Huang Feihu

TL Source

The profileopen in new window and dialogueopen in new window have been translated by Comun.

Ascension Artwork

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Final Stage


Raw JP








Huang Feihu is a character in The Investiture of the Gods.

He was described as a martial arts expert and the rider of a special bull named Wuse Shenniu (Five-colored Divine Ox).

He started off serving King Zhòu as the Prince of Wu Cheng Who Guards the Kingdom of Yin. But his wife being killed by Daji's stratagems was the last straw for him. He and his family switched allegiances to King Wu of Xiqi.

To do this, he had to cross 5 checkpoints while fighting against wave after wave of enemies.

After uniting with Taigong Wang's Xiqi forces, he was named Prince of Wu Cheng Who Founds the Kingdom and joined them in the campaigns to take down King Zhòu, but he was felled by the enemy's blade along the way.

He has 4 sons: Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianlu, Huang Tianjue, and Huang Tianxiang.


TL Note: Like with Prince of Lan Ling, "prince" here is a title granted to royal generals, completely disconnected from the throne's succession line.


Magical PowerD
Noble PhantasmB
  • Append 3: Anti-Foreigner

Bond 1

Raw JP
  • 身長/体重:192cm・92kg
  • 出典:『封神演義』
  • 地域:中国
  • 属性:混沌・善  性別:男性


  • Height/Weight: 192cm / 92kg

  • Source: Investiture of the Gods

  • Region: China

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

  • Gender: Male

  • Chaotic Good while Prince of Wu Cheng Who Founds the Kingdom, Lawful Good while Prince of Wu Cheng Who Guards the Kingdom.

Bond 2

Raw JP







Huang Feihu is a major character in The Investiture of the Gods.

He was a member of the distinguished Huang Family that had served the Shang (Yin) Dynasty for 7 generations, and as such, he served the righteous King Zhòu under the commanding position of royal general and the prestigious title of Prince of Wu Cheng. However, everything started changing when his king married Su Daji, a fox monster in disguise.

Under Daji's enchantments, the king started committing inhuman deeds, causing the nation and its government to gradually lose its peace.

And when the drunk Daji revealed her true form in the Imperial Court and tried to eat people, Huang Feihu's Golden-eyed Divine Warbler scarred her face before Feihu realized what she truly was.

This led Daji to hold a grudge against Huang Feihu, and because of this, Daji's trickery drove Lady Jia (Feihu's wife) into jumping off a window and King Zhòu into killing Huang Fei (Feihu's sister and King Zhou's concubine).

This incident was the last straw triggering Huang Feihu's rebellion against Yin.

Bond 3

Raw JP






Upon swearing his allegiance to the Zhōu forces, Huang Feihu was granted the title of Prince of Wu Cheng Who Founds the Kingdom and led the army with his companions Taigong Wang (Jiang Ziya), Nezha, Huang Tianhua, and many more. Together they defeated every punitive force that King Zhòu send their way.

And when it came time to take down Daji and Zhòu, they marched to Zhaoge (Yin's capital).

Obviously, Huang Feihu joined the march and defeated various enemies on his path, but in Mianchi County, when Zhaoge was before his eyes, the protector of the county, Commander Zhang Kui took Feihu's life using his wife Gao Lanying's paope.
That was the result of Huang Feihu rushing into battle to repay his companions for the grand favor of avenging his son Huang Tianhua's death.

After his companions avenged Feihu's wife and sister by giving Daji and King Zhòu their just deserts, Taigong Wang sealed Feihu's soul in the form of god Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Dadi (shortened to Dongyue Dadi), the governor of hell.

Bond 4

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○ 黄家の絆:B







○ 金眼神鶯:A



Skill: Bonds of the Huang Family: B

In The Investiture of the Gods, Huang Feihu's family contains a lot of named characters playing important roles.

However, most of them, Feihu included, were unable to participate in the final battle against Daji and King Zhòu.

As if their regrets are passed down from son to father, Feihu's Servant manifestation comes linked with members of the Huang clan, including his eldest son Huang Tianhua.

He can borrow the powers of his clan members to some extent, like they were familiars or retainers.

But under normal circumstances, his family members will not be independent entities. You may be able to see his sons in combat, but that's a temporary form made from highly concentrated fighting spirit.

Skill: Jinyan Shenying: A

The Golden-eyed Divine Warbler. A divine warbler in a red birdcage. It's said Huang Feihu obtained it in the northern seas.

Late on the night of King Zhòu and Daji's banquet, when everyone was drunk beyond their dignity, Daji found this to be a fine opportunity to eat humans, so she started wandering about in her true form. Startled by the sinister presence he was feeling, the tipsy Huang Feihu opened his cage, releasing Jinyan Shenying. Once freed, the warbler's eyes turned red and it assaulted the fox with its steel hook-like talons, scarring her face. This led Daji to hold a grudge against Feihu.

Bond 5

Raw JP


ランク:A 種別:対人宝具

レンジ:1~10 最大捕捉:1人














Noble Phantasm: Huang Feihu Hanwuguan: Tianhua Mo Ye Baojian

Huang Feihu's five-checkpoint opposition: Tianhua's Sword of Mo Ye

  • Rank: A
  • Type: Anti-Unit
  • Range: 1-10
  • Maximum Target: 1 Person

A partial concretization of the famed incident where Huang Feihu broke through 5 checkpoints in his desertion from Yin to Zhōu.

A Noble Phantasm of a similar sort to Ushiwakamaru's Shanaou Ryuuritan.

It enables the Servant version of Huang Feihu to borrow the powers of the relatives who helped him travel, especially his sons.

The following situation happened in the Tong Pass, one of those checkpoints:

The checkpoint was guarded by General Chen Tong, a former subordinate of Huang Feihu who held a grudge against him.

Chen Tong and Huang Feihu locked spears, and Feihu had the advantage. Tong immediately ran away once he realized it was a battle he couldn't win. Feihu pursued but Tong threw his Fire Dragon's Dart, a present he had received from a Xian, in his direction.

Huang Feihu fell off his ox and had to be rescued by his family, but at this point, he was already dead.

While the family grieved, Feihu's eldest son, Huang Tianhua appeared. Tianhua had disappeared at the tender age of 3 and spent these past 13 years training under Daode Zhenjun before showing up to save his father.

Using the Xian medicine Daode Zhenjun gave him, he brought Feihu back to life. In doing so, he learned that King Zhòu killed his mother and aunt and became furious. Father and son faced Chen Tong together. Tianhua absorbed Tong's Fire Dragon's Dart into a mysterious flower basket, then cut his head with the weapon his mentor gave him: the Sword of Mo Ye.

The Sword of Mo Ye is the treasure of Daode Zhenjun's mountain. A paope that lops people's heads off with the light it emits.

Servant Huang Feihu can borrow Huang Tianhua's Noble Phantasm as his own, including the power from stories associated with Tianhua.

Note: it's unknown how this sword relates to other swords titled Mo Ye.



Bond CE

Jinyan Shenying

Raw JP







An extraordinary warbler obtained in the northern seas.

It's powerful enough to drive away Daji's true form and scar her face, although it's unknown how or why.

He normally had it in a red cage, but now that the bird is a part of Servant Huang Feihu, it is often enjoying its freedom on Feihu's burly shoulders.

Whenever I send him on a party with Semiramis or Swimsuit Kama, the warbler can be seen talking in birdese with their doves and parrot.

One day I got interested and asked the people who understand animal conversation what they talk so much about, but all of them averted their gaze and answered "You're better off not knowing".



Summoned「某は武成王、黄飛虎と申す者。貴君を主として奉じるべく参上つかまつった。文王が如き仁君なのか、あるいは紂王が如き昏君なのか……。見定めさせてもらうといたそう。」"I'm called Huang Feihu, Prince of Wu Cheng. I'm here to submit myself to your lordship. I'll be judging with your rule is benevolent as King Wen's or tenebrous as King Zhòu, if you may forgive the impudence."


Level Up 1「鍛錬の成果か」"Our training bore fruit."
Level Up 2「子ではなく、某が成長するとは」"It's strange for me to be growing when my children are not."
Level Up 3「ふぅ、いい汗をかいた」"Phew, that was a nice sweat."
1st Ascension「これが霊基再臨……。新しき装いか、有難くいただいておこう。……うん、暖かい」"That's an Ascension? A new outfit? I gladly accept this present. Hm, it's warm."
2nd Ascension「見た目に変化はなくとも、内側は確かに成長している。安心するといい」"Even if my appearance didn't change, you have my word that I'm evolving on the inside. No need to worry."
3rd Ascension「某は戦いの時に動ければそれでよい、という考えだったのだが、一国の大将軍ともなればそうはいかぬと、妻に怒られたのを思い出したな。この装束は、動きやすさと威厳が両立されているように思える。身が引き締まる思いだ」"I remembered that I was on the mind that my lord didn't have to remember me unless we were moving to battle. That was until my wife scolded me that a royal general needed to be more involved. This attire is, in my opinion, both dignified and easy to move in. It helps me stay focused."
4th Ascension「実のところ、某たちは丞相の戦いに最後まで付いてはいけなかった。力が足らず……皆敗れた。生き残った子も血を残すために兄弟の遺体と共に西岐に帰らせた。……倒すべき悪──誅すべき敵に、届かなかったのだ……。だが、だからこそ此度の戦いは違う。我ら黄一族は最後まで、主と共にある。武人の誇りに賭けて、そう誓おう。(牛の鳴き声)うっふふふ、我が霊獣も同じ気持ちらしい」"Our family was actually unable to see through the Shang-Zhōu battle to its end. We weren't strong enough, so we are all defeated. I sent my surviving son back to Xiqi with the bodies of his brothers to preserve the bloodline. The evil we had to defeat, the enemy we had to punish was beyond our reach. But that's all the more reason to make things different in this journey. We, the Huang family, you be with you always, our lord. I swear on my warrior pride. [Ox noise] Haha, my Spiritual Beast feels the same."


Battle Start 1「武成王、参る!」"Prince of Wu Cheng taking the front lines."
Battle Start 2「我が槍に曇りはない!」"My spear's path is unclouded."
Battle Start 3「一族の誇りにかけて!」"My family's pride hangs upon this."
Skill 1「気息を整えよう!」"Steady your breathing."
Skill 2「息子達よ、(息子)「ハイッ!」 ここに!」"My sons!" "By your side."
Skill 3「吠えよ!五色神牛!」"Roar, Wuse Shenniu!"
Attack Selected 1「善き哉!」"Good!"
Attack Selected 2「引き受けた!」"I will!"
Attack Selected 3「駆け抜ける!」"I'll break through."
Noble Phantasm Selected 1「黄家の絆、お見せしよう!」"Enjoy the sight of the bonds of the Huang family!"
Noble Phantasm Selected 2「借りるぞ、天化よ!」"I'll be borrowing it, Tianhua!"
Noble Phantasm Selected 3「いざっ!」"It's time!"
Attack 1「天化!」(息子)「我が銀錘を見よ!」"Tianhua." "Behold my Silver Sinkers!"
Attack 2「天禄!」(息子)「もらったァ!」"Tianlu." "I have you!"
Attack 3「ハァァッ!」"Haaah!"
Attack 4「金眼神鶯よ、行け!」"Jinyan Shenying, go!"
Attack 5「手加減は無用と見える!」"I see no need to hold back."
Attack 6「天爵よ、共に!」(息子)「はいッ!」"Tianjue, with me!" "Yessir."
Attack 7(息子)「天祥だって、やれます!」"Even this little Tianxiang can handle this much."
Extra Attack 1「人牛一体の槍術で、貫く!」"I'll run through them with my ox-mounted spearsmanship!"
Extra Attack 2「我が子の前で、負けるわけにはいかぬ!」"I can't afford to lose while my sons are watching!"
Noble Phantasm 1「青峰山紫陽洞師弟が導主・清虚道徳真君に願い奉る!我が子天下の名代として、星光りたる一振りよ──莫邪宝剣!(ばくやほうけん)!」"I ask this favor of Qingshu Daode Zhenjun, Taoist master of Qingfengshan Ziyangdong Shidi. Allow me to represent my son Tianhua for one starlit swing of this blade. Sword of Mo Ye!"
Noble Phantasm 2「子らよ、力を貸してくれ!」(息子)「勿論!」(息子)「当然!」(息子)「御意に!」(息子)「はい!」「是なるは青峰山の至宝、形なき断頭の光なり!」全員「莫邪宝剣!(ばくやほうけん)」"Children, lend me your power!" "Certainly!" "Of course!" "As you wish" "Yessir!" "This is the treasure of Mount Qingfeng, shapeless light of decapitation!" "Sword of Mo Ye!"
Noble Phantasm 3(息子)「出番だ!出番だァ!」(息子)「天祥が一番乗りです!」(息子)「出遅れました…!」(息子)「元々俺ンだぞ!兄貴より目立つなって」「お前たち!いい加減にしなさい!!」子供たち「ご、ごめんなさい父上~!」"It's my time to shine!" "I'll be the first there!" "Don't leave me behind..." "Hey, I'm the star here! It's the older brother's right to stand out the most." (arguing noises) "Silence, kids!" "Sorry, Father!"
Damage 1「退けぬ……!」"I can't back down..."
Damage 2「ぐっ!」"Dah!"
Defeated 1「これも、天数……」"Was that predestined?"
Defeated 2「お前たちの元へ……今……」"I'll be joining you now..."
Battle Finish 1「胸を張れる戦いは、いいものだな」"It's great to have a fight you can be proud of."
Battle Finish 2「行こう、我らが向かうべき場所へ!」"Let us go where we must."


TL Note: Qingfengshan Ziyangdong Shidi is the title given to the teacher-student pair of Daode Zhenjun and Huang Tianhua. It means "Teacher and student of the Purple Sun Cavern in the Blue Peak".

My Room

Bond Lvl 1「ふっ……はぁっ!……主か。すまない、鍛錬していたので汗をかいている。あまり近くには寄らぬ方がいいだろう」"Tuh! Hah! Oh, my lord. Excuse me, I have been training, so now I'm too sweaty to be in your presence. Don't come too close."
Bond Lvl 2「仮に主が悪に堕ちた時、真の武人はどうすべきなのか。どうすべき、だったのか……。某は、その答えをずっと探し続けているのだろう」"What is a warrior supposed to do when his lord turns evil? What was I supposed to do? I don't believe I'll ever find the answer I look for."
Bond Lvl 3「本来ならば、我が子らにもきちんと主に挨拶をさせるべきなのだが……。あれば人理の影法師たる某の、さらに影のようなもの。戦場以外ではなかなか呼び出すのも難しくてな……。ご容赦願いたい」"I understand my children are supposed to deliver my lord their proper greetings, but they are a shadow of me, who am already but a shadow of Human Order. It's difficult to summon them outside of the battlefield. Forgive me."
Bond Lvl 4「某と共にあるのは、無論、子たちだけではない。我が父黄滾、弟である飛彪に飛豹、そして我妻……。存在を感じてはいるが、なかなか形にはならぬようだ。いつか、言の葉を交わせる時が、来るのだろうか……」"My sons are naturally not the only ones by my side. My father Huang Gun, my brothers Feibiao and Feibao, and my wife. I can feel their presence, but I don't seem too capable of giving them form. Will I one day be able to exchange words with them?"
Bond Lvl 5「某が此処にいることと、そなたが良き主であること。おそらくその2つは、本質的にはなにも関係がない。どうしようもなく道を違えた王に仕えねばならぬ時というものも、武人にはあるのだ。しかし、だからこそ、某はそなたが良き主で良かったと、心から思っている」"The fact that I am your soldier is probably unrelated in nature to the fact that you are a good lord. There are times when a warrior must serve a king walking the indubitably wrong path. But I most honestly believe that is all the more reason for me to thank the fact that you are a good lord."
Dialogue 1「五色神牛が散歩をねだっているようなのだが……。どうだ、付き合わないか」"Wuse Shennui is asking for a walk. Would you care to join us?"
Dialogue 2「『君正ならざれば。臣外国に投ず』と言う。果たしてそれが正しきか否か、考えた事はあるか、主よ」"They say that when a king is righteous, their vassals do not defect. Have you ever thought about whether this proverb is right or not, my lord?"
Dialogue 3「武成王と名乗る事はあっても、ここにいる某は一回の武人で、一介のサーヴァントだ。命令を躊躇う事はないぞ」"Despite my title of Prince of Wu Cheng, I'm no royal general here. Just a warrior among many. A Servant among many. Don't hesitate to order me."
Dialogue 4 (If you have any Tamamo or any Koyanskaya)「蘇妲己……! 貴様……っ!」"SU DAJI! DAMN YOU!"
Dialogue 5 (If you have either Archer Emiya)「蘇妲己……! 貴様……っ!」(玉藻系orコヤンスカヤ系所持)"Excuse me, can I take a look at this sword of yours? Hmm, they are similar, but what does it mean...?"
Dialogue 6 (If you have either Yu Mei-ren)「その麗しさ……神仙の気配……。何処の洞の仙子様であろうか!」"This beauty... this aura of a god Xian... [kneeling sound] What cavern are you from, noble Xian lass?"
Dialogue 7 (If you have Nezha)「これは哪吒殿!貴殿もいらっしゃったか。影法師のようなものとはいえ、いずれ天化とまみえる事もあろう。また仲良くしてもらえると助かるが……喧嘩は!程々にな」"Great to see you, Prince Nezha. You'll be able to see Tianhua again, even if just a shadow of him. I hope you two stay good friends. Don't fight too much, ok?"
Dialogue 8 (If you have Taigong Wang)「丞相殿ではないか!また貴殿と一緒に戦うことになろうとは……。貴方の恐ろしさはよく知っている。敵の立場としても、味方の立場としても。頼もしい限りだ」"What a surprise to see you, grand chancellor. I didn't expect to fight by your side again. I know fully well how terrifying you can be, both as an enemy and as an ally. I couldn't ask for a better companion."
Dialogue 9 (If you have Taisui Xinyun)「貴方様は、殿下……?……いえ、人違い、ですな」"My prince...? Sorry, wrong person."
Dialogue 10 (If you have Iskandar, Medb, Ishtar, Europa, or any Bunyan)「ふむ、某だけかと思ったが、ここには他にも牛を連れた武将がいるようだな。(モゥ〜)ははははっ!五色神牛も嬉しそうだ!」"Hmm, I thought I'd be the only soldier with an ox here, but that's not the case. [Ox noise] Hahahaha, Wuse Shinniu is happy."
Dialogue 11 (If you have William Tell)「やあ、ウィリアム・テル殿。貴殿とは息子の育て方について、色々話が出来ればと思っていた。無論、タダとは言わんぞ。……ここに良い酒がある」"Hello, William Tell. I hope we can have a good talk on how to raise sons. Of course, I'll be paying for the advice with this great drink I have."
Something You Like「好きなものか。やはり、家族、という事になろうよ。だが、それ故に、我が妻と妹を失ったのは……。いや、後はまぁ普通に、酒だな!某は強いぞ!」"What do I like? I must say it's family. But for that reason, losing my wife and sister was... Well, other than that, just the normal answer. Alcohol. I can handle a lot."
Something You Dislike「夫婦で戦う相手には、少し苦手意識があるな。恥ずかしい話、張奎と高蘭英という夫婦に、某は殺されたのだ。いや、無論、その苦手意識を払拭するために日々鍛錬しているのだが!」"I don't handle the idea of husband and wife sharing the battlefield all too well. Embarrassingly enough, I was killed by Zhang Kui and Gao Lanying, a husband and a wife. But of course, I'm training every day to dispel this weakness."
About the Holy Grail「全ての願いが叶う杯……か。素晴らしさよりは恐ろしさを感じてしまうな。紂王であれば、どれだけの人命を犠牲にしても、手に入れようとしただろうよ……」"A cup that can grant any wish? Feels more frightening than inviting. How many lives would King Zhòu have sacrificed to obtain such a thing?"
During an Event「祭りや宴の時こそ気を付けねばならんぞ、主よ。酒に酔った妖が、夜陰に乗じて人を喰らおうとするかもしれんからな」"Festivals and banquets are the times that demand the most caution, my lord. You never know when a drunk monstrosity will try to eat people under the cover of the night."
Birthday「主の誕生日か……。今だけは、父のようにそなたを見ることを許して欲しい。子の成長を見ることは、我らのようなものにとって何よりの喜びだ。願わくば、どうか、いつまでも健やかに」"It's your birthday, my lord? Allow me to see you as my child only this day. Watching a child's growth is the greatest joy in a father's life. I wish you remain always in good health."

Dialogue from Other Characters

Taigong's My Room line 18Huang? How long has it been, my boy? What? You say it's technically not a real reencounter since we're just shadows of Human Order? Don't sweat the details. Well, let's have a drink. Everything else can wait.