paid it no mind.走り続けた少年は背後の結末にあまり関心もなく、
"Phew. I thought you were a goner."「はあ―――死ぬかと、思った」
The safety of the girl in his arms meant infinitely more to him than the miraculous way in which he saved her.自分のしでかした奇跡より、抱きかかえた少女の無事を確かめて、安堵の息を漏らしていた。

Scene 16

...The moon did not wait for dawn to set.……かくして、夜明けを待たず月は落ちた。
The ornamental texture of the fairy-tale kingdom faded away.御伽の国の装飾テクスチャが溶けていく。
All of the illusions returned to the way they were before,道に響いていた華やかな旋律コードも、
from the ostentatious chords reverberating through the streets,来客を歓迎する人形パペットたちの姿も、
to the puppets welcoming their guests.すべて幻となって、本来のカタチに戻っていく。
Peace and quiet reigned once moreひそやかに、しずやかに。
over a forgotten kingdom, never to be awakened again.もう二度と目覚める事のない、忘却の国に沈んでいく。

Out flickered the embers of a late-night dream...一夜の夢の名残火。
...even the electric lamps that illuminated the park.遊園地を照らす数多の電飾ライトも、ひとつずつ消えていく。
Together, they watched it disappear.その光景をふたりは眺めていた。

Soujyuro lay on the ground, desperately gasping for air like a fish out of water.草十郎は地面に倒れこんで、必死に酸素を取りこんでいる。
The curse of the exploding egg had numbed his pain, and he was understandably exhausted after all he had experienced. He looked like he could be blown away by the lightest of breezes.爆弾卵の詩篇のろいで痛覚は麻痺し、積み重なった疲労は相当なものだろう。吹けば消えそうとはこの事だ。
While Aoko was also exhausted, she was still in better shape.一方の青子も疲れきってはいたが、草十郎ほど息の乱れはない。
Focused on taking deep, even breaths, she was already working to recover her strength.今は深呼吸を繰り返し、体力回復に努めている。

She addressed Soujyuro indifferently as her gaze remained on the amusement park.青子は視線を遊園地に向けたまま、関心のない素振りで、草十郎に声をかけた。
The abruptness of it was a bit theatrical in nature. She wanted to look at him as she spoke, but her pride was simply too great.やや芝居がかった唐突さ。本当は面と向かって話しかけたいのを、意地で堪えているのが見え見えである。

"...You did something kinda amazing, didn't you?"「……貴方、なんかすごいコトしなかった?」

The moment she had accepted death had seemed like an eternity.……彼女が死を受け入れた、永遠とも言える一瞬。
She was beside herself in shock at how indifferent she had been as the shards rained down from the moon.月の破片に貫かれる自分を、冷静に、自分でもどうかと思うほど客観的に見ていた時。
But a reassuring voice had snapped her back into reality.力強く呼びかける声が、彼女を現実に引き戻した。

Why did he do it? What was he thinking? What moronic things did he have to do to pull it off?……いかなる理由で、何を考えて、どんな無茶をして、彼は自分を助けたのか。
She had no answers for these questions, lying on the ground as she was. All she knew was that he had more than made up for his failure in the house of mirrors and then some, in those fateful final moments.倒れていた青子には、そのあたりの経緯がまったく分からない。確かなことは、最後の最後で、最高のフォローをしてもらったという事だけ。

She addressed him hoping to find answers, but found herself unable to probe any further.それが知りたくて声をかけたが、それ以上のことは言葉にできない。
To dig any deeper would feel like defeat, which is why it was so unlike her to ask him in the first place.言葉にしたら負けな気がして、こんな風に、らしくない態度で声をかけたのだ。
Lucky for her, Soujyuro had neither the capacity nor sensitivity to understand how egocentric she was being.もちろん幸い、話しかけられた彼には、そんな彼女のいじらしさに気付く余裕も情緒も、ありはしなかったのだが。

You were...それは、
...pretty amazing...蒼崎の方、
He stuttered between labored breaths.草十郎は胸を弾ませながら答える。
It was taking him so much effort just to breathe that he could not address her properly.今は肺に酸素を送るのに手一杯で、青子に顔を向ける余裕もない。
She watched him out of the corner of her eye.そんな様子を、少女は横目で観察する。

Thinking back on it, the boy had performed the same role each time.振り返れば、少年の役割はどれも同じだった。
Each and every time, he did what he could in spite of his fecklessness.鏡の城でも童話の遊園地でも、彼は自分の無力さをわらわず、自分にできる事と向きあい続けた。
It was far more admirable than her nearly suicidal tactics, even if she did defeat her opponent.相手を打ち負かしたのはいいものの、勢いあまって転びかけた愚か者とは大違いだ。

He did not even recognize how extraordinary his last act of courage was.…………だから今の無謀だって、彼にすればそう特別な事ではなく、
"Here's an idea. If I help you kill that thing, will you let me go?"『―――提案。あいつをやっつけるのに協力したら、俺の事は見逃してくれる?』
At the very least, he had the courage to keep trying whatever he could.せめて、自分に出来る事からは目を背けない彼にとっての、精一杯できるかぎりの勇気だった。

A spectator might have viewed him as a supporting actor.観客から見ればただの脇役。
His actions were not exactly memorable.目の覚めるような活躍だなんてとても言えない。
But the lead actress he supported did not see it that way.けれど、転ばないよう手を引っ張られた少女にすれば話は別で、

I don't really want to admit it to myself, much less say it out loud, but...)認めたくないし、口になんて、もっとしたくないけど”
Such inspired actions were wasted in a supporting role.少年の奮起ふんきは脇役扱いされるものではなく。
This guy really pulled off the impossible. It was so amazing that she wanted to shout it as loud as she possibly could for all the world to hear.本当にすごい事をしたのはコイツだよ、なんて、まわりに言い聞かせたいほどの奮戦だったのだ。

(God. He's so innocent it makes me want to barf.)“……ホント。人畜無害も、度を過ぎると侮れないわ”
All Aoko could do was sigh.はあ、と青子は自分自身にため息をつく。

How could she not? Even she was forced to admit that the way he'd snatched her from the jaws of death was... dashing.けれど仕方がない。たったいま窮地から救ってくれた姿は、ほんのちょっとだけ格好良かったし、
"I must be getting soft."「……ま。評価、甘めだけど」
Truth be told, he was a lunatic for doing what he did.正直。こんなのにわざわざ手を下すなんて、らしいにも程がある。

She steadied her breathing and composed herself.呼吸を整え、少女はすぅ、と体を起こした。
She was in bad shape, and she had her pride as a mage to consider.……実のところまだ厳しいが、彼女にも魔術師としての誇りがある。
Which was why she needed to maintain an air of dignity when making a proclamation.なので、宣言せんげんする時は威厳いげんがなくてはいけないのだ。

"Sizuki, I originally meant to let you off the hook for today only, but I'm willing to let the whole thing go.「静希君。見逃すのは今日だけって話だったけど、アレ、なしでいいわ。
For the time being, I've decided to let you live."とりあえず、命は助けてあげるから」
She hastily extended her right hand.仕方なさげに差し出される右手。
It was either to shake his or to help him up.握手とも、座りこんだ草十郎を立ち上がらせる為のものとも取れる。

Soujyuro did not take her hand, but instead stood up on his own.差し出された手を取らず、草十郎は自分の足で立ち上がった。
This night.この夜。
Despite the sheer insanity that he had just experienced, his face had not once looked as incredulous as it did now.散々な目にあわされながらも、結局一度も見せなかった、心から意外そうなをして。

"W-What? Something wrong?"「な、なによそのリアクションは」
She stammered, worried that she had deeply embarrassed herself.何か、とんでもなく恥ずかしい事をした気になって言いよどむ青子。
Soujyuro's gaze was fixed upon Aoko.そんな彼女を、草十郎はまじまじと見つめている。

A problem had dawned on Aoko.……問題は。
Though she normally hated being stared at, this time, she did not mind.じろじろと見つめられれば不快になる筈なのに、嫌悪感がまったくないこと。
Rather, she was enjoying the warmth in his eyes and felt like it was something she could almost come to appreciate.むしろ容認しちゃってもいいかも知れない、などと、青子をして思わせるほど温かみのある視線で―――

"Don't you get it? This isn't just about friendship! And I didn't mean he only 'likes' you, either! Believe me when I say that Sono-G really-"「いや、そんなお友達感覚の話じゃなくてだな。そういう好き嫌いじゃなくて、草の字は本気でおまえに―――」

(Oh no...)“……あ……”
The conversation came rushing back.そこで。
It was a memory better left forgotten.よせばいいのに、忘れていた台詞を思い出した。

(No, not happening!)“いかん、それは違う!”
Pushing Tobimaru's words out of her mind, Aoko turned to Soujyuro.鳶丸の台詞を心の中で思いっきり否定して、青子は草十郎に向き直る。

"D-Don't get any ideas!「そ、それとこれは別だから!
I don't care about you in the least!"私はアンタの事とか、ホントどうでもいいんだから!」
Puzzled, Soujyuro tilted his head.はい? と首を傾げる草十郎。
"You already told me how much you dislike me."「さっき嫌いだって言われたけど」
He responded matter-of-factly to her sudden declaration.唐突な青子の発言に疑問こそあれ文句はなく、彼は淡々と言葉を返す。

She certainly had pointed that out. And to his face no less.……たしかに、面と向かって言った。
It had a mere figure of speech that he was not meant to take literally, but now was not the time to belabor the point.けれどあれは言葉のアヤで、本気に取られると困ってしまうし、なによりそれより、今はそんな事を論じている場面ではなく、

"I-I'm not talking about that! I'm just saying... you shouldn't get your hopes up, no matter how far you've fallen for me!"「そ、そうじゃなくて! あなたが私にれてても、期待しないでって言ってるの!」
Yet, belabor she did anyway.つまり彼女は、そういう事を論じたいらしい。

Aoko blushed slightly, realizing how inane she was being.柄にもない事を怒鳴って、青子はかすかに赤面する。
She wondered how she'd ended up in this position.なんでこんなコトを口にする羽目になったんだろう、と悩みながら。
And yet, she knew that she had to get this off her chest.……それでも、とにかく言いたい事、言うべき事は言ったのだ。
All that was left was to politely wait for his response.ここは礼儀として、相手の返答を待つだけである。

"I can't date you.“あなたとは付き合えない”
Such heartbreakingly painful words were too much for the simple boy to hear. His shoulders slumped as if the world was coming to an end―なんてハートブレイクな言葉を受けて、純朴な少年はこの世の終わりのように、がっくりと肩を落とし……
Or so Aoko thought.てはいなかった。
On the contrary, Soujyuro was sitting there in deep thought.それどころか、なにやら真剣に考えこんでいる。

"Did you just say... I'm in love with you?"「俺が、蒼崎に、惚れてるって……?」
Soujyuro murmured the words as if they were a magic spell.呪文のように呟く草十郎。
She shot right back with the affirmative.そうよ、と突っ返す青子。
After a moment of deep contemplation, the boy turned to the expectant girl, and said,深く、返事を待つ青子がドギマギするぐらい深く考えこんだ末、少年は少女を見つめ返して、すっぱりと言った。
"Why do you think that?"「―――なんで?」

He had to be joking.………冗談じゃ、
But he was not.ない。
He was completely serious.彼は本気で言っている。
He liked her, but he didn't LIKE like her.つまり、好きではあるけど、好きなダケ。
Of course the vice-president had jumped to conclusions. This boy had no interest in romance. He probably didn't even know what that was.ぜんぶ副会長の早とちり。色恋沙汰とか男女の浪漫とか、はじめっからあたまになし。

(So... So... So...)“と、と、と―――”
She was incredibly embarrassed by how confused Soujyuro still appeared to be.まだ悩んでいる草十郎の仕草が、よけい恥ずかしい。
Her rosy complexion spread throughout her entire body.青子は顔どころか全身熱くなる衝動に襲われて、
"Umm... I'll ask again, but why do you think that?"「むう。もう一度聞くけど、なんで?」
"THAT'S WHAT I WANNA KNOW!!!"「そりゃあ、こっちが聞きたいわよーーーー!!!!」
(You freaking moron, Tobimaru!!!)“鳶丸の、大馬鹿野郎ーーーーーーっ!!!!!”

...It was changing beyond recognition.……このように。
She had lost her cool and given in to an unjustifiable outburst.もはや釈明しゃくめいのしようもない、あるまじき暴挙に出たのだった。

It was time to seal off the area and destroy all evidence.なんという現場封鎖、証拠隠滅。
Aoko's embarrassment devolved into sheer panic, and her grudge against Tobimaru suddenly manifested as criminal assault.恥ずかしさで頬が溶けるかのようなパニックと、鳶丸への恨みが彼女を突発的な犯行に走らせた。
She lashed out with a punch that could have taken down a bird mid-flight. More specifically, it was a brutal right hook.飛ぶ鳥すら落とす正拳突き。もとい、やや弧を描いたのでストレートではなくフックと言うべきか。

Aoko blinked. Her blow had connected with something solid, snapping her out of her reverie.会心の手応えに目を点にする青子。
Her temper had lashed out at the completely defenseless Soujyuro.無防備だった彼と、激情に乗り出した自分。
It had been a splendid blow with all her weight behind it, knocking him out cold.腰の入った一撃は、見事なまでに彼の意識を刈り取った。

Soujyuro groaned, crumpling to the ground.きゅう、と声をもらして倒れこむ草十郎。
Her punch finished the job that the curse had started.受けたばかりの詩篇の呪いと、今の一撃がトドメになったらしい。
If not for the discomfort on his face, he appeared almost to be sleeping. Aoko convinced herself that he was napping, not concussed.眠るように……と表現するにはやや苦しい、苦悶に歪んだ寝顔だが、これは気絶ではなく眠ったのだ、と青子は強引に解釈するコトにした。

"...Well, whatever. It was always going to end like this anyway."「……ま、いっか。予定通りになったものね」
The tension in her shoulders eased away as she looked down at Soujyuro. A ton had gotten in her way over the course of today, but the day was saved, for now.うん、とノックダウンした草十郎を見て、青子は肩の力を抜いた。色々と邪魔が入ったけれど、とりあえずこれで一件落着だ。
With nobody left to butt heads, she felt exhaustion finally overtake her.虚勢を張る相手もいなくなると、どっと疲れがやってくる。

"Ugh... How the heck am I going to walk home like this?"「うわ……歩いて帰れるかな、私」
Her fatigue was enough to make her complain out loud.つい弱音をこぼすほどの疲労だった。
When she thought about it, she realized that this was the first time she had used up all of her magical energy and the first time she had participated in a battle of this scale without any prior preparation.考えてみれば魔力を使いきったのも初めてだし、何の前準備もなしでこれだけの戦いをこなしたのも初めてだ。
Though in truth...いや、そもそも―――

"It would have ended in mutual destruction if I'd been alone."「私ひとりじゃ、どっちも相打ちだったっけ」
She felt somewhat proud as she whispered those words.呟いた声は、どこか誇らしげだった。
Normally, it was something that she would beat herself up over, but instead, she simply shrugged her shoulders with a bitter smile.本来なら自戒じかいすべき事なのに、苦笑いしている自分にやれやれと肩をすくめる。
After all, it was thanks to the person sleeping by her side.それもこれも、いま傍らで眠っている誰かさんのおかげだろう。

"...Hey. You can't hear me, can you?"「……ね、聞こえてないわよね?」
As if the night had swallowed her voice before it reached him, she received no response.夜風よりも小さい呼びかけに、反応はない。
Confident, she continued in an even quieter voice.それに安心して、もっと小さい声で彼女は続ける。

"So, uh, thank you.「……その、ありがと。
You really got me out of a jam, there."十分に助けてもらったわ」
Of course, there was no response from Soujyuro, and she was not expecting one. Saying it for the record was enough.もちろん返事はないし、期待もしていない。たんに言っておきたかっただけだ。

Aoko watched Soujyuro sleep for a while and then pulled something out of her pocket.少女はしばしうなされ眠る少年を眺めたあと、よし、と気持ちを入れ替えてポケットに手を伸ばした。
It was the palm-sized glass bottle her roommate had given her, which she opened with a pop.同居人にもらった、手のひらに納まりそうなガラスの瓶を取り出して、ポン、と開封する。
"But none of this matters."「でも、それとこれとは別だから」

Leaving behind words colder than a winter chill at night, she called out his name.冬の夜風よりクールな一言を残して、彼女は彼の名前を呼びかけた。
She barely sensed the bottle moving.返事もないのに、瓶はことり、と反応する。
As the silhouette of the fallen boy appeared to blur, she got the feeling that the weight of the bottle had increased slightly.横になっている少年の姿がぐにゃりと歪んだかと思うと、瓶の重さが少しだけ増した気がした。

"Whoa. That's kind of weird."「うわ。どうなってんだろ、コレ」
What appeared to be a human form could clearly be seen inside the glass.くもったガラスごしには、たしかに人影のような形が見える。

Alice Kuonji's tools were Mystics that confounded even the most knowledgeable of mages.久遠寺有珠の道具は、魔術師たちですら頭を悩ます神秘の具現だ。
As soon as Aoko tried to analyze them with logic or reason, she was already out of her depth.理屈やら辻褄を合わせようとする時点で、魔術師あおこには手の届かない魔術である。
Knowing this all too well, Aoko closed the bottle and watched the boy disappear as if by some magic trick.それに納得して瓶の蓋を閉めると、少年の姿は手品のようにかき消えた。

"Jeez. This is no stage trick. It's actual magic."「……まったく。こんなの手品じゃなくて魔法だって」
She muttered as she looked into the magical bottle.ひとり呟いて、青子は魔法の瓶を覗きこむ。
Its weight had not changed significantly, and she had no idea how it worked, but the one thing she did know was that there was a human being inside of it.瓶の重さはさして変わらないし、どんな仕組みかも青子には分からない。けれどたしかに、人間ひとりが閉じこめられている。

Its light weight was almost unnerving,その軽さは幻のようで、いまいち実感が湧かなかった。
closer to empty air than a human being.人の重さというより風の重さだ。
It was about as heavy as one would expect if they'd bottled a summer breeze.夏の風を手探りで掻き集めて、この瓶に詰めこんだのなら、ちょうどこれぐらいの重さになるだろう。
Thought, that did fit her image of Soujyuro perfectly.だから彼女にとって、草十郎はそんなイメージなのだ。

"It's just like Alice said..."「……有珠の言う通り」
She muttered to no one in particular as she recalled the past.そんな事を考えてしまった自分を振り返って、ぼんやりと彼女は呟く。
"This really isn't like me."「ほんと、私らしくない」

Aoko wore a bittersweet smile. Her usual moodiness was gone.いつもの不機嫌さではなく、微笑むように苦笑する。
It was a dangerous world out there. It was good to have someone to keep her on her toes.世の中は広いのだし。ひとりぐらいは、ペースを乱す相手がいるのも、張り合いがあっていい。
With a wry chuckle, she flicked the magical bottle with her finger and set off walking.苦笑しながら、一回だけこつん、と小さな魔法の瓶を指で弾くと、彼女は静かに歩きだした。

She could hear a bell in the distance, signaling the end of the play.遠く、終演のベルが鳴る。
An ephemeral dream gave way to reality. In the grand scheme of things, it had been but an instant.世は全て事もなく、うたかたの夢も元通り。
As the actors exited stage left, the last of the lights silently flickered out.役者の去った遊園地は、静かに装飾あかりを消していく。
And so, the long-dead amusement park played its final role, as a memory for a boy and a girl.……こうして。とうに寿命を迎えていた遊園地は少年と少女の思い出の地になって、その役割を終えたのだった。