Robin Hood

Hunter of the Forest

Oh? Robin's buying things from that shop.
Did you tell him to do that?

Fujimaru 1:
Yes, I asked him to guard the area.

As expected, Senpai knows exactly what to do with Servants. If there's nothing to do, have them patrol.

Fujimaru 2:
...I don't remember asking him anything...

Dr. Roman:
Then he's just walking around on his own?

Dr. Roman:
Well, until they're needed they're free to do what they want, but...

Robin Hood:
Those beat up old blades? If you're just gonna give them to the blacksmith I'll take all you've got.

Robin Hood:
Oh, and a dozen lengths of rope.
Throw in some rags, too.

Yeah, sure thing. I'm glad you're taking this junk off my hands, but what will you use them for?

Robin Hood:
Who knows? But junk's got its uses.
You can put it together into something good.

Robin Hood:
Hey, this is a nice blanket.
Didn't think I'd see something like this. I'll take it.

That's an expensive blanket.
You sleep in your cape, what will you do with it?

Robin Hood:
My new boss is a wimp who's not used to camping.

...Looks like he's buying a lot.
Should we talk to him, Master?

Hello Robin, are you buying something?

Robin Hood:
Oh, Master and Lady Mash.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'm kind of surprised to see you here Robin...
It's rare for a Servant to go shopping.

Robin Hood:
Maybe so. Compared to the other guys, I'm a little plain, right? I feel more at home in places like this.

Robin Hood:
But again, this is perfect timing.
I'm going hunting, want to tag along?

Hunting? Is that code for you're going gambling?

Robin Hood:
What kind of guy do you think I am?
Not gambling, plain old hunting.

Robin Hood:
...Quietly. Quietly.
I saw some weird animal tracks around here.

Robin Hood:
I set some traps over the past few days... Got it!
Bingo! They fell for it.

Robin Hood:
This area up ahead is a blind alley.
It'll be easy to trap them.

Fujimaru 1:
You really did mean hunting...

Robin Hood:
Of course I did.
What did you think I was doing?

Robin Hood:
They didn't make me a Servant just because I'm good looking. I'm a master hunter.

Fujimaru 2:
What did you trap?

Robin Hood:
Haha, you'll have to find out.
Something perfect for a growing Master.

Robin, it's pulling!
The line is pulling!

Robin Hood:
All right, let's do this! This is some rare prey.
Don't let it escape, Master!


That was amazing!
Master, Robin is a master hunter!

Fujimaru 1:
Totally agree! Do it again!

Fujimaru 2:
He's the best! Gimme more!

Robin Hood:
Hahaha, you're a greedy one, huh Master?
Let's move on to the next trap then.


Robin Hood:
Quietly, quietly...Oh, this one too.
Although this is one I hoped they wouldn't trigger.

You hoped they wouldn't trigger?

Robin Hood:
Yeah, unlike the other place, there are signs of people staying here.

Robin Hood:
They're pros too, so they've hidden themselves well,
but... See? 3, 2, 1, 0.

A trap! A hidden pit!

Scouts, what were you doing? There's spear tips smeared with cow dung on the bottom!

I hear terrible screaming!
Robin, what was that?

Fujimaru 1:
Damn, enemy soldiers!

Fujimaru 2:
Damn! Definitely not a bonus character!

Robin Hood:
These guys were getting ready to attack the town.
See? This is important, too.

Robin Hood:
If we can get rid of them here, they can't hurt the town and the enemy won't know our location.

Robin Hood:
Just like they said, scouts are the most basic and critical part of war.

Robin Hood:
A bonus is important, but you need basic recon work too. Don't forget that, Master.

Y-Yeah. Robin is right!
This is important too! No, it's more important!

Fujimaru 1:
Yeah, let's go, Mash!

Fujimaru 2:
Damn it! Let's do this, Mash!

Roger—I'll change my feeling of misplaced hope into rage, Master!

Robin Hood:
Oh, how brave!
Let's do this nice and easy. Nice and easy.


We ended up going around the whole forest.

But it paid off, bigtime.
Not just from the battles, but what Robin did.

He's been protecting the town without them ever knowing, right?

Fujimaru 1:
Yeah. Robin Hood is a true hero.

Robin Hood:
Aww, don't say that.
I'm not a hero even after death.

Fujimaru 2:
Aww, you should've just told us.

Robin Hood:
I'll admit I can be a bit of an oddball.
But you've got me all wrong, Fujimaru.

Robin Hood:
I don't even remember the people in town.
I just protect it because it's a nice place.

Robin Hood:
I'm not any different from the soldiers who attack the town. Just different tastes.

...Um, what does that mean?

Robin Hood:
You know, I didn't want to go around crushing kids' dreams. But I may as well say it.

Robin Hood:
You guys talk about saving humanity, but that stuff's too big for me to really understand.

Robin Hood:
I'm a Servant?
It got to be some kind of mistake.

Robin Hood:
I was just a murderer with a rebel streak.
I didn't save anything.

Fujimaru 1:
But you saved the villagers.

Fujimaru 2:
There are people you saved.

Robin Hood:
That's just how things ended up.
I fought alone, and the village was safe for a year or two.

Robin Hood:
Sure, I fought the lord's army,
but that doesn't mean I wanted to save anyone.

Robin Hood:
You get it? I'm just a thug and a coward.
So be careful, Master.

Robin Hood:
It's dangerous to let your guard down because of my good looks. I'm a coward who'll run if he has to.

Robin Hood:
Anyway, we're done hunting, so I'll be going.
Might take a nap in the woods.

Robin Hood:
Call me if there's a fight.
It's my job, so I'll do whatever crazy things I have to.

...He's gone.
But Robin contradicted himself.

He said he protected the town because it was a nice place to be, but he sleeps in the forest.

I think he...I think he's keeping his distance from what's truly important to him.

Fujimaru 1:
Some guys are like that, Mash.

Fujimaru 2:
...It might be too important for him.

What does that mean...
Hey, why are you smiling like that?

If you know the answer, please tell me!
Senpai, Senpaaaai!