Chapter 8: ARE YOU FOR REAL!?

Mountain Cleaning During Winter Break

Misaki High School's winter vacation began in mid-December.三咲高校の冬休みは十二月の中旬から始まる。
The tranquil air of the school was a refreshing change of pace from the more competitive schools and their nationally famous sports teams and exam-oriented curriculum.全国に名を馳せる運動部もなく、熱心な進学校でもない学校の静けさは清潔感すらある。
The empty, newly constructed building evoked images of a pure white swan descending upon a still winter lake.人気ひとけえた新築の建物は、冬の湖に舞い下りた白鳥を思わせる。
The modern school building felt alive in its stillness, in spite of the absence of its lifeblood of students.近代化の進んだ校舎は、その血液である生徒をいても在り方を損なわず、粛々とたたずんでいる。

Most students never knew what this building used to look like.だが、生徒の多くはその前身を知らない。
It was just a small, rundown wooden building, a shadow of its former self.今の姿とは比べようのない、木造の小さな学舎まなびや
The former school was never torn down and now stood in lonely silence.その旧校舎は取り壊される事もなく、今でもしずかに眠っている。
It was tucked away deep in a seemingly infinite wood that stretched across the mountains.裏山に延々えんえんと続く森のただ中に、ひっそりとその身を隠すように。

The sound of brooms sweeping dead leaves resonated in the air.枯葉をく竹ぼうきの音が響く。
The ocean of leaves had accumulated into piles as big as sand dunes; sweeping was a futile venture at this point.裏山に枯れ落ちた葉は、砂浜に打ち寄せる波のようだ。掃いても掃いてもきりがない。
An ominous feeling lingered in the air, perhaps the result of two years of abandonment.なにしろ二年間以上放置された魔境である。
Cleaning the inside of the building alone would take more than a few days to finish.仮に校内あげての清掃を始めたところで、一日二日でどうにかなるものではない。
Not to mention,いわんや、

"Ugh, this SUCKS! We're students, dammit! Not machines!「あー、ほんとだりぃー、存在価値がみいだせねぇー。
We barely get any winter break and then the student council has us out here doing this crap?"バッカじゃねえの、冬休みは短いってのに、なんでこんな事やらせんだよ生徒会は」
The misguided youth sent here for the job wasted no time making it clear he wanted no part in the beautification efforts.その参加者がこのような不心得ふこころえものでは、裏山の美化など望むべくもないのだった。

"At least let us wear a jacket or something! It's freezing out here!「っていうかジャージでやらせんなよ、ジャンパーぐらい着させろよなー。
Is this part of gym class or something? Winter marathon training? And I'm saying this as someone who NEVER skips gym class!"なにこれ、もしかして体育の補習? 寒中マラソン? オレ体育だけはサボったコトねぇんスけどねー!」
Housuke Kinomi continued to mumble and grumble to himself as he reluctantly swept away at the ground.なげやりに竹ぼうきをブンブンと振り回し、罵詈ばり雑言ぞうごんをまき散らす木乃美きのみ芳助ほうすけ
Meanwhile, Soujyuro silently and swiftly continued his sweeping, glaring at Kinomi out of the corner of his eye.それを横目にしながら、草十郎は無言でざっざっと竹ぼうきを動かしていた。

"Are you seriously trying to clean up all this for real? There's only, like, forty of us out here. There's no way we're going to get all this cleaned up, so who cares?"「おい、なに真面目にやってんだよ。こんなの適当でいいんだって。だいたい四十人しかいねえのに、こんな山みたいな庭の掃除なんか終わるかってんだ」
"Anything can be completed with diligence, Kinomi. Stop complaining so hard."「終わらない事なんてない。少しうるさいぞ、木乃美は」
Kinomi went back to idly swinging his broom without even glancing over at Soujyuro.振り向きもせずたしなめる草十郎に、木乃美はますます詰まらなそうに竹ぼうきを振り回した。

Mornings on the mountain were cold.朝の裏山は寒い。
There was no hint of sun in the cloudy sky above; ash-gray light illuminated the rear courtyard; the sharp cold of mid-winter pierced through everyone's gloves as if they did not exist.曇った空には太陽の影もなく、灰色の光が裏庭を照らしていた。真冬の見本みたいな寒さは、軍手ごしにも手をかじかませる。
A day like this was best spent indoors under warm blankets, but for some reason they were out here cleaning.こんな日は部屋でぬくんでいるべきなのに、何の因果か、彼らは裏山の掃除なんてやっていた。

The Special Winter Cleaning Team.冬期特別清掃班。
That was the name given to this elite force sent to clean up this dilapidated, overgrown mountain.それは、いいかげん荒れ放題の裏山をどうにかしようと集結した有志たちによる、決死隊の呼称である。
The other students had put their faith into this team to fulfill this beautification mission, respecting them for their sacrifice.一般生徒は彼らを美化という名の神に信心を捧げた、鋼のお掃除部隊と思うだろう。

The reality, however, was that this was nothing more than a ragtag dare-losing gang of students needing remedial lessons before their exams.しかし、その実態は期末試験の補習の一貫として用意された、ただの罰ゲーム部隊だった。
They were the victims of a year-long arm-twisting scheme by the student council.今年度の生徒会が力技で実行した、一年計画の犠牲者である。

Who in their right mind would come out here to sweep up leaves with a blizzard looming on the horizon?そろそろ雪が降ってもおかしくないこの季節に、誰が好き好んで枯葉拾いなぞやるものか。
Other than one of the forty assembled, none of them had any semblance of interest in the task at hand.結局集まった四十人のうち一人を除いて、有志でもなんでもなかったりする。

"Hey, Sizuki, look over there. Akabane and those guys are over there roasting sweet potatoes! What is this, the 50s or something?!「げ。おい見ろよ静希しずき赤羽あかばねたち、向こうで焼き芋とかレトロなマネしてやがる!
Looks like they don't even know how to roast them properly. Oh, I know! Wanna grill some squid?"んが、二番煎じはいかにもあたま悪いしな。そうだ、オレたちはイカでも焼かねぇ?」

Kinomi did not want to be here to begin with, and was constantly trying to break Soujyuro into joining him.もとより掃除をする気のない木乃美はしきりに草十郎を懐柔しようとしていた。
The cleaning squad was divided into groups. Soujyuro and Kinomi were in charge of cleaning behind the gymnasium.清掃班はグループに分けられており、草十郎と木乃美は体育館裏の担当だ。
Soujyuro was the leader of the platoon. Kinomi was the grunt.リーダーは草十郎で、一般兵士は木乃美である。

"Look, when we finish cleaning up around this fence you can go off and eat your sweet potato or squid or whatever it is you want because it'll be lunch time."「ああ。こことあっちの垣根をきれいにしたら、焼き芋だろうと焼きイカだろうとネコ鍋だろうと好きにしよう。その頃にはちょうどお昼だ」

Soujyuro said, as he expertly packed his swept leaves into trash bags.草十郎は慣れた手つきで、かき集めた枯葉をビニールのゴミ袋に詰めていく。
Two hours had passed since they assembled on this foggy morning at seven o'clock.うっすらと霧が立ち籠める朝七時から集まって、すでに二時間。
While everyone else chatted and laughed as they worked, Soujyuro alone had worked in complete silence at the same blistering pace since he started.誰もがを上げてだらけ始めている中、草十郎は開始時と同じペースで黙々と働いていた。
The sheer amount of work he put in was likely the only thing keeping him from complaining of the cold in his thin jersey.掃除用に着替えたジャージはえらく寒いのに、泣き言一つないのは運動量の多さ故だろう。

"Come on, let's take a break. Look at that pond...or should I say ice skating rink? No, on second thought, it's just a pond.「なー、やめようぜ。みろ、そこの池……スケートリンク……? いや、やっぱ池……?
But it's frozen solid, dude! That's how cold it is out here!とにかく、そこの池らしきモノだってカチカチに凍ってるぐらいなんだぜ?
A normal human can't work in these snowy conditions unless they're some kind of robot. We're going to have to start eating each other to survive if this keeps up!"こんな雪原じゃ人体はフツー動かねえよ、機械伯爵でもなきゃだよ、そろそろ人間狩りがはじまるよー」

"Why won't you just take a break for a minute?「なんで、いいかげん休憩しねえ?
We got all these leaves together, why don't we burn 'em and get warmed up! Nobody's really watching, come on let's grill some squiiid! Pleeeeeease!"せっかく枯葉集めたんだから、燃やして暖まんないとさー。どうせ監視役は殿下しかいないんだしさー。な、焼きイカやろうぜ、焼きイカー」

For some reason, Kinomi was droning on about his squid.イカに思い入れがあるのか、木乃美はしつこく主張する。
Soujyuro had managed to withstand the barrage of complaints from his comrade, but even he was reaching his limit.相棒の泣き言を黙って受けとめていた草十郎だが、それもそろそろ限界らしかった。
"Kinomi, please..."「木乃美、頼むから……」

Just then, Soujyuro saw the Grim Reaper himself creeping behind Kinomi.その時、草十郎は相棒の背後に死神の姿を認めた。
In his hands he held a rake instead of a soft bamboo broom.手に持っている物が竹ぼうきではなくクマデなのがまたらしい。

"Sounds good to me. I'll let a bit of grilled squid slide. Far be it for me to get between the big man and his squid. I tell you what, I'll even get you the soy sauce."「いいぜ。おまえがイカなんてモンを用意してるほどの大人物だってんなら、つつしんでイカ焼きぐらい許可してやるよ。なんなら醤油はこっちで用意してやろう」
Kinomi shot to attention at the voice behind him.背中からの声に、木乃美はびくり、と背筋を伸ばし、
"Ahhh! Tsukiji, is that you?!"「ひゃあ! その物言い、槻司なにがし―――!」
Before quickly turning around, swinging his broom in the process.時代劇めいた台詞を吐いて、振り向きざまに竹ぼうきを振るう。
Tobimaru easily blocked the swing with his rake.それを鳶丸はクマデでがっしりと受けとめた。

"Oh, so NOW you wanna use that broom, huh? Just can't contain all that hard-working spirit, I see. Maybe I should assign you to the special Siberian trail, then!"「ああ? テメエ、やる気十分じゃねえか。あふれる労働意欲を抑えきれないってワケか? なんなら特別シベリアコースにでも行っちまうか?」
"Hah. All you've done is stand over by the furnace with the girls pretending like you're on a Caribbean holiday instead of out here in the freezing cold."「はん。女ども集めて焼却炉に陣どってる野郎の言葉なんざ聞かねえよ。真冬に南国気分とかマジ寒いわ」

Both boys glared at each other with a wry smile, broom and rake locked in an embrace.竹ぼうきとクマデを交差させて、ふたりは不敵な笑みを浮かべている。
These two were only friendly with each other on school grounds.これでも学園内限定で仲のいいコンビだった。

"Tobimaru, please don't distract him any more than he already is."「鳶丸。いちおう、彼は戦力なんだから邪魔しないでくれ」
Both of them scoffed angrily and put away their weapons.チ、と心底忌々しそうに舌打ちし、矛を納める両者。
They both knew better than to argue with Soujyuro, the only one cleaning with a garbage bag in hand.なんというか、ゴミ袋片手に、俗世のコトなど関心ありません、と掃除をする草十郎のげんには逆らえない。

"Something we can help you with, Tobimaru?「それで、何しに来たんだ鳶丸。
I thought you were too busy pretending to tend the fire over at the furnace."君はあったかい焼却炉の前で、永遠に火の管理をすると豪語していたんじゃなかったっけ?」
A harsh comment.もとい。
Apparently even Soujyuro had a slight taste for drama.この男も、多少は俗世に関心があったらしい。

"So it's come to this. Even the upstanding students like you are looking down on me now."「なんてこった……善良な生徒ですら、俺をそんな目で見るのか……」
Tobimaru seemed sad at Soujyuro's observation.悲しそうに鳶丸は言う。
But as long as Tobimaru continued to claim he was helping the girls clean by doing nothing more than standing in front of a pile of burning leaves, Soujyuro found it hard to sympathize.が、集められた落ち葉を燃やしてだんを取りながら、女子の清掃班を手伝いと称してはべらせている以上、かける情けは落ち葉一枚分もないのである。

"Just tell us what you want. We're actually busy doing work over here, unlike some people."「いいから用件を言えよ。殿下と違ってオレらはヒマじゃねえんだ」
"Oh is that so? Well, lucky for you it's almost break time.「ああそうかよ。草十郎、そろそろ小休止だ。
Let's get warmed up over there."向こうであたたまろうや」
"Oh, break time! Now you're talking!"「お、なんだブレイクかよ! 話せるじゃん、殿下!」

"Huh? Not for you, idiot. Only people who've actually done some work today can take a break.「あ? テメエは除外に決まってんだろ。特権は功労者にのみ与えられるモンだ。
If you wanna come stand by the furnace then bring me enough leaves to fill a cart. Until then, keep sweeping."焼却炉の前に来たけりゃ、それ相応の貢ぎ物を持ってきやがれ。具体的に言うと、リヤカー一台分のゴミ袋な」
"Argh! I have rights, you know! This is abuse of power!"「ひっでぇ、生徒会横暴ー!」

Kinomi's complaints naturally fell on deaf ears.木乃美の抗議は当然のように届かない。
Tobimaru had been selected to lead the cleaning operation, and his word was final.清掃班の指揮役として抜擢ばってきされた鳶丸には、こんなんでも絶対的な権力があった。
If Kinomi were to continue to push his buttons, he knew he would be on cleaning duty tomorrow and the next day, too.彼がちょっと記録に手を加えれば、木乃美は明日も明後日も清掃班に参加する事になる。

"All right, here we go, people. Don't ask me why, but we have a bunch of cans of sweet red-bean soup. Some meat buns would've been better, but that would have required a certain someone to use their brain. We've also got some emergency chocolate.「さ、行くぞ。誰の趣味かしらねえが、なぜかしるこの缶が山ほどあってな。中華まんの一つでもあった方が気が利くってもんなんだがねぇ。アレか、遭難用のチョコレートみたいなもんか?
...Goddammit. What the hell was she thinking?"……ったく、アイツの考えはいまだに分かんねぇなあ」
Soujyuro reassured Tobimaru by saying that he thought the food would do just fine for everyone.それはそれで気が利いているのでは、と感心する草十郎。

"Huh? Wait, you're not coming?"「ん? なんだよ、行かねえのか草十郎?」
"No, I'm gonna stay here. We can just burn some leaves to stay warm like Kinomi said. We've got a pond right there, so we can easily put it out when we're done."「ああ、自分はここに残るよ。だんなら木乃美の言うように葉を燃やせばいい。そこに池もある。火の始末なら安心だ」
This was clearly for Kinomi's benefit.木乃美に気をつかっての返答である。
Tobimaru furrowed his brow while Kinomi shivered from the cold.鳶丸は眉をひそめ、木乃美はプルプル震えている。

"Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhh!「おお……ぉおおお……!
I-Is that a glimmer of friendship I just saw! You know what? You're as pure as the snow is white!オ、オレはいま友情ってもんを実感している! すげえな、真心ってほんとにあったんだ!
This is nuts, but just wait here, Sizuki! I'm gonna go grab some potatoes from Akabane!"クソ、待ってろ静希! いま赤羽たちからイモ奪ってくる!」
Perhaps shy to show his true feelings, Kinomi ran off to the neighboring group.根は照れ屋なのか、木乃美はとなりの班の集まりへ走っていった。

"...Eh, I figured you'd say that. Here."「……ま、予想はしてたけどな。ほらよ」
Tobimaru pulled out a hot can from his jersey pocket, scratching his head in exacerbation.やれやれと頭をかきながら、鳶丸はジャージのポケットからホット缶を取りだした。
He pulled out three in all, one from each jersey pocket and one from his pants pocket.左右のポケットと、ズボンの後ろ、合わせて三本。

"Let's get a fire going.「さっさと焚火の用意をしようぜ。
I'm gonna chill over here too."俺もこっちで休む事にするわ」
"I guess we both know how to deal with people, huh?"「付き合いがいいのはお互いさまだな」
Soujyuro quickly prepared the leaves for the fire.草十郎は手早く焚火の用意を済ませる。
Carefully gathering them up for them to burn neatly.落ち葉を集め、きちんとくすぶるよう、あっさりと燃やしてみせた。

"...You're pretty good at that."「…………慣れてるな」
"Eh, it's easy when you have matches."「マッチがあるから、楽なんだ」
Soujyuro crouched down in front of the burning leaves and warmed his hands near the flames.草十郎は火をつけた落ち葉の前にしゃがみこんで、かじかんだ両手をかざした。
Even though he showed no signs of being cold, underneath it all, Soujyuro was cold, too.寒そうな素振りは見られなかったが、草十郎は草十郎なりに寒かったらしい。

He gazed into the fire as the smoke rose from the pile of leaves, as if remembering the good times from his past.ぱちぱちと煙る落ち葉の山を、懐かしむように草十郎は眺めている。
Tobimaru felt a touch of concern as he looked at Soujyuro.……その姿に、鳶丸は一抹の不安を感じた。
He saw within him homesickness and retrospection. He also saw a dark shadow looming over him, like a stranger in a foreign land without a home.望郷や追想。住む場所を奪われ追われた、異邦人のような暗いかげりを、その姿に見たからだ。

"You don't look so good, Soujyuro."「元気ねえな、草十郎」
"I suppose I am a little tired."「……まあね。少し、疲れてる」
"If you need to talk, I'm here for you. Just let me know."「悩みごとなら相談にのるぜ。気が向いたら話してくれ」
Tobimaru continued speaking with the pull-tab from the can of sweet red-bean soup still around his index finger.お汁粉缶を開けて、人差し指に残ったリングプルを持て余しながら鳶丸は続ける。
Soujyuro was focused on the fire.草十郎は焚火に意識を向けたままだ。

"Oh yeah, while you were taking a break from school, Aozaki slugged me. She said I've got a big mouth."「そういえばな。おまえが学校休んでる時、蒼崎に殴られたぜ。なんでも俺は大ぼら吹きだそうだ」
"Wow, congratulations."「すごいな、大抜擢じゃないか」
Sometimes Soujyuro would reply incoherently like this.草十郎の返答は、時々このように脈絡がない。
Tobimaru chalked it up to cultural differences.おそらく文化圏の違いだろう、と鳶丸は気にしない事にした。

"Say, how are things going with Aozaki anyway? You used to walk with her to the train station before exams. Have things been going well since then?"「なあ、蒼崎とはどうなってんだ? テスト前は駅まで一緒に帰ってただろ。うまくいってんのか、あれから?」
It was obvious to everyone that that was far from the case, yet Tobimaru asked anyway.そんなハズはあるまい、と誰よりも分かっているクセに問いただす。そんな鳶丸に、
"Yeah, we live together now."「ああ、今は一緒に住んでるよ」
Soujyuro went with the truthful, blunt response.草十郎はあっさりと真実を告げるのだった。

"Wow. I see, I see. That was quick, dating already, huh?"「ほー。そうか、一緒ときたか」
Tobimaru tried to laugh off Soujyuro's all-too casual confession, however...あまりに自然な返答にハハハ、と鳶丸は相づちを打ち、

"Wait, you LIVE TOGETHER?!"「あん、一緒に住んでるだぁーー!?」

"Are you okay, Tobimaru? Did a spark hit you?"「どうした鳶丸。火でも飛んだか?」
"No, worse. My friend just said the wildest thing I've ever heard."「飛んでねえし、それより怖ぇ。おい、今の聞き捨てならねえ戯言たわごとはホントの話か?」
Soujyuro protested Tobimaru's reply with silence.戯言とは何事だ、と草十郎は無言で抗議。

"...Y-You're not joking, are you? One day you're barely interested in girls and the next you're shacked up with one?!"「っ―――その余裕、マジか……女に興味なさそうな顔してて、やる事やってんじゃねえかテメエ」
Tobimaru had always felt that he and Soujyuro were an equal match strength-wise, but for some reason he could not shake the feeling that Soujyuro was now his superior in the brain department.物理的に先を越された訳でもないのに、なぜか精神的に先を越された気がする鳶丸だった。
Soujyuro cast a rare angry glare in Tobimaru's direction.そんな彼に、草十郎は珍しく怒りの視線を向ける。

"That was awfully rude.「こっちこそ聞き捨てならない。
What do you mean I'm not interested in girls?"なんだ、その女に興味はないってのは」
Soujyuro seemed genuinely angry, and his voice was icy.本気で怒っているらしく言葉も冷たい。
This uncharacteristic level of anger from Soujyuro was enough to get Tobimaru to back down.草十郎のかつてない不機嫌さに、鳶丸も平静さを取り戻す。

"Hey look, I was out of line. I just assumed a few things. I apologize.「いや、悪い。そんな雰囲気あったんだよ、おまえさんは。それは謝る。

But seriously, what do you mean you're living with her? This all seems way too fast for you."けどよ、蒼崎と一緒に住んでるってどういうことだ? いくらなんでも一足いっそく飛びすぎだろ」

"It's not what you think. I'm just renting a room in her house.「別に、君が期待しているような事はない。彼女が住んでいるところの部屋を借りる事になっただけだ。
It's up in the attic, but it reminds me of a mountain cottage so I kind of like it."屋根の裏にある部屋なんだけど、板張で山小屋を思い出すんで気に入ってる」
Tobimaru did not bat an eyelid at hearing that Soujyuro now lived in an attic, and continued his questioning.それは屋根裏部屋というのだが、あえて鳶丸はスルーした。

"I mean we're talking about that mansion, right? The Kuonji mansion?「屋敷って、あの久遠寺の屋敷か……?
This is out of this world! What kind of wizard are you to pull that off?"それこそまさかだぜ。草十郎。おまえ、いったいどんな手品を使いやがった?」
"Huh? You know the place, Tobimaru?"「? 鳶丸こそ、あの家を知ってるのか?」
"Come on, dude, you're talking to the heir to the Tsukiji throne here. Of course I know about the mansion where the first daughter of the Kuonji Group lives. She's a sophomore at the Reien Girls Academy, right?"「そりゃあな。これでも槻司家期待の跡取り候補だぜ、俺は。久遠寺グループのご令嬢が住んでる屋敷ぐらいは知ってるさ。礼園女学院の二年生だろ、たしか」

"Kuonji... what?"「久遠寺……なに?」
Soujyuro was looking more confused than ever, so Tobimaru reluctantly explained everything as simply as he could so Soujyuro could understand.ますます首をかしげる草十郎に、鳶丸はやれやれと説明を続けた。もちろん、草十郎が分かるレベルに落としこんで。

"The Kuonji Group. Well, they're more like a foundation, really.「久遠寺グループ……つーか財団だな。
All you need to know is, the whole family is loaded and they own and manage various companies together. They're not quite a conglomerate, but they're a big deal in the exports industry."平たく言えば一族全部がお金持ちで、仲良く会社を経営してる連中だと思えばいい。複合企業とまではいかないが、輸出業じゃあかなりのもんだ」

"They used to operate out of England because their old chairman loved the place, but things went south about five years ago so they moved all their operations back here.「ホームグラウンドは国外で、先代の会長の英国びいきがたたって一時期は沈みかけてたんだが、五年くらい前かね。本拠地をこっちに移してからはご存じの通りだ。
Since their son took over, things have rebounded for them and that's why you see their name plastered around town. They contributed, like, half the funds required to rebuild our school."会長が息子に移ってからはきちんと持ち直して、今や町の名士だろ。ここでも久遠寺の名前はそこかしこで目に入る。この学校の建て直し予算の半分は連中からだしな」

Despite the oversimplified explanation, Soujyuro still seemed to not be getting it.極めて簡単に言ったのだが、それでも草十郎には早すぎたようだ。
With that, Tobimaru decided to give up on trying to explain.仕方なく鳶丸は話をきる。

"They're filthy rich, okay?「あれだ、想像もできない金持ちってコト。
You know that coffee place you work at? The Kuonjis brought that franchise here. Now they're a national chain!"草の字が働いてる喫茶店だって、久遠寺が向こうから持ってきたブランドだぜ? 今じゃ全国チェーンになっちまったがな」
"Okay, so they're very rich and very important. ...Weird. If that's the case, then why is she so frugal all the time?"「つまりすごく偉いんだね。……おかしいな、ならなんであんなに倹約してるんだろう……」
Soujyuro mumbled incoherently to himself.ぶつぶつと呟く草十郎。
Tobimaru looked at him with a complex expression on his face, somewhere between envy and heartfelt sympathy.そんな草十郎に、鳶丸は羨ましいような、心底から同情しているような、複雑な顔を向ける。

"Whatever the case, you've done good for yourself, buddy.「しっかし、うまい事やったな草十郎。
Tell me the truth, though. When a guy and a girl are living under the same roof, only one thing can be happening, am I right?"それで、本当のところはどうなんだ? 男と女が同じ屋根の下にいれば、やる事はひとつだろう?」
"That's a surprisingly old-fashioned thought for you to have, Tobimaru."「あんがい古いな、鳶丸も」
"Oh give me a break! What kind of guy is afraid to talk about this kind of stuff?"「ぬかせ。そのあたりを誤魔化してたら男なんざやってらんねえ」
"I suppose you're right. So, the truth is..."「そりゃごもっとも。実を言うと、正直な話―――」

Though Soujyuro and Aoko were living together, there was absolutely no chemistry between them. Though that was not to say that living in such close quarters as they did, unintended mishaps did not occur from time to time.今のところまったく色気のない雑居ではあるが、同じ家で生活している以上、不意打ち気味のニアミスはある。
But, even still...あるのではあるが、しかし―――

"You'd be surprised how nothing like that goes on.「驚くぐらい、そういうコトにはなってない。
The mansion is pretty huge, after all."あの屋敷、すごく広いし」
Everyone was often busy with their own affairs, so there was no opportunity for that sort of thing to happen.青子たちも草十郎も私用で忙しいため、そんな浮き足だった状況にはなっていなかった。

"I mean, answer me this. Would you suddenly make advances on Aozaki just because you were living under the same roof?"「そもそもだな。もし鳶丸だったら、下宿先が同じって理由だけで、蒼崎に言い寄る気になるかい?」
"...Nope, never."「……いや。ならねえな、そりゃあ」
Tobimaru nodded intently, as if he was thinking back over his many ex-relationships.数々の彼女の戦歴を思い出しているのか、感慨深くうなずく鳶丸。

"Well, this all sounds very wholesome."「いや、健全だな」
"Yeah, I feel great."「ああ、健全だろ」
Soujyuro gave no more than a quick affirmation to Tobimaru's despondent murmur.虚脱感のある鳶丸の呟きに、のんびりと焚火にあたりながら短く同意する草十郎。
She wasn't lying.もっとも。
But besides his physical health, it was surely Soujyuro's personality that enabled him to maintain any semblance of peace dealing with both Aoko and Alice while living in that mansion.健全であるかは別にして、あの洋館に寝泊りし、青子と有珠相手に平静を保てているのは、間違いなく草十郎の人柄さいのうだろう。

"On an unrelated note, I'm totally indebted to Aozaki.「でも、それとは別の話で蒼崎には頭があがらないんだ。
I'm not sure how I can ever repay her for what she's done for me."彼女には、もう返せない借りがあってさ」
Soujyuro's eyes turned slightly serious as he stared into the fire.ぼんやりとしていた彼の瞳が、少しだけ真剣になって焚火を見詰める。
Tobimaru felt that there was more to those words than what Soujyuro was letting on.それが額面通りの意味でない事は、鳶丸にも感じ取れた。

"So you owe her big time, huh?"「もう返せない借りだあ?」
Soujyuro merely nodded in silence at Tobimaru's inquisitive acknowledgment.繰り返す鳶丸に、草十郎は無言でうなずく。
And so...―――と。
A strange scream pierced through the still silence of the wood like a knife.深刻な沈黙を破るように、森の奥から妙な叫び声が届いてきた。

"...Did you hear that?"「……なんか聞こえたな?」
"Yeah, and it was Kinomi."「ああ、木乃美だ」
Soujyuro had already stood up before he responded.答えるより早く草十郎は立ち上がる。
He bolted to the frozen pond, broke the ice with his broom,そのまま凍った池まで走り、竹ぼうきで氷を叩き割り、
scooped up some of the frigid water in a bucket and threw it on the fire, all in less than ten seconds.バケツに水を汲んで焚火にぶちまける。十秒足らずの早技だった。

Then he immediately ran off into the depths of the woods from where he heard the scream.草十郎は絶叫が聞こえた森の奥へと走り出す。
Tobimaru followed after him in panicked confusion.何事かとあわてながら鳶丸も後を追う。

"Tobimaru, do you know what's down this way?"「鳶丸、この先に何かあるのか?」
"The remains of the old school building should be there."「たしか旧校舎が残ってるはずだ」
"Anything else? You know, like a pack of wild dogs, or bad stuff like that?"「他には? 野犬の住みかとか、そういうイヤな話は?」
"Huh? No, dude. If anything it'd just be some deer, or rabbits, or something."「はあ? いや、いるとしても鹿か兎じゃねえか?」
"Then there's nothing to be afraid of. Let's hurry."「なら怖がるコトもないか。急ごう、鳶丸」

Perhaps because of his time spent growing up in the mountains, Soujyuro quickly sprinted over the slippery dead leaves.山育ちで慣れているのか、草十郎は腐葉土の上でも軽々と走っていく。
Tobimaru was not particularly cautious himself, but nevertheless he could not keep up with Soujyuro in here.鳶丸も足には自信がある方だが、森の中では草十郎には付いていけない。

Before long, Soujyuro found himself running alone.そうして、いつしか草十郎はひとりきりで走っていた。
When piles of leaves blocked the natural trail he would sometimes knock them away with both hands and sometimes expertly slip through them.木々の葉で閉ざされた獣道を、時には両手で力強く払い除けながら、時には柳のように擦り抜けながら。
It was clear that he was used to dealing with this level of nature.この程度の緑の深さなら慣れたものらしい。

After a few minutes, Soujyuro arrived at a clearing.数分後、草十郎はその広場に辿り着いた。
The wall of trees had ended.木々の壁はここで終わっている。
It was an obviously man-made clearing here on the mountainside.山の中腹にひらかれた人工の広場。
In the distance was what looked like an old wooden school building.遠くに見える木造の建物が旧校舎だろう。
It was a small, aesthetically pleasing building no larger than an elementary school, lost in the depths of the winter wilderness.小学校ほどの、小さいが趣のある建物が、人知れず冬の荒れ野に埋没していた。

Kinomi stood alone on the old school's grounds.その旧校舎のグラウンドに、木乃美はひとりで立ちつくしていた。
"Hey. What are you doing here, Sizuki?"「お? なんで静希まで追いかけてきたん?」
A sour expression came over Soujyuro's face as Kinomi tilted his head in confusion.不思議そうに首をかしげる木乃美に、草十郎はむっと顔をしかめる。
"That's what I want to know. And what was that scream all about?"「そっちこそどうしたんだ。へんな声あげて」

"Huh? What scream? I was just pissed at this dumb kid.「声ぇ? いや、そりゃガキ相手に怒鳴ったけどよ。
Look, there he is. I know he's got some potatoes on him. Dammit, we let him run off inside!"ほら、あのガキだよ。イモ持ってるだろ……ってああ、中に逃げこみやがった!」
Kinomi pointed resentfully toward the old school building.旧校舎を指差しながら憤慨ふんがいする木乃美。
There was indeed somebody standing at the entrance to the building just over three hundred feet in the distance.確かに、百メートルほど離れた旧校舎の入り口に、人影らしきものが立っている。

"What the hell is he doing up here anyway? Is this where kids hang out nowadays?"「ったく、こんな上まで来やがって。いつから子供の遊び場になってんだ、ここ」
Kinomi shrugged his shoulders to signal how little he cared what the young children did with their time.まあどうでもいいけど、と木乃美は肩をすくめる。
This place was deep in the woods, but it was not particularly dangerous.ここの森は深くはあるが、遭難するほどの場所でもない。
Soujyuro had run through the wood to get here, but there was also a paved road leading to this spot from outside the woods, too.草十郎は森の中をつっきってきたが、外にはコンクリートで舗装された道があるのだ。
Kinomi apparently followed that road to get here.木乃美はそちらを使って登ってきたようだ。

"Hmm... a child?"「んー……子供………?」
Soujyuro squinted.目を細めて草十郎は呟く。
"Yeah, he had blond hair, which kinda freaked me out at first. Foreign kids are scary, man!"「ああ。金髪なんでさっきはちょっと驚いたけどな。外国人の子供って、なんか怖いだろ?」

It was indeed quite rare to see a foreigner in a provincial town such as Misaki.地方都市において、まだ外国人の姿は珍しい。
Soujyuro had never even seen a foreigner in person, which made the whole thing even more mysterious.テレビならいざしらず、生で外国の子供を見た事がない草十郎にはよけい不思議な感覚だった。

"Why did you feel the need to run all the way up here again?"「それで、木乃美はなんでここまで?」
"Eh, Akabane said that stupid kid stole their food, so I was chasing him down and ended up here.「いや、赤羽たちがよ、ガキに食料奪われたって言うからここまで追いかけてきたんだ。
Since you're here, let's team up and see if we can catch him."そういう事だから、ふたりがかりであのお子さまとっちめようぜ」
"That's a little menacing, Kinomi."「怖いことを考えるな、木乃美は」
Soujyuro could not find it in him to agree with his plan.賛同しかねる、と草十郎。
It seemed unfair to team up against a little kid.多勢たぜい無勢ぶぜいは義に反する、といわんばかりである。

"Come on, let's head back. That kid is over there just staring at us.「いいから帰ろう。あの子、こっちを睨んでるじゃないか。
And besides, if Tobimaru sees us up here slacking off we're gonna be cleaning this mountain for the whole of winter break."それに、鳶丸にこんなところ見られたら冬休み中ずっと山の掃除で終わる事になるぞ?」

Soujyuro took Kinomi by the shoulders and began leading him back to the path he came from.ぽん、と木乃美の肩に手を置いて、草十郎はもと来た道を戻りはじめた。
Kinomi cast one last gaze at the old school building before reluctantly following.木乃美は口惜しげに旧校舎に視線を投げて、草十郎に付いていく。
Just then, Tobimaru appeared, panting and out of breath.そんなふたりを出迎えるように、息を切らした鳶丸が登ってきた。

"How... are you... so fast?!"「は、速いな、草十郎」
Tobimaru could hardly catch his breath.鳶丸の息は乱れている。
He arrived about three minutes behind Soujyuro, despite having a good set of legs on him.草十郎に遅れること三分弱だが、十分に健脚だ。

"So what's going on? Are you all right, Kinomi?"「それでどうした。木乃美、無事か?」
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. What about you, Your Highness?"「? 無事も何も、殿下こそどったん?」
Kinomi seemed perplexed at Tobimaru's first-ever display of concern for him.鳶丸に心配されるコトなど初めてなのか、目をしばたたく木乃美。

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? You're out here in the middle of nowhere screaming bloody murder and what am I supposed to think? We were worried!"「なんだそりゃ。テメェ、あれだけの大声をあげておいてしらばっくれる気か? 上で何かあったんだろうが」
"That was my fault. I guess I jumped to conclusions.「すまない、こっちの早とちりだった。
You've probably never heard him do it, but sometimes at work Kinomi has this habit of letting out a weird yell like that."鳶丸は知らないだろうけど、木乃美は時々、バイト先でも奇声をあげる癖があるんだ」
Kinomi looked disapproving as Soujyuro nonchalantly shared this insight. This was the first he had ever heard of it.堂々と言う草十郎の横で、木乃美は不満げに顔をしかめる。彼的に、そんな噂は初耳だった。

"...I'm not buying it. You're up to something, aren't you?"「……怪しいな。また良からぬ事でも企んでるんじゃねえか、そこの?」
"Of course not. Come on, Tobimaru, there's cleaning to be done."「無いよ。戻って掃除の続きをするぞ、鳶丸」
Soujyuro pat Tobimaru on the shoulder a couple of times and started walking.ぽんぽんと鳶丸の肩を叩いて草十郎は歩きだす。
Tobimaru cast a doubtful glare in his direction as he meandered off.そんな草十郎に、鳶丸は不審げな眼差しを向けた。
He had a feeling that Soujyuro was covering for Kinomi somehow.なんとなく、草十郎が木乃美の悪事をかばっているように思えたからだ。

"You didn't set the old school building on fire or something, did you?"「まさか、旧校舎に火なんてつけてないだろうな?」
"Of course not. Who would even do that?"「誰もしないよ、そんな事は」
Soujyuro kept walking and did not even look back at Tobimaru as he spoke.さっさと掃除に戻りたいらしく、草十郎は背後の鳶丸を振り向きもせず歩いていく。
Tobimaru and Kinomi tilted their heads in confusion as they reluctantly followed the unusually aggressive Soujyuro back to their cleaning spot.鳶丸と木乃美は首をかしげながらも、めずらしく強引な草十郎に従った。

Scene 2

And so, the Special Winter Cleaning Team's activities ended uneventfully.これといった快事も不祥事もなく、本日の特別清掃班の活動は終了した。
The time was three in the afternoon.ただいまの時刻、午後三時。
Upon departing, Kinomi and his crew invited Soujyuro to come hang out with them, but he declined politely due to his job that evening.別れ際、草十郎は木乃美たちから遊びに誘われたが、夕方からアルバイトが入っている、と丁寧に断った。

He had about two hours until his shift began.夕方からのバイトまであと二時間ほど。
Not quite enough time to do anything fun, but just enough time to have to fill it with something.遊ぶほどの時間はないが、さりとて、暇つぶしには持て余す長さと言える。
Soujyuro thought about relaxing in a park somewhere, but quickly changed his mind after remembering how cold it was, even in the city.公園で体を休める、という考えも浮かんだが、町中でも冬の寒さはそれなりに堪えるので却下。

Not to forget that Aoko handed him those pills in the morning.ちなみに、例の錠剤は朝のうちに青子から手渡されていた。
Aoko was absolutely correct in her prediction. Heading back to the mansion now would just be a waste of time.青子の読みはまったく正しい。今から洋館に戻ってもすぐとんぼ返りになるだけである。
There was no reason for him to return to the mansion until after his shift at work.骨折り損のなんとやらで、アルバイトを終えるまで洋館に戻る必要はまったくない。

Still, Soujyuro found himself on the way back anyway.―――まったくないのだが、草十郎はすんなり帰途についていた。
Having grown up deep in the mountains, a little two hour walk was really no sweat off his back.山奥育ちにとって、二時間程度の散歩は苦でもなんでもないのである。

Misaki was one of the more quiet residential areas in Misaki City.この三咲町は三咲市の中でも閑静な住宅地に入る。
The only thing that really stood out here was Shiroinuzuka.その中でひときわ異質なのがここ白犬塚だ。
It was a hill that lead directly into the woods.森に向かうひとつきりの坂道。
The silhouette of the mountains served as backdrop to suburbia, silently overshadowing the small human actions of the people who lived there.住宅地の奥にそびえる山影は、物言わずとも人々の営みを威圧している。

Even in this modern day of technological progress, the people here were always careful to pay reverence to the nature around them.近代化の進む現代においても、自然への崇拝すうはいは住民たちの心に根付いている。
If that mansion were a shrine, it would not be a haunted house but a famous tourist attraction.あの洋館も、何らかのやしろであれば幽霊屋敷などではなく、霊験あらたかな観光名所になっていたかもしれない。

"...Wait, I just realized something."「……というより、今さら気付いたけど……」
The houses around Shiroinuzuka were all magnificent.白犬塚周辺の家は、どれもたいへん立派である。
Soujyuro understood as he looked from the bottom of this hill where the rest of the town lived at the roof of the mansion tucked away in the woods.人々の住む坂の下から、森の中にある洋館の屋根を見上げ、なるほど、と草十郎は納得した。
He understood what Tobimaru was talking about, about how the Kuonji family who owned that mansion might be the richest people in town.鳶丸の言う通り、あの洋館を所有する久遠寺家はこの町一番のお金持ちなのだ、と。

"They really do hate me. Why else would they ask for rent?"「……そのわりに家賃を取るところを見ると、やっぱり嫌われていると見るべきか」
Soujyuro began walking towards the mansion with such thoughts simmering in his mind.ふむ、とそんな事を考えつつ、草十郎は洋館への坂道を歩きはじめた。
The feeling of the hard asphalt beneath his feet instead of soft dirt felt lonely and isolating.土の感触のないアスファルトの道が少しさみしい。

He walked along the paved road for ten minutes or so before reaching the iron fence of the wood.舗装された道を十分ほど歩いて、森の鉄柵にたどり着く。
Beyond this fence was the private property of the Kuonji family.この先は久遠寺の私有地だ。
It was bereft of any awkward no-trespassing signs.関係者以外立ち入り禁止、といった不粋な看板はない。
The tall, overbearing iron fence was more than enough to remind visitors that they were unwelcome there.ただ、訪れた者の精神を圧迫する、いかつい鉄柵が人避ひとよけの結界となっている。

Soujyuro casually pushed on the iron gate.そんな鉄柵を、草十郎は気軽に押し開ける。
Only two days had passed since the end of final exams, and he already seemed more than comfortable with the idea of entering this wood alone.期末試験が終わってからまだ二日しか経っていないのに、ひとりでこの森に入る事に慣れきった風である。

The path to the mansion from inside the wood curved and bent like a snake.森から洋館までの林道は、やはり蛇のように曲がりくねっている。
It took about fifteen minutes to reach the mansion on this path.林道を使うと洋館の敷地まで約十五分。
He could have chosen to ignore the long incline and travel in a straight line through the wood, but he would have expended significantly more energy in doing so. No, using the wooded path was the sensible option, barring an emergency.なだらかな坂道を無視して森を一直線に歩いてもいいのだが、その場合、疲労は何倍にもなる。火急の用でもないかぎり、林道を使うのが常識的だ。

Upon entering the foyer, Soujyuro heard a conversation coming from the drawing room.ロビーに入ると、居間から話し声が聞こえてきた。
It was no doubt Aoko and Alice. Soujyuro decided to join them.青子と有珠のものであるのは間違いなく、とりあえず草十郎は居間へと向かう。

Ever since final exams had ended, Aoko and Alice had switched from their daily routine to a more irregular schedule.期末試験が終わった日から、青子と有珠の生活スタイルは日常から非日常へと切り替わっていた。
Aoko would disappear into Alice's room in the west wing of the mansion for a while, where she would remain,青子が有珠の部屋……館の西館、左翼一帯……に行ったきり戻ってこなかったり、
and Alice would go into Aoko's room, not to be seen again.有珠が青子の部屋に入ったきり出てこなかったりと、
Or they would vanish into the corridors leading around to the rear of the mansion doing who knows what, where Soujyuro was most certainly not allowed to enter.絶対立ち入り禁止とされる屋敷裏手に回る廊下の先に向かったりと、草十郎の知らないところで絶賛活動中だ。

Not that he was interested in what they were doing since Aoko and Alice did not seem to want to include him either, serving both parties nicely.もっとも、草十郎はそれに関わる気もないし、青子たちも関わらせる気もないので、今のところ問題はない。
For the time being, the Kuonji Estate was pretty peaceful.久遠寺邸はとりあえず平穏である。

"I'm home."「ただいま」
Soujyuro quietly opened the door to the drawing room.草十郎は静かに居間の扉を開けた。
Even though they tried not to be involved in each other's business, Soujyuro made it a habit to greet them.お互い関わらないようにしているといっても、挨拶はきちんとする。それが彼の方針である。

The two girls sat across from him on the sofa.ふたりは向かい合うかたちでソファーに座っていた。
On the table in front of them was a large, extravagantly decorated mirror.テーブルの上には豪華な装飾をした、大きな鏡が置かれている。
Aoko was dressed for comfort; wearing jeans instead of her usual skirt.青子の服装は動きやすさを重視したもので、下はスカートではなくジーンズを穿いていた。
In stark contrast, Alice was dressed in her usual all black.そんな青子とは対照的に、有珠はいつもの黒衣のままだ。
Even though the break from school was well underway, the witch still insisted on wearing black.学校はとっくに休みに入っているというが、かたくなにあの黒衣を通している。

As Aoko had explained, it was probably because it was too much effort for Alice to wear anything else.青子曰く、「単に面倒だからでしょ」とのコト。
Soujyuro's thought was that he would like to see her wear something different.少しは違う服装を見たいな、と思う草十郎である。

Aoko and Alice seemed to be in the middle of some sort of dispute; the air in the drawing room was tense.何か口論していたようで、居間の雰囲気はどこか張り詰めていた。
They both ignored his greeting.草十郎の挨拶にも反応しない。
Alice only briefly looked up at him.ただ有珠がちらり、と草十郎に視線を向けただけだった。

"Hmm, what about the Toukawa point? That pillar is white, so hopefully it won't be so easy to remove."「じゃあ陶川とうかわ支点してんは? あそこの柱は白色だし、そう簡単には奪われないでしょう?」
"...Yes. The Toukawa one is still active, but the Suzuho support next to it has gone, so we can't really be too careful.「……ええ。今のところ陶川は侵食されていないけど、ひとつ隣りの鈴穂すずほの支点が消された以上、楽観はできないわ。
With each sigil they discover, they get better at finding the others."残りの割り出しは今までより早くなる」
"That makes sense. I guess once they've found one, they can easily find the other connections.「そっか。一個釣れれば、あとは芋づる式だもんね。
...I really messed up. I should have been more careful. This is going to turn into a weekly battle soon."……反省したわ。甘く見てたのはこっちの方だった。ここからは、一週間単位の攻防になるわね」

The two continued their heated discussion from opposite sides of the table.テーブルを挟んでの会話は続く。
Aoko neglected to even glance up at Soujyuro.青子は帰ってきた草十郎を見ようともしない。
Soujyuro sensed that she wanted to concentrate on the discussion at hand.それとも話に集中するため、気を配る必要性を感じていないだけか。

"...It's so strange, though.「……でも解せないな。
Setting aside the timing of the puppet that night and how quickly they were able to find our expertly hidden sigil, whoever it is most definitely has to have some kind of hideout in the city.あの夜に人形をだしてくるタイミングといい、隠し方だけは一級品なうちの支点を短期間で特定する事といい、コイツ、まず間違いなく市内に隠れ家アジトを敷いてるわよね。
But if that's the case, why aren't we detecting any abnormalities in the field? The dragnet around Misaki City hasn't been broken for nearly a hundred years."なのになんで結界に異常がないんだろう。三咲市一帯の索敵網は、もう百年近く破られた事がないのに」
Aoko bit her nails nervously, while Alice nodded along.爪をかむ青子に、有珠は小さくうなずいた。
It seemed as though she was wondering the same thing.彼女も青子と同じ疑問を持っているらしい。

"...Even my mother wasn't able to touch this Bounded Field.「……母もここの結界には触れなかった。
The only person capable of getting through Misaki's Bounded Field would have been your grandfather or an even more capable mage.三咲の結界をかいくぐるには貴女のお祖父じいさんか、それ以上の技量を持つ魔術師でないと難しい。
But someone exuding that level of magical energy would find it that much harder to cover his or her tracks.けど、それほどの魔術師なら逆に魔力けはいは隠しきれない。
...It could be some kind of unique concealment ward, but I haven't heard anything about any new faerie circles forming these past few years."……なにか特殊な隠行法おんぎょうほうかもしれないわね。ここ数年、新しい妖精環サークルの話は聞かないけど」

"Where was it, Sherwood Forest? The May King was able to break through your mist, remember? Do you think there's some sort of concealment stronger than that?"「なに、シャーウッドの森? なら以前、有珠の霧が粉砕したじゃない。アレ以上の隠行があるっていうの?」
"All I'm saying is if whoever we're dealing with has skills greater than our own, maybe there are some techniques we aren't aware of.「例えばの話よ。今回の相手はこちら以上の技量を持っているか、こちらの知らない技術を持っているか。
Either way we need to reevaluate things. We might be under more pressure than we thought."どちらにせよ評価を改めるべきね。わたしたち、気づかないうちに追い詰められているのかも」

The two fell silent.ふたりはそれきり黙りこむ。
Soujyuro, after some internal deliberation, decided to break the silence.草十郎はしばし迷ってから、もう一度声をかけてみる事にした。

"So... I'm home."「やあ、ただいま」
Aoko finally looked up at him in response to his hesitant declaration.遠慮がちなその一言に、青子はようやく草十郎に視線を向けた。

"That's fine, Soujyuro, but will you please take a bath? You're dirty."「いいからお風呂に入ってきたら? 汚れてるわよ、草十郎」
And with that, Aoko returned her gaze to the mirror.それだけ言って、青子は鏡に視線を戻す。
Alice briefly looked up at Soujyuro again before also returning her gaze to the mirror.有珠はもう一度だけちらりと草十郎に視線を向けたあと、テーブルの上の鏡に見入った。
Perhaps feeling at least somewhat satisfied that his greeting was acknowledged, Soujyuro left the drawing room and closed the door behind him.とりあえず挨拶を済ませて満足したのか、草十郎はぱたんと扉を閉め、居間をあとにした。

Aoko was right. His clothes were a little soiled.青子の言う通り、服の端々はわずかに汚れていた。
"...It's a waste of water, but I guess I should."「……そうだな。もったいないけど、確かに」
Soujyuro returned to his room, thinking that a bath might actually feel pretty nice in this cold weather, despite not really having broken a sweat at all during the day.別に汗をかいた訳でもないが、この寒さの中での湯浴みはちょっと楽しそうだ、と草十郎は自室に戻る。

He climbed the stairs from the foyer and up the second flight into the attic.ロビーから二階へ、さらに階段を上がって屋根裏の部屋に入る。

Unlike the other rooms in the mansion, this one had no frills to its decor.ここは他の部屋と違い余計な装飾がない。
It was a little cumbersome to use as a living space, but comfortable enough for Soujyuro.暮らすにはいささか不便だが、草十郎にとっては落ち着ける場所でもある。
Everywhere else in the mansion was a little too gaudy for his tastes.洋館はどこもかしこも豪華すぎて気を遣うのだろう。
As far as shelter and a place to sleep went, Soujyuro was more than satisfied with his accommodations.経緯はどうあれ寝泊りする部屋に関してなら、草十郎はたいへん満足していた。

There was no electricity in the attic.屋根裏には電気は通っていない。
The only light was that which crept in from a small skylight.明かりは小さな天窓だけだ。
Not that Soujyuro minded. He was more accustomed to living without electricity than living with it.が、そもそも電灯に馴染めない草十郎にとって、それはどうでもいい事だ。
With only the faint winter light to guide him, he readied a change of clothes and a towel before heading down to the foyer.冬の暗い日射しだけをたよりに着替えとタオルを用意して、ロビーへとって返す。

Despite the magnificent size of the mansion, there was only one bath in the whole building.これだけ大きな建物なのに、館には浴場が一つしかない。
And not a particularly large one at that. Whoever the architect was, he or she must not have thought a bath to be so important, or perhaps they were not the bath type.その浴場もあまり広くないので、館の設計者は風呂を重要視しなかったのだろう。あるいは、湯浴みに馴染みがなかったのか。

Soujyuro descended to the foyer and made his way to the back of the stairs.草十郎はロビーまで下り、階段の裏側に回りこむ。
He knocked on the door to the bath. As expected, there was no answer from the other side. The only other two occupants of the mansion were still talking in the drawing room.浴場へ続く扉をノックする。当然ながら返事はない。二人はいまも居間で会議中である。
After confirming it was unoccupied, Soujyuro quietly entered the bathroom.それを確認して、軽い足取りで草十郎は中へと入っていった。

Even though Soujyuro was not aware of it himself, as was common for him,彼らしい話ではあるが。
the only hobby he had acquired since coming down from the mountain was taking a nice, relaxing bath.山から下りて出来た唯一の趣味が湯浴みであるという事を、草十郎本人はまだ自覚していなかった。

Soujyuro had left, but the two girls were still locked in their heated discussion.草十郎が去った後も、少女たちの協議は続いていた。
Needless to say, the topic of their conversation was still that of the outsider mage who had appeared in Misaki City last month.議題は言うまでもなく、先月から三咲市に現れた外部の魔術師について。
This was, after all, the problem that had occupied their time before this whole situation with Soujyuro arose―dealing with and eliminating the interloper who had set his or her sights on their territory.目撃者そうじゅうろうの一件で中断されていた、彼女たち本来の責務……管理地を奪いに来た略奪者への対応、その排除である。

"...All this time we'd been preoccupied by a decoy. No doubt also a part of their plan.「……今までは囮にばっかり食いついてたから甘く見てたけど……それも計算尽くだったのかしらね。
Then, while we're distracted, they've crept in and stolen another one.こっちが油断してる隙に、本命を一つ奪われた。
The fight against this mage has only just begun."このとの戦いは、これからが本番ってコトか」

The situation was growing more dire by the day.事態は深刻化している。
Until only a couple of days ago, the enemy had limited themselves to small skirmishes. But now they had shifted to a full-on offensive.敵魔術師は二日前までの散漫的な小競り合いから、巧みな攻勢に転じてきていた。

Aoko had two major Bounded Fields she used for defense.青子たちには、大きく分けて二つの結界の守りがある。
One, the larger of the two, was placed around Misaki City to detect magical energy and magecraft.一つは三咲市一帯に張られた、魔力・魔術の働きを測定する大結界。
This was used to observe and monitor visitors from outside the city, and was initially set up by Aozaki's ancestors, the administrators of this territory, and had no way to be removed.これは外部からの来訪者を把握、監視する為のもので、管理地のオーナーである蒼崎の先祖が敷いた、消しようのない機能だ。

The other was set up to energize and manage leylines from within the territory.もう一つは土地の霊脈を生かし、その力を管理するもの。
The five sigils carved into the earth made up a standard square-type array, protecting all that lay within its bounds.大地に刻まれた五つの支点によって、そのサークルの内部を守る典型的な方陣である。
After some manipulation of the mana flow, the power within was directed to accumulate at the Kuonji Estate. That is to say, the Bounded Field existed to monopolize the magical energy within Misaki City.人為的にの流れに手を加え、その力の終点が久遠寺邸に集まる―――ありていにいえば、三咲市における魔力を独占する為の結界だ。

There were five sigils in total, with the Kuonji Estate located in the center.支点は久遠寺邸を中心にして、全部で五点。
If all five sigils were forcibly removed, Aoko's jurisdiction over this territory would be in title only.これを全て退去させられた場合、青子たちの『管理地の持ち主』という事実は、文字通り、ただの肩書きになり下がる。
Without the power of the land to back them up, they would be forced to fight back against their invaders on equal ground, with only their own innate abilities to protect them.土地のバックアップを失った管理人は、外部から現れた略奪者と同じ条件になり―――個人の力量だけで、敵を撃退しなければならなくなるのだ。

The only reason Alice and the inexperienced Aoko were able to defend this territory so far was because of these two fields.有珠はともかく、まだ未熟な青子が管理地を死守できているのは、この二つに頼るところが大きい。
The dragnet that notified Aozaki of any threats was also her lifeline.とくに蒼崎に伝わる索敵網だいけっかいは彼女の生命線ですらある。
But this time, their enemy had somehow slipped through the cracks and was running rampant.が、今回の敵はこの大結界の目をかいくぐり、好き勝手まち跋扈ばっこしていた。
This was what the girls had to face up to.結果、彼女たちはこうして受けに回っている。

"Either way, it's just a matter of time at this point.「……どちらにせよ時間の問題ね。

Once all the sigils are destroyed, this mansion will be our last stronghold of defense.支点がすべて潰されたら、いよいよでの籠城になるけど……

|Are you okay with that, Aoko?"|いいの、青子?」|

"I mean, what other choice do we have? Like you said, it's only a matter of time before the sigils are destroyed.「? 別にいいんじゃないの? 有珠の言う通り、残りの支点を消されるのは時間の問題なんだし。
Our best chance would be to find their hideout, but it's not exactly a necessity. They can remove the sigils for all I care."そりゃ魔術師てき隠れ家アジトを発見できれば御の字だけど、それは絶対必要ってワケでもないでしょ。支点を消されても私にはあんまり関係ないし」

"As long as you're here then the mansion itself shouldn't be a problem to defend.「なにより、館の守りはアンタがいるかぎり万全だしね。
And if they do, then they're marching to their own demise.あっちの方からやって来てくれるなら、それこそ飛んで火にいる、よ。
What else is there to worry about?"他に心配事なんてないでしょ?」

"...Nothing, I suppose. With only a single opponent to deal with, we're better off focusing the field of the mirror on the estate, and making this mansion our last line of defense."「……そうね。敵が一人だけなら、その時は鏡の範囲を洋館ここに集中させて、戦場にすればいい。わたしたちにとって、その方が有利だったわ」

Alice touched the mirror on the table with her pale fingers.有珠はその白い指で、テーブルに置かれた鏡に触れる。
The surface of the mirror rippled like water.途端、水のように波立つ鏡面。

The mirror was another protector of Misaki City, separate from Aozaki's Bounded Fields.蒼崎の結界とは別の、三咲市の守り神。
More accurately, it was a Ploy that existed only to protect Alice Kuonji rather than Misaki City itself. It generated a thick fog and acted as an invitation to any visitors, drawing them in to its board game-like world.正しくは三咲市ではなく、久遠寺有珠だけを守る“童話の怪物”。濃霧を生み、訪れる者をゲーム盤の世界にいざなう招待状。
Alice referred to it only as "the mirror,"持ち主である少女は鏡とだけ呼び、
but it was known to her friends as the Mirror of Slumber.少女の友人に午睡ごすいの鏡と名付けられた、
This was a magecraft that Alice Kuonji wielded.久遠寺有珠の扱う魔術である。

Within the rippling surface of the mirror, an image of a castle began to form and also a lush forest, a field, and a river.波打つ鏡面には、一つの城と多くの森、平原と川が浮かび上がっている。
Aoko stared at the mirror in silenceその様子を無言で眺めていた青子だったが、
before suddenly jumping to her feet off the sofa.突然、よし、とばかりにソファーから立ち上がった。

"Now that that's all decided, we can get back to actually doing stuff.「そうと決まれば、あとは行動あるのみね。
I'm going out, Alice. We can't do anything until we have eyes on the ground."出かけるわよ有珠。とにかく現場を見ない事には始まらない」

Alice let out a tired sigh in response to Aoko's determination, then gave the mirror a gentle caress.決意に満ちた青子の声に、有珠は気だるげに吐息をもらして、鏡面をさらりとでる。
...The sound of dripping water filled the room.……とぷ、と水の騒ぐ音。
The mirror began to consume the table in a thick fog with a single caress from Alice.鏡は有珠のひとでで濃霧に包まれ、テーブルに沈み消えた。

"If we're visiting each sigil, we definitely won't be back until morning."「順番に回るのなら、帰るのは朝になるわね」
"Nah. We'll be home in no time!「まあまあ、そう億劫がらないで。
Oh right, I meant to ask you. Is this the proper way to do a fire pentagram banishment?"ところで有珠、火の五芒星の退去ってこうだっけ」
Aoko traced a shape in the air with her fingers.青子は中空に指を滑らせる。
She mimed a star shape starting from the top, moving down and to the right, from there to the upper left, and so on.上から始まって右下へ、右下から左上、左上から……と星型の軌跡が描かれる。

"It's about time you learned something other than how to break things, Aoko."「……そろそろ壊すこと以外も覚えないと駄目よ、青子」
Alice sat up from the sofa, letting out a heavy sigh.ため息をつきながら、有珠もソファーから腰をあげる。
They both took their coats from their hangers and left the drawing room.ふたりは上着掛けコートハンガーからそれぞれのコートを手に取り、居間を後にする。

"Well, excuse me. I guess I need to study some more on top of all the studying I already do.「失礼ね、私だって日々成長してるわよ。
Remember that charm I pulled off just the other day?"このあいだのおまじないだってちゃんと成功したんだから」
"...What charm?"「……お呪い?」
"That simple Mesmerize.「簡単な暗示の呪文。
You know, the one you taught me. 'Light and frail, nimble and quick. Tick-tock, tick-tock, there's no time to waste.' That one!"ほら、有珠が教えてくれた、空気のおもかるく、よわくり、胸のふるうまく、はやくえ。ひかりは先チクタクチクタク立つ、かげは遅れいそげやいそげる。ってヤツ」

"...Are you being serious right now?"「………………それ、本当?」
"Yes, I'm serious! You can ask Soujyuro later if you don't believe me."「ホントもホント。後で草十郎に聞いてみなさい」
Alice swallowed her words, clearly displeased.有珠は納得のいかない面持ちで、喉まで出かけた言葉を飲みこんだ。
She likely stopped herself in time to realize it was not worth the effort to take issue with it.特に話題にする事でもない、とギリギリで疑問を止められたのだろう。

"On the topic, what will he do while we're away?"「……けど。留守中、その彼はどうするの?」
"He'll be fine. As long as he doesn't try to go into the west wing or anything like that, there shouldn't be any immediate threat to his..."「大丈夫でしょ。有珠の西館と開かずの間に入らなきゃ即死するような事は……」
Aoko responded hastily as she opened the door to the foyer.青子は答えながらロビーに通じる扉を開ける。
As soon as she did...直後。
Just as quickly as Alice's doubts had gotten stuck in her throat, Aoko suddenly froze, unable to speak.突然の疑問に声をあげる有珠のように、青子の喉は凍りついた。

Scene 3

For a moment, Aoko wasn't sure who was standing before her.それが誰なのか、青子は咄嗟に思いつけなかった。

She could only stare at the glinting rays of sunlight creeping into the room as she reeled from the shock.不意打ち気味の当惑とうわくくらみながら、午後の斜光さしびを眺めている事しかできない。
Her mind was completely blank.びっくり箱に驚いた時のような、
It was as if she had just woken up from a nap, or a jack-in-the-box had just opened in her face.寝起きの時のような空白。
Soujyuro was probably the only person who truly knew how long that dumbfounded silence went on.そんな沈黙がどれだけ続いたのか、正確に知り得たのは、当の人影だけだろう。

"...What the hell are you doing standing there like that?"「……アンタ、こんなところで何してるのよ、いったい」
Aoko had finally found her voice.どれほどか経って、ようやく青子は口を開いた。

"What? I'm changing clothes."「何って、着替えてるんだけど」
Soujyuro's response was matter-of-fact.青子の質問に、その人影は平然と答えた。
He offered no explanation as to why he was changing in the foyer and not the bathroom.なぜ脱衣場ではなくロビーで着替えているのか、その経緯を説明しないまま。

Aoko was too shocked to read him the riot act.そんな草十郎に一声……率直に言うと怒鳴り……あげなくてはいけないのに、青子は言葉を止めてしまう。

Soujyuro was putting a shirt on after presumably just getting out from the bath.今まで浴場にいたであろう彼は、ちょうどシャツを着ようとしているところだった。
His neck was wrapped in bandages, and he was completely shirtless.上半身はだかで、首には布が巻かれている。
His hair was wet, but his skin wasn't glistening from the steam of hot water. He must have washed himself with nothing more than cold water.髪は濡れているものの、肌に上気したところは見られない。おそらく水で体を洗ったのだろう。

Though shocked as to why anyone would do such a thing in this cold weather, she let it slide.この寒空によく、と呆れるところだが、そんな所感しょかんは些細な事だ。
The source of her silent stupor was simply his body.沈黙おどろきは、純粋に彼の体に起因する。

Until now, she'd only seen him as harmless. Without his clothing to hide him, however, he was more fit than she'd ever imagined.今まで線の細い人畜無害っぷりだったのに、装飾ようふくを取ればこの通り、弱々しいイメージなど見られない。
For a rough mountain upbringing where one's body and strength meant survival, perhaps he was even a bit underdeveloped.何事も体が資本な山育ちなら、むしろ鍛え方が足りないのかもしれないが、青子にとっては予想外の体つきだった。
And on top of that...それと、おまけに、

"...Are those scars?"「……それ、傷跡なの?」
Aoko asked cautiously.青子は恐る恐る口にする。
Soujyuro followed her gaze.草十郎はうん? と視線を落とした。
He had something that looked like a burn scar on his arm.彼の腕にはうっすらと火傷の跡らしきものがある。
It was random in appearance, nothing like Aoko's Magic Crest with its ordered patterns.青子の魔術刻印のような秩序のある紋様ではなく、不幸な事故を思わせるまだら模様。

"Oh, this? A long time ago I was attacked by a pack of wild dogs and they bit me. It's a miracle I'm even still alive, so if anything I'm fond of the scar."「ああ、これか。ずいぶん前に野犬の群れに襲われて、噛みつかれたんだ。命があっただけでも幸運だから、傷跡ぐらいはご愛敬だ」

A long time ago... He must be talking about when he was a child.……ずいぶん前、とは子供の頃の出来事らしい。
Though his life was saved, it was apparent that he hadn't been able to receive proper treatment deep in the mountains where he lived.一命いちめいは取り留めたものの、彼の住んでいた山奥では満足な治療もできなかったのだろう。

Those scars were proof of that.その傷跡は消えていない。
Considering it had happened so many years ago, it was likely they would never fade.何年も前に受けてあの状態なら、もう一生涯しょうがい変わらないだろう。
If only for an instant, Aoko thought the wild scars left on his skin suited his lean body perfectly.……半面、肌に残る野性のは、無駄のない体に相応しかった。直視した彼女が、たとえ一瞬だけだろうと、感じ入った程度には。

"...I know it's not pleasant to look at.「……たしかにあまり気持ちのいいものじゃないな。
I should have just changed in my own room."自分の部屋で着替えるべきだった」
Soujyuro sounded slightly ashamed as he put on his shirt, looking at Aoko standing there in cold silence.無言で固まった青子を見て、草十郎はシャツを着ながら、少しだけ恥じ入るように弁明した。
The two girls had no response.ふたりからは何の返答もない。
Soujyuro headed for the stairs to go back to his room.草十郎は自分の部屋に戻ろうと階段に向かう。

"W-Wait a second, Soujyuro."「ちょ、ちょっと待って、草十郎」
Soujyuro stopped and turned around.足を止めて振り返る草十郎。
"Ummm, so, how do I say this..."「え―――あ、うん、なんていうか―――」
Aoko looked away awkwardly, apparently not knowing why she had stopped him herself.自分でも呼び止めた意図が分からず、青子は気まずそうに視線を逸らす。

"Huh? This isn't like you, Aozaki.「?? ……なんか蒼崎らしくない。
You're acting strange. Did you get a fever or something?さっきからヘンだけど、熱でもあるんじゃないのか?
I bet neither of you have gotten enough sleep since all that, have you?"あれから満足に寝てないだろ、ふたりとも」
He was of course referring to the final exams.あれから、とは期末試験からの話である。
From Soujyuro's perspective, the amount of work Aoko put in seemed strange.草十郎から見ると、青子の働きぶりは“おかしい”“ヘンな人”レベルの扱いになっているらしい。

"I-I don't have a fever!「ね、熱なんてないったらっ!
That's not what this is about... I just want to know why the hell you're changing clothes here!"そうじゃなくて―――ど、どうしてこんなところで着替えてたのよ、アンタはっ!」

Aoko was doing her best to keep up appearances.目に見えてとりつくろう青子。
For some reason, Soujyuro was hesitant to say too much more.なぜか、そんな青子以上に言いよどむ草十郎。

"So, well, this isn't easy to say...「それは、その。
But you need to take care of your underwear better. I don't know whose it is, though."……言いづらいんだが、下着の管理は、きちんとした方がいいと思う。どっちだかは知らないけど」
Alice, who had been completely silent behind Aoko, couldn't resist responding to that statement.草十郎の台詞に、今まで青子の後ろで黙っていた有珠がぴくりと反応した。
Although she hadn't wanted to get involved, this was something she couldn't ignore.我関せずを貫くつもりだった彼女も、今の台詞は無視できなかったらしい。

"I must point out, it was most definitely Aoko."「言っておくけど、それは青子だから」
Alice's response was quick and to the point.あまりにも素早い正当性の主張だった。

"...I may have been in charge of laundry, but..."「……洗濯の当番は、たしかに私だったけど」
Aoko seemed like she was just holding back on going critical.その後に何か続きそうな、険悪極まりない青子の切り返しである。

"Anyway, I really have to get dressed, or I'm going to be late for work."「とにかく、もうすぐアルバイトだから着替えてくる」
Sensing that those two were probably about to get into an argument, Soujyuro took his chance to leave.そんなふたりの言い合いに破滅の前兆を感じ取り、素早く戦場から離脱する草十郎。

And with that, Soujyuro briskly left the scene.かくて、人騒がせな人影は早足で去っていった。

"...I'll go clean up."「……………とりあえず、片づけてくるわ」
Alice calmly walked into the bathroom.一見して冷静なまま、有珠は脱衣場に消えていった。

A few minutes later...数分後。
Just as the two were about to head out and fulfill their duties as mages, Aoko remembered something she wanted to ask.気を取り直し、魔術師として外出しようとする直前、思いだしたように青子は相方の少女に訊ねた。

"Alice, do you think those scars were...?"「そうだ有珠。傷ってアレの事?」
"...I don't think so.「……アレは傷跡じゃないわ。
He seemed so proud, after all."だって、あんなにも誇らしいもの」

Aoko agreed.たしかに、と青子は思う。
What had impressed her the most about those scars was how he treated them simply as a part of his past, absent of any regret.あの傷跡に感じ入ったのは、彼本人が過去の出来事として受け入れ、何の後悔も持っていなかったからだ。
Aoko wouldn't have gone so far as to say he was proud, but it seemed her instincts had been correct.それを有珠のように誇らしい、とは思えなかった青子だが、一瞬だけよぎった印象に間違いはなかったらしい。
That, and one more thing.それと、もう一つ。

"One thing is clear, though.「でも一つだけはっきりしたわ。
I wasn't the only one who was pleasantly surprised at what I saw. Was I, Alice?"それじゃあ、不覚にも見惚れてたのは私ひとりじゃなかったってコトよね、有珠?」

Aoko smiled wryly at Alice, like a child who knew they were doing something they shouldn't with their friend.悪戯いたずらの共犯の事実を求めるように、青子は楽しげに問いかける。
Alice was trying to ignore her as best she could.一部始終、我関せずと無視していた少女に向かって。
She looked away without saying a word.有珠は答えず、ただ視線を逸らしただけだった。
Aoko let out a satisfied snicker and began walking towards the front door.それで満足いったのか、青子はくすりと微笑わらって玄関へ歩きだす。

"Let's get going. We should probably start at that park, right?「じゃ、行こうか。まずはあの公園からでいいでしょ?
Since that's where this all started."今回の件は、あそこから全てが始まったわけだし」
She was talking about the local park in Misaki.三咲町の公園。
The place where they had run into the enemy puppets and, of course, where their involvement with Soujyuro had all begun.奇しくもそこは、敵の人形とも、草十郎とも関わりが始まった因縁の土地である。

Scene 4

Early the next morning...翌日、早朝。
It was five o'clock in the morning. Most people were still in their beds sleeping.まだ多くの人々が眠りについている午前五時。
Although some twenty-four hour convenience stores had opened last year, Misaki Town was still very much living in the good old days of the early eighties.去年あたりから二十四時間営業のコンビニエンスストアがぽつぽつと現れてはいるが、三咲町は古き良き八十年代前期の色が濃い。
Even the tofu shop in the shopping district, known for opening earlier than anywhere else, didn't open until six.商店街で一番の早起きと言われる豆腐屋ですら、店開きは六時からだ。

But this was the late eighties, during the latter half of Japan's bubble economy.八十年代後半。
It was a time when metropolitan areas never slept. Those in the countryside, however, remained in the past.バブル末期と言えど、地方都市の人々の生活はいまだ不夜城にはほど遠い。
The homes were blanketed in silence, the streets were empty of commuters, and not a single automobile could be heard.住宅地は静まりかえり、道を行く会社員の姿もなく、自動車の音すらしない。
The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon.太陽は地平線に半身を残している。
The town would still be asleep for at least an hour longer before it began waking up.町が目覚めるには、あと半刻ばかりの眠りが必要だった。

It was during this time that someone stepped onto the Kuonji Estate.そんな中、久遠寺邸に足を踏み入れる影がひとつ。
Soujyuro was working the late shift during winter vacation and had just come home.冬休みという事で深夜割り当てのアルバイトに精を出し、たったいま帰ってきた草十郎である。
He moved quietly through the drawing room so he wouldn't wake up Aoko and Alice, who were presumably still asleep.それぞれ自室で眠っているであろう青子と有珠を起こさないように、草十郎は静かに居間へ移動する。

The Kuonji Estate had a few established rules.話は変わるが、久遠寺邸には幾つかのルールがある。
One of those rules forbade more Japanese tea.その一つがノーモア日本茶。
This new rule had only came into effect three days prior.この、まったく新しい法案が可決されたのは三日前。
It was proposed after Alice saw Soujyuro drinking green tea in the kitchen after dinner one night.ある夕食後、台所でのほほんとほうじ茶を飲んでいた草十郎を見て、久遠寺有珠が「あ」と発音した事に由来する。

Looking back on it, the decision had been made rather abruptly.思えば、突然の出来事だった。
That single gasp of surprise was all Alice said.背後からの声は有珠の一言であり、
She grasped her head as if she was battling the most vicious of migraines, called for Aoko, and then made the decision to ban all Japanese teas from this mansion.彼女は頭痛を堪えるような仕草をした後、青子を呼びつけて、以後、この洋館における番茶・梅昆布茶の錬成を禁止させた。
By some miracle, Aoko managed to negotiate and keep Soujyuro's privileges to barley tea during the summer.青子の交渉で、夏場の麦茶だけはOK、とげんをとれたのは奇跡と言えるだろう。

"Even the British only drank green tea at first, you know."“だいたい、イギリスさんだって初めはグリーンティーが主流だったじゃない”
Aoko had clearly hit a nerve with this argument.といった青子の反撃が、痛いところをついた結果である。
Aoko stared at Alice, fairly certain why she was so taken aback by Soujyuro's actions.ちなみに、「あ」は「ありえない」の「あ」ではないか、と蒼崎青子は睨んでいる。

"I don't get why it's such a big deal... Tea is good no matter what kind it is..."「そこまで嫌がらなくてもなあ……お茶はなんだって美味しいのに」
Soujyuro grumbled to himself while sipping his hot green tea.ひとり呟きながら、温かい緑茶を飲む草十郎。
He didn't realize that Alice was upset because he had poured his green tea into a teacup meant for black tea.紅茶用のカップにほうじ茶を注いだ事が有珠のわななきの最たる理由であった事を、彼は知らない。
In Soujyuro's defense, this was the only tea cup that Alice had given him permission to use.また彼の名誉のために付け加えると、使ったティーカップは有珠が草十郎に使ってもよい、と許可したものである。

At any rate, the early morning was his to enjoy.ともあれ、今は彼だけの幸福空間だ。
This was his moment to relax with the Japanese tea set he'd smuggled in.内緒で持ちこんだ日本茶セット一式を使って、草十郎は労働後の一時ひとときにひたりきる。

He didn't use this time to read books or watch TV. He just drank his tea and gazed fondly at the garden-or rather, the dense woods outside.特別、本を読むワケでも、テレビをつけるワケでもなく、窓越しの庭……というより密林……を、いつくしみの目で眺める。
Soujyuro simply sat, relaxed, and let his mind wander.アレはなんとかしたいなー、などと思いつつ、まったりし続ける草十郎だった。

About an hour passed.彼がぼんやりすること、約半刻。
Just as he was beginning to feel refreshed, he heard sounds coming from the foyer.疲れがじゅうぶんにとれた頃、ホールから物音が聞こえてきた。
He knew it was Aoko and Alice talking, so he rushed to hide his teacup, teapot, and tea leaves in the kitchen.それが青子と有珠の話し声と知って、草十郎は神速で湯呑みや急須、お茶の葉をキッチンに隠す。
Hiding the contraband was easy enough, considering just how many unused shelves there were in the kitchen. Soujyuro was perturbed by how they wasted the potential of such a splendid kitchen.台所には使われていない棚が山ほどあるので隠蔽いんぺい自体は簡単だ。むしろ、青子たちの食事事情を如実に語る台所の在り方に困る草十郎である。

"Oh, you're up early, Soujyuro."「あら。早いのね、草十郎」
Aoko spoke as she took off her white down jacket.青子は白いダウンジャケットを脱ぎながら声をかけた。
Next to her, Alice silently took off her black coat.彼女の横では、有珠が無言で黒いコートを脱いでいる。

"No, I just got home actually. I started working the late shift at a food factory over in Amagihama."「いや、いま帰ってきたんだ。天城浜あまぎはまの食品工場に深夜のパートで入ることになって、その帰り」
Soujyuro stuck his head out from the kitchen and gestured that he was about to put on some water to boil.台所から顔をだしながら、さも今からお湯を沸かしますよー、というジェスチャーをする草十郎。

Alice tilted her head slightly at him.それに有珠はかすかに首を傾げた。
It wasn't that she thought his gesturing was funny or anything like that.……別に、草十郎のジェスチャーが彼女の笑いのツボに入った訳ではない。
Alice glanced up at the clock in the drawing room, and her expression darkened.有珠はちらりと居間の時計を見て、いっそう表情を曇らせる。

"What's wrong, Alice?"「どうしたの、有珠?」
Aoko asked this from her comfortable seat on the sofa.いち早くソファーに腰を下ろした青子が、立ったままの有珠に問いかけた。
Alice responded indifferently before finally sitting down as well.素っ気なく答えて、有珠もソファーに腰を下ろす。

"Soujyuro! Just one spoon of sugar, remember?"「草十郎ー。砂糖は一杯だけだからねー」
Aoko yelled her matter-of-course request into the kitchen.青子はごく当然とばかりに、台所に声を投げた。
Soujyuro didn't respond, but it was an affirmative silence.返事はないが、あっちはそれで了解しているらしい。
This was the result of two entire nights' worth of cramming that Alice knew nothing about.有珠にはあずかり知れない、二晩にわたる一夜漬けの成果だった。

"Where's Alice?"「有珠は?」
"I'll just have mine with milk."「……わたしは、ミルクだけでいいけど」
Alice responded out of obligation.仕方なく答える有珠に、
"Tea with milk, got it."「了解、ミルクティーだね」
For some reason, Soujyuro dutifully answered Alice's request.と、なぜか律儀に返ってくる声があった。

"Fine. I'd get sick of his voice if he replied every time, anyway.「ま、いいけど。いちいちつっこんでたらキリがないし。
Anyway, isn't it pretty rare for you to be drinking tea from a tea bag, Alice?"それより珍しいじゃない。有珠がティーバッグのお茶飲むなんて」
"...I'm just tired today. I thought I might as well."「……今日は疲れたから、たまには」
It seemed she had allowed herself to accept another's kindness, at least for today.人の厚意を受け取ろう、と思ったらしい。

"Hmph, if you say so. More importantly, Soujyuro?「ふーん。ま、いいか。それより草十郎ー。
Didn't you say something weird earlier?"アンタ、さっきおかしなこと言わなかった?」
"Hm? I don't think so."「? 別に言ってないぞ、そんな事」
"Oh? I could've sworn you said something."「そう? ならいいんだけど」
The two were conversing over a distance of four yards.居間と台所、実に四メートルもの距離で会話をするふたり。
Alice decided to add her opinion to the conversation.それに、ぽつりと有珠は付け足した。

"...I don't think a day has ever gone by when he hasn't said something weird, to be honest."「……静希君がおかしな事を言わない日はないと思うわ、わたし」
Her quiet tone was luckily just low enough that Soujyuro couldn't hear her from the kitchen.あんまりな有珠の声は、幸運なことに、台所にいる草十郎には聞こえなかった。

"I agree, but seriously... Wasn't he talking kind of strangely just now?「そりゃあそうだけど、いま、ちょっと変だったでしょ?
...I don't exactly know how to describe it."……いや、何が引っかかったのかまでは分からないんだけどさ」
"True. The conversation itself was normal, but something did seem off about what he was saying."「そうね。会話自体は普通だったけれど、内容を考えてみると、どこかおかしいわね」

Aoko became gradually more irritated as she failed to grasp what had been odd about the conversation.要領のつかめない会話に、ますます不機嫌さをます青子。
Just then, Soujyuro appeared holding a tray with a teacup for each of them.そこへ、三人分のティーカップをトレイに載せて草十郎が現れた。

"What are you guys talking about?「なにを話してるんだ。
I literally just said I started a new part-time job. That's all."単に、新しいアルバイトを始めただけだろ」
He put the cups down on the black table without making even the slightest sound.音をたてず、黒テーブルにカップを置く草十郎。
Alice couldn't complain about how proper his job as a waiter had made him.ウェイターのアルバイトもやっているらしく、その折り目正しさは有珠をして文句のつけどころがない。

While she didn't say anything out loud, she did nod in his direction to show some gratitude.お礼までは口にしないが、かすかにあごを引いて感謝の意を示す有珠。
On the other hand...一方、
"Amagihama, was it? There's a huge stadium over there that I go to sometimes when a band I like is on tour."「天城浜だっけ? あそこってスタジアムがある所でしょ。ツアーの会場になるから時々行くけど」
The student council president, a supposed model student, loved rock bands.全校生徒の見本になるべき生徒会長は、あろう事かロックバンドの話に夢中だった。

Aoko was secretly obsessed with a number of bands and used to travel way out of town just to see them perform live when she was in middle school.青子は密かなバンド好きで、中学の頃は暇さえあれば遠出して小さなライブハウスに入り浸っていたらしい。
Of course, this was a world that Soujyuro was far from familiar with.もちろん、草十郎にはよく分からない世界である。

"Anyway, I can't believe you've started yet another part-time job. What are you trying to accomplish working that hard, Soujyuro?"「それよりまた新しいバイトはじめたんだ。そんなに働いてどうする気なのよ、草十郎は」

"...Oh, you were listening.「……ああ、よく聞いてくれたね。
Well, I have to work more because there are a couple of people in my life who like to take all my money from me for every little thing you can imagine."本人の名誉のために名前は伏せるけど、誰かさんと誰かさんが俺の少ない収入を無慈悲に奪っていくから、働く先を増やしたんだ」
This was as much resistance as Soujyuro was able to give.静希草十郎、せいいっぱいの抵抗だった。
Aoko lifted her teacup to her mouth as if she was completely oblivious to Soujyuro's monologue.そんな草十郎の独白をまったく聞いていないように、青子はティーカップを口に運ぶ。

"Sounds rough."「それは大変ね」
Alice said this as she set her teacup down quietly.ことり、と静かにカップを置く有珠。
There were some things she just did not understand.……彼女にいたっては、本気で分かっていない節もある。
Aoko had to hold back her laughter as she looked at Alice and Soujyuro.そんな有珠と草十郎を見て、青子はくっくっと笑いを堪えていた。

"I should've known better than to say anything."「……はあ。言った自分が未熟だった」
Soujyuro's shoulders fell as he said this.がっくりと肩を落とし紅茶を一口飲んでみる。
He took a sip of his black tea, still unsure about the taste.やっぱり、彼にはいまいち不鮮明な味わいだ。

"As long as you know I'm working a lot, I guess that's fine.「ま、アルバイトが多いって分かってくれるだけでいいか。
So that means I'll also be away at night during winter vacation. I'll have to take those pills at work, though..."そういったワケだから、冬休み中は夜も留守にする。例の薬はアルバイト先で飲むしかないんだけど―――」
"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm done with those.「ああ、それなら心配いらないわ。もうあれは止めたから。
They were a pain to make, and I found something more suitable for you anyway."いちいち作るのも面倒だし、もっと静希クンに似合うのを見付けてきたの」

Aoko had a huge, ominous grin on her face.ニマア、と性悪きわまりない笑み。
She put her hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out a little paper bag.青子はジャケットのポケットに手をいれて、愛らしい紙袋を取り出した。
It was a small, circular object about twenty inches in diameter, wrapped up nicely like a present.直径二十センチもない円形の何かを、プレゼント用の袋で包んでいる。

"Here's a little something to celebrate your moving in here. I want you to wear that from now on, Soujyuro."「はい、これは入居祝い。これからはそれを付けておくのよ、草十郎」
Soujyuro opened the paper bag.紙袋を開ける草十郎。
Inside was a white belt.出てきたのは白色のベルトだった。
But it wasn't a belt for putting around your waist to keep your pants up.ズボンの腰に付けるものではない。
To put it as clearly as possible, it was a collar.嘘偽りなく、極めて端的に説明すると、首輪以外の何物でもないのだった。

Alice's expression darkened at this turn of events.さすがにどうかと思ったのか、有珠は顔を曇らせる。
But it wasn't clear whether it was her friend's insidiousness or sympathy for Soujyuro that concerned her.友人の人の悪さに呆れたのか、草十郎への同情かは不明である。

"So, what do you think?"「どう、気に入った?」
Aoko was clearly a little crazy.一方、青子は明らかに正気ではない。
At least she wasn't totally serious.もとい、本気ではない。
It was obvious that it was at least half a prank to just see how Soujyuro would react.これは冗談半分の悪戯いたずらで、嫌がる草十郎の反応を期待しているだけなのは見え見えだ。

Soujyuro was solemnly considering the collar he had just been gifted.贈られた本人である草十郎は、わりかし真剣に首輪を見つめているのだった。
"I'm not exactly sure what this means, but it's the first time anyone has given me something like this."「うん。意味は掴みかねるけど、こういうものを人から貰うのは、これが初めてだ」

...He actually sounded like this would be a happy memory for him.……幸せな思い出にひたるような呟き。
Alice narrowed her eyes at what was transpiring.それを横で見ながら、何か間違っていると有珠は目を細める。

"But what exactly am I supposed to use this for?"「けど、これは何に使うんだ?」
"It's simple. It's like the golden headband in Journey to the West. Wukong had to wear it if he stepped out of line, though this you wear around your neck like a dog collar."「簡単よ。緊箍児きんこじと同じで、飼い犬が主人に逆らうと首を絞めるの。あっちは頭につけてたけど、それよりは首のがマシでしょう?」
Soujyuro grimaced when he finally understood Aoko's mean-spirited gift.む、とようやく青子の意地悪さに気が付く草十郎。
He really wanted to ask her what kind of person comes up with such an evil idea.その緊箍児とやらは一体どんな経緯で、どんな悪党が使用するに至ったのか、ぜひ聞かせてほしいところである。

"So basically, if I divulge any secrets or disobey you, then that collar will choke me. Is that right?「……つまり、秘密をばらしたり逆らったりしたら首が絞まる、と。
...Are you sure you're feeling well, Aozaki?"―――やっぱり熱でもあるんじゃないのか、蒼崎は」
"Oh, do you not like it? I tried to pick out what I thought would suit you best!"「あら、首輪はいや? せっかく草十郎に似合いそうな物を見付けたのに」

Aoko still had an evil grin on her face.からかいの入った微笑み。
But Soujyuro had a surprising response to this gift that Aoko had clearly gotten as a prank.しかし。青子本人、半ば冗談のつもりで用意したソレを、

"Hmm... I guess you're right. I mean, it's better than taking poison every day, and the belt itself looks well-made.「……それもそうか。毎日毒を飲むよりはましだし、このベルト自体、いいものだし。
I actually like it. Thank you, Aozaki."うん、気に入った。ありがとう蒼崎」
He spoke one hundred percent truthfully.お世辞ではなく、彼は本気でそう言った。
Aoko's face contorted in disbelief, and she could only mumble if he was serious.さすがに青子も意表をつかれたのか、ほんと? と小声で聞き返す。

"I'm happy about any act of kindness.「人の厚意はどんなものだって嬉しいよ。
Even more so when it's from you, Aozaki."それに、それが蒼崎なら尚更だ」
And with that, Soujyuro put the "belt" around his neck.言って、草十郎は首輪ベルトを首に巻いた。
He placed it over the bandages already there.首に巻いた布を覆うように。

"I guess this works. It's a little tight, but I'm sure I'll get used to it."「こんな感じかな。きついけど、そのうち慣れるだろ」
Despite his words to the contrary, Soujyuro tugged at the belt uncomfortably and adjusted it.言いつつ、居心地が悪そうにベルトをずらす。
It was such a perverse scene that even Aoko's face was red as a beet, even though this had all been her idea.その仕草はどことなく倒錯的で、言い出した青子本人も赤面してしまった。
Perhaps it was because it gave her such a clear reminder of the scars she had seen the day before.昨日見た傷跡が、鮮明に思い出されたせいかもしれない。

"Okay. Is it on right?"「よし。留め方はこれでいいのか」
Aoko retreated guiltily as Soujyuro came closer for her to check the fit of his new collar.確認のために近寄る草十郎に、うっ、と罪悪感から後退する青子。

"If you don't say anything, how will I know if it fits right?「? 黙ってちゃ分からないのに。
It's okay. I'll just ask Alice."いいよ、有珠に聞くから」

Soujyuro shifted his gaze from Aoko to Alice.青子から有珠に視線を移す草十郎。
Alice stared intently at Soujyuro wearing his new collar and said,有珠はしみじみと首輪をした草十郎を見つめて、
"...Punk rock, hm? Aoko, stop trying to dress him how you want him to look."「―――ロックね。青子、趣味に走りすぎよ」
She could not have put it any more bluntly.同居人へのとどめを口にした。

Shut up! That's not what I was trying to do!やかましい、そんなんじゃないっ!
Just ignore her! From now on, that collar will replace those pills I was giving you. Don't you go divulging any of our secrets!"もういい、とにかくそういう事よ! これからはその首輪が薬の代わりよ、せいぜい秘密を守ることね!」
Aoko was oddly emphatic as she spoke before stomping off toward the hallway.なぜか語尾を強調して、青子はドスドスと廊下に向かう。

"I'm going to take a nap until lunch. If you wake me up for ANY stupid reason, I WILL murder you!"「それと、これからお昼まで仮眠をとるけど、くだらないコトで起こしたら殺すから!」
Aoko slammed the door behind her as she left the drawing room.壁よ砕けよとばかりに扉を閉め、青子は居間を後にした。
Soujyuro stared in amazement.そんな青子を、草十郎は不思議そうに見送っている。

"...I'll never understand why she gets so mad like that all of a sudden."「……なんで蒼崎は、いつもいきなり怒るんだろう」
He murmured to himself, forgetting that Alice was standing right there in front of him.有珠が目前にいる事を忘れて、つい呟く草十郎。
"I assume it's because her ill intent doesn't seem to get through to you.「静希君には悪意が通じないからでしょう。
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you."気にする必要はないわ」

"Ill intent? What? Just now?"「悪意って、今のが?」
Alice looked up at Soujyuro's innocent response.聞き返されて、有珠はハッと顔を上げた。
There was a glimmer in her eyes that showed surprise at her current actions.その目は、今の自分の行為に驚いたものだ。

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."「……なんでもないから、気にしないで」
With that terse reply, she returned to her usual expressionless self.簡潔に答えて、いつもの無表情に戻る有珠。
There was no use explaining Aoko's feelings.青子の気持ちなど、いちいち説明するまでもない。
Aoko bought that collar for the sole purpose of annoying Soujyuro and causing mischief. When things didn't turn out how she'd planned, her conscience got the better of her.青子は草十郎の困る顔が見たくて首輪を買ってきたのに、その悪戯心が素直に喜ばれ、自らの良心に背中をくすぐられただけなのだ。

Soujyuro mistakenly thought that Aoko was angry at him, when in reality she was only angry at herself.草十郎は青子に怒られたと勘違いしているが、今のは青子の自爆にすぎない。
Alice didn't bother telling Soujyuro all these heartwarming details, though.その微笑ましい行き違いを、有珠は草十郎に語らない。
Not because it was too much work, just because she was never one to have meaningless conversation.面倒だからではなく―――そもそも『意味のない会話をする』思考そのものがない。
That was how she had been raised.久遠寺有珠はそういう風に育てられている。

"So what are your plans for the rest of the day, Sizuki?"「……静希君は、これからどうするの?」
Alice suddenly changed the topic.唐突に、有珠はそんな事を問いただした。
Soujyuro thought for a while before replying.草十郎はしばし考えこんで、

"I'm just going to relax until the evening. I've been way too busy recently.「夕方までゆっくりするよ。ここのところ忙しすぎた。
I want to watch some TV now since we have to wake up Aozaki at lunchtime, right?"せっかくだからテレビも見ていたいし、お昼には蒼崎を起こさないといけないだろ?」

"...Right. Just keep it quiet, then."「……そう。なら静かにしていて」
Alice let out a gentle sigh and rose to her feet.有珠は小さくため息をついて立ち上がった。
Just keep it quiet...静かにしていて。
Soujyuro would understand exactly what she meant by those words in just a few minutes.その言葉が何を示していたのか、草十郎は数分後に実感する事になる。

Scene 5

The sun shining through the window was bright.窓からの日射しが明るい。
It was just about nine o'clock, about time for the morning television programs to get going.そろそろテレビのお茶の間番組にエンジンがかかってくる午前九時。
Soujyuro was sitting on the sofa, staring out the window at the scene outside.草十郎はソファーに座って、外の様子を眺めていた。

The view from the neighboring sunroom showed a courtyard in a state of disrepair.隣室のサンルームから見える中庭の荒廃ぶりは、とても一言では表せない。
Soujyuro could appreciate the outdoors in both its natural, wild state, and when tamed by human hands.あるがままの自然はとうといが、人の手によって整頓された自然にも理解のある草十郎である。

"...I really need to do something about that sometime soon."“……アレは、近いうちになんとかせねばなるまい”
Soujyuro muttered to himself, turning another page in his textbook.などと、こぢんまりとした野望に燃えながら、教科書のページをまた一枚めくる。
On the table before him was a mathematics textbook and a notebook with Aoko's name on it.テーブルには数学のテキストと青子印のノート。
Although at first glance he appeared to be a diligent student studying on his day off, he was in truth only doing so as a compromise.一見して休日も予習を怠らない優等生……ではあるが、その実、これは妥協の結果である。
He had given up on his main intent of watching the morning television shows.草十郎が第一目的とした朝のテレビ観賞は、ある理由から断念されてしまったからだ。

The reason why he gave up was simple.理由は言うまでもない。
He was being considerate of Alice, who sat in front of him with her nose buried in a book.こうして、今も草十郎の正面で読書に没頭する、久遠寺有珠に気を遣っての事だ。
Instead of holing herself up in her room, she'd brought out her old, dusty books to read.てっきり自室に引きこもると思われていた彼女は、古びた本を持ち出して読書を始めてしまった。
This is what she meant when she had said to keep quiet. Soujyuro found it difficult to turn on the TV.静かにしていて、とはこういう事で、もはや無遠慮にテレビをつける事は難しい。

(...I guess I won't be watching TV for a while.)“……とりあえず、しばらくテレビは控えよう”
With that decided, Soujyuro resigned himself to reviewing some of the practice problems he'd gotten wrong.そんな結論に達し、それじゃあ、と草十郎は赤点の補習課題に手を出したのだ。
...In the drawing room, for some reason.なぜか居間で。
There wasn't any particular purpose in doing it there, but he also had no real reason to study back up in his room.ここに留まる理由もなかったが、自室に戻る理由も、同じぐらいなかったらしい。

And so there he was, leisurely highlighting his textbook with Alice there in the same room.かくて、彼は有珠がいるにも拘わらず、暢気のんき教科書テキストに蛍光ペンなどを引いていたりする。
To Soujyuro, there really was no difference between his room in the attic and the drawing room with Alice.草十郎にしてみれば屋根裏の自室も、有珠のいる居間もそう変わりはない。
To be fair, he could probably live with a tiger as long as it didn't cause any trouble.波乱の予兆さえなければ人食い虎とでも同居する―――
That was both Soujyuro's biggest strength and his biggest weakness.それが静希草十郎の、最大にして最悪の長所だった。

Before he knew it, the clock was showing eleven.気が付けば、時計の針が十一時を指していた。
He'd spent two hours doing his math problems but wasn't even halfway finished.二時間近くかけても、数学の課題は半分も終わらない。
More than that, he was disappointed in himself for lacking the courage to speak up at all.この程度で音をあげる自分の根性の無さに、草十郎は消沈する。
(...In comparison, Aozaki is really working hard.)『……それにくらべて、蒼崎は頑張ってる』
He dropped his mechanical pencil onto the notebook and watched it roll away.ぽん、とノートの上を転がっていくシャープペン。

He knew that Aoko and Alice were busy with something since final exams had ended.試験が終わってからこっち、青子たちが何やら活動している事は知っている。
He also knew that she had hardly gotten any sleep recently.それで彼女がほとんど眠っていない事も、
If she had been able to ignore him during exams, she probably would have had an easier time.試験中、自分を無視していればもっと楽になっていたであろう事も、分かっていた。

Today's nap was probably the first proper sleep Aoko had gotten in days.今日の仮眠だって、青子にとっては何日かぶりのまともな睡眠だろう。
Though, she showed no signs of exhaustion despite the fact that she must have hit peak long ago. She always seemed raring to go.疲労はとうにピークの筈だ。なのに、そんな素振りも見せないで青子はきびきびと歩いている。

It wasn't that she was trying to act tough;弱音を吐かない、のではなく。
that was just the kind of person she was. Always positive, always tough as nails.弱音そのものが浮かんでいない、前向きで強い信念こころ
And that was exactly why she came off as completely irrational at times.彼女が時に理不尽として映るのは、そのまっすぐさ故だろう。

But if that was the case, you could probably describe Alice in exactly the same way.それを言うなら目前の有珠だって同じかもしれない。
Soujyuro couldn't help but feel a bit inadequate when he saw their single-minded focus on their goals.目的に向かってひた走る彼女たちを見ていると、漠然と自分の中途半端さを考えてしまう。
He'd been so preoccupied with adjusting to his new life that he'd neglected to think about what he was going to do with himself after.今までは新生活に慣れようと必死だったけれど、もし慣れてしまったのなら、その後はどうする気なのか、と。

Thinking about this cast a gloomy cloud over his heart.それを思うと、草十郎の心は暗い影におおわれる。
He felt like he'd never find a clear purpose in life like Aoko and Alice seemed to have.自分は彼女たちのような、明確な目的はもう見つからない気がするからだ。
...At least not since he'd left the mountains.……山から下りた時から。
His old life was gone now, never to return.彼の糸は断ち切れて、二度と戻ることはない。

He was like a kite cut from its string, destined to fly only where the winds took it.糸の切れたたこ惰性だせいで流れていくだけだ。
And without anything to ground him, he couldn't do anything about the empty future that lay ahead.その先には何もないと分かっていても、地に足がついていないのでどうにもならない。
He could only let himself fly where the currents took him, slowly losing sight of the ground below.いずれ空にまぎれて、地上から見えなくなる。

(There's all the conveniences you could ask for here, but nothing I truly desire...)『……そうだな。便利な物はあふれているけど、本当に望むものは―――』
The town was full of options, but he could find nothing.町を歩くだけで山ほどある筈なのに、どうしても見つけ出せない。

He'd asked himself the same questions time and time again.もう何度も繰り返した自問。
It never made him feel any better. If anything, it only made him feel worse and worse.自分に言い聞かせたところで気持ちは晴れるどころか、暗くなっていく一方だった。
That, or...それとも、あるいは。
Maybe he felt that lamenting his own ineptitude would lead to finding some kind of goal or desire someday.己の半端さを嘆くほどには、いつか、希望らしきものが見つかるとすがっているのだろうか……?

Tired of his own sniveling, Soujyuro dejectedly closed his notebook.自分の弱音に呆れて、草十郎はノートを閉じた。
When he looked up, he saw his own face reflected back at him in the TV screen.ふと視線をあげると、ブラウン管に自分の顔が映っている。
His new collar was there around his neck, looking as out of place as ever.昨日まではなかった首の飾りは、まだ居心地が悪そうに巻かれていた。

Perhaps a fool like him who felt weak when faced with others' strengths did need to wear a collar after all.なるほど。他人の強さを見て自分の弱さを嘆く馬鹿者には、首輪の一つも着けていなくては危なっかしい。

(This is silly. I shouldn't worry about this until I'm actually an adult.)『まったくだ。悩むのはいっちょ前になってから』
He shook off his thoughts of doom and gloom and sat up straight.弱音を振り払って、背中を伸ばす。
After psyching himself up a little, he stood up from the sofa.にぶった体に活を入れて、草十郎は立ち上がった。

"I'm gonna make some food. You want anything, Alice?"「よし。何か作るけど、有珠は?」
Soujyuro asked casually.ついでに。
While Soujyuro had been doing his own thing, he had remained mindful of Alice.今までやりたい放題していた草十郎だが、きちんと有珠を気にかけていたらしい。

Alice looked up, surprised at hearing her name.名前を呼ばれて、有珠はハッとあたりを見渡した。
She had completely forgotten Soujyuro was even there.草十郎とは逆に、完全に草十郎を失念していたようだ。

"Yes, you. You've only had some tea all morning. If I'm going to be cooking, I might as well cook for everyone."「ああ。有珠、朝から紅茶しか飲んでないだろ。どうせ作るなら、いっぱい作った方がお得なんだ」
Without waiting for her reply, Soujyuro headed off to the kitchen while putting on his apron.有珠の返事も待たず、草十郎はエプロンをしながら台所へと歩いていく。
Alice tried to wave at him to stop, but by then he'd already disappeared into the kitchen.それを有珠は手だけで呼び止めるが、草十郎はもう台所に移動していた。

She was hesitant to walk all the way in there just to tell him she didn't need anything.……わざわざ台所まで足を運び、自分の分はいらない、というのも躊躇ためらわれる。
And besides, she was actually hungry.というか、空腹なのは事実なのだ。
Soujyuro's proposal made sense, and her empty stomach agreed.草十郎の提案は、今の彼女の健康状態から見れば合理的である。

Alice was hungry, and Soujyuro was going to make lunch.有珠は空腹で、草十郎は昼食を作る。
Making lunch for both of them would save the time and trouble of cooking two separate meals.一緒に作るのなら、別々に昼食を用意する時間を短縮できる。
There was no logical reason for Alice to refuse his gesture.感情論を除けば、有珠にはまったく反論の余地がない。

She decided to stay quiet, and tacitly accept his offer.喉まで出た声を飲みこんで、有珠は草十郎を黙認する事にした。
"...He is so strange."『……変な人』
She whispered the words softly, not for anyone in particular to hear but herself.わずかに間をおいて、誰に聞かせるでもなく、控えめに呟きながら。

Scene 6

The truth was, however...とは言いつつも実のところ。
Alice had been in a bad mood all morning.今朝からこっち、久遠寺有珠はたいへん立腹していた。

After checking all the sigils around Misaki City and boarding the first train back from Toukawa, all she wanted to do was spend the rest of her day reading until the words turned into a jumble.三咲市の支点をチェックして回り、始発の電車で陶川から帰ってくる時から、彼女はずっと、今日は居間で日が暮れるまで読書、文字がゲシュタルトるまで読書、と決めていたのである。
Her iron resolve to complete this task would not be interrupted by someone else milling about in the drawing room.そんな鉄の意志は、居間に余人がいたところでくつがえされるものではない。
This was her mansion and there was no way she was going to lock herself up in her room on account of Soujyuro.ましてや自分は館の主人なのだから、草十郎の為に自室に引きこもるなんてもっての外だ。

That said...……しかし。
With that said, she knew it would be wrong to kick Soujyuro out for no real reason.そうは言いつつも、理由なく草十郎を追い出すのもなんだか間違っている。
As it stood, Soujyuro had actually kept quiet like she'd asked.現状において、草十郎はたしかに“静かに”している。
He wasn't in the wrong here. If Alice had really wanted to be alone, she should have gone to her room.彼に問題はない。それでもひとりでいたいなら、有珠の方が自室に戻るべきなのである。

"I should have told him to leave me alone instead of just telling him to be quiet..."“……静かにして、じゃなくて、ひとりにさせて、と言うべきだった―――”
Alice had defiantly stayed in the drawing room despite realizing the dilemma she'd put herself in.そんなジレンマに陥りながら、少しだけ意地になって有珠は居間に残ったのだ。
She had figured Soujyuro would eventually make a ruckus and run off to hide in his attic room.どうせ、草十郎の方が音をあげて屋根裏部屋に逃げこむだろうと予想して。

Her assumption could not have been more wrong.結果、予想は大きく外れる事になった。
Soujyuro never left the drawing room.彼は居間から退散しなかったし、
Moreover, she had actually stopped caring that he was there.不思議なことに、少女も草十郎の存在ことが気にならなくなったからだ。

Though he hadn't paid her any attention, he hadn't ignored her either.彼は有珠を意識する事なく、また、無視しているわけでもなかった。
They had simply sat in silence together without any awkwardness.お互い無言でいたのに、それで気まずいという事もない。
Alice felt the freedom of being alone along with the comfort of someone being by her side.ひとりでいるような解放感があるのに、誰かがそばにいるという安心感がある。

To put it into words, Soujyuro was just that kind of person.……言葉にすると、静希草十郎という人間はそんな感じだった。
That was probably the only reason Alice had been able to sleep so soundly with him there next to her.だからこそ、すぐ傍に他人がいたのに眠り続ける、なんて事が出来たのかも知れない。

Soujyuro continued cooking in the kitchen, oblivious to the thoughts that went through Alice's head.そんな有珠の内面も知らず、草十郎は台所で何やら調理を続けている。
She couldn't see him from the drawing room, but she could easily imagine him cooking in the kitchen.居間からは見えないけれど、有珠には気楽に調理している後ろ姿が容易に想像できた。

"...He really is strange."「……変な人ね、ほんとうに」
Alice resumed reading after unwittingly stating her feelings out loud a second time.二度目の所感を漏らして、有珠は読書を再開した。
The sunlight beaming into the drawing room showed that it was noon.居間から差しこむ光はじき正午である事を示している。
The sunlight actually looked warm, despite it being a cloudy winter day.冬の曇った天気にしては、その日射しはどこか温かそうだった。

Just as noon struck, Soujyuro returned to the drawing room with two sets of plates.ちょうど正午にさしかかろうとした時、草十郎は二人分の食器を持って居間へ戻ってきた。
Some food of an indescribable color was piled on the large cream-colored plates.大きなクリーム色のお皿には、なんとも言えない色合いの料理が盛られている。

"This is, um..."「これ、は―――」
She hadn't expected much.期待など、してはいなかった。
And since she also hadn't requested anything, she could just refuse if it was something she didn't want...期待などしてはいなかったので、粗末なものがきたらそれを理由に断ろう―――
But this "food" left her at a loss for words despite psyching herself up.なんて覚悟かくご装填そうてん済みの有珠をして、それは、絶句させるに足る魔料理だった。

"What... is this?"「これ、は、なに?」
Alice spoke as though she was terrified of what had been placed before her.おそるおそる口にする有珠。
"Huh? I just put some stuff on top of stir-fried udon noodles."「ん? なにって、焼きうどんになんか掛けてみた」
If Aoko had been there, she probably would have punched him.青子がいたら鉄拳制裁ものの発言である。

But Soujyuro just confidently placed the two large plates on the table.草十郎はなに恥じらう事なく、どん、どん、とテーブルに大皿を置いていく。
Steam billowed from the mountain of food like an angry volcano ready to erupt at any moment.ごうごうと立ち上る、恐山おそれざんの憤怒のごとき湯気。
The thick mystery sauce flowed over the plates as magma might from said eruption.どろどろとドロドロする、エトナ火山の溶岩マグマのごときなんか。
And below it all were a seemingly infinite number of slimy tentacle-like noodles.その下に身を潜める、ごんぶとな無数の触手うどんたち。

There was really nothing more to say about it.……もはや語るまでもない。
This was clearly the food of a poor, struggling student who favored quantity over quality.これは質より量を重視する、一人暮らしの男子学生にのみ伝わる味わい。

All that was required was a basic recipe, the will to cook something, and what few ingredients were needed.必要なものはレシピとやる気と材料だけ。
The pile of stir-fried noodles with sauce slathered on top was so horrifically bad, it was almost an art form.喩えるなら、大量の焼きうどんに、大量のあんかけを組み合わせた芸術的なまでの芸術性のなさ。
This was a bachelor's cooking, if she'd ever seen it.そう、これこそは紛うことなきおとこ料理。
There was really nothing else you could call it.またの名をまかないとも言う。

She had wondered what he was doing for an hour in there, and it turned out he had been making this sauce.一時間も何をやっていたかと思えば、せっせとあんかけを作っていたらしい。
No sauce would've been fine, but Soujyuro had wholeheartedly gone the extra mile.焼きうどんだけで十分なのに、もう一手間ひとてま加えたのは草十郎なりに真心だろう。
Soujyuro bowed his head slightly and picked up his chopsticks.草十郎は小さくおじぎをしてから箸を手にとった。
He had brought a fork for Alice.有珠にはフォークが用意されている。

She picked up the fork and stuck it into the noodles half-drowning in sauce.フォークを手にとって、有珠はあんかけに半分埋まっている麺をつついてみる。
Soujyuro began eating, not seeming to care that Alice sat there looking like she was about to eat poison.毒見にしか見えない有珠の様子を気にした風もなく、草十郎は行儀よく食べはじめていた。

Seeming to view this as a challenge, Alice furrowed her brow and slowly brought the mass of noodles to her mouth.有珠的には挑戦と映ったのか、むっと眉をひそめながら、大雑把すぎる料理を口に運ぶ。
...It was a little salty and ugly to look at, but it didn't taste all that bad. If anything, it was actually pretty good.……形容し辛い味ではあるが、食べられないほど不味くはない。あえて批評するのなら、わりとクセになる味、というところだった。

"So, I want to ask you something."「ひとつ、聞きたいんだけど」
Soujyuro put down his chopsticks and turned to speak to Alice.焼きうどんを食べるのを中断して、草十郎は有珠に語りかけた。
"Be honest with me. Mage or not, Aozaki hasn't actually taken a life yet, has she?"「実際の話。魔術師の話はともかくとして、蒼崎はまだ誰にも手をだしてないんじゃないか?」

Alice looked up quietly at the sudden question.唐突な問いに、有珠は静かに顔を上げた。
She had been inspecting Soujyuro's meal, but now she looked straight at him.今まで男料理の観察にうつむいていた有珠の視線が、まっすぐに草十郎と向き合う。

"...That's a rather odd question, Sizuki."「……おかしな事を訊くのね、静希君は」
"I know. I hate to ask you, but it's just not something I feel comfortable asking Aozaki directly. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to."「有珠には悪いけど、これは蒼崎本人には訊きようのない事だから。言いたくなければ答えないでくれ」

Alice didn't respond.有珠からの返答はない。
Soujyuro resumed eating, not seeming disappointed.それを残念に思う事もなく、草十郎は食事を再開した。
Alice stared blankly at him slurping his noodles.つるつると麺を食べていく草十郎を、有珠は何の感情もなく眺めている。
After much hesitation, she replied.少女は何度か逡巡しゅんじゅんした後、

"No. Just like you said, Aoko hasn't killed anyone yet.「……静希君の言う通り、青子はまだ人を殺した事はないわ。
She has been involved in that sort of thing multiple times, though."その行為自体は、何回かこなしてはいるけれど」
Alice's response was slow and measured.途切れがちに有珠は言う。
Soujyuro still looked troubled.それに、草十郎はまた困ったように顔をしかめた。

But not at the conversation they were having. Rather, he looked apologetic towards Alice.彼は会話の内容にではなく、有珠に対してすまなそうに顔を曇らせている。
He'd said she didn't have to answer if she didn't want to.言いたくなければ、答えなくてよかったのに、と。
But Alice kept talking despite the face he was making.そんな草十郎の顔に動じず、有珠は淡々と続けていく。

"That day you saw us in the park was the first time Aoko had ever killed anything. That was just a puppet, though."「静希君が見た公園での出来事が、青子にとって初めての殺人行為よ。あいにく相手は人形だったけど」
Soujyuro silently nodded.静かに頷く草十郎。
Alice narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.その仕草に、有珠は不審そうに目を細めた。

"It almost seems like you knew all of this from the beginning."「まるで、はじめから分かっていた素振りね」
"No, not... well, maybe?「そうじゃな……いや、そうなのかな。
She just says stuff like that sometimes, but it's never felt like she's ever actually killed anyone before.たまにその手の台詞を言うけど、何か違う気がしたんだ。……だからたぶん、蒼崎はまだ人殺しというのを体験していないんじゃないかって。
But more than that, I guess the best evidence is..."でもまあ、そんな事よりもっと確かなのは」
"The fact that you're still alive?"「静希君が、いま生きているという事ね」
Soujyuro chuckled at Alice's stellar response.ご名答、とばかりに草十郎は苦笑した。

A new year, indeed...……そう。
Things would have been more clear-cut that night if Aoko had actually killed someone before.あの夜、もし彼女がそういった手応てごたえを知っていたのなら、あんな回りくどい事にはならなかった。
Soujyuro would have been dead before he ever even saw her face.草十郎は青子の顔を見る事なく殺されていただろう。
For better or for worse, Aoko remained inexperienced in spite of her ruthlessness and decisiveness.幸か不幸か、あれだけの非情さと行動力を持っていながら、蒼崎青子はいまだを知らないのだ。

Soujyuro relaxed his shoulders.ホッと肩を下ろす草十郎。
His stern face gradually returned to its normal carefree state.今まで苦々しかった表情も、いつも通りのぼんやりとしたものに戻る。

"...But even so, none of that really matters.「―――でも、そんな事は関係ないわ。
That's just the way she is. She acts with reason and uses her knowledge to make up for any inexperience she might have.あの子はそのあたりが異常だから。行為は理性に、経験は知識でたやすく補ってしまう。
Sizuki, I think if she really felt like it, she could take another person's life, as you put it."……そうね。青子はその気になれば、迷う事なく他人ひとの命に手をだせる。静希君ふうに言うのなら、だけど」

And with that, Alice went back to twirling noodles around her fork.それだけ言って、有珠はまたフォークで麺をコネコネする。
She looks like she's having fun, Soujyuro thought as he ruminated over what she'd just said.……もしかして楽しくてやっているのだろうか、などと思いながら、草十郎は有珠の言葉を反芻はんすうしていた。

She was rational enough to accept herself despite acting against society's morals,道徳を犯す自分を容認できる理性と、
and possessed of an intellect that exceeded even the confidence gained through experience.実経験から得られる確信を超える知性。
Had Aoko been raised to utilize her logic and reason to forge reality from fiction?そんな理屈だけの絵空事を実現できるように、青子は育てられてきたのだろうか。
If that was the case, then perhaps they really were different from Soujyuro.それなら、確かに―――彼女たちが自分と違うのは、納得のいく事ではあるが。

"...I'm sorry. Can you please not tell Aozaki that I asked you this?"「……すまない。こんなことを訊いたのは、蒼崎には内緒にしておいてくれないか?」
Soujyuro seemed serious, as if he really regretted asking.反省するような、思い詰めた顔。
Alice's expression remained unchanged, but she had never intended on saying anything to Aoko anyway.有珠の表情に変化はないが、彼女も初めからそのつもりだったようだ。

"Thank you. I'm not sure why, but I seem to have a lot of secret conversations with you."「ありがとう。なんだか、有珠には内緒話ばかりたまっていくね」
Soujyuro went back to eating his food.草十郎は食事を再開する。
Though Alice had still only had a single bite, he was already scraping his clean.まだ有珠は一口しか食べていないのに、彼はそれでたいらげてしまっていた。

"I already asked Aozaki this, but do the two of you always get along like that?"「そういえば蒼崎にも訊いたんだけど、有珠と蒼崎はいつもああなのか?」
Soujyuro had suddenly decided to change the topic of conversation.先ほどまでの会話など何処へやら、草十郎はまったく違う話をはじめた。
His new topic was the rather cold and dry relationship between Aoko and Alice.どこかドライな青子と有珠の関係。
Aoko said their relationship was normal, but maybe Alice had a different opinion.青子はそれが普通だと語っていたが、有珠からならまた別の見解があるかもしれない。

"...If you're talking about how we rarely talk to each other, that's just what happens.「……会話が少ない事を言っているのなら、そうなるわ。
It's convenient. It isn't something that bothers us."けど、別に不便じゃないから」
Alice was still twirling noodles with her fork as she gave her concise answer.簡潔に答えて、有珠はフォークで麺をくるくると巻いている。
Around and around the noodles went, but none made it into her mouth.巻いてはいるけど、食べるそぶりはまったくなかった。

"What do you mean, 'It's convenient'? Do you mean that you're friends?"「不便じゃないって……そういうの、仲がいいって言わないんじゃないか?」
"...Would it make things difficult for you if we didn't get along?"「……? わたしと青子の仲が良くないと、静希君は困るの?」

Soujyuro swallowed his words at Alice's perplexed reply.不思議そうに言う有珠に、草十郎は言葉を呑んでしまった。
It would, actually, but he wasn't sure how to respond when asked so directly.実はかなり困るのだけど、そんな風に素直に聞かれると答えにも困る。

"...No, maybe I was just thinking about it the wrong way.「……いや、なんかこっちの考え方が悪かったみたいだ。
I promise I won't bring it up again, so just forget I asked.もうその話題には触れない事にしたから忘れてくれ。
More importantly, Alice..."それより、有珠」

Soujyuro gave Alice a piercing stare that was more intense than any time they'd talked before.今までのどんな時よりも真剣な、くような視線で草十郎は有珠を見る。
Alice was taken slightly aback at the unusually intense look in his eyes.彼には似合わない、強い視線を前にして有珠は少し体を引いてしまう。

Her face became slightly flushed out of nervousness.かすかな緊張が有珠の頬を紅潮させる。
Nobody besides Aoko had ever stared at her like this before.他人にここまで強く見つめられる事なんて、青子以外なかったからだ。

Whether or not he noticed, Soujyuro waited a few moments before speaking slowly and with complete conviction.有珠の緊張を知ってか知らずか、草十郎はしばらく黙ってから、ゆっくりと、偽りのない気持ちを口にした。
"If you're not going to eat that, do you mind if I have it?"「それ、食べないなら欲しいんだけど」

An awkward silence followed.どこか気まずい沈黙が流れる。

"Sorry, this is mine."「悪いけど。これ、わたしのだから」
Sizuki had cooked it, sure, but Alice wasn't wrong. He had made it for her after all.作ったのは静希君だけど、とにかくそういうコトだから、と有珠は切り捨てる。
There was a slight tinge of anger in her voice, but even she wasn't sure why it was there.多少、自分でもよく分からない怒気をこめて。

"You're right. Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."「そうだね。少し意地汚かった」
Soujyuro plopped himself down on the sofa.すとん、とソファーに戻る草十郎。
This must have looked particularly pathetic to Alice since she responded with,その仕草があまりにも哀れだったからか。
"Umm, are there any ingredients left to cook some more?"「……その、材料はもう残ってないの?」
She quickly covered her mouth. Apparently she had surprised even herself.つい口にして、あわてて有珠は口をふさいだ。
It was quite unusual for her to ask something like that.そんな事を訊くなんて、まったく彼女らしくない。

"Nope. I used everything and made some for Aozaki as well."「残ってないよ。蒼崎の分も作っちゃったから」
Soujyuro stared a bit regretfully at Alice's plate as he responded.まだ未練があるのか、有珠のお皿を見ながら草十郎は答える。
Alice could have just let it go, but for some reason she felt the need to speak up again.その言葉も有珠的に無視できなかったのか、よせばいいのに、彼女は再度声をかけてしまった。

"...But Aoko is still sleeping."「……青子なら、眠っているけど」
"Yeah, but I'm gonna wake her up soon, and she'd have told me to make her something anyway.「いや、もうすぐ起こすから。起きた後で作らされるより、一緒に作っておいた方が楽だしね。
...Speaking of which, it's almost one o'clock. I'll go and wake her up now."……と、もうすぐ一時か。ちょうどいい、行って起こしてくるよ」

"Didn't she say she'd kill you if you woke her up?"「青子は、起こしたら殺すって言ってたけど」
Alice wasn't sure why Soujyuro was willing to take such a risk.なんでそんな事をするのか疑問、と有珠は首を傾げる。
Soujyuro agreed, but started walking anyway.まったくだ、と同意しながらも草十郎は歩きだす。

"Maybe so, but I feel like if I don't wake her up now, she's going to end up killing me later anyway."「でもさ。いま起こしておかないと、やっぱり後で殺される運命にあると思うんだ」
His words were surprisingly affectionate.悪態なのに、親愛に満ちた言葉。
Leaving Alice with only that, Soujyuro headed to Aoko's room.同情に値する言葉を残して、草十郎は青子の部屋へと向かっていった。

Alice watched him leave in silence before taking another bite of the stir-fried noodles.それを無言で見送ってから、有珠はあんかけ焼きうどんを一口食べてみる。
Glancing at the door to the hallway to make sure nobody was coming, she took another bite.ちらりと廊下への扉に目をやって、誰も来そうにない事を確認すると、さらに一口。
She repeated that process many times before finishing her food. It was then that she heard Aoko's wrath coming from the second floor.そんな事を何回も繰り返すうちにクリーム色のお皿は空になって、二階から青子の怒鳴り声が聞こえた気がした。

Alice stood up and began solemnly clearing the table, feeling a bit sorry for what Soujyuro was dealing with.それに少しだけ同情して、厳かな仕草で、有珠は自分と草十郎の食器を片付けはじめた。
She knew she didn't really have to, but she felt like it was the least she could do for him.そんな気はなかったけれど、これぐらいはしてあげないといけない、と思ったらしい。

...She'd never really expected to feel this way.……不覚にも。
But he'd cooked for her, and it was surprisingly good. Almost enough to make her forget how bad he was at making tea.はじめて食べた彼の手料理は、紅茶の不出来な淹れ方を忘れさせるほどには、まあ、悪くはない味だったのだから。

Scene EX

"Hi. Kumari from Class 2-D.「失礼します。2-Dの久万梨くまりです。
I returned the key to the gym's storage to the faculty room."体育館倉庫の鍵、職員室に返してきました」
Only Aoko was present in the second student council room when Kojika Kumari entered.久万梨くまり金鹿こじかが第二生徒会室に入ると、室内にいるのは蒼崎青子だけだった。

"Oh, thank you.「おつかれ。
I'm almost done with this, so just have a seat there."もうちょっとでバイト終わるから、そこ座ってて」
Aoko was seated at a long table, surrounded by a pile of textbooks and using her pen to write rapidly.青子は長テーブルに陣取って、大量の教科書に囲まれながら、スラスラとリズムよくボールペンを走らせていた。
Strewn about the table were not school-specified notebooks, but rather papers for writing reports.机上にあるのは学校指定のノートではなく、こじゃれたレポート用紙である。

"What are you working on? Homework? Review questions?「なにしてんの蒼崎。課題? それとも補習?
Looks pretty intense, whatever it is. Winter vacation just started! I mean, we have this special winter cleaning thing to do too, I guess."どっちにしても真面目なこと。冬休み、始まったばかりなのに。そりゃあ、こんなところで特別清掃なんかに付き合わされているけどさ」
"Mm, this is separate from all that. A university student I know gave me some work as a ghostwriter.「んー、これは別件。知り合いの大学生から流してもらった代筆のバイト。
They want me to copy this old report from a few years ago verbatim for their graduate thesis."何年も前に提出されたレポートを丸写しにして、卒論クリアしようって話」

"Tch, they've got you copying a whole book, it looks like!「チッ、写本ならぬ写レポートかよ。結構な量だなオイ。
What university do they go to? Not Mizora, is it?"それ、どこの大学生? まさか渠裸みぞら大じゃないでしょうね」

Kumari couldn't seem to hide her discomfort as she started thumbing through some of the reports next to Aoko.不快さを隠しもせず、久万梨は青子の傍らにあるレポートをめくっていく。
The slightly brown-tinged reports had to be at least ten years old.やや茶色に変色したレポート用紙は、少なく見積もっても十年は前の物だ。

"Of course they go to Mizora. I don't know students from any other university.「そのまさかよ。知り合いの大学生なんてミゾラ以外にいるかっていうの。
Don't worry, Kuma, it's not from your brother and his crew. Aren't they all planning to stay back another year again this year anyway?"安心なさい、クマの兄貴たちからの仕事じゃないから。そもそもアンタの兄貴軍団、今年も留年のこる気満々なんでしょ?」
"Can you stop calling me that? And please stop referring to them as a crew?"「クマ言わないで。軍団もやめろ」

Her voice was snappy.久万梨の声は刺々しい。
Not that Aoko could judge, but this girl's unfriendliness could rival even her own at times.いつも不機嫌な青子が言える事ではないが、この女生徒も青子に負けず劣らずの愛想の無さである。
Kumari's speech was dry enough as it was, but when she got riled up about something she really let it all out.平時は素っ気ない口調の久万梨は、本音がむき出しになると乱暴な口調になる。
Apparently she got it from her father. She was trying to work on it, but it was hard to fix an old habit she had since elementary school.どうも父親ゆずりの癖らしい。本人はその癖を改善しようと努めているが、小学生までの習慣は中々抜けない。

"Is this even going to work with a report that old, though? Don't you think they'll notice?"「けどこれ、どうなのよ。丸写しにしても古すぎて通らないんじゃない?」
"Well, it's better than nothing, isn't it?「そこはそれ、腐っても鯛というか。
They told me they marked all the out of date data and that I just need to change those numbers by looking at the textbooks."“技術的に古い部分はピックアップしてあるから、教科書テキスト参考にして数字だけ変えておいて”だってさ」

"That's dumb. If they did all that, they could just change it themselves! How long have you been working on this?"「なにそれ、ホントにバカじゃないの? そこまで分かってるなら自分でやればいいのに。で、いつからやってるの」
"Since this morning. It's really not bad money for a half day's work.「今日の朝から。半日の稼ぎにしちゃあ悪くないわよ。
They're paying me 10,000 yen per report."レポート一冊分で一万円」
"I can't believe the student council president actually has a side hustle like this.「ケッ、生徒会長が内職かよ。
No wonder you left Tsukiji in charge."どうりで槻司に監督を任せたワケだ」
"Right. Let's just keep this between us, shall we?"「はい。他言は無用でお願いします」

Kumari relaxed a bit at Aoko's pleasant response and decided to sit down in the nearest chair.爽やかな笑顔で返されて毒気を抜かれたのか、久万梨はぶすっとした顔のままパイプ椅子に腰を掛けた。

The room was silent save for the sound of the scratching of Aoko's ballpoint pen.生徒会室にはボールペンの音だけ。
The sky was clear blue and there were boys in the rear courtyard playing baseball in their jerseys.ふと見上げた空は青く高く、裏庭にはジャージ姿で野球をしている男子たちの姿があった。
With the special winter cleaning finished, it seemed they'd decided to start enjoying their free time.特別清掃も終わり、なし崩し的に遊び始めたらしい。
"I don't know how they can stand it out there in the cold like that.「この寒いのによくもまあ。
...Wait, those're the second-year boys."―――って、アレ二年の男どもだ」

Said boys were playing in teams of five since they apparently could not get enough people together to play a proper game.十分な人数が集まらなかったのか、彼らは五人一チームで試合をしている。
It was a boring game of mostly strikeouts and poor hits, but they sure seemed to be having fun.凡打、三振の多いグダグダな試合内容だが、当人たちはたいへん盛り上がっているようだ。
Their yelling and hollering mostly consisted of bad words, surprised yells, and cackling laughter.聞こえてくる喚声は口汚いものばかりだが、罵声をあびせながらもみな笑っているあたり、ホントに男子はバカばっかりだ。

"Oh, of course Housuke and Sizuki are together, but Tsukiji looks like he's with them too... Are they friends?"「あれ。芳助ほうすけ静希しずきが一緒なのは分かるけど、槻司つきじも一緒じゃん。蒼崎、あいつら仲いいの?」
"Huh? Why the heck is he hanging out with the Class C crowd? Well, as long as they're done with their cleanup, they can do whatever they want I guess."「はあ? なんでのクラスの集まりに顔だしてんのよイツ。……まあ、裏山の清掃が終わってるなら文句はないけど」
"Wow, I didn't know Tsukiji could pitch."「あ、投げた。槻司、ピッチャーできるんだ」

"He can kind of do it all.「基本、鳶丸アイツはなんでもできるからねー。
He's lazy, so he never accomplishes much. He can do just about anything when he puts his mind to it, though. If there's anything he's lacking, it's the ability to just be a kid sometimes."本人さぼり症でめったに動かないけど、本気だせば何だってこなすのよ。唯一足りない才能があるとしたら、子供らしさってヤツでしょうね」
"Hmph, you seem to know a lot about him.「ふーん。詳しいじゃない。
...Are the two of you dating?"……蒼崎、槻司と付き合ってるってホント?」

"Seriously? I'd date you before I dated him. Give me a break.「アイツと付き合うぐらいならアンタと付き合うわ。
I'm not into the pretty boys. I need a macho man. Like that Austrian."顔の良い男は好きじゃないし。やっぱり男はシュワちゃんぐらいじゃないと」
"What Austrian?"「シュワ……誰それ?」
"You know, the guy that starred in those barbarian movies!"「グレートの方のコナンの主役やった人」
"Ohhh, so you like a chiseled jawline? I didn't know you were into the musclehead types!"「へえ、アゴ割れてないとダメなんだ。蒼崎って面食いかと思ってたけど、ごっつい系が趣味なの?」

"I mean, not exclusively...「……別にそういうワケじゃないけど。
I'm trying to say that you can't trust smooth-talking, carefree guys just because they happen to look attractive."教訓よ、教訓。なよっとしたヤツとか、やけに口がうまいヤツとか、気軽な男はほんと信用ならないっていうか」

They continued their conversation...青子はレポート用紙を、 staring at the report pages and the other gazing out at the schoolyard.久万梨は校庭を眺めながら、とりとめのない会話をする。
They had met in high school and soon grew to be friends who enjoyed chatting together.ふたりが知り合ったのは高校生になってからだが、根本的なところで気が合うらしく、今ではこうして駄弁だべりあう仲になっていた。

"So what are your plans over the winter vacation? Wanna do something?"「蒼崎、冬休みはどうする? 予定、ある?」
"Hmm... I want to, but I'm going to be so busy. How about around the start of the new year?「うーん、一回ぐらいは遊びに行きたいんだけど、ちょい忙しくて。年明けに時間つくるから、それまで待って。
Should we invite Yamase and those other girls from Class B? I think they went up to Tokyo last winter vacation."あ、B組の山瀬さんたち誘う? たしか去年も冬休みに上京してたでしょ、彼女ら」

"They aren't really our style, are they? They'd freak if they found out what kind of stuff you're into! I wouldn't bother with them."「あー、ありゃわたしたちと系統が違う。生粋のお嬢さまだからねぇ。蒼崎の趣味知ったらドン引きされるから、やめといた方がいい」

"Uh oh, Tsukiji allowed a hit.「あ、打たれた。
Wow, it went over the fence.あ、さく越えた。
Nice home run, Sizuki. He's more athletic than I thought if he managed to hit a home run off of Tsukiji like that."あれってホームランってヤツだ。やるじゃん静希。槻司から一本とるなんて、運動神経抜群ばつぐんね」

"He grew up in the mountains. He's gotta be at least a little strong.「そりゃ山育ちだし、それぐらい取り柄がないと。
He might beat Tobimaru for the top spot in next year's fitness check. It's a piece of cake for someone out in the mountains to walk for two hours straight. He should've been on the track team instead of swimming."来年の身体測定、鳶丸とトップ争うんじゃない? 山じゃ二時間歩きっぱなしとかザラだったそうだし。水泳部じゃなく陸上部に紹介すればよかった」
"Wow, you know a lot about him too. Maybe he's the one you're dating? ...Nah, can't be."「ふーん。詳しいのね。もしかして付き合ってるのあっちとか。あ、いや、さすがにないかー」

The constant sound of Aoko's ballpoint pen moving across paper suddenly stopped.よどみのなかったボールペンの音が止まる。
She stood up naturally from her seat,青子はごく自然な仕草で席を立ち、
took a quick break to pour some fresh tea,小休止といわんばかりにお茶を淹れて、
and returned to her work without acknowledging what had been said.何事もなかったように作業に戻った。

"Is there anything in particular you want to do over the winter break?"「冬休みの予定だけど。久万梨、何かリクエストある?」
"Not really. There are a lot of movies I've been wanting to see though. I'd love to run through all the ones that don't get shown here. What about you?"「別に。見たい映画がたまってるだけ。三咲こっちじゃ上映しない映画をハシゴしたい。蒼崎は?」
"I'm thinking of getting some winter clothes or a CD... I'd need a CD player first, though. Should be able to get one for under 30,000 yen soon."「私は新しい冬物とCD買えればいいかな。デヴィッドボウイの。あ、その前にまずはCDプレーヤーか。そろそろ三万円きるはずなのよ、アレ」

"You like all that new stuff, don't you? CDs are just an expensive fad. They won't be around for long, I think.「はあ。新しいもの好きよね、アンタ。CDなんて高いだけで、騒がれてるのは今だけだってば。
You can just rent whatever music you want and record it onto a tape for 500 yen! CDs are going the way of Betamax, you'll see."だいたい、音楽なんてレンタルしてカセットテープに落とせば500円で済むじゃない。ベータデッキみたいにそのうちすたれるって」

"Really? I think CDs are going to be the new standard. If anything's going the way of Betamax, it's cassette tapes."「そう? 私、CDは定番になると思うけどな。過去になるのはカセットテープの方よ、きっと」
"No way! I'd bet anything on it! How could CDs ever be better than cassettes when you can't even record to them!"「それはない。絶対ない。賭けてもいい。だって、CDって録音できないんでしょ? そんなのにカセットテープが負けるはずない」

"You're so conservative, Kuma. Watch out for when that party change happens, 'cause it always does.「クマは保守派だからなー。政権交代は何にだってあるでしょうに。
But hey, I'll take that bet. I'm going to put it down here in the student council minutes. I look forward to winning, not even... five years from now!"でもまあ、その賭け乗った。生徒会の歴史に書いておくからね。十年……いえ、五年後を楽しみにしていましょう」
"Five years, huh? Sounds good. We should be finishing up college around then. You're planning on going to college in Tokyo, right? Where are you thinking exactly?"「五年後か。いいね、ちょうど大学の終わりだ。蒼崎、東京の大学に行くんでしょ? どこ志望してるのか教えてよ」

"I haven't decided yet. I just know I definitely want to be in Tokyo."「実はまだ決めてないのよ。上京したいのは山々なんだけど」
"I'm surprised! I thought you'd have the next three years of your life completely planned by now."「ありゃ意外。アンタのことだから、むこう三年分ぐらいスケジュール組んでると思ったのに」

Aoko laughed dryly at the obvious jab.あはは、と青子は苦笑いで誤魔化す。
Aoko knew what direction she wanted her life to go in, but she didn't usually think too much about the details.生き方の方針は決まっているものの、将来の展望はいまいち考えていない青子だった。
Once she made a decision, she followed through with it. That was why she didn't actually write out a schedule.やると決めた事はやる性格のため、いちいちスケジュールを紙に起こす習慣がないせいもある。

"Anyway, come grab some food with me at that ramen shop in front of the station when I'm done with this.「クマ、終わったら駅前のラーメン屋付き合ってよ。
I'm getting hungry from all this work."体力つかったから、なんかお腹減ってきた」
"I feel like most girls would want something sweet after doing all that work, but okay.「……そこは、頭つかったから甘いもの食べたくなった、にしといた方が女らしいと思うけどね。
I'm interested. If you come to my place, you can eat for free though. What do you say?"いいよ。うちでいいならサービスしとくけど、よってく?」
"Of course! Everyone needs a good girl friend like you!"「もっちろん! 持つべきものは女の友情!」

The girls waited patiently for winter vacation to start in the student council room.冬休みを間近に控えた生徒会室。
Their free time after school was spent through this kind of frivolous conversation.ふたりは他愛のない会話で放課後を消費していく。
Aoko spent her nights as a mage and her days as a normal high school student. The conversations she had with her friends were no different from any other girls her age.夜は魔術師として歩く青子も、昼間はいたってノーマルな学生だ。友人と話すときは年相応の無邪気さを隠しもしない。
She enjoyed both aspects of her life equally, even if one of those involved fighting against mortal enemies.たとえ敵との戦いが本格化していようと、二足のわらじを履くと決めた以上、どちらも楽しむのが青子である。

"So, Aozaki. How much are we going to wager on that bet earlier?"「ところで蒼崎。さっきの賭け金はどうする?」
"I'm not completely evil, so I'll just take ten percent of whatever savings you have at the time. I don't want to clean you out, after all."「そうね。私も鬼じゃないし、その時の貯金一割で手を打つわ。根こそぎ奪うのは勘弁してあげる」
She wasn't lying.もっとも。
But fundamentally she was still an imp at heart.この通り、根本的な意地の悪さは変わらないのだが。

"I just got a bad feeling all of a sudden."「なんかゾワッときたな、今」
Victim A whispered quietly after sneezing.くしゅん、と気の抜けたクシャミをして、被害者Aはそう呟いた。

"You catch a cold or something, Sizuki?「なんだよ、風邪でもひいたかー静希?
Let's wrap up this game and head into town. Whaddya say?"よし、んじゃこんなとこで野球やっててもしょうがねえし! 町にくりだすとしましょうか!」

This was their fourth game of five-man baseball.五人野球、四試合目。
They'd gained some spectators since starting an hour ago, and were playing special rules where infield grounders were called out when caught, and home runs were rewarded with leftover sweet red-bean soup cans.内野ゴロはキャッチされた時点でアウト、ホームランには余ったお汁粉缶をプレゼント、という特殊ルールを聞きつけて野次馬が集まりだし、リーグ戦が始まってから既に一時間。
Housuke Kinomi had gotten bored once he realized it was still going to be a while until it was his turn to play.自分たちの試合がまだ先であるコトに痺れを切らした木乃美芳助は、早くも飽きはじめていた。

"Seriously? You're the one who came up with the stupid idea of playing baseball in the first place!"「おまえホント猿だったんだな。先立つものがねえから野球やろうぜって言いだしたのはテメエだろうが」
"That was then, this is now!「えー。それはそれ、これはこれっしょ。
All these losers from Class A showed up, and I hate 'em. Can't get along with 'em at all."だってA組の奴らとか集まってきたしさあ、オレ、あいつら嫌いだしさあ。なんかノリが合わないっていうか」

"Don't worry, I don't think they like you either.「安心しろ、A組あっちもテメエとは合わねえとよ。
But hey, this will be a good chance to show them up. I'll actually try to play for real if you will."いい機会じゃねえか、気にくわないんなら試合で片づけてやれよ。こっちも本気でやってやるから」

Tobimaru calmly punched back down at Kinomi while practicing his pitching at the wall.鳶丸は壁に向かってピッチングなどしながら木乃美をたしなめる。
He was throwing harder than usual. Maybe he was angry because of that home run he gave up earlier.先ほどホームランを打たれてご立腹なのか、普段より当たりがきつい。
He was in Class A and had taken on the role of captain for the other boys from Class A who showed up to play.ちなみに、彼もA組の生徒であり、集まってきたA組男子のキャプテンに収まっている。

"Hold on. That's not entirely true.「ちょっと待った、そりゃ誤解だぜ殿下。
We actually kind of like Kinomi.オレたち木乃美けっこう好きよ?
We like how much of a spaz he is, how he'll openly rate girls on how hot they are, how he's always planning matchmaking parties... There's nobody else like him!"バカなところとか、平気で女連中の品評会ひらくところとか、合コン企画するところとか。真似できねーよ、ホント」
All the other boys in Class A nodded affirmatively.うんうん、と力強くうなずくA組男子一同。

"Really? Don't act like you're all about fun and games like that without telling the whole truth!「ざけんな、テメエらいつも美味しいところだけ持っていきやがって!
'You should host a karaoke party.' 'Oh, get together some cute girls so we can all hang out together.'“カラオケ会ひらいてよー”“女の子と遊びたいよー”、
And then what happens? You all leave me to pay the bill! And when we went to go check out the girls in the tennis club, who caught all the heat for it? Me! You think I can't tell when I'm being used?"なんて甘えてきやがって、なんで気が付いたらオレ一人だけで会計してたの? 一緒にテニス部のぞきに行ったのにどうしてオレだけ悪者なの? もしかして利用されてるだけってそろそろ気が付いていいの?」

"What? You only figured that out now? Haha!"「やべ、まだ気付いてなかった! 本物だ!」

"Ugh! You guys are so lame!「があー! テメエら本気でむかつく!
I don't need to know about that kinda shit!"青くせぇ学生生活おくってんじゃねえ!」
Kinomi took his bat and swung it around as he chased after the boys in Class A. They seemed to be having fun running from him while sarcastically thanking him.木乃美はバットを振り回してA組男子を追い回し、A組男子たちは陽気に逃げ回りながら木乃美に感謝する。
One of Kinomi's best virtues was his ability to remain good-natured in the face of insults.基本、ののしりあいなのに和気わき藹々あいあいとしているのは、木乃美芳助の人徳のなせる業だ。

"Hahaha! You're as popular as ever, Kinomi!"「ははは。木乃美は人気者だなあ」
"It's a good thing he's dumb. If he was clever, he'd probably end up as some kind of criminal.「ああ、バカなのが救いだな。あれで下手に利口りこうだったら犯罪者になってるところだ。
After all that's happened though, he'd probably end up on the wrong end of Aozaki's fists. She doesn't have time to deal with someone like that!"いや、その前に今度こそ蒼崎にしめられるか。あいつ、小ずるいチンピラには容赦ねえからな」
"You think so? ...Hm? All that's happened?"「そうなのか。―――ん? 今度こそ?」

Soujyuro fell deep into thought.む、と考えこむ草十郎。
From the way that sounded, Kinomi seemed to have some kind of history with Aoko Aozaki.今の言いぶりだと、木乃美に蒼崎青子に関して、なにやら前科があるようだ。

"Have Kinomi and Aozaki ever been an 'item'?"「木乃美は蒼崎に、その、ケソウ、してた事があるのか?」
"An item? You mean a couple?「あん、ケソウ? ああ、懸想か。
You really think that idiot would have standards? There was a little incident between the two, but nothing more than that.あのバカにそんな風情があるかって。ちょいとな、蒼崎と木乃美には条件反射じみた事件があったんだよ。
Back at the school entrance ceremony. Right, Kinomi?"ありゃあ入学式の事だ。そうだよな、木乃美!」
Kinomi froze and glanced back at Tobimaru's provocation.鳶丸に怒鳴られ、木乃美は足を止めて振り返る。

"Oh yeah, duh! I just remember seeing this chick with a smoking bod, and before I knew it I was reaching out to touch her!「おう、入学式な! すげー身体からだしてる女子がいたからさあ、つい声をかけたんだよな!」
I was like, 'Hey, so what class are you in, girl?'“かーのじょ、どのクラスぅ?”って。
I didn't really mean to touch her like that though.いや、でもまさか、手が出るとは思わなかった。
I really tried to stop myself, but I think my brain had a major malfunction, and my hand just went for it!"オレ的には一センチ前で寸止すんどめしようとしたんだけど、目測をあやまった。オレの視覚情報より、蒼崎の肉体のサイズがややまさっていたというコトさね」

Kinomi laughed loudly as he gazed up at the sky.はっはっは、と遠い目で空を見上げる木乃美芳助。
That was all the explanation Soujyuro needed to know what really happened that day at the entrance ceremony.草十郎は草十郎で、今の言葉だけで入学式に何が起きたのか、正確に把握したらしい。

"...You idiot.「―――バカな。
How are you even still alive after that?"なぜ命がある、木乃美」

"I know, right?! I thought she knocked my jaw clean off!「だろー? オレのアゴ、垂直に跳ね上がったんだぜ!?
It wasn't just a slap or a fist, you know? People were sayin' that it was like her foot was one of those swimboards if you dunk 'em deep in the water, shooting up to my chin like BAM!"平手とか拳とかそういうレベルじゃねえの、下からギャーンだぜギャーン! 周りにいたギャラリーいわく、“プールで縦に沈めたビート板が浮上するように蒼崎の靴が閃いた”らしい。
...I can tell you this now, but I don't have the slightest memory of anything that happened after that!"…………あの、今だから言いますけど、オレ、あの後の記憶がすっぽりないのです」

Rubbing his jaw, Kinomi returned to their side, tired of wasting his energy chasing after the Class A boys.A組男子を追い回すのも疲れたのか、木乃美はアゴをさすりながら戻ってきた。

"Anyway, enough of all that talk. Let's go do something fun!「そんなコトより遊びにいこうぜー。
You can pay, Your Highness! I know you're loaded. "殿下、金持ってるだろー。おごってくれよー」
"Well, I suppose I could manage a movie or something.「……ったく。まあ、映画なら考えない事もない。
There's this B-movie I really wanna see. It's one of those that's more fun to heckle than watch, but it should be fun.ちょうど見たい映画あんだよ。映画の内容より、見終わった後に文句言い合う方が楽しい部類のB級でな。
But for that I need an unsuspecting victim to watch it with me. I guess for that you'll do just fine!"犠牲者が必要なんで、この際テメエでもいいぞ」

"Ugh, no way! Movies are so boring! You really think I want to just sit still and be quiet for two hours?「やだー、映画とかつまんねえよ! 大の男がさあ、二時間も同じところ座ってられねえって!
I'd rather go to an arcade. Hell, I'd take being a mall rat and just hang around eating or whatever."そんなんだったらゲーセンか、コンビニの駐車場で駄菓子食ってる方が楽しいって!」
"...What's the difference between that and what we're doing right now?"「……おまえ、それ今の状況と何が違うんだ?」

"Come on! It's fun to go out somewhere just to hang out!「いいんだよ、外で駄弁だべってれば楽しいんだって!
Or, we could start a band! British rock is really hot right now. A friend at my part-time job said anybody can play punk rock."あ、それともバンドでもやるか。いまUKロックが熱い。バイト先の先輩にパンクロックなら誰でもできるときいた」
"Oh, is that so? Make sure it's not just some fad."「ああそうかよ。ファッションにならねえようにな」

This was the rear courtyard during winter vacation.冬休みの裏庭。
Kinomi and Tobimaru spent their relaxing reprieve chattering away about nothing of much substance.のんびりとした労働後のひとときを、木乃美と鳶丸はどうでもいい話題で消費していく。

"Let's go pick up girls in front of the station, then! I bet we can get some hot older chicks too with you around.「じゃあナンパ。駅前でナンパしようぜ! 殿下がいれば年上のお姉さんも釣れるし。
And hey, if we're short on cash, we can get some nice ladies to spend some money on us for a change!"そうだ。お金がないなら、レディたちにおごってもらえばいいんじゃない?」
"You really want to go out with a woman for their money at your age? You make my head hurt sometimes."「その歳でヒモか。テメエの人生設計、明るすぎて頭痛がするぜ」

"Come on, I know what I want out of life!「うん、オレ将来の展望だけはできてるからね!
And I know deep down you wanna go pick up girls and have some fun with them too. Right, Sizuki?なあ静希、おまえからも言ってやれよー。ナンパに行こうって、女の子たちと楽しく騒ごうって!
You can be a cute younger brother type to older women. Your Highness can just stand around.殿下は立ってるだけでいいし、静希だって年上のお姉さんから見たら弟属性っていうの?
If all goes well, in just an hour or so we'll be having a magical winter love affair with some cute girls, like that one time, remember?!"うまくいけば、こう―――オレの時みたいに、一時間後にはひと冬の、アヴァン、チュゥゥゥル」

Kinomi's hands were flailing around in excitement, dancing around like so many waving tentacles.木乃美の両手が、彼の腕からは独立した一つの触手生命のように活動する。わきわきと。
His mind was apparently still swimming in the memories of a golden time he had once had.かつて体験した黄金時間の残像が、彼の脳髄を侵しているらしい。

"Kinomi. What did you say that time?"「木乃美。その時、なんて言ったんだ?」
"Huh? Oh, you mean my surefire pickup line?「へ? ああ、そん時の決め台詞ね。
I was like, 'Wow. You're beautiful! My dad actually owns that building over there. Do you wanna hang out and do something?'“お姉さんキレイっすね、オレ、そこのビルのオーナーの息子なんすけどちょっと遊んでいきません?”って。
She ended up running off when she found out I was lying, though!"嘘だってバレたら逃げられたけどな!」

"I'm not talking about that. I meant at the entrance ceremony."「そうじゃなくて、入学式」
"Oh, that!「ああそっちか。
Well, I looked Aozaki up and down and I said,えーと、蒼崎の首から下の部分に向かって、

He let out a loud guffaw as he recalled his story. His lack of intelligence and propriety was truly remarkable.だったかなぁあははは! などと言いながら、蛮勇バカ・木乃美芳助は頭をいている。
Or rather, mind-boggling.もとい、いている。
Nonetheless, Kinomi was now in high spirits after recalling this exciting memory.かつての思い出に鼓舞されたのか、木乃美はひたすら陽気だ。
Conversely, Soujyuro was standing in complete sullen silence.一方、草十郎は苦虫をかみつぶしたかのような、重い沈黙に包まれている。

"Hm? What's wrong, Sizuki?「うん? どうした静希?
Not interested in picking up girls?"あ、やっぱりナンパとか興味ないか?」
"Of course he's not! Soujyuro isn't some kind of creepy pervert like you!"「あったりめえだ。テメエみたいな色ボケと草十郎を一緒にするな」

"No. I'm interested, actually.「いや。興味はある。
I see girls who I think are cute, and when they're wearing something revealing I find it hard to control where my eyes go, just like anyone else."可愛い女の子は可愛いと思うし、たまに薄着なところに出くわすと目のやり場に困るだろ。ああいう時、自分が男だって事を実感するよな」

His words shot through the air like a bolt of lightning.せいてん の へきれき だった。
It was as shocking as when a kid sees the head of a character at an amusement park fall off, revealing the person inside.部屋に飾ってあった愛らしいテディベアが、口をあけたら中の人がフィリップ・マーロゥぐらいの衝撃だった。

I-I guess you're right! Sorry for thinking otherwise! So you're one of us then, eh Sizuki?"そ、そりゃそうだよな! すまん、見くびっていた。つまり静希も、オレたちの同士ってコトでいいんだな?」
"What do you mean by 'one of us?'"「同士?」

"You get excited when you see sweat rolling down the nape of a girl's neck in the summer heat, or the cute outfits the girls in the tennis club wear, or when you see a girl in a swimsuit from behind!"「そうだ。たとえばこう―――夏場の女子のうなじにひかる汗とか、テニス部の女子の肩からワキにかけての清涼感とか、ぶっちゃけ水泳部の競泳水着の後ろ姿だよ!」

Soujyuro's eyes were filled with question marks.はてな? と目をしばたたかせる草十郎。
Apparently he hadn't quite understood Kinomi's explanation.木乃美の説明がいまいち実感できていない。

"Come on, you know! Don't you get worked up when you see a girl our own age do something that makes her look all inviting?"「いや、だから普段は同い年のガキにしか見えない女どもでも、たまに見せる無防備な仕草とか、ぐっとくるよな?」
"Sure, but I'd urge you to reconsider that choice of words."「うん。無防備なのは、ちょっと考えてほしい」
Whether it was because Soujyuro was unsure if Kinomi was referring to someone in particular...無防備な誰かにか、
...or whether he was just concerned about how this related to himself, a troubled look washed over his face.それとも、それに気を取られてしまう自分に対してか、草十郎は居づらそうに顔を曇らせた。

"Don't overthink the details! It's fine, guys our age are made up of sixty percent sex drive anyway!「いいんだって、それでいいんだって! なぜなら、高校生男子の六割は性欲で出来ていますからね!
So that decides it! We're going to pick up girls! Besides, a new face might increase our luck!"よし、そうと決まればさっそくナンパに行こうぜ! 面子が変われば釣果ちょうかも変わるってもんだ!」

And with that, he happily put his arm around Soujyuro's shoulders and headed off towards the train station.何が嬉しいのか、木乃美は草十郎の肩を抱いて、共に駅前方面へと歩きだす。

"Wait just a second. This isn't right. I don't think you two are even talking about the same thing.「ちょっと待て。あまりのコトに絶句しちまったが、テメエは根本的に間違ってる。
Soujyuro, do you even know what he means when he's talking about 'picking up' girls?"草十郎。そもそもナンパって言葉がなんなのか、知ってるか?」

Q: Define "pickup."【軟派】

(1) to answer a telephone call①軟弱な意見の党派。「―議員」

(2) to recite a Shakespearean work②文芸上エロチシズムを主とするもの。「江戸―」

(3) to transport someone from one place to another③社会面や文学における艶物の担当。「―記者」

(4) to pay someone's bill④軟弱な風潮に同調する人々。

(5) to try and persuade someone to have a romantic relationship⑤転じて、女性などを誘惑すること。硬派


...Number two?"二番か?」
Nine times out of ten, when a bunch of high schoolers are talking about picking up girls, they mean definition number five.いずれ死語になる言葉ではあるが、80年代の高校生にとってナンパとは十中八九、五番に該当する。

"See? Soujyuro isn't after the same thing you are, Kinomi.「ほら見ろ。テメエとは興味の度合いが違うんだよ。
If you're looking to pick up girls, go on your own. And don't do it at Misaki Station because you'll make us all look bad. Do it at the next town over or something."おんな引っかけに行くなら一人で行け。ああ、あと三咲の駅前はやめとけよ、うちの評判が悪くなるから。ナンパなら隣町でやりやがれ」
Tobimaru waved his hand at Kinomi as if he was shooing away a pest.鳶丸はシッシッと手を振って悪い虫を追い払う。
Kinomi clicked his tongue in frustration and removed his arm from around Soujyuro's shoulders.ちぇっ、と舌打ちして木乃美は草十郎から肩を離した。

"This is so damn boring! Fine, I'll just play stupid baseball then.「くそ面白くねぇ。あいよ、大人しく野球やってますよ。
Looks like it's our time to play anyway."いつのまにかオレたちの番が回ってきたみたいだし?」
He complained all the way to the pitcher's mound.悪態をつきながら木乃美はマウンドに向かう。
Soujyuro looked on regretfully.それを草十郎は名残惜しそうに見送っている。

"Whoa, hold on. Did you really wanna go pick up girls with him?"「おい。まさか、本気でナンパに行きたかったのか?」
"Oh, not really. I just had something I wanted to do in town. There's something I've had my eye on for a while now...「? いや、ナンパはよく分からないけど、町には用があったんだ。ちょっと欲しいものがあって……
Say, Tobimaru, you know that white thing in the student council room? Do you know where I can buy one of those?"そうだ鳶丸。生徒会室にあるあの白いヤツ、どこにいけば買えるか知ってるか?」

Soujyuro spread his arms wide, making a bizarre gesture.草十郎は両手をいっぱいに広げて、奇妙なジェスチャーをした。

One hour later, at the department store in front of the train station...一時間後、駅前デパート。
Tobimaru was still confused after he figured out what Soujyuro wanted to buy.草十郎が欲しがっていたものが何であるか知った後でも、鳶丸は首をかしげていた。
"...So, why did you want this?"「―――しかし、なんだってこんなものを?」

The Kuonji Estate was surprisingly comfortable for all three of its occupants this evening.有珠の用意した夕飯があまりにも素晴らしかったからなのか。
Maybe it was because the dinner Alice had prepared was so wonderful.久遠寺邸の夜は珍しく、三者三様に上機嫌なくつろぎ空間と化していた。

"Seven? You really had seven meals a day when you were living with your family?「七回? 有珠の実家じゃ一日に七回も食事をるのか?
...How is that even possible?"……いったい、どうやって?」
Soujyuro asked Alice this question in the sunroom from the third sofa, brought up from the mansion's basement by himself.三つ目のソファー……屋敷の地下室から実力でゲットした記念品……に座りながら、草十郎はサンルームの有珠に話しかける。

"It's not seven full meals. I'm just saying it's ideal to have seven tea times a day.「食事を摂っているわけじゃないわ。ティータイムは一日七回行うのが理想というだけ。
An early tea after waking up, breakfast tea, elevenses after that in the morning, low tea in the early afternoon, afternoon tea, high tea in the evening, and then after-dinner tea.寝起きのアーリー、朝食のブレックファースト、午前のイレブンジズ、午後のミィディティーブレイク、午後の社交界アフタヌーン、夜会のハイティー、ディナー後のアフターディナー。
The only one that implies a meal is high tea, at least out in the countryside."この中で食事に該当するのはハイティーだけよ。田舎での話だけれど」

Alice was enjoying her black tea by herself in the sunroom.有珠はサンルームでひとり、紅茶をたのしんでいる。
She was drinking a royal blend:口にしているのはロイヤルブレンドティー。
a fine blend of Darjeeling, Ceylon, and Assam orange pekoe tea leaves.ダージリン、セイロン、アッサムの茶葉オレンジペコー配合ブレンドした逸品だ。
To accompany her tea, she had some strawberries dipped in sugar.お茶請けには砂糖をまぶした苺を完備。
She was in a world all her own.もう完全に自分だけの世界を形成している。

"So basically you just drink tea all day long?"「つまり、一日中お茶を飲んでいるのか?」
"Ideally, yes."「そうね。そう暮らせるのなら、理想的ね」
She couldn't understand why this was so hard for Soujyuro to grasp.草十郎のボケ倒しも通用しない。
Alice picked a strawberry up with her slender fingers and carried it to her mouth as if she were going to give it a kiss.有珠は細い指でじかに苺を摘んで、口づけるように舌に運んだ。

Soujyuro was briefly transfixed by the graceful sight, and shook his head to clear his thoughts.その満足げな横顔に見惚れそうになって、草十郎はぶんぶんと頭を振る。
He had become slightly too sensitive to the fact that they were indeed of the opposite sex, perhaps due to his conversation earlier that day.昼間の話が尾を引いているのか、同居人たちが垣間見せる“異性らしさ”に、やや過敏になっているようだ。

"But that sounds like you haven't been able to achieve your ideal seven tea times a day."「でもその口ぶりだと、有珠は七回できてないんだ」
"Three was the best we could do. My partner is still in training, so that means I have to do a lot more than usual."「三回が限度よ。相方が未熟だから、やらなくちゃいけない事が増えてしまって」
Soujyuro turned to look to his side.草十郎は真横に視線を移す。
There, I saw...そこには、

"What's the deal? Three times a day is more than enough.「なによ、一日三回も開いてれば上出来じゃない。
Our student council just sits and sips tea quietly. Considering you have to boil water, get a teapot, and steep the tea, drinking it in the afternoon and after dinner is plenty.うちの生徒会なんて黙ってお茶飲んでるだけよ? いちいち鍋からお湯沸かして、ポット使って、たっぷり蒸らすなんて、三時のおやつと夕食後だけで十分でしょう。
You just always do too much. Look, I like the fancy lifestyle, but I'm never going to get used to it."有珠は手間をかけすぎ。私、贅沢は好きだけど、贅沢に慣れるのはご免だから」
Even though Aoko was arguing, she still seemed to be in a good mood.有珠に反論しつつも、これまた上機嫌な青子がいる。

"Well, I'm not the one who's too fancy to drink the tap water here. I can't believe you haven't figured out how delicious Japanese tap water is yet."「贅沢なのは青子たちの方よ。日本の水道水はこんなにも美味しいのに。どうして貴方たちは、この軟水おうごんの価値に気付かないのかしら?」
"I guess we're just not as cultured as you. After all, we're not the type to want to have tea seven times a day.「一日七回もお茶会開く国民性じゃないからでしょ。
Be careful, Soujyuro. If you go and buy bottled water to make a nice cup of tea, she'll lecture you for an hour about how dumb and barbaric you are."気をつけなさいね草十郎。美味しい紅茶を淹れようとしてペットボトルの水なんて買ってきたら、有珠に一時間近くお説教されるから。知識も心構えもなってない、って」

It was true that better water should make a better cup of tea.水が美味しければ紅茶も美味しくなるはずだ。
That was why Aoko went out and bought bottles of natural spring water as soon as she moved into the Kuonji Estate.久遠寺邸に引っ越してすぐの頃、青子はそう考えてペットボトルの自然水を買ってきた。
Her proud show-and-tell to Alice had led to their first petty argument.これでどうよ、と自信満々の青子だったが、結果は同居人とのはじめての“人間らしい”口論だった。
The two were exhausted after quarreling about something one would think wasn't nearly as significant as magecraft.魔術以外のコトであんなにののしりあい、終わった時は二人とも疲れきって、

"Do you have enough energy left to cook dinner, Miss Aozaki?" Alice asked.『……蒼崎さん。夕食を作る気力、残ってる?』
"...Nah. It goes against my better nature, but let's just order takeout."『……パス。主義に反するけど、店屋物てんやものを頼んでみよう』
And that had been her first time ordering from a soba noodle shop by phone.これまたはじめて、蕎麦屋に電話で注文する経験をした。
Their slovenly attitude toward household chores had only accelerated since then.以来、二人の自堕落じだらくっぷりは加速の一途いっとを辿ったのである。

"After that, I looked up everything I could about tea. I asked Alice a lot of questions, and had many heated debates which led to me becoming more of a black tea person.「いやー、あの後は悔しくってお茶について調べまくったもんだわ。有珠に質問したり競い合ってたら、いつのまにか私も紅茶党の仲間入りよ。
Up until middle school, I was more into coffee because of my older sister."私、姉貴の影響で中学までコーヒー党だったのに」

"...Well, I'm glad you changed your mind.「……そこには感謝しているわ。
If you hadn't taken me out shopping that one time, I never would have found that antique Copeland teacup."青子が連れ出してくれなかったら、コープランドのアンティークカップに出会えなかったもの」
"Ahahaha! You're right. Last year we were all about antique shopping, weren't we?"「あはは。気が付いたら骨董品回りしてたものね、去年の私たち」

The drawing room and the sunroom.居間とサンルーム。
Though they were not even in the same room, the two were enjoying a fun and lively conversation nonetheless.離れてはいるものの二人は楽しげに会話をしている。
Soujyuro wondered why they didn't just sit together and chat in the drawing room since they got along so well.せっかく仲が良いんだから、居間で向き合って話をすればいいのに、と草十郎は首をかしげる。
He didn't yet understand how the physical distance between them made those stories of old memories more meaningful.離れているからこそ思い出話には興が乗ることを、彼はまだ知らないのだ。

"Huh. So you weren't the type to go out much, Alice?"「ふうん。有珠は外に出ない子だったんだ」
"That's right. She was a total indoor type. She only went out to go to school, and that's about it.「ええ、この子ったらほーんと屋内派で、外に出るのは学校だけだったんだから。
I mean, just look at today. You've been inside the mansion all day, haven't you, Alice?"今日だってずっと洋館にいたんでしょう、有珠?」

"It's not that I'm an indoor type. I simply have no reason to go outside.「―――違うわ。外に用がないだけよ。
Today I was busy replenishing the Ploys, anyway."今日はプロイの補充に忙しかっただけだし」
"About that... Do you make those things here? Like the ones at the amusement park?"「それだ。プロイの補充ってコトは、遊園地の時みたいなのはここで生まれてるのか?」

Ever since that terrible incident, Soujyuro had been sensitive whenever Ploys came up. He'd only been worried about escaping with his life at the time, but as time passed...遊園地で酷い目にあって以来、草十郎はプロイと聞くと過敏に反応する。あの時は逃げるのに手一杯だったが、時間が経つにつれ、
'What were those mysterious things?'“あの不思議なものはなんだったのか?”
He became filled with curiosity.と気になって仕方がなかったらしい。

"Oh, you wanna know?"「なに、知りたい草十郎?」
"I do, if you are willing to tell me. Uh, should I not have asked? But I am curious..."「教えてくれるなら知りたいけど……いや、よく考えると聞かない方がいいような、やっぱり知りたいような―――」

"Fine, I'll tell you then!「よし、そういう事なら話してあげましょう!
You don't mind if I give a brief rundown, do you, Alice?"ちょっとした触りだけなら怒らないわよね、有珠?」
Aoko quickly recrossed her legs in anticipation.勢いよく脚を組み替える青子。
"...Doesn't matter to me.「……別に。
As long as you talk about the difference between me and you, that's perfectly fine."わたしと貴女の違いを話すぐらいなら、いいけど」

"All right, it's settled then!「よし決まった!
...Now what's with that look on your face? You're the one who brought it up."……ってなによアンタ、妙な顔して。自分から言っておいて尻尾まくの?」
"Ah, no, it's just that... Umm..."「―――いや、そうではなく」
Soujyuro diverted his eyes at Aoko's direct stare.青子に正面から見つめられて、草十郎はつい視線を泳がす。

Soujyuro and Aoko currently only spent time together after dinner. Every once in a while, however, he would catch a glimpse of some innocent gesture of hers and wouldn't know how to respond.現状、青子との接点は食後のひとときだけなので接触事故ニアミスはないのだが、たまに、こういう無防備な仕草を目にしてしまい、対応に困る草十郎だった。

"It's nothing. Keep going. I'm interested."「いいんだ、続けてくれ。興味はある」
"Great. Let's get started then. For this, I'll need to call in my robin!「よし。じゃあ駒鳥コマドリ呼ばないとね。
Today in this special class you're going to learn all about Ploy Kickshaws!"それでは特別授業、なぜなにプロイキッシャー、はじまりはじまり~」

Aoko snapped her fingers.青子はパチンと指を鳴らす。
Apparently she was trying to mimic turning on the switch to a TV.テレビのスイッチを入れる真似ごとらしい。
It was a veritable TV special.……一時いっときの番外編。
That's how a lecture about a certain brand of magecraft, performed and directed by Alice Kuonji, first aired.久遠寺有珠監修、久遠寺有珠出演による、ある魔術系統のレクチャーはこうして始まった。

Aoko Aozaki.が。
The special production was cancelled only thirty minutes after it began.せっかくの特番は三十分ほどで打ち切りと相成った。
Apparently, the content had been a little too esoteric for Soujyuro.聞き手である草十郎をおいてけぼりにした、あまりにマニアックな内容だったからである。

"...I knew this would happen.「……分かってはいたけど。
Sizuki probably has the worst memory in the universe."静希君の覚えの悪さは、三千世界に響き渡るわね」
She almost said he was better off dead, but took a deep breath to avoid being hurtful.死ねばいいのに、と言葉にならないため息をつく有珠。

"I'm sorry, Alice. I feel for you on this one.「可哀想な有珠。さすがに今回は同情するわ。
I've no idea how he can reduce our magecraft down to 'amazingly convenient.' If any other mage heard that, they'd faint from the pure insult of it."ソイツにとっちゃ私の魔術も有珠の魔術も“すごく便利”でくくられちゃうものだなんて。他の魔術師が聞いたら失神ものの屈辱よ」

Aoko was exasperated;青子も本格的に呆れている。
she also felt some measure of regret.もっとも、彼女の場合は反省も混じっていた。
She should've realized this would be the outcome.考えてみればこの結果は見えていたからだ。

"That's not true at all. I can tell the difference between your magecraft.「そんな事はない。ちゃんと区別はつく。
Aozaki just breaks stuff. Alice makes things to break stuff with. Therefore, Alice is a little more productive."蒼崎は壊すだけで、有珠はいろんなものを作って、それで壊すんだろ。有珠の方がやや生産的だ」

"This is scary, Aoko. It hurts. There's a pain in my chest and I don't know what to do with it.「怖いわ青子。わたし、どうしてか胸が苦しい。こういうコトって本当にあるのね。
This feels like when someone breaks your favorite teacup and tries to cheer you up by saying that at least there wasn't a troll in the kitchen."まるで、お気に入りのカップを割ってしまった時、通りかかったキリンに“でもトロルよりマシですよ”となぐさめられた気分だわ」
"And what is that supposed to mean?"「どういう意味よそれ」

Aoko glared at Alice sitting across from her.むっと対面に座った相方を睨む青子。
Alice had alluded to a fairy tale about a less-than-intelligent giant who lived under a bridge.トロルとは童話で言うところの、少々おつむの足りない暴れん坊の巨人の名だ。

"...Hmph. I think Soujyuro's observation was pretty accurate though, to be honest.「……ふん。今の草十郎の指摘、けっこうあってると思うけど。
I've never seen your Ploys doing anything to help around here. The robin and the twins both only mess things up."私、有珠のプロイが生活の役に立つトコ見たことないし。駒鳥も双子も最後はドジって終わりじゃない」
"You're only looking at the final outcomes. They are at least trying to help. It's not my responsibility that they only end up ruining things."「それは結果論よ。役立とうという初志は尊重するべきだわ。……だいたい。駒鳥アレ双子ソレが最後にぜんぶ台無しにするのは、わたしの責任じゃないのだし」

Both girls were now just intent on calling the other out.両者は互いのダメだしに余念がない。
It seemed neither wanted to admit their own shortcomings when it came to magecraft.こと魔術の技量に関して、両者とも譲れない一線があるようだ。
Even when it came down to a silly argument about who was the worst at breaking things.どちらがより厄介な壊し屋なのかを押しつける、底辺ていへんの争いにしても。

"But wait, Alice's familiar does help out sometimes.「いや、でも有珠の使い魔は役に立ってるぞ。
I saw a pig in the woods picking up leaves before. If that's your familiar, then why don't you tell Aozaki?前に森で落ち葉を集めているブタを見かけた。あれは有珠の使い魔なのに、なんで蒼崎に言ってやらないんだ。
Though I guess Mr. Yamasiro did try to teach us that it's good to be humble and not brag..."……まあ、いいことをしたのに黙っているのは美徳だって、山城先生は言ってたけど」

Alice had simply sent the Chatty Twins out into the forest to break them in, as it were. To Soujyuro, this had seemed like a good deed.有珠にしてみれば慣らし運転、ただの準備運動で“お喋り双子”を森に派遣したのだが、草十郎から見れば立派な善行だったらしい。
Aoko was visibly getting more fed up with this conversation since Soujyuro had decided Alice was the victor here.有珠の勝ち、と納得する草十郎に、青子はますます面白くない。

"Hmph. You think cleaning is productive? I guess you can't see the bigger picture."「ハン。掃除をしているから生産的とか、ずいぶん小さな判断ですこと。もっとこう、大きな視点で評価できないのかしらね、このお掃除マシーンは」
"The bigger picture?「大きな視点―――
Like making money or something?"たとえば、お金もうけとか?」


The two girls both tried to remain calm in face of such a direct question.あまりに直球な質問に、少女たちは平静を装いつつ顔を見合わせる。
Even a fool could think of a good idea sometimes.時に、愚者の思いつきは会議を新たなステージに押し上げるのだった。

"...You know, I've never thought about that.「……呆れた。我ながらその発想はなかったわ。
Magecraft has always been something that only brings loss."盲点すぎたっていうか、基本、魔術って損失しか産まないものだから」
Alice nodded affirmatively.青子の意見に、うんうん、と頷く有珠。

"So... What are you thinking?「それで、たとえば?
How do you think my magecraft can make us money?"貴方から見て、私の魔術はどんな金策ができると思う?」
"Hmm, let's see... For you, maybe you could use it to catch tuna or something?"「蒼崎なら……そうだな、マグロを捕まえるのはどうだろう」

Aoko adjusted the position of her crossed legs.青子は静かに足を組み直して、
"Why tuna, exactly?"「なんでマグロ?」
She asked this question seriously.わりと真剣に聞き返した。

"Ah, I just heard they fetch a really high price at the morning fish market.「いや。朝市あさいちでたいへん高価だと聞いた。
But they're hard to catch. They're huge, but they can swim at high speeds."でも捕まえるのは難しいって。あんな巨大なものが、水の中では車より速く泳ぐと」
"Well, they are one of Earth's greatest predator fish, and one of the most popular types of sushi. I heard they travel at an average speed of 38 miles per hour and can reach a max speed of 112 miles per hour if need be."「そりゃ地球が誇る大型肉食魚だからね。お寿司屋さんでも最強だし。平均時速60キロ、マックススピードは時速180キロに迫ると聞くわ」
"You're good at swimming, aren't you, Aozaki? Couldn't you swim and catch one?"「部長いわく、蒼崎は泳ぎがうまいって。泳いで捕まえられないか?」

"What does that have to do with magecraft?「もう魔術関係ないわねそれ。
Even if I could hit one with a magic bullet, it would be too damaging. I'm only good at speeding things up, not stopping things. What about you, Alice?"仮に魔弾で迎撃できたとしても、保存できないわ。私、回転を速めるのが専門で止めるのはちょっと。有珠は?」
"I rather hate fish."「魚は苦手」
Alice quietly added that some of them were oddly interesting to her, so she wouldn't feel comfortable harming them.たまに妙に気を引くのがいるから、と小さく付け足す有珠だった。

Aoko shrugged her shoulders, throwing that idea to the side.そう、じゃあ無理ね、と青子は両肩を落とす。

"Anyway, are you trying to start a fight or something, Sizuki?"「ところでケンカ売ってる、静希君?」
"S-Sorry... I may have been m-mocking you... just a little..."「す、すまない。実は、ちょっとからかっ、てみた」
The collar around his neck tightened for a good five seconds.首輪の圧迫は五秒ほどで止まった。
It was as tight as a sleeper hold.微妙にシャレにならない締め時間チョークスリーパーだ。

"So I guess we can only count on Aozaki to do violent things... How about you, Alice?「とまあ、蒼崎には乱暴なことしか期待できないとして、有珠はどうなんだ?
You haven't said anything, so I guess you're opposed to using magecraft for profit?"何も言わないということは、魔術でお金儲けは気に入らない?」
"...It's not really about liking it or not. Having money is always a good thing. If there's something Aoko can do while also evading the watching eyes of the Association, I'm all for it."「……そうね。好き嫌いはともかく、お金があるのはいいことだわ。協会の目をくぐりぬける事ができるなら、青子には頑張ってほしい」

"So I'm the only one sticking my neck out?!「危ない目にうのは私だけかッ!?
Isn't there something your Ploys can do? Like, I don't know, a hippo that eats dirt and turns it into gold or something?!有珠のプロイにはなんかないの? つち食べたらきんに変換するようなカバとか!?
You know, like alchemists who spent day and night researching how to make gold in the middle ages!"ほら、中世の貴族はお抱えの錬金術師で、日夜きんを作り出す研究をしてたっていうじゃない!?」

"Alchemists were a waste of time and money.錬金術師アレはただの金食い虫。
...Granted, in some cases they used the wealth of the rich to discover new technologies, so it wasn't all bad.……まあ、騙した貴族たちの貯蓄を食いつぶして新しい技術を生み出したから、無意味ではなかったけど。
For example, this Meissen porcelain was the product of a desperate alchemist who boasted the ability to create gold."このマイセンも、元々はきんを作ると豪語した錬金術師が苦し紛れに産んだ磁器なワケだし」
Alice ran a finger along the edge of the teacup in her hand.有珠は手元のティーカップの縁を指でなぞる。

"I guess there's nobody more unreliable than an alchemist then, huh? I hear the alchemists in Prague deal in securities, and the ones in Egypt make weapons now."「……はあ。錬金術師ほどアテにならない奴はいないってワケか。今じゃプラハの錬金術師は証券魔術師、エジプトの方は兵器作ってるって話だしね……」
"Right? I got my hopes up a little, but our kind should honestly never deal with the real world. We're too specialized in Mystics."「ええ。ちょっと期待してしまったけど、もともとわたしたちは現実社会と折り合いが悪いのよ。神秘に特化しすぎているから」

"I've heard that a noble mage family in London has abandoned their traditions and is only taking in disciples for finance now.「ロンドンの名門になると、家訓と事業は別物と割り切っていて、金融専門の弟子をとっているわ。
It's only a rumor, but apparently the leader of this big financial group drank the blood of all their employees to create a shared information network.……噂だけど、ある財閥の総帥は社員全員の血を吸って、情報を共有するネットワークを作っているとか。
Supposedly he became a vampire so that his employees would all be mentally linked, creating the world's only financial group without internal conflict."なんでも吸血鬼になった理由が“精神的に繋がった、決して内部闘争しない商会を作りたいから”だったとか」

"...Sounds extreme. But I guess that's the lengths you have to go to if you want to make money from magecraft.「―――極まってるなあ。要は、そこまで徹底しないと魔術でお金儲けは難しいってコトかぁ。
Hey, what if your Ploys started their own amusement park?"あ、有珠のプロイで遊園地をやるのはどう?」
Soujyuro clapped his hands together in excitement.ポン、と手を叩く草十郎。
"That's a great idea! I've had enough of getting attacked, but in an amusement park that would be a huge hit for sure!"「それはいい。襲われるのはもうこりごりだけど、あの遊園地なら連日連夜大盛況だ」

"You mean you want my Ploys to be some kind of show or exhibit?"「わたしのプロイを見せ物にする気?」
"I bet it would actually be popular. You could just tell everyone they're robots, and they would definitely believe you."「でも大ウケよ、絶対。ロボットって言い張ればみんな騙されるし」

"No way, Aoko. Bring this up again and we're through."「却下よ青子。この話、もう一度したら絶交だから」
"Oof, you're actually mad. All right, Soujyuro. That's it for the amusement park idea. No point losing a friendship over it."「う、本気で怒らせたか。だってさ草十郎、遊園地はあきらめましょ。今度こそ友情を失っちゃうし」

Aoko backed down after Alice's cold rejection of the idea.冷たく拒絶する有珠と、やれやれと引き下がる青子。
The small talk continued, but the girls grew more distant as they tried to avoid further conflict.雑談をしつつも、少女たちは互いの距離感、踏みこんではいけない線を心得ていた。
Soujyuro looked at the two with a perplexed expression.草十郎はそんなふたりを不思議そうに見つめている。

"Hold on, there's something I really have to ask about now."「ちょっといいかな。いま、猛烈に気になったんだが」
"It's just, you guys were both trying to seriously kill each other at that amusement park, weren't you?「いや。蒼崎も有珠も、遊園地で本気で殺し合っただろ。
How were you able to stay friends after that?"それなのに、まだ友達だったのか?」

It was certainly a rude question to ask.失礼と言えば失礼、
But it was also an obvious thing to ask. Aoko and Alice looked at each other as they thought of the answer.当然と言えば当然の疑問に、青子たちは顔を見合わせる。
The stared at each other for about two seconds.ふたりは二秒ほど見つめ合ったあと、

"Hmm... It happens, I guess?"「んー、ギリギリあり?」
"Yeah, these things happen."「まあ、ギリギリ」
"They do?!"「ありなんだ!」
Though their friendship was surprisingly lighthearted...あまりに軽く、 also seemed to be forged from bonds harder than steel.また鉄より堅い、驚愕の友情なのだった。

Their long and extended tea party had just started to get going when Soujyuro had to leave.おもいのほか長く続いたお茶会は、草十郎の退席でお開きとなった。
He didn't really want to since he was enjoying himself, but he couldn't miss his part-time job.草十郎としても名残惜しいが、アルバイトは休めない。

"It's rare for us to talk for two hours like this.「二時間も話してたなんて珍しいわね。
You were unusually chatty today, Alice."有珠もいつになく饒舌じょうぜつだったし」
"I had to be. Sizuki kept asking you questions, and you kept putting them off onto me.「成り行きよ。静希君があれこれ青子に質問して、貴女がそれをわたしにも向けてきただけ。
I don't even understand why he's so concerned with what we do all day anyway."……本当。わたしたちが一日なにをしているのかなんて、聞いても仕方がないのに」

"I don't know, I think it was actually a helpful conversation."「いや、それがそうでもない。たいへん役に立ちました」

Soujyuro was carrying something down the hallway, ignoring Aoko's surprise.驚く青子をよそに、草十郎は廊下から何やら運んでくる。
It was a large whiteboard, much like the one in the student council room.生徒会室にあるタイプの、大型のホワイトボード。
On the shiny new board was written,真新しいボードには油性ペンで、以下の内容が書かれていた。

Chores List~これからの役割分担表~

- Mansion cleaning (1F east wing only)・館内清掃(一階東館にかぎる)
- Breakfast・朝食当番
- Dinner・夕食当番
- Cleaning the bath・風呂当番

"I knew there had to be some reason you were asking so many questions!"「な―――なんか色々と詮索してくると思ったら、そういう裏があったワケ……!?」

"Right. If you want to correct something, you need to first find out what's broken, right?「うん。歪みを正したかったら、まずどこがおかしいのか知らないといけないからね。
Well, based on tonight's conversation, you both have at least one hour of free time a day. Since all three of us share the kitchen, I think it's best if we assign a rotation. You both need to help out where you can."今夜の話じゃ、ふたりとも一日に一時間ぐらいは使える時間があるみたいだし。三人で一つの台所を使っているんだから、ローテーションを組んだ方がいいだろ。協力できるところは協力しないと」
Soujyuro was clearly proud of his attempt at making things better around here.たいしつかいぜんだ、と胸を張る草十郎。

"Wait just a second. Didn't I make it clear that I'm just letting you live here and don't have any intention to help with things like this?"「待って。わたしは貴方を住まわせているだけで、協力なんてする気はないって言ったでしょう」
"You did, yes.「うん、言ったね。
But if you can ask me to make dinner for you while I'm cooking for myself, then it's only fair that you reciprocate.でも“夕食を用意するならわたしの分もお願い”と言いたいのなら、相互扶助そうごふじょは当然の義務だと思うんだ。
Plus, if all three of us pitch in, I think we can eat better food in general."あと、三人で食費を集めれば、その分美味しいものが食べられるよ」

Soujyuro's words pierced Alice's heart. She knew she had asked him to make dinner for her on many occasions.今まで何度か“わたしの分もお願い”をやってしまった有珠にとって、草十郎の言葉はまさに神の鉄槌。
It was a carefully planned attack designed to make her repent for her sins, and she knew it.神罰に等しい、汝の罪を悔い改めよ系の攻撃だった。

"Even so, do we really need an entire whiteboard? We always managed without writing any chores down before..."「で、でもホワイトボードを用意するコトはないんじゃない? 当番なんて、今まで口約束で決めてきたんだし……」
Alice nodded her agreement.うんうん、と頷く有珠。
There was nothing less reliable in this world than a verbal promise.口約束ほどアテに出来ないものはない。
Even if they didn't say so, Soujyuro could tell by the look on their faces that they intended to skip out on whatever task they were assigned to do.ふたりとも口にはしないものの、イザとなったらさぼる気満々の顔である。

"No way. If you want things to be done right, then everyone needs to know their responsibilities. If we write it down like this, then nobody will have an excuse to forget."「ダメだ。正しい生活を送るには、正しい役割を把握しないと。こういう風に書いておけば、後になっても忘れないだろ?」

Aoko recoiled at this new development.底の見えない笑顔にたじろぐ青子。
She couldn't tell if Soujyuro was just being nice, or if he was saying he wouldn't tolerate any slackers.親切心で言っているのか、今から“サボらせないぞ”とくぎをさしているのか、まったく読めない。

"...I can't believe you're making us sign off on these specific responsibilities like this."「……なんてこと。証明文を書かせて、責任の所在を明らかにしようだなんて……」
Alice was absolutely terrified at the prospect of daily chores.有珠は有珠で、これから日常になるっぽい当番制に戦慄せんりつしていた。

"So that settles it. Tomorrow we'll figure out who to assign to which tasks. I know this is going to be difficult for you two, so I'll take on the majority of tasks myself for the time being."「決まりだな。誰がどこを担当するかは、また明日話しあおう。今のふたりがたいへんなのは分かってるから、しばらくの間はこっちが多目に受け持つよ」
And with that, Soujyuro left.それじゃ、と草十郎は去っていった。
The two girls left behind could only sit and stare, stunned at the shiny new whiteboard.残されたふたりはやるせなく、新品のホワイトボードを見つめている。

"This is like a dog biting the hand that feeds it. I never knew he was so brazen."「……こういうのを、飼い犬に手を噛まれる、というのかしら。わりと小癪こしゃくな性格をしていたのね、彼」
"I knew. I knew it from the moment I met him."「知ってた。私、アイツがそういうヤツって知ってたわ」

But now it was too late. They'd already been caught in the trap.わなにかかったと気付いても後の祭り。
Just this morning, Aoko had received a portion of the salad Soujyuro prepared.そもそも今日の青子の朝食も、草十郎が調理したサラダを分けて貰ったものである。
She knew it would be wrong for her to veto the idea of them all helping each other out.今から“じゃあこれから助け合いはなし”と言うには、助け合いの味をしめてしまった。

The concept of dividing up specific chores made perfect sense to Aoko, after all.そもそも当番制は青子の合理性に合っている。
Even so, she wanted to be able to tip the ratio of chores in her favor, at least sometimes.ただ、できれば作業の割合を、たまにでいいから誤魔化したかっただけなのだ。

"...Aoko, I already know what you're thinking."「……青子。貴女、なにを考えているか丸わかりよ」
"I'm sure you do.「そうでしょうとも。
Because I'm pretty sure we're both thinking the same thing."間違いなく同じコトを考えてたからね、私たち」
Aoko sighed as she grabbed the whiteboard. She was going to hang it up in the kitchen so that they could all see it.ため息まじりの返答をして、青子はホワイトボードを手に取った。全員共通の持ち物として、台所の壁に立てかける気らしい。

Alice was still staring at the whiteboard blankly.有珠はじっとホワイトボードを見ながら、
"...I just hope he doesn't add any new chores to the list."「……せめて、新しい項目が増えなければいいけど」
She would come to regret ever saying those words.なんて、世にも不吉な言葉を口にした。