Yan Qing

A Certain Chivalrous Man's Death

...It crosses everyone's mind at one point or another.

Am I really me? How do I know I'm not actually someone else's puppet?

Maybe this world is fake, and I'm just a brain in a jar imagining the whole thing...

Maybe I don't actually exist.

My Legends... My Myths...
Those exist. I wonder why...

...Who am I?

Yan Qing:
(Gasp, gasp, gasp)...

The sky is muddied and dirty.
Even the water tastes foul.

The scent of blood is everywhere.
Everything about this place is terrible.

The bleeding won't stop.
There's nowhere left I can run.

How does it feel to die?

Yan Qing:
...It sucks.

I keep smiling, grinning, sneering,
like I don't give a damn.

But even though this is the end for me, the same familiar doubt nags at the back of my mind.

And when you get right down to it, I spend my entire life asking myself the same question.

Who was I, really?

I wonder if this guy has the answer.

Yan Qing:
Hey, do you know who I was?


You were–

But before he could finish,
I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Fujimaru 1:
Never thought I'd end up back in Shinjuku...

Our connection is holding strong, Master.
Let's go over the situation one more time.

The Shinjuku Singularity has already been repaired.

So no matter what might be going on here,
it won't have any effect on humanity...

Still, we don't know why a single Servant decided to Rayshift here.

The Assassin of Shinjuku. True Name: Yan Qing...

Fujimaru 1:
I wonder what's going on with him.

I'm afraid all we know right now is that he Rayshifted here.

Fujimaru 2:
You're sure he came to Shinjuku?


We were tracking his Spirit Origin up till he disappeared here.

However, there were some, um, irregularities with the tracking data, so I don't know if we can trust it entirely.

Hassan of the Cursed Arm and Geronimo have come along to serve as your guides.

Thank you both for doing this.

I am pleased to be here.

Cursed Arm:
Well Master, where shall we begin our search?

We'll never find him without a plan. I think our only option is to follow his magical energy.

I agree. And we do have tracking data that should help us with that.

The problem is that Yan Qing's trail went cold here.

Maybe he interfered with our observational equipment somehow, or maybe...

Cursed Arm:
Yes. He may have been injured or killed.

Cursed Arm:
Oh, sorry, my apologies.
Worry not, [♂ Lord /♀️ Lady} Fujimaru.

Cursed Arm:
Lord Yan Qing is as tough as they come.

Cursed Arm:
What's more, I imagine he feels especially at home in an urban setting like this. He will not die easily.

Indeed. I don't even need to read his fortune to assure you that he is alive and well.

Cursed Arm:
All right, I'll begin by searching the perimeter.

Cursed Arm:
Once I have the lay of the land,
we can begin a thorough investigation.

Very well then, we'll wait here until you return.

I would like to resolve this quickly,
given Master's physical limitations.

Cursed Arm:
Haha, a good point.
Then I will be back as soon as I can.

Fujimaru 1:
See you later!

Fujimaru 2:
Be careful out there!

Cursed Arm:
You are too kind, Master. But worry not. We Hassans blend into shadows as naturally as breathing.

All right, let's wait and see how–

Cursed Arm:
I found him.


Fujimaru 1:

Yan Qing:
Yo, lady!

Yan Qing:
Can I get one of those mystery meat buns?

Yan Qing:

Fujimaru 1:
Yep, that's him...

Cursed Arm:
I could hardly believe my eyes.
I've never seen such a lazy Assassin.

Fujimaru 2:
What's he doing here?

...We will just have to ask him once we've caught him.

Yan Qing:
Oh, hey Master.
What's up?

Fujimaru 1:
That's what I wanna know!

Yan Qing:

Yan Qing:
...Oh, yeah, right.
Guess I kinda left without saying anything, huh.

Yan Qing:
Sorry about that. And I'm sorry about this, too...

Yan Qing:
...but there's something I gotta do here,
and I'm not leaving till it's done.

A:Yan Qing (?):
So I'm afraid I can't let you bring me back!

Fujimaru 1:
You're using your doppelgänger power!?

A:Yan Qing (?):
You know it.

A:Yan Qing (?):
I can't let myself be caught, no matter what!
So you better believe I'm pulling out all the stops!

Fujimaru 2:
He transformed!

Cursed Arm:
Hmm, this could be a problem.
Now, what to do about it...

It would seem he's quite desperate.
In that case...

...the only way he'll listen to reason is if we knock some into him. Let's do this, Master.

Okay everyone, prepare for combat!


Yan Qing (?):
Sorry, the answer's still no.

A smoke bomb...!

Cursed Arm:
He must have taken it from someone while we were fighting.

N-now what do we do?

He did say there was something he had to do here...

Cursed Arm:
...We can't let him do it, whatever it may be.
Let's go after him, [♂ Lord /♀️ Lady} Fujimaru.

Oh? Does that mean you know what Yan Qing is up to, Cursed Arm?

Cursed Arm:
I do, for it concerns me personally.

Cursed Arm:
Now, let us be on our way.
We may not know what that way is yet, but no matter.

Cursed Arm:
We will just have to keep looking until we find it.
For a Hassan, it is, as they say, business as usual.


I don't mind roaming around looking for what I have to do. That irredeemable thing I can't just wipe off my slate.

If someone tries to stop me, I'll eliminate them.
After all, I know I'm doing the right thing.

To get my chance at being a good person...I'll take my revenge on him.

Going after Yan Qing is all well and good...

...but how are we going to find him when he could be anyone here?

Any ideas?

Cursed Arm:
Yes, actually. I snuck a cursed scent mark onto him during our battle.

Cursed Arm:
It has been passed down our clan for generations,
and should let me know when I'm drawing near him.

Oho, you don't say. Quite clever.

In that case, Cursed Arm,
I think it's best if you lead the way.

Cursed Arm:
Is that all right with you, Master?

Fujimaru 1:

Cursed Arm:
...Hmm. It's faint, but I can smell the scent nearby.

Cursed Arm:
We may have tracked him down sooner than I thought.
Come, this way.

In the meantime, let's think about what Yan Qing may have meant earlier.

Fujimaru 1:
What do you mean?

I mean the thing he said he needs to do.

Fujimaru 2:
The thing he said he needs to do?

That's right.

What does he hope to accomplish by coming back to Shinjuku?

What do you know about this, Cursed Arm?

Cursed Arm:

Cursed Arm:
I'd rather not discuss it, but under the circumstances, I suppose I can share.

Cursed Arm:
You see, Lord Yan Qing actually came to apologize to me once, back when we were still at Chaldea.

Fujimaru 1:
You mean, about what happened in Shinjuku?

Cursed Arm:
Indeed. You have an excellent memory, Master.

Fujimaru 2:
What about?

Cursed Arm:
The incident in Shinjuku, most likely.

Yan Qing:
'Sup, Cursed Arm. Got a minute?

Cursed Arm:
Why, if it isn't Lord Yan Qing.
What brings you to my humble room?

Yan Qing:
Uh, I just wanted to say I was sorry.

Cursed Arm:
Sorry...? If you've done something to wrong me,
I can't say I'm aware of it.

Yan Qing:
It sounds like I did you a real disservice back in Shinjuku, so, you know.

Cursed Arm:
...Now I see. Yes, I do recall reading about that in the Shinjuku report.

Cursed Arm:
I looked it over after I heard my name was mentioned, and there is nothing for you to apologize for.

Cursed Arm:
Spies like us are quite used to disguises and betrayal. It all comes with the territory.

Yan Qing:
Yeah, maybe. And honestly,
I don't even remember doing it.

Yan Qing:
But there's this little voice in my Spirit Origin that keeps nagging at me.

Yan Qing:
Says I'll never be able to move on if I don't apologize to you first.

Yan Qing:
And that, if possible...I need to go back to Shinjuku and finish what I started.

Cursed Arm:
Finish what you started...?

Yan Qing:
Yup. You know what they say...

Yan Qing:
If you commit the crime, you gotta do the time.

Cursed Arm:
...But, have you not already done your “time” by fighting alongside Master?

Cursed Arm:
I see no reason why you need to seek further redemption in Shinjuku.

Yan Qing:
...Yeah, true. Fair point.

Yan Qing:
Now that I think about, I feel pretty damn silly!
Just forget I said anything, all right?

Cursed Arm:

Cursed Arm:
He never brought it up again after that,
so I never chose to pursue it further...

Cursed Arm:
But now that we're here, I'm reminded of how empty his smile seemed back then.

Cursed Arm:
I think Lord Yan Qing is still trying to make amends.

Amends, huh.

However, whatever the Assassin of Shinjuku may have done here, it has nothing to do with Yan Qing.

No, I'll go further: it would be wrong if it did. That would mean the sins we commit would pile higher and higher every time we were summoned.

The heroes from the Age of Gods may be able to endure such a burden, but that is far too much for an ordinary person.

That is why our actions are recorded independent of our memories.

As a Demi-Servant myself,
I don't have any of his memories...

...but if I did, I agree that the mental burden of such a thing would be overwhelming.

Fujimaru 1:
But, Yan Qing's...

Cursed Arm:
...No more talk. We've found him.

Cursed Arm:
That Hornet over there is Lord Yan Qing.

Fujimaru 1:
Yan Qing!

Yan Qing (?):
Aw crap, you already found me!?

Yan Qing.
Are you here to seek redemption?

Or perhaps, retribution for your sins?

E:Yan Qing:
...It's not a matter of seeking it out, Geronimo.
I HAVE to be punished for what I did.

E:Yan Qing:
Otherwise, I won't be me anymore.

...My head is pounding.

These upstanding Heroic Spirit types don't know what it's like to live with this kind of pain in your soul.

Just getting killed off isn't nearly enough.
I need to die in misery and agony.

Fujimaru 1:
Yan Qing...?

E:Yan Qing:
...Please just let me do this, Master.
Please... I'm begging you.

E:Yan Qing:
I have to die for what I did.

Cursed Arm:
I'm afraid that is a crude and contradictory way of seeing things, Yan Qing.

Cursed Arm:
You fight to take on sins that can only be paid for with your own life... That is a manner of thinking with which I am all too familiar.

Cursed Arm:
But you are woefully wet behind the ears if your only concern is wiping your regrets away, as mine once was.

E:Yan Qing:

Cursed Arm:
What would you have us do, Master?

Cursed Arm:
If you are willing to accept his sins,
we can return to Chaldea right now.

Fujimaru 1:
I don't think that's a good idea.

Cursed Arm:
...Hehe, I see.

Fujimaru 2:
Let's just talk about this, okay?

E:Yan Qing:
Sorry, but I really don't have time to talk!

E:Yan Qing:
...Dammit, I shoulda known it'd come to this.

E:Yan Qing (?):
Sorry, Master, but if this is how it's gonna be,
I'm not gonna make it easy for you!

Hmm, I see has no small skill in multiplying himself.

Um, I think he just called in reinforcements...

At any rate, entering combat mode...now!


He must have run off while we were fighting the other Hornets.

Still... Hmm.
Are you sure about this, Cursed Arm?

Cursed Arm:
About what?

Are we truly doing the right thing here?

Cursed Arm:
...Of course. That is why I came here, after all.

Fujimaru 1:
What are you talking about?

Fujimaru 2:
Wait. You don't mean...

Cursed Arm:
I will explain the next time we encounter Yan Qing.

Cursed Arm:
He needs to hear this just as much as you do.


...Where is he?

He's not here.

He's not anywhere.

That can't be right.
He's GOTTA be here.

He's just gotta be.

Oh man, my body's falling apart.
I can't maintain my Yan Qing Spirit Origin.

The sky is muddied and dirty.
Even the water tastes foul.

How does it feel to die?

I turn around, and see Death standing there waiting for me.

Yan Qing:
There you are. I knew I'd find you here,
Hassan of the Cursed Arm.

Yan Qing:
That's right. You're the one I've gotta apologize to. You're the one I killed.

Yan Qing:
No... That's not right. You killed me.

Yan Qing:
...No, wait. Please, wait. My head...my memories are all a mess... I can't tell what's true or not!

Cursed Arm (?):
Enough of this.
It's time you accepted your fate.

Cursed Arm (?):

Cursed Arm (?):
We can't ever atone for our sins.

Yan Qing:
...That voice...
No, wait...

Yan Qing:
Are you me?

Cursed Arm (?):
Let me answer your question with one of my own.

Cursed Arm (?):
Who do you think you are?

Fujimaru 1:
Hassan wasn't Hassan...?

Fujimaru 2:
Yan Qing...!?

C:Yan Qing:
Hey there, Master!
Sorry 'bout this!

C:Yan Qing:
I definitely meant to trick you,
but not like this!

Hmm. It would seem you are the real Yan Qing.

And yet, your Spirit Origin is indistinguishable from this Yan Qing.

...That can only mean one thing.

The other Yan Qing is a doppelgänger.

A:Yan Qing (?):

E:Yan Qing (?):

C:Yan Qing:
Whoa, whoa, calm down, other me! Ah crap.
I knew it was too soon to pull back the curtains!

Is that...a Servant? No, now they're...Christine?
And Hassan, and Yan Qing...

They keep transforming into all sorts of different enemies!

C:Yan Qing:
It doesn't matter who he turns into.
We just gotta get him to calm down, Master!

Fujimaru 1:
You mean beat him down.

C:Yan Qing:
You got it!

Fujimaru 2:
So, basically...

C:Yan Qing:
We hit him real hard!

Well, that's certainly straightforward.

C:Yan Qing:
All right, lost other me, it's time for us to go back where we belong.

C:Yan Qing:
There's no one left here you need to make amends to.

C:Yan Qing:
So if we don't put an end to everything here...
we're both gonna be left behind for good!


Cursed Arm:

Assassin of Shinjuku:
We've got you now, Hassan-i Sabbah.

Cursed Arm:
...So it would seem.
Very well, go ahead and take my head.

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Your head? Oh no, I don't want you dead just yet.

Assassin of Shinjuku:
I need to copy your Spirit Origin first.
Otherwise it'd be such a waste of material.

Cursed Arm:

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Yep, that's right. I'm gonna use your form to pull the wool over those Chaldea chumps' eyes whenever they manage to get here.

Cursed Arm:
...So, you are plotting ahead to ensure you can fully deceive your quarry. You truly are an Assassin born.

Cursed Arm:
Very well then. If that is how it is to be, I will not go down without a fight. I can do no less after being summoned here.

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Oh? You want a piece of me?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
What an honor, facing off with one of the biggest names in the assassin world.

Cursed Arm:
I thought I was about to die,
powerless to do anything...

Cursed Arm:
...but it is exactly when one can do nothing that new options open up.

Assassin of Shinjuku:

Cursed Arm:

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Hah, nice try! But there's no way you can copy my heart and crush it before I can stop you!

Cursed Arm:
Indeed, I cannot. Which is why it is fortunate that I have no need to copy you.

Assassin of Shinjuku:

Cursed Arm:
Hehe... Good. It worked.

Assassin of Shinjuku:
You crushed your own heart? Why?

Cursed Arm:
You know exactly why.

Cursed Arm:
If Chaldea comes to save this city,
as I trust they will...

Cursed Arm:
...then it is my duty as a Servant to help them however I can.

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Wha... Huh!?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
You're freakin' nuts!
What the hell are you thinking!?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
You're just throwing your life away for these people without even knowing for sure they're coming!?

Cursed Arm:
Of course.

Cursed Arm:
I was summoned here as a Rogue Servant.

Cursed Arm:
It is therefore my obligation to try and save this city.

Cursed Arm:
It was my fate...nay, let's just say my duty.
So I have no qualms about laying down my life.

Assassin of Shinjuku:

Cursed Arm:
With me dead, your imitation of me will be imperfect.

Cursed Arm:
...A small stone laid upon your path,
but one you may well trip over.

Cursed Arm:
Farewell, savior of this city, whomever you may be.
Good luck!

Assassin of Shinjuku:

Assassin of Shinjuku:
The hell was that guy's problem!?
The hell was wrong with him!?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
It'd be one thing if he was dying for his master,
but for someone he'd never even seen...!?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
How the hell could anyone go out like that!?

Assassin of Shinjuku:
Dammit, dammit, dammit!!!


It was a shock to my whole Spirit Origin.

I might've betrayed some of my other masters at the last moment, but I still considered myself a faithful servant.

That's why I knew, beyond any doubt...

...that the sacrifice this Assassin was willing to make wasn't something just anyone could do.

What a miserable way to go out.
I've never been more jealous.

Oh God, it hurts.
I can feel my body tearing itself apart!

Master! My master! Why did you go throw your life away with such reckless abandon!

You were so smart! So intelligent! Why did you die for such meaningless, insignificant glory!?

Why can't I figure out why you sacrificed yourself!?

...I didn't get it at all.
I had never been so scared in my life.

I had no idea how I should go about repaying my master for saving my life.

I couldn't think about...anything...anymore...

Yan Qing:
...So that's how it is.
That “me” both is and isn't me.

Yan Qing:
He's my doppelgänger.
A Phantom Spirit who wasn't even supposed to exist.

Yan Qing:
That's why it was so easy to track him down.

Yan Qing:
Especially since he's been haunting me.

Yan Qing:
Cursed scent mark?
Sorry, I was just bullshitting you.

Does this mean...you and he did not originally share a body then?

Yan Qing:
Nah, he's pretty much just a copy of me.

Yan Qing:
I used to be the Assassin of Shinjuku, using my doppelgänger power to turn into anyone and anything.

Yan Qing:
...But I gradually forgot who I really was,
and ended up losing to Master.

Yan Qing:
This guy's just the remains of that version of me, but he ended up sorta linking with the version of me that got summoned to Chaldea.

Yan Qing:
...Yeah, that's it. We were linked. Connected.

Yan Qing:
That's why you heard I'd Rayshifted here.
He got all mixed up.

Yan Qing:
He started thinking he was, well, me,
and decided to come back to Shinjuku.

Yan Qing:
That's why I couldn't forgive myself for what I'd done.

Yan Qing:
Instead of a gangster who took over Shinjuku, I ended up reverting back into the chivalrous vigilante I always was.

Yan Qing:
I mean, you've seen for yourself how surprisingly strong my sense of justice is, right?

Fujimaru 1:
True, you're the most upstanding vigilante I've ever known.

Yan Qing:
Wahahaha. Thanks for playing along, Master!

Fujimaru 2:
I thought you were a vigilante of darkness.

Yan Qing:
That's cool, I guess. They're both badass!

Yan Qing (?):
Ahh... Ahhh... I can never atone...
I can never make amends...

Yan Qing (?):
I've always survived by...piling up regret after regret... I hate that...about myself...

Yan Qing:
That's why you wanted to die,
and why you tried to kill us.

Yan Qing:
Because you thought trying to kill us would end with you getting killed instead. Am I wrong?

I... I... I'm everyone...and no one...

I can be anyone at all, since I lack a core self...yet I also can't be anything, since I have neither goodwill or malice.

I'm nothing more than a hapless wraith who can only survive in the space between darkness and rumor...

Which is why...I at least wanted to make amends...

And yet...I didn't want it to cost me my life...

So now...I don't know what to do...

Yan Qing:
Come with me then. Hell, that's the whole reason I'm here: to invite you to join me.

Oho. So you want to add a Phantom Spirit on top of all your other personalities?

Sure about that?
It might do some damage to your sense of self.

Yan Qing:
Nah, I'll be fine. I know who I am.
Isn't that right, Master?

Fujimaru 1:
I think you can probably handle it.

Yan Qing:

Fujimaru 2:
I can't say I'm not concerned, but...

Once he has made up his mind,
there is no stopping him, huh.

A-are you sure? Is it really okay...
if I come with you?

Yan Qing:
Sure. You'll help make me stronger.

Yan Qing:
Just don't forget how you feel right now.
How desperately you're longing for justice.

Yan Qing:
Long as you hold onto that, you'll make a great chivalrous vigilante yet.

A vigilante...

People who are loyal and considerate to a fault, but with strong enough senses of morality and self to even defy a king...

That's what I...want to be...

I've confirmed that the doppelgänger has...not vanished, but became part of Yan Qing.

His Spirit Origin readings are stable.

Yan Qing:
See? Told you I'd be fine.

Even so, this is quite unusual.

You should have Da Vinci take a look at you as soon as we get back.

Yan Qing:
Yup, will do!


A doppelgänger who did horrible things in Shinjuku,
all because he lacked a personality of his own...

...yet who also attempted to do the right thing once he finally had one...

It's a miracle that he existed. No doubt it was only made possible thanks to humanity's current precariousness.

So I hope you will remember him,
Master, even if no one else does.

It is through your observation that his small tragedy and struggle will live on forever.

And for him, there could be no greater honor.

Yan Qing:

Yan Qing:
Thanks for believing in me right to the end, Master.
I appreciate that.

Yan Qing:
As long as I'm here, Fujimaru...
I'll keep fighting for you and you alone!