Sima Yi (Reines)

Lady Reines's Reminiscence

There it is. Finally.

Some of the details might be different, and they might actually use modern technology here, but it's still the same old Clock Tower methods at heart.

I guess Flat didn't waste his time telling
me all about this stuff after all.

Anyway, I'm relieved to see their old
security habits are the same as ever.

Now, let's see what we've got.

Requesting disclosure of Pseudo-Servant Research Data.

Fujimaru 1:
Huh? Professor?

Fujimaru 1:


Fujimaru, was it?

Fujimaru 1:

Recognizing speaker as Master Fujimaru.
What can I do for you, Master Fujimaru?

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
Are you feeling all right, Professor?


It would seem the jig is up.

Fujimaru 1:


Trimmau! Get back here!

Damn, she got away!

Fujimaru 1:
If that's you, Professor, then who was that?

Fujimaru 2:
Since when do you have a twin!?

Oh come on, you know who that was. That was Trimmau, aka Volumen Hydrargyrum, the El-Melloi family's ultimate Mystic Code.

She's my personal weapon, computer, and all-purpose maid, and as you'd expect from an ultimate Mystic Code, she does a great job at all that stuff...

But now, hahaha, she just up and ran away on me!

Fujimaru 1:
Your Mystic Code...ran away?

Fujimaru 2:
Uh... How does a Mystic Code decide to run away?

No need to say anything more. I might not look like it, but trust me, I'm embarrassed enough as it is.

Note: Male Master

If you haven't yet learned to recognize when a fair
maiden is feeling ashamed, you really should.

Note: Female Master

You know what it's like for a maiden to feel ashamed too, right?

Anyway, now that I missed that chance to nab her...



Well, that didn't take long!

Pseudo-Servant detected.
Proceeding with data collection.

El-Melloi II:
What's the meaning of this, Trimmau!?

Great. Just great.

El-Melloi II:
Reines!? Don't tell me you're behind this!

Dammit, of all the people I hoped wouldn't find out about this! Wait. Were you writing essays in the cafeteria again?

El-Melloi II:
It's an old habit of mine! The words come more
easily when I've got something to munch on!

El-Melloi II:
Besides, the cafeteria's sandwiches are just too good. I can't resist them.

Hahaha, I'd say the ones from the café on Druid Street would give them a run for their money, but I got it.

Anyway, why're you still writing essays at all?
Did you forget you're a Servant now?

El-Melloi II:
I can't help it! When I make a new discovery, I can't relax until I've written it down for posterity!

Fair enough. It's not like your obsessive tendencies are anything new at this point. Anyway, now that the Code's out of the bag, Brother, why don't you give me a hand getting it back in?

Data collection obstacle detected. Initiating
ability-based obstacle elimination procedure.

Fujimaru 1:
Did it just duplicate itself!?

Fujimaru 2:
Now it's pretending to be Ishtar and Par!?

Volumen Hydrargyrum only imitates outer appearances.
I should be able to get it back once it's defeated.

On that note, since Trimmau isn't with me I'm sitting this one out, so I'm counting on you two to beat her instead. Good luck!

El-Melloi II:
What have you pulled me into now!?


Yup, this is definitely London.

El-Melloi II:
And based on the local architecture, it would seem the nineteenth-century setting was accurate as well.

El-Melloi II:
I don't see any other people around...
Is that part of the settings, too?

Fujimaru 1:
Why would the Volumen Hydrargyrum come here?

Hmm. I have no idea.

Aside from the lack of people, there doesn't seem to be anything strange or out of place.

El-Melloi II:
What's your tracking spell say?

Thanks to that bit I gathered earlier,
I was able to get Trimmau's coordinates.

But it's still going to take a little time to find her.

El-Melloi II:
Then it seems now would be a good time for you
to tell us more about this research of yours.

Damn, so you didn't forget about that, huh?

Basically, like I said before, it boils down to how we can take advantage of Pseudo-Servants' unique characteristics.

Fujimaru 1:
Like what?

Most Servants never grow or change.

And why would they? They're all dead, after all.

The moment they're inscribed in the Throne and given
a Servant class, their form is pretty much set in stone.

They can level up, sure, but that's really just a way of showing how close they are to their true capabilities.

But the same isn't true for us Pseudo-Servants, is it?

El-Melloi II:

We're simultaneously dead, yet not dead.
Alive, and not alive.

El-Melloi II:
I see. So that's where the Volumen Hydrargyrum comes in. It belongs to you, not Sima Yi.

Exactly. I figured if I played my cards right,
I could find a way to boost my combat capabilities.

Sima Yi:
And I thought the same,
which is why I decided to help investigate this idea.

Sima Yi:
Specifically, I was adjusting the data to better acclimate the Volumen Hydrargyrum to my own Spirit Origin.

Sima Yi:
Both the Volumen Hydrargyrum and Lady Reines are old hands at that sort of tweaking, so if all goes well, it should unlock some new possibilities.

El-Melloi II:
I can't tell if that sounds more like something you
would do, or something Lord Sima Yi would do...
Either way, that's no exploit. That's an out-and-out

Huh, I'm surprised you disapprove, Brother.
I thought you liked video games.

El-Melloi II:
Video games are designed with their own respective rules, and those rules need to be followed.

El-Melloi II:
One careless move, and you could end up destroying your entire Spirit Origin!

El-Melloi II:
Please, Lord Sima Yi, try to talk some sense into–

Da Vinci:
Heeey! Can you guys hear me?

Fujimaru 1:
Da Vinci!

Da Vinci:
I saw the simulator was booted up all of a sudden.
Is something wrong?

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
My professor, uh...

Wait, wait! I'll explain that part!

Da Vinci:
Now I see. I'm surprised that Volumen Hydrargyrum
would run amok on her own like that.

I must have made a mistake with one of her settings or something. Believe me, I feel very silly.

(Let's just keep the fact that I was hacking into
Chaldea's database between you, me, and my brother, okay?)

Da Vinci:

Da Vinci:
Okay, got it. Now that I know what's going on,
I'll keep an eye on all your vitals from here, too.

(Phew. That was too close...)

El-Melloi II:
It looks like your tracking spell is reacting again.

Hmm. She's south of here, near Regent's Park.

Come on, we'd better hurry.

Ooh, a fish-and-chips stand.
Damn if it doesn't smell good.

Go buy me some, will you, pupil?

Fujimaru 1:
Didn't you just say we should hurry?

El-Melloi II:
Hm? I see the stand,
but I don't see anyone working it...

Fujimaru 2:
It does smell good, but aren't we kind of busy now?

That's exactly why we need a snack to keep our energy
up. ...Never mind. There's no one working it.

Hmm. Maybe this is another odd simulator setting? Then again, it really seems as though someone was cooking here just a few minutes ago.

Maybe they're doing their best Mary Celeste crew impression?

Mmm, I'll have to really pour on the vinegar to tamp down the delicious smell this freshly fried fish is putting out.

Fujimaru 1:
You're already digging in!?

Hahaha, I'm just showing the food its due respect.
Mmm, yum! It's piping hot and perfectly flaky!

I can taste the delicious oils with every bite of fish!
And these steaming hot chips are salted perfectly!

If this stand's proprietor were here,
I'd be breaking out my Reines Stamp of Approval.


What the...!?


Now I see. Part of Trimmau got into the automated defense systems! And here I thought it was my comeuppance for dine and dashing!

El-Melloi II:
Hold it, Reines.

El-Melloi II:
Does that mean Trimmau has control
over the simulator itself?

El-Melloi II:
How much of her do you have now?

Let me see... This just makes forty percent.

Fujimaru 1:
Forty percent, huh.

Fujimaru 2:
I guess that means the main unit is still somewhere else then?

El-Melloi II:
I knew there had to be more than an odd simulator
setting behind the lack of people here.

El-Melloi II:
My Unreturning Formation isn't working right, either.

You mean Zhuge Liang's famous maneuver?

El-Melloi II:
Things might look normal here, but there's something
going on right beneath the surface.

El-Melloi II:
It almost feels like a loading screen from a video game...

My tracking spell!
There you are, Trimmau!

Huh? It can't be...

El-Melloi II:
Reines! Fujimaru!!!


Fujimaru 1:
I'm back in my room?

Fujimaru 1:
Does that mean the simulation is over!?

El-Melloi II:
No, it isn't. Take a closer look, Master.

El-Melloi II:
This is the old Chaldea. I'm sure of it.

No, that's not quite right either, Brother.

Both my Mystic Eyes and the part of Trimmau I collected are reacting. We're definitely still in the simulator.

Fujimaru 1:
So, that means–

Fujimaru 2:
Then, this must be

El-Melloi II:
I see. So we're in a simulation of the old Chaldea!

El-Melloi II:
Da Vinci, can you still hear us?

El-Melloi II:
I think we can take the silence as a no. Damn.

Brother, you said that London reminded
you of a loading screen, right?

What if that was a fake out, and Trimmau's real goal was to simulate the old Chaldea?

El-Melloi II:
...If it is, that would explain why she infiltrated the automatic defense systems.

El-Melloi II:
I see. So she put up that London as a front while she was secretly building this simulation behind the scenes.

El-Melloi II:
But even if she is going haywire right now, I still don't understand why Trimmau would go to such lengths...

P.A. System:
Authenticating... Error...
Reattempting authentication... Error...

P.A. System:
Authentication attempt limit reached. Locking
system... Lockdown protocol halted by root user...

P.A. System:
Authenticating... Error...
Reattempting authentication... Error...

What the hell?

El-Melloi II:
It looks like Trimmau's trying to hack into the system. But this... Wait. That's it.

El-Melloi II:

Yes, Brother?

El-Melloi II:
You saw the last thing Trimmau turned
into back in London, right?

...Yeah, I did.

El-Melloi II:
Do you know who it was?

El-Melloi II:
Because if it was who I think it was,
she's someone Fujimaru knows, too.

Fujimaru 1:
Someone I know?

El-Melloi II:
That's right. Someone with deep ties to the old Chaldea. Give it some thought, and I think you'll know who I mean.

Fujimaru 2:
You don't mean...

El-Melloi II:
So you figured it out, huh? Makes sense.
I'm sure you knew her a lot better than I did.

It was Chaldea's former director,
Olga Marie Animusphere.


El-Melloi II:
Looks like we managed to avoid any obstructions.

El-Melloi II:
Are you two ready?

Fujimaru 1:
Olga Marie!

Fujimaru 2:


Hi, Trimmau. Sorry I took so long.

El-Melloi II:
The only reason Trimmau went haywire
is because she's working properly.

Huh? What do you mean?

El-Melloi II:
Exactly what I said. Trimmau ended up like this
because she was carrying out your orders.

Fujimaru 1:
You ordered her to do this, Professor?

El-Melloi II:
We had it backwards.

El-Melloi II:
You said you couldn't get into the
central sector's data, right?

El-Melloi II:
In other words, Trimmau wasn't able to break
through the new Chaldea's security.

El-Melloi II:
So in response, she made a place where
she might be able to: the old Chaldea.

El-Melloi II:
Instead of trying to get past the new security measures...

El-Melloi II:
...she decided to use the simulator to create
a route where she could get past the old ones.

No way...!

Fujimaru 1:
Is it even possible to bypass security that way?

El-Melloi II:
It depends, but it wouldn't be the first time this kind of scam has worked, either with magecraft or computers.

I see. So if there's a flaw in the simulator's security, she might be able to use that to gain access.

El-Melloi II:
Whether that's actually the case or not, it must be what Trimmau was thinking when she did all this.

Fujimaru 1:
Mystic Codes can think?

Fujimaru 2:
Can Mystic Codes really think like that?

Trimmau can. We had Flat help make her personality.

Oh, Flat was one of Brother's pupils, by the way. The El-Melloi class was actually pretty popular, believe it or not.

El-Melloi II:
Was that last part really necessary? Anyway, I can
assure you that Trimmau's thought processes are
impossibly flexible compared to those of standard AI.

El-Melloi II:
Unfortunately, if she's going haywire now, that also means there's no telling what she might try next.

El-Melloi II:
We'll need to be very careful.

Well? Come on, Trimmau, say something!

Olga Marie?:

Fujimaru 1:
You're sure she's actually the Volumen Hydrargyrum, right?

Fujimaru 2:
You're sure that's not really Director Olga Marie, right?

El-Melloi II:
Positive. I'm also sure you know
that just as well as I do.

El-Melloi II:
She's what Reines was hiding.

El-Melloi II:
There's something you're still not telling us,
isn't there?

El-Melloi II:
Yes, you were in an important position at the Clock Tower, and you do know a lot about high-level security.

El-Melloi II:
But that doesn't mean you can just breeze past Chaldea's security measures like they're nothing.

El-Melloi II:
Which means there's something else you're keeping
from us that allowed Trimmau to get through.

Fujimaru 1:
What's that?

El-Melloi II:
I'll tell you. Reines here didn't just know how Chaldea's security was set up.

El-Melloi II:
She also knew Olga Marie's habits from her own world.
Didn't you?

Haha, well this is embarrassing.

There are a number of differences in this world, but
in my world, yes, Olga Marie and I were very close.

Fujimaru 1:
Whoa! I had no idea!

Fujimaru 2:
You and Olga Marie, huh...

Well, relatively close. As mages, we both had our share of secrets, so we couldn't open up that much.

But, we were still close enough
to know each other's quirks...

...and I could see them all over Chaldea's security.

...Man, this brings back memories.

As the next Lords in waiting for our respective families, you and I used to deceive each other all the time.

And as mages from the same generation,
we also always had lots to talk about.

El-Melloi II:
Reines, this Olga Marie isn't–

I know, Brother.
It's just a Volumen Hydrargyrum that looks like her.

Besides, I never even knew this world's Olga Marie.

I took a look at her file once, and she and my counterpart from this world's paths barely crossed at all.

She never got on that train here,
nor did she ever take part in the Grand Roll with me.

P.A. System:
Authenticating... Error...
Reattempting authentication... Error...

That's why I can't fully get through this Chaldea's security. The Marie I knew might look like the one from this world, but she's a completely different person.

That's why I–

Olga Marie?:
Mage threat detected.


Fujimaru 1:

Don't worry. I'm fine.
As I was saying...

That's why I'm going to tear you apart.

Seven holes are bored into primordial chaos. There are poisonous women to great men. Never is there a time when neither sun nor moon is set.

Behold my tactics! Unspoken Formation...release!

Fujimaru 1:

Fujimaru 2:
Trimmau's back to normal!

El-Melloi II:
Now I see. Sima Yi's Noble Phantasm exposes an enemy's weakness, so Trimmau was imitating Olga Marie because she was Chaldea's weakness!

Not exactly. I only meant for Trimmau to imitate Olga Marie's habits.

I never planned for her to imitate Olga Marie herself.

When she tried, she got stuck at imitating the Olga Marie I know, and now, here we are, trying to clean up the mess.

And damn if it isn't a hot one. I could cry.

Now she's imitating me! Well Trim, if you think you
can beat the real deal, you're sorely mistaken!

El-Melloi II:

El-Melloi II:
I'm going to focus my skills entirely on you. You said this is your mess, right? Then clean it up yourself.

...(Sigh) I swear, you're too damn lenient with
me for your own good sometimes, Brother.

But I guess I can't blame you, seeing how adorable I am! Thanks, Brother! Just this once, I'll take you up on that!



Welcome back, Trimmau.

Fujimaru 1:
Are you okay!?

I'm fine. It's nothing.

I just never expected to run into my
Servant karma here of all places.

Fujimaru 1:
Servant karma?

Well, maybe it's not karma so much as a weakness that
only Pseudo-Servants with their host's personality
intact are susceptible to.

You know how Servants don't retain memories
of their past summonings, right?

Exceptions to the rule aside, usually it's the person summoning the Servant who feels bad about being forgotten.

But for Pseudo-Servants, we're the ones who remember, and have to deal with being forgotten.

Obviously, the chances of running into someone we know are practically nonexistent, since we're in a world entirely different from our own and all.

So even if we do happen to run into someone we know,
they end up being someone else entirely.

So, yeah, it's painful.
Nothing I can't handle, but it still hurts.

...But, maybe it's not all bad.

Maybe this'll help me better understand
what it's like to be in your shoes.

As a Master, you go through this sort of thing all the time, right? So I should probably learn to appreciate this pain.

Fujimaru 1:
It's not all pain.

Fujimaru 2:
I can at least tell you it's worth it.

Initiating reboot.
Reboot complete.


I've been monitoring the situation.
I'm so sorry, Lady Reines.

Don't be.
This was pretty much all my fault.

I'm sorry, Trimmau.

At least it looks like the experiment worked. I can tell you and my Spirit Origin are working together better now.

Yes, Lady Reines. I can confirm a thirty-seven
percent increase in Spirit Origin output.

El-Melloi II:
Looks like the simulation's fading away
now that Trimmau's back to normal.

Come on, you two. Let's get out of here.

Phew. This latest caper really tuckered me out.

El-Melloi II:
Then get some sleep.

El-Melloi II:
If Jason is anything to go by,
even normal Servants can benefit from a good nap.

El-Melloi II:
As Pseudo-Servants,
we no doubt need proper rest even more than they do.

Hmm. You make a pretty convincing case.

Okay then, good night, Brother.

El-Melloi II:
Good night, Reines.

Just a moment, El-Melloi II.

El-Melloi II:
...Lord Sima Yi.

A:Sima Yi:
Worry not. Lady Reines is fast asleep now,
so we can speak freely.

A:Sima Yi:
There's something I wished to discuss with you, something that's been nagging at me. In fact, it's something I noticed you purposely shied away from.

El-Melloi II:
What are you talking about?

A:Sima Yi:
The reason Trimmau went haywire in the first place.

A:Sima Yi:
She was making predictive calculations at a level
she could not even properly verbalize, correct?

El-Melloi II:
Because we need to know more about
the data Chaldea possesses?

A:Sima Yi:
Exactly. The Volumen Hydrargyrum calculated that data was a top priority, even if it meant she had to go haywire to process it.

El-Melloi II:

A:Sima Yi:
Of course, her efforts to do so ultimately proved to be for naught. Haha, I must say, this modern world has turned out to be much more enjoyable than I expected.

A:Sima Yi:
Oh, and one more thing. You should come out of hiding once in a while, you cowardly excuse for a tactician.

A:Sima Yi:
Your “gift” of women's clothing sent to taunt me is the whole reason I ended up inhabiting a woman's body, after all.

El-Melloi II:

Tell it to someone who cares.
Besides, I'm enjoying this modern world plenty myself.

El-Melloi II:

El-Melloi II:
Did you just get Liang to rehash the time he sent you women's clothing to insult you as being weak for refusing to fight him?

A:Sima Yi:
I sure did. It only makes sense he would respond to me, no matter how deeply he may be lying dormant.

A:Sima Yi:
Such is the nature of our relationship.

A:Sima Yi:
Of course, I have my doubts as to whether he truly
thought women were synonymous with weakness or not.

A:Sima Yi:
At any rate, take care, Zhuge Liang.
I am sure we will see each other again someday.