Chapter 6: Like a Dog
Nostalgic Daydream
EN | JP |
He was still in a deep sleep... | 彼はまだ、深い眠りの中にいる――― |
EN | JP |
It all seemed ablaze in a mad, fiery red. | それは一面の、燃えるような茜色だった。 |
Unbearable idle thoughts... | 忍びない雑念。 |
Incessant obstinacy... | 絶え間のない我執。 |
Melancholy sights and gloomy, bittersweet talk... | 見るも悲哀、語るも陰鬱な悲喜交々。 |
Fickle wickedness born of human interaction... | 人と人の交わりから生じる有為悪作。 |
Namely, the voice of a forsaken coexistence. | 即ち、救いようのない共存の声。 |
This, however, was the scenery of a world far removed from that. | これはその一切から、あまりにも遠い世界の風景。 |
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If there were those praying this was Paradise, | 天上楽土と手を合わせる者もいれば、 |
then there were likely also those lamenting it as the underworld. | 死後の幽世と目を伏せる者もいるだろう。 |
In a decade, | あと十年、 |
or perhaps longer, this would all change. But for now, the autumn leaves remained yet untrampled by human soles. | あるいは何十年後かにはあり方を変えていく、いまだ人の靴を知らぬ紅葉の海。 |
It was scenery he knew well. | それが、彼にとって当たり前の風景だった。 |
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Life in the mountains was humble and modest. | 山中において人間の営みは慎ましくささやかだ。 |
There were no conspicuous buildings among this wilderness he called home. | 彼の住まいである山にも、向かいのお山にも目立つほどの建物はない。 |
They gathered and stockpiled only what they needed to survive, without pillaging the land. | 衣食住に関する事柄は必要な分だけ、多くを奪うことなく積み重ねられている。 |
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Serpentine trails could be seen woven through the fields, and the stone steps leading to the summit were obscured by the forest, only visible once upon them. | 見れば蛇のように身をくねらせる野道や、頂に続く石段なども造られているが、それも山中に踏み入らなければ気付かない程度だ。 |
The mountain inhabitants probably intended it that way. | この山で暮らす者たちの方針だろう。 |
There was no sign of mankind's exploitation among the mountain landscape. | 人の手によるもので、山の景色を損なう物は一つもない。 |
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He suddenly remembered that this was the season he liked the most. | ふと、この季節が一番好きだった事を思い出す。 |
Or rather, it suited him the most. | 好きというより己の性に合っていた。 |
There was much to be done to prepare for winter, but whenever he had a free moment, he would make his way toward the mountaintop. | 冬に備えてやるべき事は山積みだったが、暇を見付けては頂近くにまで足を運んだ。 |
Gazing idly at the setting sun while breathing deep the crisp autumn air was probably the second favorite of his daily joys. | 深く呼吸をして、ぼんやりと斜陽の兆しを眺めていた時が、たぶん、毎日で二番目ぐらいに幸せだった。 |
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It relaxed him, the cold but comforting wind at dusk, | 茜の山をいっそう赤く染める夕日。 |
and the way the sunset dyed the peaks a vibrant crimson. | 黄昏時に吹く風は冷たくも、安らげるものだった。 |
Not two months had passed since coming down from the mountains, and already it pained him that the memories had begun to fade. | 山を下りてからまだ二ヶ月も経っていないのに、記憶が薄れている事が少し淋しい。 |
Someone once told him that memories fade every day, so the best you one do is make as many new ones as possible. | 日々の記憶は薄れていくから、それに負けないように思い出は重ねていくしかないのだと、誰かが口にしていたっけ。 |
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Recollections grew hazy. | 思い出はかくも霞んでいく。 |
A new place to live meant the beginning of a new life. | 住む場所が変われば、新しい生活は始まっていく。 |
He wasn't sure if he was reluctant to let go of the scenery he'd cherished for so long, or if he'd merely been spoiled by it. | その中で、長く親しんできた景色を引きずるのは贅沢なのか、未練なのか。 |
Despite his new home in a city surrounded by tall buildings, he felt guilty for wanting those memories alone to remain clear in his mind. | 現在の住み家は高いビルディングに囲まれた都会なのに、この記憶だけは鮮明であってほしいと思うのが後ろめたい。 |
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Either way, he had to make the best of a fresh start. | なにしろせっかくの新生活。 |
"What kind of man thinks more about where he came from than where he's going?" he contemplated. | 新居より故郷を思うのはちょっと、男としてどうか、と彼は生真面目に反省して、 |
"Oh. This is a dream." | 「そうか。これ、夢だ」 |
He tried to stop himself from indulging in uncharacteristic sentimentality. | そう、ガラにもなく耽っていた感傷を止めてみた。 |
It wouldn't be a dream if it was easy to understand. | 我が事ながら、何の迷いもなく夢と判ってしまうあたり夢がない、と思いながら。 |
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The moment he realized he was dreaming, angular shadows began to rise from the autumn colors. | 夢と断じた途端、紅葉に鋭角な影がそびえ立っていく。 |
They were concrete buildings, previously unknown and yet familiar to him at the same time. | それはかつて知らず、今は既知となったコンクリートの建物たちだ。 |
This was how his current life was washing away his memories. | 思い出はこうやって、今の暮らしに融かされていく。 |
Struggle as he might, there was no stopping the degradation of human memory or impressions. | もとより人間の記憶、人間の印象は、どうあがこうと劣化していく。 |
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It was merely a fact of life. | それは仕方のない事だ。 |
By nature, humans lived in the present over the past. | 何であれ、人間は過去より今に期待するものだし。 |
Eventually, even his most cherished memories would be swallowed up the buildings. | いずれ過去の思い出でさえ、ビルディングに飲みこまれていくだろう。 |
It was neither cruel nor heartless. | 無情も薄情もない。 |
If they were sure to disappear, then for now he would content himself with dreaming about the memories he could clearly recall. | かならず消えると予感しているのなら、今はただ、鮮明に思いだせる記憶を夢見ていればいい。 |
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Whether in the mountains or the city, the days flew by. | 山であろうと町であろうと、日々はもとより一瞬だ。 |
Yesterday's scenery was not the same as today's. | たとえ一日後の今日でも、昨日と同じ風景はどこにもないのだから。 |
...And such. | …………などと。 |
She had given him no time to grieve. | しんみりする暇を、彼女はまったく与えてくれなかった。 |
Distant nostalgia was beautiful, but that made it fleeting. | 懐かしく遠い記憶は、美しいが故に儚いらしい。 |
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"You're no 'miage nyudo,' Aozaki. I can't talk my way past you." | 「……見上げ入道じゃないんだぞ、蒼崎」 |
A faint dizziness made him close his eyes. | 軽い目眩から目を閉じる。 |
Without sight, the mountainous landscape vanished, but in its place a familiar voice could be heard. | 視界を切ったことで山の風景は見えなくなり、かわりに聞き覚えのある声が響いてきた。 |
It was a booming voice that seemed to shake not only the mountainside he stood upon, but the entire mountain as well. | 彼のいる山の中腹はおろか、山全体を震わすような大声だ。 |
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And of course, Aoko Aozaki reappeared, towering in the distance. | それも当然で、さっき幻のように現れた蒼崎青子は山の向こうにでーんとそびえていたのだ。 |
He must have been tired, he thought, diagnosing himself while trying to make out what she was saying. | 本当に疲れてるんだな、と彼は自分の状態を確認しつつ、彼女の声に気を配った。 |
Fearing the vertigo would return if he reopened his eyes, he decided to keep them closed. | 目を開けているとまた目眩がしそうなので、目は閉じたままである。 |
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...It sounded like she was arguing with someone, though the tone was all he could make out. | ……おおよその雰囲気しか分からないが、彼女は誰かと口論しているようだった。 |
It wasn't violent, but certainly aggressive. | 激しくはないが攻撃的な口調。 |
Maybe she was picking a fight with another mountain across the way. | たぶん向かいの山にでも喧嘩を売っているのだろう。 |
He wouldn't put it past her. | 彼女なら十分にありえる、と彼はひとり頷いた。 |
After all, she was a troublemaker who blew up the moon. | なにしろ月まで吹っ飛ばした暴れん坊だ。 |
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He couldn't quite grasp the conversation. | 会話の内容はよく掴めない。 |
Though somehow, vaguely, he had the sense that his human rights were being largely ignored. ...It was deeply unsettling, even for a dream. | 彼はなんとなく、漠然と、自分の人権あたりが盛大に無視されている気がした。……いかに夢中の出来事とはいえ、甚だよろしくない。 |
After several minutes... | 数分の後。 |
It seemed that the high-impact argument ended in Aoko's victory. | 大迫力の口論は、青子側の勝利で終わったらしい。 |
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Then suddenly, the boisterous voice faded. | そうして、強風のようだった声も聞こえなくなった。 |
Praying everything would be back to normal, he opened his eyes. | 次はマトモな光景でありますように、と他力本願気味に目を開ける。 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
He took a deep, slow breath. | わずかに息をのむ。 |
The scenery was a far cry from the nostalgic dreamscape he had just left, albeit not unpleasant either. | 先ほどまでの懐かしい記憶とは何もかも違う、けれど、そう嫌いでもない風景。 |
Without a doubt, it was the amusement park. | 確かめるまでもなく、そこはあの遊園地だった。 |
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To him, his was his freshest memory. | 彼にとって最も鮮明な過去の記憶。 |
He recalled the house of mirrors that Aoko Aozaki destroyed. | 蒼崎青子が爆破したミラーハウスが懐かしい。 |
This park was a flawless replica of reality, but he was the only one there. | 現実と寸分の狂いもない遊園地だが、今いるのは彼だけだ。 |
Without having to worry about anyone chasing him, he sat down on the wreckage of Kitsy's rides and looked up at the moon that should have been shot down. | 誰に追いかけられる心配もないので、キッツィーちゃんの残骸に腰を下ろして、撃ち抜かれた筈の月を見上げた。 |
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The winter moon shone white like a jewel. | 白い、玻璃を思わせる冬の月。 |
It was layered over the figure of the girl who'd tried to kill him. | その月を背に、彼を殺そうとした少女の姿が重なった。 |
...If a mage was a witch, then she definitely fit the bill. | ……魔術師が魔女だと言うのなら、あの瞬間の彼女は確かにそうだったのだろう。 |
"I don't mind being killed." | “殺されてもいい” |
Such an absurd thing to say, but it spilled out of him so naturally. | そんな、あまりにも馬鹿げた言葉が、ごく自然にこぼれたぐらいには。 |
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"...Well, maybe..." | 「……いや、でも―――」 |
That had nothing to do with witches or magecraft. | あれは魔女やら魔術やらとは関係ない。 |
There was an echo in the gaps of his heart. | 胸の隙をついた響き。 |
If she had not spoken those words, then he would not have responded as he did. | 彼女があんな言葉さえ口にしなければ、彼もあんな言葉を返さなかった。 |
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In that moment, what had Aoko Aozaki said to him? | ……あのとき、蒼崎青子はどんな言葉を投げたのか。 |
As he tried to remember, his deep slumber drew to an end. | それを思い出そうとしているうちに、深かった彼の眠りは終わりを告げた。 |
And with it, his chance to find the answers he so wished he could find. | もしかすると、夢見より長かった回想の答えもないままに。 |
Scene 2
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Then... | ……そうして。 |
Soujyuro woke up in an unfamiliar room, gasping. | 見知らぬ部屋のベッドで目を覚ました瞬間、草十郎は大きく息を呑んだ。 |
Not because the plush mattress he was on was softer than his apartment's cheap futon, | アパートの安布団とは段違いのベッドの感触や、 |
or because everything from the carpet to the wallpaper looked expensive... | 絨毯はおろか壁紙まで高価そうな部屋の雰囲気に……ではなく。 |
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"..." | 「―――、―――」 |
Bewildered, he tried to catch his breath. | 眼を白黒させたまま、こぼれかけた息を呑みこむ。 |
She was the cause of his surprise. | 驚きの原因はそれだ。 |
The moment Soujyuro's eyes snapped open, there she was, the girl dressed in black, sitting at his bedside. | 草十郎がぱちりと目を覚ました傍らに、あの、黒衣の少女が座っていた。 |
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The silence was deafening. | 物音ひとつない静寂だった。 |
Still supine on the bed, Soujyuro gazed at her. | 草十郎はベッドに横になったまま少女を見つめる。 |
His impulse was to sit up, but he refrained, thinking it might be rude to be it staring at the person sitting next to him. | なんとなく上半身を起こしたい衝動にかられもしたが、真っ正面からまじまじと見るのは無遠慮かもしれない、と思いとどまった。 |
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She was just sitting there, on a chair, | 少女は椅子に座っているようだ。 |
dressed in black, modest clothes. | 黒い、飾り気のない服装。 |
Still, she projected an air that was anything but plain; her monochrome outfit evoked indescribable elegance. | そのくせ質素な印象はなく、単色なのに言いようのない気品を感じる。 |
Like a costume handmade just for her, from the finest fabrics. | 高級な繊維で作られた、この少女の為の装飾――― |
It was enough to inspire poetic sentiments even in Soujyuro. | そんな詩的な感想を、草十郎をして抱かせるほどの。 |
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The girl continued to sit, completely motionless. | 少女は座ったままぴくりとも動かない。 |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Without realizing it, Soujyuro had stopped breathing. | 草十郎の呼吸は知らず止まっていた。 |
Genuine astonishment had him captivated. | 呼吸を忘れて少女に見入ったのは、純粋な驚きからだ。 |
Such beauty... | ただ美しい。 |
It was the first time he had ever thought to use such a simple, plain expression to describe another human being. | その、あまりにも単純で、あんまりにも理由のない表現を同じ人間に用いたのは、初めてのことだった。 |
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She was the daffodil, in perfect bloom. | 純潔のまま成長した水仙の花。 |
Or the ideal female form, seen only in dreams. | あるいは、夢に描かれた理想の少女像。 |
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This quality was something to be cherished and admired in her. | 少女のソレは、鑑賞され、愛でられる為の美しさだ。 |
It was different from Aoko Aozaki's blindingly radiant vitality. | 蒼崎青子の華やかな、生命に満ちた輝きとは違う。 |
After all, the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long, | なぜなら、生命あるかぎり人は老いて尽きる。 |
and there was no way this girl would be allowed such a happy ending. | そのような結末―――幸福な完結は、この少女には許される筈がない。 |
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Her life was a solitary fable of someone who left the world in exactly the same way they entered it. | それはこの奇跡のまま生まれ、このカタチのまま滅び去るひとつの寓話。 |
With her humanity stolen at birth, hers was an existence not of this world. | 生まれながらに人間としての生を奪われた、この世ならざる命のあり方。 |
...The more beautiful something was, the more tragic its fate. | ……過度に美しいものほど、結末は無惨なものになる。 |
Growing up in the mountains, this was not something Soujyuro was taught, but something he learned from experience. | 山奥育ちの草十郎にとって、それは教えられるまでもなく経験している事だった。 |
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(...It looks like she's sleeping.) | 『……眠ってるみたいだ』 |
Soujyuro turned his head, as though he was being lured in. | 草十郎は誘われるように、首を横に向ける。 |
He knew it was rude to stare, but he couldn't fight his instincts. | 横顔を盗み見るのは無遠慮だと知りつつ、本能には逆らえなかった。 |
Then... | そうして――― |
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"...Huh?" | 「……え?」 |
This time, his heart actually skipped a beat. | 今度こそ本当に、一瞬、心臓が止まった。 |
She was not asleep at all. | 少女は眠ってなどいなかった。 |
Expressionless, she was merely watching over him while he recovered. | 無表情に、横たわる怪我人を見つめていただけだったのだ。 |
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"..." | 「…………」 |
Soujyuro froze, unable to turn his head away or think of something clever to say. It was like staring into her eyes turned him to stone. | 草十郎はベッドに横になったまま、動かした首を戻す事もできず、かといって気のきいた台詞も浮かばず、少女と無言で見つめあう。 |
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Perhaps because of her delicate features, she looked somewhat younger than him. | ……華奢な輪郭からか、自分よりいくぶん幼く見える。 |
On the other hand, her tranquil expression made him feel like she was older. | 反面、落ち着いた表情が年上のようにも感じさせた。 |
Jet-black hair, just to her shoulders. | 肩口までの髪はにごりのない黒。 |
Her large eyes were set like onyx stones, matching her hair. | そんな髪に合わせたように、大きめの瞳も混ざり気のない黒一色。 |
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"..." | 「……………………」 |
Devoid of emotion, her gaze stayed fixed on Soujyuro. | 少女は感情のない瞳を草十郎に向けている。 |
Even after their eyes met, she did not turn away. | 草十郎と見つめ合うカタチになっても目は逸らさない。 |
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"..." | 「…………………………」 |
He wanted to speak, but could not find the words. | 草十郎は声をかけようにもかけられない。 |
It was not unlike a frog being stared down by a snake. Nevertheless he just could not bring himself to say something. | 蛇に睨まれた蛙、という程でもないけれど、いま少女に話しかけるのは躊躇われた。 |
Soujyuro responded, | それに、 |
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No matter how carefree Soujyuro might have been, he was painfully aware that this girl was as powerful as Aoko. | いかに暢気な草十郎でも、この少女が青子と同じ種類の爆弾である事は身に染みて知っていた。 |
Less talkative, to be sure, but still powerful. | 一方、少女は少女で堅く口を閉ざしている。 |
Objectively, the scene was not unlike that of someone nursing a bedridden stranger. | 一心に、雑念なく、横になった異邦人を看病する……ような雰囲気。 |
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He had no idea what she may have been thinking about, but it seemed to him this harsh silence might last forever. | 少女が何を考えているかは不明だが、草十郎にとっては辛い沈黙が続いていく。 |
All he could say for sure was that the quiet did not appear to bother her in the slightest. | 草十郎に分かるのは、少女はこの沈黙をまったく気にしていない、という事だけ。 |
It was like some bizarre form of punishment. | これでは何らかの罰ゲーム、罰則と言えなくもない。 |
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(...If this is some kind of test from Aozaki, it sure is elaborate.) | 『……。これが蒼崎の仕込みなら手がこみすぎる……』 |
He thought, keeping his eyes on the girl. | などと思いつつも、草十郎は少女から目を離せなかった。 |
He felt like the moment he turned his head or blinked, she might stab him in the chest with a hidden blade... | 自分が首を戻したり目を閉じた瞬間、少女が隠し持ったナイフで自分の胸を刺すのでは…… |
...and not because his imagination was running away with him. | なんて想像をかきたてられたからではない。 |
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In the stifling silence, it was only natural that Soujyuro would think back on what had happened in the amusement park, and it made him uneasy. | たしかに重苦しい沈黙で、遊園地での事を思い返すと不安になるけれど――― |
But stronger than any anxiety was his fascination with the girl. | それ以上に少女は魅力的だと、彼は思ったのだ。 |
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Her slender frame and milky white skin... | 細い体と白い肌。 |
The chill of her guarded stare, the warmth of her lingering femininity... | 人を寄せ付けない瞳の冷たさと、いまだ残った少女の面影の温かさ。 |
It was the mixture of those two latter qualities that was almost magical. | その二つが混ざりあった姿は、魔的なものと言ってもいい。 |
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(...?) | 『…………?』 |
He stared at her for so long, he began to get the feeling that they had met somewhere before. | そこまで少女と向き合って、草十郎は彼女とは以前会っているような気がした。 |
Sometime before the conflict at Kitsy Land... | 遊園地の一件よりもう少し前。 |
He could not quite put his finger on it, but he was sure he had seen her previously. | どこでだったかは思い出せないけれど、たしかに以前見かけた気がする。 |
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"Um, I don't know if this is the right time to ask this, but..." | 「その、いまさらだけど」 |
His voice shattered the frozen silence in the room. | 凍りついた部屋に、白々しく響く自分の声。 |
He almost felt sorry for making noise as he spoke out to her. | その場違いさに申し訳ない気持ちになりながら、草十郎は少女に語りかけた。 |
But they could not very well just sit and stare at each other forever. | いつまでも見つめ合っている訳にもいかない。 |
...Though, he might have been the only one thinking they were "staring," and perhaps she thought they were "glaring" at each other. | ……見つめ合っていると思っていたのは自分だけで、少女は睨み合っていたつもりかも知れないし。 |
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"Where am I, and who might you be?" | 「ここはどこで、君は誰だか分かるかな」 |
She narrowed her eyes slightly, | 少女は黒い瞳をかすかに細める。 |
though apparently, not out of offense. | 気分を害した……風ではなさそうだ。 |
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"..." | 「………………」 |
There was no response. | 質問の返事はない。 |
Just as he was thinking it would have been better to keep quiet, she quietly raised her hand. | やっぱり黙ってよう、と草十郎が思った矢先、少女は静かに片腕を上げた。 |
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"This is yours, is it not?" | 「これ、あなたのでしょう」 |
Her voice was cold, but melodic . | 冷たいが、唄のような声。 |
A white piece of cloth was wrapped in her fingers. | 少女の指には白い布が絡まっている。 |
There was no need to tell him what it was. | それが何であるかなど、草十郎には語るまでもない。 |
He was conscious enough to recognize his own possessions. | 自分の持ち物を忘れるほど寝ぼけてはいなかったらしい。 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro sat speechless as she tossed it to him. | 無言の草十郎に、少女はふわりと布を落とした。 |
Picking it up, he wrapped it around his neck. | 草十郎は布を拾い上げ、くるくると自分の首に巻く。 |
EN | JP |
"...Does Aoko know about that?" | 「……青子は、それを知っているの?」 |
He looked away in response to her blunt question, | ぶしつけな問いから、草十郎は目を逸らす。 |
distracted by something unrelated. | 彼の頭に浮かんだのはまったく関係のない事だ。 |
She called Aoko Aozaki by her given name, | 少女は蒼崎青子を『青子』と呼んだ。 |
which led him to believe that the mountain Aoko had argued with in his dream was actually the girl beside him. | では、青子が喧嘩を売っていたのは向かいの山ではなく彼女だったのだろう、と。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm not sure." | 「さあ、どうだろう」 |
As sincerely as he could, he answered without presumption. | できるだけ真摯に、予断を交えず草十郎は返答する。 |
EN | JP |
There are things that should be known, and things that need not be. | 知るべき事と、知らなくてもいい事。 |
There are also things that should be told, and other things that must not be. | 伝えるべき事と、伝わってはいけない事。 |
Soujyuro was not exactly sure what "that" she was referring to. However... | 少女の言う「それ」がどちらなのか、草十郎には考えられない。ただ、 |
"But, maybe it's better that way." | 「でも、その方がいいとは思うよ」 |
He smiled slightly at her question. | ごく自然に、少女の問いに微笑んだ。 |
EN | JP |
Perhaps impressed by his response, the overwhelming pressure in the room dissipated noticeably. | そんな草十郎の対応に感じ入るものがあったのか、部屋を支配していた重圧は目に見えて薄れていった。 |
Or maybe she had been more nervous than he was the entire time, | もしかすると、緊張の度合いは草十郎より少女の方が上だったのかも知れない。 |
projecting the image that his room was her domain a tad too strongly. | ……この場を支配していた少女の心の在り方が、部屋に投影されていたのなら。 |
EN | JP |
The tension faded. | 緊張は消えた。 |
Soujyuro tried to sit up and prop his arms beneath him. | 草十郎は体を起こそうとベッドに腕をたてる。 |
Now that they were talking, it seemed awkward to stay lying down. | こうして話し合える以上、寝たままなのは不便だと思ったらしい。 |
However, his body felt strange as he tried to move, and it surprised him how difficult it was to sit up. | が。起きようとした途端、体の異様なだるさに驚いてしまって、簡単には起き上がれなかった。 |
It took everything he had just to raise his upper body to a sitting position. | もぞもぞと動いて、ようやく上半身を起こすのが精一杯だ。 |
EN | JP |
"...Huh? I'm still in my clothes." | 「……あれ? 洋服のままだ」 |
As he threw the covers back, he tilted his head quizzically. | かかっていた毛布を剥ぐなり、不思議そうに首をかしげる。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm sorry. This is such a nice bed, too. I shouldn't be in my clothes under the sheets. What a waste of a good bed." | 「申し訳ない。こんないい布団なのに、これじゃ不釣り合いだ。……というより、勿体ない」 |
She stared at him, not expecting him to complain about not wearing pajamas while sleeping. | どうせならベッドに似合う寝間着で寝たかった、などとぼやく草十郎を、少女は意外そうに見つめている。 |
Somehow, it appeared that he had done something to surprise her. | 何か、少女にとって予想外の事をしてしまったらしい。 |
EN | JP |
(But why? I didn't do anything.) | 『なんでだ。何もしてないぞ、俺』 |
Pouting a bit at the unwarranted curiosity, he turned to face her. | 謂われのない好奇心を向けられ、なんとなく拗ねながら草十郎は少女に体を向けた。 |
Although he was still mostly laying down, it was at least a more dignified position. | まだベッドの上に横たわってはいるものの、幾分ましな姿勢になっている。 |
EN | JP |
"So... any chance you'll tell me...?" | 「それで、さっきの続きだけど」 |
Indeed, he needed to find out where he was and who she was before anything else. | そう、ここが何処で少女が何者なのか、まずそれを教えてもらわないと始まらない。 |
Actually, the more he thought about what happened at the amusement park, the more he got a sinking feeling in his stomach. | 実際のところ、遊園地の事を思い出せば思い出すほど、そら恐ろしい想像しかできないのだが。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Perhaps finally getting through to her, she calmly moved her arm from behind her back, when... | そんな草十郎の決意が伝わったのか、少女も冷徹に、背中に回していた手を動かそうとした時。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「…………」 |
"..." | 「…………」 |
Once again, they silently locked eyes. | またも無言で見つめ合ってしまう。 |
Thump, thump, thump. | バタバタバタ。 |
There was a startling sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. | 外から響いてくる足音は、何者かが走って来るものだ。 |
They both had a pretty good idea of who it was. | それが誰のものか、少女はともかく草十郎にさえもありありと予測でき――― |
EN | JP |
"Alice! You promised!" | 「有珠っ、約束!」 |
Like so. | この通り。 |
Aoko Aozaki burst through the door with a thunderous roar. | 乱暴な一喝と共に入ってきたのは予想通り、蒼崎青子その人だった。 |
Scene 3
EN | JP |
She entered wearing her school uniform, her long hair flowing behind her. | 彼女は制服姿で、長い髪をなびかせて登場した。 |
Her breathing was heavy and her forehead was wrinkled by a scowl, granting her a demonic appearance. | 乱れた呼吸と不機嫌そうにつり上がった瞳が、どことなく修羅めいている。 |
EN | JP |
"Alice!" | 「有珠っ!」 |
This girl named Alice scowled slightly in response. | 青子にそう呼ばれた少女―――有珠はわずかに眉を顰めた。 |
She may have even let a sigh of disappointment slip out. | ……はあ、とかため息をこぼしたのかもしれない。 |
EN | JP |
"Aoko. Home early, I see." | 「早かったわね、青子」 |
Her calm voice was the polar opposite of Aoko's. | 激している青子とは正反対の落ち着いた声。 |
Needless to say, her voice dripped with a brazen coldness. | どこか白々しいのは言うまでもない。 |
EN | JP |
"That's because I know you all too well. | 「そりゃあ、アンタの性格は知り抜いてるからね。 |
Over the past two years, I've come to expect how quickly you jump to conclusions. You might act mild-mannered, but as soon as things don't go your way, the veil drops." | こういう時の短絡思考はこの二年で経験済みよ。お行儀がいいようで、面倒になったらあっさり投げ捨てるのがアンタでしょ」 |
"Oh dear, you make it sound so scandalous." | 「いやね、人聞きの悪い」 |
EN | JP |
Effortlessly, she brushed aside Aoko's jab. | 青子の指摘を軽く受け流す有珠。 |
In doing so, Soujyuro had the distinct impression that she no longer even realized he was in the room. | もう草十郎なんて目に入っていない、と言わんばかりの態度だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Ha! Let the record show that I've lost count of how many times you've gone back on your word. | 「はん。それで今日まで何度煮え湯を飲まされたコトか。 |
I'm tired of hearing the same old story after the fact: 'I know I said I would leave it to you, but after careful consideration I decided to take care of it myself.' | 青子に譲るといったけど、よく考えると面倒だから私の方で処理しておいたわ―――なんて事後承諾、もう聞き飽きたっつーの。 |
I may have come to terms with your short fuse, but the least you can do in return is to trust your partner to set things right, no?" | 短気なのはそっちの自由だけど、それなら後の始末は相方に任せるのが最低限の筋ってもんじゃないの?」 |
EN | JP |
"You're right. We wouldn't be partners otherwise. | 「そうね。そうでなければ協闘している意味がないわ。 |
Though... you're hardly one to talk, after unilaterally deciding our plan from here on out." | ……まあ。今後の方針を勝手に決めた人の台詞じゃないとは思うけど」 |
EN | JP |
"We've been over this already. | 「それもきっちり片をつけたでしょう。 |
We won, okay! Besides, who was the one who said we should let him live if he escaped? Yet again you've gone back on your word, Alice. | いい、勝ったのは私たちよ。逃げ切れば見逃してあげるって言ったのは誰? 言動には責任を持ちなさい有珠。 |
Oh, don't tell me. Next you'll be saying that's the reason you can't let sleeping dogs lie!" | それともなに。もしかして、一番気に食わないのはそのあたりの理由なワケ?」 |
EN | JP |
Alice frowned slightly and fell silent. | む、と考えこむ有珠。 |
Her housemate seemed to have struck a nerve that Alice herself did not know was there. | 青子の詰問は、有珠自身気付いていなかったところを突いたらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"Anyway... | 「とにかく。 |
We agreed to decide what to do with him when he wakes up, after hearing him out, right? | コイツの扱いは、ちゃんと目が覚めて、本人の意志でどうするか決めるまで保留ってコトで合意したでしょ。 |
So stop trying to flip the script every time my back's turned." | 人の留守中に出し抜くのはやめてよね」 |
EN | JP |
"...Speaking of which, aren't you supposed to be at school? | 「……それ。青子、学校はどうしたの。 |
It's noon already." | まだ正午になったばかりなのに」 |
EN | JP |
"I remembered you only had your school's end-of-term ceremony today, so I told them I had to leave early for personal reasons. This is so warped. I have finals coming up, for goodness' sake." | 「有珠の学校が今日で終業式って思い出して、家庭の事情って事で早退したのよ。期末試験前だってのに、ほんと、なにやってんだか」 |
Aoko grumbled, more to herself than anyone else in the room. | 誰かに同意を求めるのではなく、自分自身に言い聞かせるように青子は言う。 |
EN | JP |
Then, she locked eyes with Alice. | そうして青子と有珠は見つめ合った。 |
Or more accurately, they glared daggers at each other. | いや、正しくは睨み合っている。 |
The room had become tense once again, and it felt like a fight could break out at any moment. With no way to escape, Soujyuro had no choice but to sit and watch. | 今まさにとっくみ合いの喧嘩が始まりそうな緊迫感だが、第三者としてはなす術なく眺めているしかない。 |
EN | JP |
...It all made sense. | ……もっとも。 |
The electric silence that seemed like it would last forever suddenly broke about a minute later. | しばらく続くと思われた沈黙は、一分ほどであっさりと終わってしまった。 |
Apparently this sort of clash was an everyday occurrence. | この程度のぶつかり合いは日常茶飯事らしい。 |
EN | JP |
"...I'll be in the drawing room. | 「……わたしは居間に行っているから。 |
Explain the circumstances to him." | 彼に事情を説明してあげて」 |
Alice stood up from the chair and made for the door. | 有珠は椅子から立ち上がり、扉へと歩きだす。 |
EN | JP |
Watching her go, Soujyuro cocked his head. | その背中を見て草十郎は首を傾げてしまった。 |
In her hand was what could only be described as... | 有珠の手には何か、どう控えめに表現しても、 |
(...A fruit knife?) | 『……果物、ナイフ……?』 |
He had no other words to describe the tool she was clutching. | としか言い表せない得物が握られていたからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Alice. I hate to ask, but what's in your hand?" | 「有珠。あえて聞くけど、その手に持ってるの、なに?」 |
Aoko asked Alice as she walked past. | 横を通り過ぎる有珠に問いかける青子。 |
"A dagger, what else?" | 「短剣ね、どう見ても」 |
Alice answered expressionlessly, before briskly walking out of the room. | 有珠は無表情で返答し、スタスタと部屋から立ち去った。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「……………………」 |
Soujyuro thought it best to not think too deeply about the scene he had just witnessed. | よし。今の会話に関しては深く考えないようにしよう、と自己防衛する草十郎なのだった。 |
Scene 4
EN | JP |
At any rate, the girl in black had withdrawn, and along with her the feeling of tension. | ともあれ、緊張感の大本であった黒衣の少女は立ち去った。 |
Leaving a bedridden Soujyuro alone with an Aoko still dressed for school. | 部屋にはベッドに横になった草十郎と、制服姿の蒼崎青子がいる。 |
From Soujyuro's perspective, this was a perfect chance to get answers to his ever growing list of questions. | 草十郎からすれば、たまりにたまった疑問を解決するには絶好の機会だ。 |
EN | JP |
"My head's spinning, Aozaki." | 「ワケの分からない事だらけだ、蒼崎」 |
"I bet. I'll explain everything in order, so just shut up and listen." | 「でしょうね。順序だてて説明してあげるから、ちょっと黙ってて」 |
EN | JP |
"I see the facial paralysis is gone, and your breathing has stabilized. It looks like you're through the worst of it." | 「顔の麻痺も取れてるし、呼吸も再開、と……これならもう安心かな」 |
She nodded, satisfied, as she took a seat. | 青子はよし、と頷いて椅子に腰を下ろした。 |
EN | JP |
"How do you feel?" | 「どう、調子は?」 |
"A bit...sluggish." | 「…………なんか、だるい」 |
He answered meekly, dropping his shoulders. | がっくりと肩を落として、草十郎は弱々しく返答する。 |
He opened and closed his left hand a few times, but moving his fingers felt slow and awkward. It was clear he was still in bad shape. | 答えながらも左手を何度か握りしめたが、指の動きは緩慢で、ぎこちない。体がまだ不調であるのは明白だ。 |
EN | JP |
Meanwhile, Aoko was blinking her eyes in wonder. | 一方、青子は目をしばたたいていた。 |
Or was it admiration? | 驚き……というより、感心しているようだ。 |
Between Alice and Aoko, Soujyuro did not know which of the girls was the harder to read. | 有珠といい青子といい、草十郎には彼女たちの表情を読み取るのは難しい。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, you're bound to feel a bit sluggish. | 「ま、体が重いのは当然よ。 |
Lying in bed for two days straight would make anyone feel weak. | まる二日経ってるし、寝てるだけでも体は弱ってるだろうし。 |
But, I never thought you would be well enough to speak. | でも、もう話せるくらい回復してるとは思わなかった。 |
You're a lot tougher than you look." | アンタって見かけより頑丈にできてるのね」 |
"...Two days...?" | 「? ……二日って?」 |
EN | JP |
"It's been two days. Don't worry about the school, I submitted a notice of absence. | 「あれからそれだけ経ってるの。学校には欠席届だしといたから、その点は安心して。 |
In the meantime, Alice and I dispelled the Gandr curse and Dumpty poem." | ガンドの呪いもダンプティの詩篇も、私と有珠とで解呪しといたから」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro nodded at the word "curse" as if recalling it suddenly. | 呪いと聞いて、草十郎はああ、と頷いた。 |
It was all coming back to him now. | そういえば、そんな事もあったなぁ、と。 |
EN | JP |
"What's wrong? You look troubled by something." | 「どうかした? そんな遠い目しちゃって」 |
"I just forgot everything that really happened is all. Was I really asleep for two days? Getting cursed is pretty scary." | 「ああ、忘れてた。それで二日も寝こんでたのか。恐いもんだな、呪われるって事は」 |
"You're as cool as a cucumber, aren't you? It's as if two days on death's door hasn't changed you a bit. Do you realize you were one step away from becoming a vegetable for the rest of your life?" | 「……ほんと緊張感ないわねアンタ。蝋のように眠ってたのが嘘みたいよ。下手すると一生あのまま、石膏もどきだったかもしれないのに」 |
EN | JP |
"...Wait just a second. Was it really that bad?" | 「……ちょっと待った。今、すごいコト言わなかったか?」 |
"It was, and I guess you're proof that ignorance is bliss after all. | 「言ったけど聞かぬが花よ。 |
Anyway, what's done is done. Be sure to thank Alice later. I couldn't have lifted the curses without her help." | ま、経緯はどうあれ、後で有珠にお礼を言っときなさい。私じゃ解呪できなかったんだから」 |
"...Sometimes bliss is overrated. | 「……ひどい花もあったもんだ。 |
Oh, and yeah, you said the name 'Alice.' Was that girl Alice? | あ、けど、有珠っていうのはさっきの娘か? |
Was she the one who, you know, tried to kill us at the amusement park?" | 遊園地で、その……俺たちを殺そうとした?」 |
Aoko replied that it was. | それにまあね、と答える青子。 |
EN | JP |
"She was sitting by my side for ages. Is this her room or something?" | 「彼女、ずっとそこに座ってたけど。……ここは彼女の部屋なのか?」 |
Soujyuro scanned the room again. | 草十郎は改めて部屋を見渡す。 |
He was not accustomed to sleeping on anything other than a futon, and the room looked especially foreign to him. | 自分が眠っていたベッド共々、彼の見聞にはない洋風の部屋。 |
EN | JP |
"No, this is just a guest room. It hasn't been used in forever, hence the dust over everything. | 「ううん、ここはただの客室。長いこと使ってなかったから埃だらけでしょ。 |
More importantly, what did you and Alice talk about?" | それより有珠と何か話したの、あなた?」 |
"...Well... | 「―――。 |
We didn't really talk so much as..." | いや、あれを会話と言うのは、ちょっと」 |
He brought his hand to his mouth, and recalled the few words they exchanged. | 草十郎は口に手を当てて、さっき交わした言葉を思い返す。 |
EN | JP |
As Soujyuro said, calling it a conversation would be a gross overstatement. | ……彼の言う通り、アレを会話と言うのはおこがましい。 |
And yet, thinking back on it, it seemed like they had talked for hours, which brought an uncomfortable smile to his face. | なのに、思い返してみると何時間も話していた気がして、草十郎はかすかに苦笑してしまった。 |
EN | JP |
"But it's fine, I'm no longer worried. | 「とはいえ、緊張は解けたと思うよ。 |
Although, it would have been nice if you had come a little later, Aozaki." | 蒼崎がやってくるのがもう少し遅かったら良かったのに」 |
Aoko narrowed her eyes at his innocent slip of the tongue. | 本心からの一言に、青子はムッと瞳を細める。 |
She knew Soujyuro did not mean to treat her like a nuisance, but nevertheless, she found it hard to take the full brunt of the words said to her face. | 草十郎が青子を邪魔者扱いしていないのは分かるが、面と向かって言われるのは面白くない。 |
Even worse, she sensed she was getting used to his manner of speaking. | さらに面白くないのは、彼のそんな言動に慣れはじめている自分がいる事だ。 |
EN | JP |
"So that's why she... You really do have a knack for surviving by the skin of your teeth, don't you?" | 「でも、だから、なのかもね。相変わらず首の皮一枚の人生送ってるわ、貴方って」 |
He tilted his head, clearly confused. | それにはい? と首を傾げる草十郎。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm saying you did something to please Alice. | 「だから、アンタはよっぽど有珠好みの対応をしたのよ。 |
That's the reason you're still alive." | まだ生きてるって、そういうコト」 |
"???" | 「???」 |
No matter how hard he tried, he could not grasp what she was getting at. | 青子の言いたい事はどうにも草十郎には掴めなかった。 |
He decided to change the subject to something else. | 掴めなかったので、その事はあえて訊かない事にする。 |
EN | JP |
"...By the way, where are we, exactly? | 「……ところで、ここは何処なんだ? |
I asked the other girl, but she wouldn't tell me. You can tell me, right, Aozaki?" | あの娘に訊いても教えてくれなかったけど、蒼崎なら教えてくれるだろ」 |
EN | JP |
"You are inside Misaki's infamous haunted house. But you can call it the Kuonji Estate. | 「ここは三咲町の幽霊屋敷よ。正確には久遠寺邸と言えばいいかしらね。 |
And that girl...that's Alice Kuonji. This is her mansion, which happens to be the place I currently call home. After the other night, I, uh, brought you here. You don't remember, do you?" | さっきの娘……久遠寺有珠の持ち家で、私が住んでるところでもある。あの後、貴方をここまで持ってきたんだけど、覚えてないでしょ?」 |
Something about the way she said that made him feel uncomfortable. | 持ってきた、という単語にいまいち違和感を覚える草十郎だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Kuonji... I've heard that name before. Hey, I know, some old guys in the shopping district were talking about it. The Kuonji's are a rich and famous family, or something." | 「久遠寺って言う名前は聞きおぼえがあるような……そうだ、よく商店街でおじさんたちが話してた。なんでもえらいお金持ちだとか、なんとか」 |
"Don't you dare say that in front of Alice. | 「それ、有珠の前ではご法度よ。 |
If you want to live here in peace, that is." | 穏便にここで暮らしたいならね」 |
"...?" | 「……?」 |
Confused yet again, Soujyuro tilted his head for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. | 本日何度目かになる首傾げだった。 |
And once again, he had heard something to make him feel uneasy. | 今、またも引っ掛かる単語が出てきた気がする。 |
EN | JP |
"Aozaki...? Did you just say...?" | 「蒼崎。君、今なんて言った?」 |
"Sizuki. I have very little patience for liars, idiots, and people that make me repeat myself. | 「静希君。私ね、あからさまな嘘を言う人と、同じ事を何度も言わせる人と、察しの悪い人には容赦しないから。 |
Do your best to remember that if you want to enjoy your stay here." | そのあたり覚えておいてね、ここで平穏に暮らしたいなら」 |
With her best smile, Aoko made her threatening proclamation. | 極上の笑顔で、さわやかに不穏な宣言をする青子。 |
Needless to say, it caught Soujyuro completely off guard. | もちろん、草十郎にとっては寝耳に水の話である。 |
EN | JP |
"I must have misheard you, because I could have sworn you said something about me living here." | 「……気のせいならいいんだけど、君の言葉には、俺がここに住むような響きが感じられる」 |
He shot her an honest stare of disapproval. | 草十郎は正直に、心底から嫌そうな顔で青子を見る。 |
It was the best resistance he could muster. | 彼なりの精一杯の反政府運動だ。 |
But it was not in the slightest effective against Aoko's overpowering ruthless glare. | が、そんな貧弱な運動は効かない、とばかりに青子は冷酷な視線を返すのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"The quicker you understand the position you're in, the better it'll be for you." | 「貴方、自分の立場を分かってる?」 |
"You mean..." | 「えーと、」 |
He considered her words carefully. | それが分かっていれば蒼崎が苦労しない、というのは分かるよ――― |
He wanted to openly express his feelings on the matter, but instead he swallowed his words and shook his head. | なんて感想を喉もとで止めて、草十郎は首を横に振った。 |
EN | JP |
Despite his typical inability to read people's emotions, he at least seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. | 空気を読めない彼でも、今は自重すべきだと感じ取ったらしい。 |
It appeared that he had finally realized that it was his carefree mood that typically got on Aoko's nerves. | そんなのんびりした態度こそが青子の癪に障る事を、彼もそろそろ気付くべきだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...Ugh. My mistake. I forgot there's no use beating around the bush with you. | 「……はあ。そうだった。アンタに回りくどいこと言っても無駄だったのよね。 |
Fine, I wanted to give you time to think, but we're way past that, so I'll just come right out and say it." | いいわ、考える時間ぐらいあげたかったけど、時間もないし、はっきりと言ってあげる」 |
EN | JP |
"Listen to me, Sizuki. | 「いい、静希君? |
As of now, you're being placed under our supervision. You will be living here, together with us, for the time being. | このたび、貴方は私たちの監視下に置かれることになりました。しばらくはここで一緒に暮らしてもらいます。 |
Naturally, I reserve the right to decide whether you live or die." | もちろん、生殺与奪の権利はこちらにあるという条件で」 |
EN | JP |
"Wha...?" | 「なっ……!」 |
The blatant tyranny in her voice caused him to sputter. | あまりの横暴さに吹き出しかける草十郎。 |
He wished that she would stop smiling in an attempt to make it seem any less outrageous. | 笑顔で言えば傍若無人が通ると思うのもやめてほしい。 |
EN | JP |
"L-Live together? ...With you?!" | 「い、一緒に住むって蒼崎とか!?」 |
It was not the faint expectation of living under the same roof with Aoko that had him flustered. | あわてているのは青子と一つ屋根の下で暮らす事に淡い期待を持ってのこと――― |
Rather... | では当然なく、 |
He was genuinely concerned about his own safety. | 純粋に、己が身を案じてだ。 |
EN | JP |
Regardless of how good-natured he was, it seemed he finally had come to grips with the fact that he just escaped death. | いかに彼がお人好しでも、一度殺されかけた事実はきちんと受けとめていたらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"You can't be serious! | 「とんでもない! |
That's like seeking warmth next to a bear before it goes into hibernation!" | 冬眠前の熊と、一緒に暖を取るようなもんだ!」 |
Aoko agreed, as blunt a comparison as it was. | 失礼な感想に、青子はそうね、と平然と答える。 |
EN | JP |
"Once in a while you have some pretty accurate metaphors, you know? | 「たまには的確な比喩をするじゃない。 |
But I'm glad you figured it out. Make a wrong move or break a rule and I'll end you, for real this time. | 貴方の言う通り、下手なコトをしたり決まりを破ったりしたら今度こそ息の根止めるからね。 |
Plus, it's just me and Alice you'll be living with. | それと、ここに住んでるのは私と有珠のふたりだけよ。 |
She has way less common sense than I do, so if you're not careful, you'll wind up dead by her hands, too." | あの子、私なんかより数倍常識ないから。気をつけないと死んじゃうぞ」 |
EN | JP |
Aoko was one hundred percent serious. | 青子は100パーセント本気である。 |
It was her sincerity that made it all the more believable. | 嘘偽りない発言こそ誠意と言わんばかりだ。 |
"No! No no no!" | 「いや、いやいやいや!」 |
Obviously, there was no way the victim, Soujyuro, could accept these terms. | 無論、そんなんで被害者である草十郎が納得できる筈もない。 |
EN | JP |
"Wait a minute. You're not making any sense, Aozaki! | 「待ってくれ、俺にはちっとも蒼崎が分からない! |
EN | JP |
You say I'm under your supervision, but why is that necessary? If you think about it, I haven't even done anything wrong, so there's really no point in keeping an eye on me! | 監視するって言うけど、なんでそんな話になってるんだ? 考えられる範囲、悪いコトとかしてないし、そもそも俺を見張っても得なコトなんていっこもないし! |
|This has to be a misunderstanding!"|蒼崎は色々まちがってる!」|
EN | JP |
"...Is it... Are all mages like you, Aozaki?" | 「―――む。いや、それとも魔術師っていうのは、みんな蒼崎みたいなのか?」 |
EN | JP |
Arrogant and selfish...were the words that the harmless boy's gaze seemed to imply. | ぼうじゃくとかぶじんなのか? と心底困った視線を向けてくる人畜無害。 |
Aoko felt a headache coming on. | ……青子からすれば頭痛のタネもいいところだ。 |
Due to his innate easygoing persona, Soujyuro had not thought to question that Aoko being a mage was out of the ordinary. | 素直すぎるのも考えもので、この通り、草十郎は青子が魔術師であることを異常だと思っていないのである。 |
EN | JP |
"That's the problem! We need to keep an eye on you so you don't go around saying things like that and blow our cover, you dunce!" | 「だ、か、らっ! アンタが、そういう風に、誰はばかることなく私たちの事を言い触らさないかを見張ってんじゃない、この常識なしッ!」 |
Aoko flew out of her chair. | 青子は勢いあまって椅子から立ち上がった。 |
She had been doing her best to keep her cool, but it seemed her well of patience had finally run dry. | 先ほどから我慢してきた青子の堪忍袋の緒はすっぱりさっぱり、気分よく断ち切れたらしい。 |
Witnessing Aoko snap, Soujyuro clapped his hands together. | そんな青子を見て、ぽん、と草十郎は両手を合わせる。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh now I get it. The reason you tried to kill me was because you have to hide the fact that you're a mage. | 「そうか。蒼崎が俺を殺そうとしたのは、魔術師であることを隠さなくちゃいけないからだったっけ。 |
Okay, if that's the case then I get it. You're monitoring me to protect your secret, and not taking my life is your way of throwing me a bone." | うん、それなら分かる。監視するのは蒼崎の秘密のコトで、俺の命云々はオマケみたいなものか」 |
"...I mean, those aren't the words I would use, but sure. | 「…………。そりゃあ本質的に言えば、そうだけど。 |
It sounds a bit harsh when you put it that way." | 身もフタもないわね、その言い方」 |
EN | JP |
"But, isn't this all a little unrealistic? | 「けど、それはあまり意味がないんじゃないか? |
I have school and work to go to. I can't stay locked up inside this house all day." | 学校もあるし、バイトだってあるんだ。一日中、この家から出ないワケにはいかないんだぞ」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「……………………」 |
In an instant, Soujyuro's objectivity had her stumped, leaving her at a loss for words. | 自分を客観視できる草十郎に感心したのも一瞬、あまりの返答に絶句する青子だった。 |
He honestly had no idea what position he was in. | ほんとーに、この男は自分の立場というものが分かっていない。 |
To believe that he had any sort of freedom at this point was shocking, to say the least. | ここまでの話の流れで、そんな自由があると思っているあたり大物ではあるが。 |
EN | JP |
"...Just breathe, Aoko. If anything, this will speed things along." | 「……いや、落ち着け私。話が早くなってある意味助かるし」 |
Aoko somehow managed to compose herself. | なんとか体裁を整える青子。 |
As a matter of fact, she never had any intention of imprisoning him. | 実のところ、青子も監獄じみた拘束をする気はない。 |
Stripping him of his freedom and incarcerating him would go against their agreement, anyway. | あらゆる自由を禁じ屋敷に閉じこめる、なんて方法では草十郎との約束に反してしまう。 |
Besides, if she was going to go that far it would be easier to just kill him. | 第一、そこまでするなら亡き者にしたほうが早い。 |
To Aoko, letting him live meant showing a modicum of respect to Soujyuro's way of life. | 青子にとって『生かす』という事は、静希草十郎という人間の生活を最低限尊重する事である。 |
EN | JP |
"You're not saying... W-Wait, don't tell me I can't even leave this room?!" | 「あ。……も、もしかして、この部屋から出ちゃいけないのか、俺!?」 |
A light bulb went on in his head as he blurted out what he was thinking. | ピコーン、と音が鳴りかねない顔で、思いつきを口にする草十郎。 |
It appeared he had finally got the grim message. | 悪い方向での想像にようやく行き着いてくれたらしい。 |
Aoko looked somewhat satisfied at his dismay. | そんな狼狽ぶりに、少しだけ溜飲をさげる青子だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Relax. Locking you up would actually be more trouble than it's worth. | 「大丈夫よ。監禁生活なんて面倒なコトだけはしないから。 |
Your freedom was taken into consideration. To what degree you are free will be left to the discretion of Alice and her abilities, so you won't have to worry about that." | 貴方の自由はそれなりに考慮してあります。そのあたりのさじ加減は有珠の手腕に任せてあるから、貴方は心配しなくていいわ」 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
A gloomy look fell over Soujyuro's face, as he found his concern growing by the second. | 草十郎は無言で、それはよけいに心配なのでは、と顔を曇らせた。 |
EN | JP |
"All right, look. Sparing your life is based on the premise that you will live in this house under supervision, and that's only until a more permanent solution is found. | 「いい? 貴方の処遇は、この家に住むコトを前提にした監視で、それも解決策が見つかるまでの期間限定。 |
It's a lot more amicable than just disposing of the witness, don't you think? | 何でもいいから目撃者を殺す、なんて事より、こっちの方がよっぽど穏便でしょ。 |
...At any rate, this is my way of keeping our promise, so no complaining. This cold war I'm waging with Alice is enough of a headache, already." | ……だいたい、これは私と貴方との約束なんだから、いちいち文句言わないでよね。ただでさえ有珠との冷戦が続いてて頭痛いんだから」 |
She sighed as she stared Soujyuro down as he lay on the bed. | ため息まじりに言いつつ、青子はベッドの上の草十郎をキッと睨みつける。 |
EN | JP |
"But make no mistake. | 「けど勘違いはしないで。 |
Your status here is the lowest of the low, even lower than a dog's. Since that night, I'm the one to decide whether you live or die, which means you belong to me now. | ここじゃアンタの地位は最下層のさらに下、番犬より下なんだから。アンタの生殺与奪はあの夜から私が握ってるんだから、アンタは私に所有されてるようなもんなの。 |
Is that clear enough for you?" | さ、これで自分の立場、判った?」 |
EN | JP |
As Alice finished her declaration, Soujyuro subtly looked up at the ceiling so she would not notice his reaction. | 大威張りでそう言われて、青子に気付かれないよう、草十郎は天を仰いだ。 |
He meant no offense to Aoko, but he had to hide the fact that he fundamentally disagreed with her analogy. | 青子には申し訳ないが、ちっともぜんぜん判らない。 |
In Soujyuro's opinion, it was disrespectful to both dogs and humans to call him lower than a dog. A more accurate analogy of their power dynamic would be that of a rabbit and a wild boar, hence why he chose not to voice this opinion. | 個人的な感想と言えば、犬より簡単と言われて怒らないのは人間としても、お犬さまにも礼を欠くと思うのだが、自分と彼女の戦力差は兎と猪ほどもあるので反論もできない。 |
EN | JP |
"...Haa." | 「……………………はあ」 |
Unlike his apartment, the ceiling here was decorated with ornate patterns. | 見上げた天井は、自分の安アパートとは違って豪奢な紋様があしらわれている。 |
Putting aside how he would be treated here, in terms of lodging, it was a definite upgrade. | ……自分の扱いはともかく、建物に関しては文句なしにグレードが上がっている。 |
Maybe it would not be all that bad. | つまり、悪いことだけじゃないだろう、と。 |
Soujyuro nodded slowly, as if to persuade himself. | 自分に言い聞かせるように、草十郎はうんうんと頷いた。 |
And... | それに――― |
EN | JP |
"For the time being, I've decided to let you live." | “とりあえず、命は助けてあげるから” |
That is what she had told him. | あの時。 |
Not two days ago. | 彼女は確かにそう言ったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"While I don't really accept what you're saying, I understand my position. | 「あまり納得したくないけど、自分の立場は分かったよ。 |
I remember what you promised me now. There are lots of things I could disagree with, but I admit you did promise me at least that. | うん、たしかにそんな約束だった。色々と言いたい事はあるけど、それは認めるしかない。 |
Are you really serious about me living with the two of you? | だけど、君たちと一緒に住めっていうのは本気なのか? |
I know you're pretty easygoing, but that girl seems pretty against it, and I'm not exactly―" | 蒼崎は細かいコトは気にしないとしても、さっきの娘は嫌がりそうだし、俺だって少しは……」 |
At that point, he zipped his lips. | そこで、草十郎はぴたりと黙りこんだ。 |
Aoko's eyes were tinged with bloodlust. | 青子の目がひどく殺気を帯びて見えたからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh. Please excuse me. I'm sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with the arrangement." | 「あら、静希君はご不満?」 |
Her contrived smile, so obviously forced, struck despair into Soujyuro's heart. | 無理に笑ってるとしか思えない彼女の口元に、草十郎は絶望を見た気がした。 |
Come to think of it, he vaguely recalled her warning to him to not make her repeat herself. | そういえば、さっき同じ事は何度も言わせるなと忠告された気がする。 |
EN | JP |
Furthermore... | さらにさらに。 |
As a practical matter, Soujyuro Sizuki's life was now in the hands of Aoko Aozaki. | 実際問題として、どんなに実感が湧かないとしても、静希草十郎の命は蒼崎青子に握られている。 |
It would be unwise to anger her further, he told himself as if speaking to a third person. | 怒らせるのは賢くない、と他人事のように頷く草十郎なのだった。 |
EN | JP |
"N-Not at all. I mean, what choice do I have anyway?" | 「……いや、別に。だってそれ以外ないんだろう?」 |
"None," Aoko said with a firm nod of her head. | 当然、と頷く青子と、 |
Soujyuro slumped his shoulders in surrender. | 降伏するようにがっくりと肩を落とす草十郎。 |
EN | JP |
"All right. I understand you now, Aozaki. | 「……うん、蒼崎の言い分は分かった。 |
Just, let me ask you this one thing. Do I have any human rights?" | ただ、いちおう聞いておきたいんだけど。俺の人権はどこにいってしまったんだろう?」 |
EN | JP |
"Poor little Sizuki. You never had any in the first place. Now, stop wasting my time with stupid questions." | 「莫迦ね、そんな形のない物なんて初めからあるワケないでしょ。つまんないこと言わないでよ」 |
Soujyuro reflected upon her answer, now feeling like his question was, indeed, stupid. | ……うん、たしかに今のはつまらない事だった、と草十郎は噛みしめる。 |
He should have already known the answer before he asked. | そもそも彼にしてみれば、いまの青子の答えは分かりきっていた事だ。 |
EN | JP |
"That's...what I thought. | 「……ああ、だと思った。 |
I had a feeling this was going to happen, even before waking up." | そんな気はしてたんだ、目が覚める前から」 |
"?" | 「?」 |
His muttering provoked a dubious stare from Aoko, before she quickly retracted it. | 草十郎の独白に青子は不審げな目を向けたが、すぐに気を取り直した。 |
If she questioned every little thing he said, they would be there until sundown. | この男の発言をいちいち気にしていたら日が暮れてしまう、と骨身に染みているからだろう。 |
EN | JP |
"Well, as long as you understand. | 「とにかく納得いったみたいね。 |
Now, we need to get down to brass tacks. Let's move to the drawing room. | じゃあ次、いよいよ本題。居間に移動するわよ。 |
I have a ton of explaining to do. | 説明しなくちゃいけない事が山ほどあるんだから。 |
Can you stand on your own?" | ―――って、ひとりで立てる?」 |
"I was able to move my hands earlier, so blood is at least flowing. | 「さっきから手を動かしてたから、血は巡ってる。 |
I should be able to walk." | 歩くぐらいならいけそうだ」 |
EN | JP |
"Good. You'll be fine then." | 「そ。なら問題ないわね」 |
With that, she turned her back and walked away from him. | 言うなり、彼女はくるりと草十郎に背を向けて歩きだした。 |
He had seen this bold form of hers many times before. | その背中は、もう何度と見てきた颯爽とした後ろ姿だ。 |
Instantly, the memories flashed back to him like lightning. | 瞬間、落雷のように記憶が巻き戻される。 |
EN | JP |
(I remember now. This is the Aozaki I know.) | 『……そうだった。蒼崎は、こういうヤツだった』 |
Without knowing it, he cracked a smile. | 知らず、頬がほころぶ。 |
He was so lost that he did not know his left from his right, but recalling this alone was enough to calm him. | 草十郎にとっては右も左も分からない状況だったけれど、それだけで彼は充分に落ち着けた。 |
EN | JP |
The Aoko he knew was different from the one in the house of mirrors. | ……今の青子は、ミラーハウスでの彼女とは違う。 |
She was not that brooding girl he saw there. | あんな、無理やりに思い詰めた彼女ではない。 |
He felt a pang of nostalgia; the Aoko he knew was brisk in movement and unfaltering in gaze, just like this one. | きびきびとした動作もためらいのない視線も、なんだかひどく懐かしい。 |
She was the same as when he first met her; moody, yet overflowing with confidence; in her element. | それは初めて会った時と同じ、不機嫌そうで、そのくせ自信に満ちた彼女本来のあり方だった。 |
EN | JP |
"Let's go, let's go. Chop-chop. | 「ほら、急いだ急いだ。 |
Alice is waiting for us in the drawing room." | 有珠がさっきから居間でお待ちかねよ」 |
She was already outside the door, standing in the chilly corridor. | 彼女はとっくに扉から出て、薄ら寒そうな廊下に立っている。 |
EN | JP |
"Hngh... You must not know what it's like to be bedridden, Aozaki." | 「はあ。寝たきりの辛さを知らないだろう、蒼崎は」 |
Grunting and groaning, Soujyuro eventually got to his feet. | ぼやきつつ、草十郎はなんとかベッドから起き上がった。 |
EN | JP |
His body, heavy and stiff while he was lying down, cried out in pain as he tried to stand and walk. | 横臥中だるかった体は、立ち上がって歩こうとすると逆に硬く痛む。 |
Every step sent shooting pains through his bones. | 一歩前に出るだけで骨に痺れと痛みが響いた。 |
Despite this, he put on a calm face and made his way toward Aoko. | それでもしれっとした顔で青子へと歩きだす。 |
EN | JP |
Typically, he was quick to not pay any mind to life's little struggles, but these pains... He needed to force himself to consciously ignore them. | 苦いもの、厳しいものは無意識に受け入れる草十郎だったが、今回にかぎっては意識的に受け流した。 |
In other words, he was displaying false bravado. An uncharacteristic reaction for someone who never suppressed their true feelings. | 要するにやせ我慢だ。彼がこんなふうに、不自然に自分の気持ちを抑えこむのは珍しい。 |
EN | JP |
"Amazing. You really are tough, huh?" | 「驚いた。アンタ、ほんとにタフね」 |
"Thanks. It's just my heart that's fragile." | 「ありがとう。けど、心は弱いんだ」 |
"Oh yeah? I'll keep that in mind and try not to hurt your precious feelings." | 「そ。参考までに心に留めておくわ。出来るだけ優しく扱えるようにね」 |
Naturally, her voice was devoid of any true empathy. | もちろん、青子の声には優しさなど微塵もない。 |
She turned away from the once-more dejected Soujyuro, and began walking briskly down the corridor. | がっくりとする草十郎をよそに、青子はスタスタと廊下を歩きはじめる。 |
EN | JP |
"...Oh, and..." | 「―――、と」 |
Just then, she stopped, feet snapped together, as though something had popped into her head. | その時、何かを思い立ったように彼女はピタリと足を止めて振り向いた。 |
And just as if she was remembering something she had forgotten, in a completely trivial way... | 言い忘れていた事、それでいて何でもない事を告げるように、 |
EN | JP |
"Follow me, Soujyuro." | 「それじゃ行くわよ。付いてきて、草十郎」 |
She gallantly turned back the way she was heading, the words sounding so natural as she spoke them. | 颯爽と振り向いて、彼女は自然にそう言った。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Aoko did not see the look in Soujyuro's eyes as he heard her words. | その時に開かれた視界を、彼女は知らない。 |
For though she worked in the arcane, the spell Aoko had woven was apparent to everyone but her. | 彼女が魔法使いだと言うのなら、この言葉こそ魔法だったことを、口にした当人だけが知らずじまい。 |
After blinking his eyes as if blinded by something, Soujyuro casually nodded, and followed behind her. | 彼は眩しいものを見たようにまばたきをした後、自然に頷いて、その背中を追いかけた。 |
Scene 5
EN | JP |
The sheer size of the interior was daunting. | 館の広さはかなりのものだった。 |
The three floors of this mansion contained more rooms than Soujyuro's entire apartment building. | 三階建ての洋館は、部屋の数でも草十郎の住むアパートを上回っている。 |
Except, their size was excessive. | ただ、その広さは持てあまし気味だ。 |
Here, the mansion's rooms seemed too numerous for so few inhabitants; its lavish carpeted halls cold and dreary. | 部屋数と住人の比率は合っていない。絨毯張りの廊下は、その豪華さとは裏腹に寒々しかった。 |
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The guest room that Soujyuro had been sleeping in was on the second floor of the east wing. | 草十郎が眠っていた客室は二階の東側にあった。 |
A staircase leading down to the first floor was at the end of the corridor, at the center of the mansion. | 一階に下りる階段はこの廊下の先、館の中央にあるらしい。 |
Winter sunlight beamed through the windows, which only made the empty corridor appear even lonelier. | 窓から差しこむ冬の日射しが、廃墟じみた廊下をいっそう寂しく見せている。 |
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The center of the mansion was topped by a vaulted skylight overlooking the first floor. | 館の中央部は吹き抜けになっていて、そのまま一階の様子が見下ろせた。 |
The staircase, connecting the first and second floors, lined its walls. | 階段は壁に沿って造られている。 |
Another staircase at the other end of the second floor corridor presumably led to an attic, or storeroom of sorts on the third floor. | 一階と二階を繋ぐ階段の他に、二階のホール裏には三階への階段もある。おそらく屋根裏に倉庫でもあるのだろう。 |
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Paying no mind to Soujyuro's gawking, Aoko descended the stairs with familiar steps. | きょろきょろと見渡している草十郎をよそに、青子は慣れた足取りで階段を下りていく。 |
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The foyer was a place of white and woodgrain. | ロビーは一転して白色と木の空間だった。 |
Its hardwood floors shone brightly under the sunlight coming in from the ceiling, | 天井からの日射しが木の床を明るく照らす。 |
and the tall, white walls were spotless and brawny. | 壁は一面の白色。一点の汚れもなく、高い壁をより堅固に見せている。 |
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There, was a staircase leading to the second floor, | 二階に続く階段と、 |
and a long unused fireplace; | 長らく使われていない暖炉。 |
a neglected telephone sat on a table, | ぞんざいに放置された電話機と、 |
opposite a solemn grandfather clock. | 独りぼっちで時を刻む大時計。 |
It was more like an old castle than a mansion. | ここは洋館というより古城の様だ。 |
Aoko shot Soujyuro a callous stare, who stood captivated by the otherworldly scenery. | あまりの異世界っぷりに呆然としている草十郎に、青子は冷たい視線を向ける。 |
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"Hey, snap out of it. The drawing room is this way." | 「居間はこっちよ。ぼさっとしない」 |
She grabbed the knob of the door next to the stairs. | 彼女は階段横の扉に手を掛けた。 |
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There were four doors to the foyer, and the easternmost as you entered the house led to the drawing room. | ロビーには四つの扉があって、玄関から見て東側の扉が居間に続いているらしい。 |
The door on the opposite side of the foyer led to the mansion's west wing. | 反対側にある西の扉は館の左翼に。 |
To the south was the entrance. | 南側の扉は玄関。 |
On the north side was one more door next to the fireplace. | 北側、暖炉の横にはさらにもう一つ。 |
Tucked underneath the stairs, this door connected to a bathroom, unbeknownst to Soujyuro. | 階段の下に隠れている扉は浴場に続いているのだが、今の草十郎には知るよしもない。 |
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Due to the lack of windows, the first floor's corridors were not well lit. | 一階の廊下には窓がないため、全体的に薄暗い。 |
If the second floor was a seldom-attended infirmary, and the foyer a stairwell in some foreign castle, | さながら、二階は放置された診療所で、ロビーは日本とは思えない西洋の城。 |
then the first floor corridor was a windowless labyrinth, not unlike the corridors of a hotel. | そして一階廊下はホテルを思わせる窓なき迷路。 |
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"..." | 「…………」 |
Although it had not been long since Soujyuro came to the city, even he could feel this place was out of the ordinary. | 都会に来て日が浅い草十郎にも、この洋館がただならぬものである事は感じ取れる。 |
Seeing as how he was going to be stuck here for the foreseeable future, he found it hard to get excited about living in a haunted house. | 手放しで喜べないのは、そのお化け屋敷としばらく付き合う事になりそうだからだ。 |
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"So that's the drawing room, and a little farther down is the kitchen. It's fine for cooking simple meals. | 「そこが居間で、奥が厨房ね。簡単な料理ぐらいはできるようになってるから。 |
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Here, next to the drawing room, is the sunroom, which we use as a dining room, | 居間のとなりにはサンルームがあるんだけど、ここが食卓の代わり…… |
|but we'll get into that later."|って、そんなの後でいっか」|
|Aoko said, reaching for a door along the dim corridor.|言って、青子は暗い廊下の扉に手を掛ける。|
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However, she paused before turning the knob. | ドアノブを回す間際。 |
She flashed Soujyuro a meaningful glance, which she quickly withdrew. | 青子は意味ありげな視線を草十郎に送ったが、すぐに消した。 |
Then, without further ado, she opened the door. | ドアノブは待ったなしで回される。 |
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"Sorry for the wait. He's on board," | 「お待たせ。承諾したわよ、あいつ」 |
she said to Alice as she entered the drawing room. | 青子は居間に入りながら、中にいる有珠に語りかける。 |
After hesitating for a moment, Soujyuro entered after her. | 草十郎も少しだけ迷ってから、居間へと足を踏み入れた。 |
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Compared to the corridor, the drawing room was unexpectedly modern. | 廊下とは違い、居間は思いのほか現代的だった。 |
The carpeted floor, leather sofas, and a large, 30-inch television were more what Soujyuro had come to expect in a normal home. | 絨毯の敷き詰められた床も、革のソファーも、30インチの大きなテレビも、草十郎がこれまで知り得た一般家庭の趣きに満ちている。 |
In this family-oriented room, a girl far removed from said setting sat quietly on the sofa. | その家庭的な居間のソファーに、家庭的な団らんとはかけ離れた少女が座っていた。 |
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Aoko sat on the sofa across from the girl in all-black. | 青子は黒い少女の向かいのソファーに座る。 |
This gave Soujyuro two seating options: | 草十郎に残された席は二つ。 |
Next to Aoko Aozaki, | 蒼崎青子のとなりか、 |
or next to Alice Kuonji. | 久遠寺有珠のとなりか。 |
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"..." | 「…………」 |
After about two seconds of deliberation, he decided to stand by the wall, as neither option appealed. | 草十郎は二秒ほど悩んだ末、どっちも不吉な気がしたので壁ぎわで立つ道を選んだ。 |
Aoko and Alice were facing each other across a coffee table. | テーブルを挟んで青子と有珠は向き合っている。 |
The clean, perfectly level table somehow added to the austere atmosphere. | 何も載せられていない真っ平らなテーブルが、どことなく寒い。 |
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"And since he agreed, you shouldn't have any objections, right, Alice?" | 「当事者も認めた事だし、これで何の問題もないわね、有珠」 |
Alice gave one, deep nod in response to her non-question. | 青子の念押しに、有珠はこくんとうなずいた。 |
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From his position against the wall, they looked as though they were clearing up some niggling grievance. | ……こうして壁ぎわから見ていると、目に見えない文句のぶつけ合いが手に取るようだ。 |
Soujyuro got the feeling that the two did not entirely see eye to eye concerning what to do with him. | 彼女たちの間で、自分の扱いについて一波乱あったんだな、と今更ながら草十郎は感じ取った。 |
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"...I suppose not. But we still need to investigate the cause." | 「……そうね。原因も究明しないといけないし」 |
She cast a sideways look at Soujyuro with those darkly shaded eyes of hers. | 昏い色をした目が草十郎を流し見る。 |
Her voice shared the same, cold indifference, | 視線と同じ抑揚のない声。 |
making it abundantly clear that she had no intention of accepting him as a housemate. | そのくせ、草十郎の同居を認めていない意志がありありと伝わってくる。 |
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"And you, you're fine with this? | 「けれど、貴方はそれでいいの? |
I do hope you haven't forgotten about what happened at the amusement park." | 遊園地での事を忘れてはいないでしょう?」 |
Alice's voice was a mixture of judgment and scrutiny. | 有珠の声には批難と、試しの色が混ざっている。 |
She was aware that from an outsider's perspective she and Aoko appeared dangerous. She wanted to know if Soujyuro was up to the challenge of living with such people. | 自分も青子も一般人からすれば危険物だ。そんな得体の知れない人間の傍にいられるのか、と。 |
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"I wish it had all been a bad dream, but I remember it perfectly. | 「そりゃあ夢だと思いこみたいけど、ちゃんと覚えてるし。できるだけ無事に済ませるには、これが一番無難そうだ」 |
Above all else, it was the only way they would let him live. | なにより命の保証はされてるみたいだし、と。 |
Alice responded apathetically with a noncommittal murmur. | 返答する草十郎に、有珠はそう、と無関心げに答えた。 |
She silently placed a small object on the table with a clink. | そうして無言のまま、コトリ、とテーブルに小物を置く。 |
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She pulled her pale fingers away from a small glass bottle. | 白い指が置いた物は、硝子の小瓶だった。 |
The glass, more pale blue than transparent, was enough to signify its high quality. | ガラスは透明というより薄い青色をしていて、その色あいだけでも高級品だと見て取れる。 |
With a crane-like motion, she removed the stopper. | 有珠はその瓶の蓋を、鶴か何かを思わせる仕草で抜いた。 |
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(...?) | 『………………?』 |
Even though this was the first time he had seen such a thing, something about it made him uneasy. | 草十郎にとっては初めて見る小瓶だったが、妙にひっかかる物がある。 |
Was it that it made him sad, or...? | しかし悲しいかな、何がネックなのか思い当たらない。 |
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Aoko's standoffish behavior only added to his concern. | 青子が傍観を決めこんでいるのも気にかかる。 |
Alice once again fixed her eyes on Soujyuro, who was bracing himself for the worst. | そんな、イヤな予感に気を張る草十郎に、有珠はもう一度視線を投げた。 |
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The glint in her eyes was bewitching. | ……少女の瞳は、やはり魔的な感じがする。 |
With not a single emotion apparent on her face, she called his name. | そんなコトを思っていた草十郎に、有珠は表情のない顔で呼び掛けた。 |
"Sizuki." | 「静希君」、と。 |
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(Ye- huh?) | (は―――い?) |
The moment he responded to her whispered call, | 囁くような有珠の呼びかけに応えた瞬間。 |
his surroundings began to transform. | 彼の周囲の風景は、かくのように一変していた。 |
The air grew thick; so thick, it took on a color and shape. | 空気は色と形を持ったように濁っている。 |
The density and discomfort that coiled around his skin made it seem like the air had become words. | 重く肌に纏わりつく密度の濃さ、不自由さは、さながら空気が文字になったようだ。 |
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(...!) | (、―――、、―――!) |
Opening his mouth to gasp for air, the words invaded his lungs. | 息を吸う口から、文字が肺に入る錯覚に襲われる。 |
Instinctively, he covered his mouth with his right hand, and clutched his chest with his left, both hands appearing clear as mud. | 咄嗟に口を塞ぐ右手も、胸を押さえる左手も、きちんと見えるのによく見えない。 |
Even the thickest of mountain fogs never seized his senses like this. | 山で出会った深い霧だって、ここまで意識を拐かす事はなかったはずだ。 |
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If he had to come up with an analogy... | ―――喩えるなら、そう。 | words could quite describe it, but it was like he was standing in the pages of a newspaper. | まったく見当違いの比喩ではあるが、まるで生身のまま、新聞紙の中で立っているような。 |
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The first sense to adjust to this new sensation was his hearing. | 味わった事のない方位感覚に、まず聴覚から慣れていく。 |
Then his breathing stabilized, yet the feeling of suffocation remained. | 呼吸は普段通りだが、ざらついた圧迫感がある。 |
There was nothing restraining him that he could see, but he felt an intense claustrophobia. | 別に閉じこめられている訳ではないのに、この周りはひどく狭い。 |
Before he'd even felt shock at the sudden change, he reached out in an attempt to find an escape. | 突然の異変に驚くより先に、その狭さから逃れるために手を伸ばしたほどだ。 |
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But his outstretched hands found only emptiness. | けれど伸ばした手は空を切るだけ。 |
It seemed contradictory that a place with no walls and a wide view could feel so cramped. | 周囲に壁はなく、これだけ見晴らしのいい場所で「狭い」と感じること自体、常軌を逸している。 |
Spirited away in a dense fog... | 深い霧の日は神隠しに遭う――― |
Back in the mountains, such superstitions never seemed real to him. Until now. | 山でのそんな口伝を信じていた彼ではなかったが、これは本当に神隠しの領域では、と思いかけて、 |
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he finally noticed: | 彼はもっと別の、 |
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a surprise to beat all surprises. | 驚かなくてはいけないコトに気が付いた。 |
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The drawing room had not changed into another world at all. | そもそもの話、居間が別世界に一変した訳ではない。 |
He knew this for certain because he could still see the room he was just in through the fog, | なぜなら霧ごしに見える景色は、間違いなく彼が先ほどまで居た居間の物だったし、 |
as well as the two girls, Aoko Aozaki and Alice Kuonji, watching him closely. | その場にいた二人の少女―――蒼崎青子と久遠寺有珠の姿もきちんと見えている。 |
It was simply a problem of perspective. | ただ、その見え方に問題があっただけだ。 |
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The floor was dark and perfectly flat. | 地面は黒い、真っ平らな地平だった。 |
Looking up, there the two of them stood. | そこから見上げるようにして二人の姿が見える。 |
The two girls were like two impossibly gargantuan clouds, coldly looking down at him. | 現実味のない、入道雲の様に大きな少女が、冷たい瞳を向けている。 |
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Remembering the structure of the room and layout of the furniture, Soujyuro's unsurpassed candor finally grasped his predicament. | 部屋の構造、そこにあった家具の位置関係を思い出し、彼は信じがたい素直さで、この事態を把握した。 |
The parade at the amusement park had nothing on this. | あの遊園地でのパレードを経験しておいて、なお信じられない、と頭を抱えそうだが。 |
Somehow, he was inside the glass bottle that Alice Kuonji produced only moments ago. | 此処は間違いなく、久遠寺有珠が取り出した小瓶の中であるらしい。 |
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"That was unexpected." | 「図らずも」 |
Marveling at Alice's wickedness, Aoko glanced at the small bottle on the table. | 青子は有珠の性根の悪さに呆れながら、テーブルに置かれた小瓶をチラ見する。 |
"It's the same as two nights ago, | 「二日前の夜と同じ状況になったわね。 |
only this time, he's awake." | 今回、草十郎は起きてるけど」 |
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Aoko calmly mused. | 淡々と青子は語った。 |
Alice, however, was not looking down at the bottle Instead her eyes were locked on Aoko. | 有珠はというと、小瓶には視線も落とさず、目前の青子を見つめている。 |
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"...I'm surprised. I thought you would be upset." | 「……意外ね。青子は怒ると思ってたのに」 |
"Not really. I thought about doing something similar. | 「いや、私も似たようなコト考えてたから。 |
He needed to be taught a little lesson about magecraft, anyway. | 少しは魔術ってもんを思い知らせておかないと困るでしょ。 |
You're saving me the trouble, to tell the truth. I'm not even mad. | 有珠がやってくれるなら止めはしないし怒りもしないわ。 |
...Though, this is pretty hardcore even for me." | ……ま、こっちが予定していたものより何倍もメチャクチャだけど」 |
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Aoko did not take her eyes off the bottle as she spoke. | 言いつつ、青子は小瓶から視線を外さない。 |
Although she did her best to feign indifference toward Alice's magecraft, she could not completely hide her curiosity. | 有珠の魔術に無関心を装っているものの、興味を隠しきれていない。 |
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The figure inside the bottle, likely having caught on to what was happening, tried various things like flailing its arms and sprinting around. | 小瓶の中の人影はようやく事態が飲みこめたのか、バタバタと手を伸ばしたり、全力で走ってみたり、色々と試行錯誤しているように見えた。 |
The surface of the bottle was cloudy, so it was hard to make out exactly what was happening inside. | 小瓶の表面が濁っているため、外界からでは瓶の様子はぼんやりとしか分からない。 |
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"...By the way, this looks totally different from the one you gave me." | 「……ところで、これって私にくれたヤツとは別物みたいだけど」 |
"This one took more time to create. | 「アレより作りは細かいわ。 |
The one I gave you was disposable, and only made to isolate the subject. This one allows for two-way communication." | 青子にあげたのは使い捨ての、隔離するだけの物よ。コレはお互いの声も聞こえるから」 |
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"Really? He doesn't seem to be replying, though." | 「へえ。けど、そのわりには何の反応もないわね」 |
"You just can't hear him." | 「青子には聞こえないだけよ」 |
Alice said calmly, finally dropping her gaze to the bottle. | 平然と言って、有珠は小瓶へ視線を落とした。 |
Just then, the figure inside stopped moving. | 同時に人影の動きが止まる。 |
It appeared only Alice had a connection to the world inside the bottle. | どうやら有珠だけが、小瓶の中の別世界と関わりが持てるようだ。 |
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(Lame. Only the caster gets to have fun?) | 『……なんだ、術者にしか特典はないんだ』 |
Aoko sighed, losing interest. | つまらなそうに嘆息する青子。 |
Ignoring Aoko, Alice opened her mouth as if to speak to someone not altogether there. | そんな青子をよそに、有珠は誰に話しかけるのでもなく口を開けた。 |
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"How about now? Still think this is the safest option?" | 「どう? これでも一番、無難だと思う……?」 |
The person she was talking to was none other than the one inside the bottle. | 語りかける相手は、言うまでもなく小瓶の中の人影だ。 |
She was, of course, referring to Soujyuro's earlier comment. | 先ほどの会話。 |
It was her way of testing the boy who implied that living in this mansion seemed safe. | この洋館に住む事が無難だと言った彼の言葉を、少女はこんなカタチで確認しているのだ。 |
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(Suddenly trapping him in a bottle and interrogating him is pretty ruthless, but even more worrisome is her attachment to this mansion.) | 『……いきなり小瓶に閉じこめて聞き返すあたり容赦ないというか……この子の洋館への執着も問題よね……』 |
Then again, considering Aoko had invited this witness to a house of mirrors for a fight to the death, she was in no position to criticize. | が、目撃者をミラーハウスに誘いこんで、正々堂々と殺し合いをしよう、と提案した自分が批難できる事でもない。 |
She would make sure Alice did not let her emotions get the best of her, but for now she was content to observe as a bystander. | 青子は有珠が感情的になって手をあげないよう注意しつつ、あくまで傍観者として事の顛末を見定めている。 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
After a moment, Alice's expression changed. | 少し間をおいて、有珠の表情が変化した。 |
She must have gotten an answer to her question. | 少女の問いかけに、人影は何らかの返答をしたらしい。 |
Without any way to tell what the situation was inside the bottle, Aoko had no idea what that answer was, however. | 小瓶の中の様子を探れない青子には彼がなんと返答したかは分からない。 |
However... | ただ、 |
That Alice's face was the one she had made when the boy she was talking to said what she wanted to hear. | 相方がああいう顔をしている時は、完膚無きまで、相手の言い分が正しかった時なのだった。 |
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"...I suppose I'm not one to talk, but...." | 「……わたしが言える事でもないけど」 |
For an instant, she glanced at Aoko. | 少女は一瞬、青子を一瞥する。 |
Slightly shaking her head, she reached for the small bottle. | 有珠はかすかにかぶりをふって小瓶に手を伸ばし、 |
"This Sizuki is quite a strange one." | 「……本当。物好きね、静希君は」 |
She said his name with what seemed like a forlorn frown. | 憂鬱げなため息のように、彼の名前を口にした。 |
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As soon as she removed the stopper, the air in the room quivered. | 蓋が抜かれた瞬間、居間の空気がわずかに揺れた。 |
The boy, who had been casting a shadow on the wall until a minute ago, now leaned against it for support again. | かと思うと、先ほどまで壁際に影だけ映していた少年が、憮然とした顔で壁に寄りかかっていた。 |
Aoko turned around to face Soujyuro right behind her, resting her elbow over the back of the sofa. | ちょうど自分の背後にいる草十郎へ、青子は片肘をついたまま振り向く。 |
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"How do you feel?" | 「どう、気分は?」 |
"What does it look like? Messed up." | 「見ての通り、めちゃくちゃだ」 |
Soujyuro answered with unusual hostility. | 草十郎は柄にもなく敵意をむき出しにしていた。 |
Aoko was reminded of his strange behavior, as she was sure that he would be scared or shocked, not angry. | 怯えや驚きではなく怒っているあたり、相変わらず謎なヤツ、と青子は思う。 |
EN | JP |
"If I hadn't already seen something similar in a dream, my heart probably would have stopped. I'm lucky it didn't. | 「……夢で似たようなものを見てなかったら、今ごろ心臓が止まってたところだ。そこはついてたと思う。 |
EN | JP |
What I can't believe is why you felt the need to use magecraft on me. You could have just said it was scary and left it at that. | 信じられないのは、なんでいちいち実践するかって事だ。魔術は恐いものなんだって言えば済むだろうに。 |
|Plus, I could hear the threatening things you said, Aozaki."|それと、ぶっそうな蒼崎の声、聞こえてたぞ」|
EN | JP |
"My sincerest apologies. | 「ぶっそうで悪うございました。 |
But it is true that I wanted you to feel it for yourself. | けど、言葉じゃなくてきちんと実感してもらいたかったのは本当よ。 |
At least now you'll take magecraft seriously, won't you, Soujyuro?" | どう? 魔術ってもんを甘く見てたでしょ、草十郎?」 |
EN | JP |
As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. | 不本意ながらも、むう、と納得する草十郎。 |
Though, it was not that he had taken magecraft lightly, but merely that he couldn't understand it. | 彼の場合、『甘く見ていた』と言うより『分かっていなかった』と言う方が正しいのだが。 |
EN | JP |
"I still don't really get it, though, even after that experience. | 「けど、実感うんぬん言われても困る。 |
Compared to the crazy stuff I've seen you do, Aozaki, whatever the heck just happened to me was hardly unbelievable." | これまでの蒼崎の無茶っぷりと、今の訳の分からなさはとても比べられない」 |
"W-Wha... | 「ちょ、 |
Of course not! Alice and I are totally different." | そりゃそうよ、有珠と比べないでよね。 |
I already told you, even in our world, her magecraft is considered over-the-top and unspeakably horrible." | 有珠の魔術は私たちの中でもデタラメで、もう言葉にできないぐらい最悪なんだって言ったでしょ」 |
EN | JP |
"...How rude. When it comes to which of us is more of a threat to human life, I think you're far more dangerous than me. | 「……失礼ね。人命を脅かす、という点なら青子の方がよっぽど酷いと思うけど。 |
And that's besides the point. I'm starting to harbor doubts about you even wanting to kill him in the first place. | それより貴女、本当に彼を殺す気はあったの? |
You must have been pretty soft on him for him to say he believes that he's 'safe' here." | 一体どんな追いつめ方をすれば、蒼崎ならたぶん安全、なんて言葉が返ってくるのかしらね」 |
EN | JP |
"W-Well... | 「そ――― |
Of course I wanted to kill him! | そんなのあったに決まってるでしょ! |
I don't know what he's told you, but you've got it all twisted! | コイツがなんて言ったか知らないけど、ぜったい意味違うから! |
This guy doesn't realize he's in danger until he gets burned. | 草十郎はね、そもそも何が危ないのか火傷するまで気付かない…… |
And even then, he'd probably think "well at least I'm still alive" and whistle all the way home! | っていうか、火傷しても“よし、死ななきゃ安い”なんて本気で思っちゃう天然ボケなのっ! |
Isn't that right, Soujyuro?!" | ね、そうでしょ草十郎!?」 |
EN | JP |
"Huh?" | 「え?」 |
He had no idea why she was suddenly shouting, but he nodded anyway just to be safe. | とつぜん怒鳴られ、よく分からないクセに「うん、まあ」とうなずく天然なんとか。 |
The drawing room had become awfully noisy. | 居間は騒がしいコトこの上ない。 |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Alice sat watching the two at a complete loss. | そんなふたりを、有珠は呆れたように見つめていた。 |
Scene 6
EN | JP |
And so, Soujyuro accepted his supervised life in the mansion, | ともあれ、草十郎は洋館での監視生活を承諾した。 |
and that he would be living under the same roof as two professional mages. | 魔術を生業とする者と屋根を同じくすること。 |
Having experienced firsthand how dangerous that life could get, he was finally at peace with the situation. | それがどれだけ危険であるのか、身をもって体験させられた上で、 |
EN | JP |
"If that's how it's going to be, then oh well." | 「うん、まあ、そういう事なら」 |
Even if he did not seem like it, he had thought it through in his own way and come to a clear resolution. | とてもそうは見えないが、彼なりに真剣に考えた末で、はっきりと答えたのである。 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, down to business. | 「それじゃ、やっと本題に入れるわね。 |
So, I know we said that you'd be under supervision, but we haven't really talked about how we'll be doing that, or the 'magecraft' that is responsible for enforcing it. Let me start with a brief explanation." | 監視するとは言ったけど、どうやって草十郎を監視するのか。そもそも、貴方を監視する原因になった『魔術』とは何なのか。そのあたり、ざざっと説明させてもらうわ」 |
EN | JP |
Perhaps he was brought up to listen closely to lectures about new information, because Soujyuro suddenly looked attentive. | 新しい規則のレクチャーはきちんと聞くように教育されているのか、草十郎はいいぞ、と身構える。 |
Alice, on the other hand, kept her mouth shut in silent defiance. | 一方、有珠はまだ不満があるようで、かたくなに口を閉ざしていた。 |
EN | JP |
"First off, the time you'll be made to live here has been predetermined. | 「最初に言っておくと、アンタをここに住まわせる期限は決まってるから。 |
In short, until the end of that period, if you don't tell anyone about us or die for some reason, you're free to go. | 要はその期限まで、誰にも私たちの事をしゃべらず、また、勝手に死ななければ晴れて自由の身ってこと。 |
Good so far, Alice?" | ね、そうよね有珠?」 |
EN | JP |
"...Indeed. Provided he refrains from angering us, that is, he has a chance of survival." | 「……そうね。わたしたちを怒らせなければ、そういう可能性もあるわね」 |
"Yup, this is already off on the wrong foot." | 「よし、いきなり話が食い違ってる」 |
Soujyuro's head dropped, like he knew what was coming. | 予想通り、とうなずく草十郎と、 |
"That's enough, Alice. | 「ちょっと黙ってて有珠。 |
And you, shut up." | あとアンタも黙ってろ」 |
She scowled at the two of them, already at her wits' end. | そんなふたりを睨みつける、気苦労の多い青子。 |
EN | JP |
"As I was saying... | 「……話を続けるけど。 |
Having you live with us for the sake of confidentiality means other problems are bound to come up. | 秘密保持のためにアンタを住まわせる場合、二次災害はどうしても避けられない。 |
You'll likely be exposed to even more of our secrets. That's what has Alice so bent out of shape." | 同じ家にいる以上、余計に秘密を見せる事になるからね。有珠はそれがイヤなんだろうけど」 |
EN | JP |
Now that Aoko mentioned it, Soujyuro could see her point. | 言われてみればその通りだ。 |
With their target of observation under house arrest, the disclosure of more confidential information was inevitable. | 監視対象を軟禁した場合、更なる内部事情の露呈は避けられない。 |
EN | JP |
"Hold on a second. Doesn't that make me being here a little counterproductive?" | 「ちょっと待ってくれ。どうどう巡りじゃないか、それ?」 |
"It's not a problem. In the end, we'll just have you forget everything about us, and about living here at all." | 「大丈夫、問題ないわ。だって、最後にはここで暮らした記憶ごと、私たちの事を忘れてもらう事にしたから」 |
"...Have me forget?" | 「―――忘れてもらう?」 |
EN | JP |
"Right. From the incident in the park onward, you'll forget everything. | 「そ。公園での一件からまるごと全部、忘れてもらう。 |
There's a kind of magecraft called 'runes' that has the power to make one forget memories. | ルーンっていう魔術系統があるんだけどね、その中でサクッと記憶を忘れさせる物があるのよ。 |
It's a bit inhumane, but erasing memories seems a bit better than, well, erasing your life." | 非人道的であるのは変わらないけど、ま、命を消すかわりに記憶を消すって事で妥協して」 |
EN | JP |
"...Do I get a say in―" | 「――――蒼崎、それは」 |
"Sorry, but no objections. | 「悪いけど反論は却下。 |
Anyway, an amnesia rune is outside of our field of expertise, so it's going to take some time for us to find the rune and learn everything about it. | で、肝心の忘却のルーンなんだけど。私も有珠も専門外だから、文献を探して修得するのに時間がかかる。 |
In other words, that's when you get to leave. | つまり、それが監視の期限ってワケ。 |
Until we find this rune, we're using your life as collateral so you keep your mouth shut." | 私たちが忘却のルーンを見つけるまで、命を担保に口を閉じていてもらうわ」 |
EN | JP |
"Alice's idea is that we destroy your five senses and be done with you to avoid the extra effort. | 「有珠はそんなややこしい事はせずに、五感全部壊してしまおうなんて言ってるけど。 |
So, Sizuki? What do you say? Fancy becoming a living statue?" | ―――静希君、彫像生活とか嫌でしょ?」 |
EN | JP |
"Hm..." | 「む」 |
Soujyuro only understood about eighty percent of what Aoko had explained, and the last part about a living statue had gone straight over his head. | 青子の言っている事は八割納得できる草十郎だったが、最後のリビングスタチュー、という単語はあまりにも意味不明だった。 |
He had tried his best to visualize what Aoko was going on about, but the only thing he could conjure in his mind was an image of the mascot creature Kitsy. | できるかぎり想像力を働かせるも、こう、キッツィーちゃんばりのクリーチャーしか想像できない。 |
EN | JP |
"Yeah, I'd rather not." | 「うん。それは、たしかにイヤだな」 |
Aoko agreed with the bewildered Soujyuro, neither one the wiser to the other's misinterpretation. | 難しい顔で頷く草十郎に、青子もでしょう、と同意する。二人の齟齬はとても深い。 |
EN | JP |
"Anyway, at most it will probably take about a month to find this amnesia rune, and another two to put it to use. | 「とにかく、遅くても一ヶ月で“忘却のルーン”は見つけだせるだろうし、一回きりの実行ならプラス二ヶ月ぐらいでなんとかなるわ。 |
Until then, that means you'll be living with us. However, we can't just let you wander around without a clue what's going on. That's a surefire way to get yourself killed." | それまで草十郎にはここで暮らしてもらうワケだけど……私たちについて無知なまま歩き回られると、命の保証はできないのよ」 |
EN | JP |
"I doubt you would be comfortable being left in the dark about us, either. So starting now, I'm going to fill you in on what it's like to be a modern magician. | 「そっちもこっちの事情を知らないのは気持ち悪いだろうし。なんで、今から簡潔に、現代の魔法使いのなんたるかを教えてあげる。 |
At the very least, it'll hopefully prevent any more misunderstandings." | それで少しは私たちへの勘違いもなくなるだろうし」 |
Not that she thought this country bumpkin had any idea of old or new anyway. The thought brought a smug grin to her lips. | ま、この山奥育ちに現代も過去もないだろうけど、と青子は自分の台詞に苦笑いをこぼした。 |
EN | JP |
"Let's leave a tour of the mansion for later, and start with who and what mages are. | 「洋館のことは後にして、まずは魔術師の立場についてね。 |
And don't worry―you don't need to understand everything right away. | あ、でも一から百まで理解する必要はないから。 |
You're an outsider, after all, so just bite off only what you can chew." | どうせ門外漢なんだし、感じ入った事だけしっかり噛みしめておきなさい」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro nodded obediently to Aoko's professorial instructions. | 教師めいた言葉に、草十郎は素直に頷いた。 |
This was Aoko's way of telling him not to ask questions when he did not understand something. | 要するに、理解できない事は聞き返さなくていい、と青子は言ったのだ。 |
And though Soujyuro had taken issue with her statement, he meekly obeyed knowing better than to object now. | その発言自体に納得のいかない草十郎だったが、聞き返すのはダメらしいので素直に従った。 |
EN | JP |
Aoko nodded approvingly at his attentiveness, and started her lecture. | よろしい、と頷いて、青子は話をはじめる。 |
Her long, long lecture. | 長く、それは長くなる話を。 |
EN | JP |
"Let's start with mages-magicians, basically. | 「まず魔術師、魔法使いの話からね。 |
Since it doesn't concern you, I'll skip the part about how magecraft and Magic are not the same. All you need to remember is that they are two different things. | 魔術と魔法の違いは草十郎には関わりのない話だからしないけど、それぞれ別種の物だと思ってくれればいいわ。 |
Mages, as an absolute rule, must operate in secrecy. | で、魔術師の事だけど、これは絶対条件として隠された存在でなくてはならないの。 |
Naturally, mages will find out about other mages, so it's only a crime if an outsider like you finds out about one of us. A crime punishable by death, I should add." | 魔術師に知られるのは仕方ないとしても、貴方みたいに関わりのない人間に知られるのは罪にあたる。ほとんど死罪クラスのね」 |
EN | JP |
"The reason being, that the more magecraft is exposed, the weaker it becomes. | 「何故かって言うと、魔術ってのは隠されていないと力が薄れてしまうものだから。 |
You'll often hear us say 'Mystic' or 'mystery,' which come from a Greek word that means 'to shut the mouth.' It follows that magecraft would cease to be if its secrets were revealed. | 神秘の語源は閉ざす、というギリシャ語だけど、魔術は限られた密儀でなければ魔術でなくなってしまう。 |
Civilization has always treated the unexplored and the unknown as things to be feared because of their mysterious nature." | 文明にとって、未知なるモノ、未開なる場所は拓かれていないからこそ恐怖に値するのと同じね」 |
EN | JP |
"But we don't hide ourselves because we fear persecution if we're discovered. | 「知られたら迫害されるから隠す、じゃないの。 |
What we fear is all mages, or more importantly magecraft, | 未知でなくなった魔術師……というより魔術ね。 |
being weakened the our arts are revealed. So by protecting our secrecy, we're also protecting our own future." | 明かされた魔術は力を弱めてしまう。だから隠匿するのよ。何より、魔術師の未来のために」 |
EN | JP |
"...I'm not clear on how magecraft works yet, but I think what you're saying is that if you don't keep it a secret, it gets weaker. | 「……魔術の仕組みはよく分からないけど、とにかく自分だけの秘密でないと弱くなるって事か。 |
So then, does that mean you got weaker now that I saw you, Aozaki?" | じゃあ蒼崎も弱くなってるのか? 俺が見ちゃったから」 |
EN | JP |
"No, not particularly. | 「いいえ、別に。 |
...Let me explain in a little more detail. | ……ここからはちょっと込みいった話でね。 |
When I say it loses power, I mean magecraft as a whole will get weaker in the future. I'm not talking about individuals. | 弱くなる、っていうのはあくまで全体、それも随分と未来の話。個人単位では関係のない話よ。 |
The unwritten law that 'Thou shalt conceal thyself' was an adage from a bygone age, but at some point it became a law of the highest order." | 汝、隠匿すべし―――って不文律は、この大本の仕組みが形骸化して、いつのまにか絶対のルールになっているだけなの」 |
EN | JP |
"It's like laws in a civilized society: we like to think that it's human nature to punish crime and immorality, but ultimately a structural solution is needed to maintain order. | 「文明社会の法律と一緒よ。犯罪、不道徳を罰するのは人間的であろうとする意識の高さと、それとはまったく別の、全体の仕組みを守るための構造的な結論でしょ。 |
If crimes were left unpunished, the society we strived so hard to build would collapse. | 犯罪が罰せられるのは、野放しにしたらせっかく築いた社会がうまく機能しなくなるから。 |
And what we mages consider to be a crime is dissemination and vulgarization of the Mystic. Merely immoral things like murder, well... those are a matter of perspective, and they generally aren't considered outright crimes." | で、魔術師たちにとって犯罪にあたるのは神秘の一般化、低俗化であって、不道徳とか殺人とかは―――ま、それぞれの良心次第ってコトで、基本的に罪にもならない」 |
EN | JP |
"The good-for-nothing bunch responsible for imposing this law is a group called the Mage's Association. Think of them as a labor union. | そんなろくでもない連中にルールを敷いたのが、魔術協会っていう集まり。組合みたいなものよ。 |
The phrase 'Make eternal the mysticism of magecraft' is nothing more than a rule they created to perpetuate magecraft itself." | “魔術を不朽の神秘とせよ”……というのは、魔術を魔術として永続させるために敷いたルールにすぎないわ」 |
EN | JP |
"Nevertheless, the rule is absolute. | 「けど、その原則は絶対でさ。 |
Those who violate it cease to exist in the magical world. | これを破った者は、魔術世界には居られなくなる。 |
Or rather, it would be difficult for them to go on living at all. | いえ、実際問題として、生きていくのが困難になる。 |
For us, that's our...well, our life as mages, I guess. | 私たちは私たちの……まあ、魔術師としての命? |
In order to protect it, we had no choice but to erase you, the witness to our magecraft." | そういうのを守るために、目撃者であるアンタを消さなくちゃいけなかった」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
"Don't give me those puppy-dog eyes. Just because you know a little about our lives doesn't mean we're not fessing up to what happened at the amusement park. | 「そこ、同情とかしなくていいから。私たちの事情を知ったぐらいで、遊園地のことを帳消しにしないでよ。 |
It was our decision to try and kill you. It wasn't anyone else's fault. | 私たちは私たちの判断でアンタを殺そうとしたんだから、誰彼のせいってワケじゃない。 |
So if you're going to blame anyone, blame me." | 恨むなら、きちんと私を恨んでちょうだい」 |
EN | JP |
"Okay, back to the topic. | 「ま、それはともかく。 |
In the past, mages were recognized in society enough for it to be considered an occupation, but they took their own magecraft with them to their graves. | 過去、魔術師は職業として成りたったぐらい社会に認知されていたけど、その魔術自体は墓まで持っていく秘密だった。 |
I don't know what led to things getting so twisted, but even the profession itself has to be kept secret these days. | それがどう歪んだかは知らないけど、現代ではその職業すら秘密にしなくてはならなくなった。 |
If they didn't go that far, the Association feared that in the distant future, magecraft would be used up and the Association would fall apart." | そこまでしないと、遠い未来、魔術すら消費するだけのものに解体されると協会は恐れたのよ」 |
EN | JP |
"We had reached a point where everything became explainable through human knowledge, from the building blocks of nature to the fabric of the cosmos, once considered to be the realm of the gods. | 「自然界の仕組みも、かつて天上の領域だった宇宙の運営すら、私たちは人智で解き明かせるほどになった。 |
Maybe the founders believed that magecraft would become the last bastion for the unknown, for Mystics-that which is beyond human reach. | 人の手にあまるもの。神秘という未知の領域にとって、魔術が最後の砦になると協会の設立者は信じたのかもしれない。 |
Or maybe, they thought that in the long run magecraft would eventually become meaningless." | それとも、魔術なんてもう意味がないって達観したのかもね」 |
EN | JP |
"Whatever the reason, mages hid their identities and passed on their individual rituals in secret. And since they couldn't pass it on to outsiders, it was only natural that they taught it to their descendants. | 「そんなわけで、魔術師はその正体を隠して各々の秘儀を伝えていった。他人に教えるワケにはいかないから、必然的にその伝承者は子孫になる。 |
Alice and I are both products of generations of lineage. | 私も有珠も、そうやって何代か続いた連中の末なのよ。 |
The Mage's Association I mentioned earlier is a vast organization that governs those magecraft wielders still dedicated to their field. Mages think of them as their ruling body." | さっき言った魔術協会っていうのは、そんな細々と続いてる連中を束ねる一大組織。魔術師にとって司法の神ってところかしらね」 |
EN | JP |
"The Association is actually made up of a bunch of factions, and the vast majority of mages are affiliated with the London chapter. | 「協会も色んな派閥に分かれるんだけど、大抵の魔術師はロンドンの魔術協会に属している。 |
The law to conceal ourselves was one of their three main principles. | 汝隠匿すべしっていうのも協会の三大原則の一つよ。 |
If a mage reveals their secret to a civilian, the Association is quick to make an example of them. | 魔術師が一般人に秘密を漏らすと協会から罰が下される仕組みになっている。 |
But even if the mage doesn't get punished, the witness should still be eliminated to protect the mage and their family's magecraft." | ま、そんな罰なんかなくても、自分と血族が伝えた魔術のために、目撃者は消さないといけないんだけど」 |
EN | JP |
And that was the end of the first part of the lecture. Aoko paused for a moment. | まずはここまで、と青子は話を区切る。 |
Soujyuro was doing his best to process the information. | 草十郎は草十郎なりに話をまとめているようだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Ready to move on?" | 「次いくけど、いい?」 |
"Sure, but let me see if I understand so far: | 「いいけど、その前に確認したい。 |
Mages used to hide their identities not for their own sake, but for the sake of magecraft. Now, they're more concerned with hiding themselves. | 魔術師が正体を隠すのは自分のためじゃなく魔術のためだったけど、最近では自分の正体を隠すことの方が重要になっている。 |
And if you break the rules, you'll be punished by a place called the Association. | そして、その決まりを破ると協会というところからお咎めがくる。 |
...Does that mean that you two are members of the Association?" | ……つまり、蒼崎たちもその協会に入っているのか?」 |
EN | JP |
"No, we're freelance, though we walk in similar circles. | 「いいえ、私たちはフリーよ。いちおう協会と繋がりはあるけどね。 |
They're simply the largest organized group. Even though no one asked them to, they've taken it upon themselves to police the world of magecraft. | 単純に、協会は最大勢力ってだけ。連中は頼まれもしないのに魔術世界全体の秩序を守ってるの。 |
So no matter how unaffiliated we are as mages, if we break the rules we'll get punished anyway." | だから私たちが何であれ、彼らとの関わりがないにしても、魔術師としての決まりを破ったら罰しにくるわ」 |
EN | JP |
"...Okay. I think I got the gist of it." | 「……分かった。だいたい呑みこめた」 |
"It's all right. Just focus on the parts important to you. | 「よしよし。そうやって自分に必要な部分だけ手に入れなさい。 |
Next is magecraft. Though... I've barely learned enough to talk about it, myself." | じゃ、次は魔術について。……といっても、私自身、語れるほど学んでいないんだけどね」 |
"?" | 「?」 |
EN | JP |
"Sorry, forget I said that. | 「ごめん、こっちの話だから忘れて。 |
...I touched on this already, but these days, magecraft is losing its meaning. | ―――さっきも言ったけど、現代において魔術は無意味な物になりつつある。 |
If you created fire a long time ago when there were no lighters, that was enough to count as a Mystic feat. But nowadays, life is awfully convenient, right? You of all people can appreciate that." | ライターのない大昔なら火を起こせればそれは神秘として成り立つわ。けど現代は何かと便利でしょう? 貴方ならよく分かると思うけど」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro nodded with a glum look on his face. | 青子の問いかけに、草十郎はまあ、と浮かない顔で同意した。 |
He had been made painfully aware of such conveniences. | 草十郎も、その便利さを痛いほど実感している。 |
Difficult tasks that would occupy an entire day of work in the mountains, could be performed easily here. | 山では一日かける大仕事が、ここでは簡単に出来てしまう。 |
For him, having been brought up in the mountains without electricity or running water, city life was by definition magic. | 電気も水道もない世界で育った彼にしてみれば、都会の生活そのものが魔法だ。 |
He only wished it would not be such backbreaking work to adapt to said conveniences. | この便利さが常識なのだと順応するのに、どれだけ苦労したことか。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh. | 「あ。 |
I do think that creating fire without tools should be a god's job, though." | でも、道具を使わずに火を起こせるのは神さまの仕事だと思うけど」 |
"Even though we've worked out how to do it more efficiently with a flamethrower?" | 「そのために積み重ねた手間は、火炎放射器を手に入れるより面倒だとしても?」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro wasn't sure how to answer Aoko. | 青子の言葉に、草十郎は答えられない。 |
It would have been easy for him to ask Aoko how much accumulated effort she thought it had taken humans to imitate those gods, but he knew it would come across as an insult. | 人間が神さまの真似事をする為にはどれだけの尽力があったのか、安易に答える事は彼女への侮辱だと思ったからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...From what I just saw, I was under the impression that magecraft could do anything, but maybe I misunderstood." | 「……。さっきのを見るかぎり、魔術ってのはなんでも出来ると思ったけど、それは誤解なのか」 |
He glanced at the glass bottle on the table. | ちらり、とテーブルの上の小瓶に目をやる草十郎。 |
Mentally, he sighed in relief. | 内心、それはそれでホッとできる。 |
He still had not come to terms with the fact that he had been trapped inside that tiny thing. | あんな小瓶の中に閉じこめられていたなんて、今でも現実だと信じられない。 |
EN | JP |
But nothing is ever that simple. | ―――しかし。 |
"Oh, that's a misunderstanding all right. | 「あら、それこそ誤解よ。 |
If magecraft wasn't all-powerful, why would anyone bother to learn it?" | 万能じゃなければ誰が魔術なんて学ぶと思ってるの?」 |
Aoko puffed out her chest as she chided him. | 胸を張って青子は言い返した。 |
EN | JP |
"It might take some doing, but there's nothing magecraft can't do. | 「手間暇かかるけど、魔術に出来ない事はないわ。 |
Granted, some users are able to trick you into thinking something's possible when it really isn't. | 中には“出来ていないけど出来ているように見せる”みたいな、何らかのイカサマはあるけどね。 |
But since we were born into this world, there's nothing that we can't do within its limits. Besides True Magic, of course, but we'll get into that some other time." | この世界に生まれた以上、その許容範囲で出来ない事なんてないの。そこで魔法がでてくるんだけど、それはまた改めて」 |
EN | JP |
"What I'm trying to say is that magecraft doesn't create miracles. It's only the process that's miraculous. | 「私が言いたかったのは、魔術は奇跡を起こしているのではなくて、その過程が奇跡だってこと。 |
To produce a real miracle, you need True Magic." | 結果が奇跡になるのは魔法の方なの」 |
EN | JP |
"A great mage is someone who can fly a passenger jet with only their own magecraft. | 「偉大な魔術師っていうのは、個人の魔術だけで旅客機飛ばしたりする人のこと。 |
Meanwhile, a Magician deals in making the impossible possible. | 対して、偉大な魔法使いっていうのは、現在不可能な事を可能にする人の事よ。 |
...Which is why we might just turn out to be the last Magicians." | ……そういった意味じゃ、私たちは最後の魔法使いになるかも知れないけどね」 |
EN | JP |
"Focus, Aoko." | 「脱線してるわよ、青子」 |
Alice had been quietly listening until she muttered her rebuke, | 触れてはいけない一線に踏みこんだのか。 |
as if Aoko had crossed a line. | 黙って聞いていた有珠が、窘めるように呟いた。 |
EN | JP |
"He doesn't need to know that. | 「……そこまで教える必要はないでしょう。 |
Shouldn't we be educating Sizuki on the dangers of living with us?" | 静希君に教えるべき事は、わたしたちと暮らす上で危険になる事だけじゃなかった?」 |
EN | JP |
"Sorry. You're right. Slip of the tongue. | 「悪かったわ、ちょい口滑らせた。 |
Anyway, mages spend every waking moment experimenting in magecraft, and would become devils in a heartbeat in order to protect their magecraft, by which I mean their family secrets." | ともかく、魔術師っていうのは暇さえあれば魔術の実験をしてる連中で―――自分の家系が伝えてきた秘儀を守るためなら鬼でも悪魔にでもなる」 |
EN | JP |
"Their lairs―which we call workshops―are like fortresses packed with all kinds of magical mechanisms. | 「必然、そのアジト……工房って言うんだけど、工房も魔術的な機構が積み重なって、要塞みたいになっちゃうのよ。 |
Like traps that kill intruders before they even know what hit them. It's all to protect our secrets. | 秘儀を守るために、入ってきた相手を問答無用で叩きのめす仕掛けとか。 |
This mansion is no different. | この洋館も、そういった工房と同じなの。 |
If you wind up trapped like you were before because you wandered around carelessly, even I won't be able to help you, so be careful of the dark. You might even find yourself stuck inside a mirror! ...Seriously, that can actually happen." | 不用心に歩き回って、さっきみたいな事になったら私でも助けてあげられないから、暗闇には気をつけなさい。気が付いたら鏡の中にいる!とか本気であるから」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Soujyuro so hoped they would provide him with a general idea of what to watch out for, but he passed, knowing that he was unlikely to get a straight answer. | その気をつけ方を具体的に教えてくれないものか、と心底思う草十郎だが、口にしたところでいい返事はなさそうだった。 |
EN | JP |
"That was a lot to take in in one go, but my point is: keep your nose out of where it doesn't belong. | 「枝葉から入っちゃったけど、要は私たちのプライベートに関わるなってコト。 |
Even though we're going to erase your memory in the end, there are still things that we'd have to kill you for seeing." | いくら最後には記憶を消すっていっても、それを見られた段階で消すしかないものもあるから」 |
EN | JP |
"...Got it. The mansion has rules I have to follow, I understand. Is there anything else I should..." | 「……なるほど。この館にもルールがある事はよく分かった。他に注意すべきコトは―――」 |
His eyes wandered as he trailed off mid-sentence, pondering. | 言いかけて、はてな、と草十郎は視線を泳がす。 |
He understood that the mansion was more dangerous than outside, and that magecraft needed to stay secret. | 館の方が危ない、とか、魔術は隠すものだ、とか。 |
But the explanation seemed to contradict his current problem. | その説明は彼がこうなった原因と矛盾する。 |
For starters, how had he managed to witness something that they took such pains to keep hidden? | そもそも、そこまでして隠すものを、どうして草十郎は目の当たりにする事になったのか。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm sorry, it just occurred to me. | 「すまない。話の腰を折るんだけど、いいかな。 |
Mages are all united under the organization called the Association, right? If that's the case, why were you attacked by that puppet, Aozaki? | 魔術師は協会という組織で結ばれてるんだろう? なら、どうして蒼崎はあんな人形に襲われたんだ? |
If its master was a mage, wouldn't that mean that you were fighting an ally? Am I missing something here?" | あれの持ち主が魔術師なら、君たちは味方同士で争っている事になる。なにか、説明が不足していないか?」 |
EN | JP |
"...I was saving that for last. | 「……それは最後にしようと思ってたのよ。 |
Normally, this would be the point in the story where you'd say I made it all up or laugh it off. | 普通はここまでの話だけで眉唾ものっていうか、笑い飛ばすっていうか。 |
Even if you've experienced it, the existence of magecraft shouldn't be something you accept so easily..." | いくら経験済みだからって、魔術なんて存在をあっさり受け入れるなんて出来ないって言うか―――」 |
EN | JP |
Aoko scratched her head as though troubled by how Soujyuro could take every word at face value. | すっかり自分の話を信じこんでいる草十郎に対して、青子は困ったように頬をかく。 |
Across from her, Alice's face betrayed no expression, but she shared the same opinion. | 向かい合った有珠も、表情にこそ出ていないが同意見のようだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Is that so weird?" | 「? おかしいのか、それ?」 |
"It's mega weird. | 「おかしいわよ。 |
In fact, you've been weird from the get-go. | そもそも、あんたは第一ステップから変だった。 |
A normal person would be shocked, scared, unwilling to accept our existence. Why do you of all people believe me when I say I'm a magician?" | 普通は驚いたり恐がったり無視したりするものなのに、どうして魔法使いだ、なんて言った私を信じたの?」 |
EN | JP |
In retrospect, this question should have been posed at the house of mirrors. | 思えば、それはミラーハウスで訊くべき問いだった。 |
Back then, though Soujyuro was surprised by seeing the phenomenon of magecraft for the first time, he showed no surprise or discomfort toward Aoko, the mage wielding it. | あの時、静希草十郎は見た事のない『魔術』という現象に驚いたのであって、それを使う青子自身に何の驚きも、不快感も表さなかったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
Feeling the probing stares of the two girls―no, the two mages―made Soujyuro feel uneasy. | ふたりの少女―――いや、魔術師の疑惑の眼差しを一身に受けて、草十郎は困ってしまう。 |
From where he was standing, their suspicion was suspicious in and of itself. | 彼にしてみれば、そんな疑問すら疑問なのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"There's no reason at all, really. Up in the mountains, people just accept things as they are. | 「なんでも何もない。蒼崎。山ではね、有る物は有るのが当たり前なんだよ。 |
We don't deny something we see in front of us just because we don't have the knowledge to explain it. | 理由をつけられるだけの知識がなかったからにしても、実際に見た物を信じない、なんて事はないんだ。 |
You said it yourself. Lighters and magic might as well be the same thing, right?" | それに君も言ったろう。貴方にとっては魔法もライターも同じ物なんだろうって」 |
Thought they weren't really the same to him anymore, he added quietly before shutting up. | いやまあ、今では違うけど、と付け足して草十郎は言葉をきった。 |
EN | JP |
What he said about those innocent days in the mountains had come from the heart. | 素朴だった山での日々を語った、本心からの言葉。 |
And the words resonated with not only Aoko Aozaki, but also Alice Kuonji. | それは蒼崎青子だけでなく、久遠寺有珠まで得心させる響きがあった。 |
It was something everyone should have―principles to stand by. | 誰であれ持っているだろう、胸を張れる矜持。 |
Indeed, to this boy, those words were an unshakable truth. | きっとこの少年にとって、今の言葉こそが揺るぎのない真実だったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Some things are the way they are. I see what you're saying." | 「有るものは有る、か」 |
She was impressed, if only slightly. | ちょっとだけ感心する。 |
If this boy, no matter how much of an outlier he was, could accept the things around him, he would be able to get through this just fine. | この少年自体がどんなに異端でも、彼自身が周りの物をそんな風に受けとめているのなら、たしかに、いつだって自然に生きられるはずだ。 |
EN | JP |
"That's a good way of explaining it, Soujyuro. | 「そうね。草十郎はそうなのよね。 |
I guess the fault's with us for not believing you sincerely." | 簡単に信じてもらえるコトが信じられない、なんて、私たちの方がどうかしてたわ」 |
Much like when Aoko met Soujyuro for the first time... | ……たとえば、初めて出逢った時のように。 |
In that classroom on his first day, Soujyuro took everything that was happening in his stride. The memory brought a bitter smile to Aoko's face. | あの教室でも、この少年は全ての出来事を是と受けとめていたんだと、少女は懐かしく苦笑した。 |
EN | JP |
"All right, let's get back on track. | 「じゃ、気を取り直してっと…… |
To your earlier question, for various reasons, there are mages that don't belong to the Association at all. | 草十郎の疑問だけどね。魔術師も色々あって、協会に属していない連中もいるの。 |
They do as they please behind the Association's back and fight other mages for their personal gain. That puppet's master is one of those types." | こういった連中は協会の目を盗んでやりたい放題で、利益目的で他の魔術師にケンカを売ってくる。あの人形の持ち主もその類」 |
EN | JP |
"To those jerkwads, we're a convenient, easy target. | 「そんな連中にとって、私たちは都合のいい、格好のカモなのよ。 |
But just because we have an arrangement with the Association doesn't mean we're one of them. It's not like they'll come to save the day if we're at risk of being killed." | 私たちは協会と協定関係にあるだけで門下ってワケじゃないから。私たちが殺されたところで、協会は助けてくれないしね」 |
EN | JP |
"But aren't mages forbidden from using magecraft?" | 「? でも、魔術師が魔術を使うのは禁じてるんだろ?」 |
"As long as it's not in public, the Association turns a blind eye. | 「それが公にならないのなら、協会は目をつむるわ。 |
Heck, they practically encourage fights between mages, as long as it's kept a secret. Like if we don't use it, we'll get rusty or something. | むしろ、バレなければ魔術師同士の争いを奨励してるぐらいよ。技術も使わないと錆びるってね。 |
...Anyway, the attacks on us are a different story and have to do with the fact that we own land." | ……まあ。私たちが襲われてるのはそれとは別の話で、たんに土地を持ってるからなんだけど」 |
EN | JP |
"...By land, you mean this house?" | 「……土地って、この家?」 |
"Oh, please. Just this house? Alice and I hold the rights to the entirety of Misaki City. We're administrators of the whole region." | 「まさか。この三咲市一帯の管理地の権利を持ってるのよ、私と有珠は」 |
EN | JP |
"Administrators? You own... all the land in Misaki?!" | 「管理地って、つまり土地の利権―――!?」 |
Dazzled, Soujyuro looked away. | 眩しい、と目を背ける草十郎。 |
He was sure he could see a halo of light around Aoko. | いま、彼が見ている青子には確実に後光が差している。 |
He had only been renting an apartment for two weeks, but he was already aware of how magnificent the prospect of owning land in the city might be. | 貸しアパート生活いまだ二週間の草十郎だが、都会において土地の権利がいかに偉大なものか、ほんと身をもって知っていたからだ。 |
EN | JP |
"You're r-r-r..." | 「お……おお……」 |
The word Soujyuro was trying to articulate was "rich." | お金、持ちだ―――! |
He shook all over with an emotion he did not fully grasp. | などと、草十郎はよく分からない感動でワナワナ震えている。 |
EN | JP |
"...Hold it, you're thinking about this all wrong. | 「……悪いけど、そういうんじゃないから。 |
When we say land, we're talking about the ownership and control of spiritual grounds, as mages. | 私たちで土地って言ったら、魔術師としての霊地の所有権、支配権のコトを言うの。 |
The Aozaki family might be a minor player, but we've got old roots here as mages, which is why Misaki falls under our jurisdiction." | 蒼崎はマイナーだけど古くからこのあたりに根を下ろしてた魔術師で、三咲町もうちの管理下ってワケ」 |
EN | JP |
"When I say we administer the land, I'm talking about a place where spiritual power is distorted and gathers easily. This type of land has always been valuable, and it's vital to the experimentation and practice of magecraft. | 「管理地って言うのはね、霊的な力が歪んで、集まりやすい土地のコト。そういう土地は昔から貴重で、魔術の実践、実験には不可欠でもある。 |
After all, the three pillars of what makes a successful mages are a strong workshop, lots of disciples, and fertile spiritual grounds. | 成功への絶対条件は優れた霊地、堅固な工房、多くの弟子たちってね。 |
To us, owning administered land and a residence to live in are number one on the priority list." | 魔術師たちにとって、土地つき館つきの住み家を持つのは一つの野望なんだから」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Soujyuro let her continue while wondering exactly who these two girls were to have achieved both ambitions already. | その野望を二つも叶えている青子たちは何様なんだろう、と思いつつ草十郎は先を促した。 |
EN | JP |
"However, most sacred grounds have already been claimed by the Association. There's nothing left for anyone else. | 「でも、その管理地は大部分が協会に仕切られてて、もう余っている土地はないの。 |
Rogue and landless mages have no choice but to borrow land from the organization in exchange for a monthly donation. They're basically worker bees, slaving away for the top dogs of the Association." | はぐれ魔術師や土地のない魔術師は、協会に毎月寄付金を納めて土地を借りるしかない。ま、ていよく協会のお偉いさんたちに尽くす働きバチってところね」 |
EN | JP |
"But this land here, it's been in my family for hundreds of years, so the Association can't get their grubby hands on it. | 「でも、ここの土地は何百年も前から蒼崎の物だから協会とは関係がないの。 |
Do you understand what I'm saying, Soujyuro? | ここまで言えば分かるでしょ? |
To rogue mages, our land is the juiciest fruit there is." | そういったフリーの連中からすれば、私たちの管理地はこの上ないご馳走なんだって」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro nodded to himself, unsure whether to call the conversation mundane or outright disturbing. | ……物騒なんだか所帯染みているのか微妙な話になってきたな、と内心うなずく草十郎。 |
"I get it. | 「よく分かった。 |
So you're basically fighting over the land." | 蒼崎たちは土地の奪い合いをしているんだな?」 |
EN | JP |
"Pretty much. | 「そういう事。 |
But because the administered land of Misaki is so minor, its challengers have all been third-rate. | ただ三咲の管理地はマイナーのさらにマイナーだから、やってくる挑戦者も三流ばっかりよ。 |
The enemy this time is probably some small fry thinking this place was low-hanging fruit. Though for now, we're on a ceasefire because of your intrusion." | 今回の敵だって、どっかの三流魔術師がここなら楽に奪えると思ってやってきたんだろうし。ま、それもアンタの乱入で休戦してるんだけど」 |
EN | JP |
"...That's enough about administered land, Aoko. | 「……管理地の話はそれで十分よ、青子。 |
Sizuki seems to understand the point that there are other mages out there apart from us. | 静希君も、他に魔術師がいると分かってくれたようだし。 |
If any danger exists, it's more likely to arise as a result of him becoming involved in one of our battles." | 危険があるとすれば、わたしたちの戦いに彼が巻きこまれる可能性だけど」 |
EN | JP |
"He'll be fine. | 「それは大丈夫でしょ。 |
Besides, this guy has zero trace of magical energy, so there's no chance of him being sensed. Plus, he has less tactical value than a watchdog, so he shouldn't be a target anyway. | だってコイツ、魔力の欠片もないじゃない。魔力感知にはひっかからないし、番犬以下の人間は戦力って言わないから、狙われる事もないだろうし。 |
We just have to make sure he doesn't escape before we can find the amnesia rune." | 私たちはただ、忘却のルーンを見つけるまでコイツを逃がさなければいいだけでしょ」 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Alice silently stared her partner down. | 有珠は無言で、相棒である少女を見つめる。 |
Their ideas of 'involving' Soujyuro differed greatly in both gravity and risk. | 有珠の言う“巻きこまれる”と、青子の言う“巻きこまれる”は、その深刻さ、過酷さが違っていた。 |
EN | JP |
Aoko's lack of experience had led her to believe that Soujyuro would not get directly involved in any fighting. | 青子はその浅い経験から、彼が直接的な戦いには巻きこまれないと断じている。 |
It was an honest and rational thought. | 清廉潔白で合理的。 |
Aoko despised wasted action, so it was natural for her to expect the same frugality from her enemies. | 無駄を嫌う彼女は、敵にも同じ効率を求めてしまう節がある。 |
However, there were those in this world who could not tell right from wrong until it was too late. | だが―――世の中には、そも事を終えるまで、自らの正否を量れぬ者もいる。 |
EN | JP |
"...No one knows what the future will bring. | 「…………先の事は誰にも分からないから。 |
I only hope that when the time comes, we won't regret this." | その時になって、後悔がなければいいけれど」 |
With a gloomy sigh, Alice came to her feet. | 陰鬱なため息をついて、有珠は席を立った。 |
EN | JP |
"Ahem. I'm not done with the lecture yet. You don't think that was entirely for Sizuki's benefit, do you? | 「ちょっと。何のために長話したと思ってるのよ。 |
Your opinion matters the most, and we still haven't heard it yet." | いちばん重要なアンタの同意、聞いてないんですけど?」 |
"If you must stick to your plan, that's fine. | 「貴女が貴女の方針を守るというのなら、それでいいわ。 |
I'll stick to mine." | わたしも好きにするだけよ」 |
EN | JP |
Alice glided soundlessly to the door. | 音もなく扉に向かう有珠。 |
As the girl in black opened it, she paused, barely lit by the dim corridor. | 黒衣の少女は扉を開け、薄暗い廊下の前で立ち止まった。 |
Then, | 同時に、 |
EN | JP |
without warning... | つい、と。 |
"?!" | 「!?」 |
To the rhythm of her footsteps, the small glass bottle floated into the air and shattered, without mercy. | 少女の足取りに合わせるよう、テーブルにあった小瓶が宙に浮き―――慈悲も躊躇いもなく、無惨に砕け散った。 |
EN | JP |
"That is what I should have done earlier." | 「……あの時、こうしておけばよかった」 |
Her sharp tone made Soujyuro's face go pale. | さらりとした声に、顔面蒼白になる草十郎。 |
Alice's voice was so quiet, it was hard to tell if she was being serious or mocking him. | 有珠の声は静かすぎて、本気なのか冗談なのかまったく読み取れない。 |
EN | JP |
"I forgot to mention something." | 「わたしも言い忘れていたけど」 |
She icily eyed them before turning away, | 少女の横顔が、いっそう冷たく青子と草十郎を流し見る。 |
and in a voice even colder than her gaze, stated, | 洋館の主は、その表情よりなお冷たい声で、 |
EN | JP |
"I'm still not happy with this arrangement." | 「まだ、認めていないから」 |
Her frigid departure seemed to forbode the many difficulties that lay ahead. | あまりにも前途多難な伝言を残していった。 |
Scene 7
EN | JP |
"...She is such a sore loser." | 「……ったく、往生際が悪い」 |
Aoko leaned back on the sofa while hurling abusive epithets. | ソファーにもたれながら悪態をつく青子。 |
Her face looked even more irritated than usual. | 不機嫌そうな顔は、普段よりイライラ度を増している。 |
EN | JP |
"She says letting you go and letting you stay here are out of the question, but I don't see her coming up with any bright ideas. | 「見逃すのと洋館に住まわせるのは別問題よって、じゃあそれ以外にどんな方法があるってのよ。 |
She's as stubborn as a mule. I wouldn't put it past her to resort to violence to get her way." | ……譲る気もなさそうだし。この分じゃ実力行使に出るかもね、あの娘」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro threw a wary glance at Aoko while she grumbled. | ぶつぶつと呟く青子に、草十郎は不審げな視線を送る。 |
He wondered what Alice's show of defiance meant, shattering the glass bottle like she did. | 今の決意表明―――小瓶を粉々にする―――はどういう^事なのか、と。 |
EN | JP |
"I thought I could convince her by including the backstop that we could erase your memory, but she's having none of it. | 「草十郎には“記憶を無くしてもらう”ってコトで話はつけたけど、心の底から納得してないってコトでしょ。 |
...It's rare that Alice is even cognizant of other people, but maybe having you live here was a step too far for her. | ……有珠にしちゃあ珍しく他人を意識してたけど、やっぱりここに住まわせるとなると難しいみたい。 |
She was fine while you were sleeping, but once she saw you awake, it must have roused her sadistic side." | 寝てる分には良かったけど、起きてるアンタを見たらこう、得も言わぬ嗜虐心を刺激されたとかさ」 |
EN | JP |
"Watch your back, Soujyuro. | 「気をつけてね草十郎。 |
She just might come to finish you off." | あの娘、アンタを殺しにくるかもしれないから」 |
If anything, Aoko's warning was an indication that persuading Alice had hit a dead end. | などと忠告しつつ、青子自身、これ以上有珠を説得する気はなさそうだった。 |
EN | JP |
"...Somehow, it doesn't seem like the situation has changed much from the other night, Aozaki." | 「……なんか、状況はあの夜からあまり変わってないようだね、蒼崎」 |
She shot him an unconcerned look in reply. | 思わず呟いた一言に、青子はそう? と軽く視線を返す。 |
EN | JP |
"I mean it, really. | 「そう? じゃないぞ。 |
That girl is just itching to finish what you started. The next time I make eye contact with her, I might not walk away alive. | 蒼崎の次はあの娘がやる気満々じゃないか。さっきみたいな目にあったら逃げることもできない。 |
This must be what people call a cliffhanger." | こういうの、生殺しって言うんじゃないか?」 |
EN | JP |
"I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen. | 「そうならないように努力するのね。 |
Besides, Alice isn't feeling as urgent as I was at the amusement park, so there's always a chance that she'll get over it by herself." | ま、有珠の理由は遊園地の時ほど切迫したものじゃないから、そのうち諦めてくれるとは思うんだけど」 |
"You mean her reason for wanting me dead is... different from yours?" | 「蒼崎の時とは違う、有珠の理由……?」 |
EN | JP |
"Yeah. That time at the park was because of our strict adherence to the secrecy law, but we've solved it for now. Even Alice understands how creepily earnest you are. | 「ええ。遊園地の時は秘密厳守のためだったけど、それは一応解決してる。アンタが底抜けに律儀なヤツだってのは、有珠だってもう分かってるし。 |
So she should have no reason left to worry about confidentiality. At this point, she probably just doesn't want you to live here, hence her desire to murder you." | なんで、秘密厳守云々であそこまで反対する理由はないの。あの娘は単にね、ここに住んでほしくないだけなのよ。それだけで、有珠はアンタを殺したがってる」 |
EN | JP |
She said so matter-of-factly, her eyes cold and serious. | きっぱりと言う青子の目は真剣そのものだ。 |
Soujyuro had hoped for a trace of deceit or exaggeration, but alas. | そこには嘘も誇張も影すらない。困った事に。 |
EN | JP |
"I did get that impression from her. | 「たしかに、あの娘はそんな素振りだったけど。 |
...But it's strange. If that's how she really feels, then surely we can find another solution." | ……変だね、それならもっと他の手段をとればいいのに」 |
Perhaps feeling guilty about putting Alice out, Soujyuro looked uncharacteristically concerned. | 有珠に申し訳ないものを感じているのか、柄にもなく深刻に悩む草十郎。 |
Aoko immediately knew what his words really meant. | その言葉の意味を、青子は瞬時に読み取った。 |
EN | JP |
"You mean like keeping you locked up inside that tiny glass bottle until we find the magecraft needed to erase your memory?" | 「例えば、記憶を消す魔術が見つかるまで、さっきの小瓶の中に閉じこめておくとか?」 |
The apathy in her voice until now was gone. | 青子の声に、先ほどまでの気怠さはない。 |
Soujyuro answered with a simple nod. | 草十郎は頷きだけで答えた。 |
In truth, it was undoubtedly the easiest solution for all parties concerned. | 事実、彼女たちにとってそれが最も安易な方法である事は間違いない。 |
However... | だが、 |
EN | JP |
"Soujyuro. I don't break promises. Remember that." | 「草十郎。私、約束は破らないの。覚えておいて」 |
She hated taking the easy way out, | その安易さを、彼女は嫌った。 |
and that quiet fury was clear in her soft words. | 静かな言葉にはかすかな怒りがある。 |
As for where that fury was directed, Soujyuro was acutely aware. | その怒りが何に対して向けられているのか、草十郎には痛いほどよく分かった。 |
The pain in his chest made him regret making her say those words. | 胸の痛みは、彼女にそんな台詞を言わせてしまった後悔によるものだ。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." | 「すまない。考えが足りなかった」 |
His sudden apology caused her usual sullen expression to return. | 草十郎の突然の謝罪に、青子はいつもの不機嫌そうな表情に戻る。 |
Aoko had not appreciated how angry she was, let alone the reason for it. | 青子本人、自分が怒った理由はおろか、怒っていた事すら気付いていない。 |
To her, his apology had come out of nowhere. | そんな青子からすると、草十郎の謝罪はまさに寝耳に水だ。 |
EN | JP |
"...I don't get you at all sometimes. | 「……アンタって、ほんと分かんないわね。 |
What are you apologizing for this time?" | なんでそこで謝るのよ」 |
She stared at Soujyuro, unblinking. | 青子はまじまじと草十郎を見る。 |
"Mmm? Oh... er... I'm not sure, myself. | 「? ……あれ、そうだな。自分でもよく分からない。 |
I guess I just felt like I should." | たぶん、そういう気分になったからだろう」 |
Even in saying he was not sure, Soujyuro had answered honestly. Aoko was at a loss for words. | よく分からない、などと言いつつ、草十郎は真剣に返答する。青子は呆れて言葉もない。 |
EN | JP |
"But, I get what you're trying to say, Aozaki. | 「ただ、蒼崎の言いたい事は分かった。 |
Keeping a promise is more about the process than the outcome." | 約束を守るっていう事は、結果じゃなく、過程を守るって事なんだな」 |
He shot her a brazenly honest smile. | 恥ずかしげもなくまっすぐに、草十郎は青子に笑いかけた。 |
That smiling face, filled with blissful ignorance, almost made her smile back instinctively. | 純粋な嬉しさに満ちた笑顔は、思わず笑みを返したくなるほどだ。 |
EN | JP |
"N-Now you get it. If life were only a means to an end, I couldn't live with myself." | 「あ、当たり前じゃない。オチだけ合っていればいいなんて、恥ずかしくてできないでしょ」 |
Aoko attempted to cover for her embarrassment with a quick retort. | 照れたように顔を背けて、青子は小さく言い返す。 |
Though unintentional, having her true feelings exposed like that made Aoko a little uncomfortable. | 不覚にも自分の本音を言い当てられ、少しだけくすぐったかったのだ。 |
EN | JP |
Finding offense in something was second nature to Aoko. Being made to feel uncomfortable was not. | いつもなら不快なだけ。 |
Though far from being unhappy at the remark, she turned away from its speaker. | が、何故か今は嬉しくて、つい顔を背けてしまった。 |
To disguise her perceived shame, Aoko started up the conversation again. | そんな自分が余計にみっともなく、青子は誤魔化すように言葉を続ける。 |
EN | JP |
"If I say I'll let you go, you can be sure I'm going to do just that, regardless of how I feel. | 「貴方を見逃すって言うなら、気持ちの問題じゃなくて、ちゃんと状況もそうなるようにするのは当たり前なの。 |
And if letting you live here is what it takes to keep my promise, I can take it, even if it means Alice and I butt heads. | 草十郎をここに住まわせる事があの約束を守る事になるんなら、厄介な有珠だって言い伏せるわよ。 |
...Even if they're just idle threats, there's no way I would let her bottle you up forever." | ……脅かすだけならまだしも、ずっと瓶づけなんてさせられるワケないでしょう」 |
EN | JP |
"Thanks. Now I get why you've given up trying to persuade her―she won't be persuaded anymore. | 「そっか。蒼崎があの娘を説得しない素振りなのは、もうできるだけの説得をした後だからなのか。 |
Oh, so that's why you called it cold war." | あ。それで彼女とは冷戦中なんだ」 |
"...It's not as if I'm doing this for you. I'm just keeping my promise. | 「……別にアンタのためじゃないわ。私は私のために約束を守ってるだけだし。 |
Like you said, I've done my part. Now it's your turn, Soujyuro-the ball's in your court." | お察しの通り、私のやるべき事はもう終わってるし? あとは草十郎が努力する番だから、勝手にすれば?」 |
"Huh?" he replied, tilting his head. | 言われて、はい? と首をかしげる草十郎。 |
EN | JP |
"All right, listen up. I spent two entire days arguing and trying to convince Alice into agreeing to this co-habitation idea because, hello, I was the only one capable of doing it. But I've hit a dead end. | 「あのね。いい? 同居案をなんとか認めさせる事が出来るのは私だけだから、二日間ぶっ通しで有珠を言い伏せもした。けどそれ以上は無理。 |
From now on, I'm taking a hands-off approach. | 私、ここから先はノータッチだから。 |
I'll protect you from Alice for the time being, but in the meantime you're the only one who can convince her to accept you, Soujyuro." | しばらくは有珠から守ってあげるけど、その間にあの子にアンタを認めさせる事は、アンタにしか出来ないんだからね、草十郎」 |
EN | JP |
"What?!" | 「なんと!」 |
Soujyuro had not expected that at all. | そういう流れになるのか、と面食らう草十郎。 |
Alice Kuonji. | 久遠寺有珠。 |
The girl in black who kept everyone at arm's length. | 他人を寄せ付けない黒衣の少女。 |
If Aoko was a modern day mage in hiding, then Alice was a bona fide witch from the middle ages. | 青子が現代に隠れ住む魔法使いなら、彼女は中世に実在した魔女さながらだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...Aozaki, you understand how difficult that will be, right?" | 「……蒼崎。君、自分がどれだけ難しい事を言っているか分かってるか?」 |
"Of course I do, and now you know how I feel." | 「そうね。私もこの件に関してだけは同情するわ」 |
Aoko stood up from the sofa. | 青子はソファーから立ち上がる。 |
This was the end of the discussion, at least for now. | とりあえず話はここまでらしい。 |
EN | JP |
"So now you have an idea of what kind of people we are. | 「私たちがどんな人間かはおおよそ判ったでしょ。 |
The less involved you are in magecraft the better, so I'll spare you any further lectures. | 魔術に関してはこれ以上立ち入らない方がアンタのためだから、説明はここまでね。 |
The long and short of it is, you'll be living here for three months. | で、肝心の今後の方針だけど、三ヶ月間ここで暮らす。 |
Your first objective... or first trial, if you like, is to somehow get Alice to accept you as her roommate." | 当初の目標……というより最初の試練は、なんとか有珠に同居人として認めてもらう事」 |
EN | JP |
"A trial? You just called it a trial." | 「試練って言った。いま、そういうたぐいのコトを言った」 |
"Sugarcoating it won't do you any favors. | 「誤魔化してもいいコトないでしょ、この手のコトは。 |
After all, blow it and you're a dead man, remember?" | うまくいかなきゃ粉々なワケだし?」 |
With her cold-blooded remark, Aoko started walking toward the door. | 血も涙もない発言をして、青子はドアへと歩きだす。 |
EN | JP |
"Oh, and one more thing. | 「あ、そうそう。 |
About your room, it's up on the third floor. There's a set of stairs on the far side of the second floor hall, so use those. Also, this is not a dorm, so you're free to spend your time however you want. | 草十郎の部屋だけど、三階に用意しといたから。二階のホールの裏側に階段があるから使って。ここは寮ってワケでもないし、時間は自由に使いなさい。 |
But whatever you do, do not go into the west wing. I rent the east wing, so it should be relatively safe in comparison, but still, it's generally safer to not wander around. | ただし、西館にだけは入らないようにね。東館は私が借りてるから比較的安全だけど、それでも歩き回らない方が無難だわ。 |
In other words, the safest places for you are your room and the drawing room." | ま、基本安全なのはアンタの部屋と居間だけよ」 |
EN | JP |
"W-Wait, is that really all you're going to tell me about the mansion?!" | 「な―――館の説明って、まさかそれだけ!? |
Aozaki, that's messed up! That seems way more important to explain than magecraft!" | 蒼崎はいろいろおかしい、魔術なんかよりもっと大事な説明があると思う!」 |
He desperately called out to her as she began to leave the drawing room. | じゃあね、とばかりに居間から出ていこうとする青子を、草十郎は決死の面持ちで呼び止める。 |
Aoko could not help by pity Soujyuro. | そんな草十郎を、心底かったりー、と憐れむ青子。 |
EN | JP |
"Can't you at least show me around?" | 「せめてほら、案内とか」 |
"Sorry, but I'll have to pass. Showing a country bumpkin the lay of the land twice is plenty enough for me. | 「面倒なんでパス。お上りさんを案内するなんて二回もやれば十分よ。 |
Plus, you just woke up. Why not take it easy in your room for the rest of the night? | 起きたばっかりだし、とりあえず今日は部屋で休んだら? |
I'll show you how to get to school in the morning." | 朝になったら学校まで案内してあげるから」 |
EN | JP |
"It's not like I'm made of free time. My obligation to put up with you ends as soon as final exams are over. | 「もっとも、私もそう暇じゃなし、側についてあげられるのは期末試験が終わるまでってコトで。 |
If you don't find some way to make nice with Alice, or find some way to blackmail her within a week, well, you know what that means." | 一週間以内に有珠と仲良くなるなり、弱みを握るなりしないと、ま、アレよね」 |
EN | JP |
With barely a wave of goodbye the student council tyrant walked out. | じゃあねー、と去っていく最終鬼畜会長。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
He unconsciously clenched the hand he had raised. | 挙げた手を、思わずニギニギしてしまう。 |
Left all alone, he was at a complete loss. | ひとり残されて、本気で途方にくれる草十郎。 |
Then, as if to encourage him... | そんな彼を励ますように、 |
Tweet tweet tweet. | チチチ、と。 |
With the sound of lightly fluttering wings, a blue robin appeared out of nowhere. | 軽快な羽音と共に、いずこともなく現れる青い駒鳥。 |
EN | JP |
The tiny, chubby bird innocently looked Soujyuro up and down. | でっぷりとした小鳥は無邪気そうな瞳を草十郎に向けている。 |
The blue robin, a bird said to bring happiness according to folklore, flapped its little wings as if to cheer him on. | 俗説で言うところの幸福を運ぶ青い鳥は、まるで彼の先行きを応援するように羽ばたくと、 |
Then, with a flutter, it mercilessly flicked off the lights. | 情け容赦なく、居間の電気を消したのだった。 |
Scene 8
EN | JP |
Leaving Soujyuro alone in the drawing room, Aoko returned to her bedroom. | 草十郎を居間に残したまま、青子は自室に戻ってきた。 |
She closed the door to her room, and as soon as she sat on her bed she was overcome by a unexpected wave of exhaustion. | ドアを閉めベッドに腰を下ろすと、どっと疲れが押し寄せてくる。 |
Soujyuro had no way of knowing, but she had been preparing for war. | 草十郎には知るよしもないが、青子は青子で臨戦態勢だったのだ。 |
In the event that Alice impulsively pulled out a Ploy, Aoko had to be ready to react in an instant. | いつ有珠が直情にかられてプロイを持ちだしても、即座に反応できるように。 |
EN | JP |
She sighed heavily. | はあ、とため息をつく。 |
But not from the fatigue she felt at fighting with Alice. | それは有珠との暗闘による気疲れ―――ではなく。 |
EN | JP |
"...Was I too hard on him?" | 「……ちょっと突っぱねすぎたか?」 |
She frowned a dejected frown. | むう、と眉を顰める。 |
What weighed on Aoko's mind was not Alice. | 彼女の頭を重くしているのは、まったく別の問題だった。 |
EN | JP |
"...I mean, going easy on him wouldn't do him any favors, either. | 「……でも甘くするのはアイツのためにならないし。 |
The best thing he can do for himself is to lay low." | 基本、大人しくしてもらった方がいいワケだし……」 |
It would be trouble if he wandered around like he owned the place, after all. | 安心されて我が家のように歩き回られるのも困る。 |
The safest thing for him would be if he holed up in his room, too scared out of his wits to leave it. | 彼にはおっかなびっくり、極力、自分の部屋に閉じこもってもらった方が安全なのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"God, I hope he doesn't think I'm his ally or something. | 「ま、蒼崎は味方だ、なんて勘違いされても困るしね。 |
Alice is the lucky one, I'd kill to have him treat me as a stranger." | 有珠同様、人でなし扱いされた方が楽だわ」 |
She nodded to herself, agreeing with her take on the situation. | よし、と自分の選択に納得する青子。 |
For the most part, it was a sound plan. | 彼女の方針はおおむね正しい。 |
If there were a problem, it would be this. | 問題があるとすれば、 |
EN | JP |
"Sorry Aozaki. I just have one quick question." | 「すまない蒼崎。ひとつ聞きたい事があるんだが……」 |
Not ten minutes had passed since leaving him in the drawing room. | 居間で別れてから十分弱。 |
For Soujyuro to shirk off what she had said and visit her room so fast, it was like he had no sense of danger at all. | 最速とも言える開き直りで青子の部屋を訪れた、静希草十郎の危機感の無さだった。 |
EN | JP |
"I need to go outside." | 「実は、外に出たいんだ」 |
Of course he would ask to leave the house. | それがこの男の言い分だった。 |
Aoko lacked the energy for a sarcastic barb. | 青子には嫌味を返す気力もない。 |
EN | JP |
"I won't wander around the mansion, and I'll come right back when I'm finished. I just figured I should check if there was a curfew or anything." | 「洋館の中は歩き回らないし、用を済ませたらきちんと戻ってくる。ただ、門限とかあったら聞いておこうと思って」 |
"Work, is it?" | 「でも、アルバイトには行くのよね」 |
"How did you know?!" Soujyuro exclaimed in surprise. | なんで分かる!? と驚く草十郎。 |
When it was Aoko who desired to display her shock at him. | 正直、驚きたいのは青子の方である。 |
EN | JP |
"Fine. You can go. | 「……まあいいわ。 |
You should make sure you're back on the estate by ten every night. | 基本、午後十時まで。その時間には必ず屋敷にいること。 |
As long as you keep to the curfew, you can go work your after-school job, have a barbecue in the garden, do whatever you want. I don't care. | その後は夜勤にでかけるなり、庭でバーベキューするなり、なんでも好きにしていい。 |
The front door is never locked anyway." | それと、玄関に鍵はかかってないから」 |
"...I get the impression you're, err... | 「……気のせいじゃなければだけど。 |
Angry with me." | 蒼崎、すごく怒ってないか?」 |
EN | JP |
"I'm angry all right, just not with you. I'm angry at myself for caring what happens to you. | 「アンタ相手に気を遣った自分に呆れ果ててるだけよ。 |
And before you go out, take this pill." | 外に出るのはいいけど、その前にこの錠剤飲んで」 |
"Huh?" | 「??」 |
Soujyuro took the purple pill from her outstretched hand and dubiously put it in his mouth. | 青子から差し出された紫色の錠剤を、半信半疑で草十郎は口に入れた。 |
He told himself that it must have been some kind of medicine. | 体に良い薬か何かだろう、と思いこんでいる風だ。 |
EN | JP |
"All right, I'm off then. Thanks for everything, Aozaki." | 「それじゃ行ってくる。色々ありがとう、蒼崎」 |
"Oh and...don't leave through the window this time, okay?" | 「あっそ。今度は窓から出ていかないでよね」 |
EN | JP |
Soujyuro laughed himself all the way to the foyer, unsure of what exactly he had found funny. | 何が嬉しいのか、あはは、などと平和ぼけに笑って草十郎はホールへ向かっていった。 |
Aoko watched him go, both indifferent and amazed all at once. | その背中を、青子は半ば冷たく、半ば不思議そうに観察する。 |
EN | JP |
"Well that happened about half a day earlier than planned. | 「ま、予定が半日早まっただけか。 |
He was supposed to take his first pill tomorrow morning." | あの薬を飲ませるの、明日の朝にしてあげようと思ったのに」 |
She huffed, ruffling her hair in exasperation and returning to her room. | やれやれと髪をかいて自室に戻る。 |
Discerning what made Soujyuro tick was a waste of brain matter. | 彼の行動原理なんて考えるまでもない。 |
In all likeliness, he was more concerned about missing two days of work than his own well-being after being bedridden for two days. | おおかた、二日間寝こんでいた自分の体より、アルバイトを休んでいた事の方が気になっていたのだろう。 |
Scene 9
EN | JP |
With the day's work behind him, Soujyuro returned to the mansion. | 一日の仕事を終え、草十郎は洋館に戻ってきた。 |
"This must be it. It's the only set of stairs leading up from the second floor hall." | 「よし。どこを探しても、二階のホールから上がれる階段はここだけだ」 |
It was just before midnight. | 日付も替わろうとする零時前。 |
This was the scene that awaited him beyond the rickety staircase. | くたびれた階段の先には、このような景色が広がっていた。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「――――――」 |
Not much surprised Soujyuro. Or rather, being surprised had become normal to him. This scene, however, was enough to leave him speechless. | たいていのコトには驚かない……もう驚きなれてしまった……草十郎をして、それは、言葉を失う光景だった。 |
EN | JP |
The room allotted to Soujyuro, | 草十郎にあてがわれた部屋は、 |
no matter how he looked at it, | どこをどう見ても、 |
no matter how he ran it through in his mind, | 何をとりつくろうとも、 |
was without a shadow of a doubt, an attic. | まがうことなき屋根裏部屋でした。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
This treatment stirred a tinge of anxiety in him. | むう、と己の処遇に一抹の不安を覚える。 |
Just as he was about to flop onto the taut sheets of his bed, wondering if he could make this work despite his share of other problems, | ただでさえ気の重いことばかりなのに、こんなんでやっていけるのかな、とシーツの敷かれたベッドに倒れこもうとした時、 |
he noticed an awkward courtesy, so meager as to be useless. | ささやかすぎて役に立たない、ちぐはぐな気遣いがあった。 |
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"Something to use if you get cold. Consider it a gift." | 『寒かったら重ねて使うこと。これはサービスとする』 |
The message in the memo pointed to the meticulous personality of the author. | メモにある文字は、几帳面な性格がにじみ出ている。 |
The bed had been perfectly prepared. | 布団は十分用意されていた。 |
Carefully, setting aside the blanket that had been painstakingly placed on the edge of the bed for him in case he needed it, he looked up at the sky. | その上で、念のためにと置かれた毛布を大事そうに端にどけて、草十郎は空を仰いだ。 |
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Though faint, the stars twinkled through the skylight. | おぼろげではあるが、天窓には星が瞬いている。 |
For a mountain boy, that meager light was more than enough for him. | 山育ちである彼にすれば、不満はあれ十分な明かりといえる。 |
The stark contrast with the drawing room had caught him off guard, but now that he had collected himself, it was not so bad. | 居間との格差から面食らってしまったが、冷静になれば落胆するコトでもない。 |
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This room fit his personality. | この部屋はこの部屋で彼の性格に合っているのだし。 |
Even if he still was not used to the building, he felt more at ease here than he did in any building in the city, | いまだ勝手の分からない建物だとしても、町の建物よりは安心できた。 |
perhaps because it was built on a hill, surrounded by woods. | 丘の上、森の中に建っているからだろう。 |
The atmosphere here was a little closer to the mountains where he used to live. | ここは少しだけ彼の住んでいた山の空気に近いのだ。 |
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"...Oh. Is it normal for there to be fog inside the house?" | 「……あ。でも、家の中に霧が出るのはどうなんだろう?」 |
He crooked his neck, pondering over the spectacle he had witnessed. | 先ほどの光景を思い返して首をかしげる。 |
On the way to his room, Soujyuro had encountered what looked like fog in the foyer on the second floor. | 草十郎はここに来る途中、二階のホールで霧らしきものを見かけていた。 |
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The misty fog drifted into a portion of the corridor, reminding him of a swarm of mosquitoes. | 白い霧は廊下の一部分にだけ漂っていて、藪蚊の群を思わせた。 |
As he stared at it, he swore he could make out a strange landscape, and as he moved closer to get a better look... | じっと見ていると、おかしな風景が見えた気がして近寄ったのだが、 |
Again, out of nowhere, here inside of the mansion, a little blue bird darted purposefully in front of him. | これまたとつぜん、不自然なことに青い小鳥が目の前を横切ったのだ。館内で。 |
EN | JP |
"...A bird?" | 「―――鳥?」 |
The bird caught his attention, stopping him in his tracks. | 小鳥に気を取られて立ち止まる。 |
When he looked to check on the fog again, the strange scene had disappeared. | もう一度霧を見ると、おかしな風景は消えていた。 |
EN | JP |
"...This house must have a draft. | 「……この家、隙間でもあるのかな。 |
I'll ask Aozaki about it tomorrow," | 明日、蒼崎に訊いてみるか」 |
he muttered to himself as he sat on the bed. | ベッドに腰掛けながら呟く。 |
Meager as it was, the starlight peeping in through the skylight calmed him. | 天窓から覗く星の光は、ささやかではあるが気持ちを落ち着かせてくれた。 |
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"Yeah, this will work." | 「うん、これなら―――」 |
Exhaling slowly, he laid down. | ほう、と息を吐いてベッドに体を預ける。 |
For the time being, he had the essentials needed to live, and his bed was many times softer than it appeared. | とりあえず衣食住はあるのだし、ベッドは見た目より何倍も柔らかいし。 |
Thinking his worries seemed smaller than they were, he quickly drifted off to sleep. | 心配事はあまりないな、と草十郎は速やかに眠りに落ちていった。 |
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That was the story of from when he opened his eyes, to when he fell asleep. | 以上が、彼の目覚めてから眠るまでの話。 |
Just like that, the short night following the long night was over. | 長い夜のあとの、短い夜はこうして終わった。 |
For one thing was true... | ……どうあれ。 |
Soujyuro was an optimist to a fault, but it wasn't the end of the world. | 楽観的すぎるけれど、やっていけない事はなさそうだ。 |
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Now, let us rewind five hours prior to this glutton for punishment going to bed. | そんな、踏まれても踏まれても応えない天然草の話から、時間は五時間ほどさかのぼる。 |
EN | JP |
It was seven o'clock in the evening, just after the unproductive discussion between the two mages and the boy had ended. | 魔術師の当事者ふたりと、おまけの少年の不毛な話し合いが終わった午後七時。 |
Leaving her roommate and the intruder in the drawing room, the girl walked alone through the foyer. | 居間に同居人と闖入者を残したまま、少女はひとりロビーを歩いていた。 |
From there, she headed to the west wing. | 向かう先は館の西館。 |
These were Alice Kuonji's personal chambers, in which even her roommate, Aoko Aozaki, seldom dared to step foot. | 同居人である蒼崎青子でさえ滅多に足を踏み入れない、久遠寺有珠の居住区である。 |
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The foyer was illuminated only by pale moonlight. | 月明かりだけのロビー。 |
Hard footsteps echoed through the dreary, moonlit lobby. | 寒々しい明かりの下、硬い足音が木霊している。 |
In such mansions in Japan, there was no custom for removing shoes at the door. | 洋風の屋敷では靴を脱ぐ習慣はない。 |
Hence, Alice crossed the foyer in her boots. | 有珠はブーツのままロビーを横断する。 |
She only removed them when she relaxed in her bedroom. | 彼女が靴を脱ぐのは寝室で休む時だけだ。 |
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"..." | 「――――――」 |
...Suddenly, she remembered something from her childhood. | ……ふと、有珠は子供の頃の出来事を思い出した。 |
She used to enjoy the feeling of the cold hardwood floor on her bare feet, and would walk around the foyer on particularly sunny days. | 冷たい床の感覚を楽しみたくて、日射しの強い日は裸足でこのロビーを歩いた。 |
After her father affectionately scolded her for it, she never did it again. | それを父に優しく咎められて以来、彼女は裸足で歩く事はなくなったのだが――― |
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"And I don't know why I bother. Aoko never does." | 「……そうだったわね。青子は結局、守らなかった」 |
She let out a quiet sigh. | かすかなため息がもれる。 |
Alice's new roommate, whom she took on after coming to Japan, would not comply with her instructions. | 日本に来てから得た新しい同居人は、有珠の言いつけには従わなかった。 |
EN | JP |
"Old habits die hard." | “落ち着かないものはしょうがない” |
Aoko would say, changing into her slippers. | と、青子はスリッパに履き替える事がある。 |
Aoko might have found it natural to do so given that she lived in a typical Japanese house through middle school, but every time Alice heard her flip-flopping through the foyer, she wanted to cancel their cohabitation. | 中学生まで一般家屋で暮らしていた青子にすれば自然なのだろうが、あのペタペタいう足音でロビーを移動される度に、有珠は彼女との共同生活を破棄したくなったものだ。 |
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By now, Alice was not particularly bothered by it anymore. | それも今ではさして気にはならない。 |
Human adaptability was remarkable at times, and ungracious at others. | 人間の順応性は時に優秀で、不義理だ。 |
The emotional attachments of the past had proved far too brittle under the weight of reality. | 現実の忙しさの前には、昔からの思い入れなんて脆すぎる。 |
EN | JP |
A little blue bird was perched on the banister. | 階段の手すりには青い小鳥が止まっていた。 |
Its tiny chirping made Alice stop and look its way. | 小さな鳴き声に、少女は足を止めて視線を向ける。 |
"...Leave him be for tonight. Right now, he's Aoko's problem." | 「……今夜は放っておくわ。今は青子の問題よ」 |
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The lack of feeling in her voice made the bird tilt its head as it sang. | 感情の乏しい声に、小鳥は首をかしげながら鳴いた。 |
Tweet tweet tweet. | チチチ、と。 |
It trilled, as though questioning its master's uncharacteristic leniency. | いつもの主人からは考えつかない、懐の深さを訝しむように。 |
EN | JP |
"A promise is a promise. I can at least tolerate him for tonight. | 「約束は約束よ。今夜ぐらいは大目に見ないと。 |
Aoko and the boy did go to such lengths, after all." | ……青子と彼は、それだけの活躍をしたのだし」 |
She said to the bird, her voice betraying her discontent. | 小鳥に言い聞かせる声は、内容とは裏腹に不機嫌気味だ。 |
"If you win, I'll let you go." | “勝負に勝てば見逃してあげる” |
She would keep that promise, in spite of the unquenchable desire to fight that burned in her chest. | その約束を守ってはいるものの、少女の胸には消しがたい戦意が灯っている。 |
EN | JP |
"...But I didn't make any guarantees after that. | 「……でも、その後の処遇は別の話。 |
She scraped a win even with a handicap in our little game, but I won't let her strut around childishly rubbing it my face forever." | 条件付きのゲームに勝ったぐらいで、いつまでも得意げでいられるのは心外だわ」 |
Perhaps it was perfectionism born of fastidiousness, but | 潔癖性からくる完全主義か。 |
despite her prim demeanor, Alice Kuonji was a sore loser. | こう見えて久遠寺有珠は負けず嫌いらしい。 |
It did not matter to her whose magecraft was superior. Losing the game had proven hard to move on from. | 魔術の優劣などどうでもいいが、ゲームに負けた事が今も不満で仕方がないのだ。 |
EN | JP |
The little bird fluttered its wings in agreement. | シュタ、と翼をあげて同意する小鳥。 |
Drinking in Alice's contempt, it was itching to dive-bomb the invader. | 有珠の嫌悪感を汲んで、草十郎を打ちのめさんとやる気に満ちている。 |
It looked like a soldier saluting a superior officer as it preened itself. | その羽繕いは、上官に敬礼する仕草に見えなくもない。 |
EN | JP |
The blue bird turned to face its master. | かくして、青い小鳥は主人に向き直る。 |
Tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet. | チチチ、チチチ。 |
Its lighthearted tweeting seemed to display a desire to deal with Soujyuro first thing in the morning. | 軽快な鳴き声は、明日の朝一番で草十郎をヤりましょう、と宣言するかのようだ。 |
EN | JP |
"...Indeed. If he gives us a reason, let us put him in a bottle, or perhaps a book." | 「…………そうね。理由さえできたのなら、瓶なり本なりに入ってもらいましょう」 |
Except, her words lacked any bite. | だが、少女の声には張りがなかった。 |
On the face of it, they were the chilling kind one might come to expect from a witch's lips, but then again so tame as to remind you of a certain robin's flapping. | 魔女らしい、容赦のない台詞だったが、よくよく考えてみれば生温いコトこの上ない。コマドリ的に。 |
EN | JP |
"It's only a matter of time, and there's not very much at that. My patience has its limits. | 「しばらくの話よ。けど、それも一時だけ。わたしの我慢も長くは続かないし。 |
Aoko is in no position to dote on others in the first place. I give her five days. And then..." | ……だいたい、青子も人にかまけていられる立場じゃないわ。五日もすれば思い知るでしょう。そうすれば―――」 |
EN | JP |
When that time came, expelling him would be simple. | その時こそ、彼を排斥するのは容易い。 |
Alice was well aware her roommate was a pragmatist with no vision. | 同居人が夢のない合理主義者である事を、有珠はよく分かっている。 |
EN | JP |
The situation she'd created would not allow her to wait around. | 青子の置かれた状況は、いつまでもあんな余分を許しはしない。 |
She could only afford to protect that boy for three or four days at most. | あの少年の保護に割り当てる時間は、せいぜい三日から四日ほど。 |
Beyond that, Alice sensed Aoko would crack and say something like, "You take care of this, Alice." | それを過ぎれば青子の方から“あとは有珠の判断に任せる”と折れるだろう。 |
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"Will I wait until then, or will I lose my patience first? | 「それまで待つか、あるいはわたしの我慢がきかなくなるか。 |
Whichever comes first, the end result will be the same." | どちらにしても結果は変わらないわ」 |
Alice Kuonji would suffer no more irritations. | 久遠寺有珠はこれ以上の厄介事を許さない。 |
And protecting a witness, let alone allowing them to live in her mansion, was an indignity. | 目撃者の保護や、まして、この洋館に住まわせるなんてもってのほかで――― |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
Alice looked up, fascinated by the dense fog that had crawled into the foyer. | 漏れだした濃霧に引かれるよう、有珠は視線を上げた。 |
Above the fireplace was a single mirror. | 暖炉の上には一枚の鏡がある。 |
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Roughly three feet in diameter, it decorated the wall where one might find a painting. | 本来なら絵画が飾られるだろう壁には、直径一メートルほどの鏡。 |
Its surface was faintly clouded, and vaguely reflected the foyer's appearance. | 鏡の表面はぼんやりと曇り、ロビーの様子を曖昧に映している。 |
EN | JP |
"This is what I get for losing the Snark. | 「……スナークを喪くした影響でしょうね。 |
I suppose that means the mirror is out of commission for the time being." | 鏡の機能、しばらくは制御できないみたい」 |
The little bird joyfully chirped at its master's mumbling. | 主人の呟きに、小鳥は喜びの鳴をあげた。 |
The bird attempted to imply that there was no need for her to lift a finger, not if the nuisance would fall into the mirror of his own accord. | それなら自分たちが手を下すまでもなく、邪魔者は鏡に落ちて退場すると。 |
EN | JP |
Or perhaps... | ……あるいは。 |
Had the little bird had not sang, Alice would have come to the same conclusion. | この小鳥さえそんな鳴き声をあげなければ、有珠も同じ意見だっただろう。 |
EN | JP |
"..." | 「………………」 |
For some reason, she recalled an earlier conversation. | 少女はなんとなしに、先ほどの会話を思い出した。 |
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"How about now? Still think this is the safest option?" | “これでも一番、無難だと思う?” |
In response to her question, the boy inside the bottle shrugged his shoulders and answered. | そう問うた少女に、小瓶の中の少年は肩をすくめながら答えた。 |
EN | JP |
From his perspective, the city and the mansion were no different. | 自分にとっては町も洋館も変わらない、と。 |
It seemed that having just moved from the countryside, everything was "something he had never seen before." | なんでも、田舎から出てきたばかりの彼にすれば、あらゆるものが“見たこともないもの”なのだそうだ。 |
EN | JP |
"I'm not proud of it, but I still have trouble writing, and the city rules are so complicated that I don't even know right from wrong." | 『自慢できるコトじゃないが、まだ書き物さえ満足にできないし、都会のルールは複雑すぎて、何が正しいのかさえ区別がつかない』 |
More than embarrassment, his voice was full of resentment. | ……あれは恥ずかしさより、憤りに満ちた声だった。 |
He was angry about something, though Alice could not tell what. | 彼が何に対して怒っているのか、有珠には読み取れない。 |
However... | ただ、 |
EN | JP |
"That's why no matter where I go I'm always in danger. | 『だから、どこにいても危ない事に変わりはないんだ。 |
It may be an exaggeration, but even walking down the street, or talking to someone makes me anxious. No matter where I am, there's no guarantee I'll make it out. | 極端な話、道を歩くだけでも、人と話すだけでも不安になる。俺は、どこでだろうと上手くやっていける保証はないんだよ。 |
But here, there's someone that might show concern for a person like me. Sure, my reasoning is a little messed up, but I've never known such luxury." | けど、ここにはそんなヤツに気を遣ってくれる人がいる。気遣ってくれる理由は物騒なものっぽいけど、それは本当に、贅沢なコトだと思うんだ』 |
EN | JP |
Her eyes welled up ever so slightly. | ……少女の瞳がわずかに曇る。 |
Those soft words were something she could not brush off, | 静かにこぼれたあの言葉は、無視できるものではなかった。 |
because they made sense to her. | だって、きちんと筋が通っている。 |
Given that everything in the city was a danger to him, nothing had changed after coming to the mansion. | 彼にとって都会はどこであろうと危険なら、この洋館ですら“何も”変わらないのだ。 |
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In reality, he had no reason to fear this place in particular; | 本当に、この洋館を恐れるだけの理由がない。 |
if anything was different from the outside, it would be that someone here was his ally. | 外との違いがあるとしたら、それは味方になってくれる誰かがいるかいないかという点だけ。 |
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With that view, he had been entirely sincere. | その説でいけば、彼は何ひとつ嘘を言っていない。 |
His explanation hadn't contained any flattery towards Alice Kuonji, | 久遠寺有珠へのご機嫌とりでもなく、 |
mor pandering to Aoko Aozaki. | 蒼崎青子に頼ろうとしたのでもなく。 |
He was simply speaking from the heart: "I like it here." | 心から、『ここがいい』と告げたのだ。 |
EN | JP |
"Perhaps having him wander into the mirror is more trouble than it's worth right now. | 「……いま、鏡に迷いこまれるのは迷惑ね。 |
I want to dedicate the mirror's function to searching for intruders, so if it looks like he's going to be swallowed up by it, do stop him, will you?" | 鏡の機能は侵入者の探索に専念させたいし、彼が迷いこみそうになったら止めてあげて」 |
The bird shook its feathers at her strange instruction. | 予想外の言葉に小鳥の羽が震える。 |
Alice looked away from the mirror and continued her walk. | 少女は鏡から視線を逸らして歩きだした。 |
EN | JP |
The bird chirped in protest. | 抗議の鳴をあげる小鳥。 |
"It is your job, Robin. At least get that right, would you?" | 「貴方の仕事よロビン。それぐらいの役には立って」 |
Leaving the bird with that icy retort, she vanished into the west wing. | それに冷たい言葉を返して、少女は西館に消えていった。 |
EN | JP |
All that remained was the moonlight, | 後に残されたのは月の明かりと、 |
and the little blue bird, trembling at an perilous prospect of unprecedented change. | かつてない変化の予兆に激震する、青い小鳥だけだった。 |