Tomoe Gozen

My Heart Shall Never Forget That Rising Sun

Okay, that's all for today's simulator training.
Great work, everyone!

Tomoe Gozen:
And to you, Lady Mash.

Tomoe Gozen:
That goes for all of you as well.
You all worked very hard today.

Hehe. So we did good?

Nursery Rhyme:
Oh yes, very good. I could see how hard you were working right from beginning to end.

Jeanne Alter Santa Lily:
Well of course. My mentor always said that a job done right is its own reward!

Jeanne Alter Santa Lily:
Anyway, now that we're done here, it's time for snacks, right? Then let's go to the cafeteria!

Tomoe Gozen:
Good idea. But aren't you forgetting something?

Tomoe Gozen:
What is it that Lady Nightingale always tells you to do after getting back from a simulation or Rayshift?


Jeanne Alter Santa Lily:

Tomoe Gozen:
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Go on, let me hear you say it!

Jack & Lily:
Wash our hands! With soap and water!

Nursery Rhyme:
Oh yes, washing your hands is very important!

Nursery Rhyme:
Uncle Emiya and Boudica would be very cross with us if we picked up a doughnut with dirty hands.

Tomoe Gozen:
Yes, I'm sure they would. So make sure you wash properly, and don't forget to scrub under your fingernails, okay?


Tomoe Gozen:
Very good. All right then, off to the washroom.
No dawdling.


I'm impressed, Tomoe. There aren't many Heroic Spirits who are so good with children, not even in Chaldea.

Do you have some sort of trick or technique?

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh no, it's nothing special.
I'm just used to dealing with children.

Tomoe Gozen:
Besides, the little ones here are so well-behaved that it's really no trouble at all.

Tomoe Gozen:
Even when they were playing around in the simulator, they never failed to respond to Master's commands.

Tomoe Gozen:
I hope you'll tell them what a wonderful job they did, Master.

Fujimaru 1:
You're right, I should.

Fujimaru 2:
You first, Tomoe. Thanks for all your help.

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, no, I didn't mean me. I meant–

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, right. You did say “first,” didn't you?
Thank you, Master. That's very kind of you.

Okay, I'm going to sort through all this training data and go report it to Da Vinci.

Please feel free to take the rest of the day off, Senpai.

You've been training nonstop since the morning, and it's just as important to rest as it is to work hard.

You could go relax in your room, or play something in the rec room... Whatever you'd like to do to relax.

Fujimaru 1:
Make sure you don't go burning yourself out either, Mash.

Thank you, Senpai.

Fujimaru 2:
Okay then, let's meet up in the cafeteria once you're done.

Are you sure? I won't be done until the evening...

Oh! I didn't realize you were inviting me to dinner at first. Sounds good!

All right then, see you later!

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
...Hmm, hmm!

Tomoe Gozen:
Now I get it!

Tomoe Gozen:
Master, Master. I hope I'm not being rude, but I couldn't help but notice how well you and Lady Mash get along.

Tomoe Gozen:
I think it's just wonderful.
It warms my heart to see it.

Tomoe Gozen:
So, um...on a related note, Master...

Tomoe Gozen:
I realize it is very improper of me to ask this of someone so young...

Tomoe Gozen:
...but, um, I couldn't help but wonder how many you left behind in your hometown?

Fujimaru 1:
How many what?

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
I speak of...s-suitors.

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, but of course, I know very little of modern customs, so I won't be so crass as to ask if you are yet wed!

Tomoe Gozen:
At any rate, what is your answer? Naturally, you are still young, so I know there is every possibility that you have not yet had such experiences.

Tomoe Gozen:
But I have also heard from Lord Zhuge Liang that it is not uncommon for today's young people to engage in courtships at an early age, so I thought that you might be one of them.

Tomoe Gozen:
S-s-so how about it? Is there anyone, um,
special you left behind in your hometown?

Tomoe Gozen:
O-or are you still pure and unsullied?

Fujimaru 1:
“Unsullied,” huh?

Fujimaru 2:
What do you mean by “unsullied”?

Tomoe Gozen:
O-oh, w-well, I-I just meant, um...

Tomoe Gozen:
I-I certainly have no intention of prying, but after seeing Lady Mash serve you so devotedly, well...

Tomoe Gozen:
...I simply couldn't help but wonder how it is she thinks of you.

Tomoe Gozen:
After all, Master, while you are essentially a general leading the charge in the battle for humanity, you were by no means born and raised in Chaldea.

Tomoe Gozen:
As such, I figured it was well within the realm of possibility that you might have family, friends, or suitors back in your homeland.

Fujimaru 1:

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, right. Nowadays, I believe they are called, um, “lovers”?

Fujimaru 2:
By “suitors,” I assume you mean “lovers”?

Tomoe Gozen:
Y-yes, that's right.
I believe that is what they are called nowadays...

Fujimaru 1:
Nope. No way. No how. Nuh-uh. Negative.

Fujimaru 2:
Of course not!

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
You're so skilled at commanding so many different Heroic Spirits that I was sure you must have a suitor or three waiting for you back home...

Tomoe Gozen:
But I suppose you really are too young for this sort of discussion after all!

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh gosh, oh gosh!
I-I-I'm so terribly sorry, Master!

Tomoe Gozen:
I should have known you would be more conscientious than that! Please forgive me for ever thinking otherwise!

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
...U-um, could I ask you one last thing just to make perfectly sure, Master?

Tomoe Gozen:
You, um, wouldn't happen to have any children back home, would you?

Fujimaru 1:
Definitely not.

Fujimaru 2:
Can't say I do, no.

Tomoe Gozen:
Right. Of course...

Tomoe Gozen:
It's just that, you get along with the childlike Heroic Spirits so well that I thought you might have had prior experience raising one... And since you are a general from modern times, I didn't think it was outside the realm of possibility.

Tomoe Gozen:
But I see now that I was being very foolish.
I hope you can forgive me...

Tomoe Gozen:

Fujimaru 1:
Hang on. Is this because you wanted to talk to a parent?

Tomoe Gozen:
...Y-yes, that's right.

Fujimaru 2:
I'm pretty sure there're some Heroic Spirits here who've been parents.

Tomoe Gozen:
...Yes, that's true.

Tomoe Gozen:
I've already learned a great deal from my discussions with Lord Tajima and Lady Marie.

Tomoe Gozen:
We may all be from different times and places, but thanks to them...

Tomoe Gozen:
...I know now that there are fleeting, precious things in this world that remain the same in any age.

Tomoe Gozen:
Which is exactly why I...

Tomoe Gozen:
I wanted to talk to someone who is raising a child right now. Not that I expect I could be of any help to them...

Tomoe Gozen:
I just...wanted to ask them something.

Tomoe Gozen:
Even a single question would have been enough...

Tomoe Gozen:
But no, I could never make such a selfish demand. Especially given the circumstances we are all facing at the moment.

Tomoe Gozen:
All right, Master, I will see you tomorrow. Please feel free to call on me if you wish to do any more training or tactical planning!

Tomoe Gozen:
As always, I, Tomoe Gozen, will be there to aid you.

Fujimaru 1:
Hold up.

Fujimaru 2:
Actually, I was hoping we could talk a little more.

Tomoe Gozen:

Fujimaru 1:
I was hoping you could tell me about your family, Tomoe.

Fujimaru 2:
This seems like a good chance for you to finally tell me about your family.

Tomoe Gozen:
.........All right.

Tomoe Gozen:
Please watch your step, Master.

Tomoe Gozen:
We may only be in the simulator, but it is still all too easy to lose one's footing in the forest at night.

Tomoe Gozen:
Although the injuries we suffer here may go away once we return to reality, a Heroic Spirit still could never bear it if they were to let their Master come to harm.

Tomoe Gozen:
Here, this way.

Tomoe Gozen:
Will this area suffice?

Tomoe Gozen:
Thank you, Master. You are too kind to come all this way just to listen to me talk about myself.

Fujimaru 1:
Don't worry about it. I just thought this would be easier for you.

Fujimaru 2:
I just figured it'd be better to get away from the prying ears in the Command Room.

Tomoe Gozen:
...Very true.

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
Let's see, how much did I tell you about my family before...

Tomoe Gozen:
Well, I am Lord Yoshinaka's–

Tomoe Gozen:
...I am the daughter of Nakahara-no-Kanetoh, foster-father of Kiso Yoshinaka. As such, I knew Lord Yoshinaka from youth.

Tomoe Gozen:
I remember he and I got along far better than I ever did with my brothers, Kanemitsu and Kanehira.

Tomoe Gozen:
Well, I suppose I should say half brothers,
as we had different mothers.

Tomoe Gozen:
Now that I think of it, my mother's blood in my veins is most likely where my oni power comes from.

Tomoe Gozen:
Though I've also heard that some modern-day legends claim I was born when my mother was impregnated by the power of the dragon god residing in the Tomoe River's deep waters .

Tomoe Gozen:
Whichever it was, perhaps that is the reason why I never spent much time with my brothers.

Tomoe Gozen:
Instead, I spent most of my time in the Kiso Valley with Lord Komaoumaru–Lord Yoshinaka that is.

Fujimaru 1:
So you and Yoshinaka were friends ever since childhood.

Fujimaru 2:
So you were together pretty much your whole lives then.

Tomoe Gozen:
Yes, we were.

Tomoe Gozen:
Even when I became more onilike, and these monstrous horns started to poke out of my forehead...

Tomoe Gozen:
...Lord Yoshinaka was the only one who never batted an eye at it. All he did was tell me:

Tomoe Gozen:
“Now I see. So that is where your Monstrous Strength comes from. Then there is no need to hang your head in shame.”

Tomoe Gozen:
“You should be proud. With strength like that, you are more than worthy of being my right-hand woman.”

Tomoe Gozen:
...Right before he tipped his head back and gave a delightful, boisterous laugh.

Tomoe Gozen:
Now, let's see... This next story takes place after I had become one of Lord Yoshinaka's wives.

Tomoe Gozen:
There was a woman I talked to shortly before the Battle of Kurikara...

Yamabuki Gozen:
(Sigh) Oh, Lady Tomoe.
How can you be both so strong and so weak?

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
Am I...truly helping Lord Yoshinaka?

Tomoe Gozen:
As an archer, I cannot hold a candle to my brothers, the Kiso Elite Four. As a woman, you and Lady Fuyuhime are far more beautiful than I could ever hope to be...

Tomoe Gozen:
And as his wife, I have not yet even been able to provide him with a child...

Tomoe Gozen:
On top of all that, these protruding horns serve as a constant reminder of my inhuman nature...

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
So I cannot help but wonder if I will ever be able to accompany Lord Yoshinaka to the destination he seeks...

Yamabuki Gozen:
Come now, our dear Tomoe, you should know better than that. Don't let those horns stop you from holding your head high.

Yamabuki Gozen:
Both Lady Fuyuhime and I have every confidence in you. And need I remind you that I too have known you since we were both children, just as Lord Yoshinaka has?

Yamabuki Gozen:
We are all Lord Yoshinaka's wives. Ordinarily, that would likely mean we would be competing amongst ourselves for his favor.

Yamabuki Gozen:
And truth be told, Lady Fuyuhime and I dislike each other a great deal as a result of that.

Yamabuki Gozen:
But you, Tomoe...our dear Tomoe... You are different.

Yamabuki Gozen:
You are the only one of us who can fight. The only one who can stand by Lord Yoshinaka's side even on the battlefield.

Yamabuki Gozen:
While the rest of us can do little more than pray for his safe return, you have the power to actually protect him.

Yamabuki Gozen:
And what could be more fortunate than that?

Yamabuki Gozen:
So we are all counting on you to help Lord Yoshinaka in ways that we simply cannot.

Yamabuki Gozen:
No ordinary wife or concubine can be of help out on the field of battle, but you can be by Lord Yoshinaka's side wherever he goes.

Yamabuki Gozen:
As for your oni horns, so what!? Once you put on a matching headband, no other soldier will so much as look twice!

Tomoe Gozen:
Lady Yamabuki...!

Tomoe Gozen:
I... I had no idea you felt that way about me...

Tomoe Gozen:
...All right. I've made up my mind.

Tomoe Gozen:
I swear to you here and now that I will fight by Lord Yoshinaka's side on behalf of every woman who loves him!

Tomoe Gozen:
And should the worst come to pass, and he meets his end on the battlefield, I am prepared to be with him in his final moments on all of your behalfs as well!

Yamabuki Gozen:


Tomoe Gozen:

Yamabuki Gozen:

Don't you know better than to think about losing a battle before it's even begun!?

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, r-right! I'm sorry!

Tomoe Gozen:
...We ended up winning the Battle of Kurikara by an overwhelming degree.

Tomoe Gozen:
Lord Yoshinaka fought magnificently against the Taira clan's massive army, and led us right into the city of Kyoto.

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
But unfortunately, things do not always go as planned. Once Lord Yoshinaka had finally gained the position of Seii-Taishogun...

Tomoe Gozen:
...he lost his life soon after when Minamoto-no-Yoritomo ordered Minamoto-no-Noriyori and Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune to kill him.

Tomoe Gozen:
And, I... I...

Fujimaru 1:
You weren't able to be there for him in his final moments.

Tomoe Gozen:
No... I wasn't.

Fujimaru 2:

Tomoe Gozen:
...I was unable to be there for him in his final moments.

Tomoe Gozen:
I failed to keep the promise I had made to Lady Yamabuki.

Tomoe Gozen:
Before his death...Lord Yoshinaka told me to live.
To carry on no matter what.

Tomoe Gozen:
I only learned that there was a deeper meaning to his words later, when I discovered I was pregnant with his child.

Fujimaru 1:
You mean...

Fujimaru 2:
Asahina Saburou Yoshihide?

Tomoe Gozen:
Yes. That was Yoshihide.

Tomoe Gozen:
Though I pretended I had had him with Lord Wada Yoshimori, I never had any doubt that he was actually Lord Yoshinaka's son.

Tomoe Gozen:
...Shortly after Yoshihide was born, I decided to raise him as a normal woman. And I did.

Tomoe Gozen:
By then, my oni horns had vanished from my forehead, and there was no sign left that I was anything other than human.

Tomoe Gozen:
Once Yoshihide was all grown up, I prayed for Lord Yoshinaka's soul to rest in peace and lived out the rest of my life as a normal human.

Tomoe Gozen:
Obviously, I had no idea about this until I became a Heroic Spirit, but I am told that even my corpse appeared to be perfectly ordinary.

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
You know, I always thought that I had lived my life by suppressing my oni urges, but now, I am not so sure.

Tomoe Gozen:
If I had been there for Lord Yoshinaka's final moments...

Tomoe Gozen: grief and rage may well have ended up turning me into a true oni, one more apt to devour my son than raise him.

Tomoe Gozen:
And if that's true...that would mean Lord Yoshinaka saved me in more ways than one.

Tomoe Gozen:
Wait. What am I doing!?

Tomoe Gozen:
O-oh gosh, I'm so sorry, Master. I didn't mean to go on and on about Lord Yoshinaka like that!

Tomoe Gozen:
How strange... I had every intention of telling you about my family–especially Yoshihide!

Tomoe Gozen:
How strange... Where did I go wrong?

Tomoe Gozen:
D-does this mean I can't even mention Lord Yoshinaka without getting completely sidetracked!?

Tomoe Gozen:
U-um, perhaps I should start over at the beginning...

Tomoe Gozen:
But no, wait. Even back then, I was still good friends with Lord Komaoumaru, so–

Fujimaru 1:
It's okay. I got it.

Tomoe Gozen:
A-are you sure?

Fujimaru 2:
You still love Yoshinaka and Yoshihide even now, don't you?

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
Yes! Yes, of course I do!

Tomoe Gozen:
Ahh, Master. [♂ Lord /♀️ Lady} Fujimaru. I wish Lord Yoshinaka and Yoshihide had had a chance to meet you.

Tomoe Gozen:
If they had...I am certain you would all become as close as family yourselves.

Tomoe Gozen:
After all–

Tomoe Gozen:
What's going on?

F:Da Vinci:
Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid I've got some bad news!

F:Da Vinci:
The idiot who was supposed to be monitoring the simulator decided to run a virus scan even though you guys were in there, and now it thinks you're malware that needs to be deleted!

F:Da Vinci:
And it's decided to do that by sending some exceptionally powerful monsters your way. They're sort of functioning as antivirus software.

F:Da Vinci:
We'll try to shut them down as soon as we can, but I'm afraid you'll have to hold out on your own in the meantime!

G:Da Vinci:
Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid I've got some bad news!

G:Da Vinci:
The idiot who was supposed to be monitoring the simulator decided to run a virus scan even though you guys were in there, and now it thinks you're malware that needs to be deleted!

G:Da Vinci:
And it's decided to do that by sending some exceptionally powerful monsters your way. They're sort of functioning as antivirus software.

G:Da Vinci:
We'll try to shut them down as soon as we can, but I'm afraid you'll have to hold out on your own in the meantime!

Fujimaru 1:
Wow, I can't remember the last time we had a human error like this!

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh gosh, oh gosh. I guess there really is no such thing as a perfect system...

Fujimaru 2:
Don't worry, we'll figure something out.

Tomoe Gozen:
Right you are, Master.

Tomoe Gozen:
Very well then. However long it takes to resolve this situation, be it half a day or a full twenty-four hours...

Tomoe Gozen:
...I, Tomoe Gozen, shall see that no harm befalls my Master whatsoever!

Tomoe Gozen:
Have at you, foul beasts!


Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
...I don't see any more enemies. There certainly were a lot of them, but it would seem that was the last of them.

Fujimaru 1:
Looks that way. Nice job.

Fujimaru 2:
You did great, Tomoe.

Tomoe Gozen:
...I do not deserve your kind words, Master. You would never have been in danger if I hadn't asked you to come here.

Tomoe Gozen:
For that, I am terribly sorry.
Still, now that all is said and done...

Tomoe Gozen:
I think...I do feel a little better!

Tomoe Gozen:
Thank you so much for listening to me, my new Master.

Tomoe Gozen:
I... Strictly speaking, I am not actually Tomoe Gozen.
I am simply a shadow of her cast by humanity.

Tomoe Gozen:
Even this body you see here now is from the time when she spent her days on the battlefield.

Tomoe Gozen:
While I do still have precious memories of the life she lived, my duty now is to keep you safe.

Tomoe Gozen:
There is nothing more important to me now than ensuring you are able to live out your days in health and peace!

Tomoe Gozen:
As such, I doubt there is anything to be gained from looking back at my past like this, so...please, just forget this whole thing ever happened.

Tomoe Gozen:
From here on, I promise I will do my very best to never subject you to this shameful side of me again!

Fujimaru 1:
Not at all. I'm glad you told me about this.

Tomoe Gozen:
...Thank you, Master.

Fujimaru 2:
...So what were you gonna say before we were interrupted?

Tomoe Gozen:
Oh, yes. Well, um, after all...

Tomoe Gozen:

Tomoe Gozen:
...After all, you also fight for something bigger than yourself.

Tomoe Gozen:
And in that sense...I see a great many similarities between you and Lord Yoshinaka.

Tomoe Gozen:
I truly believe you have the same inner spark as he did. One that shines with the same light and promise as the rays of the morning sun.

Fujimaru 1:
The morning sun, huh...?

Tomoe Gozen:

Fujimaru 2:
I think you might be giving me way too much credit.

Tomoe Gozen:
Not at all, Master! I assure you, I meant every word!

There you are!

Thank goodness you two are all right!
We finally managed to shut down the virus scan!

Tomoe Gozen:
Thank you, Lady Mash!

Tomoe Gozen:
Not to worry, [♂ Lord /♀️ Lady} Fujimaru is safe and sound!

Tomoe Gozen:
Wait right there!
I shall bring [♂ him /♀️ her} back in no time at all!